in SAP You Will Always Get Integration With Other Modules

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FI Integration with MM, SD

1. In SAP you will always get integration with other modules.

SD will interact with FI,
MM will interact with SD :-
1a. Looking at MM and SD interaction first, take the scenario of a third party order process.
This process uses a ! "which is sent to your #endor$
%lso in#oice #erification is used further along the process to check that the in#oice you send to your custo&er is the
sa&e &aterial and 'uantity as that which the #endor sends to you "(ut o(#iously shipped directly to your custo&er$.
1b. )illing is an SD function.
)ut S% needs to know, when processing a custo&er*s pay&ent, to which +L account the pay&ent has to (e
For instance pay&ent of a ,- (ased &aterial would (e placed in a different +L account to that of a non-,- (ased
Further&ore, a ,- (ased custo&er &ay ha#e a different +L account to that of an ./port custo&er.
This is configured in %ccount Deter&ination.
2. %)%ers are there to essential do so&e (espoke de#elop&ent.
0our integration, or interaction, with the& would (e when specifying the ta(les, fields, input fields, a si&ple process
e/planation, data &apping "if doing an interface fro& one syste& to another$ etc.
The link (etween SD and MM:-
1. 2hen you create sales order in SD, all the details of the ite&s are
copied fro& Material &aster of MM.
3. M4 and a#aila(ility check related data is also taken fro& MM although you control this data in SD also.
5. 2hile you create in(ound6out(ound deli#ery with reference to a sales order, the shipping point deter&ination takes
place with the help of the loading group, plant data, shipping conditions etc.
This also refers to Material Master.
7. The &aterial which you are entering in a sales order &ust (e e/tended to the sales area of your sales
order6custo&er otherwise you cannot transact with this &aterial.
There are &any such links (etween SD and MM.
The link (etween SD and FI:-
1. 2hene#er you create a deli#ery with reference to a sales order, goods &o#e&ent takes place in the (ackground
e.g. in case of standard sales order, you create an out(ound goods deli#ery to the custo&er.
8ere &o#e&ent 9:1 takes place.
This &o#e&ent is configured in MM. %lso, this &o#e&ent hits so&e +6L account in FI.
.#ery such &o#e&ent of good s hits so&e +6L account.
3. The accounts posting in FI is done with reference to the (illing docu&ents "in#oice, de(it note, credit note etc$
created in SD. Thus this is a link (etween SD and FI
5. Ta/ deter&ination: In case of a ta/ deter&ination also, there is a direct link (etween SD and MM
SD Integration points with other &odules
SD &odule is highly integrated with the other &odules in S%.
Sales !rder ; Integration oints Module
<%#aila(ility =heck ; MM
<=redit =heck ; FI
<=osting ; =!6 MM
<Ta/ Deter&ination ; FI
<Transfer of 4e'uire&ents ; 6 MM
Deli#ery > +oods Issue ;Integration oints Module
<%#aila(ility =heck ; MM
<=redit =heck ; FI
<4educes stock ; MM
<4educes In#entory ?; FI6 =!
<4e'uire&ent .li&inated ; 6 MM
)illing ; Integration oints Module
<De(it %64 ; FI6 =!
<=redit 4e#enue ; FI6 =!
<,pdates +6 L - FI6 =!
"Ta/, discounts, surcharges, etc.$
<Milestone )illing ; S
4eturn Deli#ery > =redit Me&o ; Integration oints Module
<Increases In#entory ; MM
<,pdates +6 L - FI
<=redit Me&o ; FI
<%d@ust&ent to %64 ; FI
<4educes 4e#enue ; FI

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