Sensei Clones Pets

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De La Salle 24

edition 12/3
Science Newsletter
Talking about the big and small things
of this world for your cells to
Cloning Animals
What is Cloning Animals?
Today, were going to talk about Cloning Animals. Cloning animals is about
making a copy of an organism using their cells. At the moment we dont
have the technology of making clones immediately and at our own will, but
we use a method through cells to make a copy through birth. It is literally
the production of an organism from a single cell.
So how do they do it?
Firstly, they obtain a cell, usually their skin, from a donor animal; in this
case well use a sheep as it has been scientifically done to clone a sheep,
which was Dolly. They get an egg cell from another sheep and remove the
DNA from the egg cell. The DNA and the egg cell are fused together to
make a single cell. This is to be the first cell of the new sheep. It now is going
to grow as a normal embryo on a glass dish for several days. It is then
implanted the host ewe then born as normal. This is the process of cloning
an animal.
The Watson-Crick model of DNA is a double
Dolly was the first cloned mammal. It was a
Dolly lived for approximately 6 and half
years. This is a short life span for a sheep.
Watson Crick Model that is a double helix.
Dolly the first
cloned mammal
and sheep!
How is DNA involved in this process?
The use the DNA from a donor sheep and put it into an egg cell, which is emptied of its DNA,
from another sheep and then it put it into another sheeps egg. DNA is used from one of the
sheep and moved into an empty egg cell to make one cell with DNA.

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The double helix shape is form by
a nitrogen base, which is the Sugar
phosphate backbone in this
diagram. They are alternating
sugar and phosphate units that
have been connected to form this
double helix. The cross bridges
are made of the pairs of Adenine
and Thymine, and Guanine and
What are the benefits and problems of cloning in general?
There are definitely many issues and beneficial factors of
cloning. You can form your own opinion about these
problems and benefits through your beliefs.
Cloning is beneficial because wed have to use fewer
natural animals for the study of them. The natural animals
will be allowed into their natural habitats and environments
without their eco systems being damaged due to absolute
extinction of overuse and killing of them.
On the other hand, when humans can be cloned due to
technology advances, they are humans. They have
sentiment values with feelings and emotions; they are not
to be used as lab animals. Humans are creatures of free will
and are not suitable as just lab rats.
Beneficially, it will become possible to mass-produce
transgenic animals. With this, we can have an infinite and
renewable source for anything that can be cloned. We can
have our desirable products to be used for a long time.
To do perfect cloning, itd take many years and decades to
make perfect clones. With our current technology with the
speed and direction of technology, our progress will
ultimately gain flaws through the processes. Even the
statistics right now show that 95% of clones die during their
birth, even the one that was successfully cloned had its
flaws and its sped up aging. Is it even possible to make a
perfect clone? We need to think of the clones physical
strength, mental capabilities and immunity. There are
many variables to cloning that can occur.
A positive thing about cloning would be that wed have an
endless food source. We may get the desirable products but
ultimately wed have a lot of food. We would be able to
feed those in third world countries or places with little
water for agriculture and be able to feed everyone. We may
have different amounts but being able to feed everyone to
De La Salle 24

To do perfect cloning, itd take many years and decades to
make perfect clones. With our current technology with the
speed and direction of technology, our progress will
ultimately gain flaws through the processes. Even the
statistics right now show that 95% of clones die during their
birth, even the one that was successfully cloned had its
flaws and its sped up aging. Is it even possible to make a
perfect clone? We need to think of the clones physical
strength, mental capabilities and immunity. There are
many variables to cloning that can occur.
A positive thing about cloning would be that wed have an
endless food source. We may get the desirable products but
ultimately wed have a lot of food. We would be able to
feed those in third world countries or places with little
water for agriculture and be able to feed everyone. We may
have different amounts but being able to feed everyone to
satisfaction is definitely a good thing that would come out
of cloning.
On the downside, it is an expensive process. Think about
the amount of cells wed need to make it. Maybe, about a
thousand cells? We can be using this money to figure out
cures for cancer and other diseases that circulate around the
world we live in. As mentioned above, we have a 5%
chance of a clone actually making it through birth and for it
to be well when its alive. Thats a pretty small percentage
to successfully make a clone with a large amount of money
being used!

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dddddd What would the
ethical issues be about cloning?
One of them would be animal
welfare. The animals would
definitely not be treated well as they
would be used as lab animals.
However the cloning doesnt have
to be about using them as lab rats
but we can use them to help eco
systems be restored or stay in good
condition. Making too many and
releasing them all in the wild may
ruin the eco system through
The clones statistically have 95%
chance of dying before their birth so
the clones welfare is obviously
terrible as they die before reaching
the world. The animals, evidently
from Dolly, will face many
unforeseen situations with the clone
due to our technological capabilities
of our generation. They will
conceive, perhaps, foreign diseases
that may be spread contagiously
without a cure.
Cloning The
Do you think cloning is right?
Would these birds be
happy if they were
being cloned?
De La Salle 24
An issue, which would definitely be
brought up by religious groups, would be
Playing God.
Religions believe that God made
humans and animals. God had a destiny
for everyone. God is omnipresent.
Referencing the bible: The LORD
[said] Before I formed you in the
womb I knew you, before you were born
I set you apart. Jeremiah 1:4-5
However there are some good things
that come out of this. We can save some
species of this earth from extinction. We
can save Gods creation from the
ruthless forces of humans being
destructive among their environments
and habitats.
We can follow what people have said
and that God has set your apart for a
role. God is omnipresent; he knows we
are doing it. Maybe God wants us to
achieve this? God knows what is right
and wrong, good and bad, but God had
a plan for each of us
My overall evaluation, based
on my ethics, is that cloning is
bad. Its negatives outweigh the
positives. It may be good for
research, but think of the
animals! and clones!

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Overall judgment on the social
implications of cloning is that the
mysterious and unpredictable factor
of the cloned products may cause
strong side effects. It may help the
world and economy but when we
get hit with unknown diseases,
what can we bank on to save us?

Social Implications
The social implications of animal
cloning would be the economy and
what the clones actually are and
what they have.
The economy would be doing a lot
better. Theres less greed and more
production. Thered be less
demand, which would mean lower
prices. The rich would become
pretty much useless in the long run
and the poor will feel better. For
now if the cloning occurred the
demand for the cloned products will
perhaps be very high as they are
rare. Itd be like the release of an
anticipated game console,
extremely high.

People would find new products to
sell, as it wouldnt go for much if
cloning were very simple. Maybe
theyd need to explore to places
such as space to find artifacts that
cant be cloned.
On the other hand, if they actually
manage to hit the markets, do we
have full idea of what were buying?
The food were buying may have
unknown diseases that can effect us
in devastating incurable ways.
Who knows if we find the cure for
cancer in these products? That may
be a long stretch but it may have
positive effects such as vitamin
supplements or having extra protein
Overall judgment on the social
implications of cloning is that the
mysterious and unpredictable factor
of the cloned products may cause
strong side effects. It may help the
world and economy but when we
get hit with unknown diseases,
what can we bank on to save us?
De La Salle 24

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References 2014. Animal Welfare : End Animal Cloning. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. 2014. Ethics : End Animal Cloning. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014].
Library Thinkquest. 2014. Cloning Pros & Cons. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014]. 2014. Biotechnology-Cloning. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 18 Mar 2014].
Whalley, K. 2005. Science focus. Melbourne: Pearson Education Australia.

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