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G.R. No.


CA'O, e"("(oner, )!.NASIPIT E&P'O*EES 'A+OR ,NION (NE',)-A',-T,CP,
rere!en"e# $% DONE'' P. DAGANI, re!on#en".
NIASSI (! 0 #o1e!"(2 2oror0"(on 3("4 o52e 0" T06(!0%, N0!((", A7u!0n #e6 Nor"e.
Re!on#en" N0!((" E16o%ee!'0$or ,n(on (,n(on) 30! 0n# 10% !"(66 $e "4e
2o66e2"()e $0r70(n(n7 07en" o8 "4e r0n9-0n#-:6e e16o%ee! o8 NIASSI 0n# (! 0 6o206
240"er o8 "4e A!!o2(0"e# '0$or ,n(on. T4e #(!u"e !"0r"e# 34en, (n O2"o$er 1;;;,
"4e Re7(on06 Tr(0r"("e <07e! 0n# Pro#u2"()("% +o0r# (<07e +o0r#) o8 C0r070 Re7(on
(n Nor"4e0!"ern &(n#0n0o (!!ue# <07e Or#er No. (<O) R=III-02 34(24 7r0n"e# 0n
0##("(on06 P4P12 er #0% 2o!" o8 6()(n7 066o30n2e "o "4e 1(n(1u1 307e e0rner!
(n "40" re7(on. O3(n7 066e7e#6% "o NIASSI>! 80(6ure "o (16e1en" "4e 307e or#er, "4e
,n(on :6e# 0 2o160(n" $e8ore "4e DO'E C0r070 Re7(on06 O52e 8or "4e (n!e2"(on o8
NIASSI>! re2or#! 0n# "4e en8or2e1en" o8 <O R=III-02. A DO'E (n!e2"(on "e01 30!
022or#(n76% #(!0"24e# 0n# reor"e# "40" <O R=III-02 30! no" 06(20$6e "o NIASSI>!
e16o%ee! !(n2e "4e% 3ere 06re0#% re2e()(n7 0 307e r0"e 4(74er "40n "4e
re!2r($e# 1(n(1u1 307e. ,on 1o"(on $% "4e ,n(on, "4e DO'E Re7(on06 D(re2"or
(n#or!e# "4e 20!e "o "4e N'RC Re7(on06 Ar$("r0"(on +r0n24 8or 8ur"4er 4e0r(n7, 34(24
(n "urn re8erre# "4e 20!e "o "4e NC&+ 8or )o6un"0r% 0r$("r0"(on. On .e$ru0r% 22,
2002, Vo6un"0r% Ar$("r0"or Je!u! G. C40)e? ren#ere# 0 #e2(!(on 7r0n"(n7 "4e ,n(on>!
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enu1er0"e# "4o!e 34o 0re ou"!(#e ("! 2o)er07e, $u" #(# no" (n26u#e (n "4e
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307e (n2re0!e! 7r0n"e# $% "4e 2o10n% 3("4(n one %e0r 8ro1 C+A !(7n(n7 !4066
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DECISION/ No. I" (! 0$un#0n"6% 26e0r 8ro1 "4e 0$o)e Buo"e# ro)(!(on! o8 <O R=III-
02 0n# ("! IRR "40" on6% 1(n(1u1 307e e0rner! 0re en"("6e# "o "4e re!2r($e# 307e
(n2re0!e. ECre!!(o un(u! e!" eC26u!(o 06"er(u!.6 T4e eCre!! 1en"(on o8 one er!on,
"4(n7, 02", or 2on!eBuen2e eC26u#e! 066 o"4er!. T4e $ene:2en", oer0"()e ro)(!(on
o8 <O R=III-02 (! !e2(:2 enou74 "o 2o)er on6% 1(n(1u1 307e e0rner!. Ne2e!!0r(6%
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<O R=III-02 10% !"(66
Philam v Arnaldo G.R. No. 76452 July 26, 1994
J. Quiason
One Ramon Paterno complained about the unfair practices committed by the company against
its agents, employees and consumers. The Commissioner called for a hearing here Paterno
as re!uired to specify hich acts ere illegal. Paterno then specified that the fees and charges
stated in the Contract of "gency beteen Philam and its agents be declared #oid. Philam, on
the other hand, a#erred that there Paterno must submit a #erified formal complaint and that his
letter didn$t contain information Philam as see%ing from him. Philam then !uestioned the
&nsurance Commission$s 'urisdiction o#er the matter and submitted a motion to !uash. The
commissioner denied this. (ence this petition.
&ssue: )hether or not the resolution of the legality of the Contract of "gency falls ithin the
'urisdiction of the &nsurance Commissioner.
(eld: *o. Petition granted.
"ccording to the &nsurance code, the &nsurance Commissioner as authori+ed to suspend,
directors, officers, and agents of insurance companies. &n general, he as tas%ed to regulate
theinsurance business, hich includes:
,-. The term /doing an insurance business/ or /transacting an insurance business,/ ithin
the meaning of this Code, shall include
,a. ma%ing or proposing to ma%e, as insurer, any insurance contract0
,b. ma%ing, or proposing to ma%e, as surety, any contract of suretyship as a #ocation and not as
merely incidental to any other legitimate business or acti#ity of the surety0 ,c. doing any %ind of
business, including a reinsurance business, specifically recogni+ed as constituting the doing of
aninsurance business ithin the meaning of this Code0 ,d. doing or proposing to do any
business in substance e!ui#alent to any of the foregoing in a manner designed to e#ade the
pro#isions of this Code. ,&nsurance Code, 1ec. -2-3.
The contract of agency beteen Philamlife and its agents asn$t included ith the
Commissoner$s poer to regulate the business. (ence, the &nsurance commissioner asn$t
#ested ith 'urisidiction under the rule 4e5presio unius est e5clusion alterius6.
The respondent contended that the commissioner had the !uasi7'udicial poer to ad'udicate
under 1ection 89: of the Code. &t stated:
The Commissioner shall ha#e the poer to ad'udicate claims and complaints in#ol#ing any loss,
damage or liability for hich an insurer may be anserable under any %ind of policy or contract
of insurance, or for hich such insurer may be liable under a contract of suretyship, or for hich
a reinsurer may be used under any contract or reinsurance it may ha#e entered into, or for
hich a mutual benefit association may be held liable under the membership certificates it has
issued to its members, here the amount of any such loss, damage or liability, e5cluding
interest, costs and attorney;s fees, being claimed or sued upon any %ind of insurance, bond,
reinsurance contract, or membership certificate does not e5ceed in any single claim one
hundred thousand pesos.
This as, hoe#er, regarding complaints filed by the insured against the &nsurance company.
"lso, the insurance code only discusses the licensing re!uirements for agents and bro%ers. The
&nsurance Code does not ha#e pro#isions go#erning the relations beteen insurance
companiesand their agents.
&n#estment Planning Corporation of the Philippines #. 1ocial 1ecurity Commission7 4that an
insurance company may ha#e to classes of agents ho sell its insurance policies: ,9. salaried
employees ho %eep definite hours and or% under the control and super#ision of the company0
and ,-. registered representati#es, ho or% on commission basis.6
The agents under the -
sentence are go#erned by the Ci#il Code las on agency. This means
that the regular courts ha#e 'urisdiction o#er this category.

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