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Read the text below and then mark the correct option for each of the items that follow.
I- Exercising
Everyone should get exercise. People who find the time to exercise every day or several times a week are
usually healthier, feel better, and have fewer problems with their weight. There are many ways of getting
exercise. You should choose the kind of exercise that you enjoy, and you can exercise at a gym, at home,
or even on the street.
Some people prefer gyms where you pay a monthly fee. At a health club, you can do exercises by yourself
or take classes where you will do stretching exercises, aerobics etc. You can bike or lift weights at a health
club too. Of course, you can also do these kinds of exercises home. If you want to lift weights or ride an
exercise bike, though, you will have to buy some equipment, and this might sometimes be expensive. But
you dont need any special equipment to do aerobics or stretching exercises. You can also get exercise by
jogging on the streets or in a park
- several = diversos; vrios
- weight = peso
- to enjoy = apreciar; gostar muito
- even = at mesmo
- fee = taxa; tarifa
- stretching = alongamento
- to lift = levantar
- excuse = desculpa; justificativa.
1. What generally happens to people who exercise?
( ) a. They lose weight easily.
( ) b. They dont have any health problems.
( ) c. They dont get sick.
( ) d. They feel good.
2. What kinds of exercise should you do?
( ) a. Exercises that you like.
( ) b. Stretching exercises.
( ) c. Jogging and aerobics.
( ) d. Walking 15 minutes a day.
3. Why is it a good idea to exercise at a health club?
( ) a. For a small fee, you can take an aerobic class.
( ) b. They have special equipment that you dont.
( ) c. You can do stretching exercises.
( ) d. You dont have to buy any expensive equipment
4. Why is it difficult for some people to exercise?
( ) a. They cant find the time.
( ) b. They dont have money to buy the equipment.
( ) c. They dont like to exercise alone.
( ) d. They dont enjoy exercising at health clubs.
5. According to the text, which of the following statements is FALSE?
( ) a. If you prefer to exercise at a health club, you should take an aerobic class.
( ) b. The same kind of exercise you do at a health club can be done at home.
( ) c. There are many ways you can exercise without going to a health club.
( ) d. Most people can walk 15 minutes a day.
II- Enjoying popcorn at the movie
O que fazemos quando vamos ao cinema? Corremos pegar nossa companheira, a pipoca! Ela se identifica
tanto com filmes que mesmo em casa a saboreamos quando assistimos um bom filme. Mas o que
sabemos dessa to deliciosa amiga?
Native Americans ate popcorn as food and were the first to try it popped. It was not until 1914 that a farm
boy from Iowa formed the American Pop Corn Company and began to sell popcorn. Gradually, it became a
national fad. In the 1920s it was introduced into the movie theaters. People wanted to eat it during the
movie, but the theater managers discouraged the practice since the crunching distracted the other patrons.
With the introduction of background music and sound for the movies, which drowned out the crunching,
coupled with the need for cash during the Depression, the theater managers had a change of heart and
permitted the establishment of lobby concessions. Popcorn is now an established must for all
- pop = estourar
- fad = mania, moda, tendncia
- crunching = rudo da mastigao
- patron = cliente, fregus
- lobby = rea com corredores em teatros, cinemas
6. Who first popped popcorn?
7. What did a boy from Iowa do in 1914?
8. What happened in the 1920s?
9. Why did theater managers discourage the practice of eating popcorn during the movie?
10. When did theater managers permit the establishment of lobby concessions? Why?

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