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Wipro Complete Selection Process 2014 For Freshers

Technical Interview Questions

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+ptical Fi,re
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S-l, $icroProcessor
1. Aptitude test: 'ptitu/e test contains 0 sections namel1 ver,al a,ilit1, -uantitative
aptitu/e, technical 2nowle/3e.
(er,al 45 16 -uestions
Quantitative 4 516 -uestions
Technical 45 20 -uestions
Test "uration45 70 min
2. Essay writing:- 8ssa1 writin3 is 3eneral papers which havin3 10 min /uration in this
paper /epartment provi/es stu/ent '4 si9e paper in which the1 consi/er onl1 te!t
written. In this test the1 will chec2 onl1 voca,ular1 o: the stu/ent.
0. Technical Interview:- The technical interview ta2es aroun/ 20526 minutes time
/uration in which the1 will 2now 1our actual 2nowle/3e -uestions ran3in3 :rom 1our
pro;ect, trainin3 in:ormation, 1our :avorite su,;ect. The1 will as2 some technical
-uestions a,out 1our :avorite su,;ect or 1our technical s2ill which 1ou mentione/ in the
resume. The -uestion will ma;or eas1 an/ simple to answer.
4. HR Interview:- <= interview serves as the :inal sta3e o: Wipro placement /rive. In
this the1 will as2 -uestions relate/ to 1oursel: , ho,,ies, how much e!pectin3, how 1ou
see 1our sel: a:ter :ive 1ears an/ all that relate/ 1ou. In this interview the1 ;ust want to
2now a,out 1our mentalit1 that 1ou are a,le to serve IT sector or not. <ere we will 3ive
1ou previous written papers o: the Wipro.
1. What is C language?
The C pro3rammin3 lan3ua3e is a stan/ar/i9e/ pro3rammin3 lan3ua3e /evelope/ in the
earl1 1>?0s ,1 @en Thompson an/ "ennis =itchie :or use on the %I* operatin3
s1stem. It has since sprea/ to man1 other operatin3 s1stems, an/ is one o: the most
wi/el1 use/ pro3rammin3 lan3ua3es. C is pri9e/ :or its e::icienc1, an/ is the most
popular pro3rammin3 lan3ua3e :or writin3 s1stem so:tware, thou3h it is also use/ :or
writin3 applications.
!n"t l!se h!pe# d!n"t have negative th!ughts# give y!ur $est# and succeed.

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