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lnLerface uocumenLaLlon

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 2
CopyrlghL 2011 oLrls sofLware AC. All rlghLs reserved.
no parL of Lhls publlcaLlon may be reproduced or LransmlLLed ln any form or by
any means wlLhouL express wrlLLen permlsslon of oLrls sofLware AC. Any
lnformaLlon conLalned ln Lhls publlcaLlon ls sub[ecL Lo change wlLhouL noLlce.
All producL names and logos conLalned ln Lhls publlcaLlon are Lhe properLy of Lhelr
respecLlve manufacLurers.
LAS? reserves Lhe rlghL Lo make changes Lo Lhls sofLware. 1he lnformaLlon
conLalned ln Lhls manual ln no way obllgaLes Lhe vendor.
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 3
!"#$% '( )'*+%*+,
-. !/% 01)2345!6 6178 9%# 6%:;<=% .......................................................... >
?. @:'A 6%:;<=% +' 8:'B%=+ .............................................................................. C
2.1 WSuL ................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 WSuL and programmlng language .................................................................. 9
2.3 WSuL Lool and SCA sesslon ......................................................................... 11
2.4 Worklng ln a MlcrosofL vlsual SLudlo 2003 pro[ecL ................................... 13
2.3 Sample code console appllcaLlon v8 ............................................................. 14
D. 78E ........................................................................................................... -F
3.1 uCCuMLn1S meLhods .................................................................................. 17
3.2 uCCuMLn1S classes...................................................................................... 49
3.3 CLher funcLlons .............................................................................................. 37
>. 7GG%*H<I ................................................................................................. JK
4.1 Archlve flles LL.l/LL.x ..................................................................................... 39
4.1.1 LL.l: ............................................................................................................. 39
4.1.2 LL.x: ............................................................................................................ 60
4.1.3 L.AS: ............................................................................................................ 62
4.2 lleld labels for ouLpuLLlng flle aLLrlbuLes ln reporLs/search .......................... 63
4.3 Label for personal defaulL folders ................................................................. 63
4.4 SynLax descrlpLlon for fllLer expresslons ....................................................... 63
J. E*H%I ....................................................................................................... LJ
L. !"#$% '( @<MN:%, ........................................................................................ FO

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 4
-. !/% 01)2345!6 6178 9%# 6%:;<=%
1he uCCuMLn1S server provldes a Web servlce LhaL allows Lhlrd-parLy
appllcaLlons Lo access uCCuMLn1S flles vla a SCA lnLerface, and edlL Lhese.
luncLlon scope
CurrenLly, Lhe followlng operaLlons are avallable aL dlfferenL ob[ecL levels:
- Log on Lo/off Lhe uCCuMLn1S proxy.
- Log on a user under a dlfferenL accounL.
- ueLermlne Lhe currenL user of Lhe lnLerface.
- 8ead user properLles
- 8ead user's lnbox folder.
- 8ead user's SenL folder.
- ueLermlne folders and subfolders (for defaulL folders).
- 8ead publlc folders.
llle types
- ueLermlne flle Lype.
- 8ead flle Lype lnformaLlon on:
- llelds, archlves, documenL Labs, workflows
- CreaLe, edlL and deleLe.
- Send flles Lo new reclplenLs (parallel for lnformaLlon, sequenLlal).
- Add, read and deleLe documenLs.
- 8ead Lasks.
- 8ead monlLor.
- Archlve uCCuMLn1S flles.
- SeL resubmlsslon daLe
- 8ead properLles and auLo LexLs
- erform searches ln flle Lypes and archlves.
- ueLermlne workflows.
- SLarL and close workflows for uCCuMLn1S flles.
- 8ead and run user acLlons for uCCuMLn1S flles.
- SLarL scrlpLs on uCCuMLn1S flles.
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 5
- WSuL download
Web servlce and proxy
1hls servlce ls accessed vla a speclflc proxy ("uCCuMLn1S_roxy") LhaL
lnLermedlaLes beLween Lhe appllcaLlon's SCA lnLerface and Lhe server, and ls
Lherefore responslble for Lhe enLlre communlcaLlon managemenL. 1he
programmed appllcaLlon ls a cllenL for Lhe proxy, whlch ln Lurn appears as a cllenL
Lo Lhe uCCuMLn1S server. 1hrough Lhe proxy, logons and logoffs are, among
oLhers, rouLed Lo Lhe server and Lhe cllenL funcLlon calls are converLed Lo server
funcLlon calls. 1o enable Lhe appllcaLlon Lo reach Lhe proxy, you may need Lo
cusLomlze Lhe address under whlch Lhe communlcaLlon exchange Lakes places
(see below u8L ).
1o be able Lo use Lhls Al, Lhe followlng requlremenLs musL be meL:
1. ueploylng Lhe Web servlce Lhrough Lhe server ( verslon 3.60 or hlgher)
2. lnsLalllng Lhe uCCuMLn1S proxy
As of LLC 3.60 or oLrls orLal 6.0, Lhls comes as parL of Lhe uCCuMLn1S
lnsLallaLlon, resldlng ln Lhe soapproxy subdlrecLory.
1he 5opptoxy's lnsLallaLlon dlrecLory also conLalns Lhe w5ul N,%H #P +/% ,%:;%:.
1hls ls Lhe WSuL slgnlflcanL for Lhe server and for programmlng.
Calllng a command llne uslng Lhe h opLlon allows vlewlng Lhe lndlvldual seLLlngs
opLlons of Lhe proxy whlch can be lncluded when calllng vla Lhe command llne.
ln dolng so, Lhe seLLlngs for porL and LlmeouL, as well as lnsLallaLlon as a Wlndows
servlce can be dlrecLly deLermlned vla Lhe command llne. Moreover, Lhe
uCCuMLn1S server can be deLermlned vla an envlronmenL varlable:
llq. 1. commooJ lloe coll Jocsoopptoxy -b

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 6
docsoapproxy 10123 3000
coll vlo lott 1012J ooJ tlmeoot J000
1he proxy conflguraLlon can also be conLrolled vla an lnl flle whlch musL reslde ln
Lhe same dlrecLory as Lhe proxy lLself:

llq. 2. os cooflqototloo flle
1he seLLlngs ln Lhe conflguraLlon flle overwrlLe all seLLlngs lncluded wlLh Lhe proxy
vla Lhe command llne or vla an envlronmenL varlable.
- ProxyPort:
1he porL on whlch Lhe proxy accepLs Lhe cllenL requesLs. See also under: u8L .
Default = 11001
- ProxyTimeout:
- 1he number of seconds afLer whlch a sesslon explres lf lL ls noL conLlnued or
closed vla logouL.
Default: 3600
- DocumentsPort:
1he porL on whlch Lhe uCCuMLn1S server accepLs Lhe proxy requesLs.
Default: 11000
- DocumentsHost:
1he hosL name on whlch Lhe uCCuMLn1S server was sLarLed.
Default: localhost
- SequenceSessionId:
As of verslon LLC 3.60g/oLlrs orLal 6.0g, Lhe consLanLly changlng allocaLlon
of 5essloolJs can be suppressed Lhrough Lhe SequenceSessionId=0 (see
WSuL Lool and SCA sesslon).

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 7
- PortalServerEncoding:
verslon LLC 3.60g/oLlrs orLal 6.0g allows deflnlng for Lhe proxy Lhe
encodlng conLalnlng Lhe server daLa.
unless deflned oLherwlse, Lhe system eocoJloq ls used, and dlsplayed on
sLarLlng Lhe proxy, e.g.: English_UnitedStates.1252.
lor Wlndows, Lhe encodlng ls bullL ln Lhls formaL:
lor more lnformaLlon on Lhls, see Language ldenLlflers and Locales ln
MlcrosofL MSun.
When uslng a u1l-8 porLal server, you need Lo seL Lhe followlng value
regardless of counLry and language:
8e aware LhaL when uslng encodlng oLher Lhan Lhe sysLem encodlng Lhls
also applles Lo u1l-8 encodlng Lhe SCA cllenL musL conslder Lhls and
cusLomlze lLs own encodlng, lf necessary. See below "Jocsoopsomple.exe
As of verslon LLC 3.60g or oLrls orLal 6.0g, an addlLlonal proxy LhaL also logs
SCA communlcaLlon comes wlLh Lhe Jocsoopptoxy_loq.exe flle, Lhls proxy makes
debugglng easler aL communlcaLlon level. See also secLlon w5ul tool ooJ 5OAl
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 8
?. @:'A 6%:;<=% +' 8:'B%=+
2.1 WSuL
1he offered Web servlce ls deflned vla Lhe Web Servlce ueflnlLlon Language
(WSuL), whlch as meLalanguage ln xML formaL speclfles exchange proLocols LhaL
can be used Lo make server meLhods accesslble from Lhe ouLslde.
<!-- operation request element -->
<element name="getFileTypes">
<element name="ignoreRight" type="xsd:boolean"
minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<!-- operation response element -->
<element name="getFileTypesResponse">
<element name="filetype"
type="DOCUMENTS:FileTypeShortDescr" minOccurs="0"
xcetpt ftom tbe w5ul fot tbe "qetllle1ypes method
1he above WSuL excerpL descrlbes how Lo lnlLlaLe a requesL Lo Lhe server. ?ou
need Lo pass exacLly one "ignoreRight" parameLer Lo Lhe "getFileTypes"
meLhod, where Lhe server sends an lndeLermlnaLe number of
DOCUMENTS:FileTypeShortDescr objects as a response. Powever well-
deflned and preclse Lhe WSuL may be, lL does noL allow dlrecL programmlng, or
makes lL very dlfflculL.

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 9
2.2 WSuL and programml ng language
1he presence of a servlce descrlpLlon ln WSuL formaL ls Lherefore only Lhe flrsL
sLep ln programmlng. 1o be able Lo use Lhe deployed servlce, Lhe maLchlng
sLrucLures and classes for Lhe respecLlve programmlng language and luL musL be
generaLed from Lhe WSuL. 1he currenL WSuL ls deployed ln Lhe soapproxy
dlrecLory. lL can also be loaded vla http://soapproxy:11001/?wsdl for an
acLlve proxy (see WSuL).
ln MlcrosofL vlsual SLudlo 2003 Lhls generaLlon ls performed by Lhe
"wsdl.exe" program, whlch enables generaLlon ln Lhe LargeL programmlng
language vla Lhe /language opLlon.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SDK\v2.0\Bin
\wsdl" /nologo /language:VB /out:.\DOCUMENTS.vb
/protocol:SOAP .\DOCUMENTS.wsdl
coll to qeoetote tbe "uOcuMN15.vb" lo vlsool 8oslc ftom tbe uO5 sbell lo tbe
w5ul Jltectoty qeowtoppet.cmJ
1he "DOCUMENTS.vb" now allows boLh generaLlng lnLerface ob[ecLs and calllng
ob[ecL meLhods ln vlsual 8aslc uslng Lhe classes derlved from Lhe WSuL.
Cwlng Lo Lhe exlsLlng dependency, changes Lo Lhe WSuL lmply changes ln Lhe
generaLed code of Lhe "DOCUMENTS.vb".
?ou need Lo be aware here LhaL, dependlng on Lhe programmlng language and
WSuL Lool used, Lhe generaLed code may Lurn ouL dlfferenLly. Speclflc generaLlon
Lools are used Lo provlde ob[ecL accumulaLlons ln an array, whlle oLher Lools
manage Lhese ln a separaLe llsL. Some Lools are noL aware of a dlsLlngulshed
ReturnValue, whlle oLhers auLomaLlcally generaLe Lhe flrsL ouLpuL parameLer as
Lhe reLurn value of Lhe funcLlon.
Cf course, Lhe offered daLa Lypes are also dependenL on Lhe programmlng
language. WhaL has been deflned as "String" or "Integer" ln Lhe WSuL ls
usually also offered ln Lhe desLlnaLlon language as "String" or "Integer". 8uL
Lhls may be enLlrely dlfferenL wlLh a "ByteArray" ln 8ase64 encodlng. ln Lhe case
of devlaLlons ln daLa Lypes and slgnaLures, Lhe WSuL and Lhe uCCuMLn1S daLa
flle generaLed from lL should be compared wlLh each oLher.

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 10
1hus, for Lhe above WSuL sample "qetllle1ypes", Lhe followlng lmplemenLaLlon
resulLs for Lhe generaLed DOCUMENTS.vb:
Public Function getFileTypes(ByVal ignoreRight As Boolean)>
As FileTypeShortDescr()
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("getFileTypes",
New Object() {ignoreRight})
Return CType(results(0),FileTypeShortDescr())
End Function
xcetpt ftom tbe uocomeots.vb "qetllle1ypes" 5ome otttlbotes wete omltteJ fot
tbe soke of clotlty.
lmplemenLlng Lhls meLhod ls, however, noL Lhe only lmporLanL lssue here, calllng
lL from Lhe program, whlch ls really qulLe Lrlvlal, ls equally lmporLanL.
Dim doc as New DOCUMENTS

Dim ftsd() As FileTypeShortDescr
ftsd = doc.getFileTypes(False)
collloq tbe uocomeots.vb "qetllle1ypes" metboJ lo o ptoqtom
As lllusLraLed ln Lhe sample, Lhe FileTypeShortDescr class ls generaLed
lncludlng all lLs members deflned ln Lhe WSuL.
lor programmlng, Lherefore, Lhls means convenlenL worklng on Lhe basls of naLlve
classes and meLhods. 1hls ellmlnaLes Lhe need for dlrecLly worklng aL Lhe SCA
level below.
lf Lhe uCCuMLn1S proxy ls noL runnlng on Lhe compuLer where Lhe appllcaLlon ls
developed, you musL - afLer lnsLanLlaLlng Lhe uCCuMLn1S ob[ecL, speclfy Lhe u8L
on whlch Lhe proxy accepLs Lhe requesLs of Lhe programmed appllcaLlon.
1he defaulL seLLlng from Lhe WSuL Qhttp://localhost:11001Q applles when
proxy and appllcaLlon are runnlng on Lhe same local compuLer.
1he u8L ls composed of Lhe compuLer name under whlch lL can be reached on Lhe
neL or lLs l address, and Lhe porL.
Dim doc as New DOCUMENTS

Set 'proxy address
doc.Url ="http://proxyComputerOrIpAddress:11001"
ukl ooJet wblcb tbe uOcuMN15 ptoxy coo be teocbeJ by tbe oppllcotloo.

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 11
2.3 WSuL Lool and SCA sesslon
CommunlcaLlon beLween cllenL and proxy ls performed vla Lhe SCA proLocol. ln
dolng so, a unlque SessionId LhaL ls Lhreaded ln Lhe SCA header ensurlng LhaL
Lhe proxy reLurns Lhe responses Lo Lhe correcL cllenL ls seL for each lndlvldual
1he communlcaLlon process appears as follows:
Client A --> SessionId 0 --> Proxy
Client A logs in to the proxy using login

Proxy -->SessionId 81868603911635 --> Client A
and is returned a SessionId in the SOAP header by the proxy

Client A -->SessionId 81868603911635 -->Proxy

Client A sends another request to the proxy, including the
previously contained SessionId in the SOAP header.

Proxy -->SessionId 8186860397652 -->Client AProxy identifies
the request to be from client A; it responds to it, also
sending a new (!) SessionId.
5essloo booJlloq vlo 5OAl
lor each new requesL of a cllenL, Lhe SessionId prevlously conLalned ln Lhe
response musL also be senL. Cnly Lhls sLrlng of SessionIds lndlcaLes and
ldenLlfles exacLly one (1) sesslon beLween cllenL, proxy, and Lhe uCCuMLn1S
server. ln dolng so, Lhe proxy can reLurn a new SessionId on respondlng Lo Lhe
requesL. 8uL lL does noL necessarlly have Lo change!

