7th Grade Life Science Unit Plan

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Grade Life Science Unit Plan: Plant and Animal Cells
Science Standards: 1a. Students know cells function similarly in all living organisms. 1b. Students know the characteristics that
distinguish plant cells from animal cells, including chloroplasts and cell walls.
Learning Objectives: Student will know how to distinguish animal cells from plant cells and describe the functions of organelles that
are both similar and different in each.
ocabulary: cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplast, mitochondria, organelle, !", golgi body, ribosomes, lysosomes, cytoplasm
Activities and Assessments Resources and Technology
Marzanos Strategy Writing Component
#ay 1 Warm Up (5min): List $ facts that
you know about cells.
Input (2 min): Students will take
notes on the differences between
plant and animal cells. %eacher will
ask &uestions throughout the lesson
to check for understanding and
reinforce prior knowledge.
!"nlin#uistic $epresentati"n
(%5min): Students will be assigned
to draw and label a plant cell or an
animal cell identifying each part and
its function.
$eflecti"n (5min): Students will
write a one paragraph reflection
about the days notes and activities.
'rentice (all %e)tbook
*ritical +nput
Small chunks of
,ritng about
One paragraph
reflection of
today-s activities
#ay . Warm Up (5min): !)plain the
difference between a cell wall and a
cell membrane/ 0students would
have received this information from
the day 1 notes1
C""perati&e Learnin# (%min):
Students will pair up with another
student that draw and labeled a cell
different from what they did day 1.
%he pairs will identify the
Labeled drawings of cells from #ay
,arm up
similarities and differences of plant
and animal cells using the labeled
drawings they each completed on
day 1.
Class 'iscussi"n (%min): %he
teacher will lead a discussion
regarding what the students
discovered about the similarities and
differences of the drawings. %he
teacher will help t clarify any
Students Practice (2min):
Students will create a enn diagram
comparing and contrasting plant and
animal cells.
#ay 2 ,arm 3p 0$min1: !)plain the
differences between plant and
animal cells.
4ame 025 min1: %he students will
use the &ui6dom remotes in order to
answer &uestions in a friendly
competitive game. %he game will
reflect information that has been
learned in the previous . lessons.
*losing *onversation 015min1:
Students and teacher will engage in
open dialogue about the game, the
friendly competition, and about the
content that has been learned over
the last 2 lessons.
7ui6dom *ooperative

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