BIO152 Scientific Assignment

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Does Cell Phone Use Cause Cancer?

Ruba Nizam
BIO152, Sep 26, 2014
Prof. F. Rawle
Christy Simbeya

(Note must be peer-reviewed references, in Nature style please see example posted on Bb)
1. Hardell, L., Carlberg, M., Sderqvist, F., Kjell Hansson Mild & Morgan, L. L. Long-
Term Use of Cellular Phones and Brain Tumours: Increased Risk Associated with Use
for 10 Years. Occup. Environ. Med. 64, pp. 626-632 (2007).
2. Kan, P., Simonsen, S. E., Lyon, J. L. & Kestle, J. R. W. Cellular phone use and brain
tumor: a meta-analysis. J. Neurooncol. 86, 71-78 (2008).
3. Lin, J. C. INTERPHONE Study of Brain Tumors in Cell-Phone Users' Heads
[Telecommunications Health & Safety. IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag. 51, 182-184 (2009).
4. Mead, M. N. Cancer Strong Signal for Cell Phone Effects. Environ. Health Perspect.
116, p. A422 (2008).
5. Roos, A. J. D. et al. Parental Occupational Exposures to Electromagnetic Fields and
Radiation and the Incidence of Neuroblastoma in Offspring. Epidemiology 12, pp. 508-
517 (2001).
6. Tarone, R. E. et al. Mobile Phone Use and Acoustic Neuromas. Epidemiology 16, pp.
414-418 (2005).


In recent years it has come to our attention that cell phone use has taken on a vital
role in the lives of the average citizen, around 3 billion to be more precise
. It is used in
nearly every aspect of our lives from communicating to travelling and even for studying.
Ongoing research about likely causes of cancer coupled with such a widespread use of
cell phones only made it a matter of time before the effects of such convenient devices
was identified as the possible cause of developing cancer, thus proving my interest and
selection for the topic. This topic is of concern to me and should also be of concern to the
general population for cancer is amongst some of the most common and frightening
illnesses today. Although there are many possible causes of cancer, such as commercial
products, cell phone use is by far one of the most concerning due to the fact that its used
by such a large percentage of the general population. Another reason why this topic is of
concern to me and why it should also be of concern to the public is due to its lack of a
finite conclusion. Since the general population has become so accustomed to cell phone
use, living without one sounds like an impossible task. Therefore if cell phone use is
proven to be the cause of cancer, then will the general population be able to reduce its use
and need? Not knowing something of importance can often be dangerous hence the need
for people to know and understand the possible consequences of cell phone use and its
potential link to cancer.
Phase 1 - Cover Page, Reference List, and Topic Justification

/1 Question is appropriate (in the form of a yes/no question;
evidence in support for the yes/no side can likely be found in the
scientific literature; question is not too one-sided) (-0.5 marks
for each missing component)
/2 References are peer-reviewed (1 mark) and there are an
appropriate number of references (6 or more) (1 mark)
/2 Topic justification: explain why the topic matters to the student (1
mark) and why the topic should matter to the general population
(1 mark)


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