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Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 1

Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 2
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 3
1 The length of a spring is affected by the weight of the load
(a) Based on the statement above, write one suitable hypothesis.
1 mark!
(b) "sing a spring, few loads and other apparatus, describe an e#periment to test your hypothesis in
(a) based on the following criteria$
%im of the e#periment 1 mark!
&dentification of variables 2 marks!
'ist of apparatus and materials 1 mark!
(rocedure 3 marks!
Tabulation of data 1 mark!
)onclusion 1 mark!
(a) *ypothesis+ The heavier the weight of the load, the longer the length of the spring.
(b) %im + To study the relationship between the length of a spring and the weight of the load.
,ariables that are+
(i) manipulated+ the weight of the load
(ii) responding+ length of the spring
(iii) constant+ the same spring - diameter of the spring.
%pparatus+ spring, five different weight loads, retort stand, ruler
1. The spring is hung on a retort stand.
2. The length of a spring is measured.
3. % ..2 / load is hung to the end of the spring and the length is measured.
0. 1tep 3 is repeated by increasing the load ..2/ each time until 1../.
2. The results are recorded in the table below
Tabulation of data

3eight of the load, 3-/ 'ength of spring, l - cm

The length of the spring increases as the weight of the load increases. *ypothesis is acceptable.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 0
2 (a) 1tate the importance of a scientific investigation method in ac6uiring scientific
0 marks!
(b) 8ainal wants to carry out a scientific investigation to measure the response time of his
friend. 9#plain the steps he has thought ahead before he can start the e#periment.
:our answer should include the following$
&dentify the problem 1 mark!
;perational definition of response time and other variables. 2 marks!
'ist of apparatus 1 mark!
1teps in the method used 2 marks!
&t is a systematic and complete way to ac6uire scientific 7nowledge
&t enables students to learn the right way of ac6uiring scientific 7nowledge
&t inculcates the right values and attitudes in students
&t helps to minimise misconception or pre<udice in an e#periment.
(roblem statement+ *ow is the scientific investigation method used to determine the response
time of a person.
;perational definition of response time+ the mar7 at the rule caught by the finger.
%pparatus+ meter rule
=anipulated variable + different student
)onstant vriable + the same ruler
1teps in the method used+
1. % meter rule is held with . facing down and put in between the friend>s thumb and second
finger at the ?ero position.
2. The meter rule is suddenly dropped and the friend is re6uired to catch the rule with the thumb
and second finger.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 2
3 (a) 1tate the items in a correct se6uence when writing out a report.
0 marks!
1tudy the information above and construct the concept of scientific investigation.:our answer
should be based on the following steps+
&dentify the common characteristics
@evelop the initial concept in the scientific investigation method
Aive two other e#amples to the concept
9#plain the actual concept
4 marks!
(a) %im, (roblem statement, *ypothesis, ,ariables, %pparatus and materials, (rocedure, Besult,
@iscussion, )onclusion.
)ommon characteristic+ 1cientific attitudes and noble values are practised in scientific investigation.
&nitial concept+ 1cientific attitudes and noble values should be absorbed during learning and teaching
Two other e#amples+ 1ystematic - Bational thin7ing - Cair and impartial - *ardwor7ing and perservering.
%ctual concept+ (ractising scientific attitudes and noble values will lead to a better understanding and
interpretation of a scientific investigation.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 4
0 The figure below shows two patterns of bloc7 arrangement.
1tudy the following statement.
% man who has seen the arrangement of wooden bloc7s as shown in the figure above can rearrange
it blindDfolded.
(a) 1uggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement.
1 mark!
"sing si# identical wooden bloc7s of similar si?e, describe an e#periment to test your hypothesis
in (a) based on the following criteria$
%im of the e#periment
&dentification of apparatus
Tabulation of data
E marks!
(a) Finaesthesia allows a man to estimate the position of ob<ects without loo7ing at the ob<ects.
(b) %im+ To study the role of 7inaesthesia in estimating the position of ob<ects
%pparatus+ si# identical wooden bloc7s, blac7 scarf
a. 'et a friend loo7 at the arrangement of bloc7 shown as in the figure in the 6uestion.
b. BlindDfold the friend using a blac7 scarf
c. The wooden bloc7s are scattered.
d. %s7 the friend to arrange the wooden bloc7s according to the figure in the 6uestion.
e. The observation is recorded
f. Bepeat with 3 other friends
Tabulation of data+
/ame of friend &s the arrangement correctG (:es-/o)
Finaesthesia helps the blindDfolded student to arrange the wooden bloc7s in the correct pattern.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) H
2 (a) 1tate the differences between voluntary action and involuntary action.
0 marks!
(b) % patient is not able to wal7, hold things or wa7e up by himself, but he is still able to tal7 and
remember his siblings after an accident.
9#plain what has gone wrong with his brain.
:our e#planation should include the following+
(art of the brain which is in<ured
(art of the brain is functioning
*ow those parts of the brain affect the patients activities.
4 marks!
Voluntary action Involuntary Action
The response is not automatic The response is automatic
Besponse controlled by desire Besponse is not controlled by desire
The speed of reaction is slow The speed of reaction is fast and
&mpulse flows through the
&mpulse flows through the medulla
There is awareness of the action There is no awareness of the action
(%ny 0)
D (art of the brain that is in<ured is the cerebellum.
D )erebellum controls the body balance and all the body movements such as wal7ing and holding
D (art of the brain that is functioning is the cerebrum and medulla oblongata
D )erebrum controls all voluntary action$ somehow when the cerebellum is in<ured, loses its
controlling and coordinating muscular activities
D )erebrum acts as a centre for mental activities such as speed and memory
D =edulla oblongata controls all the basic and important life activities li7e breathing and
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 5
4 (a) @escribe how the sideDeffects of e#cessive alcohol consumption affect the driving s7ill of a
0 marks!
(b) The figure below shows several effects on human health of the habit of e#cesive consumption of
1tudy the above effects. @escribe how e#cessive consumption of alcohol may cause the
above effects on human health.
:our answer should be based on the following+
&dentify the information
&dentify the common characteristics
Belate the common characteristics of the effect on human health
Aive an e#ample of another effect on human health and a nonDhealth e#ample on
1tate the effect of e#cessive consumption of alcohol
4 marks!
D %lcohol causes a poor <udgment of distance
D %lcohol causes a double vision
D %lcohol slows down the nervous system as it affects body coordination and movement
D %lcohol causes a person to lose selfDcontrol
D %lcohol abuse may cause bloc7ages in blood capillaries, resulting in less o#ygen being
transported to the brain, causing the brain si?e to shrin7
D %lcohol abuse causes heart muscle to deteriorate, thus leading to heart disease
D Fidney tends to reabsorb less water, leading to dehydration
D 9#cessive consumption of alcohol causes great damage to the human body.
