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Anything that is not, nor has ever been, alive. Some examples of abiotic factors in an
environment include precipitation, sunlight, and minerals. Abiotic is the opposite of biotic. Life
or no life, that is the question.
Any living organism that makes its own food by converting simple inorganic molecules into
complex organic compounds like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Autotrophs are often the
"producers" in a food chain or web. Photoautotrophs use energy from light to make food,
while chemoautotrophs obtain their energy from chemical reactions.
The process by which some substances increase in concentration in a food chain or food web.
Biomagnification occurs because certain substances, including some pesticides and heavy
metals, are not easily degraded and can accumulate in organisms tissues or internal organs.
Pregnant women are advised not to eat certain kinds of fish because of the potential for
biomagnification of mercury, a heavy metal, in aquatic systems. No, you cannot use
biomagnification to light ants on fire.
Anything that is, or has ever been, alive. Examples of biotic factors in an environment include
organisms, organic molecules, and cells. Biotic is the opposite of abiotic.
An organism that only eats animal tissue. Most predators and scavengers are exclusively
carnivorous. Some examples of carnivores include members of the feline family, like lions,
tigers, and house cats, and birds of prey, like eagles, hawks, and owls. Beef: It's what's for
Carrying Capacity
The maximum number of individuals in a single population that a given environment can sustain
at a given time. The carrying capacity for a population can change when fluctuations occur in
resources, like increases in nutrients or water; habitat structure, like deforestation; biotic
interactions, like the introduction of a new predator or competitor into the environment; and
other local factors. The carrying capacity is a characteristic of a single population of a single
species at a single time in a single place. Therefore, it is a difficult concept to measure or even
fully understand. The carrying capacity of the human population is an extremely important, yet
controversial, topic in ecology.
Climax Community
A community of plants and animals that is considered stable, or at equilibrium, because the
members of that community are the best adapted for the average conditions in their environment.
The climax community is so named because it is considered the final and most stable condition
in the process of ecological succession.
The evolution of one species in relation or response to the evolution of another closely
interacting species or set of species. Examples of coevolution include the interactions of hosts
and parasites, like bird lice and birds, and obligate mutualists, like bees and the flowers they
pollinate. The human species has most certainly coevolved with several different species of
bacteria living in the colon and other areas of the digestive system. Mmm, yummy.
Colonizer Species
A species that arrives early in the ecological succession of an environment. A little bit like the
first Vikings to reach North America, except without the longboats and fuzzy hats. Colonizer
species are usually able to disperse offspring quickly and over long distances, allowing more of
their ilk to arrive before members of other species. However, colonizers do not often compete
well with other species once a community begins to mature, and are often replaced by more
stable persister species. Colonizer species are also sometimes called pioneer species. Davy
A symbiotic (read: long-term and partly beneficial) relationship between organisms, where one
organism benefits from the relationship, and the other receives no harm or benefit. A common
example is the clown fish, or anemonefish, and the sea anemone (think Finding Nemo), where
the fish receives protection and other services from the anemone, but the anemone receives no
measurable benefit from the fish. Sounds inappropriate.
A group of two or more populations of organisms from different species inhabiting the same
location at the same time. While humans often refer to their "community" as being a part of a
group of other humans who live in the same small geographic location, a human populations
true ecological community includes all of the other organisms from other species in the area as
well. Communities are composed only of biotic factors, aka living organisms. Abiotic factors
like sunlight, temperature, and terrain are not considered part of a community; these factors are
part of the ecosystem, which can contain one or more communities of organisms.
An interaction where individuals of different speciesinterspecific competitionor the same
speciesintraspecific competitionvie for limited resources. Examples of interspecific
competition include trees of different species vying for limited sunlight in a rainforest, birds of
different species vying for limited prey in a prairie, and even bacteria of different species vying
for limited oxygen in your large intestine. Examples of intraspecific competition include lions
vying for limited antelope in the Savannah; piglets vying for limited milk from their sow, or
mom-pig; and even humans vying for limited space to build a home. Move it or lose it, buddy.
Competitive Exclusion
The process by which one species "wins" a competitive interaction by driving the other species
to extinction. This can occur in either a local or a general sense. Humans are competitively
excluding many species currently on the endangered species list. Nice job, us.
See primary consumer, secondary consumer, and tertiary consumer below. That's right
nothing to see here. Move along.
An organism that feeds on and breaks down dead or decaying matter in the process of ecological
decomposition. Examples of decomposers include fungi, like mushrooms and molds; worms,
like earthworms and some nematodes; and some bacteria. Decomposers are also called
saprotrophs, meaning "putrid eaters."
