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The spermatic cord carries male reproductive structures via the inguinal

canal to the testis.

The ductus deferens (vas deferens) is the largest structure of the
spermatic cord and conducts sperm from the testis.
The ductus deferens begins at the inferior pole of the testis and is
continuous with the epididymis.
Clinical Correlate: Vasectomy is a surgical procedure designed to result in
infertility. The ductus deferens is cut and ligated to prevent sperm from
entering the seminal fluid.
Muscles and fascia of the spermatic cord
The external spermatic fascia is the outermost fascial layer. It is
continuous with the deep fascia of the external abdominal oblique muscle.
The cremasteric fascia is the intermediate fascial layer of the spermatic
cord and testis. It is continuous with the deep fascia of the internal
abdominal oblique muscle.
The cremaster muscle is derived from muscle fibers of the internal
abdominal oblique muscle.

Action: Draws the testis toward the abdominal wall to reduce heat loss
Innervation: Genital branch of the genitofemoral n.
The internal spermatic fascia is the innermost layer of the spermatic cord.
It is continuous with the transversalis fascia.
Vessels, lymphatics and nerves of the spermatic cord:
Testicular artery: Branch of the abdominal aorta. Supplies the testicles.
Pampiniform plexus: Anastomotic venous network draining the testicles.
Cremasteric artery: Branch of inferior epigastric a. Supplies the cremaster
Artery to ductus deferens: Branch of superior vesical artery.
Multiple small lymph vessels travel in the spermatic cord. The testicular
lymphatics drain to the lumbar nodes and the scrotal lymphatics drain to
the superficial inguinal nodes.
The Ilioinguinal nerve travels with the spermatic cord to provides
sensation to the skin of the anterior scrotum and the more medial portion
of the upper medial thigh

The genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve (aka external spermatic n.)
also descends with the spermatic cord deep to the internal spermatic
fascia. It provides sensation to the skin of the anterior scrotum. Note the
femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve (aka lumboingunial n.) provides
sensory to the more lateral portion of the upper medial thigh anterior to the
femoral triangle.
Structures within the spermatic cord can be remembered with the
mnemonic: All Doctors Love Taking Care of Patients Genitals
Artery to the ductus
Ductus deferens
Testicular a.
Cremasteric m., a.
Pampiniform plexus
Genital branch of the genitofemoral n.

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