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BIBL 410

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Study Questions
Answer the following questions (based on the reading), save it and then submit it to the

1. The first eleven chapters of Genesis possess a universal and cosmic emphasis.
(Davis pg. 155)
2. With the introduction of Abraham, Moses begins to particularize redemptive
history. (Davis pg.155)
3. How has archaeology verified the historicity of these chapters in Genesis? (Davis
pg 156) The archaeology supports that the Bible is an accurate and validated
source of information verifying the events and time of Genesis.
4. What are the three possible locations for Ur? (Davis pg 165)
Moslems have traditionally identified it with Urfa Gordon and others said Ur
was in a northern location called Ura. Finally, some say Ur was located in
southern Mesopotamia at Tell al-Muqayyar. This is located 160 miles from the
present head of the Persian Gulf and 220 miles south-southeast of Baghdad.
Originally it was on the east bank of the Euphrates, but today it is ten miles west
of that river.
5. What did it mean for Abraham to leave his fathers house? (Davis pg 167)
It meant that to totally abandon all that was significant to him a resident of
Mesopotamia. And even losing his inheritance from his natural father.
6. What are the three main things God promises to Abraham? (Davis pg 168)
God promised him a new inheritance- his own land, a seed for Abrahams
bloodline, he would be the father of many, and God also promised Abraham that
He would bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing
nation, a son/descendants and his name would be known to all. God also promised
7. How is Bethel significant in Abrahams life? Jacobs? (Davis pg 173)
The nature of Abrahams existence in the land is very nicely reflected in the two
verbs pitched and built . He pitched a tent, a temporary structure, for his own
comfort; he built an altar, a permanent structure, for worshiping God. Abraham
left behind him in Canaan no sign of his wealth or prestige, only the altars he had
constructed to worship his God.
8. How is the promise in jeopardy (both 1 and 2) in this section? (Davis pg 176)
The promise was potentially compromised because during Abrahams time in
Egypt he didnt disclose that Sarai was his wife, only as his sister thankfully
because of a dream inspired by the Lord Pharoh did not take sarah as his own wife
and compromise the seed of abraham.
9. Who is Melchizadek? Be thorough. (Davis pg 181)
This priest-king blessed Abraham and received tithes from him, and was therefore
superior to him. This remarkable individual appears abruptly and is described
only briefly. He is mentioned elsewhere in Scripture only in Psalm 110:4 and
Hebrews 7: Hf. His identity has been the subject of considerable debate. There
have been four basic proposals: (1) he was a theophany of the preincamate Christ;
(2) he was a historical, human person who typified Christ; (3) he was a Canaanite
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priest; and (4) he was Shem. 56 The fourth proposal is the least likely; the second
is the most likely.
10. Which view from #9 do you hold to? Why? (Davis pg 181)
I would agree with the order of the high priest Melchizadek was as being at
theophany of Christ, because the titles for God in verses 18 and 19 demonstrate
that Melchizedek worshiped no Canaanite god. Most high God [ l elyn ]
emphasizes Gods strength and sovereignty, distinguishing Him from the gods of
Canaan who were subject to the same weaknesses as their worshipers.
11. What is significant about Abrahams rescue of Lot and victory over the Eastern
Kings? (Davis pg 182) I think it helped Abraham gain perspective of the
challenges between personal experience and Gods promises.
12. Why is Genesis 15 an especially important chapter? (Davis pg183)
It is important this is what the Apostle Paul built his case for justification by faith
on it.
13. T/FThe vocabulary and style of Genesis 15 are in harmony with the rest of the
book and therefore should be considered Mosaic in origin. Explain your answer.
(Davis pg 184) This is true because there is consistence in the language and flow
of the text. Therefore, there seems to be no difficulty with assuming it to be a
single litrary unit and in harmony with the other mosaic writings.
14. Abraham called God Lord because He was his master and he called God
Jehovah because He had given him the covenant promises. (Davis pg184).
15. What was Abraham afraid of? (Davis pg185) Abraham was concerned and fearful
that a son wouldnot come from him and the promise would not be forfilled
16. How did God reaffirm Abrahams faith? (Davis pg185-187) God reaffirmed his
faith because he reminded him of his past and of his and all that He promised him.
17. Explain the nature of true faith as revealed in Abrahams encounter with God?
(Davis pg190) It is difficult when God is silent, as a result of us taking situations
into our own hands. This was a humbling encounter for Abraham, I believe this
was when God showed himself to be personal to Abrahm,and Abraham realized
that when he is in doubt that he should go back to God. I think that he realized
that God doesnt expect perfection but that we believe.
18. How is the covenant sealed between Abraham and God? Why is this important?
(Davis pg191)It was sealed by the circumcision, and changing the names of
Abram to Abraham and to circumcisze all male children born into his family of
his servants. The meaning of his new name was father of the multitude and not
doing the circumcisions would break the covenant.
19. According to Davis, has Israel ever reached its full boundary in the land? (Davis
pg 188) The full boundary will not be opened until the day that the Lord returns.
20. Describe how the promise is in jeopardy in Genesis 16? (Davis pg 189)
Sarai made an irrational decision, not beliving Gods word she put the promise in
jeopardy because she gave Hagar to Abraham as a subsitiute for her because she
could not give birth
21. Who is the Angel of the Lord? (Davis pg189) This is usually understood as a
preincarnate appearance of the second person of the trinity, and the angels
character, deeds, and power confirm this interpretation.
22. Ishmaels name means- God hears. (Davis pg 189)
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23. El Shaddai means- to be strong or powerful. (Davis pg 190)
24. What is the sign of the covenant? (Davis pg 192) This has much theological
significance. Verses 914 stipulate Abrahams part in the covenant-making
process: he was to circumcise eight days after birth every male child born in his
house, whether to him or to his servants (vv. 1012). To refuse was to break the
covenant (v. 14).
25. Explain the meaning of Abrahams laughter. (Davis pg 192) I think his laughter
was of shock, and secondly based on joy rather than doubt. This was because his
admiration for God was showing and it came out in the form of laughter.
26. What practical lesson does Davis bring out in the last paragraph? (Davis pg193)
I think the lesson here is that we should we will all of challenges Davis states He
did not understand the natural processes by which all of Gods promises would be
fulfilled, but he was fully assured that what he had promised he was able to
perform (Rom. 4:21). Its important that we are diligent and patient as we wait
on Gods because his way is perfect and he has our best interest in mind.

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