How To Easily Apply The Secret of Law of Attraction

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How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction


Home > Self Help and Personal Growth > How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction

How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of

by Eddie Corbano
Like 39 people like this.

hat determines the outcome of a day? Why are you

sometimes up to scratch, and then again, deeply grieved?

The answer is not a manic-depressive disorder.

The answer is your disposition to be affected by certain events.
Events that undermine your wellbeing and motivation.
This is the secret of the law of attraction, applied the other way
I do not have in mind the kind of events we are all afraid of, (because
fear is never a good counselor, and the goal is, of course, to be
fearless), so please spare me from enumerating them.
Rather its the trivial things, that are not only driving us mad sometimes, but more importantly,
they are withdrawing the positive energy from us if we let them.
Who has not been in the situation where you get up early in the morning, you havent slept well
because the neighbors dog has barked all night long, and the second you fall asleep, the buzzer
goes off?
You go into the bathroom only to realize that the toothpaste is empty. The only thing that would
get you going now is a good hot cup of coffee well you guessed it, the coffee-machine is
You rush off to work, are late, argue with your superior, lose your job, then drive home only to
discover that your wife has run away with your best friend.



How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction

Ok I exaggerated a little. But you get the picture.

Individually viewed, all of these consecutive events may not be the end of the world as we know it,
but they all add up to a certain indisposition a discomfort that could lead into a disaster.
From then on, you will be unconsciously seeking and attracting more events that confirm your
momentary noxious mood.
Every little thing that bothers you carries in itself the seed to a disaster. This is where the law of
attraction plays a decisive role.
What would be the solution here?
Of course, dont give them enough power to distract you from your way.
Easier said than done, you might think. But what to do concretely?
Heres a suggestion why not start every day in a unique and special way? A ritual that helps us
to get going and remember what is important, so that we wont be distracted by little things. Use
the mentioned law to your benefit.
Sound good?
Here are some suggestions of daily morning rituals you can apply to make your day happier and
to also achieve your goals. You may choose those that work best for you:
1. Take a quiet moment, and think of all the things you are grateful for in your life.
Dont say there arent any, there are plenty of them if you think about it.
Visualize them, write them down, make them conscious. Dont forget the things we take for
granted. Be deeply grateful.

Gratitude is an attitude, and attitude is our thoughts, our feelings and actions. Attitude
affects the whole person, the triune being, the three levels of our personality. Bob

2. Watch this video every morning:



How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction

3. Listen to Napoleon Hill:

Decide what you want, write it on a card, carry the card with you, read it as often as
possible every day, at least every morning, when you get up and before you to go to
bed at night.

You can also use a screen saver or a visual board, where you pin all your dreams, loved ones,
everything that makes you positive.
4. Use Visualizations.
Picture yourself in a beautiful surrounding with your family or friends, a place where you are
deeply happy and pleased. It doesnt even have to be a real place, maybe something you always
dreamed about.
Visualize it with all the details. If you are walking on a beach, feel the wind in your hair, the sand
under your feet and smell the salty water. Hear the laughter of your children.
This is very powerful.
5. Listen to music you like, and which affects you in a positive way.
It depends on your preferences as to what kind of music you choose. Classical, Meditational,
Jazz, Techno it doesnt matter. All that is important here, is that you get in a strong, positive



How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction

Choose one or two of these methods, and try to apply it every single morning. I know you can
do it. I do it every day.
Now comes the interesting part use any of these images in the
methods as an anchor!
You can think of them, should you be bothered by little things
later in the day.
Let these images be your silver bullets against the evil of negative thoughts. Do not allow them to
affect you negatively. Nip them in the bud.
Control your thoughts, and therewith your life.
If you do this every single morning, you will feel a difference. You will be calmer, and develop a
more positive attitude. Negative thoughts may creep in in the future, but they will not stay.
And, even if your morning started terribly as described above, you should now be able to turn it
around and have a beautiful enriched and blessed day.
Make this technique your daily habit and profit from the law of attraction now!
Your friend,
Eddie Corbano
Make your Ex suffer! Click here to watch my FREE presentation:
"How To Make Your Ex Regret They Broke Up With You"

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About Eddie Corbano

Eddie is a breakup-coach and founder of LovesAGame. He suffered from a devastating break up in 1998.
Since then, he dedicated his life to helping others getting the best of this existential experience. The
overcoming of a break up is an important step to autonomy and independency. Eddie Corbano developed
some new coaching programs, which focus on evolving inner strength and the power to set and reach any



How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction

personal goal.
View all posts by Eddie Corbano

happiness, positivity

25 Responses to How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of

Phil July 4, 2007 at 1:08 pm #


Thank you for this superb article.

