Guideline of Social Media

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of Social Media
1. Facebook group

The Facebook group of AMSA-Indonesia is named Asian Medical Students Association

(AMSA) Indonesia as can be found by clicking this following link: https://

The group is closed group, but it is free for non-AMSA to join.

It is used as external social media of AMSA-Indonesia and as media to share information

between members of AMSA and non-AMSA who join the group.

Secretary of Publication and Promotion acts as moderator and administrator of this group
under supervision of Regional Chairperson.

Members of this group are free to post as long as the post is about organisational, social, or
any activity that is related to medical students.

Any act of promotional of goods, trading, or anything that is considered not related to
medical students and/or not benecial for the members will be considered as spam.

Secretary of Publication and Promotion will give warning and order to the spammer to
erase the spam post in 1x12 hours by commenting on the post.

If in 1x12 hours the spammer do not erase the spam, Secretary of PnP will erase the spam.

If the spammer still post anything that is considered as spam until twice, then the spammer
will be removed and blocked from group.
2. Facebook Page

The Facebook Page of AMSA-Indonesia is named AMSA Indonesia as can be found by

clicking this follow link:

It is used as media to deliver information to public.

Administrator of this group is Secretary of Publication and Promotion and Regional


The only person that can post using this page is Secretary of Publication and Promotion
and under supervision of Regional Chairperson.
3. Twitter

The twitter account of AMSA-Indonesia is @amsaindonesia (

Administrator of this group is Secretary of Publication and Promotion and Regional


The only person that can post using this page is Secretary of Publication and Promotion
and under supervision of Regional Chairperson.
4. Executive Board Google Group

The group is named Executive Board AMSA Indonesia Representatives as can be found by
clicking the following link:!forum/executive-board-

It is used as media to share internal information of AMSA-Indonesia between Executive

Boards of AMSA-Indonesia and Representatives of AMSA-Universities

Only ofcial emails of Executive Boards and AMSA-Universities are allowed to join
4. Google Group

The group is named AMSA Indonesia (!forum/amsa-


It is used as media to share between or announce information to members of AMSA-


Admin of this group is Secretary of Publication and Promotion

There are two kinds that are allowed to post in this group:
1. Members of AMSA-Indonesia who have joined the group. The members are free to post
any information about activity of their local AMSA-University, AMSA-Indonesia, and
also free to reply the post in the group
2. Partners of AMSA-Indonesia who have been permitted to join and post anything
necessary for the benecence of AMSA-Indonesia and its partners

Any who post and is not members or partners of AMSA-Indonesia will be considered as
spammer and the post is considered as spam

The spammer will be warned by Secretary of Publication and Promotion via direct email
and order to erase the spam message in 1x12 hours.

If not, Secretary of PnP will erase the post.

If the spammer still post anything that is considered as spam until twice, then the spammer
will be removed and blocked from the group
Guide to join AMSA-Indonesias Google Group
1. Open
2. Sign-in to your gmail account by clicking sign-in on the right corner of your screen. If you
do not have any gmail account, please sign up rst.
3. Search AMSA Indonesia in the search box and click AMSA Indonesia after your search
result is revealed
4. Click Join Group and a small box appeared
5. On the box, change the Dont send email updates setting to Send me and email for
every new message (about 1 per day)
6. Click Join this group
7. If you are already a member of this group but has the wrong setting, please open https://!forum/amsa-indonesia with your gmail signed in and click
My setting on the right corner of the screen and click Membership and email settings.
Follow the instruction of number 5 and click Save
Ahmad Aulia Rizaly
Secretary of Publication & Promotion
AMSA-Indonesia 2013/2014

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