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This event is dedicated to the

Filipino People on the occasion of
the fve-day pastoral and state visit
of Pope Francis here in the
Philippines on October 23 to 27,
2014 part of 22-day sian and
Oceanian to!r fro" October 22 to
#ove"ber 13, 2014$
Papal %isit
sia 2014
&pecial Tri-'edia
Papal %isit sia 2014
The Pope in 'anila *October 23 to
27, 2014+
About the project.................................................................1
bo!t the The"e of the postolic %isit, -'ercy and (o"passion.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$3
/istory of 0es!s is 1ord (h!rch 2orld3ide$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4
Executive Branch of the Philippines............................................11
Presidents of the 5ep!blic of the Philippines$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$11
%ice Presidents of the 5ep!blic of the Philippines$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$12
&pea6er of the /o!se of 5epresentatives of the Philippines$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$12
Presidents of the &enate of the Philippines$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$13
(hief 0!stice of the &!pre"e (o!rt of the Philippines$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$14
Leaders of the Roman Catholic Church.......................................14
Pope *5o"an (atholic 7ishop of 5o"e and 2orld3ide 1eader of 5o"an (atholic (h!rch+ 14
5o"an (atholic rchbishop of 'anila$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$20
The Life of Pope Francis/ or!e "ario Ber!o!lio...........................#1
(hildhood in a happy (atholic fa"ily$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$21
8ro3in) !p 3ith the &alesians$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$22
The 8rand"a 2ho &tood 9p to '!ssolini$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$24
Preparations for the event $%u!ust #&1'()eptem*er '&+ #&14,....#-
Paseo de 'anila to!ris" :one to rise in 1!neta Par6$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$24
The 2013 ;ear-<nd 5eport$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$27
DOLE A year of building legacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$33
The Pope in 'anila, Pre-papal activities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4=
The visit $.cto*er ##('&+ #&14,................................................../#
The P!rpose of the postolic %isit$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$>2
Pre-Papal ctivities *October 17-23, 2014+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$>3
Pope Francis? First %isit to the Philippines *October 23-31, 2014+$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$>3
fter the celebration$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 34=
%*out the pro0ect
The Preparation for the %isit of Pope Francis 3as anno!nced on 0!ly 2=, 2014$ The tri-
"edia covera)e 3as on all local television net3or6s, national ne3spapers and radio
stations to cover it the event$ @t 3as the once of a lifeti"e event to celebrate the 5o"an
(atholic (haris"atic rene3al reli)io!s "ove"ent A0es!s is 1ord (h!rchB on it.s ann!al
anniversary celebration in October since 1C7C and the 20
anniversary of the son) ATell
the 2orld of /is 1oveB co"posed by Trina 7ela"ide released in 0an!ary 1CC4$ @t 3as the
the"e son) of Tenth 2orld ;o!th Day 1CC4 'anila, held last 0an!ary 12 to 14, 1CC4$
Papal %isit sia 2014
2orld ;o!th Day is a 3orld3ide reli)io!s )atherin) of yo!th presided by a Pope$ <very
2orld ;o!th Day has had its o3n the"e son)$ ATell The 1orld of 2is LoveB is the
the"e son) of the 1CC4 2orld ;o!th Day 3hich 3as held in the Philippines$
@n 0an!ary 1CC4, a nation3ide son)-3ritin) contest for the the"e son) of 2orld ;o!th Day
1CC4 3as la!nched in the Philippines$ The entry ATell the 1orld of 2is LoveB 3as
The son) 3as co"posed by Trina 7ela"ide 3hose real na"e is Eatrina 'arie (oncepcion
5!i: 7ela"ide$ Prior to the contest, she has already been 3ritin) son)s for diFerent
Filipino artists for three years$
@n an intervie3, 's$ 7ela"ide 3as as6ed ho3 she ca"e o!t 3ith the bea!tif!l lyrics and
the "elody of the son)$ 's$ 7ela"ide eGplained, "I started the song with the title, Tell
the World of His Love, and I built it from there. Actually, I didn't hae a rough time
writing the lyrics. I had a rough time with the melody. I had a clear ision of what I really
wanted. I wanted the !eo!le to sway with the music. And I !ictured them with a "lighter#
in their hands as they sang it. I wanted a melody that could easily get the "feel" of the
s a Filipino, @?" so pro!d of this son)$ @t 3as played at &t$ Peter?s &H!are on the day of
Pope 0ohn Pa!l @@?s beatifcation$ @t 3as reportedly one of the late Pope?s favorite son)s$
The proIect, AThe Pope in 'anila 2014B 3as for"ally planned in #ove"ber 2013 after the
installation of Pope Francis on 'arch 13, 2013 in %atican$ The date of the visit of the Pope
fro" October 23 to 27, 2014 in 'anila and a)ain, 0an!ary 14 to 1C, 2014 for the
T3entieth nniversary of 2orld ;o!th Day 'anila held last 0an!ary 12 to 14, 1CC4$
The "onth-lon) A0es!s is 1ord (h!rch 2orld3ide nniversary FestivalB opens on October
1 at the 5i:al Par6 and ends on #ove"ber 12, 2014$
Papal %isit sia 2014
%*out the Theme of the %postolic 3isit4 5"erc6 and Compassion7
The Apostolic Visit of Pope Francis to the Philippines from October 23-27, 2014 and an!ar" 1# $ 1%,
201# &ill ha'e for its theme ()erc" and *ompassion+,
Pope Francis &ill 'isit the Philippines primaril" to comfort Filipinos de'astated b" the t"phoon and the
earth-!a.e that hit the Visa"as in October and /o'ember 2013 and a0ain that hit 1!2on in !l" to
3eptember 2014,
This 'isit calls to mind &hat es!s did as reco!nted in the 4ospel, 5n )atthe& %637, es!s after (seein0
the people, felt compassion for them, beca!se the" &ere distressed and dispirited li.e sheep &itho!t a
And li.e the 4ood 3hepherd of 8hom he is the Vicar here on earth, the 9ol" Father sa& the s!fferin0
of his floc., 9e felt compassion and comes to !s brin0in0 (the :o" of the 0ospel+ to re'i'e o!r
(droopin0 spirit+ and to lead !s to 0reener past!res ;cf, Psalm 23<,
The messa0e the 9ol" Father brin0s &ith him challen0es !s to imitate *hrist, the 4ood 3hepherd, &ho
is )erc" and *ompassion,
5n his Apostolic =>hortation, ='an0elii 4a!di!m, Pope Francis proclaims that (the *h!rch m!st be a
place of merc" freel" 0i'en, &here e'er"one can feel &elcomed, lo'ed, for0i'en and enco!ra0ed to li'e
the 0ood life of the 4ospel+ ;='an0elii 4a!di!m 114<, Th!s, the 9ol" Father?s 'isit is to brin0 *hrist?s
compassion for o!r s!fferin0 people still str!00lin0 to rise from the de'astations &ro!0ht b" the
earth-!a.e on October 17 and the t"phoon that hit the Visa"as on /o'ember @ last "ear and the
t"phoon 4lenda in !l", 1!is and recent tropical storm )ario and monsoon rains that hit the )etro
)anila and 1!2on on 3eptember 1%,
*atholic Aishops? *onference of the Philippines president and 1in0a"en Ba0!pan Archbishop 3ocrates
Ville0as said the most distincti'e &a" to prepare spirit!all" for the comin0 of Pope Francis is for the
co!ntr" to become (a people rich in merc",+
(O!r compassionate shepherd comes to sho& his deep concern for o!r people &ho ha'e 0one thro!0h
de'astatin0 calamities, especiall" in the 1!2on, Visa"as and )indanao, 9e comes to confirm !s in o!r
Papal %isit sia 2014
faith as &e face the challen0es of &itnessin0 the o" of the 4ospel in the midst of o!r trials, This is an
elo-!ent &a" of sho&in0 merc" and compassion,+ Archbishop Ville0as said,
Filipinos as a preparation for the papal 'isit resol'e to ma.e an act of merc" e'er"da", s!ch as 0i'in0
food to the h!n0r", helpin0 b!ild homes for the disaster 'ictims, 'isitin0 prisoners or patients in the
charit" &ard of hospitals, dr!0 rehabilitation centers, homes for the elderl", and orphana0es, 5t is a
time to re-learn and li'e the 3pirit!al and *orporal Acts of )erc", F!rther, the bishops enco!ra0e !s to
meet *hrist, )erc" 9imself, in the Trib!nal of )erc", the 3acrament of Ceconciliation, There, in the
person of the priest, 9e a&aits !s &ith open arms to sho& !s 9is merc", compassion and lo'e,
(1et !s ma.e merc" o!r national identit", Tr!st in 4od?s merc" is part and parcel of o!r traditional
Filipino *hristian c!lt!re, 1et !s ma.e the practice of merc" o!r 0ift to the pope &hen he comes to 'isit
!s,+ the *A*P president said at that time$
The Logo
The colors of the lo0o ;bl!e, red, and "ello&< are the colors of the Philippine fla0, The colors therefore
represent the co!ntr" and its people, 5t is in solidarit" &ith the 'ictims of recent calamities from
October 2013 to 3eptember 2014 that the Pope is comin0 to the Philippines,
The innermost circle resembles a pearl, and a0ain it s"mboli2es the Philippines, &hich is .no&n as the
pearl of the orient seas, The &hite *ross s"mboli2es the *hristian faith, and o!r fer'ent pra"er that the
center of o!r co!ntr" be o!r 1ord es!s *hrist, 5t ser'es as a reminder as &ell that more than a 3tate
Visit, the primar" ob:ecti'e of the Papal 'isit is a reli0io!s one, 9e comes to sho& and share the 1ord?s
merc" and compassion &ith the Filipino people,
The red circle s"mboli2es Mercy, one of the themes of the Papal 'isit, Ced is the color of blood and
recalls the sacrifice of o!r 1ord on the cross for o!r sal'ation, a hol" sacrifice that manifests and
e>emplifies Bi'ine )erc" for sinf!l h!manit",
The blue circle means Compassion, the other theme of the Papal 'isit, Al!e is the color of di'ine
presence $ it is the color of the s." and the sea that s!rro!nd o!r life, m!ch li.e 4od?s presence, that is,
4od?s compassionate lo'e that permeates and s!stains h!man e>istence,
The se-!ence of the colors follo&s the order of the colors of the Philippine fla06 Dello& at the center,
bl!e on top, and red at the bottom,
The red and blue circles appear like arms embracing the yellow circle. These are the mercif!l and
compassionate arms of the Pope, the Vicar of *hrist, embracin0 the Philippines, the pearl of the orient
seas, The c!rrent Pope is &ell .no&n for e>pressin0 his lo'e and care for people b" spontaneo!sl"
h!00in0 and .issin0 them, The red and bl!e circles or arms therefore s"mboli2e the Pope?s )ercif!l
and *ompassionate =mbrace, and b" e>tension, *hrist?s lo'in0 embrace, The Pope no& comes to the
Philippines to embrace !s &ith his arms of lo'e,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Finally the blue and red circles appear like ripples, or waves emanating from the inner circle,
from the Cross. 8e pra" that the Papal 'isit &ill indeed create ripples of compassion and merc"
thro!0ho!t the Filipino nation and be"ond October 2014 and an!ar" 201#,
2istor6 of esus is Lord Church 1orld8ide
n 1%73, =ddie Villan!e'a ;also .no&n as Aro, =ddie or Aishop =ddie<, then an =conomics and
Finance professor in the Pol"technic Eni'ersit" of the Philippines, be0an preachin0 the 4ospel to
his st!dents and collea0!es, 5
On A!0!st 27, 1%7@ at 7624 p,m, local time ;4624 p,m, ET*< or , the first si0ns of smo.eF&hose color
si0nifies the s!ccess or fail!re of an electionFfrom the chimne" of the 3istine *hapel appeared,
9o&e'er, it &as !nclear &hich color the smo.e &as for o'er an ho!rG some of the cardinals had
personall" deposited their notes and tall" sheets in the sto'e, ca!sin0 blac. smo.e after &hite had
alread" appeared, Pericle Felici, as the ran.in0 *ardinal Beacon, then stepped onto the balcon" of 3t,
PeterHs Aasilica and deli'ered the 9abem!s Papam anno!ncement in 1atin, declarin0 1!cianiHs election,
Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum: Habemus Papam! Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum ominum!
ominum A"binum Sanct# Roman# Ecc"esi# Cardina"em Luciani! $ui sibi nomen imposuit Ioannis
Pau"i Primi%
ohn Pa!l 5 &as fo!nd dead sittin0 !p in his bed shortl" before da&n on 3eptember 2@, 1%7@, :!st a
mere 33 da"s into his papac", The Vatican reported that the 7#-"ear-old pope most li.el" died the
pre'io!s ni0ht of a heart attac.,
ohn Pa!l 5Hs f!neral &as held in 3aint PeterHs 3-!are on October 4, 1%7@, celebrated b" *ardinal *arlo
*onfalonieri, 5n his e!lo0" of the late pope, he described him as a flashin0 comet &ho briefl" lit !p the
ch!rch, 9e &as then laid to rest in the Vatican 0rottoes,
On October #, 1%7@, Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'a in'ited his listeners for a Than.s0i'in0 9ol" )ass and
8orship and 9ealin0 Pra"er Call" that &as held at the Pol"technic Eni'ersit" of the Philippines 3anta
)esa *amp!s on the Th!rsda" nearest his birthda", Frida", October 7, Abo!t one tho!sand people
attended the affair and e>perienced the miracle-&or.in0 po&er of 4odI
=nco!ra0ed b" the s!ccess of the rall", Aro, =ddie sched!led a monthl" Coman Cite 9ol" )ass and
8orship and 9ealin0 Pra"er Call" at the B8CV *ompo!nd in J!e2on *it", 3ome time later, as more
people came to be led bac. to the 1ord es!s *hrist, the rall" &as held &ee.l", A monthl" *atholic
1ife-in-the-3pirit 3eminar ;*133< and a &ee.l" fello&ship &ere also held at the 22
Floor, 3trata 2000
A!ildin0, F, Orti0as r, A'en!e, Orti0as *enter, Pasi0, )etro )anila,
After a &hile, Aro, =ddie decided to air his pro0ram three times a &ee. and be0an thin.in0 of a ne&
title and theme son0 for it, At this time, a friend 0a'e him a ma0a2ine entitled (es!s is 1ord,+ &hich
-!ic.l" aro!sed his interest,
9e made a st!d" of the meanin0 of the term and disco'ered that it &as one of the se'en *o'enant
/ames, b" &hich 4od the Father re'ealed 9imself to 5srael,
es!s is 1ord, the motto of the 8orld *o!ncil of *h!rches, The most pop!lar and briefest &as Kes!s is
1ordK fo!nd in 1 *orinthians 1263G Comans 106% and probabl" in the baptisms referred to in Acts @617G
1%6# and 1 *or 7611 since their bein0 described as Kin the name of the 1ord es!sK certainl" seems to
Papal %isit sia 2014
impl" that Kthe form!la Hes!s is 1ordH had a place in the riteK, The phrase mi0ht be e>tended as Kes!s
*hrist is 1ordK as in Philippians 2611, 3hortl", he heard the son0 Kes!s is 1ordK o'er Cadio B8CV
@70 itself6
Kes!s is 1ordK b" Leith 4ett" and 3t!art To&nend
&esus is Lord
'(e cr) t(at ec(oes t(roug( creation
Resp"endent po*+r eterna" ,ord our Roc-
'(e Son o. /od
'(e 0ing *(ose g"or) .i""s t(e (eavens
1et bids us come to taste t(is "iving bread
&esus is Lord
,(ose voice sustains t(e stars and p"anets
1et in His *isdom "aid aside His cro*n
&esus t(e man *(o *as(ed our .eet
,(o bore our su..ering
2ecame a curse to bring sa"vation+s p"an
&esus is Lord
'(e tomb is g"orious") empt)
3ot even deat( cou"d crus( t(is 0ing o. "ove
'(e price is paid t(e c(ains are "oosed
And *e+re .orgiven
And *e can run into t(e arms o. /od
&esus is Lord!a s(out o. 4o) a cr) o. anguis(
As He returns and ever) -nee bo*s "o* t(en ever) e)e and ever) (eart *i"" see His g"or) t(e 4udge o.
a"" *i"" ta-e His c(i"dren (ome.
Thro!0h the inspiration of the 9ol" 3pirit, the &ee.l" fello&ship came to be called the B8CV Pra"er
Partners es!s the 9ealer, since Cadio B8CV &as the broadcast medi!m, he and his first listeners
became pra"er-partners, and es!s is 1ord &as the Bi'ine /ame re'ealed to him b" 4od, ='er" &ee.,
4od added tho!sands of ne& pra"er-partners to this comm!nit" b" means of the 4ood /e&s aired o'er
the radio B8CV and the )ass and 9ealin0 Callies held all o'er )etro )anila and nearb" pro'inces,
As the comm!nit" 0re&, the" 'ol!ntaril" 0a'e their tithes and miracle-seed-of-faith offerin0s to
s!pport the radio pro0ram Kes!s the 9ealerK and the Coman Cite 9ol" )ass and 8orship and 9ealin0
Pra"er Callies, 3ome pra"er-partners e'en 'ol!nteered to ser'e &itho!t compensation,
5nspired b" the o!tcome of e'ents, Aro, =ddie tho!0ht it &as time to formall" or0ani2e the comm!nit",
Th!s, the (es!s is 1ord Fello&ship, 5nc,+ &as established, &hich in d!e time &as re0istered &ith the
3ec!rities and =>chan0e *ommission, 5t &as or0ani2ed, primaril", as an instit!tion &here Aro, =ddie
co!ld channel his tithes and donations deri'ed from his real estate b!siness and other companies to
s!pport the reli0io!s acti'ities of 'ario!s Coman *atholic charismatic rene&al reli0io!s 0ro!ps and
some pro:ects of charitable or0ani2ations, These ho&e'er &ere not eno!0h to s!pport the e>penses of
the ne&l"-fo!nded Coman *atholic charismatic reli0io!s comm!nit", especiall" the radio pro0rams of
Papal %isit sia 2014
B8CV Cadio Veritas and the Coman Cite 9ol" )ass and 8orship and 9ealin0 Pra"er Callies, And so,
he had to contin!e shellin0 o!t f!nds from his o&n personal earnin0s, For him, tho!0h, it &as a 0reat
eno!0h blessin0 from es!s is 1ord that his radio listeners came to .no& es!s *hrist as 1ord and
3a'io!r and &as recei'in0 ans&ers to their pra"er-re-!ests,
From 1%@7 to present, other chapters &ere formed in Ab.ha2ia, Af0hanistan, A.rotiri and Bhe.elia,
Mland 5slands, An0!illa, Armenia, Ar!ba, A2erbai:an, Aahamas, Aahrain, Aan0ladesh, Aarbados,
Aeli2e, Aerm!da, Ah!tan, Aonaire, Aritish 5ndian Ocean Territor", Aritish Vir0in 5slands, Ar!nei,
A!l0aria, *ambodia, *hina, *hristmas 5sland, *lipperton 5sland, *ocos 5slands, *oo. 5slands, *osta
Cica, *roatia, *!ba, *!raNao, *"pr!s, *2ech Cep!blic, Benmar., Bominica, Bominican Cep!blic, =l
3al'ador, =0"pt, =stonia, Federal Bependencies of Vene2!ela, Finland, French 4!iana, French
Pol"nesia, 4abon, 4ambia, 4ibraltar, 4reenland, 4eor0ia, 4erman", 4reece, 4renada, 4!adelo!pe,
4!am, 4!atemala, 4!inea, 4!inea-Aissa!, 4!ernse", 4!"ana, 9aiti, 9ond!ras, 9on0 Lon0, 9!n0ar",
5celand, 5ndia, 5ndonesia, 5ran, 5ra-, 5sle of )an, 5srael, 5tal", 5'or" *oast, amaica, apan, erse",
ordan, La2a.hstan, Len"a, Liribati, Loso'o, L!&ait, L"r0"2stan, 1aos, 1at'ia, 1ebanon, 1esotho,
1iberia, 1ib"a, 1iechtenstein, 1ith!ania, 1!>embo!r0, )aca!, )acedonia, )ada0ascar, )adeira,
)ala&i, )ala"sia, )ali, )alta, )aldi'es, )artini-!e, )arshall 5slands, )a"otte, )a!ritania,
)a!riti!s, )elilla, Federated 3tates of )icronesia, )oldo'a, )onaco, )on0olia, )ontene0ro,
)ontserrat, )orocco, )o2ambi-!e, )"anmar, /amibia, /a0orno-Laraba.h, /a!r!, /a'assa 5sland,
/epal, /etherlands, /orth Lorea, /e& *aledonia, /e& Oealand, /icara0!a, /i0er, /i0eria, /i!e,
/orfol. 5sland, /orthern *"pr!s, /orthern )ariana 5slands, /or&a", /!e'a =sparta, Oman, Pa.istan,
Pala!, Palestine, Panama, Para0!a", Per!, P!erto Cico, Jatar, Comania, CP!nion, C!ssia, C&anda,
3aba, 3aint AarthPlem", 3aint 9elena, Ascension and Tristan da *!nha, 3aint Litts and /e'is, 3aint
1!cia, 3aint )artin, 3aint Pierre and )i-!elon, 3aint Vincent and the 4renadines, 3amoa, 3an AndrPs
and Pro'idencia, 3an )arino, 3Qo TomP and PrRncipe, 3a!di Arabia, 3ene0al, 3erbia, 3e"chelles, 3ierra
1eone, 3in0apore, 3int =!stati!s, 3int )aarten, 3lo'a.ia, 3lo'enia, 3olomon 5slands, 3omalia,
3omaliland, 3o!th Lorea, 3o!th Ossetia, 3o!th 3!dan, 3pain, 3ri 1an.a, 3!dan, 3!riname, 3"ria,
Tai&an, Ta:i.istan, Tan2ania, Thailand, Timor-1este, To0o, Ton0a, Transnistria, Trinidad and Toba0o,
T!nisia, T!r.e", T!r.menistan, T!'al!, E.raine, Enited Arab =mirates, Enited Lin0dom, Er!0!a",
E2be.istan, Van!at!, Vatican *it", Vene2!ela, Vietnam, Demen, Oambia and Oimbab&e, These &ere
formed b" Filipino and forei0n pra"er-partners &or.in0 abroad, &ho &ere moti'ated b" the desire to
bear &itness to the lo'e and 0oodness of es!s *hrist o!r 1ord, 8ith the emer0ence of the reli0io!s
chapters abroad, the corporate name re0istered &ith the 3ec!rities and =>chan0e *ommission of the
Philippine Bepartment of Finance &as amended to (&esus is Lord C(urc( ,or"d*ide! Incorporated+,
5t &as the second reli0io!s or0ani2ation &as formed b" Villan!e'a after es!s )iracle *r!sade
5nternational )inistr" ;)*5)< fo!nded b" Pastor 8ilde Almeda on Febr!ar" 14, 1%7#, t&o "ears,
fi'e months after President Ferdinand =, )arcos declared )artial 1a& on 3eptember 21, 1%72,
1ater in 1%%3, the *atholic Aishops? *onference of the Philippines ;*A*P< reali2ed that the 0ro&th of
the Fo!ndation, partic!larl" since it &as affectin0 *atholics, co!ld not be ta.en for 0ranted an" lon0er,
)ost Ce', Teodoro *, Aacani r,, BB, then-A!>iliar" Aishop of )anila and O'erall 3pirit!al Birector
of the *atholic *harismatic Cene&al )o'ement ;**C)< in the Archdiocese of )anila, in'ited es!s
)iracle *r!sade 5nternational )inistr" spirit!al director Pastor 8ilde Almeda, =l 3haddai B8S5
Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational Fo!nder and 3er'ant-1eader Aro, )i.e O, Velarde and es!s
Papal %isit sia 2014
is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, international president and spirit!al director Aro, =ddie *,
Villan!e'a to the *A*P *onference on an!ar" 24, 1%%3, to shed li0ht on &hat &as 0oin0 on in the
Fo!ndation, On that occasion, Aishop Aacani &as beside Pastor 8ilde, Aro, )i.e and Aro, =ddie, not
to defend him, b!t to bear &itness to &hat 4od &as doin0 thro!0h the Fo!ndation, The res!lt of the
meetin0 &as satisfactor" beca!se most of the -!estions as.ed &ere clearl" and h!mbl" ans&ered b"
Aro, =ddie,
At 761@ p,m, local time ;1761@ ET*<, the &hite smo.e rose from the chimne" of the 3istine *hapel,
meanin0 that a ne& pope had been elected, As the senior *ardinal Beacon, a 'isibl" e>cited Pericle
Felici 0a'e the traditional 1atin anno!ncement for 8o:t"TaHs election on the balcon" of 3t, PeterHs
Aasilica, KAnn!ntio 'obis 0a!di!m ma0n!m6 9abem!s papamI =minentissim!m ac re'erendissim!m
domin!m, domin!m *arol!m, sanctU romanU =cclesiU cardinalem, 8o:t"Ta, -!i sibi nomen impos!it
5oannis Pa!li,K ;(5 anno!nce to "o! a 0reat :o"6 8e ha'e a popeI The most eminent and most re'erend
1ord, the 1ord *harles of the 9ol" Coman *h!rch, *ardinal 8o:t"la, &ho too. the name of ohn
ohn Pa!l 55 appeared on the balcon" at 761#, and &hile 0rippin0 the bal!strade, bro.e precedent b"
deli'erin0 a brief speech before his first Erbi et Orbi blessin0 in 5talian6 (Praised be es!s *hristI Bear
brothers and sisters, &e are still all 'er" saddened b" the death of the 'er" dear Pope ohn Pa!l 5, And
no& the most eminent cardinals ha'e called a ne& bishop of Come, The" called him from a far-a&a"
co!ntr"V far, b!t al&a"s near in the comm!nion of faith and the *hristian tradition, 5 &as afraid in
recei'in0 this nomination, b!t 5 did it in the spirit of obedience to O!r 1ord and &ith total tr!st in his
)other, the )ost 9ol" )adonna, 5 donHt .no& if 5 can e>press m"self &ell in "o!r $ in o!r $ 5talian
lan0!a0e, A!t if 5 ma.e a mista.e, "o! &ill correct me, And so 5 introd!ce m"self to "o! all, to confess
o!r common faith, o!r hope, o!r tr!st in the )other of *hrist and of the *h!rch, and also to be0in
a0ain on this path of histor" and of the *h!rch &ith the help of 4od and &ith that of men,+
On October 13 to 14, 1%7%, d!rin0 its First Fo!ndin0 Anni'ersar" *elebration of es!s is 1ord
Fello&ship at the B8CV *ompo!nd in )!nicipalit" of Pasi0, )etro )anila one "ear after the
fo!ndin0 of es!s is 1ord Fello&ship on October #, 1%7@, abo!t fi'e tho!sand people &itnessed and
e>perienced the miracle to!ch of es!s is 1ord,
3ome ei0ht tho!sand people 0athered to0ether on the 3econd Anni'ersar" *elebration of the es!s is
1ord Fello&ship at the Philippine 5nternational *on'ention *enter ;P5**< on October 12, 1%@0, ='en
the seemin0l" indifferent P5** staffs &ere s!rprised beca!se the affair lasted one &hole da" and it &as
the first time that it?s Ceception and Plenar" 9alls &ere filled to capacit",
)artial 1a& &o!ld officiall" end on an!ar" 17, 1%@1 &ith Proclamation /o, 204#, President )arcos,
ho&e'er, reser'ed decree-ma.in0 po&ers for himself,
Ahead of the Pope?s 'isit on Feb, 17, 1%@1, then President Ferdinand )arcos declared that he had
(lifted+ martial la&,
On this 'isit, Pope ohn Pa!l 55?s first a0enda &as to celebrate )ass at )anila *athedral, after &hich he
e>pressed to *ardinal 3in his &ish for )anila *athedral to become a basilica,
Papal %isit sia 2014
The Pope ne>t 'isited the O!r 1ad" of Perpet!al 9elp ch!rch in Aaclaran &here he met &ith reli0io!s
&omen, and the archbishop?s residence, Villa 3an )i0!el, &here he met &ith the Philippine =piscopate
and Asian bishops,
The follo&in0 da", the Pope deli'ered a messa0e at Araneta *olise!m in J!e2on *it", 9e ne>t
addressed the Filipino "o!th at the Eni'ersit" of 3anto Tomas ;E3T<, tellin0 them that (WtXhe *h!rch is
not fri0htened at the intensit" of "o!r feelin0, 5t is a si0n of 'italit", 5t indicates pent-!p ener0", &hich
of itself is neither 0ood nor bad, b!t can be !sed for 0ood ca!ses or for bad,+
The Pope also addressed the poor in Tondo and later proceeded to )anila?s Ci2al Par. &here he
beatified 1oren2o C!i2 and other mart"rs &ho &ere persec!ted in apan in the 17th cent!r", 5t &as the
first beatification o!tside of Come in histor",
The *hinese *atholic comm!nities in Asia and later, the Biplomatic *orps, had an a!dience &ith the
Pope as &ell,
On Feb, 1%, 1%@1, the Pope fle& to *eb! *it", &here he met &ith the priests and seminarians of the
3acred 9eart before celebratin0 a )ass for families at the old 1ah!0 airport,
The follo&in0 da", the Pope celebrated )ass for the comm!nit" of Ba'ao *it" before meetin0 &ith
representati'es of the )!slim comm!nit" at the Ba'ao airport, On the same da", he met &ith
lando&ners and &or.ers of s!0arcane plantations in the reclaimed area of Aacolod *it", as &ell as &ith
representati'es of *atholic or0ani2ations in the *athedral of aro in 5loilo pro'ince,
On Feb, 21, 1%@1, the Pope 'isited a ref!0ee camp in )oron0 to&n, Aataan pro'ince, and met &ith
Vietnamese, 1aotian and *ambodian &ar ref!0ees, 9e then met &ith a 0ro!p of lepers in Tala at Cadio
Veritas in )anila, O'er Cadio Veritas, the Pope addressed the other Asian nations that ha'e ne'er had a
pontifical 'isit, amon0 them *hina, /orth Lorea and Vietnam, 9is messa0e &as a pra"er for peace in
these nations? -!est for prosperit",
The Pope later met &ith representati'es of mass media and of other *hristian ch!rches in the
Philippines and &ith the labor committees in the Apostolic /!nciat!re in )anila,
Pope ohn Pa!l 55?s last da" in the Philippines on Feb, 22, 1%@1, be0an in Aa0!io *it" &ith a )ass for
indi0eno!s tribes after &hich fare&ell ceremonies &ere held at )anila 5nternational Airport,
The Third Anni'ersar" *elebration of the es!s is 1ord Fello&ship &as celebrated &ith an O'erni0ht
Coman Cite 9ol" )ass and 8orship and 9ealin0 Pra"er Call" at the Ci2al )emorial Football 3tadi!m
in Vito *r!2, )anila, from October 10 to 11, 1%@1, 5t rained hea'il" thro!0ho!t the affair, b!t the
estimated t&o h!ndred tho!sand attendees sta"ed !ntil it ended in the mornin0,
The Dello& Ce'ol!tion started in 1%@3, reli0io!s or0ani2ations in the Philippines &ere fo!nded,
3enator Aeni0no A-!ino r,, fondl" called (/ino"+ b" those closest and dearest to him, arri'ed at the
)anila 5nternational Airport from Taipei on board *A1 Fli0ht *5-@11, at 1604 oHcloc. in the afternoon
of A!0!st 21, 1%@3, 8hile he o!0ht to ha'e been met &ith flo&ers, laded &ith leis, and carried o'er the
sho!lders of his admirers and friends as a ret!rnin0 patriot, he &as, instead, treachero!sl" and br!tall"
shot at the bac. of the head after bein0 fetched b" militar" men from inside the plane and led o!t
s!rreptitio!sl" thro!0h an aerobrid0e door and do&n into a brid0e stairs, The foremost opposition
Papal %isit sia 2014
leader, the most mali0nant thorn at the side of the then ailin0 stron0man, President Ferdinand =,
)arcos, fell dead, his face .issin0 at last the soil of his nati'e land,
1%@46 First 8orld Do!th Ba" instit!ted b" Pope ohn Pa!l 55 celebrated in Come, *elebrated bet&een
Come and a different cit" in alternatin0 se-!ence e'er" "ear,
5ndira 4andhi &as bro!0ht at %630 A) to the All 5ndia 5nstit!te of )edical 3ciences ;A55)3-/e&
Belhi<, &here doctors operated on her, 3he &as declared dead at 2620 P), The postmortem
e>amination &as cond!cted b" a team of doctors headed b" T, B, Bo0ra, 9e stated that as man" as 30
b!llets str!c. 4andhi, from t&o so!rces, a 3ten 0!n and a pistol, The assailants had fired 33 b!llets at
her, of &hich 30 had hitG 23 had passed thro!0h her bod" &hile se'en &ere trapped inside, Bo0ra
e>tricated b!llets to establish the identit" of the &eapons and to correlate each &eapon &ith the b!llets
reco'ered b" ballistic e>amination, The b!llets &ere matched &ith respecti'e &eapons at *F31 Belhi,
3!bse-!entl", Bo0ra appeared in the co!rt of 3hri )ahesh *handra as an e>pert &itness ;P8-#<, The
testimon" lasted se'eral sessions, The cross e>amination &as cond!cted b" 3hri P, /, 1e.hi, the
defense co!nsel,
The es!s is 1ord Fello&ship :oinin0 the nation in the Febr!ar" 22-2#, 1%@7 =B3A People-Po&er
Ce'ol!tion led the do&nfall of Ferdinand =, )arcos and the &ido& of former Philippine 3enator
Aeni0no 3imeon (/ino"+ A-!ino, )aria *ora2on (*or"+ 3, *o:!an0co-A-!ino &ith her hand restin0
on a red bible held b" her late h!sband?s mother BoYa A!rora A-!ino, recites the presidential oath
administered b" 3!preme *o!rt 3enior !stice *la!dio,
The 10th fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" celebration of es!s is 1ord Fello&ship &as held on October 2, 1%@@ at
the Araneta *olise!m, *!bao, J!e2on *it" and attended b" 9,=, *ora2on *, A-!ino, President of the
Papal %isit sia 2014
Cep!blic of the Philippines, the 0!est of honor for the celebration, 3he &as :oined b" 9,=, 3al'ador 9,
1a!rel, Vice-President of the Cep!blic of the Philippines, )el 1ope2, )a"or of the *it" of )anila,
9,=, Ari0ido 3imon, )a"or of J!e2on *it" and 9,=, e:omar *, Aina", )a"or of the )!nicpalit" of
)a.ati, The )ass concelebrants are6 aime *ardinal 1, 3in, Archbishop of )anila and Cicardo
*ardinal , Vidal, Archbishop of *eb!,
As earl" as %600 a,m, of October @, 1%@%, members and follo&ers of the es!s is 1ord Fello&ship be0an
troopin0 to the Ci2al )emorial Trac. and Football 3tadi!m in Vito *r!2 3treet, )anila to participate in
its =le'enth Anni'ersar" *elebration, A" midni0ht of )onda", October %, 1%@%, the entire stadi!m &as
:ammed &ith o'er half a million people from all o'er the Philippines to ta.e part in an o'erni0ht
acti'it" of praise and &orship dedicated to es!s *hrist o!r 1ord, o!r 3a'ior, Aishop Teodoro *,
Aacani, to0ether &ith some Coman *atholic priests from the different parishes in the Archdiocese of
)anila, 1ipa, /!e'a *aceres, aro, *eb!, *a0a"an de Oro, *otabato and Ba'ao, led the 9ol" )ass,