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 12
1hls mechanlsm ls prlmarlly used Lo prevenL sesslon hl[acklng, where a user draws
Lhe sesslon of an already auLhenLlcaLed user. 8elow logln ls performed and Lhe
Userinfo funcLlon ls sLarLed mulLlple Llmes ln successlon before logout occurs:

llq. J. cbooqloq tbe 5essloolJs os pott of loqlo/loqoot
uependlng on Lhe WSuL Lool used, Lhe SessionId musL be expllclLly added Lo
Lhe SCA header durlng lmplemenLaLlon. 1hls resLrlcLlon does noL apply Lo
MlcrosofL vlsual SLudlo pro[ecLs: here Lhe SessionId ls auLomaLlcally seL ln
Lhe background.
AllocaLlng changlng SessionIds can be prevenLed ln Lhe proxy's lnl flle
Lhrough Lhe SequenceSessionId=0 dlrecLlve (see SequenceSessionId).

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 13
2.4 Worklng ln a Ml crosofL vlsual SLudlo 2003 pro[ecL
1he followlng applles Lo seLLlng up a MlcrosofL vlsual SLudlo 2003 pro[ecL:
1. 1he MlcrosofL 3.0 Web servlce enhancemenLs musL be lnsLalled:
- Web Servlce LnhancemenLs (WSL) 3.0 for MlcrosofL .nL1
2. ?ou need Lo add Lhe followlng pro[ecL references:
- SysLem.Web.Servlces
- SysLem.xml
3. ?ou should also add Lhe WSuL flle Lo Lhe pro[ecL:
- ro[ecL llle Lxplorer -> ConLexL menu -> Add -> LxlsLlng LlemenL -
> SelecL WSuL flle
4. 1he classes from Lhe WSuL musL be:
- generaLed ln Lhe LargeL programmlng language, e.g.
DOCUMENTS.vb see above
- and added Lo Lhe pro[ecL:
- ro[ecL llle Lxplorer -> ConLexL menu -> Add -> LxlsLlng LlemenL -
> SelecL flle

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 14
2.3 Sample code console appllcaLlon v8
8elow we assume LhaL ln MlcrosofL vlsual SLudlo 2003 vlsual 8aslc a pro[ecL
named "docsample" was creaLed for a console appllcaLlon and LhaL Lhe above
references were added Lo Lhe pro[ecL.
Add a class named "Sample" Lo Lhe pro[ecL:
Public Class Sample
End Class
Moreover, add a "Shared Sub Main" meLhod Lo Lhe "Sample" class:
Public Class Sample
Public Shared Sub Main()
End Sub
End Class
ln Lhe pro[ecL properLles Lhe "Sample" class should now be proposed. ln Lhls
sLarLup ob[ecL, Lhe "Main" meLhod ls auLomaLlcally sLarLed for appllcaLlon sLarLup.

llq. 4. 5electloq tbe stottop object fot tbe ptoject
ln Lhe Maln meLhod you creaLe a uCCuMLn1S ob[ecL and speclfy Lhe u8L under
whlch Lhe proxy accepLs your requesLs. lollowlng Lhls, logln ls performed, and Lhe
number of flle Lypes vlslble Lo Lhe user ls deLermlned. llnally, logouL of Lhe proxy
ls performed.
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Instantiating the interface
Dim doc as New DOCUMENTS
' The URL under which the proxy can be reached by this
doc.Url = "http://localhost:11001"
' Login to proxy
' You may not be logged on to the server via the same
!"#$ &'()*+,-) ./-01)'(,(2/' 34
doc.login("schreiber", "peachit","willi","","de")

' Which file types are available for this user on the
Dim ftsd() As FileTypeShortDescr
ftsd = doc.getFileTypes(False)
If Not ftsd Is Nothing Then
Console.WriteLine("Number of files: {0},
End If
Catch ex AS Exception
Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", ex.Message)
End Try
End Sub
?ou may need Lo cusLomlze Lhe codepage for Lhe dlsplaylng console prlor Lo
sLarLlng Lhe "docsoapsample.exe" flle, Lhls parLlcularly applles when Lhe server
supporLs u1l-8 and Lhe proxy was sLarLed ln lLs lnl flle uslng Lhe
"PortalServerEncoding=UTF-8" opLlon.
!"#$%&"' )*++&"' &" +,* %$#)$-../$012&"&
1he "chcp" command, followed by - )&"'3* 4$%* 5-'* 6%*"+&7&*/ 89:;<=, Lhen
allows Loggllng Lhe console's codepage. 1he resulL for u1l-8 ls Lhe codepage
number 65001.

>&'2 ?@ :*++&"' +,* A"&#$%* B+7CD #$%*.-'* +$ E?FFG

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 16
ln order for Lhe LexL (e.g. umlauLs) ln Lhe currenL codepage Lo be correcLly
dlsplayed on Lhe currenL codepage, you musL cusLomlze Lhe console fonL, as
necessary. 1hls can be carrled ouL vla Lhe "1ltle bot of wloJow -> cootext meoo ->

llq. 6. 5ettloq tbe coosole foot loclJo coosole
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 17
D. 78E
3.1 uCCuMLn1S meLhods
DescrIptIon ArchIve DOCUMENTS IIIes.
nput parameter IIIeds: 0..n strIng
LIst oI technIcaI names oI the DOCUMENTS IIIes to be
deIeteOnSuccess: 1 8ooIean optIonaI
SpecIIIes whether successIuIIy archIved DOCUMENTS IIIes
shouId be deIeted Irom DOCUMENTS aIterwards. I thIs
parameter Is mIssIng, thIs wIII be Interpreted as IaIse.
Output parameter statusLIst: 0..n ArchIveStatus
ContaIns messages on hIstory Ior each archIve operatIon.
SampIe V8
' Array wIth status InIormatIon about the IIIes whIch
' are currentIy In the users Inbox
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng

DIm IdFoIder As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
' get the Inbox IIIes
IdFoIder = doc.getnbox(IIIeStatuses)

' Now pIck the IIrst IIIe
I IIIeStatuses.Length > 0 Then

DIm archIveStatus() As ArchIveStatus = NothIng
DIm deIeteOnSuccess As 8ooIean = FaIse

DIm IIIeds() As StrIng = IIIeStatuses(0).IIIed
' archIve
archIveStatus = doc.archIveFIIes(IIIeds, deIeteOnSuccess)

' and check Ior the status InIormatIon
For Each ars As ArchIveStatus n archIveStatus
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("IIIed: 0", ars.IIIed)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("messages: 0", ars.messages)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No IIIe to archIve")
End I
ExpIanatIon We get the IIrst DOCUMENTS IIIe Irom the nbox, and then
determIne Its D. ThIs DOCUMENTS IIIe Is then transIerred to the
archIve assIgned to It vIa Its IIIe type. The returnIng ArchIveStatus
object whose messages are wrItten to the consoIe wIII InIorm about
successIuI archIve transIer.
Comment The ArchIveStatus IIsts error messages Ior transIer.

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 18
DescrIptIon LIst DOCUMENTS IIIes oI a IoIder.
nput parameter IoIderName: 0..1strIng, optIonaI
Name oI a pubIIc IoIder.
IoIderd:0..1strIng, optIonaI
The technIcaI IdentIIIer oI a IoIder can aIternateIy be
specIIIed Ior IoIderName or IoIderType.
IoIderType: 0..1StrIng, optIonaI
The type IabeI oI a personaI deIauIt IoIder can aIternateIy
be specIIIed Ior IoIderName or IoIderd. A IIst oI aIIowed
IabeIs can be Iound In the AppendIx LabeI Ior personaI
deIauIt IoIders.
startIndex: 1 nteger
ndex oI IIrst IIIe to be output. CountIng starts wIth
number 0. When the parameter has the vaIue 0, aII
DOCUMENTS IIIes oI the IoIder wIII be IIsted at once. ThIs
may take quIte a Iong tIme, though.
count: 0..1 nteger, optIonaI
The desIred maxImum number oI IIIes to be IIsted must
aIways be specIIIed aIong wIth startIndex. I the vaIue Is set
to -1, the IunctIon wIII use the number oI IIIes preset by
the user.
prevIew: 0..1 8ooIean
SpecIIIes whether IIeId contents shouId be output Ior
Output parameter IIeIdNames: 1 StrIngLIst
LIst oI IIeId names Ior prevIew. The same IabeIs as
descrIbed In the AppendIx are used as IIeId names Ior IIIe
attrIbutes (see
FIeId IabeIs ). The parameter wIII become obsoIete II no
prevIew Is requested. ThIs parameter Is a sImpIe output
parameter; you cannot pass a IIst oI IIeId names here.
IIIes: 0..n FoIderFIIe
FIIe IIst oI IoIder or Its currentIy requested sectIon.
prevIousndex: 1 nteger
I goIng backwards In the IIst Is aIIowed, then the startIng
Index Ior the IIrst DOCUMENTS IIIe oI the prevIous page
wIII be output here aIong wIth a negatIve vaIue.
nextndex: 1 nteger
I goIng Iorward In the IIst Is aIIowed, then the startIng
Index Ior the IIrst DOCUMENTS IIIe oI the next page wIII be
output here aIong wIth a negatIve vaIue.
Return vaIue headIIne: 1 strIng
The headIng Ior the IoIder.
SampIe V8
DIm IoIderType As New StrIng("FavourItes")
' we don't need name and Id
DIm IoIderName As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm IoIderd As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)

DIm IIIes() As FoIderFIIe = NothIng

DIm headIIne As StrIng
DIm startndex As nteger = 0
DIm prevIousndex As nteger
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 19
DIm nextndex As nteger

DIm count As NuIIabIe(OI nteger)
DIm countSpecIIIed As 8ooIean = count.HasVaIue
DIm prevIew As 8ooIean = FaIse
DIm IIeIdNames As New LIst(OI StrIng)

' browse
headIIne = doc.browseFoIder(IoIderName, IoIderd, IoIderType,
count, countSpecIIIed,
IIeIdNames.ToArray, IIIes,
prevIousndex, nextndex)

ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("headIIne: headIIne)
I Not IIIes s NothIng Then
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("FIIes Iound: 0", IIIes.Length())
' IIIes In IoIder
For Each II As FoIderFIIe n IIIes
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("d:0", II.Id)
End I
ExpIanatIon We determIne the IIIe IIst In the "FavorItes" IoIder, IdentIIyIng these
IoIders vIa the FoIderType. 8ecause we do not want to output a IIeId
IIst, we wIII swItch prevIew to IaIse. Moreover, the entIre IIst shouId
be requested, where the nuIIabIe count parameter Is not to be gIven
a vaIue, so countSpecIIIed wIII become automatIcaIIy IaIse. AIter
startIng the browse IunctIon we wIII Iterate through the returned
array oI FoIderFIIes objects, and prInt the IIIe D to the consoIe.
Comment Error strIngs begIn wIth a technIcaI abbrevIatIon whIch may
be IoIIowed by addItIonaI specIIIcatIons separated by pIpe
symboIs. The names aIways begIn wIth the "DIcErr"
character strIng".
Some personaI deIauIt IoIders may now contaIn other
subIoIders whIch do not consIder thIs IunctIon on
specIIyIng IoIderType. To make theIr contents aIso
reachabIe, the Documents.getFoIderStructure IunctIon has
been IncIuded.

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 20
DescrIptIon FInIshes the workIIow oI a DOCUMENTS IIIe.
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
D oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe Ior whIch a runnIng workIIow
shouId be stopped.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue None
SampIe V8
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng


I IIIeStatuses.Length > 0 Then
For Each Is As FIIeStatus n IIIeStatuses
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("IIIed : 0", Is.IIIed)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No IIIes Iound")
End I
ExpIanatIon AII DOCUMENTS IIIes In the Iogged-In user's nbox are determIned
and, based on the IIIed the canceIWorkIIow method oI a DOCUMENTS
object, are started Ior each oI these DOCUMENTS IIIes.
DescrIptIon Create a new DOCUMENTS IIIe.
nput parameter IIIetype: 1 strIng
The name oI the IIIe type Ior whIch a new DOCUMENTS IIIe
shouId be created. n order Ior a new IIIe to be created,
the DOCUMENTS IIIe type must be enabIed.
To create a new archIve IIIe, you must specIIy the ArchIve
key on submIttIng an EE.I archIve, or the VIew key,
IoIIowed by an asterIsk (*) and a schema key (VIew
key*Schema key) on submIttIng an EE.x archIve. See
ArchIve IIIes.
lor an LAS archlve, you need Lo speclfy Lhe
E.AS archIve IIIe key resuItIng Irom the IIIe type, IoIIowed
by an "" and the technIcaI name oI the archIve server.
IIeIds: 0..n FIeIdData
The number oI FIeIdData objects oI the IIIe IIeIds to be
descrIbed, where theIr eIement names equaI the IIeId
names and theIr eIement names equaI the IIeId vaIues. AII
vaIues must be specIIIed as a strIng.
addDocs: 0..n DocUpIoadData
A IIst IncIudIng the documents to be added and the reIated
Output parameter None
Return vaIue IIIed: 1 strIng
TechnIcaI name Ior IdentIIyIng the new IIIe. When an
archIve IIIe has been created, the archIve IIIe key wIII be
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 21
SampIe V8
' the IIIetype oI the new IIIe
DIm IIIetype As New StrIng("ItRecord")
Building the fields
DIm Ids As New LIst(OI FIeIdData)
DIm remark As New FIeIdData = "hrRemarks"
remark.vaIue = "The remark"
DIm no As New FIeIdData = "hrEmpIoyeeNo"
no.vaIue = "00001"
' Create Attachements
DIm newFIIe As New DocUpIoadData
DIm regIster As New StrIng("Documents")
newFIIe.regIster = regIster
DIm path As New StrIng("test.txt") = path
DIm new8yteArray() As 8yte = System.O.FIIe.ReadAII8ytes(path) = new8yteArray
DIm newFIIed As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
newFIIed = doc.createFIIe(IIIetype, Ids.ToArray, addDocs.ToArray)
ExpIanatIon A new DOCUMENTS IIIe Is created Ior the "ItRecord" IIIe type. To do
thIs, a IIeId IIst Is created whIch accepts the IndIvIduaI FIeIdData
objects whose IIeId vaIues shouId then be set Ior the DOCUMENTS
IIIe. n addItIon, a document Is attached. For thIs, the "test.txt" IIIe,
whIch must resIde In the dIrectory where the appIIcatIon was
started, Is read as 8yteArray. The created DocUpIoadData object Is
added to the IIst, whIch Is then IncIuded as an array wIth the
createFIIe caII.
DescrIptIon DeIete documents Irom a DOCUMENTS IIIe.
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
TechnIcaI name oI IIIe.
docds: 0..n strIng
The Ds oI the documents to be deIeted. These can be
determIned vIa Documents.gtFIIenIo.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue status: 0..n DeIeteStatus
An IndetermInate number oI DeIeteStatusobjects that
provIde InIormatIon about a successIuI]unsuccessIuI
deIete operatIon.

