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Government of Karnataka
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Registration and Stamps Department
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T his shriel can be used forew oIQ.' L""i: .-: .Bj,,, rc^
/^ c-ASSsJ4 Doe
Osta d emcutal T otal stamp d uty Pao Rs.
This Deed of Trust is made and executed on this the
28th d ay of October 2008 by
and between.
Age MajorOccupation Engineer & Social Service. Resid ent of House
No1-1165-29 NearPDA College of Engineering Aran e Shahi. Gul barga 2
MajorOccupation Educationist & Social Servi ce Res
d ent of House No.
1-1165-29 NearPDA
Col l ege of Engineering Aran e Shahi
, Gul barga - 2
Age Major
.Occupation Engineer & Social Service, Resid ent of House
No.1-1165-29.NearPDA College
of Engineering
Aran a Sharn Gulbarga - 2
(Hereinafter cal l ed the "FOUNDER T RUST EES'-?
4. Sort.
Ages Major . Occupation : Ed ucationist &
Social Service Resid ent of House No.
Near PDA Col l ege of Engineering , Aiwan e Shahi, Gul barga - 2
as und er
WHEREAS the Found erT rustees
have d ecid ed to create a T rust known as "JAN
at Gul barga.
WHEREAS the Found er T rustees of the T rust have initial l y contributed Rs 5001-
(Rupees Five Hund red onl y) each to be util ized for the said T rust
. T hey may raise fund s by
d onating further money and obtain
d onations from publ ic
. Non Resid ent Ind ians, Foreign
Citizens to ful fil l the objectives of the trust.'
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Government of Karnataka
";: r: d taqriStce
Date of execution
=: A=iX
Documnt Sheet
= Ka w' TdJo6 %mid
3d: o, R.2' -
Registration and Stamps Department
y C'S-01
T his sheet can ho used for an d ocument
aataLC tA.^, t c a*mqat
d uty pain Rs-
The FounderTrustees of
the T rust are d esirous of creating an Ed ucational , Wel fare
Research and Devel opment Trust fordisseminating knowl ed ge to the present and future
generation of al l caste, creed .community, rel igion and sex by way of construction and
establ ishment of Ed ucational Institutions.Schools, Hospital s , Old Age Homes, Anathashrams,
Training Institutes, Rural Development Centers.Self Employment Centers, Consultancy
Centers. Marriage Bureaus . etc and al l other al l ied activities
AND WHEREAS . the above named Found er T rustees are wil l ing to assume
responsibili ties of the Trust
work in al l matters and al so the ownership of the properties of the
of ., rc sent and future for the purpose
of carrying out the objectives of the Trust set forth
..i F.Vii..
1 The Name of the Trust shall be JAN KALYAN TRUST at Gulbarga
2Presently, the Registered Office of the Trust shall be situated at No1-1165-29, Near
PDA College of Engineering , Aiwan e Snails, Gul barga -585102.Howeverthe Board
of Trustees
may shin the registered office to any other pl ace fortheirconvenience .
3.The Trust shad function within the country of Ind ia.
The Aims and Object ves of the T rust shal l be as und er
1 Toestablish Faucetonal Institutions l ike Nursery. Primary, High School and Col l eges
in any med ium of instructions at Gul barga or any other pl ace al l over Ind ia
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Document Shoot
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Registration and Stamps Department
s ti ttatts^ 1oe36
This sheet can be used for any d ocument
P' ==^
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Date to execution
Government of Karnataka
T ol af stamp d uty paid As
Page -3-
2 T o establ ish Ed ucational Institutions such as Junior Col l ege , Degree Col l ege Dental .
Med ical . T echnical , Vocational and any other Job oriented Institutions at Gul barga or
any other pl ace or pl aces in Ind ia.
3. Empowering Ind ivid ual s.
4T o provid e the med ical need s to the publ ic by opening or establ ishing Dispensaries,
Hospital s and Cl inics und er d ifferent systems of Med icine
5. T o establ ish l ibraries , Read ing Rooms & T raining Centers for general publ ic util ity
6. T o encourage Sports and d evel op Sportsmanship among the
stud ents and rural youths.
T o promote the cause of ed ucation through the establ ishment of Anganwad is & Ad ul t
Ed ucation Centers for the benefit of peopl e in rural areas
8. T o approach and make appl ication and seek financial assistance from the State and
Central Governments , National ised Commercial and Pnvate Banks
Non Resid ent
Ind ians ( NRI) Companies , Ind ustrial ists , Private Ind ivid ual persons and Agencies of
Ind ian &
Foreign Countries in furtherance of and to carry out the purpose of the T rust
9 T o cond uct rel igious and social service activities.
10 T o rend erfinancial and other material rel ief to the need y
11 Distribution of food and cl othes to the poor and need y peopl e
12. Suppl y of med icines and cond ucting med ical camps for vil l agers at rural areas
13. Renewal of d ecayed and d estroyed templ es.
14. Establ ish Ved apad asal a , T antra Vid yapeetam and School of Astrol ogy
15, Cond uct Stud y Centers for Vastu Shil pam
. Vyakarana and other Shastras & Puranas.
