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2 20 00 07 7 L LD Dl lT Tl lO ON N
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The Code ol Praclice lor Lnergy Llliciency ol Lill & Lscalalor lnslallalions (Lill & Lscalalor Code)
developed by lhe Lleclrical & Mechanical Services Deparlmenl (LMSD) aims lo sel oul lhe minimum
design requiremenls on energy elliciency ol lill & escalalor inslallalions. ll lorms a parl ol a sel ol
comprehensive 8uilding Lnergy Codes (8LC) lhal addresses energy elliciency requiremenls in building
services inslallalions. The sel ol comprehensive 8LC covers lhe Lill & Lscalalor Code, lhe Codes ol
Praclice lor Lnergy Llliciency ol Lighling lnslallalions, Air Condilioning lnslallalions and Lleclrical
lnslallalions, and lhe Perlormance-based 8uilding Lnergy Code.
As a supplemenl lo lhe Lill & Lscalalor Code, lhe LMSD has developed lhis handbook ol Cuidelines
on Lnergy Llliciency ol Lill & Lscalalor lnslallalions (Cuidelines). The inlenlion ol lhe Cuidelines is lo
provide guidance noles lo compliance wilh lhe Lill & Lscalalor Code and draw allenlion ol lill &
escalalor designers & operalors lo general recommended praclices lor energy elliciency and
conservalion on lhe design, operalion & mainlenance ol lill & escalalor inslallalions. The Cuidelines
seek lo explain lhe requiremenls ol lhe Lill & Lscalalor Code in general lerms and should be read in
conjunclion wilh lhe Lill & Lscalalor Code. ll is hoped lhal designers will nol only design inslallalions
lhal would salisly lhe minimum requiremenls slaled in lhe Lill & Lscalalor Code, bul also pursue
above lhe minimum requiremenls.
The Cuidelines were lirsl published in 2000. Wilh lhe Lill & Lscalalor Code upgraded lo ils 2005
edilion, an addendum lor lhe Cuidelines was issued in 2005. The Cuidelines are amended in 2007 lo
suil lhe 2007 edilion ol lhe Lill & Lscalalor Code.
To promole lhe adoplion ol lhe 8LC, lhe Hong Kong Lnergy Llliciency Pegislralion Scheme lor
8uildings was also launched. The Pegislralion Scheme provides lhe cerlilicalion lo a building
complying wilh one or more ol lhe 8LC.
This book ol Cuidelines is copyrighled and all righls (including subsequenl amendmenls) are reserved.
ln lhe preparalion ol lhe Cuidelines, relerence has been made lo lhe lollowing publicalions.
a) Cl8SL Cuide D Transporlalion Syslems in 8uildings, Cl8SL
b) 8arney, C.C., and Dos Sanlos, S.M., Llevalor Trallic Analysis Design and Conlrol, Peler Peregrinus,
!995 Pelevanl conlenls quoled are. 2.8.2 (p57, 58), 3.! (p85), 3.3.3 (p95), Table 2.3 (p5!), and
Lxamples 2.!! & 2.!2 (p65 lo 67)
c) Slawinoga, Poland, "Designing lor Peduced Llevalor Lnergy Cosl", LLLVATOP WOPLD magazine,
Jan !994
d) Al-Sharil, Lulli, 8unching in Lills, LLLVATOP WOPLD magazine, Jan !996
e) Malinowski, John, Llevalor Drive Technologies, LLLVATOP WOPLD magazine, Mar !998
l) Cuide Noles on Llevalors (Lills) Planning, Seleclion and Design, !997, Deparlmenl ol Public Works
& Services, Auslralia Pelevanl conlenls quoled are. 7. Lleclrohydraulic Lills
The 8uilding Lnergy Codes, corresponding Cuidelines and Pegislralion Scheme documenls
are available lor download al hllp.//

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!. lNTPODUCTlON ........................... !
2. CODL COMPLlANCL......................... !
2.! Maximum Allowable Lleclrical Power ol Lills, Lscalalors and Passenger Conveyors !
2.2 Lnergy Managemenl ol Lills, Lscalalors & Passenger Conveyors ....... 2
2.3 Power Qualily Pequiremenls ...................... 2
3.! laclors Thal Allecl Lnergy Consumplion ol Lill and Lscalalor Syslem...... 3
3.2 Ceneral Principles lo Achieve Lnergy Llliciency ................. 3
4.! Ceneral ............................... 4
4.2 Traclion Lill Lquipmenl ......................... 4
4.2.! Molor Drive Conlrol Syslem .................... 4
4.2.2 Molor Drive Cears ........................ 6
4.2.3 Molor ............................. 7
4.2.4 Olher Means lo Peduce Punning lriclion .............. 7
4.3 Hydraulic Lill Lquipmenl ........................ 8
4.3.! Main Componenls ........................ 8
4.3.2 8asic Arrangemenls ...................... 8
4.3.3 Valve Unil ........................... 9
4.3.4 Lnergy Llliciency lor Hydraulic Lill Lquipmenl .............. 9
4.4 Lscalalor and Passenger Conveyor Lquipmenl ............... !!
4.4.! Molor Drive Conlrol Syslem .................... !!
4.4.2 Molor Drive Cears and Power Transmission ............. !2
4.5 Power Qualily ol Lquipmenl ....................... !2
4.6 VVVl Molor Drive, Lnergy oplimizer, Service-on-demand Lscalalor !4
5.! Appropriale Sizing ol Verlical Transporlalion Syslem ............. !4
5.2 Appropriale Zoning ol Lill lnslallalions .................. !6
5.3 Lnergy Managemenl ol Lill Syslem ..................... !7
5.3.! Provisions ol Melering Devices ................... !7
5.3.2 Conlrol Algorilhm ol Lill .................... !7
5.3.3 Slandby Mode ol Lill Lquipmenl .................. !8
5.4 Lnergy Managemenl ol Lscalalor and Conveyor Syslem ........... !9
5.4.! Provision ol Melering Devices .................. !9
5.4.2 Slandby Mode ol Lscalalors and Conveyors ............ !9
5.5 lnlernal Decoralion ol Lill Cars ...................... !9
5.6 Lill Trallic Design ........................... !9
5.7 Handling Capacily ol Lill Syslem ...................... 2!
7. MODLPNlSATlON Ol OLD LQUlPMLNT.................... 23

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The primary objeclive ol lhe Code ol Praclice lor Lnergy Llliciency ol Lill & Lscalalor lnslallalions
(Lill & Lscalalor Code), published by lhe Lleclrical and Mechanical Services Deparlmenl (LMSD), is
lo sel oul lhe minimum energy-ellicienl design slandards lor lill & escalalor inslallalions wilhoul
imposing any adverse conslrainl on building lunclions, nor hindrance lo comlorl or produclivily
ol lhe building occupanls. The Cuidelines on Lnergy Llliciency ol Lill & Lscalalor lnslallalions
(Cuidelines) is a supplemenl lo lhe Lill & Lscalalor Code. The inlenlion ol lhe Cuidelines is lo
explain lhe principles behind relevanl requiremenls in lhe Lill & Lscalalor Code and provide
guidance on Code compliance. The Cuidelines also provide lhe recommended general praclices
lor energy elliciency and conservalion on lhe design, operalion & mainlenance ol lill & escalalor
inslallalions. Whilsl locusing on energy elliciency aspecls, lhe Cuidelines are nol lo provide a
comprehensive sel ol guidance noles in lill & escalalor design.
The Lill & Lscalalor Code mainly conlrols lhe lollowing areas.
The maximum allowable eleclrical power ol lills, escalalors & passenger conveyors.
Lnergy managemenl ol lills, escalalors & passenger conveyors
Tolal Harmonic Dislorlion and Tolal Power laclor lor molor drive syslem.
2.! Maximum Allowable Lleclrical Power ol Lills, Lscalalors & Passenger Conveyors
The requiremenl ol lhe maximum allowable eleclric power indicales ullimalely lhe energy
perlormance ol lhe equipmenl. The power lor lill equipmenl is lo be measured when lhe
lill is carrying ils raled load and moving upward al ils conlracl speed. lor escalalors and
passenger conveyors, since lhe raled load is usually delined as number ol person (nol in kg
weighl), lhere is no lheorelical raled load in kg lor lhe equipmenl. Thus lhe eleclric power is
lo be measured when lhe escalalor/conveyor is carrying no load and moving al ils raled
speed eilher in lhe upward or downward direclion. Conlrol ligures are given in lhe Lill &
Lscalalor Code.
lor lill equipmenl, lhe power is measured al lull load conlracl speed. A number ol laclors
will allecl lhis power consumplion. ln lhe case ol suspension lill, lhe weighl ol lhe lill car
will usually be balanced by lhe counlerweighl. Thus il power is measured al lhe conlracl
speed, lhe laclors lhal allecl lhe power consumplion will be primarily lhe proporlion ol lhe
lull load lhal is balanced by lhe counlerweighl. ln usual lill machine design, lhe
counlerweighl is usually sized lo balance lhe weighl ol lhe lill car plus 45'-50' ol lhe
conlracl load. ll lhe counlerweighl is designed lo balance 45' ol lhe conlracl load, lhe
power consumplion al lhe lull load conlracl speed up condilion will be higher. Olher laclor
lhal has signilicanl ellecls on lhis power consumplion is lhe elliciency ol lhe molor, lriclion,
lhe conlroller and lhe gear box. lor hydraulic lills, lhe dead weighl ol lhe lill car is lhe
predominaling laclor on lhis maximum running power as lhere is no counlerweighl lo
balance ils dead weighl.
ln escalalor and passenger conveyor equipmenl, lhe dominaling laclor is similar lo lhe
lraclion lill equipmenl. Thal is, lhe elliciency ol lhe molor, lriclion, lhe conlroller and lhe
driving gear box. The proporlion ol lriclional loss ol lhe machine can also become
signilicanl in lhe power consumplion in no load condilion, as il is lhe lix overhead lo keep
lhe equipmenl running.
lor lill and escalalor syslem designers, il is dillicull lo oblain lhis power ligure during lhe
design slage because mosl ol lhe lill manulaclurers can only provide lhe molor's power
raling ligure ol lheir equipmenl which is much larger lhan lhe running power. This running
power can only be measured during lhe lesling and commissioning process, lhus il is
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dillicull lo lell exaclly during lhe design slage whelher a cerlain piece ol equipmenl comply
wilh lhe Code. ll is lherelore, advisable lo look al lesling and commissioning records ol
similar inslallalions when raled power is oblained lrom lill manulaclurers.
ln order lo meel lhe allowable eleclrical power, some good engineering praclices lor
lraclion lill are.
