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How to Quit Smoking Like A Chimney

and Live Longer..

"My 49 Top Reason for Making Quit
Smoking a Little Easier"...

by Terry Clark

Table of Content

1.Withdrawal Symptoms Quitters often Experience
2. Why Smoking is Bad for You
3. What to do if You Fail to Quit Smoking the First Time
4. What Happens when a Smoker Stops Smoking?
5. Using Nicotine Patches to Quit Smoking
6. Trying Acupuncture or Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking
7. How to Quit Smoking - Top Reasons for Quitting Smoking
8. Tips to Make Quitting Easier
9. Tips to Help a Friend Quit Smoking
10. The Use of Relaxation Techniques to Quit Smoking
11. Techniques to Cope with Tobacco Cravings
12. Rewards for Motivation to Quit Smoking
13. Removing Smoking Triggers from Your Home and Office
14. Medication Therapy to Quit Smoking
15. Making a Plan to Quit Smoking
16. Is Smoking Really Addictive?
17. Important Dos and Don'ts to Quit Smoking
18. Realizing the Health Risks
19. Original Methods that Are Known to Work
20. Major Mistakes to Avoid
21. Getting the Support You Need
22. Cold Turkey or Progressive Quitting
23. Prevent Weight Gain when You Quit Smoking
24. Deal with Social Smoking Triggers
25. How a Healthy Lifestyle will Help You to Quit Smoking
26. Helping Your Child to Quit Smoking
27. Getting the Right Mindset to Quit Smoking
28. Exercise to Successfully Quit Smoking
29. Diseases Caused by Smoking
30. Can Lung Cancer be cured?
31. Are There any Benefits to Smoking?
32. Alternative Therapies for Smoking Cessation
33. Advice for Pregnant Women to Quit Smoking
34. Smokeless Cigarettes Gaining Popularity
35. Use Chantix To Overcome The Side Effects Of Quit Smoking
36. Effects And Side Effects of Chantix and Zyban
37. Smoking Cigarettes Causes Conflict
38. Relationship Between Skin Problems and Smoking
39. Why do Women Smoke and what Cost Women do pay for
40. Cigar Smoke and How Dangerous It is Being Exposed to
41. How Does Hypnosis to Quit Smoking Really Work?
42. Vaporizers: doing the trick for smokers
43. Quit Smoking By Using Herbs
44. Quit Smoking Laser
45. Quit Smoking Using Subliminal Audio
46. 15 Exciting and Crazy Things To Do After You Quit Smoking
47. Smoking and Erectile Dysfunction
48. Information on the antidepressant drug Wellbutrin
49. Effects of Smoking Did you Know that you CAN go Blind
from Smoking?

Resources: My Quit Smoking Program (recommendation)

#1.Withdrawal Symptoms Quitters often Experience

Nicotine cravings are quite powerful. When you are used to
the habits of smoking and alcohol drinking, your biological
clock would not forget to remind you of the need to go for
a smoke or for a large drink precisely at the same time every
day. It is quite a powerful urge. One should know how to
tackle such issues before attempting to quit smoking.

It is a really tough task to get rid of smoking when you
are seriously addicted to it. The habit of smoking is
something that is very detrimental to your own health. It
could eat you away completely from within, figuratively
speaking. To get addicted to alcohol might take time, while
getting addicted to the usage of cigarettes happens easily
in all individuals.

Smokers have to bear in mind one important fact - quitting
smoking is very difficult when you are seriously addicted
to the habit. Most smokers are not aware of this simple fact
and they are really overconfident that they can tackle the
issue with great ease. In reality, this is not so. The
symptoms of nicotine withdrawal will not allow you to quit
smoking quite so easily. Even though you really want to quit
smoking you will probably be unable to do so without a lot
of help.

Nicotine is an essential chemical constituent of tobacco
and of cigarettes. When you get used to smoking, your body
is used to getting this chemical as well. When you quit
smoking, the body craves the chemical, but the natural
biological processes mean it is also getting rid of the
nicotine content. The body has the natural tendency to
eliminate any toxic substance that affects the well being
of the bodily parts as a whole.

Withdrawal of the nicotine from the blood stream and other
parts of the human system happens when you stop smoking.
The process occurs in sequential steps. As a result, the
individual might notice a lot of symptoms. Some of these
symptoms are quite hard to tolerate especially if you are
among those addicts that have not attempted to quit smoking
for years.

The symptoms of the cigarette cessation that occur as a
result of nicotine withdrawal are called Quitter's flu
symptoms. They are listed below.

* High intense craving waves for nicotine at intervals

* Increased tension levels

* High irritability

* A condition more or less like depression

* Being short-tempered

* Sometimes severe headaches

* Sometimes loss of concentration

* Drowsiness

* Sometimes postnasal drip

* Feel of tightness in the chest

* Insomnia or sleeplessness
* Eating more due to increased appetite and gaining weight
as a result of it.

The earlier phase could be very challenging. Once you pass
through the first week or rather the first couple of weeks
then you are almost through. You should not get back to
smoking again.


It occurs in almost 90 percent of all quitters. It is just
due to the simple reason that the tracheal system as a whole
is trying to adjust to the new conditions. Earlier, there
was frequent dumping of nicotine at regular intervals
inside and hence, any repair work or replenishment work to
get rid of the nicotine content completely was not possible
for the internal organs of the body. Hence, the tar and other
micro constituents in the nicotine get settled in the
tracheal walls, linings and cavities. These get hardened
in due course of time if the individual has not attempted
to quit at all for years.

Heavy smokers that are addicted to the habit eventually
experience thickening of the walls of the veins and
arteries. When they stop smoking all of a sudden, the
process of cleaning starts to happen and the deformation
phase starts from within. This tends to create a lot of
changes in the normal routine or behavioral pattern of the
individual. Elimination of the chemicals like tar has to
happen through coughing and some of the micro constituents
are eliminated through excretory activities as well.

As the system becomes purer, the corresponding changes can
be felt as a result of this. These include additional
energy, restlessness, lack of focus, sleeplessness, and so
on. These symptoms are mild and temporary though. Within
just a couple of weeks you will be absolutely perfect.

#2. Why Smoking is Bad for You

It is an undoubted fact that a lot of people have tried
smoking. They tried cigarettes at some point in their lives.
In fact, both adults and young people can pick up the habit.
What is rather intriguing is that quite a lot of these people
know there are certain harmful effects of smoking. One may
wonder why such people still find themselves actively
engaged in the practice. It may interest you to know that
many parents do smoke but dont like to see their children
doing the same. The fact of the matter is that smoking is
very harmful. Thus, any effort to stay away from it on your
part is good. Despite this, there are still many smokers
today with little knowledge about the harmful sides of

All they see is the pleasure and fun that they derive from
it. It would be worthwhile to learn about some of these
effects to be able to make a well informed decision as to
whether to go for it or not. First and foremost, you need
to quit the habit of smoking or avoid going into it for the
simple reason that it could have serious health
implications. Among others, there is a condition called
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that is very
difficult to treat once present. When you have this disease,
you dont even have to smoke for a longer period of time
before the damage is done. It gets very bad when you keep
smoking for a longer period. This could even go on to
becoming a permanent condition and give you a lot of

The other consequence of smoking that you may want to learn
about is heart disease. This problem should not require
further stressing considering how expensive the treatment
is. Apart from this, you have to know that cancer is one
of the most dangerous effects of smoking. This should be
a great warning to anyone whos into smoking. Not only does
the smoker suffer alone when these problems arise but close
family and friends are also affected in diverse ways. For
instance, they are likely to be the third party smokers and
be adversely affected by your habit. They do not have to
be smokers to suffer from the consequences associated with

In addition to all these issues, there are certain vanity
reasons that may make you reconsider your decisions about
smoking. Typically, many smokers suffer from bad breath.
This makes it very embarrassing for them to freely express
themselves in public when interacting with others. Again,
there are people who have yellow teeth as a result of their
smoking habits. Apart from this, many suffer from premature
aging as well as wrinkles all over the body. This is
certainly a problem many wouldnt want to deal with. The
point really is that a lot of money might have to be pumped
into various medications and cosmetics to be able to fix
such problems even if you finally say no to smoking. If you
dont want to look much older than your age, you might want
to be careful about smoking.

One simply cannot talk about smoking being bad without
mentioning the financial implications. It is said that on
average, people spend some $30 daily on smoking; this is
not a small amount of money. Interestingly, those who
purchase one pack per day are not able to identify this
problem. Perhaps the best you could do is to make a careful
calculation of how much you spend each day and then multiply
it by the number of days in the week, the month and then
eventually the year. That way, you would be able to get a
perfect picture about the financial drain you are causing
to yourself.

To top it up, youd have to consider what such an amount
of money could have done in a positive way. That is where
reality will hit you back. So, if you have ever thought about
quitting smoking, these points should be enough to help you
make a good decision as to whether to quit or continue.
Consider all the harm smoking does to you and to the people
that you love. Be firm and make an effort to quit.

#3. What to do if You Fail to Quit Smoking the First Time

The saying old habits die hard holds true for the attempts
to quit smoking. Yes! It is a matter of common observation
that despite sincere efforts, not many people are able to
get rid of the habit of smoking. This has also been proven
with the help of the various researches in which it was
concluded that the success rate of the first-time quitters
is not very encouraging. However, this should not
discourage the people who are planning to quit smoking. If
you are self-motivated there is a bright chance of your
being successful. Even if the various techniques do not work
for you, there is still hope to get going because
disappointment will not serve your purpose anyway.

Let's say you did give your best shot to get rid of the habit
but did not succeed. Try any or all of the following tips
and you are sure to achieve your target in the second

* Try to pinpoint your source of motivation. This is one
of the most ignored factors these days. You need to realize
your responsibility as an important member of your family.
For example, if youre a father, you would feel that you
are being motivated by your children to be healthier. This
will make you inclined towards going for the second attempt
of quitting cigarettes. Similarly, if you are a husband,
you may draw your motivation from your better half who would
love you to quit smoking. Being a son or daughter, you need
to realize your responsibility towards your parents to whom
you owe your life. They deserve to have healthy children
in the later stages of their lives.

* Assess your mental and physical ease when you are trying
to quit smoking. This will present you with a number of
positive points and you will be in a better position to weigh
the good and bad effects of smoking on your personal health
and hygiene. Ultimately, you will decide to give yourself
another chance to try quitting smoking.

* Make the exercise a must in your routine. This will improve
your general view towards life and you will be able to enjoy
a natural lifestyle. Your body will become stronger and more
energetic than before and you will not require nicotine to
soothe your muscles. Instead, the fatigue you feel in your
body will be dealt with by performing daily exercise and
jogging. The body cells will be active and you will stay
young and fresh till the age of 70.

* Try to look for a new hobby. This is one of the tips you
might not have tried the first time. But this is surely going
to work for you the second time around. If you are not fond
of having an outdoor hobby, it is recommended to adopt any
of the outdoor games which take most of your time. That way,
you will not have time to think about being deprived of your
favorite cigarette. Some of the examples of such hobbies
are football, cricket, rugby, badminton and tennis. These
are physical games during which your body will work out.
You will not only feel fresh and active. The need for
nicotine in your body will be reduced. Eventually a point
of time will come when you will feel absolutely no urge to
smoke a cigarette.

The above mentioned tips are only suggestions to all those
out there who tried to get rid of their habit but did not
succeed for whatever reason. The first and the foremost
quality that you need to have in order to quit smoking is
to be patient. The reason is that smoking is more of a
psychological habit and it has to be dealt with accordingly.
Give yourself considerable time to cope with your life
without smoking. If you are a chain smoker, you should not
expect your mind and body to accept the change abruptly.
Your body needs to adjust to living without the amount of
nicotine it has been fed with on a daily basis for years.
Try to be patient and not to give up. Your efforts are bound
to pay off in the end.

#4. What Happens when a Smoker Stops Smoking?

When you have decided to quit smoking and have started
making efforts to get rid of the habit, you will observe
some major changes that take place in your body. Be aware
of all of these changes so that you do not come to any wrong
conclusions. Some of the effects like coughing should not
discourage your efforts towards quitting smoking once and
for all.

When you leave smoking for about twenty minutes, you will
feel the blood pressure, the rate of the heart and the
temperature of the hands and of the feet reach their normal
state. When you have successfully done it for about 8 hours
or so, then your body will experience an even more
beneficial effect. The remains of nicotine in the
bloodstream of the body would have fallen greatly to just
about 6.25 per cent or so. This percentage is in comparison
with the nicotine present during the peak levels of smoking.
You have accomplished a reduction rate of about 93.25 per
cent which is a fabulous success. Still, are you done? Have
you won the battle completely? The answer is still NO. There
is a long way to go.

Continue marching ahead towards success. If you get tested
after 12 hours of not smoking even a single cigarette then
you could notice that the blood oxygen levels have returned
back to normal. The carbon monoxide content will become
normal as well. After a period of 2 days, the nerve endings
that were damaged earlier due to smoking will start to grow
again. The senses of smell as well as taste would start to
bud out more intensely. Simultaneously with the cessation
anger as well irritability will be at peak.

After 3 days of quitting, the lungs start to function
perfectly. The entire body if tested would show that there
is not any trace of nicotine as 90 per cent of the nicotine
metabolites would have already been flushed out of the body
through the urine. The symptoms of restlessness as a
result of chemical withdrawal could be noticed evidently
by now. You should not try to calm down your nerves by
allowing yourself a single smoke session at this crucial
time. You had helped your body to change dramatically in
a span of just three days. All the efforts should not go
in vain just because of the temptation to smoke again.

After a period of about ten to twenty days, the blood
circulation in the gums as well as the teeth would be just
normal as that of any other non smoker. The time period could
vary according to your level of addiction. Some people tend
to smoke a couple of cigarettes a day and some might smoke
heavily. They could smoke a couple packets of cigarettes
or even more. Hence, it all depends on how addicted you are
to the habit in the first place. In severe cases, people
trying to quit might experience peak craving sensations
even after a week or ten days after they had their last
cigarette. It could be highly intense and could last for
3 minutes or so. Such craving sessions might occur 3 times
in a day.

You should resist that by counting on the clock until the
time is over. Initially, the craving would appear 3 times
and then this would decrease to a couple of times in a day
and then after a month or so, you would get rid of any craving
sensation completely. By this time, you would have grown
up to such highly matured levels, that you might not want
to smoke again at any cost. When you have reached such
heights, do not ever turn back and say let me have a puff
or two.

Sometimes, you might be overconfident that you would not
get addicted again as you have successfully quitted in such
a short time. Never take such chances even if some of your
mates challenge you to do so. Attempting to regain back the
habit will be totally unworthy and it would be really tough
to quit again later on as you did for the first time. There
are many experienced people that have written articles and
books on this particular aspect. Hence, leave the habit once
and for all. This will benefit you as well as all people
in your society.

