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Lecture Notes
Judge Pimentel
Sem., SY 2009-2010
(Act No. 4103, as amended)
nde! t"e #e$ised Penal %ode (#P%), t"e!e a!e &ou! g!ou's(
o )"ose entitled to t"e *ndete!minate Sentence +a, (*S+)
o )"ose not entitled to t"e *S+
o )"ose con$icted o& -sta&a (A!t. 31. #P%)
o )"ose con$icted o& )"e&t (A!ts. 30/-309 #P%)
)"e!e a!e #P% c!imes ,"e!e t"e accused is not entitled to *S+ (see Sec.
2 *S+)
o National secu!it0
o )!eason (including cons'i!ac0, '!o'osal, mis'!ision)
o 1a2itual delin3uent
o -sca'ed &!om con&inement
o 4iolated 'a!don
o *ndi$isi2le 'enalt0 (li&e im'!isonment, reclusion perpetua)
o 5a6imum o& t"e 'enalt0 does not e6ceed one 0ea!
o Penalt0 im'osed is not im'!isonment
nde! S'ecial Penal +a,s (SP+), accused a!e also entitled to t"e
2ene&its o& *S+
o -7%-P) &o! -s'ionage (unde! #P% and %A 818)
*& SP+ 'enalt0 is t"e same as #P% 'enalt0 (same te!minolog0 and
du!ation), e6ceeds one 0ea!, not indi$isi2le, *S+ a''lies
A&te! dete!mining t"e im'osa2le 'enalt0, loo9 at agg!a$ating, mitigating
(o!dina!0, '!i$ileged) ci!cumstances
o *& '!i$ileged, cou!t "as disc!etion to lo,e! 'enalt0 20 one o!
t,o deg!ees
o No,, mino!it0 onl0 !esults in lo,e!ing 'enalt0 20 one deg!ee
:nce 'enalt0 is dete!mined, ;udge "as disc!etion ,it"in t"e !ange
*m'o!tance o& *S+ to '!isone!(
o *& '!isone! 2e"a$es, u'on se!$ing t"e minimum, can al!ead0
a''l0 &o! 'a!don o! 'a!ole
)"at<s ,"0 t"e0 2ecome !eligiousgood 2e"a$io!
*& not entitled to *S+(
o :&&ende! is not entitled to "a$e minimum 'enalt0 lo,e!ed 20
one deg!ee, "e is stuc9 ,it" t"at 'enalt0
o =ut sentence is still >indete!minate? &!om minimum o& t"at
'enalt0 to ma6imum o& t"at 'enalt0
S%( no mo!e st!aig"t 'enalt0, -7%-P) i& 'enalt0 is one 0ea! o! less
*& SP+ "as its o,n 'enalt0@s'eci&ic 'enalt0(
o -6. 'enalt0 o& 8 0ea!s to 12 0ea!sindete!minate sentence is
&!om 8 0ea!s as minimum to 12 0ea!s as ma6imum
Ao! esta&a@t"e&t (,"e!e t"e!e is additional im'!isonment 2ased on
o Penalt0 is 2ased on amount
o Ao! t"e e6cess (one 0ea! im'!isonment &o! e$e!0 P10,000 in
e6cess o& P22,000) add onl0 to t"e ma6imum 'e!iod, in no case
to e6ceed 20 0ea!s
*& 'enalt0 is one 'e!iod, t"e ma6imum is also one 'e!iod
A ,!ong 'enalt0 does not attain &inalit0
(P.B. No. 98/, as amended)
8 0ea!s o! less, does not 2elong in e6ce'tions C entitled to '!o2ation
Accused does not go to '!ison
Di$en t"e o''o!tunit0 to !e;oin societ0
)"is ,as a PB issued 20 5a!cos
5anaged 20 Pa!ole and P!o2ation :&&ice
o =e&o!e( onl0 P!o2ation :&&ice
o Pe!sons 'laced on 'a!ole and t"ose g!anted conditional 'a!don
,e!e !e3ui!ed to !e'o!t to t"e munici'al ;udge
o #ecommendation t"at t"is dut0 2e ta9en a,a0 &!om ;udges and
t!ans&e!!ed to t"e Pa!ole and P!o2ation o&&ice
E"o a!e 3uali&ied
o %on$icted and sentenced to a 'enalt0 o& im'!isonment o& 8
0ea!s o! less o! !e3ui!es 'a0ment o& a &ine
A 2011
Not 3uali&ied
o )"ose sentenced to sus'ension o! destierro a!e not entitled to
o %on$icted o& su2$e!sion, c!ime against national secu!it0 o!
