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Mid-sem exam info: how best to prepare

40 marks total (40% if total course marks so basically 1 mark = 1%
Part A is made up of 20 multiple choice questions (MCQs) worth 1 mark each so Part A is
worth 20 marks.
Fairly good spread of calculation, graphical and intuitive (theoretical) questions
A small number of very easy and very hard questions. The majority will be
somewhere in between
A fair number will be very close to the practice questions so that is an incentive to
study those questions.
Obviously revising the lecture slides, assessable notes and any other additional
material I put up plus the tutorials are also necessary to do well. See also my
youtube videos.
Part B is made up of short-answer and discussion questions.
Part B will be worth 20 marks
4 questions. Answer all questions.
marks for that. If you just give me the answer only, you will get close to zero marks.
Explain your figures, and label them well. This section is not called short-answer
and discussion questions for nothing. Answer and discuss your
You have 2 hours 30 minutes plus 10 minutes perusal time-so enough time. Do not panic.
Bring a pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, non-programmable calculator,
and if necessary a
dictionary (non-electronic). This is a dictionary from another language to English. No
thesaurus allowed (i.e. English to English). No electronic dictionary allowed either.
They will be no nasty surprises-your reward for studying hard and revising the material we
gave you is that they will be nothing you have not seen before. Those without the textbook
need not worry. All material in the exam is from sources made available to all students.
Do not just look at the material-you must PRACTICE!!!
Draw out the figures. Can you draw the opposite situation? Can you explain your
figures? Did you label the figures properly, and briefly explain them?
Show your calculations and write down the formula used.

No formula sheets given-you must know your formulas and equations.

It is up to you to ensure your calculator is non-programmable. No point emailing me to tell me the model
number to see if it is okay. I am not the calculator guru. If you can save information on it, it is programmable
and not allowed. In the past students have been able to use such a calculator in the mid-semester exam as the
invigilator allowed it but another invigilator in the final exam disallowed it. To be safe and sure just buy a $5-10
calculator and use that one if you think your calculator is programmable.
Constantly I see students lose silly marks not labelling graphs properly or not explaining the labels. Dont say
you have not been warned. When students come to see their papers after the exam and see marks lost for
such matters they often ask me why this is the case. You have been told, you must state and explain your
labels and graphs. This is the short-answer and discussion question section.
They will be some students unhappy at this and they can correctly point out that at work they will have
access to formulas. However, the key here is to train you properly. What happens to an engineer when the

Practicing is vital-I guarantee that if you just look at the answers and think you
understand it you will not do well. We see it every semester. You must make the
requisite effort to get the necessary marks.
Always think that the question you are practicing will be in the exam asking the
opposite scenario. So if you are looking at a question where supply increases ask
yourself if you can explain a question that asks you what happens when supply
decreases. Think about the questions you are practising with.
Have you looked at the youtube videos? They are helpful.
If you choose to sit the exam, do not bother asking me for special
consideration. The application will be refused because I am telling you now
that if you are sick and choose to sit the exam, that is your decision.
Much better to miss the exam and apply for a deferred exam instead.
I have to accept the medical certificate whether I believe the student or not,
so if you are going to be sick, do not sit the exam, have your medical
certificate ready, apply for the deferred exam (you have up to 3 business
days after the exam to apply) and do the deferred. It is however my choice
whether to give you special consideration if you choose to sit the exam
while sick, and I am telling you now I will not do so. If you are sick,
Furthermore special consideration is not so useful anyway. It basically
means that we consider your circumstance and that if you are very close to a
higher grade, we push you over the line. In my time here that has happened
very infrequently indeed, as most times students are not very close to a
higher grade. As well, doing the exam while sick is very likely to lead to a
terrible score. You may be a 75% student but doing the exam sick may lead
to a 49% score, in which case if your special consideration is approved, you
go to 50%. Better stay home, recover, get your medical certificate, apply for
the deferred (all within 3 days of the original exam date) and do the
deferred exam.
Administration has put these details up in the Assessments sections. Check it
out and make your application. Link is here:
Applications for deferrals are sent to
administration (not teaching staff). I do not

computer breaks down-can he/she still build the bridge with a plan written on a piece of paper? You must
know and understand the basics before anyone is going to hire you.

approve or reject your applications. It is done
by administration.
So what is covered in the exam?
Specifically, read Section 5.2, followed by Section 4.1.

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