Water Supply

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to provide whole some water to the consumers for

drinking purpose.
2. to supply adequate quantity to meet at least the
minimum needs of the individuals
3. to make adequate provisions for emergencies like
fire fighting, festivals, meeting etc
4. to make provision for future demands due to
increase in population, increase in standard of
living, storage and conveyance
5. to prevent pollution of water at source, storage
and conveyance
6. to maintain the treatment units and distribution
system in good condition with adequate staff and
7. to design and maintain the system that is
economical and reliable

1. It should be free from bacteria
2. It should be colorless and sparkling
3. It should be tasty, odour free and cool
4. It should be free from objectionable matter
5. It should not corrode pipes
6. It should have dissolved oxygen and free
from carbonic acid so that it may remain
1. Domestic water demand
2. Industrial demand
3. Institution and commercial demand
4. Demand for public use
5. Fire demand
6. Loses and wastes
a) Drinking ------15 litres
b) Cooking ------ 5 litres
c) Bathing ------ 55 litres
d) Clothes washing ------ 20 litres
e) Utensils washing ------ 20 litres
f) House cleaning ------ 20 litres
1. The water required in the industries mainly
depends on the type of industries,
2. which are existing in the city. The water
required by factories, paper mills, Cloth
mills, Cotton mills, Breweries, Sugar
refineries etc. comes under industrial use.
3. The quantity of water demand for
industrial purpose is around 20 to 25% of
the total demand of the city.
1. Universities, Institution, commercial
buildings and commercial centers includes
the following
2. office buildings, warehouses, stores,
hotels, shopping centers, health centers,
schools,temple, cinema houses, railway and
bus stations etc comes under this category.
3. As per IS:1172-1963, water supply
requirements for the public buildings other
than residences as follows.
1. Quantity of water required for public utility
purposes such as for washing and sprinkling
on roads, cleaning of sewers, watering of
public parks, gardens, public fountains etc
comes under public demand.
2. To meet the water demand for public use,
provision of 5% of the total consumption is
made designing the water works for a city.
1. Fire may take place due to faulty electric wires by
short circuiting, fire catching materials, explosions,
bad intension of criminal people or any other
unforeseen mishappenings.
2. If fires are not properly controlled and extinguished
in minimum possible time, they lead to serious
damage and may burn cities.
3. All the big cities have full fire-fighting squads. As
during the fire breakdown large quantity of water is
required for throwing it over the fire to extinguish
it, therefore provision is made in the water work to
supply sufficient quantity of water or keep as
reserve in the water mains for this purpose.
4. In the cities fire hydrants are provided on the water
mains at 100 to 150 m apart for fire demand.
All the water, which goes in the distribution, pipes
does not reach the consumers.
The following are the reasons:
1. Losses due to defective pipe joints, cracked
and broken pipes, faulty valves and fittings.
2. Losses due to, consumers keep open their taps
of public taps even when they are not using
the water and allow the continuous wastage of
3. Losses due to unauthorised and illegal
connections While estimating the total
quantity of water of a town; allowance of 15%
1. Water is the most abundant compound in
nature. It covers 75% of the earth surface.
2. About 97.3% of water is contained in the
great oceans that are saline.
3. 2.14% is held in icecaps glaciers in the
poles, which are also not useful.
4. Barely the remaining 0.56% found on earth
is in useful form for general livelihood.
Total quantity of water available on the
planet EARTH in various states and
regions are given in the table
1. The water which goes in atmosphere by
evaporation and transpiration again comes
back in the form of precipitation under
favourable climatic conditions is known as
hydrological cycle of water.
2. Hydrology is the science, which deals with
the increment of the water on the ground,
under the ground, evaporation from the
land and water surface and transportation
from the vegetation and going back into
atmosphere where it precipitates.
1. Due to suns heat water from the earths surfaces, lakes,
rivers, seas etc evaporates and rises upwards.
2. At high altitude due to reduction in the atmosphere
pressure these water vapours expand by absorbing
energy from the surrounding air, which cools down.
3. When it falls below the dew point it cannot retain the
excessive moisture, which starts falling in the form of
rain, hails, dew,sleet, frost or precipitation.
4. Various factors such as temperature, atmospheric
pressure, velocity of wind, height of mountains in the
region, presence of forests, position of land and water
areas etc and their complex relation are responsible for
the precipitation.
5. This precipitation and evaporation processes continue
forever and balance is maintained between the two by
The evaporated water from the surfaces of streams, rivers, sea,
ponds, wet surfaces, trees and plants etc again returned to the
earth surface by the condensation in the form of rain, hails, dew,
sleet etc is known as precipitation.
The major part of the precipitation occurs in the form of rain and
other forms quantities are very small.
The water of precipitation further goes off in the following ways.
1. RUN-OFF: After precipitation a portion of its water flows over
the ground in the form of rivers and streams and some water
flows towards lakes and ponds and collected there.