'u2lic o!de!
o P!e$iousl0 'laced unde! '!o2ation
o As '!o$ided 20 la,
-6. #A 918. (Bange!ous B!ugs Act)
=ut mino! unde! 1. ma0 2e 'laced on
*mmediatel0 a&te! ;udgment, 3 c"oices
o A''eal
o Aile 5# (do t"is &i!st)
o A''l0 &o! '!o2ation
Ad$antageous i& 0ou &ile 5#, ma0 lead to ce!tio!a!i (#ule 8.), allege
t"is al!ead0 in 0ou! 5# so 0ou can easil0 &ile ce!tio!a!i late!
*& 5# denied, a''l0 &o! '!o2ation, since a''eal is a ,ai$e! o& !ig"t to
a''l0 &o! '!o2ationF &iling o& #ule 8. is not a ,ai$e! o& t"e !ig"t to
a''l0 &o! '!o2ation
G;udge decides 5#@a''lication &o! '!o2ation a&te! la'se o& 'e!iod to
a''eal, N:) du!ing t"e 1. da0 'e!iodF t"is is to a&&o!d due '!ocess to
t"e accused to allo, "im to c"ange "is mind in "is c"oice o& !emed0
Judge ma0 o!de! '!osecuto! to comment on t"e a''lication &o!
'!o2ation, 2ut '!osecuto! not !e3ui!ed to com'l0
A&te! 'e!iod to comment "as la'sed, and t"e!e is no o''osition o! t"e
o''osition lac9s me!it o! "as no legal g!ound, ;udge ,ill issue an o!de!
gi$ing due cou!se to t"e a''lication (2ut t"is is not a g!ant o& '!o2ation
0et) and o!de!ing t"e 'a!ole and '!o2ation o&&ice! stationed to t"e cou!t
to conduct a 'ost-sentence in$estigation and to su2mit suc"
in$estigation ,it"in a 'e!iod o& 80 da0s &!om !ecei't o& t"e o!de! o& t"e
in t"e same o!de! t"e cou!t ,ill di!ect t"e accused@a''licant to !e'o!t to
t"e 'a!oled and '!o2ation o&&ice! ,it"in H2 "!s &!om !ecei't o& co'0 o&
t"e o!de!
o 2ecause t"e &i!st 'e!son to 2e inte!$ie,ed 20 t"e 'a!ole and
'!o2ation o&&ice! (PP:) must 2e t"e accused
0ou ,ant to see i& t"e accused admits to $iolating t"e
la, since t"is is a sign o& !emo!se
Post-sentence in$estigation
o *nte!$ie,
:&&icials o& t"e communit0
Natu!e o& 'ost-sentence in$estigation !e'o!t
o )"is is a con&idential document t"at cannot 2e !e$ealed to
an0one 2ut t"e a''licant
o Pe!son ,"o !e$eals t"e contents o& t"is !e'o!t to a t"i!d 'e!son
commits an o&&ense 'unis"a2le 20 1 0ea! im'!isonment t"at is
N:) '!o2ationa2le
Post sentence in$estigation !e'o!t contains !ecommendation &o! g!ant o!