Lill machine lo locale direclly above lhe lill shall lo avoid losses lhrough addilional
pulley mechanism,
Maximum rise (m) lo limil lo 50 (s) x Speed (m/s) lo minimize lhe lravel dislance and
lhus lhe energy consumplion,
Maximum rise (m) lo limil lo 40m lor under slung lype roping arrangemenl wilh
basemenl/side lype lraclion, so as lo minimize lhe lravel dislance and lhus lhe energy
consumplion, and
Avoid blind hoisl way above lhe lop mosl landing lo minimize lhe dead weighl ol
2.2 Lnergy Managemenl ol Lills, Lscalalors & Passenger Conveyors
lor lhe purpose ol energy managemenl, lhe Code requires lhal melering devices or
provision lor meler conneclion be provided lor laking readings concerning energy
perlormance. The readings laken can help lo compile a beller piclure ol building energy
consumplion during energy audil and lel building owners know lhe running cosls lhal lhey
are paying lor lheir verlical lransporlalion syslem.
The Code has allowed llexibilily lor equipmenl inslallalions. The provision ol only a
conneclion poinl wilh reasonable accessibilily and spacing is acceplable lo lhe Code while
lhe ideal provision is lo provide lhe melering equipmenl logelher wilh lhe lill/escalalor
equipmenl. ll should be noled lhal lhe word "provision" should reler lo permanenl
provisions. Melering devices or measuring provisions are nol required lor individual
equipmenl. lnslead only one sel ol melering device or provision is required lor each group
ol escalalors/conveyors or each bank ol lill. The readings lhal are required include vollage,
currenl (bolh line and neulral currenl), lolal power laclor, energy consumplion, power and
maximum demand. Mulli-lunclion meler lhal can measure mulliple ligures is acceplable
and recommended. ln lacl using mulli-lunclion meler can simplily lhe inslallalion work.
8esides lhe melering requiremenl, lhe Code requires lhal lor lill banks wilh lwo or more lill
cars, al leasl one lill car should be operaled under a "slandby" mode during oll-peak
period. ll is also required lhal during lhe slandby mode, lhe lill should nol response lo
passenger calls unlil il is relurned lo normal operalion mode. ll merely means lo shul down
one ol lhe lills in lhe lill bank during oll peak hours. Addilionally, il lhe lill car's molor
drive is DC-MC lype molor drive, il is required lhal lhe generalor driving molor ol lhe lill
car should be shul down during lhe slandby mode. As mosl ol newly inslalled lill
equipmenl in Hong Kong are VVVl equipmenl, lhis requiremenl is expecled lo have very
lillle impacl lo lhe lill induslry.
Anolher requiremenl is lo shul oll lhe venlilalion lan while a lill car has been idled lor more
lhan 2 minules. The reason lor nol shulling down also lhe lill car lighling is merely due lo
salely consideralions.
2.3 Power Qualily Pequiremenls
The power qualily requiremenls in lhe Code mainly sel oul in lorm ol Tolal Harmonic
Dislorlion requiremenl and Tolal Power laclor requiremenl. Pelevanl relerence malerials
concerning power qualily requiremenl can be oblained lrom lhe Cuidelines lor Lnergy
Llliciency ol Lleclrical lnslallalions published by lhe Lleclrical and Mechanical Services
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Deparlmenl. Designers should nole lhe measuring condilions and localions ol lhe power
qualily requiremenls. lor escalalors inslallalions, since lhe requiremenl ol Tolal Power
laclor is lo be measured under lhe molor brake load condilion, which is dillicull lo simulale
on sile, lhus, manulaclurer's calculalions or prool ol compliance will be considered
The lill and escalalor induslry is a very unique lrade among olher building services equipmenl
induslries. The equipmenl suppliers usually have lines ol basic producls. However, each
inslallalion is sile specilic. Thal is, lhe linal inslallalion is lailor-made lo suil individual sile's
conslrainls and requiremenls. This makes lhe eslablishmenl ol generic energy elliciency
slandard a dillicull lask, as lhere are large diversilies among dillerenl inslallalions.
3.! laclors Thal Allecl Lnergy Consumplion in Lill and Lscalalor Syslem
Lnergy is consumed by lill and escalalor equipmenl mainly on lhe lollowing calegories.
lriclion losses incurred while lravelling.
Dynamic losses while slarling and slopping.
Lilling (or lowering) work done, polenlial energy lransler.
Pegeneralion inlo lhe supply syslem.
The general approach lo energy elliciency in lill and escalalor equipmenl is merely lo
minimize lhe lriclion losses and lhe dynamic losses ol lhe syslem. There are many laclors
lhal will allecl lhese losses lor a lill and escalalor syslem.-
(A) Characlerislic ol lhe equipmenl
- The lype ol molor drive conlrol syslem ol lhe machine.
- The inlernal decoralion ol lhe lill car.
- Means lo reduce lriclion in moving parls (e.g. guide shoes).
- The lype ol lills and escalalors.
- The speed ol lhe lill/escalalor syslem.
- The pulley syslem ol lhe equipmenl.
(8) Characlerislic ol lhe premises
- The populalion dislribulion ol lhe premises.
- The lype ol lhe premises.
- The heighl ol lhe premises.
- The house keeping ol lhe premises.
(C) The conliguralion ol lhe lill/escalalor syslem
- The zoning ol lhe lill syslem.
- The combinalion ol lill and escalalor equipmenl.
- The slralegies lor verlical lransporlalion.
- The required grade ol service ol lhe syslem.
3.2 Ceneral Principles lo Achieve Lnergy Llliciency
ln general lhe principles lor achieving energy elliciency lor lill/escalalor inslallalions are.
Specily energy elliciency equipmenl lor lhe syslem.
Do nol over design lhe syslem.
Suilable zoning arrangemenl.
Suilable conlrol and energy managemenl ol lill equipmenl
Use lighl weighl malerials lor lill car decoralion.
Cood house keeping.
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4.! Ceneral
The mode ol verlical lransporl in buildings can be mainly classilied inlo lhree modes.
by slair lrallic
by lill lrallic
by escalalor lrallic
Lach ol lhese modes ol verlical lransporl has lheir own characlerislics and limilalions.
Despile lhe vasl diversilied usage ol lhe lill equipmenl, lhere are basically lwo main
calegories ol lill equipmenl, namely lraclion lill and hydraulic lill. lrom energy perlormance
poinl ol view, lraclion lill is more energy ellicienl lhan hydraulic lill syslem. ln hydraulic lill
inslallalion, a considerable amounl ol energy is wasled in healing up lhe hydraulic lluid
when building up lhe hydraulic pressure. Some inslallalions may even need separale coolers
lo cool down lhe lluid lo avoid overhealing. lurlhermore, hydraulic lills are usually nol
provided wilh a counlerweighl. Thus lhe lill molor has lo be large enough lo raise lhe raled
load plus lhe dead weighl ol lhe car cage. ln lraclion lill, lhe maximum weighl lo be raised
under normal operalion is only aboul hall ol ils raled load. Therelore, designers should
avoid using hydraulic lills il lhere is no conslrainl on lhe inslallalion ol lraclion lill
4.2 Traclion Lill Lquipmenl
4.2.! Molor Drive Conlrol Syslem
Lleclricily is direclly consumed by lhe molor drive syslem ol lhe lill machine. Thus
how elleclive lhe molor drive can converl lhe eleclrical energy inlo lhe required
kinelic energy have a remarkable ellecl on lhe energy perlormance ol lhe
equipmenl. ln lhe hislory ol lill equipmenl developmenl, dillerenl lypes ol molor
drive syslem were developed. Some ol lhese molor drive syslems include.
- DC molor drive wilh generalor sel (DC M-C).
- DC molor drive wilh solid slale conlroller (DC SS).
- AC 2 speed molor drive.
- AC molor drive wilh variable vollage conlroller (ACVV).
- AC molor drive wilh variable vollage and variable lrequency
Among lhe above drive syslems, DC M-C has lhe lowesl elliciency because ol large
energy loss in lhe molor and generalor arrangemenl, which converls eleclrical
energy inlo mechanical energy and linally back lo eleclrical energy again. Anolher
reason lor lhe low elliciency ol lhe DC M-C molor drive is lhal lhe molor has lo be
kepl running when lhe lill is idle.
Similarly, lhe AC 2 speed molor drive is also considered a less energy ellicienl drive
syslem. These lwo speed molors are usually slarled up wilh resislance in lhe high-
speed winding, whilsl smoolh deceleralion is oblained by inserling a buller
resislance, eilher in lhe low- or high-speed winding during lransilion lo low speed.
Somelimes, a choke is used inslead ol a buller resislance, which resulls in a
smoolher and less peaked curve ol braking lorque. The inserlion ol buller resislance
and choke wasles much energy during lhe slarl up and deceleralion. lurlhermore,
lwo-speed syslem is inslalled wilh a large llywheel lo smoolh lhe sudden change in
lorque. The llywheel slores energy, which is dissipaled laler, conlribuling lo lhe low
syslem elliciency.
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A general guideline on lhe molor drive syslem lor lraclion lill equipmenl is shown in
lhe lollowing lable.
Conlracl Speed V
Suggesled Order ol Prelerence
Molor Drive Conlrol Syslems lor Passenger Traclion Lills
V s !.0 AC VVVl / AC VV / DC SS / AC 2-speed
!.0 < V s 3.0 AC VVVl / AC VV / DC SS
3.0 < V s 5.0 AC VVVl / AC VV
V > 5.0 AC VVVl
DC M-C sel is nol in lhe guideline lhroughoul lhe range as lhe energy perlormance
is exlremely poor. The AC-2 speed molor drive syslem is nol recommended lor lills
wilh conlracl speed higher lhan ! m/s due lo lheir inlerior energy perlormance. ll is
highly recommended lhal even lor lill wilh speed under ! m/s, building designers
should always consider lo use AC VVVl whenever leasible. As an illuslralion on lhe
energy saving polenlial lor ulilizing VVVl drive, lel's lake lhe energy ol a lill wilh a
pole-changing molor as !00'. Then lhe ACVV syslem requires approximalely 70'
ol lhis energy lor lhe same oulpul whereas ACVVVl will only require 50'. ll lhe
energy lo be led back inlo lhe mains supply is laken inlo accounl, a lurlher
reduclion ol 5' (i.e. 45') ol energy can be achieved lor lhe ACVVVl.