16. Re-establ ish Kshetra Kal as and other Ancient Vid yas
17 Cond uct Spiritual Stud y T ours to various pl gnm centers and other spiritual centers
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of Karnataka
Setrrxi : AWtsq, Cn.06
Date of execution
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Registration and Stamps Department
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T his sheet can be used f or any document : l3 y
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Page -4-
18. T o motivate and support New T empl es and NewAshrarns
19 Organize
Yoga & Med itation camps for youngsters on spiritual base to l ift the society
to higher val ues
stud y d asses for both Mal e and Femal e groups for purification of mind to
strengthen the society
21 Propagation and Promotion
of spiritual and cul tural activities that in incul cate sol ace
and satisfaction to al l concerned
22.Co-ordination and consol id ation of spiritual id eas and id eal s for the common good of
al l Concerned
23 Toconstruct New Temples and al so upl ift , repair d estroyed and ol d templ es.
24 Toextend
co-operation to templ e activities and improving templ e cul ture
25.Conduct Yoga Therapy, Prank healing
and Pranayama curing camps.
26. Devel opment of spiritual knowl ed ge through teachings of ethical val ues
& principles
of epical texts
27 Toconduct
free ed ucational coaching cl asses forpoorand meritorious stud ents with
the hel p of Ed ucation Board and otherTrusts
& Non Governmental Organizations.
28. Service to the society and humanity with the spirit of d evotion and d ed ication in al l
possibl e and practical ways based on the objectives of the trust
29 Toprovide med ical reiief to the persons suffering from
chronic disorders such as T B.
Cancer Leprosy
.AIDS, Mental disorders and such otheril l ness , to open & manage
heal th cl inic and hospital forthe poorand need y peopl e
30.Tohelp & rehabilitate
the victims and sufferers of the social
evils of the Indian Society
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Government of Karnataka
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Registration and Stamps Department
e, Waxy afar ^a ,- irt3a ^Aa^iera
T his sheet ran be used for any d ocument a2
base of axocul ion
Page -5-
31 Construct and manage Bal Vikas Mand irs . Bal Wad ies , Kal yan Mantaps, Community
and Convention Hal l s Warehouses
. General Hospital s, Hostel s for Men and Women
Chil d ren and Working Women & Homes for the aged and to impl ement social wel fare
and security schemes and measures and for this purpose approach Central or Stal e
. other Government Agencies for grant of l and and al so approach Banks
or Financial Institutions for financial
of the society in Devel opment Concept Lead ershp & Communication skil
l s , Panchayat
Raj. Women Empowerment and Personal ity Devel opment
I C onte 6
k^FcLa` " lam, k, ; ,Et, ' k 11
impart training in the fiel d of Mod em Management, Personal ity Devel opment and
Ancient Ind ian Cul ture / Arts I Phil osophy
33 Devel opment of mutual trust and friend ship among d evotees and cord ial rel ationship
with l ike-mind ed organizations and centers
34, Any other objects as may be d ecid ed upon by the Board of T rustees from
t ime to time.
35 Grant rel ief d uring the cal amities such as Earthquake
.Cyclone, Fl ood s , Fire, Drought,
Pestil ence &
other occasions of cal amit ies of simil ar nature and to receive d onations,
and contributions for such purposes
36. T o promote National Integration & Unay, Wel fare of mankind , Literacy, Ed ucation and
Heal th care and to und ertake stud ies in the Social , Historical and Cul tural Heritage of
the Ind ian peopl e and the mankind .
37 To
impart intensive training tothe youths who have an aptitud e to und ertake the job of
spread ing awareness among the expl od ed & d eprived peopl e who d o not know about
their Constitutional Rights.
36, Devel op Manpower for furtherance
of Research Stud ies . Sel l Empl oyment, Professional
Courses and in pursuit of CommunityDevel opment.
39 T o give intensive training to the receptive Rural Youths bel onging to weaker sections
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G overnment of Karnataka
DMuMOM Sheol
fir. oa^ir5 M ira = ^,oil%c &Z
Registration andStamps Department
Wit: da. 21-
T his sheet can be used for any d ocument 1-
wtatouy, : :^,^:ear,;cs.
T otal stamp may
oA - " 9
Page -6-
ed ucate the rural mass and promote the importance of Herbal Med icines.
41 Toeducate the rural mass on vanous Government Programs
meant for economical l y
backward peopl e and
motivate them forproperutilization.
42 Conduct,
Initiate and promote the model demonstrational farms on Organic
Agncutture.Diary.Horticulture, Sericulture and Nurseryand forthis purpose approach