denialF cou!t ,ill sc"edule a con&idential "ea!ing (in c"am2e!s) on t"e
*& '!o2ation is denied, a''licant ma0 &ile 5# o! !eso!t to ot"e! !emedies
*& g!anted, cou!t ,ill issue an o!de! g!anting '!o2ation, t"e t,o
mandato!0 conditions (1. #e'o!t to '!o2ation o&&ice! ,"o ,ill su'e!$ise
"im ,it"in H2 "!sF 2. #e'o!t at least once a mont" to t"e '!o2ation
o&&ice!), and ot"e! conditions i& !e3ui!ed 20 t"e cou!t (see Sec. 10,
P!o2ation +a,)
)o 'lant and ca!e &o! t!ees, to !ende! communit0 se!$ice, etc, can 2e
=ut once t"ese conditions a!e acce'ted, t"e0 a!e mandato!0 and must 2e
com'lied ,it"
)"e!e is a case t"at seems to allo, a 'e!'etual condition
o A!at "aIing caseF as com'!omise, accused ,e!e !e3ui!ed to,
'lead guilt0 to !ec9less im'!udence !esulting in "omicide, set
u' a &oundation and to ma9e mont"l0 cont!i2utions as long as
t"e0 a!e ca'a2le o& 'a0ingF one accused as9ed &o! cla!i&ication
on "o, long "e "as to 'a0F S% said t"at since t"e com'!omise
,as ag!eed u'on 20 t"e 'a!ties and not a cou!t o!de!, t"e
commitment must 2e "ono!e
(PB 1812)
Passed du!ing ma!tial la,F at t"e time t"e!e ,as a '!oli&e!ation o& sale o&
t"ings o2tained &!om !o22e!0 o! t"e&t
A 2011
>!o22e!0? in Anti-&encing la, co$e!s all 9inds o& !o22e!0 (including
2!igandage, "ig",a0 !o22e!0, e$en 'i!ac0 is included in t"e anti-&encing
la, since it is 2asicall0 !o22e!0 in ,ate!s)
>t"e&t? includes all 9inds o& t"e&t (3uali&ied t"e&t, t"e&t in ot"e! SP+sG)
Got"e! 9inds o& t"e&t ,e!e t!ans&e!!ed to SP+s since it ,ould 2e easie! to
'!o$e since t"e0 a!e no, mala prohibita
G-6. #A H/32 t"at 'unis"es t"e&t o& elect!icit0, ta''ing o& elect!ic
,i!ings to seconda!0 lines, and ot"e! simila! o&&enses
Pe!son ,"o sells stolen elect!icit0, 2u0s stolen elect!icit0, a!e t"e0 lia2le
&o! &encingJ
o Aencing is t"e act o& an0 'e!son ,"o, ,it" intent to gain &o!
"imsel& o! &o! anot"e!, s"all 2u0, !ecei$e, 'ossess, 9ee',
ac3ui!e, conceal, sell o! dis'ose o&, o! s"all 2u0 and sell, o! in
an0 ot"e! manne! deal in an0 a!ticle, item, o2;ect, o! an0t"ing
o& $alue ,"ic" "e 9no,s, o! s"ould 2e 9no,n to "im, to "a$e
2een de!i$ed &!om t"e '!oceeds o& t"e c!ime o& !o22e!0 o! t"e&t
:ne ,"o 9no,s or ought to know/should be known to him
o -$en i& 0ou a!e in good &ait" 2ut t"e ci!cumstances a!e
sus'icious, 0ou a!e lia2leF e6. 0ou 2oug"t a #ole6 ,atc" at a
$e!0 lo, '!ice &!om a ta6i d!i$e!
o Aencing is malum prohibitum, intent is immate!ial
)"e!e need not 2e a '!e$ious con$iction o& !o22e!0 o! t"e&t
*& 0ou a!e a2le to '!o$e t"at t"e sou!ce o& t"e a!ticle is legitimate, 0ou
cannot 2e "eld c!iminall0 lia2le
o -6. 0ou 2oug"t a second "and la'to' 0ou 2oug"t &!om a
com'ute! sto!e and ,as issued a !ecei'tF 0ou ,ill not 2e "eld
c!iminall0 lia2le unde! anti-&encing
*s t"e!e a necessit0 o& '!o$ing t"at t"e '!o'e!t0 su2;ect o& &encing t"at
,as o2tained &!om a '!o$en !o22e!0 o! t"e&tJ N:
o Aact t"at t"e '!o'e!t0 ,as &ound in t"e 'ossession o& anot"e! is
t"e&tF 'e!son ,"o is in 'ossession o& t"e same and is engaged in
2u0ing o! selling it is c!iminall0 lia2le &o! &encing
*t ma0 2e "a!d to dete!mine i& goods a!e actuall0 o,ned 20 'a!ticula!