SampIe V8
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 22
DIm IdFoIder As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
Get all files from the inbox
IdFoIder = doc.getnbox(IIIeStatuses)
I IIIeStatuses.Length <= 0 Then
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No IIIe In Inbox")
Return True
End I
and check each file for documents
For Each Is As FIIeStatus n IIIeStatuses
DIm IIIed As New StrIng(Is.IIIed)
DIm aIIFIeIds As 8ooIean = FaIse
DIm aIIAttrIbutes As 8ooIean = FaIse
DIm wIshedFIeIdNames As New LIst(OI StrIng)

DIm docInIo() As DocnIo = NothIng
DIm IIIeTyped As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm IIIeTypeName As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm IIIeTypeLabeI As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm Ids() As FIeIdData = NothIng

' getFIIenIo Ior IIIe
Ids = doc.getFIIenIo(IIIed, aIIFIeIds, aIIAttrIbutes,
wIshedFIeIdNames.ToArray, docInIo, IIIeTyped, IIIeTypeName,
I Not docInIo s NothIng Then ' there couId be documents
DIm deIDocs As New LIst(OI StrIng)
' get aII Ids oI the attached documents
For Each dI As DocnIo n docInIo
I deIDocs.Count > 0 Then
DIm statuses() As DeIeteStatus = NothIng
' deIete the documents
statuses = doc.deIeteDocuments(IIIed, deIDocs.ToArray)
I Not statuses s NothIng Then
For Each st As DeIeteStatus n statuses
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("DeIeted Document d: 0 DeIeted:
1 Message: 2",
st.Id, st.deIeted, st.messages)
End I
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No documents Iound")
End I
End I
ExpIanatIon We determIne aII DOCUMENTS IIIes resIdIng In the Iogged-In user's
nbox. For each oI these DOCUMENTS IIIes we caII the getFIIenIo
method usIng the IIIed to check on the DocnIo array whether the
DOCUMENTS IIIe contaIns documents. We wIII then coIIect the Ds
oI these documents In a deIetIon IIst, and then perIorm deIetIon vIa
deIeteDocuments. FoIIowIng thIs, a check wIII be made usIng the
DeIeteStatus objects on whether deIetIon was successIuI by
outputtIng the status to the consoIe.
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 23
DescrIptIon AIIows deIetIng DOCUMENTS IIIes.
nput parameter IIIeds: 0..n strIng
The technIcaI names oI the DOCUMENTS IIIes to be deIeted.
You can aIso use archIve IIIe keys.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue statusLIst: 0..n DeIeteStatus
An IndetermInate number oI DeIeteStatusobjects that
provIde InIormatIon about successIuI]unsuccessIuI deIete
SampIe V8
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng

DIm IdFoIder As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
' Cet aII IIIes Irom the Inbox
IdFoIder = doc.getnbox(IIIeStatuses)

' Now Iterate through that array and the IIIes
I IIIeStatuses.Length > 0 Then
For Each Is As FIIeStatus n IIIeStatuses
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("IIIed : 0", Is.IIIed)
DIm IIIeds() As StrIng = Is.IIIed
' deIete the IIIe
DIm deIeteStatus() As DeIeteStatus = NothIng
deIeteStatus = doc.deIeteFIIes(IIIeds)

For Each ds As DeIeteStatus n deIeteStatus
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("d : 0 deIeted: 1 messages: 2", ds.Id,
ds.deIeted, ds.messages)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No IIIes Iound")
End I
ExpIanatIon We get the Iogged-In user's DOCUMENTS IIIes resIdIng In hIs or her
nbox. We wIII then Iterate through these DOCUMENTS IIIes and,
aIter determInIng the IIIe D and InsertIng It Into the deIete array,
caII the DeIeteFIIes method. The deIete status Ior thIs operatIon wIII
then be prInted vIa the consoIe.
DescrIptIon DIspIays detaIIed InIormatIon on a IIIe type. ThIs may be archIve, IIeId,
tab, or workIIow InIormatIon.
nput parameter name: StrIng
The name oI the IIIe type Ior whIch the InIormatIon shouId
be determIned. AIternatIveIy, you can aIso use the Id. n thIs
case, you need to pass an empty strIng Ior name.
Id: StrIng
D oI IIIe type to be examIned. AIternatIveIy, you can use the
name. n thIs case, you need to pass an empty strIng Ior the
categorIes: 1 strIng
The strIng Is used to specIIy the data to be requested. n Its
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 24
dependency, the correspondIng data structures are
popuIated wIth FIIeTypeDescrIptIon. The IoIIowIng optIons
are avaIIabIe:
o "enum
I the IIeId Is oI the "enum" type and Its
enumeratIon vaIues are aIso to be output, then
"enum" must be specIIIed, together wIth
"IIeIds", In the categorIes strIng: "IIeIds, enum".
The IndIvIduaI vaIues Ior the Ianguages are
dIspIayed In a sIngIe strIng (1), e.g. "year;
de:]ahr; en:Year".
o "IIeIdIabeI
I you want to addItIonaIIy output the
ergonomIc names on the Web InterIace, the
categorIes strIng must IncIude "IIeIds,
IIeIdIabeI". The IIeIdIabeI contaIns the vaIues
oI the IndIvIduaI Ianguages, dIspIayed In a
sIngIe strIng (1), e.g. "de:8etreII; en:Subject".
o "InItIaIVaIue
I specIIIcatIon Ior IIeId vaIues shouId be
addItIonaIIy dIspIayed, the categorIes strIng
must contaIn the vaIue "InItIaIVaIue" In addItIon
to "IIeIds".
nserts InIormatIon on the document tabs In the
nserts archIve InIormatIon Into the
nserts workIIow InIormatIon Into the
The IndIvIduaI optIons can aIso be assembIed comma-
separated Into a sIngIe strIng, e.g. "IIeIds, enum,
docregIsters, archIveInIo".
Output parameter None
Return vaIue descrIptIon: 1 FIIeTypeDescrIptIon
SampIe V8
DIm Itsd() As FIIeTypeShortDescr
Itsd = doc.getFIIeTypes(FaIse)
' and Iterate
For Each Isd As FIIeTypeShortDescr n Itsd
I Not Isd s NothIng Then

'descrIbe thIs IIIetype by passIng hIs "name"
DIm name As StrIng
name = (

' here we want to Iearn somethIng about the IIeIds In thIs
IIIetype, theIr name and the IIeIdtype
DIm cat As New StrIng("IIeIds")
DIm Itd As FIIeTypeDescrIptIon
' the caII oI the documents method at Iast
Itd = doc.descrIbeFIIeType(name, "", cat)
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 25
DIm IIeIds() As FIeIdDescrIptIon
IIeIds = Itd.IIeIds
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("FIeIds count: 0 ", IIeIds.Length())
For Each I As FIeIdDescrIptIon n IIeIds
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("FIeIds Name: 0 Type: 1 ",,
End I 'II not Isd
Next ' Ior each
Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("DescrIbeFIIeType Message: 0", ex.Message)
Return FaIse
End Try
ExpIanatIon nIormatIon on the IIeIds oI the IIIe types shouId be output,
partIcuIarIy name and IIeId type. ThIs request Is controIIed vIa the
category strIng cat= "IIeIds", whIch ensures that the IIeIds array Is
popuIated In the returned FIIeTypeDescrIptIon. Next, we need
InIormatIon sayIng Ior whIch IIIe type thIs shouId be perIormed. For
thIs, the name oI the IIIe type Is passed to the descrIbeFIIeType
method. n the IIIe type descrIptIon, we then Iterate through the IIeIds
and prInt name and type to the consoIe.
Comment FIIe type descrIptIon Is essentIaIIy controIIed through the
"categorIes" strIng. I thIs Is not reaIIy gIven a vaIue, the
resuItant data structures wIII then not be popuIated wIth
vaIues eIther.
The archIveInIo output wIII onIy be supported Ior EAS as oI
hotIIx 1 Ior Documents4,

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 26
DescrIptIon EdIt a DOCUMENTS IIIe.
nput parameter IIIed: 0..1strIng, optIonaI
The unIque IabeI to IdentIIy the DOCUMENTS IIIe must be
specIIIed unIess keyIIeId, keyvaIue and IIIetype are specIIIed
An archIve IIIe key can aIso be used Ior the IIIed.
IIIetype: 0..1strIng, optIonaI
FIIe type oI the wanted DOCUMENTS IIIe. ThIs parameter wIII
be redundant when specIIyIng IIIed; however, It must be
used together wIth keyIIeId and keyvaIue.
keyIIeId: 0..1strIng, optIonaI
Name oI a IIeId used as a key IIeId to IdentIIy the
DOCUMENTS IIIe. ThIs parameter wIII be redundant when
specIIyIng IIIed; however It must be used together wIth
keyvaIue and IIIetype.
keyvaIue: 0..1strIng, optIonaI
The vaIue oI a key IIeId to IdentIIy the DOCUMENTS IIIe.
ThIs parameter wIII be redundant when specIIyIng IIIed;
however, It must then be used together wIth keyIIeId and
IIeIds: 0..n FIeIdData
The IIIe IIeIds to be overwrItten as the number oI IIeId data
objects, where theIr eIement names equaI the IIeId names
and theIr eIement vaIue equaI the IIeId vaIues. AII vaIues
must be specIIIed as a strIng.
addDocs: 0..n DocUpIoadData
A IIst IncIudIng the documents to be added and the data
requIred Ior It.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue hItd
The IIIed oI the edIted DOCUMENTS IIIe Is returned. ThIs
may change wIth archIve IIIes In case the DOCUMENTS IIIe
has been versIoned.
SampIe V8
DIm IIIetype As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm keyFIeId As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm keyVaIue As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)

' we add no documents
DIm addDocs As New LIst(OI DocUpIoadData)

' the IIeIddata IIst wIth the IIeIddata to change
DIm Ids As New LIst(OI FIeIdData)
DIm rm As New FIeIdData = "hrRemarks"
rm.vaIue = "The new remark"

doc.edItFIIe(IIIed, IIIetype, keyFIeId, keyVaIue, Ids.ToArray,
ExpIanatIon The IIIed oI a DOCUMENTS IIIe beIongIng to the "crmNote" IIIe type
Is known. We wIII buIId a IIst oI FIeIdData objects that IncIudes the
name ".name" oI the "hrRemarks" IIeId and the new vaIue ".vaIue" Ior
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 27
the "The new remark" IIeId. ThIs IIst wIII then be passed as an array
to the edItFIIe method.
Comment ThIs InterIace does not IncIude optIons Ior repIacIng
Make sure that the DOCUMENTS IIIe Is IdentIIIed eIther vIa
the "IIIed" or vIa "IIIetype + keyIIeId + keyvaIue" In a unIque
manner. I, Ior Instance, onIy the IIIetype Is used as the
IdentIIIcatIon Ieature, the IIrst IdentIIIed DOCUMENTS IIIe
wIII be consIdered a data IIIe to be changed, and the change
wIII be made.
The IIeId vaIues wIII aIso be overwrItten II the new and oId
vaIues are equaI.
When usIng an archIve IIIe key, consIder the dIIIerent Iormat
Ior the respectIve EE.I, EE.x and EAS archIves.
DescrIptIon Move a DOCUMENTS IIIe Irom the user's nbox to the resubmIssIon
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
tImeAbsoIute: 0..1 DateTIme.Iso8601
TIme at whIch the DOCUMENTS IIIe Is to reappear In the
nbox. I the tIme Is In the past, thIs IunctIon wIII IaII wIth an
error. OnIy tImes wIth 15, 30, 45 and 00 mInutes shouId be
tImeAbsoIuteSpecIIIed: 1 8ooIean
OnIy teIIs the SOAP cIIent that tImeAbsoIute was gIven a
IsUTC: 1 8ooIean
nIormatIon on whether the tIme reIers to InternatIonaI
standard tIme (UTC=CoordInated UnIversaI TIme) and must
thereIore be converted to the PortaI server's IocaI tIme IIrst.
comment: 1 strIng
Comment or reason Ior returnIng the DOCUMENTS IIIe.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue None
SampIe V8
DIm newTIme As New System.DateTIme
newTIme = System.DateTIme.Now
newTIme = newTIme.AddMInutes(50)

DIm IoIIowUpTIme As NuIIabIe(OI System.DateTIme)
IoIIowUpTIme = newTIme

' the IoIIowUpTIme Is In IocaI tIme
DIm IsUTC As 8ooIean = FaIse
DIm comment As New StrIng("New FoIIowUp")

' move the IIIe In the IoIIow up IoIder
doc.IoIIowUp(IIIed, IoIIowUpTIme, IoIIowUpTIme.HasVaIue, IsUTC,
ExpIanatIon We create a DateTIme object wIth the current tIme, addIng 50
mInutes. ThIs tIme wIII then be used Ior the resubmIssIon tIme, where
the tIme vaIue Is In IocaI tIme, so UTC has been set to IaIse. 8ecause
IoIIowUpTIme Is, accordIng to Its type, nuIIabIe, the caII In V8 requIres
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 28
the IoIIowUpTIme.HasVaIue parameter, whIch teIIs the InterIace
whether a vaIue has actuaIIy been aIIocated or not. AIter aIIocatIng a
comment, the IoIIowUp method oI a DOCUMENTS object wIII be
started and the data IIIe wIII be moved to the resubmIssIon IoIder.
Comment DependIng on how the cIasses are generated Irom the wsdI, the
method's sIgnature may vary.
I the DOCUMENTS IIIe aIready has a resubmIssIon tIme and a
new tIme shouId be set, the tIme IntervaI must be at Ieast 15
OnIy absoIute tImes are aIIowed; whereas reIatIve tImes such as
"+1 hour" are not.

DescrIptIon DetermInes auto texts (e.g. ZcreatedAtZ) Ior a specIIIc DOCUMENTS
nput parameter
IIIed: 1 strIng
DOCUMENTS IIIe Ior whIch auto texts are determIned. An
empty strIng can aIso be used.
autoTextNames: 0..n strIng
Output parameter None
Return vaIue autoTextVaIues: 0..n strIng
StrIngarray IncIudIng the determIned auto texts.
SampIe V8
'we have access to a IIIed

DIm autoTextNames As New LIst(OI StrIng)
DIm autoTextVaIues As StrIng()


autoTextVaIues = doc.getAutoText(IIIed, autoTextNames.ToArray())

DIm I As nteger = 0
For Each s As StrIng n autoTextVaIues
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("0 - 1", autoTextNames.tem(I), s)
I = I + 1
ExpIanatIon UsIng a IIIed, the auto texts are read Ior the IIIe tItIe, IIIe type and IIIe
An overvlew of auLo LexLs can be found ln separaLe documenLaLlon: "uOcuMN15
Aoto1exts". Some of Lhe auLo LexLs cannoL be used ln Soap access, Lhls parLlcularly
applles Lo secLlon 3 "AuLo1exLs for LnumeraLlon llelds"
lf AuLo1exLs are Lo be deLermlned from global lnformaLlon and sysLem varlables,
such as %currentDate%, %currentWeekday% oder
%runscript:Scriptname% , an empLy sLrlng "" can be used as flleld because
Lhe deLermlned values do noL depend on Lhe values of an acLual uCCuMLn1S flle.