#5. Using Nicotine Patches to Quit Smoking

There are different products which can help you overcome
your addiction to nicotine when you attempt to quit smoking.
The most widely used aids are nicotine patches. Find out
how they work and how effective and safe they are to
determine whether you should take advantage of them or not.

Nicotine patches contain a set dosage of the substance. They
are generally divided into three groups in terms of strength
- highest, medium and lowest. Heavy smokers start with the
highest strength patches and gradually go to medium and
low-strength ones. However, you do not have to start with
the aids containing the largest dosage of nicotine if you
smoke less than ten cigarettes a day. In general, it is best
to consult a doctor on the optimal dosage and treatment
process for you so that you can make the most out of it
without experiencing any side effects.

The treatment with nicotine patches usually lasts for
twelve weeks. During the first eight weeks, you need to take
the highest dosage of the substance daily. Then you need
to switch to medium-strength patches for two weeks. During
the final two weeks, you have to use the low-strength ones.
Eventually, you should be able to stay away from cigarettes
without nicotine replacement.

The therapy is fairly easy to carry out. You need to place
a nicotine patch on a hairless part of your body from the
shoulders to the waist once a day. You have to replace the
patch with a new one on the next day. It is as simple as

It has been found that using nicotine patches to quit
smoking increases your chances of success two times. In
general, the effectiveness of using such products varies
from person to person. It should be pointed out that the
use of patches is aimed at eliminating all cravings
throughout the day. However, if the daily dosage is too low,
you may still experience the urge to smoke. That is why
doctors recommend keeping a nicotine gum or lozenge at hand
so that you can use it to overcome sudden cravings.

Using nicotine patches for quitting smoking is generally
safe in healthy adults. However, if you have medical
problems, you should consult your doctor first. The
treatment may not be appropriate for individuals with skin
diseases, heart disease, diabetes, thyroid problems and
kidney and liver problems.

The most common side effects of nicotine patches are skin
irritation and rash and trouble sleeping. They are fairly
easy to overcome, however. You just need to place the
patches on different spots and remove them at night if you
have sleeping problems.

#6. Trying Acupuncture or Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking

Alternatives to clinical medicine methods for quitting
smoking are tried by almost 26 percent of American smokers
in any given year, according to statistical data. This shows
that many people are keen to use these natural remedies to
cure their nicotine addiction. Still, how successful are
the people who have tried these methods to quit smoking?
Research results are quite mixed. There are not too many
positive results though. Many of the clinical experts share
the opinion that these treatments could be used along with
other clinical health treatments to increase cessation
success rates. Smoking is like a chronic disease that is
to be treated with serious care, according to medical

Most people try the hypnosis method in the first place as
they think it could be the easiest of all other approaches
to be followed. Thanks to its ability to change the
behavioral patterns of persons, the hypnosis treatment is
well known all over the world. Most of the smokers found
this technique to be their natural starting point towards
quitting. Basically, hypnosis allows you to relax your mind
sufficiently. While doing so, the hypnotherapist is able
to understand the unconscious triggers in you. It is nothing
but the alpha state of mind. It is just a state of mind that
is the same as the one when we are deeply asleep in the night.
We do not actually know what is happening around. The
therapist could go deep into the memory to help you.

Some of the hypnotherapists are quite prominent and
specialize in smoking cessation. The session will usually
start with the case history of the patient. In that way the
therapist understands the past experience of the individual
that is associated with smoking. A state of relaxation is
then induced in the client. There are more than a few
methods for achieving this state. Most often visualization
techniques as well as guided meditation techniques are
used. Various suggestions are presented to the patient to
see what would best motivate the individual to quit smoking
for good.

Some people associate heavy smoking with spending too much
time in front of the television. When the therapist finds
this out, they just disconnect the association and offer
the individual some other valuable healthy routine to
divert their attention. The effectiveness of this technique
is found to be sufficient to cause a complete smoking
cessation. Surveys and statistics reveal that hypnotherapy
is a better alternative when compared to the nicotine
replacement therapy, especially in the cases of patients
with cardiopulmonary disorder.

Traditional Chinese medicine has offered the entire world
a whole bunch of secret medicines that are of great value.
One of the important techniques that are used to treat
smoking addicts is acupuncture. In fact, acupuncture has
a broad range of applications. A specialist is capable of
curing a variety of ailments through this technique. It is
a vast subject. A detailed study is needed to master the
art of acupuncture thoroughly. As part of the treatment,
tiny needles are used to stimulate the essential points of
the body. In case of smokers, the objective is to reduce
their nicotine cravings. They would not desire to smoke any
more after the proper treatment.

The withdrawal symptoms in the body can be eased with the
help of this technique. Hence, one could quit smoking more
easily this way than by attempting cessation without any
assistance. The points where the needles are placed in the
individuals body will vary from one person to the other.
The common points generally selected for insertion of
needles are around the ears, on top of the head and sometimes
on the feet. The color of the tongue is noted down and the
weakness level of the individual is evaluated and the
appropriate area to insert the needles is determined

The results from acupuncture are quite mixed as well. It
is the most sought after method. The majority of the
individuals trying to quit smoking use it, according to
statistics. People believe it to be a great remedy. Studies
examining the actual results and effectiveness of the
treatment reveal that significant reduction in smoking can
be attained when other treatments are used along with
acupuncture. You may want to try a medical approach such
as nicotine therapy together with the ancient Chinese

#7. Top Reasons for Quitting Smoking

Before learning how to quit smoking, you have to be
absolutely sure that you want to do this. You need to be
motivated in order to increase your chances of success.
Experts recommend that you write down all of your reasons
for quitting on a piece of paper and put it in places where
you can normally find your cigarettes. That way, you will
have an additional stimulus to quit even when it is
extremely hard to keep away from tobacco.

Better health is perhaps the main reason why people want
quit smoking. You will notice an instant improvement in your
breathing, energy levels, skin, teeth and breath. You will
be able to feel the benefits of quitting just days after
withdrawing from cigarettes completely. The long-term
benefits of complete withdrawal from tobacco and nicotine
include lower risk of heart disease, cancer, eye disease
and premature aging. These are as important as the immediate
health improvements that you will enjoy.

Protecting the people you love from second-hand smoke is
the other major reason for quitting smoking. It has been
found that individuals who reside or work with smokers have
a 24 per cent higher risk of developing lung cancer. This
should be frightening enough for all smokers out there. You
have to realize that the smoke from your cigarettes can hurt
your partner, children, parents, friends and coworkers.
This should give you sufficient motivation to quit.

Getting rid of an addiction is another major reason for
quitting smoking. You are physically addicted to nicotine.
You are psychologically addicted to the habit of smoking.
Because of these factors, you are constantly looking for
a cigarette. You cannot wait to get your next dose. When
this is not possible, you become angry and frustrated.
Imagine a life without all of these stress factors. It is
true that the nicotine withdrawal symptoms are severe at
first, but you will feel better every day and eventually
you will be free from your addiction.

Saving money is a major reason for quitting smoking and
should not be underestimated. Cigarettes are becoming more
expensive by the day because governments in virtually all
countries are trying to reduce the number of smokers. The
reality is that even if you have a sufficiently high income,
you are still spending a lot on tobacco products. Imagine
what it will be like to see this money going for your own
good or for another person's good. Just try to use the money
you spend on cigarettes daily to make a present to a loved
one or donate it to a charity and you will automatically
feel better.

#8. Tips to Make Quitting Easier

Smoking cigarettes is a bad habit that affects the smoker
on various fronts. First of all, the health of the smoker
is badly affected due to substances like tar, nicotine and
many others present in tobacco. Smoking increases the risk
of cardiovascular and lung diseases such as lung and throat
cancer. Secondly, its not only the health of the smoker
that is at risk of the above mentioned and many other
ailments. Passive smokers who live around the smoker also
face serious health hazards. Finally, the loss of a lot of
hard earned money is devastating. Big sums have to be spent
on smoking and by quitting this filthy habit one can save
many dollars each month that can be spent on healthy
activities or go to a savings account instead. The
alternatives are surely better than literally burning the
money into ashes.

It is good to quit smoking. Quit it for good to save money
and to stay healthy. The problematic thing is to accomplish
the task of quitting. This is so because of nicotine
addiction. As a result, smoking is certainly a hard habit
to break. There is no single solution or method that can
be proclaimed to make the mission quit smoking a success.
Every person has a different method working for him or her,
but there are few successful strategies that many people
have used to quit smoking effectively.

It is all a mind game when it comes to getting rid of the
smoking habit. So, instead of attempting to quit because
someone like spouse, kid, friend, colleague, and sibling,
etc said so is not very likely to work. The smoker has to
be convinced from inside and should set the focus on
themself. Insistence of the loved ones can be taken as a
motivating factor but if that is the sole factor then the
chances of success are very slim.

Once the person has decided to quit then there are two
possible ways to do it. One is to stop smoking immediately
just like that and the other way is to quit gradually by
reducing the daily intake of tobacco so that eventually you
do not smoke any cigarettes. Both methods have their
drawbacks and advantages, success stories and failure
incidents. For instance, quitting suddenly may force the
person to go back to smoking at the next available

On the other hand, people with stronger willpower never go
back to smoking after they quit altogether. Similarly, many
people try to reduce intake gradually but never manage to
do it properly and their consumption increases sooner or
later. Other people use the same method of gradually
decreasing the nicotine intake till they manage to quit
smoking altogether. People know themselves better than
anyone, so the appropriate strategy should be adopted
considering the personal attributes and personality traits
to achieve the target of quitting smoking effectively.

In personal financial management courses the trainers often
emphasize that making access to money difficult for
yourself encourages saving. Meaning, if the money can be
easily withdrawn then it is more likely to be spent rather
than saved. The same analogy can be applied to smoking. By
making the access to cigarettes difficult, one can find
quitting a bit easier. If the gradual decrease method is
adopted then not buying a pack but a couple of cigarettes
at a time is more appropriate. Throwing away accessories
like lighters, matches and ash trays also helps.

Many people recommend chewing a gum to keep the mouth busy
and send the right signals to brain. Nicotine based chewing
gums are also available in the market and can be used for
even better results.

The most difficult but very important tip is to stay away
from the smoke gatherings, at least at the beginning.
Actually, if you seek the company of smokers soon after
quitting the chance that you will start smoking again is
very high. So, initially it is necessary to stay away even
from participating in the short smoke breaks.

People also recommend activities like starting a workout
plan or starting a new hobby to quit successfully.
Basically, the idea is to get you involved in other
activities so that you stop thinking about smoking. The web
is always there to help you out - it can be used to see how
people around the globe have managed to get rid of the
unwanted habit of smoking.

#9. Tips to Help a Friend Quit Smoking

Smoking is widely known to be bad for the health but there
are still a lot of people who take nicotine in various forms
and shapes. Have you ever asked yourself why this is so?
Why do some people commit suicide after fully realizing the
negative effects of the habit on their health? An
understandable justification might be that they do not try
to give up the habit even if they know how to do it. However,
there might be some smokers who cannot find the right
direction to proceed in while quitting smoking. This is very
common these days.

Due to the lack of guidance and support, people end up
disappointed and in depression and they seek help from drugs
and cigarettes again. If you have any such friends around,
it is time for you to be their guide for the moment. You
may help your friend live a healthy life full of zeal and
confidence. You just need to be there for them when they
get rid of the bad habit of smoking. So what are you waiting
for? Just suggest your friend the following tips and you
will have a healthy friend forever.

1. Turn to the natural solutions rather than the complex
chemical remedies which might be having some side or after
effects on your general health. One of the best natural
solutions is to eat more fruits and vegetables. Try to
include the maximum possible amount of fruits in your daily
diet. The vitamins and anti oxidants present in the fruits
and vegetables not only control your weight but also satisfy
the nutritional requirements of the body. In addition, the
fiber will make it easy for you to cope with the changed
routine. Since the fruits and vegetable are natural, they
are 100 percent safe for the human health without any
potential harmful effects.

2. Try to make salads and juices an important part of your
diet. This will add color and taste to your meals and your
life at the end of the day. The more junk food you eat, the
more your internal body system will weaken and you will need
aid in the form of drugs and cigarettes. Therefore, give
up the excessive eating of fat-rich foods. This will make
your system used to the natural salads and juices for good.

3. One of the solutions for all those out there who are
trying hard to quit smoking is to take up Ginseng. This is
a harmless stimulant made from natural ingredients. It
helps suppress depression and anxiety during the process.
It does not have any side effects. It has been tested around
the globe and has been proven to work. This is one of the
most effective methods to quit smoking.

4. If you are fond of having tea this does not mean that
you will have to quit tea as well in addition to smoking.
Rather it may be helpful to you if you use it as one of the
ways to achieve your target. The various types of herbal
teas which are widely available on the market may help you.
The formulas of these teas are specially designed so as to
reduce tension and cravings for cigarettes. You may try any
of your favorite flavors.

5. In addition, you must try Lobelia which is natural
tobacco. This type of tobacco does not contain nicotine as
does the ordinary tobacco. This will help you give up
smoking. You may get yourself a psychological satisfaction
by smoking a cigarette of Lobelia but will remain safe from
the harmful effects of the nicotine of the ordinary

6. In order to relieve your depression and anxiety, it is
recommended to go for aroma-therapy and oil massages. This
will help you cope with the cessation of smoking. Your
muscles will be relaxed and you will be able to enjoy your
sleeping hours. Insomnia is also another problem which most
of the quitters suffer from.

By using the above mentioned tips, you may help your friend
get rid of smoking and enjoy their life the way they deserve.
It is equally important to be understanding and supportive.
This will be the greatest gift from you to your friend for
his lifetime.

#10. The Use of Relaxation Techniques to Quit Smoking

It is normal to ask how relaxation techniques will help you
quit smoking. Stress, anxiety, low mood and depression are
among the major factors that urge you to smoke. The intake
of a dose of nicotine makes you feel relaxed and happy. Thus,
if you want to break your addiction to nicotine, you need
to use methods with which you can relax and overcome these
negative factors effectively.

There are many and different relaxation techniques that can
help you quit smoking for good. Some are designed to keep
you relaxed throughout the day while others can be used to
overcome stress, anxiety, low mood and the resulting urge
to smoke on the spot. Even though not all techniques work
for everyone, it is recommended for you to try as many as
possible and to use them in combination so that you can enjoy
the best results.

Acupuncture is not just a technique for relaxation. It is
used for the treatment of a wide range of conditions which
have pain as one of their main symptoms. It is recommended
as one of the main alternative health therapies for quitting
smoking. In general, you are bound to feel more relaxed and
happier with acupuncture so you can expect to be less likely
to reach for a cigarette during the day.