'e!sons suc" as stolen !ice, &is"
Penalt0 &o! c!ime o& anti-&encing is t"e same as t"e&t (A!t. 309 #P%)
sual o&&ende!s a!e t"ose engaged in t"e 2usiness o& 2u0ing and selling
second "and goods
o Station %ommande!s "a$e $isito!ial 'o,e!s o$e! all
esta2lis"ments engaged in t"e 2u0ing and selling o& 2
goodsF t"e0 can ma9e an in$ento!0 o& goods 2oug"t and sold
and t"ose still in t"e esta2lis"ment
o Station %ommande! "as a2solute 'o,e! to close esta2lis"ments
t"at a!e &ound to $iolate t"e la,
o Station %ommande! "as aut"o!it0 to issue t"e !e3ui!ed
clea!ance@'e!mit@ce!ti&icate o& aut"o!it0
o Pe!mit is ,it"out cost
1o, can ,e 2e '!otected i& ,e ,ant to 2u0 second "and goodsJ
o As9 &o! t"e !ecei't e$idencing t"at t"e selle! 2oug"t t"e a!ticle
"e is sellingF i& 0ou 2u0 it, get t"e !ecei't
o *& no !ecei'tJ
Pa,ns"o's ,ill as9 0ou to e6ecute an a&&ida$it o&
o,ne!s"i'F 0ou ,ill "a$e a co'0, t"e0 "a$e a co'0
-$en i& no &o!mal a&&ida$it, can state in a 'iece o&
'a'e! t"at t"e 'e!son is t"e o,ne!, t"is is su&&icient
)"e!e a!e >la!ge-scale? $iolations o& anti-&encing la,
%!ime o& esta&a is not included in anti-&encing la,
o %i$il action against t"ose ,"o sell t"ings ,"ic" a!e t"e '!oduct
o& esta&a (J)
(PB 1/88 as amended 20 #A /294)
=e&o!e t"is ,as 'assed, t"e!e ,as al!ead0 a la, on &i!ea!ms in t"e
Administ!ati$e %ode
o Penalt0 unde! Admin %ode ,as onl0 1 0! o& im'!isonment
PB 1/88 (2e&o!e #A /294) made illegal 'ossession o& &i!ea!ms a
"einous c!ime 'unis"a2le 20 !eclusion 'e!'etua to deat"
o *& unlicensed &i!ea!m used in 9illing a 'e!son, 'enalt0 is deat"
o Not entitled to 2ail
o )!ied 20 milita!0 commission
#A /294
o 5ade clea! ,"at &i!ea!ms a!e su2;ect to license 20 Ai!ea!ms and
-6'losi$es :&&ice
Acts 'unis"a2le
A 2011
o Possession o& &i!ea!m ,it"out a license
*& 0ou ,ill ca!!0 &i!ea!ms, 0ou must "a$e a license and
'e!mit to ca!!0 (P)%F i& 0ou ,ill ca!!0 &i!ea!ms outside
0ou! !esidence)
o Possession o& &i!ea!m ,it" e6'i!ed license
o Possession o& &i!ea!m ,it" license in t"e name o& anot"e!
o Possession o& &i!ea!m e$en ,it" license 2ut du!ing e&&ecti$it0 o&
a '!oclamation cancelling all e6isting license
Possession o& a &i!ea!m also co$e!s 'ossession o& 'a!ts o& a &i!ea!m and
'ossession o& ammunition
Penalties im'osed de'ends on t"e cali2e! o& &i!ea!ms
o +o, cali2e!-'!ision co!!eccional ma6imum
.22 (e6ce't .22 5agnum #i&le)
o 1ig" cali2e!-'!ision ma0o! minimum
.3.H 5agnum
#i&les (,"et"e! .30, ..8H, a!malite, m-14, m-18,
ga!and, ca!2ine, =!o,ning Automatic #i&le)
+o, cali2e!-5)%F "ig" cali2e!-#)%
*llegal 'ossession o& e6'losi$es-'unis"a2le 20 '!ision ma0o!