AC 2 speed
Currenl ol VVVl vs AC 2 speed
The ligure on lhe lell illuslrales lhe
operaling characlerislic ol some
molor drive syslems during an ideal
journey ol a lill car. The ideal
journey includes a linear
acceleralion, conlracl speed lravel
and a linear deceleralion. The
energy consumed lor lhe journey
should be proporlional lo lhe area
under lhe currenl line ol lhe
corresponding molor drive syslem,
lhal is.
energy l (l ) dl
Currenl ol VVVl vs DC SS
Currenl ol VVVl vs ACVV
This diagram is lor relerence only
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Thus il can be seen lhal a signilicanl proporlion ol energy has lo be consumed
during lhe acceleralion process as well as lhe deceleralion process. VVVl molor
drive consumes less energy during lhe slarl/slop cycle ol lhe lill car. The saving is
more remarkable when il is compared wilh an AC 2 speed molor drive syslem. ll
has also been slressed lhal in real lile applicalions a remarkable proporlion ol lill
journeys are non-ideal journey. Thal is, lhe conlracl speed ol lhe equipmenl is nol
achieved. ln lhis case, lhe lill equipmenl is always operaling in an
acceleralion/deceleralion cycle, which is lhe mosl energy-consuming mode.
8esides energy concern, ACVVVl also provides good riding comlorl due lo lhe
smoolhness ol speed conlrol.
4.2.2 Molor Drive Cears
The molor drive syslem is basically eilher geared or gearless lype. Cearless drive
usually is lor high speed lills wilh conlracl speed above 5 m/s. Lquipmenl
suppliers recenlly slarl lo exlend lhe usage range ol gearless drive lo lhe low
speed range. Allhough lhe original inlenlion is lo reduce lhe size ol lhe machine,
lhe eliminalion ol gear improves lhe energy elliciency ol lhe equipmenl. lor mosl
ol lhe low and medium speed lills, lhe sheave wheel is usually driven by gears. ln
lerms ol energy perlormance, gearless drive has no gear lransmission loss lhus
have a lransmission elliciency ol !00'. However, lhe disadvanlage lor gearless
molor drive lies wilh lhe lacl lhal mulliple-pole molor windings, which generale
large magnelic leakage, are needed lo allain lhe necessary rpm. lor low and
medium speed lills, due lo lhe dillerence belween lhe rolaling speed ol lhe
molor shall and lhe required rolaling speed ol lhe sheave wheel, a gear is
required lo reduce lhe speed ol lhe molor. However, lhe gear will dissipale some
energy as heal generalion due lo lriclion in lhe gear lrain. Thus lhe lransmission
elliciency is more inlerior lo gearless machine. Low and medium speed lills
usually use irreversible worm gears lor which lhe lransmission loss is
comparalively high. The advanlages ol worm gear are precise speed conlrol, good
shock absorplion, quiel operalion, and high resislance lo reversed shall rolalion.
The elliciency ol lhe gear lrain depends on lhe lead angle ol lhe gears and lhe
coellicienl ol lriclion ol lhe gear malerials. The lead angle is lhe angle ol lhe
worm loolh or lhread wilh respecl lo a line perpendicular lo lhe worm axis. As
lhis angle approaches zero degrees, lhe reduclion ralio increases, lhere is more
sliding along lhe gear leelh, and lhe elliciency decreases. They are usually in lhe
range ol 50' lo 94'. The elliciency also depends on lhe operaling paramelers
ol lhe gear lrain. Usually, smaller reduclion ralios, higher inpul speeds lo lhe
worm, and larger sizes resull in grealer elliciency. However, il does nol mean lhal
energy can be saved by over-sizing lhe gear lrain because lhe gear lrain operale
less ellicienlly al parlial load condilion.
Some new machines currenlly in lhe markel ulilise helical gears lhal have higher
elliciency lhan worm gears. The gear lrain experiences less sliding belween gear
leelh lhus lhe elliciency is higher lhan worm gears. According lo inlormalion
provided by manulaclurers, lhe lransmission elliciency ol helical gears is roughly
!0' higher lhan lhal ol worm gear. Thus enhancing lhe overall mechanical
elliciency ol lhe lill equipmenl. Like worm gears, over-sizing lhe gear lrain will
nol resull in energy saving.
Planelary gears are also used by some ol lhe equipmenl manulaclurers lo replace
lhe low elliciency worm gears. Manulaclurer claim lhal by ulilizing planelary
gears, an overall annual saving ol aboul 34' can be achieved when compared
wilh worm gear syslems.
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4.2.3 Molor
Molor lhal can be used lor lraclion lills are DC molors, AC asynchronous molors,
or AC synchronous molors.
DC molors have good conlrol characlerislics. The lill car acceleralion/deceleralion
dynamics can be easily conlrolled due lo lhe lorque slabilily al lhe low speed
range. The meril ol DC molors is lherelore lhe achievemenl ol good riding
comlorl. However, DC molors are bulky in size and expensive in price. The
brushes in lhe DC molors add complicalions lo lhe mainlenance works and molor
operaling noise.
ln order lo be inslalled in lill equipmenl, AC asynchronous molors are usually
mulli-pole design and operaled in low lrequencies. The power laclor lor such
design is usually below 0.7, which render lhe elliciency ol lhe molor lo below
70'. lurlhermore, lorque pulsalion is a problem lor AC asynchronous molors
operaling al low lrequency and low speed range.
Pecenl developmenl has slarled lo inslall synchronous molor in lhe lraclion drive
ol lill equipmenl. Wilh lhe advancemenl ol magnel malerial, permanenl magnels
are used in some ol lhe synchronous molor. Compared wilh asynchronous
molors, lhe permanenl magnel synchronous molors are claimed lo save energy
by 30-50'. This saving is a resull ol lhe complele eliminalion ol excilalion
currenl and lhe high power laclor (~0.9) achieved.
4.2.4 Olher Means lo Peduce Punning lriclion
As slipulaled belore, one ol lhe energy losses ol lill equipmenl is lhe lriclion
during ils operalion. ln modern lills, various melhods are employed lo reduce lhe
lriclion loss during operalion. Some ol lhese measures are.
- Using high elliciency lransmission gears lo reduce lransmission loss.
- Using roller bearings lor lhe sheave shall.
- Suspending lhe car lrom a poinl above ils cenlre ol gravily inslead ol lrom
lhe geomelrical cenlre ol lhe crosshead so as lo reduce lhe side lhrusl on
lhe guide shoes.
- Using roller guide shoes inslead ol sliding guide shoes.
- Use less number ol pulleys. lewer pulleys induce smaller losses. ll lhe molor
is mounled below, il is more ellicienl lo locale lhe lraclion sheave in lhe
hoislway lhan lo have lwo addilional pulleys lo diverl lhe ropes lrom lhe
machine room inlo lhe hoislway.
- Use larger diameler pulleys. The larger lhe pulleys' diameler, lhe lower lhe
lensile lorce required lor lhe rope lo overcome lhe lriclional momenl ol lhe
- Use lhinner rope and larger diameler lraclion sheave and rope pulleys. This
can reduce lhe inlernal lriclion losses. On lhe olher hand, lhe exlernal
lriclional losses lrom lhe rope can be reduced also in lhe lraclion sheave by
nol designing lor an excessively high lraclion ellorl and lower specilic
pressure lor lhe rope in lhe groove ol lhe sheave, and in lhe rope pulleys
by lheir having low momenls ol inerlia and grooves ol a malerial wilh good
gliding qualilies (e.g. use polyamide rope pulleys inslead ol casl iron).
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4.3 Hydraulic Lill Lquipmenl
A hydraulic lill inslallalion consisls ol an eleclric molor and a pump unil. The oil pressure
generaled by lhe pump acls on lhe ram in lhe cylinder. The lill car, which is allached lo lhe
lop ol lhe ram, moves as lhe ram moves upwards. The eleclric molor is nol required on
descend. A "Down" valve is opened lo allow lhe oil lo llow back lo lhe lank lor lhe lill
downwards movemenl. Hydraulic lill is in general nol energy ellicienl due lo lhe reasons as
slipulaled earlier. Designers should always consider lo use lraclion lill belore going lo lhe
hydraulic lill oplion.
4.3.! Main Componenls
The main componenls in a hydraulic lill include.
- A lank unil, which consisls ol a molor, a screw, a pump and valve unil. The
molor and lhe pump are immersed in lhe oil whereas lhe valve unil is
inslalled exlernally on lhe lop ol lhe lank.
- A cylinder and ram unil. The ram moves wilhin lhe cylinder, which acls as
proleclion lo lhe ram's unilorm smoolh linish. A cylinder head is allached lo
lhe cylinder wilh clamping rings.
- Splil guide rings (prevenl sideways movemenl ol lhe ram).
- Pam seal (prevenl leakage ol oil pasl lhe cylinder head).
- Scraper ring (prevenl scoring ol lhe ram by removing loreign subslance
belore ram relurns lo lhe cylinder).
- 8leed screw (lor removing air in lhe hydraulic syslem).
- O-rings (provide seal belween cylinder head and cylinder).
- A conlroller, which operales lhe valves and conlrol lhe direclions ol lhe car.
4.3.2 8asic Arrangemenls
There are 3 basic lill car arrangemenls.-
- Direcl Acling The cylinder is placed inside a caisson, which is embedded in
lhe ground. The ram is lhen allached lo lhe bollom and normally al lhe
cenlre ol lhe car lrame. 8ore is required lor lhe inslallalion ol lhe caisson.
There is no real benelil ol having direcl acling arrangemenl. However, some
argue lhal lhis arrangemenl is suilable lor lilling heavy load.
- Side Acling This is lhe mosl popular arrangemenl. The cylinder unil sils al
lhe bollom ol lhe lill pil againsl a wall. Cuide rails are required lo guide lhe
ram in a verlical plane. The ram is allached lo lhe lop ol lhe car lrame.
- Pope hydraulic This arrangemenl is used lo increase lhe speed ol lhe lill by
a 2.! roping ralio. The cylinder inslallalion is similar lo lhal ol side acling
excepl lhal a sheave is allached lo lhe lop ol lhe ram. Popes are passed over
lhe sheave wilh one end allached lo lhe pil and lhe olher end lo a salely
gear under lhe car. The salely gear can be operaled by lhe slack rope
melhod or by a governor.
8esides lhe above basic arrangemenl, hydraulic lill can be inslalled wilh more
lhan one cylinder according lo lhe raled load lhal lhe lill is going lo be operaled.
These mulliple jacks machines lollow one ol lhe above 3 arrangemenls and wilh
lhe cylinders connecled logelher hydraulically.
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4.3.3 Valve Unil
The valve unil conlrols lhe lill operalion acceleralion and direclions. ll consisls
ol 3 chambers lhe pump chamber, lhe high-pressure chamber, and lhe low-
pressure chamber. The pump chamber conlains a by-pass valve and a pump reliel
valve. The high-pressure chamber conlains a check valve, a main down valve and
a down leveling valve. The low-pressure chamber is connecled lo lhe lank by a
relurn pipe.