Central orState Government, otherGovernment Agencies forgrant of land
43 Toestablish ad vanced &o-Tech Training Centers
44. Provid ing Vad hu Vara and Pal ak information of al l communities
45 Conducting Vadhu Vera and Pal ak sammel an of al l commun itie s
46 Conducting Samuhika V
ivaha forall communities
47 Setting up of Solar, Windmill, etc.electricitygenerating units
48 Developing and conserving Forests
49 Setting up
of publications (Includes starting up of Newspaper ) , med ia channel s, etc
50 Toset up
Marriage Bureaus
, Job ConsultancyCenters, Training Institutes.Rural
Development Centers and construct Marriage Halls
51 ToGenerate Energyfrom Solar
52Toestablish a centerforResearch and Development
in al l the fiel d s
53.Conducting programs
and pl anning for erad ication of poverty and any other activities
54. Promote agricul tural
development including environmental protection & social forestry
and other projects of national concern
55 Tie up with other d evel opmental agencies l ike State & Central
Government, financial
institutions and
otherTrusts ( both in Ind ia & abroad
) to achieve the aims & objectives
of the Ti3ist
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Government of Karnataka
gaeordrraria t p ^te^s3
ad: U.21-
Reg and Stamps Department
T his Sheet can be used for any document y6 C q
Date of execution
rnt Zo ;.u+, =
) =, : a lam.cs-
T otal stamp d uty pa+ e AS
Page -7-
56.Tod o al l such l awful things that may be
incid ental to or cond ucive for the attainment of
the above said objectives
57. Provid e l egal ad vice awareness and consul tancy to the poor
. need y and the vil l age
peopl e by cond ucting free l egal awareness camps
. seminars , workshops, etc
58. Cond uct Med ical camps forthe poor, need y and the vil l age peopl e.
59 T o set up and promote Smal l and Cottage Ind ustries hand icrafts. etc
60 Setting up of centers which
provid e free informat ion to the farmers regard ing market,
price, schemes . etc. in respect of commodities
61 T o d evel op Watershed programs , Resorts & Med itional Pl antations
62.Toestabl ish Fish Pond s
. Prawns Pond s Mil k Diaries , Poultry& other Farms. Sheep
rearing . Beekeeping GobarGas Pl ants. etc.
63 Any other things , which are necessary to ful fil and achieve the objectives of the T rust.
64Acquire l and s &
buil d ings and to maintain f manage them
65. T he objects of the T rust shal l be subject to the provisions of Sec 2(15) of the Income
Tax Act of 1961.
66. Jayanthi Cel ebrations of Great Gurus
Soul s of Great Reputation and other spiritual
festival s.
67.Toestabl ish Centers , Ashrams at
any pl ace in the worl d for training peopl e to carry out
the above aims and objectives
of the Trust.
68 T o establ ish Goshal as , Dharamshalas, etc
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Zi OIOO- OS-_0030 a.F: J-iKGnQ
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Date d e'ecutinn
M Yd : wi, == , as txxas.
T OW sibmrp d uty paid RS
Page -8
1 Accept and receive any Gift Bequests
, Grants.Contrbut!ons and Donations of the
properlyeitherin cash or in any kind . movabl e or immovabl e from anyperson or persons,
Firm.Company(including Foreign Companies ) , Corporation, Government (State as wel l as
Central Government) .Association, Institution , T rust. Non Resid ent Ind ians and Phil anthropist
for the furtherance of the objectives of the Trust
T he Found er T rustees may al so take over the
management of any other charitabl e or publ ic institutions
. trusts, etc on such terms as they
think fit and may manage such institutions, trusts. etc.
2 In pursuance of and furtherance of the objects
. the T rust may acquire, purchase, take
on l ease and construct property, movabl e or immovabl e
, which may be necessary for the
ful fil l ment of the aims and objectives of the Trust
3.Toapproach and make appl ication and
seek the financial assistance from the State
and Central Governments , National ised . Commercial & Pnvate Banks
Non Resid ent
Ind ians , Companies , Private Ind ivid ual persons , Agencies of Foreign Countries, etc in
furtherance of and to carryout the purpose
of the Trust.
4T he Found er T rustees / Board of T rustees may appoint Secretaries
. Managers,
.Solicitors Architects.Engineers , Surveyors and l or other empl oyees as and when
required for the purpose of management and supervision of the T rust Estate
5. T he Found er Trustees I
Board of T rustees shal l be at l iberty to sel l such portion or
portions of the movabl e or immovabl e properties forming part of the T rust Estate either in
publ ic auction or by private contract at such price or prices and in such terms and cond itions
rel ating to titl e or otherwise in al l respects as theymayin their absol ute d iscretion thinkfit and
to rescind or vary
any contract for the sal e thereof and to resel l the same and to execute al l
conveyances or other assurances and to pass val id and effectual receipts and d ischarges for
al l monies received bytheir
provid ed that the proceed s of such transactions are invested in
furtherance of the objectives
of the Trust
Government of Karnataka
xrrs a zO
Document sheet
4je o $f3 Z riLrL . ' b7LTJ,C # %m.t'i t e:
txc. 2l-
Registration and Stamps Department
Thssneaf2' JH[tebld^nn71,^0^
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62O3 a9- 05-:fa11c t,Fl c =3 xnht5
tfNZrF3tf ted rd
Government of Karnataka
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Documern Shnol
rgAeod rr rr{aa t^l ., off'i Wre: cis. 2,
=rF pdtl4ai3 anwe
Date ot emcubm+
n: Jts II=' M%dr..
T otal IDamp d uty paid ns
Page 9
6. T he Found er T rustees /
Board of T rustees may pay al l the charges and outgoings
payabl e in
respect of any immovabl e property for the time being forming part of the T rust
Fund and may carry out repairs required to be d one to the same and keep the same insured
against l oss or d amage by fire and /
or other nsks and may incur al l other costs , charges and
expenses incid ental to the ad ministration and management of the T rust Estate and the
properties for the time being bel onging to the trust as they may in their absol ute d iscretion
think fit.
