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4C Newsletter

Holiday Events in Petworth?

I SSUE 4 , 2 0 1 3
De c e mb e r
Upshur Street Arts &
Crafts Fair
by Shanel Anthony & Jeff Standish
Its that time of year
again! The annual
Upshur Street Arts &
Crafts Fair is sched-
uled for Saturday,
December 14, 2013
from 11 to 4, and
promises to offer
plenty of unique holi-
day gift ideas.
Started in 2005 by
Kera Carpenter, the
owner of DOMKU, this free, outdoor
arts and crafts festival is sponsored by
a number of diverse community busi-
nesses to celebrate the local arts
community and the holiday season.
Fine arts and handmade gift items
from DC-area based artisans will be
available to view and purchase and
local DC musicians will provide free
entertainment throughout the day.
The fair is situated along the 800
block of Upshur St. and is open to
Holiday Decorating Event
by Shanel Anthony
Come meet your neighbors and get
in the holiday spirit as we adorn the
hearth of Petworth with decorations
and cheer. There will be plenty of
decorations, but feel free to bring one
of your own. All we need is you and
your energy to help decorate the park.
Sparkling cider will be served as well.
The decorating will take place from10
to 12 AM on Saturday December 12th,
at the Petworth Farmers Market loca-
tion (Georgia Ave. and Upshur St.).
Petworth Library Book
by Shanel Anthony
On December 14th the Annaual
Petworth Library Winter Book Sale will
take place from 11 to 4 at the Petworth
Library (4200 Kansas Avenue, NW).
Warm your hands, connect with
neighbors, and take advantage of
this issue
Hol i day Event s P. 1
Communi t y News P. 2
Remember i ng Janet P. 3
Commi ssi oner Comment ar y P. 4
a report with MPD and then contact 311
or 202-737-4404 with the report number
to request your replacement Supercan or
recycling bin, for $20.
DPW does not have an enforcement team,
but the Solid Waste Collection team can
assist with initial distribution questions or
replacement of containers. They can be
contacted at 202-645-4301.
Honing Your Speaking Skills
by Vann-Di Galloway
Toastmasters International is a world leader
in communication and leadership develop-
ment. Our membership is 292,000 strong.
Members improve their speaking and lead-
ership skills by attending one of the 14,350
clubs in 122 countries that make up the
global network of meeting locations. We
are very fortunate to have Phoenix DC
Toastmasters in our own neighborhood
meeting at the Petworth Library.
Membership in Toastmasters is one of
the greatest investments you can make
in yourself. It is also one of the most cost-
effective, skill-building tools available any-
How Does It Work?
A Toastmasters meeting is a learn-by-doing
workshop in which participants hone their
speaking and leadership skills in a no-
pressure atmosphere.
There is no instructor in a Toastmasters
meeting. Instead, members evaluate one
anothers presentations. This feedback
process is a key part of the programs suc-
Meeting participants also give impromptu
talks on assigned topics, conduct meetings
and develop skills related to timekeeping,
grammar and parliamentary procedure.
Members learn communication skills by
working in the Competent Communication
manual, a series of 10 self-paced speak-
ing assignments designed to instill a basic
foundation in public speaking.
Why should I join?
The Toastmasters program offers many
benefits that help people in all walks of life.
As a result of participating in Toastmasters,
you will:
Increase your self-confidence
Become a better speaker
Become a better leader
Communicate more effectively
Membership is affordable a great value
that can change your life that costs less
than a dollar a day. Your initial investment:
$20 New member fee
$42 Dues for six months
More than 4 million people have discov-
ered the benefits of this proven learning
formula. What are you waiting for? Joining
is easy just one simple step:
Come and visit us at the Petworth Library
at 4200 Kansas Avenue, N.W. on the 2nd
and 4th Saturday of each month from 1:30
PM until 2:30 PM. Feel free to contact me
with any questions at my Toastmasters
email address: v_m_
4C Commissioners:
SMD 4C01
Michael Yates Treasurer
1216 Madison Street, NW
(202) 726-1870
SMD 4C02
Currently vacant
SMD 4C03
Jeff Standish
1127 Buchanan Street, NW
(508) 317-6217
SMD 4C04
Rickey Williams Jr.
