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Around 7 years of experience in Software Design, Development, Analysis and Quality Assurance
Over 5 years of experience in ac!end testing using SQ" Server #$$5%#$$&.
'xtensive exposure to testing during all p(ases of t(e Software Development Life Cycle from
)nitiation p(ase to t(e Software *elease p(ase.
'xperience in Black Box testing, System testing, Functional testing, UI testing, egression
testing and +AT ,+ser Acceptance testing-.
'xperience includes t(e testing of Client!Server an" #$B %ase" applications using automated
testing tools li!e &uality Center!'est Directory, .in runner and &'(.
'xperience in documenting usiness rules and traceaility of usiness rules.
'xperience in developing and enforcing QA test met(odologies and procedures.
'xperience wor!ing in Agile /et(odology.
'xperience in using defect trac!ing tools suc( as 'est Director an" &uality Center to report ugs,
issues and en(ancements.
Over 5 yrs experience on execution 0 maintaining test plans an" test scenarios.
)nvolved in Creating 'est Data for t(e respective pro1ects according to t(e Business rules an"
2roficient in /S Office tools 'xcel, .ord*
Strong s!ills in ac!end testing using SQ" 3ueries on Oracle *D4/S using Toad and SQ"
5ig(ly motivated, self6starter ale to wor! independently and collaoratively wit(in a diverse
tec(nical team.
Strong teamwor! s!ills and t(e aility to communicate wit( all management levels.
5aving excellent analytical, communication s!ills.
'ec+nical Skills 7
Operating System 7 .indows 8T%#$$$%92, Sun Solaris, /S6DOS, A)9, +8)9
"anguages 7 :, SQ", 2"%SQ", ;ava
Dataase 7 SQ" S'*<'* #$$$%#$$5%#$$&, Oracle =$g%>i%&i, S?4AS'
.e Tec(nologies 7 5T/", <4 Script, AS2
Scripting 7 +8)9 S(ell scripting,"inux, 2'*" Scripting
Testing Tools 7 .in *unner, "oad *unner, QT2
8etwor! 2rotocols 7 5TT2, T:2%)2, S/T2
Application pac!ages 7 /S6.ord, /S6'xcel, /S62ro1ect, /icrosoft Outloo!.
@T2 2rotocol 7 .inS:2, Secure S(ell S@T2
9/" Tool 7 Altova 9/" Spy
Text 'ditor 7 8otepadAA
/asters in :omputer Applications
4ac(elors of Science
(rofessional $xperience:
,(-.#(- Irving '/ 0ug 11 2 3une 14
&0 0nalyst
(-3$C' 5$/':
?oung 2residents OrganiBation is t(e leading gloal networ! of :'Os dedicated to creating
etter leaders t(roug( education and idea exc(ange. T(e scope of t(is pro1ect is to develop a
functional Social networ!ing wesite for ?2O called 2ro1ect 8e9T. 2ro1ect 8e9T will provide a
secure, intuitive and (ig(ly personaliBed experience to all memers and t(eir families, t(e ?2O)
/anagement Team and :(apter Administrators gloally. T(e 2ro1ect 8e9T portal will C'n(ance
every aspect of t(e memers(ip experience,D facilitating t(e streamlined delivery of ?2O)Es
intellectual property%content and interconnecting products and services it will also complement
t(e existing service offerings to ?2O and .2O memers and t(eir families.
)nvolved in creating Test 2lan using 4*D, S*S and @*S Documents and upload into s(are point.
)nvolved in Daily wal!t(roug(s and status calls, to verify t(e status of t(e testing efforts.
