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PART-A (10*2=20)
1. Write the comparison between 8051 series and PIC microcontroller.
2. Give the best definition for R!".
#. $ame and e%plain abo&t the PIC 18 stat&s re'ister.
(. )ention the bit pattern for 0C!$ and I$C!$ re'ister and write down an* one of
pattern f&nction.
5. +ind the timer,s cloc- fre.&enc* and its period for vario&s PIC 18 s*stems/ with the
followin' cr*stal fre.&encies. 0ss&me that a prescalar of 112( is &sed.
3a4 5 10 )67 3b4 5 12 )67
2. "how the stat&s of the C/ 8C/ and 9 fla's of the stat&s re'ister after the followin'
instr&ction and e%plain the reason.
a4 )!:;W #86 b4 )!:;W <C6 c4 )!:;W 886
088;W 2+6 088;W 2(6 088;W <#6
=. What is di'ital data o&tp&t>
8. Write the str&ct&re of an assembl* lan'&a'e instr&ction.
<. ;ist o&t the different t*pes of addressin' modes with an e%ample.
10. ;ist o&t the ma?or re'ister associated with the @0R.
PART-B (5*16=80)
11. a4 i4 A%plain the f&nctional bloc- dia'ram of PIC18. 384
ii4 8raw the (0B pin 8IP of PIC18. 384

b4 A%plain abo&t ;C8 di'ital cloc-Cthermometer &sin' f&llR!". 3124
12. a4 i4 With instr&ction e%plain the different addressin' modes of PIC18. 3104
ii4 Write a C18 pro'ram to to''le all bits of ports D 50/000 times. 324
b4 A%plain the operation of different t*pes of instr&ction sets with an e%ample. 3124
1#. a4 i4 A%plain the pro'ram R!) and R0) allocation in C18. 3124
Re' $o
I&'()&*+ A,,(,,-(&' '(,' - II
F.),' S(-(,'()
T.-( / 0 123), "*4"*)5, / 100
S367(8' / ET 9212 ".8)282&')2++() B*,(: S;,'(- D(,.<&
ii4 0ss&me E0; 5 10)67. find the cloc- period fed into timer0 if a prescaler option
of 252 is chosen. 3(4
b4 3i4 A%plain timer0 12Bbit mode with bloc- dia'ram and write steps to pro'ram timer0
in 12Bbit mode. 384
3ii4 Write a pro'ram to creatin' a s.&are wave of 50F d&t* c*cle 3with e.&al portions
hi'h and low4 on P!RD.5 bit. imer0 is &sed to 'enerate the timer dela*. 384
1(. a4 i4 8raw the timer 1 with proper bloc- dia'ram. 3(4
ii4 A%plain the memor* or'ani7ation of PIC18 microcontroller. 3124
b4 i4 A%plain the ma?or re'ister associated with the @0R. 384

ii4 8isc&ss the 08C section of the PIC18 chip. 384
15. a4 A%plain the PIC18 interr&pts s*stem and e%plain how the interr&pts are prioriti7ed. 3124
b4 i4 A%plain abo&t an* one t*pe of )""P mod&le s*stem. 384
ii4 With proper bloc- dia'ram e%plain the operation of compare and capt&re mode. 384
P)(=*)(: 6; A==)2>(: 6;

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