4.3.4 Lnergy Llliciency lor Hydraulic Lill Lquipmenl
Hydraulic lill ilsell is basically nol an energy ellicienl machine when compared
wilh lraclion lill. Lnergy is drained in lhe lollowing ways.
- Lnergy loss in molor driving lhe hydraulic pump during lhe conversion ol
eleclricily inlo kinelic energy.
- Lnergy loss in lhe hydraulic pump ilsell.
- Lnergy loss in lhe valve unil due lo pressure drop.
- Lnergy loss in lhe lransmission ol lhe hydraulic lluid.
- The molor drive does nol have regeneralion characlerislic.
- Lnergy loss as heal dissipalion ol lhe hydraulic lluid.
- The syslem usually does nol equipped wilh counler weighl lo ollsel parl ol
lhe polenlial energy inpul required lor lhe lill car.
- The pump is always al conslanl llow despile lhe speed ol lhe lill car. ll lhe
speed is less lhan lhe conlracl speed (say during acceleralion and
deceleralion), parl ol lhe hydraulic lluid is relurned lo lhe lank lhrough lhe
by-pass valve. The loss is remarkable when lhe lill car is acceleraling and
- ln some exlreme cases separale cooling provisions (e.g. cooling coils) are
required lo avoid over healing ol hydraulic lluid.
- lriclion ol moving parls such as lhe cylinder jack(s), lhe guide rail elc..
Some hydraulic lills manulaclurers have developed digilal conlrol eleclronic valves
lo replace lhe mechanical valve in lhe syslem. The producl claimed lo be able lo
produce a 30' saving when compared wilh a lradilional hydraulic valve.
More advanced lechnology has been developed lor new lrequency-conlrolled
hydraulic drive which dillers lrom a convenlional hydraulic drive in lhal bolh lhe
molor and lhe pump are run al a variable speed. Wilh regard lo lilling lravel, lhis
means lhal only lhe amounl ol oil required lo achieve lhe inslanlaneous lraveling
speed has lo be supplied. Wilh a convenlional hydraulic drive, however, a
conslanl quanlily ol oil is always required. ln lhe case ol lrequency-conlrolled
drive, lhis smaller llow ol oil means less eleclrical energy is consumed, which also
resull in less heal generalion ol lhe hydraulic lluid. A rough eslimale indicaled
lhal lhe new lrequency-conlrolled drive requires roughly 50' less energy lor
lilling lravel. The heal balance ol lhe hydraulic lill inslallalion as a whole is
improved by around 40'. lor lhe majorily ol inslallalions, lhis means an
addilional savings can be recognised, namely because lhere is no need lor an oil
The lollowing diagram compares lhe energy consumplion ol lhe hydraulic syslem
wilh dillerenl lypes ol conlrol.
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Velocily prolile
Lnergy loss
Lnergy Consumplion ol VVVl conlrol
Velocily prolile
Lnergy loss
Lnergy Consumplion ol Lleclronic Valve conlrol
Lnergy loss
Velocily prolile
Lnergy Consumplion ol Mechanical Valve conlrol
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Lill car
The pull cylinder conliguralion is anolher simple
way lo achieve energy elliciency by
incorporaling counler weighls inlo lhe syslem.
The principle ol lhe syslem is illuslraled in lhe
diagram on lhe lell. The hydraulic cylinder is
allached lo lhe counler weighls inslead ol lhe
lill car. lnslead ol pushing lhe lill car, lhe
cylinder pull lhe counler weighl downwards lo
lill up lhe lill car. ln lhis conliguralion, lhe
cylinder used is smaller lhan lhe lradilional
push cylinder conliguralion as parl ol lhe car
weighl is balanced by lhe counler weighl and
lhal lhere is no need lo use large cylinder rod
lo prevenl buckling. Manulaclure poinled oul lhal by using lhis conliguralion,
lhe molor power is 35'-40' smaller lhan lhe lradilional conliguralion.
lurlhermore, lhe oil volume ol lhe syslem is !5' smaller.
To oplimise lhe energy perlormance ol hydraulic lill equipmenl, lhe designer
should ensure lhe lollowing.
- The pump and lhe molor are correclly sized. This is lo ensure lhal lhe pump
is al a working poinl ol acceplable pump elliciency.
- Use lighl-weighl malerials lor lhe lill car inlerior decoralion. Since hydraulic
lills usually are nol inslalled wilh counler weighls, lhe weighl ol lhe lill cars
has signilicanl ellecls lo lhe energy consumplion when compared wilh
lraclion lills.
- ll leasible, use a smaller secondary oil pump lo mainlain lill car leveling
inslead ol lhe main oil pump.
- Use a mechanical anli-creep device ralher lhan an eleclrical one.
- Use a pull cylinder conliguralion and incorporale counler weighls inlo lhe
- ll applicable lry lo reclaim lhe heal generaled in lhe oil lank lor healing
- Use lhe new eleclronic valve or lhe VVVl hydraulic drive.
4.4 Lscalalor and Passenger Conveyor Lquipmenl
Lscalalors are moving slairs, which lransporl passengers lrom one landing lo anolher. The
drive unil is an eleclric molor wilh a sprockel lo drive lhe main shall. The drive unil is
localed al lhe upper lruss exlension and may be lilled wilh an over-speed governor. The
main drive shall has sprockels al each end ol lhe axle lo drive lhe slep chains. A lhird
sprockel on lhe main shall is used lo drive lhe handrail lriclion newel wheel.
4.4.! Molor Drive Conlrol Syslem
Unlike lhe molor drive ol lill equipmenl, lhe molor drive syslem ol lhe escalalor
and conveyor is running all lhe lime disregarding lhe load condilion ol lhe
escalalor or conveyor. Thus eleclricily is conlinuously consumed even lhere is no
passengers on lhe escalalor or conveyor. Much energy is wasled il lhe number ol
passengers is widely lluclualing e.g. in public lransporl slalions. Thus, nol
wilhslanding lhe requiremenl ol lhe local regulalions, much energy can be saved
il lhe speed ol lhe molor drive can be adjusled in according lo lhe passenger
lransporlalion lrequency. This can be achieved lechnically by lhe use ol scan
sensors or lighl barriers in passenger guide bars and some conlroller such as
lrequency inverler lo adjusl lhe speed ol lhe molor. The sensors are usually
inlegraled in lhe handrail enlry caps lo delecl relleclion lrom individuals and
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objecls. ln case ol widely lluclualing operaling condilions, a lighl barrier musl be
inslalled in lhe skirling area ol lhe escalalor. A simpler arrangemenl using a lwo-
speed molor drive syslem can be such lhal il operales in slow speed when lhere is
no passenger boarding. The slow speed operalion is merely lo indicale lhal lhe
escalalor is operaling. Once passengers enler a boarding zone, lhe speed ol lhe
escalalor is resumed lo normal belore lhe passengers aclually board on lhe
escalalor or conveyor. 8y adjusling lhe speed ol lhe escalalor lo lhe lrequency ol
passengers an energy saving ol up lo 30' can be achieved. ll a variable speed
drive is available, a saving ol up lo 60' can be achieved.
Anolher way lo save energy
q, cos q consumplion in lhe molor drive is lo
inslall energy saving equipmenl
(energy oplimiser), which can reduce
lhe operaling vollage ol lhe molor al
lighl load condilion. The principle
behind lhe energy oplimiser is based
on lhe lacl lhal mosl escalalors and
conveyors are inslalled wilh
asynchronous molor as lhe prime
mover. The elliciency and power
laclor ol asynchronous molor
depend on lhe load laclor (i.e. lhe
ralio ol lhe amounl ol mechanical
Load laclor load ol lhe molor lo lhe lolal
designed mechanical load ol lhe
molor, see diagram above). When lhe molor is operaling al lhe nominal vollage
and lighl load condilion, lhe elliciency can be as low as 20'. 8y lowering lhe
operaling vollage, lhe molor iron loss, which is proporlional lo lhe square rool ol
lhe operaling vollage, is reduced. lurlhermore, improving lhe power laclor also
help lo reduce lhe copper loss ol lhe molor. This kind ol energy oplimiser is sold
in a package lo replace lhe molor slarler ol lhe escalalor or conveyor.
Modilicalion ol exisling equipmenl lo incorporale lhe energy oplimiser is nol
complicaled. The device senses lhe load laclor ol lhe escalalor or conveyor by
comparing lhe phase angle belween lhe currenl and vollage and adjusl lhe
vollage lo lhe molor unlil lhe phase dillerence malches wilh lhe presel value. On
sile lesling ol such a device wilhin a lypical governmenl ollice building indicales
an average saving ol aboul !0' in energy consumplion.
4.4.2 Molor Drive Cears and Power Transmission
Like lraclion lill equipmenl, a gear box is needed lo reduce lhe molor speed lo
lhe speed ol lhe sprockel. ll is common lor escalalors lo use irreversible worm
and worm-gear lransmission lor lhe purpose. Some new escalalors use helical
gears, which enhance lhe lransmission elliciency by roughly !0', lhus reducing
lhe power consumplion ol lhe equipmenl. The sleps ol escalalors and conveyors
are usually driven by chain and sprockels syslem. Properly lubricaled chain and
sprockel syslem can achieve a lransmission elliciency ol 85' lo over 98',
depending on lubricalion, load condilion and sprockel size.
4.5 Power Qualily ol Lquipmenl
ln an allernaling currenl circuil, eleclrons llow lowards lhe power source lor one hall ol lhe
cycle and away lrom lhe power source lor lhe olher hall. A device wilh ideal power qualily
characlerislics neilher dislorls lhe supply vollage nor allecls lhe vollage-currenl phase
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relalionship. Mosl incandescenl lighling syslems do nol reduce lhe power qualily ol a
dislribulion syslem because lhey have sinusoidal currenl wavelorms lhal are in phase wilh
lhe vollage wavelorm (i.e. lhe currenl and vollage bolh increase and decrease al lhe same
lime). Lleclronic circuilry wilh swilching devices may dislorl currenl wavelorms. lor example,
VVVl drive wilh eleclronics swilching devices will draw currenl in shorl bursls (inslead ol
drawing il smoolhly), which creales dislorlion in lhe vollage. These devices' currenl
wavelorms also may be oul ol phase wilh lhe vollage wavelorm. Such a phase displacemenl
can reduce lhe elliciency ol lhe allernaling currenl circuil.
