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Past Simple: yo jugaba/jugu, t jugabas/jugaste

Sujeto+ verbo Sujeto+ didnt+ verbo Did + sujeto+ verbo?

I played football I didnt play football Did I play football?
I drove a car I didnt drive a car Did I drive a car?
Acabado ed (regular)
2 columna (irregular)
Past Continuous: yo estaba/estuve jugando
Sujeto+ was/were+verbo-ing Sujeto + wasnt /werent + verbo-ing Was/Were + sujeto + verbo-ing?
I was playing football I wasnt playing football Was I playing football?
You were playing football You werent playing football Were you playing football?
Present perfect : yo he jugado Present perfect continuous: Yo he estado jugando
Sujeto + have/has + verbo participio Sujeto + have /has+ been+ verbo-ing
I have played football / he has driven a car I have been playing football / he has been driving a car
I havent played football /he hasnt driven a car I havent been playing football / he hasnt been driving a car
Have I palyed football? / has he driven a car? Have I been playing football?/ has he been playing a car?
Past perfect : yo haba jugado Past perfect continuous: yo haba estado jugando
Sujeto + had + verbo participio Sujeto + had+ been+ verbo-ing
I had played football / He had driven a car I had been playing football / He had been driving a car
I hadnt played football /He hadnt driven a car I hadnt been playing football / He hadnt been driving a car
Had I palyed football? / Had he driven a car? Had I been playing football?/ Had he been playing a car?

Will : yo jugar (Be) + going to +verb: yo voy a jugar Future continuous : yo estar jugando Future perfect : yo habr jugado

I will play I am going to play I will be playing I will have played
I wont play You arent going to play You wont be playing You wont have driven
Will I play ? Is she going to play? Will he be playing? Will he have played?
Passive: para hacer la pasiva se puede usar cualquier tiempo verbal del presente pasado o futuro y hay que seguir esta
regla: *recuerda que en la pasiva es el sujeto quien padece la accin.
Poner el verbo to be en cualquier tiempo verbal + verbo principal en participio. Ejemplo_
The car is bought(el coche es comprado), the car was bought, the car is being bought, the car was being bought, the car
has been bought.
La pasiva refleja del espaol se dice . En ingls se hace con esta forma de pasiva
-ed (regular)
3 columna
-ed (regular)
3 columna (irregular)
Sujeto + will + be + verbo-ing Sujeto+will+have+verbo partcipio

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