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 29
DescrIptIon Cet data and document InIormatIon on a document.
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
The unIque technIcaI name oI the IIIe. You can aIso use an
archIve IIIe key . The DocId documents can be determIned
vIa Documents.gtFIIenIo.
docd: StrIng
The unIque technIcaI name oI the document.
Output parameter docd: 1 strIng
nsoIar as no error has occurred, the parameter wIth the
same name wIII be returned by the caII.
sIze: 1 nteger
FIIe sIze In bytes.
mIme: 1 strIng
MIme type oI IIIe, II known.
data: 1 8ase64 n V8 Array oI 8yte
Document content.
Return vaIue name: 1 strIng
FIIe name IncIudIng extensIon.
SampIe V8
DIm theFIIeName As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)

DIm sIze As New nteger
DIm mIme As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm data() As 8yte = NothIng

' get the document
theFIIeName = doc.getDocument(IIIed, docId, sIze, mIme, data)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("Name: sIze: mIme: 2", theName, sIze, mIme)

DIm path As New StrIng(theFIIeName)
Is = System.O.FIIe.Create(path)
Is.WrIte(data, 0, data.Length)
ExpIanatIon t Is assumed that the IIIed oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe and the docd oI
the document to be extracted are known. The byte array wIII be
IIIIed wIth the document data on caIIIng the getDocument method.
FIIe.Create Is used to create a new data IIIe on the IIIe system and to
wrIte the bytes Irom the data array to the data IIIe.
DescrIptIon DetermIne IIIe data to IIeId vaIues, attached documents and reIated
IIIe types.
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
The unIque IabeI oI the IIIe to be anaIyzed.
An archIve IIIe key can aIso be used.
aIIFIeIds: 1 8ooIean
ndIcates whether aII IIeIds shouId be Ietched.
aIIAttrIbutes: 1 8ooIean
I true, extended IIeIds such as "DIcFIIeOwner" wIII aIso be
Ietched. See AppendIx
FIeId IabeIs
wIshedFIeIdNames: 0..n strIng
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 30
The names oI the IIeIds to be output. The IIst wIII be
Ignored II aIIFIeIds has the vaIue "true".
Output parameter IIIetyped: 1 strIng
D oI IIIe type to whIch the DOCUMENTS IIIe beIongs.
IIIeTypName: 1 strIng
Name oI IIIe type Ior thIs DOCUMENTS IIIe.
IIIeTypeLabeI: 1 strIng
CU-IabeI oI IIIe type on the Web InterIace.
documents:0..n DocnIo
The documents oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe IncIudIng sIze,
name and D.
Return vaIue IIeIdvaIues: 0..n FIeIdData
ContaIns the name]vaIue paIrs Ior the IndIvIduaI IIIe IIeIds.
SampIe V8
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng


I IIIeStatuses.Length <= 0 Then
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No IIIes Iound")
Return True
End I

DIm IIIed As New StrIng(IIIeStatuses(0).IIIed)

DIm aIIFIeIds As 8ooIean = True
DIm aIIAttrIbutes As 8ooIean = True
DIm wIshedFIeIdNames As New LIst(OI StrIng)

DIm IIIeTyped As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm IIIeTypeName As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm IIIeTypeLabeI As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)

DIm Ids() As FIeIdData = NothIng
DIm docInIo() As DocnIo = NothIng

' getFIIenIo
Ids = doc.getFIIenIo(IIIed, aIIFIeIds, aIIAttrIbutes,
wIshedFIeIdNames.ToArray, docInIo, IIIeTyped, IIIeTypeName,

ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("FIIeTyped: 0 FIIeTypeName: 1 FIIeTypeLabeI",
IIIeTyped, IIIeTypeName, IIIeTypeLabeI)
I Not Ids s NothIng Then
For Each Id As FIeIdData n Ids ' prInt IIeIddata
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("FIeId: 0 VaIue: 1",, Id.vaIue)
End I ' Ids
I Not docInIo s NothIng Then ' prInt docInIo
For Each dI As DocnIo n docInIo
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("DocName: 0 DocSIze: 1 Docd: 2",, dI.sIze, dI.Id)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No docInIo")
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 31
End I 'docInIo
ExpIanatIon We get a DOCUMENTS IIIe Irom the Iogged-In user's nbox. For thIs
IIIe we get the InIormatIon on aII avaIIabIe IIeIds, the extended
IIeIds, the IIIe types, and the attached documents. The respectIve
vaIues are wrItten vIa the consoIe.
Comment I no IIeId vaIues or documents are output, the output
parameters IIeIdvaIues or documents wIII become compIete
DescrIptIon DetermIne IIIe data Ior IIeId vaIues, attached documents and reIated
IIIe type.
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
The unIque IabeI oI the IIIe to be anaIyzed.
aIIFIeIds: 1 8ooIean
ndIcates whether aII IIeIds shouId be Ietched.
aIIAttrIbutes: 1 8ooIean
I true, extended IIeIds such as "DIcFIIeOwner" wIII aIso be
Ietched. See AppendIx
FIeId IabeIs
wIshedFIeIdNames: 0..n strIng
The names oI the IIeIds to be output. The IIst wIII be
Ignored II aIIFIeIds has the vaIue "true".
IaIIOnAIIErrors 1 8ooIean
I true, an exceptIon wIII be thrown when an error occurs,
and processIng wIII termInate.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue IIIeInIos: 0..n FIIenIo
DetermInes the FIIenIo objects beIongIng to the
DOCUMENTS IIIes whIch encapsuIate the detaIIed
InIormatIon on the DOCUMENTS IIIes.
SampIe V8
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng
DIm IIds As New LIst(OI StrIng)
IdFoIder = doc.getnbox(IIIeStatuses)
' Now Iterate through that array and coIIect the IIIeds
For Each Is As FIIeStatus n IIIeStatuses
DIm aIIFIeIds As 8ooIean = True
DIm aIIAttrIbutes As 8ooIean = True
DIm wIshedFIeIdNames As New LIst(OI StrIng)
DIm documents() As DocnIo = NothIng
DIm IIIeTypeName As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm IaIIOnAIIErrors As 8ooIean = FaIse
DIm IIs() As FIIenIo = NothIng
' getFIIesnIo
IIs = doc.getFIIesnIo(IIds.ToArray, aIIFIeIds, aIIAttrIbutes,
wIshedFIeIdNames.ToArray, IaIIOnAIIErrors)
For Each II As FIIenIo n IIs
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("FIIeTypeName: 0, II.IIIetypeName)
For Each Id As FIeIdData n II.IIeIdvaIues
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("FIeId: 0 VaIue: 1",, Id.vaIue)
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 32
For Each docInIo As DocnIo n II.documents
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("DocName: 0 DocSIze: 1,,
docInIo.sIze, docInIo.Id)
ExpIanatIon We get the DOCUMENTS IIIes Irom the Iogged-In user's nbox, and
coIIect theIr Ds. We get the InIormatIon Ior aII IIeIds as weII as the
attached documents on these DOCUMENTS IIIes. n doIng so, the
vaIues Ior the other DOCUMENTS IIIes shouId aIso be determIned In
case oI errors that may occur, e.g. "FIIe not Iound". The respectIve
vaIues are wrItten vIa the consoIe.
Comment See aIso Documents.gtFIIenIo.
DescrIptIon DetermInes the IIIe types Ior the Iogged-In user.
nput parameter IgnoreRIghts: 1 8ooIean
SpecIIIes whether the names oI those IIIe types Ior whIch the
user account used has no read permIssIons are aIso to be
Output parameter None
Return vaIue 0..n FIIeTypeShortDescr
An IndetermInate number oI FIIeTypeShortDescr objects that
contaIn the name and D oI the IIIe type.
SampIe V8
DIm doc as New DOCUMENTS
DIm Itsd() As FIIeTypeShortDescr
Itsd = doc.getFIIeTypes(IgnoreRIghts)
For Each sd As FIIeTypeShortDescr n Itsd
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("FIIeType Name: Id: 1",, sd.Id)
Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("Logout Message: 0", ex.Message)
End Try
ExpIanatIon The FIIeTypes are determIned Ior a DOCUMENTS object dIsregardIng
specIIIc user rIghts, and storIng them In an array oI
FIIeTypeShortDescr objects, IoIIowed by an IteratIon through the
array and outputtIng D and name oI the determIned FIIeType to the
DescrIptIon LIst IoIder structure wIthIn a deIauIt IoIder.
nput parameter IoIderType : 1 strIng
The type IabeI oI a personaI deIauIt IoIder Ior whIch to
determIne the structure. A IIst oI avaIIabIe IoIder types can
be Iound In the AppendIx LabeI Ior personaI deIauIt IoIders.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue baseFoIder: 1
SampIe V8
DIm Id As FoIderDescrIptIon
Id = doc.getFoIderStructure("FavourItes")
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 33
I Id.hasSubFoIders Then
For Each Iod As FoIderDescrIptIon n Id.subFoIders
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("SubIoIder: 0", Iod.IabeI)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No subIoIders")
End I
ExpIanatIon A descrIptIon oI the IoIder structure Is requested Ior the "FavorItes"
IoIder oI a gIven DOCUMENTS object. I the IoIder has other
subIoIders (hasSubFoIders), theIr IabeIs wIII be wrItten Irom the
Comment ThIs IunctIon does not guarantee that the output order oI
IoIders Is exactIy as dIspIayed on the Web InterIace.
DescrIptIon DetermInes the DOCUMENTS IIIes and status InIormatIon oI these
IIIes resIdIng In the Iogged-In user's nbox.
nput parameter None
Output parameter IIIeStatuses: 0..n FIIeStatus
An IndetermInate number oI FIIeStatusobjects, IncIudIng
InIormatIon on FIIed, workIIow step and routIng status.
Return vaIue IdFoIder: 1 strIng
nbox D.
SampIe V8
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng

DIm IdFoIder As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)

IdFoIder = doc.getnbox(IIIeStatuses)
' How many IIIesZ
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("nbox countFIIes: 0", IIIeStatuses.Length())
Return True
Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("getnbox Message: 0", ex.Message)
Return FaIse
End Try
ExpIanatIon The nbox oI an aIready Iogged-In user wIII be Ietched Irom a
DOCUMENTS object, and the number oI DOCUMENTS IIIes wIII be
prInted on the consoIe.
DescrIptIon DetermInes the routIng hIstory (workIIow steps) Ior a DOCUMENTS
nput parameter IIIed:
D oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe, the monItor entrIes oI whIch
shouId be Ietched.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue monItorEntrIes: 0..n
An IndetermInate number oI monItor entrIes that reIIect the
respectIve step In the routIng hIstory.
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 34
SampIe V8
DIm monItorentrIes() As MonItorEntry = NothIng
monItorentrIes = doc.getMonItor(theFIIed)
'Iterates through aII MonItorEntrIes
For Each moe As MonItorEntry n monItorentrIes
'PrInt out the InIormatIon oI each entry
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("Status: 0 IIIeOK: 1", moe.status, moe.IIIeOk)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("ExecutIve: 0", moe.executIve)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("EntryDate: 0 ResponseDate: 1",
moe.entryDate, moe.responseDate)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("Task: comment: 1", moe.task, moe.comment)
ExpIanatIon The DOCUMENTS object and IIIe D must aIready be decIared and
InstantIated or known. On the doc object, the get monItor method Is
caIIed and Iterated through the returned MonItorEntry array, where
the respectIve propertIes are wrItten to the consoIe Ior each entry.
Comment see aIso Documents.getWorkIIowSteps
DescrIptIon The method reads the propertIes stored In the IIIe type oI a
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
TechnIcaI name oI IIIe
propertyNames: 0..n strIng
Array IncIudIng the names oI the propertIes to be read Ior
the DOCUMENTS IIIe. The property names must start wIth a
IeadIng $.
Output parameter
Return vaIue propertyVaIues: 0..n strIng
StrIng array IncIudIng the determIned vaIues that
corresponds to the names.
SampIe V8
DIm IdFoIder As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
IdFoIder = doc.getnbox(IIIeStatuses)
' terate through aII Inbox IIIes
I IIIeStatuses.Length > 0 Then
For Each Is As FIIeStatus n IIIeStatuses
DIm propertyNames As New LIst(OI StrIng)
DIm propertyVaIues() As StrIng
propertyVaIues = NothIng
propertyVaIues = doc.getProperty(Is.IIIed,
DIm I As nteger = 0
For Each vaI As StrIng n propertyVaIues
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("Name: 0 VaIue: 1",
propertyNames.tem(I), vaI)
I = I + 1
End I
ExpIanatIon The user's nbox Is determIned and on each oI these DOCUMENTS
IIIes the vaIue oI the "Test" property Is determIned and dIspIayed In
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 35
the command IIne.

DescrIptIon DetermInes the DOCUMENTS IIIes and status InIormatIon oI these
IIIes resIdIng In the SentFoIder oI the Iogged-In user.
nput parameter None
Output parameter IIIeStatuses: 0..n FIIeStatus
An IndetermInate number oI FIIeStatus objects, IncIudIng
InIormatIon on FIIed, workIIow step and routIng status.
Return vaIue IdFoIder: 1 strIng
The d oI the SentFoIder.
SampIe V8
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng

DIm IdFoIder As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)

IdFoIder = doc.getSentFoIder(IIIeStatuses)
For Each Is As FIIeStatus n IIIeStatuses
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("FIIeStatusFIIed: 0 dWorkIIowStep: status:
2", Is.IIIed, Is.IdWorkIIowStep, Is.status)
Return True
Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("getSentFoIder Message: 0", ex.Message)
Return FaIse
End Try
ExpIanatIon The SentFoIder oI the current user Is Ietched on a DOCUMENTS object
and the FIIeStatus InIormatIon Is dIspIayed Ior each object resIdIng In
the return array.
DescrIptIon DetermInes the tasks Ior a DOCUMENTS IIIe.
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
TechnIcaI name oI IIIe.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue tasks: 0..n strIng
The tasks Ior thIs DOCUMENTS IIIe.
SampIe V8
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng

DIm IdFoIder As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)

' Cet the sentIoIder
IdFoIder = doc.getSentFoIder(IIIeStatuses)
' Now Iterate through that array
For Each Is As FIIeStatus n IIIeStatuses
DIm tasks() As StrIng = NothIng
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 36

' get the tasks Ior thIs IIIe
tasks = doc.getTasks(Is.IIIed)
I tasks.Length > 0 Then
For Each s As StrIng n tasks
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("Task: 0", s)
End I
Return True
Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("CetTask Message: 0", ex.Message)
Return FaIse
End Try
ExpIanatIon nItIaIIy, we wIII get the user's SentFoIder. The D oI the respectIve
DOCUMENTS IIIe Is determIned Irom the returned FIIeStatus objects
and, usIng thIs D, the DOCUMENTS IIIe's tasks, whIch are avaIIabIe
as a strIng array, are Ietched. I the array contaIns at Ieast one entry,
the entIre array wIII be Iterated through and the IndIvIduaI tasks wIII
be wrItten one aIter another to the consoIe.