Phase displacemenl
Vollage Currenl
The ligure on lhe lell shows a lypical
case lor a currenl wave lags behind lhe
vollage wave (a lypical case lor
induclive load). During parl ol lhe cycle
lhe currenl is posilive while lhe vollage
is negalive (or vice versa), as shown in
lhe shaded areas, lhe currenl and
vollage work againsl each olher,
crealing reaclive power. The device
produces work only during lhe lime
represenled by lhe non-shaded parls ol
lhe cycle, which represenl lhe circuil's aclive power. Peaclive power does nol dislorl lhe
vollage. However, il is an imporlanl power qualily concern because ulililies' dislribulion
syslems musl have lhe capacily lo carry reaclive power even lhough il accomplishes no
uselul work.
Anolher power qualily concern is lhe harmonics. A harmonic is a wave wilh a lrequency
lhal is an inleger mulliple ol lhe lundamenlal, or main wave. Any dislorled wavelorm can
be described by lhe lundamenlal wave plus one or more harmonics. Highly dislorled currenl
wavelorms conlain numerous harmonics. The even harmonic componenls (second-order,
lourlh-order, elc.) lend lo cancel oul each olher's ellecls, bul lhe odd harmonics lend lo
add in a way lhal rapidly increase dislorlion because lhe peaks and lroughs ol lheir
wavelorms ollen coincide. The measuremenl ol harmonics is mosl commonly in lerms ol
lolal harmonics dislorlion (THD). Devices wilh high currenl THD conlribule lo vollage THD in
proporlion lo lheir percenlage ol a building's lolal load. Thus, high wallage devices can
increase vollage THD more lhan low wallage devices. ll is recommended lhal designers
should include lillers lo minimize THD when specilying eleclronic drive syslems.
Power laclor is a measure ol how elleclively a device converls inpul currenl and vollage inlo
uselul eleclric power. ll describes lhe combined ellecls ol currenl THD and reaclive power
lrom phase displacemenl. A device wilh a power laclor ol unily has 0' currenl THD and a
currenl draw lhal is synchronized wilh lhe vollage. Pesislive loads such as incandescenl
lamps have power laclors ol unily. Lleclronic molor drives should have lillers lo reduce
harmonics and capacilors lo reduce phase displacemenl.
Poor power qualily can damage lhe dislribulion syslem and devices operaling on lhe syslem.
ln rare inslances, poor power qualily can cause a dangerous overload ol lhe neulral
conduclor in a lhree-phase circuil. ln a syslem wilh no THD, lhe neulral wire carries no
currenl. High currenl THD devices can send odd lriple harmonics onlo lhe vollage supply,
which do nol cancel each olher oul. They add up on lhe neulral wire, and il lhe currenl
exceeds lhe wire's raling, lhe neulral conduclor can overheal and pose a lire hazard. THD in
lhe supply can resulls in molor overhealing as vollage dislorlion increases. lillh-order
harmonics produce parlicularly negalive ellecls as lhey rapidly degrade lhe molor's
elliciency by producing lorque in opposilion lo normal lor parl ol lhe cycle. Vollage
dislorlion can also shorlen lhe lile ol ulililies' lranslormers and cause capacilor banks lo lail.
Peaclive power uses capacily on lhe dislribulion syslem, which limils lhe amounl ol aclive
power lhal a ulilily can deliver. This may be a problem during periods ol peak demand.
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4.6 VVVl Molor Drive, Lnergy oplimizer, Service-on-demand Lscalalor
LMSD has mainlained a web-sile on energy elliciency lechnologies hllp.//,
in which lechnologies ol lhe VVVl molor drive, energy oplimizer, service-on-demand
escalalor elc. are inlroduced.
8esides lhe equipmenl ilsell, lhe design ol lhe syslem as a whole would also allecl lhe energy
perlormance ol lhe inslallalion. The design ol a verlical lransporlalion syslem should basically
lullill lhe verlical lransporlalion needs. The lransporlalion needs ol a building depend on lhe
lollowing laclors.
Size ol populalion and ils dislribulion in lhe premises.
Pallern ol populalion movemenl in lhe premises.
The qualily requiremenl ol lhe verlical lransporl service.
Pequiremenls ol lhe local regulalions on verlical lransporl syslem.
The key lor achieving energy elliciency ol lhe verlical lransporl syslem is lo ensure an elleclive
ulilizalion ol lhe syslem and minimize unnecessary waslage. Over design ol eilher lhe number ol
lills or size ol lill car will resull in energy waslage, especially during lhe oll peak period. On lhe
olher hand lhe over design ol conlracl speed, car cage dead weighl and molor raling will
consume energy unnecessarily when lhe lill car is in operalion.
5.! Appropriale Sizing ol Verlical Transporlalion Syslem
Appropriale sizing ol verlical lransporlalion syslem depends on lhe accuracy ol inlormalion
aboul lhe populalion in premises. This inlormalion includes lhe populalion dislribulion and
lheir predicled pallern ol llow wilhin lhe day. Thus il will be more dillicull lor a "shell
building" lo oblain lhe oplimum size lor lhe verlical lransporlalion syslem. lurlhermore,
lhe size and pallern ol populalion llow wilhin a building will change lhroughoul lhe lile
cycle ol lhe building as new lenanl move in and change ol business nalure.
The need lo eslimale populalion size and dislribulion in a building is nol conlined lo lill and
escalalor inslallalions. ll is also crucial lor lhe design ol olher services such as lhe HVAC,
provision ol loilel lacililies or even lhe planning ol lhe escape roule.
8elore sizing lhe verlical lransporl syslem, designers should plan lhe mode ol verlical
lransporl (e.g. by mean ol slairs, escalalor, lill syslem or a mix ol dillerenl modes ol lrallic).
This can make lhe inlormalion more realislic lor lrallic analysis purpose. The mosl
commonly used melhod ol lrallic analysis is lhe "Up Peak" model which is a melhod lo size
lhe verlical lransporlalion syslem lor premises having an "up peak" period (e.g. lhe hour
belore lhe commencemenl ol ollice hours). ln lhe markel, lhere are compuler aided lill
design programmes lor sizing ol lill inslallalions. These programmes can also lake care ol
more complicaled scenarios such as peak inler-lloor lrallic, down peak lrallic llow elc. The
virluous ol lhese programmes is lo allow designer lo experimenl wilh dillerenl lill syslem
conliguralions and conlrol algorilhms wilhoul lhe need lo carry oul ledious calculalions and
ileralions. The reason lor employing lhe up peak model lor sizing lhe lill is because during
up peak period, lhe Handling Capacily ol lhe lill syslem dominale lhe degree lo which lhe
lrallic demand is lullilled. The Handling Capacily is one ol lhe key paramelers lor designing
a verlical lransporl syslem. ll is also believed lhal syslems lhal can cope wilh lhe up peak
period are also sullicienl lo handle olher lrallic condilions.
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Unlike olher building services inslallalions which lhe design calculalions give an "exacl"
prediclion ol lhe syslem perlormance. All lill lrallic analysis melhods give resull in a
probabilislic sense or is a lheorelical ligure. Thal is, lhe calculaled perlormance may nol be
lhe same as lhal in realily bul lhe long-lerm average perlormance will be close lo lhe resull
The populalion basically delermined lhe scale ol lhe verlical lransporlalion syslem. However,
lhe qualily requiremenl ol lill service will also allecl lhe scale as well. Some basic quanlilies
lhal are used lo describe lhe qualily ol lhe service are.
Handling Capacily.-
Handling Capacily indicales lhe quanlily ol service a lill syslem can provide wilhin a
cerlain period ol lime, usually 5 minules (300 seconds). As a resull ol experience, lhe
number ol passengers assumed lo be carried each lrip is laken as 80' ol lhe conlracl
capacily ol lhe lill car. This does nol mean cars are assumed lo lill only lo 80' ol
conlracl capacily each lrip bul lhal lhe average load is 80' ol conlracl capacily. The
Handling Capacily can be expressed as number ol people or as a percenlage lo lhe
lolal populalion above lhe lerminal lloor. When expressed in percenlage lhe Handling
Capacily is.
300 CC 240 CC
HC = 0.8 =
where HC = Handling Capacily
CC = Conlracl Capacily ol Lill Car
UPPlNT = Up-peak inlerval
Pop = Populalion above lerminal lloor
Typical ligure lor lhe Handling Capacily is aboul !2'-!5'. ll lhe Handling Capacily ol
a lill syslem is loo small, lhere will be lol ol people queuing lor lhe lills during up peak.
Also, lhe lill cars will have lo go more round lrips in order lo clear oll lhe queue. Thus
syslems wilh loo small Handling Capacily will degrade lhe qualily ol service.
ll should be noled lhal lhe Handling Capacily slaled in an up peak calculalion usually
does nol expecl inler-lloor lravel during lhe up peak period. ll in real case, inler-lloor
lravel is expecled during lhe up peak period, designer can add !-2' inlo lhe Handling
Capacily parameler lo cover lhe loss in Handling Capacily due lo inler-lloor lravels.
The up peak inlerval ol a lill syslem is lhe lime lap belween lill cars deparl lrom lhe
lerminal lloor during up peak period. ll is merely delined by.
lnlerval =
where PTT = up peak round lrip lime
n = number ol lill cars in lill bank.
lor a lixed Handling Capacily, large inlerval means small number ol lill cars and large
lill car conlracl capacily. Lill syslem wilh small number ol lill cars bul large conlracl
capacily will resull in inellicienl use ol energy during oll peak hour. lmagine how
energy is wasled during oll peak hours when lhere are lrequenl occasions ol only a
lew people lraveling in a large lill car.
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Correcl sizing ol escalalor and passenger conveyor equipmenl is imporlanl as well because
lhe molor ol lhe equipmenl is conlinuously running and escalalors and conveyors are
usually inslalled in group. The size ol an escalalor and conveyor usually relales lo lhe widlh
ol lhe equipmenl and also on how many equipmenl is inslalled in a group. Though lhe
speed ol lhe equipmenl also allecls lhe handling capacily ol lhe equipmenl, lhe speed ol
escalalor is capped al 0.75m/s and lor passenger conveyor al 0.9m/s in Hong Kong. The
varialion ol lhis speed wilh individual equipmenl is nol expecled lo be large. The dillicully in
sizing escalalor and conveyor equipmenl lies in lhe uncerlainly in anlicipaling passenger
llow rale. There are nol many lileralures on how lo oblain an oplimum size ol an escalalor
or conveyor group. As escalalors are usually inslalled lo serve lhe verlical lransporlalion ol
only a lew lloors, an undersized escalalor group usually does nol have large impacl lo lhe
passengers as lill inslallalions do because passengers always have olher allernalives lo go
around lhe lloors (e.g. by slairs or lills).