3900 14th Street, NW
(202) 290-7600
SMD 4C05
Joseph M. Vaughan
1305 Shepard Street, NW
(202) 550-1081
SMD 4C06
Vann-Di Galloway
3809 13th Street, NW
(202) 545-8155
SMD 4C07
Shanel O. Anthony Vice
4409 Kansas Avenue, NW
(202) 291-6455
SMD 4C08
Timothy A. Jones
737 Rock Creek Church
Rd., NW
(202) 722-0701
SMD 4C09
Zachary Hartman
117 Webster Street, NW
(202) 505-1171
SMD 4C10
Janell Rawlings
Your SMD
No announcements
No announcements
DDOT Ar k ans as
Av e. Tr af f i c Cal mi ng
meet i ng on 12/ 12
@ 6: 30 PM i n MPD
Ser v i c es - 801
Shepar d St . , NW
Ups hur Par k Tur f
Fi el d near s c ompl e-
t i on, f enc i ng/ net t i ng
t o be i ns t al l ed
No announcements
Cons t r uc t i on of
t he new Saf eway has
qui c k ened
Check out newly
opened Petworth
Citzen @ 829 Upshur
Street NW
No announcements
No announcements
No announcements
Photo by MPD Offcer
Alfonso Matos
6:30 PM @ Petworth
Library Community
Meeting Room
January 8th
February 12th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th
June 11th
July 9th
August 13th
September 10th
October 8th
November 12th
December 10th
All committees still seek
energetic volunteers to
help out.
Public Safety & Human
Chair: Rickey Williams
Chair: TBD
Recreation and Library
Chair: Shanel Anthony
Business, Zoning, and
Economic Development
Chair: Michael Yates
Public Works and
Chair: Vann-Di Galloway
Communications and
Chair: Jeff Standish
the great bargains for the whole family.
This event is hosted by the Friends of
Petworth Library.
Winter Wondercamp
by Jeff Standish
The DC Department of Parks and
Recreation (DPR) will offer DPR Winter
Wondercamp in conjunction with the
DC Public Schools (DCPS) winter
holiday break. DPR will operate the
Winter Wondercamp in two sessions.
Session one will take place on Monday,
December 23; Thursday, December 26
and Friday, December 27. Session two
will take place on Monday, December
30; Tuesday, December 31; Thursday,
January 2 and Friday, January 3.
Winter Wondercamp is offered for chil-
dren ages 3 thru 13 years old, with differ-
ent age groups. Registration will open at
10 am on Monday, November 25, 2013.
Camps will operate from 9 am to 5 pm,
with before care from 8 am to 9 am and
after care from 5 pm to 6 pm. Parents
can either register online or by calling
the camps office at (202) 671-0372. In
person registration is not available for
Winter Wondercamp.
Winter Wondercamp Fees:
Session 1: $30 per child; due at the
time of registration
Session 2: $40 per child; due at the
time of registration
$10 per child, per session for before
care or after care; due at registration
Registration fees are non-refundable
and non-transferable

Please note that breakfast and lunch will
not be provided. Parents are required
to send children with a lunch and any
additional snacks for the day.
**(Please note that DPRs Camp policy
(click here for the policy) on food and
snacks should be adhered to.)
The theme for Winter Wondercamp will
incorporate DPRs Move, Grow and Be
Green initiative. The camps, specifi-
cally catered to each of the three ages
groups, will include sports activities,
arts & crafts, and at least one field trip.
Activities will not only incorporate per-
sonal development and environmental
responsibility components, but they will
also challenge and engage camp par-
Registration is based on a first-come,
first-serve basis. It is recommended that
first time users create a DPR account
prior to attempting to register.