Meditation and yoga have been traditionally used for
relaxation in South East Asia. They are effective and the
main evidence for this is their immense popularity around
the globe at present. You lose nothing if you try one or
both of these techniques. You can only get calmer, more
focused and less responsible to stress triggers.

Massage and spa treatments are known to be highly effective
for stress relief so they help you quit smoking as well.
When you have a massage or a spa treatment, your muscles
relax and so does the rest of your body. This relaxation
will inevitably affect your mind. You will feel more relaxed
and more energetic at the same time.

Deep breathing, visualization and progressive muscle
relaxation are all techniques that are used for getting rid
of stress, anxiety and low mood instantly. You can readily
use them whenever you have such problems and whenever you
feel like smoking. It is important to learn all the steps
of the technique that you need to perform in advance so that
you get the best results.

You can also try to make improvements to your lifestyle so
that you are less stressed and less likely to smoke. More
effective time management and a new hobby usually work quite

#11. Techniques to Cope with Tobacco Cravings

There are two major problems to overcome when attempting
to quit smoking for good - nicotine withdrawal symptoms and
tobacco cravings. In this guide, you will find techniques
designed to help you cope with the latter issue. Tobacco
cravings can occur anytime anywhere so you have to be
prepared to fight them effectively.

Mind techniques must be used so that you are not thinking
about smoking. One of the effective methods is
procrastination. You just need to say to yourself that you
will have a cigarette in ten minutes and continue to do
whatever you are doing. The craving will have gone away when
the time elapses. At least, it will be significantly reduced
and you will be able to overcome it more easily.

Distraction is the other one of the mind techniques that
works like magic when you are trying to quit smoking. Keep
your mind busy with something whenever you feel like having
a cigarette. You can do a crossword, browse the web to find
the latest information about your favorite artist or sports
club or watch a funny show.

Visualization is a technique which you can use when you have
a tobacco craving due to stress or anxiety. Use your
imagination to see yourself in a place where you are happy
and relaxed. This will help you calm down and reduce your
need to smoke.

Using an oral substitute for cigarettes is one of the
techniques that will allow you to overcome cravings both
physically and mentally. Chewing a gum, hard candy,
sunflower seeds, carrot or celery stick is known to work
for many people. In general, any food that is crunchy and
delicious will do the trick.

Keeping your hands busy is another one of the techniques
to avoid tobacco cravings that have a strong psychological
effect. When you are using your hands, you will not think
about holding a cigarette. You can try different methods
when it comes to keeping your hands busy.

Many people find that squeezing a ball works. You can also
try playing with a pen. Writing down or making small
pictures is also known to help. If you experience anxiety
or stress and the need to smoke grows considerably, you may
want to use Chinese relaxation balls or you could take
up knitting or crochet.

Having a glass of water, relaxing herbal tea or fruit juice
is a great way for overcoming tobacco cravings. It will help
you quit smoking more easily both physically and
psychologically. Toxins will be flushed out of your body
and your cravings will be reduced considerably.

#12. Rewards for Motivation to Quit Smoking

You need to have an effective strategy in place in order
to quit smoking successfully. Doctors recommend that this
strategy involves nicotine replacement therapy, support
from family and friends and removal of all smoking triggers.
The rewards should be an equally important part of the
program that you have adopted.

How can reward motivate you to quit smoking? The idea is
to treat yourself for the progress that you have
accomplished. Basically, you need to get a reward only after
you have made a serious effort to quit. That way, you will
feel double satisfaction. You will be proud of the fact that
you have managed not to smoke a cigarette. In addition, you
will enjoy your treat to the fullest.

It is best to devise a reward system to use during the
cessation process. As a start, you should set intervals at
which you will get a treat for successful abstinence from
cigarettes. It is logical for these to be shorter in the
beginning and to get longer as you progress. For instance,
you can treat yourself after the first 48 hours without
cigarettes. Then you can get motivate yourself with
something pleasant after four more days pass and so on.

Choosing the right kinds of rewards is the key to success.
Many people who want to quit smoking choose set aside the
money they would normally spend on cigarettes. You can do
the same. Place a transparent jar in your kitchen or living
room and put as much money as you would spend on tobacco
products each day. When the time for a treat comes, take
the money out and buy something that you will enjoy.

It is recommended not to use food treats to motivate you
to quit smoking as you may fall into another addiction while
trying to get rid of the primary one. Just think of the many
other options that you have. You can buy flowers to put in
your home or office. You can go see a movie. You can get
new running shoes or a new outfit. It is fine to spend more
money on rewards, if you can afford this. The important
thing is not to go over the top.

You should certainly use the fact that you will get a reward
if you reach a target goal to stimulate you to stay away
from cigarettes during craving episodes. Whenever you feel
like lighting up, you need to remind yourself of the award
that awaits you if you manage to resist the temptation. This
will certainly help you quit smoking.

#13. Removing Smoking Triggers from Your Home and Office

It has been estimated that it takes around one year for
smoking to turn from something occasional into a habit. You
are psychologically addicted to lighting up and holding a
cigarette in your hand as well as addicted to the nicotine
it contains. In order to quit smoking effectively, you need
to remove the physical triggers that literally force you
to stick to your habit.

You will find that there are many more smoking triggers in
your home and office than you think. It is your job to get
rid of them as soon as you decide to quit for good. You must
throw away all ashtrays and lighters. It is not a good idea
to just place them in the closet or a place that is hard
to reach. They must be out of your life for good.

Consider your smoking habits in order to get rid of the other
physical triggers that may pose a risk to your endeavor to
quit. If you have a cigarette with your morning coffee, you
may want to replace your favorite cup with another one. The
idea behind this is not to associate the drinking of coffee
with lighting up.

You should clean your house thoroughly right after you have
your last cigarette. The cigarette smoke gets into
literally every object with absorbent properties around
you. The list includes carpets, curtains and upholstered
furniture. It is a good idea to clean all such items with
a steam-producing vacuum cleaner so that you do not feel
the smell of tobacco anymore. Take any clothes that are not
cleaned frequently such as coats to the drycleaner's so that
the smell is removed from them as well.

It is natural for the rooms which you have smoked in to smell
like smoke. You will sense this smell more strongly when
you experience nicotine cravings. That is why doctors
recommend using an air freshener to get rid of the scent.
You may want to use a system for automatic dispersing of
the fresh pleasant scent so that things are easier for you
during the hard times of quitting smoking. Choose an air
freshener with a scent that is relaxing and soothing.
Lavender is one of the best options.

The first few weeks of quitting smoking are generally very
stressful. That is why you may want to replace the old
objects that trigger your habit with new ones that make you
feel happy. In the place of each ashtray, you can put a vase
with flowers or a picture of your family.

#14. Medication Therapy to Quit Smoking

It is not easy to quit smoking. That is why smokers rely
on all kinds of aids to get rid of their bad habit, which
poses a risk on their life and health. Some even resort to
taking medications. It should be pointed out that
medication therapy is not the same as nicotine replacement
therapy as it does not involve products containing the
substance naturally present in tobacco. Should you use this
kind of treatment? Learn all about it so that you can make
a well informed decision.

There are two types of medications normally prescribed to
patients who want to quit smoking. Bupropion is classified
as antidepressant, but it is approved for smoking cessation
as well. It works by stimulating the production of certain
brain chemicals. These chemicals are supposed to make you
feel relaxed and to improve your mood. As a result, you get
relief from the nicotine withdrawal symptoms and your
cravings to smoke are reduced.

Bupropion is a prescription medication so you cannot use
it without the approval of your doctor. You have to be
serious about quitting smoking if you decide to use this
drug because you need to start taking it at least a week
before cessation in order for it to work. Clinical trials
of the drug have shown that it 19 per cent of people who
have used it have managed to quit successfully. The
percentage for nicotine replacement therapy is 17.

The main drawback of using Bupropion for quitting smoking
is that it has serious side effects. Some of the main ones
include headaches, insomnia, dry mouth and irritability.
In the US, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued
the strongest possible safety warning for this product.
This is because it may increase the risk of depression,
aggression and suicidal thoughts and behavior.

Varenicline is the other non-nicotine medical which has
been approved for smoking cessation. It helps you control
your cravings and get relief from the nicotine withdrawal
symptoms. It works by blocking the nicotine receptors in
the brain. That way, you will not experience pleasure from
smoking so quitting will be made much easier.

This medication has similar effectiveness to Bupropion. It
generally works well to help you quit smoking. Varenicline
has serious side effects just like its counterpart. The main
ones include nausea, fainting, skin problems, vision
problems, strange dreams and impaired ability to work with
machines. The FDA has issued the highest safety warning for
this drug as well since it may increase the risk of
depression, hostile behavior and suicidal thoughts and

#15. Making a Plan to Quit Smoking

It is always best to have a plan when you want to quit
smoking. Things are not going to be easy for you, at least
during the first couple of weeks. You will have severe
cravings and experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms. You
have to be prepared to respond to these challenges in the
best possible way. Having planned what to do in different
situations will help you immensely.

Set a start date and make your intention to quit smoking
known to your family, friends and co-workers. It is best
for the date to be as soon as possible so that you do not
distract your attention from your goal. Making your plan
to quit publicly known will get you the encouragement and
support that you need.

Define the things that motivate you to quit smoking. Make
a list of all reasons for quitting. The more personal these
reasons are the better. For instance, instead of writing
down "I want to quit because I want my children to be
healthy", you can write something like, "I want to quit
because I love Annie and John and I want them to be happy
and healthy". Keep copies of the list with the reasons for
quitting in places where you usually keep your cigarettes.

Remove all smoking triggers from your environment. These
include cigarettes, lighters, light matches and ashtrays.
Just place them all in a plastic bag and throw them away.
Remember to remove such triggers from your car and from your
office as well as from your home.

Make modifications to your daily routine so that you replace
habits that trigger smoking with healthy ones. You normally
use the coffee breaks to have a smoke. Instead of going to
the smoking area plan to go for a short walk around the
block. If you usually have a cigarette after a meal, try
to go to a non-smoking restaurant for lunch. In general,
doctors recommend getting involved in a physical activity
on a daily basis so that you can overcome the physical and
psychological symptoms of withdrawal in a more effective

Learn a set of techniques to apply when you have cravings
to smoke. What you have to do is to distract your mind and
to give your body something that will replace the natural
need for nicotine. The different people find different
methods that work for them. You can try taking a walk,
listening to music, getting a healthy snack, deep breathing
and drinking water. Combining two or more of these
techniques may produce even better results.

#16. Is Smoking Really Addictive?

Smokers always have a lot of issues to deal with. These could
range from psychological to physical ones. One of these
issues that have raged on over the years has to do with the
risk of smoking becoming addictive. One must have an idea
about the causes of the condition to be able to get a better
understanding of it. Some people are able to quit smoking
whenever they want to. On the other hand, there are many
people out there who are just unable to stay away from
smoking for a single day. It is a fact that the nicotine
contained in tobacco products, including cigars and
cigarettes, is responsible for the addiction to smoking.

Taken in its raw state, it could be extremely dangerous to
the point of death. That is why it is taken in various
processed forms so that it does not cause as much harm while
working its effect on the brain. When the chemical compounds
present in the substance go in there, theres some amount
of tolerance thats been developed for the nicotine as the
brain adapts to it. What happens then is that two substances
in the brain, the dopamine and the norepinephrine are
triggered. These substances are checked by the brain to
make sure the right adjustments are made for the purposes
of managing their levels. In the event of any excessive
release of these chemicals, the brain with its
anti-nicotine ability makes you feel depressed and
sometimes tired. The resulting feeling is going to compel
you to take more of the substance and this eventually
becomes a habit.

The feelings that are typical for depression and the like
are the factors referred to as triggers. It would be
equally vital to add that many people do experience various
forms of these triggers. For instance, while the mere sight
of a cigarette pack could trigger the feeling in some
people, there are many others who are moved by the scent
as well as the sight of the lighter or the ashtray, among
others. Before you realize what is going on, it has become
very difficult to live without nicotine. This is when the
addiction is said to take a toll on you. It is interesting
how some people misconstrue addiction. Indeed, they confuse
the word with something else. For instance, there are
various things including food, games and others that are
usually mistakenly considered to be addictive for many
people. The fact really is that many such behaviors are mere
obsessions and not necessarily addictions.

What you must understand is that addiction is always viewed
in bad light. This is because the practices that would be
termed addiction are those that are frowned upon by society.
The striking description of an addiction has to do with the
fact that the behavior could be very destructive to ones
personal health, mental condition and social life. If you
are someone who would spend a good amount of time smoking
regardless of the risks the habit is posing on your health,
you have to think twice. One thing is that not only do such
people suffer the consequences that come with it but their
families also suffer.

Typically, the addicted smoker finds it difficult to be in
a relationship as life with them can sometimes be
unbearable. They can develop disorganized lifestyles which
obviously could mar their life with others. The other thing
worth mentioning is that you are more than likely to get
addicted as and when you engage in the practice of smoking
for a long period of time. The metabolism of every
individual is also likely to account for the cause of the
addition. This explains why some people are able to get out
of the condition while others suffer greatly to salvage
themselves. Some people are actually able to quit
permanently within few days after stopping smoking. Most
smokers, however, need to invest more time and effort in
quitting so that they can get rid of this addictive habit

It is important to consider the many risks associated with
becoming a victim of smoking. Remember that some of the
health conditions such as lung cancer - can be extremely
difficult to treat and even completely impossible to cure.
The amount of money that might be required to undertake such
treatments could also be very high. Be warned!

#17. Important Dos and Don'ts to Quit Smoking

The best way to quit smoking is to know what to do and what
not to do. When your determination to get rid of your bad
habit for good is combined with the right strategy, you are
bound to succeed. You will live a healthy and satisfactory
smoke-free life.

Do learn all about the dangers of smoking and the benefits
of quitting. Don't ignore your personal motives. The more
you know about the problem, the more determined you will
be to resolve it. Often the hardcore medical data is not
sufficient to help you resist nicotine cravings, however.
This is where your personal reasons come in. Think about
the people you love and how much they will benefit if you
do not smoke around them.

Do eliminate as many smoking triggers from your life as
possible. Don't keep habits associated with smoking. Just
think about the things that make you feel like lighting up
and remove them, avoid them or change them. Keep in mind
that the changes in your life will be for the better.

Do exercise and eat a balanced diet. Don't engage in a
sedentary lifestyle and binging. Being physically active
will help you resist tobacco cravings and quit smoking for
good. Eat more fruits and vegetables and avoid overeating
to keep to your normal weight during the cessation process.