Appropriale sizing ol lill equipmenl also includes lhe seleclion ol appropriale conlracl speed.
ln general lhe higher lhe building is, lhe lasler lhe conlracl speed will be. Ollen in a zoned
building lhe rise lrom an express zone lerminal may be small, e.g. !0 lloors, bul lhe express
zone jump may be large. ll is lhis express jump, which largely delermines lhe conlracl speed,
lo allow journey limes lo be kepl al reasonable values. The lollowing lable applies
principally lo commercial buildings, speeds in residenlial and inslilulional buildings may be
subjecl lo local design regulalions, and similar heighl buildings may be inslalled wilh a wide
range ol dillerenl speed equipmenl.
Conlracl speed Lill lravel
(m/s) (m)
<!.00 <20
!.00 20
!.50 30
2.50 45
3.50 60
5.00 !20
>5.00 >!80
5.2 Appropriale Zoning ol Lill lnslallalions
Despile lhe lriclion loss ol lill inslallalion, lhe dynamics loss during slarl/slop cycle ol lill car
is anolher major energy loss ol a lill inslallalion. Thus, lrom energy poinl ol view, il will be
desirable lo limil lhe number ol slarls/slops cycle lor a lill car in order lo reduce lhis energy
loss. This can be achieved lhrough appropriale arrangemenl ol lill zoning which subdivide
lhe lloors ol lhe premises inlo cluslers ol slops lo be served by dillerenl lill cars. ll is by
making lhis arrangemenl, passengers lhal lravel lo a parlicular lloor have a higher chance
ol being grouped logelher such lhal lhe elliciency ol lhe lrallic as well as lhe energy usage
can be improved. Appropriale zoning arrangemenl will nol only improve lhe energy
perlormance ol lhe lill inslallalion bul also improve lhe handling capacily and lhe qualily ol
service due lo shorler Pound Trip Time. The improvemenls are more signilicanl in high rise
buildings. The academic inslilulions have lol ol researches on zoning algorilhms such as
dynamic zoning which can adapl lo lhe changing lrallic llow pallerns.
lor super high rise buildings, researches have indicaled lhal lhe use ol a sky-lobby is an
elleclive solulion lor verlical lransporl. The original design inlenlion lor lhe provision ol sky-
lobby is lo reduce lhe core space lor lill syslems. Wilhoul sky-lobby, lhere will be dillicullies
in conslrucling super high rise buildings because lhe areas occupy by lill shalls will be
subslanlial in order lo meel lhe lrallic needs. Thal is, lhe "space elliciency" ol lhe building
will be reduced. 8y incorporaling high-speed shullle lill service and sky-lobby, lhe lill shalls
sizes are reduced and resulling in more lloor space lor leasing.
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The provision ol sky-lobby however, can also make lhe verlical lransporlalion more elleclive
by ulilizing super high speeds lills lor lhe lransil belween lhe main lerminal and lhe sky-
lobby. The verlical lransporl ol a sky-lobby is usually shullle lills. They lypically have no more
lhan lwo primary slops in a lall building due lo lhe volume ol lrallic lhey musl handle.
These lills musl provide maximum handling capacily, consume as lillle space as possible,
and be exlremely reliable.
Anolher aspecl lo consider lor arranging zones is lhe psychology ol lhe lill passengers. 8ad
zoning arrangemenl lhal resull in poor average wailing lime will lorce passengers lo call
also lill cars ol neighbour zones and see which one come lirsl. This will lead lo unnecessary
waslage ol energy. A lypical example is separaling lill syslems lo serve even number lloors
and odd number lloors. ll lhe average wailing lime is loo long, passengers will call lor bolh
lill syslems and lravel one lloor by slair.
5.3 Lnergy Managemenl ol Lill Syslem
8esides lhe equipmenl ilsell, some provisions in lhe lill syslems may help lo reduce
unnecessary energy waslage.
5.3.! Provision ol Melering Devices
The provision ol melering devices can provide a convenienl means lor conducling
energy audil. On lhe consumer side, il provides concrele dala lor how much eleclricily
is consumed by lhe lill equipmenl. This improve lhe awareness ol landlord or properly
managemenl on lhe energy managemenl opporlunily lor lhe equipmenl when lhey
have an aclual "leel" ol lhe amounl ol money lhey are paying lor lhe eleclricily ol lhe
verlical lransporl. When provision ol melering devices is nol possible lhe equipmenl
should al leasl be provided wilh suilable accessibilily and spacing lor conneclion ol
lhese measuring devices.
5.3.2 Conlrol Algorilhm ol Lill
One ol lhe main laclors allecling lhe elleclive ulilizalion ol a lill syslem is ils conlrol
algorilhm. Pesearches showed lhal lhe conlrol algorilhm has lillle ellecl during lhe up
peak period while lhe ellecl is much more prominenl during lhe down peak period.
The conlrol ol lill syslems lackles lwo dillerenl engineering problems. lirsl, some
means ol commanding a car lo move in bolh up and down direclions and lo slop al a
specilied landing musl be provided. Secondly, in a group ol cars working logelher, il is
necessary lo coordinale lhe operalion ol lhe individual cars in order lo make ellicienl
use ol lhe lill group. A good qualily group conlrol syslem musl dislribule lhe cars
equally around lhe zone in order lo provide an even service al all lloors. Also il is
imporlanl lhal only one car be dispalched lo deal wilh each landing call. Thus, an
allocalion policy is necessary lo delermine which car answers each parlicular call. A
common melhod used lo provide such a lealure is by grouping lhe landing calls inlo
seclors wilhin each zone and allocaling lill cars lo each seclor. A seclor is a group ol
landings or ol landing calls considered logelher lor lill car allocalion or parking
Mosl ol lhe lill syslems have lo lackle lhe up peak, down peak and peak balanced
inler-lloor lrallic wilhin a working day. Modern group conlrol syslems are expecled lo
provide more lhan one programme or conlrol algorilhm lo allocale cars lo seclors or
landings. The appropriale operaling programme is delermined by lhe pallern and
inlensily ol lhe lrallic llow encounlered by lhe lill syslem. ln more complex syslems
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lrallic analyser lhal assesses lhe prevailing lrallic condilions aulomalically selecls lhe
operaling programme. Academics are recenlly combining lhe use ol arlilicial
inlelligence and lrallic pallerns recognilion syslem. Neural nelworks, which have abilily
lo acquire knowledge, are inlegraled inlo lhe conlrol syslem lor lrallic demand
recognilion. Wilh lhis new arlilicial inlelligence lechnology, lhe lill conlrol will move
lrom demand response lo prediclive posilioning.
lor up peak service, lhe perlormance ol lhe lill syslem is less allecled by lhe conlrol
algorilhm, as by lhe handling capacily ol lhe lill syslem prevailing lhe algorilhm during
lhis period. However, lhe conlrol algorilhm has a very signilicanl and delermining role
in lhe perlormance ol lhe lill syslem during down peak and balanced inler-lloor lrallic
The lobby or main lerminal lloor in a building is normally ol greal imporlance, owing
lo lhe sleady llow ol incoming passengers. Prelerenlial service is usually provided lor
lhese passengers by parking a car al lhe main lerminal prior lo any olher seclor.
Allhough cars are usually parked wilh doors closed, lhe car parked al lhe main
lerminal lloor and assigned as lhe "Nexl" car lo leave lhis lloor keeps ils doors open,
ready lo receive lhe incoming lrallic. However, il any olher cars are slalioned al lhe
main lerminal, lhey will keep lheir doors closed, in order lo direcl all lhe passengers lo
lhe "Nexl" car. This "Nexl" car up lealure can help lo reduce lhe so called
"bunching" ellecls. "8unching" is delined as lhe silualion in which lhe lime inlerval
belween cars leaving lhe main lerminal is nol equal. When il lakes place, syslem lrallic
perlormance is degraded. A lypical case ol bunching can be seen when lhe lills slarl
lollowing each olher (or even leaplrogging), as lhey serve adjacenl calls in lhe same
direclion. This has a delrimenlal ellecl on passenger wailing lime. The ullimale case is
when all lills in lhe group move logelher, acling elleclively as one huge lill wilh a
capacily equal lo lhe summalion ol lhe capacilies ol all lhe lills in lhe group. Al lhis
inslanl lhe passenger wailing lime will be near lo lhe Pound Trip Time ol lhe lill cars.
8unching ellecl will nol allecl lhe Handling Capacily ol lhe Lill syslem. ll will only
degrade lhe qualily ol service by prolonging lhe passenger wailing lime during up
peak. Thus lhe lrallic ol lhe lill is less elleclive. Anolher adverse ellecl ol bunching is
due lo lhe long wailing lime lor passengers, passengers lravel lo lhe lloors al lhe
margin ol lwo dillerenl zones will lend lo call lhe lill cars service bolh zones and gel
on lhe lill car which come lirsl. This will resull in waslage ol energy lor aclivaling
unnecessary lill syslems.
5.3.3 Slandby Mode ol Lill Lquipmenl
As mosl ol lhe lill equipmenl has a considerable idling lime during oll peak hours,
landlord or properly managemenl may consider pulling some ol lhese equipmenl lo a
slandby mode in order lo achieve a more ellicienl usage on lill equipmenl.
There are many ways lo pul lhe equipmenl lo a slandby mode. One ol lhese is lo shul
down some equipmenl while keeping lhe demand during oll peak lo be handled by
lhe remaining equipmenl (e.g. shul down one ol lhe lill in a lill bank). The saving can
be signilicanl il lhe lill equipmenl is using DC M-C sel molor drive lor which lhe
molor sel is kepl on running even lhe lill is being idled.
Olher arrangemenl may be lo swilch oll lhe lill car lighling and venlilalion lan during
lhe slandby mode or when lhe lill is idling. The lighls and venlilalion lan are swilched
on again once lhe conlrol syslem allocales lhe lill car lor lhe demand. 8olh lhe
lighling and venlilalion should be swilched on belore lhe lill doors open lo allow
passengers boarding. One should be carelul il lhe lighls are being swilched oll
because il may arouse salely problem.
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5.4 Lnergy Managemenl ol Lscalalor and Conveyor Syslem
5.4.! Provision ol Melering Devices
As lor lill equipmenl, lhe provision ol melering devices can provide a uselul means lor
oblaining dala lor energy audil purpose and review purpose.
5.4.2 Slandby Mode ol Lscalalors and Conveyors
Lnergy managemenl opporlunily lor escalalors and conveyor equipmenl usually lies
wilh how lo reduce power consumplion during oll peak period. This can be done
eilher manually or by inslalling sensors lo adjusl lhe speed ol lhe equipmenl according
lo lhe demand. The inslallalion ol sensors is more suilable lor escalalors and conveyors
wilh widely lluclualing demand. However, care should be laken lo ensure lhal lhere is
no speed change on lhe operalion ol lhe equipmenl when passengers are lraveling.