D 9#ample of e#cessive alcohol consumption to human health is cirrhosis - gastritis -
D /onDe#ample of e#cessive alcohol consumption to human health is social problem -
D 9#cessive consumption of alcohol may lead to addiction which causes health problem
to the drin7er, social problems to others and traffic accidents.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) E
H 1tudy the following statement.
There are two different shapes in the ear lobes of the students in a class.
(a) "sing the student population in a class, suggest a hypothesis to study the above statement.
1 mark!
(b) @escribe an e#periment in your classroom to test your hypothesis according to the following
%im of e#periment 1 mark!
&dentification of variables 2 marks!
'ist of apparatus and materials 1 mark!
(rocedure 2 marks!
Tabulation 1 mark!
%nalysis of data 1 mark!
)onclusion 1 mark!
(a) The shape of the ear lobe is a discontinuous variation which can be clearly classified into the free ear
lobe or the attached ear lobe.
(b) %im+ To study the shape of the ear lobe among the pupils.
,ariables that are
(i) manipulated+ different students in the class room
(ii) responding+ type of ear lobe
(iii) constant+ normal humans
'ist of apparatus and materials+ number of students in the class, figure of the shape of ear lobe
3. Aroup the pupils in pairs.
0. Based on the figure of the shape of ear lobe, determine the shape of the ear of their friend.
2. Becord the results in the table below.
1hape of ear lobe %ttached ear lobe Cree ear lobe
/umber of
%nalysis of data+ @raw a bar chart of number of occurrences vs shape of ear lobe.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 1.
)onclusion+ The shape of ear lobe is discontinuous variation.
(a) The figures (a) and (b) show the formation of twins. /ame the types of twins and state three
differences about the types of twins
0 marks!
(b) % normal married couple wishes to have a baby boy. 9#plain the mechanism of se# determination
of a baby.
:our answer should includes the following
&dentify which gamete could determine the se# of a baby
)larify the chromosomes which determine baby boy
@raw the genetic chart for the se# determination in the baby
The percentage of getting a baby boy for the couple.
4 marks!
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 11
Cigure (a) Cigure (b)
&dentical twins /onDidentical twins
;ne single ovum is fertili?ed by one
sperm to form one ?ygote, then divides
into two ?ygotes
Two ova are fertili?ed by two sperms,
forming two ?ygotes
Two foetuses sharing one placenta Two separate placentas, one for each foetus
Both have similar genetic content Both have different genetic content
(b) The father>s sperms determine the se# of a baby.
% baby which inherits a : chromosome from its father, will be a boy. &f it inherits a I chromosome from
its father, it will be a girl.
The percentage of getting a boy is 2.J.
1. (a) @efine mutation and mutagen.
@escribe to factors that cause mutation.
0 marks!
(b) The figure below shows mutation which happens in the body cell of human.
1tudy the abnormalities caused by mutation above. 9#plain how you can built a concept based on
the information in the figure above.
:our e#planation of the concept should include the following+
&dentify two common characteristics 2 marks!
@evelop initial concept 1 mark!
Aive another e#ample and a nonDe#ample in relation to the concept 2 marks!
9#plain the actual concept 2 mark!
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 12
D =utation is a change in the genes or chromosomes that can alter the original traits of organisms.
D =utagen is a substance or radiation that can induce or cause mutation.
D /uclear radiation such as alpha, beta, gamma and harmful ray can penetrate the nucleus of a cell
and change the structure of the genes and chromosomes.
D )hemicals such as mustard gas, ben?ene and dio#ins can react with @/% in the chromosomes
)ommon characteristics
D %dditional or deletion of one chromosomes in the human body cell compare to the normal human body
D The difference in the number of chromosomes occur during meiosis to produce gametes with either
more or less the number of chromosomes
&nitial concept
D The change of the number or the structure of chromosomes is called chromosome mutation.
;ther e#ample
D Flinefelter>s syndrome
D %lbinism - colour blindness - sic7le cell anaemia
%ctual concept
D )hromosome mutation is the result of the changes in the number or structure of chromosomes
11 (a) 1tate to advantages and to disadvantages of genetic research to humans.
0 marks!
(b) % local 1ubang 4 papaya fruit is big but is less favourable to consumers.
9#plain how =%B@& solves the problem in increasing the consumption of local fruit.
:our answer should include the following+
&dentify the problem 1 mark!
)larification of the traits of local papaya fruit and imported variety. 2 marks!
/ame the solving method. 2 marks!
1tate the favourable trait of the product. 1 mark!
(a) %dvantages +
1. genetic research has produced better medicines and vaccines for medical treatment.
2. genetic research has improved the 6uality of crops and livestoc7.
1. genetic research may lead to e#tinction of species as new varieties replace them.
2. genetically modified food may be harmful to human health.
D The local papaya is less favourable to the consumer.
D The traits of a local papaya are its big si?e, less sweet taste and has average thic7 flesh.
D The traits of an imported variety are its fragrant smell, sweetness and small si?e when planted
D 1elective breeding is done between 'ocal 1ubang 4 papaya and *awaiian 1unrise 1olo papaya
to produce a new variety named 97soti7a =alaysia.
D 97soti7a =alaysia is sweet, smells fragrant with thic7 fresh and is average in si?e.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 13
12 The melting point of an ionic substance is higher than a molecular substance.
:ou are given lead bromide and naphthalene.
)arry out an e#periment to prove the statement.
:our answer should include the following+
(a) %im of e#periment. 1 mark!
(b) *ypothesis of e#periment. 1 mark!
(c) 'ist all variables. 3 marks!
(d) (rocedure. 3 marks!
(e) @ata tabulation. 2 marks!
(a) To show that the melting point of lead bromide is higher than the melting point
of naphthalene.
(b) The melting point of an ionic substance is higher than a molecular substance.
(c) =anipulated variable + 'ead bromide and naphthalene.
Besponding variable + =elting point
)onstant variable + =ass of substance heated.
2. g of lead bromide is placed in a crucible. % thermometer is placed in the substance.
The substance is heated. The temperature at which the substance melted is recorded
The e#periment is repeated by using 2. g of naphthalene.
1ubstance 'ead bromide /aphthalene
=elting point (
)) *igher than 1..
) 'ower than 1..
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 10
13 %n ionic substance is an electrolyte whereas a molecular substance is not.
:ou are given sodium chloride and sugar.
)arry out an e#periment to prove the above statement.
:our answer should include the following+
(a) %im of e#periment. 1 mark!
(b) 'ist all variables. 3 marks!
(c) (rocedure. 2 marks!
(d) @ata tabulation. 2 marks!
(e) 9#planation of the result of e#periment. 2 marks!
(a) To show that an ionic substance conducts electricity whereas a molecular substance
does not.
(b) =anipulated variable + 1odium chloride a6ueous solution and sugar solution.
Besponding variable + 'ighting of bulb.
)onstant variable + =ass of substance dissolved in 2. cm
of water.
