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Global Hernia Repair Devices Market

Global Hernia Repair Devices Market

Published : Technavio
Date : Apr-2014
Page : 59
Categor : Diagnostic and !iotech
Single User License : US $2500
Multi User License : US $3500
Direct:+1 (617) 674-4143
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Report Revie$
%bo&t Hernias
A hernia is condition in which a tissue, organ or fascia of the organ protrudes through the wall of a weak muscle
area. Obesity, poor nutrition, smoking, and a weak muscle area at birth are some of the causes of hernias. There are
several types of hernia such as inguinal, umbilical, hiatal, femoral, and incisional. An inguinal hernia is when part of
the abdominal tissue/organ protrudes into the groin area. An umbilical hernia is found in the area of the umbilicus. A
hiatal hernia is when a portion of stomach protrudes through the diaphragm. A femoral hernia is when the intestine
protrudes into the canal carrying the femoral artery into the upper thigh. An incisional hernia sometimes occurs if a
wound from a previous surgical procedure is not completely healed. Hernia repair devices are used in procedures
such as herniorrhaphy, hernioplasty, and herniotomy to correct the above mentioned types of hernia.
TechNavios analysts forecast the !lobal Hernia "epair #evices $arket will grow at a %A!" of &.'( percent over
the period )*+',)*+-.
'overe( in t!is Report
This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the !lobal Hernia "epair #evices market for the
period )*+.,)*+-. To calculate the market si/e, the report considers revenue generated from sales of hernia repair
products 0synthetic meshes and biologic materials1 and hernia repair surgical e2uipment 0surgical instruments and
endoscopic e2uipment1.
TechNavios report, the !lobal Hernia "epair #evices $arket )*+.,)*+-, has been prepared based on an in,depth
market analysis with inputs from industry e3perts. The report covers the Americas and the 4$4A and A5A% regions6
it also covers the !lobal Hernia "epair #evices market landscape and its growth prospects in the coming years. The
report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.
Get F&ll Details on : http7//,hernia,repair,devices,)*+.,)*+-,market
Table o) 'ontent
*+. 43ecutive 8ummary
*). 9ist of Abbreviations
*'. 8cope of the "eport
*'.+ $arket Overview
*'.) 5roduct Offerings
*.. $arket "esearch $ethodology
*..+ $arket "esearch 5rocess
*..) "esearch $ethodology
*(. :ntroduction
*&. $arket 9andscape
*&.+ $arket Overview
*&.) $arket 8i/e and ;orecast
*&.' ;ive ;orces Analysis
*<. $arket 8egmentation by 5roducts
*<.+.+ Hernia "epair 5roducts
*<.+.) Hernia "epair 8urgical 42uipment
*<.) !lobal Hernia "epair #evices $arket
*<.).+ $arket 8i/e and ;orecast
*<.' !lobal Hernia "epair 8urgical 42uipment $arket
*<.'.+ $arket 8i/e and ;orecast
*-. !eographical 8egmentation
*-.+ Hernia "epair #evices $arket in Americas
*-.+.+ $arket 8i/e and ;orecast
*-.) Hernia "epair #evices $arket in 4$4A
*-.).+ $arket 8i/e and ;orecast
*-.' Hernia "epair #evices $arket in A5A%
*-.'.+ $arket 8i/e and ;orecast
*=. >uying %riteria
+*. $arket !rowth #rivers
++. #rivers and their :mpact
+). $arket %hallenges
+'. :mpact of #rivers and %hallenges
+.. $arket Trends
+(. Trends and their :mpact
+&. ?endor 9andscape
+&.+ %ompetitive 8cenario
+&.+.+ @ey News
+&.+.) $ergers
+&.) $arket 8hare Analysis )*+'
+&.' Other 5rominent ?endors
+<. @ey ?endor Analysis
+<.+ >. >raun $elsungen A!
+<.+.+ >usiness Overview
+<.+.) @ey :nformation
+<.+.' 8AOT Analysis
+<.) %ook $edical :nc.
+<.).+ >usiness Overview
+<.).) @ey :nformation
+<.).' 8AOT Analysis
+<.' %ovidien plc
+<.'.+ >usiness Overview
+<.'.) >usiness 8egmentation
+<.'.' @ey :nformation
+<.'.. 8AOT Analysis
+<.. %.".>ard :nc.
+<...+ >usiness Overview
*&rc!ase +o$ :
,ist o) -x!ibits
43hibit +7 $arket "esearch $ethodology
43hibit )7 !lobal Hernia "epair #evices $arket )*+',)*+- 0B8C billion1
43hibit '7 !lobal Hernia "epair #evices $arket 8egmentation by 5roduct Type
43hibit .7 8egmentation of the !lobal Hernia "epair #evices $arket by 5roduct
43hibit (7 !lobal Hernia "epair #evices $arket)*+',)*+- 0B8C billion1
43hibit &7 !lobal Hernia "epair 8urgical 42uipment $arket )*+',)*+- 0B8C billion1
43hibit <7 !lobal Hernia "epair #evices $arket by !eographical 8egmentation )*+'
43hibit -7 Hernia "epair #evices $arket in Americas )*+',)*+- 0B8C billion1
43hibit =7 Hernia "epair #evices $arket in 4$4A )*+',)*+- 0B8C billion1
43hibit +*7 Hernia "epair #evices $arket in A5A% )*+',)*+- 0B8C billion1
43hibit +)7 >usiness 8egmentation of >. >raun $elsungen A!
43hibit +'7 >usiness 8egmentation of %ovidien 5lc.
43hibit +.7 >usiness 8egmentation of %. ". >ard :nc.
.i"ilar Market .t&(ies
B8 8ales and $arket 8hares of $aDor %ancer #iagnostic Testing 5roduct 8uppliers by Assay and %ountry
B@ 8ales and $arket 8hares of $aDor %ancer #iagnostic Testing 5roduct 8uppliers by Assay and %ountry
8pain 8ales and $arket 8hares of $aDor %ancer #iagnostic Testing 5roduct 8uppliers by Assay and %ountry
Cathy Viber
5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,
#205, Portland, OR 97220
United States
Direct:+1 (617) 674-4143
!oll "ree:+1 (855) 711-1555
"a#:+1 (855) 550-5975
*&rc!ase /n0&ir1:

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