From October 13 to 14, 1%%0, the T&elfth Anni'ersar" of the es!s is 1ord Fello&ship &as held at the
J!irino 4randstand in Ci2al Par., )anila, 5n attendance &ere tho!sands of its members and follo&ers,
&ho e>perienced the &onderf!l &or.s of the 9ol" 3pirit as the" praised and &orshipped to es!s and
listened to 9is 8ord despite a storm &hich flooded some parts of the 'en!e &ith .nee-deep &ater,
The scenario of the Thirteenth Anni'ersar" of the es!s is 1ord Fello&ship held at the J!irino
4randstand in Ci2al Par., )anila, from October 12 to 13, 1%%1, &as identical to that of its 12th
Anni'ersar", /e'ertheless, the almost half a million attendees bra'ed the monsoon rains and .nee-deep
flood to 0i'e than.s, praise and &orship to 4od,
On the occasion of the Fo!rteenth Anni'ersar" *elebration of the es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide held
at the J!irino 4randstand in Ci2al Par., )anila, from October 17 to 1@, 1%%2, more than one-and-a-
half million pra"er-partners attended the affair, 9is =>cellenc", President Fidel V, Camos, 0a'e his
0reetin0s to the con0re0ation,
For the first time in the histor" of Ci2al Par. and the &hole of )etro )anila for that matter, abo!t three
million people :oined the Fifteenth Anni'ersar" *elebration of the es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide at
the national par. from October @ to %, 1%%4, The participants cro&ded the 71-hectare national par. and
ad:acent areas-Co>as Ao!le'ard, Taft A'en!e, E/ A'en!e, T,), Lala& 3t,, Port Area, and ones
Arid0e, 3ome of them came to the 'en!e as earl" as three da"s before the e'ent, The" came not onl"
from )etro )anila, b!t also from *a'ite, 1a0!na, Pampan0a, the 5locos Ce0ion, J!e2on, the Aicol
Ce0ion, 3orso0on, 1e"te, and other distant pro'inces, Also present &ere members from different
o'erseas chapters of the Fo!ndation,
The Pope 'isited the Philippines a0ain in an!ar" 1%%# in time for the 10th 8orld Do!th Ba", 3ome 3
million people lined the streets to &elcome ohn Pa!l 55, &ho arri'ed on an, 12, 1%%#,
The fi'e-da" 'isit &as the Pope?s first o'erseas trip after he !nder&ent an artificial bone implant in the
le0 follo&in0 a hip in:!r" in April 1%%4,
Papal %isit sia 2014
On his arri'al, the Pope addressed the "o!th and in'ited them (Vto WsXee the &orld aro!nd "o! &ith
the e"es of es!s himselfI The 4ospel sa"s that &hen he sa& the cro&ds, he had compassion for them
beca!se the" &ere harassed and helpless, li.e sheep &itho!t a shepherd,+
The follo&in0 da", the Pontiff met &ith then President Fidel Camos at )alacaYan0 and later celebrated
)ass for the 233 dele0ates of the 5nternational Do!th For!m at *entral 3eminar" *hapel of the E3T,
9e also 0a'e a 20-min!te speech to some 200,000 cheerin0 st!dents and academicians 0athered at E3T
4randstand and Parade 4ro!nds,
(5 see that it is m" 0reat pri'ile0e to be here, to be here and disco'er ane& this phenomenon 5 .ne&
before, and toda" 5 .no& better,+ the Pontiff said,
B!rin0 this 'isit, Pope ohn Pa!l 55 celebrated )ass to mar. the fo!rth centenar" of the Archdiocese of
)anila and the Bioceses of *eb!, *aceres and /!e'a 3e0o'ia at the Philippine 5nternational
*on'ention *enter 0ro!nds in Pasa" *it" on an!ar" 14, 1%%#,
5n a pri'ate meetin0 &ith members of the *atholic Aishops? *onference of the Philippines, the Pope
made the (stron0est comments+ defendin0 the *atholic ban on artificial contracepti'es, 9e also
condemned the in:!stice in the co!ntr" and noted the (increasin0+ 0ap bet&een rich and poor,
(8hen po&erf!l interests promote policies &hich are a0ainst the moral la& inscribed on the h!man
heart, the" offend the di0nit" of man &ho is made in the ima0e and li.eness of 4od,+ the Pontiff said,
(5n doin0 so, the" !ndermine the fo!ndations of societ" itself,+
On an, 1#, 1%%#, a 3!nda", the Pope arri'ed at )alacaYan0 Par. aboard the Popemobile from the
Apostolic /!nciat!re on Taft A'en!e, b!t &as forced to ride the presidential helicopter alon0 &ith
*ardinal 3in and Papal /!ncio 4ian Vincen2o )oreni to 0et to J!irino 4randstand amid the h!0e
cro&d on the streets,
At past 10 in the mornin0, the Pope be0an the three-and-a-half-ho!r )ass that mar.ed the closin0 of
8orld Do!th Ba", Attended b" 4 million people, it &as the bi00est 0atherin0 so far in the Pontiff?s 17-
"ear rei0n,
The )ass? concelebrants incl!ded 3in, *eb! Archbishop Cicardo *ardinal Vidal, Vatican 3ecretar" of
3tate An0elo *ardinal 3odano and =d!ardo *ardinal Pironio, head of the Pontifical *o!ncil of the
The follo&in0 mornin0, the Pope left )anila for Port )oresb" in Pap!a /e& 4!inea, 5n his fare&ell
speech before some 10,000 people at the old )anila 5nternational Airport, the Pontiff said6 (The Pope
feels so &ell in the Philippines that he loo.s at another opport!nit" perhaps to ret!rn,+
9e added6 (5 ta.e &ith me a tho!sand ima0es of the Filipino people,+
Papal %isit sia 2014
9is =>cellenc", President Fidel V, Camos &as the 0!est of honor d!rin0 the =i0hteenth Anni'ersar" of
the Fo!ndation at the J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par., )anila on October 13, 1%%7, 5n line &ith the
anni'ersar" theme, &hich is !nit", leaders from the different charismatic 0ro!ps and reli0io!s 0ro!ps
&ere in'ited to spea. in a *133, B!rin0 the Than.s0i'in0 )ass officiated b" )anila Archbishop
aime *ardinal 3in, a mass &eddin0 too. place, in &hich #000 co!ples &ho had been li'in0 to0ether as
common-la& spo!ses finall" tied the .not,
On an!ar" 1, 2001, The 21st cent!r" and the ne& millenni!m be0in, The *h!rch solemni2es the start
of the third *hristian millenni!m b" e>tendin0 into part of the "ear 2001 the :!bilee "ear that it
obser'es at 2#-"ear inter'als and that, in the case of the "ear 2000, it called the 4reat !bilee,
At 12620 p,m, of an!ar" 20, 2001, 4loria )acapa0al-Arro"o her oath of office in the presence of
the cro&d at =B3A, becomin0 the 14th president of the Philippines,
At 2600 pm, =strada releases a letter sa"in0 he had Kstron0 and serio!s do!bts abo!t the le0alit" and
constit!tionalit" of her proclamation as presidentK,
T&o da"s after the Eni'ersit" Athletic Association of the Philippines ;EAAP< 3eason 7# )en?s
Aas.etball To!rnament Finals bet&een the Ateneo de )anila Eni'ersit" Al!e =a0les 'ers!s Eni'ersit"
of 3anto Tomas 4ro&lin0 Ti0ers at 3mart Araneta *olise!m on October 11, 2012, at least nine million
participants participated in the 34
Anni'ersar" *elebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide, &ith
no less than the President of the Cep!blic of the Philippines, 9is =>cellenc" Aeni0no 3, A-!ino 555 as
0!est-of-honor in the celebration, tra'ersin0 a cro&d from the 71-hectare Ci2al Par. to Port Area to the
J!iapo ch!rch in a celebration that lasted t&ent"-fo!r ho!rs from 7600 a,m, of 3!nda", October 14,
2012 to @600 a,m, of )onda", October 1#, 2012,
Executive Branch of the Philippines
Presidents of the Repu*lic of the Philippines
<"ilio F$ )!inaldo *0!ne 12, 1=C= *Ter" be)an 3ith the for"al establish"ent of the
'alolos 5ep!blic, considered the First Philippine 5ep!blic$+ - pril 1, 1C01 *Ter" ended
3hen )!inaldo 3as capt!red by 9$&$ forces at Palanan, @sabela$+
'an!el 1!is '$ J!e:on *#ove"ber 14, 1C34 K !)!st 1, 1C44+ *Died d!e to t!berc!losis
at &aranac 1a6e, #e3 ;or6$+
0osL P$ 1a!rel *October 14, 1C43 K !)!st 17, 1C44+ *Ter" ended 3ith his dissolvin) the
Philippine 5ep!blic in the 3a6e of the s!rrender of 0apanese forces to the "ericans at
2orld 2ar @@$+
&er)io Os"eMa, &r$ *!)!st 1, 1C44 K 'ay 2=, 1C4>+
'an!el $ 5oGas *'ay 2=, 1C4> K pril 14, 1C4=+ *Died d!e to a heart attac6 at (lar6 ir
<lpidio J!irino *pril 17, 1C4= K Dece"ber 30, 1C43+
5a"on F$ 'a)saysay *Dece"ber 30, 1C43 K 'arch 17, 1C47+ *Died on a plane crash at
'o!nt 'an!n))al, (eb!$+
(arlos P$ 8arcia *'arch 17, 1C47 K Dece"ber 30, 1C>1+
Diosdado P$ 'acapa)al *Dece"ber 30, 1C>1 K Dece"ber 30, 1C>4+
Ferdinand <$ 'arcos *Dece"ber 30, 1C>4 K Febr!ary 24, 1C=>+ *Deposed in the 1C=>
People Po3er 5evol!tion$+
(ora:on &$ (oI!an)co-H!ino *Febr!ary 24, 1C=> K 0!ne 30, 1CC2+
Papal %isit sia 2014
Fidel %$ 5a"os *0!ne 30, 1CC2 K 0!ne 30, 1CC=+
0oseph '$ <ILrcito-<strada *0!ne 30, 1CC=K0an!ary 20, 2001+ *Deposed after the &!pre"e
(o!rt declared <strada as resi)ned and the oNce of the presidency as vacant as a res!lt,
after the 2001 <D& 5evol!tion$+
8loria '$ 'acapa)al-rroyo *0an!ary 20, 2001K0!ne 30, 2010+
7eni)no &i"eon ($ H!ino @@@ *0!ne 30, 2010K0!ne 30, 201>+
3ice Presidents of the Repu*lic of the Philippines
1$ 'ariano ($ TrOas *'arch 22, 1=C7 K #ove"ber 2, 1=C7+ *Ter" ended 3ith the Pact
of 7ia6 na 7ato$+
2$ &er)io Os"eMa *#ove"ber 14, 1C34 K !)!st 1, 1C44+
3$ <lpidio J!irino *'ay 2=, 1C4> K pril 17, 1C4=+
4$ Fernando 1Ppe: *Dece"ber 30, 1C4C K Dece"ber 30, 1C43+
4$ (arlos P$ 8arcia *Dece"ber 30, 1C43 K 'arch 17, 1C47+ *&!cceeded after the death
of president$+
>$ Diosdado 'acapa)al *Dece"ber 30, 1C47 K Dece"ber 30, 1C>1+
7$ <""an!el Pelae: *Dece"ber 30, 1C>1 K Dece"ber 30, 1C>4+
=$ Fernando 1Ppe: *Dece"ber 30, 1C>4 - &epte"ber 23, 1C72+
C$ rt!ro '$ Tolentino *Febr!ary 1>, 1C=> K Febr!ary 24, 1C=>+ *Ter" ended 3hen
'arcos 3as overthro3n in the 1C=> People Po3er 5evol!tion+
10$&alvador /$ 1a!rel *Febr!ary 24, 1C=> K 0!ne 30, 1CC2+ *ss!"ed vice presidency
by clai"in) victory in the disp!ted 1C=> snap election$+
11$0oseph '$ <Iercito-<strada *0!ne 30, 1CC2 K 0!ne 30, 1CC=+
12$8loria '$ 'acapa)al-rroyo *0!ne 30, 1CC= K 0an!ary 20, 2001+
13$Teofsto T$ 8!in)ona, 0r$ *Febr!ary 7, 2001 K 0!ne 30, 2004+ *#o"inated by
President rroyo and confr"ed by (on)ress$+
14$#oli 1$ de (astro, 0r$ *0!ne 30, 2004 K 0!ne 30, 2010+
14$0eIo"ar ($ 7inay, &r$ *0!ne 30, 2010 K 0!ne 30, 201>+
)pea9er of the 2ouse of Representatives of the Philippines
&er)io &$ Os"eMa, &r$ *October 1>, 1C07K 1C22+
'an!el $ 5oGas, &r$ *1C22-1C33+
J!intin Paredes *1C33-1C34+
8il 'ontilla *#ove"ber 24, 1C34 K Dece"ber 30, 1C3=+
0osL ;!lo *Dece"ber 30, 1C3= K Dece"ber 30, 1C41+
7eni)no &i"eon J$ H!ino, &r$ *&epte"ber 24, 1C43 K Febr!ary 2, 1C44+
0ose Q!l!eta *0!ne C, 1C44 K Dece"ber 20, 1C44+
<!)enio PLre: *'ay 24, 1C4> K Dece"ber 30, 1C43+
0osL 7$ 1a!rel, 0r$ *0an!ary 24, 1C44 K Dece"ber 30, 1C47+
Daniel Q$ 5o"!alde: *0an!ary 27, 1C4= K 'arch C, 1C>2+
(ornelio T$ %illareal *'arch C, 1C>2 K Febr!ary 2, 1C>7+
0osL 7$ 1a!rel, 0r$ *Febr!ary 2, 1C>7 K pril 1, 1C71+
(ornelio T$ %illareal *pril 1, 1C71 K &epte"ber 23, 1C72+
J!er!be ($ 'a6alintal *0!ne 12, 1C7= K 0!ne 30, 1C=4+
#icanor <$ ;Mi)!e: *0!ly 23, 1C=4 K 'arch 24, 1C=>+
5a"on %$ 'itra, 0r$ *0!ly 27, 1C=7 K 0!ne 30, 1CC2+
0ose ($ de %enecia, 0r$ *0!ly 27, 1CC2 K 0!ne 30, 1CC=+
Papal %isit sia 2014
'an!el 7$ %illar, 0r$ *0!ly 27, 1CC= K #ove"ber 13, 2000+
rn!lfo F!entebella *#ove"ber 13, 2000 K 0an!ary 24, 2001+
Feliciano 5$ 7el"onte 0r$ *0an!ary 24, 2001 K 0!ne 30, 2001+
0ose de %enecia, 0r$ *0!ly 23, 2001 K Febr!ary 4, 200=+
Prospero ($ #o)rales *Febr!ary 4, 200= K 0!ne 30, 2010+
Feliciano 5$ 7el"onte 0r$ *0!ly 2>, 2010 K 0!ne 30, 201>+
Presidents of the )enate of the Philippines
'an!el 1!is '$ J!e:on *October 1>, 1C1>-1C34+
'an!el $ 5oGas *0!ly C, 1C44- 'ay 24, 1C4>+
0osL velino *'ay 24, 1C4> K Febr!ary 21, 1C4C+
'ariano 0esRs D$ (!enco *Febr!ary 21, 1C4C K Dece"ber 30, 1C41+
J!intin Paredes *'arch 4, 1C42 - pril 17, 1C42+
(a"ilo OsOas *pril 17, 1C42 K pril 30, 1C42+
<!lo)io $ 5odri)!e:, &r$ *pril 30, 1C42 K pril 17, 1C43+
(a"ilo OsOas *pril 30, 1C43 K 'ay 20, 1C43+
0ose Q!l!eta *'ay 20, 1C43 K Dece"ber 30, 1C43+
<!lo)io $ 5odri)!e:, &r$ *0an!ary 24, 1C44 K pril 4, 1C>3+
Ferdinand <""an!el <$ 'arcos *pril 4, 1C>3 K Dece"ber 30, 1C>4+
rt!ro '$ Tolentino *0an!ary 17, 1C>> K 0an!ary 2>, 1C>7+
8il 0$ P!yat *0an!ary 2>, 1C>7 K &epte"ber 23, 1C72+
0ovito 5$ &alon)a *0!ly 27, 1C=7 K 0an!ary 1, 1CC2+
#eptali $ 8on:ales, &r$ *0an!ary 1, 1CC2 K 0an!ary 1=, 1CC3+
<d)ardo 0$ n)ara *0an!ary 1=, 1CC3 K !)!st 2=, 1CC4+
#eptali $ 8on:ales, &r$ *!)!st 2C, 1CC4 K October 10, 1CC>+
<rnesto '$ 'aceda *October 10, 1CC> K 0an!ary 2>, 1CC=+
#eptali $ 8on:ales, &r$ *0an!ary 2>, 1CC= K 0!ne 30, 1CC=+
'arcelo 7$ Fernan *0!ly 27, 1CC= K 0!ne 2=, 1CCC+
7las F$ Ople *0!ne 2C, 1CCC K 0!ly 12, 2000+
Fran6lin '$ Drilon *0!ly 12, 2000 K #ove"ber 13, 2000+
H!ilino J$ Pi"entel, 0r$ *#ove"ber 13, 2000 K 0!ne 30, 2001+
Fran6lin '$ Drilon *0!ly 23, 2001 K 0!ly 24, 200>+
'an!el 7$ %illar, 0r$ *0!ly 24, 200> K #ove"ber 17, 200=+
0!an Ponce <nrile *#ove"ber 17, 200= K 0!ne 4, 2013+
0in))oy P$ <Iercito-<strada *0!ne 4, 2013 K 0!ne 30, 2013+
Fran6lin '$ Drilon *0!ly 22, 2013 K0!ne 30, 201>+
Chief ustice of the )upreme Court of the Philippines
S #a"e and Date of Ten!re
1 (ayetano 1$ rellano *0!ne 14, 1C01 K pril 1, 1C20+
2 %ictorino 'apa *0!ly 1, 1C20 K October 31, 1C21+
3 'an!el ra!llo *#ove"ber 1, 1C21 K 0!ly 2>, 1C24+
4 5a"Pn vanceMa *pril 1, 1C24 K Dece"ber 24, 1C41+
4 0osL 7$ bad &antos *Dece"ber 24, 1C41 K 'ay 2, 1C42+
> 0osL ;!lo *Febr!ary 4, 1C42 K 0!ly C, 1C44+
7 'an!el 'oran *0!ly C, 1C44 K 'arch 20, 1C41+
= 5icardo Paras *pril 2, 1C41 K Febr!ary 17, 1C>1+
Papal %isit sia 2014
C (Lsar 7en):on *pril 2=, 1C>1 K 'ay 2C, 1C>>+
10 5oberto (oncepcion *0!ne 17, 1C>> K pril 1=, 1C73+
11 J!er!be 'a6alintal *October 31, 1C73 K Dece"ber 22, 1C74+
12 Fred $ 5!i: (astro *0an!ary 2, 1C7> K pril 1C, 1C7C+
13 <nriH!e Fernando *0!ly 2, 1C7C K 0!ly 24, 1C=4+
14 FeliG 'a6asiar *0!ly 24, 1C=4 K #ove"ber 1C, 1C=4+
14 5a"on H!ino *#ove"ber 20, 1C=4 K 'arch >, 1C=>+
1> (la!dio Teehan6ee *pril 2, 1C=> K pril 1=, 1C==+
17 Pedro ;ap *pril 1C, 1C== K 0!ne 30, 1C==+
1= 'arcelo Fernan *0!ly 1, 1C== K Dece"ber >, 1CC1+
1C ndres 5$ #arvasa *Dece"ber 1, 1CC1 K #ove"ber 30, 1CC=+
20 /ilario 8$ Davide, 0r$ *#ove"ber 30, 1CC= K Dece"ber 20, 2004+
rte"io %$ Pan)aniban *Dece"ber 20, 2004 K Dece"ber 7,
22 5eynato P!no *Dece"ber =, 200> K 'ay 17, 2010+
23 5enato ($ (orona *'ay 17, 2010 K 'ay 2C, 2012+
24 ntonio T$ (arpio *'ay 2C, 2012 K !)!st 24, 2012+
24 'aria 1o!rdes P$$ &ereno *!)!st 24, 2012 K 0!ly 2, 2030+
Leaders of the Roman Catholic Church
Pope $Roman Catholic Bishop of Rome and 1orld8ide Leader of Roman Catholic
1$ Peter *D 30 - D >4+
2$ 1in!s *c$ >7 - c$ 7C+
3$ naclet!s *c$ 7C - c$ C2+
4$ (le"ent @ *C2 - CC+
4$ <varist!s *c$ CC - c$ 107+
>$ leGander @ *c$ 107 - c$ 114+
7$ &iGt!s @ *c$ 114 - c$ 124+
=$ Telesphor!s *c$ 12> - c$ 137+
C$ /y)in!s *c$ 13= - c$ 142+
10$Pi!s @ *c$ 142 - c$ 144+
11$nicet!s *c$ 147 - c$ 20 pril 1>=+
12$&oter *c$ 1>7 - 174+
14$%ictor @
1>$(alliGt!s @
17$9rban @
22$1!ci!s @
23$&tephen @
24$&iGt!s @@
Papal %isit sia 2014
2>$FeliG @
30$'arcell!s @
33$&ylvester @
34$0!li!s @
37$Da"as!s @
3C$nastasi!s @
40$@nnocent @ *401 - 12 'arch 417+
41$Qosi"!s *1= 'arch 417 - 27 Dece"ber 41=+
42$7oniface @ *2= Dece"ber 41= - 4 &epte"ber 422+
43$(elestine @
44$&iGt!s @@@
44$1eo @
4=$FeliG @@@
4C$8elasi!s @
40$nastasi!s @@
43$0ohn @
44$FeliG @%
44$7oniface @@
4>$0ohn @@
47$)apet!s @
>0$Pela)i!s @
>1$0ohn @@@
>2$7enedict @
>3$Pela)i!s @@
>4$8re)ory @
>>$7oniface @@@
>7$7oniface @%
>=$deodat!s @
>C$7oniface %
70$/onori!s @
Papal %isit sia 2014
72$0ohn @%
73$Theodore @
74$'artin @
74$<!)ene @
77$deodat!s @@
=0$1eo @@
=1$7enedict @@
=2$0ohn %
=4$&er)i!s @
=4$0ohn %@
=>$0ohn %@@
=C$8re)ory @@
C0$8re)ory @@@
C2$&tephen @@
C3$Pa!l @
C4$&tephen @@@
C4$drian @
C>$1eo @@@
C7$&tephen @%
C=$Paschal @
CC$<!)ene @@
100$ %alentine
101$ 8re)ory @%
102$ &er)i!s @@
103$ 1eo @%
104$ 7enedict @@@
104$ #icholas @
10>$ drian @@
107$ 0ohn %@@@
10=$ 'arin!s @
10C$ drian @@@
110$ &tephen %
111$ For"os!s
112$ 7oniface %@
113$ &tephen %@
114$ 5o"an!s
114$ Theodore @@
11>$ 0ohn @T
117$ 7enedict @%
11=$ 1eo %
Papal %isit sia 2014
11C$ &er)i!s @@@
120$ nastasi!s @@@
121$ 1ando
122$ 0ohn T
123$ 1eo %@
124$ &tephen %@@
124$ 0ohn T@
12>$ 1eo %@@
127$ &tephen %@@@
12=$ 'arin!s @@
12C$ )apet!s @@
130$ 0ohn T@@
131$ 7enedict %
132$ 1eo %@@@
133$ 0ohn T@@@
134$ 7enedict %@
134$ 7enedict %@@
13>$ 0ohn T@%
137$ 0ohn T%
13=$ 8re)ory %
13C$ &ylvester @@
140$ 0ohn T%@@
141$ 0ohn T%@@@
142$ &er)i!s @%
143$ 7enedict %@@@
144$ 0ohn T@T
144$ 7enedict @T
14>$ &ylvester @@@
147$ 7enedict @T
14=$ 8re)ory %@
14C$ (le"ent @@
140$ 7enedict @T
141$ Da"as!s @@
142$ 1eo @T
143$ %ictor @@
144$ &tephen @T
144$ #icholas @@
14>$ leGander @@
147$ 8re)ory %@@
14=$ %ictor @@@
14C$ 9rban @@
1>0$ Paschal @@
1>1$ 8elasi!s @@
1>2$ (alliGt!s @@
1>3$ /onori!s @@
1>4$ @nnocent @@
1>4$ (elestine @@
Papal %isit sia 2014
1>>$ 1!ci!s @@
1>7$ <!)ene @@@
1>=$ nastasi!s @%
1>C$ drian @%
170$ leGander @@@
171$ 1!ci!s @@@
172$ 9rban @@@
173$ 8re)ory %@@@
174$ (le"ent @@@
174$ (elestine @@@ *8iacinto 7obone+ *21 'arch 11C1 - = 0an!ary 11C=+
17>$ @nnocent @@@ *1otario de? (onti di &e)ni+ *= 0an!ary 11C= - 1> 0!ly 121>+
177$ /onori!s @@@ *(encio &avelli+ *1= 0!ly, 121> K 1= 'arch, 1227+
17=$ 8re)ory @T *9)olino di (onti+ *1C 'arch, 1227 K 22 !)!st, 1241+
17C$ (elestine @% *8oFredo da (asti)lione+ *24 October, 1241 - 10 #ove"ber,
1=0$ @nnocent @% *&inibaldo Fieschi+ *24 0!ne, 1243 K 7 Dece"ber, 1244+
1=1$ leGander @% *5inaldo di 0enne+ *12 Dece"ber, 1244 - 24 'ay, 12>1+
1=2$ 9rban @% *0acH!es PantalLon+ *2C !)!st, 12>1 K 2 October, 12>4+
1=3$ (le"ent @% *8!y Fo!cois+ *4 Febr!ary, 12>4 K 2C #ove"ber, 12>=+
1=4$ 8re)ory T *Teobaldo %isconti+ *1 &epte"ber, 1271 K 10 0an!ary, 127>+
1=4$ @nnocent % *Pierre de Tarentaise+ *21 0an!ary, 127> K 22 0!ne, 127>+
1=>$ drian % *Ottob!ono de? Fieschi+ *11 0!ly, 127> K 1= !)!st 127>+
1=7$ 0ohn TT@ *Pedro 0!liUo+ *13 &epte"ber, 127> K 20 'ay, 1277+
1==$ #icholas @@@ *8iovanni 8aetano Orsini+ *24 #ove"ber, 1277 K 22 !)!st,
1=C$ 'artin @% *&i"on de 7rion+ *21 Febr!ary, 12=1 K 2= 'arch, 12=4+
1C0$ /onori!s @% *8iaco"o &avelli+ *2 pril, 12=4 K 3 pril, 12=7+
1C1$ #icholas @% *8irola"o 'asci+ *22 Febr!ary, 12==K 4 pril, 12C2+
1C2$ (elestine %*Pietro n)elerio+ *4 0!ly, 12C4 K 13 Dece"ber, 12C4+
1C3$ 7oniface %@@@ *7enedetto (aetani+ *24 Dece"ber, 12C4 K 11 October, 1303+
1C4$ 7enedict T@ *#icola 7occasini+ *22 October, 1303 K 7 0!ly, 1304+
1C4$ (le"ent % *5ay"ond 7ertrand de 8ot+ *4 0!ne, 1304 - 20 pril, 1314+
1C>$ 0ohn TT@@ *0acH!es D!V:e+ *7 !)!st, 131>K 4 Dece"ber, 1334+
1C7$ 7enedict T@@ *0acH!es Fo!rnier+ *20 Dece"ber, 1334 - 24 pril, 1342+
1C=$ (le"ent %@ *Pierre 5o)er+ *7 'ay, 1342 - > Dece"ber, 1C42+
1CC$ @nnocent %@ *Wtienne !bert+ *1= Dece"ber 1342K 12 &epte"ber 13>2+
200$ 9rban % *2illia" de 8ri"oard+ *2= &epte"ber, 13>2K 1C Dece"ber, 1370+
201$ 8re)ory T@ *Pierre 5o)er De 7ea!fort+ *30 Dece"ber, 1370 K 27 'arch,
202$ 9rban %@ *7artolo"eo Pri)nano+ *= pril 137= K 14 October 13=C++
203$ 7oniface @T *Piero To"acelli+ *2 #ove"ber 13=C K 1 October 1404+
204$ @nnocent %@@ (osi"o de? 'i)liorati *17 October, 1404 K > #ove"ber, 140>+
204$ 8re)ory T@@ *n)elo (orrer or (orraro+ *30 #ove"ber, 140> K 4 0!ly, 1414+
20>$ 'artin % *Oddone (olonna+ *11 #ove"ber, 1417 K 20 Febr!ary, 1431+
207$ <!)ene @% *8abriele (ond!l"er+ *3 'arch, 1431 K 23 Febr!ary, 1447+
20=$ #icholas % *lfons de 7orIa+ *= pril, 1444 K > !)!st, 144=+
20C$ (alliGt!s @@@ *To""aso Parent!celli+ *= pril, 1444 K > !)!st, 144=+
Papal %isit sia 2014
210$ Pi!s @@ *<nea &ilvio 7artolo"eo Piccolo"ini+ *1C !)!st 144= K 14 !)!st,
211$ Pa!l @@ *Pietro 7arbo+ *30 !)!st 14>4 K 2> 0!ly, 1471+
212$ &iGt!s @% *Francesco della 5overe+ *C !)!st, 1471 K 12 !)!st, 14=4+
213$ @nnocent %@@@ *8iovanni 7attista (ybo+ *2C !)!st, 14=4 - 24 0!ly, 14C2+
214$ leGander %@ *5oderic 1lanXol+ *11 !)!st, 14C2 - 1= !)!st, 1403+
214$ Pi!s @@@ *Francesco Todeschini Piccolo"ini+ *22 &epte"ber, 1403 - 1= October,
21>$ 0!li!s @@ *8i!liano della 5overe+ *1 #ove"ber, 1403 K 21 Febr!ary, 1413+
217$ 1eo T *8iovanni di 1oren:o de? 'edici+ *C 'arch, 1413 K 1 Dece"ber, 1421+
21=$ drian %@ *driaan Floris:oon 7oeyens+ *C 0an!ary, 1422 K 14 &epte"ber,
21C$ (le"ent %@@ *8i!lio di 8i!liano de? 'edici+ *1C #ove"ber 1423 K 24
&epte"ber, 1434+
220$ Pa!l @@@ *lessandro Farnese +*13 October, 1434 K 10 #ove"ber, 144C+
221$ 0!li!s @@@ *8iovanni 'aria (iocchi del 'onte+ *7 Febr!ary, 1440 K 23 'arch,
222$ 'arcell!s @@ *'arcello (ervini de)li &pannochi+ *C pril 1444 K 1 'ay 1444+
223$ Pi!s @% *8iovanni n)elo 'edici+ *24 Dece"ber 144C - C Dece"ber 14>4+
224$ Pi!s the Fifth *ntonio 8hislieri+ *= 0an!ary 14>> - 1 'ay 1472+
224$ 8re)ory T@@@ *9)o 7onco"pa)ni+ *13 'ay 1472 K 10 pril 14=4+
22>$ &iGt!s % *Felice Peretti di 'ontalto+ *24 pril 14=4 K 27 !)!st 14C0+
227$ 9rban %@@ *8iovanni 7attista (asta)na+ *14 &epte"ber 14C0 K 27 &epte"ber
22=$ 8re)ory T@% *#iccolY &fondrati+ *4 Dece"ber 1CC0 K 1> October 14C1+
22C$ @nnocenth T@ *8iovanni ntonio Facchinetti+ *2C October 14C1 K 30
Dece"ber 14C1+
230$ (le"ent %@@@ *@ppolito ldobrandini+ *30 0an!ary 14C2K 3 'arch 1>04+
231$ 1eo T@ *lessandro Ottaviano de? 'edici+ *1 pril 1>04 K 27 pril 1>04+
232$ Pa!l %*(a"illo 7or)hese+ 1> 'ay 1>04 K 2= 0an!ary 1>21+
233$ 8re)ory T% *lessandro 1!dovisi+ *C Febr!ary 1>21 K = 0!ly 1>23+
234$ 9rban %@@@ *'aFeo 7arberini+ *> !)!st 1>23 K 2C 0!ly 1>44+
234$ @nnocent T *8iovanni 7attista Pa"philI+ *14 &epte"ber 1>44 K 7 0an!ary
23>$ leGander %@@ *Fabio (hi)i+ *7 pril 1>44 K 22 'ay 1>>7+
237$ (le"ent @T *8i!lio 5ospi)liosi+ *20 0!ne 1>>7 K C Dece"ber 1>>C+
23=$ (le"ent T *<"ilio 7onavent!ra ltieri+ *2C pril 1>70 - 22 0!ly 1>7>+
23C$ @nnocent T@ *7enedetto Odescalchi+ *21 &epte"ber 1>7> - 12 !)!st 1>=C+
240$ leGander %@@@ *Pietro %ito Ottoboni+ *> October 1>=C K 1 Febr!ary 1>C1+
241$ @nnocent T@ *ntonio Pi)natelli+ *12 0!ly 1>C1 K 27 &epte"ber 1700+
242$ (le"ent T@ *8iovanni Francesco lbani+ *23 #ove"ber 1700 K 1C 'arch
243$ @nnocent T@@@ *'ichelan)elo dei (onti+ *= 'ay 1721 - 7 'arch 1724+
244$ 7enedict T@@@ *Pietro Francesco Orsini+ *2C 'ay 1724 K 21 Febr!ary 1730+
244$ (le"ent T@@ *1oren:o (orsini+ *12 0!ly 1730 K > Febr!ary 1740+
24>$ 7enedict T@% *Prospero 1oren:o 1a"bertini+ *17 !)!st 1740 K'ay 3, 174=+
247$ (le"ent T@@ *(arlo della Torre di 5e::onico+ *1> 0!ly 174= - 2 Febr!ary 17>C+
Papal %isit sia 2014
24=$ (le"ent the Fo!rteenth *8iovanni %incen:o ntonio 8an)anelli+ *1C 'ay
17>C - 22 &epte"ber 1774+
24C$ Pi!s %@ *(o!nt 8iovanni n)elo 7raschi+ *14 Febr!ary 1774 - 2C !)!st
240$ Pi!s %@@ *7arnaba #iccolY 'aria 1!i)i (hiara"onti+ *14 'arch 1=00 - 20
!)!st 1=23+
241$ 1eo T@ *nnibale Francesco (le"ente 'elchiore 8irola"o #icola &er"attei
della 8en)a+ *2= &epte"ber 1=23 - 10 Febr!ary 1=2C+
242$ Pi!s %@@@ *Francesco &averio (asti)lioni+ *31 'arch 1=2C - 30 #ove"ber
243$ 8re)ory T%@ *7artolo"eo lberto (appellari+ *2 Febr!ary 1=31 - 1 0!ne 1=4>+
244$ Pi!s @T *8iovanni 'aria 'astai-Ferretti+ *1> 0!ne 1=4> - 7 Febr!ary 1=7=+
244$ 1eo T@@@ *%incen:o 8ioacchino 5aFaele 1!i)i Pecci+ *20 Febr!ary 1=7= - 20
0!ly 1C03+
24>$ Pi!s T *8i!seppe 'elchiorre &arto+ *4 !)!st 1C03 - 20 !)!st 1C14+
247$ 7enedict T% *8iaco"o Paolo 8iovanni 7attista della (hiesa+ *3 &epte"ber
1C14 - 22 0an!ary 1C22+
24=$ Pi!s T@ *"bro)io Da"iano chille 5atti+ *> Febr!ary 1C22 - 10 Febr!ary
24C$ Pi!s T@@ *<!)enio 'aria 8i!seppe 8iovanni (ardinal Pacelli+ *2 'arch 1C3C K
C October 1C4=+
2>0$ 0ohn TT@@@ *n)elo 8i!seppe (ardinal 5oncalli+ *2= October 1C4= K 3 0!ne
2>1$ Pa!l > *8iovanni 7attista <nrico ntonio 'aria (ardinal 'ontini+ *21 0!ne
1C>3 - > !)!st 1C7=+
2>2$ 0ohn Pa!l @ *lbino (ardinal T$ 1!ciani+ *2> !)!st 1C7= K 2= &epte"ber
2>3$ 0ohn Pa!l @@ *Earol 0P:ef (ardinal E$ 2oItyZa+ *1> October 1C7= - 2 pril 2004+
2>4$ 7enedict T%@ *0oseph (ardinal P$ 5at:in)er+ *1C pril 2004 - 2= Febr!ary
2>4$ Francis *0or)e 'ario (ardinal &$ 7er)o)lio+ *13 'arch, 2013 K present+
Roman Catholic %rch*ishop of "anila
1$ Do"in)o de &ala:ar, O$ P$ *Febr!ary >, 147C - Dece"ber 4, 14C4+
2$ @)nacio &antib[Me:, O$F$'$ *!)!st 30, 14C4 - !)!st 14, 14C=+
3$ 'i)!el de 7enavides, O$ P$ *October 7, 1>02 - 0!ly 2>, 1>04+
4$ Die)o %[:H!e: de 'ercado *'arch 2=, 1>0= - 0!ne 12, 1>1>+
4$ 'i)!el 8arcOa &errano, O$&$$ *Febr!ary 12, 1>1= - 0!ne 14, 1>2C+
>$ /ernando 8!errero, O$&$$ *0an!ary C, 1>34 K 0!ly 1, 1>41+
7$ Fernando 'ontero de <spinosa *'ay 20, 1>44 K 1>44+
=$ 'i)!el de Poblete - &epte"ber C, 1>40 K Dece"ber =, 1>>7+
C$ 0!an 1Ppe:, O$ P$ *1>72 - Febr!ary 12, 1>74+
10$Felipe Pardo, O$ P$ *October 2=, 1>=1 - Dece"ber 31, 1>=C+
11$Die)o (a"acho y \vila *!)!st 1C, 1>C> - 0an!ary 14, 1704+
12$Francisco de la (!esta, O$&$/$ *!)!st 12, 1707 K 1722+
13$(arlos 7er"!de: 8on:ale: *1722 - #ove"ber 13, 172C+
14$0!an \n)el 5odrO)!e:, O$&$T$ *'ay 1=, 1731 - 0!ne 24, 1742+
Papal %isit sia 2014
14$Pedro de la &antOsi"a Trinidad 'artOne: de ri:ala,O$F$'$ Febr!ary 3, 1744 - 'ay
2=, 1744
1>$'an!el ntonio 5oIo del 5Oo y %ieyra 174= - 17>4
17$7asilio &ancho de &anta 0!sta, &$P$ pril 14, 17>> - Dece"ber 14, 17=7
1=$0!an ntonio Orbi)o de 8alle)o, O$F$'$ Dece"ber 14, 17== - 'ay 17, 17C7
1C$0!an ntonio Q!laibar, O$ P$ 'arch 2>, 1=04 - 'arch 4, 1=24+
20$/ilariPn DOe:, O$&$$ *0!ly 3, 1=2> - 'ay 7, 1=2C+
21$0osL &e)!O, O$&$$ *0!ly 4, 1=30 - 0!ly 4, 1=44+
22$0osL ran)!ren, O$$5$ 0an!ary 1C, 1=4> - pril 1=, 1=>1+
23$8re)orio 'elitPn 'artOne: &anta (r!: *Dece"ber 23, 1=>1 K 1=74+
24$Pedro Payo y PiMeiro, O$P$ *0an!ary 2=, 1=7> K 0an!ary 1, 1==C+
24$7ernardino #o:aleda y %illa, O$ P$ *'ay 27, 1==C K Febr!ary 4, 1C02+
2>$0ere"iah 0a"es /arty *0!ne >, 1C03 - 'ay 1>, 1C1>+
27$'ichael 0$ O?Doherty *&epte"ber >, 1C1> - October 13, 1C4C+
2=$8abriel '$ 5eyes *October 13, 1C4C - October 14, 1C42+
2C$5!fno 0$ (ardinal &antos *Febr!ary 10, 1C43 - &epte"ber 3, 1C73+
30$0ai"e (ardinal 1$ &in *&epte"ber 3, 1C73 - #ove"ber 1=, 2003+
31$8a!dencio (ardinal 7$ 5osales *#ove"ber 21, 2003 - Dece"ber 12, 2011+
32$1!is ntonio (ardinal 8$ Ta)le *Dece"ber 12, 2011 - present+
The Life of Pope Francis/ or!e "ario Ber!o!lio
Childhood in a happ6 Catholic famil6
Fr$ 0or)e 'ario 7er)o)lio 3as born in 7!enos ires, the capital and lar)est city of
r)entina,on Dece"ber 17, 1C3>$ /e 3as bapti:ed by Fr$ <nriH!e Po::oli, an @talian
&alesian priest 3ho 3as close to the fa"ily$ Today, Pope Francis often spea6s of the
i"portance of 7aptis" and !r)es the faithf!l to re"e"ber the date on 3hich they
beca"e a (hristian$
/is father,'ario 0ose Francisco 7er)o)lio, 3as an @talian i""i)rant$ One of his
)randfather.s brothers had started a ]oorin) enterprise in Parana, r)entina that 3as
doin) 3ell and the fo!r 7er)o)lio brothers 3ere p!ttin) !p a fa"ily b!siness$
AThey dise"barH!ed fro" the -0!li!s (aesar., tho!)h they sho!ld have sailed on an
earlier voya)e, 3ith the -Princess 'alfada., 3hich san6$B Fr$ 0or)e 3rote$ A;o! cannot
i"a)ine ho3 "any ti"es @ have than6ed divine Providence^B
/avin) 3or6ed as an acco!ntant in the 7an6 of @taly in T!rin, Papa 'ario, tho!)h an only
child, had enIoyed bein) part of Don 7osco.s A&alesian Fa"ily B in @taly$ 2hen he arrived
in 7!enos ires in 1C2C, he 3ent to live 3ith the &alesians in &olis 1ane 3here he 3as
3ar"ly 3elco"ed in typical &alesian fashion$ @t 3as there that 'ario enco!ntered Fr$
Po::oli 3ho pro"ptly beca"e his confessor$
Photo)raphy and other creative activities attracted the yo!th$ 'ario settled in to his ne3
life in 7!enos ires and Ioined the lively )ro!p of yo!n) "en that )athered aro!nd Fr$
Po::oli in "!ch the sa"e 3ay the yo!n) "en in T!rin had often s!rro!nded Don 7osco$
Papal %isit sia 2014
Fr$ Po::oli the "issionary, confessor, and 3atch"a6er, 3as also a photo)rapher and
"!ch loved by the &ivori fa"ily, and "ost of all by their eldest son, %incent &ivori, 3ho
had a passionate love for photo)raphy$
'ario "et the &ivori brothers 3ho 3ere part of the (Or!los (atPlicos de Obreros and
event!ally "et 5e)ina 'aria &ivori 3ho" he "arried on Dece"ber 12, 1C34 in &an
(arlos$ 0or)e.s 'a"a devoted herself to raisin) the fa"ily and to )ivin) their fve children
a healthy reli)io!s !pbrin)in)$
/is )rand"other, Dona 5osa 'ar)arita %asallo de 7er)o)lio, a )reat pro"oter of (atholic
ction,)reatly inspired yo!n) 0or)e 3ho often carried 3ith hi" one of her lea]ets entitled
A&t$ 0oseph in the life of the "aiden, the 3ido3 and the bride$B
/e reco!nts one occasion 3hen his )rand"other said thin)s that did not please the
)overn"ent and they closed the hall 3here she 3as to spea6$ 9nda!nted, she spo6e o!t
on the street, standin) on a table$
A@t.s not stran)e that @ spea6 3ith aFection of the &alesians, Ahe 3rote, Abeca!se "y
fa"ily 3as no!rished spirit!ally by the &alesians of &an (arlos$
As a child @ learned to )o to the procession of 'ary /elp of (hristians,B he 3rote, Aand
also to that of &aint nthony of 'eGico &treet$ 2hen @ 3as at "y )rand"other.s ho"e, @
3ent to the Oratory of &aint Francis of &ales$
As a child @ had in "y hands the 5eli)io!s @nstr!ction of Father 'oret$B Fr 0or)e added$
AThey had ta!)ht !s to as6 for -the blessin) of 'ary /elp of (hristians. every ti"e 3e
too6 leave of a &alesian$B
n econo"ic recession,ho3ever, be)an to ta6e a toll on the ]o!rishin) 7er)o)lio fa"ily
b!siness$ The President of the fr", 0or)e.s )rand!ncle, beca"e ill 3ith le!6e"ia and
ly"phosarco"a and died$
The t3o events_the recession and the death of 0!an 1oren:o_ca!sed the fa"ily
b!siness to fail$ They had to sell everythin), fro" the fa"ily chapel in the ce"etery to
the fo!r storey A7er)o)lio 7!ildin)B 3here the fo!r brothers lived$
0or)e.s )randparents and his Papa 3ere left 3ith nothin)$
:ro8in! up 8ith the )alesians
s a fa"ily, the 7er)o)lios al3ays t!rned to Fr$ <nriH!e Po::oli 3henever there 3as a
proble", or 3hen they needed help or advice$ /e had bapti:ed all the children b!t one,
0or)e.s second brother 3ho 3as born in 1C3= 3hen Fr Po::oli 3as in 9s!ahia$
Then in Febr!ary of 1C4=, it happened that after 0or)e.s 'a"a had his sister, the ffth and
last child, she beca"e very 3ea6 and eGha!sted "a6in) it necessary for the three eldest
children to board$ /is sister, the third child, 3ho is today the "other of a 0es!it and of a
3o"an reli)io!s, 3as placed as a boarder at 'arOa !Giliadora 3ith the help of Fr$ Po::oli$
Fr$ Po::oli.s prayers to 'ary /elp of (hristians for AhisB boys 3hen they 3ere )oin)
thro!)h diNc!lt sit!ations did not )o !nheeded, ho3ever, and he 3as able to introd!ce
the fa"ily to a person 3ho lent the" 2,000 pesos so that 0or)e.s )randparents co!ld set
!p a store in 7arrio Flores$ /is Papa 3ho had been an acco!ntant at the 7an6 of @taly, no3
had to be the delivery "an for the fa"ily store$
Papal %isit sia 2014
#ear the end of 1C4=, Fr$ Po::oli intervened a)ain so that 0or)e and his brother co!ld
enter as boarders at the (ole)io 2ilfrid 7arPn de los &antos n)eles in 5a"Pn 'eIOa$
AThere @ co"pleted siGth )rade, in 1C4C, and "y brother ffth and siGth in 1C4C and 1C40,
B Pope Francis 3rote Fr$ 7r!no$