1. gram of sodium chloride and 1. g of sugar are dissolved in 2. cm
of water in separate
bea7ers. Two carbon electrodes are immersed into each of the solution.
The electrodes are connected to a dry cell. The lighting of the bulb is noted.
1olution 1odium chloride 1ugar
;bservation Bulb lights up. Bulb does not light up
(e) The sodium chloride solution consists of free moving ions that carry charges. Thus it
conducts electricity. The sugar solution consists of molecules which does not carry charges. Thus
the solution is a nonDelectrolyte.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 12
#$ % sample of sodium chloride salt is mi#ed with sand. @escribe how the salt can be separated
and purified from the mi#ture.
1. marks!
The following procedure is carried out+
(a) %bout 1.. cm
of water is poured into a bea7er. The water is heated. (1)
The sand and salt mi#ture is added and stirred. The sodium chloride dissolves
in the water whereas the sand does not. (1)
(b) The solution is then filtered. (1)
The insoluble sand is collected as residue on the filter paper whereas the
filtrate contains sodium chloride salt. (1)
(c) The filtrate is poured into an evaporating dish. The solution is heated to
evaporate the water until the solution becomes saturated. (1)
(d) The saturated solution is allowed to cool. (1)
The sodium chloride salt will crystalli?ed out. (1)
(e) The saturated solution is then filtered.
The solid salt crystal is trapped as residue on the filter paper. (1)
(f) The salt is rinsed with distilled water. (1)
(g) The crystal is then transferred to a piece of dry filter paper and then pressed
to absorb the water. (1)
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 14
10 1odium is more reactive than carbon. @escribe how the metal sodium can be e#tracted from
sodium chloride. :our answer should include the following+
(a) &dentifying the problem. 1 mark!
(b) /ame the principle used. 1 mark!
(c) %n apparatus which shows the apparatus setDup. 2 marks!
(d) (rocedure. 2 marks!
(e) ;bservations. 2 marks!
(f) 3rite word e6uations for reactions ta7ing place. 2 marks!
(a) *ow is sodium metal e#tracted from sodium chloride saltG
(b) 1odium is e#tracted from the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride.
(d) 1odium chloride is heated until it melts. 9lectricity is passed through the molten sodium
chloride using carbon as electrodes.
(e) %t anode + Areenish chlorine gas is released.
%t cathode + 1ilver sodium metal is formed.
(f) %t anode + )hloride ion

chlorine gas K electron

%t cathode + 1odium ion K electron

sodium metal
12 L)hemical energy can be converted into electrical energyM.
@escribe an e#periment to prove the above statement.
:our answer should include the following+
(a) %im of e#periment. 1 mark!
(b) /ame the principle used. 2 marks!
(c) %n apparatus which shows the apparatus setDup. 2 marks!
(d) (rocedure. 2 marks!
(e) ;bservation. 1 mark!
(f) 3rite word e6uations for reactions ta7ing place. 2 marks!
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 1H
(a) To show that chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy.
(b) 3hen two different metal electrodes are immersed into an electrolyte, electrical energy is
(d) 8inc and copper electrode are immersed into copper sulphate solution.
The two electrodes are connected with a connecting wire to a galvanometer.
(e) The needle of the galvanometer deflects.
(f) %t ?inc electrode+

?inc ion K electron

%t copper electrode+
)opper ion K electron

14 @escribe an e#periment to show that the reactivity of magnesium N ?inc N lead N copper.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 15
:our answer should include the following+
(a) %im of e#periment. 1 mark!
(b) /ame the principle used. 1 mark!
(c) %n apparatus which shows the apparatus setDup. 2 marks!
(d) (rocedure. 0 marks!
(e) Tabulation of results. 2 marks!
(a) To determine the relative reactivity of magnesium, ?inc, lead and copper.
(b) The more reactive the metal the brighter is the reaction of the metal with o#ygen.
(d) (otassium permanganate(,&&) is placed into a boiling tube.
1ome glass wool is then pushed into the tube.
1ome magnesium powder is added into a porcelain boat and then placed in the tube.
The magnesium powder is heated strongly followed by heating the potassium
The reactivity of the reaction is recorded.
9#periment is repeated by replacing magnesium powder with other metal powders.
=etal ;bservation
=agnesium Burns very brightly
8inc Burns brightly
'ead Alows brightly
)opper Alows dimly
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 1E
1H (a) @escribe how electricity is generated in a nuclear power station.
4 marks!
(b) Aive two advantages and two disadvantages of using radioisotopes to generate electricity.
0 marks!
1chematic of a /uclear (ower (lant
"raniumD232 atoms are bombarded with neutrons. (1)
The uranium atoms undergo fission with release of heat energy. (1)
The heat energy is used to heat water into steam. (1)
The steam produced will turn the turbine to generate electricity. (1)
The electricity produced is then transmitted to consumers via electric cables. (1)
(b) %dvantages
The radioactive fuel lasts a long time.
% small 6uantity of radioactive substance can generate large amounts of energy.
The gamma radiations emitted can cause cancer.
(roblems faced from storage of the by products as they continue to emit radiations
for a long time.
15 (a) 3ith e#amples e#plain the difference between isotopes and radioisotopes.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 2.
0 marks!
(b) 9#plain the uses of radioisotopes in the field of
(i) medical
(ii) industry
(iii) agriculture
3 marks!
(c) 1tate three precautions we have to ta7e when handling radioisotopes.
3 marks!
&sotopes are atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons.
Badioisotopes are isotopes that are radioactive and can undergo spontaneous decay.
Cor e#ample, carbon has carbonD12 and carbonD10 isotopes.
The carbonD10 isotope is unstable and decays spontaneously.
&t is a radioactive isotope.
(i) Aamma radiation from the decay of uraniumD232 is used to sterili?e medical e6uipments and
(ii) Aamma radiation from the decay of uraniumD232 is used to detect canned food which is
partially filled.
(iii) Aamma radiation from the decay of radioactive phosphorusD32 is used to study the rate of
absorption of phosphate fertili?er by plants.
3ear protective lead clothings and gloves.
"se a dosimeter to measure the intensity of the radiation.
"se remote control arms to handle the radioisotopes.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 21
15 1tudy the following statement.
3hen white light is shone on two different primary coloured filters, no coloured light passes
through, but when white light is shone on two different secondary filters, a certain coloured light
passes through.
(a) 1uggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement.
1 mark!
(b) "sing a red filter, a blue filter, a magenta filter, a yellow filter and other apparatus, describe an
e#periment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria$
%im of e#periment 1 mark!
&dentification of variables 2 marks!
'ist of apparatus 1 mark!
(rocedure 0marks!
Tabulation of data 1 mark!
(a) % primary colour filter only enables its coloured light to pass through it and to absorb all other colour
lights but a secondary colour filter enables its colour and the primary colour lights that form it to pass
through it.