7 T he Found er T rustees /Board of T rustees may manage or supervise the
management of any l and s & premises for the time being comprised in the T rust Estate or any
part thereof with power to erect
, pul l d own. rebuil d and to al ter and repair houses and other
buil d ings and to buil d d rains and make road s and fences and otherwise to improve &
d evel op and
to cul tivate or cause to be cul tivated al l or any of the said l and s & premises and
to insure houses and buil d ings against l oss or d amage by fire and
/ or other nsks or to l et,
l ease ,
make al l owances to and arrangements with tenants
, agricul turists and general l y to
d eal with the said l and s
& premises as they may d eem fit in their absol ute d iscretion
6. T he Found er T rustees /
Board of T rustees may d emise the immovabl e property or
properties for the time being and from time to time bel onging to the trust either from year to
or for any fixed term or for any term of years or on monthl y tenancies at such rent and
subject to such covenants and cond itions as they may think proper and al so accept.
surrend er of l ease and tenancies and general l y manage the same in such manner as they
think proper
9 If the income from the trust property in a particul ar year is not ful l y util ized . the
un-util ized income subject to the
appl icabl e
provisions of the Income T axAct. 1961_ shal l be
tamed over to the next
year or years and spent in such subsequent year or years for the
ad vancement of any of the objectives of
th e trust.
Registration and Stamps Department
This sheet can be used foranydocument
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S4=.: S.Nfl d car=
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Government of Karnataka
Dacurnenl shoal
idnco t3 r;r a ZSa otf C A M S3 tiC : U. 2/-
Registration and Stamps Department
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Date of w curim T otal warp d uty pad As
Page -11-
1 T here are F
our Found er T rustees and al l wil l be Members of the Board of T rustees,
whose names are mentioned above T he said Found er T rustees shal l be
"Presid ent'.
'Vice Presid ent ' "
Secretary ' &'
T reasurer"
for l ife unl ess they resign or nominate from wel l
wishers and l ike mind ed peopl e and they shal l be given membership as the trustees in their
pl ace with the consent of the other Found er T rustees In case of d eath of any found er trustee
/trustee his /her successors /
l egal heirs shal l be nominated as member trustees
2. T he Board of T rustees shal l constitute of a (1
Presid ent ( 2) Vice Presid ent (3)
Secretary & (
4) T reasurer among the above Found er T rustees T hey shal l el ect one among
them as Presid ent' who shal l al so be the
- Managing T rustee "of the T rust in the General
Bod y,
and al so the General Bod y shal l al so el ect from among them
"Vice Presid ent'.
`Secretary- & `
T reasurer
Fol l owing of the Found er T rustees have been appointed as the office bearers of the
T rust for l ife unl ess they resign or nominate from wel l wishers and l ike mind ed neopl e
Sri Jagad ish S/o Late Sri Basayya Kal yand urg Math
Presid ent
Shirt .
Kavita Wife of Jagad ish Kal yand urg Math
Vice Presid ent
Girija D/o Late Sri Basayya Kal yand urg Math
d .
Gayatri D/o Late Sri Basayya Kal yand urg Math
T reasurer
The FounderTrustees/ Board of Trustees
shal l work in unison for the
of the Pl ans. Programs and Pol icies of the T rust in the l ight of its aims and objectives as a
singl e team.
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KFidf3d Z rd
G overnment of Karnataka
Dopxnem 9he01
daeortrs rrts ^vtr^odCAM 31 Wd: =. 2l.
Registration and Stamps Department
T his sneet can be used for any d ocumen t x^ ^Q
Dal e at exerumn T ore stamp d uty paid Rs
Page -10-
1 T he FounderTrustees / Board of T rustees may invest the Trust Estate eitherin the
purchase of immovable properties shares and securities or of mortgage immovable
properties orin such manner
as al l owed by l aw as may be in force from time to time and
convert, alter, varydispose of ortransfersuch investments from time totime provided that
such investments shal l not be mad e
which are directlyorindirectlyforthe benefit of any
person referred toin sub-section (3) of Section 13 of the
Income Tax Act, 1961 orany
subsequent amendments as mayme made from time totime
1 Toopen and operate Bank Account orAccounts in the name of the Trust borrow or
raise funds with crwithout securityin anymanneras theymaythink fit and proper
2The Bank Account orAccounts soopened in the name of the Trust shall
be operated
with the Joni signatures of the the President and Secretaryoras decided
from time totime.
1 The FounderTrustees / Board of rrustees shah cause true
and accurate accounts to
be kept of all moneys received and spent
and of al l the matters in respect thereof in course of
of trust properties or in rel ation to the carrying out of the objectives and purpose
of the trust as wel l as of al the assets .credits and effects of the trust properties
2Toappoint an AuditororAuditors forAudit of Accounts of the Trust and submit the
Audit Report al ong with the
Annual Report tothe Board of Trustees
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ID .^.e...: a t.dclt 4j amod
De:e of execution
5t3r7s rth8 tdecrd
Government of Karnataka
Document Street
tLwotZlI=i t a' 13cw., od' O3 3
Registration and Stamps Department
".%!: U.2/-
wmaa, : ;yy.-4d!' ' ot^_r + ^xaia^tSO
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T his sheet can be used for anydocume m
aaaat. u-y, a : a
tows stamp d ul y pa.d Rs
Olt - & f
Page -12-
4T he Found er T rustees I
Board of T rustees are not entitl ed for any remuneration but
may reimburse themsel ves of al l expenses properl y incurred in
impl ementing the aims and
objectives of the trust and in real ization
, preservation of and for the benefit of the T rust
5 In case of resignation , the resigning trustee ortrustees shal l give one-month notice to
the Board of Trustees and get their approval
Without affecting the general t yof powers and functions of the FounderTrustees to
manage and ad minister the trust, the Board
of Trustees
shal l have the ful l ad ministrative and
financial powers .
