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Through diverse instituciones, Ministry of Education, Unit of Educationa !anage!ent

and another organis! has !ade "u#ic the start of the "rocess of acreditaci$n for the
institutions of %eguar &asic Education and 'roductive Technica Education( This
infor!ation has #een of interest for a ot of educationa institutions, those )ho have the
intention to ta*e "art in said "rocess(
One of the! is the educationa institution Marsha C+ceres of the district of Saint ,uan
of Lurigancho of %eguar &asic Education( &y this reason, the !anageria "ersonne
sustains a !eeting to treat i!"ortant a""earancess that invoucran to the "rocess of
acreditaci$n( -n said !eeting the director and the su#directoras of "ri!ary and
secondary eve revie) diverse docu!ents to have a )ider vision of the e.igencias that
#rings achieve said "rocess(
The ai! of this !eeting is to anayse the fortresses and the )ea*nesses of the
educationa institution to *no) of a "revious )ay the reaised current of his centre and
the resources )ith )hich e."ains to #e a#e to enfrentar this "rocess(
A reaise this anaysis the !anageria "ersonne ta*es the decision to ta*e "art and do
front to the e.igencias that go "resented to institutiona eve( &y )hich #egin to
schedue his strategies of diffusion to give to *no) the decision to the educationa
co!!unity( That/s )hy they schedue a !eeting of "rofessors(
Days after)ards su!!on to the educationa and e."ains the! the decision that has
ta*en to !anageria eve on the "artici"ation in said "rocess( -t s"ecifies the
fortresses and the )ea*nesses that has the centre and in )hich situation find at
"resent and #ecause they are in conditions to do front to this "rocess(
The su#directora of secondary infor!s the! to the educationa that has to choose to a
Co!!ission of autoevauaci$n that )i #e the one )ho re"resented the! during the
"rocess of acreditaci$n in )hich the educationa institution goes to ta*e "art( -t as*s
the! that diaoguen and refe.ionen in grou" on his eection so that after)ards can
"ro"ose to the candidates to choose for the for!ing of said co!!ission(
Des"ues %e0uest a the !e!#ers gave his "oint of vie) "roceeded to the vote and
too* into account to Directors, Educationa, 'arents of fa!iy and Co!unidad(
The co!!ission of acreditaci$n gather to ta*e agree!ents and can initiate of a
suita#e )ay the "rocess of autoevauacion( La!enta#y no a the !e!#ers contri#ute
ideas to the grou" since desconocen so!e ste"s to foo) during this "rocess and
desconocen aso the functions that have i*e "art of said o!ission(
-n s"ite of this "ro#e!, decide to foo) )ith the !eeting )ithout ta*ing in account this
)ea*ness( They "ro"ose dates to reaise to autoevauacion and attain ta*e
agree!ents a#out the day reaise the foo)ing !eeting(
To the foo)ing )ee* ca to !eeting of "rofessors to infor! the! a#out the "rocess of
autoevauacion and can sensitise to a the educationa co!!unity( One of the
!e!#ers of the co!!ission infor!s the! a#out the characteristics and the
advantages of the "rocess of acreditaci$n, )ith )hich the teachers diaogan and give
to *no) his o"inions on the su#1ect(
Another !e!#er of the co!!ission has the !ission to e."ain the "hases of the
autoevauacion, #ut a!enta#y does not have in cear said infor!ation, so it does not
offer the co!"ete infor!ation to the educationa co!!unity( This does that the
educationa do not seat so invoucrados in the su#1ect(
After the !eeting, a the !e!#ers of the co!!ission of autoevauacion gather in an
environ!ent of the institution and diaogan hover of the !eeting that have reaised( -n
this !eeting identify his fortresses and )ea*nesses, so they give account of )hat
have faied and oo* for aternative of soution(
Then "tonifican the reaisation of a tri"tych for0u and through this docu!ent
co!!unicate of a cearer )ay and resu!ida a )hat has0 ue see )ith the stage of
autoevaortocion( Aso they "ose to ea#orate "resentaciornes !uti!edia and
co!!and the! to his !ates so that they have !ore infor!ation on the su#1ect(

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