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 37
DescrIptIon DetermInes the workIIows contaIned In the system.
nput parameter None
Output parameter None
Return vaIue workIIowPattern: 0..n WorkIIowPattern
An IndetermInate number oI WorkIIowPattern objects
IncIudIng InIormatIon on D and name oI workIIow.
SampIe V8
' here we store the returned WorkIIowPattern
DIm wps() As WorkIIowPattern

'Ietch them
wps = doc.getWorkIIowPattern()

'Iterate through aII workIIows
For Each wp As WorkIIowPattern n wps
' and prInt the name
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("Name: 0", wp.nameWorkIIowPattern)

Return True
Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("WorkIIowPattern Message: 0", ex.Message)
Return FaIse
End Try
ExpIanatIon The method Ior determInIng the workIIows Is caIIed Ior an aIready
Iogged-In user on a DOCUMENTS object. The name and D Ior each
object are wrItten to the consoIe In the returned array oI
WorkIIowPattern objects.
DescrIptIon DetermInes the workIIow steps dependIng on the specIIIed
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
TechnIcaI name (D) oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue WorkIIowSteps: 0..n WorkIIowStep

SampIe V8 DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng

For Each Is As FIIeStatus n IIIeStatuses

DIm wIsteps() As WorkIIowStep
' get the workIIowId and get the Steps
wIsteps = doc.getWorkIIowSteps(Is.IIIed)

For Each wstep As WorkIIowStep n wIsteps
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("Entry: 0", wstep.entryDate)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("FInIsh: 0", wstep.IInIshDate)
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 38
ExpIanatIon The user's nbox Is read and, based on the IIIe D, the routIng hIstory
Is read Ior each IIIe: In doIng so, the arrIvaI and InItIaI tIme are output
Ior each workIIow step to the consoIe.
Comment see aIso Documents.getMonItor
DescrIptIon DetermInes the currentIy aIIowed workIIow steps oI a DOCUMENTS
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
Output parameter None
Return vaIue workIIowActIons: 0..n WorkIIowActIon
An IndetermInate number oI WorkIIowActIon objects
IncIudIng InIormatIon on D and IabeI oI the aIIowed user
SampIe V8
' Now Iterate through aII Inbox IIIes
I IIIeStatuses.Length > 0 Then
For Each Is As FIIeStatus n IIIeStatuses
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne(New StrIng("-", 10))
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("IIIed : 0", Is.IIIed)

DIm workIIowActIons() As WorkIIowActIon = NothIng
' get aII actIons
workIIowActIons = doc.IIstPossIbIeActIons(Is.IIIed)
For Each wa As WorkIIowActIon n workIIowActIons
' and prInt them
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("LabeI: Id: 1", wa.IabeI, wa.Id)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No IIIes Iound")
End I
ExpIanatIon The Iogged-In user's nbox Is read, and an array IncIudIng the
aIIowed actIon Is Ietched Ior each IIIe (workIIowActIons()). For each oI
these actIons, the D and Its IabeI are then wrItten to the consoIe.
DescrIptIon PerIorms IogIn vIa the DOCUMENTS proxy.
nput parameter user: StrIng
User name under whIch to perIorm IogIn.
prIncIpaI: StrIng
PrIncIpaI Ior whIch to Iog In the user.
passwd: StrIng
Password vIa whIch the user authentIcates hImseII agaInst
the proxy.
code: StrIng] empty strIng
Reserved Ior Iuture extensIons. An empty strIng must be
passed In thIs versIon.
IocaIe: StrIng
AbbrevIatIon Ior PortaI Ianguage "de", "en", etc. In whIch
CU-IabeI, error messages, etc. are output.
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 39
Output parameter None
Return vaIue sessIon: 1 strIng
The return vaIue contaIns the SessIonD assIgned to the user
In the proxy.
SampIe V8
DIm doc as New DOCUMENTS
DIm sessIon As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
session = doc.login(schreiber,peachit,willi,,de)
Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("LogIn Message: 0", ex.Message)
End Try
ExpIanatIon The IogIn method Is caIIed on a DOCUMENTS object and the
determIned sessIon Is saved In a strIng. n case oI a possIbIe
exceptIon the exceptIon text wIII be wrItten to the consoIe.
Comment LogIn Is requIred at the start oI the appIIcatIon. Logout
needs to be perIormed onIy at the end oI the appIIcatIon, I.e.
It Is not requIred Ior each IndIvIduaI IunctIon caII.
You shouId perIorm the Iogout In a "#$%&&' bIock, so that
Iogout Is ensured aIso aIter a (%)(*. OtherwIse, the user Is
consIdered Iogged-In untII tImeout In the proxy, whIch
prevents renewed IogIn.
Once IogIn has been perIormed, Iogout must aIso be
perIormed because the sessIon In the proxy cannot be
ImmedIateIy unIocked.
CompetIng IogIns wIth the proxy, I.e. two or more IogIns Ior
the same user are not supported.
I IogIn cannot be perIormed because the user]prIncIpaI Is
unknown, an error wIII be trIggered.
I the user Is to be Iogged In on a dIIIerent account, you
need to use the Documents.trustedLogIn IunctIon.
DescrIptIon PerIorms Iogout Ior the Iogged-In user.
nput parameter None
Output parameter None
Return vaIue None
SampIe V8
DIm doc as New DOCUMENTS
DIm sessIon As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("LogIn Message: 0", ex.Message)
End Try
ExpIanatIon The Iogout method Is started on a DOCUMENTS object. n case oI a
possIbIe exceptIon the exceptIon text wIII be wrItten to the consoIe.
Comment I IogIn has been perIormed, Iogout must aIso be perIormed,
because otherwIse the sessIon In the proxy wIII not be
ImmedIateIy unIocked.
See aIso Documents.IogIn.
DescrIptIon Search Ior documents oI a IIIe type and outputtIng IIeId vaIues as
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 40
HTML tabIe.
nput parameter IIIetypes: 0..n strIng
A IIst oI IIIe type names, can be used Instead oI IIIetype.
achIves: 0..n strIng
LIst oI archIve keys. See archIve IIIe key
IIIter: 1 strIng
A search condItIon, as descrIbed In the AppendIx under
Syntax descrIptIon Ior IIIter expressIons; thIs may remaIn
empty Ior dIspIayIng aII IIIes oI the transIerred type InsoIar
as the user account used has the correspondIng
sort: 1 strIng
A sort crIterIon In FIeId name+ notatIon Ior sortIng In
ascendIng order or FIeId name- notatIon Ior sortIng In
descendIng order, or an empty strIng. OnIy sortIng by a
sIngIe IIeId Is currentIy possIbIe. Moreover, the IIeId by
whIch to sort shouId aIso exIst In the coIumns IIst.
coIumns: 0..n strIng
The names oI the IIeIds to be output. 8esIdes Index IIeIds
oI the IIIe type, IIIe attrIbutes such as the tItIe may aIso be
querIed. See AppendIx
FIeId IabeIs
Return vaIue report: StrIng
No seII-contaIned and thereIore vaIId HTML page wIII be
output; Instead, onIy a <tabIe> eIement).
SampIe V8
' The IIIetypes to be searched
DIm IIIetypes As New LIst(OI StrIng)
' The IIeIds whose vaIues shouId be returned
DIm coIumns As New LIst(OI StrIng)
DIm archIves As New LIst(OI StrIng)
DIm IIIter As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
IIIter = "hrLastName~'Sc*'" "hrLastName~'Sc*'"
DIm sort As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
' sort In reverse aIphabetIc order
' the IIeId In the sort strIng has aIso to be In the coIumns-IIst
sort = "hrLastName-"
DIm report As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
report =, archIves.ToArray,
coIumns.ToArray, IIIter, sort)

ExpIanatIon The "ItEmpIoyee" IIIe type Is searched Ior aII empIoyees whose Iast
names contaIn the Ietter combInatIon "sc". The hIts are wrItten to
the tabIe eIement descendIng aIphabetIcaI order, dependIng on the
database, and dIspIayed on the consoIe.
Comment When dIrectIy parsIng the strIng returned by the server, It
shouId be noted that some characters oI the HTML report
are re-encoded through embeddIng Into XML, e.g. ">" In
"&gt;", etc. An Id parameter contaInIng a strIng wIth a
unIque D to the Iound IIIe Is added to the output report's
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 41
<tr> eIements.
To Iorm the IIIter expressIons, see AppendIx under Syntax
descrIptIon Ior IIIter expressIons.
DescrIptIon Search Ior DOCUMENTS IIIes oI one or more IIIe types by outputtIng a
hIt IIst.
nput parameter IIIetypes: 0..n strIng
A IIst oI IIIe type names
achIves: 0..n strIng
A IIst oI ArchIve keys(EE.I) or VIew keys(EE.x). See archIve IIIe
IIIter: 1 strIng
A search condItIon, as descrIbed In AppendIx 1; thIs may
remaIn empty Ior dIspIayIng aII IIIes oI the transIerred type
InsoIar as the user account used has the correspondIng
sort: 1 strIng
A sort crIterIon In FIeId name+ notatIon Ior sortIng In
ascendIng order or FIeId name- notatIon Ior sortIng In
descendIng order, or an empty strIng. OnIy sortIng by a
sIngIe IIeId Is currentIy possIbIe. Moreover, the sort IIeId
must aIso be present wIth the coIumns parameter.
coIumns: 0..n StrIng
The names oI the IIeIds to be output. 8esIdes Index IIeIds oI
the IIIe type, IIIe attrIbutes such as the tItIe may aIso be
querIed. The Iatter Is ImpIemented vIa reserved IabeIs as
IIsted In AppendIx
FIeId IabeIs . When addIng "HItId": as a coIumn, that coIumn
wIII IIst the IIIe D or, Ior archIve IIIes, the archIve IIIe key.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue hItIIst: 1 HItLIst
A hIt IIst IncIudIng the resuIt rows and coIumns.
SampIe Vb
DIm IIIetypes As New LIst(OI StrIng)
' The IIeIds whose vaIues shouId be returned
DIm coIumns As New LIst(OI StrIng)

DIm archIves As New LIst(OI StrIng)

' We are searchIng Ior IIIes whIch are created today or yesterday
DIm IIIter As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm today As StrIng = DateTIme.Now.ToShortDateStrIng

DIm yesterday As StrIng = DateTIme.Now.AddDays(-
IIIter = "SearchDateFrom>='" + yesterday + "' AND
SearchDateUntII<='" + today + "'"

' and sort them In order oI theIr creatIon date
DIm sort As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
sort = "DIcFIIeCreated"
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 42

DIm hItI As New HItLIst
hItI = doc.report2(IIIetypes.ToArray, archIves.ToArray,
coIumns.ToArray, IIIter, sort)

DIm rows As nteger = hItI.rows
DIm coIs As nteger = hItI.coIumns

I Not hItI s NothIng Then
DIm hds() As HItData = hItI.hIt
For I As nteger = 0 To rows - 1
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne(New StrIng("-", 10))

DIm hd As HItData = hds(I)
For j As nteger = 0 To coIs - 1
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("HIt 0 CoI 1 VaIue 2", I + 1, j + 1,
Next I
End I ' htII
ExpIanatIon The "ItRecord" IIIe type Is searched Ior the DOCUMENTS IIIes that
were created yesterday or today. For thIs, the correspondIng
DateTIme objects are generated Ior the IIIter, and used In the IIIter.
The hIts are to be sorted by the creatIon tImestamp oI the
DOCUMENTS IIIe. The resuItIng hIt IIst Is processed by rows and the
vaIues Ior the two requested coIumns are wrItten to the consoIe.
Comment Due to prevIous technIcaI dIIIIcuItIes wIth outputtIng arrays
contaInIng zero eIements, the IunctIon may yet output an
empty strIng Instead oI an array In Its report versIon In case
no IIIes have been Iound. AppIIcatIons shouId thereIore
check the report's IIIe type prIor to accessIng the report.
To Iorm the IIIter expressIons, see AppendIx under Syntax
descrIptIon Ior IIIter expressIons.
DescrIptIon Search Ior DOCUMENTS IIIes oI one or more IIIe types In one or more
archIves consIderIng a specIIIc hIt IIst schema.
nput parameter IIIetypes, archIves, IIIter, sort,coIumns:
See Documents.report2
The coIumns to be determIned must be created In the hIt IIst
schema oI the ENTERPRSE archIve.
DIcFIIed, HItArchIveKey and HItd can onIy be used In the
coIumns, not wIth the IIIter or sort parameters.
archIves: : 0..n strIng
A IIst oI ArchIve key or VIew keys.
hIstIIstname : 1..1 strIng
For EASY archIves, the name oI the hIt IIst schema created In the
archIves. For EAS archIves, you may not enter any vaIue here.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue hItIIst: 1 HItLIst
A hIt IIst IncIudIng the resuIt rows and coIumns.
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 43
SampIe Vb
DIm IIIetypes As New LIst(OI StrIng)

' The IIeIds whose vaIues shouId be returned
' AII oI them has to be deIIned In the hItIIstname

DIm coIumns As New LIst(OI StrIng)

DIm archIves As New LIst(OI StrIng)

DIm hItIIstname as StrIng
hItIIstname = ""

DIm IIIter As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm today As StrIng = DateTIme.Now.ToShortDateStrIng

DIm yesterday As StrIng = DateTIme.Now.AddDays(-
IIIter = "SearchDateFrom>='" + yesterday + "' AND
SearchDateUntII<='" + today + "'"

' and sort them In order oI theIr creatIon date
DIm sort As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
sort = "DIcFIIeCreated"

DIm hItI As New HItLIst
hItI = doc.report3(IIIetypes.ToArray, archIves.ToArray,
coIumns.ToArray, IIIter, sort)

DIm rows As nteger = hItI.rows
DIm coIs As nteger = hItI.coIumns

I Not hItI s NothIng Then
DIm hds() As HItData = hItI.hIt
For I As nteger = 0 To rows - 1
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne(New StrIng("-", 10))

DIm hd As HItData = hds(I)
For j As nteger = 0 To coIs - 1
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("HIt 0 CoI 1 VaIue 2", I + 1, j + 1,
Next I
End I ' htII
ExpIanatIon n the "ItRecordpeachItStore1" archIve, the "ItRecord" IIIe type Is
searched Ior DOCUMENTS IIIes that were created yesterday or today.
For thIs, the correspondIng DateTIme objects are generated Ior the
IIIter, and used In the IIIter. The hIts are to be sorted by the creatIon
tImestamp oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe. The resuItIng hIt IIst Is processed
by rows and the vaIues Ior the two requested coIumns are wrItten to
the consoIe.
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 44
Comment see Documents.report2.
DescrIptIon Run a PortaI scrIpt.
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
The technIcaI name oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe to be
transIerred to the scrIpt.
name: StrIng
Name oI the scrIpt to be caIIed.
paramLIst: 0..n strIng
nput parameter Ior the scrIpt as a IIst. You need to add a
parameter name, In paIrs, and aIter that the reIated vaIue,
to the IIst.
Output parameter errorMsg: StrIng
Error text Ior IaIIed caII or erroneous executIon oI the
returnVaIue: 1 strIng
The return vaIue oI the scrIpt.
Return vaIue returnStatus : nteger
On startIng the operatIon successIuIIy, thIs vaIue Is 0,
otherwIse It Is an error code.
SampIe Vb
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng

' Now Iterate through aII Inbox IIIes
I IIIeStatuses.Length <= 0 Then
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No IIIes Iound")
Return FaIse
End I

DIm IIIed As New StrIng(IIIeStatuses(0).IIIed)
DIm name As New StrIng("test")

DIm errorMsg As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
DIm returnVaIue As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)

DIm paramLIst As New LIst(OI StrIng)
paramLIst.Add("ThIs message shouId be returned")

DIm retStatus As New nteger
retStatus = doc.runScrIpt(IIIed, name, paramLIst.ToArray, errorMsg,
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("IIIed: 0 scrIptname: 1", IIIed, name)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("errorMsg: errorMsg)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("retStatus: returnVaIue: 1", retVaI, returnVaIue)
ExpIanatIon The requIrement Is that a scrIpt named "test" IncIudIng an Input
parameter named "msg" oI the StrIng type and the "Message"
deIauIt settIng have been set. You need to enter "return msag;" as
the scrIpt code.
The IIIed oI the IIrst DOCUMENTS IIIe Is determIned Irom the user's
nbox. AIterwards, the necessary data Is assembIed Ior the scrIpt
caII. n doIng so, a strIng IIst Ior the parameters to be transIerred Is
buIIt whIch contaIns the "msg" and "ThIs message shouId be
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 45
returned" entrIes. The output parameters and the retStatus are
wrItten to the consoIe aIter startIng the scrIpt.
Comment AvaIIabIe on otrIsPortaI 5.0o or ELC3.50o or Iater.
ScrIpt parameters must currentIy aIways be transIerred as
The return vaIue oI the scrIpt Is aIso output as a strIng.
DescrIptIon DIrectIy sendIng a DOCUMENTS IIIe
nput parameter IIIed : StrIng
TechnIcaI name oI IIIe
receIvers: 1..n strIng
The name oI the users or groups to whIch to send the
DOCUMENTS IIIe. You need to specIIy at Ieast one
sendMode : StrIng
The send type. VaIId vaIues are: sequentIaI (one aIter the
other) and paraIIeIInIo (concurrentIy Ior InIormatIon).
task: StrIng
Task specIIIcatIon Ior the recIpIents oI the DOCUMENTS
backWhenFInIshed: 8ooIean
ndIcates whether the DOCUMENTS IIIe shouId be returned
to your own user account aIter the cycIe.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue None
SampIe V8
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng


