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The sixth chakra, Ajna, is also known as the third eye and is placed on the
forehead between the brows. In Brahma Nadi (enclosed by ertebral col!mn"
this #hakra is located j!st opposite the mid spot between the two eyebrows.
This white lot!s has only two petals. Also called the Third $ye its actiation
brings wondro!s powers like clairoyance, telepathy, power of giing c!rses
or blessings, instant f!l%llment of anything one wishes, and gain of
knowledge related to all s!bjects and sciences, power to control tho!ghts of
others and interfere een in nat!re.
Its padma is between the second and the third neck discs. It is belieed to be
the center of wisdom and is treated as the most important meditatie chakra
of the h!man body. Ajna is also connected with will and para&psychological
abilities. In ancient times 'the third eye' was s!pposed to be partic!larly well
deeloped in the case of strong magicians and cams and de%ned their ability
of clairoyant, psycokinesis, opport!nity to in(!ence others at a distance.
The sixth chakra corresponds with the main Tantra mantra )*. Ajna has two
petals with bijas ha and ksha. Nadis Ida and +ingala are belieed to
con(!ence with ,!sh!mna at the leel of this chakra, while Ida goes thro!gh
the left petal +ingala goes thro!gh the right one.
Ajna is strictly connected with hypophysis, the neck nere plex!s and brain.
The normal f!nctioning of this chakra actiates intellect and psychic abilities,
imagination, possibility of bright is!ali-ation. .isbalance of the sixth chakra
makes concentration more di/c!lt, mind sti0, comm!nicatieness bad, can
prooke schi-ophrenia. Its malf!nctioning may be the reason of headaches.
Besides the mandala shown on the pict!res d!ring the meditation Ajna can
be is!ali-ed as indigo spot. This chakra corresponds with the power of 1akini
who plays a signi%cant role in the process of deelopment of the higher
meditatie abilities. ,hia appears here not as one of manifestations of the
higher god b!t as Itara linga 2 the phall!s image symboli-ing the greatest
creatie power of the !nierse. Indian Tantra claims that the highest power of
3!ndalini is placed here too.
the position of the ajna chakra is in the eyebrow&space. This does not mean
that it is sit!ated directly there. It means that the ajna is inside the
,!sh!mna. at the point where it passes thro!gh a part of the brain, lying at
the leel of the midpoint of the space between the eyebrows.
,hat&chakra&nir!pana says4 the lot!s termed ajna which is like the moon and
becomes manifested by the concentration&light has two petals of an intense
white colo!r on which are the mantrika letters ha and ksh. inside it (that is,
inside the place of the lot!s" is (+ower" 1akini who is white like the moon and
has six faces and holds the idya (a book", kapala (a sk!ll", damar! (a dr!m"
and japawati (a r!draksha rosary" and shows m!dras (the gest!res of
granting boons and of dispelling fear". her whole conscio!sness is ,!preme
#onscio!sness It has been stated that in the hollow of the ajna chakra is an
excellent (!id (that is, the nectar" ,o there is nectar in the ajna as there is in
the 'moon'. The ajna has two petals Trip!rasara&sam!chchaya, The shining
colo!r may mean bright white. It has also been stated that the matrika&letters
on the petals of the ajna are 5aa, (the second la, which is prono!nced as da,"
and ksha, and shine like ten million moons (that is, shining white" the
matrika&letters ha and ksha are red in colo!r. 6a, da, is hidden in the place It
has been stated that the borders of the three nadis that is, the ida, pingala
and s!sh!mna. are sit!ated in the space between the eyebrows, termed the
tripatha&sthana (the j!nction of the three power&lines". which is six cornered
and (can be magni%ed" to fo!r %ngers' Breadth, and red in colo!r7 this is what
is called the ajna chakra. by the yogis It means that in the ajna ,chakra,
sit!ated in the eyebrow space, are the ends of the ida and +ingala. which
form a j!nction in combination with the s!sh!mna, and this j!nction is called
the tripatha&sthana. which is in the form of a six&cornered region and red in
colo!r. The aidika term is the trik!ta where the ida, pingala and ,!sh!mna
hae been !nited, that is, in ajna. ,o, the ajna has a red, six cornered region
in its place. The ajna has also been called the trirasra (the triangle" beca!se it
contains the triang!lar process in its region. The ajna chakra has been
described as haing within it the bea!tif!l 3ama chakra7 inside the 3ama
chakra is the ery s!btle prashna chakra, and inside that the phala chakra
These special chakras are for the practice of special concentration. 1akini
+ower 1akini is sit!ated in the region of the ajna Trip!rasarasam!chchaya,
ida nadi +ingala nadi cross each other and ida nadi ends in right nose and
+ingala end in left nose
forms of 1akini 8 shakthi are as follows. According to di0erent text