Do sip water from a straw frequently. Don't drink alcohol
and coffee. Water suppresses nicotine cravings and the
drinking from a straw has a positive psychological effect
on quitters. Liquor and caffeine have the opposite effect
so they should be avoided until the habit is eliminated for

Do engage in social activities. Don't hang out with smokers.
Being around friends and having fun will help you quit
smoking successfully as you will be more relaxed and
happier. At the same time, being around smokers can make
your tobacco cravings worse so you should avoid this until
you succeed quitting.

Do use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) if your doctor
confirms that it is safe for you. Don't take herbal and other
products that promise to help you quit smoking straight
away. NRT boosts your chances of success by two times so
you should use it to achieve your goal if you notice that
your willpower along is not sufficient. The therapy is
completely safe for healthy adults. You should stay away
from suspicious products that offer magical results.

Do try again if you fail to quit smoking. Don't despair.
Keep in mind that your chances of success increase by 20
per cent after each attempt.

#18. Realizing the Health Risks

There are different ways in which you can get motivation
to quit smoking. One of them is to learn about the serious
health risks that you are exposed to as a smoker. The more
information you have the more determined you will be to stay
smoke free for good.

Your risk of developing lung cancer is 24 per cent higher
than those of non-smokers. It has been found that in 85 per
cent of all lung cancer patients the disease has been caused
by cigarette smoking. You are exposed to a very high risk
of a medical condition that is extremely hard to treat and
has a very low survival rate. The five-year survival rate
of individuals diagnosed with lung cancer is 6 per cent.

Your risk of developing a heart disease is 2 to 4 times
higher compared to a non-smoker. Statistical data shows
that 20 per cent of deaths from heart disease are directly
linked to smoking. It is important to note that your habit
increases not only your risk of heart attack and stroke.
You are more likely to develop diabetes as well since
nicotine has been found to have an adverse effect on the
regulation of the blood sugar levels.

You are at greater risk of cataracts as a smoker. When you
have this condition, the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and
your vision is impaired. The only way in which this
condition can be treated effectively is surgery. You can
avoid this serious disease and the complex treatment just
by getting rid of your bad habit.

Smoking causes premature aging. Wrinkles appear on the
faces of smoker sooner than on the faces of non-smokers.
This is also applicable to aging spots and saggy skin.
Furthermore, the wrinkles are deeper and more evident.
Basically, you will look older than you are and this is
impossible to reverse in the long term unless you stop.

Smoking is a serious risk factor for impotence in men. It
has been found that the toxins present in tobacco can
prevent the dilation of the blood vessels which support
erection. It is true that the risk is not extremely high,
but combined with other factors smoking can lead to
permanent erectile dysfunction.

Now you are well aware of the health risks associated with
cigarettes. What should give you further motivation to quit
smoking is that after ten years of tobacco-free life all
of the extra risk associated with smoking will be down to
zero. This is certainly something worth fighting for.

#19. Original Methods that Are Known to Work

Sometimes the conventional methods for quitting smoking
simply do not work. This should not disappoint you. Quite
the opposite, it is a good idea to get creative and to come
up with original ways that can turn out to be effective
enough to help you get rid of the bad habit for good. Here
are some great unconventional methods that smokers have
used successfully for achieving their ultimate goal.

Quit smoking with a buddy. This method has some obvious
benefits. You will get understanding, support and
encouragement from someone who goes through the same thing.
You will be motivated to stay on track when you see the other
person succeeding. Your buddy will be there for you if you
feel that you are slipping.

This method works best if you live together with the other
smoker who is trying to quit, but this does not mean that
you cannot try it with a good friend. The closer your
relationship to this person is the better. It is also a good
idea for both of you to be equally determined and motivated.
If the other person is hesitant or admits that they are not
ready, you may want to look for another buddy. After all,
you would not want the other person to pull you down.

Get a new hobby to quit smoking successfully. This may sound
a bit strange, but the idea behind it is very simple and
effective. What you are doing in reality is to replace one
addiction with another. Of course, the new "addiction" has
to be healthy and beneficial for your physical and
psychological wellbeing.

A lot of people find that engaging more seriously in a sport
when trying to quit smoking helps them immensely. Besides,
being physically active works to aid you in overcoming
nicotine cravings. Pick a sport that you like and start
playing as frequently as possible. In general, any kind of
physical activity will do. You may try gardening, yoga or
dancing. You should not ignore other great hobbies either.
You can go for art, pottery, music, cooking and even

Find a challenge to quit smoking. When you are focused on
achieving something other than quitting, you will find the
difficulties associated with this process as secondary
problems. It is best for this challenge to be related to
quitting, however, as something else may pose too much
stress on you. For instance, you may challenge yourself to
save enough money from cigarettes to go on an exotic

#20. How to Quit Smoking - Major Mistakes to Avoid

You have decided that you want to quit smoking and this is
a good start. You should definitely get as much guidance
and advice as necessary to get started and keep going.
Usually, it is hard for people trying to quit to avoid making
mistakes given all the emotional and physical stress that
they are undergoing. That is why it helps immensely to know
what the most commonly made mistakes are and how to avoid
them easily, quickly and effectively.

Procrastination is a huge mistake to avoid when you want
to quit smoking. You probably know at least one person who
always says that they will quit tomorrow. As you have
noticed, this never works. It is important to get
motivation, to set a date and to get prepared. Having
determination and a plan is what will keep you going.

Worrying about failure is not a good thing when you want
to quit smoking. It is common for smokers to believe that
their addiction has made them weaker. The fairly low success
rates of quitters are not particularly encouraging either.
However, it is best not to pay attention to the risks and
negative sides, but to focus your attention on your goal
and to stay positive. There is nothing to worry about when
you have an effective plan put into action. Even if you fail
the first time, you can always try again. The important
thing is to achieve success eventually.

Having a single cigarette to satisfy your craving for
tobacco is perhaps the worst of all mistakes that you can
make. It is logical to think that you can have just a single
cigarette and then keep on going without tobacco for days.
Regrettably, it does not work that way. The more nicotine
you have the more you will crave for it when its levels in
your body fall. The good news is that there are plenty of
techniques for overcoming cravings. These include mind,
mouth and hands distraction and generally work very well.

Not seeking help and support may be detrimental to your
efforts for quitting smoking. Tell everyone around you that
you are trying to quit. Your family, friends and coworkers
will be more than willing to aid you as best as they can.
You can readily find traditional and online support groups,
blogs and social network groups where you can get
understanding, ask questions and get advice. There are
plenty of books, guides and programs for self-help. It is
recommended that you talk to your doctor when preparing your
plan to quit smoking so that you can receive professional
guidance and advice.

#21. Getting the Support You Need

It is wrong to think that it is a sign of weakness to get
help and support when you attempt to quit smoking. Nicotine
is addictive so your will alone may not be sufficient to
cope with cravings. The more support you get the more likely
you are to succeed. It will give you the motivation boost
that you need the most when you have to cope with cravings.
It will help you stay on track even if you are under a lot
of stress and need to get relief by smoking a cigarette.

Getting support from family and friends is crucial when you
attempt to quit smoking. Tell them that you are serious
about quitting in advance of your set date for starting the
process. Explain to them that the addiction is difficult
to overcome and that you may be jittery, irritable and in
bad mood for a couple of days or weeks and that this is
something normal. Admit that you will need their
encouragement. You will see that they will be extremely
helpful and supportive.

Tell your coworkers that you plan to quit smoking for good.
They will certainly be more than willing to help you achieve
your goal. It is nice to have someone to talk to when you
are under pressure and feel like lighting up a cigarette.
You can readily join a group of non-smokers at the office
and hang out with them during the coffee breaks instead of
going to the smoking area.

Get support from someone close who has gone through the
process of quitting successfully. Doctors say that this is
one of the best strategies a quitter can adopt. Find a friend
that knows what you are going through so that you can get
the understanding and advice which you need. Besides, you
will have a role model and this will make you even more
determined to succeed.

Join a group of people that are trying to quit smoking just
like you. You can readily find an online community or a
support group in your area. You may even want to organize
a group by yourself. Being part of a group of quitters will
bring you a number of benefits. You will feel that you are
not alone. You will get help from a bunch of people whenever
you have a hard time. You will get motivated to progress
as you read about other people's success. The important
thing is to be an active member of the group and to share
your emotions and experiences.

#22. Cold Turkey or Progressive Quitting

There are different ways in which you can quit smoking. It
is important to take a look at the two main methods, cold
turkey and progressive quitting, and to compare their pros
and cons. This will allow you to pick the one which is likely
to work best for you.

When you choose to quit smoking using the cold turkey
method, you have to stop using any tobacco products
instantly. You must not smoke even a single cigarette per
day. The major advantage of this method is that you
eliminate everything that has to do with smoking from your
life. You get rid of the cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters.
This will help you get used to life without tobacco and
without nicotine in particular.

The main drawback of the cold turkey method for quitting
smoking is that the withdrawal symptoms are usually quite
severe. You will experience nicotine cravings as you are
physically addicted to this substance. Due to the lack of
additional amounts of nicotine in your body, you may
experience stress, anxiety, depression, restlessness,
insomnia and even aggression. Increased heart rate,
sweating, dizziness and headaches are among the most common
physical symptoms that you will have to go through. The good
news is that you can use nicotine replacement therapy to
help you overcome these side effects.

Progressive quitting is all about reducing the number of
cigarettes that you smoke per day until the number reaches
zero. This method is more relaxed and those who use it
experience fewer and less severe nicotine withdrawal
symptoms. It will be easier for you to control yourself as
you know that you are allowed a number of cigarettes per
day. In general, this is the easier of the two methods.

The problem with quitting progressively is that it is not
as effective as cold turkey. At least, this is what doctors
conclude based on statistical data. It is very hard,
especially for heavy smokers, to reduce the number of
cigarettes they smoke gradually. Even though the physical
addiction to nicotine may be reduced a bit, the habit of
smoking remains and this is what dooms the method to
failure, according to most experts.

Overall, it is up to you to decide how to quit smoking. It
has been found that the cold turkey method helps smokers
with different levels of addiction. Progressive quitting,
on the other hand, is most likely to work for those who smoke
a fairly small number of cigarettes per day.

#23. Prevent Weight Gain when You Quit Smoking

Perhaps very few people admit this but many individuals
start smoking in order to lose weight and fear they will
gain weight if they attempt to quit. It is normal to gain
a pound or two of weight after you quit smoking especially
if the techniques adopted involve eating or chewing
something. You have to know that by adopting the proper
strategies, the weight gain during the time of quitting can
be kept under control. Keep in mind that putting on a pound
or two of weight is way better than inviting lungs and heart
diseases and different type of cancers.

The most trivial question one may ask is why people tend
to gain weight while they are making efforts to cut down
on the cigarettes they are smoking. Nicotine is inarguably
the most active substance in a cigarette. Incidentally,
nicotine is an appetite suppressant in its nature, meaning
it decreases the urge to eat and generally results in person
eating smaller amounts of food. If the person quits smoking
their urge to eat will increases and this will result in
additional weight gain in different body areas, especially
the stomach and the thighs.

Other than that, normal tobacco intake burns about a couple
of hundred calories each day. So, it is natural to put on
additional weight during the period of quitting. Although
the exact amount of added weight varies from person to
person, people generally put on anything from 1 to 10
pounds. Still, most often 5 to 10 pounds are added to the
weight of the person if they successfully quit smoking. This
added weight is not too much and by getting involved in a
little physical activity the weight can be brought back to
normal levels.

It is advised by many successful quitters that keeping
oneself busy with some activity is a very beneficial thing.
It helps to distract you from thoughts of having a smoke.
This strategy works for many people. In fact, it is often
said to be effective for all. However, there is a drawback
here as well - people start over-eating and enjoy junk food
to keep their mouth busy. Even in between meals people have
something in their mouth and keep on munching on it. This
results in added calories into the system and in extra

A common mistake committed by people attempting to quit is
to go back to their smoking days after getting scared by
the added weight. This must be avoided. The person should
stick to the mission for getting rid of their unhealthy
smoking habit, rather than start smoking again which will
lead to damaging the body and increasing the risk of many
medical conditions further.

There are various activities one can do to enhance your
efforts to quit cigarettes. Most people suggest adopting
a workout routine. Working out is a healthy activity even
when one is not trying to quit smoking. Working out on daily
basis is highly advisable to avoid many unwanted medical
conditions. It is not necessary to spend hours in the gym
and shed sweat to keep the body in good shape. Filling half
an hour or so with light exercises and jogging, brisk
walking or light walking (or whatever the health permits
and the medical practitioners approves) is enough.
Persistence is a key here, so working out lightly but
regularly on daily basis is a sure success path. There is
no need to tell you that even when the person feels that
he or she has got rid of their smoking habit completely,
continuing with the work out plan is more than recommended.
In fact it is mandatory.

Instead of depriving the body of food it makes more sense
to respect the body's new demand of more food. The reason
for doing so is very simple - depriving the body of food
results in irritation and makes the process of quitting
smoking even more difficult than it needs to be.

However, the thing that can be controlled here is the amount
of calories taken. So, instead of taking high-calorie
foods, healthy light snacks can be included in the daily
diet, especially in between meals. Other than that,
avoiding soft drinks and reducing or completely avoiding
alcohol is a good way to shed away those extra pounds.

#24. Deal with Social Smoking Triggers

There are a lot of traps for those who want to quit smoking.
One of the major ones is social smoking. It is not just about
being in a group of people that are using tobacco products.
There are different psychological sides to it. You are part
of a community so you feel stronger and accepted. This gives
you confidence. Besides, it is much better to hold a
cigarette and smoke at a social gathering compared to just
standing there and getting more and more nervous.

All of these factors make it difficult to quit smoking. Your
task is to try to eliminate the need for social smoking.
This does not mean that you should stop seeing your friends
who have this habit for good. You just need to make some
modifications to your lifestyle for the time being.

Tell your friends who smoke that you plan to quit and ask
them to respect this decision of yours. The reality is that
smokers want to quit, but find it difficult to try so you
should expect understanding, support and encouragement
rather than withdrawal. You should explain to your friends
delicately that you may not be part of the group for a few
weeks until you overcome the cravings and the symptoms of
withdrawal. It is a good idea to ask them to quit together
with you. However, you should not demand that they stop
smoking in your presence as this may lead to conflict and
hamper your efforts.

Replace smoking during the coffee and lunch breaks at work
with a healthy activity. It is important not to join the
smokers' group. You can readily go for a walk after having
a lunch at a non-smoking restaurant. If you think that you
need to be in the company of people, you can join a group
of co-workers who do not smoke during the breaks.

Avoid restaurants and bars where you can smoke. Try not to
go to parties where a lot of people will be smoking. This
is not easy especially if you are a very social and active
person. However, you do not have to make it more difficult
than it actually is.