Density-dependent Factor
A restriction on the growth of a population related to or affected by the number of organisms in a
given space, or density, of that population. An example of a density-dependent factor in human
populations is the flu virus. Because this killer bug is spread by coughing and sneezing, it will
spread more quickly in denser populations, like in big cities, than in less dense populations, like
in the rural countryside. You are our density.
Density-independent Factor
A restriction on the growth of a population not related to or affected by the density, or number of
organisms in a given space, of that population. Examples of density-independent factors in
human populations include major natural disasters like earthquakes or tsunamis, where the effect
on the population, or proportion of individuals killed, is not intensified by an increase in the size
of the population.
An organism that consumes detritus, aka decomposing organic matter, to obtain nutrients. All
decomposers are detritivores, including fungi, worms, and some bacteria.
The study of interactions between organisms and their environments. Ecology includes the
study of individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems.
A term describing all the living and nonliving things in a certain location. Ecosystem studies in
ecology explore the interactions between organisms, like individuals, populations, or
communities, and the abiotic components in the environment, like chemicals, landscapes, and the
Energy Pyramid
A triangularly shaped drawing showing how energy from the Sun moves through the biological
components of an ecosystem. Producers, like plants and algae, are at the bottom of the pyramid,
and tertiary consumers, like carnivores that eat carnivores, and detritivores, or decomposers, are
at the top.
Exponential Growth
An increase in population size at a rate proportional to the size of the population. During
exponential growth, the rate of growth constantly increases. That is, the larger the population, the
faster it grows. Exponential growth will only occur when density-dependent factors (see
definition) are either nonexistent or not in force. A good example of exponential growth is in
certain types of bacteria, where the population doubles with every generation as long as there are
enough resources, like nutrients and space.
The buildup of nitrogen and phosphorous in an aquatic environment. Eutrophication usually
leads to an exponential growth in bacteria and algae. These organisms quickly use all the
available oxygen, which kills off all other species in the environment. Sucks to be them.
Food Chain
A simple, direct, and trophic, or eating, relationship among a group of organisms, where one
organism, like a plant, is the food source for the next organism, like a cow, which in turn is the
food source for the next organism, like a human, and so on and so forth.
Food Web
A complex trophic relationship among a group of organisms, consisting of interactions among
multiple food chains (see definition above). A food web describes how multiple producers and
consumers directly or indirectly interact in an ecosystem.
Growth Rate
A characteristic of a population describing the change in the size of the population over time. In
its simplest form, a growth rate is calculated as the birth rate minus the death rate of a
population. It can also be thought of in terms of the following equation: the growth rate (r)
equals the population size at the end of a period of time (N
) minus the population size at the
beginning of a period of time (N
), all divided by the population size at the beginning of a period
of time (N
). In symbols, the equation looks like this:
The physical environment where a population of a single species lives, or inhabits. A habitat
consists of all the abiotic, or nonliving, resources influencing the population. A habitat is only
understood in terms of the population it describes. For instance, we say "the black bear habitat"
or "the whale habitat." It doesnt describe the entire ecosystem, or a community of organisms, or
even the home of a single individual. Habitats of different species can and almost always do
An organism that only eats tissue from autotrophic organisms, like plants and algae. Some
examples of herbivores include members of the bovine family, like cows, bison, antelope, and
sheep; members of the deer family, like moose, reindeer, and elk; and many insects, like leaf
beetles, lady bugs, and aphids.
An organism that cannot convert sunlight or chemicals into "food" (and by food, we mean
carbohydrates). Heterotrophs must obtain their nutrients by consuming other organisms. All
animals, all fungi, and some kinds of bacteria are heterotrophs. This means that all carnivores,
herbivores, and omnivores are also heterotrophs. And yes, you're a member of that not-so-
exclusive club, too.
An organism on, or in, which a parasite lives or feeds. For example, dogs are known to be good
hosts for fleas. Frontline Plus: it does wonders.
Iteroparous Reproduction
A reproductive strategy where an organism reproduces multiple times throughout its life but only
produces a small number of offspring (usually just one) per reproductive event. Humans and
other large mammals are iteroparous, except for mutant celebrities like the Octomom.
Keystone Species
A species in a community that has an effect on the community larger than one would expect
based on the population size of that species. If a keystone species were to go extinct in a given
environment, such extinction might lead to drastic consequences for a large number of other
species in that environment.
