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List 2 advantages of using a light microscope instead of an electron

2. List 2 advantages electron microscopes have over light microscopes.
3. What term means a bubble-like structure used to store wastes, food, or
chemicals within cells?
. What name is given to the string! organelles that contain "#$
in the cell nucleus?
%. What term means a special vacuole that contains digestive &uices that a cell
needs to digest its food?
'. What is the outer edge of a cell called? ()his is an animal cell.*
+. Which cell organelle is called the powerhouse of the cell?
,. What part of the cell is this? (the whole circular area*
-. What part of the cell is this dark dot?
1.. What part of the cell is this?
11. What term is given to the tin! round dots found in rough
/0 that are used to make proteins?
12. What are these cellular tubes called?
13. What are these 2 clear circular storage areas of a cell
1. )he outer surface of plasma membranes contains 1" marker proteins. )he
molecule that makes the 1" is not a protein but instead is a $* lipid, 2*
carboh!drate, 3* fatt! acid, "* amino acid.
1%. What is the name of the outer most boundar! of a plant cell?
1'. What is the outer surface of this cell structure known as?
1+. What term means the &ell!-like insides of a cell that surrounds all the
1,. What term means the outer-most boundar! on an animal cell? 1t regulates what
enters 4 leaves a cell.
1-. #ame the green organelles found in plant cells where photos!nthesis takes
2.. What term means the dark staining organelle found in the nucleus that is
responsible for making ribosomes?
21. What is the name of the chemical (nucleic acid* that makes up the bulk of a
22. What is the name of these long hair-like cell organelles?
23. /5plain 2 differences between passive and active transport.
2. Wh! is the #a-6 pump an e5ample of active transport, and how man! #a7
leave and how man! 67 enter the cell?
2%. List 2 t!pes of organisms that are prokar!otic cells.
2'. List 2 wa!s that active transport is different from passive transport.
2+. What is the function of the nucleolus?
2,. What is the function of vacuoles within the cell?
2-. What does the mitochondria do within the cell?
3.. What does a cell use a flagella for?
31. What kind of a carboh!drate is the cell wall of a plant cell made of?
32. What kind of organic molecules are made b! the ribosomes?
33. What is the smallest thing scientists consider to be alive? (ie, What is the
building block of all all living things?*
3. What &ob do the l!sosomes fulfill for the cell?
3%. 3ell speciali8ation means that man! cells are uni9uel! suited to perform a
particular function within the whole organism. )rue or :alse
3'. Which term includes the other three? $* nucleolus, 2* organelle, 3* rough
/0, "* chloroplast.
3+. List 2 wa!s that a plant cell is different from animal cells.
3,. List 2 wa!s that an animal cell is different from plant cells.
3-. $re primitive cells that lack a nucleus said to be e5amples of prokar!otic or
eukar!otic cells?
.. List 2 e5amples of cell t!pes that are prokar!otic.
1. List 3 different kinds of organisms that have cells that are classified as
2. ;ow man! micrometers are found in 1 mm?
3. List 2 eukar!otic cell organelles that contain "#$ besides the nucleus.
. List 2 wa!s that the "#$ of prokar!otic cells and eukar!otic cells is different.
%. ;ow man! m would ...+' mm be e9uivalent to?
'. List 2 wa!s that prokar!otic cells are different from eukar!otic cells.

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