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How to update SAP Kernel using Software Update Manager (SUM)

You can upgrade your SAP Kernel using tool SAP Software Update Manager (SUM). Its guided
procedure really helpful, you don't need to do manual extraction. You just need to put the Kernel
archive in specific folder, and let SUM do the process. To get SUM and see the supported
product please refer to SAP Note 1680769 - Central Note - Software Update Manager 1.0 SP05.

Below is the step by step to do kernel update using SUM?
1. Extract SUM in specified folder,

SUM extraction
2. as <sid>adm run ./STARTUP and make sure the process is running.

SUM process is running
3. From other terminal open a web browser and call http://<hostname>:4239

Click yes for the pop up screen

SUM initial screen
4. On first initial screen you'll be prompted with a user and password.
Fill with a new user / password

Initial user for SAP Software Update Manager (SUM)

5. The next step will show you summary of detected system.

Summary of System
6. You'll then be prompted with your <sid>adm user & password.

User / password for SUM
7. You then choose the folder of your new Kernel (for both SAPEXE & SAPEXEDB)

Location of New Kernel
8. Now enter the keyword for SUM as stated in SAP note 1680769.

Keyword for SUM
9. You'll go to next screen showing the initialization screen

Initialization screen SUM
10. You'll be prompted with Administrator password of your system

Administrator password
11. The process will continue and detect the component you want to upgrade. And you can see
detail about what to be upgraded.

Detected Component

Detail component
12. Click Continue on summary screen, now you're ready to go to next step.

Summary - 1

Summary - 2

Summary - 3
13. Before the downtime phase, make sure you do backup your system. And continue to next

Backup confirmation - SUM

Finish Preprocessing - SUM
14. Now you're system is shutdown to do update.

Stop System to update kernel by SAP SUM

15. Watch the process and make sure finished successfully.

Update process by SUM

Finish update kernel by SUM
16. Now the post-processing activities

Post processing by SUM

Finish post-processing SUM
17. Now you have finished all the process and SUM will show you the summary activity.

Summary activity SUM


This is necessary to avoid errors listed in SAP note 651351. See also SAP note 113747. Run <SID> as root user when SUM has finished.

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