Instead of going to a bar, you should enjoy a sports activity
with a group of friends. You can play basketball or
football. If you think that you will be tempted to smoke
at a party, organize another event for you and your loved
one or a bunch of friends. You can go see a show or have
a pleasant dinner at a fine restaurant.

#25. How a Healthy Lifestyle will Help You to Quit Smoking

Most people who want to quit smoking fail to realize how
beneficial a healthy lifestyle can be for their endeavor.
The reality is that making some small improvements to your
eating and exercise habits will allow you to get rid of your
physical and psychological addiction more easily and
quickly. In general, you should not miss exploiting
anything that can help you to the fullest.

A healthy diet will help you cope more effectively with the
nicotine withdrawal symptoms. At the same time, you will
be less likely to experience anxiety and low moods which
are known to trigger the urge to smoke.

Foods such as whole grains and brown rice which are rich
in healthy complex carbohydrates will give you energy and
help keep your spirits high. The omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids
found in fatty fish, nuts and seeds are known to improve
brain health and to help you fight the symptoms of
depression. Healthy protein-rich foods will help you stay
healthy and focused. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
They are the main sources of vitamins and minerals that
improve your physical and psychological wellbeing.

Drink plenty of water. This will help you flush all the
toxins from tobacco including nicotine out of your body.
This will not only help you gain more energy and feel better
physically. It will also reduce the strength of your smoking
cravings and make them less frequent. Doctors recommend
having a glass of fresh water every time you feel like
lighting up a cigarette.

Physical activity is equally important to quit smoking
effectively. It is also useful for flushing the toxins out
of your body through sweat and for dealing with cravings.
Besides, when you are physically active, your mind will not
be focused on getting a cigarette. It is essential to engage
in a physical activity that you like and that you get
pleasure from. It is equally important to be active for at
least half an hour every day. If you cannot go to yoga
classes every day, for instance, you can take short walks,
do some exercises in the office and make it a point to climb
the stairs on a daily basis.

Find and use methods for getting rid of stress that work
effectively for you. Stress is among the major smoking
triggers. When you have a cigarette, you feel more relaxed
and more confident. You cannot do this anymore so you have
to use alternative methods. There are plenty of options to
pick from.

#26. Helping Your Child to Quit Smoking

The number of children who smoke grows every year and the
age at which they start is lower. It has been found that
one in seven children under the age of 15 is a smoker. It
is your duty as a parent to help your child quit smoking
in order to protect them from disease, premature aging and
the increasing social marginalization of smokers.

It is worth looking at the things that will not help your
child quit smoking first. Regrettably, many parents react
emotionally to the problem and choose the seemingly easier
path for aiding their children which involves prohibitions,
restrictions and sometimes even emotional and physical
abuse. It is natural to be frustrated and upset when you
find out that your child is a smoker. However, you should
not act based on emotions. You need a plan based on rational
ideas. You need to be delicate, patient, understanding and

Engage your child in a friendly conversation and ask why
they have started smoking. Find out more about their smoking
habits. Try to make your youngster comfortable about
sharing. Do not make the conversation appear as
interrogation. Ask questions that will help you figure out
why your kid has started lighting up. It may be because of
peer pressure and because they want to be part of a social
group. It may be due to problems at school or even due to
problems at home.

Discuss the dangers of smoking with your child. It is
important to pinpoint the serious health risks, but since
young people believe that only old people get ill, you may
want to focus on the immediate effects of tobacco use such
as skin problems, bad breath and discolored nails. Try to
explain to your child that this habit is generally not well
accepted in social circles, even though it may be popular
with their friends.

Present to your child some alternatives to smoking. There
are plenty of other cool activities that they can enjoy
apart from smoking in the corner of the school yard with
a bunch of friends. You can encourage your child to
participate in a sport and to engage in a new hobby that
corresponds to their interests.

Give your total support to your child when they are trying
to quit smoking. You must not preach and act like a police
officer, but be there when you are needed and provide
motivation and advice. If you smoke, you must make an
attempt to quit together with your child.

#27. Getting the Right Mindset to Quit Smoking

Most people who want to quit smoking realize that they are
physically addicted to nicotine so they use various methods
to cope with the withdrawal symptoms and to resist cravings.
However, many ignore the fact that they are psychologically
addicted to the habit of smoking. As a result, they lose
the battle in their mind. Your mind is the strongest weapon
that you have on your side when trying to quit. Find out
how to make the most out of it.

Get personal inner motivation first. You have to know why
you want to quit smoking. This will make you determined and
give you inner strength to stop once and for all. It is a
good idea to write down all the reasons for quitting that
you have on a piece of paper. It is also recommended to
repeat these reasons to yourself when you have cravings.
For instance, telling yourself that you are doing this for
the wellbeing of your children is bound to give you the inner
strength you need to stay away from cigarettes.

Try to eliminate the fear of failure. It is natural to ask
yourself what will happen if you fail to quit smoking. You
read how hard it is. Your friends tell you this as well.
You check the statistics and you see that the odds are not
in your favor. In this situation, it is natural to be afraid.
The reality is that there is nothing worse than continuing
to smoke. You have to tell yourself that it is much better
to try and fail than to be in a situation in which you and
everyone around you suffer.

Repeat to yourself that you are much stronger than you
think. The reality is that most smokers trying to quit fail
not because they are weak in front of their habit, but
because they think they are weak. Try to focus your mind
on all the achievements that you have accomplished because
of your persistence and hard work. This will show you that
you are strong and capable of achieving literally anything.
Think of quitting as a goal and consider how happy and
satisfied you will be with your success in the end.

Imagine your life without smoking. Think of how much more
energy you will have. Imagine yourself with softer and
smoother skin and whiter teeth. Think of all the additional
benefits that these factors will bring to your life. You
will be able to spend more time doing fun things such as
playing football, hiking or dancing. You will be more
attractive and confident and this is bound to help you in
all spheres of life.

#28. Exercise to Successfully Quit Smoking

There are many aids that will help you quit smoking for good,
but many people tend to underestimate their importance and
so fail to achieve their goal. You should not make this
mistake if you want to be healthy and happy. One of the main
aids that you have on your side is exercise.

There are three major benefits which you will enjoy from
exercise and that will help you quit smoking effectively.
Firstly, when you work out, you sweat more. All toxins,
including nicotine, are more effectively flushed out of
your body. As a result, you will experience weaker and
shorter cravings. Exercise can take your mind off lighting
up a cigarette. This is especially applicable to activities
that you find interesting and fun. When you are physically
active, you burn calories. This counters the effect of the
slower metabolism and the increased appetite caused by the
cessation of smoking.

It is best to enjoy mild aerobic exercise for at least half
an hour every day if you want to quit smoking for good. You
can walk to and from the supermarket. You can jog in the
park. You can choose to climb the stairs. The crucial thing
is not to sit or lie down.

Engaging in a physical activity for one hour three times
a week is a must. It is important to choose something
enjoyable. Think of an activity that relaxes you and gives
you satisfaction. You can go for gardening, which is one
of the most relaxing hobbies recommended for stress relief.
Engage in one of the popular team sports if you like being
around people and working in a group. You can readily go
for one of the all time favorite activities such as cycling
and swimming. If you like music, you should consider dancing
and aerobics which will certainly help you quit smoking.

Not all people like muscle toning exercises, but they can
help you considerably. You can get a mat and perform them
at home once or twice a week. As your body gets leaner and
more toned, you will enjoy a boost in self confidence. This
psychological effect is extremely beneficial for quitting
smoking. One greatly relaxing and generally enjoyable
activity that offers muscle toning and stretching exercises
is yoga. Consider including it in your weekly routine.

Use exercise to overcome nicotine cravings. Go out for a
walk or engage in another physical activity such as cleaning
whenever you feel a need for a cigarette. This will
certainly help you quit smoking.

#29. Diseases Caused by Smoking

Like it or not, smoking has a number of serious consequences
despite the fact that people who smoke just dont seem to
worry about them. Perhaps those who engage in smoking may
have reasons for doing it. While some claim they get
pleasure from smoking there are others who do it to be
accepted by a certain group of people. The latter are
usually called social smokers. If you want to enjoy the
company of your friends, you are likely to smoke with them
if they do engage in such practices. Most people seem to
start smoking this way.

Peer pressure and many other reasons push young people to
start smoking. It usually begins as a casual activity but
can easily grow to become very addictive. If youve ever
wondered what kinds of diseases are caused by smoking, you
should feel encouraged to read to the last word.

One of the major causes of lung cancer is smoking. Period!
Im sure you are aware that the disease could be caused by
other means. Even though this remains the case to a large
extent, the fact still remains that a large number of
recorded lung cancer cases come as a result of smoking. For
instance, it is known that some 87% of the reported cases
in the United States are attributed to smoking. As you can
see, the risk can be extremely high amongst smokers. Apart
from this, any other person who inhales the smoke or in other
words, the secondhand smoker is also at risk of contracting
this kind of health problem.

In addition to this, you may want to know that heart diseases
can also be caused by smoking. This has become a major
problem for many smokers because a lot of complications
result from it. There are many who develop smokers cough.
If early treatment is not sought, the disease could be very
dangerous. Apart from these, there are several other health
problems associated with smoking. One of them is the
peripheral vascular disease. It must be stressed that those
who already have other health problems are going to have
their health condition worsened by smoking. In addition to
these, other diseases that could be caused by smoking
include emphysema as well as chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease; both can be fatal.

There are many people whose immune systems are weakened as
a result of continuous smoking. This can be very unhealthy
in the sense that common colds and respiratory infections
can then be the results of smoking. It must be pointed out
that the severity of the habit could be one of the factors
that account for the various diseases that result from
smoking. While some people have a couple of cigarettes once
in a while there are certain people who can smoke up to 20
cigarettes on daily basis. Obviously such people are most
likely going to be at risk. In fact, some people have
developed tuberculosis as a result of this habit.

Sometimes, the infections that are caused by smoking can
be difficult to identify without examination and testing
carried out by a specialist health provider. It is always
better to be cautious of the risks that come as a result
of smoking. Searching for information on this shouldnt be
difficult. You should consult relevant websites on the
World Wide Web.

Many have suffered because of smoking. Many continue to add
their names to the long list of sufferers every day. If you
go online today and do a quick search, you will be
overwhelmed by the amount of information available to you.
Those with little or no knowledge on the dangers of smoking
should be happy to gather enough information to base their
decisions on. Apart from that your health provider would
be able to help you find the right quitting method for you.
You will also get advice and support.

Another disease that can be caused by smoking is jaundice.
It may occur in a fetus that is exposed to smoking. Infants
born with low birth weight are at greater risk of health
problems. This low weight is sometimes due to the fact that
they were exposed to nicotine and other harmful chemical
compounds present in cigarettes while in the womb.

#30. Can Lung Cancer be cured?

The survival rate of the lung cancer patients is quite low.
Basically, the survival rate refers to the percentage of
those individuals that are diagnosed with a certain type
of lung cancer and survive the disease for a certain period
of time after the diagnosis. The statistical data goes to
show that the maximum life span after the detection of lung
cancer would be about five years at the most. Asbestos
exposure is considered to be one of the key causes of this
disease, apart from smoking.

Cure for lung cancer could be based on the following
essential aspects:

* The stage at which lung cancer is diagnosed by the
physician is of critical importance. There are plenty of
individuals that are not aware of the fact that they are
victims of the dreaded disease even after the disease starts
to erode the essential organs inside the body. Over a period
of time, the symptoms are overlooked by the individuals for
many reasons. It could be the nature of their work that takes
their attention away from their symptoms. At times, other
kinds of reasons might also be present. One fine morning
when it is noticed to be a serious problem and to cause hefty
suffocation in the tracheal tract or irritation from
within, then the sufferer has no other choice but to allot
time to visit a physician in the area. Again money is also
a constraint which makes the individual delay such visits
to the doctor for diagnosis. Finally, when the physician
examines the sufferer, it is already too late. Moreover,
the doctor has to take his time in rightly noting the
symptoms for the precise diagnosis of
lung cancer in the individual. During this time, the tumor
is eating away essential parts of the bodily organs. These
are the reasons for the low survival rates. A complete check
up of the body performed on a periodical basis is essential
for keeping ailments at bay. Prevention is always a better
option than trying to find a cure for the suffering later

* The type of lung cancer determines to a great extent
whether or not it can be cured. There are several varieties
of tumors basically. Some are quite lethal, while some of
them can be removed through modern techniques that are used
in the field of medicine. Oncology therapies and treatment
methods with the aid of sophisticated equipments are found
to have improved a lot in recent days. There are innovative
equipments that have been introduced to the health care
sector and that make use of radiation to destroy and prevent
the spreading of lung cancer as well as many other types
of tumor.

* As soon as you find problems in your normal way of
breathing and unusual coughing, you should approach your
physician immediately. They will check if you have any
additional symptoms of lung cancer. In this way, early
diagnosis could lead to better effects from treatment. Most
of us do not bother to do so. The asbestos content that
causes mesothelioma is not something that could get into
the lungs through smoking or other types of bad habits
alone. There are so many people that are teetotalers and
yet have acquired mesothelioma. The exposure to asbestos,
and more precisely the exposure to its fine micro particles
that are present in the atmospheric air that we breathe,
is a major cause to the ailment. Exposure to such an
environment could happen both in the industrial sector and
in the residential areas too.

* The general health of the individual, his habits and his
immune system would all determine the levels to which one
could effectively fight lung cancer. Strongly built
individuals that are not used to smoking or tobacco intake
can be cured to the best extent with the aid of the latest
advanced methodologies that have been introduced in the
health sector, provided that the condition has been
diagnosed in the early stages of development.

* Recurrence of cancer is something which can happen at
times due to improper following of the doctor's
instructions by the individual. Sometimes, it can happen
for other reasons too. In any case, the survival rate is
quite small. Hence, it is best to lower your risk of lung
cancer by quitting smoking.

#31. Are There any Benefits to Smoking?

Almost all of us are well aware of the fact that the habit
of smoking is not good for the health. Still, people do
smoke. Why do they do so if there is not anything at all
that they find beneficial in this activity? Could there
actually be benefits to the smoker? Are there many such
benefits that need consideration?

Scientists have revealed that the brain becomes more alert
as a result of smoking a cigarette. Smoking cigarettes can
suppress the appetite, so people who want to stay slim often
smoke to do so. Most smokers claim that they benefit from:

* More focus and concentration

* Improved memory and improved learning ability at times

* Improved alertness

* Lower stress levels - smoking alleviates the pressure

* Better relaxation - smoking allows the smoker to chill

* Improved metabolism - smoking raises the metabolic rate
and hence helps to maintain healthy weight

These are some of the major claims put forth by smokers
advocating their habitual addiction towards smoking
cigarettes. Constipation cannot be attributed towards the
benefits of smoking. It could be a symptom of nicotine
withdrawal. Some of the adolescents and even elderly
individuals are of the opinion that the components in the
cigarette smoke have a shielding effect and protect the
smoker from the development of acne.