(b) %im of the e#periment+ To study absorption - subtraction of coloured light by a primary filter.
,ariables that are+
(i) manipulated + the colour filter used
(ii) responding + the colour on the white screen
(iii) constant + white light from ray bo#
%pparatus+ 'ight bo#, glass prism, a red filter, a blue filter, a magenta filter, a yellow
filter and white screen.
1. The apparatus as shown above is set up.
2. The light bo# is switched on. The position of the white screen is ad<usted so that the spectrum of
white light illuminats it.
3. Two different colour filters (primary or a secondary as shown on the table below) are placed in
the path of the light beam at ( and O.
0. The colours that pass through both filters and illuminate the screen are observed.
Tabulation of data+
Cilter ( Cilter O )olours on screen
Bed Blue /o colour
Bed =agenta Bed
Bed :ellow Bed
Blue =agenta Blue
Blue :ellow /o colour
=agenta :ellow Bed
1E (a) )ompare the image formed by a conve# lens and a concave lens.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 22
0 marks!
(b) The figure below shows several characteristics formed by an optical apparatus.
1tudy the characteristics of the image formed. 9#plain how you can determine the apparatus used
and the phenomenon that occurred in the formation of the image based on the information in the
figure above.
:our e#planation of the phenomenon should include the following+
&dentify two criteria in the formation of the image
&dentify the apparatus and develop the phenomenon
Aive other e#ample and nonDe#amples of the characteristic of the image
9#plain the 'aw of the phenomenon.
4 mar7s!
(roperties of the image )onve# lenses )oncave lenses
Beal or virtual Beal if the ob<ect distance is u N f . ,irtual
if the ob<ect distance is u P f
"pright or inverted &nverted if the image is real, upright if the
image is virtual
(osition of the image &mage is formed behind the lens if the
image is real. &mage is formed in front of
the lens if the image is virtual
&mage is always
formed in front of
the lens
1i?e of the image Bigger or smaller than the ob<ect
depending on the ob<ect distance
%lways smaller
than the ob<ect
(b) Two criteria
D The incident rays from the ob<ect stri7e a smooth and flat surface and reflected bac7
D The angle of incidence, i is same as the angle of reflection, r.
%pparatus and phenomenon
D The optical apparatus is mirror and the phenomenon occurred is reflection.
D The si?e of the image is the same as the ob<ect -- the distance of image behind the screen is the same as
the distance of the ob<ect in front of the screen.
D Beal
'aw of reflection+
D The incident ray, reflected ray and normal all lie in the same plane.
D The angle of incidence, i is e6ual to the angle of reflection, r.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 23
2. (a) )ompare and contrast the focusing and controlling of the amount of light in the human
eye and a camera.
0 marks!
(b) % student wants to observe a distant ob<ect. 9#plain how the student can build a device to
observe the ob<ect. :our answer must include the following+
(roblem statement
/ame of the device built
/ame the apparatus needed
The arrangement of the apparatus
4 marks!
9ye Cunction )amera
The thic7ening and thinning
of eye lens is controlled by
the ciliary muscle that
changes the focal length of
the eye lens
Cocusing method The camera lens moves
forward and bac7ward by
ad<usting the focus ad<uster,
which changes the distance
between the lens and the
'ight enters the eye through
the pupil. The si?e of the
pupil is controlled by the iris
which controls the amount of
light which enters the eye.
)ontrolling the
amount of light
that enters.
'ight enters the camera
through the aperture. The
si?e of the aperture is
controlled by the
diaphragm. The shutter also
controls the period of time
the light enters the camera.
(roblem statement+ To observe a distant ob<ect.
/ame of the device built+ Telescope
/ame the apparatus needed+
D Two conve# lenses$ one with a long focal length and the other one with a short focal length.
The arrangement of the apparatus
D The long focal length conve# lens is used as an ob<ective lens to focus parallel light rays
from the distant ob<ect at its focal point.
D The short focal length conve# lens is used as the eye lens and is ad<usted so that the image
from the ob<ective lens is at the focal point of the eye lens.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 20
21 1teel is harder than pure iron.
)arry out an e#periment to prove the above statement.
:our e#planation must include the following+
%im of the e#periment 1 mark!
*ypothesis. 1 mark!
&dentification of variables. 3 marks!
(rocedure 3 marks!
Tabulation of data 1 mark!
)onclusion 1 mark!
(a) To compare the hardness of steel and pure iron.
(b) 1teel is harder than pure iron.
(c) =anipulated variable + 1teel bloc7 and pure iron bloc7
Besponding variable + @iameter of dent
)onstant variable + *eight the weight is dropped onto the ball bearing.
(d) % steel ball bearing is fi#ed onto a steel bloc7 using cellotape.
% 1 7g weight is dropped onto the ball bearing from a height of
The diameter of the dent produced is measured, using a ruler.
The e#periment is repeated by replacing the steel bloc7 with pure iron bloc7.
=aterial 1teel bloc7 (ure iron bloc7
@iameter of dent (cm) p mm 6 mm
(f) The value of 6 N p. 3e conclude that pure iron is softer or steel is harder.
22 (a) @escribe how ammonia is synthesi?ed in industry.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 22
:our answer should include the following+
(i) /ame the process.
(ii) 1tate the sources of reactants.
(iii) ;ptimum conditions to synthesi?e ammonia
(iv) 3ord e6uation to represent the process
H marks!
(b) 1tate three uses of ammonia.
3 marks!
(a) (i) *aber process (1)
(ii) /itrogen is obtained from fractional distillation of li6uid air.
*ydrogen is obtained from natural gas. (2)
(iii) (ressure of 2.. atmosphere, temperature of 02.
and iron powder is used as catalyst. (3)
(iv) /itrogen K hydrogen

ammonia (1)
(b) To ma7e fertili?er, nitric acid and prevent coagulation of late#. (3)
23 (a) @efine what is an alloy. 2 marks!
(b) Aive an e#ample of alloy and its composition. 2 marks!
(c) 1tate a use of the alloy in (b) above. 1 mark!
(d) 9#plain using the arrangement of atoms, why an alloy is harder than its pure
2 marks!
(a) %n alloy is a mi#ture of two or more metals in a certain percentage.
(b) Bron?e. (E.J copper and 1.J tin)
(c) Bron?e is used to ma7e medals.
The atoms in pure metals are arranged in a regular pattern. 3hen a force is applied to it, the
atoms will slide across each other. Thus pure metal is soft. (2)
The diagram above shows the presence of foreign atoms in an alloy. The foreign atoms prevent
the metal atoms from sliding when a force is applied to it.Thus alloy is harder. (1)
FOR" # $C%a&t'r 1 ( "icroor)ani*+* an, t%'ir '--'ct* on livin) t%in)*
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 24
1 1tudy the following statement$
1unlight affects the activities of microorganisms
1uggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement. 1 mark!
