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How to configure SAP Transport Route (STMS)

Logon to the SAP system (Client: 000; User: SAP*) on which you want to
Configure the Domain Controller
I'll show you how to configure STMS in sap; the document applies for newly finished SAP installation.
1. Go to SE06 -> Standard Installation -> Perform Post-Installation Actions.

Perform Post SAP Installation
2. Since it's a fresh installation, choose YES to reinstall the CTS.

Reinstall CTS

3. If it's the first SAP installation you can configure it as SAP Transport Domain,
Otherwise include it in existing SAP Transport Domain.
Go to STMS -> Overview -> Systems -> SAP Systems -> Create -> Virtual System

Create SAP Transport Domain

4. Enter the password for TMSADM user.

TMSADM and password

Client no, description, SID
and save then u will get net
screen ask for password
Here always select
old standard password

5. Your SAP Transport Domain is now created.

New SAP Transport Domain is create
Similarly you can do the same for Quality and Production server to complete the landscape,
repeat the above steps to do the same..

6. Now you begin to setup SAP Transport Route.
STMS -> Overview -> Transport Route -> Configuration -> Standard Configuration -> Three Systems in Groups.

Setup Transport Route - Standard Configuration
7. Enter your DEV, QA & PROD system respectively.

Enter the three System Group

8. its better to create Transport Target Group if you have multiple clients in your target system.
From Transport Group -> Edit -> Transport Target Group -> Create

Create Transport Target Group

09. Enter the name of Target Group and enter the target clients for both QA and PRD.

Target group name and target clients QA

Target group name and target clients PROD
10. Now from Edit -> Transport Route -> Create to create your transport route.
(You can choose in Graphical Mode or Hierarchical View).
Integration System: <DEV SID>
Target Group: <QA Target Group>.

Create The Transport Route
11. Now do the above steps also for
Delivery Source: <QA SID - client>

Delivery Target: <PROD Target Group>

Transport Route for target PROD
12. Now your SAP Transport Route is fully configured and shown like below

Fully configured SAP Transport Route

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