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sap installation on Aix & post installation activates

9:42 AM sapdatabase v 1 comment

Download Installation prerequisite guide mySAP ERP 2004 SR1 installation prerequisite
checker on Unix from
Download Following relevant sap notes Notes : 836637,785927, from
Download Installation guides mySAP ERP 2004 SR1 powered by SAP Netweaver 04 Master
SAP ERP Central component 5.0 SR1 ABAP on AIX: oracle Part - I and II
Prerequisite checker Download and unpack prerequisite checker and upgrade >>Entry by application group >>SAP Technology
Component>>SAPINST>> SAPINST 640 ERP04_PRC>>OS
Extract SAPCAR from installation master DVD unpacking prerequisite checker
DVD/IM_OS/SAPINST/OS/sapinst -extract #SAPCAR -xvf <archive of prerequisite
Prerequisite check updates Check Note No. 836637 for prerequisite checker update
Java check Check required JRE version check #java -version
Check SAP NOTE: 709140
Prerequisite Installation Process
TEMP directory Make sure that system does not delete the content of TEMP directory after
reboot #touch /tmp/test and reboot the system and check existence of test file in tmp

Size of TEMP directory Maker sure that 500 MB of free space in TEMP directory #df -
k /tmp
Umask setting Make sure that umask is set to 022 for user root #umask 022 edit
etc/profile and insert one line as set mask 022
DISPLAY settings Set display environment in csh #setenv DISPLAY <Host
ksh and sh # DISPLAY = <host>:0.0;export DISPLAY
Running Prerequisites checker on UNIX using SAPinst
Start SAPinst Start SAPinst with command chmod +x
./<prereq_dir>/SAPINST/<OSDIR>/sapinst ./<prereq_dir>/SAPINST/<OSDIR>/sapinst

Planning and Preparation
Relevant SAP Notes Download Following relevant sap notes