The f!t!re pope 3as in (lass >7 and 3on frst pri:e that year in cond!ct, reli)ion and the
1ife in any &alesian colle)e is the sa"e any3here in the 3orld$ One only has to visit any
Don 7osco school in the Philippines to )et a sense of the &alesian &pirit that per"eates
Don 7osco schools and opens the hearts of the yo!n) to 8od$
Pope Francis 3rites that the 2ilfrid 7aron &chool of the /oly n)els in 5a"os 'eIia,
7!enos ires, prepared hi" Afor life$B 5e]ectin) on 3hat it 3as li6e to attend the school,
Pope Francis describes its A(atholic c!lt!reB,
&chool life 3as a A3hole$B @ 3as i""ersed in a 3ay of life prepared so that there
3o!ldn.t be ti"e to be la:y$ The day passed as an arro3 3itho!t ti"e for one to be
bored$ @ felt "yself s!b"er)ed in a 3orld that, altho!)h prepared AartifciallyB *3ith
peda)o)ic reso!rces+, had nothin) artifcial abo!t it$ The "ost nat!ral thin) 3as to )o to
'ass in the "ornin), as 3ell as havin) brea6fast, st!dyin), )oin) to lessons, playin)
d!rin) recreation, hearin) the A8ood ni)htB of the Father Director$
On devotion to 'ary
5eco!rse to O!r 1ady is essential for life$ @t )oes fro" the a3areness of havin) a 'other
in heaven that ta6es care of "e to the recitation of the three /ail 'arys, or of the 5osary$
On the 8ood #i)ht tal6
One of the 6ey "o"ents of this learnin) to see6 the "eanin) of thin)s 3as the A8ood
ni)htB that the Father Director )enerally )ave$ 2hen one or t3o years later @ ca"e to
6no3 ho3 Father @sidoro /olo3aty died, of ho3 he end!red for the sa6e of "ortifcation
so "any days of pain in his sto"ach *he 3as a n!rse+ !ntil one 2ednesday Father Po::oli,
3ho had )one there to confess the &alesians, ordered hi" to see a doctor, 3ell, 3hen @
ca"e to 6no3 this it see"ed to "e the "ost nat!ral thin) that a &alesian sho!ld die this
3ay, eGercisin) virt!e$
On sports
&ports is an essential aspect of life$ One played 3ell and a lot$ The val!es that sport
teaches *in addition to health+ 3e already 6ne3$ @n st!dy as in sport the di"ension
of co"petition had a certain i"portance, 3e 3ere ta!)ht to co"pete 3ell and to co"pete
as (hristians$B *1i6e "ost &o!th "erican 6ids, yo!n) 0or)e beca"e a fervent fan of &an
1oren:o de l"a)ro, one of the classic tea"s of r)entine fRtbol$+
<d!cation in creativity
There 3as roo" for hobbies and crafts` Father 1a"br!schini ta!)ht !s to sin), 3ith
Father viles @ learned to b!ild "achinery_and so "any other thin)s *theater,
or)ani:ation of cha"pionships, acade"ic cere"onies, taGider"y, etc$+ that channeled
hobbies and anGieties$
5eason, reli)ion and lovin) 6indness
/o3 did o!r ed!cators address crisesa They "ade !s feel that 3e co!ld tr!st, that they
loved !s, they 3ere able to listen, they )ave !s )ood opport!ne advice, and they
defended !s both fro" rebellion as 3ell as "elancholy$B
The :randma 1ho )tood ;p to "ussolini
7y 'a$ 1o!rdes 1l$ 8al:a
Papal %isit sia 2014
(astor Oil and 1ive Toads
D!rin) the dar6 days !nder 7enito '!ssolini,ar"ed sH!ads in blac6 called the(a"icie
#ere, or 7lac6 shirts, H!elled critics of the Fascist re)i"e bytyin) the" to trees, po!rin)
castor oil do3n their throats and forcin) the" to eat live toads$ 1'ost people fo!nd it
eGpedient to 6eep their tho!)hts to the"selves$ Political correctness, ho3ever, "eant
co"pro"isin) principle and one concerned citi:en 3ith a conscience co!ld
notco"pro"ise 8od.s tr!th$
(atholic (o!ra)e
DoMa 5osa 'ar)herita %asallo de 7er)o)lio 3asPope Francis. #onna or )rand"other$
&hehad that special co!ra)e born of )race$ A#onna, DoMa 5osa 'ar)herita %asallo de
7er)o)lio, 3or6ed 3ith the ne3ly fo!nded (atholic ction$B The f!t!re Pope 3rote his
friend, &alesian historian Fr$ (ayetano 7r!no$ A#onna had 6no3n 7l$ Pier 8ior)io
7l$ 8ior)io 3as a handso"e, f!n-lovin), yo!n) "an 3ith a )reat sense of h!"or$ 7orn of
a 3ealthy @talian fa"ily, he secretly helped the poor$ "o!ntaineer and pop!lar
athlete,he 3as a passionate(atholic social activist 3ho opposed Fascis"$ /e died at the
a)e of 24 and 3as beatifed in 1CC0 by Pope 0ohn Pa!l @@$3
2ith si"ilar passion, the Pope.s #onna 5osa )ave ro!sin) lect!res on (atholic ction$
A&he lect!red every3here, A then Fr$ 7er)o)lio eGplained$ A@t see"s that "y )rand"other
said thin)s that did not s!it the policy `Once they closed the hall 3here she 3as to
spea6, and so she spo6e o!t on the street, standin) on a table$B4
The Pope.s sister 'aria <lena, confdin) to @talian Io!rnalist ndrea Tornielli added,
A8rand"other 5osa 3as a heroine for !s, a very brave lady$ @.ll never for)et 3hen she told
!s ho3 in her to3n, in @taly, she too6 the p!lpit in ch!rch to conde"n the dictatorship,
'!ssolini, fascis"$B4
A&he ta!)ht "e a lot abo!t faithB
Today, Pope Francis describes his #onna as the 3o"an 3ho Ahad the )reatest
in]!enceB > on his life$ A@t 3as "y )rand"other 3ho ta!)ht "e to pray$ &he ta!)ht "e a
lot abo!t faith and told "e stories abo!t the saints,B> /e said ina radio intervie3 released
fro" 7arracas, 7!enos ires$
Tornielli reports that Pope Francis 6eeps in his breviary a little note fro" his #onna 5osa
that reads,
A'ay "y )randchildren, to 3ho" @ have )iven the best of "y heart, have a lon) and
happy life$ 7!t if there are days of pain or illness, or if the loss of a loved one flls the"
3ith despair, "ay they re"e"ber that a 3hisper of a prayer and a loo6 to 'ary at the
feet of the cross, can be li6e a drop of balsa" on even the deepest and "ost painf!l
3o!nds$B 7
1 A1ife in Fascist @taly K /istory 1earnin) &iteB$ 5etrieved &epte"ber 2014 fro"
2 1eon, &D7, Fr$ leIandro$ Francis and Don 7osco$ J!ito, <c!ador, P!blished by (&PP
0osL 5!arob (&5FP, 2014$
3 A2ho @s Pier 8ior)io FrassatiaB 5etrieved &epte"ber 2014 fro" the oNcial 3ebsite for
7lessed Pier 8ior)io Frassati$ 333$frassati!sa$
4 1eon, &D7, Fr$ leIandro$ Francis and Don 7osco$ J!ito, <c!ador, P!blished by (&PP
0osL 5!arob (&5FP, 2014$
4Tornielli, ndrea$ Francis, Pope of a #e3 2orld$ @)nati!s Press, 5etrieved &epte"ber
2014 fro" http,bb333$i)nati!s$co"bpro"otionsbfrancis-pope-ne3-3orldb
Papal %isit sia 2014
>1eon, &D7, Fr$ leIandro$ Francis and Don 7osco$ J!ito, <c!ador, P!blished by (&PP
0osL 5!arob (&5FP, 2014$
7'arshall, Dr Taylor$BPope Francis. &pecial #ote fro" /is 8rand"other 5osaB$ 5etrieved
&epte"ber 2014 fro"taylor"arshall$co"b2013b04bpope-franciss-special-note-fro"-
Preparations for the event $%u!ust #&1'()eptem*er '&+ #&14,
Paseo de "anila tourism <one to rise in Luneta Par9
The co!ntry?s national par6 a)ency has bi))er plans to redevelop the People?s Par6
7y Pia 5anada, 5appler$co"
"%=>L%+ Philippines+ %u!ust '&+ #&1' - to!ris" enterprise :one d!bbed Paseo de
'anila 3ill rise in 1!neta Par6, 0!liet %ille)as, o!t)oin) #ational Par6s Develop"ent
(o""ittee *#PD(+ director, anno!nced on Friday, !)!st 30$
@n a p!blic presentation held in 'a6ati, %ille)as sho3ed a )raphic of the proposed
develop"ent "eant to attract "ore local and forei)n to!rists to the national par6 and
sti"!late econo"ic )ro3th in the area$ Paseo de 'anila 3ill be constr!cted in the
3estern part of the par6, near J!irino 8rand &tand and 'anila Ocean Par6$
The )raphic sho3ed = ne3 proposed b!ildin)s, ran)in) fro" 3 to 14 stories hi)h$ %ille)as
said proposals reco""ended that these b!ildin)s be bo!tiH!e hotels, resta!rants or
shoppin) centers$
ll = b!ildin)s 3ill feat!re a d)reen roofd or roof )arden to add )reenery to the par6 as a
d@t is no3 !nder)oin) a validation plan, beca!se in To!ris" ct of 200C, 1!neta Par6 is
desi)nated as a ]a)ship destination to beco"e a to!ris" enterprise :one to)ether 3ith
@ntra"!ros,d eGplained %ille)as$
Paseo de 'anila is I!st one of the 6ey proposals for the redevelop"ent of the 44-hectare
People?s Par6$
The a)ency also plans to add "ore entry points to the par6$ One in the 3or6s 3ill connect
the 9nited #ations 15T-1 station to the children?s play)ro!nd$ raised 3al63ay
ddecorated 3ith vines and ]o3ersd 3ill connect 1!neta to @ntra"!ros, said %ille)as$
n airconditioned )lass-3alled %isitor?s (enter 3ill be constr!cted as a h!b for to!rists
3ho both 3ant to 6no3 "ore abo!t the par6 and rest fro" the heat$
The 5i:al Par6 "phitheater desi)ned by #ational rtist 1eandro 1ocsin 3ill be o!tftted
3ith a "odern canopy so that p!blic events li6e concerts or fl"-screenin)s can enIoy
protection fro" rain$ Par6-)oers can see the fnished prod!ct for the"selves in October
3hen the Philhar"onic Orchestra for"ally opens the a"phitheater to the p!blic$
&tretchin) fro" Taft ven!e to 'anila 7ay, 1!neta is said to be the lar)est !rban par6 in
sia$ &ince the 1=00s, it has served as the People?s Par6, the preferred ven!e for p!blic
events li6e, the Feast of the 7lac6 #a:arene *0an!ary =-C+, <l &haddai <aster Overni)ht
Papal %isit sia 2014
(elebration *every 7lac6 &at!rday to <aster &!nday+, @ndependence Day *0!ne 12+, <l
&haddai nniversary (elebration and 2014 'illion People 'arch protest$
The #PD(, an a)ency !nder the Depart"ent of To!ris", is the desi)nated ste3ard of
1!neta$ 2hen %ille)as 3as appointed #PD( head in 2010, she set o!t to fG the "ost
)larin) proble"s that p!lled do3n the p!blic par6 fro" its d)olden a)ed in the 70s, 3hen
Filipinos fro" every econo"ic class patroni:ed it$
dD!e to b!d)et constraints, the par6 co!ldn?t do as "!ch$ @t 3as I!st )oin) thro!)h the
ro!nds of s3eepin), cleanin), )arba)e-disposal$ There 3ere a lot of over)ro3n shr!bs
and trees that "ade the par6 dar6er at ni)ht$ &o"e of the b!lbs 3ere b!sted,d she
reco!nted d!rin) a p!blic presentation in 'a6ati$
The par6 increasin)ly beca"e "ore cri"e-prone, 3ith the notorio!s dpala6pa6 boysd
"!))in) par6-)oers and carryin) o!t petty cri"es$ The !)!st 2010 hosta)e-ta6in) of
(hinese to!rists in a b!s in nearby J!irino 8rand &tand ce"ented 1!neta?s "enacin)
rep!tation in the "inds of local and forei)n to!rists$
2ith P300 "illion allotted to the #PD( for 2010 to 2013, %ille)as so!)ht to "a6e AH!ic6
b!t eFective fGesB to the par6$
&he is pro!d to report a lo3er cri"e rate d!e to the 24-ho!r sec!rity provided by to!rist
police and ((T% ca"eras$ 0o) lanes no3 r!n thro!)h the par6$ d8reend rest roo"s that
collect rain3ater for the ]!shin) of toilets are open to par6-)oers$
2ith the help of !rban planner Pa!lo lca:aren, 3ho is also leadin) the revival of 5oGas
7o!levard, the a)ency has rehabilitated "any of the par6?s "ost fa"o!s feat!res, Paco
Par6, the )iant relief "ap of the Philippines, Flo3er (loc6, children?s play)ro!nd, "!sical
dancin) fo!ntain, and diora"a of 0ose 5i:al?s "artyrdo"$
5<D, 7i6e-friendly, billboard-free 5oGas 7o!levarda
Private-p!blic partnerships have added ne3 feat!res li6e sc!lpt!res, "osaic "!rals, the
&enior (iti:en?s 8arden and b!s stops for to!rists$
The importance of ur*an par9s
9rban par6s pose "any benefts to co""!nities$
ccordin) to 9niversity of (alifornia @nstit!te of the <nviron"ent and &!stainability, !rban
par6s i"prove H!ality of life and and provide dvis!al and psycholo)ical reliefd for 3eary
city d3ellers$
Par6s enco!ra)e healthy physical activities li6e sports, and create a sense of co""!nity
by providin) space for interaction and )atherin)s$
D!bbed the d)reen l!n)sd of a city, !rban par6s also oFer "any environ"ental benefts$
Their trees and plants help cool cities by lo3erin) s!rface and air te"perat!re$ The shade
they provide can lo3er te"perat!re of s!rfaces by 11 to 24 de)rees (elsi!s$ (oolin) also
happens 3hen 3ater evaporates fro" soil and transpires fro" plants$
Trees and ve)etation lessen air poll!tion fro" the hei)htened co""ercial activity and
traNc of vehicles in !rban :ones$ lon) 3ith soil, par6 )reenery "iti)ates ]oodin) by
absorbin) 3ater r!n-oF$
Papal %isit sia 2014
To "aGi"i:e these environ"ental benefts, #PD( !npaved the par6?s concrete 3al63ays
to allo3 ]ood3ater to seep thro!)h and be absorbed by the soil$ bo!t 20 hectares of
3hat 3as once pave"ent are no3 trees and ve)etation$
Tho!)h it see"s that #PD(?s eForts have revitali:ed 1!neta Par6, %ille)as 6no3s this is
only the be)innin)$
A2e have too fe3 p!blic par6s in the co!ntry$ 2hile o!r "andate only covers 1!neta,
Paco Par6 and Poo6 ni 'arian) 'a6iiln) in 1a)!na, 3e can 3or6 to3ards creatin) "ore
par6s nation3ide,B she said$ (
The #&1' ?ear(End Report
Super-typhoon Yolnd! in A"!s #$1% Top 1$ stories
New York, New York, USA, December 23, 2013 (AP) $ The 0litch-pla0!ed rollo!t of President Aarac.
Obama?s health care o'erha!l &as the top ne&s stor" of 2013, follo&ed b" the Aoston )arathon
bombin0 and the dramatic papal chan0eo'er at the Vatican, accordin0 to The Associated Press? ann!al
poll of E3 editors and ne&s directors,
The sa0a of (Obamacare+ $ as the Affordable *are Act is &idel" .no&n $ recei'ed 4# first-place 'otes
o!t of the 144 ballots cast for the top 10 stories,
The marathon bombin0 recei'ed 2% first-place 'otes and the papal transition 21,
Other stron0 contenders &ere the bitter partisan conflict in *on0ress and the lea.s abo!t /ational
3ec!rit" A0enc" s!r'eillance b" former /3A anal"st =d&ard 3no&den,
1ast "ear, the top stor" &as the massacre of 27 children and staff at an elementar" school in /e&to&n,
That res!lt came after a rare decision b" the AP to re-cond!ct the 'otin0G the initial ro!nd of ballotin0
had ended Bec, 13, a da" before the /e&to&n shootin0, &ith the 2012 election at the top,
The first AP top-stories poll &as cond!cted in 1%37, &hen editors chose the abdication of Aritain?s
Lin0 =d&ard V555,
AP?s 2013 top 10 stories, in order6
9=A1T9 *AC= OV=C9AE16 The 8hite 9o!se had hoped the Oct, 1 la!nch of open enrollment
&o!ld be a sho&case for the !pside of Obama?s m!ch-debated health care o'erha!l,
5nstead, the &ebsite became a s"mbol of d"sf!nction, pro'idin0 Cep!blicans and late-ni0ht comics
&ith amm!nition, and &orr"in0 the president?s Bemocratic allies,
The site 0rad!all" impro'ed, b!t a &a'e of cancellation notices from ins!rers !nderc!t Obama?s oft-
repeated promise that people &ho li.ed their e>istin0 co'era0e co!ld .eep it,
AO3TO/ )ACAT9O/ AO)A5/46 5n seconds, a scene of celebration transformed into one of
carna0e, as t&o bombs e>ploded near the finish line of the Aoston )arathon in April,
Three people &ere .illed and more than 270 in:!red, incl!din0 at least 17 &ho lost limbs,
A!thorities soon identified t&o s!spects $ 27-"ear-old Tamerlan Tsarnae', &ho died in a shooto!t &ith
police, and his brother, B2ho.har, 20, &ho faces m!ltiple char0es, incl!din0 17 that carr" a possible
death penalt",
Tho!0h :olted b" the bombin0s and a s!bse-!ent, the cit" rallied !nder the slo0an (Aoston
VAT5*A/ *9A/4=OV=C6 Pope Aenedict SV5 st!nned *atholics aro!nd the &orld &ith his
anno!ncement in Febr!ar" that he &o!ld resi0n,
Papal %isit sia 2014
The Ar0entine cardinal elected to s!cceed him, soon .no&n as Pope Francis, proceeded to capti'ate
man" *atholics and non-*atholics ali.e &ith a ne& tone of openness, modest" and tolerance,
8itho!t challen0in0 core ch!rch doctrine, he s!00ested it &as time to rethin. polic" on di'orce, foc!s
more on ser'in0 the poor, and de'ote less rhetoric to condemnations of 0a" marria0e and abortion,
B5V5B=B *O/4C=336 Opinion polls sho&ed *on0ress &ith historicall" lo& appro'al ratin0s, and
the .e" reason &as seemin0l" intractable partisan conflict,
Amon0 the conse-!ences &ere the harsh a!tomatic spendin0 c!rbs .no&n as se-!estration, the partial
sh!tdo&n of the 0o'ernment in October, and bitterness in the 3enate after Bemocrats !sed their
ma:orit" to red!ce the Cep!blicans? abilit" to stall presidential nominations 'ia filib!sters,
/3A 3PD5/46 The ripple effect contin!es, se'en months after the &orld learned of =d&ard 3no&den,
The former /3A anal"st lea.ed 'ast tro'es of secret doc!ments detailin0 /3A s!r'eillance operations,
incl!din0 pro0rams that collected Americans? phone records and ea'esdropped on allied leaders,
After a sta" in 9on0 Lon0, 3no&den spent a month in )osco&?s airport before obtainin0 as"l!m in
The lea.s ha'e roiled diplomac", tri00ered la&s!its and calls for reform, and prompted &arnin0s that
terrorists co!ld benefit from the disclos!res,
4AD )ACC5A4=6 *appin0 decades of acti'ism, the 0a"-ri0hts mo'ement &on a mon!mental 'ictor"
in !ne in the form of t&o 3!preme *o!rt decisions,
One cleared the &a" for endin0 a ban on same-se> marria0es in *alifornia, the most pop!lo!s state,
The other str!c. do&n a 1%%7 la& passed b" *on0ress that banned federal reco0nition of same-se>
marria0es, 5n s!bse-!ent months, 9a&aii, 5llinois and /e& )e>ico boosted the n!mber of states
allo&in0 0a" marria0e to at least 17,
/=13O/ )A/B=1A6 A freedom fi0hter, a political prisoner, a statesman re'ered for preachin0
reconciliation in a nation torn b" racial strife,
/elson )andela &as all that and more $ the icon of the anti-apartheid mo'ement and 3o!th Africa?s
first blac. president,
8ith his death at the a0e of %#, his compatriots, &orld leaders and co!ntless other admirers mo!rned
the loss of a one-of-a-.ind hero,
P9515PP5/=3 TDP9OO/6 There &ere dire &arnin0s beforehand, b!t the toll &rea.ed b" b" s!per-
t"phoon 9ai"an ;locall" named (Dolanda+< &as still st!nnin0 in its scope after it str!c. on /o', @,
)ore than 7,000 people diedG h!ndreds more remain missin0, The t"phoon dama0ed or destro"ed the
homes of more than 17 million people, &ith reb!ildin0 e>pected to ta.e "ears,
3DC5A6 The death toll mo!nted ine>orabl", past 120,000, as 3"ria?s nearl" 3-"ear-old ci'il &ar ra0ed
on &ith no si0ns of resol!tion,
The 0o'ernment of Aashar Assad did a0ree to eliminate its chemical &eapons, b!t prospects for peace
tal.s &ere complicated b" infi0htin0 amon0 anti-0o'ernment rebels,
/earl" % million 3"rians ha'e been !prooted from their homes, &ith man" of them see.in0 ref!0e
)5335/4 8O)=/ FOE/B6 The call for help came on )a" 7, and the re'elations that follo&ed &ere
0rippin0 and 0rim,
A former b!s dri'er, Ariel *astro, had abd!cted three &omen from the streets of *le'eland from 2002
to 2004 &hen the" &ere 14, 17 and 20,
Papal %isit sia 2014
9e periodicall" .ept them chained, restricted access to food and toilets, and repeatedl" raped and
assa!lted them !ntil their escape, *astro pleaded 0!ilt" to m!ltiple char0es, and in 3eptember, faced
&ith life in prison, han0ed himself in his cell,
S&o 'ong #$1% 1$ "eople Who (ttered! in science )*y +on *. Lope,-
(nil *ulletin.
)anila, Philippines, Becember 24, 2013 - *limate *han0e *ommissioner /adere' (Deb+ 3aYo
represented the millions of Filipinos affected b" s!per t"phoon (Dolanda+ ;internatioanal name 9ai"an<
&hen he spo.e at the Enited /ations climate tal.s in /o'ember, and it is still to them that he dedicates
the honor of bein0 named one of the (Ten People 8ho )attered+ in 2013,
3aYo, &ho dre& a standin0 o'ation o'er his solidarit" plea at the E/ climate tal.s at 8arsa&, is chosen
as one of 10 people &ho mattered &orld&ide in 2013 b" /at!re o!rnal, an international science
:o!rnal, :oinin0 the list of people &ho e>celled and made brea.thro!0h disco'eries in the field of
The Climate Conscience
/at!re :o!rnal described 3aYo as the (*limate *onscience+ for foc!sin0 the &orld?s attention to 0lobal
&armin0 follo&in0 the destr!cti'e t"phoon Dolanda that .illed more than 7,000 people in =astern
On /o'ember 20, 3aYo started his fastin0 d!rin0 the 14-da" climate tal.s (!ntil a meanin0 o!tcome,+
9is sacrifice has res!lted in the last-min!te deal of dele0ates from international comm!nit" to .eep
ne0otiations on trac. for the ne>t ma:or climate s!mmit in 201#,
3aYo, a climate chan0e ad'ocate since 1%%7 and ser'ed as part of the /4O dele0ation to the Enited
/ations Frame&or. *on'ention on *limate *han0e, also dedicated the he 0ot (to all
the people aro!nd the &orld confrontin0 ine-!it", in:!stice, and the ris.s of a planetar" s"stem 0one
a&r",+ he told )anila A!lletin Online,
9is said he &as (deepl" mo'ed+ that his messa0e at the E/ tal.s has been reco0ni2ed b" se'eral
or0ani2ations &orld&ide,
(5 am absol!tel" st!nned, To ha'e been lined !p &ith these ama2in0 people &ho are trailbla2in0 in their
-!est to ma.e people?s li'es better is a h!0e honor,+ he said,
A!t this onl" ser'es as the be0innin0 for 3aYo,
The Eni'ersit" of the Philippines-Biliman 0rad!ate said the" are la!nchin0 a pro0ram &hich is similar
to the fastin0 he and other concerned 0ro!ps in the climate tal.s did6 the ZFastForThe*limate
3aYo :oined the 1!theran 8orld Federation ;18F<, to0ether &ith other 0lobal or0ani2ations, in a
monthl" Ba" of Fastin0 for the *limate be0innin0 1 an!ar", The" !r0e pra"er and spirit!al reflection
to e>press solidarit" &ith those &ho are most '!lnerable to climate chan0e,
(W8e areX callin0 on people to :oin !s in fastin0 e'er" 1st da" of each month !ntil Becember 1st
2014 &hen the ne>t E/ *limate *han0e *onference place in 1ima, Per!,+ he said,
5n the Philippines, 3aYo and his 0ro!p &ill 'isit comm!nities nation&ide to hi0hli0ht the thin0s needed
to be done to b!ild resilience a0ainst climate chan0e,
(5 also dedicate it to m" children and f!t!re 0enerations from &hom &e are merel" borro&in0 this
3aYo noted that e'en his name &ill be for0otten, &hat?s more important is that the messa0e has been
deli'ered to the &orld so (solidarit" and the 0lobal a&a.enin0 li'e on,+
Papal %isit sia 2014
(The most important thin0 is to be a li'in0 e>ample of &hat &e ad'ocate for, 5 &ill contin!e to ta.e
p!blic transport re0!larl" to b!ild a&areness on the need to impro'e the p!blic transport s"stems,+ he
3aYo is chosen to0ether &ith Fen0 Ohan0 of the )assach!setts 5nstit!te of Technolo0" in *ambrid0e
&ho has been ta00ed as the (B/A?s master editor+, and Tania 3imoncelli, a E3 science-polic" e>pert
&ho fo!0ht to .eep 0enes open to all &hich earned her the title the (0ene patent foe,+
The science :o!rnal?s list also incl!des Beborah Persa!d, a 'irolo0ist &hich pro'ed that infants born
&ith 95V can be c!red, )ichel )a"or &ho belon0s to a 0ro!p &ho ha'e fo!nd h!ndreds of e>oplanets
d!rin0 the past t&o decades, Vi.tor 4ro.ho's." or the (meteorite h!nter,+ and 'irolo0ist 9!alan *hen
&ho helped *hina to combat an o!tbrea. of 97/% a'ian fl! in h!mans,
Also in the list are 3ho!.hrat )italipo', or the [clonin0 chief+, &ho de'eloped a line of stem cells from
a cloned h!man embr"oG Lathr"n *lanc", an anthropolo0ist &ho (!nearthed dist!rbin0 trends in se>!al
assa!lts at field sitesG and 9enr" 3naith or the (3!n &orshipper+ &ho boosted the efficienc" of solar
cells this "ear,
/at!re :o!rnal is one of &orld?s most hi0hl" cited interdisciplinar" science :o!rnals, accordin0 to the
2012 o!rnal *itation Ceports 3cience =dition, 5t is a &ee.l" international :o!rnal &hich started to
p!blish finest peer-re'ie&ed researches in all fields of science since 1@7%,
The /isys in #$1%0 1ro2th nd dunting crises (First of Three Parts)
)anila, Philippines, Becember 24, 2013 - YEAREND REPORT
For the entire Visa"as islands F sa'e for =astern Visa"as F 2013 started and &as s!stained b" rob!st
0ro&th all thro!0h most of the "ear onl" to end in calamities so horrendo!sl" de'astatin0 that this
partic!lar instance in Philippine modern histor" &ill be etched indelibl" in the memories of Filipinos
and the &hole &orld for a lon0 period of time,
Alto0ether, the Visa"as re0ions, 8estern Visa"as, *entral Visa"as and to a lesser de0ree, =astern
Visa"as, &ere estimated to contrib!te as m!ch as 12 percent to the o'erall 0ro&th of &hat has lar0el"
been re0arded b" the o!tside &orld as, Asia?s ne& economic (stron0 man,+ of late,
3ans catastrophic crises, the Philippines? f!ll-"ear 0ro&th thro!0h 2013 &as pro:ected to ho'er bet&een
7,3 to 7,# percent from a clearl" indicated 7,@ percent 0ro&th at "earend 2012,
A di'ersified econom" f!eled b", amon0 other dri'ers, a boomin0 propert" de'elopment sector, 'ibrant
to!rism, and a health" ban.in0 and b!r0eonin0 b!siness process o!tso!rcin0 ;APO< ind!str", all
contrib!ted to 8estern Visa"as? positi'e @,2 percent economic 0ro&th, Aan0.o 3entral n0 Pilipinas
dep!t" director Fernando 3il'o2a pointed o!t d!rin0 an October 11 'isit to the re0ional capital, 5loilo
*it", &as (hi0her than the national a'era0e of 7,@ percent,+
)ean&hile, *entral Visa"as, strate0icall" located bet&een ma:or island 0ro!ps, )indanao and 1!2on,
has al&a"s been an economic leader amon0 the co!ntr"?s re0ions, 0ro&in0 b" %,3 percent last "ear, 7,@
percent in 2011 and 12,% percent in 2010, 4i'en its stron0 moment!m in the last three "ears, =fren
*arreon, assistant director for the /ational =conomic and Be'elopment A!thorit" ;/=BA< in *entral
Visa"as ;/eda-7< said, in earl" Becember, that despite the de'astatin0 nat!ral calamities that affected
parts of the re0ion, partic!larl" the re0ional capital, *eb!, in the fo!rth -!arter, (&e are tar0etin0 7,# to
10 percent 0ro&th of 0ross re0ional domestic prod!ct ;4CBP< for 2013,+
9e said &hate'er critical e'ents ma" ha'e occ!rred in the re0ion in 2013, (man" of the ind!stries,
incl!din0 man!fact!rin0, ha'e alread" prod!ced 0oods to sell for the entire "ear,+ 3ome acti'ities,
to!rism for instance, and partic!larl" a0ric!lt!re &o!ld most li.el" be affected b" the disastro!s e'ents
Papal %isit sia 2014
that befell the re0ion in October and /o'ember, b!t constr!ction &ill remain positi'e as both
0o'ernment and the pri'ate sector ma.e efforts to !nderta.e rehabilitation and reconstr!ction &or. in
areas affected b" the calamities,
='en =astern Visa"as, the perennial la00ard in terms of 0ro&th and de'elopment amon0 the three
Visa"as re0ions, sho&ed promise, For instance, in 3eptember, Bepartment of 3cience and Technolo0"
pro'incial director in 1e"te ohn 4len Ocana said there &ere certain indicators that point to an
impro'ement in certain infrastr!ct!re, s!ch as the de'elopment of 5nformation and *omm!nication
Technolo0" ;5*T< par.s and the settin0 !p of telecomm!nications in r!ral areas,+
1e"te pro'ince, and its capital cit" Tacloban, &ere in fact re0arded b" the APO sector in the co!ntr" as
so-called (ne>t &a'e+ areas, &hich mean the" are e"ed as potential h!bs amon0 locators in the APO
A" the third -!arter of 2013, the APO sector in =astern Visa"as &as emplo"in0 some 4,000 &or.ers,
&hose total contrib!tion to the re0ional econom" is estimated at abo!t P100 million ann!all",
olitical !vents
The "ear 2013 also sa& the holdin0 of t&o conse-!ential political e'ents $ the senatorial election of
)a" 13, and the baran0a" elections on October 2@, The first &as held, !sin0 a!tomated machines, and
the latter, 'ia the con'entional, man!al method, A!t no matter the disparit" b" &hich both electoral
e>ercises &ere held, the fact that the incidents of 'iolence and disorder did not reach alarmin0 le'els
and the cond!ct of both electoral e>ercises &as 0enerall" peacef!l, That &as an accomplishment b"
both the electorate and the a!thorities &ho maintained order &orth commendin0,
At the macro le'el, it &as prett" apparent that the co!ntr" &as &ell on its &a" to reali2in0 its 2013
0ro&th tar0et pro:ections,
There &ere a fe& incidents that marred an other&ise promisin0 "ear, incl!din0 the sin.in0 of 24O
passen0er ship )\V Thomas A-!inas after a collision &ith car0o ship )V 3!lpicio =>press 3iete
o&ned b" Philippine 3pan Asia *arrier *orporation at *eb! 3trait off the coast of Talisa" *it", &hich
res!lted in 71 deaths, #% missin0 and 7#0 resc!ed passen0ers, 9o&e'er s!ch and other incidents &ere
all eclipsed b" the t&o ma:or nat!ral calamities that str!c. the Visa"as in -!ic. s!ccession, first in mid-
October, and then barel" t&o &ee.s later, in /o'ember,
".# !arth$uake
The first of the t&o calamities &as a 7,2-ma0nit!de earth-!a.e described b" Philippine 5nstit!te of
Volcanolo0" and 3eismolo0" ;Phi'olcs< director Cenato 3olid!m as ha'in0 the (ener0" e-!i'alent of
32 9iroshima atomic bombs+ &hich disembo&elled *entral Visa"as,
The earth-!a.e on Oct, 1#, F the deadliest in abo!t a -!arter of a cent!r" to happen in the co!ntr" $
shoo. !p the entire Visa"as, partic!larl" hittin0 hard Aohol and *eb! pro'inces, and &as felt be"ond,
as far as )asbate and e'en portions of so!thern )indanao,
Total dama0e s!ffered b" Aohol pro'ince &hich &as the most affected b" the earth-!a.e, and *eb!, is
estimated at o'er P2 billion, Ae"ond estimation is the heartbrea.in0 dama0e on some of the co!ntr"?s
F and Aohol?s F most precio!s national c!lt!ral herita0e treas!res $ the cent!ries-old Coman
*atholic ch!rches in 1oon, 1oboc, )aribo:oc, Aacla"on, Bais, 1oa" and Bimiao, The earth-!a.e also
ca!sed landslides on the famed nat!ral &onders, the *hocolate 9ills in *armen and the leanin0 bell
to&er &hich ser'es as the 9ills? 'ie&in0 dec.,
5n *eb! *it", the -!a.e destro"ed the belfr" of the Aasilica )inore del 3anto /iYo &hich &as
constr!cted in the 17th cent!r",
Papal %isit sia 2014
5n all, the /ational Bisaster Cis. Ced!ction and )ana0ement *o!ncil ;/BCC)*< sa"s o'er 3,000,000
persons or 771,000 families &ere affected b" the massi'e tremor, /earl" 3#0,000 people or 72,000
families &ere displaced and the cas!alt" co!nt incl!ded o'er 200 people dead, ei0ht missin0 and nearl"
%0,000 persons in:!red,
People in the pro'ince, most especiall" the children, ha'e to be 0i'en tra!ma therap" beca!se to date,
after shoc.s contin!e to ca!se an>iet" amon0 the pop!lace, Phi'olcs has recorded o'er 4,000
%trongest Cyclone &n 'ecord
A little o'er t&o &ee.s after the earth-!a.e str!c., aid and rehabilitation efforts for 'ictims of and
areas hard hit b" the earth-!a.e had to be disr!pted &hen &hat &o!ld be described b" s!ch &eather
e>perts li.e real time &eather information online ser'ice, &!nder0ro!nd,com?s Br, eff )asters as (the
stron0est tropical c"clone on record to ma.e landfall in &orld histor",+ pac.in0 e>treme &ind speeds of
31# .m\h ;1%# mph<, hit the co!ntr", initiall" rammin0 the coastal to&n of 4!i!an, at the
so!thernmost tip of 3amar 5sland facin0 the Pacific,
1e"te pro'ince and =astern Visa"as capital Tacloban *it", some %7 miles a&a" from 4!i!an, &as ne>t
to be hit b" s!per t"phoon Dolanda ;international name6 9ai"an<,
3ea&ater, risin0 to as m!ch as o'er 20 feet, roared thro!0h the cit", se'erel" dama0in0 the airport, and
dro&nin0 tho!sands of people &ho local a!thorities failed to con'ince to lea'e their homes in lo&land
areas, and not sparin0 e'en those &ho did, man" of those bein0 e'ac!ees at the #,000-capacit"
Tacloban *it" *on'ention *enter, locall" referred to as the Astrodome, 1i.e man" ma:or edifices in
Tacloban, incl!din0 )a"or Alfred 3, Com!alde2?s o&n mansion, the Astrodome is b!ilt near the sea,
34L5 6 A yer of building legcy )by S'uel (edenill- (nil *ulletin.