T hey can form the committees and d el egate the powers for the smooth
functioning of the T rust and its Institutions
if need ed against
the securityof the assets of the trust byway of Bank
Overd rafts . l oan or otherwiso
as may be necessary for the benefit of the Trust and for more
effectivel y carrying out the objectives of the trust provid ed however Found er
Trustees shall
unanimousl y agree on such borrowing
l imited to the terms of their d ecision and to
authorize one of the Found er T rustees to execute such d ocuments
. d eed s, papers . etc. as
may be necessary
in connection therewith.
2. T o arrange for and /or authorize the signing of execution of any agreement
. contract,
instrument ,
d ocument or any other paper or writing required to be signed or executed on
behal f of the trust by any one of the Found er T rustees singl y or by al l of them or as may be
d ecid ed by the Board of T rustees from time to time and to make the same effective and
bind ing as if the said writing were signed by al l the Found er T rustees.
3. T o appoint
Sub-Committees or and /
orothers to supervise or
cond uct specified jobs orfunctions or trust matters in such manner and subject to such rul es
and regul ations as d ecid ed from time to time by the Board of T rustees.
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Government of Karnataka
t^ ^i.Reowt.`Se Sri th w1^LTJJO^ ^aVeld^i
Registration and Stamps Department
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Daumrmi Sheet
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Data of ewWmi
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T otal suvnp d ory paYi As,
Page -13-
4. T o authorize any of the to hol d property or fund or any investment of the trust subject
however to the terms and cond itions, rul es and regul ations as d ecid ed from time to time by
the Board of T rustees
5 T o spend any portion of the corpus or the income of the trust fund for purchasing any
l and or property or constructing any bud d ing or buil d ings for and in the name of the trust and
for the purpose of carrying out
, promoting and /
or executing any or al l of the objectives of the
trus t
1 T he Presid ent shal l be the Managing T rustee of the T rust and he shal l presid e over al l
the meetings of the Board of T rustees
2 He shal l have genera :
control over al l the affairs of the T rust and the institutions und er
its control and its empl oyees
3. T he Presid ent wil l have the power to turn d own any resol ution of the meeting of the
Board of T rustees, if found repugnant to the existing l aws and may prejud ice to the cause of
the aims and objectives of the trust
4He /she shal l execute al l the powers if any entrusted by the Board of T rustees
5. In case of d isputes
, cl a rifications and interpretations , the Presid ent is empowered to
give his rul ing . which shal l be val id bind ing and final
In case of any tie or equal ity in votes tasted on a particul ar issue
, the Presid ent shal l
have the Casting vote. which shal l be final and bind ing
7. T he Presid ent shal l be empowered to d el egate such of
his d uties , powers and
functions to any T rustee to tarty
out the work in the interest of the t rust,
zo^f-uj^ - vt,'^
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Craust on tsb ' ;!^^ i`' ' 001
e: 7' .7 kit 1Iv rd
N-US 20030 0 w.^.wc, xcnryGovernment
of Karnataka
Document Sheet
i3aeoar; rzr m tJ.,olf GUt
andStamps Department
NIY19f 11.
6aae2-' ) ^Gf i^^Y-^1Wrn' TYKt..L+WL"c^-C^
This sheet can oe used for any d ocument
Date of execution
VW," Mai &x, CIA.
otal stanp d uty paid As.
Page -14-
8 T he Presid ent is empowered to appoint the Legal Ad visor and Private Secretary of
his /her own choice If required and their emol uments shal l be fixed by the Presid ent.
9 T he Presid ent shal l have ful l access to the record s of the T rust and its Institutions.
10 T he Presid ent shal l make al l appointments
. ad missions . award s
, punishments
incl ud ing termination of services . give promotions , extension of service , etc in consul tation
with the Board of T rustees,
11 T he Presid ent shal l have power to constitute Sub-Committees on Ed ucation,
Ad ministration . Discipl inary Devel opment . Publ ication , Works & Finance , Women &
Chil d ren
, Foreign Affairs
, Cul tural matters and such other subjects. which he / she d eems fit
and such Sub- Committees . shal l d irectl y function und er the Presid ent
In the absence of the Presd ent
, the Vice Presid ent shal l presid e overal l the meetings
of the T rust and d o al l other such d uties as assinged by the Presid ent from time to time
1. He /she shal l convene
meeting of the Board of T rustees in consul tation with the
Presid ent and to maintain regul ar record s of proceed ings of the meeting
2 T hat he /
she shal l be the custod ian of al l the correspond ence and record s of the trust
and carry out the other responsibil ities entrusted to him I her from time to time by the
Presid ent
3 He /she shal l have the power to util ize Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One T housand onl y) for
urgent expend iture . For more than Rs. 1000/-
expend iture, he /she may get the sanction from
the Board of T rustees by cal l ing emergency meeting if necessary
4Al l correspond ence publ ic rel ation , preparation of Minutes, Agend a & Reports of al l
the meetings shal l be prepared and kept in the meeting for approval by the Secretary.
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Government of Karnataka
Do jnentSroet
cm' r ; c:dcie:u u.x
Date of oxecut. n
gaC OZ,if^ =1t,* =TJJo5 Stme zze: 2- -
Registration and Stamps Department
^ctad ^. 31f
T hs sheet can be used ror
any d ocument
2 C4Z_A:j.::^w Oxx: Qe.
Totalstamp dupy pa i RR
Page -15-
5. Joint responsibil ity with the Presid ent in matters of financial transactions
8 T o impl ement the Resol utions of the T rust and give effect to the resol utions passed by
the Committee or Board .