Lower interest towards the intake of food could be an
advantage of smoking at times. Similarly, there is
statistical data that provides foolproof evidence that the
percentage of non-smoking individuals affected by
Parkinsons disease is higher. The figures denote that most
of the people with the disease are non smokers rather than
smokers. Similar correlations are drawn in the same
approach for variety of other ailments such as skin cancer
and so on. The statistics are presented as part of research
papers in the top most journals in the field of science and

One should understand the fact that these do not by any means
constitute foolproof absolute evidence which confirms that
smoking is a good habit and that it is part of a healthy
life style. The negligible or minor advantages that might
be there cannot be exaggerated to sideline the major
disadvantages of smoking. Even passive smoking is not
healthy at all. One should avoid gatherings attended by
large numbers of smokers. It could happen in the corporate
environment during breaks after sessions or presentations,
that a group of smokers tend to smoke in the presence of
one or two non-smokers that join the conversation as well.
It is not healthy to do so.

If you are smart enough you should pick up the essential
aspect that you are benefiting from when you are smoking.
Try to find the alternative means in which you could get
the same benefit, provided that it is not worse than the
habit of smoking. There are so many people that believe that
the digestion rates are better after smoking a cigarette.
Do not try chewing tobacco to replace the smoking of a
cigarette so that you can get the same effect. It is not
a better replacement at all. Drink a cup of hot tea just
after a good meal as this paves the way for effective
digestion. Cut down the soda that accompanies meals. This
enhances the digestion rate and ensures longevity as well.

The conclusion is simple. Yes, there are benefits that could
be associated with the habit of smoking. There are
statistics, reports and studies that reveal such facts and
validate them. Still, none of these benefits can be
significant when compared to the enormous number of
detrimental effects that smoking can cause an individual.
The probability of getting one or other type of cancer is
not something that should be ignored while advocating
smoking to have a few negligible benefits. It is crystal
clear that smoking is bad for the health. If you are not
a smoker and you wonder about these benefits, then there
is no necessity or urge to start to smoke as it will only
be detrimental to your health and nothing else.

#32. Alternative Therapies for Smoking Cessation

The fact that it is difficult to quit smoking should not
discourage you. Quite the opposite, you should try to find
aids that will help you overcome the difficulties and stay
on track. Most often, doctors recommend nicotine
replacement therapy. However, there are alternative
therapies that you should consider as well.

Before you consider each one of the available alternative
therapies for quitting smoking, it is worth defining what
these treatments are exactly. Basically, these are methods
which have been found to work in a large number of patients,
but have not been formally approved for smoking cessation
by the medical community. This does not mean that they are
unsafe or ineffective. Another important thing to note is
that they may be used to complement a medical treatment
involving the use of nicotine replacement products.

Hypnotherapy is one of the most widely used alternative
therapies for quitting smoking. The hypnotherapist takes
you into a relaxed state of mind. They open your
subconscious mind to suggestions. These are designed to
help strengthen your will and determination to quit and to
develop a negative attitude towards cigarettes and smoking.

Despite the common misconception, hypnotherapy is not
dangerous. The hypnotherapist cannot play with your mind
and make you do things that you do not want to do. In general,
you are totally aware of what is going on during the session
and you cannot be forced to do anything against your will.
More evidence is necessary to confirm the effectiveness of
hypnotherapy, but it has worked for many people so far. It
is recommended to use the services of a reputable and
experienced therapist if you choose this option.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is sometimes recommended for
quitting smoking. With the help of this therapy, you will
identify your habits related to smoking and you will learn
how to use effective methods for overcoming them. The main
goal of the treatment is to break these habits. You should
try cognitive behavioral therapy if you feel that you cannot
overcome the habit of smoking by yourself.

Acupuncture is another one of the popular alternative
therapies for quitting smoking. It has been found that the
insertion of needles at certain points of the body
stimulates the secretion of brain chemicals that make you
feel relaxed and happy. When you are not stressed out,
anxious or depressed, you are less likely to smoke. In
general, acupuncture is safe and may help you achieve your
goal provided that the treatment is performed by a licensed

There are plenty of ways in which you can quit smoking.
Rehabilitation centres are there to teach smokers how to
overcome their habit effectively. In general, willpower is
the ultimate key to success.

#33. Advice for Pregnant Women to Quit Smoking

Doctors cannot stress enough the importance of quitting
smoking for pregnant women. If you are about to become a
mom and you continue lighting up, the risk of miscarriage,
premature delivery and birth defects increases
considerably. It has also been found that the mortality rate
in infants born to mothers who smoke is higher. For all these
reasons, you have to get rid of your habit. If you manage
to do it for good, you can be certain that you will have
much healthier children.

Use a plan to quit smoking. This is the number one tip all
pregnant women get. Set a quit date and read all about the
transformations that will occur in your body as it clears
the toxins delivered by tobacco. You have to be prepared
to experience coughs, headaches, irritability, anxiety and
low mood. These are natural symptoms that usually go away
in days. One important thing to note is that quitting will
not have any negative impact on you and on your baby. Quite
the opposite, this will be extremely beneficial for both
of you.

Remove all smoking triggers from your life. Throw away
ashtrays and lights. Think of the habits that you associate
with lighting up such as having a coffee or watching TV and
get rid of them, replace them with other ones or modify them
so that you are not tempted to get a cigarette. Try to avoid
places where smoking is permitted. Avoid being around
people that smoke. It is better to make these small
sacrifices in order to ensure the wellbeing of your child.

Find other things apart from smoking that make you feel
relaxed and happy. In general, pregnancy is a huge
motivating factor for women to quit smoking. However, it
is natural to feel worried at time when you are expecting
a child. The psychological nicotine withdrawal symptoms
described above will make any emotional disturbance even
worse. That is why you should use relaxation techniques such
as deep breathing, engage in mild aerobic exercise and
indulge in the small pleasures of life such as hot baths
in the evening and going to the movies.

It is best not to use nicotine replacement therapy to quit
smoking when you are pregnant. Even though there is no
foolproof evidence of the dangers of this treatment for the
mother and the baby, doctors recommend avoiding it for
safety reasons. Another reason for going without this
therapy is that it may be ineffective for pregnant women.
A recent study has shown that it does not work well due to
the changes in metabolism that occur during pregnancy.

#34. Smokeless Cigarettes Gaining Popularity

E Cigarette is a Smokeless Cigarette which is the healthier
way of smoking. A Smokeless Cigarette provides you with the
nicotine but without the dangerous and cancerous
ingredients of a real cigarette. Also the Smokeless
Cigarette is a nice way to be around your non smoking friends
which are usually running off the minute you light a real
cigarette. The smoke that appears is only water vapor, so
theres no bad smell and no second hand smoking either. You
can smoke your new e-cig anywhere since youre not really
smoking; thus, the smoking ban does not apply to E

What you do is get out there and buy a starter kit, make
sure you always have the battery charged; two batteries
would be best so always one is charged and ready in case
the other one is running out of power. E-Juice offers
refillable cartridges with vitamin in the vapor. There is
also E-Juice cartridges in different nicotine strength.
Smoke free cigarettes seem a lot healthier than real
cigarettes. You can buy the refill cartridges from E-Juice
not only in different nicotine strength but also in
different flavors. So no matter if you want the tobacco
taste you used to or any other taste like vanilla or coffee,
it is your choice how you want to enjoy the electronic
cigarette. New is that E-Juice has the vitamin vapor now
for the refill cartridges.

It does not take much to get started with smokeless
cigarettes, after you get a starter kit all you need to do
is charge the battery use the E-Juice refill and smoke away.
Nobody will be bothered by your smoking habit and people
are pretty interested in this way of smoking, even non
smokers are. You can smoke E cigarettes without any nicotine
in it also just if you used to the hand in mouth habit of

Smokeless cigarettes are cheaper than real cigarettes
because one cartridge is like one pack of cigarettes so
eventually you do save a lot of money by smoking the
electronic cigarettes. No matter how much nicotine or which
flavor you are going to smoke with it. So it is not only
better for your health but also better for your wallet. You
also get charger so you can charge your e cigarette even
in your car, so no matter where you at you always able to
smoke. E-Juice makes it easy to refill your own cartridges
for much cheaper than buying new cartridges. You can change
flavors stick with the same one or whatever you want.

#35. Use Chantix To Overcome The Side Effects Of Quit

Quit smoking is easier said than done. Even the most
determined people find it hard to cope with nicotine
withdrawal symptoms. However, availability of the quit
smoking drug Champix has made it easier to deal with quit
smoking side effects.
Quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you can ever
take in your life. Once you quit smoking, your health starts
to pick up immediately. However, you may face certain quit
smoking side effects for a few days. This is because
nicotine is an extremely addictive substance. It affects
your brain and stimulates the release of dopamine which
gives you pleasure for a short while. When you quit smoking,
your brain starts craving for its stipulated dose of
nicotine. The craving is so intense that you start
experiencing quit smoking side effects which are also
termed as nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some of the most
commonly reported quit smoking side effects include
headache, anxiety, anger, nervousness, depression, cough,
sore throat and dry mouth. These side effects are most
bothersome, especially during the first three days of your
smoking cessation process. These eventually subside by the
end of the first week. The first few days of your quit
smoking process are therefore the hardest to overcome. Once
you pass these successfully, you have high chances of
quitting successfully for life.

Earlier, the only option before people was to quit smoking
via the cold turkey method. This means, you quit smoking
by sheer will-power alone. Though many people are still able
to quit successfully via this method, it has been observed
that most people have to make at least 4-10 attempts to quit
before they actually succeed. Hence, the chances of
quitting smoking are quite low with this method. Thanks to
the advancements in medical science, you now have several
advanced quit smoking aids that relieve you of the quit
smoking side effects quite effectively.

Currently, one of the most advanced smoking cessation aids
is a quit smoking drug called champix varenicline.
Developed by Pfizer pharmaceuticals, champix is an FDA
approved quit smoking drug. The medicine helps to relieve
you of the painful nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Varenicline dupes your brain into thinking that it has
received its dose of nicotine. You therefore do not
experience any craving for nicotine. Another unique feature
of champix is that it makes smoking less pleasurable for
you. So even if you smoke during your quit smoking treatment
with champix, you do not derive the same pleasure as you
used to earlier. You are therefore not tempted to light up
a cigarette again. As a result, your odds of quitting
smoking increase with champix. The medicine works better
than Zyban, the only other FDA approved quit smoking pill
apart from champix. It may be noted that both champix and
Zyban are prescription only drugs. You need to consult your
doctor before using any of these smoking cessation drugs.

If you do not wish to take medications, you can take the
help of nicotine replacement therapy to relieve yourself
of the quit smoking side effects. In this method, nicotine
is supplied to your body externally so that you are relieved
of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms and also saved from the
other harmful substances in cigarette smoke.
HoweverScience Articles, this method is not preferred as
it supplies your body with harmful nicotine and also
involves a certain risk of re-addiction.

#36. Effects And Side Effects of Chantix and Zyban

Champix and Zyban are the two drugs which can help in
quitting smoking. It also helps in increasing the rate of
smoking cessation and reduces nicotine cravings
experienced by smokers when they give up smoking.

If you are looking for weapons in your arsenal to help you
stop smoking then there are two revolutionary prescription
medications that are known to be doing the rounds; namely
Zyban and Champix. Bupropion, the active ingredient in
Zyban, is a prescription medication that facilitates
smoking cessation. It works by combating and reducing the
cravings associated with nicotine withdrawal, when one
gives up smoking. While varenicline, the active ingredient
in Champix, works by reducing the pleasure associated with
smoking. Manufactured by Pfizer, Champix is reputed to be
more successful than Zyban when it comes to smoking

Zyban vs. Champix

Both are prescription medications that have been approved
by the FDA for the treatment of nicotine addiction. When
it comes to approval, there is very little to choose between
the two. The birth of Zyban was not as a smoking cessation
drug; it was primarily developed as an anti-depressant.
During its clinical trials, Zyban was noted to bring about
a reduction in the need to smoke amongst smokers who
participated in these trials. Over time this beneficial
effect has been well documented, but researchers are still
not sure as to how Zyban actually works. The problem with
Zyban is that there are a few psychological side effects
associated with the intake of this medication.

Champix, on the other hand, originated as a drug that was
specifically developed to help people curb their smoking
habit. Champix works at two levels. Firstly, it reduces the
nicotine cravings experienced by smokers when they give up
smoking. Secondly, Champix does not allow the nicotine to
reach the pleasure receptors in the brain. When nicotine
reaches the pleasure receptors in the brain, it acts on them
inducing a feeling of pleasure. This is why people get
addicted to smoking. However, with Champix, smokers do not
get the same amount of pleasure that they earlier did. As
a result, Champix helps them quit smoking easily. The fact
that it works at two levels means that it takes away both
the temptation and the pleasure associated with smoking.

Whos the winner?

There is no hands down winner amongst the two both Zyban
and Champix as both have their salient features.
HoweverArticle Search, there is no doubt that Champix
offers a two-fold benefit to its user. The abandonment rate
of this medication is also lower than that of Zyban. While
the success rate associated with Champix is seen to be
higher than that of Zyban.

#37. Smoking Cigarettes Causes Conflict

When you ask a smoker why they use cigarettes, they will
almost always say because they like to smoke. However,
smoking is hard because the person has to use great effort
to suppress the normal body defense mechanism with each
cigarette and the side effects of smoking are unpleasant.
When the smoker says they like to smoke, the reality of the
difficulty in smoking and the unpleasant side effects of
smoking creates conflict and adds to the difficulty to quit

Smoking cigarettes is very hard to do. Not only does the
smoker go through miserable months of "learning" to smoke,
but great effort has to be exerted to suppress the normal
body defense mechanisms with each cigarette smoked for as
long as they smoke. It never gets any easier because the
body always works to resist that which is unhealthy for it.
The learning process to smoke builds the Psychological
Smoking Mechanism. This mechanism represses the body's
normal defenses against harsh chemicals entering into
delicate lungs that were only designed for clean air. Over
time, this mechanism moves into the subconscious and out
of conscious awareness.

The Psychological Smoking Mechanism is what keeps a person
smoking, not the cigarette or even a conscious decision to
smoke. The conscious decision to smoke was made between the
ages of 12 and 16 during the identity crisis of puberty.
After the Psychological Smoking Mechanism is created, it
runs the smoking habit in contradiction to conscious
thought processes. This contradiction creates conflict and
the smoker attempts to ease this conflict by trying to
convince themselves they like to smoke. This increases the
difficulty to quit smoking.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard the smoker tries, the
conflict can't be resolved because they have to overlook
the intense effort to suppress their body defense
mechanisms with each cigarette smoked and also, some very
real and unpleasant side effects. In this article, we will
look at two of the most common side effects of smoking and
why they cause conflict.