*esponsile for creating test cases for +AT and performing minimal ad (oc testing re3uests
+tiliBe testing trac!ing tool to report ugs and re6test w(en t(e issues are resolved
'scalate any (ig( priority issues to t(e ?2O6.2O testing lead on a timely asis
"iaises wit( usiness and tec(nical teams to resolve defects
*evises test scripts ased on approved c(ange re3uests
*esponsile for executing (ig(6level test cases to validate functional re3uirements (ave een met
+tiliBe testing trac!ing tool to report ugs and re6test w(en t(e issues are resolved
'scalate any (ig( priority issues to t(e ?2O6.2O testing lead on a timely asis
/icrosoft Dynamics :*/ ,:ustomer *elations(ip /anagement
tool-F used y ?2O6.2O as t(e master source of data for memers and events
$nvironment: .indows 92, Oracle =$g, SQ",
'ools : QT2, :*/, S(arepoint,QA complete, /anual testing, +8)9 ,
6eri7on Data Services, 8rapevine '/ Fe% 11 2 3uly 11
&0 0nalyst
C-F$$ (ro9ect:
:ofee ,:onverBed @ront end engine- is G+) application used to !ey orders li!e )nstall, :(ange, supp,
disconnect Stac! and :ancel for <oice, data and <ideo orders. :ofee 'ast meant for 'astern states li!e 8;,
<A, D:, 8? etc and orders flow t(roug( susystems li!e :OG, SS2, )vapp adapters w(ere as :ofee west
meant for .estern states li!e :A, T9 etc. :ofee *eps ta!ing t(e orders from :ustomers using t(eir Address
if t(ey are 8ew customers, if existing customers searc( y T8 and add t(e new services, or disconnect%
2artial disconnect orders. *ecently <eriBon )ntroduced t(e 5uge undle offers for <oice, Data and <ideo
customers and <eriBon concentrated more on 5OA%/D+ as 5ome Owner Association and /ulti Dwelling
+nits will impact t(e usiness ta!ing 4ul! orders. :ofee 4illing )nitiate illing in3uiries, payment
arrangements, and illing ad1ustments.
)nvolved in creating Test 2lan using 4*D, S*S and @*S Documents and upload into Quality :enter.
)nvolved in Daily wal!t(roug(s and status calls, to verify t(e status of t(e testing efforts.
+sing 4ug *eporting tool :/)S we, Open% :lose defects and verify t(e status of t(e Defect.
)nteracting wit( t(e Dev team% 4usiness team to discuss aout t(e opened 4ug status.
)nvolved in :reating Test Data for t(e respective pro1ects according to t(e re3uirements.
)nvolved in testing *egression scenarioEs for t(e mont(ly releases.
2articipated in Scrum /eeting as part of Agile met(odology.
2articipated in wee!ly status meetings and coordinated wit( t(e Developers team to resolve and
close defects.
:ompleted t(e testing in t(e time frame as part of sprint as client wants t(e uild deployed to
production every H wee!s.
2erformed on running 5"* scenarios during eac( uild ,8ew Iit- to ma!e sure existing
functionality is wor!ing as intended.
Testing t(e 2roduction Defects after resolved y Development teams in Test 'nvironment ,S)T-.
:reating 5OA% /D+ accounts using <ecap application and using it for :O@'' Testing.
:reating Suspend accounts using 4OSS application.
Attending 4ridge calls for t(e Developers .al! t(roug( for t(e new )nitiativeEs.
After releasing order from :O@'', /O8J generated, verify /O8 in :OG "ogs and in SS2 .@.
After release t(e order from :O@'', need to c(ec! t(e order flow in 4illing systems and <erify t(e
/O8 wit( t(e :orrect )nvoice numer and 4T8
+sed /icrosoft :*/ for online solutions for sales,customer service and mar!eting.
+sing :O@'' Test .)84A:I orders, w(o are former <eriBon customers and wis( to come ac!.
:o6ordinated wit( @)OS team w(ic( re3uires collaoration wit( :O@'' pro1ect, was involved in
testing t(e S'T TO2 4O9,:O@'', @)OS related )ntegration testing and Dataase testing.
Developed and executed SQ" 3ueries to validate t(e data in t(e ac!6end Oracle Dataase.
.or! wit( Off6s(ore resources at <DS) ,:(ennai and 5yderaad- )ndia.
:reated execution plan to upgrade t(e QT2 &.# scripts to QT2 >.5 considering t(e :O@''
application en(ancements.
2repared t(e test plan and identified t(e wor!flows to cover different customer scenarios.
+pdated QT2 >.5 scripts on Quality :enter >.# server to s(are t(em wit( Off6s(ore team in )ndia.
Sc(eduled t(e scripts to auto run from Q: using t(e H
party tool ,Q: doesnEt (ave uild6in option-
'xperienced in designing automation solutions using a CIey wordD driven approac(
Developed framewor! and created QT2 scripts for new we ased application ,S2OT for ordering-.
Developed a framewor! and created QT2 scripts for 9/" ased posting application called SS2
,ac!end system covering t(e wor!flow posting for new orders, c(ange order and cancel orders-.
$nvironment: .indows 92, Oracle =$g, SQ", .in runner, .e "ogic.
