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Daily Announcements

Paris High School & Junior High

October 9th, 2014
High School:

NHS Officer meeting today during intervention

NHS member trash pick-up October 21 from 3:30 to 4:30

Student Council Members wanting to help decorate for the District Meeting on October
24 starting tomorrow meet during intervention and after school to work on decorations until October 23.

Paris HS Student Council is involved with Battle of the Belt again this year! Did you know that
Six out of 10 vehicle occupants killed in 2013 Missouri traffic crashes were unbuckled.
Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for people 15 to 20 years old.
Three out of four teen vehicle occupants (13-19) killed in 2013 Missouri traffic crashes were not wearing a
safety belt.
Our average for the Oct 1 Seat Belt Check was 84%. 4% above the State Average for all drivers. During this coming
weeks, starting next week, there will be a trivia of the week on the STU CO Board in the main hall. Also, take the
pledge! If you pledge to wear your seatbelt and encourage others in your vehicle to wear their seat belt (whether you
are driving or not) take the pledge! See Mr. Freitag or pick up a pledge card in the office.

Seniors- Once you have been admitted to college and have made your decision, come see Mrs. Youse to
get your name on the places you'll go banner!

FFA Movie night will be October 15
, 2014. We will watch a movie over where the buses are parked. We
will start at 7 pm. Popcorn, soda and hot chocolate will be provided. Admission is 2 canned good or
$2.00. Bring a chair or your truck and brink a coat or a sweatshirt.

TRICK OR TREAT FOR CANNED GOODS: The FFA, FBLA and Stuco chapters will be trick or treating
for the canned goods food drive. We will be having a competition between the Freshmen, Sophomores,
Juniors and Seniors. Whichever class brings in the most canned goods will win a pizza party. Our goal is
2,000 cans of food. So please bring in canned goods and help for a good cause. Also tell everybody in
town that the FFA, FBLA, and STUCO chapters will be coming around town on October 14
starting at 6
pm to collect cans.

The Paris FFA chapter will be having the Labor Auction on October 23, 2014. Supper will begin at 6 pm.,
Greenhand and Chapter Initiation will begin at 6:30 pm and the auction will start at 7. If you are in FFA
and interested in being in the Auction, there will be a sign up sheet in Mr. Bondys or Miss Hickmans
room. Please sign up if interested.

Senior parent after prom fund meeting will be Monday, October 13
@ 6:00 in Ms. Ottos room.

Student Council & FBLA members who would like to attend the trip to Shryocks Corn Maze on October
18th need to sign up on the sheet located on Mrs. Moreland's door. The cost for the maze is $8.00 per
person, and students are responsible for their own transportation. We will meet at the maze at 3:00 pm.

Juniors and Sophomores interested in taking the PSAT test be sure to sign up with Mrs. Youse. This test
will be administered the morning of Wed, Oct 15 and costs $14.

Seniors- The American Legion will be hosting the High School Oratorical Scholarship program.
Students must prepare a speech on one of the given topics on the constitution. There are district,
state,and national competitions and awards. Please see Mrs. Youse if interested. We must
determine a local winner by November 30.

College Rep Visits:

TODAY Culver Stockton rep will be here during 7th hour
10/29 University of Central MO rep will be here during intervention

Junior High:
JH girls basketball practice will start October 13
@ 3:30 in the high school gym. Make sure you have
your physical done and paperwork ready to turn in.


Teachers and Staff:
Supervision this week: AMJH: Moreland AMHS: Freitag 1
Lunch: Long 2
Lunch: Thomas
Supervision next week: AMJH: Freitag AMHS: Long 1
Lunch: D. Rinz 2
Lunch: Watson
Upcoming Activities:

10-10 7:00 V Football @ Marceline
10-15 7:45 Senior orders with Jostens
10-16 10:16 Earthquake drill

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