Life History
A description of a species vital statistics, including age at first reproduction, survival
probabilities, reproduction probabilities, clutch or litter size, reproductive strategy, and
longevity. Life insurance companies rely on life histories, especially survival probabilities, to
calculate insurance rates for people at different ages. Calculating how much people are worth.
Sounds like a fun job.
Life Table
A chart for a species that shows, for each age, the probability that an organism will live to the
next year. The period does not necessarily need to be a year, and can be any relevant
generational time period. Life tables also usually include information on reproductive
probabilities and other life history characteristics. Life insurance companies use massive life
tables to compute insurance rates. Again, buckets of fun.
Logistic Growth
A type of population growth characterized by initial exponential growth, with a gradual slowing
in growth rate as the population nears its carrying capacity (see definition). Since biologists
dont know of any populations that grow exponentially forever, logistic growth is thought to be
the most common pattern of growth in the world.
A symbiotic (read: long-term and partly beneficial) relationship where both organisms benefit. A
common example of mutualism is the relationship between pollinators, like honeybees, moths, or
hummingbirds, and the plants they pollinate. In this situation, the pollinator receives the benefit
of nutrition in the form of nectar, and the plant receives the benefit of having its pollen,
equivalent to sperm, spread to other plants, increasing the probability of reproductive success.
Honeybees are so cute; who knew that their real jobs were sperm-spreading?
Natural Selection
The process by which certain traits in a population of organisms become more common through
the carriers' continued reproduction. The genetic variation in a population of organisms will
result in the passing of certain traits from one generation to the next. However, the traits that are
passed are not just any old traits; they are usually the ones that enhance or otherwise increase the
likelihood of the organism's survival. Natural selection is a vital contributor to evolution and the
emergence of new species. Basically, certain organisms adapt better to the environment,
resulting in successful reproduction and survival. "Survival of the fittest." Planet of the Apes,
An organism's role in an environment, including how it uses its resources, relates to other
organisms, and times its reproduction. Each individual organism has a niche in its population,
community, and ecosystem, but niches are flexible and change depending on circumstances.
An organism that eats tissue from both plants and animals. Some examples of omnivores include
members of the hominid family, like humans, chimpanzees, and orangutans, and many bird
species, like hummingbirds, ducks, and woodpeckers.
An organism that can live on or in another organism, known as a host. Parasites, by nature, cause
damage to their hosts. Some parasites, like mites, fleas, and lice, live on the outside of their hosts
and are called ectoparasites. Other parasites, like malaria, hookworms, and tapeworms, live on
the inside of their hosts and are called endoparasites. The amount of harm a parasite does to its
host varies from parasite to parasite and from host to host. Some parasitic relationships result in
death for the host, like the "head-splitting fungus" parasite of ants, while other hosts are
completely unaware that they even have a parasite. 95% of humans play host to parasitic
nematodes without ever knowing it. Fooled you, didn't they?
A type of symbiotic relationship (read: long-term and partly beneficial) where one organism, the
parasite, benefits, and one organism, the host, is harmed. A common example of parasitism is the
relationship between the malaria protozoan and humans. In this situation, the malaria parasite
gets into the human blood stream, usually through a mosquito bite, and receives the benefit of
nutrients and a place to live, grow, and reproduce. Sounds just dandy for the parasite. The human
host, on the other hand, is unfortunately harmed because the malaria parasite damages red blood
cells and liver cells.
Persister Species
A species that usually arrives later in the ecological succession (change of a community over a
period) of an environment. Persister species are not usually able to disperse offspring quickly or
over long distances. However, persisters compensate for this deficiency by competing well with
other species once a community begins to mature. Using these sneaky tactics, they often replace
the less stable colonizer species (see definition).
A group of organisms of the same species living in the same geographic area, like a swamp, a
lake, a mountaintop, or an island. Ecologists sometimes debate the concept of a population, but
in general, they accept that a population consists of individuals that all have a greater chance of
breeding with each other than with individuals inhabiting areas beyond the populations
geographic "borders." Keep in mind, though, that population "borders" are often fuzzy and may
overlap with other populations. Hey, we told you that there was a debate.
Population Density
The number of individuals of a species in an environment divided by the total land area, or water
volume, of that environment. Population density is analogous to the concept of concentration in
chemistry. In fact, population density is simply the concentration of organisms in a given area.
Take that, Chemistry.
Population Ecology
A subtopic in ecology that deals with the dynamics of individuals within populations and how
the populations interact with the environment.