9 1akini is moon&white in colo!r, six&faced and six&armed7 she holds a book, a
sk!ll, a dr!m,(damar!ga" and a r!draksha&rosary, and makes the gest!res of
granting boons and of dispelling fear
: 1akini is white in colo!r7 she has six faces of red colo!r, each with three
eyes7 she holds in her hands the dr!m, the r!draksha &rosary, the sk!ll and
the book, and makes the gest!res of granting boons and dispelling fear7 and
she is seated on a white
; The colo!r of 1akini is a mixt!re of white black&red7 she is two&armed and
her face is moon like bea!tif!l with rolling eyes, like a moing black bee7 she
shines with the ermilion&mark on her forehead and her eyes are bea!tif!lly
painted with collyri!m7 she has c!rled hair and is clad in red raiment and her
!pper garment is white
< 1akini is like the dark&bl!e clo!d (that is, her colo!r is dark&bl!e" and has
one, two, three, fo!r, %e or six faces (according to the type of concentration"
which glitter like stars7 she holds the sk!ll, the spear, and the shield, and she
makes the gest!re of dispelling fear
= 1akini is white in colo!r7 she has three eyes and holds the r!draksha&
rosary, the dr!m, the sk!ll, the book and the bow, and shows the m!dra
(either the gest!re of granting boons or that of dispelling fear. abaya hasta"
> 1akini is red in colo!r7 she has six faces and three eyes to each face7 she
holds a dr!m, a r!draksha&rosary, a sk!ll and a book and shows m!dras (that
is, the gest!res of granting boons and of dispelling fear. abaya hasta"
? 1akini is p!re white (or" like a bl!e lot!s that is, dark&bl!e in colo!r. and has
six faces Itara&lingait is well known that the seat of the s!btle (s!kshmar!pa"
manas(sense&mind" is at an intermediate point (antarala"of this lot!s (ajna".
inside the region of this (ajna" is a triangle (yoni". @hich is the seat (pada" of
Itara&,hia (,hia endowed with the power of f!ll control oer desires". @ho
is reealed in his linga&form (absorptie concentration&form" (lingachina
prakasha". 1ere is also the seat (pada" (which is triang!lar in shape of the
,!preme +ower as 3!ndalini (paramak!la", like the streaks of lightning
(ashes, ca!sing the ro!sing of the Brahma nadi. (brahmas!tra&prabodha"
and manifesting as the %rst bija (primary so!rce" of the edas (that is, the
%rst mantra )m pranaa"7 a practitioner, being calm mentally, sho!ld do
tho!ght&concentration according to the order prescribed by the g!r!

In ajna chakra has r!dra Aranthi it has 9B characteristics ro!dra, teekashna,
baya, nidra, tandra, sh!dra, crodini, priya, !dghara, mr!t!ya, and
f!nctionalty of C!dra granthi rechaka, pachaka, shochaka, dhaka, plaaka,
ksharaka, dharaka, kshabaka, mohaka, jr!mbhaka, C!dra Aranthi is located
in the area of the DAjnaD or Third eye. The last knot, @hen 3!ndalini ascends
tal! #hakra and reaches Ajna #hakra, and beyond the %e elements of earth,
water, %re, air, and akasha. Erom the tatas (elements" the whole world of
names and forms eoles and in tattas it dissoles. It is tattas that
contin!o!sly change the chemical make!p of the physical body and bring
emotional (!ct!ations and attachments in the indiid!al self.
After crossing the seenth chakra 3!ndalini moes to the eight chakara agna
, where the tattas merge into their so!rce, *aha Tatta. 1ere the Ida and
+ingala nadis cross oer each other and disintegrate in the left and right
nostrils, respectiely. As l!nar and solar channels, Ida and +ingala are time
bo!nd. After this plex!s in Ajna #hakra, the time bo!nd conscio!sness
dissoles, and one establishes himself in In%nity. This knot then !nties itself,
and is able to ascend with its moing energy into the ,oma #hakra.
+enal gland
male triangle in
agna system
+enal gland in the gross body is the third eye in s!btle body, tho! it doesnFt
hae any physical appreance the third eye can see, feel, sense. penal gland is
the mysterio!s gland in o!r body, it is the master gland in s!btle body ery
few things are known to science yet be explored. some scientist say the
entire creations and the knowledge of this !nierse are hidden in the triangle
formed by two eyes (physical"and penal gland in the mid of the brain being
third eye.
3!ndalini rises in the m!ladhara chakra in the perine!m region (female
triangle" and !nites in the ind! chakra in the (male triangle" ajna system. It is
in ind! chakra shakthi !nites with shia, from m!ladhara 3!ndalini shakthi
rises and weds shia in ind! chakra. @hen ajna chakra is f!lly actiated, the
penal gland grows again. f!nctions of the penal gland in the gross body are it
is connected to the biological clock beca!se it ind!ces sleep and awakening
process and the conscio!s, s!bconscio!s, !nconscio!s, f!nction are reg!lated
by the brain with the help of penal gland, b!t in spirit!al actiity penal gland
helps h!man being to attain s!perconsio!s state.
Actiation of ajna by means of meditation. It takes abo!t 9BBB breath to
awaken the chakra

*antra japa
1aG!GmaG)m Hom namahaI is the nada bija mantra of bhramanda. mantra
japa is ery similar to meditation, reciting chakra m!la mantra while
concentration on the chakra region by applying a dot of sandlewood past as
an identi%cation mark foc!sing on the mantra concentrating on the agna
chakra region internally, as if yo! are seeing that part with closing yo!r eyes.
*antra can be recite 9, BBBBB times
#)NTA#T E)C*,
NA.I$, )E ,KT6$ B).I$,
*K6A.1ACA #1A3CA
,@.A1I,TANA #1A3CA
1CIT +A.*A #1A3CA
LI,K..1I #1A3CA
*ANA, #1A3CA
To be contin!ed !nder constr!ction

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