The Smoker's Morning

When I was growing up, my parents were smokers. After
dinner, the cigarettes came out, watching TV, the
cigarettes came out, visiting friends..... well, you get
the picture.

Morning was a particularly disgusting time because mom and
dad had to clear out their lungs from the previous days
smoking. The sound of coughing, hawking and spitting was
a routine morning. Yuck. If you want to see a movie that
accurately depicts the smoker's morning, watch "Cold
Turkey" (1971) with Dick Van Dyke and Bob Newhart.

Nonsmokers also experience the need to clear out their
lungs; it's called a bad cold or allergy sinus drainage.
It is miserable coughing up junk or as a doctor would say,
having a productive cough. We are glad to get well and be
rid of the gunk coming out of our lungs, Yet, this reaction
is an everyday experience for the smoker!

Coughing up gunk every morning of every day; how many
smokers can claim they like this? But that is what they are
doing when they say they like to smoke. This creates

The Smoker's Day is a Series of Coughs

Day after day, for the smoker, is coughing and throat
clearing; there is a name for it: "smoker's cough"! Walt
Disney, creator of Mickey Mouse and Disneyland, was a heavy
smoker and noted for his distinctive smoker's cough that
preceded him wherever he went. Sadly, he died of lung cancer
a few weeks after being diagnosed.

Coughing is a way of life for smokers and they unconsciously
attempt to reduce coughing by shallow breathing. They are
trading coughing for a lack of oxygen. Since smoking reduces
oxygen anyway, the smoker is further depriving themselves
of necessary oxygen.

Lack of oxygen is a miserable situation;. ask anyone who
has suffered from pneumonia. Constant coughing is also
unpleasant. A smoker who claims they like to smoke are
saying they like a persistent cough and shallow breathing
which leads to oxygen deprivation or shortness of breath.
Obviously, they really don't like these things and this
creates conflict.


The Psychological Smoking Mechanism operates at the
subconscious level and enables and compels a person to
smoke. To justify smoking, the person claims they like it.
However, the intense effort it takes to suppress the body
defenses to smoke each cigarette along with the aversive
side effects of smoking, gunk coming out of the lungs every
morning and a persistent cough or shortness of breath may
be consciously ignored by the smoker, but are a reality.
This contradiction creates a psychological conflict which
in turn, strengthens the compulsion to smoke making it
harder to quit smoking.

#38. Relationship Between Skin Problems and Smoking

The smoking effects may give you many side effects of skin
and hair. It is easy to distinguish a smoker from a
non-smoker by looking at his or her skin, fingers and face.
Smoking not only causes yellowed fingers and fingertips
or premature wrinkling but also a variety of serious skin
problems. For instance, smoking increases the risk of
developing psoriasis, a chronic skin problem, which is not
only unsightly but also painful.

Clinical studies establishing the link between smoking
and skin problems

Many studies have established the negative effect of
smoking on skin. A recent study in South Korea involving
smokers and ex-smokers between the age of 20 and 69 found
that, out of the 2 groups smokers had a higher amount of
wrinkles. The study also showed that the ex smokers age had
less wrinkles than those who still smoke.

The vulnerability of skin to smoke and other substances

Skin is the most sensitive and vulnerable of all body parts.
It is exposed to smoke directly as well as indirectly. Smoke
released in the environment has a drying effect on the
surface of your skin. Inhaling smoke restricts blood
vessels, which hampers the flow of blood to your skin and
deprives skin of oxygen and essential nutrients. Smoking
also leads to the creasing of your mouth, the hollowing
of your cheeks and premature wrinkling around your eyes
and your mouth. Smoking depletes the natural level of
vitamin A in your body, an essential nutrient needed for
the protection of your skin.

How does smoking cause skin problems?

The most likely cause behind skin problems in smokers is
an increased production of harmful enzymes that break down
collagen in the skin. Collagen is a protein type that helps
to keep the skin smooth and supple by protecting its
elasticity. Research has shown that smoking causes wrinkles
and damage to skin prematurely, by up to 10 to 20 years.
Some of the damage done to the skin by smoking is
irreversible, therefore the sooner you quit smoking, the

Options to quit smoking

Champix and Zyban are 2 options you can take to help you
to quit smoking. Both these drugs are FDA approved and safe
and effective options to quit smoking. HoweverFree
Reprint Articles, you must not take both these drugs
simultaneously to increase your chances of success in
quitting smoking. Consult a doctor or a healthcare
professional to discover how well these treatments can work
for you.

#39. Why do Women Smoke and what Cost Women do pay for

There are many hidden side effects of smoking for women
which are not reveled yet. Smoking can lead to a
miscarriage, which puts strain on couples and is
accountable for many future relationship problems later in
life. Find more in this article.
Ugly facts of smoking in women

Its essential that each and every woman takes care of her
own health and well being. Giving up smoking is an important
way to begin this approach and is strongly recommended by
doctors to decrease the chances of serious health problems
for women later in life. Some smoking related health
problems can cause infertility as well as fatal diseases
like cancer.

How does smoking affect women?

Women smokers suffer short term repercussions such as
yellow teeth, bad breath and premature wrinkles, which can
be seen early on in life. Research has shown that women are
more susceptible to the dangers of nicotine as they have
a slower metabolic cleansing system than men have. Women
are 12 times more prone to death due to lung cancer than
non-smokers are and have an increased risk of other cancers
such as larynx, pharynx, mouth, kidney, esophagus,
pancreas, kidney and bladder cancers. They are also 10 times
more susceptible to death due to bronchitis and emphysema.

Side effects of smoking in women

Women smokers experience unusual vaginal discharge,
bleeding, and an increased frequency of secondary
amenorrhea, absence of menstruation and irregularity of
periods. Women are at more risk of developing
cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes
during the use of estrogens. Women who smoke are 72% more
likely to suffer from infertility as compared to

Factors hampering normal sexual function

Nicotine restricts blood flow, which hampers sexual
arousal. The blood flow to the labia, clitoris and vagina
flows less steadily, which has a detrimental effect on
arousal and sensitivity. Smoking also leads to decreased
fertility. Pregnant women who smoke can face issues such
as preterm delivery, premature rupture of their membranes,
placenta previa, miscarriage and neonatal death.

Why do women smoke? - Lifestyle of women smokers

Even though some women are aware of these problems, they
continue smoking. Some popular reasons cited by women for
their smoking is that it allows them to relax and curb any
present or potential feelings of aggression and sometimes
even depression. Stress can become a frequent occurrence
in the workplace and at home, and smoking is one way women
often relieve themselves from that stressful sensation.
Many women also smoke to lose weight. Although this is an
effective method, the negative effects significantly
outweigh the advantages.

#40. Cigar Smoke and How Dangerous It is Being Exposed to

Second hand smoke is a danger that we're all aware of. A
lot of people don't know that second hand smoke is just as
dangerous as actual smoking, or more dangerous. The actual
proof says that smoking is as dangerous as second hand smoke
is, so don't let others smoke around you.

Environmental tobacco smoke is the name of all the second
hand smoke that cigarettes and other tobacco products emit.
This can mean cigarettes, cigars or other types of tobacco
products, as long as they are lit and give out smoke. This
second hand smoke can include substances like carbon
monoxide, nicotine, ammonia and hydrogen cyanide. These are
all types of irritants that are emitted by cigarette and
cigar smoke. Another well known side-effect of
environmental tobacco smoke is that they release carcinogen
substances, such as nitrosamines, vinyl chlorine, arsenic,
benzene and hydrocarbons. As you might expect, cigarettes
emit less environmental tobacco smoke than cigars are, as
they are smaller. Inhaling smoke from a cigar is more
dangerous, as you might expect, since it emits more smoke
than a normal cigarette will. While the environmental
tobacco smoke that is released by cigarettes and cigars is
just as toxic, some differences between the two still exist.
These differences are created by the different methods of
production that cigarettes have when compared with cigars.

Cigars are manufactured through an aging and fermentation
process, which is long. During this long fermentation
period, there are high numbers of carcinogens being
produced. After a cigar goes through the aging and
fermentation process, it's put in a wrapper that is
nonporous, which will make sure that the cigar doesn't
consume too fast when lit. Besides the carcinogens released
during fermentation, the wrapper adds his own. When you
light up a cigar, the wrapper contributes to the amount of
carcinogens that will be released during the smoking

The length and girth of cigars is the second reason why
they're giving a bigger quantity of carcinogens. The reason
is as simple as the size of cigars when compared to
cigarettes. Since they're bigger, they give out more smoke,
which also has a bigger concentration of irritants and
toxins. Another problem is that the way cigars are designed
makes the smoking period much longer than it is with a
regular cigarette, which is also recommended so people can
enjoy the experience. The end result for cigars is that they
take longer to finish, so more smoke is being created. Going
in places where people smoke cigars shouldn't be an option
for non-smokers. Avoid taking in second hand smoke, and if
you are a cigar smokerFree Web Content, make sure you do
it in a place that is well ventilated.

#41. How Does Hypnosis to Quit Smoking Really Work?

Why is hypnosis to quit smoking more effective then using
patching and pills and it's drawbacks in real life. Why
seeing a hypnotherapist takes much less time and energy from
patient to quit smoking.

We all know smoking is very dangerous and can cause many
different cancers. This may be why you are curious to know
if hypnosis to quit smoking works. You may have already
tried the patches, pills, gum, or many other products that
promise to teach you how to quit smoking, but they did not
work for you. Recent studies have proven that hypnosis to
quit smoking does work. It can be a very effective tool
to help manage your nicotine addiction and get you away from
the cigarette smoking habit. If you are interested in
becoming healthier, then you need to understand some of the
reasons why hypnosis works to help you quit smoking.

A Few of the Reasons Why Hypnosis to Quit Smoking Works
Granted learning how to quit smoking with hypnosis will not
work for everybody; experts have proven the success rate
to be about 2 out of 3 smokers. This means you will have
a better chance to actually quit when you use hypnosis.
Comparing this success rate to about 1 out of 4 with other
nicotine replacement programs, it is easy to see that
hypnosis can help you quit. When you become hypnotized you
will be in an altered state mentally. This is a state where
you will be most susceptible to the suggestion of quitting
the current habit of smoking. Your subconscious is the most
powerful part of your mind and when using hypnosis a trained
professional will be able to reprogram your thoughts about
The only way the high 66% success rate of hypnosis can be
guaranteed is if it is done properly. This is not something
to have done by an amateur. You will be relying heavily
on the hypnotherapists you choose and you want to make sure
you get a professional with a proven track record. If you
don't, then you may not be able to quit simply because your
hypnotherapists doesn't know what they are doing.
One of the main reasons people don't use hypnosis to quit
smoking is the cost. It is not going to be as cheap as the
gum, the patches, or other programs to help you quit. Many
insurance plans won't cover hypnosis to help you quit
smoking, but some will. In this case you can use
self-hypnosis or subliminal CDs to help you kick the habit.
This is one of the best cost effective alternatives and it
is much more affordable than actually paying for the
sessions. However, if money is not an issue and you can
afford to see a hypnotherapistArticle Search, then you
should. They will be able to do much more for you in less
time than many of the self-hypnosis programs can.

The Process Used for Hypnosis to Quit Smoking
Typically your first appointment with a hypnotherapist will
be used to evaluate your current state and assess your
needs. You are not going to quit smoking after just one
session and it takes more than just one time to quit the
habit completely. IT is an ongoing process of using
hypnotherapy that can help to eliminate your addiction to
smoking. If you find a place that promises to help you quit
smoking after just one session you should avoid them.
These types of hypnotherapists are rarely successful in
delivering on their promises and you are most likely going
to be disappointed with this type of session.
Make sure you get a hypnotherapist who understands your goal
of quitting and can get you there with more than one session.
Make sure you choose the right person for the job and if
you don't have some type of connection with the
hypnotherapist it will be hard to trust them. Having the
right amount of trust is very important because without it
you may not get the results you are looking for. Take your
time and make sure you are comfortable with the person you
Besides the fact that hypnosis to quit smoking does work
it is also one of the most natural ways to kick the habit.
You won't have to worry about any side effects like you may
have to experience with pills and other things to help you
quit smoking. With hypnosis the only side effect will be
no longer spending money on cigarettes.

#42. Vaporizers: doing the trick for smokers

Smoking is a habit that is quite injurious to health. There
are people all around the world that are trying to quit
smoking because of its harmful effects on the human body.
There have been quite a few techniques to quit smoking but
among them use of vaporizers stand out. The reason
vaporizers stand out is because of its effectiveness in
helping people quit smoking. Vaporizers are becoming a hit
among people. Even many doctors have started advising
vaporizer for quitting smoking.
Since the market of vaporizer is steaming hot and the demand
of these products are rising continuously. This continuous
rise in demand has tempted many companies into the business
of manufacturing vaporizers. Different vaporizers
manufacturers are launching different types of vaporizer.
The main purpose of the vaporizer remains same but there
is small various in the technique or equipments installed
in it. New and more modern vaporizers are being introduced
in the market to attract customer base.

If you are looking towards buying vaporizers then you might
face trouble in deciding which one to choose. There are lots
of options varying in sizes, technology, money, and forms.
Vapir vaporizer, herbal vaporizerFree Reprint Articles,
volcano vaporizer and digital vaporizer are among the best
vaporizers that are available in the market. Many people
take help of different online forums that are particularly
dedicated towards vaporizer. These forums provide honest
vaporizers reviews to the seekers. Most of the reviews are
given by people who have already used the product and hence
chances of getting a fake review is less.

Buying a vaporizer is not a difficult job but getting a
perfect vaporizer for yourself in the decided budget might
require a bit of research. Many people think that research
is not going to make a lot of difference when it comes to
vaporizer. There are many websites that are offering some
discounts on the purchase of the vaporizers and some offers
are also running to provide you some extra accessories at
a reduced cost.

There is lot of reason for buying a vaporizer as they help
in quitting smoking and also provides a safer and healthier
life. Vaporizer provides the person with the purest form
of vapors direct from the herb. Vaporizers also help in
curing of different respiratory diseases. If you are a
smoker then trying vaporizer is one of the best things that
you are going to give to yourself and to people who are
living or working around you.

#43. Quit Smoking By Using Herbs

Quitting smoking is a challenging task. Indeed if youve
tried to quit smoking before, chances are that you have been
at least unsuccessful once.
Interestingly, one of the most effective ways to quit
smoking is to use herbs. Because of its effectiveness, it
is also among the popular ways to stop smoking.

