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Introduction to Blooms Taxonomy and APA Citations and References

Blooms Taxonomy
Please go to the Don Clark website and review the materials about Blooms Taxonomy.
Focus on the table of the cognitive domain. nderstand that as children! we mainly play in the
lower levels of the domain "#nowledge and Com$rehension%! learning and memori&ing facts!
and ideas. 'nly when we excel academically "and for some! this occurs at different stages%! do
we start moving "or are $ushed% to the higher levels. Throughout your DB( $rogram! you will
academically $ushed to o$erate at the highest levels! s$ecifically analysis! synthesis! and
evaluation. This will be nowhere more evident when it comes to your )iterature *eview!
arguably the most extensive and difficult section of your entire doctoral study. +any new
doctoral students will e,uate a literature review to a book re$ort! sim$ly summari&ing what each
author said. -mith said this! .ones said that! and Brown said this. /hat is re,uired0 however! is
a literature review that $resents a more1in1de$th ex$loration of the theoretical and $ractical
under$inning of the $ro$osed research study through careful analysis! evaluation! integration!
and synthesis of the existing body of scholarly knowledge. /e will cover the literature review in
later weeks! but for now! it is sufficient to have an understanding! ex$ectation! and reasons why
the level of academic rigor are in $lace.
2ow is the o$$ortunity to watch a short 3 minute video based on a $o$ular movie!
Pirates of the Caribbean that $layfully shows you how the different levels of Blooms
taxonomy affect us in all as$ects of life! not 4ust academia. /atch the video here
APA Citations and References
/hen a student asked the senior form and style editor of the /alden /riting Center "the
very same $erson who will a$$rove6disa$$rove your doctoral study based on form and style!
including com$liance with (P(% which $arts of the (P( are a$$licable! the short answer is!
=>very $age in the +anual?.
/hy is (P( so im$ortant7 Four basic reasons5
@. Com$lying with the (P( guidelines re,uires a high attention1to1detail. This detail is
$revalent and re,uired throughout your doctoral $rogram. (ttention1to1detail is a notable
and worthy characteristic in any $rofessional setting.
;. Com$lying with (P( guidelines demonstrates the ability to follow exacting directions.
Following directions is also a highly desirable trait in the $rofessional world. Anability to
follow directions can cause excessive costs! lower $roductivity! harm to others! and even
result in termination.
3. +any organi&ations have $articular style guides and re,uirements in $lace for
communications. (bility to follow and com$ly with different writing guides may be a
condition of em$loyment! or continuation of em$loyment.
9. Both /alden and the academic community at large embrace the writing style of (P(.
Bowever archaic! confusing! or cumbersome (P( may seem! (P( it is the de facto
writing and style standard in the scholarly community. Cou are a member of that
scholarly community and seek the credentials to 4oin the u$$er1echelon. (t worst!
consider it a tool of the trade that must be learned and mastered.
+any students will delay their understanding! a$$reciation! and mastery of (P( until too
late in the $rogram. Parroting the famous $hrase! =Cou can $ay me now! $ay me later?!
common sense dictates that you start to learn and incor$orate (P( conventions into your
tools of the trade sooner! rather than later. At is understood that you will not become a
master of (P( overnight! but certain sections have more im$ortance and thus re,uire
more attention.
Please note this is not the message to ignore every $age of the (P( +anual! but Cha$ter
D "Citations% and Cha$ter E "*eferences% are usually the areas that give students the most
trouble. The message to you at this $oint in your academic 4ourney is the necessity to
review the contents critically and understand layout of these two cha$ters! because
finding information accurately and ,uickly is the key to learning and using (P(

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