Manila, (ecember #), #*+, - 5t &as a 0ood "ear to b!ild a le0ac",
This &as ho& 1abor and =mplo"ment 3ecretar" Cosalinda Aaldo2 described the performance of the
Bepartment of 1abor and =mplo"ment ;BO1=< &ih less than three "ears remainin0 in President
A-!ino?s term,
Aaldo2 said 2013 sa& BO1= finall" la"in0 the 0ro!nd&or. for m!ch-needed international labor
reforms, &hich &ill o!tlast the c!rrent administration,
(5t &as a "ear of the instit!tionali2ation of the reforms &e started in 2010V 3o it &as a 0ood "ear of
&or., &hen "o! &ill see these reforms last be"ond the administration,+ Aaldo2 said,
Amon0 these &ere the co!ntr"?s landmar. ratification of t&o international labor con'entions $ the
Becent 8or. for Bomestic 8or.ers *on'ention and the )aritime 1abor *on'ention 2007, &hich &ill
protect ho!sehold ser'ice &or.ers ;938< and seafarers, respecti'el",
BO1= &as also able to sec!re a bilateral a0reement &ith the Lin0dom of 3a!di Arabia ;L3A<, to
protect the tho!sands of o'erseas Filipino &or.ers ;OF8<, partic!larl" 938s, &ho are sta"in0 there,
5t &as also able to si0n other bilateral a0reements &ith 4erman", *anada and Pap!a /e& 4!inea to
pro'ide additional o'erseas :obs for more Filipinos,
5nstit!tionali2e Policies
Aaldo2 said BO1= p!shed for the passa0e of la&s, &hich &ill instit!tionali2e BO1=?s inno'ati'e
These incl!de the 3in0le =ntr" Approach ;3=/A<, &hich she attrib!ted to the sharp decline of &or.
stoppa0e in the co!ntr" and the Lasambaha" 1a&, &hich pro'ides le0al and social protection for local
Papal %isit sia 2014
O'erseas Bisplacement
A!t aside from this landmar. reforms, Aaldo2 said the "ear &as also defined b" disasters, both nat!ral
and man-made,
As &ith the pre'io!s three "ears, &hen the so-called Arab sprin0 in the Arabian Penins!la and other
nearb" co!ntries be0an, BO1= also assisted in the repatriation of tho!sands of OF83 thro!0h the
Philippine O'erseas =mplo"ment Administration ;PO=A< and O'erseas 8or.ers 8elfare
Administration ;O88A<,
1ast A!0!st, PO=A iss!ed a total deplo"ment ban to =0"pt after it declared a month-lon0 3tate of
=mer0enc" amid its &orsenin0 political tension, 5t &as lifted this month after its t!rmoil s!bsided,
PO=A also re-imposed its deplo"ment ban in Demen this month d!e its escalatin0 domestic 'iolence,
5t, ho&e'er, lifted the deplo"ment ban in 5ra- after tension in that co!ntr" be0an to s!bside last April
e>cept in fo!r (no-0o+ 2ones, &hich are still deemed !nsafe for OF8s,
A 'ol!ntar" moratori!m in the deplo"ment of 938s &as also declared b" some local recr!itment
a0encies for 9on0 Lon0, Tai&an, and 3in0apore to force their co!nterpart a0encies in the Asian
co!ntries to compl" &ith PO=A?s mandator" ]400 minim!m &a0e for 938s,
BO1= said it s!pported these initiati'es, These &ere all lifted later in the "ear as co!ntries be0an
compl"in0 &ith PO=A-set minim!m &a0e,
This "ear also si0naled the be0innin0 of L3A?s on millions of ille0al mi0rant &or.ers as it
attempted to raise the participation of 3a!di nationals thro!0h the 3a!di2ation pro0ram in local
The pro0ram affected at least 200,000 !ndoc!mented OF8s sta"in0 in L3A &ho r!shed to le0ali2e
their stat!s or see. repatriation &ithin the se'en-month amnest" period 0i'enb" the 3a!di 0o'ernment
&hich ended in /o'ember,
The record sho&ed that 104,374 of the OF8s chan0ed professions, &hile #3,330 transferred to ne&
emplo"ers to compl" &ith L3A standards for forei0n &or.ers,
The remainin0 3@,%3% OF8 opted to be repatriated so the" co!ld either see. redeplo"ment to other
co!ntries or permanentl" sta" in the Philippines and start their o&n b!siness thro!0h PO=A and
O88A, respecti'el",
)a:or *alamities
The co!ntr" &as also prepared to end the "ear &ith some impro'ements in the labor in the last
-!arter &hen it &as hit b" ma:or calamities,
1ast 3eptember, tho!sands of &or.ers &ere t!rned to ref!0ees after a faction of the )oro /ational
1iberation Front ;)/1F< raided and ra2ed part of Oamboan0a *it", &hich lasted for almost a month,
)an" emplo"ees from Aohol also 0rappled &ith lost :obs and li'elihood after a ma0nit!de-7,2
earth-!a.e str!c. it on October 1#,
5n its recent s!r'e" for the month of October, the /ational 3tatistics Office ;/3O< noted the co!ntr"?s
labor &as able to shr!0 off the t&o incidents, &hen it posted a sli0htl" lo&er !nemplo"ment
rate from 7,@ percent in same period last "ear to 7,# percent,
Enderemplo"ment or the rate of &or.ers see.in0 better &or. opport!nities also declined to 17,%
percent, &hile emplo"ment rate also sli0htl" rose to %3,# percent,
Papal %isit sia 2014
#$1% s'shing yer for "H beuties )by +obert +. +e7uintin- (nil
"anila+ Philippines+ @ecem*er #-+ #&1' ( The year 2013, I!st li6e 2012, 3as a
banner year for bea!ty pa)eants here and abroad hi)hli)hted by the three "aIor titles
3on by the Philippines and the s!ccessf!l ret!rn of %ene:!ela in three other bea!ty
For the frst ti"e, the Philippines fnally clinched the el!sive 'iss 2orld cro3n 3hen
"ovie and television actress-television host 'e)an 1ynne ;o!n), 23, of Olon)apo (ity,
3on in 7ali, @ndonesia, on &ept$ 2=, 2013$ @t 3as a historic 3in for the Philippines in the
>3-year-old bea!ty contest, altho!)h the co!ntry only started to send representatives to
the 3orld.s lon)est r!nnin) pa)eant in 1C>>$
Prior to ;o!n).s victory, the hi)hest ran6in) the co!ntry had achieved in the 'iss 2orld
pa)eant 3as frst-r!nner !p 3on by *no3 &ister+ <van)eline Pasc!al in 1C73 and
83endoline 5!ais in 2011$
This year, the Philippines also notched another international cro3n after '!tya 0ohanna
Dat!l, 21, 3as cro3ned 'iss &!pranational in 7elar!s on &ept$ >, 2013$ ltho!)h the
international pa)eant is relatively ne3 K only fve years old and hardly heard in the
Philippines K the contest is fast )ainin) a rep!tation as one of the "ost pop!lar bea!ty
events in <!rope$ 2ith Dat!l.s tri!"ph, she holds the record as the co!ntry.s and sia.s
frst 'iss &!pranational 3inner$
&"ashin) 5ecord
Dat!l.s victory also contrib!ted to another s"ashin) record for the co!ntry in bea!ty
contests, the Philippines no3 hold the record as the co!ntry that has 3on in all "aIor
bea!ty pa)eants *'iss 9niverse, 'iss 2orld, 'iss @nternational, 'iss <arth, and 'iss
7ea 5ose &antia)o, 23, of 'asbate, capped the s!ccessf!l r!n of Filipino bea!ties in 2013
by 3innin) the 'iss @nternational bea!ty contest in To6yo, 0apan, last Dece"ber 17$ &he
bested >> candidates fro" aro!nd the 3orld$
The 'iss @nternational bea!ty pa)eant 3as, ho3ever, roc6ed by controversy for the frst
ti"e 3hen 2012 titleholder @6!"i ;oshinats! of 0apan 3as dethroned for her alle)ed
involve"ent in a scandal 3ith a "edia eGec!tive$
D!rin) the 2013 coronation ni)ht, @6!"i 3as barred fro" attendin)$ @nstead, &antia)o
3as cro3ned by 200= 'iss @nternational leIandra ndre! of &pain at the end of the
co"petition$ &antia)o dedicated her victory to the victi"s of s!per-typhoon A;olandaB
3hich rava)ed the %isayas last #ove"ber, 6illin) "ore than >,000 people$
&antia)o.s 3in 3as the ffth 'iss @nternational cro3n 3on by the Philippines$ Past fo!r
3inners 3ere 8e""a (r!: *1C>4+, !rora PiI!an *1C70+, 'elanie 'arH!e: *1C7C+, and
Precio!s 1ara J!i)a"an *2004+$
>mpressin! ud!es
D!rin) the H!estion and ans3er portion, &antia)o 3as as6ed, A2hat 3ill yo! do if yo! 3in
the cro3naB
&he i"pressed the I!d)es 3ith her ans3er, AThe 3hole 3orld sa3 ho3 "y co!ntry h!rt$
One by one, other co!ntries helped$ ;o! have opened "y heart and eyes on 3hat 3e can
Papal %isit sia 2014
do to help each other$ @ 3ill 3or6 to hold the spirit of sy"pathy and spirit of hope$ s lon)
as 3e 3or6 to)ether, there is hope$B
.ther )hinin! Beauties
Three other Philippine candidates also "ade )ood in bea!ty contests 3hen they placed
third r!nner-!p in international co"petitions$
riella rida, of la"inos, 1a)!na, 3on third r!nner-!p in the 2013 'iss 9niverse bea!ty
contest held in 'osco3, 5!ssia, for the frst ti"e last #ov$ C$ This 3as the fo!rth year in a
ro3 that the Philippines fnished in the Top 4 of the "ost presti)io!s bea!ty contest$
'aria %en!s 5aI 3on fo!rth r!nner !p in 2010e &ha"cey &!ps!p, third r!nner-!p in 2011,
and 0anine T!)onon, frst r!nner-!p in 2012$
Professional sin)er nnalie AliB Forbes, 20, also placed third r!nner-!p in the frst edition
of the 2013 'iss 8rand @nternational contest in 7an)6o6, Thailand last #ov$ 1C$
The bea!ty contest, sponsored by the )overn"ent of the Ein)do" of Thailand,
ca"pai)ns a)ainst 3ar$ @ts frst 3inner 3as 0anelle (haparro, of P!erto 5ico$
Eoreen 'edina, 1=, of J!e:on (ity, also fnished third r!nner-!p at the 2013 'iss
@ntercontinental contest held in 'ad)eb!r), 8er"any last Dec$ 14$
'edina.s achieve"ent 3as the hi)hest since 1CC3 3hen 'aria &oviets6aya 7ac!d placed
second r!nner-!p in the sa"e bea!ty contest, 3hich contin!es to hold the record for the
"ost eGpensive cro3n of all bea!ty co"petitions$ The cro3n na"ed Oriental /oly 2ater
is 3orth 9&f3>1,44> *ro!)hly P1>, 2>4,070+$
8il 2a)as, 22, of (eb! (ity, placed fo!rth r!nner-!p in the 'ister @nternational contest
held in 7ali, @ndonesia, last #ov$ 21, 3on by 0ose Paredes of %ene:!ela$ Paredes 3as
cro3ned by 2012 'ister @nternational frst r!nner-!p 5on Teh of &in)apore after li
/a""o!d of 1ebanon co!ld not "a6e it to 7ali beca!se of his participation in the
1ebanese version of Dancin) 2ith The &tars$
3ene<uela on Top
%ene:!elans also fnished on top of t3o other co"petitions 3hen 'aria @sler 3as cro3ned
2013 'iss 9niverse and ly: /enrich 3on the 2013 'iss <arth held in laban),
'!ntinl!pa (ity$ The t3o are )ood friends bac6 ho"e$
'aria @sabelle Qara)o:a 'endo:a, 1C, of &an 7eda (olle)e, 3as cro3ned 'iss (a"p!s
2orld in 'alaysia last Dec$ >$ 5oland 2illia" de Dios fnished second for "ale cate)ory of
the contest$
Other notable fnished in 2013 3ere n)elee delos 5eyes, Top = in the 2013 'iss <arth
pa)eant, and (indy 'iranda 3ho 3as in the Top 10 of the 'iss To!ris" J!een
@nternational in (hina last October$
)ocial Responsi*ilit6
'ean3hile, at the start of the 3orld3ide broadcast for the 2013 'iss 9niverse bea!ty
contest, Tho"as 5oberts of '&#7( 1ive and eG-&pice 8irl 'elanie 7ro3n dedicated the
bea!ty pa)eant to the Philippines and %ietna", both aFected by s!per-typhoon /aiyan
*na"ed A;olandaB in the Philippines+$
The environ"ent-driven 'iss <arth bea!ty contest, d!rin) a live telecast, also than6ed
the co!ntries that aided the Philippines d!rin) the crisis$ The contestants Ioined the
disaster relief eForts for typhoon victi"s$
The 8e2s tht 3e9ned #$1% 6 "rt 1 )by (* 4nline.
Mania, P!ii""ine#, December 2$, 2013 - The "ear 2013 &ill be remembered, first and foremost, for
the de'astatin0 calamities that &ere 'isited !pon the nation,
Papal %isit sia 2014
8hen s!per t"phoon Dolanda ripped thro!0h the Visa"an pro'inces on /o', @, nobod" co!ld foretell
the deadl" effect of the 7-meter storm s!r0es that in!ndated the coastal areas, 8ith Tacloban *it" all
b!t flattened, the death rose abo'e 7,000 as relief &or.ers contin!ed to di0 bodies o!t of the r!bble, or
fish them o!t of the &ater,
This and the po&erf!l earth-!a.e that roc.ed Aohol barel" a month earlier made calamitiesFboth
nat!ral and manmadeFthe top stor" of the "ear,
5n )anila A!lletin Online?s "earend re'ie&, the other bi0 stories of 2013 &ere6 the por. barrel scandal
and its impact on the co!ntr"?s politicsG )anila?s territorial disp!te &ith Aei:in0 o'er the 8est
Philippine 3eaG the econom"?s 0ains that &ere dampened b" risin0 !nemplo"mentG /!r )is!ari?s
'iolent misad'ent!re in Oamboan0a *it"G a shootin0 incident in Philippine &aters that tri00ered a
diplomatic and economic bac.lash from Tai&anG the repatriation of tho!sands of Filipinos from
co!ntries that had become inhospitable to forei0n laborG the mid-term elections in &hich the
administration stren0thened its 0rip on the 3enateG a blood" and f!tile bid b" the 3!l! s!ltanate to
assert its o&nership of 3abahG and the repeated 0ro!ndin0 of ships in the precio!s T!bbataha Ceef,
9ere?s a snapshot of the most definin0 ne&s of 2013,
%uper Typhoon and %uper -uake
October 1# and /o'ember @, 2013 &o!ld be remembered for the t&o calamities that inflicted so m!ch
pain, death and destr!ction in the Visa"as,
The earth-!a.e that str!c. *entral Visa"as in October re0istered a 7,2-ma0nit!de intensit" eno!0h to
.ill 222 people in seconds, 5t also in:!red %77 people and left ei0ht missin0, 5t flattened a 0ood part of
Ta0bilaran, Aohol and also *eb!, topplin0 cent!ries-old ch!rches, schools, hospitals and other
landmar.s that &o!ld ta.e "ears to repair, The .iller earth-!a.e affected 3,221 million people and
dama0ed P2,2#7 billion of properties,
A!t the force of nat!re &as not finished "et, 5n less than a month, it landed the most destr!cti'e
t"phoon in 1e"te and other nearb" pro'inces, For :!st a fe& ho!rs, it obliterated Tacloban *it", .illed
o'er 7,000 people, displaced millions of Filipinos and destro"ed e'er"thin0 in its path, 5t &as a s!per
t"phoon the &orld had ne'er seen before and its name &as (Dolanda+,
Fishy ork .arrel
On !l" 12, a P10-billion por. barrel scam &as e>posed and it had the name anet 1im /apoles &ritten
all o'er it, The scandal implicated senators and 0o'ernment officials and sent the &hole co!ntr"
demandin0 for tr!th and :!stice,
3ince then this stor" has de'eloped a cast of characters that incl!de an arm" of &histleblo&ers, the
socialite da!0hter of the acc!sed, 0o'ernment officials char0ed &ith pl!nder, and e'en the President to
&hom /apoles personall" s!rrendered,
The stin." por. barrel scam is an iss!e that fired the nation to sta0e (por.+ rallies to demand the
abolition of the Priorit" Be'elopment Assistance F!nd ;PBAF<, 5t ca!sed social media to boil o'er,
senators to -!arrel p!blicl", and for the acc!sed to t!rn the table to their acc!sers,
The por. barrel scam is a r!nnin0 stor" that &ill contin!e in 2014, Altho!0h PBAF has been r!led
!nconstit!tional and has been p!t to rest, 0ettin0 to the bottom of the por. barrel scam &o!ld ta.e
Troubled /aters
The Enited /ations on April 2# anno!nced that it has completed the arbitration bod" &hich &ill tac.le
the case filed b" the Philippines a0ainst *hina o'er its (e>cessi'e+ claim to the 3o!th *hina 3ea, 8hat
Papal %isit sia 2014
follo&ed &as a 'erbal t!ssle bet&een officials of the t&o co!ntries that didn?t impro'e relationships
and e'en ca!sed apan, the =!ropean Enion and the Enited 3tates to 0et in'ol'ed someho&,
5ronicall", it too. an !0l" e'ent s!ch as s!per t"phoon Dolanda to someho& rela> the strained
relationships bet&een the t&o co!ntries, &ith *hina?s decision to send aid, incl!din0 its hospital ship,
for the t"phoon-ra'a0ed parts of the Philippines in /o'ember,
The arbitration case, ho&e'er, remains as the fra0ile relationship bet&een Philippines and *hina han0s
in the balance,
!conomic boom0
On October 3, the co!ntr" has recei'ed its third in'estment 0rade ratin0 for the "ear from credit ratin0
firm )ood"?s 5n'estor 3er'ice, )ood"?s has rated the co!ntr" (Aaa3^ from the pre'io!s ratin0 (Aa1,+
5n )arch, Fitch Catin0s reco0ni2ed the co!ntr"?s impro'in0 economic standin0, &hile 3tandard _
Poor?s and apan *redit Catin0 A0enc" ;*C< !p0raded their assessments of the co!ntr"?s economic
o!tloo. last )a",
The /ational =conomic and Be'elopment A!thorit" ;/=BA<, ho&e'er, that impressi'e
economic 0ro&th for fi'e consec!ti'e -!arters is not eno!0h to combat the problems of !nemplo"ment
and po'ert", citin0 the need of other factors to help tric.le do&n the economic boom,
1amboanga %iege
The Oamboan0a sie0e be0an aro!nd 164# a,m, of 3ept, % &hen f!ll"-armed members of )oro /ational
1iberation Front ;)/1F< from the faction of its fo!ndin0 chairman /!r )is!ari, came to 3itio A!0o.
in Aaran0a" 3ta, *atalina b!t &ere bloc.ed b" 0o'ernment sec!rit" forces, 5t &as an !nfort!nate e'ent
that lasted o'er 20 da"s and, &hen the smo.e cleared, re'ealed the death of o'er 100 rebels and the
capt!re and s!rrender of some 223 and #2 )/1F men, respecti'el",
9o&e'er, the 0o'ernment also s!ffered cas!alties, incl!din0 1@ soldiers and fi'e policemen .illed in
action ;L5A< /d 177 soldiers and 14 policemen &o!nded in action ;85A<,
Amon0 the innocent ci'ilians &ho &ere ca!0ht in the crossfire, nine &ere .illed and #7 &o!nded,
The /ational Bisaster Cis. Ced!ction and )ana0ement *o!ncil ;/BCC)*< also reported that the
'iolence affected at least 23,7%4 families or 11@,@1% people from 14 'illa0es in the cit" and one
baran0a" in Oamboan0a 3ib!0a",
)is!ari, ho&e'er, has a'oided capt!re and reportedl" has mana0ed to lea'e the co!ntr" to face char0es
of rebellion filed a0ainst him b" the 0o'ernment,
.acklash from Taiwan
Celationship &ith Tai&an &ent so!r in )a" &hen a Tai&anese fisherman &as reportedl" shot b" a
member of the Philippine *oast 4!ard ;P*4< after the" &ere fo!nd to be poachin0 off Aalintan0
*hannel, &hich is part of Philippine &aters, This led to a strin0 of e'ents s!ch as Tai&an?s economic
sanction a0ainst the Philippines that incl!ded its ref!sal to hire Filipino contract &or.ers and demands
for compensation and apolo0" to the famil" of the 'ictim,
Three months later, the /ational A!rea! of 5n'esti0ation recommended the filin0 of homicide char0es
a0ainst P*4 officers in connection &ith the accidental shootin0 of the Tai&anese fisherman, On A!0!st
%, Tai&an lifted its sanction to the Philippines, 5t is also one of the man" co!ntries that come to the aid
of Dolanda 'ictims,
&F/ woes
Thro!0ho!t 2013, tho!sands of O'erseas Filipino 8or.ers ;OF8s< made ne&s mostl" for bein0 in
miserable sit!ations, From repatriations to se>-for-fli0ht scandals, man" OF8s in =0p"t, 3"ria, 3a!di
Arabia and other places aro!nd the &orld ha'e become 'ictims of their circ!mstances,
Papal %isit sia 2014
On 3ept, 1%, ho&e'er, came one 0ood ne&s$OF8 Codelio (Bondon+ 1an!2a ret!rned to his famil"
after 13 "ears in 3a!di prison, 1an!2a has been sa'ed from death ro& in the Lin0dom of 3a!di Arabia
after .illin0 an Arab national, The 3a!di Arabian co!rt sentenced him to death b!t pardoned him after
his famil" &as able to pa" the 3 million 3a!di ri"al blood mone", The Philippine 0o'ernment &as able
to raise 700,000 ri"al, The remainin0 2,3 million ri"al came from 3a!di Lin0 Abd!llah,
Mid2term !lections
The mid-term elections had the administration stren0thenin0 its 0rip on the 3enate &hen most of its
senatorial bets &ere proclaimed &inners, 4race Poe 1laman2ares, da!0hter of the late Fernando Poe,
r,, 0arnered the hi0hest 'ote, follo&ed b" 1oren 1e0arda, Alan Peter *a"etano and Francis =sc!dero,
-uest for %abah
8hen some 200 armed follo&ers of 3!l! 3!ltan amal!l Liram 555 occ!pied a to&n in 1ahad Bat! in
)ala"sia on Febr!ar" 11 to reassert their territorial claim on 3abah, it ca!0ht both the 0o'ernments of
)ala"sia and the Philippines b" s!rprise,
The standoff had tri00ered a standoff and sa& ei0ht members of the Co"al Forces capt!red and char0ed
&ith terrorism in )ala"sia, facin0 death or life imprisonment o'er the intr!sion,
On October 20, the 3!ltan died in J!e2on *it" d!e to m!ltiple or0an fail!re ca!sed b" diabetes, b!t the
o&nership claim of the s!ltanate o'er the 3abah contin!es,
Tubbataha grounding
On an!ar" 17, the E3 /a'" mines&eeper, the E33 4!ardian, ran a0ro!nd in the 3!l! 3ea and 0ot
st!c. on T!bbataha Ceef,
Lno&n as one of the &orld?s best di'e sites, the T!bbataha Ceefs /at!ral Par. is a %7,030-hectare
8orld 9erita0e 3ite consistin0 of t&o coral atolls that harbor a &ide ran0e of marine species incl!din0
lar0e marine life s!ch as manta ra"s, shar.s, and t!rtles,
5t too. months to dislod0e the E33 4!ardian from T!bbataha and not after ca!sin0 h!0e dama0e to the
priceless nat!ral reso!rce, The Enited 3tates has since then made compensation for dama0e to the reef
ca!sed b" their ship,
A!t barel" &ee.s after the E33 0!ardian?s &rec.a0e &as remo'ed from the reef, a *hinese fishin0
'essel also ran a0ro!nd at the T!bataha Ceef on April @, ca!sin0 more dama0e to the marine protected
area in Pala&an,
The Philippine *oast 4!ard said that the fishin0 'essel F\V )in 1on0 D! had 12 cre& members,
alle0edl" *hinese poachers fo!nd to ha'e crates of dead, protected &ildlife anteaters,
8hile it &as smaller than the E33 4!ardian, the *hinese fishin0 'essel had ca!sed &orse dama0e to
the herita0e site than the E3 4!ardian as the boatmen tried to forcibl" dislod0e their 'essel,
The T!bbataha )ana0ement Office said that based on the res!lt of the st!d" of scientists that anal"2ed
the dama0e ca!sed b" the *hinese 'essel, it has se'erel" dama0ed 3,%02 s-!are meters of corals-
incl!din0 some massi'e corals #00 "ears old, The dama0e is 77 percent lar0er than the dama0e ca!sed
b" the E33 4!ardian,
The E33 4!ardian meas!red 224 feet b" 3% feet, &hile the *hinese fishin0 'essel meas!red 4@ meters
lon0 and ei0ht meters &ide,
&ther stories
Aefore 2013 comes to a close, other bi0 stories de'eloped and one of them is the impendin0 P4,1# per
.8h po&er rate hi.e of the )anila =lectric *o, ;)eralco<, This, in itself, represents the contin!o!s
cr!cifi>ion of Filipino cons!mers &ho toda" s!ffer the &orld?s hi0hest rates for electricit",
Papal %isit sia 2014
3lapped &ith a temporar" restrainin0 order b" the 3!preme *o!rt, )eralco has to shel'e its planned
rate increase, b!t said the" &ill defer abo!t P%-billion of pa"ment to po&er s!ppliers, This, and other
stories, &ill spill o'er to 2014,
The /isys in #$1%0 1ro2th nd dunting crises )#nd 4f Three "rts.
)by Teodoro Y. (ontelibno- (nil *ulletin.
)anila, Philippines, Becember 2#, 2013 - YEAREND REPORT
3uiuans Fear
)ean&hile, compared to Tacloban, the coastal to&n of 4!i!an, &ith a pop!lation of some 4#,000, and
first to be beaten !p b" Dolanda, did not s!ffer as m!ch cas!alties, 4!i!an?s ma"or, *hristopher
4on2ale2?s assid!o!s determination in 0ettin0 to&n residents to mo'e !p to hi0her 0ro!nd paid off,
Ceferrin0 to the storm as (del!b"o,+ or del!0e, he mana0ed to pro'o.e fear amon0st the ma:orit" of
to&nspeople, &ho left their homes for safe, hi0her 0ro!nds, As a res!lt, onl" @7 of 4!i!an?s pop!lation
perished, 23 remain missin0 and some %30 in:!red,
Dolanda stormed thro!0h the Visa"as re0ion, hittin0 landfall on other areas, incl!din0 the northern
parts of *eb!, Pana", and /e0ros Occidental pro'inces, before ma.in0 its e>it the follo&in0 da", /o',
%, to&ard the direction of Vietnam, 8ithin three da"s of the monstro!s t"phoon?s occ!rrence, 'ario!s
pro'inces be"ond 1e"te and 3amar in the Visa"as $ *eb!, A.lan, *api2 and 5loilo, as &ell as Pala&an
in the )imaropa re0ion $ &ere declared !nder a state of national calamit", (%i&! in"'&# (rom Mar# %)
Mo#*'e+a, Mao' Mo,o, an+ P!oebe -en .n+ino)
The /orld 4elps
5mmediate response, both locall", and from the international comm!nit", &as immediate and
o'er&helmin0, To date, some #7 co!ntries in the &orld ha'e pled0ed close to P24 billion ;]#3%
million< &ith abo!t P#%3 million ;]12,337 million< in cash alread" recei'ed b" 0o'ernment,
The 0o'ernments of man" co!ntries, incl!din0 the Enited 3tates of America, the Enited Lin0dom,
*anada, 3o!th Africa, C!ssia, 5srael, apan, 5ndonesia, 3in0apore, A!stralia, /e& Oealand, and e'en
the People?s Cep!blic of *hina, &ith &hich the co!ntr" is at lo00erheads o'er territorial disp!tes, sent
cash as &ell as relief 0oods and e-!ipment b" the tons, alon0 &ith act!al h!manitarian missions,
The /or&e0ian 3hipo&ners Association?s /or&e0ian Trainin0 *enter-)anila, for instance, mobili2ed
o'er a h!ndred cadets and 'ol!nteers, to load for a f!ll da" tons of relief 0oods tar0eted for areas in
=astern Visa"as not "et reached b" aid, on board a trainin0 'essel, The 'essel set sail from )anila?s
3o!th 9arbor !nder hea'" rains for Tacloban port, the first ci'ilian ship to !nderta.e relief efforts for
Dolanda 'ictims in =astern Visa"as,
&il %pill
apan *oast 4!ard personnel, emplo"in0 modern techni-!es and e-!ipment, also pro'ed instr!mental
in speedin0 !p &or. on an oil spill incident at Aaran0a" Aoton0on, =stancia, one of se'eral to&ns
badl" hit &hen Dolanda ra'a0ed northern 5loilo,
The incident in'ol'es the spillin0 of some %00,000 liters of b! f!el from a po&er bar0e s!ppl"in0
po&er to the Visa"as 0rid that &as dislocated from its moorin0 site b" t"phoon-ca!sed h!0e &a'es and
ferocio!s &inds and &as s&ept a0ro!nd the baran0a"?s coastline,
Operated b" the /ational Po&er *orporation for the Po&er Assets and 1iabilities )ana0ement
;P3A1)<, 32-me0a&att Po&er Aar0e 103?s stora0e tan.s &ere belie'ed to ha'e been p!nct!red &hen
it rammed the coastline, ca!sin0 b! f!el stored in the tan.s to spill into the &ater,
Papal %isit sia 2014
3ome 2,000 people had to be e'ac!ated from the baran0a" to an e'ac!ation center at the /orthern
5loilo Pol"technic 3tate *olle0e-8est *amp!s at =stancia to&n proper &hen tests indicated that
ben2ene le'el from f!mes from the spilled oil reached 17,% ppm or 30 times the allo&able le'el,
P3A1) hired contractor, L!an D! 4lobal Technolo0ies to clean !p the oil spill, b!t to a lar0e e>tent, it
&as modern technical help pro'ided b" the apan *oast 4!ard that effecti'el" helped to speed !p the
)ore c!rrent test res!lts sho& the red!ction of to>icit" le'els to 2ero parts per million ;ppm<, &hich is
lo&er than the tolerable le'el of 0,# ppm, and 'er" recentl", the Bepartment of 9ealth in 5loilo has
recommended that resident-e'ac!ees co!ld ret!rn home,
)ean&hile, a 20-meter radi!s from the spill site remains off limits and contin!ed air -!alit" monitorin0
contin!es, Transfer of the remainin0 b! f!el inside the po&er bar0e has been completed and the
contaminated &ater and debris transferred to a treatment facilit" in 1!2on, Cefloatin0 and to&in0 of the
bar0e off =stancia has also been set b" the contractor for an, %, 2014,
Achieve'ents- e:peri'ents 'r; bu'py yer in trnsport )*y <ris *yos-
(nil *ulletin.
(nil- "hilippines- 3ece'ber #=- #$1% 6 irplanes overshootin) the r!n3ay, b!ses
]yin) oF the eGpress3ay or ra""in) other vehicles, ships sin6in), and trains brea6in)
do3n have "ade p!blic transportation a freH!ent ite" in the headlines this year$ 7!t
2013 has also been a year of achieve"ents, of s!ccessf!l eGperi"ents and of ne3 feats
in the transportation sector$
Probably the "ost note3orthy acco"plish"ent of the Philippines in the feld of
transportation this year is recoverin) fro" an infa"o!s rep!tation in the )lobal aviation
ind!stry$ This 3as after bein) delisted fro" the @nternational (ivil viation Or)ani:ation.s
tally of "e"ber-states 3ith !nresolved si)nifcant safety concerns *&&(s+ last 'arch$
@n an electronic b!lletin dated 'arch 7, 2013 sent to the Depart"ent of Transportation
and (o""!nications *DoT(+, the @(O (o!ncil for"ally stated that Athe gPhilippineh &tate
has i"ple"ented corrective actions in accordance 3ith the "echanis" approved by the
(o!ncil to resolve t3o &&(s K the iss!ance of air operator certifcates and the aircraft
re)istration process$B Follo3in) its a!dit fndin)s, the @(O (oordinated %alidation
'issions tea" reco""ended to the @(O /eadH!arters in 'ontreal, (anada the liftin) of
the &&(s it previo!sly raised 3ith respect to the Philippines$
&hortly thereafter, the <!ropean 9nion.s ir &afety (o""ittee started lifted its ban
a)ainst Philippine carriers fro" servin) <!ropean destinations, startin) 3ith Philippine
irlines *P1+ last 0!ly 12$ "bassador 8!y 1edo!G, head of the dele)ation of the
<!ropean 9nion *<9+, la!ded the eForts of (ivil viation !thority of the Philippines
*(P+ oNcials for ta6in) s!Ncient corrective actions to address the <9 ir &afety
(o""ittee.s reH!ire"ents and that of the @(O$
The @(O delistin) and <9 ban liftin) has not only invi)orated to!ris" b!t also the
contrib!ted to the )ro3th of the econo"y as the Philippines have beco"e "ore
accessible to inco"in) to!rists and ret!rnin) Filipino travelers and 3or6ers in <!rope$
fter these achieve"ents, the Philippine )overn"ent is eGpectin) the 9nited &tates
Federal viation !thority to !p)rade the co!ntry.s stat!s fro" (ate)ory 2 to 1$ The 9&
F had earlier identifed "aIor safety, "ana)e"ent and re)!lation shortco"in)s in
Papal %isit sia 2014
Philippine aviation and conseH!ently do3n)raded the co!ntry.s ratin) to (ate)ory 2 fro"
(ate)ory 1$
Once !p)raded, Philippine carriers 3o!ld be able to deploy trips to "ore destinations in
the 9& and s3itch to ne3er and f!el-eNcient aircrafts to serve the ]i)hts$
&i"ilarly, Philippine "ariti"e transportation sta6eholders are a3aitin) the res!lt of the
<!ropean 'ariti"e &afety )ency *<'&+ a!dit last October pertainin) to the Philippines.
&tandards of Trainin), (ertifcation and 2atch6eepin) *&T(2+ for seafarers. co"pliance$
The a!dit 3as in line 3ith the Philippines. co""it"ent to the 1C7= @nternational
(onvention on &T(2$
<'& had threatened to ban Filipino seafarers fro" <9-]a))ed ships after the Philippines
failed to act on the reco""endations of a previo!s &T(2 a!dit in 200>$ The ban co!ld
p!t at least 100,000 Filipino seafarers o!t of 3or6 and leave <!ropean ships 3ith serio!s
cre3 shorta)e$
'ariti"e @nd!stry !thority *'arina+ d"inistrator Dr$ 'aGi"o J$ 'eIia ad"itted that Aif
3e fail the a!dit, it co!ld res!lt in the "aIor disr!ption of an i"portant -sy"biotic.
relationship,B he said, addin) that AFilipinos stand to lose Iobs, 3hile <!ropean ships
co"e to a standstill for lac6 of seafarers to operate the"$B
7!t 'eIia said 'arina is "a6in) s!re that the Philippines 3ill pass the <'& a!dit,
stressin) that Athe international shippin) co""!nityKthe "ariti"e 3orldK has
increasin)ly p!t its faith in the Filipino to carry )lobal co""erce fro" far end of the earth
to the other, so "!ch so, that today close to 30 percent of all seafarers in the
international trade are Filipino$B
'ean3hile in land transportation, the )overn"ent has test-ran a proposal to li"it p!blic
!tility b!ses enterin) 'etro 'anila by settin) !p a centrali:ed ter"inal for provincial
b!ses in ParanaH!e$ Ori)inally part of the three ter"inals envisioned for the @nte)rated
Transport &yste" *@T&+, the &o!th3est @nteri" Transport Ter"inal, 3hich started operatin)
last !)!st > at the corner of '@ and (oastal 5oads, has contrib!ted to the red!ction of
vehic!lar traNc vol!"e in the city$
(o""!ters have also started to adapt 3ith the ne3 syste" I!st before )overn"ent
i"ple"ents the @T& proIect, 3ith centrali:ed provincial b!s ter"inals risin) at the
Philippine 5ecla"ation !thority *P5+ property alon) (oastal 5oad, the Food Ter"inal
@nc$ *FT@+ in Ta)!i) (ity and at a soon-to-be-identifed location in J!e:on (ity$
&ecretary 0oseph <"ilio baya said the DOT( is sched!led to start the biddin) process for
the constr!ction of the @T& ter"inals in Ta)!i) and ParanaH!e (ity early neGt year$
Once the @T& is i"ple"ented, all provincial b!s ter"inals 3ill be relocated to the central
h!b and 3ill )reatly red!ce the n!"ber of vehicles enterin) 'etro 'anila$ F!ll
i"ple"entation of the @T& is reportedly 'alacanan).s reH!ire"ent for the planned
rehabilitation of <pifanio delos &antos ven!e *<D&+$
lso a prereH!isite to the <D& rehabilitation, the )overn"ent is close to a3ardin) the
P3$=-billion '5T 3 (apacity <Gpansion ProIect to s!pply 4= ne3 train cars to the 'etro
5ail Transit *'5T+ 3$ ccordin) to DOT( &ecretary 0oseph <"ilio baya, the 7ids and
3ards (o""ittee has fo!nd the (hinese s!pplier Dalian 1oco"otive i 5ollin) &toc6 (o$
(#5 8ro!p as AftB to do the proIect for havin) AadeH!ate, if not i"pressive,
"an!fact!rin) facilities$B /e said post-H!alifcation of the bid is on)oin) and that
a3ardin) is eGpected early neGt year$ @deally, delivery of the prototype can be eGpected
Papal %isit sia 2014
by the frst H!arter of 2014 and the delivery of the rest of the 15%s by the third H!arter of
nd spea6in) of biddin), the DOT( 3as able to )enerate ne)ative bids for t3o of its
p!blic-private partnership *PPP+ proIects, the P17$4 billion 'actan-(eb! @nternational
irport Develop"ent ProIect and the P1$72 billion !to"ated Fare (ollection &yste"
*F(&+ for the 1i)ht and 'etro 5ail Transits *15T-'5T+$ 7y oFerin) ne)ative bids, the
proponents are oFerin) to i"ple"ent the proIects and even 3illin) to pay )overn"ent to
3in the contract$ ccordin) to DOT( 7( chair"an and 9ndersecretary 0ose
Perpet!o1otilla, )overn"ent did not only )et the best deal, it also saved taGpayers.