I IIIeStatuses.Length <= 0 Then
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No IIIes Iound")
Return FaIse
End I

DIm IIIed As New StrIng(IIIeStatuses(0).IIIed)

DIm sendMode As New StrIng("paraIIeIInIo")
DIm task As New StrIng("nIo by sendIIIe")
DIm backWhenFInIshed As 8ooIean = FaIse

' we send the IIIe to the group
DIm receIvers As New LIst(OI StrIng)
' send
doc.sendFIIeAdHoc(IIIed, receIvers.ToArray, sendMode, task,
ExpIanatIon The IIrst DOCUMENTS IIIe Is taken Irom the Iogged-In user's nbox
and sent In paraIIeI Ior InIormatIon to the "EmpIoyees" group.
DescrIptIon TrIggers a user actIon Ior a DOCUMENTS IIIe.
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 46
actIond: StrIng
The D oI the actIon to be trIggered.
comment: 1 strIng
The edIt note to be entered In the routIng hIstory.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue None
SampIe V8
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng
I IIIeStatuses.Length <= 0 Then
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No IIIes Iound")
Return FaIse
End I
DIm IIIed As New StrIng(IIIeStatuses(0).IIIed)

DIm workIIowActIons() As WorkIIowActIon = NothIng
' get aII actIons
workIIowActIons = doc.IIstPossIbIeActIons(IIIed)

For Each wa As WorkIIowActIon n workIIowActIons
' and prInt them
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("LabeI: Id: 1", wa.IabeI, wa.Id)
doc.trIggerActIon(IIIed, wa.Id, "PerIormed TrIggerActIon")
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("ActIon perIormed: 0 ", wa.IabeI)
ExIt For
ExpIanatIon The avaIIabIe user actIons are determIned Ior the IIrst DOCUMENTS
IIIe In the user's nbox. The InIormatIon on the IIrst actIon are output
to the consoIe. The doc.TrIggerActIon trIggers thIs actIon aIso Ior a
DescrIptIon Starts a workIIow Ior a created DOCUMENTS IIIe.
nput parameter IIIed: 1 strIng
IdWorkIIowPattern: 1 strIng
D oI the workIIow to the started.
Output parameter None
Return vaIue None
SampIe V8
' Cet the nbox
DIm IIIeStatuses() As FIIeStatus = NothIng
I IIIeStatuses.Length <= 0 Then
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No IIIes Iound")
Return FaIse
End I
' And grab the Id oI the IIrst IIIe
DIm IIIed As New StrIng(IIIeStatuses(0).IIIed)

DIm wps() As WorkIIowPattern
' Cet aII WorkIIowpattern
wps = doc.getWorkIIowPattern()
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 47
I wps.Length <= 0 Then
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("No workIIow Iound")
Return FaIse
End I
' And grab the Id oI the IIrst workIIowpattern
DIm workIIowd As New StrIng(wps(0).IdWorkIIowPattern)

' Now start the workIIow Ior thIs IIIe
doc.startWorkIIow(IIIed, workIIowd)
ExpIanatIon n a DOCUMENTS object you determIne the Iogged-In user's nbox
and read the IIIed oI the IIrst DOCUMENTS IIIe. Next, the D oI the
IIrst workIIow Is determIned by queryIng the workIIow IIst, and the
workIIow Is started Ior the DOCUMENTS IIIe.
Comment To determIne the IdWorkIIowPattern, see
DescrIptIon Checks whether a sessIon exIsts Ior the current SOAP cIIent
nput parameter None
Output parameter None
Return vaIue vaIId: 1 8ooIean
Shows whether a vaIId sessIon has been set up Ior the cIIent.
SampIe V8
End WhIIe
ExpIanatIon A check Is made Ior a DOCUMENTS object on whether a sessIon Ior
the SOAP proxy has been set up Ior the cIIent. I thIs Is the case, the
cIIent wIII be Iogged oII.
DescrIptIon PerIorms IogIn vIa the Documentsproxy, where the user Is Iogged
under a dIIIerent account.
nput parameter user: StrIng
The user name Ior whIch IogIn to a dIIIerent account shouId
be perIormed. The "trustedLogInAccount" property IncIudIng
the vaIue "1" must be present Ior thIs user vIa the
prIncIpaI: StrIng
PrIncIpaI Ior whIch to Iog In the user.
passwd: StrIng
Password vIa whIch the user authentIcates hImseII agaInst the
asUser: StrIng
The user to whom to swItch.
code: StrIng] empty strIng
Reserved Ior Iuture extensIons. An empty strIng must be
passed In thIs versIon.
IocaIe: StrIng
AbbrevIatIon Ior PortaI Ianguage "de", "en", etc. In whIch CU-
IabeI, error messages, etc. are output.
Output parameter None
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 48
Return vaIue sessIon: 1 strIng
The return vaIue contaIns the SessIonD assIgned to the user
In the proxy.
SampIe V8
DIm doc as New DOCUMENTS
DIm sessIon As New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
schreiber login as user oppen
sessIon =
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("TrustedLogIn Message: 0",doc.UsernIo()

Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("TrustedLogIn Message: 0",
End Try
ExpIanatIon The trustedLogIn method In whIch user 'schreIber' Is Iogged In as
'oppen' Is started on a DOCUMENTS object. n an exceptIon that may
occur, e.g. II the 'trustedLogInAccount' property does not exIst wIth
the user or Is set to a vaIue not equaI to '1', the exceptIon text wIII be
wrItten to the consoIe. The UsernIo method output shouId output
'8ernard Oppen' when successIuIIy swItchIng users.
Comment The same restrIctIons appIy as wIth Documents.IogIn
DescrIptIon DetermInes the IuII name oI the user Ior whom the sessIon Is
currentIy set on the proxy.
nput parameter None
Output parameter None
Return vaIue name: StrIng
FuII name oI the user, I.e. IIrst and Iast name, e.g. "WIIII
SampIe V8
DIm doc as New DOCUMENTS
DIm name as New StrIng(StrIng.Empty)
name = doc.usernIo()
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("usernIo Name: name)
Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("usernIo Message: ex.Message)
End Try
ExpIanatIon The usernIo method Is started on a DOCUMENTS object to determIne
the name oI the currentIy Iogged-In user. ThIs Is then wrItten to the
Comment I no user Is Iogged In and thereIore no sessIon set up on
the proxy, thIs wIII trIgger an error.

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 49
3.2 uCCuMLn1S classes
DescrIptIon ContaIns InIormatIon on how successIuI archIvIng a DOCUMENTS IIIe
Member IIIed: 1 strIng
The D oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe to be stored In the archIve.
messages: 1 strIng
An empty strIng when the DOCUMENTS IIIe has been
archIved successIuIIy; eIse an error strIng.
Comment Error strIngs begIn wIth a technIcaI abbrevIatIon whIch may
be IoIIowed by addItIonaI specIIIcatIons separated by pIpe
symboIs. The "DIcErrFIeIdsNotArchIved" abbrevIatIon sayIng
some IIIe IIeIds do not exIst In the archIve structure and, as
a resuIt, were omItted, Is a specIaI abbrevIatIon In thIs
context. AII other "DIcErr..." IabeIs suggest that the
DOCUMENTS IIIe has not been archIved.
I a DOCUMENTS IIIe has aIready been archIved, DOCUMENTS
wIII choose the same target]source archIve. OtherwIse, an
"actIve archIve" must be assIgned to the correspondIng IIIe
type vIa the PortaI Manager.
Used In Documents.archIveFIIes
DescrIptIon ContaIns staus InIormatIon on a deIete operatIon.
Member Id: 1 strIng
The D oI the aIIected document]DOCUMENTS IIIe.
deIeted: 1 8ooIean
ndIcates whether the document was deIeted successIuIIy.
messages: 1 strIng
I an error occurs wIth a document, an error strIng wIII be
entered here.
Error strIngs begIn wIth a technIcaI abbrevIatIon whIch may
be IoIIowed by addItIonaI specIIIcatIons separated by pIpe
symboIs. The names aIways begIn wIth the "DIcErr" character
n case oI errors at IIIe IeveI IdentIcaI error strIngs wIII not be
output Ior each IndIvIduaI document; Instead, an exceptIon
wIII be trIggered.
Used In Documents.DeIeteDocuments
DescrIptIon ContaIns the InIormatIon on the documents attached to a
Member Id: 1 strIng
Document D.
name: 1 strIng
Document name.
comment: 1 StrIng
Comment on document.
ELC 3.60I] otrIs PortaI 6.0I or Iater
sIze: 1 strIng
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 50
Document sIze wIth unIIorm abbrevIatIon.
Used In Documents.CreateFIIe
DescrIptIon ContaIns status InIormatIon on a DOCUMENTS IIIe.
Member name: 1 strIng
Document name (= IIIe name IncIudIng extensIon).
regIster: 1 strIng
The name oI the document tab to whIch to assIgn the
document. ThIs parameter may be omItted onIy when
deIInIng deIauIt tabs.
data: 1 base648Inary
The IIIe content as base64 encoded strIng. n V8 a byte array
Is enough Ior accommodatIng the IIIe content. ConversIon Is
automatIcaIIy perIormed vIa SOAP.
Used In Documents.CreateFIIe

DescrIptIon ContaIns name and vaIue Ior a IIIe IIeId.
Member name: 1 strIng
FIeId name
vaIue: 1 strIng
FIeId vaIue
Used In Documents.CreateFIIe


SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 51
DescrIptIon ContaIns detaIIed InIormatIon on the IIeIds oI a FIIeType.
Member name: 1 strIng
The ergonomIc IIeId name In the user's IocaIe.
Id: 1 strIng
The technIcaI name oI the IIeId.
IIeIdIabeI: 0..1 strIng
The IabeI used to dIspIay the IIeId In the Web Iront-end. I
you have not deIIned a separate vaIue Ior thIs IIeId, the
"name" wIII be dIspIayed on the Web; the IIeIdIabeI wIII then
contaIn an empty strIng "de:8etreII; en:Subject". The
IIeIdIabeIs wIII be determIned II the "categorIes" parameter
contaIns "IIeIds, IIeIdIabeIs",
type: 1 strIng
ndIcates to whIch type the IIeId In DOCUMENTS beIongs:
strIng: sIngIe IIne text
text: muItIIIne text
booIean: true vaIue
date: date
enum: enumeratIon, see beIow
numerIc: numerIc vaIue
reIerence: IInk IIeId to a dIIIerent DOCUMENTS IIIe
other: None oI the above.
enum: 0..n strIng
ContaIns the versIons oI the enum IIeId II the IIeId Is oI the
"enum" type and the "categorIes" parameter contaIns "IIeIds,
enum", see Documents.descrIbeFIIeTypes. The vaIues Ior the
IndIvIduaI Ianguages are dIspIayed In a sIngIe strIng (1).
"de:Jahr; en:Year.
Used In FIIeTypeDescrIptIon
DescrIptIon ContaIns detaIIed InIormatIon on the IIeIds oI a FIIeType.
Member IdFIIe: 1 strIng
The unIque IabeI oI the underIyIng DOCUMENTS IIIe.
IIIetyped: 1 strIng
D oI IIIe type to whIch the DOCUMENTS IIIe beIongs.
IIIetypeName: 1 strIng
Name oI IIIe type Ior thIs DOCUMENTS IIIe.
IIIeTypeLabeI: StrIng
CU-IabeI oI IIIe type on the Web InterIace.
documents:0..n DocnIo
The documents oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe IncIudIng sIze, name
and D.
IIeIdvaIues: 0..n FIeIdData
ConLalns Lhe name/value palrs for Lhe
lndlvldual flle flelds.
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 52
DescrIptIon ContaIns status InIormatIon on a DOCUMENTS IIIe.
Member IIIed: StrIng
The DOCUMENTS IIIe D; Ior exampIe, It can be used to
determIne IIeId contents.
IdWorkIIowStep: StrIng
The current workIIow step the DOCUMENTS IIIe Is In.
status: StrIng
The status oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe In the system. AIIowed
o DIcFIIeStatusDeIauIt
o DIcFIIeStatusNew
NewIy created DOCUMENTS IIIe
o DIcFIIeStatusFoIIowUp
FIIe transIerred Irom resubmIssIon to nbox
o DIcFIIeStatusToForward
User Iocks DOCUMENTS IIIe and must Iorward It
o DIcFIIeStatusnIo
User has receIved DOCUMENTS IIIe Ior
o DIcFIIeStatusTask
User Iocks the IIIe, must Iorward It, and the
DOCUMENTS IIIe IncIudes a task Ior the user
o DIcFIIeStatusCanceIWorkIIow
DOCUMENTS IIIe was canceIed by a workIIow
o DIcFIIeStatusFIIe8ack
DOCUMENTS IIIe returned Irom routIng process
o DIcFIIeStatusArchFIIeDeIauIt
FIIe Is archIve IIIe
o DIcFIIeStatusConsuItatIon
DOCUMENTS IIIe IncIudIng enquIry Irom other
o DIcFIIeStatusDeIeted

Used In Documents.getnbox

DescrIptIon ContaIns IdentIIyIng data on the archIves to whIch a IIIetype reIers.
Member nameDest: 1 strIng
Name oI deIauIt target archIve Ior the IIIe type. For EAS, the
technIcaI name oI the archIve server, e.g. "peachItStore1"
IdDest: 1 strIng
Name oI the assocIated, Imported archIve structure. Empty
strIng In an EAS archIve.
keyDest: 1 strIng
CorrespondIng key to FIIeType, as addressed In the archIve.
For EAS archIve IIIe type, IoIIowed by "", IoIIowed by
technIcaI name oI archIve server, e.g.
arcSrc: 0,..n SourceArchIv
LIst oI source archIves whose DOCUMENTS IIIes can be
reconverted to actIve processes usIng thIs IIIe type.
Used In FIIeTypeDescrIptIonDocuments.descrIbeFIIeTypes
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 53
DescrIptIon ContaIns detaIIed InIormatIon on a DOCUMENTS IIIe.
Member Id: 0..1 strIng
The D oI the FIIeType wIthIn the system.
name: 0..1 strIng
The technIcaI name oI the FIIeType.
archIveInIo: 0..1 FIIeTypeArchIvenIo
nIormatIon on the archIves to whIch the IIIe type reIers.
docregIsters: 0..n RegIsterDescrIptIon
nIormatIon on the document tabs.
IIeIds: 0..n
DescrIptIon on the IndIvIduaI IIeIds.
workIIowInIo: 0..1 .. FIIeTypeWorkIIownIo
nIormatIon on whIch workIIow Is assIgned to thIs IIIe type.
Used In Documents.descrIbeFIIeTypes. The "categorIes" parameter
decIdes whIch data structures are popuIated.
DescrIptIon ContaIns status InIormatIon on a DOCUMENTS IIIe.
Member Id: 1 strIng
The D oI the IIIe type wIthIn the system.
name: StrIng
The technIcaI name oI the FIIeType.
Used In Documents.getFIIeTypes
.. FileTypeWorkflowInfo
DescrIptIon ContaIns InIormatIon on the deIauIt workIIow oI a IIIe type
Member StdForwardIng: 1 RegIsterDescrIptIon
ContaIns a descrIptIon oI the deIauIt dIstrIbutIon IIst.
WorkIIow: 1 WorkIIowdent
DescrIptIon oI the current workIIow assIgned to the IIIe type.
Used In FIIeTypeDescrIptIonDocuments.descrIbeFIIeTypes