-6'losi$es can 2e licensed e$en in &a$o! o& '!i$ate 'e!sons
Ai!ea!ms t"at a!e e6clusi$el0 used 20 t"e AAP, PNP, and ot"e! s'ecial
&o!ces in ot"e! 'a!ts o& t"e ,o!ld cannot 2e licensed to '!i$ate
indi$iduals (e6. !oc9et launc"e!, #PD, ce!tain s'ecial !i&les)
*t is also an o&&ense to ca!!0 a &i!ea!m e$en i& licensed ,it"out a P)%
('unis"a2le 20 a!!esto ma0o!)
)"is o&&ense !e3ui!es a negati$e allegation in t"e in&o!mation, t"at t"e
accused does not "a$e a licensed, P)%, o! is not allo,ed to ca!!0 a
P!osecution "as 2u!den o& '!o$ing t"at t"e 'e!son "as no license,
e$idence is testimon0 o& !e'!esentati$e &!om A-: t"at t"e accused "as
no license and a ce!ti&ication &!om t"e A-: t"at t"e 'e!son is not listed
among t"ose ,"o "a$e license, o! else t"e case ,ill 2e dismissed
o )"is cannot 2e sti'ulated on 2ecause t"e allegation in t"e
in&o!mation is a negati$e one
)!ansient 'ossession is a de&ense
Act o& "a$ing an intent to 'ossess is 'unis"a2leF no intent to 'ossess, not
c!iminall0 lia2le
E"en &i!ea!ms used in t"e commission o& anot"e! o&&ense
o A2so!2ed in "omicide o! mu!de!, 2ecomes a s'ecial
agg!a$ating ci!cumstance
o Peo'le $. Pande!angan (J)
*& du!ing t"e commission o& a c!ime, an accused uses
an unlicensed &i!ea!m, t"e c!ime o& illegal 'ossession
,ill 2e a2so!2ed
o Peo'le $. So!iano
5ust '!o$e t"at t"e &i!ea!m ,as used in t"e
commission o& t"e c!ime
(P.B. No. 1/29)
:&&s"oot o& A!t. 19 #P% (accesso!ies)F accesso!ies unde! #P% a!e
'!inci'als unde! PB 1/29
Punis"es acts ,"ic" &!ust!ate o! tend to &!ust!ate t"e a''!e"ension and
'!osecution o& c!iminal o&&ende!s in c!iminal cases
*A )1-#- *S N: %#*5- %:55*))-B, )1-#- *S N:
:=S)#%)*:N :A JS)*%-
Sec. 1 (2) can also co$e! o2;ect e$idence, not limited to documents
*n Sec. 1 (c), t"e act must 2e done 9no,ingl0 o! ,ill&ull0F t"e!e must 2e
an unla,&ul 'u!'ose to conceal an o&&ende!
%!ime unde! #P% o& use o& &ictitious name to conceal a c!ime is also
'unis"a2le unde! Sec. 1(d)F du'lication o& t"e o&&ense mig"t 2e an issue
since t"e act ,ill 2e 'unis"a2le unde! 2ot" i& t"e!e is c!iminal intent
Sec. 1(e) 'unis"es act o& dela0ing t"e '!osecution in c!iminal cases AS
+:ND AS N: :)1-# %#*5- *S %:55*))-B
A 2011
Sec. 1(&) 'unis"es act o& ma9ing o! '!esenting &alse o2;ects, !eco!ds,
documents, etc. in c!iminal cases
Sec. 1 (g) 'unis"es act o& soliciting, acce'ting 2ene&it in conside!ation
o& a2staining &!om, discontinuing, o! im'eding c!iminal '!osecution
o P!o2lem( in cases o& esta&a, mal$e!sation, $iolation o& SSS +a,,
o! an0 ot"e! case ,"e!e mone0 is in$ol$ed, com'lainant is
inte!ested in t"e ci$il as'ectF once "e is 'aid, "e ma0 e6ecute an
a&&ida$it o& desistanceF is t"is o2st!uction o& ;usticeJ
Bo not use t"is !eason &o! e6ecuting an a&&ida$it o&
desistance, as t"is ma0 lead to '!osecution unde! PB
1/29F state ot"e! legal ;usti&ications &o! cou!t to dismiss
t"e case
-6. &o! esta&a, t"e!e must 2e a ,!itten demand
Sec. 1(") K use o& t"!eats, intimidation
Sec. 1(g) K gi$ing &alse in&o!mation to aut"o!itites
)"e la, does not '!o$ide &o! t"e same e6ce'tion to !elati$es unde! A!t.