"oney thro!)h "etic!lo!sly pac6a)ed proIects$
nother innovative achieve"ent in the transportation ind!stry this year is the la!nchin)
of the frst Philippine Transit pp (hallen)e last 0!ly$ t least 17 apps co"peted for the
best transit application, 3hich 3as ai"ed to enable "!lti-"odal trip plannin) by
providin) co""!ters and to!rists 3ith infor"ation on the available "eans of "!lti-"odal
transportation "eans and location of 6ey transfers$ The 3innin) app, Trip 7ar6er, bested
other entries for bein) a co""!nity-based trip planner 3hich can be !sed to report and
share 3eather, traNc, and events in real-ti"e 3ith other !sers$
P!blic transportation in the Philippines "ay be far fro" bein) 3orld-class b!t )overn"ent
is s!rely doin) its part in "a6in) it at par 3ith the rest of the 3orld$ %ario!s
transportation infrastr!ct!re proIects are in the pipeline and "ore are co"in) !p,
incl!din) an a"bitio!s plan to revive the Philippine #ational 5ail3ay.s operation fro"
(a)ayan, @sabela to &orso)on to tap )overn"ent-o3ned trac6s for rapid transit
*passen)er+ and car)o services in 1!:on$ Delays have "arred a3ardin) of several 6ey
proIects and p!t a do!bt if the ad"inistration.s proIects 3ill be i"ple"ented before
President 7eni)no &$ H!ino @@@ steps o!t of oNce on 0!ne 30, 201> b!t baya said PPP
Are"ains a contin!o!s learnin) process for both )overn"ent and the private sector$B
A@t has been a -)ood. year b!t still there is a lot of roo" for i"prove"ent,B baya said$
*ig yer ends 2ith Wll Street hopeful for #$1>
s 2all &treet.s best year in "ore than 14 dra3s to a close, fe3 are eGpectin) a repeat
perfor"ance in 2014, tho!)h traders have plenty of reasons to feel opti"istic$
2hile the "ar6et 3ill li6ely enter 0an!ary H!ietly, 3ith "any traders still o!t for the
holidays and fe3 "aIor catalysts, the !p3ard trend is seen contin!in) neGt 3ee6,
especially in so"e of 2013js hi)h-]yin) na"es$
<cono"ic )ro3th is eGpected to accelerate neGt year, boostin) e"ploy"ent and
cons!"er p!rchasin) po3er$ 7!t 3ith "ar6ets repeatedly notchin) all-ti"e hi)hs, that
"ay not translate to "ar6et )ains as dra"atically as in 2013$
AThere.s a pervasive feelin) that the econo"y is )ettin) better, and the Fed is still on the
"ar6et.s side after sayin) it 3o!ld 6eep rates lo3,B said Donald &el6in, chief "ar6et
strate)ist at #ational &ec!rities in #e3 ;or6$
A/o3ever, 3hile ne3 "oney 3ill still be ]o3in) into stoc6s neGt year, probably 3e.ll see
less "oney co"e in$ There.s little chance of another 30 percent )ain or so neGt year$B
The &iP 400 $&PT has risen 2C percent so far in 2013, its best ann!al perfor"ance since
1CC7$ The Do3 0ones ind!strial avera)e $D0@ is !p 2> percent 3hile the #asdaH is !p
nearly 3= percent$
Papal %isit sia 2014
The )ains have been 3idespread, 3ith all 10 &iP 400 sectors hi)her on the year$ The
3ea6est )ro!p, teleco"s $&P15(1, rose >$4 percent 3hile cons!"er discretionary $&P15(D
led the year 3ith a )ain of 40 percent$
One of the "ar6et.s bi))est boosts this year _ the Federal 5eserve.s sti"!l!s pro)ra" _
3ill not be as stron) a factor after the central ban6 anno!nced a slo3in) of the pro)ra"
in Dece"ber$ The Fed be)innin) in 0an!ary 3ill b!y f74 billion in Treas!ries and
"ort)a)e-bac6ed bonds per "onth, do3n fro" f=4 billion, and Fed (hair"an 7en
7ernan6e, 3hose ter" eGpires on 0an!ary 31, s!))ested the 9$&$ central ban6 co!ld
contin!e to slo3ly red!ce that sti"!l!s thro!)ho!t 2014$
The latest 5e!ters poll sho3ed analysts eGpect the &iP 400 to rise to 1,C24 points by the
end of 2014, 3hich represents a rise of 4$4 percent fro" c!rrent levels$
&!bscription video co"pany #et]iG @nc *#F1T$O+ 3as the &iP.s stron)est perfor"er in
2013, 3ith a I!"p of al"ost 300 percent, follo3ed by electronics retailer 7est 7!y (o @nc
*77;$#+ and se"icond!ctor "a6er 'icron Tech *'9$O+, both of 3hich cli"bed nearly 240
percent$ Tesla 'otors *T&1$O+ 3as another stando!t, soarin) 34> percent, 3hile
Faceboo6 @nc *F7$O+ "ore than do!bled$
These na"es co!ld see f!rther !pside neGt 3ee6 than6s to A3indo3 dressin),B a practice
in 3hich investors b!y sec!rities 3ith bi) )ains to i"prove the appearance of their
holdin)s before presentin) the res!lts to clients$ The 2013 year 3ill close o!t on T!esday,
3ith the "ar6et closed on 2ednesday for the #e3 ;ear.s Day holiday$
A(ons!"er discretionary and tech na"es have driven the "ar6et over the past 12
"onths, so it 3o!ldn.t s!rprise "e to see contin!ed !pside on the" neGt 3ee6,B said 0a6e
Dollarhide, chief eGec!tive of 1on)bo3 sset 'ana)e"ent in T!lsa, O6laho"a$
/o3ever, Dollarhide said the na"es 3ere Apriced for perfectionB and v!lnerable to
p!llbac6s neGt year$
AThere 3on.t be a s!dden -let.s sell 'icron and #et]iG. "ove"ent, b!t if proft )ro3th
slo3s or a conference call doesn.t )o 3ell, absol!tely yo! co!ld see a 20 to 30 percent
selloF after do!blin) this year,B he said$
The fo!rth-H!arter earnin)s season 3on.t start in earnest !ntil the second 3ee6 of
0an!ary, b!t there 3ill be a fe3 cl!es into the econo"y.s stren)th co"in) o!t neGt 3ee6,
3ith data on cons!"er confdence and "an!fact!rin)$
#eGt 3ee6 3ill also see reads on the ho!sin) "ar6et 3ith #ove"ber pendin) ho"e sales
on tap for 'onday and the (aseb&hiller report on October ho"e prices on T!esday$ The
ho!sin) sector has been in foc!s as 9$&$ bench"ar6 Treas!ry yields rose to t3o-year
hi)hs, 3hich co!ld p!t press!re on "ort)a)e rates, 3hich are typically driven by the yield
on the 10-year Treas!ry note$
A@f yields stay this hi)h, @ 3o!ld consider that both a technical and psycholo)ical ne)ative
for "ar6ets,B said 'ar6 8rant, "ana)in) director at &o!th3est &ec!rities in Fort
Pendin) ho"e sales, or sales 3hich are in contract b!t not yet closed, are seen risin) 1
percent 3hile the October ho"e prices are eGpected to rise 0$= percent$
@n the latest 3ee6, the Do3 rose 1$> percent 3hile the &iP 3as !p 1$3 percent and the
#asdaH rose 1$3 percent$
Papal %isit sia 2014
#$1% A'eric0 the good- the bd nd the funny
3ece'ber #?- #$1% - %ice President 0oe 7iden con)rat!lated the 3ron) "an on bein)
elected "ayor of 7oston and colle)e football star 'anti Te.o p!blicly "o!rned the death
of a )irlfriend 3ho never 3as$
2hile 9$&$ headlines in 2013 3ere do"inated by the 7oston 'arathon bo"bs, <d3ard
&no3den lea6in) )overn"ent secrets, and the disastro!s rollo!t of President 7arac6
Oba"a.s healthcare refor" la3, the ne3s also bro!)ht plenty to la!)h abo!t$
@n the cate)ory of APoliticians 7ehavin) 7adly,B for"er (on)ress"an nthony 2einer.s
ca"pai)n to beco"e "ayor of #e3 ;or6 (ity tan6ed 3hen ne3s bro6e that the De"ocrat,
3ho resi)ned fro" (on)ress in 2011 after a seGtin) scandal, 3as at it a)ain K this ti"e
!sin) the na"e A(arlos Dan)er$B The T-rated dLIk v! inspired a play called AThe 2einer
On the 2est (oast, &an Die)o 'ayor 7ob Filner "ade the headlines 3ith 3hat ca"e to be
6no3n as the AFilner /eadloc6$B fter as6in) a 3o"an for a date, he ca"e !p behind her
and 3rapped one ar" aro!nd her in an e"brace that 3as "ore 2orld 2restlin)
<ntertain"ent than Ea"a &!tra$ &eG!al harass"ent acc!sations follo3ed K fro" nearly
20 other 3o"en, res!ltin) in Filner.s resi)nin), )ettin) s!ed and bein) sentenced to
ho"e confne"ent$
foot-in-"o!th "o"ent occ!rred on the #ove"ber ni)ht 'assach!setts &tate &enator
'arty 2alsh 3as elected "ayor of 7oston$ s ne3 "ayor 2alsh prepared to )reet
s!pporters, another 'arty 2alsh K a 7oston p!blic aFairs cons!ltant K sa3 an !nfa"iliar
202 n!"ber pop !p on his cell phone$
A(on)rat!lations, 'arty, yo! son of a )!n$ ;o! did it^B he heard the voice of the 9$&$ vice
president sho!t )leef!lly, before he reali:ed his "ista6e$
@n October, the federal )overn"ent sh!tdo3n led to so"e stran)e stories, incl!din) the
blac6o!t of the 3ildly pop!lar online 8iant Panda (a" at the #ational Qoo in 2ashin)ton
and the f!rlo!)hin) of poison ivy-eatin) )oats in #e3 0ersey and #e3 ;or6$
'onths later, the f!"bled la!nch of /ealthcare$)ov 3hipped !p a search for the
AOba"acare 8irl,B 3ho 3as re-na"ed A8litch 8irlB after her s"ilin) face re"ained fro:en
on the ho"e pa)e that fr!strated "illions of co"p!ter !sers$
@n the sports 3orld, for"er #otre Da"e 1inebac6er 'anti Te.o p!t a ne3 t3ist on the old
ada)e that it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all$ 5o"antics
3ere dra3n to the tale of his devotion to 1ennay Ee6!a and her tra)ic death fro" cancer
K !ntil her very eGistence 3as eGposed as a fra!d$ The snar6y T3ittersphere 3as ]ooded
3ith photos of people ATe.oin)B K h!))in) e"pty chairs or p!c6erin) !p in an other3ise
e"pty roo"$
7ro6en hearts 3ere "ended after a #e3 0ersey co""ercial fsher"an lost f12,000 in
cash he had saved to b!y an en)a)e"ent rin)$ /is bac6pac6 had a fa!lty :ipper and the
"oney fell o!t as he rode his "otorcycle to the doc6s$ '!ch of the loose cash 3as
scooped !p, b!t after the story ca"e o!t, )ood &a"aritans ret!rned it to hi"$
<lse3here on the 0ersey &hore, 2ild3ood oNcials banned sa))y pants on the board3al6,
pressin) their cr!sade for decency 3ith the threat of a f200 fne for pants that sa) "ore
than three inches belo3 the 3aist$ To those 3ho invo6ed their ri)ht to 3ear lo3-sl!n)
pants, 'ayor <rnie Troiano 0r$ said, A@ have a ri)ht not to loo6 at yo!r rear end$
ni"als actin) !p )ot their share of attention in 2013$ fo!l-"o!thed 5hode @sland
coc6atoo landed its o3ner in tro!ble by c!rsin) at a neGt-door nei)hbor, 3ho happened
Papal %isit sia 2014
to be the )irlfriend of the o3ner.s eG-h!sband$ The (ity of 2ar3ic6 initially slapped the
3o"an 3ith a f14 fne for the bird.s salty lan)!a)e, b!t event!ally dropped the case$
@n (olorado, a "an on his 3ay to his brother.s 3eddin) >00 "iles a3ay in 9tah 3as
arrested for bein) dr!n6 3hile ridin) his horse$ /e had a s"all do) in his bac6pac6$
s the year dre3 to a close, an frican ]a"in)o that had been on the la" for ei)ht years
after escapin) fro" a :oo in 2ichita, Eansas, 3as spotted this "onth cavortin) 3ith a
co"panion in the 8!lf of 'eGico oF the TeGas coast$ Fla"in)os pair !p for life, b!t the
)ender of these t3o birds 3as !n6no3n, a :oo oNcial said$
(lc&ng0 #$1% yer of foresight nd prudence )by (del Sbter - 8'it-
(nil *ulletin.
Mania, P!ii""ine#, December 2/, 2013 0 )alacanan0 on 3at!rda" described 2013 as a "ear of
foresi0ht and pr!dence for the A-!ino administration &hich faced political challen0es and disasters in
the last 12 months,
(The past "ear has been a "ear for the Filipino people6 one in &hich the President sho&ed
his indomitable &ill to lead the nation for&ard, and &here the mandate for chan0e &as rene&ed in the
"ear?s midterm elections,+ Bep!t" presidential spo.esperson Abi0ail Valte said,
(5t has been a "ear &herein the foresi0ht and pr!dence of the President and his teamFholdin0 fast to
the lon0-term 'ision of a more prospero!s, stable, and d"namicall" competiti'e PhilippinesFhas been
!pheld time and a0ain,+ she said,
(5t has been a "ear of challen0es not onl" for the Administration b!t also for the Filipino people,
Another "ear &here o!r collecti'e commitment to perse'ere and to stand sho!lder to sho!lder enabled
!s to o'ercome the trials set before !s, th!s ma.in0 the &orld admire and respect !s all the more,+ she
5n the first -!arter of the "ear, as the 0o'ernment &as startin0 its rehabilitation and reconstr!ction
efforts in *ompostela Valle" and Ba'ao Oriental that &ere hit b" t"phoon (Pablo+, the A-!ino
administration &as thro&n into a s!dden crisis in 3abah &hen 3!ltan amal!l Liram 555 in'aded it to
reclaim its as part of their ancestral ri0ht,
The Febr!ar" 3aban inc!rsion &as follo&ed in )a" b" another forei0n problem6 the fatal shootin0 of
7#-"ear-old Tai&anese fisherman 9!n0 3hih-*hen0 off the Aalintan0 *hannel that spar.ed a rift
bet&een the Philippines and Tai&an, &ith Tai&an imposin0 sanctions on the Philippines that ad'ersel"
affected the state of o'erseas Filipino &or.ers ;OF8s< in the island state,
Aefore the clo!d o'er the Aalintan0 tra0ed" co!ld settle, the co!ntr" &as roc.ed b" the por. barrel or
the Priorit" Be'elopment Assistance F!nd ;PBAF< scandal that contin!es to dra0 !ntil no&,
A!t it &as the (ber+ months that pro'ed to be the most challen0in0, startin0 &ith the 3eptember bra2en
sie0e of Oamboan0a b" the )oro /ational 1iberation Front ;)/1F< fo!ndin0 chairman /!r )is!ari
and his men, The Oamboan0a standoff ca!sed the displacement of more than 120,000 indi'id!als and
the destr!ction of more than 10,000 homes, There &ere also 200 people &ho died and 270 members of
the )/1F had been capt!red b" 0o'ernment forces &hile 24 of them s!rrendered d!rin0 the standoff,
October had been a month of nat!ral disasters as t"phoon (3anti+ ra'a0ed *entral and /orthern 1!2on
&hile Aohol and *eb! had been roc.ed b" a 7,2 ma0nit!de earth-!a.e, A!t the bi00est one came in
/o'ember as s!per t"phoon (Dolanda+ de'astated =astern Visa"as,
A!t 2013 is not &itho!t its 0ood ne&s, Valte cited the Philippine econom"?s positi'e performance &ith
the co!ntr" able to 0et an in'estment 0rade in all three ma:or credit ratin0 a0encies6 a AAA3 ;positi'e<
Papal %isit sia 2014
from the )ood"?s 5n'estors 3er'icesG and a AAA- ;stable< from both 3tandard _ Poor?s and Fitch
The co!ntr"?s 4BP has also remained &ithin se'en percent6 at 7,@ percent in the first -!arterG 7,# in the
second -!arterG and se'en percent in the third -!arter, she said,
Peace &ith the )oro 5slamic 1iberation Front ;)51F< is also &ithin reach as three of the fo!r anne>es
had been si0ned this "ear6 the Transitional Arran0ements and )odalities Anne>, si0ned on Feb, 27,
2013G the Ce'en!e 4eneration and 8ealth 3harin0 Anne>, si0ned on !l" 13G and the Po&er 3harin0
Anne>, si0ned on Becember @,
5n terms of the 0o'ernment?s efforts a0ainst corr!ption, this "ear a total of 1#7 cases had been filed
a0ainst sm!00lersG 1%# cases filed a0ainst ta> e'adersG and pl!nder, mal'ersation of p!blic f!nds and
other char0es filed initiall" a0ainst 3% indi'id!als and 34 more indi'id!als in the second batch,
incl!din0 b!siness&oman anet 1im $ /apoles,
(O!r achie'ements onl" tell !s that nothin0 is impossible to the Filipino people,+ Valte said, citin0 the
achie'ements of Filipina bea!t" -!eens and Filipino athletes all "ear ro!nd,
(5araming mga Pi"ipinong nama)agpag sa ibang bansa at nagda"a ng -aranga"an sa atin WA lot of
Filipinos too. center sta0e in the international arena and bro!0ht honor to the co!ntr"X,+ she said,
These incl!de (Pambansan0 Lamao+ )ann" Pac-!iao, and bea!t" -!eens )e0an Do!n0 ;)iss 8orld<G
Aea Cose 3antia0o ;)iss 5nternational<G and )!t"a ohanna Bat!l ;)iss 3!pranational 2013<, amon0
Papal 3isit %sia #&144 Pre(papal activities
"ope @rncis! visit set 4ctober #%-#A- #$1> nd Bnury 1C-1D- #$1C
)A/51A, Philippines, !l" 2@, 2014 56(7T!(8 - Coman *atholic *h!rch leaders anno!nced on
T!esda" that Pope Francis &ill 'isit the Philippines on October 23 to 27, 2014 and an!ar" 1# to 1%,
5n a press conference at the Ar2obispado de )anila, Archbishop 1!is Antonio *ardinal Ta0le said (his
holiness Pope Francis &ill ma.e his apostolic 'isit to 3ri 1an.a on /o'ember 10-12, 2014 and an!ar"
12 to 1#, 201# and to the Philippines on October 23 to 27, 2014 and an!ar" 1# to 1%, 201#,+
5n a si0n of :o", Ta0le ended his initial statement &ith, (Than.s be to 4odI+
Archbishop 4i!seppe Pinto, the c!rrent n!ncio to the Philippines, described the 'isit as a (spirit!al
Ta0le said the Vatican &ill anno!nce the details of the 'isit before the end of the "ear, b!t reiterated
pre'io!s statements that Pope Francis &ants to 'isit areas de'astated b" s!per t"phoon Dolanda,
On reports that Francis &ill hold a rall" at the Eni'ersit" of 3anto Tomas ;E3T< in )anila, Ta0le co!ld
onl" sa" that in (past 'isits of popes in the Philippines, E3T has al&a"s fi0!red as one of the sites,+
Preparations are no& !nder &a" for the PopeHs 'isit, &ith the national 0o'ernment also ta.in0 the lead,
*omm!nications 3ecretar" 9erminio *oloma r, said President A-!ino has appointed =>ec!ti'e
3ecretar" Pa-!ito Ochoa r, as the lead point person in helpin0 the papal 'isit committee,
9e said the 0o'ernment e>pects the Filipinos to (accord WPope FrancisX the &armth of their hospitalit"
and manifest the fer'or of their faith as the" &elcome the first pontiff from 3o!th America,+
The 'isit of Pope Francis also coincides &ith the 20th anni'ersar" of 8orld Do!th Ba" Philippines,
&hich too. place in )anila on an!ar" 10 to 1#, 1%%#,
As.ed &hat Filipinos can do to prepare for the 'isit, Ta0le said6 (8e co!ld prepare best b" !nder0oin0
spirit!al rene&al, tastin0 the merc" of 4od, ret!rnin0 to 4od thro!0h the sacrament of reconciliation,+
Papal %isit sia 2014
9e also !r0ed Filipinos to en0a0e in (specific actions of merc",+
9e reminded *atholics of the !ni-!e st"le of Pope Francis, &hich &as alread" ob'io!s on the first da"
of his papac",
(9e &ants to :o!rne" &ith the people &here the" are,+ he said,
Ta0le noted that &hen Pope Francis blessed the mosaic of 3t, Pedro *al!n0sod at 3t, Peter?s Aasilica
bac. in /o'ember, he too. time to incl!de Filipinos in his pra"ers,
(5t &as not :!st a blessin0 of an iconV B!rin0 that e'ent, he said plainl" that he &as one &ith the
s!fferin0 of the people and that &e sho!ld not be afraid to as. 4od6 8h"`+ he said,
Filipinos sho!ld not be afraid to sho& Pope Francis their &orth, he said, (8e sho& him &ho &e tr!l"
are6 the resilience of Filipinos, Wf!ll ofX faith, compassion, and bottomless hope,+
Eceres Archbishop 5'eritus Leonrdo Legspi succu'bs to cncer
/A4A *5TD$The archbishop emerit!s of the Archdioceses of *aceres has s!cc!mbed to l!n0 cancer
earl" mornin0 Frida", A!0!st @ at Eni'ersit" of 3anto Tomas 9ospital beside his brother and fello&
Bominican priests, t&o months before the 37th anni'ersar" celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch
8orld&ide at J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par., )anila on October 27 to 27 as part of the fi'e-da"
pastoral and state 'isit of Pope Francis here in the Philippines, 9e &as 7@,
*aceres Archbishop =merit!s 1eonardo *ardinal O, 1e0aspi, O,P,, B,B,, the prelate of the *atholic
*h!rch in *amarines 3!r from 1%@4 to 3eptember @, 2012, died after battlin0 for "ears and losin0 the
battle a0ainst l!n0 cancer, accordin0 to Father 1o!ie Occiano, director of *aceres Archdiocesan
*omm!nications *ommission,
1e0aspi fo!nd he had cancer three "ears a0o ;2011-2014< before he bo&ed o!t of his d!ties to the
present Archbishop Colando T, Triona, &ho &as installed on 3eptember @, 2012, the 202@
anni'ersar" celebration of )ama )ar",
@ilipino Etholics Foc;ing to socil 'edi dedicted to popeGs visit
Facebook page and Twitter account attract growing number of followers
'anila, Philippines, &epte"ber 12, 2014 - 1ar)e n!"bers of (atholics in the Philippines
are freH!entin) the oNcial social "edia site for the visit of Pope Francis in 0an!ary,
follo3in) the site?s la!nch earlier this 3ee6 by the (atholic 7ishops? (onference of the
'ore than 11,000 people 3ere follo3in) the Faceboo6 pa)e dpapalvisitph2014d, 3hich
invites !sers to share a photo of their parish 3elco"in) the pontiF$
d@f yo!r parish has posted a photo 3elco"in) the /oly Father to the Philippines, share it
3ith !s and 3e 3ill post it here^d reads the Faceboo6 pa)e invitation$
A@f yo! can have yo!r pict!re ta6en holdin) yo!r "essa)e board or paper 3ith yo!r
"essa)e andbor art3or6 printed on it for the /oly Father, then share it,B it adds$
T3itter acco!nt, lpapalvisitph, has also been la!nched, 3ith close to 200 follo3ers so
3ebsite dedicated to the Pope?s visit,, also 3ent live last "onth$ The site
carries ne3s, feat!res, and state"ents related to the pope?s !pco"in) visit, and a video
titled We are all God's Children, the oNcial the"e son) of the 2014 apostolic visit$
Papal %isit sia 2014
di)ital cloc6 co!nts do3n the 3ee6s, days, ho!rs, and seconds left before the arrival of
Pope Francis$
@n a pastoral state"ent iss!ed on 0!ly 7 the Philippine bishops? conference said the
!nderlyin) spirit of the papal visit to the co!ntry is d"ercy and co"passionB$
Pope Francis 3ill visit the co!ntry on October 23 to 27, 2014 and 0an!ary 14 to 1C, 2014,
after a visit to &ri 1an6a$
@t 3ill be the third ti"e a pontiF has visited the co!ntry after Pope Pa!l %@ in 1C70 and
Pope 0ohn Pa!l @@ in 1C=1 and 0an!ary 12 to 1>, 1CC4$
WATEH0 We Are All 1odGs Ehildren-! oHcil the'e song for #$1C "pl /isit
2hat better 3ay for Filipinos to sho3 their !nity than thro!)h a son)a
@n the case of Pope Francis? visit to the Philippines in 0an!ary, that son) 3o!ld be d2e re
ll 8od?s (hildren,d penned and s!n) by "!lti-a3arded actress-sin)er 0a"ie 5ivera, 3ith
"!sic by #oel <spenida$
5ivera told 8' #e3s in !)!st that !pon fndin) o!t abo!t the Papal visit, she called
rchbishop &ocrates %ille)as, president of the (atholic 7ishops? (onference of the
Philippines, to as6 if she co!ld 3rite a son) for the event$
5ivera 3as the voice behind dTell the 2orld of /is 1ove,d the oNcial the"e son) of the
1CC4 2orld ;o!th Day, attended in 'anila by no3-&aint 0ohn Pa!l @@$
d2e re ll 8od?s (hildren,d she said, 3as inspired by the h!"ility sho3cased by Pope
@t carries the "essa)e of dsolidarity 3ith the poor and "ercy to the 3ea6,d 5ivera said$
d2e sho!ld help the poor 3ith Ioy and h!"ility$d
s in dTell the 2orld of /is 1ove,d the oNcial son) for the 2014 Papal visit has actions and
)est!res choreo)raphed by ;olanda 0!an$
5ivera and <spenida have also "ade the "!sic score of the son) for the p!blic?s !se$
1isten to the son) 3ith this daction videod perfor"ed by the 1i)aya n) Pan)inoon
Study fith hed of "ope!s visit! Ibishop
'#@1, &epte"ber 2>, 2014_ hi)h-ran6in) "e"ber of the cler)y is positive that Pope
Francis. !pco"in) visit to the co!ntry 3ill be an avalanche of blessin)s to all Filipinos, b!t
advises the" to consider serio!sly Ast!dyin) the faithB$
@n a recent intervie3 over (h!rch-r!n 5adyo %eritas, Tarlac 7ishop Florentino (inense
called on the faithf!l to deepen their 6no3led)e of the faith in order to prepare
the"selves better for the apostolic visit$
AFilipino (atholics 3ho 6no3 neGt to nothin) abo!t (atholicis" "!st no3 learn
everythin) a (atholic is s!pposed to learn$ @t.s not eno!)h that (atholics in na"e
Papal %isit sia 2014
only$ They can only share the faith 3ith others if they 6no3 3hat the faith is abo!t in the
frst place,B eGplained (inense$
/e stressed Filipino (atholics 3ho have little 6no3led)e of their (atholic beliefs sho!ld
see the occasion both as a challen)e and an opport!nity to st!dy the faith serio!sly$
ccordin) to hi", it is hi)h ti"e the Philippines receive the spirit!al blessin)s it badly
needs )iven the c!rrent Asorry stateB of thin)s$
A2e need so"e pro)ressive "oves in order to better o!r sit!ation$ That is 3hy @ believe
that the visit of the Pope 3ill )ive !s these blessin)s of !nity, fraternity, love for one
another, and !lti"ately, the pro)ress that 3e have been loo6in) for all these years,B said
The prelate shared all Filipinos, incl!din) those in po3er, "!st learn to love one another
for the sa6e of the co""on )ood, addin) that !nity is 6ey to national pro)ress$
7ased on data collated by the (atholic Directory of the Philippines in 2013, abo!t 7>$1=
"illion Filipinos, o!t of a total of C>$= "illion, identify the"selves as (atholics$
'ean3hile, vario!s (h!rch or)ani:ations a3ait the papal visit sched!led on October 23 to
27, 2014 and 0an!ary 14 to 1C, 2014$
fter 7l$ Pa!l %@ in 1C70 and &t$0ohn Pa!l @@ in 1C7>_!noNcially, as Era6P3 rchbishop
Earol 0P:ef (ardinal 2oItyla,_1C=1, and 1CC4, Pope Francis 3ill be the third (atholic
pontiF to visit sia.s lar)est (hristian nation$ http,bb333$cbcpne3s$co"bpapalvisitba
/ticn- E*E" oHcils 'eet- discuss "pl /isit preprtions
Papal %isit sia 2014
%T@(# (@T; K Philippine representatives and %atican oNcials on Th!rsday *&ept$ 24,
2014+ concl!ded a three-day "eetin) on "edia and lit!r)ical preparations for the 2014
Papal %isit$
'eetin) at &ala &ta"pa &anta &ede 3ith Fr$ Federico 1o"bardi, &0$
'anila rchbishop 1!is ntonio (ardinal Ta)le, host of the Papal %isit on 0an!ary 14K1C,
2014, led the Philippine panel$ 0oinin) hi" 3ere Pasi) 7ishop 'ylo /!bert %er)ara,
chair"an of the (o""ittee on @nfor"ation and 'ediae Fr$ 0oselito 0opson, eGec!tive
secretary and in-char)e of teleco""!nications and satellite trans"issione and Fr$ 8enaro
Di3a, chair"an of the 1it!r)y (o""ittee$
7ishop %er)ara and Fr$ 0opson collaborated 3ith %atican "edia representatives fro" the
&ala &ta"pa &anta &ede */oly &ee Press ONce+ represented by spo6esperson Fr$ Federico
1o"bardi, &$0$ and 'atteo 7r!ni, in-char)e of accreditation$
Papal %isit sia 2014
Other "edia representatives incl!ded 5oberto 5o"!lo of the %atican Television (enter
*(T%+, <lena Pinardi of the <!ropean 7roadcastin) 9nion *<79+, lberto 8asbarri and the
tea" fro" 5adio %aticana, and Prof$ 8iovanni 'aria %ian and collaborators fro" the
1.Osservatore 5o"ano$
Papal %isit sia 2014
Final 'eetin) For "edia concerns on Papal %isit @n the oNce of Osservatore 5o"ano,
&epte"ber 24, 2014$
'ean3hile, 'onsi)nor 8!ido 'arini of the %atican.s ONce on 1it!r)ical (elebrations
disc!ssed 3ith Fr$ Di3a the lit!r)ical preparations for the Papal %isit$
Papal %isit sia 2014
7ishop %er)ara said he fo!nd the "eetin)s very ass!rin)$ A2ith the confr"ation and
s!pport of the %atican in o!r preparations, 3e hope to oFer all the co!ntries of the 3orld
a tr!ly "eanin)f!l and spirit!al eGperience of Pope Francis. frst and second visit to the
Philippine soil,B he said$
K 5eport by Fr$ 0oselito 0opson
A@"- "8" begin preprtions for "opeGs visit
&epte"ber 2C, 2014 10,22p" - The r"ed Forces of the Philippines *FP+ and the
Philippine #ational Police *P#P+ have already started preparin) for Pope Francis?s visit to
the Philippines on October 23 to 27, 2014 and on 0an!ary 14 to 1C, 2014$
FP (hief of &taF 8eneral 8re)orio (atapan) said in a report on A24 OrasB aired early
'onday evenin) that the "ilitary is co""ittin) two battalions of its United Nations
Disenae!ent Obse"#e" Fo"$e %one &UNDOF' (ea$e)ee(e"s 3ho have been 3ithdra3n fro"
8olan /ei)hts and those 3ho had been trainin) to replace the"$
0oinin) the soldiers are so"e "e"bers of the P#P$ special tas6 force headed by a star
ran6 P#P oNcial 3ill be for"ed for the Pope?s visit$
Security threats
P#P?s ne3 spo6es"an &r$ &!pt$ 2ilben 'ayor said that the national police is loo6in) into
Papal %isit sia 2014
reports of sec!rity threats in the co!ntry s!ch as alle)ed recr!it"ent in 'indanao by
@sla"ic &tate "ilitants$
side fro" the @sla"ic &tate threats in the co!ntry, the P#P is also loo6in) into possible
threats si"ilar to dOplan 7oIin6ad that 3as discovered a fe3 days before Pope 0ohn Pa!l @@,
no3 a saint, visited the Philippines in 1CC4$ '!sli" eGtre"ist 5a":i ;o!sef 3ho led the
terror proIect 3as plannin) to assassinate the Pope bac6 then$
The plan 3as revealed 3hen a che"ical fre spar6ed in one of the roo"s at DoMa 0osefa
part"ent in 'alate, 'anila that the terrorists occ!pied$
side fro" assassinatin) the Pope, dOplan 7oIin6ad also involved plans to bo"b 11
airliners en ro!te to the 9nited &tates and crashin) a plane f!ll of bo"bs into the (entral
@ntelli)ence )ency headH!arters in %ir)inia, 9&$
The th3arted attac6 plan 3as said to be the basis of the Cb11 terror attac6s in the 9nited
&tates$ Trisha "acas/@)+ :"% =e8s
3eprt'ent of Touris' "hilippines nnounces G/isit "hilippines Yer #$1CG
The Depart"ent of To!ris" *DOT+ Philippines has anno!nced 2014 as ?%isit Philippines
;ear? *%P; 2014+$ 2ith n!"ero!s "aIor events lined !p in 2014, Philippines incl!des @ndia
as one of its 6ey "ar6ets$ s a part of the pro"otion, the DOT has la!nched a ne3
"icrosite its"oref!ninthePhilippines$co"$
&pea6in) abo!t %P; 2014, 'aria (ora:on 8 0orda-po, oNcer-in-char)e, "ar6et
develop"ent )ro!p, DOT, said, A2e see @ndia as a potential "ar6et, as the pop!lation is
h!)e$ 2e are pro"otion l!G!ry to!ris" and shoppin) to!rs for the @ndian "ar6et as the
n!"ber of /#@s in @ndia is very lar)e$ 2014 is a bi) year for !s as it is %isit Philippines
;ear$ 2e have "any "aIor events happenin) in o!r co!ntry$ @n 0an!ary 2014, Pope Francis
3ill be visitin) Philippines$ 2e 3ill be hostin) the sia Pacifc <cono"ic (ooperation
*P<(+ "inisterial "eetin)s and leaders. s!""it in #ove"ber, 3hich is one of the
bi))est '@(< events in o!r list$B
The DOT Philippines has 3itnessed a positive trend in @ndian to!rist arrivals, 3ith nine per
cent )ro3th in 0!ly 2014$ &pea6in) abo!t the @ndian "ar6et, 0orda-po, co""ented, A2e
have seen a stron) interest a"on)st the @ndian travellers$ 2e have recently la!nched the
Philippines &pecialist Pro)ra""e, as the @ndian travel a)ents have sho3n interest to
6no3 "ore abo!t o!r nation$ 2e are eGpectin) a lot of @ndian to!rist in 2014$ lso the
@ndian travellers love to eGplore diFerent c!isines, neGt year 3e are hostin) the bi))est
c!linary event in the 3orld, the 'adrid F!sion 'anila in pril$B
The DOT has !nveiled fresh ca"pai)n banners foc!sin) on fve the"es, na"ely, b!siness
"eetin)se history and c!lt!ree lifestyle and entertain"ente "!sic and the artse sports,
advent!re, and eco-to!ris"$
A@" 'ore 2orried bout cro2ds thn r'ed groups in ppl visit
7y leGis 5o"ero *philstar$co"+
'#@1, Philippines, &epte"ber 30, 2014 - 2hat 3orries soldiers abo!t the visit of Pope
Francis to the Philippines this October 2014 and 0an!ary 2014a
@t.s not so "!ch abo!t the ar"ed )ro!ps 3ho co!ld sabota)e the pontiF.s historic visit to
the lar)est (atholic co!ntry in sia$
Papal %isit sia 2014
The "ilitary is "ore concerned abo!t the cro3ds 3ho "i)ht "ob the pope, 3ho is fond of
"in)lin) 3ith devotees$
AThere is no s!ch threat *fro" ar"ed )ro!ps+$ O!r concern is he "i)ht be "obbed by the
devotees,B r"ed Forces chief 8en$ 8re)orio (atapan) 0r$ told reporters T!esday in (a"p
(atapan) noted that the pope so"eti"es ali)hts fro" his heavily )!arded vehicle I!st to
)reet the cro3ds$ /e said they are concerned that the pontiF "i)ht trip oF if he )ets
s3ar"ed by devotees$
AThe people li6e hi" very "!ch,B the (atapan) said$
7!t apart fro" possible "ishaps, the "ilitary does not see any serio!s threat that co!ld
disr!pt the papal visit$
AThere is no threat to o!r pope$ ;o! 6no3, o!r pope is very pop!lar,B he added$
2hile sec!rin) i"portant persons is a da!ntin) tas6, (atapan) said they are loo6in)
for3ard to Pope Francis. visit$
Pope Francis 3ill visit the co!ntry fro" 0an!ary 14-1C and is eGpected to )o to areas
aFected by typhoon A;olanda$B
The visit 3ill co"e a"id concerns over the threats posed by the @sla"ic &tate of &yria and
@raH, a terrorist )ro!p that is reportedly recr!itin) "e"bers in diFerent co!ntries$
President H!ino has )iven ass!rance that the pope 3o!ld be )iven adeH!ate sec!rity
d!rin) his visit$
The "ilitary 3ill provide t3o battalions to a!)"ent the sec!rity forces 3ho 3ill sec!re
Pope Francis$
"on) those 3ho 3ill help safe)!ard the pope are the Filipino peace6eepers 3ho f)!red
in a standoF 3ith &yrian rebels in 8olan /ei)hts last !)!st$
"A"AL /JSJT K "hilpost issuing specil "ope @rncis st'ps
A"6 .everly 9atividad, 9ews)
3eptember 30, 2014 2634 A)
)A/51A, Philippines - The Philippine Postal *orp, is iss!in0 special stamps to celebrate the papal
'isit on October 23 to 27, 2014 and in an!ar" 201#, b!t first, it is see.in0 p!blic participation in the
Accordin0 to Postmaster 4eneral osie dela *r!2, Philpost &ill la!nch on Oct, 11 an on-the-spot desi0n
The a0enc" e>pects to print some 1#0,000 s!ch special stamps for Pope FrancisHs 'isit, or more than the
!s!al 100,000 as in pre'io!s similar pro:ects, beca!se the" e>pect a h!0e demand for these stamps,
considerin0 this popeHs pop!larit",
K8e &ill la!nch an on-the-spot dra&in0 contest, The top fo!r &inners &ill be the official desi0n of the
stamps in honor of his 'isitin0 the Philippines,K said dela *r!2,
8hile the stampHs desi0ns &ill be cro&d-so!rced, the so!'enir sheet alread" has a desi0n, The so!'enir
sheet is the en'elope in &hich the special stamps &ill be placed, and the so-called First Ba" *o'er ;the
bi00er en'elope that is considered a collectible beca!se it is sold onl" d!rin0 the la!nch< &ill be
desi0ned &ith a special coina0e stamp &ith metallic foil $ somethin0 that is not !s!all" !sed for a
so!'enir sheet,
The 3tamp *ommittee still has to deliberate on the price at &hich the stamps &ill be sold,
Aesides the desi0n contest, Philpost is also enco!ra0in0 "o!n0 people to &rite letters to the Pope,
&hich it promises to deli'er to 9is 9oliness &hen he comes to )anila,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Philpost &ill install mail bo>es for this p!rpose &hen it cond!cts the roadsho& to e>hibit the first
stamps that &ill be printed,
K/o&, to dr!m !p interest abo!t his 'isit, on /o'ember 3 &e &ill ha'e a mo'in0 e>hibit, 5tHs abo!t the
fo!r popes for &hom Philpost has iss!ed stamps alread", The mail bo>es &ill be installed &here'er &e
&ill ha'e the mo'in0 e>hibit, same in Tacloban, Ba'ao, or 3) A!ra,K
This &ill be the second Pope Francis stamp in the co!ntr", 5n April this "ear d!rin0 the anni'ersar" of
his election as Pope, Philpost also printed special stamps feat!rin0 the popeHs ima0e, Philpost partnered
&ith the Vatican Post in the desi0n and printin0 of this earlier stamp,
Philpost !s!all" iss!es special stamps for papal milestones6 the 'isit to )anila of Pope Pa!l V5 in 1%70G
the 'isits in 1%@1 and 1%%# of ohn Pa!l 55G the death in 200# of Pope ohn Pa!l 55G and his
canoni2ation to0ether &ith Pope ohn SS555 this "ear,
3ince Pope-related stamps are not iss!ed often, there are act!all" no Pope stamp collectors in the
co!ntr", e>cept for those &ho reall" collect all items related to popes,
K5f e'er the" are not acti'e members ;of philatelic 0ro!ps< and itHs hard to find &here the" are,
/ormall" the" are not stamp collectors b!t onl" so!'enir collectors beca!se there are so fe& iss!es of
papal stamps here for them to form a decent collection,K said Ce" On0, president of the Philippine
Philatelic Federation,
3till, accordin0 to Philpost, demand is hi0h for papal stamps printed in the Philippines, 8hen the"
printed the t&in canoni2ation stamps this "ear, the" recei'ed n!mero!s calls from 5tal" from people
&ishin0 to boo. orders,
4rdinry 8o (ore
#othin) can hinder 0@1.s pastors and leaders fro" a deeper H!est for 8od$ #O the cost of
travelin) "any "iles a3ay fro" ho"e to a place of a diFerent ti"e :one`
the tro!ble of st!dyin) in a school *even at an a)e past )ood eyesi)ht and sharp
even the ris6 of bein) ter"inated fro" a f!llti"e and stable sec!lar Iob$
That 3as 3hat the siGty-ei)ht *>=+ pastors, ch!rch coordinators and select core leaders of
the #orth "erican /e"isphere *#o/+ of the 0@1 @nternational Operations proved$
#o ordinary st!dents
Travelin) fro" across the diFerent parts of the 9& and (anada, they )athered at 0@1
(ornerstone in Toronto, Ontario, (anada fro" !)!st 1=-&epte"ber 1, 2014 for
the dvanced Pastoral and &hepherdin) 'inistry (o!rse of the 7ro$ <ddie &chool of
'inistries @nternational *7<&'@+$
2hat co!ld have ca!sed their :eala Partly beca!se it 3as the frst ever 7<&'@ pro)ra"
o!tside the Philippines$ 7!t "ostly_and pri"arily_beca!se of their si"ple desire to be
fo!nd eNcient #D faithf!l as they carry o!t the delicate callin) of 8od in their lives$
That, they obtained$$$ and "ore$ 7eca!se 7<&'@ is a 7ible school` and "ore$
#o ordinary c!rric!l!"
