Institute Students' Companion Programme: Hello Freshers

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Institute Students Companion Programme

Hello Freshers,
Hearty congratulations on becoming a member of IIT Bombay student community.

Institute Students Companion Programme (ISCP) welcomes you to one of the most
resourceful campuses in India.
The primary objective of ISCP is to develop an atmosphere of cordial interaction
amongst the PG new entrants and the PG seniors. It will encourage flow of information,
knowledge and sharing of experiences among the students.
ISCP strives to provide a senior student companion as a mentor to each new
student admitted. New entrants can contact their assigned companion to discuss any
academic and non-academic issues or concerns. Student Companions, being mentors,
enable smooth and gentle transition from the graduation days to post-graduation days.
New entrants also find a caring friend in companions.
What to expect from Student Companion Programme:
! Information about campus, courses, academics and extracurricular activities.
! Support in case of any problem or difficulty.
! Organize various academic and nonacademic activities for students development.
! Continually interact and obtain feedback from students on their needs and
Feel free to contact us anytime.

Overall Coordinators, ISCP
Prateek Garg Rahul Yadav
+91 9004697545 +91 7506112336

Department Coordinators, ISCP
Aerospace Engineering Pratik Mahyavanshi 7738814593 ninja51p
Bio Science & Bio Engineering (M.Sc.) Fung Rojee 7506144463 rojeefung
Bio Science & Bio Engineering (M.Tech) Vijay Wamanrao Sable 8087496760 vijaysable33
Centre for Environemental Science & Engineering Amul Patwal 9892275449 amulpatwalamul
Centre of Studies in Resource Engineering Anusha S 9443457404 anu.vkdi
Chemical Engineering Rajarshi Sengupta 8454996053 rsg0112
Civil Engineering Rajkumar N 7506112426 rajkmr15
Computer Science & Engineering Ashish Mittal 9833519812 mittal.ashish61
Department of Energy Science & Engineering Ayush Mishra 9833679712 ayushmishra3001
Electrical Engineering Nawaz Hussain 7506112146 nawaz.iitbombay
Humanities Yasmin Ara Hussain 9967367972 yasmin.c50
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Udayabhaskara Raju 7506110893 udaybhaskarraju707
Mechanical Engineering Vinay Bawane 7208883299 vinaybawane
Metalurgical Engineering & Material Science
Rampradesh 8454993510 rampradesh
Rwitu Chakraborty 7506112144 rwituchakraborty.ju
Systems & Control Engineering Jabin Sadique 7506110801 jabinsadique

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