2. INFILTRATION: A portion of precipitation, percolates in the
ground and it is stored in the form of sub-soil or ground water.
3. EVAPORATION: some portion of the precipitation is also
evaporated from the lakes, rivers, reservoirs and wet surfaces
in the form of vapour due to suns heat is known as
4. EVAPO-TRANSPIRATION: The roots of the trees absorbs water
from the ground and some portion of it evaporates in the
atmosphere through leaves in the form of transpiration.
All the sources of water can be broadly divided
1. Surfaces sources and
2. Sub surface sources
The surface sources further divided into
1. Streams
2. Rivers
3. Ponds
4. Lakes
5. Impounding reservoirs etc.
1. In mountains at some places natural basins are
formed with impervious bed by springs and
streams are known as lakes.
2. The quality of water in the natural ponds and
lakes depends upon the basins capacity,
catchment area, annual rainfall, porosity of
ground etc.
3. lakes and ponds situated at higher altitudes
contain almost pure water which can be used
without any treatment.
4. But ponds formed due to construction of
houses, road, railways contains large amount
of impurities and therefore cannot be used for
water supply purposes.
1. Rivers and streams are the main source of surface source
of water.
2. In summer the quality of river water is better than
mansoon.because in rainy season the run-off water also
carries with clay, sand, silt etc which make the water
3. So river and stream water require special treatments.
4. Some rivers are snow fed and perennial and have water
throughout the year and therefore they do not require
any arrangements to hold the water.
5. But some rivers dry up wholly or partially in summer. So
they require special arrangements to meet the water
demand during hot weather.
6. Mostly all the cities are situated near the rivers
discharge their used water of sewage in the rivers,
therefore much care should be taken while drawing
water from the river.
1. In some rivers the flow becomes very small and
cannot meet the requirements of hot weather.
2. In such cases, the water can be stored by
constructing a bund, a weir or a dam across the
river at such places where minimum area of land is
submerged in the water and max.
3. quantity of water to be stored. In lakes and
reservoirs, suspended impurities settle down in the
bottom, but in their beds algae, weeds, vegetable
and organic growth takes place which produce bad
smell, taste and colour in water.
4. Therefore this water should be used after
5. When water is stored for long time in reservoirs it
should be aerated and chlorinated to kill the
microscopic organisms which are born in water.
These are further divided into
1. Infiltration galleries
2. Infiltration wells
3. Springs etc
1. A horizontal nearly horizontal tunnel which is
constructed through water bearing strata for
tapping underground water near rivers, lakes
or streams are called Infiltration galleries.
2. The yield from the galleries may be as much as
1.5 x 104 lit/day/metre length of infiltration
3. For maximum yield the galleries may be placed
at full depth of the aquifer.
4. Infiltration galleries may be constructed with
masonry or concrete with weep holes of 5cm x
1. In order to obtain large quantity of water, the
infiltration wells are sunk in series in the blanks of
2. The wells are closed at top and open at bottom.
They are constructed by brick masonry with open
joints as shown in fig.
3. For the purpose of inspection of well, the manholes
are provided in the top cover.
4. The water filtrates through the bottom of such
wells and as it has to pass through sand bed, it gets
purified to some extent.
5. The infiltration well in turn are connected by
porous pipes to collecting sump called jack well
and there water is pumped to purification plant for
1. Sometimes ground water reappears at the
ground surface in the form of springs.
2. Springs generally supply small springs.
Springs generally supply small quantity of
water and hence suitable for the hill towns.
Some springs discharge hot water due to
presence of sulphur and useful only for the
cure of certain skin disease of patients.
1. Gravity Springs: When the surface of the
earth drops sharply the water bearing
stratum is exposed to atmosphere and
gravity springs are formed as shown in fig.
2. Surface Spring: This is formed when an
impervious stratum which is supporting the
ground water reservoir becomes out crops as
shown in fig.
3. Artesian Spring: When the ground water
rises through a fissure in the upper
impervious stratum as shown in fig.
When the water-bearing stratum has too much
hydraulic gradient and is closed between two
imperious stratum, the formation of Artesian
spring from deep seated spring
A well is defined as an artificial hole or pit made in the
ground for the purpose of tapping water.
In India 75 to 85% of Indian population has to depend on wells
for its water supply.
The three factors which form the basis of theory of wells are
1. Geological conditions of the earths surface
2. Porosity of various layers
3. Quantity of water, which is absorbed and stored in
different layers.
The following are different types of wells
1. Shallow wells
2. Deep wells
3. Tube wells
4. Artesian wells
1. Shallow wells are constructed in the
uppermost layer of the earths surface.
2. The diameter of well varies from 2 to 6 m
and a maximum depth of 7m.
3. Shallow wells may be lined or unlined from
inside. Fig.
4. shows a shallow well with lining (steining).
These wells are also called draw wells or
gravity wells or open wells or drag wells or
percolation wells.