7. T o col l ect the Donations
Subscnptrons and to cred it the same to the accounts of the
8. T o present to the Management of T rust at the beginning of the financial year the d raft
Bud get estimate for its approval
9 Joint responsibil ity with the Presid ent in keeping record s and properties of the T rust
and in matters of their proper util ity and safety.
10 Arrangements of programs
, cel ebrations and routine work of the T rust and to keep
and maintain record s of the same
d uties assigned by the Presid ent
regard ing
ad ministration of activities of
the Trust
al l the meetings and assistance to the Presid ent in al l matters
with the Trust
13. Any other d uty as and when d emand ed and necessitated
bythe Trust.
He /
she shal l keep custod ian al l the record s
, d ocuments . etc and shal l keep al l the
record s up to d ate pertaining to the financial transactions and assist the secretary in al l the
matters concerned to the ad ministration
of the Trust
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A aument a+et
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Registration and Stamps Department
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T hs sheet can be used br any d ocument v
mca.' w.
J: PPsx;
T otal stamp d uty pad As
Page -16-
T he Presid ent may appoint after consul ting the other Members of Board of T rustees,
one Ad ministrative Officer, as arid
when necessary to assist the Presid ent Secretary and
other Officer Bearers of the T rust He
/ she shal l be in
charge of al l the ad ministrative work
rel ated to the T rust
and wil l report to the Presid ent.
T he Ad ministrative Officer ( if appointed ) shal l maintain.
1) Maintain a Register of the Board of T rustees.
2) Maintain Record s Registers and Accounts of the T rust and its Institutions up to d ate
3) Keep the monthl y Statement of Accounts of the T rust and its institutions in the Monthl y
meetings of the Governing Council .
4) T o keep in safe custod y al l the Accounts of the T rust and keep the Books of Accounts
up to d ate.
5) See that Stock Registers of the various Institutions are maintained property and kept
up to d ate
6) T ake precautions and steps to safeguard al l moveabl e and immoveabl e properties of
the T rust
7) Supervise and co-
ord inate und er the d irections of the Presid ent al l the office
ad ministrative activities of the T rust
8) Attend immed iatel y to the repairs of the Buil d ing of the T rust with the knowl ed ge of the
Presid ent of the T rust when it is brought to the notice of the office
9) Be the custod ian of the Securities
. Deed s
, Agreements
, Receipts . T itl e Deed s or any
other val uabl e d ocuments pertaining to the rights and properties of the T rust.
rho Board of T rustees by its resol ution attend ed in person by three fourth of them shal l
have the power to change
, amend ,
mod ify or al ter and in the Deed of T rust
, its terms and
cl auses for smooth running of the trust in accord ance with the l aws from time to tine, but such
change or al terations and amend ments shal l not after
any way the nature and character of
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G overnment of Karnataka
ss;Feu: , rae
bogsn.nt ShW
iSA C OLI C S =Ka ;In
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zZe : ds. 2/-
Registration and Stamps Department
at *Vtc^
This sh eet can be used br any d ocument Lt^ -
Dak We f in T otal d amp dtay paid Rs
Page -17-
The financial yearof the financial
transactions of the T rust shal l be the end of March of
each British CalendarYeari e 1st April to31st
March of every succeeding year
1 No person being
a An undercharged
insol vent: or
b Convicted
of an offence invol ving moral turpitud e or
C. Of unsound mind or
d A minor
sha: he= -6- .c bea Trustee
1. T he power to appoint new orad d ibonal trustees shal l vest with Found er T rustees and
the d ecision
(majoritydecision will prevail in case of dispute overthe proposed admission of
any new member ) of the Fn: nderTrustees s`i
al l be f inal in this matter
Bythe Death of the Trustee.
2 By resignation ouiyaccepted
by the Board of T rustees
3 ByWithdrawal of his / hermembership
4Cessation of trusteeship for any reason shal l not entail any trustee or any person for
the refund of any d onations or g ift s , etc mad e to the trust.
5 If any confl ict or compl ications arises regard ing any matter among the trustees, the
d ecision of the majority of the Board
of Trustees wil l prevail
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Date of wettRjon
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T onal 'ramp d ty paid At
Page -18-
6.If it is found bythe Trust that anytrustee memberis working
against the Interest of the
7 If the Trustee whohas acted in contravention of aims and objectives of the Trust such
a.Misuse of powers delegated tohead the particularbranch ororganization of the Trust
b.Doan act of mis-appropriation of fund of Trust and failure totenderthe accounts
towards collection of fund raised orcollected in the name of the Trust
c Enterintoan Agreement orContract with third party/agencyand receive funds in the
name of the Trust without rendering accounts forthe same tothe Trust
d Divulge the secrecyof the Trust, affairs tothe Third
party and supply of documents and
otherparticulars of the Trust programs and polities tothe third
party forsell interest ignoring
the interest of the Trust which indirectlyinjures orcause
prejudice tothe Trust
e.In the event of entering intocontract with the third partyforthe purpose of purchase of
stationary, equipments, electrical equipments building materials.goods, cash transactions,
In the name of the trust without the knowledge of Trust shall be held responsible for
indiscipline and misconduct and invite proceedings forexpulsion in the interest of the Trust.
