Herbal Rub

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Herbal Muscle Rub

You may already have the tools needed to make a fresh herbal
Mortar and pestle Large sauce pan Double boiler A piece of clean,
dry cheesecloth Si !"ounce sterili#ed cosmetic $ars Si !"ounce
cosmetic bottles
Ingredients you%ll need include:
& cup fresh bay leaves & cup fresh eucalyptus leaves & cup fresh
grated ginger root & pint pure oil 'either etra virgin olive oil, sesame oil,
almond oil or sun(o)er seed oil* & pound pure bees)a & ounce li+uid
citric acid ,- &.. proof vodka/
&/ 0egin by mashing the herbs )ith the mortar and pestle until they are
1nely ground together/ 2hen heat them in the oil in the saucepan, stirring
over lo) heat for about an hour/ 0e careful not to boil or burn the miture
or leave it unattended/ After an hour, remove the pan from the heat and
set aside/ 3hen slightly cooled but still )arm, strain the oil and crushed
herbs through clean cheesecloth, then discard the herbs/ Divide the
herbal oil in half and set one half aside/
4/ Melt the bees)a in the double boiler, then mi half of the herbal oil
into the melted bees)a along )ith half the citric acid/ Stir the miture
)ell '3hipping the )arm ingredients in a food processor or )ith a hand"
held frother instead of stirring produces a light, creamy preparation/* and
let cool slightly/ 5our the bees)a miture into the cosmetic $ars, let cool
for !. minutes, then tightly lid all the $ars/
!/ Mi the other half of the citric acid into the other half of the herbal oil/
5our it into the cosmetic bottles, let cool and then lid tightly/ Label as
67resh 8erbal Muscle -ub9 and store out of sunlight until use or give as
To use: :se the creamy rub on sore muscles and aching $oints; use the oil
during gentle massage/ 2hey both )ork )ell to ease hip and leg $oint pain
and sti<ness of elderly pets/ = suggest adding a fe) drops of the oil to hot
bath )ater for a soothing steam bath, )hich also helps sinuses and
congestion/ You can also make )raps/ Soak large gau#e strips in hot
)ater, remove them from the )ater, )ring out ecess, add some oil and
)rap aching ankles or )rists or lay on sore muscles/
FYI: >inger root is available at most grocers, and fresh bay and
eucalyptus leaves )ill be easier to 1nd locally on the )est coast and in the
south than in northern areas/ 7or those in the mid)est and north, 1nding
fresh bay leaves and eucalyptus leaves may be more challenging/ 2ry
health food markets )ith fresh produce, local (orists or online sources/
-ead more: http:??)))/motherearthliving/com?natural"health?ease"aches"

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