1. Quantity of water available from shallow wells is
limited as their source of supply is uppermost layer
of earth only and sometimes may even dry up in
2. Hence they are not suitable for public water supply
3. The quantity of water obtained from shallow wells
is better than the river water but requires
4. The shallow wells should be constructed away from
septic tanks, soak pits etc because of the
contamination of effluent.
5. The shallow wells are used as the source of water
supply for small villages, undeveloped municipal
towns, isolated buildings etc because of limited
supply and bad quality of water.
1. The Deep wells obtain their quota of water from an
aquifer below the impervious layer as shown in fig
2. The theory of deep well is based on the travel of
water from the outcrop to the site of deep well.
3. The outcrop is the place where aquifer is exposed
to the atmosphere.
4. The rain water entered at outcrop and gets
thoroughly purified when it reaches to the site of
deep well.
5. But it dissolves certain salts and therefore become
6. In such cases, some treatment would be necessary
to remove the hardness of water.
1. The depth of deep well should be decided in such a
way that the location of out crop is not very near to
the site of well.
2. The water available at a pressure greater atmospheric
pressure, therefore deep wells are also referred to as
a pressure wells.
1. The main function of the intakes works is to
collect water from the surface source and
then discharge water so collected, by
means of pumps or directly to the
treatment water.
2. Intakes are structures which essentially
consists of opening, grating or strainer
through which the raw water from river,
canal or reservoir enters and carried to the
sump well by means of conducts water
from the sump well is pumped through the
rising mains to the treatment plant.
The following points should be kept in mind while selecting a site
for intake works:
1. Where the best quality of water available so that water is
purified economically in less time.
2. At site there should not be heavy current of water, which may
damage the intake structure.
3. The intake can draw sufficient quantity of water even in the
worst condition, when the discharge of the source is minimum.
4. The site of the work should be easily approachable without any
5. The site should not be located in navigation channels
6. As per as possible the intake should be near the treatment plant
so that conveyance cost is reduced from source to the water
7. As per as possible the intake should not be located in the vicinity
of the point of sewage disposal for avoiding the pollution of
8. At the site sufficient quantity should be available for the future
expansion of the water-works.
Depending upon the source of water the intake
works are classified as following
1. Lake Intake
2. Reservoir Intake
3. River Intake
4. Canal Intake
1. For obtaining water from lakes mostly
submersible intakes are used.
2. These intakes are constructed in the bed of the
lake below the water level; so as to draw
water in dry season also.
3. These intakes have so many advantages such as
no obstruction to the navigation, no danger
from the floating bodies and no trouble due to
4. As these intakes draw small quantity of water,
these are not used in big water supply schemes
or on rivers or reservoirs.
5. The main reason being that they are not easily
approachable for maintenance.
1. Water from the rivers is always drawn from
the upstream side, because it is free from
the contamination caused by the disposal
of sewage in it.
2. It is circular masonary tower of 4 to 7 m in
diameter constructed along the bank of the
river at such place from where required
quantity of water can be obtained even in
the dry period.
3. The water enters in the lower portion of
the intake known as sump well from
1. It consists of an intake well, which is placed near the dam and
connected to the top of dam by foot bridge.
2. The intake pipes are located at different levels with common
vertical pipe.
3. The valves of intake pipes are operated from the top and they
are installed in a valve room.
4. Each intake pipe is provided with bell mouth entry with
perforations of fine screen on its surface.
5. The outlet pipe is taken out through the body of dam. The
outlet pipe should be suitably supported.
6. The location of intake pipes at different levels ensures supply
of water from a level lower than the surface level of water.
7. When the valve of an intake pipe is opened the water is drawn
off from the reservoir to the outlet pipe through the common
vertical pipe.
8. To reach upto the bottom of intake from the floor of valve
room, the steps should be provided in Zigzag manner.
1. A intake chamber is constructed in the canal
2. This results in the reduction of water way which
increases the velocity of flow.
3. It therefore becomes necessary to provide pitching
on the downstream and upstream portion of canal
4. The entry of water in the intake chamber takes
through coarse screen and the top of outlet pipe is
provided with fine screen.
5. The inlet to outlet pipe is of bell-mouth shape with
perforations of the fine screen on its surface.
6. The outlet valve is operated from the top and it
controls the entry of water into the outlet pipe
from where it is taken to the treatment plant.
1. Absolutely pure water is never found in nature and
contains number of impurities in varying amounts.
2. The rainwater which is originally pure, also absorbs
various gases, dust and other impurities while falling.
This water when moves on the ground further carries
salt, organic and inorganic impurities.
3. So this water before supplying to the public should be
treated and purified for the safety of public health,
economy and protection of various industrial process, it
is most essential for the water work engineer to
thoroughly check analyse and do the treatment of the
raw water obtained the sources, before its distribution.
4. The water supplied to the public should be strictly
according to the standards laid down from time to time.
For the purpose of classification, the impurities
present in water may be divided into the following
three categories.