Among the herbs used are:

1. Willow
2. Garcinia Cambogia
3. Oregon Grape Root
4. Oak
5. Lobelia
6. Avena Sativa
7. Gotu Cola

One of the more popular herbs among listed above is Lobelia.
Smokers have make use of this herb to quit smoking. It is
actually an expectorant that clean lungs and can be also
used to treat asthma, cough, pleurisy or bronchitis.
Lobelia has also other effects to the user such as it being
a relaxant, to reduce inflammation and pain as well as
easing muscle tension.

Lobelia also helps to reduce the desire to smoke hence
slowly and gradually reducing the cravings for cigarettes.
However, one must be cautious is using this type of herb
as it may have side effects including vomiting, drowsiness
and respiratory failure if overused.

Are Herbs Safe?

Most smokers who want to use herbs to help them quit have
this question in mind. Herbs are generally safe to use. But
it is also safe to say that one must study the side effects
that they may have. Also mixing herbs with other medications
may cause complications. Therefore, it is therefore
advisable to consult a personal physician or herbalist
regarding this method of quitting.

One of the main benefits from using herbs is that it provides
relieve from tension and stress that smokers usually
experience during the process of quitting. They can also
calm a person down and cause the user to be relaxed as well
as to breathe easier.

Here are some benefits of using herbs.

1. They help you reduce the urges for nicotine, helping you
overcome the agitation at the same time.
2. They help with depression, restless and anxiety.
3. They can help you burn fat and prevent weight gain.
4. They help you cleanse your liver and kidney, discarding
the toxins.

Herbs should not be used alone as a method to quit smoking.
You will probably need to combine with a longer term plan
if you would to break free from the addiction forever.

Besides looking at how you can overcome challenges
physicallyFind Article, you also need to look into how to
over your mental challenges of quitting. Combined with
using herbs is almost a winning formula to quit forever.

#44. Quit Smoking Laser

ou will have heard about lasers and the new work which is
being performed with them. You may not realize but these
lasers are also being used to treat people with a smoking
habit. The quit smoking laser treatment is at this point
in time considered as being non toxic to your body due to
the low radiation which is emitted.
Feature Articles

There are as we all know many different ways of quitting
smoking. The most well known ways like cigarette patches
takes some time for your cravings for nicotine to stop.
There is no guarantee however that your cigarette habit will
be broken. Another way that can be tried out is laser
treatment. Unlike your average laser treatment when you
want to quit smoking laser treatment which is safe is used.

The best way to understand what sort of benefits you can
get from laser therapy for quitting smoking. The first step
is to research the various treatments which are available
for quitting your smoking habit. You can ask your doctor
where you can get soft laser treatment.

Now once you know some facts on how to quit smoking laser
treatment centers will help you to get the relief you need.
You should read the various facts and documents that are
given from this center. If you like what you have read and
you are still determined to get rid of your smoking habit
then make an appointment.

While the actual time period for the soft laser therapy
takes about 15 minutes. You should however leave aside 1
or 2 hours for the full treatment period. Before the
treatment to quit smoking laser therapy start there will
be a consultation period. Once the treatment is finished
you will then be given an instruction period which will help
you to cope with changing your lifestyle for a smoke free

One of the best after effects which can be found when you
quit smoking laser treatment wise is that you will have lost
the desire and cravings which come with cigarettes. You
should still make an effort to make sure that you are
controlling the physical reactions which your body has gone
used to while you were smoking.

These numerous facts will help you to make a decision about
getting laser treatment for your smoking habit today. For
this reason you should look for reputed and licensed medical
facility where you can begin to quit smoking laser treatment

#45. Quit Smoking Using Subliminal Audio

How the power of subliminal audio can help people to quit
smoking for good and also how you can use it everyday, not
just a smoking cessation but subliminal messages can be used
for other problems in life that maybe stopping you reaching
your full potential.

Subliminal audio is a form of self hypnosis which many
people are now using to help them break habits, especially
where other forms of treatment haven't been successful.
Although it is used commonly to help people lose weight,
many people are now turning to subliminal messages to also
help them quit smoking.

Generally people think of hypnosis as something that sends
you into a trance like state, however this is not strictly
so with subliminal audio. Generally these types of messages
allow people to carry out everyday activities while they
listen to the messages on their IPod or car stereo and are
very useful when one doesn't have the time or the funds to
go a hypnotherapist.

The way it works and the way it can help is by way of sending
positive affirmations to the subconscious part of the brain
that in actual fact makes up the majority, ninety percent.
It will instill these messages deep into your subconscious
and whilst you are not even aware of it, they can and do
have a significant impact on the way a person thinks and

The subliminal messages are actually hidden within the
sounds and music that is played and although you cannot hear
them, they are embedding into the deeper par of your
conscious thought and will help you break habits that have
been somewhat difficult to break in the past.

Many people who have used this method to give up smoking
state that after a period of several days they start to feel
the need not to smoke and although they can't explain why
they feel this way after several years or even decades of
being addicted to nicotine they suddenly become aware of
the fact that they do not actually need or want to smoke.
Although it is not considered a quick fix and people do not
automatically become non smokers over night, it is a very
effective method of breaking the smoking cycle, which is
now becoming more popular. Due the fact that it is very
inexpensive compared to other products designed to help you
give up smoking. Like nicotine replacement products for

It is also a very simple method and with the availability
of online downloads subliminal audio can be accessed
quickly and cheaply. Although many people use this method
alongside other treatments like nicotine
replacementComputer Technology Articles, this is actually
not necessary as many people who have used subliminal
messages as a form of treatment have been successful using
them alone. Once you have your downloads you can start
straight and if you feel after a few days that you would
also benefit from an additional form of treatment then you
can do so then but you should find it effective on its own.

#46. 15 Exciting and Crazy Things To Do After You Quit

Are you a smoker? Lets say you live in (Illinois) who spends
at least $ 9.67 for a pack every day or $1,160.04 a year?
That is a lot of money, so let us look at different ways
of utilizing your cigarettemoney once you quit smoking.

For the single pack smoker you could:

1. Go to the movies with your friend once a week, every week.

2. Buy pizza 122 times a year.

3. Take a Hawaiian or Alaska Cruise once a year.

4. At $3.00 a gallon, buy 409 gallons of gas which equals
filling your cars 13 gallon gas tank over 30 times a year.
It is like driving your car for free six months out of the
year. Even if gas prices were to double, you will still
be driving for free three months out of the year.

5. Eating at the Red Lobster restaurant once a week or going
to a Chinese buffet to eat three times a week.

6. You can buy 1277 Super Lotto tickets and possibly win
millions of dollars!

7. Shock your neighbors by renting a luxury limousine for
4 hours once a month all year around.

8. Take private lessons weekly to learn the second language
or take dancing lessons

9. Stay in the Regent Beverly Wilshire hotel, the glamorous
hotel in the movie "Pretty Woman" at one of the worlds most
famous intersections Rodeo Drive and Wilshire Boulevard,
for three to four days every year.

10. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Mc Donald over 100
times a year.

11. Get a three year subscription to a gym of your choice
to work off all that Mc Donalds.

12. Buy 25 ladys dresses or 51 mens dress shirts.

13. You could buy 315 pairs of pantyhose or 426 pairs of
men's socks every year. (It probably is not a good idea if
you live in the Caribbean.)

14. Drink over 300 cups of Starbucks chocolate mocha
lattes.That sure will give you a buzz!

15. Buy 61, 350 tongue depressors to see how pretty your
white teeth look.

Okay now you have something to push for, your wish list is
ready. Just choose what you would like to do and finally
quit smoking!

#47. Smoking and Erectile Dysfunction

It is a known fact that smoking is injurious to health. The
temporary pleasure of smoking can cripple sexual life by
causing erectile dysfunction .This makes smokers life
miserable. Hence to enjoy pleasure of joyful living, quit
Medical research has consistently shown that smoking is
most likely a major cause of Erectile Dysfunction (ED).
Erectile Dysfunction is also colloquially referred to as
impotence (a term of much wider import encompassing
multifarious dysfunctions of the male reproductive
system). Men who smoke over 20 cigarettes a day have a 60%
higher risk of Erectile Dysfunction as compared to men who
do not smoke. The Erectile Dysfunction becomes much more
severe if the smokers also suffer from diabetes. Most people
start smoking in their teenage and end up with a strong
nicotine dependency that persists even in adulthood.
Further, they are often unaware that smoking can cause
Erectile Dysfunction in the later years of life.

How does smoking affect sexual function and performance?

When a person smokes he inhales large amounts of carbon
monoxide. Carbon monoxide deprives the voluntary muscles
as well as vital organs such as brain, heart etc of oxygen.
When these vital organs do not receive sufficient oxygen,
they immediately lose their ability function efficiently
and optimally. Principally, the heart has to work much
harder to deliver oxygenated blood to all parts of the body.
Naturally, this leads takes a toll on the supply of blood
to the male genital organ as well. As full erection needs
effective and optimum supply of blood, any inadequacy in
blood supply leads to Erectile Dysfunction.

Nicotine in cigarettes, although regarded by smokers
as a stimulant, only worsens the harmful effects of carbon
monoxide by increasing heart rate and elevated blood
pressure. There is a strong link between high blood pressure
and Erectile Dysfunction ().

Scientists have found that smoking leads to fat
deposition in blood vessels. This reduces the inner
circumference of blood vessels. Even elasticity of blood
vessels diminishes as a result of sustained smoking. Thus
arteries fail to supply adequate amount of blood to organs
of body and male reproductive system is no exception to this
inadequacy. This paves way for Erectile Dysfunction.

Additionally, the so-called Low- Tar cigarettes are
more harmful than their regular counterparts due to
physiological and psychological reasons. Low-Tar
cigarette smokers inhale more smoke and carcinogenic agents
(caner causing agents) than regular cigarette smokers.
Further, they are psychologically pre-disposed to smoking
more cigarettes believing them to be less harmful that the
regular ones. Thus Low- Tar cigarettes cause more harm
to body.

Although erectile dysfunction is not a life
threatening conditionBusiness Management Articles, it
certainly spoils the quality of life and can be a cause for
much emotional and psychological turmoil. Thus it goes
without saying that it is of paramount importance to stop
smoking and embrace a healthy lifestyle to lead a quality
sexual life.

#48. Information on the antidepressant drug Wellbutrin

Wellbutrin, sometimes known as Bupropion, is an
antidepressant drug used to treat major depressive disorder
and seasonal affective disorder. While the drug was
initially developed to serve the purpose of an
antidepressant, later research and subsequent use
indicated that the drug was effective in helping people to
quit smoking and even limited the withdrawal effects of
smoking. Weillbutrin is one of the most popular
antidepressant drugs in the United States, and one of the
major reasons for its popularity is because it does not have
side effects such as sexual dysfunction and obesity, two
of the most common side effects of antidepressants.

The Side Effects

While it is true that Wellburtin does score over some of
the other antidepressants in the fact that it does not cause
sexual dysfunction or weight gain, it must be understood
that the drug is not without its own set of adverse effects.
Many of these are common with other antidepressants while
a few may be unique to Wellburtin only. In the following
section of this page we will discuss some of the side effects
of Wellburtin. However, although the list is quite
comprehensive, it is not complete. So there will be a few
side effects of the drug that we cannot mention in the
limited scope we have here.

There are some common side effects of Wellburtin that have
been widely reported by a large section of patients who have
been prescribed the medicine. These would include dry
mouth, insomnia, excessive sweating, tremor, nausea and
tinnitus. Some of these side effects might also result in
the cessation of the treatment using the drug, with the most
number of treatments being discontinued after patients
complained of rashes and nausea.

One of the major controversies regarding Wellburtin has
been its effects on seizures and there has been a continuing
debate on whether the use of the drug increased the chance
of seizures. In fact, it was mostly because of Wellburtins
infamy for causing seizures that it was withdrawn from the
market. But later studies have indicated two key things
about Wellburtin. First, that the risk of seizures for
taking Wellburtin was about the same as it is for taking
other antidepressants. Secondly, the chance of a seizure
induced by Wellburtin was largely dependent on the kind of
dosage that has been prescribed. So if the dosage is limited
to anything between 100mg and 300mg then the chance of
seizure was limited to a low 0.1%, if the dosage fell within
300mg to 450 mg, the risk of seizure stood at 0.4%, but if
the dosage was increased to 600mg the rate of seizures
jumped up to 2%. So the dosage prescribed is very important
when we consider the risks of Wellburtin-induced seizures.

Another cause for concern while using Wellburtin is its
effects on patients with cardiac conditions. Again the
effects are closely related to the kind of dosage
administered. Patients with or without cardiac problems,
when administered Wellburtin at a dosage of 400-500mg in
a day, showed signs of rise in blood pressure. But there
was no change in pulse rate. However, patients who were
administered dosage below 300mg did not show any
perceptible changes in the blood pressure.

But perhaps the most serious side effect of Wellburtin is
its effect on children and adolescents. Studies have
established that most antidepressants increase the rate
suicidal tendencies among children and adolescents.
Wellburtin is no different. So when the drug is prescribed
to a child or an adolescent, the behavior of the individual
must always be monitored so that such adverse effects do
not manifest in the worst possible way. It must be
emphasized that Wellburtin is not the only antidepressant
that causes such a side effect.

#49. Effects of Smoking Did you Know that you CAN go Blind
from Smoking?

Believe it or not one of the effects of smoking is damage
to the eyes. When you smoke, all the chemicals in the
cigarette, over 3,000, go directly into the bloodstream.
These chemicals cause damage throughout the body including
the eyes.

These chemicals cause inflammation of the conjunctiva (the
thin membrane covering the eye), which results in blood shot
and irritated eyes.

Smoking has been linked to many diseases of the eyes, such
as aged-related macular degeneration. All the causes of
macular degeneration are not completely understood, but
smoking is believed to be the main preventable risk factor.
Evidence shows that more than a quarter of all cases are
linked to current or past exposure to smoking.

It has also been linked to glaucoma. Smoking causes
shrinkage or constriction of blood vessels, which can cause
rising inner eye pressure (inner ocular pressure), which
leads to glaucoma and optic nerve damage.

This damage to the eyes occurs when cigarette smoke is
inhaled. The chemicals get into the bloodstream and
travels throughout the body causing damage to the macula,
the most sensitive part of the retina at the back of the
eye. Tiny blood vessels can burst through the macula,
which leads to irreversible damage and the cells of the
macula slowly die, ultimately leading to the loss of your

Once this damage has occurred, there is no way to reverse
it. So, avoid the chance of eye damage and all the other
devastating effects of smoking by not smoking at all. Quit


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Your health is important, make your business to quit smoking

Thank You,
Terry Clark

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