The concept of law of attraction is a very abstract one. Its good to find some tips how to actually apply
them in your daily routine, and apply them I will
Thank you again!

Eddie Corbano July 6, 2007 at 1:58 pm #


Hi Phil,
Thank you for commenting.
Its remarkable what you can achieve with investing only 10 minutes in the morning. People would be
All the best,
Eddie July 10, 2007 at 1:06 am #


I believe that you should visualize in the morning and then before you go to bed. Allow yourself to dream
about your future every night.

Filomena July 12, 2007 at 9:46 am #


Yes you should visualize to make it all happen. Picture how we want our life to be, live it, believe in it.
Its amazing how powerful this stuff is .



How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction

Cheers ,
keep up the great work.

Nicole September 1, 2007 at 7:05 pm #


Thank you, Eddie. I have had one of my darkest weeks ever due to my own mind, fear of loss, etc. I will
apply your suggestions and put the light back in my life.

Brook October 2, 2007 at 3:59 am #


Thank you so much. I have been having the worst few days and i havent been able to get out of my rut. Im
so glad i stumbled across this site. you have reminded me what life is all about. thank you!!

Eddie Corbano October 3, 2007 at 9:09 am #


Thank you for your kind words, Im happy my article helped you.

Nicole March 7, 2008 at 5:54 am #


you are inspiring, I will read more everyday to learn about how to have a better life, be a better person and
love myself. Thank you

Sarah May 15, 2008 at 4:36 pm #


After a recent bad break up, I am so glad I found your web site. Your suggestions and writings are
inspirational. I really think your site can help me through this dark time.

andrew July 18, 2008 at 8:14 am #


wow thanks for this

i saw the movie and i got shocked
but didnt know how to apply the secret
i will make this everyday



How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction

Mel July 29, 2009 at 6:38 pm #


Beware of thinking of the future too often! Sometime we see the past better than it was or worse than it
was. The same goes for futuristic thinking. If you allow fantasy to dictate the steps you take moving
forward its like sleep walking, you think theres a bridge in your dream but you fall off a cliff in reality.
When making these affirmations it is important to stay grounded as to what the goal truly is. For example,
simply saying Im going to meet a wonderful girl/guy This may give you false confidence or hope which
sets you up for failure and will derail any progress you, yourself may have made. But if you state it
realistically, as in, Im going to be more open to meeting women/men or Im not going to settle for less
than I want. Again everything has to have boundries and definitions in your head, this is as if not more
important than the affirmations themselves.
Also statements like I am rich/wealthy are sometimes not always under our control. I have seen many
people struggle and through no fault of their own, however, those who keep swimming even against the
current dont sink. But perhaps saying I am successful because success is measured in more ways than
just monetarily.
Eddies advice is extremely helpful and if utilized in the way in which he means for it to be Im sure it is
successful. BUT we are dealing with human beings and unfortunately we dont always interpret things as
they are intended but how we wish them to be.
My point setting goals and repeating them to yourself both visually (writing them down) and mentally are
keys to your success as long as the goal itself is realistic and or reality based. Otherwise this could be
devastating to your overall progress.

Kari September 11, 2009 at 4:13 am #


About a month a go I was laying in my bed thinking about what was the purpose of my exitence in my life.
I asked for signs but never knew what it was. The day I watched the secret in the middle of te DVD i got a
text message from one of my friends who I have never met but online. He is a true friend nothing
romantic. He asked me how my latest project went and that project was about the first step of the life I
want to have. I still do not know how to apply it because my toughts always get separated from my true
wishes and wants. I tell myself how can I get to achieve that. I will play this video every morning as a
reminder, I will write those toughts as soon as I reallyput together of what I really want in life. Best wishes
because this is just the beginnign.

Allison September 17, 2009 at 4:30 am #


I guess Ive never quite understood the law of attraction. One night after a truly terrible breakup(my first
love, which is always hard), my friends dragged me out on the town to nudge me out of my sadness. To
make a long story short, I wasnt ready, I was miserable and I sat in a corner and put off anyone who tried



How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction

to approach me. Because of my unhappiness, a man approached me and tried to cheer me up. He turned
out to be a wonderful man, one much better than my ex, and weve had a very healthy relationship ever
since. I wasnt putting out good vibes that night, a fundamental aspect of the law of attraction theory, the
pain of the breakup was still extremely fresh and I was understandably miserable, but I attracted
something very positive and healing in the process. Instead of the law of attraction, I truly believe in fate
and that when one door closes another one opens.