(b) "sing few petri cultures of Bacillus subtilis, describe an e#periment to test your
hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria$
%im of the e#periment 1 mark!
&dentification of variables 2 marks!
'ist of apparatus and materials 1 mark!
(rocedure 3 marks!
Tabulation of data 1 mark!
)onclusion 1 mark!
1 (a) Hy&ot%'*i*: 1trong sunlight 7ills - stops the activities of microorganisms
(b) Ai+: To study the effect of sunlight on the activities of microorganism
Con*tant varia.l': /utrient - p* of the nutrient - amount of bacteria
"ani&ulat', varia.l': e#position to light
R'*&on,in) varia.l': number of bacteria colonies
A&&aratu* an, +at'rial*: 3 petri cultures of Bacillus subtilis with their sterile covers,
(i) The 3 petri dishes with culture of Bacillus subtilis were covered with their sterile
covers respectively and overturned.
(ii) The dishes were labelled %, B and ). (etri dish % was put inside a dar7 cupboard.
(etri dish B was put on the lab table and (etri dish ) was put under the ultraviolet light.
(iii) The dishes were left aside for 2 days.
(iv) The observation was recorded.
Ta.ulation o- ,ata:
(etri dish ;bservation
(etri dish % shows the number of bacteria colonies and (etri dish ) shows none. 1unlight stops
the activities of the microorganism. *ypothesis is accepted.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 2H
2 (a) Bacteria and alga are microorganisms. 1omehow there are differences between the two
microorganisms. 1tate four differences in the properties between bacteria and alga.
0 marks!
(b) The figure above shows two loaves of bread % and B made by two students % and B
1tate the difference between bread % and bread B.
@escribes how student B can ba7e bread li7e student %. :our e#planation must have the
following criteria+
(roblem statement
/ame the ingredient needed
1tate how the action of the ingredient helps to ba7e a better bread
4 marks!
(roperties Bacteria %lga
1i?e -Qm ..2 D1. 1 D 1...
1hape Bod, sphere, comma, spiral ,ariety shape
"nicellular -
"nicellular =ulticellular
/utrition 1aprophyte, parasite and
Bread % is light and fluffy but bread B is small and hard
Bread B lac7s one ingredient that ma7es the dough not rise and not fluffy.
:east brea7s down the glucose in the bread dough and releases carbon dio#ide gas.
)arbon dio#ide gas ma7es the dough rise and the bread becomes light and fluffy.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 25
3 (a) "sing heat or chemical are two ways of sterili?ation. @escribe two methods for each way
to show how sterili?ation is carried out.
0 marks!
(b) 1tudy the picture above and construct a concept of how transmission of disease occurs
through a vector.
:our answer must be based on the steps below+
&dentify the common characteristics 2 marks!
Belate the common characteristics to the transmission of disease through
the vector in order to construct the initial concept 1 mark!
Aive an e#ample of another transmission of disease through the vector
and a transmission of disease not through the vector 2 marks!
1tate the actual concept of transmission of disease through the vector. 1 mark!
3(a) *eat +
1 + Boiling in water at 1..R ) for 4 hours
2 + *eating for 12 minutes in the autoclave at 121R )
)hemical +
1+ %ntiseptic applied on in<ured s7in to prevent reproduction of pathogen
2+ @isinfectant used in cleaning and mopping.
=os6uito transfers pathogen to human
Cly transfers pathogen to the food and food is eaten by human
=os6uito and fly carry the pathogen from a patient to a healthy person
9#ample + Bat /ot e#amples + %nt, Bee
The vector is an animal that carries the pathogen from a patient to a healthy person
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 2E
CHAPTER / ( Nutrition an, -oo, &ro,uction
(lants do not grow healthily when lac7ing in certain nutrients
(a) Based on the above statement and using the minerals of nitrogen, phosphorous, and
potassium, write one suitable hypothesis.
1 mark!
(b) "sing a complete culture solution, culture solution without nitrogen, culture solution
without phosphorous, culture solution without potassium and other apparatus, describe an
e#periment that you carry out in the laboratory to prove the hypothesis.
:our description should include the following$
aim of e#periment 1 mark!
identification of variables 2 marks!
list of apparatus and materials 1 mark!
procedure 0 marks!
tabulation of data 1 mark!
0(a) @eficiency in nutrient nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium hinder the growth of plants.
(b) %im + To study the effects of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium deficiency on the plant
Con*tant varia.l' : germinating seed, fre6uency of changing solution
"ani&ulat', varia.l' : culture solution
R'*&on,in) varia.l' : rate growth of germinating seed
A&&aratu* an, +at'rial* : cotton, blac7 paper, germinating seeds, complete culture solution,
culture solution without nitrogen, culture solution without phosphorous, culture solution without
potassium, measuring cylinder and 0 boiling tubes
Proc',ur' :
1) 0 boiling tubes were labelled and filled with culture solution as shown below+
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 3.
2) =ouths of boiling tubes were closed with cotton and one germinating seed was put in each
3) 9ach boiling tube was wrapped with blac7 paper.
0) %ll the boiling tubes were put on a rac7 and left e#posed to sunlight.
2) %fter a wee7, the culture solutions were changed to new ones.
4) ;bservation of each germinating seed was done for two wee7s and the results were
Tabulation of data
Boiling tube ;bservation
2 (a) The calories re6uirement per day of the two people in the figure below is not the same.
&dentify the factors that affect the calories re6uirement per day for the individuals
Aive three e#planations how they affect the calorie re6uirement per day.
0 marks!
(b) The figures below show three different diseases caused by malnutrition.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 31
Cigure (i) + Bic7etts Cigure (ii) + 1curvy Cigure (iii) + Aoiter
1tudy the diseases in the figures above and e#plain how you construct the concept of
:our answer should be based on the following steps+
&dentify the information
&dentify the common characteristics
Belate the common characteristics to malnutrition in order to construct the initial
Aive other e#amples and nonDe#amples in relation to the concept
1tate the actual concept of malnutrition
4 marks!
2 (a) se#
% man re6uires more calories than a lady because$
(i) si?e and weight of a man is bigger than a lady
(ii) metabolism of a man is higher
(iii) a man is more active physically
&dentify the information The diseases are caused by malnutrition for a
long period of time
&dentify the common
The diseases above are due to deficiency of one
class of food respectively in daily diet.
(i) Bic7etts D deficiency of vitamin @
(ii) 1curvy D deficiency of vitamin )
(iii) Aoiter D deficiency of iodine
Belate the common
characteristics to malnutrition
in order to construct the
initial concept
@eficiency of one class of food in daily diet
may lead to malnutrition.
;ther e#amples
Fwashior7or - %nemia - /ight blindness
;besity - %rteriosclerosis - @iabetes
1tate the actual concept of
=alnutrition is a state when an individual
suffers from food deficiency in one or two
necessary food classes in his daily diet to
maintain a healthy body.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 32
CHAPTER 0$Pr'*'rvation 1 con*'rvation o- t%' 'nviron+'nt
The figure above shows =r. Sohnny>s farm. *e plants leafy vegetables, rear fresh water fish and
poultry for sale. *e uses chemical fertili?ers and pesticides to maintain and increase the yield of
his vegetables.