A type of species interaction where one organism, aka the predator, consumes, in part or in
whole, another organism, aka the prey. Examples of predators include snakes and members of
the big cat family, such as lynx. The difference between parasitism and predation is not always
clear, but in general, predators kill their prey almost immediately while parasites live in or on
their hosts for an extended period of time. And then, just maybe, kill them.
Primary Consumer
A heterotrophic organism near the base of a food chain or food web (see definitions) that
obtains all or some of its energy by consuming primary producers (see definition). Examples of
primary consumers include all the strict herbivores, like bovines, deer, and most insects, and all
the omnivores, like most humans, many birds, and some monkeys. Strict herbivores are always
primary consumers and are only eaten by secondary consumers. Omnivores can be primary,
secondary, and even tertiary consumers, depending on what they are eating. They, themselves,
can be eaten by secondary or, rarely, tertiary consumers. Yep, definitely webby.
Primary Producer
An autotrophic (food-making) organism at the base of a food chain or food web that obtains all
of its energy from the nonliving environment. Examples of primary producers include plants,
algae, and some types of bacteria. Primary producers obtain their energy either from the Sun,
through photosynthesis, or from the surrounding abiotic environment, through chemosynthesis.
Primary producers are always the first biotic (read: living) sources of energy for an ecosystem.
Thats why we call them "primary." They are eaten by primary consumers.
See primary producer above.
Reproductive Investment
The energy invested by an organism to create, feed, nurture, and protect offspring. Reproductive
investment is also called parental investment. Any energy invested in reproduction, or
parenting, is energy taken away from other needs of an organism, including survival and growth.
You can thank your parents later. Or now. We'll wait.
Resource Partitioning
A situation that occurs when organisms occupying the same niche find a way to divide their
niche and coexist. Resource partitioning usually occurs when species have different body plans
or behaviors that allow for a successful division of a niche. An excellent example of this is seen
in the cichlid fishes of the African Great Lakes. In this environment, cichlids from different
species are known to live in the exact same location and even feed on the exact same prey
without outcompeting each other. One of the most dramatic examples is of two similar cichlid
species that feed on the scales of a single prey fish species. These cichlid species have opposite
facing mouthsin one cichlid, the mouth is pointed toward the left side of the body, in the other,
toward the right. Because of this difference, one species can only attack the prey from behind
and to the left side while the other species needs to attack from behind and to the right. Peace and
harmony through physical deformity.
Secondary Consumer
A heterotrophic organism, like you, that obtains some or all of its energy by eating primary
consumers. Examples include all of the omnivores, like most humans, many birds, and some
monkeys, and some of the carnivores, like bears, lions, and eagles. Secondary consumers do not
eat other carnivores. If they do, they are behaving as tertiary consumers.
Semelparous Reproduction
A reproductive strategy where an organism reproduces once in its lifetime and often produces
many offspring. Many fish and insects are semelparous. It is also known as "Big Bang
Reproduction." A possible spinoff for The Big Bang Theory?
The compositional change in an ecological community over time. Succession occurs after some
major, or minor, disturbance has disrupted the previous composition of the community.
Complete disturbance, where all life is eradicated, like during a volcanic eruption, or the
formation of a new island, results in a long-term successional process. Usually, disturbances are
less complete, like forest fires, and succession to a climax community (see definition) occurs
more quickly.
Survivorship Curve
A graphical drawing showing the percentage, or proportion, of individuals in a population that
are expected to survive through a given age interval, for example, from age 1 to age 2. Based on
the different population studies, a survivorship curve can be used for organisms that reproduce
many eggs and die early, such as sea turtles or salmon. Survivorship curves could also be used
by life insurance companiesthough rarely areto visually display the survival portion of the
human life histories (see definition).
An interaction between individuals of different species. Symbiotic relationships include
mutualism, parasitism, and commensalism. They do not include predator-prey interactions.
Tertiary Consumer
A heterotrophic organism that obtains some or all its energy by eating secondary consumers.
An example of a tertiary consumer is a snake that eats a bird that ate a rodent. Most consumers,
even strict carnivores, are not exclusively tertiary and will eat primary consumers as well as
secondary consumers. So, watch out. Quaternary consumers do exist but are more rare than
other types of consumers. You have been a quaternary consumer if you have ever eaten shark
meat because shark eat big fish, that eat smaller fish, that feed on algae.
Trophic Level
A description of the position occupied by an organism in a food chain or food web. Simply put,
an organisms trophic level is defined by what it eats and what eats it. Examples of trophic levels
include producers, consumers, and decomposers.

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