f If it i s
found bythe Trust that anytrustee memberis working against the interest of the
Trust.such trustee membercan be expelled from the Trust bythe derision of majoritytrustee
members of the Trust
g.AnyTrustee whohas failed toperform the
task bythe President of the Trust
and due tonegligence of such Trustee, the Trust incurs loss ormismanagement, which
prejudicial tothe interest of the 1 rust.
h.AnyTrustee whofails toattend Meetings conveyed bythe Trust fora total of 5 (five)
meetings shall be deemed uninterested toparticipate in the affairs of the Trust and
necessaryaction will be taken aftergiving such absentee trustee due notice
and fairhearing
d=rI3d Ze.rc
Government of Karnataka
Document St3eer
Natorsrt mirth ;lx=oif6 cmisd
: O. Q.
and Stamps Department
oP`^ , n: T , tr.t , ^otad.w^23 4
T his area l c an be used Rbranydocument -- - b3J` 0 9
wets %: 4 SP: 15. ... ' 2J
4e'^:d O ' 1-of--OOk ccd ^`V 4cIt.
tfF rk3tf zirard
Government of Karnataka
onl Sheet
d aeowrS =rta ; M
gera4we: a,. z;-
Registration and Stamps Department
T his Street can be used (or any d ocu ment
r 0
OGj.f;s _dJtact G :.:E
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Page -19-
In case of Expul sion of T rustee on the above mentioned ground s except those caused by
d eath , resignation or withd rawal
d ue notice and proper hearing opportunity shal l be given to
such T rustee to show cause as to why he shoul d not be so expel l ed
. AND toward s this end a
Discipl inary Committee shal l be formed that shal l be entrusted with the power to hol d an
Enquiry and submit Reports to the Board of T rustees
Al no time shal l the Discipl inary Committee consist of any member whose is facing
the Discipl inary action for al l egations mentioned above and whose status as a trustee the
Committer. ,s consid ering.
1. AN the Meetings of the T rust shal l be presid ed over by the Presid ent of the T rust.
2 Board of T rustees shah meet once in a Month
3 T he Annual General Bod y Meeting of the T rust shal l be hel d every year after giving a
Seven d ays notice.
4. In case of emergency,
an Extraord inary General Meeting shal l be hel d after giving
T hree d ays notice
5 A minimum quorum of three fourth of the Found er T rustees
/ Members is required for
cond ucting a meeting and passing resol ution
6. Every question or Resol ution coming before the T rust shal l be d ecid ed by the maion
of the trustees present and by voting on the issue In case of equal ity of votes, the Presid ent
shal l have a casting vote .
T he passing of the resol ution or an issue shal l al so be d one by
circul ation being signed and approved by the T rust
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rt:,. Government of
Ka rnataka
Dale of exectaon
Documml Sheol
MA eowtt 1T iti =nJ01 fame .Se': C2.:, -
Registration and Stamps Department
aaxta: ;.^yr., ^^.^rN": z_.: erv: : G ' ^"' ^p7g' Oq
T his Swot can be used for any tin urnent
^t s3
> >d tts^
^^tad 314
s7 r-esi, : wc xar^no.
T otal stamp Wty Paid R6.
Page - 2 0 -
At al l the meetings of the Board of T rustees
, three fourth of the Members shal l
constitute a quorum for th
e tran saction
of business and the acts of the T rustees present at a
meeting at which quorum
is present shal l be the acts of the Bod y
. If, at any meeting of the
Bod y there be l ess than a quorum present
the majority of those present may ad journ the
meeting from time to time At any such
ad journed meeting , any business , which might have
been transacted at the meeting as original l y cal l ed
, may be transacted without further notice,
and provid ed there is quorum present.
At al l other meetings three fourth of the Found er T rustees shal l constitute a quorum
1 T he T rust treated herein shal l be irrevocabl e.
2 Al l the d eed s and other d ocuments to be executed by or on behal f of the trust shal l be
d one by the Presid ent T ice
Registration Act and the Karnataka Stamps Ad
. 1957 wi l l be
appl icabl e in case of such d ocuments T he T rust may sue or be sued as per the proced ure
l aid d own und er the act
the acts of the trust that come up before them from time to time
4T he T rust shal l have permanent and perpetual office having seal of its own and shal l
continue from generation to generation uphol d ing the objects and aims for which the T rust is
created .
5 T he T rust shal l have power to assimil ate the income out of the annual income of the
T rust from time to time and such assimil ation of income shal l be mad e as per the provisions
of the Income -T ax l aws in vogue
6. T he T rust shal l have power to util ize not onl y the income but al so the Corpus or any part
of the corpus of the T rust for any of the objects.
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Date of QWQirxxi
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Page -21-
7. T hat if any Association or T rust or Institution at anytime here
- in -after offers to aid or
amal gamate or merge with the T rust whether by transfer of any immoveabl e or moveabl e
property or of Government or other Securities or payment of cash in aid
, it shal l be l awful for
the Board to accept the same upon such terms and cond itions not inconsistent with any of the
objects of the T rust as the T rust may d etermine.