'ools : Quic! Test 2ro ,QT2-, Test Director, /anual testing, +8)9 s(ell scripting, "inux, Toad
(itney Bowes, Stamfor", C' -ct 1: 2 3an 11
&0 0nalyst
Description: 2itney 4owes (as a measured approac( to t(e mail management industry. T(e worldKs largest
producer of postage meters, t(e company also ma!es ot(er mailing e3uipment and provides s(ipping and
weig(ing systems.
+sed <isio tool for 2resentations 0 .or!ed wit( t(e functional team to perform manual testing and
t(en generated t(e automated test scripts for regression testing using .in *unner 7.L
.or!ed wit( <) editor and verified t(e test results, viewed log files and 3ueried t(e dataase wit(
SQ", 2"%SQ" 3ueries and procedures.
One of t(e Team memer to perform +ser Acceptance Testing, .e Testing, +ser )nterface Testing,
8egative Testing, 2ositive testing.
:lear :ase is used for set of tools to allow a company to craft t(eir engineering environment to t(eir
own re3uirements and also !ept t(e trac! of t(e <ersion releases.
/onitors including Oracle Dataase monitor, .e *esources monitor, +nix *esource monitor, ))S
we server monitor etc are set up
$nvironment: .indows 92, Sieel 7.5, Oracle >i, SQ", Sieel 'nterprise Server, Sieel Gateway, ))S
'ools : "oad *unner 7.&, .in *unner 7.L, Test director 7.&, /icrosoft Office tools, /S <isio.
6eri7on Data Services, Irving '/ 3une 1: 2 Sep 1:
SS( -perations Support
SS(: Strategic systems platform is <eriBonEs new national platform for managing 4roadand services,
including DS", @TT2 and video. SS2 replaces a complex maBe of first generation DS" applications wit( a
single, (ig( performance, modern systems infrastructure. T(e system currently (andles orders from various
customer touc( points, from t(e we, 4#4 partner sites, and customer service representatives. )tEs an end6to6
end integrated system.
F''(: @ier to t(e 2remises refers to <eriBonKs new networ! t(at utiliBes fier6optic cales and associated
optical electronics instead of copper wire to connect a customer to t(e <eriBon networ!. @ier6optic systems
(ave een used in telecom networ!s for years, primarily in t(e long6(aul or inter6city networ!s. Serving
primarily residential and small6 to medium6siBed usiness users, @TT2 provides voice service and associated
features w(ile offering nearly unlimited andwidt( for an array of data and video applications.
As a memer of operations team involved in ac!end testing li!e c(ec!ing t(e status of order in D4 .
'xecuted%/odified perl scripts to c(ec! status of orders in D4.
)nteracted directly wit( customer reps and tested t(e orders in production and sent data srus to D4A
team to fix t(e issue. .
2laced )nstall, /ove, :(ange, Disconnect, Supp Detail, Supp :ancel, Supp :.D on different
undled products.
Tested 4ac!end wit( SQ" :ommands and .ritten several SQ" 3ueries for data validation and
correction of account information for DS" and 8on DS" products.
<alidating t(e account details li!e service location, facility and product level information for a given
wor!ing telep(one numer ,.T8-.
.ritten SQ" scripts for populating,updating and deleting t(e data from t(e Dataase.
)nteracted wit( t(e developers in fixing t(e prolems.
$nvironment: .indows 92, Oracle =$.i, SQ", .in runner, .e "ogic.
'ools : /ercury Quality :entre, .inScp, Toad.
6eri7on Business, 0s+%urn, 60 ;ar :< 2 ;ay 1:
&0 0nalyst
6eri7on is one of t(e ma1or Telecommunication companies w(ic( offers a full range of services for @ederal
and commercial 4usiness solutions w(ic( include voice and data services, suc( as private lines, special local
access services, and domestic and international long6distance.