The following are the physical characteristics
1. Turbidity
2. Colour and temperature
3. Taste and odour
1. World health organization has observes that 80% of communicable
diseases that are transmitted through water.
2. The diseases like cholera, gastroenteritis, typhoid, diarrhoea,
polio, hepatitis (Jaundice), Leptospirosis, Dracontiasis are caused
by bacteria.
3. Excess of fluorides present in water [ above 1.5 mg/litre] cause
diseases like dental flurosis, skeletal flurosis. This is a permanent
irreversible disease that weakens the bone structure. The patient
becomes immobile and bedridden.
4. Excess of nitrates in water causes Mathaemoglobinaemia or blue
baby symptoms in infants. It effects the hemoglobin in the blood
and reduces its capacity to transport oxygen to the cells.
5. Nitrates in water are caused by industrial effluents, agricultural
6. Toxic ions of chromium, lead, arsenic and pesticides in water
cause diseases affecting the kidney, liver and high blood
pressure, paralysis, cancer etc.
7. These toxic substances are due to industrial effluents reaching
the surface and ground water sources.
1. Water available in various sources contains
various types of impurities and cannot be
directly used by the public for various
purposes, before removing the impurities.
2. For potability water should be free from
unpleasant tastes, odours and must have
sparkling appearance.
3. The water must be free from disease-spreading
4. The amount and type of treatment process will
depend on the quality of raw water and the
standards of quality of raw water and the
standards of quality to be required after
treatment as per the table No.
1. Water treatment includes many operations like
Aeration, Flocculation, Sedimentation,
Filtration, Softening, Chlorination and
2. Depending upon the quality of raw water and
the quality of water desired.
3. Several combinations of the above processes
may be adopted as shown in the flow diagram.
4. One complete water treatment plant requires
the following process starting from the source
of water up to the distribution zone in order of

The following points should be kept in mind while
giving layout of any treatment plant.
1. The W.T.P. should be located as near to the town so
as to avoid the contamination.
2. All the units of plant should be located in order of
sequence and flow from one unit to other by gravity.
3. All the units are arranged in such a way that
minimum area is required so as to reduce the cost of
4. Sufficient area should be reserved for the future
5. Staff quarters and office should be provided near the
treatment plants so that the operators can watch the
plants easily.
6. The site of treatment plant should be very neat and
give very good asthetic appearance.
Disinfection of water by different physical and
chemical methods
1. BOILING : Boil the water for 15 to 20
minutes and kills the disease causing
This process is applicable for individual homes.
2. ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS: Water is allowed to
pass about 10cm thickness by ultraviolet
rays. This process is very costly and not used
at water works.
Suitable for institutions.
1. CHLORINATION : Using chlorine gas or
chlorine compounds.
2. BROMINE AND IODINE : It is expensive and
leaves taste and odour.
is used for disinfection of dug well water,
pond water or private source of water.
4. OZONE : Very expensive process, leaves no
taste, odour or residual.
detension time for time interval and large
lime sludges to be treated.
1. Chlorination is the addition of chlorine to
kill the bacteria Chlorination is very widely
adopted in all developing countries for
treatment of water for public supply.
2. Chlorine is available in gas, liquid or solid
form (bleaching powder)
1. Chlorine is manufactured easily by electrolytes of common
salts (NaCl)
2. It is powerful oxidant and can penetrate the cell wall of
organism and its contents.
3. Dosage can be controlled precisely
4. can be easily detected by simple orthotolidine test
5. Does not form harmful constituents on reaction with
organics of inorganics in water
6. leaves required residue in water to neutralise
recontamination later.
1. Chlorine gas or liquid is highly corrosive and Lithal to
Inhale. Hence it is to be stored carefully in sealed
container at a distance.
2. If the water contains phenolic compounds, there is a
reaction with chlorine can result in cancer causing
1. Removal of excess chlorine resulting from
super chlorination in part or completely is
called Dechlorination.
2. Excess chlorine in water gives pungent
smell and corrode the pipe lines.
3. Hence excess chlorine is to be removed
before supply.
4. Physical methods like aeration, heating and
absorption on charcoal may be adopted.
5. Chemical methods like sulphur dioxide
(SO2) , Sodium Bi-sulphate (NaHSO3),
Sodium Thiosulphate(Na2S2O8) are used.
1. Defluoridation is process of removal of
excess fluoride present in the water.
2. The excess fluoride in the water causes
dental abnormalities, hypertension, peptic
ulcer, Skin infections, defective vision,
coronary thrombosis etc.
3. The permissible level of fluoride in the
water is 1mg/litre.
1. Activated carbons prepared from various
materials can be used.
2. Lime soda process of water softening
removes fluorides also along with magnesium
3. The materials like calcium phosphate, bone
charcoal, synthetic tricalcium phosphate a
may remove excess fluoride.
