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THE REBEL INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA.: The Truth Regarding Some Important Historical Facts.
New York Times (1857-1922); Nov 28, 1863;
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2010)
pg. 2

New York Times
November 28, 1863

The Truth Regarding Some Important Historical Facts.

A book, entitled Notes on the Rebel Invasion of Maryland
and Pennsylvania, and the Battle of Gettysburgh, by Dr.
JACOBS, of the Pennsylvania College at Gettysburgh, has
made its appearance, and is circulating somewhat in the
Army of the Potomac. Regarding the battle of Gettysburgh,
it contains several serious errors, which the following letter
emphatically corrects, and gives to the world a piece of
eloquent history, yet imperfectly known outside of military
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
THE REBEL INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA.: The Truth Regarding Some Important Historical Facts.
New York Times (1857-1922); Nov 28, 1863;
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2010)
pg. 2

Saturday, Nov. 21, 1863.

Rev. Dr. M. Jacobs, Professor of Mathematics and
Chemistry Pennsylvania College, Gettysburgh:

DEAR SIR: My attention has recently been called to a
publication from your pen, entitled "Notes on the Rebel
Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and the Battle of
Gettysburgh." As a matter of history I desire to point out to
you an important error, which you doubtless have
unintentionally made in your attributing the honor of
repulsing the enemy, and securing the possession of "Round
Top" or "Little Round Top" Hill, to the Pennsylvania
I quote the following from your "Notes," pages 33, 34, and
"At 6 P.M. Gen. CRAWFORD's division of the Fifth corps,
consisting of two, brigades of Pennsylvania Reserves,
having until this time been held in reserve, went into a
charge with a terrific shout, and drove the rebels down the
rocky front of that hill, across the valley below, and over the
next hill into the woods beyond, taking three hundred
prisoners. This was the favorable moment, and the whole
rebel column was forced to retire. In this charge the rebel
Gen. BARKSDALE fell, on the hill opposite Little Round
Top. Our left was saved from disaster; the fight on that part
of our lines was gloriously ended for the day, and Little
Round Top was ours." * * * * "The front of this our men
immediately began to cover with a network of breastworks,
and on the summit they placed twelve 30-pound Parrott
guns. When the next morning dawned, it was a second
Gibraltar." * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"At about 6 P.M. it is true, we heard 'cheering' different
from that which had so often fallen dolefully upon our ears,
and some of the rebels said to each other, 'Listen! the
Yankees are cheering.' But whilst this, which we afterward
found to have been the cheering of Gen. CRAWFORD's
men as they charged and drove the rebels down the face of
Little Round Top," &c., &c.

This reflects credit upon the fancy and imagination, but it is
not history. On the second day of the battle at Gettysburgh,
the Fifth corps, which had arrived upon the field after a
night's march from Hanover at about 7 o'clock in the
morning, was held in reserve until the arrival of the Sixth,
which was to relieve it. On the arrival of this corps, the Fifth
was ordered to the front to support Gen. SICKLES. While
the corps was moving rapidly to the front, the design of the
enemy became more apparent. It was evident that he was
suddenly massing his troops on the extreme left of our line,
for the purpose of turning our flank. To guard against the
successful execution of this design, the line on the left was
prolonged, and the Third brigade (commanded by one of
Pennsylvania's most accomplished and gallant officers -- the
lamented Gen. VINCENT) was hastily detached from Gen.
BARNES' division, of the Fifth corps, and ordered to the
extreme left. This brigade was composed of the Sixteenth,
Michigan, Forty-fourth New-York, Eighty-third
Pennsylvania and the Twentieth Maine. The Sixteenth
Michigan and the Forty-fourth New-York went into position
on nearly a direct prolongation of the line of battle, while
the Eighty-third Pennsylvania and the Twentieth Maine,
taking advantage of the nature of the ground, and a ledge of
rocks formed on the left, and at nearly a right angle with the
line, fronting toward Round Top Hill. Hence these four
regiments were in such a position that they completely
covered any approach to this hill by any part of our forces.
They must have either been forced from their position by
the enemy in front, or the Pennsylvania Reserves, in their
zeal, must have charged over them. However, nothing of
this nature occurred. No troops save those of the enemy
were in front of these four regiments, from the
commencement of the second day's struggle till 10 o'clock
the next morning, when they were relieved by the First
brigade of Gen. BARNES' division.

