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COMSATS Institute of Information

Technology Attock
Dated: December 9,
A meeting of management sciences faculty, CIIT Attock #as held on
December 9, !!9 at $!! hrs% at the Conference &all, Administration 'lock, CIIT
Attock Cam(us% The meeting #as chaired by Mr% Shaukat Amer Assistant
)rofessor*In+charge De(artment of Management Sciences, CIIT Attock Cam(us and
the follo#ing #ere in attendance:
,ame Designation
$ Mr% Shaukat Amer Assistant )rofessor*In charge
De(artment of Management Sciences
Ms Tasneem -i.a /ecturer
0 Mr% Muhammad Anees /ecturer
1 Mr% Imran 'ashir /ecturer
2 Mr% -aisal /ecturer
3 Ms% ,u.hat -alki /ecturer
4 Mr% Muhammad Shakil /ecturer
5 Mr% An#ar 6han /ecturer
9 Ms% 6an#al Shah.adi /ecturer
$! Mr% Shahid &ussain /ecturer
$$ Mr% Ishfa7 Ahmad /ecturer
$ Ms% ,adia 'ukhari 8esearch Associate
$0 Ms% -ar.ana 9amil 8esearch Associate
)age 1 of 3
$1 Mr% Ahmad 9amil 8esearch Associate
$2 Mr% 6halid 8esearch Associate
$3 Mr% Abdul :ahid 8esearch Associate
% The meeting formally commenced #ith recitation from the &oly ;uran by Mr%
Abdul :ahid, 8esearch Associate, CIIT Attock% The In+charge De(artment, of
Management Sciences #elcomed all the -aculty Members and thanked for s(aring
time to attend the meeting% The agenda items #ere then taken u( and dis(osed as
Agenda Item No. 1: Schedule of Make up Classes
0% It #as noted that a schedule of Make u( classes has been chalked out and
gi<en to the res(ecti<e course instructors% All the course instructors #ere re7uested
to (lease ensure that classes are held at the mentioned dates%
Agenda Item No. 2: Sub!ss!o" of
1% The In+charge, De(artment of Management Sciences re7uested that e<ery
instructor should com(lete the record of ;*Assignments and (ro"ect results in
Agenda Item No. 3: +el!be)a'!o" o" Ma''e) ,e&a)d!"& E"'e)!"&
+a'a o" COMSIS
2% It #as em(hasi.ed that all faculty members should enter the course contents
and attendance of the students on daily basis on COMSIS system%
Agenda Item No. 4: ()epa)a'!o"s fo) Sp)!"& Sees'e) -.1..
)age - of 3
3% The In+charge, De(artment of Management Sciences re7uested the members
to chalk out a (rogramme for course allocation that #ill be discussed in the ne=t
meeting of the De(artment of Management Sciences%
Agenda Item No. 5: Ad!ss!o" Capa!&" fo) Sp)!"& -.1.
4% It #as accentuated by the In charge De(artment of Management Sciences
that all committee members for Admission Cam(aign should ensure the data
collection of their assigned areas, as gi<en by the -ocal (erson Mr% -akhr Assistant
)rofessor*Incharge >lectronics De(artment% All the members must make e?orts for
ma=imum enrollment in the cam(us%
Agenda Item No. 6: Teache) E/alua'!o"
4% A committee #as constituted by the In charge De(artment of Management
Sciences for carrying out Teacher e<aluation in coming days for S(ring Semester
!$!%The committee members are (rogramme coordinators 'S@'AA and M'A, Mr%
Ishfa7 Ahmad /ecturer, and Ms% ,adia 'ukhari 8%A%
5% The meeting #as ad"ourned #ith a <ote of thanks by the In+charge
De(artment of Management Sciences%
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