4. the water may be allowed to pass through
filter beds containing fluoride retaining
1. After treatment, water is to be stored temporarily
and supplied to the consumers through
2. the network of pipelines called distribution system.
3. The distribution system also includes pumps,
reservoirs, pipe fittings, instruments for
measurement of pressures, flow leak detectors etc.
4. The cost of distribution is about 40 to 70% of the
total cost of the entire scheme.
5. The efficiency of the system depends upon proper
planning, execution and maintenance.
6. Ultimate air is to supply potable water to all the
consumers whenever required in sufficient quantity
with required pressure with least lost and without
any leakage.
1. The should convey the treated water upto consumers
with the same degree of purity
2. The system should be economical and easy to
maintain and operate
3. The diameter of pipes should be designed to meet
the fire demand
4. It should safe against any future pollution. As per as
possible should not be laid below sewer lines.
5. Water should be supplied without interruption even
when repairs are undertaken
6. The system should be so designed that the supply
should meet maximum hourly demand.
7. A peak factor 2.5 is recommended for the towns of
population 0.5. to 2 lakhs. For larger population a
factor of 2.0 will be adequate.
Generally in practice there are four different
systems of distribution which are used. They
1. Dead End or Tree system
2. Grid Iron system
3. Circular or Ring system
4. Radial system
1. This system is suitable for irregular
developed towns or cities.
2. In this system water flows in one direction
only into sub mains and branches.
3. The diameter of pipe decreases at every
tree branch.
1. Discharge and pressure at any point in the
distribution system is calculated easily
2. The valves required in this system of layout are
comparatively less in number.
3. The diameter of pipes used are smaller and hence
the system is cheap and economical
4. The laying of water pipes is used are simple.
1. There is stagment water at dead ends of pipes
causing contamination.
2. During repairs of pipes or valves at any point the
entire down stream end are deprived of supply
3. The water available for fire fighting will be limited in
1. From the mains water enters the branches
at all Junctions in either directions into
submains of equal diameters.
2. At any point in the line the pressure is
balanced from two directions because of
interconnected network of pipes.
1. In the case of repairs a very small portion of distribution
are a will be affected
2. Every point receives supply from two directions and with
higher pressure
3. Additional water from the other branches are available for
fire fighting
4. There is free circulation of water and hence it is not liable
for pollution due to stagnation.
1. More length of pipes and number of valves are needed and
hence there is increased cost of construction
2. Calculation of sizes of pipes and working out pressures at
various points in the distribution system is laborious ,
complicated and difficult.
1. Supply to the inner pipes is from the mains
around the boundary.
2. It has the same advantages as the grid-Iron
3. Smaller diameter pipes are needed.
4. The advantages and disadvantages are
same as that of grid-Iron system.
1. This is a zoned system. Water is pumped to
the distribution reservoirs and from the
reservoirs it flows by gravity to the tree
system of pipes.
2. The pressure calculations are easy in this
3. Layout of roads need to be radial to
eliminate loss of head in bends.
4. This is most economical system also if
combined pumping and gravity flow is
1. For efficient distribution it is required that the
water should reach to every consumer with
required rate of flow.
2. Therefore, some pressure in pipeline is
necessary, which should force the water to
reach at every place.
3. Depending upon the methods of distribution,
the distribution system is classified as the
Gravity system
Pumping system
Dual system or combined gravity and pumping
1. When some ground sufficiently high above the
city area is available , this can be best utilized
for distribution system in maintaining pressure
in water mains .
2. This method is also much suitable when the
source of supply such as lake, river or
impounding reservoir is at sufficiently higher
than city.
3. The water flows in the mains due to
gravitational forces.
4. As no pumping is required therefore it is the
most reliable system for the distribution of
water as shown in fig.
1. Constant pressure can be maintained in the
system by direct pumping into mains.
2. Rate of flow cannot be varied easily
according to demand unless number of
pumps are operated in addition to stand by
3. Supply can be effected during power failure
and breakdown of pumps.
4. Hence diesel pumps also in addition to
electrical pumps as stand by to be
5. During fires, the water can be pumped in
required quantity by the stand by units.
1. This is also known as dual system. The pump is
connected to the mains as well as elevated
2. In the begining when demand is small the water is
stored in the elevated reservoir, but when demand
increases the rate of pumping , the flow in the
distribution system comes from the both the
pumping station as well as elevated reservoir.
3. As in this system water comes from two sources
one from reservoir and second from pumping
station, it is called dual system.
4. This system is more reliable and economical,
because it requires uniform rate of pumping but
meets low as well as maximum demand.
5. The water stored in the elevated reservoir meets
the requirements of demand during breakdown of
pumps and for fire fighting.
1. The water may be supplied to the consumers
by either of the two systems.
2. This is the best system and water is supplied
for all 24 hours.
3. This system is possible when there is adequate
quantity of water for supply. In this system
sample of water is always available for fire
fighting and due to continuous circulation
water always remains fresh.