5.5 lnlernal Decoralion ol Lill Cars
The dead weighl ol lhe lill car is a key laclor lor energy waslage lor lill equipmenl as energy
has lo be consumed lo move il up and down lhe lill shall. The use ol marbles, graniles or
olher heavy malerials will signilicanlly increase lhe dead weighl ol lhe lill car lhus
delerioraling lhe energy perlormance ol lhe syslem. The ellecl is more signilicanl lor
hydraulic lills, which do nol have counler weighls lor lhe lill cars. Lven lor lraclion lill wilh a
counler weighl, lhe increase in overall lill car weighl will increase also lhe mass ol lhe counler
weighl. This will increase lhe syslem's inerlia and lherelore will increase lhe energy required
during acceleralion/deceleralion operalion ol lhe lill car.
8esides lhe decoralion malerials, lurlher energy saving can be achieved by using energy
ellicienl lighling inside lhe lill car. Tungslen halogen lamps are less energy ellicienl lhan
lluorescenl/compacl lluorescenl lamps. lor delails on lhe choice ol energy ellicienl lighling,
relerences are available in "Cuidelines on Lnergy Llliciency ol Lighling lnslallalions" published
by lhe Lleclrical and Mechanical Services Deparlmenl.
lor ouldoor observalion lills, linled glazing can reduce lhe heal gain ol lhe lill car lhus
reducing lhe cooling requiremenl ol lhe lill car. Clear glazing can be used lor indoor
observalion lills bul lhey are nol recommended lor ouldoor purpose unless provisions are
allowed lo shade lhe ouldoor glazing lrom direcl solar radialion. Should ouldoor glazing nol
be avoidable, use lypes wilh low shading coellicienl lo minimize lhe solar heal gain.
5.6 Lill Trallic Design
5.6.! lor any passenger lill syslem which lorms lhe main mode ol verlical lransporlalion and
lullilling all ol lhe lollowing condilions, a lill lrallic analysis shall prelerably be carried
oul lo oplimise lill lrallic llow.
- lhe raled speed ol any lill car in a lill bank exceeds !.5 m/s,
- a building lhal requires lill service and has al leasl !0 slorey, and
- lhe building usage shall be ol lhe zone lype as indicaled in lhe lable in
paragraph 5.6.2 below.
5.6.2 ln lhe lrallic analysis, lhe Maximum lnlerval (lNT) al up-peak al lhe lerminal lloor ol a
lill bank serving a zone ol a parlicular building usage shall prelerably nol exceed lhe
maximum values below.
Zone Type Maximum lnlerval ol a Lill 8ank (s)
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Ollice Zone 30
Holels 40
lnslilulional Zone 45
Commercial Zone
(Shopping Complex)
lnduslrial Zone 55
Composile Zone lhe smallesl value ol various Maximum lnlervals lhal apply
lo dillerenl zone lypes ol a composile zone (see nole !)
Table 5.6a Maximum lnlervals ol Lill 8anks lor Various Zone Types
nole !. premises in a composile zone which do nol occupy more lhan !.5
percenlage ol lhe gross lloor area (e.g. eslale managemenl ollice, mulual-aid
ollice wilhin a domeslic block) ol lhe zone may be considered nol conslilule an
independenl zone lype.
The maximum inlerval requiremenl does nol apply lo a lill syslem lhal is nol lhe main
mode ol verlical lransporlalion. An example ol lhis is in a shopping complex wilh bolh
escalalors and lill syslem, lhe main mode ol verlical lransporlalion is usually by
escalalors and nol by lill syslem, and lhe lill syslem does nol have lo lollow lhe
handling capacily requiremenl.
5.6.3 The Maximum lnlerval al up-peak ol a lill bank is equal lo lhe Pound Trip Time (in sec)
al lhe Up Peak lrallic condilion divided by lhe quanlily ol lills in lhe lill bank. The
Pound Trip Time ol a lill car relers lo a value calculaled by Up Peak Model. The Pound
Trip Time (PTT) could be oblained lrom lhe lollowing equalion.
PTT = 2Hl
+ (S + !)l
+ 2Pl
where PTT = Pound Trip Time (in seconds)
= lime lo lransil lwo adjacenl lloors al raled speed (in seconds)
= lime consumed when making a slop (in seconds)
= passenger lransler lime lor enlering or exiling lhe lill car (in seconds)
P = 0.8 x conlracl capacily ol lill car (in person)
The lime consumed when making a slop is oblained lrom lhe equalion.
l = l
l +l
c s ! v
where l
= Single lloor jump lime (in seconds)
= Door opening lime (in seconds)
= Door closing lime (in seconds)
5.6.4 Unless lhere are sullicienl lechnical inlormalion on lhe door opening and closing limes
lor lhe lill equipmenl, lhe ligures in lables below shall be adopled in lhe lill lrallic
Panel arrangemenl
Door Size (nole 2)
0.8 m !.! m
Ordinary Pre-Open
(nole 3)
Ordinary Pre-Open
(nole 3)
Side opening 2.5s !.0s 3.0s !.5s
Cenlre opening 2.0s 0.5s 2.5s 0.8s
Table 5.6b Minimum Door Opening Times To 8e Used lor Lill Trallic Analysis
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Panel arrangemenl
Door Size (nole 2)
0.8 m !.! m
Side opening 3.0s 4.0s
Cenlre opening 2.0s 3.0s
Table 5.6c Minimum Door Closing Times To 8e Used lor Lill Trallic Analysis
nole 2. lor door size olher lhan 0.8m and !.!m, lhe operaling lime shall be
calculaled by inlerpolalion.
nole 3. Also known as Advanced Door Opening. The door panels ol lhe lill car
slarl lo open when lhe car has enlered lhe door zone e.g. say some 0.2m lrom
a landing level. The lime is laken lrom lhe lirsl applicalion ol lhe brake lo
doors 90' open.
5.6.5 When a lill lrallic analysis is carried oul, lhe highesl call reversal lloor (H) and lhe
average number ol slops (S) could be oblained lrom lhe lollowing equalions, wilh lhe
passenger lransler lime assumed lo be !.0 second.
! j
U |
H = N

S = N ! |

j =! \ i =!
. i =! \
where N = Number ol lloors above main lerminal lloor
U = Tolal populalion ol zone above main lerminal lloor
= Populalion al lhe i lh lloor
lerminal lloor = lhe principal lloor in a building zone lrom which lill cars
can load and unload passengers.
5.6.6 A complicalion lor lhe requiremenl in lhe lable in 5.6a lies wilh lhe composilion zone
(i.e. lhere are more lhan one single lype ol lloor usage lor lhe zone). ln lhis case, lhe
smallesl value ol lhe required maximum inlerval lor lhe various lloor usage lypes
wilhin lhe zone will be laken as lhe conlrol value. However, il a cerlain lype ol lloor
usage wilhin lhe zone does nol occupy more lhan !.5' ol lhe gross lloor area ol lhe
zone, lhe designer can discard lhis lype ol usage lrom lhe composile zone. This is lo
avoid unnecessary slringenl requiremenl being imposed on lhe zone having an
insignilicanl porlion ol olher usage (such as a managemenl ollice wilhin a residenlial
An example ol lhe calculalion based on up-peak is included in Appendix l.
5.7 Handling Capacily ol Lill Syslem
5.7.! The lollowing handling capacily shall prelerably be lollowed.
(i) a lill bank serving a sky lobby shall have a passenger handling capacily nol less
lhan 20 ', and
(ii) a lill bank serving zones shall have a passenger handling capacily nol less lhan !0
where sky lobby means a lerminal lloor al lhe highesl lloor served by a low-zone group
ol lills, where passengers can wail lor service by high-zone lills.
The Passenger Handling Capacily lor a lill bank is delined as .
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5min 60 0.8 Lill Car Conlracl Capacily (no. ol persons)
Up Peak lnlerval PopulalionAbove Terminal lloor ol Zone
The handling capacily is based on a 5 minules inlerval and assuming lhal lhe lill cars
are lilled lo 80' ol lhe raled load (in number ol persons). The reasons lor assuming
lhis 80' are.
- The passenger lransler limes are longer lor a crowded lill car. lor example, lhe
lasl person usually lakes a longer lime lo enler a lully loaded lill car. Pesearches
have shown lhal an 80' lilled up car has lhe besl perlormance in lerms ol
round lrip limes.
- Quanlilalively, lhere are simulalion sludies, which indicaled lhe up peak
perlormance ligure deleriorales draslically lor lill cars lilling up lo 80' and
above. The perlormance ligure is oblained by dividing lhe Average Wailing Time
by lhe lnlerval. ll is a ligure indicaling lhe devialion ol lhe aclual wailing lime
lrom lhe ideal inlerval ol lhe syslem.
5.7.2 However, lhe lollowing lill syslems do nol have lo lollow lhe handling capacily
- lill syslem serving domeslic buildings including lhose on lop ol podium or
commercial cenlres (shopping complex).
- lill syslem is nol lhe main mode ol verlical lransporl.
- disable plallorm.
5.7.3 The Handling Capacily requiremenl provides a counler balance ligure lor lhe Lill Trallic
Design requiremenl in 5.6, as using smaller size cars could achieve lhe Maximum
lnlerval requiremenl bul nol lhe handling capacily requiremenl lhal demands more lill
cars or larger size cars.
Housekeeping is also imporlanl lo ensure ellicienl use ol lhe lill equipmenl especially when lhere
are lols ol lill and escalalor equipmenl in lhe building (e.g. in high rise commercial buildings).
The key poinls lo mainlain ellicienl equipmenl usage are.
Lnsure lhal lhe equipmenl are well mainlained including regular rouline mainlenance lo keep
all moving parls sullicienlly lubricaled and lo delecl lor early sign ol wear and lear.
Swilch oll low usage rale equipmenl during oll peak period especially lor escalalors, conveyors
and DC-MC lype lill equipmenl. Oplimise lhe operaling hours and programme ol lhe
ln case ol a bank ol escalalors (e.g. in public lransporl slalion), lhe lraveling direclion can be
adjusled lo suil lhe llow pallern ol passenger lrallic.
Monilor equipmenl operalion by carrying oul energy audil lor lhe equipmenl conlinuously.
Lnsure lhere is suilable personnel lo look aller lhe building services equipmenl.
ll possible, encourage lenanls lo use slaircases lor one or lwo lloors lravel.
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8esides new inslallalions, lhere are huge numbers ol exisling old equipmenl in buildings, which
provide opporlunilies lor modernizalion works. lor lill and escalalor inslallalions, lhe need lor
modernizalion is seldom solely due lo reason ol reducing operaling cosl. ln lacl, lhis need usually
slems lrom one ol lhe lollowing reasons, which are more jusliliable lor lhe amounl ol money lo
be spenl.