To Register:
Go to DPRs programs registration
Enter Winter in the search field,
and Winter Wondercamp will show
up in the drop down selections.
Select the program you would like to
enroll your child in. Programs will be
added automatically into your cart.
Complete registration with payment.
Remember, before and after care
must be registered for separately.
All fees (camp registration, before
care, after care) are non-refundable,
non-transferable, and due at time of
For more information on DPRs Winter
Wondercamp, contact DPRs Camps/
Seasonal Programs office at (202) 671-
Community News
by Jeff Standish
Mayor Vincent C. Gray joined other
District leaders today to announce that
the Department Public Works (DPW) will
begin distributing new green Supercans
in January 2014 to residents who receive
once-a-week trash collection services
from DPW. I know there are a lot of
people inquiring about when they will get
their new Supercans. I also know many people have com-
municated through that they have outgrown
the 32-gallon recycling can and need more capacity,
said Mayor Gray. Records show that more than 10 years
have passed since the Districts supply of Supercans was
refreshed, and proper containerization of trash is a major
defense against rats and other animals. Mayor Gray con-
tinued, I am happy to announce the wait is almost over.
Starting in January, the Department of Public Works will
begin delivering new Supercans and 64-gallon recycling
cans to the 75,000 households that receive once-a-week
trash and recycling collection services from DPW.
DPW Director William O. Howland, Jr. added, Residents
of twice-a-week trash collection neighborhoods will get
new 32-gallon trash cans and they will receive 48-gallon
recycling cans, which are 50 percent larger than the cur-
rent 32-gallon recycling cans. DPW will begin delivering
these new cans in the spring. We expect that all 105,000
households will have their new trash and recycling cans
by July.
Mayor Gray noted that by increasing capacity for residents
to recycle, the District takes a significant step toward
achieving the Sustainable DC target of diverting 80 per-
cent of the waste stream through recycling, composting,
and waste conversion.
When asked about residents recourse should their new
Supercan or recycling container grow legs and walk
away, Kevin Twine from DPWs Office of the Director
confirmed that each container delivered will have a serial
number imprinted on it. These numbers will be logged
by DPW for tracking purposes. However, residents also
share in the responsibility of keeping tabs of their trash
cans, and are encouraged to paint their address on con-
tainers to deter would be theives. DPW also confirmed
that should a container be stolen, the resident should file
In November 2008, Janet Myers was elected by her neigh-
bors to represent single-member district 4C02. During her
five-year tenure as a Commissioner, Janet dedicated herself
to the improvement of our community. Improving the edu-
cational opportunities for our children was the cornerstone of
Janets passion. Whether hosting
a school fair or meeting with par-
ents, principals or students, Janet
always maintained a strong focus
on pushing toward a brighter future.
Janet also took great pride in shar-
ing the stage with partners, lead-
ers and friends who were making
strides to improve their community.
Each year Janet hosted a commu-
nity awards event where honor-
ees and residents were treated to
her great cooking and hospitality.
Janet often financed these events
and rarely sought assistance. The
recognition of the community part-
ners who helped her succeed was reward enough.
As Chairman of ANC 4C, Janet sought
to focus on the importance of civil-
ity and the need to recognize our col-
lective humanity. Treating one another
with mutual respect was at the forefront
of her leadership, and we are hopeful
that spirit will endure in the Commission.
Last month our friend, wife, mother to five,
active community voice, and fellow ANC
Commissioner passed away suddenly at
her home. As we struggle to cope with
this loss to our community, we ask that
you keep Janets husband Wendell, and
their five children in your thoughts and
prayers. Janet will be missed, but never
forgotten. The 4C Commission is work-
ing to find an appropriate way in which
we might formally remember and rec-
ognize Janets community contributions..
In Remembrance: Commissioner Janet Myers
Credit: Joe Martin
Credit: Joe Martin

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