4. In this system less diameter of pipes are
required and rusting of pipes will be less.
5. Losses will be more if there are leakages in the
If plenty of water is not available, the supply of water is
divided into zones and each zone is supplied with water for
fixed hours in a day or on alternate days.
As the water is supplied after intervals, it is called
intermittent system. The system has following disadvantages:
1. Pipelines are likely to rust faster due to alternate wetting and
drying. This increases the maintenance cost.
2. There is also pollution of water by ingress of polluted water
through leaks during non-flow periods.
3. More wastage of water due to the tendency of the people to
store more water than required quantity and to waste the
excess to collect fresh water each time.
4. Inspite of number of disadvantages, this system is usually
adopted in most of the cities and towns of India.
5. In this system water can be supplied in the high level localities
with adequate pressure by dividing the city in zones.
6. The repair work can be easily done in the non-supply hours.
1. The function of pump is to lift the water or any
fluid to higher elevation or at higher pressure.
2. Pumps are driven by electricity ,diesel or
steam power.
3. They are helpful in pumping water from the
sources, that is from intake to the treatment
plant and from treatment plant to the
distribution system or service reservoir .
4. In homes also pumps are used to pump water
to upper floors or to store water in tanks over
the buildings.
Based on the mechanical principle of water lifting
pumps are classified as the following
1. Pipes convey raw water from the source to
the treatment plants in the distribution
2. Water is under pressure always and hence
the pipe material and the fixture should
withstand stresses due to the internal
pressure, vacuum pressure, when the pipes
are empty, water hammer when the valves
are closed and temperature stresses.
1. It should be capable of with standing internal
and external pressures.
2. It should have facility of easy joints.
3. It should be available in all sizes, transport and
erecting should be easy.
4. It should be durable.
5. It should not react with water to alter its
6. Cost of pipes should be less.
7. Frictional head loss should be minimum.
8. The damaged units should be replaced easily.
The following are the different types of pipes
1. Cast Iron
2. Steel
3. Prestressed concrete
4. R.C.C
5. A.C. Pipes
6. Galvanised Iron (G.I)
7. P.V.C and plastic pipes
The various devices fixed along the water
distribution system are known as appurtences.
The necessity of the various appurtenances in
distribution system are as follows
1. To control the rate of flow of water
2. To release or admit air into pipeline according
to the situation
3. To prevent or detect leakages
4. To meet the demand during emergency and
5. Ultimately to improve the efficiency of the
The following are the some of the fixtures used
in the distribution system.
(i) Valves
(ii) Fire hydrants and
(iii)Water meter
In water works practice, to control the flow of
water, to regulate pressure, to
release or to admit air, prevent flow of water
in opposite direction valves are required.
The following are the various types of valves
named to suit their function
1. Sluice valves
2. Check valves or reflex valves
3. Air valves
4. drain valves or Blow off valves
5. Scour valve
1. These are also known as gate-valves or stop valves.
These valve control the flow of water through
2. These valves are cheaper, offers less resistance to
the flow of water than other valves.
3. The entire distribution system is decided into
blocks by providing these valves at appropriate
4. They are provided in straight pipeline at 150-200m
intervals. When two pipes lines interest, valves are
fixed in both sides of intersection.
5. When sluice valve is closed, it shuts off water in a
pipeline to enable to undertake repairs in that
particular block.
6. The flow of water can be controlled by raising or
lowering the handle or wheel.
1. These valves are also known as non-return valves. A
reflux valve is an automatic device which allows water
to go in one direction only.
2. The swing type of reflux valve as shown in fig is widely
used in practice.
3. When the water moves in the direction of arrow, the
valve swings or rotates around the pivot and it is kept in
open position due to the pressure of water.
4. When the flow of water in this direction ceases, the
water tries to flow in a backward direction.
5. But this valve prevents passage of water in the reverse
6. Reflux valve is invariably placed in water pipe, which
obtain water directly from pump.
7. When pump fails or stops, the water will not run back to
the pump and thus pumping equipments will be saved
from damage.
These are automatic valves and are of two
types namely
1. Air inlet valves
2. Air relief valves
1. These valves open automatically and allow
air to enter into the pipeline so that the
development of negative pressure can be
avoided in the pipelines.
2. The vacuum pressure created in the down
streamside in pipelines due to sudden
closure of sluice valves.
3. This situation can be avoided by using the
air inlet valves.
1. Some times air is accumulated at the summit of
pipelines and blocks the flow of water due to air lock.
2. In such cases the accumulated air has to be removed
from the pipe lines.
3. This is done automatically by means of air relief valves.
4. This valve consists of a chamber in which one or two
floats are placed and is connected to the pipe line.
5. When there is flow under pressure in the pipeline water
occupies the float chamber and makes the float to close
the outlet.
6. But where there is accumulation of air in the pipeline,
air enters the chamber, makes the float to come down,
thus opening the outlet.