1tate the four effects of e#cessive use of chemical fertili?ers and pesticides.
0 marks!
%fter some time, he finds that the surface of the pond is covered with a layer of green substance
and the fish has died.
9#plain how =r. Sohnny overcomes the problems in his pond.
:our answer should include the following$
&dentify the problem
1tate the phenomena
)larification of the problem
1olving methods
4 marks!
9#cessive fertili?er that flows to river and pond encourages the growth of alga.
%lga prevents sunlight from reaching the bottom of the river or pond, a6uatic plants cannot
undergo photosynthesis and therefore die.
The content of o#ygen in the water decreases.
(esticides hardly decompose, but flow into the pond or river and are eaten by the a6uatic
animals, causing death or passing on into the food chain.
&dentify problems %lga grows on the water surface and the dies
(henomena 9utrofication
)larification of the
9#cessive fertili?er and waste from the poultry contain nitrate and
phosphate compounds which encourage the growth of alga. (esticides
from the vegetable farm contain @@T which is harmful to living
1olving methods )onvert the poultry waste into compost fertili?er. "se compost
fertili?er instead of chemical fertili?er
"se biological pest control methods instead of pesticides.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 33
H (a) &mproper management of open land to give way for development has caused a number of
side effects on the balance in nature.
1tate four side effects caused by improper management of open land.
0 marks!
(b) The figures (i) and (ii) below show activities which happened in our surroundings that
caused global warming.
1tudy the above activities. 9#plain how you would be able to construct the concept of
global warming.
:our answer should be based on the following steps+
&dentify the common characteristics
Belate the common characteristics to the change of environment in order to construct
the initial concept
Aive an e#ample of other forms of pollution and a nonDe#ample in relation to the
1tate the actual concept of global warming
4 marks!
23a4 e#tinction of species
loss of habitat
soil erosion
flash flood
&dentify the common
)ombustion of fuel release carbon dio#ide into the air.
)utting down of trees eliminates the process of photosynthesis
of the trees, indirectly increasing the content of carbon dio#ide
in the air
)onstruct the initial
)arbon dio#ide in the air prevents heat from leaving the
atmosphere, thus increasing the temperature on the earth which
is named global warming
%nother e#ample
/on e#ample
Corest fire - open burning of rubbish
@isposal of byproducts, waste, to#ic substances, radioactive
substances, smo7e and heat - uncontrolled use of chemical
1tate the actual concept
of global warming
Alobal warming is the rise in earth temperatures due to the
increase of greenhouse gases li7e carbon dio#ide.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 30
CHAPTER 5 ( Car.on Co+&oun,*
5 % rubber planter adds ammonia into late# to maintain its li6uid state and sells it in li6uid state.
To some late#, he adds formic acid and sells it as solid rubber.
(a) Based on the above statements, write one suitable hypothesis.
1 mark!
(b) 3ith the material of late#, acetic acid and ammonia, describe an e#periment that you can
carry out in a laboratory to prove the hypothesis.
:our description should include the following$
(i) aim of e#periment 1 mark!
(ii) identification of variables 2 marks!
(iii) list of apparatus and materials 1 mark!
(iv) method 3 marks!
(v) how to tabulate the data 1 mark!
(vi) conclusion 1 mark!
5(a) Hy&ot%'*i* + %l7aline prevents coagulation of late# and acid coagulates the late#.
(b) (i) To study the effects of al7aline and acid on late#
(ii) +ani&ulat', varia.l'*: ammonia and acetic acid
r'*&on,in) varia.l'*: condition of late# - coagulation of rubber
con*tant varia.l'*: volume of late#
(iii) a&&aratu* an, +at'rial*+ late#, acetic acid, ammonia, bea7er, measuring cylinder
(iv) +'t%o,:
1. 'ate# is measured with a measuring cylinder and poured into 2 bea7ers
2. %mmonia and acetic acid are poured into the respective bea7ers.
3. The mi#tures are stirred and left for 1. minutes. ;bservations are recorded.
(v) 6ata
Bea7er ;bservation
(vi) Conclu*ion+ %mmonia prevents the late# from coagulating and acid causes coagulation of
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 32
E (a) 1tate three differences between organic carbon compound and non organic carbon
compound. /ame an e#ample for each respective group.
0 marks!
(b) The figure below shows the products of hydrocarbon.
1tudy the products above and construct the concept of hydrocarbon.
:our answer should be based on the following steps$
&dentify two common characteristics
@evelop initial concept
Aive an other e#ample and a nonDe#ample in relation to the concept
9#plain the actual concept
4 marks!
E (a)
;rganic carbon compound /on organic carbon compound
)arbon compound which has
originated from living organisms.
)arbon compound which has originated from
non living thing such as minerals.
)arbon chain which has many carbon
=olecule with few carbon atoms only.
@issolve in organic solvent.
9g+ alcohol
@issolve in nonDorganic solvent
9g. water
1tarch )arbon dio#ide
)ommon characteristics The products are hydrocarbon compound which
consists of carbon and hydrogen elements.
The products have originated from living organisms
which died millions of years ago
&nitial concept The products are from the sources of fossil fuel
/atural gas
=ineral such as calcium carbonate
%ctual concept *ydrocarbon is organic carbon compound which
consists of the carbon and hydrogen elements and
has originated from living organisms which died
millions of years ago
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 34
1. (a) Butter and margarine are used to made ca7es and coo7ies.
1tate four differences between butter and margarine based on the following$
1tructure of atom
(hysical properties
9ffect on health
0 marks!
(b) %n officer whose favourite foods are ca7es and coo7ies, finds that her low density
cholesterol level in the blood test is slightly higher.
9#plain how the officer can solve or remedy her situation since she cannot give up her
favorite foods.
:our e#planation should include the following$
(roblem statement
1tate the effects on the body
1uggest a diet to replace the present diet
4 marks!
1. (a)
Butter =argarine
1ources animal (lant
1tructure of atom 1aturated fat with single bond
between carbon atom
"nsaturated fat with at least
one double bond between
the carbon atom
(hysical properties 1olid at room temperature 'i6uid at room temperature
9ffect on health &ncrease level of cholesterol @ecrease level of
'ow density cholesterol in the blood is slightly high.
'ow density cholesterol deposits on gall bladder as gall bladder stones
'ow density cholesterol deposits on the insides of the wall of the artery may cause
high blood pressure, heart disease, arteriosclerosis and coronary thrombosis
"se margarine in ma7ing the ca7e and coo7ies
%dd fiber, fruits and, vegetables such as carrot into the ca7e
9g+ %pple ca7e, )arrot ca7e
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 3H
CHAPTER # $ "otion
% moving heavy vehicle has higher momentum
Based on the statement above, suggest a hypothesis.