$nterprise -r"er ;anagement System =$-;>:
T(e Application is an Online Order 'ntry System t(at supports +ser Transactions suc( as Order 4oo!ing,
4illing Setup, 2rovisioning and Service Order etc. )t is a !ey component of t(e 'nterprise SOA ,Service
Oriented Arc(itecture- eing developed under t(e 8etwor! 2rogram.'nterprise Application )ntegration ,'A)-
Server supports order automation activities etween Order 'ntry%2rovide, Service 2rofiles, and 2rovisioning
Status(o ,Status *eporting Tool-
Status2ro is a we ased integrated reporting and trac!ing tool. Status2ro offers end6users a way of trac!ing
order details, generating order trac!ing summary or sales order trac!ing reports. And it supports all 'O/
initiated orders. )n order to trac! t(ese orders t(roug(out t(e order process, Status2ro receives order
milestone information from Order2ro, :O/S, 8et2ro, )ntrada2ro, T:O/S, O4+S, and )ASA. Status2ro
also gives users t(e capaility of sc(eduling reports for future use, y saving fre3uently used criteria sets.
As a Quality Assurance Analyst, involved in QA Analysis, Software Testing 0 Documentation.
.rote Detailed Test 2lans and Test cases.
'xecuted%/odified perl scripts to c(ec! status of orders in D4.
)nteracted wit( 4usiness Analysts for constant upgrade of t(e functional re3uirements.
2erformed functional testing, System testing, G+) and *egression Testing.
2erformed testing on different functionalities of t(e application.
Defect trac!ing and *eporting and +pdating status of eac( defect using /ercury Quality :entre.
2laced )nstall, /ove, :(ange, Disconnect, Supp Detail, Supp :ancel, Supp :.D on different
undled products.
+sed 2utty to grep for re3uest xml and response xmls using different unix commands.
+sed 8otepadAA, .inScp to searc( for xmls and erros to c(ec! t(e order flow and log t(e defect in
Quality :entre.
Tested 4ac!end wit( SQ" :ommands on Dataase.
2erformed Development )ntegration, System )ntegration, 'nd to 'nd and +ser Acceptance Testing
for t(e data services.
)nteracted wit( t(e developers in fixing t(e prolems.
$nvironment: .indows 92, Oracle >i, SQ", .in runner, .e Sp(ere.
'ools : /ercury Quality :entre, .inScp, 8otepadAA, 2utty, Altova 9/"spy, SQ".
0'?' !SBC, 3an :@ 2 Fe% :A
&0 0nalyst
T(e :omplex 2roduct Service Order System is a service order front6end system to support DS". T(is G+)
application is used for pre63ualification and ordering.
*esponsile for preparing t(e Test 2lans for Application and executed Test 2lans, test cases ased on
S*S documents and verified expected and actual results
'xecution of automated and manual test of :lient%Server and we6ased applications including
@unctional, *egression, System )ntegration testing.
:ommunicated !ey6loc!ers in testing p(ase to management and wor!ed closely wit( developers to
fix identified issues.
)nvolved in testing all t(e )*Es and :*Es for every release of t(e product.
+sed Quality :entre to trac! and report t(e defects.
2layed a !ey role in 5ealt( c(ec! of t(e application efore t(e release to 2roduction.
)nvolved in identifying Test Data for executing t(e *egression Test :ases
)nvolved in preparing Daily status *eports.
.rote SQ" Queries to c(ec! t(e results.
$nvironment: .indows #$$$%8T, Oracle &i, ;ava, .e Sp(ere, SQ", 2"%SQ", :entre
'ools: .in runner7.5, Quality
$S5 'ec+nologies, By"era%a", In"ia ;ay :C 2 Dec :C
&0 'ester
$nterprise Date ;anagement:
'S8 Tec(nologies is a leading provider of enterprise data management solutions. )ts product *ecruit s(arp
automates streamlines and simplifies every facet of t(e recruitment process. .it( *e3uisition /anagement
System, :andidate /anagement System, Staffing <endor /anagement System and )ntelligence System
*ecruit S(arp is industries most roust offerings.
2repared and implemented Test 2lans and Test cases.
)nteracted wit( Development team and /anagement team on a daily asis.
Gat(ered extensive !nowledge on t(e application under test.
:reated numerous scenarios and wrote manual test scripts.
2erformed "oad Tests y inserting Transaction, *endeBvous points in t(e application.
Trac!ed t(e defects using Test Director and generated defect summary reports.
2articipated in wee!ly progress meetings
:onducted data integrity testing y extensive use of SQ"
AnalyBed test results and reported necessary corrective actions
2erformed /anual testing, dataase testing and *egression testing
)nvolved in manual testing, for t(e G+) and @unctionality of t(e application
$nvironment: .indows#$$$%8T, <isual4asic, Oracle, .elogic , /S Access
'ools: .inrunner,Test Director

=evat+i 5a"impalli>

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