8. T he T rust shal l grant affil iation to any Association or T rust interested in getting
affil iated or associated with the T rust and the affil iation fees stipul ated by the T rust from time
to time and such affil iated institution shal l receive guid ance in its activities and sol utions to its
probl ems
9. T he T rust shal l associate with the ntemabonal Agencies working for the cause of peace
Friend ship and Co-
operation and Devel opment of l ess privil eged peopl e, receive aid or
financial assistance from such international agencies provid ed that such aid or financial
assistance is permitted by the Government of Ind ia or any other Competent Authority
10. T he T rust may raise or borrow money required for the purpose of carrying out any
repairs to the immoveabl e property for time being and from time to time bel onging to T rust
upon Mortgage or Pl ed ge of the T rust properties
or any part there of with or without any
security and at such rate of
and on such terms as to the repayment or otherwise the
T rust d eems fit
11 T hat every T rustee shal l ind emnify the T rust for any l oss caused to it by his or her wil l ful
negl igence or misrepresentation
12 It shal l be the d uty of every T rustee to arrange for the col l ection of fund s for the benefit
of the T rust col l ectivel y or ind ivid ual l y as d e
cid ed
by the Presid ent or its Committee
constituted by the ord er of the Presid ent
13 T he Managing T rustee shal l honour al l l awful agreements and d eed s mad e by the
Counal with the Government or any other agency
. Al l the properties and fund s of
the T rust shal l bel ong to the T rust col l ectiv
el y and not ind ivid ual l y
Conic! .22
G overnment of Karnataka
that f- Me
Document Sheet
fieozzrr rafta 5. 37LSaJOd QCnaS
3d : Oa. 2t-
Registration and Stamps Department
4t te
e r3 0a^wd:: 9
- ' 15 qNNJ^
W Le:y sz,yd r Y.Frrd.^
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CdD xc9w erx i S.SaLxdv: A03
Oca:e 09 - 0l -1d 13d ssd tcXand -
Government of Karnataka
Document Shel l
llaeozitt rw a tsa^oE ra=jd
sit: dr..
Registration and Stamps Department
1 1 6
me^z a,
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bal e of emeoAxxi
=0&4- Lt 2.: 1: S LB IIXb"
T ol ai stamp d uty paid Ra.
Page -22-
14 Totake everynecessarylegal step
in the interest of the Trust.In case of emergency
the President shal l take suitabl e legal act ion in the interest
of the Trust.
15 The Trust form shall be irrevocable
and it shal l be revoked as per the provisions of the
Ind ian T
ru st Act, 1882.
16. T he T rust is governed by the provisions of the Ind ian T rust Act, 1882 in the matter of Its
creation functioning and ad ministration of its institutions and its other affil iated i
nstitut ions.
1 7
T he T rust fund s shal l be invested in the mod es specified und er the provisions of
Section 13 ( 1) (d ) read with Section 11 ( 5) Income T ax Act, 1961 and in such manner that
it s
income wil l be exempt und er the income T ax Act, 1961
18. In case of T rust is
notabl e to function for any reason or the Board of T rustees d ecid ed
(By the maj
ority of not l ess than four fifth of the total number of trustees
) to wind up the T rust,
theAssets of the T rust after meeting the l iabil ities of the (rust shal l be transferred to another
Publ ic T rust or Society orAssociation ( s) sel ected by the Board of T rustees which has simil ar
objects as those of this T rust and has been recognized as Publ ic
Charitabl e T rust und er
Section 11 17 and Section 80G of the Income - T ax Act, 1961
19. T he Found er T rustees / B oa
rd of T rustees shal l be entitl ed at their d iscretion from
time to time to start , d iscontinue ,
abol ish and restart any chanty or charitabl e institutions, to
impose any cond ition or cond itions to any subscription or d onation mad e by them
and to
any portion of the T rust Property or income for any particul ar objective or objectives
20- T he Found er T rustees /
Board of T rustees may from time to time frame schemes.
rul es and regul ations to carry out the objects of the trust and for managing the affairs of the
trust and otherwise for giving effect to the objects and purposes of the trust
and to vary the
same from time to time as the Found er T rustees may in their d iscretion d eem fit and proper
21 T he objects of the T rust shal l be subject to the provisions of section 2
(15) of the
Income-T axAct, 1961'
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Government of Karnataka
Decumel l Sl xel
4Jicorl =rtn = od aeraz!
Registration and Stamps Department
;sct: CA.21-
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' ' eq
s :JA : Lug : : : S cQJX: rC.2
T otal xamp any pal l Hs.
Page -23-
22The Founder
T rustees I Board of T rustees shal l have the ful l powers to comprise or
conpound al l actions .
suits and other proceed ings and settl e d ifferences and d isputes touching
the T rust Estate and /or the
Trust Properties
and to refer any such d ifferences or d isputes to
arbitration and to ad just
and settl e al l accounts rel ating to the T rust Estate
and IorTrust
Properties and
to d o al l other acts and things fullyand
effectual l y.
In Witnesses whereof the FounderTrustees have
set their hand s on this d eed in
of witnesses on the day.
yea- zinc p ace
mentioned above with their free wil l and
Consent without
anyforce frauc arc
f kv ^ . I.
Smt . GAtAT RI D/
SV/.n- ILIt.i
Cc LLa1U.1`Ia Ate.^ 1 i e.1, _^a
Tlll$SGtiJGPfx.- t D(_t t J;IF- t-i
1p tU KG -v+re S/-. c .. Smt .
Drafted By Me:
Rajesh Kam
Ad vocate , Gulbarga

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