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Draft Agenda

Bush Foundation TEI Summit

November 18-19, 2014
St. Paul Hotel
St. Paul, MN

General Theme: The NExT/TEI Journey
Where have TEI institutions been, what have they learned, where are they now,
where are they going at midpoint in their efforts?

Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014

9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:30 Welcome (led by planning committee)
Review of Vision for the Summit and Agenda

10:00 Poster Sessions or Gallery Walk (making use of graphic organizer)
What are noteworthy successes?
What are research findings/evidence?
What are lessons learned?

11:00 World Caf Discussions (with reporting out via Padlet technology)

12:00 Speaker (welcome from Bush Foundation; invite Jennifer Ford-Reedy to
offer brief reprise of remarks at Fargo TedEx event)

12:30 Lunch

1:30 Unconference/Open Space: Challenges for the Future and Moving Forward

2:45 Use of Data and Evidence: Provocative Findings from Common Metrics

3:30 Break

3:45 Team Discussions: How to Use Common Metrics Data for Program

4:45 Reflections on the Day and Preparation for Tomorrow

5:00 Adjournment

Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014 (Focus on Vision for Next Five Years, Sustainability,
and Documentation and Dissemination of Lessons Learned:

9:00 Continental Breakfast

9:30 Welcome, Announcements, and Review of Agenda

9:45 Breakout Discussions: Vision for Next Five Years
By 2019 TEI/NEXT will be successful if
How will we know?

11:00 Break

11:15 Sharing from Breakout Discussions

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Keynote (invite Bill McDiarmid, dean UNC school of education and PI on
forthcoming report on lessons learned from Teachers for a New Era)
Thoughts on how to take action as a collective and move forward
Key messages: 1) Stay strong; 2) How to leverage cross-site partnership; and
3) Tell the story

2:00 Smaller Working Groups on Documentation and Dissemination: What Do We
Want to Share with Whom?
Specific work groups to be determinedmight include web presence,
artifacts, tools, and book/journal articles

3:15 Break

3:30 Reports Out

4:00 Identification of Next Steps

4:30 Adjournment

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