Papal %isit sia 2014
2ith in-depth teachin)s on the "ost f!nda"ental topics s!ch as theolo)y, soteriolo)y,
her"ene!tics and bible prophecies, their already )ifted "inds 3ere sharpened$
Thro!)h eGha!stive disc!ssions on the practical basics of pastoral s6ill and practice s!ch
as ch!rch plantin), ch!rch )ro3th, concept for"ation, o!tlinin) and ho"iletics, their
already hard3or6in) hands and feet 3ere stren)thened$
(o!pled 3ith stirrin) lessons on the core principles of pastorin) s!ch as shepherdin)
"inistry, leadership pitfalls and fnishin) 3ell, their already b!rnin) hearts 3ere set
5einforced 3ith frsthand acco!nts on the history and principles of this ch!rch born fro"
the very heart of 8od, their already s!r)in) bloods 3ere p!"ped !p$

Then, thro!)h fresh i"partations fro" 8od thro!)h the personali:ed tal6s of their
apostolic parents and spirit!al leaders, 7ishop 7ro$ <ddie %illan!eva and Dr$ &is$ Dory
%illan!eva, their already !plifted spirits 3ere stirred$
1aced 3ith so"e f!n-flled activities s!ch as )ro!p presentations, Philippine )a"es and a
8ala ni)ht, their already vi)oro!s bodies 3ere bolstered$
Finally, 3rapped !p 3ith the "i)hty "ove and po3er of the /oly &pirit, their entire bein)s
3ere "inistered to and e"po3ered$
/olistic in every 3ay, st!dents 3ere baned$ They never eGpected that a disc!ssion in
theolo)y or ho"iletics 3o!ld "a6e their eyes 3et and red^ &!ch a balance bet3een the
heart and the "ind de"anded this declaration at the end of the co!rse,
A0@1 #o/ 3ill never be the sa"e a)ain^B
#o ordinary acco!nts
7!t even 3hile they 3ere still half3ay thro!)h the co!rse, "ost of the st!dents already
3anted to )o ho"e$ That is, bac6 to their respective ch!rches toapply 3hat they have
learned in 7<&'@_strai)hta3ay$
A2e 3ere )iven a vision, b!t 3e didn.t 6no3 ho3 to f!lfll the vision,B they 3o!ld say$
A7!t no3, eGcited to )o bac6 and start "a6in) 8od.s vision co"e alive^B
<ven #o/ Operations Director, 5ev$ 7on) '$ 8on:ales, share the sa"e tho!)hts, AToday,
3e do not only have the passion, 3e also have the ability$ 7eca!se 3e have spent ti"e to
&!ch 3as the i"pact of the 7<&'@ trainin) to the" that, seasoned pastors and leaders as
they are, they 3ere still enco!ra)ed and edifed$
For others, it 3as havin) the D# of the ch!rch they have been called to serve in)rained
in their bloods$ (h!rch coordinator &ister (ora (riss, 3ho ca"e to 6no3 (hrist in the 9&,
shared ho3 badly she desired to enroll in 7<&'@ to 6no3 3hat the 0@1 (h!rch distinctly is$
#o ordinary o!tco"e
Papal %isit sia 2014
nd yet, if these 3ere all that the >= st!dents )ained fro" 7<&'@_bein) eH!ipped in the
"inistry and bein) rooted in the 0@1 (h!rch_7<&'@ failed$
7eca!se, as 7ro$ <ddie has p!t it, 7<&'@ is not abo!t 7ro$ <ddie, nor abo!t the 0@1
(h!rch$ 7<&'@ is all abo!t 0<&9& (/5@&T, the 8od fro" 3hose heart this ch!rch 3as born$
7!t 7<&'@ did #OT fail$ 7eca!se at the end of the co!rse, all the >= st!dents. cry 3as,
09&T TO P1<&< 8OD$
2ith s!ch a "antra as that, indeed, 0@1 #o/ 3ill never be the sa"e a)ain^
7eca!se they did not only enter in a 7ible school$ They enco!ntered the 8od of the 7ible$
A7uino cretes co''ittee on ppl visit
By Marc Jayson Cayabyab,
President 7eni)no H!ino @@@ has ordered the creation of a co""ittee that 3ill coordinate
preparations for Pope Francis. visit on October 23-27, 2014 and in 0an!ary 2014$
@n 'e"orand!" (irc!lar #o$ 72, H!ino created Papal %isit 2014-#ational Or)ani:in)
(o""ittee *P%-#O(+$
As instr!cted by President H!ino, all heads of the diFerent )overn"ent depart"ents,
local )overn"ents as 3ell as the private sectors are enco!ra)ed to participate and
coordinate all eForts to "a6e s!re that the visit of /is /oliness in o!r co!ntry this "onth
and neGt year 3ill be 3ell or)ani:ed and peacef!l,B <Gec!tive &ecretary PaH!ito #$ Ochoa
0r$ said in a state"ent on Friday$
The co""ittee 3ill be chaired by Ochoa, and vice-chaired by the Forei)n Fairs
&ecretary$ "on) the "e"bers are the &ecretaries of the Depart"ents of #ational
Defense, @nterior and 1ocal 8overn"ent, P!blic 2or6s and /i)h3ays, /ealth,
Transportation and (o""!nications, To!ris", the Presidential (o""!nications
Operations ONce, r"ed Forces (hief of &taF, #ational Police (hief, and 'etropolitan
'anila Develop"ent !thority (hair"an$
@t 3ill coordinate the eForts of the p!blic and private sectors, incl!din) the central
co""ittee of the (atholic 7ishops. (onference of the Philippines, 3hich 3ill lead the
reli)io!s and civil plans of the visit$
Pope Francis is set to visit the victi"s of &!per Typhoon A;olandaB in 1eyte, Typhoon
A8lendaB and A'arioB in 'etro 'anila and A1!isB in 7icol and of the 7$2 "a)nit!de
earthH!a6e in 7ohol$
"ursue "ece nd *e Holy- Without 2hich 8o 4ne En See 1od
/appy blessed victorio!s anniversary to "y 0@1 (h!rch 2orld3ide fa"ily^
2e are a)ain at one historic "o"ent in the life of this precio!s "inistry born fro" the
very heart of 8od$ fter 3> years of eGperiencin) "on!"ental )ro3th and pheno"enal
eGpansion all over the 3orld, 3e cannot help b!t recall o!r h!"ble be)innin)s$
@t all started 3ith a s"all 7ible st!dy co"posed of 14 st!dents of the Polytechnic
9niversity of the Philippines$ ;et this see"in)ly insi)nifcant n!"ber "erely beca"e
proof of 8od.s infnite love and )reat po3er$ The 3hole 3ide 3orld is a 3itness to this
Papal %isit sia 2014
tr!th$ 7y the po3er of the /oly &pirit, 3e have been able to reach even the re"otest
parts of the Philippines, as 3ell as, the farther ends of the earth$
Tho!)h the Io!rney 3as not 3itho!t )reat challen)es and obstacles, 3e are able to loo6
at the bi))er pict!re, and all 3e see is 8od.s a"a:in) )race po!red !pon !s$ /e is
certainly a faithf!l 'aster, tr!e to all /is 3onderf!l pro"ises in /is 2ord$ ll that 3e, as a
(h!rch, have )one thro!)h "erely aNr" /is 3ord in /ebre3s 13,4, A#ever 3ill @ leave
yo!, never 3ill @ forsa6e yo!$B nd 3ith this sa"e pro"ise /e sends !s to the 3orld K no3
3ith a fresh revelation "essa)e to direct all o!r plans and !nderta6in)s,
Pursue Peace and Be 2ol6+ 1ithout 8hich =o .ne Can )ee :od
$2e*re8s 1#414,
This divinely inspired the"e for o!r 3>th nniversary certainly brin)s !s bac6 to the core
of o!r "ission$ s a ch!rch redee"ed by the blood of (hrist, 3e are endo3ed 3ith the
identity as a )lorio!s ch!rch, holy and 3itho!t ble"ish$ O!r callin) is clear K to 3al6 in /is
stat!tes and please /i" in all aspects of o!r eGistence$ This "eans only one thin), 3e
are set apart solely for the /oly 8od$ &!ch is the reason 3hy 3e never )ive !p in o!r
"ission Ato brin) all peoples to the Ein)do" of the 1ivin) 8od re)ardless of race, stat!s,
belief and reli)io!s aNliations thro!)h the savin), healin), deliverin), and transfor"in)
po3er of the 1ord 0es!s (hrist$B
There is nothin) that can stop !s fro" reachin) o!t to lost so!ls and proclai"in) the tr!th
in 5o"ans 4,10, AFor if, 3hile 3e 3ere 8od.s ene"ies, 3e 3ere reconciled to hi" thro!)h
the death of his &on, ho3 "!ch "ore, havin) been reconciled, shall 3e be saved thro!)h
his life^B 2e persevere not only beca!se 3e have been co""issioned to do this K b!t
"ore i"portantly, 3e feel the heartbeat of 8od for the salvation of fallen "an6ind$ /is
deepest desire is for all "en to be reconciled 3ith /i" beca!se this is the only 3ay to
eGperience )en!ine and lastin) peace$ O!r 1ord 0es!s (hrist e"phatically )ave !s this
pro"ise in 0ohn 14,27, APeace @ leave 3ith yo!e "y peace @ )ive yo!$ @ do not )ive to yo!
as the 3orld )ives$ Do not let yo!r hearts be tro!bled and do not be afraid$B part fro"
/i", peace can never reside in a person.s life$ nd since 3e 6no3 that it is 8od.s 3ill for
all to eGperience this 6ind of serenity, 3e 3ill !ntirin)ly oFer this "essa)e to all$
(onseH!ently, the peace 3hich 3e desperately 3ant for o!r co!ntry and the entire 3orld
3ill forever be el!sive if p!rs!ed 3itho!t the 6no3led)e of the Prince of Peace$ For !s to
tr!ly attain a har"onio!s society, all 3e need is the peace of 8od that is birthed fro" a
)en!ine relationship 3ith /i"$ /ence, o!r relentless eForts to spread the 8ood #e3s,
proclai"in) 0es!s is 1ord, to the ends of the earth$
Therefore, as part of /is )lorio!s ch!rch, redee"ed to be his beloved children and faithf!l
disciples, let !s respond to 8od.s call to p!rs!e peace and to be holy^ 2ith passion and
co""it"ent, 3e pled)e o!r entire bein) to 8od, 6no3in) that 3e eGist solely for the
pleas!re of o!r (reator$ nd in this ne3 chapter of the 0@1 (h!rch, 3e anticipate the
)reatest re3ard at the end of the road K to see /i" face to face and re"ain in /is lovin)
presence thro!)ho!t eternity^
)ain, happy, blessed, victorio!s and )lorio!s anniversary to "y 0@1 (h!rch 2orld3ide
Papal %isit sia 2014
ll )lory, honor and praise to the only One 3ho is 3orthy K o!r Prince of Peace, the 1ord
0es!s (hrist^
The visit $.cto*er ##(=ovem*er 1#+ #&14,
The Purpose of the %postolic 3isit
The visit of /is /oliness Pope Francis to the Philippines on 0an!ary 14-1C, 2014 is indeed
a )reat blessin) to a nation 3hose covenant 3ith 8od has been tested in vario!s 3ays,
b!t 3hich has also savored "any tri!"phs in its fo!r cent!ries of (hristian faith$
The spotli)ht 3ill not be on the person of the Pope b!t on the co""!nities devastated by
A/aiyan,B, A5a""as!nB the stron)est typhoon on record, 3hose destr!ctive path
displaced fo!r "illion people and ]attened a "illion ho"es$ Pict!res of s!rvivors, carryin)
reli)io!s i"a)es and cl!tchin) their rosaries 3hile ]eein) in the hei)ht of the typhoon.s
devastation, are i"a)es of faith that have str!c6 a chord in the co""on h!"anity that
brin)s the 3orld to)ether in ti"es of tra)edy$
Pope Francis 3ill be 3ith the people of 7!lacan, 5i:al, 1a)!na, Tacloban and Palo in 1eyte
as they reco!nt their stories of s!rvival, pray for their dead, and contin!e to reb!ild their
lives$ AO!r co"passionate shepherd co"es to sho3 his deep concern for o!r people 3ho
have )one thro!)h devastatin) cala"ities, especially in the %isayas$
/e co"es to confr" !s in o!r faith as 3e face the challen)es of 3itnessin) to the 0oy of
the 8ospel in the "idst of o!r trials,B states the Pastoral 1etter iss!ed by the bishops of
the Philippines on 0!ly 4, 2014 to Prepare the People of 8od for the postolic %isit of Pope
The 2014 and 2014 visit is also in response to the invitation of civil a!thorities, 3hich
aFords the /oly Father the chance to "eet the faithf!l in 'anila, the nation.s capital$
(hristians fro" all 3al6s of life are !r)ed to prepare spirit!ally for the Pope.s forthco"in)
visit, e"bracin) the "ercy of 8od and beco"in) a "ercif!l people, concretely by
eGtendin) an act of "ercy every day and by freH!entin) the &acra"ents of 5econciliation
and the <!charist$
A2hen the Pope co"es, he 3ill brin) 3ith hi" the "essa)e of the "ercy and co"passion
of 8od$ 2hen he "eets !s, "ay he see in !s a people to!ched by the "ercy of 8od,
livin) o!t the co"passion of 8od, a people tr!ly rich in "ercy and co"passion and
)ratef!l to those 3ho have sho3n "ercy to !s especially after vario!s cala"ities hit o!r
co!ntry,B the Pastoral 1etter states$
Pre(Papal %ctivities $.cto*er 1A(#'+ #&14,
@A*E "lenry "rogr'
The T3elfth Plenary sse"bly of the Federation of sian 7ishops? (onferences *F7(+ 3ill
open 3ith a <!charistic celebration on October 21 at 'anila (athedral 3ith (ardinal
Papal %isit sia 2014
Francis rin:e, Papal representative to the asse"bly, as presider$ This 3ill be follo3ed by
the oNcial openin) of the "eetin) at Pi!s T@@ (enter, alon) 9nited #ations ven!e$
The afternoon of the frst day and the "ornin) of 2ednesday, October 22, 3ill be devoted
to the disc!ssion of a 3or6in) paper on the conference the"e A1ivin) the <!charist 3ith
(hrist in sia$B 2ednesday afternoon 3ill be a disc!ssion on the &tat!tes of the
Federation, 3hile Th!rsday, October 23, 3ill see )ro!pin)s of the participants accordin)
to re)ionse incl!din) a conference on dThe 2ord of 8od and the <!charistd by rchbishop
Tho"as 'ena"para"pil of 8!3ahati, @ndia$
For Friday, October 24, the 3or6shop reports of the re)ional )ro!pin)s 3ill be presented
as 3ell as activity reports fro" the nine F7( oNces, 3hich carry o!t the basic activities
of the Federation$
The "ornin) of &at!rday, October 24, 3ill be open for interventions of individ!al bishops?
conferences 3hile the late afternoon and evenin) of this day 3ill distrib!te the
participants to so"e 12 parishes in 'etro 'anila for a pastoral eGpos!re and dinner 3ith
local co""!nities$
The Plenary 3ill end on 'onday "ornin), October 27, 3ith the fnal doc!"ent of the
"eetin) and the concl!din) <!charist at the conference ven!e, Pi!s T@@ (enter, 'anila$
ll in all, so"e 120 dele)ates and participants are eGpected, representin) the 1=
"e"ber-bishops? conferences of the Federation and 11 associate "e"bers$ The )eneral
the"e of the asse"bly is A1ivin) the <!charist in sia$B This 3ill be the thirdti"e that
s!ch a plenary ta6es place in 'anila, after the fo!ndation of the Federation in 'anila in
1C70, the >th Plenary sse"bly in 1CC4 and the C
Plenary sse"bly in 200C$
Pope FrancisB 3isit to the %sia and .ceania $.cto*er #'(=ovem*er 1#+ #&14,
The Pope 'isited the Philippines on October 23 to 27, 2014 in time for the ann!al anni'ersar"
celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide, 3ome 3 million people lined the streets to &elcome
Pope Francis, &ho arri'ed on October 23, 2014, three da"s after the Aeatification of Pope Pa!l V5 on
October 1%, 2014 at the Vatican,
The fi'e-da" 'isit &as the Pope?s first o'erseas trip after he led the canoni2ation rites in the third &ee.
of October of the same "ear,
Ta)le can?t stop "ee
he?s not 8od-#oy
*7y 0!liet 1$ 0avellana and &tella O$ 8on:ales+
Papal %isit sia 2014
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 11, 2012 (.N3U.RER) 4 (*ACB5/A1 Ta0le is not 4od and no matter
&hat acc!sations he a0ainst me, he cannot stop me,+
An an0r" President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 "esterda" str!c. bac. at )anila Archbishop 1!is Antonio
*ardinal 4, Ta0le for callin0 his administration (dis0!stin0,+ and !sed !p almost all of his t&o-ho!r
radio pro0ram to attac. the leader of the co!ntr"Hs more than #0 million Coman *atholics,
)r, A-!ino said he &as &illin0 to resi0n (ri0ht no&I+ if Ta0le co!ld pro'e he &as 0!ilt" of corr!ption,
The President made his anti-3in offensi'e as his all", =l 3haddai fo!nder and ser'ant-leader Aro, )i.e
O, Velarde, br!shed off concerns that he &o!ld be disobe"in0 Ta0le b" holdin0 a separate 0atherin0 of
his floc. on the same da" the rall"ists &o!ld lead an anti-*harter chan0e rall",
Velarde said that in the October 27-27 =l 3haddai 0atherin0, pra"er re-!ests &o!ld be made, incl!din0
the resol!tion of the )arcos &ealth iss!e in a referend!m and the s!ccessf!l of se'eral e'ents,
3pea.in0 on his &ee.l" radio sho& "esterda", )r, A-!ino critici2ed Ta0le, sa"in0 (&e still respect him
b!t there is no tr!th to these acc!sations,+
9e &as reactin0 to 3inHs statement callin0 on the p!blic to oppose )r, A-!inoHs mo'es to amend the
*onstit!tion and attac.in0 the alle0ed ret!rn of cron"ism and the rene&ed infl!ence of the famil" of
the late deposed dictator Ferdinand )arcos !nder the A-!ino 555 administration,
5n a statement iss!ed earlier this &ee., Ta0le said )r, A-!inoHs administration &as HHdis0!stin0HH for
allo&in0 the ret!rn to po&er of )arcos associates and also acc!sed the 0o'ernment of a lac. of
transparenc" and for a percei'ed clampdo&n on at least t&o ne&spapers, the )anila Times and the
The President assailed Ta0le for &ritin0 lies ;(*a"ang -atoto(anan%< and (baseless+ acc!sations,
)r, =strada has been repeatedl" acc!sin0 the 5/JE5C=C of the same offenses,
The statement is set to be read toda" in all *atholic ch!rches in the co!ntr",
Call"sts called for a massi'e protest rall" on October 27, mainl" a0ainst the iss!es raised in the pastoral
The *atholic bishops are bac.in0 Ta0leHs opposition to *harter chan0es b!t the main b!siness 0ro!ps
are in fa'or of s!ch amendments,
)ore than #0 million of the co!ntr"Hs 74 million pop!lation are Coman *atholics,
The late former )anila Archbishop aime *ardinal 3in and the late former Philippine president
*ora2on *o:!an0co-A-!ino led the 1%@7 =dsa pop!lar re'ol!tion that toppled Ferdinand =, )arcos
from po&er and installed her as president on Febr!ar" 2#, 1%@7,
.acked by losers
)r, A-!ino belittled the planned protest, sa"in0 (the ones behind that are those &ho ran a0ainst me in
the election and &ere i0nored b" the people and e'en !p to no&, the" contin!e their attac.s &itho!t
This &as a reference to the fact that 3in and A-!ino bac.ed a losin0 candidate a0ainst him in the 2010
elections, &hich )r, A-!ino 555 &on b" a landslide 'ictor",
)r, A-!ino slammed 3in in his (Ceport .a" Aoss+ radio pro0ram, &hich is aired nation&ide,
The President mentioned the name of the hi0hest-ran.in0 *atholic leader in the co!ntr" 12 times
d!rin0 the t&o-ho!r pro0ram, &hich "esterda" &as de'oted entirel" to his plans to amend the
HH8e still respect him beca!se heHs the cardinal, b!t he sho!ld not o'erdo it ;ma.in0 acc!sations<
beca!se no one &ill belie'e him an"more,HH the President said in Pilipino,
Papal %isit sia 2014
9is co-host, Ted Failon, read to him this portion ;translated into Pilipino< of 3inHs letter6 (The ret!rn to
po&er of the former pl!nderers is dis0!stin0, The harassment of press people is alarmin0, The
compromise &ith the heirs of the dictator is immoral,+
rove it
)r, A-!ino, a former )arcos all", denied he &as restorin0 the )arcoses to po&er or s!ppressin0 press
freedom, 9e 'ehementl" denied an" corr!ption !nder his administration,
9e pointed o!t that as ma"or of 3an !an to&n in )etro )anila, then as senator and 'ice president, and
no& as President, he &as ne'er lin.ed to an" corr!ption,
(/o&, if *ardinal Ta0le can pro'e 5 stole from the 0o'ernment, 5 &ill resi0n ri0ht no&,+ he said,
(5 am not challen0in0 him to a debate, 9e :!st has to pro'e 5 committed an" act of 0raft and
corr!ption in the 0o'ernment,
(9e cannot call me a thief,HH he said, HH9e has no proof, 9e is a cardinal, 9e sho!ldnHt ma.e acc!sations
li.e that,+
9ot people:s sentiments
9e said Ta0leHs letter did not reflect the sentiments of the *atholic faithf!l,
(8hat the *ardinal sa"s sho!ld ha'e at least a little tr!th in it,+ he said,
(The tro!ble is, the people &ho are :oinin0 him are the same ones &ho ran a0ainst me in the election
and &ere i0nored b" the people, ='en !p to no&, the" contin!e their attac.s &itho!t basis,+
)r, A-!ino has been repeatedl" assailin0 the 5/JE5C=C for its 2010 =lection Ba" headline,
(An"bod" b!t P/o",+ &hich &as based on a statement the *atholic Aishops *onference of the
Philippines iss!ed :!st before the election,
The President fo!nd an all" in /o'aliches Aishop-=merit!s Teodoro Aacani &ho, in a meetin0 at
)alacaYan0 on Th!rsda", denied that the *A*P had iss!ed that 2010 statement,
Money from Marcos
The President, sa"in0 he &as not a )arcos cron", re'ealed for the first time that )arcos 0a'e him P1@
million in 1%7@, &hen the dictator as.ed him &h" he &as an0r" at the then President,
(5 told President )arcos 5 &as not mad at him b!t 5 &as a0ainst martial la&,+ he said,
9e said he !sed the mone" to b!" land for s-!atters,
9e said Ta0le &as &ell a&are of this beca!se he bo!0ht the land from Cadio Veritas, a *atholic radio
(ThatHs on record, so it canHt be said that 5 stole,+ he said,
(9e has no proof,HH he said, (9eHs a cardinal, he sho!ldnHt ma.e s!ch acc!sations,+
9o press suppression
The President insisted his 0o'ernment &as transparent and there &as no c!rtailment of press freedom,
9e said he had not :ailed an" reporter and had not s!ed an"one in the media after his P101-million libel
s!it a0ainst the 117-"ear-old )anila Times,
9e said that for (that ne&spaper,+ referrin0 to the 5/JE5C=C, freedom &as not red!ced, onl" its
9e said there &as no stoppin0 his administrationHs efforts at *harter chan0e,
(As lon0 as 5 .no& that &hat 5 am doin0 is for the Filipino masses, no one can stop me,+ he said,
(/o matter &hat an"bod", li.e *ardinal Ta0le, acc!ses me of, he cannot chan0e m" mind beca!se 5
belie'e that the 'oice of the people is the 'oice of 4od,+ he said,
(The people elected me, 5 .no& that *ardinal Ta0le is not 4od, so he cannot stop me, no matter &hat
acc!sations he,+
Papal %isit sia 2014
9ot compulsory
;The residents big backer, !l %haddai:s .ro. Mike <elarde and =esus is >ord Church:s .ro.
!ddie <illanueva, said in a news conference yesterday? ;@ suppose that 5circular8 is not
compulsory. !verybody is really for freedom and if they are for freedom, why should they compel
their constituents or force their constituents to attend rallies0A
9e &as referrin0 to the A!0, 7 circ!lar iss!ed b" the Archdiocese of )anila callin0 on all archdiocesan
ministries, parishes, or0ani2ations, schools and other instit!tions to :oin the A!0, 23 and Oct, 27 Call"
for Bemocrac" to be led b" the protesters in )a.ati,
;!l %haddai (/B@ rayer artners Foundation @nternational, @nc. and =esus is >ord Church
/orldwide are under the 'oman Catholic 7rchdiocese of Manila. @t will have its own &ctober #C
to #" rallies at the -uirino 3randstand, 'iDal ark in Manila for the five2day pastoral and state
visit of ope Francis here in the hilippines part of the eleven2day 7sian =ourney from &ctober
## to 9ovember +#, #*+E.A
Four re$uests
Velarde said that at 3 p,m, on October 27, blarin0 of sirens in all 0o'ernment offices, mobile police cars
and &atercraft, firetr!c.s and :ail ser'ice 'ans, tho!sands of &hite do'es &ill be released, bells &ill be
tolled, blo&in0 of horns, po!ndin0 of m!sical dr!ms or tin cans and other noise-prod!cin0
ob:ects, (miracle mission balloons of faith, lo'e and !nit"+ &o!ld be released to the air &ith 4 pra"er
re-!ests and petitions &ritten on ballpen or pencil on them and fire&or.s &ill be lit to si0nal to bro!0ht
o!t the ca.e, chilled champa0ne, blo& the candles and san0 (9app" Airthda"+ to 0reet Arother =ddie,
The fo!r pra"er re-!ests are6
(For =l 3haddai to contin!e to!chin0 peopleHs li'es, healin0 the sic., and repairin0 bro.en
(For President A-!ino to s!cceed in brid0in0 the 0ap bet&een the rich and the poor thro!0h food
sec!rit" and peace and order initiati'es,
(For the )arcos &ealth iss!e to be resol'ed b" the people in a referend!m so the sti0ma and bitterness
ca!sed b" this !nresol'ed iss!e ma" be healed and brin0 abo!t !nit" and lo'e amon0 o!r people,
(For media to be a constr!cti'e partner in nation b!ildin0 b" their tr!thf!l, honest and fair reportin0 of
As.ed later if the last re-!est means that, li.e the President, he thin.s some in media are irresponsible
in their reportin0, Velarde replied6 (5 am not sa"in0 that, 5Hm :!st pra"in0 that media &o!ld contin!e
bein0 a constr!cti'e partner in nation b!ildin0,+
9ot forced
(;People< sho!ld be free to attend rallies and in fact o!r members are free to attend the rallies,
&hiche'er rall" the" &o!ld &ant to attend,+ Velarde said, HH5Hm not forcin0 an"one to attend an"
partic!lar e'ent, ThatHs ho& democrac" sho!ld be obser'ed, incl!din0 b" the *h!rch,HH
A!t he conceded that &hen it comes to matters of faith and morals, reli0io!s mo'ements li.e his can
onl" follo& &hat the *atholic hierarch" sa"s,
<elarde and <illanueva held a news conference at the <@ >ounge of the -uirino 3randstand to
formally announce the celebration of =esus is >ord Church /orldwide founder, international
president and spiritual adviser .ishop .ro. !ddie C. <illanuevas birthday on &ctober C and
=esus is >ord Church /orldwides ,Cth founding anniversary celebration on &ctober #C to #" for
the five2day pastoral and state visit of ope Francis here in the hilippines.
Papal %isit sia 2014
;This event has long been planned and scheduled since last year after the &ctober +C, #*+, .ohol
earth$uake, the 9ovember F, #*+, %uper Typhoon ;GolandaA and the =uly +), #*+E %uper
Typhoon 3lenda,A <elarde said, eHplaining why the annual founding anniversary celebration and
grand prayer assembly of the religious group ;=esus is >ord ChurchA headed by .ishop .ro.
!ddie <illanueva will coincide with the pork barrel rally.
9o changing date
()" birthda" &as sched!led 7# "ears a0o on A!0!st 20, 1%3% &hile Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a?s birthda"
&as sched!led @1 "ears a0o on October 7, 1%33,+ he added, (8e canHt chan0e that,+
An 5/JE5C=C so!rce said he disco'ered that =l 3haddai s!bmitted a reser'ation letter on !l" 27 to
Ci2al Par. a!thorities to incl!de 3at!rda", A!0!st 23 and 3!nda", A!0!st 24, in the 0ro!p?s
=l 3haddai?s re0!lar 0atherin0 is held on 3at!rda" and 3!nda", and re-!ires reser'ation letter,
Ta0le anno!nced the October 27 to 27 rallies on October 1%, 2014,
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555, Vice President e:omar Aina", Feliciano Aelmonte, r,, *hief
!stice )aria 1o!rdes P,A, 3ereno and other 0o'ernment officials ha'e been in'ited to attend the =l
3haddai rall",
Also in'ited as spea.ers and 0!ests d!rin0 the 9ol" )ass are b!siness and ch!rch leaders, sports icons,
fashion models, mo'ie and tele'ision celebrities and hi0h societ" fi0!res led b" )etroban. president
Ton" Abacan, Philippine /ational Aan. board of director, Cep, )i0!el ()i.e+ Comero, retired
Philippine 3!preme *o!rt *hief !stices 9ilario Ba'ide, r,, Artemio Pan0aniban and Ce"nato P!no,
Fernando Oobel de A"ala, Aea Oobel, A"ala 1and, 5nc, president Antonino (Ton"K A-!ino, Co&ena
Tomeldan, A* 1e0arda, )ar. 3ablan, oseph Ce"es, )aricris Aernardino, Pi'i Bia2, Cina Ce:anit,
Aobb" B", )an!el V, Pan0ilinan, TV# President-=merit!s and The Philippine 3TAC *hairman Att",
Ca" *, =spinosa, TV# President and *=O /oel 1oren2ana, Ariel Fermin, 4ar" B!:ali, /e&s# head
1!chi *r!2-Valdes, )eralco 9C and *orporate 3er'ices 3enior Vice-President and Philippine
Aas.etball Association *hairman-=merit!s )on 3e0ism!ndo and 3ports# head and 4ilas Pilipinas
Aas.etball Team *oach *hot Ce"es, Lenneth Dan0, Tessie 3"-*oson, Ton" Tan-*a.tion0, Camon An0,
Alfred T", Arth!r T", 3ari Dap, 1ance 4o.on0&ei, Cobina 4o.on0&ei-Pe, 1i2a 4o.on0&ei-*hen0,
5sha Anda"a-Valles, )"r2a 3ison, o-ann )a0lipon, AA3-*A/ Aroadcastin0 *orporation *hairman
=!0enio 1ope2 555, AA3-*A/ Aroadcastin0 *orporation President and *hief *ontent Officer *haro
3antos-*oncio, 3tar *inema AA3-*A/ Film Prod!ctions, 5nc, mana0in0 director )alo! 3antos,
Aroadcast 9ead and *hannel 2 9ead *or" Valen2!ela-Vidanes, tele'ision b!siness !nit head 1a!renti
B"o0i, b!siness !nit head for comed" 1in00it Tan-)arasi0an, AA3-*A/ P!blishin0, 5nc, 4eneral
)ana0er =rnie 1ope2, Breamscape =ntertainment Tele'ision President Beo =ndrinal, Co>" 1i-!i0an,
Cile" 3antia0o, Cobert 1aba"en, )ar. Dambot, A!0!st Aenite2, /and" Villar, Cico *am!s, Ca"mond
)iranda, )ar. 1ope2, )aricel Arenas, 9app" )ab!la", Bar&in *errado, Aldrin *errado, Bino
1a!rena, )arch Ventosa, *hris 1ope2, *arlo Lati0ba., 1eo Lati0ba., Paolo Pineda, Aon0 Osorio,
)onchet Oli'es, Laren *oloma, former AA3-*A/ presidents *ito Ale:andro and Freddie 4arcia,
mo'ie and tele'ision director ohnn" )anahan, 3tar )a0ic Vice-President )ariole Alberto, *ath"
4arcia-)olina, Arnel /ati'idad, Toto /ati'idad, )al! 3e'illa, Cechie del *armen, o:o 3a0!in, Oli'ia
1amasan, 1a!rice 4!illen, err" 1ope2-3inenen0, Tots )ariscal, =ri. 3al!d, C!el Aa"ani, C!el /a'al,
o"ce Aernal, ohn-B 1a2atin, erome Pobocan, onathan Bia2, 8enn Beramas and Bon *!aresma, 4,
000 1ope2 .in from all o'er the &orld, AA3-*A/ )anila Cadio and 3ports Bi'ision head Peter
)!sn0i, AA3-*A/ 5nte0rated /e&s and *!rrent Affairs *hief 4in0 Ce"es and *hoose Philippines
Papal %isit sia 2014
head *harie Villa, m!sic composer and tele'ision director Aobet and actor Lobi Vidanes, the members
of the Dap, Bia2, *astelo, Ba2a, Planas, Valen2!ela and Vidanes families, Andre& Tan, Aeth 1ee, Fe
A0!do, 8ashin0ton 3"cip, Felipe 4o2on, )enardo imene2, 3r,, imm" B!a'it, Annette 4o2on-
Abro0ar, 1ito Abro0ar, 1il"beth 4, Casonable, Ce0ie *, Aa!tista, )ari'in T, Ara"ata, ose )ari C,
Abacan, 4i0i 3antia0o-1ara, Barlin0 P, Be es!s, *her"l *hin0-3", Teresa 1, Pacis, Aan0 E,
Arespacocha0a, Ali /, TAP=, 5nc, president and chief e>ec!ti'e officer Ton"
T!'iera, )alo! *hoa-Fa0ar, TAP=, 5nc, chairman-emerit!s Com" alos:os, 3an:i' Vohra, 8ilson
Tien0, Philippine Bail" 5n-!irer board chairman )ari>i C!fino-Prieto, Philippine Bail" 5n-!irer
president Ale>andra Prieto-Com!alde2, Philippine Bail" 5n-!irer editor-in-chief 1ett" imene2-
)a0sanoc, Enited 3tates =mbass" spo.esperson Cebecca Thompson, as &ell 0!ests &ere media
a0encies and ad'ocac" partners, 700 participants of the 8orld =conomic For!m on =ast Asia 3!mmit
2014 from more than 30 co!ntries, 1,000 0!ests d!rin0 the president?s (3tate of the /ation Address+
2014, ba0 desi0ner 3"l'ia 3antos, fashion desi0ners * A!endia, Cand" Orti2, o:ie 1loren, Bon0
Oma0a Bia2, oe" 3amson, 5'arl!s.i Aseron, Vittorio Aarba, 4err" Lati0ba., Frederic. Peralta, Ca:o
1a!rel, 1en /epom!ceno, 9ind" 8eber-Tantoco, Camon =steban, P Aranador, =d&in Ao, O 9ofer,
Arc" 4a"atin, Tippi Ocampo, A'el Aac!dio, erome 3ala"a An0, oel =scober, Anthon" /ocom, Albert
Andrada, /oel *risostomo, Conaldo Arnaldo, Lristel D!lo, 9app" Andrada, Pablo *abah!0 and ames
Ce"es, FBAP desi0ners ohnn" Abad, Cic." Abad, Be>ter Ala2a, /ino An0eles, Belb" Ara0ais, Laren
*astro, Lirb" *r!2, 5'an dela *r!2, Perr" Bia2, 1"nn Co>as, Ao"et B"sanco, Cicco =scaro, Coc."