7. The accumulated air is driven out through the outlet.
It is necessary to know the following terms relating to
plumbing, principles and the common practices used in
the house plumbing
Water main: A water supply pipe vests in the administrative
authority for the use of public or community
Ferrule: It is gunmetal or bronze screwed into the hole
drilled in CI pipe mains. Communication pipe takes off
from the ferrule. The pressure in the domestic supply
and equal distribution among the house connection are
effected by adjusting the ferrule opening. Normally the
ferrule opening is equal in area to the area of flow in
communication pipe.
Saddle: it is used in place of ferrule for mains of AC or PVC
Communication pipes: It is a pipe taking off from the ferrule
for the house connection. It is owned and managed by
the water supply authority. Communication pipe
terminates at the boundary of the consumers premises.
Service pipe : it is the part of the house
connection beyond the stop cock. It is owned
andmaintained by the consumer . No pumps
shall be installed on this pipe.
Watermeter: It is installed to measure the flow. It
is an integrating meter that it records the total
flow upto the time of measurement. Generally
12.5 mm to 18.75mm rotary water meters are
installed either at the beginning or at the
middle of the service pipe. A masonary pit is
constructed around it. It has facility of sealing
by the water supply authority
Residual pressure: It is generally measured at the
ferrule and should be about 7m head of water
Goose Neck: It is the short bent pipe and allow for
small changes in length due to expansion and
movement of pipes due to soil settlements
The following are the requirements of plumbing systems in water
1. Plumbing of water lines should be such as not to permit back flow from
cistern and Sinks
2. All joints shall be perfectly water tight and no leakage or spill at taps or
cocks should be allowed
3. Pipelines should not be carried under walls or foundations
4. It should not be close to sewers or waste water drains. There should not
be any possibility for cross connections.
5. When pipe lines are close to electric cables proper precautions for
insulation should be observed
6. plumbing lines should be such as to afford easy inspection and repair of
fixtures and joints.
7. Number of joints should be less and the number of bends and tees should
be less
8. It should supply adequate discharge at fixtures economical in terms of
material and protected against corrosion , air lock, negative pressure
and noise due to flow in pipes and in flushing
1. It is a valve fitted at the end of
communication pipe and it is under the
control of water supply authority.
2. The purpose of stop cock is to stop the
supply of water.
3. Temporary disconnections are made at the
stopcock while permanent disconnections
are made at ferrule. The stop cock is as
shown in fig
1. These are the water taps which are attached
at the end of water pipes and from which the
consumers obtained water.
2. It is operated from a handle, the water comes
out from the opening.
3. The bibcocks may also be of push type and
they operate automatic.
4. The bibcocks should be water tight.
5. The leaky bib cocks are the source of waste of
water. Fig shows typical bobcock and table
gives the idea of water lost due to leaky
bibcocks in continuous system of water supply.
6. Therefore it is advisable to repair or replace
such leaky bib cocks as early as possible
1. In addition to the pipes, valves, tapes,
various types of pipe fittings such as
unions, caps, plugs, flanges, nipples,
crosses, tees, elbows, bends etc are used
during laying of distribution pipes
2. The common pipe fittings are shown in fig
In the buildings, the storage of water is
required for the following purposes
1. For supplying the water to the consumers
during non-supply hours
2. For reducing the maximum rate of demand
on the water mains
3. For storage of watering during interruption
to damage repair etc of the water mains
4. When the available head is insufficient to
supply the water in each storey in multi
storey buildings

1. The storage of water in buildings are
constructed of cast Iron, wrought iron,
galvanized mild steel plates or R.C.C. storage
2. Storage tanks may be kept on the roof of the
building or on the ground and should be water-
3. The storage tank should be placed in such a
position so that the discharge of water can be
readily seen.
4. The tank should be provided with overflow
pipe and drain pipe near the bottom to clean
the tank.
5. The storage tanks are provided with outlet
pipes to draw the water.
The quantity of water to be stored depends on
the following factors.
1. Rate of supply of water from water works
2. Type of building such as residential, public
or industrial
3. Wheather water supply is continuous or
4. Frequency replenishment of overhead
tanks, during the 24 hours
As per IS 2065-1963 the storage capacities are
given in the table
When water is to be distributed at very high pressure
elevated tanks may be constructed with steel or R.C.C.
R.C.C elevated tanks are very popular because
Little maintenance
Decent appearance
1. Recently prestressed R.C.C. tanks are comping up,
because they are even economical than plain R.C.C
2. All the overhead tanks are provided with inlet, outlet,
drain pipe, overflow pipe, water level indicator,
manhole, ladder, ventilating pipe, lightining conductor
3. About 60 to 100cm wide balcony is provided around the
tank for inspection and maintenance of the tank.
4. These tanks can store large quantity of water as shown
in the fig
1. These reservoirs are used for storing and distributing clear
water. These reservoirs are constructed on high natural
grounds and are usually made of stones, bricks, plain or
reinforced cement concrete.