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 54
DescrIptIon DescrIbes a IeveI wIthIn a deIauIt IoIder
Member Id: 1 strIng
TechnIcaI name oI the IoIder whIch can be used, Ior
exampIe, Ior Documents.8rowseFoIder.
IabeI: 1 strIng
FoIder name on Web InterIace.
hasSubFoIders: 1 8ooIean
ndIcates whether thIs IoIder has more subIoIders.
subFoIders: 0..n FoIderDescrIptIon
An IndetermInate number oI IoIder descrIptIons oI the
subIoIders aIIowIng recursIve navIgatIon through the IoIder
Used In Documents.getFoIderStructure
DescrIptIon DescrIbes a IeveI wIthIn a deIauIt IoIder.
Member Id: 1 strIng
FIIe D wIthIn the IoIder.
vaIues: 1 StrIngLIst
The vaIues oI the IIeIds Ior thIs DOCUMENTS IIIe II
Used In Documents.getFoIderStructure

DescrIptIon ContaIns the data Ior a hIt IIst created durIng a search.
Member coIumn: 0..n strIng
The coIumns In the output report. These may be Iess than
that specIIIed In the Documents.report2method wIth
coIumns In case a requested IIeId In the IIIe type does not
exIst or can generaIIy not be read Ior the user account used.
reserved: 1 nteger
Reserved Ior Iuture IunctIonaIIty.
Used In HItLIst
DescrIptIon ContaIns the data Ior a hIt IIst created durIng a search.
Member rows: 1 nteger
The number oI hIt IIst rows; equIvaIent to number oI hIts.
coIumns: 1 nteger
The coIumn number In the output report. ThIs number may
be Iess than that specIIIed by IIeIds In case a requested
IIeId does not exIst In the IIIe type or It Is not generaIIy
IegIbIe to the user account used.
hIt: 0..n HItData.
ContaIns the actuaI hIt vaIues.
Used In Documents.report2

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 55
DescrIptIon ContaIns the data Ior the monItor entry oI a DOCUMENTS IIIe.
Member status: StrIng
FIIe status, as IoIIows:
"AngeIegt" "Created"
"Wartend" "WaItIng"
"Cesperrt" "Locked"
"WeItergeIeItet" "Forwarded"
"DurchgeIhrt" "Processed"
"nIormIert" "nIormed"
"8eendet" "FInIshed"
"ZurckgehoIt" "CanceIed"
"nItIator wartend" "WaItIng nItIator"
"8eendet und zurck" "FInIshed and 8ack"
"Versendet" "Sent"
"CeIesen" "Read"
"NIcht bercksIchtIgt" "Not consIdered"
"EscaIatIon 1" "EscaIatIon 1"
"EscaIatIon 2" "EscaIatIon 2"
"EscaIatIon" "EscaIatIon"
"FehIgeschIagen" "FaIIed"
"AngezeIgt" "Shown"
executIve: 1 strIng
LogIn oI IIIe edItor.
entryDate: 1 strIng
Date and tIme oI IncomIng DOCUMENTS IIIe.
responseDate: 1 strIng
Date and tIme oI IIIe IorwardIng.
IIIeOk: 1 8ooIean
Whether the DOCUMENTS IIIe has been Iorwarded In "OK"
task: 1 strIng
The task assIgned to the DOCUMENTS IIIe on IncomIng IIIes
Ior edItIng.
comment: 1 strIng
The comment gIven to the Iorwarder.
Used In Documents.getMonItor
DescrIptIon ContaIns InIormatIon on IdentIIyIng a document tab.
Member name: 1 strIng
ContaIns the name oI a document tab.
Id: 1 strIng
Document tab D.
Used In FIIeTypeDescrIptIon
DescrIptIon ContaIns InIormatIon on IdentIIyIng a source archIve.
Member nameSrc: 1strIng
Name oI source archIve
IdSrc: 1strIng
Source archIve D
keySrc: 1 strIng
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 56
Source archIve key, as specIIIed In the archIve
Used In FIIeTypeDescrIptIon
DescrIptIon ContaIns an IndetermInate number oI strIngs.
Member strIng: 0..n strIng
Used In

Comment DependIng on the programmIng Ianguage and DE used,
strIng arrays may be encapsuIated once agaIn In a strIng IIst.
DescrIptIon ContaIns D and IabeI oI an actIon wIthIn a workIIow.
Member Id: 1 strIng
The actIon's D.
IabeI: 1 strIng
The IabeI oI the actIon In the Web InterIace.
Used In Documents.IIstPossIbIeActIons
DescrIptIon ContaIns versIon and D Ior the current workIIow oI a IIIe type.
Member versIon: 1 strIng
VersIon name oI workIIow.
Id: 1 strIng
WorkIIow D.
Used In FIIeTypeDescrIptIon
DescrIptIon ContaIns name and D oI a workIIow.
Member IdWorkIIowPattern: 1 strIng
WorkIIow D.
nameWorkIIowPattern: 1 strIng
WorkIIow name.
Used In


Member comment: 1 strIng
The comment IncIuded In the transItIon Irom one workIIow step to the
entryDate: 1 strIng
The date and tIme oI IncomIng DOCUMENTS IIIe ("ReceIved")
IIIeOK: 1 strIng
ndIcates whether the DOCUMENTS IIIe has been Iorwarded In "OK"
IInIshDate: 1 strIng
Date and tIme oI outgoIng DOCUMENTS IIIes ("Response")
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 57
groupFIag: 1 8ooIean
ndIcates whether thIs workIIow step has been assIgned to a group.
hasAgent: 1 8ooIean
ndIcates whether thIs workIIow step has been edIted by a deIegate.
IdWorkIIowStep: 1 strIng
WorkIIow step D
IocksFIIe: 1 8ooIean
ndIcates whether thIs workIIow step excIusIveIy Iocks the DOCUMENTS
IIIe Ior edItIng.
redIrectIonDescrIptIon: 1 strIng
ContaIns brIeI InIormatIon on who was the deIegate Ior whIch
empIoyee on makIng edIts.
status: 1 strIng
The state oI the DOCUMENTS IIIe In the workIIow step. See
task: 1 strIng
The task that the edItor oI the workIIow step has been assIgned.
user: 1 strIng
EdItor's IogIn. ThIs may aIso be a scrIpt or, In automated operatIon, Ior
exampIe, a "decIsIon".
wasRedIrected: 1 8ooIean
ndIcates whether thIs workIIow step Is based on an enquIry.
Used In Documents.getWorkIIowSteps
see aIso
3.3 CLher funcLlons
DescrIptIon Read WSDL Irom actIve proxy through an Http request.
SampIe V8
DIm urI AS StrIng
urI = "]ZwsdI"
DIm webRequest As System.Net.HttpWebRequest
webRequest = NothIng
DIm webResponse As System.Net.HttpWebResponse
webResponse = NothIng
doc.Url Proxy location and port
webRequest = CType(System.Net.WebRequest.Create(doc.UrI +
urI), System.Net.HttpWebRequest)
webResponse = CType(webRequest.CetResponse(),
DIm receIveStream As System.O.Stream =
DIm encode As System.Text.EncodIng =
DIm readStream As New System.O.StreamReader(receIveStream,
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 58
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("Response stream receIved")
DIm read(256) As [Char]
DIm count As nteger = readStream.Read(read, 0, 256)
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("WSDL ..." + System.EnvIronment.NewLIne)
WhIIe count > 0
DIm str As New [StrIng](read, 0, count)
count = readStream.Read(read, 0, 256)
End WhIIe
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("... WSDL")
Catch ex AS ExceptIon
ConsoIe.WrIteLIne("sampIeCetWSDL Message: ex.Message)
End Try
ExpIanatIon We wIII determIne the current proxy WSDL vIa an Http-Cet caII
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 59
>. 7GG%*H<I
4.1 Archlve flles LL.l/LL.x
4.1.1 LL.l:
1he Atcblve key ls Lhe unlque and ldenLlfylng label of an archlve:
$(#Location)\ArchiveName@technical name of archive server in

llq. 7. .l otcblve key locloJloq Jetolls Jloloq oo lmpotteJ otcblve sttoctote
1he otcblve flle key ls a unlque label for a uCCuMLn1S flle wlLhln an archlve.

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 60
4.1.2 LL.x:
1he vlew key ls Lhe unlque and ldenLlfylng label of a vlew asslgned Lo a schema
wlLhln an archlve:
Unit=UnitName/Instance=InstanceName/View=ViewNametechnIcaI name
oI archIve server In DOCUMENTS

llq. 8. .x vlew key locloJloq Jetolls Jloloq oo lmpotteJ otcblve sttoctote

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 61
1he 6=/%A" R%P ls Lhe ldenLlfylng unlque label for a schema wlLhln an archlve.

llq. 9. .x scbemo key locloJloq Jetolls Jloloq oo lmpotteJ otcblve sttoctote
1he otcblve flle key of an LL.x flle performs as follows:

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 62
4.1.3 L.AS:
1he otcblve flle key of an L.AS flle performs as follows:
FileType@technical name of archive server in DOCUMENTS

llq. 10. Atcblve setvet A5

SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 63
4.2 lleld labels for ouLpuLLlng flle aLLrlbuLes ln reporLs/search
1here are Lwo caLegorles of speclflc labels LhaL can be used as fleld names Lo
ouLpuL flle aLLrlbuLes. 1he labels of Lhe flrsL caLegory are globally appllcable.
Powever, for Lechnlcal reasons laLer verslons may make changlng Lhese names
LabeI MeanIng
DIcFIIeCreated Date created
DIcFIIeOwner FIIe owner
DIcFIIeLastModIIIed Last modIIIed
DIcFIIeLastEdItor Last edItor
DIcFIIed UnIque technIcaI IIIe name
1he second caLegory of speclflc labels wlll never change. lf, however, a fleld of Lhe
same name exlsLs for one of Lhese names, Lhen Lhe correspondlng fleld value
lnsLead of Lhe flle aLLrlbuLe of Lhe same name wlll be ouLpuL for LhaL flle Lype.
LabeI MeanIng
TItIe FIIe tItIe
CreatedAt Date created
FIIeOwner FIIe owner
LastModIIIedAt Last modIIIed
IastEdItor Last edItor
Id UnIque technIcaI IIIe name
4.3 Label for personal defaulL folders
LabeI MeanIng
FavorItes FavorItes IoIder
nbox nbox IoIder
SendIngFInIshed "FInIshed SendIng" IoIder
nWork "n Progress" IoIder"
FoIIowUp ResubmIssIon IoIder
DeIeted "DeIeted" IoIder"
Tasks Tasks IoIder
LastUsed "Last Used" IoIder"
nTroubIe "nTroubIe" IoIder"
Used In Documents.getFoIderStructure

4.4 SynLax descrlpLlon for fllLer expresslons
1he global noLaLlon for lndlvldual fllLer condlLlons for Lhe uocumenLs.reporL and
uocumenLs.reporL2 operaLlons ls:
Field name Comparison operator Value
1he followlng compotlsoo opetotots are allowed: = (equal Lo), < (less Lhan), >
(greaLer Lhan ), <= (less Lhan or equal Lo ), >= (greaLer Lhan or equal Lo ), ~
(conLalns) and <> or != (noL equal Lo).
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 64
1he comparlson operaLor should nelLher be preceded nor followed by spaces. lf a
value conLalns spaces, lL musL be enclosed ln quoLes.
ln addlLlon Lo range searches, advanced uCCuMLn1S search always uses Lhe
~ (conLalns) operaLor. Cnly when uslng Lhls operaLor wlll Lhe search Lerm be spllL
lnLo lndlvldual words. All oLher operaLors wlll recognlze Lhe search Lerm as a
- 1he User='Eva Frisch' condlLlon ls meL only by flles where Lhe User fleld
conLalns exacLly Lhe LexL Eva Frisch wlLhouL any oLher characLers
precedlng lL or followlng lL.
- 8y conLrasL, Lhe User~'Eva Frisch' condlLlon ls meL ln search mode 0 for
all flles conLalnlng Lhe characLer sLrlng Eva or Frisch ln Lhls fleld, as wlLh
lnpuLLlng boLh words (wlLhouL quoLes) ln Lhe Web form for advanced
uCCuMLn1S search.
1he fllLer condlLlon should be as follows when searchlng for flles where Lva lrlsch
or SLefan Cross have been enLered as Lhe users:
User~'"Eva Frisch" "Stefan Gross"'
MulLlple fllLer condlLlons can currenLly only be llnked wlLh AND (loglcal "and")
operaLors. C8 operaLors are noL yeL avallable aL Lhls level.
Advanced flle aLLrlbuLes can be used ln Lhe fllLer expresslons as follows:
LabeI MeanIng
"SearchFuIItext" FuII text search
"SearchDateFrom" From
"SearchDateUntII" To
"SearchOwner" FIIe owner
"SearchLastEdItor" Last edItor
"SearchModDateFrom" From (Last modIIIed)
SearchModDateUntII To (Last modIIIed)