4athercole, 4enar 4o2!m, Pristine de 4!2man, Adin 1ara, Pa!l Canier 1im, /oelle 1la'e, =d0ar
)adamba, ontie )artine2, / )artine2, Ole )orabe, Vi'o /a2areth, Ba'e Ocampo, 1ito Pere2,
/holie Pilapil, o"ce Pilars.", Aan Pineda, Cao!l Camire2, Da.o Ce"es, Choland Co>as, =d0ar 3an
Bie0o, Fann" 3errano, =d&in E", 3imon Ariel Vas-!e2, 4eoffre" Oordilla, independent fashion
desi0ners !n =scario, )ichelle 3ison, Patrice Camos Bia2, *harina 3arte, *ar" 3antia0o, Bennis
1!stico, ohn Paras, Aea Albert, =ric de los 3antos, )a!reen Besini, Vania Comoff, )artin Aa!tista,
ohn\Pa!l 9errera, Conald )endo2a, A!die =spino, 3idne" Pere2 3io, 4o!llee 4orospe and Cao!l
Camire2, co!ntr"?s desi0n icons 5nno 3otto, A!00ie *ordero, Pepito Albert, *esar 4a!po, 1!l! Tan-
4an, )i.e de la Cosa and 1oretto, =fren Ocampo and The Bean of Filipino Fashion Besi0ners Aen
Farrales, )c*ann =ric.son *lient 3er'ice Birector Aernadette *hinc!anco, *oca-*ola A3=A/
A!siness Enit President )an!el Arro"o, *oca-*ola Philippines President _ 4eneral )ana0er
4!illermo Aponte, mar.etin0 director An!bha 3ahasrab!ddhe and Franchise and *ommercial
1eadership Birector Peter 3chaelstraete to0ether &ith the *oca-*ola Philippines team6 ohanna 9ife,
3te'e 1ittle, Co0ie Belena, Ca"mond Villaflor, Tee:ae 3on2a, obert B!mlao, 3haron Tan0anco, Co.i
Ferrer, Cachel *r!2, Francis *h!a, Fran2 Becloedt, Dasmin )allari, enn" *inco, in0 Atien2a,
*riselda Pasc!al, )a'el Aanocnoc, Thess Ac!na, Franco or0e, 3tephanie *astillo, Tish *ondeno,
aideep Libe, /icamae Aa"len, enal"n Pere2, Aarr" del Cosario, and /i..i 1ee, 3!"en *orporationHs
/ene and Vir0ilio 1im, Ar"an 1im and 3!"en 1im, *arlos *hanHs children *arlson, Archie, Cinb",
1arr", Os2en and 3hera, Ton" Ferrer, 1a&rence Tan, Att", o:i Villan!e'a-Alonso, former 5locos Cep,
Co-!e (Co-!ito+ Ablan, *harie Villa, 3tella Lati0ba. Bearin0, *ec" 3eares 1!na, B!.e Frasco, *ho"
and )arissa *o:!an0co, 3!"en *orporation *hairman, *hief =>ec!ti'e Officer and Fo!nder Aen
*han, hair st"list and Philippine Fashion Aall creati'e director /oel )anapat, p!blic relations
practitioner, e'ents or0ain2er and talent mana0er Leren Pasc!al, 4irlie Codis and 3tar )a0ic handler
)onch /o'ales, )aricar Sere2-A!r0os, Laren 3antos, *onchita Toda, Bood" T!ason, Fr, Pedro 4arcia
4alende, An0ie 1acson, *ora2on Al'ina, ose )ari Trenas, 5"a Villania and Bre& Arellano, Paolo
Papal %isit sia 2014
Abrera and 3!2i =ntrata, bea!t" -!eens 1ara J!i0aman, 3hamce" 3!ps!p &ith h!sband 1lo"d 1ee,
4&en C!ais, Aianca )analo and Pia 8!rt2bach, 3itti /a'arro, asmine *!rtis 3mith, ames Alanco,
=ric Tai, L Arosas, *la!dine Aarretto and Ca"mart 3antia0o, Cand" 3antia0o, Aamboo )analac,
Ainibinin0 Pilipinas 2013 &inners *ind" )iranda and Pia Comero, )iss 5nternational 2013 Aea Cose
3antia0o, )iss Eni'erse 2013 3rd C!nner-Ep Ariella Arida, Latherine de *astro-*r!2, O"o Ao" 3otto,
Co&ell 3antia0o, Bomini-!e *o:!an0co, Bina Aonne'ie &ith h!sband 5locos 3!r Vice-4o'ernor
Beo0racias Victor 3a'ellano, ericho Cosales, apl,de,ap, =ddie 4arcia and Cichard 4ome2, Former
Professional )odels Association of the Philippines board members and fashion l!minaries Tina
)aristela Ocampo, 522a 4on2ales-A0ana, Besiree Verdadero-Abesamis, )arina Aenipa"o, Patt"
Aetita, T&eetie de 1eon-4on2ale2, Ben Abesamis, 9ans )ontene0ro, 4race )olina and Ariel
Atendido, Cobert )anan-!il, models Cobb" )anan-!il, Ca"a )anan-!il-de 1eon, and Cissa
)anan-!il-Trillo &ith Valerie de los 3antosG Ateneo de )anila Eni'ersit" Al!e =a0les team mana0er
Paolo TrilloG *!rrent Professional )odels Association of the Philippines president Phoemela Aaranda
also came &ith )anila?s fa'o!rite models 4race Ta0le, A!bbles Paraiso, 1!.e ic.ain, )ia A"esa,
3an"a 3mith, )i.a 1a0dameo-)artine2, Antoinette =nciso-Ocampo, An0el A0!stin-*o and )arilen
Fa!stino-)ontene0ro The Philippine 3TAC 1ifest"le section col!mnists C 1edesma, 3tephanie
O!biri-*respi, and Tim Dap, The Philippine 3TAC 1ifest"le section editor )illet )artine2-)anan-!il,
Philippine Bail" 5/JE5C=C 1ifest"le section editor Thelma 3ioson-3an !an, )=Cal*o Aolts coach
/orman Alac., Ateneo men?s bas.etball coach Ao Perasol and his pla"ers Ponso 4otladera, Lris
Porter, Anton Asistio, 5saac !les 1im, former pla"ers )ac." =scalona, /ico 3al'a, Aacon A!stria,
Tonino 4on2a0a, =mman )onfort, !ami Tion0son, Fran. 4olla, Opin0 3!malino0 and P =rram, 3en,
Aon0 Ce'illa r,, 8illiam 1ao, *arol 4arcia, *harlie *o:!an0co, )other 1il" D!-)onte'erde, )ar.
1apid, =thel Camos, Bolor 4!e'arra, Aoots Plata, Cic." 1o, *rist" Fermin, Ci..a B"lim, 3hirle"
L!an, Beedee 3"tan0co, 3ec, 3onn" *oloma, Aeth Ta0le, Cep, Ba> and )id" *!a, Boll" Anne
*ar'a:al-)endo2a, Osa Osa Padilla, )on Ba'id, 1il" 1a"!0, Arth!r )an!nta0, *hristine 3in0son,
4race 3in0son, Tess Ba2a, A-!ino-4a'ino, o" )elendre2, Ton"pet Albano, )aricar Ahel,
Ceps, Eliran oa-!in, 9ermilando )andanas, Annie 3!sano and A!tch B!mpit, Vanessa Francisco,
Annabelle Cama-4!tierre2, Aoots Anson-Coa, 3no& Ta0o, *harmaine D!, 4re0 D!, =dm!nd 1im and
Camon acinto, 9elen On0, *alero, eannie 4o!lbo!rn, Latrina Feist, !n and /ene 1eonor, o:o
and 9enr" Oabarte, )arilo! 1o'ina, La" L!o. 4oo, =li2abeth de )otte, Conald Villa'ele2, =nrico
1in0ao, r,, Protacio =mpaces, )ario Cotersos, !de =lardo, =d&in Ao, )ario *olmenares, Comain
Aarberis, *arminia Pa'ia, 3pencer T", 1i2a Tan, *hristine 3an Bie0o, Laren 4r!pp, )imi and !liet
Tan, Ana and Vince Aiton0, Tito 9erbosa, An0ela Trillo, *hris, *hito )elo, Ciina 3inisalo,
Ale>andra =scat, ohnn" Ce'illa, 3and" Ba2a, =li2abeth *!nanan-An0sioco, )atthe& 1loren and Tani
Ara0on, Tata Ara0on, *and" Ochoa, )arica *abrera, )ar"rose *entenera, Ana =speran2a-E", Tet
)a0no, )s0r, Bon =rfe, Ce', Fr, 4re0 Camos, 1eon An0, Ton" and )ar"ann Ae:ar, ose 1ai0, 1!isa
J!intana, Camon )o:ica, omar *astillo, o"ce OreYa-3talder, Tetta Orti2-)atera, 4!s Albor, Coberto
),A, Cobles, Ce00ie D!son, /a.i Ataman, Aob Oo2obrado, Armando Anda", And" and Tisha Aa!tista,
*elia *!asa", 1ero" Tan, Amado Tadeo, 8illiam and =li2a Valde2, Ba'e )ercado, Coi Philips, 1orna
J!is!mbin0, 3!san *ampos, /imfa Datco, )ar0arita Com!alde2, aina Pere2, Tina *oscoll!ela, oan
)atch!c., Vincen2o *appell!to, *hit )ontene0ro, ames Frene", Codolfo 4i!sto, Tillie Pela0allo,
3".e and 3ess" 4arcia, )ari Laimo, 4ene'a *r!2, *her *al'in, Pia Ce0ala, *orcor Bi2on-A0!stin,
Fiona 1!cas, 1!2 !lian Peralta, 4lo FariYa Peralta, Br, Teresita *olome, C!b" T!ason, )s0r, )att
4arcia, oe Ariones, Br, a2mine 4on0ora, *ali and Pepsi Aro, Br, Andrea Bima"!0a, Ce', Fr, /ic.
Papal %isit sia 2014
Datco, 3,,, 3antos and Pilar =stacio, =ta )ercado, =tta Cosales, Tob" Tian0co, Pee&ee Trinidad,
3onn" Aelmonte, 4ar" *o!ll, )i.e )c*o", Cichard Ta"lor, Tim and Ba'id Ferdinand, Ba'id
Fer0!sson, 3imon Be&h!rst, Cafe Toten0co, osie *r!2-/atori, Anna Aa"le, T!ntin0 *r!2 )atters,
T!ntin0 *r!2 )atters, )aricel )atias and Cene 3antos, Oen" *abral, )elissa 1ope2, Aea Valdes,
1a!rice 4!illen, 3ocorro *ancio-Camos, 5sidro *amacho, *larissa Ocampo, Lell" 3!m, o"ce )a,
Larina Aorromeo, Arad T!r'e", Cobbie P!no, )onso!r del Cosario, Aenn" 1iton:!a, 1o!rdes
4re0orio, !dith Oapanta, !an:o Aeren0!er, Al'aro Pertierra, Pepito Albert, Tricia *! En:ien0, Ci.i
L&e.-)atha", Cobert Are'alo, Aarbara 4on2ales, =r&in =lechicon, )al! )a0l!tac *hion0bian,
Ampee 3ietereales, Aobb" )acapa0al, Ton" and *harin0 An0, J!inito 9enson, Cosanna Coces,
Aettina OsmeYa, *helo" Bans, Tessie Bich!pa, *ota Dab!t, *orito Lala&, Adelia An0eles, Pepin0 and
=ssen de las Alas, A!rora /osco, Tomas and 4racin0 Badia, =dita *ambe, /at2" Oara0o2a, Omin0
*oncepcion, Tessie Pa:arillo, *hin0 Aernardo, 5melda Ce-!iesta, 1!c" Ver0ara, )erce Ce"es, o
)adaran0, imm" /ana0as, )ila Ba"rit, Adin0 Ba"rit, Paolo Valenciano, Tim *one, )on 5sberto, Aen
J!e2on A'anceYa, Pitan0 1ope2-Tion0son, Fr, Coberto 3an Bie0o, Aelinda Adora and Aon0 )ar-!e2,
Aerna 1omotan, Camon Aarretto, *atherine 8eir, /ina A0!as, 4err" Abla2a, Topper *oronel,
/orberto /a2areno, 4i0i )ontinola, Do0i 3alcedo, Boll" Fort!n, *onnie )amaril, Bais" Ople, )onet
o'en, 1!l! Villan!e'a, enette 1ista, 3!san 3ebastian, 1!cille *habeldin, )aril! /0o, ohnn"
Ta0!inod, Thelma Bino", Victor Valb!ena, *arlo Orosa, )a!ro )alan0 3antos, essica 3oho, Ariel
1o2ada, Amparito 1h!illier, 1ili Adina, Petite 4arcia, /elson Pa0lina&an, Ba&nie Coa, Bee 9!a
4atchalian, 3her"l Dao, Or0anisas"on n0 m0a Pilipinon0 )an0-Aa&it ;OP)< President and =B3A
People Po&er *ommissioner O0ie Alcasid and &ife Ce0ine Velas-!e2, 1!.e )e:ares, /"o" Volante,
8enc" *orne:o, )ae0an A0!ilar, onathan Aadon, Att", Ferdie Topacio, Al'in Anson and 4ar" Aerena,
Ba'e" 1an0it and 1ara )ai0!e, )ichael ac.son impersonator ericho Valencia, teleser"e stars Oan:oe
)ar!do, a.e *!enca, =rich 4on2ales, Pa!lo A'elino, *oco )artin and !lia )ontes, model and
tele'ision sho& host Aianca 4on2ales and m!sic composer im Paredes, economist and former /=BA
secretar" 0eneral 3olita *ollas-)onsod, actor Cobin Padilla &ith his &ife )ariel Codri0!e2 and
brother Commel, noontime 0ame and 'ariet" tele'ision sho& host 8illie Ce'illame, 1%7% )iss
Eni'erse 4loria Bia2, Father and son Pen and Pin0 )edina, co!sins 5sabelle Ba2a and 4eor0ina
8ilson, Po.&an0 3!bon0, (8o&o&ee+ 0irls CC =nri-!e2, 3aic" A0!ila, and April (*on0rat!lations+
4!stilo, *arla Abellana, se>" actress Latrina 9alili, models Pancho )a0no, ohn 3painho!r, Vince
Ferraren and * Ti!seco, A0a )!hlach, comedian 4elli de Aelen, Bra, Vic.i Aelo, =d&ard )ende2,
Lim Aenedicto, Att", Persida C!eda-Acosta, Aernadette 3embrano, *her"l *osim, /iYa *orp!2,
)arife )ordido, Aida 3"-4on2ales, Aster Amo"o, Laren Padilla, =dna 1a2aro, 1eslie 3a!lsb!r",
1o!rdes Cosario, et Verso2a, Apple Pe:i Tan, *hampai0ne Flores, 'olle"ball pla"er 4retchen 9o,
comedian ohn 1ap!s, sin0er Lean *ipriano, )ia /olasco, chef 1ando 1a!dico, 4in0er *one:ero,
*omedienne *and" Pan0ilinan and Arnell 50nacio, film and tele'ision directors ose a'ier Ce"es and
)ann" *astaYeda, Camon Aa!tista, Cichard 4!tierre2, TV host Ca"mond 4!tierre2, )ae Paner, Pin."
Amador, 1eo Valde2, /oel Trinidad and !n Erbano, Br, Ai'ee A0!ilar-Teo, !d" Ann 3antos and C"an
A0oncillo, )aricel 3oriano, Ai-ai delas Alas, Vice 4anda, C!ffa 4!tierre2, C!stom Padilla, 4erman
)oreno and 4ardo Verso2a, 1%@7 =B3A People-Po&er Ce'ol!tion 'eterans 1eah /a'arro, )itch
Valde2, and )aan 9onti'eros, )e0astar 3haron *!neta and Li.o Pan0ilinan and da!0hter L*
*oncepcion, Br, =lenita Aina" and 1o!ie 1ocsin, 3abrina 8on0, Bianne de *astro, *hristian Cae!ber,
Aeth )ancilla, *arl *!nanan, Ba'id *eldran, 4ood" *!stodio, )ari O-!inena, )onica Torres, oe"
3in0ian, )arilo! Aatchelor, Arlene *!a, *la!dia Tamb!ntin0, Laren 3antos, Cosanna Fores, *ara
Papal %isit sia 2014
8ilson Ferrari, *arlos Aorromeo, Poch Villa-Ceal, An:ie B" A!ncio, A"en 1a!rel, Ton" )a!0han,
9a"dee Potenciano, Bale dela *r!2, Lristine 1im, /enita 1im, 9isanao /a0asa&a, Cand" An0, Tina
*han, )a!rice 1a!de, 4ail 1a!de, Co>anne Farillas and =ric.son Farillas, Pain0 9echano'a and )el"
*oncepcion-9echano'a, =d J!imson, )ar0a!> 3alcedo, 1ori Aalta2ar, /anc" Ce"es 1!men, Aobb"
*!enca, )ar" Ann O:eda, C"e FariYas, *amille A0ba"ani and )ac." )atha", 5sa0ani Aan2!elo,
Cochelle Aalatbat, a"son 1iban, Aoris oa-!in, *at Aramb!lo, Aombi Aal-!iedra, *aca" )oras and
3anti 4o, Ai2! Patisserie A!dre" Tanco, )ich )ella, 4race 3", Latrina D!, 1ia *ola"co, 5ssa 1itton,
o:o Oabarte, Aob and =lsie *olombo, a'i and Teresa 9ernande2, Aambi 9arper, !an ose and )iren
Aeren0!er-Testa, Cic." and Aen0 Bee, Cobert and *ecile 1ope2 1illies, C!pert and Tina acinto,
4eor0e 3ison, )aritess Allen, 4eor0e and *es 3ch!lt2, =ric Cecto and a" 1a0dameo, Pen0 and Vic."
Pere2 de Ta0le, =lbert and *hito )elo, Oia Alonto Adion0 and 9afsa Bimaporo Aalindon0, Victor and
/anc" 1!", )iriam 1ao, Ale> Alcantara, C!ssell )or0an, Doshi E", )ar. /icosia, Ale>andra Pa:aro,
!dith and Codolfo Pa:aro, !n 1eonor, Cica Lin0, o"ce imene2, Aen:amin Aesa, )artin /!Ye2, a"
A-!itania, C"an Dllana, Antonio A-!itania, in0 E", Ana and 8illiam Antonio, 3and" Cieta, Belmer
)iranda, Bbo" Trofeo, Aaron 4eisler, ason 1!en0o, Cita 3anson, )"rna Fernande2, 3!san o'en,
=lena Aa!tista, *ecile 8ie.ene, a.e and Laren )acasaet, !n and /ene 1eonor, *aptain o" Coa,
Tele'ision host Paolo Aediones, 1orraine Aelmonte, *arla 3ibal, 9all of Fame bo>in0 trainer Freddie
Coach, former *hica0o A!lls center 1!c 1on0le", and comedian Vic 3otto, 5to *!rata, Anton )endo2a,
Albert 4arcia, )ar. 1e'iste, Ton" Abad, amie Picornell, )ichelle Panto:a, )artin 1im )art" and
*assandra Aeltran Lier!lf, *ora2on 1lorca, *ecilia Abad, Pa!lino *hen0, 4loria Aeltran, Tonichi 4re",
*lemence *er'antes, J!inc" *astillo, 4erardo 1an!2a, 3!san Dap, /oel 1im, *armelita )endiola,
Cafael Villareal, 4abe 1a?O, osP )i0!el Pons, /ic." /o'ella, Fredd" 4on2ale2, 8illiam Paradies,
Bome.a 4aramendi, Latrina A!rro&s, Lier!lf, )onica Aarretto, =rica Tatad, 4abb" de la
Cama, )ic A0caoili, Cica Villal!2, Aon0 Aromin, Ann )ichelle and )arielle *apistrano, 4lenn
4lino0a, 5to Ocampo, Tristan *hoa, Tippi Ocampo, *ecile Oamora and erome Van 3traten, *laire Ann
Dap, Philip 4rima and *osetta Fedele, *hris Paraiso, 9arr" 4!e, C!bens Fedele, 3a!di Arabian
Ambassador to the Philippines )ohd, Ameen 8ali, )an!el 1a2aro, A'elino *r!2, Att", )i.e Toledo,
Ao"in0 Cem!lla, Ce> 4atchalian, *arissa *oscoll!ela, Cachel Arenas, *ecile )a!ricio, D'onne Ba"rit
Com!alde2, ac-!eline Ba"rit Aoncan, =rlinda Panlilio, )ita C!fino, Aambi 9arper, 3!san *alo-
)edina, *hichi 3alas, =li2a Tan,o"ce Andres, *ristina Dnes 3ison, )ar"ann 4arcia, 3andra Cocha,
Cic. acobsen, Oli'er Lre!2er, Paolo J!imson, =ri.a A-!ino, 1in0 Ochoa, Alfredo Aarretto, Bon Pepe
Ara!llo, Vilma 1abrador, 1inda 1e0aspi Cosal, ) Be 1eon, Amber Co>as, 3hiela Tan, *hrissie 3a",
Fernando Fernande2, Banica *a"nap, Allan 4arcia, 4enesis Lell" 1ontoc, ose Amado Bomin0!e2,
1!la" )apa and *hito 4a!rano, Bette A-!ino-Tan, 4loria )acapa0al-Arro"o, Adolfo A2c!na, Prec"
1ope2 and 3te'e, )aritess 1ope2, Odette On0, Bandin0 *o:!an0co, 4!ia 4ome2, *arlos
*han, *linton *ampos-9ess, )ila0ros 9o&, Cobert *o"i!to, r,, =lisa 1im, =milia Dan0, Br, J!eenie
1ee-*h!a, oseph =strada, *la!dio *ondotta, 3tella *h!a, %2AB, Fr, ohnn" 4o, 3,,, Fr, Aien'enido
/ebres, 3,,, Fr, /emesio J!e, 3,,, Bi0os Aishop 4!illermo Afable, Aless Villareal, Pat 4oc-On0,
)ichelle *alo-Al'arillo, *hristian Ar2senal, Cobbie Af2eli!s, Lris A-!ino, *harlene 4on2ales,
*hristopher de 1eon and 3and" Andolon0, Ce2 *orte2, 8illiam )artine2 and Da"o A0!ila, 1ani
)ercado-Ce'illa, 1orna Tolentino-Fernande2, Tirso *r!2 555 and &ife 1"n and son Aodie, =ric J!i2on,
4, Toen0i-8alters and Comnic. 3armenta, L!h 1edesma, 4race /ono, 1o!ie 9eredia and Bin0don0
A'an2ado, Philip 3al'ador, 3mo.e" )analoto, Aeth Tama"o-8on0, Antoinette Ta!s, Tom Ta!s, anine
4!tierre2 and bas.etball stars, 3!nshine *r!2, 4lad"s Ce"es-Co>as, Bais" Ce"es, C!fa )ae J!into
Papal %isit sia 2014
and 5sabel 4ranada, Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a 2010 presidential campai0n s!pporters *one" Ce"es, Larla
)artine2, Piolo Pasc!al, Bolph" J!i2on, r,, Bonita Cose, /ono" O!ni0a and Prof, eremias an0ad,
(9a&a.-Lama"+ main cast members /i..i 4il, Oai:ian aranilla, S"riel )anabat, Andrea Arillantes,
Desha *amile, s!pportin0 cast members !an Larlos 1aba:o, 1"ca 4airanod, acob Bionisio, A>el
Torres, )aris Cacal, )anolo Pedrosa and Lim /ichole Aaranda, PAA pla"ers ames Dap and sons
osh!a and Aimb" A-!ino-Dap, )arc Pin0ris and &ife Banica 3otto, 4ar" Ba'id, imm" Alapa0 and
&ife 1 )oreno, Bo!0 Lramer and &ife *hes.a 4arcia and da!0hter Lendra, 8esle" 4on2ales, Lel'in
dela PeYa, * 5ntal, 3imon At.ins, ai Ce"es and &ife Llaire Dap!co, 1arr" Fonacier and &ife 1ora
4ahol, and 1A Tenorio and &ife *hes.a, Felisa Valde2, Ambrosio Valde2 r,, Ceema *hanco, Cica
Tantoco Be es!s, Aobb" Andre&s, 3"mon 3oler, Vitto 1a2atin, Lris 1a&rence, /anc" *asti0lione,
)o:o o:o, Lin0 B 1o0an, Toti Balmacion, Ep Bharma Bo&n, 4ab" dela )erced, Andi )an2ano,
(Fastbrea.+ charit" bas.etball 0ame pla"ers 4erald Anderson, Anne *!rtis, Baniel Padilla, ess"
)endiola, ose )analo, )arco Alcara2, *hamp 1!i Pio, Bere. Camsa", 1!is Aland", Sian 1im, ason
Abalos, 1em!elle Pela"o, Arth!r 3olinap, *arl 4!e'arra, Cico Alanco, hon0 9ilario, Vhon0 /a'arro,
Aill" *ra&ford, *hris Ti!, V Lap!nan, on 1!cas, =r'ic Vi:andre, Ar:o Ata"de, oe Var0as, 4ab
Valenciano, on 9all, *arlo 4on2ales and ames and im 3alas, Third" Ca'ena, CC 4arcia, Terrence
Comeo, Aobb" Ca" Par.s, Le'in 1o!ie Alas, 4ar'o 1anete, a.e Pasc!al, *hris /e&some, Aaser
Amer, Von Pess!mal, and /ico =lorde, /AA 3>3 Philippines celebrit" bas.etball pla"ers Fabio 5de,
Co'ilson Fernande2, 4erard Acao, Aobb" Dan, And" 3mith, 8ill Be'a!0hn, Cobin da Co2a and oross
4amboa, r!nnin0 coach Cio de la *r!2, bas.etball coaches Vince 9i2on and Allan 4re0orio, Perlas
Pilipinas &omen?s national bas.etball team pla"er )elissa acob, sports broadcasters inno C!fino of
3olar 3ports, )ar. Oambrano of 4)A /e&s and )arco Aenite2 and Anton Co>as of AA3-*A/
3ports, (7,107 5nternational )!sic Festi'al+ celebrit" re'elers )a0alona siblin0s, L* )ontero, Chian
Camos, Tro" )ontero, A!bre" )iles, Aea 3oriano, Adrien 3emblat, Francis Cicafort, =r&an and
3olenn 9e!ssaff, *arla 9!mphries, /icole Anderson, 4ian )a0dan0al, Pa!la Perale:o-Fernande2,
former Ab, Pilipinas contestants 1ie2el Verses, Abi0ail 1esle" *r!2, B )o T&ister, *oleen 4arcia,
3am Pinto, Feli> and Bominic Coco, Teresa 9errera-Anthon", Baniel )ats!na0a, 1a!ren Do!n0,
Victor Aasa, Bi'ine 1ee, )ichelle )adri0al, (Ao"s /i0ht O!t+ Cadio Bisc oc.e"s Ton"-Ton", 3lic.
Cic. and 3am D4, Liefer Ca'ena, Arent a'ier, Aor0" )anotoc, =llen Adarna, Aianca Lin0, Phil
Do!n0h!sband, and more, A=/*9\ famil" stars, 4erard *ancio, *arla 3ebastian, )ar. A!m0arner and
)ichelle A!m0arner, (7,2006 The )ission Possible Pro:ect+ personalities and (The /a.ed Tr!th6
Benim and Ender&ear Fashion 3ho&+ celebrit" models Lim *hi!, Lar"lle, eric and eron Ten0,
=nchon0 Bee, oseph )arco, 1o'i Poe, Cachelle Ann 4o and )ar..i 3troem, )ichelle Vito, 3ofia
Andres, Bianne )edina, 9el0a Lrapf, )elissa Cic.s, B:anin *r!2, Liana Valenciano &ith 3amantha
4odine2-Valenciano, )r, *hinato&n 2013 &inners ose )i0!el 1asala, 3"dne" B!, 3." Dan0, erome
Tan and Cand" 3eeG )r, *hinato&n 2014 &inners Ba'id 1ic!aco and L!rt osh!a On0, )ar. 1ope2,
air!s Ferrer, Alec Cobes, (Ae A=/*9\6 The )odel 3earch+ finalist Con )oralesG *arlos *oncepcionG
Den0 *onstantinoG (Pino" Bream Academ"6 3eason 2+ scholar 9ansen /ichols &ith his t&in brother
4*, (A=/*9\ Ca:o 1a!rel Bos collection+ models 3am *oncepcion, Cocco /acino, 3te'en 3il'a,
=n2o Pineda, 3arah 1ahbati and Ce0ine An0eles, ne&est (A=/*9setters+ incl!din0 actors Tom
Codri0!e2, Bennis Trillo, )artin del Cosario and Bominic Co-!e, Anthon" and Ba'id 3emerad, Andre
Paras and Be 1a 3alle 4reen Archers center Arnold 'an Opstal, (AmericaHs /e>t Top )odel+?s
Bomini-!e Cei0hard and Allison 9ar'ard, (Asia?s /e>t Top )odel+ finalist Latarina Codri0!e2,
tele'ision commercial, ramp, print and fashion models and actors Aen:amin Al'es, on A'ila, Franco
Papal %isit sia 2014
Ba2a, )ar> Topacio, Victor 3ila"an, ohn ames E", )ar'in Ca"m!ndo, )i.o Ca'al and Caphael
Cobes, 1!isito Cabat, models and athletes Anton del Cosario and 3am Cichelle, Andre&
8olff and an.a *ederstam, 9ideo )!rao.a, *atriona 4ra", Valerie Aario!-Aondoc, Cima Ost&ani,
aneena *han, Ce0ine Tolentino, A Bee, )ariana del Cio, )arco Alcara2, 3a" Alon2o-D!pan0co,
*h"nna Ortale2a and Caile" Valeroso, Benise 1a!rel, )el )artine2, 3haron Tan, Pa!l Ba2a, Pia
Asistio, )ich Ara!llo, Bebbie *o, Al'in 1im, )a00ie 8ilson, *amille Villar, Far0o Aaillet, osephine
Aael F!:isa&a-5la0an, Bominic ohn 4aleon, )ia Aa"!0a, *hris Aadiola, Aon0 Tan, Cichard Ti!,
*hristine 1o'e, 5llac Bia2, 1o'el" Tecson and Alberto Com!lo, /ed" Tantoco, 5sabel 8ilson, Pito"
)oreno, Aea Valdes, 5rene )artel Francisco, 4!ill" C!fino, 4loria 9!an0, ocel"n A!endia, 4i0i
Aarrera, )ar2ena /o&a.o&s.a, ohnc" )aham, )itch Bi2on, )atthe& 1im, 3amantha Den, Victor
Antonino, =nri-!e 4on2ale2, *larisse *hion0bian, Br, *arlos 4abriel, Br, Anna 1ope2-4abriel, J!ito
1ope2, 4re0 )ontene0ro, =mil" )ontene0ro, Fit2 P!"at, Paolo Araneta, )!mph C!i2, )ann" del
Cosario, *ar" 1a0dameo, )ar. and )ichelle Ta0le, ='a 4!llas, )"ra P!"at 3antia0o, )ar0arita
Fores, )oni-!e Villon0co, Amado Fores, 3andro Ten0co, =than Aelmonte, oel 1omotan, )arissa
Orosa-*oncepcion, Lai 1im, )arissa *o:!an0co, Abb" imene2, )ilette Aelmonte, Trina Alindo0an,
*and" Bi2on, *ath" J!, 1ianne Ti!, C!th" Vera, 4race An0, Annette Tirol, 3!2anne *obonp!e, 1isa
Araneta-)arcos, 3!san Florete, A!dre" P!c.ett-*hi!, /anette )ed'ed Po, )arilen T!ason, Florence
Lo, 9elm!t 4aisber0er, *hesca Coces, )ar. entes, Benisse Oca, 3ha 3!pan0an, 3tephen L!, Aibe
)artine2, Ca:i' 4h!mman, Coseana 4randel, =loisa Cicchetti, Ban0 Palma, Cico Arce, )ichael *h!a
and An0ela A!na0, 4lenn 4aerlan, =nchon0 Formoso, *hris /elson, Bominic Ae.aert and Paloma
Oobel, Adriano *art!liares, 1alain 1andico, ='el"n Ce"es, Cose Aernarde2 Cedaon, anice Ce"es,
)ar. ones, !dith 4o, ac-!i 8iene.e, =mil" 3antos, )arion *h!a, A0!stin Ba'alos, 3ep
*imafranca, 4lo&ie Camiro, Laren Pamint!an, Tob" 4atchalian, 4icelle 9imala, =dith )ar-!e2-
Ce"es, Cebecca Ba2a-3adh&ani, )an:it 3adh&ani, Ain0 *arrion-A!c., 1oren 1e0arda-1e'iste,
4re00" 1icaros r,, )abel AbaYo, effre" and Vi'ian /0, Filaine Tan and eann 8ee, 9erbert Aa!tista,
)iss" A"ala, Aen 8intle, 3imon and Pa!l ablon, =ric /o"el, AA Ac!na, =n and Andre& *al'ert,
='an Lin0, Anal! Fereira, Victor Be 1eon 1ima, *hi"!.i F!:imoto, *hertchai )ethana"anonda, A!sba
A!nna0, Lh!n )anthana de 1eon, Lh!n L!llanit, Lh!n 3!&attee Teerapath, oe" Aernardino, Cene
1apid, Albert Aanaa0, Chea Ci'era, hoanna 1im, )i.e *elis, 1ei 1ope2, *hi.arom Liti"a.ara,
3il'ana Bia2, Ph"llis Oaballero, Alfredo and Aeth Francisco, Con Ceibenbach, Pilar 3in0ian, 3"l'ia
Vent!ra, )ind" 4ana, *armen 1"nam-), Cenee Ve"ret, 5rit Aen Abba, A!sba A!nna0, 9a:ah
)aim!nah Bato 9a:i =lias, 3alem Adam, ac." Foo, )ohammed =brahim Al:o&aid, /a're.ha
3harma, )ilena 3antana-Camire2, oao *a"etano da 3il'a, Bomini Primero, )i.o Valen2!ela, Connie
9enares, Aaham )itra, *ita Astals, aime Bae2, =lla Coces )ontene0ro, enn" 3"-!ia, )ichelle
Aa"le, Lin0 B 1o0an, 4inn" del Cosario and =milio Abello, 1!is and Aarbara del Cosario, Alice On0,
A"in0 Palen2!ela, oanne del Cosario, 4in0 de los Ce"es, Aill" Lin0, esse 3incioco, )i.e
*onstantino, )on )aramba, =dm!ndo Ce"es r,, Pa!l"n 3icam, Br, Cosita /a'arro, Francis Tolentino,
Antonieta Fort!na-5be, 8innie /a2areth, =nrico Villan!e'a, )aritoni Fernande2, osephine Lno>,
Aett" Tencha'es, Pres" Camos, 3!san 4ra!, *hito Francisco, Late 4ordon, 3pirit of [77, Albert
Aildner and 1in 5ll!sorio, es!sa *alano0, 1in0lin0a" 1acanlale, Aill and 1il" O?Ao"le, 8inna
Limmel, *al'in Tsao, /ene J!imson, )innie OsmeYa, Anna 3", 9ernan *orte2, 5sabel On0pin, Cene
=ncarnacion, 1o!rdes )ontinola, /ell" F!n0, 1orna 1a!rel, Toni D!lo 1o"2a0a, Bel Fo:as, /estor
3antia0o, And" 1ocsin, 1orrie Ce"noso, 1oren2o and 1orrie Valde2, Br, and )rs, C!ben Paredesm, Br,
and )rs, Ca!l 3ala, Tess 1abrador, Lilin0 Ba.!dao, ohn Tanchan0co, Philip Oor0ani, Trisha Ce"es,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Aernadette Aarbers, C!th Padilla, eannie /0 3ando'al, )ar" Ann Arce0a B", Caff" 3!are2, Antonio
Ceina, Aissa Aarrera *o:!an0co, Arlina Arro2al de es!s, 1o!ie Var0as, Andie Cecto-)ontene0ro,
)itos Pacis, 4eneral Alberto Fernando Ara0an2a, Coberta 1ope2-Feliciano, )aribel On0pin, Toni
D!lo-1o"2a0a, And" 1ocsin, 1a!ro Aa:a r,, 4o', Paro!. 9!ssin, 5rit Aen-Abba, 9elen On0, 9elm!t
4aisber0er, ='an0eline Pasc!al, oanne 1oren2ana, *arla Ten0co, )i.e Planas, )arisa Olasolo and
Art!ro Cocha, =d&ard 8ehrli, Aab" Araneta, Toni Abad, Aebet 4o2!n, 4loria )ara, )ichael
3alientes, *arol Atacador, )arides Fernando, Cose 1ibon0co, Teofisto 4!in0ona r,, =rnesto )aceda,
)oni-!e Oani, =rnie and Fe D!, ames 1a!, *elia *!asa", ames ao, Bon Valerio, 4ener *arin0al,
Arleen On0, Tomas Codri0!e2-Panto:a, Coland Ce"es, Bennis 3ocrates, *el D!lo, Ain0-Ain0
4on2ales, Aela Vas-!e2, *h!-*h! )adri0al and )and" =d!-!e, *esar A!ena'ent!ra, Bada
1oren2ana-3antia0o, Pe-!e 4alla0a, Fr, Cobert Ce"es, C!pert acinto, Tin0tin0 *o:!an0co, Pin0
Valencia, Ced acinto and !lie 9idal0o, Aoots and And" 3oler, esi and 4ina )ende2, /ora acinto,
=ddie and Latie acinto, /anette dela *r!2, Africa Valdes-de Ce"noso, =mil" Ce"noso-1a&s, 9ans 3",
1arr" Francia, Aobb" 4opia, Adrian *ristobal, Vir0inia )oreno, *hitan0 4!errero-/a.pil, Camon
Ville0as, Lit Co>as, omari Trenas, Pa!lino and 9ett" J!e, Pepe 3mith, Cicardo *ardinal Vidal,
)onsi0nor Alberto Aoon0alin0, Ton" Adriano, Aba 1l!ch Balena, Al Pere2, 1ito *aratin0, 9enri
*ain0let, And" )al!che, Thea Pa2, Conald 4arcia, 3hahid Oahid, Vic." Abad, Pa!lo Vinl!an, 5sa"
Al'are2, Cachel Ale:andro, )and" Ochoa, Aert /ie'era, Franco 1a!rel, Oald" 1adroma, Paolo
4!e'arra, Alfonso D!chen0co, Peter 4o-Pailan, Br, Adolfo Aelosillo, Brs, Amelia and )an!el *atalan,
Ela" Tantoco, Aen Farrales, Bes Aa!tista, Fe 9abi:as, 3te'e Be 1eon, )ann" *astro, Ca"m!nd 5saac,
Vic." )archandesch, /ic. T!ason, Tessie Tomas, Latrina Tantoco and Paolo 1obre0at, Francisco
)aYosa, 3onia 3antia0o-Oli'ares, Antonio Codri0!e2 )endo2a, 5'" Almario, *onrad On0lao, )i.e de
es!s, ean )onte'erde, Aen0 P!"at, Oscar )otlo, ohn *o0!l, Al'aro de 3alas, Oscar Via, =li2abeth
3", Pedro Co>as, 4eni and Dor0os, =ileen *ho", /ico )ontinola, Franco 1im:!co, 4ina )o.,
4ree. /afsi.a and A!bbles Brosso!, )i.e Vaca, 4emith 4emparo, Bebbie =nri-!e2, !dith Oapanta,
=nri-!e and Tine Vas-!e2 Prada, Cichard and /ic. Ender&ood, Tina Pamint!an, Bennis Padilla, 4ilda
3alon0a, ohn 1esaca, Fides *!"!0an-Asenio, Aenn" and Ophie *lemente, Fr, 3ann" de *laro,
Antonio )artel r,, Aelen 1o'ina Tic2on )artel, Bon and /orma 3anders, Coberto Felano and Ci2alina
A!ena'ent!ra, Aombit de la PeYa, !li!s Tic2on and C"an )anao0, Pepp" Bin0lasan, 4abriel 3antos,
Andre Bin0lasan, )ar0aret and Theresa de la PeYa, 8an00o 4alla0a, Portia 3antos, Arlene Tic2on,
*hit 4oh!, 1in00o" and *onnie Araneta, Bann" and 1ilia *r!2, im and Vi'ian Villacr!sis, =mma
5la0an, Tessie )aronilla, 4erarda Villa, ='el"n Lila".o, Fr, Ton" Cosales, Pierra *alasan2, !liet and
)imi Tan, oe" 3er'er, !lien Tripet, Lr"stal 1ao, Fran. Ariones, *at Aramb!lo, Trish Ariones, Larl
T", *hicho 3!are2, /ap Cama, 1!pita A-!ino and Len Lashi&ahara, Bitas Codri0o 3e'illa, Pa!l
A-!ino, Att", Alfredo 1im, 1arr" 9enares, Att", !an *ollas, ohnn" 1itton, Verni Var0a, Fr, Asandas
Aalchand, Vicente =mano, *onstantino ara!la, Fa!stino B" 555, Latrina T!ason-*r!2, )ann"
Pac-!iao, =arl 50nacio, Ace Aarbers, )arco Protacio, /eil C!mbaoa, 4i0i and 4in0 )ontinola, 8ilma
Palafo>, O,V, and )arilen =spirit!, 8illiam 9amilton-8h"te and An0eli-!e Cepapis, Aasil On0, *esar
and Aambina A!ena'ent!ra, Tedd" Ao", 1o!ie and Camon 1ocsin, Peter Pedersen, 3tefano C!22a,
=rnie Tan-!intic, 4oll" Talens, )io. 1o"ola, Aileen Tence Bionisio, /en" Francisco )arasi0an, 1eah
Oamora Aanaa0, Vina Francisco, 5rene *ons!n:i )ontilla, Pilar A!stamante =strella, Pin *o:!an0co
4!in0ona, Chona )odesto 3an Pedro, Edit Villarama 4al'e2, oanna Ta"en0co-5nfante, )ari'ic
9ebron !an, Franco 1a!rel, Cem Oamora, Aonbon 3oler, 1isa Tinio, 5n0rid 3ala 3antamaria, oana
Palanca 1h!illier, )ichelle *oncepcion Ce"es, 3!resh /anoo, ose )ari E0arte, 4)A /et&or. Artist
Papal %isit sia 2014
*enter talents 4loria Comero, Pilita *orrales, Al:!r Abrenica, 1o!ise delos Ce"es, )ar. 9erras,
Dasmien L!rdi, 1 Ce"es, !lie Anne 3an ose, Lristoffer )artin, Berric. )onasterio, Aarbie Forte2a,
Aela Padilla, Aea Ainene, )a> *ollins, Dassi Pressman, Cafael Cosell, 4lai2a de *astro, Cochelle
Pan0ilinan, )ona 1o!ise Ce", onal"n Vira", L"la *al!mpad-Al'are2, a"-C 3illiona, )ar. Aa!tista,
