Peer Assessment Sheet

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G321 Media - Print Levels Name: Sam

Name: Somayya
Name: Jamie
Name: Sam
Level 1 !23 marks
The work for the main task is possibly
incomplete. There is minimal evidence in the
work of the creative use of any relevant
technical skills such as:
Producing material appropriate for the target
audience and task;
showing understanding of conventions of
layout and page design;
showing awareness of the need for variety in
fonts and text size;
accurately using language and register;
using IT appropriately for the task set;
appropriately integrating illustration and text;
shooting a variety of material appropriate to
the task set;
manipulating photographs as appropriate to
the context for presentation! including
cropping and resizing.
Level 2 2"!3# marks
There is evidence of a basi$ level of ability in
the creative use of some of the following
technical skills:
Producing material appropriate for the target
audience and task;
showing understanding of conventions of
layout and page design;
showing awareness of the need for variety in
fonts and text size;
accurately using language and register;
using IT appropriately for the task set;
appropriately integrating illustration and text
shooting a variety of material appropriate to
the task set;
manipulating photographs as appropriate to
the context for presentation! including
cropping and resizing.
The front cover
shows a good
variation of texts and
font sizes! and the
colours contrast well!
more colours could
be used as an
improvement. The
layout and design of
the contents page
looks and the
repeated colours
show the house
colours of the
magazine and looks
sophisticated and
suitable for the
target audience. To
improve you could "ll
in the gaps on the
contents page with
more information or
maybe an image that
links to the
Level 3 3%!"& marks
There is evidence of 'ro($ien$y in the
creative use of many of the following
technical skills:
Producing material appropriate for the target
audience and task;
showing understanding of conventions of
layout and page design;
showing awareness of the need for variety in
fonts and text size;
accurately using language and register;
using IT appropriately for the task set;
appropriately integrating illustration and text;
shooting a variety of material appropriate to
the task set;
manipulating photographs as appropriate to
the context for presentation! including
cropping and resizing.
The front cover
shows a good
variation of fonts and
text sizes makes the
text stand out to
improve you could
use a range of
colours to make it
more appealing. The
front cover is
appropriate for the
age range and the
layout is suitable for
this style of
The contents page is
also appropriate and
uses suitable images
for the target
audience. The house
colour is shown on
the front cover and
the contents page
which makes the
magazine e look
more sophisticated
and smart.
This school magazine
looks very
sophisticated and
professional. #oth the
front cover and the
contents page gives
the reader a lot of
information. The
layout of the front
cover is suitable for
the target audience as
it shows the house
colours and colour of
the text contrasts well
with colours in the
image. The front cover
also shows all the
typical features you
would expect to see on
a front cover of a
magazine like the top
and bottom strip! a
splash! cover lines and
a pug.
The magazine uses a
range of texts which
stands out and is
appealing to the age
range it is aimed at.
$nd the text contrast
well with the
background image.
the images on the
contents page also
link with the
information show
next to the text which
makes it look
professional and
helps the reader
locate what the want
to read easily.
Level " ")!% marks
There is evidence of e*$ellen$e in the
creative use of most of the following technical
Producing material appropriate for the target
audience and task;
showing understanding of conventions of
layout and page design;
showing awareness of the need for variety in
fonts and text size;
accurately using language and register;
using IT appropriately for the task set;
appropriately integrating illustration and text;
shooting a variety of material appropriate to
the task set;
manipulating photographs as appropriate to
the context for presentation! including
cropping and resizing.

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