Claire September 27, 2009 at 5:18 am #


Hi Eddie,
I was browsing some stuff about men on internet and led me onto your blog page. I have to say that I
couldnt stop reading. You write so many interesting things and many of them are things that I also believe
in. I went over the list of 10 books that have changed your life and I realized that 3 of them are my most
favorite books
I want to ask you for help and an advice
I am an athlete at a university and I have a crush on a coach of another sports team; however, I dont
know how to approach him or whether I should even approach him.
It is weird and I dont understand it but every time I see him I have to think about him for the rest of the
day and I hate that feeling. I am usually very much in control of my thoughts but I cant get him out of my
Ive never approached any man before because I am usually the one who is being approached I also
dont know how to contact him because I dont want anyone from the university to know and Im actually
not sure if its not against the university rules for a coach to date another athlete even though they are
both in different sports
Anyways he is extremely hot and he seems to have a really nice personality too Should I just let it go
and let him make the first step or should I try to give some hint?
I have never asked anyone for an advice in this matter and I feel very silly writing this to you, but I thought
I may give it a tryThere is always a first time, right? ;o)
Ive read couple more pages and there was an advice: imagine that hes already in love with you
because its going to make you feel more confident do you think is that correct? Based on the law of
attraction it should work but to be honest the law of attraction hasnt worked for me as much as I would
want to. Do you think if I clearly imagine and feel that he already loves me and wants to be with me that
its simply enough and my thoughts will attract him to me?
Thank you for your advice

Sirjana January 31, 2010 at 11:31 am #


I just saw the movie and read your article. My partner desperately needs a job, otherwise he will have to
move back to India and we would be separated for a period of two years, I want him to get the job, more
importantly cause right now this is what will boost his self esteem, he has been looking for a job for an
year now.
He is well qualified, good grades, good uni I just want to apply these techniques to help. Please help me



How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction

visualize what I should.

I cant think of anything. can u suggest me a scenario.. Please please..

Miss M February 6, 2010 at 12:18 pm #


Hi Eddie!
Ive decided that I must change my attitude in life, I always try to be positive but I end up with negatives
thoughts in my head anyway.I have a lot to be grateful for ,had a baby last year and a great fiance, by my
side we are happy in many ways ,but theres others aspects that are really bothering me that always bring
me to be sad and feel lonely. My friends they all disappeared ,they all just ended up really hurting me by
not being there after I had my son,I realize how much love and time I would always be there for them and
still they would not appreciate I really want to start fresh,make new friends and also for my
son,I want us to have honest,loyal and loving friends around us,people we can trust and have fun end
enjoy life with.What should be my new approach ?how do I apply the the law of attraction in this case?.I
must have done something wrong before and I dont want this to happen again.Please if you can give
me advice would be so grateful

Eddie Corbano February 8, 2010 at 7:37 am #


A good affirmation could be: I am surrounded with loving, caring people in my life.
Visualize that you are holding a speech standing in front of a huge crowd on a stage. Everybody looks
at you with love and respect. You are surrounded with smiling faces and caring people. You finish
your speech and go down stairs to the people who applaud and congratulate you. They look at you
full of love and appreciation. You are one of them.
After a while you will see improvement.
Your friend,

april June 4, 2010 at 6:43 pm #


Hi Eddie,
I'm so glad I came upon this article. Sometimes I feel as if I have no control in my life. I feel like I'm always
looking for something to be wrong. But your article really empowers one to look at the positive.. it really
gives you hope.. thank you.

Vivlyn87 October 12, 2010 at 11:47 pm #




How To Easily Apply The Secret Of Law Of Attraction

Wow I really like your stuff it definitely helps

Shreyansd October 28, 2010 at 7:25 pm #


your article is wonderfull.

I recently brokeup with my girlfriend, she said that she didnt find any passion in the relationship, she said
she realised that she didnt love me passionately enough to continue in this relationship with me.
both of us live in different cities 400 km appart but ive been very true to her all the time.
dear sir i love this girl very very much and i need her back in my life. would you please help me ge this girl
back. i dont know if shes going out with some1 else or whatever, but i need to get this girl back, pleas help
me sir please.

Robelaye December 3, 2010 at 7:44 am #


There were moments that i really hate my existence. And i thought those moments could only end up
when i pass away. But after watching the DVD my life is beginning to change. I am now watching my life
in a different vantage point. Thank you for changing my life.

Eddie Corbano December 3, 2010 at 9:54 am #


I am very happy for you. Hang in there!

Shanks July 23, 2014 at 5:59 am #


Hi Eddie,
It doesnt last for me. Ive had an accident and am still in the recovery process. The motivation and spirit I
possessed after reading the Secret did not last more than a day. I woke up the next morning back to
square one; crying and asking God why it has to be me. I also dont know how to feel happy and grateful
because without positive feelings, the secret will not work.

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About Eddie Corbano

My name is Eddie Corbano and I help people to break their addiction to their Ex after a break-up: I Ex-Detox them. After a
devastating break-up I had years ago I'm devoting my life to... Continue reading

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