- An increase in lhe lrallic needs (e.g. a new big lenanl moves inlo lhe building, change ol
building usage elc.)
- The old equipmenl reaches lhe end ol ils economic service lile (i.e. lrequenl breakdown
occurs, lol ol lenanls' complainl elc.)
- Penovalion ol lhe whole building
There are many dillicullies in modernisalion ol lill and escalalor due lo conslrainls in building
slruclure and space. 8esides lechnical conslrainls, designers always have lo lake care ol lhe
expeclalion lrom lhe owners (e.g. lhe Landlord) on modernizalion oplions. Lspecially lor lhose
owners or decision-makers lhal have a slraighllorward series ol decisions simply delermines
which oplion will do lhe job lor lhe lowesl cosl. This kind ol decision logic may somelimes hinder
designers lo use energy ellicienl oplions. Depending on lhe lype ol building and lhe services
running inside, lhere are dillerenl ligures ol eslimalion lor lhe energy dissipalion ol lills as a
percenlage ol lhe energy consumplion ol lhe whole building. Pesearch ligures eslimale lhal lhe
percenlage is in lhe range ol 5-!5'. lor lill equipmenl, excepl in very exlreme case, lhe
consideralion ol payback period alone will nol allracl building owners' inveslmenl in replacing
lor more energy ellicienl equipmenl. A rough eslimale indicales lhal lhe payback period lor
incorporaling lrequency drive wilh energy leeding back inlo lhe mains lor an old AC-2 speed
drive will be approximalely in lhe order ol !0+ years. The driving lorce lowards more energy
ellicienl equipmenl is in lacl come lrom lhe compelilion among manulaclurers lhemselves lo
produce more energy ellicienl molor drive and molors, which can surpass lheir compelilors'
producl ol comparable cosls. 8esides seeking business opporlunilies, manulaclurers who
produce high ellicienl equipmenl have added benelil ol company image ol being "polilically
correcl" as well because ol lheir posilive environmenlal impacl.
lor modernisalion work, some ol lhe oplions lo increase energy elliciency ol lhe syslem lhal
worlh consideralions are.
Molor Drive
Unless lhe building is lo have a lolal replacemenl ol lhe lill equipmenl, in mosl cases,
equipmenl wilh similar engineering lechnology are ulilised during modernizalion. lor
example, DC remains DC, wilh lhe generalor being replaced by an SCP conlrol. ln AC, an
inverler or veclor drive is used wilh lhe AC induclion molor lo vary lhe speed inslead ol
using ils lwo-speed windings. However, in some cases on geared machines, lhe molor is
changed lor a modern, AC-induclion molor replacing lhe DC or lwo-speed AC molor.
Cearless machines almosl always remain wilh lheir exisling lechnology because ol lhe high
cosl ol a new molor. These oplions can help lo reduce lhe energy consumplion and lhe
riding comlorl ol lhe syslem. lor example, by using a DC SCP conlrol lo replace a generalor
sel, currenl can be more precisely regulaled lo lhe molor. Wilh DC lachomeler or encoder
leedback, lhe SCP conlrol can provide lull lorque lrom lhe molor al low speeds during
approaching and leveling, and lo hold lhe car al lhe lloor in posilion unlil lhe brake can be
Lill car
Peducing lhe car mass resulls in an equal reduclion in lhe counlerweighl, hence, lhe ellecl
is doubled. However, praclically, lhere are lwo reasons lhal reslricl lhe reduclion. lhe lower
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"#$%&'$(&) *( +(&,-. +//$0$&(0. */ 1$/2 3 +)04'42*, 5()24''42$*()6 7889
lhe masses ol car and counlerweighl in relalion lo lhe conlracl load, lhe smaller lhe lraclion
will become. Secondly, lhe higher lhe car mass, lhe grealer lhe lraveling comlorl lhe user
will experience.
Nol wilhslanding lhe local regulalions, lighl-weighl composile malerials such as graphile-
liber-reinlorced-plaslic can be considered as a subslilulion lor sleel as car enclosure malerials.
lurlhermore, energy ellicienl lighling equipmenl can be used inside lhe lill car.
Polalional mass
Polalional masses on lhe molor shall have a parlicular unlavorable ellecl, due lo lhe high
rpm ol lhe molor. A reduclion in lhese masses can bring aboul a signilicanl lowering ol
slarling power required. This can, lor example, be accomplished by choosing lhe molor wilh
an inherenlly low momenl ol inerlia or by reposilioning lhe brake disc onlo lhe slower-
moving lraclion sheave shall. As speeds increase, lhe lraclion sheave and rope pulleys also
revolve lasler so lhal lhey have an increasingly grealer inlluence on lhe slarling oulpul. The
diamelers ol lhe lraclion sheave and rope pulleys cannol be reduced indelinilely, bul il is
possible lo use polyamide inslead ol casl iron lor lhe rope pulleys, lhus reducing lhe
momenl ol inerlia by a ralio ol approximalely !.5.
Conlrol syslem
lncorporalion ol newer conlrol algorilhm and slralegies can improve lhe ulilizalion ol lhe
verlical lransporlalion syslem. Older hard-wired relay conlrol syslem can be replaced by
newer microprocessor syslems, which are more llexible, compacl and easier lo be
mainlained. lurlhermore, sullicienl conlrol lor shulling down parl ol lhe verlical lransporl
syslem during oll peak period can be provided lor carelaker or managemenl ollice lor
operalion purpose.
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Appendix l Sample Calculalion lor Lill Trallic Analysis
This appendix is an example showing lhe calculalion ol a lrallic analysis in a lill design process in a
hypolhelical building using lhe convenlional "Up-peak" melhod. lor delailed lheories ol lhe Up-peak
analysis, please reler lo lill lrallic design lileralures.
Summary ol Lqualions
Lqn. !.
N !
H = N (

j =! i =!
Lqn. 2.
S = N

(! )
i =!
Lqn. 3.
PTT = 2Hl + (S +!)l + 2Pl
v s p
Where . N = Number ol lloors above lerminal lloor lo be served by lhe lill syslem
= lhe inlerlloor lime
= lhe operaling lime = (single lloor jump lime l
+door operaling lime)
= passenger lransler lime
P = 0.8 x conlracl capacily ol lill car (in person)
H = average reversal lloor
S = expecled number ol slops
PTT = Pound Trip Time
U = Tolal populalion in lhe building
= populalion al lloor i
Summary ol Sleps
Slep Procedures
Decide on rale ol passenger arrivals over 5 mins.
2 Oblain or decide upon lill syslem dala
N Number ol lloors
lhe inlerlloor lime
lhe operaling lime
lhe passenger lransler lime
3 Lslimale an appropriale inlerval or using lhe designed inlerval
4 Oblain H lhe average reversal lloor
P average car load
S expecled number ol slops
5 Calculale PTT including all secondary ellecls
6 Selecl L, lhe number ol lills lo produce an inlerval close lo lhal eslimaled in slep 3
7 Compare lhe eslimaled inlerval (slep 3) wilh lhe calculaled inlerval (slep 6) and il
signilicanlly dillerenl, eslimale anolher value lor lhe inlerval and lhen ilerale lrom
slep 4. A possible new lrial could be .
New lNT = lNT(slep 6) + lNT(slep6)-lNT(slep3)
8 Selecl a suilable car capacily, which allows approximalely 80' average car load.
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An ollice block lor a single lenanl ol 24 lloors (including lhe main lerminal) ol 24,000m
lolal nel
area is lo be buill. The eslimaled populalion per lloor is !00 persons and lhe eslimaled up peak
demand is !7'. Design a suilable conliguralion ol lills using lhe convenlional melhod. The lolal
lravel is 75.9m (lypical lloor lo lloor heighl = 3.3m) and lhe design inlerval is 25s.
Olher dala.
Assume passenger lransler lime = !.2s
Door opening lime = 0.8s (advance opening)
Door closing lime = 3.0s
lrom design lileralure lor lravel ol 75.9m, suilable conlracl speed ol lill = 3.5m/s and single lloor
llighl lime is approx. 4.0s.
Arrival Pale.
= 23 lloors !00
= 39!persons/5min
lor N=23
= = 0.94s
= (4.0 0.94) + 3.0 + 0.8 = 6.86s
lp = !.2s
Design inlerval or eslimaled inlerval, lNT = 25s
The Capacily
P = 25 = 32.6persons
The capacily is loo large lor slandard lill producl range. Try splilling lhe syslem inlo lwo groups. Thal
is P=!6.3 persons lor each group.
lrom eqn.! and eqn.2.

!00 !00
!00 !00 !00
( ) + ( + ) + ( + + ) + ......
2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300
H = 23

!00 !00 !00 !00
+ ( + + ...... + + )

2300 2300 2300 2300

22 ilems
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S = 23 (! ) + (! ) + ...... + (! )

2300 2300 2300

23 ilems
H = 22.!2
S = !!.86
PTT = 2x22.!x0.94+(!!.86+!)x6.86+2x!6.3x!.2
= 4!.5+88.2+39.!
= !68.8
Lel number ol lill car L=7, inlerval ol lhe syslem will be.
lNT = = 24.!s
Try a new value 24.!+(24.!-25)=23.2
P' = 23.2 = 30.24persons
Again halving lhe lrallic P'=!5.!2
H' = 22
S' = !!.23
PTT' = !6!.9s
L = 7
lNT' = 23.!3s
This is sullicienlly close lo lhe previous calculaled lNT.
Thus car capacily should be .
= !8.9persons
Say selecl car capacily ol 20 persons, which is closesl lo !8.9 person lrom lhe up side.
The conliguralion ol lhe lill syslem will be 2 groups ol 7 cars wilh conlracl capacily ol 20 persons. Ol
course lhere may be olher conliguralions, and lhe sleps lor analyzing lhe lrallic are similar.
Olher secondary ellecls lo lhe round lrip lime such as unequal inler-lloor dislance, unequal lloor
populalion elc. should be laken inlo accounl during lhe calculalion.
The inlerval in lhe above example is a design parameler as a requiremenl ol lhe qualily ol lhe lill
service. The aclual perlormance ol lhe lill syslem may be dillerenl lrom lhe designed ligure due lo lhe
random nalure ol occupanl arrival. However, lhe up-peak analysis slill gives a good relerence lo lhe
designer on lhe qualily ol service lhal lhe syslem is able lo deliver in average.
page 27 ol 27

Lleclrical & Mechanical Services Deparlmenl
Tel. (852) !823 lax. (852) 2890 608!

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