lor more noLes on performlng search expresslons, please refer Lo kettlevol system
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 65
J. E*H%I
!= ....................................................................... 63
~ ........................................................................ 63
< ........................................................................ 63
<= ..................................................................... 63
<> ..................................................................... 63
= ........................................................................ 63
> ........................................................................ 63
>= ..................................................................... 63
65001 ................................................................ 14
Logout ................................................................ 38
actIond .............................................................. 46
addDocs ....................................................... 19, 25
aIIAttrIbutes ................................................. 28, 30
aIIFIeIds ........................................................ 28, 30
AND ................................................................... 63
LogIn .................................................................. 38
ArchIve ............................................................... 49
Key ................................................................. 59
archIveFIIes ........................................................ 16
archIveInIo ................................................... 22, 53
archIves .................................................. 39, 40, 42
ArchIveStatus...................................................... 49
ArchIve IIIes ........................................................ 59
createFIIe ........................................................ 19
deIeteFIIes ...................................................... 22
getDocument .................................................. 28
getFIIenIo ...................................................... 28
EAS ............................................................61
EE.i ............................................................59
EE.x ............................................................61
ArchIve IIIe key
edItFIIe ........................................................... 25
arcSrc ................................................................. 52
asUser ................................................................ 47
Tasks IoIder ....................................................... 62
VersIon ............................................................... 51
AutoText ............................................................ 27
autoTextNames .................................................. 27
autoTextVaIues................................................... 27
backWhenFInIshed .............................................. 45
base648Inary ...................................................... 50
baseFoIder .......................................................... 32
EdItor ........................................................... 62, 64
ProcessIng .......................................................... 62
EdIt note ............................................................. 46
CondItIon ........................................................... 63
User actIon ......................................................... 46
User permIssIons ................................................ 31
User ................................................................... 48
To ...................................................................... 64
8ooIean ............................................................... 51
browseFoIder ...................................................... 17
canceIWorkIIow ................................................... 19
categorIes ........................................................... 22
chcp .................................................................... 14
code .............................................................. 37, 47
Codepage ............................................................ 14
coIumn ................................................................ 54
coIumns .................................................. 39, 40, 54
DocnIo ........................................................... 49
IoIIowUp .......................................................... 26
MonItorEntry ................................................... 55
trIggerActIon ................................................... 46
WorkIIowStep .................................................. 56
count .................................................................. 17
CreatedAt ............................................................ 62
createFIIe ...................................................... 19, 50
data .............................................................. 28, 50
date .................................................................... 51
FIIe name ............................................................ 28
Data type .............................................................. 9
deIeted ................................................................ 49
DeIeted ............................................................... 62
deIeteDocuments ................................................ 20
deIeteFIIes ........................................................... 22
deIeteOnSuccess ................................................. 16
DeIeteStatus ........................................................ 49
descrIbeFIIeTypes ........................ 22, 51, 53, 55, 56
descrIptIon .......................................................... 23
DIcErr .................................................................. 18
DIcFIIeCreated ................................................... 62
DIcFIIed ............................................................ 62
DIcFIIeLastEdItor ................................................ 62
DIcFIIeLastModIIIed ............................................ 62
DIcFIIeOwner ..................................................... 62
DIcFIIeTItIe .................................................. 62, 64
docd ................................................................... 28
docds ................................................................. 20
DocnIo ............................................................... 49
docregIsters .................................................. 22, 53
documents .................................................... 29, 51
DOCUMENTS.vb ..................................................... 9
DocumentsHost ..................................................... 6
DocumentsPort ..................................................... 6
DocUpIoadData ................................................... 50
Documents .................................................... 28, 30
DownIoad ........................................................ 28
add ........................................................... 19, 25
deIete .............................................................. 20
Document tabs .............................................. 50, 55
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 66
DownIoad ........................................................... 28
EAS ..................................................................... 59
LeveI ................................................................... 54
EE.I ..................................................................... 59
EE.x .................................................................... 59
Owner ................................................................ 62
nbox .................................................................. 26
nbox IoIder ....................................................... 62
EncodIng .............................................................. 7
contaIns ............................................................. 63
entryDate ..................................................... 55, 56
enum ............................................................ 22, 51
ResuIt rows ................................................... 40, 42
errorMsg ............................................................ 44
Date created ....................................................... 62
executIve ............................................................ 55
IaIIOnAIIErrors .................................................... 30
FavorItes IoIder .................................................. 62
FavorItes............................................................. 62
Error strIng ......................................................... 49
Error strIngs ....................................................... 18
FIeId IabeIs ........................... 17, 28, 30, 39, 40, 62
FIeId name
Sort order ....................................................... 39
FIeId vaIues .................................................. 28, 30
FIeIdData ............................................................ 50
FIeIdDescrIptIon ................................................. 51
IIeIdIabeI ...................................................... 22, 51
IIeIdNames ......................................................... 17
IIeIds ................................................ 19, 22, 25, 53
IIeIdvaIues .................................................... 29, 51
IIIed ............................................................. 33, 46
ArchIveStatus .................................................. 49
canceIWorkIIow .............................................. 19
createFIIe ........................................................ 19
deIeteDocument ............................................. 20
edItFIIe ........................................................... 25
FIIenIo ..................................................... 28, 30
FIIeStatus ........................................................ 52
IoIIowUp ......................................................... 26
getAutotext .................................................... 27
getDokument ................................................. 28
getMonItor ..................................................... 32
getTasks ......................................................... 34
getWorkIIowSteps ........................................... 36
IIstPossIbIeActIons .......................................... 37
runScrIpt ........................................................ 44
sendFIIe .......................................................... 45
trIggerActIon .................................................. 46
ArchIve ........................................................... 16
deIeteFIIes ...................................................... 22
IIIeInIo ................................................................ 30
FIIenIo ............................................................... 51
IIIed ............................................................... 51
IIIeOk .................................................................. 55
IIIeOK .................................................................. 56
FIIeOwner ............................................................ 62
IIIes ..................................................................... 17
FIIeStatus ............................................................ 51
IIIeStatuses.................................................... 32, 34
createFIIe ........................................................ 19
edItFIIe ............................................................ 25
.. FIIeTypeArchIvenIo .......................................... 52
FIIeTypeDescrIptIon ............................................. 53
IIIetyped ....................................................... 29, 51
IIIeTypeLabeI ................................................. 29, 51
IIIeTypeName ...................................................... 51
IIIetypes ........................................................ 39, 40
FIIeTypeShortDescr .............................................. 53
.. FIIeTypeWorkIIownIo ....................................... 53
IIIeTypName ........................................................ 29
IIIter .............................................................. 39, 40
FIIter expressIons .............................. 39, 40, 41, 62
FIIter condItIon .................................................... 63
"#$%&&' .............................................................. 38
IInIshDate ........................................................... 56
FoIderDescrIptIon ................................................ 54
FoIderFIIe ............................................................ 54
IoIderd ............................................................... 17
IoIderName ......................................................... 17
IoIderType ..................................................... 17, 31
IoIIowUp .............................................................. 26
FoIIowUp ............................................................. 62
FunctIon scope ...................................................... 4
DeIeted ............................................................... 62
getAutoText ........................................................ 27
getDocument ...................................................... 28
getFIIenIo ........................................................... 28
getFIIesnIo ................................................... 30, 51
getFIIeTypes .................................................. 31, 53
getFoIderStructure............................. 18, 31, 54, 62
getnbox ....................................................... 32, 52
getMonItor .......................................................... 32
getProperty ......................................................... 33
getSentFoIder ................................................ 34, 52
getTasks ............................................................. 34
getWorkIIowPattern ............................................. 36
getWorkIIowSteps ................................................ 36
equaI to............................................................... 63
Iarger .................................................................. 63
greater than or equaI to ...................................... 63
groupFIag............................................................ 56
hasAgent ............................................................. 56
hasSubFoIders ..................................................... 54
HasVaIue ............................................................. 27
headIIne .............................................................. 17
hIt ....................................................................... 54
HItData ................................................................ 54
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 67
edItFIIe ........................................................... 25
HIt-d ................................................................. 40
hItIIst ............................................................ 40, 42
hItIIst .................................................................. 54
hItIIstname ......................................................... 42
Apostrophes ....................................................... 63
HTTP CET ........................................................... 57
Id ....................................................................... 62
DeIeteStatus ................................................... 49
descrIbeFIIeTypes ........................................... 22
DocnIo .......................................................... 49
FIeIdDescrIptIon ............................................. 51
FoIderDescrIptIon ........................................... 54
FoIderFIIe ....................................................... 54
FIIe type.......................................................... 53
RegIsterDSescrIptIon....................................... 55
WorkIIowActIon .............................................. 56
WorkIIowdent ................................................ 56
IdDest................................................................. 52
IdFoIder .............................................................. 34
getnbox ......................................................... 32
IdSrc ................................................................... 55
IdWorkIIowPattern ........................................ 46, 56
IdWorkIIowStep ............................................ 52, 56
IgnoreRIghts ....................................................... 31
DraIts ................................................................. 62
nbox ............................................................ 32, 62
InItIaIVaIue ......................................................... 22
nTroubIe ............................................................ 62
nWork ................................................................ 62
IsUTC ................................................................. 26
ArchIve IIIes
EAS ............................................................61
EE.i ............................................................59
EE.x ............................................................61
Schema ........................................................... 60
VIew ............................................................... 60
keyDest .............................................................. 52
keyIIeId .............................................................. 25
keySrc ................................................................ 55
keyvaIue ............................................................. 25
Iess than ............................................................. 63
Iess than or equaI to ........................................... 63
CommunIcatIon .................................................. 11
CompetIng IogIns ............................................... 38
ConsoIe appIIcatIon ............................................ 13
ConsoIe Iont ....................................................... 14
ConversIon ......................................................... 50
IabeI ............................................................. 54, 56
IastEdItor ............................................................ 62
LastModIIIedAt ................................................... 62
LastUsed............................................................. 62
Space.................................................................. 63
IIstPossIbIeActIons .............................................. 37
IocaIe ............................................................ 37, 47
IocksFIIe .............................................................. 56
IogIn ................................................. 37, 39, 47, 48
Iogout ................................................................. 38
DeIete operatIon............................................ 20, 22
DOCUMENTS IIIe .............................................. 26
DeIete ............................................................. 22
FIIe attrIbutes ...................................................... 62
FIIe owner ........................................................... 64
FIIe status ..................................................... 55, 56
FIIe tItIe ......................................................... 62, 64
FIIe type
DetaIIed InIormatIon ....................................... 22
FIIe types ............................................................. 31
messages ............................................................ 49
mIme .................................................................. 28
MImetype ............................................................ 28
monItorEntrIes .................................................... 33
MonItorEntry ....................................................... 55
descrIbeFIIeTypes ............................................ 22
DocnIo ........................................................... 49
DocUpIoadData ............................................... 50
FIeIdData ......................................................... 50
FIeIdDescrIptIon .............................................. 51
FIIeTypeDescrIptIon ......................................... 53
FIIeTypeShortDescr .......................................... 53
getDocument .................................................. 28
RegIsterDescrIptIon ......................................... 55
runScrIpt ......................................................... 44
usernIo .......................................................... 48
nameDest ............................................................ 52
Namen ................................................................ 48
nameSrc .............................................................. 55
nameWorkIIowPattern ......................................... 56
nextndex ............................................................ 17
NuIIabIe............................................................... 26
numerIc ............................................................... 51
Or ....................................................................... 63
LIst DOCUMENTS IIIes.......................................... 17
FoIder structure................................................... 31
other ................................................................... 51
paramLIst ............................................................ 44
passwd .......................................................... 37, 47
PortaIscrIpt .......................................................... 44
PortaIServerEncodIng ............................................. 7
prevIew ............................................................... 17
prevIousndex ..................................................... 17
prIncIpaI ........................................................ 37, 47
Project FIIe ExpIorer ............................................ 12
propertyNames ................................................... 33
propertyVaIues .................................................... 33
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 68
Proxy .............................................................. 5, 38
DebuggIng ....................................................... 7
Command IIne caII ............................................ 5
ConIIguratIon IIIe ............................................. 6
ProxyPort .............................................................. 6
ProxyTImeout ....................................................... 6
receIvers ............................................................. 45
redIrectIonDescrIptIon ........................................ 56
reIerence ............................................................ 51
regIster............................................................... 50
RegIsterDescrIptIon ............................................ 55
report ................................................................. 39
report ................................................................. 40
report3 ............................................................... 42
Request ................................................................ 8
reserved ............................................................. 54
Response .............................................................. 8
responseDate ..................................................... 55
returnStatus ....................................................... 44
returnVaIue ........................................................ 44
rows ................................................................... 54
runScrIpt ............................................................ 44
key ................................................................. 60
SearchDateFrom ................................................ 64
SearchDateUntII ................................................ 64
SearchFuIItext ................................................... 64
SearchLastEdItor ............................................... 64
SearchModDateFrom ......................................... 64
SearchModDateUntII .......................................... 64
SearchOwner ..................................................... 64
sendFIIeAdHoc .................................................... 45
SendIngFInIshed ................................................. 62
sendMode ........................................................... 45
SequenceSessIond ............................................... 6
sessIon ......................................................... 38, 48
SessIon ................................................... 11, 47, 48
SessIond .............................................................. 6
sIze .............................................................. 28, 49
ScrIpt .................................................................. 44
soapproxy ............................................................ 5
SOAP Iayer .......................................................... 10
SOAP sessIon ................................................ 11, 47
sort .............................................................. 39, 40
SourceArchIv ...................................................... 55
SpecIIIc IabeIs ..................................................... 62
DeIauIt IoIder ..................................................... 18
DeIauIt IoIder ..................................................... 31
startIndex ........................................................... 17
Startup object ..................................................... 13
startWorkIIow ..................................................... 46
status ............................................... 20, 52, 55, 56
Status InIormatIon .............................................. 50
statusLIst ...................................................... 16, 22
StdForwardIng .................................................... 53
strIng ............................................................ 51, 56
StrIngLIst ............................................................. 56
subFoIders .......................................................... 54
Search term ......................................................... 63
Search ................................................................. 39
Syntax descrIptIon ............................. 39, 40, 41, 62
System.Web.ServIces ........................................... 12
System.XmI ......................................................... 12
tabIe ................................................................... 40
task ......................................................... 45, 55, 56
tasks ................................................................... 34
Tasks .................................................................. 62
testSessIon .......................................................... 47
text ..................................................................... 51
tImeAbsoIute ....................................................... 26
tImeAbsoIuteSpecIIIed ......................................... 26
TImeout .............................................................. 38
TItIe .................................................................... 62
HIt IIst ........................................................... 40, 42
trIggerActIon ....................................................... 46
trustedLogIn ........................................................ 47
Type IabeI ........................................................... 31
type .................................................................... 51
OverwrIte ............................................................ 26
not equaI to ........................................................ 63
SubIoIder ............................................................ 18
UrI ................................................................... 5, 10
Source archIve ..................................................... 55
Source archIve ............................................... 49, 52
user ........................................................ 37, 47, 56
usernIo .............................................................. 48
utI-8 ................................................................... 14
vaIId .................................................................... 47
vaIue ................................................................... 50
vaIues ................................................................. 54
ComparIson operators ......................................... 63
LInks ................................................................... 63
RoutIng process .................................................. 62
RoutIng hIstory.................................................... 46
versIon ................................................................ 56
Key .................................................................. 60
VIsuaI 8asIc ........................................................... 9
VIsuaI StudIo 2005 .............................................. 9
FuII text search ................................................... 64
From ................................................................... 64
wasRedIrected ..................................................... 56
Web ServIce Enhancements .................................. 12
Web Iront-end .................................................... 51
Web servIce ........................................................... 5
Set date ........................................................... 26
ResubmIssIon IoIder ...................................... 26, 62
wIshedFIeIdNames ......................................... 28, 30
WorkIIow ....................................................... 53, 56
SOAP nterIace DocumentatIon 69
IInIsh .............................................................. 19
start ............................................................... 46
WorkIIowActIon .................................................. 56
workIIowActIons ................................................. 37
WorkIIowdent .................................................... 56
workIIowInIo ................................................ 22, 53
WorkIIowPattern ........................................... 36, 56
WorkIIow step ............................................... 37, 52
WorkIIowStep ...................................................... 56
WorkIIowSteps..................................................... 36
WSDL ........................................................... 8, 9, 57
wsdI.exe ................................................................ 9
Target archIve ..................................................... 52
Last Used ............................................................ 62
L. !"#$% '( @<MN:%,
llg. 1: Command llne call docsoapproxy -h ............................................................ 3
llg. 2: docsoapproxy.lnl as conflguraLlon flle ........................................................... 6
llg. 3: Changlng Lhe Sesslonlds as parL of logln/logouL .......................................... 12
llg. 4: SelecLlng Lhe sLarL ob[ecL for Lhe pro[ecL ..................................................... 14
llg. 3: SeLLlng Lhe unlcode uLf-8 codepage Lo 63001 ............................................. 13
llg. 6: SeLLlng Lhe console fonL - Luclda Console .................................................... 16
llg. 7: LL.l archlve key lncludlng deLalls dlalog on lmporLed archlve sLrucLure ..... 39
llg. 8: LL.x vlew key lncludlng deLalls dlalog on lmporLed archlve sLrucLure ......... 60
llg. 9: LL.x schema key lncludlng deLalls dlalog on lmporLed archlve sLrucLure .... 61
llg. 10: Archlve server LAS ..................................................................................... 62

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