I resume the narrative. Scarcely had the Third brigade
secured its position, before it was vigorously attacked by
Gen. HOOD's entire division. These four regiments alone
withstood the brunt of this attack. The struggle lasted two
hours. In the midst of the conflict the commanding officer
of the brigade fell, mortally wounded. The officer next in
command continued the struggle. These brigades of Gen.
HOOD's division charged in rapid succession. At each
assault they were repulsed with fearful loss. Nearly three
hundred of their dead and a thousand of their wounded
covered the ground in front of the four regiments. At length
the attacks of the enemy's columns became weaker and
weaker. Their best blood had been wasted, their best
courage expended in vain. For a while these columns ceased
firing, and stretched themselves behind the rocks, panting
for breath. While the enemy's forces in front were thus
resting, a fresh brigade of his troops came down from the
summit of the mountain like a cloud, and poured its dense
fire upon the ranks of the Twentieth Maine and the Eighty-
third Pennsylvania. This was the most critical moment of
the day to the left of our line. Col. CHAMBERLAIN,
commanding the Twentieth Maine, ordered his regiment to
charge, and, after a desperate struggle, he repulsed the
enemy at every point. The importance of permanently
dislodging the enemy from this mountain called Round-Top
Hill, induced the commanding officer to send to Gen.
SYKES for reinforcements to support this brigade in this
endeavor. The great value of this position history will not
fall to recognize. Gen. SYKES promptly sent a brigade of
five regiments of the Pennsylvania Reserves, under the
command of Col. FISHER, to act as this support. Three of
these regiments were formed in the rear of the Twentieth
Maine and Eighty-third Pennsylvania. This line had scarcely
been formed, when the Twentieth Maine was ordered to
charge and take the hill. As no time was to be lost, and as
any change of position of the balance of the Third brigade
might prove hazardous, the two remaining regiments of the
Reserves were ordered to support the Twentieth Maine. But
so rapidly and gallantry did Col. CHAMBERLAIN lead his
regiment to the charge, that he swept at the point of the
bayonet the enemy from the hill, and took permanent
possession of the same before the supporting force could
render him any material assistance. During the night the
Eighty-third Pennsylvania was ordered to Col.
CHAMBERLAIN's support, and before morning the
soldiers of both brigades had made the position
impregnable, by throwing up massive breastworks of stone.
Thursday essentially ended the struggle on the left. The
prisoners taken this day by the Third brigade were over 500
in number, including two Colonels and fifteen
commissioned officers, and over 1,200 stand of arms
belonging to the enemy were captured. Its loss was nearly
50 per cent. in killed and wounded.

These are briefly the facts in regard to securing possession
of this important position on the 2d of July last, which are
more fully set forth in the official reports of that battle. I
trust, upon a careful examnation of those reports, you will
readily perceive that truth, and the impartiality of history,
demand a correction of your "Notes." Regard for the
memory of the dead, and respect for the bravery of the
living, alike demand the correction. I have thus, in a public
manner, taken the liberty of addressing you, because your
name lends an historical value to your statements, and also
because any facts in regard to this great battle are of the
utmost importance -- a battle which resolved the greatest
political problem of this age and of all ages to come -- a
problem no less than whether the United States should be all
free or all slave -- whether the flag of oppression should
flaunt in every breeze, or the banner of freedom, in the name
of Christ, be set up forever throughout the land.
I am, most respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General Com'g. Second Brigade.


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