1 mark!
(b) "sing four trolleys, an inclined plane, a wooden bloc7, plasticine and other apparatus,
describe an e#periment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria+
(i) aim of e#periment 1 mark!
(ii) identification of variables 2 marks!
(iii) list of apparatus and materials 1 mark!
(iv) procedure 0 marks!
(v) tabulation of data 1 mark!
(a) *ypothesis+ The bigger the mass of moving ob<ect is, the higher the momentum.
(b) %im of e#periment+ To study the relationship between momentum and the mass of moving
,ariable that is
(i) constant + the gradient of inclined plane
(ii) manipulated + =ass of the trolley
(iii) responding + the distance of the trolleys stop
'ist of apparatus and materials + trolleys, an inclined plane, a wooden bloc7, plasticine and a
metre ruler.
1. The apparatus are arranged as shown above.
2. Trolley I is released to go down the inclined plane and collide with trolley :
3. Trolley I and : are stuc7 after the collision and move together
0. The distance where the trolleys stop from the spot of collision is measured and
2. The e#periment is repeated with two trolleys at I position and three trolleys at I
position respectively to collide with one trolley on : position.
Ta.ulation o- ,ata
/umber of trolleys @istance the trolleys stop
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 35
% big ship is made of a mi#ture of iron. The figures above show that a piece of iron
sin7s into the sea whereas a big ship floats on the sea.
9#plain why.
0 marks!
% student ma7es a simple hot air balloon model as shown above for his science pro<ect.
*e finds that his model could not fly.
9#plain how to ma7e his hot air balloon fly.
:our e#planation should include the following
(roblem statement
1tate the concept and principle used
1olving methods
4 marks!
&ron 1hip
% piece of iron has a small volume,
thus the mass divided by volume
produces a higher density
The iron pieces in the ship are moulded into a
shape with a large volume of empty space at the
centre. The density of the ship becomes smaller.
The weight of water displaced is less
than the weight of the piece of iron.
Therefore, the iron sin7s
The big ship displaces a large volume of water
where the weight of the water displaced is the same
as the weight of the big ship. Therefore the big ship
(b) (roblem statement+ The hot air balloon could not fly.
Conc'&t u*',:
1. The hot air inside the balloon is less dense than the cool air outside.
2. The upthrust of the hot air balloon must be more than the weight of the balloon.
3. The principle used is %rchimedes> principle.
Solvin) +'t%o,*:
0. &ncrease the si?e of the balloon to displace more cool air by the hot air inside the balloon.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 3E
2. % bunsen burner is lighted at the bottom of the balloon to heat the air inside the balloon.
CHAPTER 7 ( Foo, t'c%nolo)y an, &ro,uction
(rocessed food can last longer than nonDprocessed food if left e#posed to open air
Based on the statement above, suggest a suitable hypothesis.
"sing a fresh nonDprocessed mil7, a boiled mil7, a pasteurised mil7 and other apparatus,
describe an e#periment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria+
%im of e#periment 1 mark!
&dentification of variables 2 marks!
'ist of apparatus and materials 1 mark!
(rocedure 3 marks!
Tabulation of data 1 mark!
)onclusion 1 mark!
10(a) *ypothesis+ (rocessed food can last longer than nonDprocessed food if left e#posed to
open air.
%im + To identify the processed food that can last longer than nonDprocessed food.
,ariable that is$
(i) manipulated + the method of processed mil7
(ii) responding+ the condition of the mil7
(iii) constant+ the volume of mil7
'ist of apparatus and material+ fresh nonDprocessed mil7, boiled mil7, pasteurised mil7, 3
bea7ers, measuring cylinder
1. Three sterile bea7ers are prepared. Bea7er % is filled with fresh nonDprocessed mil7, bea7er B
is filled with boiled mil7 and bea7er ) is filled with pasteurised mil7.
2. The bea7ers are left in the open air for one day.
3. ;bserve the condition and the smell of the mil7 after one day and record in the table below.
Bea7er ;bservation
/onDprocessed mil7 becomes rotten faster than boiled and pasteurised mil7. (asteurised mil7
lasts longer than fresh nonDmil7 and boiled mil7.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 0.
The world population growth is much faster than the production of food. 9#plain how the
property of 6uality breeds can help to increase the production of food.
% vegetable farmer found his farm is no longer productive and is having problems with a
pest on his farm.
9#plain how the farmer on his farm can overcome his problems on his farm.
:our answer should include the following$
%im of e#periment 1 mark!
)larification of the problem 1 mark!
1olving methods 3 marks!
)hoose the best method and e#plain your choice 1 mark!
(a) (roperty of 6uality breeds+
(i) high 6uantity of production
(ii) high 6uality of production
(iii) short production period
(iv) high resistance towards disease and pest
&dentify the problem The farmer>s farm is no longer productive and
is attac7ed by a pest.
)larification of the problem The soil is not fertile anymore due to intensive
use by certain 7ind of plant.
The pest has formed a high resistance towards
the pesticide used.
1olving methods )rop rotation to regain the fertility of the soil.
=i#ed crops to regain the problem of the pest
and at the same time can regain the fertility of
the soil.
&ntegrated system that is to rear poultry
together with plants.
Best method =i#ed crops to reduce the problem of the pest,
and at the same time can regain the fertility of
the soil.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 01
CHAPTER 2 ( Syt%'tic "at'rial* in t%' in,u*try

1ynthetic rubber is not easily burned compared to natural rubber
14 (a) 1uggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement
1 mark!
(b) "sing a synthetic rubber strip, a natural rubber strip and other apparatus, describe an
e#periment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria+
%im of e#periment 1 mark!
&dentification of variables 2 marks!
'ist of apparatus and materials 1 mark!
(rocedure 3 marks!
Tabulation of data 1 mark!
)onclusion 1 mark!
(a) *ypothesis + /atural rubber burns more easily than synthetic rubber
(b) %im + To compare the characteristic of synthetic rubber and natural rubber towards burning.
,ariable that is$
(i) manipulated+ type of rubber
(ii) responding+ ability to burn
(iii) constant+ time of heating
'ist of apparatus+ a synthetic rubber strip, a natural rubber strip, Bunsen burner, tongs
(rocedure +
1. % synthetic rubber strip is burned with a Bunsen burner for 2 minutes as shown above. The
observation is recorded.
2. % natural rubber strip is burned with the same Bunsen burner for 2 minutes. The observation
is recorded.
Tabulation of data+
)haracteristic 1ynthetic rubber /atural rubber
%bility to burn /ot easily burnt Burns with lots of soot
/atural rubber burns easily with lots of soot whereas synthetic rubber does not burn easily.
*ypothesis is acceptable.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 02
1H (a) The figure above show the products of thermoplastic. 1tate four reasons why the
above products are thermoplastic and not thermoset.
