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Table One: Essence Words

1. The Rider/Messenger: Communications (Liaison)

2. The Clover: Luck (Good fortune)

3. The Ship: Adventure (Travel)

4. The House: Security (Home)

5. The Tree: Longevity (Health)

6. The Clouds: Transition (Change)

7. The Snake: Stealth (Suddenness)

8. The Coffin: Initiation (Immediate health)

9. The Bouquet: Appreciation (Gift)

10. The Scythe: Clearing (Harvesting)

11. The Rod/Whip: Service (Disagreement)

12. The Birds/Owls: Divination (Discussion)

13. The Child/Little Girl: Innocence (Youth)

14. The Fox: Cunning (Planning)

15. The Bear: Headstrong (Power)

16. The Stars: Creation (Navigation)

17. The Stork: Deliverance (Delivery)

18. The Dog: Codependency (Loyalty)

19. The Tower: Vision (Authority)

20. The Garden: Communing (Society)

21. The Mountain: Durability (Obstacle)

22. The Ways: Choice (Decision)

23. The Mice: Productivity (Losses)

24. The Heart: Courage (Love)

25. The Ring: Continuity (Commitment)

26. The Book: Knowledge (Learning)

27. The Letter: Sentiment (Written word)

28. The Gentleman: Analytical (Man)

29. The Lady: Intuitive (Woman)

30. The Lily: Purity (Sex)

31. The Sun: Success (Will)

32. The Moon: Dreams (Fame)

33. The Key: Access (Discovery)

34. The Fish: Resources (Business)

35. The Anchor: Standstill (Stability)

36. The Cross: Burdens (Faith)

Table Two: Traditional Words

1. The Rider: News

2. The Clover: Luck

3. The Ship: Travel

4. The House: Home

5. The Tree: Long-term health

6. The Clouds: Confusion and trouble (lack of foresight)

7. The Snake: Someone who means harm, a liar, competitor

8. The Coffin: Immediate health

9. The Bouquet: Gift

10. The Scythe: A sudden cutting or planned harvesting

11. The Rod, Birch, Whip: Argument, troubled communication

12. The Birds: Communication, mass communication (gossip)

13. The Child: A young person, innocent and new

14. The Fox: Cunning, both bad and good (deceit and cleverness)

15. The Bear: Power and a powerful (influential) person

16. The Stars: Hopes

17. The Stork: Delivery (often of change)

18. The Dog: Loyalty and close friends and companion(ship)

19. The Tower: Solitude, borders (politics, law, education)

20. The Garden: Society and meetings with others

21. The Mountain: Blocks and obstacles, requiring detour

22. The Ways: Choices and decisions

23. The Mice: Gradual loss

24. The Heart: Love and romance

25. The Ring: Commitment and contracts

26. The Book: Knowledge (or secrets)

27. The Letter: Messages (but not necessarily 1: news, nor 12: gossip)

28. The Gentleman: A man

29. The Lady: A woman

30. The Lily: Sex

31. The Sun: Best/Big luck

32. The Moon: Dreams (in some traditions, work)

33. The Key: Certainty (locking or unlocking, security or insecurity,
dependent on context)

34. The Fish: Resources and money (as in netting a good catch)

35. The Anchor: Stability (in some traditions, work)

36. The Cross: Struggle (as in cross to bear)

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