2. The side walls are designed to take up the pressure of the
3. water, when the reservoir is full and the earth pressure when it
is empty.
4. The position of ground water table is also considered while
designing these reservoirs.
5. The floors of these reservoirs may constructed with R.C.C slab
or square stone blocks resting on columns.
6. To obtain water tightness bitumen compounds are used at all
construction joints.
7. At the top of roof about 60cm thick earth layer is deposited
and maintained green lawns to protect the reservoir from cold
and heat.
8. For aeration of water and inspection, ventilation pipes and
stairs are provided respectively as shown in fig
a) R.C.C TANKS: R.C.C tanks are very popular because
1. They have long life
2. Very little maintenance
3. decent appearance
b) G.I. TANKS: G.I. tanks are generally in rectangular or square
in shape. Now a days G.I. tanks are not preferring because
1. Life of the tank is short
2. Corrosion of metal
3. maintenance cost may be more
c) HDPE TANKS: Now a days HDPE tanks are very popular for
storing less quantity of water and hence useful for residential
The following are the advantages of HDPE tanks
1. Handling is easy because of light weight
2. Cheap in cost
3. Maintenance cost is low
4. Cleaning of tanks are easy
To store the treated water till it is distributed
to the city
1. To absorb the hourly variations in the water
demand and thus allowing the treatment
units and pumps to work at the average
constant rate.
2. This will reduce operation & maintenance
cost of treatment as well as improve their
3. For meeting the water demands during fires
4. In case of breakdown of pumps, repair the
storage reservoir will provide water
The following are the requirements of piping system in building
1. Plumbing of water lines should be such as not to permit backflow
from cisterns and sinks.
2. All joints shall be perfectly water tight and no leakage or spill at
taps or cocks should be allowed.
3. Pipelines should not be carried under walls or foundations
4. It should not be close to sewers or waste water drains. There
should not be any possibility for cross connections
5. When pipelines are close to electric cables proper precautions for
insulation should be observed
6. Plumbing lines should be such as to afford easy inspection and
repair of fixtures and joints
7. Number of joints should be less and number of bends and tees
should be less
8. It should supply adequate discharge at fixtures, economical in
terms of materials and protected against corrosion, airlock,
negative pressure and noise due to flow in pipes and in flushing.
1. When the residual pressure at the ferrule is
greater than 7m and continuous supply is
available in the mains, water may be
supplied directly from the service pipe for
various fixtures for a single storey building.
1. If the supply is intermittent and residual
pressure is low then, water is pumped to
over-head tanks and then supplied to
distribution pipes at required pressure by
(Down take water supply)
1. If the supply is intermittent and residual
pressure is low then a ground level storage
tank and a overhead storage tank are built
to supply water.
2. Water from the overhead tank is drawn by
down take pipes and then into the
distribution pipes for fixtures.
1. When the residual pressure at the ferrule is
less than 7m and continuous supply is
available in the mains, water may be
supplied by pumping from the service
Ground water is one of the most abundant resources in the world. It
is also one of the most neglected, polluted and wasted. With the
rapid urbanization and growing demands on water supply, the
ground water resources are depleting on one hand and getting
polluted on the others. The following are the reasons for ground
water depletion
1. Increasing demand
2. With drawing more than recharge
3. Reducing of recharge area due to buildings, paved paths and
4. Diminishing surface water bodies
5. Uncertain rainfall
Artificial recharge is to augment the natural infiltration of rain
water or surface runoff into underground formation by artificial
method is known as rainwater harvesting.
The methods suggested are water spreading, recharge through pits,
trenches, wells, shafts and directly diverting runoff water into
the existing wells.
1. In independent houses and apartments
where there is sufficient open place, we
can have recharge pet/trench with storage
sump for water harvesting and storage.
2. Excess rainwater after filling the sump shall
be conveyed to the recharge pit for ground
water recharge as shown in fig.
1. Commonly runoff water from root tops are let
off into the drains.
2. Instead of this the outlets can be connected
through a pipe storage tank and let into filter
media filled trenches pits or existing open
wells, borewells etc.
3. The residents of multi storied complexes can
safely utilize rainwater for their domestic
requirements by way of filtering it & collecting
into sumps and recharging the borewells.
4. Quantity of rainwater that can be collected
from top, from 2cm rainfall per day for
domestic usage as per the table.
1. The trench / pit is to be partially fitted with permeable
material like wall rounded pebbles,
gravel and topped with river sand for better percolation as
shown in fig . The structure helps in building of water levels,
rejuvenation of dry borewells and improvement in borewell

1. Explain in brief the two distinct systems of
supply of water to a building from the
2. Write about the different types of fittings
used in water supply?
3. a)Discuss various sources of water suitable
for water supply scheme. b)State and
explain various types of traps according to
their shapes.
4. Explain various types of pipes used for
conveyance and distribution of water with
their suitability.

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