0 marks!
(b) % local council found that the rubbish dumped by the public mostly is made of plastic.
9#plain how the local council can solve the problem of disposal of plastic rubbish.
:our e#planation should include the following+
&dentify the problem 1 mark!
)larification of the problem 1 mark!
1olving methods 3 marks!
)hoose the best method and e#plain your choice 1 mark!
(a) D the products have low resistance toward heat
D the products are soft
D the products can be recycled as the material can be moulded few times
D the products do not have cross lin7age between the polymers chain
D the products have low melting point
any 0 points!
&dentify the problem (lastic rubber is not biodegradable and causes
environmental pollution.
)larification of the problem *ow can we reduce environmental pollution
caused by plastic rubbishG
1olving methods 3. "se biodegradable plastic which can be
decomposed by microorganism.
0. Burn the disposed plastic in an incinerator.
2. Becycle the disposed plastic into plastic
product that can be used again
4. Beuse the plastic for other purposes.
)hoose the best method and
e#plain your choice
Becycle because thermoplastic can be moulded
a few times as it can reduce the disposal of
plastic and save sources of plastic raw materials
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 03
15 (a) (olymer synthetic is very useful in modern life. @escribe four negative effects of the
consumption and disposal of polymer synthetic in the environment.
1 mark!
The figure above show the plastic which can be recycled. 1tudy the information above
and construct the concept of recycling. :our answer should be based on the following
&dentify two common characteristics 2 marks!
@evelop initial concept 1 mark!
Aive an e#ample of another recycleable and nonDrecycleable
2 marks!
1tate the actual concept of recycleable plastic 1 mark!
(a) (i) (olymer synthetic is not biodegradable and it will be in the environment for a long
period which may cause environmental pollution.
(ii) ;pen burning of polymer synthetic releases soot and to#ic gases such as dio#in which
may cause air pollution and public health problem.
(iii) @isposal of plastic in the drainage may cause bloc7age of drainage system and flash
flood. &t may encourage the breeding of mos6uitoes.
(iv) @isposal of plastic in sea and river may cause e#tinction of turtle and other a6uatic
Two common characteristics The plastics can be repeatedly moulded into a variety
of shapes.
The polymer chains of the plastic can slide from one
to another when heated and come together when
&nitial concept (lastic which can be recycled is the plastic which can
be repeatedly moulded into various shapes and the
polymer chains can slide from one another when
/on e#ample
(olypropene - polystyrene
Ba7elite - melamine - epo#y glue
%ctual concept Thermoplastic can be recycled for other purposes that
can be moulded into new products
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 00
CHAPTER 8$ El'ctric an, in-or+ation an, co++unication t'c%nolo)y
1tudy the following statement.
The brightness of a bulb varies with the number of resistors in a circuit.
1E (a) 1uggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement.
1 mark!
(b) "sing three resistors, a bulb and other apparatus, describe an e#periment to test your
hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria$
%im of e#periment 1 mark!
&dentification of variables 2 marks!
'ist of apparatus and materials 1 mark!
(rocedure 3 marks!
Tabulation of data 1 mark!
)onclusion 1 mark!
1E(a) *ypothesis+ The more the number of resistors used in a circuit, the dimmer the
light of the bulb.
(b) %im of the e#periment+ To study the effect of resistors on the brightness of a bulb.
,ariable that is$
(i) constant+ number of dry cell - power of the bulb
(ii) manipulated+ number of resistors
(iii) responding+ the brightness of the bulb
'ist of apparatus+ 3 resistors, bulb, dry cell, connection wire and switch
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 02
1. The above circuit is prepared.
2. 1witch is on and the brightness of the bulb is observed.
3. % resistor is ta7en away and switch is on. The brightness of the bulb is observed
0. 1tep 3 is repeated with one resistor left.
2. The results of the observations are recorded in the table below
/o. of resistor Brightness of bulb
%s the number of resistors decreases, the brighter the bulb is. *ypothesis is acceptable.
(a) % radio wave is used in long distance communication. Aive -our reasons why a radio
wave is used in information communication.
0 marks!
(b) The table below shows types of radio waves used in radio communication.
'ocal radio broadcasts 'ong 3ave with low fre6uency
Badio broadcasts across continent 1hort 3ave with high fre6uency
T, %stro broadcasts =icrowaves
1tudy the information in the table above and construct the concept of radio
communication. :our answer should be based on the following steps+
&dentify the information 1 mark!
&dentify the common characteristics 2 marks!
Belate the common characteristics to the radio communication in order
to construct the initial concept.
1 mark!
Aive an e#ample of another radio communication and a non radio
1 mark!
1tate the actual concept of radio communication 1 mark!
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 04
(a) D &t can travel through vacuum
D &t moves with the speed of light, so it can transmit the information very fast.
D &t acts as a carrier wave for audio and video signals
D &t is not easy to be spread through an obstruction
&dentify the information 'ocal radio broadcast use the long wave with low
fre6uency of the radio wave as a carrier wave to deliver
sound information
&dentify the common
D Badio broadcasts across continent use short waves with
high fre6uency of the radio wave as a carrier wave to
deliver sound information
D T, %stro broadcasts use microwaves with the highest
fre6uency of radio wave as a carrier wave to deliver sound
and picture information
Belate the common
characteristics to the
radio communication in
order to construct the
initial concept.
%ll the three radio communications above use the wave of
different fre6uency of radio waves in electromagnetic
spectrum as the carrier wave to deliver information.
%n e#ample
/on e#ample
*and phone - C= radio broadcast
=icrowave oven
%ctual concept of radio
Badio communication is using a range of radio waves in
the electromagnetic spectrum as carrier to deliver
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 0H
21 (a) 1tate -our advantages of satellite communication system to other communication system.
0 marks!
(b) Cootball 3orld )up 2..4 was held in Aermany. % remote country could not get the live
television broadcasts for the tournament. 9#plain how the country can solve the problem
so that they can watch the matches live in the ne#t tournament.
:our answer should include the following+
)larification of the problem 1 mark!
/ame the system of communication 1 mark!
1teps for the system to function 0 marks!
D transmission or receiver of satellite system is not affected by the change in weather.
D it can service a wide area including the remote area
D it does not need many relay station as microwave can move very far
D it can deliver a lot of information 6uic7ly and efficiently
D it can transmit live broadcasts throughDout the world
)larification of the problem *ow to get live television broadcastsG
1ystem of communication "se satellite communication system
1teps of the system to function %n earth satellite station is built in the country.
Television camera will record the match in the stadium
where and when the tournament is on.
The electrical signal will be sent to the television
station and be transmitted by micro wave by the earth
satellite station of the host country to the
communication satellite in space.
The communication satellite in space will strengthen
and transmit bac7 to the earth>s satellite station in the
remote country, and then to the local television station.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 05
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 0E
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 2.
Science SPM Paper 2 (Essay question) 21

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