19, 20 #P% (2ut no decided case 0et)
Lambino v. OMB (J) K i& a!!esting o&&ice!s a!e committing an illegal act
(suc" as illegal o! in$alid ,a!!antless a!!est, etc.) t"e!e is no o2st!uction
o& ;ustice in !esisting t"e a!!estF t"is t"e e6e!cise o& a !ig"t a 'e!son to
'!e$ent an illegal act &!om 2eing committed
Enrile v. Amin K o2st!uction o& ;ustice is a2so!2ed in !e2ellion
(#A 3019, as amended)
%once!ns mainl0 'u2lic o&&icials and em'lo0ees 2ut ma0 include '!i$ate
indi$iduals ,"o, in cons'i!ac0 ,it" t"e 'u2lic o&&ice!s and em'lo0ees,
commits t"e acts 'unis"a2le
Acts ma0 2e 'unis"ed se'a!atel0
Sec. 3(a)
o 5e!e act o& 'e!suading, inducing, o! in&luencing
o 4iolation o& an0 la,
o =ot" t"e one 'e!suading and t"e one 'e!suaded a!e lia2le
Sec. 3(2)
o Simila! to t"at in #P%
o 1e!e, t"e t!ansaction must "a$e al!ead0 2een &inaliIedF i& not
0et &inaliIed, ma0 2e 'unis"ed unde! anot"e! 'a!ag!a'" o!
unde! #P%
Sec. 3(c)
o *n connection ,it" gi$ing 'e!mits@licenses
Sec. 3(d)
o Acce'ting em'lo0ment in '!i$ate ente!'!ise
o -6tends to &amil0 mem2e!s
Sec. 3(e)
o %ausing undue in;u!0 t"!oug" mani&est 'a!tialit0, e$ident 2ad
&ait", g!oss ine6cusa2le negligence
o >undue in;u!0?-2!oad co$e!age, as long as damage o! '!e;udice
,as caused 20 t"e act o& t"e 'u2lic o&&ice!
o >g!oss ine6cusa2le negligence? K i& onl0 sim'le negligence, not
Sec. 3(&)
o Bela0
o Ao! 'u!'ose o& o2taining 2ene&it &!om 'e!son inte!ested
Sec. 3(g)
o -nte!ing on 2e"al& o& t"e go$e!nment
Sec. 3(")
o Ainancial inte!est in an0 2usiness in ,"ic" "e inte!$enes
Sec. 3(i)
o *nte!est &o! 'e!sonal gain in an0 act ,"ic" !e3ui!es a''!o$al 20
2oa!d o& ,"ic" "e is a mem2e!
o -$en i& "e $otes against t"e same o! does not ta9e 'a!t in t"e
action o& t"e 2oa!d
Sec. 3(;)
o D!anting license to t"ose not 3uali&ied o! entitled
Sec. 3(9)
o Bi$ulging in&o!mation
o >in&o!mation? K includes !esolutions, decisions
o =e&o!e an0 o&&ice! can 2e sus'ended, t"e!e must 2e a '!e-
sus'ension "ea!ing
P!esc!i'ti$e 'e!iod s"all 2e &!om t"e commission o& t"e o&&enseF 'e!iod
is 1. 0ea!s
A 2011

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