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History of religion



Judaism: One of the oldest religions. 4-6000 yrs old.
Monotheistic. 13 MM followers called Jews. Laws/rules and guidelines
for life (Talmud). Holy Book: Torah.
Commandments, Diet Restrictions, Special clothing.

Patriarch: Abraham. Descent from Adam/Noah.
Prophets: 55 total. Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Aaron, Joshua, Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel.

13 principles. God Creates/controls. Only 1, No body. Always existed
and will, prayer to God only, words of all prophets true, Moses
prophecies true, greatest and will remain greatest, rcvd Torah from
God, No other Torah/cannot be changed, all knowing God, rewards
for good & Punishes for evil, Messiah will come, bring dead to life.

Tanakh(Torah 5 1380BCE), Neviim/prophets 8, Ketuvim/writings
11). Talmud(Mishnah(1
written law/ethics/customs,
Gemara/discussion/code of rabbinic law)

Mitzvot 613 total. Some for everyday/some for special occasions.
Ten Commandments: Believe in God, worship only God, Name not in
vain, observe Sabbath, Honor your parents, do not kill, no adultery,
no stealing, Do not bear false witness, No jealousy.

Sunset on Friday to sunset Saturday. To thank God. No
Work, No fires, no cooking, no riding, no writing. Pray.

Kashrut/Kosher, fruits/veggies, no pig, animals with split hooves
that chew cud. No flesh eating birds. No Meat and milk together.
Separate dishes/dishwashers.

Birth, Brit, Pidyon HaBen, Bat mitzvah, Bar Mitzvah, marriage
ceremony, having children, death ceremony.

Calendar about 5769 yrs. 4000-6000 yrs. Abrahams
Covenant with God. Angels taught Hebrew. Isaac/Jacob, Moses
exodus from Egypt. Red Sea parting, superior than Abe/Eli,10
commandments, Israel/Judah. By 50BC Roman rule. Language
Was Aramaic. Holocaust. Anti-Semitism.

Orthodox, Reform (200 yrs ago Germany), Conservative. And

Messiah will come. Final Day of judgement. Will save tribes of Israel.

Christianity: 2000 yrs old. Monotheistic. Almost two billion
Christians. Holy Trinity, Father/Son/Holy Spirit. Abrahamic.
Commandments, Creeds, Salvation, Afterlife.

Prophet/Messiah: Jesus Christ, god incarnate, True Man and
true God. Died, descended and resurrected. 12 original
apostles and Paul.

God, creator of heaven/earth, Jesus Christ, his only Son, Virgin
Birth, Crucified, Died, Buried, rose on 3
day and ascended to
heaven. Belief in Holy Spirit. Will come again to judge the
living and the dead, and give everlasting life. Ten
commandments. Filioque clause.

The Old Testament and New Testament. Septuagint.
Greek translation for Ptolemy to in 3
century BC.
By 72 Jewish scholars.

Ten commandments. Belief in Trinity and the Resurrection.
God is righteous. Love one another. Do unto others, Love thy
neighbor. Bible is the only source.

Sunday. Day of Rest, to thank God. Pray.

Some refrain from eating meat on Friday. Bless food before
eating it. Only Mormons have restriction on eating. No Tea,
Coffee or alcohol.

Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Holy Orders,
Reconciliation of a Penitent (confession), Anointing of the Sick,
and Marriage.

Calendar starts from the birth of Jesus Christ, who was born to
Jewish parents. Started as a sect of Judaism. Persecutions at
the hands of Romans. Emperor Constantine legalizes the faith
in 4
Century. 500 AD Monastic rule begins. Between 7
centuries structure/churches greatly changed. By 13

century divided into western and eastern/orthodox churches.

Roman Catholic, Protestant, Anabaptist, Eastern Orthodox,
Oriental Orthodox, Anglican, Assyrian, Restorationism.

They receive forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation

Jesus Christs suffering, death, and resurrection and his grace.

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