Naming conventions SID must be of three characters
First Char: G for GPIL
Second Char: R for R/3 and B for BIW installation. Third Char: D for Development, T for Test
and P for Production e.g.
GRD: GPIL R/3 Development server
GRT: GPIL R/3 Test server
GRP: GPIL R/3 Production server
GBP: GPIL BIW production server
Requirement for AIX
Check tape drive #tar -cvf /dev/<tape_device> ./testfile
Check CD/DVD iso 9600 compatible #mount /cdrom
Disk checking #lspv
Checking free space #lspv - p <disk_name>
Checking installed RAM #lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem
Check CPU #lsconf
lsconf provides you detailed server info.
Check cpu hardware capability Verify hardware compatibility 32/64 bit #bootinfo -
Software check C++ environment check #lslpp -L xlC.aix50.rte
OS version #lslpp -l bos.rte
Check required OS packages #lslpp -l | grep bos.rte, bos.adt, bos.adt.Base, bos.perf
Swap space Required swap space is 20GB #lsps -a or #lsconf | grep Page
Check NFS #ps -aef | grep nfs
Tuning AIX Check note Note: 785927
Asynchronous IO maxserver = minserver = 1.2 * number of datafiles used for the
DB #smit aio >> select change/show char of asynchronous I/O fill min and max number of
server I.e. 15
Setting for Maximum number of allowed process per user #smit >>system environment >>
change and show os char Change values to 2048
Setting swap space #smit >> physical and logical storage >> logical volume mgr >> paging
space >> list all paging space # lspa -a
#smit >> physical and logical storage >> logical volume mgr
>> pagain space >> add another paging space
select volume group
enter size of paging space in logical partition
set start using paging space now? To yes
set pagin space each time the system is restarted? Set yes
Setting data and stack limits # vi /etc/security/limits change data = -1, stack = -1 and add
hard_stack = -1 in Default section
Setting up file system
Procedure for creating file system Refer the file Creating file system in IBM AIX
Create following file system Refer the file: GPI File systems.doc
Change permission of /oracle/<SID>/920_64 to 777 #chmod 777
Exporting transport directory
Staring NFS #smit >>communication and application and services >>NFS >> network file
systems >> configure NFS on this sysetm
>> start NFS
Exporting directory: /sapmnt #smit >>communication and application and services >>NFS
>> network file systems >> Add directory to export list
enter the path of the directory which you want to export e.g. /sapmnt
choose export mode: read/write
In line host: allowed root access
enter the name of host the additional instance run
Export directory now, system restart or both: enter both
Mounting /sapmnt at client Create mount points at the host on which additional instance run
#/usr/bin/mkdir <SAPMNT>/<SAPSID>exe
#smit >>communication and application and services
>>NFS >> network file systems >>Add file system for mounting
enter the path name of mount point
enter the path of remote mount directory
enter the host where remote directory resides
set mount now, add entry to /etc/filesystems or both: set both
set /etc/filesystems entry will mount the directory on system restart to yes
change mount file system soft or hard to soft
#mount -v nfs gpisaps2:/sapmnt /sapmnt
Manually vi /etc/exports add following line
/sapmnt -deleg=yes,sec=sys:krb5p:krb5i:krb5:dh:none,rw
save it now #exportfs -a
Generating solution manger key
Log into the solution manager with super user Run t.code : smsy
choose other objects
set indicator systems
choose system
choose generate installation/upgrade key
enter requested information
choose generate key
Installation and Post-installation
Prepare installation DVD If you do not have multiple CD/DVD drive, copy all the following
DVDs CD Serial number
SAP ERP 2004 SAP Netweaver 04 SR1 Installation Master DVD 51031149
SAP Netweaver 04 SR1 SAP kernel 640 Oracle OR 51030763
SAP ERP 2004 SAP ECC 5.0 SR1 Installation export 51030867
SAP Netweaver 04 SR1 SAP Web AS JAVA, IGS 51030724
ORACLE 9.2 Patch 51030943
Running SAP installation
# chmod +x /<inst.Mast>/<IM_OS>/SAPINST/UNIX/<OS>/sapinst
# cd /<inst.Mast>/<IM_OS>/SAPINST/UNIX/<OS>
Central ABAP installation on Oracle select mySAP ERP ECC 5.0 select ABAP installation
select non-unicode installation
select central-instance installation
ABAP non-unicode central instance installation input steps Refer this File SAP-Inst-
ABAP non-unicode Database instance for oracle installation input steps Refer this File SAP-Inst-
Install Oracle 10g Database Software
Note: Do not install the Oracle DB software before you Run SAPinst Check /tmp size more
than 400MB. User ora<sid> must have write permissions #df -k /tmp
login as ora<sid> $touch /oracle write-test it permission denied then run
login as root and run #chown ora<SID> /oracle
#chgrp dba /oracle
#chmod 775 /oracle
login as ora<sid> check umask $umask it must 022
set display $setenv <host_name>:0.0
cd /oracle/stage/920_64/Disk1/SAP and run ./RUNINSTALLER from Root user execute the file
Oracle patch Software installation
Login as ora<SID> check variables $ORACLE_HOME, $ORACLE_SID, $DISPLAY
setting variables in cshell
$setenv ORACLE_HOME /oracle/<SID>/920_64
$ setenv DISPLAY local_host:0.0
Run following shell script from root user # cd /usr/sbin
# ./slibclean
Login as ora<SID>
$ cd patchset_dir/Disk1
runinstaller may not pass OS on Aix 5.3 run with
$ ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqa
or modify AIX parameter in $/instDUMP/oraclePATCH/Disk1/install/oraparam.ini
when prompted run from user root.
and confirm the dialog box by choosing OK. Then continue by choosing Next.

Initial System Check
Starting and Stopping the SAP System Login as <SAPSID>adm
You need to check that you can start and stop the SAP system after $startsap <instance
Installation using startsap and stopsapscripts in the EXE dir. $stopsap <Instance name> I.e.
startsap DVEBMGS00 stopsap DVEBMGS00
Starting/stopping R3 system only $stopsap R3 and $startsap R3
Starting/stopping DB only $stopsap DB and $startsap DB
Starting/stopping entire SAP system with DB $startsap & $stopsap
Logging On to the SAP System SAP users SAP* (passwd= 06071992, client 000 and
DDIC (Passwd 19920706, client 000)
Checking the SAP system services Call transaction sm50 Services Dialog, Update,
Enqueue, Batch, Spool
System log Call transaction SM21
Initial consistency check Call transaction SM28
Installing SAP License Installing SAP License Solution Life cycle management>>SAP
licenses>> SAP License in the SAP library or call transaction

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