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Certified Quality Engineer Resume Example

Leon Frizzell
4110 Southside Lane
Alhambra, California 91801
Cell: (111)-68-960!
email: fri""ell#e$am%le&'om
Career Objective:
Certified en(ineer s)illed in o*erseein( the %rodu'tion and testin( %ro'esses,
+illin( to +or) as a 'ertified ,ualit- en(ineer in an established or(ani"ation
/$tensi*e )no+led(e of statisti'al te'hni,ues, blue %rint readin(,
metrolo(- and a%%earan'e measurement
0n-de%th )no+led(e of readin( and inter%retin( te'hni'al dra+in(s and
.amiliar +ith mi'rometers, ammeters, 'ali%ers, (au(es, *olt meters,
ohmmeters, and ele'troni' ins%e'tion e,ui%ment
/$tensi*e )no+led(e of ,ualit- %rin'i%les, s-stems, methods, tools, and
1ossess e$'ellent leadershi%, de'ision ma)in(, and 'ommuni'ation s)ills
Employment istory:
2r(ani"ation: 3el'o /n(ineerin(, California
4uration: 5ar'h !009 till date
!esignation: Certified Quality Engineer
6es%onsible for establishin( ,ualit- en(ineerin( dis'i%les durin( *arious
%rodu't de*elo%ment %hases
Assi(ned res%onsibilities of im%lementin( 'ost of ,ualit- 'on'e%ts for
manufa'turin( automobile e,ui%ment
7andle the tas)s of im%lementin( ,ualit- deli*erables as
%er 'ustomer re,uirements and internal %ro'edures
1erform res%onsibilities of handlin( ,ueries on ,ualit- issues
6es%onsible for identif-in( and re'ordin( issues related to %rodu't, %ro'ess
and s-stems
7andle the tas)s of mana(in( trainin( of ,ualit- en(ineerin( %ersonnel in
a''ordan'e +ith ,ualit- assuran'e %ro'edures of the or(ani"ation
2r(ani"ation: A(nosis 8rou%, California
4uration: 9une !00: to .ebruar- !009
!esignation: "enior Quality Engineer
6es%onsible for de*elo%in(, im%lementin(, and im%ro*in( the %rodu't
ins%e'tion %lan s-stem
1erform res%onsibilities of maintainin( the %ro'ess for ;/ desi(n re*ie+,
in'ludin( desi(n %lannin(, *erifi'ation, and *alidation
Liaise +ith desi(n en(ineerin( staff and su%%l- 'hain to im%lement root
'ause 'orre'ti*e a'tions to sol*e issues on %rodu'ts
7andle res%onsibilities of de*elo%in( and im%lementin( ins%e'tion
1erform the tas)s of de*elo%in( and maintainin( ;/ 'ontra't re*ie+
1erform root 'ause anal-sis and in*esti(ation of si(nifi'ant %rodu'tion
%ro'ess and ,ualit- issues
7andle the tas)s of re*ie+in( hi(h le*el do'uments that affe't %rodu't
Certified ;ualit- /n(ineer, CA in the -ear !009
Educational "ummary:
A'hie*ed <a'helor=s de(ree in 5e'hani'al /n(ineerin(
>ni*ersit- of California in the -ear !00:
#ersonal !etails:
?ame: Leon .ri""ell
4ate of <irth: !&0:&1984
/m%lo-ment Status: .ull time
6elationshi% status: Sin(le
@ill be a*ailable on re,uest

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