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... through Bertha Dudde

Redeeming the souls....
Bearers of light.... Knowledge - ight....
On!e the human "eing has !hosen God# he has alread$ fulfilled his
earthl$ tas%# sin!e from that moment onwards he has the will to
ser&e God and to %ee' (is !ommandments# e&en if this will is
fre)uentl$ still wea% and the 'erson often still transgresses.
*e&ertheless# with his desire to !om'l$ with di&ine will his 'ast
resistan!e to God has "e!ome null and &oid# he has re!ognised his
origin and desires to return to it and his free de!ision has "een
From now on he is su''orted "$ for!es who strengthen his will and
in!rease his %nowledge# and sin!e these for!es are alread$ as one
with God# he is !onse)uentl$ sei+ed "$ God (imself and !an no
longer des!end into his 'ast guilt of sin# the sin of re"ellion against
(e has &oluntaril$ handed himself o&er to God and will fore&er
remain lo$al to (im. Regression will "e im'ossi"le# for the human
"eing now stri&es !ons!iousl$ towards the goal of final unit$.
,nd then e&er$ hour on earth is merel$ a matter of maturing.... an
in!rease of light# of %nowledge# and this manifests itself in greater
a!ti&it$ of lo&e# in redeeming lo&e....
On!e the human "eing has released himself from the enem$-s will#
he 'ro!eeds with the a!ti&e wor% of redeeming his fellow human
"eings# all other earthl$ wor% seems 'ointless and meaningless to
him and all his thoughts and intentions relate to the wor% of hel'ing
his fellow human "eing-s soul. ,nd onl$ then will he a!!om'lish the
most &alua"le wor%.... he will .oin the a!ti&it$ of the light "eings of
the "e$ond and will wor% in a redeeming wa$....
But an$one who alread$ ta%es 'art in the a!t of redem'tion on
earth wor%s with God for (im..... (is will as well as his wor% will "e
"lessed. ,lthough it then re)uires immense gra!e it will
ne&ertheless "e !on&e$ed to the 'erson so that he will
su"se)uentl$ "e a"le to !o'e with e&er$ tas% 'osed to him.
Redeeming the soul signifies that the 'erson-s hitherto dar% state
!hanges into light.... /'iritual dar%ness is ignoran!e# light# howe&er#
is %nowledge....
0onse)uentl$# the unredeemed souls must "e offered %nowledge in
order to 'la!e them into this state of light. 1his tas% !an therefore
not "e fulfilled "$ someone who has not $et "e!ome a "earer of
light himself# e&en if he has great earthl$ %nowledge at his dis'osal.
1he degree of worldl$ %nowledge of a 'erson wanting to do
redeeming wor% on earth is therefore entirel$ unim'ortant....
1he %nowledge he wants to 'ass on has nothing in !ommon with
worldl$ %nowledge. (e is e2'e!ted to !on&e$ di&ine wisdom to his
fellow human "eings "ut this !an onl$ "e re!ei&ed "$ a 'erson who
had first sha'ed himself in a wa$ that he !an a!!e't light and
strength from God.
1hen he will "e a la"ourer in the &ine$ard of the ord in truth# for
he will tr$ to turn a fallow field into fertile soil. (e will tr$ to ma%e
the souls li%ewise re!e'ti&e for the strength from God#
he will tr$ to im'art s'iritual %nowledge to them and thus !hange
the state of dar%ness among humanit$ into "right light. ,nd sin!e
this is the ultimate goal of em"odiment on earth# e&er$thing that
!ontri"utes towards s'reading light among 'eo'le must
understanda"l$ "e good and right.
1his is wh$ the resol&e to a!!om'lish this great tas% will "e
"lessed.... 3t will "e strengthened and in&igorated so that the
'erson !an a!hie&e the tas% he had set himself.
1he "eings of light in the "e$ond are li%ewise instru!ted to grant
their hel' where it is needed.... "$ im'arting strength to the 'erson
on earth and alwa$s dire!ting his thoughts to this great
assignment# so that the earthl$ light "earer won-t tire in his wor%.
For the redem'tion of the s'irit is the reason and 'ur'ose of life on
,nd God# in (is wisdom# %nows e&er$ 'erson-s s'iritual state# (e
will trul$ furnish someone wanting to do redem'ti&e wor% with (is
strength and shower him with gra!e# for his will to "e united with
God ena"les him to do the %ind of wor% on earth whi!h !orres'onds
to di&ine will.
(is s'irit will "e flowing through him and# furnished with light and
strength.... with %nowledge and 'ower.... he will !o'e with his final
earthl$ tas% and "ring souls to the ord# thus he will wor% in truth
as a la"ourer in the &ine$ard of the ord....
4u"lished "$ friends of new re&elations of God 5 3nformation#
download of all translated re&elations# theme-"oo%lets at6
htt'677en."ertha-dudde.org7 g7

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