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Industrial Design Trophy 2014-15

National Association of Students of Architecture

57th Annual NASA Convention
Industrial Design Trophy 2014-15
Cooking Up A Product

Industrial Design involves the design of mass-manufactured objects, just as
architecture involves the design of habitat and related spaces. Originally, craftsmen
designed the products that they themselves made. But when the industrial revolution
took place, Europe was quick to transform its craft traditions into the new domain of
Industrial design - designing for industrial production. A significant number of
pioneers of Industrial Design were architects and craftsmen, who had to adapt their
craft to a new age - to new materials and manufacturing processes.
Today the field has grown in leaps and bounds, outputting products of dazzling
complexity, products which are designed in one part of the world, manufactured in
another and sold/used entirely elsewhere. With globalization came the need for a
highly nuanced and delicate balance, that of retaining the identity of a product
that originates from a traditional local culture, and yet making it globally appealing
and understandable.
Cooking is one of the most ancient art-forms, and the variety of traditional recipes
that all cultures have produced is simply enormous. These recipes have often been
copied, translated, upgraded from culture to culture, while often retaining their
original identity and sometimes entirely taking on new and yet recognizable forms.
(For example, the Sanskrit word for 'soup' is 'soup' - the Mahabharata describes the
warrior Bheem as skilled in broth-making, by using the adjective 'Soup-karta' a
testimonial to how cross-cultural food and taste can be)
Today Indian recipes are gaining popularity across the globe, and along with these
recipes, one often requires the devices and objects that may be used during
cooking. Till date, these objects may be made by craft-based manual processes,
but with the globalization of Indian food culture, there is a possibility for these objects
to be transformed into mass-manufacturable products.
Some random examples of traditional Indian kitchen Products

Industrial Design Trophy 2014-15

National Association of Students of Architecture
57th Annual NASA Convention
Industrial Design Trophy 2014-15

It is the aim of this competition to see how Indian traditional products used in the
cooking process can be redesigned for a new and global scenario.
The kitchen products designed by Philippe Stark and Manufactured by Alessi are
brilliant examples of reinterpretations of products and needs that have been existing
for thousands of years.

One of the eternal challenges behind all transformation has always been - retaining
something of the original identity, while adapting to new circumstances. Sometimes
it takes a significant delving into identity to decide what to keep, what to give up
and what new things to incorporate.
Humans face this challenge in their personal growth as much as designers face the
challenge when transforming a traditional product into a very global one. Such
transformation is vital in life, because in the absence of constructive transformation,
there will be always destructive transformation, such as decay, or obsolescence.
Some approach this challenge by giving up the original identity entirely, others by
refusing to adapt the original identity, while some are able to reach a brilliant
golden mean that contemporarizes the object while revitalizing the original identity
in creative ways.
All approaches are valid, provided the transformed product is able to do its job as
well or better than the original product.

Industrial Design Trophy 2014-15

National Association of Students of Architecture
57th Annual NASA Convention
Industrial Design Trophy 2014-15
To transform traditional Indian kitchen products into contemporary, mass-
manufactural objects that can hold their own on a global platform - Indian
objects/devices to be used in Indian cooking.
Your user may be someone who has no experience of India or Indian cooking - or
someone who is a master of Indian cooking. The product must fit into both contexts -
fulfilling its prime functionality, as well as lending its own charm to the process.

Choose a traditional Indian kitchen product that you would like to transform.
Decide your user profile to help you visualize the usage of the product better.
(Indian or non-Indian, gender, age, etc).
Think about usability of the product by studying how it is used, how it is placed during
use as well as in storage. Think of how a new product form can communicate the
function of the product.
Redesign the traditional product to suit the contemporary world better perhaps in
a different social context or for a new market, or for a more general global
You are allowed and expected to use new materials, textures, manufacturing
processes, as well as to think of ways to increase the functionality and usability.
Create panels displaying the earlier traditional design, as well as your
contemporarized vision of the product.
NOTE: No electrically operated products are eligible for this competition. Any
mechanically (though manually) operated design is permissible. You are not
expected to do the entire mechanism design, but simple gear boxes (if there are
any) may be denoted by a bounding box, and annotated as a gear mechanism.
Submission Requirements
All entries to be submitted online. (For Stage 1 only)
All text should be in English.
The projects should use the decimal metric system and contain a metric
Graphic Scale in order to enable publication in reduced formats.
Industrial Design Trophy 2014-15

National Association of Students of Architecture
57th Annual NASA Convention
Industrial Design Trophy 2014-15
All sheets explaining the design should be through graphics, visuals & minimal
written matter.
Background note about the traditional kitchen object that has been chosen
if possible, explaining its traditional design, usage and other contextual
information. Sketches or simple drawings of existing product are welcome.
Transformed Product concept Explained through Design Sketches with
annotations giving information on aspects vision, materials, finishes, textures,
colours, components, context etc
Concept Visualization (Sketches, 3D Renderings and Orthographic Views with
key dimensions)
Relevant Details and brief description of the design process followed.
A maximum of 4 drawings of A1 size in "pdf" format to submitted explaining
the design in the following format:-
a) Content & Research
b) Design process
c) Design Drawings
d) 3d/isometric views
Drawings explaining the design should be more with graphics/visuals & less of
written matter.
Number of entries maximum 5 and maximum of 5 students per entry from
each college as per NASA rules and regulations

The submission shall include the following
1. Maximum Four A1 size sheets in pdf file format i.e. 4 pdf files combined to
form 1 file with subject as : NASA:ADI:COLLEGE CODE: Entry number, totalling
not more than 5 MB of one entry. ( for example if there are 3 entries from z101
then the registration number and the file name shall be NASA:ADI:Z101:Entry
01, NASA:ADI:Z101:Entry 02, NASA:ADI:Z101:Entry 03.)
2. 1 set of colour reproductions in A3 size
3. Top 30 entries will be selected online for Final Jury at 57
Annual NASA
Convention, MIDAS.
4. Top 30 entries shall submit a CD containing identical data on the sheets in a
non-editable pdf format and also editable format with all the fonts used,
during the 57
Annual NASA Convention.
Industrial Design Trophy 2014-15

National Association of Students of Architecture
57th Annual NASA Convention
Industrial Design Trophy 2014-15
5. Top 30 entries will make a 1:1 Scale models over 2/3 days during the 57

Annual NASA Convention, MIDAS under the guidance & supervision of
ADI mentors.
Submission details::
Entries should be mailed to In case of
multiple entries, the entries shall be mailed separately. With the subject of the mail
stating your entry code i.e, NASA: ADI: COLLEGE CODE: ENTRY NO.
Last date of submission is 20
December 2014 before 18:00 Hrs IST.

___________________________________Queries ::____________________________________
Waqar Abid A Z

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