*hef Ao" 1o0ro, )anil"n Ce"nes, An0el! de 1eon, )ar. Anthon" Fernande2, 4abb" =i0enmann,
Ca"mond Aa0atsin0, Cic." Ba'ao, An:o Dllana and 8all" Aa"ola, TV# actor Vin Abrenica, Cit2 A2!l,
=!la *aballero, )artin =sc!dero, =mpo" )ar-!e2 and )r, F!, 4)A /e&s and P!blic Affairs
personalities )i.e =nri-!e2, Arnold *la'io, 3andra A0!inaldo, Caff" Tima, )ari2 Emali, Oscar Oida,
)ar. 3ala2ar, !n Veneracion, *hino 4aston and /athaniel *r!2, )edia personalities Att", Bon0 P!no,
*hi-!i Coa-P!no, 4erard 4arcia, 1ia *r!2, 3ha&n Dao, )an! 3ande:as, ason 8ebb, eanne Do!n0,
*or" J!irino, )el Tian0co and a" 3on2a, societ" col!mnist )ons Com!lo, Ton"bo" *o:!an0co and
4retchen Aarretto, =d and )ar0arita Bel0ado, Bonnie and *ric.ette Tantoco, Ao" Ab!nda, Cenee
3al!d, )on 5la0an, *esar )ontano, Cado Bimalibot, 5nocencio Ferrer, Cene P!no, Ton" O!l!eta, Caff"
Oialcita, 8illiam 1lamas, Pat 4on2ales, )a"enne *armona, Aebot 1a!rel, Com" 4ard!ce, 1eo
Oracion, 4lo&ie Camiro, /icole An0eles, *ath" Ba'id, 3ep *imafranca, Ton 1ao, 5rene Tan, 1en
Olbes, 5.e 1a"!0, Camon Orlina, /apoleon Ab!e'a, 1ito Atien2a, 1ala Fo:as, 9elen )arte, 4erard and
/in0 *hesnel, *arolle 1!cas, A!relio )ontinola 555, =d!ardo Bel0ado and Bonnie Tantoco, 1in0lin0
and Archie Lin0, 4!t2ee 3e0!ra, *arlo =nda"a, 9eart ='an0elista, Andre& Aarton, Bin0don0 Bantes,
)arian Ci'era, Alice Bi>son, /eri2a )atha", Lath" Be 4!2man, oanne Oapanta Andrada, Trisha
Panlilio *!-En:ien0, osephine Lno>, olina )a0dan0al, )aritess Tantoco, 4eor0ie Bia2, Lim
Atien2a, 1en /epom!ceno-4!iao, *hechel oson, Pops Fernande2, Bann" A!enafe, 4eric. Para"no,
C!el )endo2a, Cic." 3ison, ohnn" 3antos, Andres =stella, O:ie 1eona, Feli> Aacolor, 8illiam )a,
Lorina 3anche2, !li!s Aabao and Tintin Aersola-Aabao and da!0hter An"a and son /io, Latrina
Ponce =nrile and 1in0-1in0 Lin0G celebrit" ma.e!p artist Patric. CosasG hair st"list in0 )onisG 1ito
3", ason )a0ban!a, )aros *la!dio, Patricia )a" 3i", Feli> An0, Br, 9a"den Lho, )ar0ie and 4ilbert
B!a'it, )i.e =cha'e2, F,F, *r!2, Banton A!eser, Afric Valdes, )ar"ann Pineda-Ce"noso, Ophie
*anada-Ce"noso, Laren Ba'ila ;&ith her sons Ba'id and 1!cas<, )ar:orie Aarretto-Padilla and
da!0hter Bani AarrettoG 4in00in0 )endo2a, Ale> Ce"es, )"ra Ce"es, )arilen *arpio, Freddie Ce"es,
)arl"n and Ton" 1illes, *ha'it 3in0son, Pratee. L!mar, Cichard Ti!, !nie and Fernando PeYa, Cosa
Cosal, or0e oseph, 8enc" 1a0!mba", Ai.o )elende2 and )artin ic.ain, Arian Aelen, )i0!el
Pastor, o" Orte0a, =d! )an2ano, ohn Prats, (3!r'i'or Philippines+ cast&a"s 3ha!n Codri0!e2 and
3!2!.i 3adats!0!, 1a!reen E", /i>ee 4arcia, =na de 4!2man, 4re00" 3antos, Lamae de es!s, 3te'e
)edalle, 4ab Pere2, )oni-!e 3alcedo, teen heartthrobs Cobi Bomin0o and Ba'id *h!a, Oli'ia *han,
*hristian 3an ose, )arielle-Feli2e Trias Flores, )arco Fi0!eras, Ca"mond An0, Aobb" 3olomon,
Ci'a 4al'e2tan, Franco 5mperial, *hristopher de Venecia, Tricia and )ar. 4osin0tian, An0e de la
*r!2, Paolo Alma2an-=bora, 3ean 4o, 1!c." )ercado, Andrea Torres, )onica Verallo, )ico A"tona,
estoni Alarcon and &ife 1i2ette, Ao *err!do, Aa"ani and 1en A0ba"ani, Alanna 1ope2-)ontelibano,
Cichie *oronel 3antos, Aries 3al!do, C!b" *o:!ito of Fla&less, Conald *arballo, Al'in Fort!na,
Bennis *oronel, Lenneth Bon0, Olai and Coland =spirit!, *arlos A0assi, 4emma Fit20erald, /i..i
Valde2, Lristopher Peralta, Cico Aarrera, )ar'in A0!stin, Banilo Aarrios, 3treetbo"s and Da *han0,
Pepin0 *o:!an0co da!0hters ) *o:!an0co-a&ors.i, *hina *o:!an0co-4on2ale2 ;and her
adorable bab" 1!cia<, )ai-)ai *o:!an0co-Oini, Att", ess 3antos, /ic. 1ocsin, )ario and Alice
J!eblatin, A!die and *ecile 3aa, enn" Franco, Andre& Te, )arisol Aarria, 1!ciano Aon0ola, )ichael
1im, m!sic composer C"an *a"ab"ab and his &ife =mm", 1o!ie Ocampo and &ife o:o, ac-!i
Papal %isit sia 2014
)a0no, *eleste 1e0aspi, ) Codri0!e2, Arnold Ve0afria and *ris Villonco, Amalia F!entes, /iYo
)!hlach and son Alon2o, )ichela *a22ola, Cita A'ila, 3h"r Valde2 and Da"o A0!ila, s&immer
ohansen A0!ilar, and &restler )arc!s Valda, 4&en 4arci, *eline 1ope2, enni =pperson, Anne Aella,
Lissa *astaYeda, Pre'ie& ma0a2ine editor in chief Pa!line 3!aco-!an, Bar"l *han0, 1i2 E",
entertainment ne&s reporters )ario B!ma!al, 4retchen F!llido and ) )arfori, 4ar" Valenciano,
Ba&n O!l!eta-1a0dameo, Albert )artine2 &ith da!0hter Alissa )artine2, Aen:ie Paras &ith
&ife 1">en, )"lene Bi2on, Paolo *ontis, 52a *al2ado, Alfred Var0as, )arco 3ison, 5'" Violan, Vina
)orales, 3haina )a0da"ao, Aan0s 4arcia, erome Florentino, =ri. 3antos, ane Paredes, O0ie Bia2,
1".a E0arte, An0eli Pan0ilinan-Valenciano, An0eline J!into, Arron Villaflor, =ri. *!a, 5ssa Ce"es,
Cico 3errano, *hicho 3!are2, Franco )abanta, Ali"a Parcs, *hristian Aa!tista, Ana Fe0i, Aasil Valde2,
3am )ilb", 4ina Tab!ena-4odine2, )arilo! )artine2, =fren Ariones and 5"a Codri0!e2, Pa!la
*amille 1ocsin and !an Paolo Aondoc, An0eles 4!e'ara, Aett" )act!al, Aelen *astro, )atin Petilla,
1! Antonino, /eptali 4on2ales 55, Pinon0 a'ier, ohnn" Cem!lla, ose P!"at r,, Aristeo P!"at, )erc"
T!ason, Br, Cand" Francisco, 1eonard Tirol and Amanda Onr!bia 4!idotti, Ce', 5sa!ro Ba'id, Arth!r
)acapa0al, )ic.e" Ferriols, =ric A!hain, Cobert /acianceno, )on 4on2ale2, )al! Veloso, Tob" 4an,
/oel Bela )erced, Ala Paredes, Cichard Venn, 4re0orio Bomin0o, A>el 4ohner, Anthon" 4arcia,
1ance 3heperd, !n !ban, Pa!l *abral, An0ela Vele2, Andrea Aa!tista, 3arah ane Pae2-3antia0o,
Bondi Ali.pala, 1etlet Veloso, A!rora Bia2-8ilson, Tina Tinio, 3onn" Aorromeo, Tonio Veloso,
Amalie and Coman A2an2a, 1orna and 1e'" 9i2on, C!b" and A!dd" Coa, Coi Philips, Aeth
Com!alde2, Pa2 3otto, 1!cille Villan!e'a, ean 3al'ador, C!b" 3antos, 1!li Bel0ado, Victoria T!a2on,
Tob" *, *"nia )ascariYas, Bot Fa'is-Velasco, Anthon" del Cosario, )i.o Pasc!al, *hef
Coland 1a!dico, /ic." *amcam, 4re0 3in0ian, Pin." Amador, Aon:in Aolinao, Peachie Veneracion,
Cenee Araneta, *h!.ri Prieto, Aert 4arcia, )ichelle J!i2on, Bale Villar, ac-!es B!pas-!ier, /icolas
4o!llenco!rt, !lien *leret, 3ebastien )an0eant, )artine Vasse!r, Andree Aelan0er, )ichael
3eli0man, 3abrina 9eine.e", 4eor0e 9ashim, 3!22ane Lin0, *harina 3abal, *harles Cappaport, ean
9et2el, ames Aenoit, *ecilia 1e!n0, Cina 3inisalo, im 1"nch, Arett *oleman, =di Te.eli, Anne
8itheford, *aridad 3anche2, 4elo 3errano, Fann" 3errano, *"nthia Almario, 4ino Padilla, )aribi
4arcia, Aeth 3ison Ta0le, Cobbie 9errera, /anc" Bi2on *astro, *"nthia ocson, *ecil 1icad, ohn
3il'a, Ace Aarbers, 4abrielle *ali2o, Aeth 3ee and Cene /abon0, 3ari Orti0a, )arc 1o0an, 4rin0o
9onasan, Francis Cicciardone, =d&in Arce, Bino 3antos, Freddie Aorromeo, Bondi 3antos, Aobb"
A0!irre, Cic." Dab!t, *ooch 1"nch, Vince Aiton0, Amalie and Coman A2an2a, 1orna and 1e'" 9i2on,
C!b" and A!dd" Coa, *elso Ba"rit, *ind" L!rleto, 5no )analo, Bale Villar, Trish Villan!e'a, )anet
Ba"rit, ia and 4abb" =strella, )i.o Valen2!ela, =rich =dralin, *hristine 3an Bie0o, )orten
Aremelhoe:, )ia Trinidad, 4ai Oli'ares, Philippe Tic2on, A!b!t Andres, *aridad 3anche2, 4elo
3errano, )aribi 4arcia, Aeth 3ison Ta0le, Colf Lambli, Cobbie 9errera, Litt" 4o, /anc" Bi2on
*astro, *"nthia ocson, Ambassador )ohamed =brahim Al-o&aid, *ecil 1icad, ohn 3il'a, 4aita
Fores, oanne 3al0ado, 1ett" 9ahn, 1!2 *!llen, Fann" Alanco, Tell" Aldana, *ita Ce'illa-Dab!t,
)aricris *ardenas-Oobel, )aricar Toten0co, 8anda 1o!&allien, Anton Palanca, Aobb" *la!dio, Cic.
D!pan0co, )onchet On0sia.o, ose 1!is Villan!e'a, Oac. and Coisin, ed *arlos, *arla 4!tierre2, 1"n
3herman, Pastor Pa!l )ata, Anthon" 4arcia, 3anti =li2alde, Vince Aiton0, Cem Oamora, 9erminia
Fa:ardo, =rlinda Villan!e'a, 1o!rdes 3ese, Virma Ver0el de Bios, )arinela Vele2, )aria An0, =rlinda
3!nico, Cob" 4oco, ose 3ala, Ton" 1o2ada, Pericles Ba.a", Allen Tan, *hristopher E", Beborrah Ann
*!a 9o, 50nacio A!n"e, =d *alma, Tonton 4!tierre2, 4l"del )ercado, /oel *aban0on, Ariel Ci'era,
9"!bs A2arcon, 9eber Aartolome and Paolo 3antos, Chap 3ala2ar, A0ot 5sidro, 1ie2el )artine2, and
Papal %isit sia 2014
oanna Ampil, m!sical director and arran0er 9omer Flores, ballerina, actress and ballet
director )aritoni C!fino-Tordesillas, /i..i Tan0, )arcott Almeda, C!b" *h!a, Tiffan" *h!a, 3heree
*h!a, A2i2a )ondonedo, *ristina 4ome2, socialites Aab" Araneta Fores, 1isa Araneta, *acho )arcos,
1inda Oledan, Veana Fores, 1orrie Ce"noso, Vic." O!biri, )aricris Oobel, *arol 4arcia, )aripi
)!scat and )ar0arita Fores, Anton )endo2a, )onch *r!2, *h!t *!er'a, )arcel *respo, 5pe *r!2 of
Co0!e )a0a2ine, )arco 1obre0at, *hin0 *r!2, Tina *!e'as, A0nes 9!ibonhoa, Fe Codri0!e2, 3!san
o'en, 5an 4iron, Andres Vas-!e2 Prada and Al Ten0co, Boris )a0sa"sa" 9o, 4ina 1ope2, ='el"n
Forbes, )arc /elson, Cicco and Tina )aristela-Ocampo, Ci..i and Aen0 Bee, Philip and Tricia *!-
En:ien0, 3ander Tantoco, Philippine /ational Ced *ross *hairman Cichard 4ordon, Cenna 9echano'a
An0eles, Laren 3antos, Aobb" and *hin0bee *!enca, 4ina Aboiti2, Aab" 4irl Fric.e, )a!rice
Arcache and ace photo0rapher Ale> Van 9a0en, o:ie Bin0con0, ean 4o!lbo!rn, Frances 1im and
Pa!l *ampos, Bennis Valdes and Tessa Prieto-Valdes, =rnest =scaler, Br, Orl" )ercado and 3!2"
Pineda, *heche 1a2aro, Aibeth Orte2a and *arlitos 3i0!ion Ce"na, *es Orena-Brilon, B"an *astille:o-
4arcia, *astille:o-4!in0ona, 1i2a 5larde, Ana Lala&, Anton 3an Bie0o, Ca!l, Pepper, )ari.o acinto, A"e /!0!id, 1eah P!"at, Anton Aarretto and ac. de )esa, Ca!l )an2ano,
Athena Valdes, An0elette *alero, Anni.a Valdes, /i> Alanon, Cenna An0eles, Aab" Fric.e, Laren
3antos, Ain0-Ain0 J!iros, 4ina Aboiti2, /ic. and 1!cille 1ocsin, Pa!l *ampos, Ton" and *hin0bee
*!enca, )ann" )iYana, , Anton )endo2a, A!d:i 1a"!0, Co"al Pineda, =d *alma, )ilo /a'al, Ton"
4on2ales, Tes Pasola, Lenneth *obonp!e, Ana Cocha, Aart 4!in0ona, in00o" A!ens!ceso, aime
*h!a, Arendan )c*arth", Thom 3antia0o, Pascal 4o!:o!, )anolette Binsa", Andre& 3harpe, Alfred
Sere2-A!r0os 555, Francis *eballos, 3hella 3armiento, Corie *arlos, Tara 3antos, Codeon Co:as, Arian
1laman2aresG Adel Tamano, 3imon Tantoco, Banie, Bais" and =ddie )endo2a, )artha A!c.le", Doll"
A"son, Bebbie *han, Coselle Cebano, Aon0 Palma 4il, ) *hanco, !d" Araneta-Co>as, Aett" 3i"-
Dap, =d!ardo 1ope2, Amor Coselle 9errera, 3!2ette )orelos, /estor =ncinas, Cand" Aaron, 3er0ia
Ab!e'a, P!rificacion Veloso, Petite 4arcia, a'ier 4al'an, Ana 1!isa =spinosa, Ba'id Ferro, 1orraine
/!bar, Cachelle 4erodias, )asa.o Toribara, osephine Coces *ha'e2, A!nn" 1!do, oseph 4on2ale2,
J!inito )oras, a":a" /eri, Bean Bie2, A!diette and Arandie Tan, Andre J!intos, Alma !nia, =ric
Tama"o, )i.e and 1ea Fam!larcano, C!d" A'iles, Ca"mond Abao and 1!cien 1etaba, Orlando
)a0no, Vicente Paterno, /ena 5l!sorio, )aribel On0pin, 3ari *o:!an0co, Tessie Fa:ardo, Pops"
)ende2-A-!ino, Aella Ancheta, 3ol PeYa, Alice 3ande:as, Calph Peter entes, )ar" Ann On0, Cosalie
3ipid, Viol" 1im, =lena 1ee, Cose 1im, 4reta 4o, 3tefie 5nocentes, *armela On0sia.o, Terr" Cosales,
*ecile On0sia.o, Bel" On0sia.o, )aridol )abanta, Tessa 3ierra, !'" D!pan0co, 3e'" 3antos,
4retchen del Cosario, *el!ch )anahan, Cobert *onstantino and 9elen )arte, *!rtis *hin, Tati
1ic!anan, 4re00" and 5rene Araneta, indoor 'olle"ball pla"ers B2i 4er'acio, em Ferrer, Fille 3aint
)erced *ain0let-*a"etano, A /acachi, Cachel Anne Ba-!is, o'el"n 4on2a0a, Al"ssa Valde2, Benden
1a2aro, *oach *haro 3oriano, )ar0e Te:ada, )elissa 4ohin0, )ar" ean Aalse, )a"eth *arolino,
)ichelle *arolino, =lla Be es!s, Lara Ace'edo, Larla Aello, 3tephanie 4abriel, )ae Ta:ima, a"son
Camos, )aica )orada, ed )ontero, )ichelle 1aborte, 3asa Be'anadera, 4rethcel 3oltones, o"
Aenito, C!bie Be 1eon, )ae *risostomo, Dnna 9ao, Tina 3ala., P Torres, Bahlia *r!2, /ene
Aa!tista, Ai2a )ai2o, )ai.a Orti2, Chea Bimac!lan0an, Benise Tan, Ven!s Aernal, hec. Bionela,
An00e Taba-!ero, )itch Bat!in, Abb" Praca, Aea Pasc!al, Aea Tan, !d" *aballe:o, )ar!:a Aanaticla,
A Pare:a, )"co Antonio, 9enr" Pecana, Ce> 5ntal, Bindin 3antia0o, a:a 3antia0o, Lath" Aersola,
Princess 4aiser, 3hiela )arie (Aan0+ Pineda, )a"ette Oapanta, Cosemarie Var0as, en Ce"es, Princess
1istana, An0ela Aentin0, Pa! 3oriano, 1i2lee Ann 4ata-Pantone, =d&in Tolentino, Peter Ben )ar
Papal %isit sia 2014
Torres, )ichelle 4!mabao, *ha *r!2, 3tephanie )ercado, esh!l 8ensh Ti!, Abi0ail )arano, )i.a
=speren2a, Lim Fa:ardo, )i.a Ce"es, Victonara 4alan0, and *"d Bemicillo, Cen2 *asano'a, *hris
)acasaet, Philip *er'e2a, )ar. 1ee, oanne 3i", 1oren 1antin, )ia 9irots!:i, Pamela 1astimosa,
5n0rid Ce"es, esse" Be 1eon, *armela T!na", *hloe *orte2, Ale> *abanos, Patricia Casmo, 5lla
3antos, oanne A!na0, ac-!eline Alarca and =rs 5rata", Aishop 1eo Alcon0a of the 5nternational Aible
3ociet", Aishop Ban Aalais of Philippines for es!s )o'ement, Pastor =d Be 4!2man of 5ntercessors
for the Philippines, Pastor Pa!l *hase of Alaban0 /e& 1ife in *hrist, Apostle Cenato *arillo of es!s
O!r 3hield 8orld&ide )inistries, Pastor Art Ferriol of Pentecostal )issionar" *h!rch of *hrist, Pastor
=milio 9enares of Ci'er of 1ife in Aacolod, Pastor osh!a Aonto0an of 1ife To!chers )inistr", Pastor
=nto" 3intos of es!s )iracle *r!sade, and Aro, Bann" /a'ales of An0 Batin0 Baan,
9i0hli0hts of the ='ent incl!de the celebration of the 9ol" =!charist, to be officiated b" Pope Francis,
the Aishop of Come and the leader of the &orld&ide Coman *atholic *h!rch and a host of Coman
*atholic territorial archbishops, bishops and cardinals, deacons, monsi0nors, diocesan and reli0io!s
priests from the Philippines, 3in0apore, )ala"sia, 5ndonesia, =ast Timor, Ar!nei, *ambodia, 1aos,
Thailand, Vietnam, 3"ria, 5ran, 5ra-, T!r.e", T!r.menistan, A!stralia, /e& Oealand, Pap!a /e&
4!inea, Pacific ;Oceania<, 5ndia, 3ri 1an.a, Aan0ladesh, /epal, Pa.istan, *hina, Tai&an, /orth and
3o!th Lorea, apan, Enited 3tates, *anada, )e>ico, Ar0entina, Ara2il, *olombia, Per!, Vene2!ela,
=c!ador, *hile, 4!atemala, Aoli'ia, *osta Cica, *!ba, Bominican Cep!blic, 9ond!ras, Para0!a",
/icara0!a, 5tal", France, 3pain, Poland, 4erman", Port!0al, Ael0i!m, 9!n0ar", A!stria, =n0land,
/etherlands, E.raine, 5reland, 3lo'a.ia, *rotia, *2ech Cep!blic, 3&it2erland, 1it!hania, Comania,
3lo'enia, Aelar!s, C!ssia, 3erbia and )ontene0ro, 1ati'ia, 1!>embo!r0, )alta, Albania, 3&eden,
4reece, =stonia, 5celand, E0anda, Tan2ania, An0ola, *had, 3ene0al, 4abon, )ada0ascar, A!r!ndi,
)o2ambi-!e, C&anda, 3!dan, Oambia, )ala&i, *ameroon, *ote d?5'ore, Aenin, A!ri.ina Faso, To0o,
4hana, =-!atorial 4!inea, =thiopia, =riterea, *ape Verde, /amibia, *entral African Cep!blic, *on0o,
Bemocratic Cep!blic of *on0o, T!nisia, /i0er, *omoros, )a!ritania and Al0eria,
The 77-"ear-old Pope, &ho has been the leader of the 8orld&ide Coman *atholic *h!rch, &as
re-!ested b" *eb! Archbishop ose Palma to lead the 9ol" )ass,
Other than Palma, Vidal, the other cardinals &ho &ill be present in toda"?s lit!r0" incl!de *ardinal
An0elo Amato, the prefect of the *on0re0ation of the *a!ses of 3aintsG )anila Archbishop 1!is
Antonio *ardinal Ta0leG )anila Archbishop =merit!s 4a!dencio *ardinal Cosales,
A0ana, 4!am Archbishop Anthon" Ap!ronG )ost Ce', 4i!seppe PintoG the apostolic n!ncio in the
PhilippinesG and Come-based priest, Fr, Fernando Co:o, the main post!lator for *al!n0sod?s ca!se &ill
also be aro!nd, )s0r, Villaro:o said at least bishops, cardinals, deacons and aro!nd 10,000 priests ha'e
confirmed to attend the e'ent,
B!rin0 comm!nion, Villaro:o ad'ised the people not to floc. to the main altar,
(The" sho!ld sta" p!t !ntil the" see a comm!nion distrib!tor mar.ed b" !mbrellas,+ he said,
Villaro:o said there are 2,000 comm!nion distrib!tors, Of the n!mber 1,700 are la" ministers, The" &ill
be a!0mented b" priests and n!ns,
After the comm!nion, Pinto, the papal n!ncio, &ill deli'er a messa0e,
President A-!ino, &ho so!0ht the permission of the archdiocese so he can deli'er his messa0e to the
Filipinos, &ill ha'e to ma.e his piece after the )ass,
Fr, Ca!l 4alle0o, chairperson of the committee on 'en!e, !r0ed the people to brin0 alon0 radios, &ater,
flashli0hts, food, candles, portable chairs, and !mbrellas,
On the other hand, people are prohibited from brin0in0 0!ns and bladed &eapons,
Papal %isit sia 2014
After the )ass and the messa0e of the president, a c!lt!ral presentation &ill be made, This &ill be
participated in b" Pasi0arbo sa 3!0bo contin0ents from )in0lanilla, Talisa" *it", and )anda!e *it",
The 1!mad Aasa.anon, &ho has reaped a&ards d!rin0 the 3in!lo0 festi'ities, &ill also be part of the
Binner for the special 0!ests &ill be ser'ed at the Fiesta Pa'illion of )anila 9otel, Food pro'ided b"
osiah?s *aterin0, alon0 &ith fast-food chains inside the 3) *it" /orth =B3A, 3) )e0amall, 3)
*it" )anila and 3) )all of Asia,
At the 1!neta and at least 10 shrines aro!nd the Philippines, there &ill be processions to be led b"
ima0es of the Alessed Vir0in )ar",
The concelebrated mass, &hich &ill pro:ect the Philippines as a pil0rima0e destination in Asia, &ill be
co'ered b" the national m!lti-media &ith possible hoo.-!p b" satellite, 5t &ill also be recorded, &ith
the 'ideotape to be sent to the 3ister An0elica *hannel,
The reli0io!s acti'it" has been arran0ed in cooperation &ith the 8ells 3prin0 of 1ife, 3acred 1and of
Asia, )arian )o'ement, *harismatic )o'ement of the Philippines, *onfradia, and Association of
3hrine Cectors and Pil0rima0e Promoters of the Philippines,
After the 9ol" )ass, Binner, *!lt!ral Bance Presentation 3ho& and 30-min!te fire&or.s displa", the
pra"er-partners be0an their fello&ship at abo!t 261# a,m &ith :o"f!l praise and &orship son0s,
To the deli0ht of e'er"one, Aishop Aacani, in his &hite robe and scarlet sash, e>pressed the :o" and
appreciation for the presence of the tho!sands of pra"er-partners that e'enin0,
B!rin0 the li0htin0 of tho!sands of candles, a ma0nificent 0lo& filtered thro!0h the dar.ness of the
ni0ht fillin0 the #@-hectare Ci2al Par. and ad:acent areas-Co>as Ao!le'ard to north and so!thbo!nd
areas of Taft A'en!e, T,), Lala& 3treet and Enited /ations A'en!e into =rmita, e>tendin0 !p to )aria
Orosa 3treet, Padre A!r0os Bri'e, Port Area district, ones, A"ala, )cArth!r and J!e2on Arid0es to
Pla2a )iranda and J!e2on Ao!le'ard in J!iapo,
Aro, )i.e Velarde, fo!nder and ser'ant-leader of =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fello&ship
Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc, ;B8S5-PPF5< Coman *atholic *harismatic Cene&al Celi0io!s
)o'ement &ill deli'er the 3-ho!r 8orship and 9ealin0 Pra"er Call" )essa0e for the Famil"
Appointment &ith =l 3haddai &as held in than.s0i'in0 for the 0rand pra"er assembl" and ann!al
anni'ersar" celebration of e'an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic *harismatic rene&al reli0io!s
mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+ and ann!al birthda" celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch
8orld&ide fo!nder, president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'a on )onda"
)ornin0 at 4600 a,m, follo&ed b" a )ornin0 o"f!l 3al!-3alo at 7600 a,m,
The e'ent &ill be aired li'e nation&ide b" the People?s Tele'ision /et&or. ;PTV< *hannel 4 thro!0h
its 1% pro'incial tele'ision stations and 700 cable and satellite tele'ision operators, %i&! a re"or& (rom
5L SHA33AJ 84T B4J8J81 E4+Y-SJ8 +ALLY
Mania, Oc&ober 11, 2012 - Aro, )i.e Velarde, ser'ant leader of =l 3haddai, "esterda" e>pressed
s!pport for President A-!ino?s proposed amendments to the *onstit!tion, and said he and millions of
his follo&ers &ill sta" a&a" from the anti-A-!ino rall" o'er the PBAF contro'ers" in )a.ati,
(There is no reason to be afraid of these chan0es beca!se these &o!ld be 0ood for the people,+ Velarde
said in a press for!m at the J!irino 4randstand lo!n0e,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Velarde, spirit!al ad'iser of President Aeni0no A-!ino 555, ar0!edthat the Filipinos &ill still ha'e the
last sa" on an" amendments proposed b" *on0ress, 9e added that a plebiscite &ill be held to 'ote on
the appro'al of these proposed chan0es,
Bespite stron0 opposition from )anila Archbishop 1!is Antonio *ardinal 4, Ta0le, *atholic bishops,
and former President Fidel V, Camos, Velarde insisted that plans to amend the *harter are appropriate
and necessar",
(5Hm s!rprised at those &ho are opposin0 *harter chan0e,+ Velarde said, addin0 these chan0es are for
the co!ntr"Hs economic de'elopment, benefittin0 all people,
President A-!ino is p!shin0 for *harter-chan0es, &hich he calls *onstit!tional *orrections and
Be'elopment ;*oncord<, thro!0h *on0ress con'enin0 itself into a constit!ent assembl" to s!00est
amendments based on economic reforms,
A-!ino said the constit!tion h!rts the nationHs econom" beca!se it limits forei0n in'estment in the
Philippines, 9e said the co!ntr"Hs poor &o!ld s!ffer if the constit!tion is not amended soon,
The proposed *harter chan0e and the por. barrel scam spar.ed the opposition to hold a (pro-
democrac" rall"+ on October 27, the same da" &hen the =l 3haddai and es!s is 1ord *h!rch
8orld&ide members &ill celebrate es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, president and spirit!al
director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a?s @1st birthda" and the 37th fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" celebration of
es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide at the J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par., )anila,
The anti-por. barrel, anti-charter chan0e, constr!ction traffic and anti-police 0ro!ps &ill lead the rall"
mainl" a0ainst the proposed amendments to the constit!tion, the passa0e of the Freedom of
5nformation ;FO5< bill, the alle0ed s!ppression of the press, the res!r0ence of the )arcos famil", the
car:ac.in0 cases and hi0h-profile .illin0s and incidents, in )etro )anila, the massacre in Atimonan,
J!e2onG his order to stop s!pport to the Officers? 1adies *l!bG the pl!nder char0es filed a0ainst
Philippine /ational Police Birector 4eneral Alan 1,), P!risima before the Office of the Omb!dsman
in connection &ith the alle0ed anomalo!s deal the P/P entered into &ith a co!rier ser'iceG
disappointment amon0 le0itimate firearms holders o'er the stricter iss!ance of permit to carr" firearms
o!tside residence and license to o&n and possess firearmsG the P317-million f!nds from the Philippine
*harit" 3& Office, e>tend the *omprehensi'e A0rarian Ceform Pro0ram ;*ACP< b" fi'e
"ears, the transfer of assi0nment of Tas. Force T!0is chief 3enior 3!perintendent *onrado *apa after
the arrest of 4lobe Asiati-!e president Belfin 1eeG and the spate of .illin0s nation&ide, the Aohol
=arth-!a.e rehabilitation, the Dolanda rehabilitation and s!pposed cron"ism in 0o'ernment,
Velarde clarified that the 0atherin0 on 3!nda" is held ann!all" is the anni'ersar" celebration of ri'al
reli0io!s 0ro!p es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide is headed b" fo!nder, president and spirit!al director
Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a on October 27-27 b" &hich has intentions to insti0ate fe!d &ith the other
(This ann!al e'ent has lon0 been planned and sched!led since last "ear in 2013,+ he said,
Papal %isit sia 2014
As.ed if he &o!ld 0o the the A-!ino-led rall", Velarde said there &o!ld be diffic!lt", sa"in0 the
pro0ram at the J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par. in )anila &o!ld start as earl" as 10 a,m,, October 27
!ntil the ne>t da", )onda", October 27, 2014 at @ a,m, The rall" a0ainst the national iss!es of the
Philippines &ill start at 1 pm and end at 3 pm in )a.ati *it",
Aesides, he said, he &as not in'ited to attend the rall" led b" former President Fidel V, Camos and
)anila Archbishop 1!is Antonio *ardinal Ta0le in )a.ati *it",
(1i.e )e, the =l 3haddai-B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational has 0one thro!0h all .inds
of life threatenin0 crises, And "et b" Bi'ine 4race it s!r'i'ed, and contin!e to 0ro& b" leaps and
bo!nds, mirac!lo!sl" to!chin0 millions of people all o'er the earth,+ Velarde said,
4!ests incl!de President A-!ino, Vice President e:omar *, Aina", 9o!se Feliciano C,
Aelmonte, r,, 3!preme *o!rt *hief !stice )aria 1o!rdes P,A, 3ereno,
Pope Francis, &ho &ill officiate the mass to0ether &ith )anila Archbishop 1!is Antonio *ardinal 4,
The e'ent &ill ser'e free food for all, All e>penses &ill be paid b" the Villan!e'a famil" and close
friends and not b" the =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational and es!s is 1ord
*h!rch 8orld&ide mo'ement,
A" 3 p,m,, tho!sands of balloons &ill be released &ith these pra"er re-!ests6 for =l 3haddai to contin!e
to!chin0 peopleHs li'es, healin0 the sic. and repairin0 bro.en relationshipsG for President A-!ino to
s!cceed in brid0in0 the 0ap bet&een the rich and the poorG for the )arcos &ealth iss!e to be resol'ed
b" the people in a referend!mG and, for the media to become a constr!cti'e partner in nation-b!ildin0,
Aug. #$ rlly0 8o invittion neededL co'e if you believe!
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 20, 2012 (.N3U.RER) - *O)= if "o! belie'e,
8ith this e>hortation, or0ani2ers in'ited all sectors of societ" to the A!0, 20 and October 27 Call" for
Bemocrac" in )a.ati *it" and re0ister their opposition to the constit!tional amendments proposed and
national iss!es b" the Aeni0no A-!ino 555 administration,
Former 3en, Cene 3a0!isa0, chair of the )o'ement of Attorne"s for Arotherhood, 5nte0rit" and
/ationalism ;)abini<, anno!nced that the la&"ersH 0ro!p had decided to :oin the rall",
The other 0ro!ps that ha'e 'o&ed to see action in the rall" incl!de the Lilosba"an led b" former 3enate
President o'ito 3alon0a, the reli0io!s s!ch as the *h!rch PeopleHs 5nitiati'e A0ainst *ha-cha, T"rann"
and *ron"ism, the Promotion of *h!rch PeopleHs Cesponse, st!dents s!ch as members of the *olle0e
=ditors 4!ild of the Philippines, artists led b" the Lontra-A!sal, and 0a"s represented b" Pro0a"
(Do! do not need to be in'ited,+ con'enors of the protest rall" said in an ad'isor", (*ome if "o!
3a0!isa0 said in a statement that on Frida" ni0ht, the se'en tr!stees of )abini decided to :oin the
)a.ati rall",
Papal %isit sia 2014
9e said the )abini officers and members a0reed to meet and assemble (in front of the fire station near
the corner of A"ala A'en!e and 3en, 4il , P!"at A'en!e,+
(5n the end, it is a -!estion of indi'id!al choice,+ said 3a0!isa0, HHAasta an0 hindi s!mama o ma.isama,
maitim an0 b!to,
(9o& man" &ill sho& !p on October 2#-27`+ he said, (One man in the ri0ht is a ma:orit",+
3alon0aHs Lilosba"an "esterda" made its o&n decision to :oin after an o'er&helmin0 'ote, Onl" one
member 'oted a0ainst the decision, accordin0 to Lilosba"an member J!intin Boromal,
5t is the first time since the 1%@7 =dsa People Po&er Ce'ol!tion that Lilosba"an is :oinin0 a protest
The members called the decision a (patriotic political action,+
The" said their 0ro!p &as endorsin0 the three iss!es raised b" the A!0, 20 and October 27-27 rall"
or0ani2ers--protest a0ainst constit!tional chan0e at this time, a0ainst cron"ism and a0ainst threats to
press freedom,
4ood 0o'ernance
1a&"er *hito 4ascon, &ho represented the "o!th in the 1%@7 *onstit!tional *ommission, said in a for!m at the 3!lo 9otel in J!e2on *it" that it &as (0ood 0o'ernance, not *harter chan0e,
that &ill brin0 abo!t economic reforms,+
4ascon, a member of the or0ani2in0 committee of the A!0, 20 and October 27-27 rall", &ill marshall
the rall" participants &ho &ill 0ather at the corner of A!endia and A"ala a'en!es,
One 0!est at the 3!lo 9otel for!m said p!blic officials sho!ld be (p!nished not onl" for their sin of
commission b!t for their sin of omission as &ell,+
8hen the 0!est noted that Vice President e:omar Aina" &as (no&hereHH at this cr!cial time, rall"
con'enor /oel Tolentino said )acapa0al had been 0i'in0 them s!pport, ho&e'er HHin'isible,HH
9e admitted that the rall" or0ani2ers had been missin0 the s!pport of other officials,
'emember !dsa
People &ho are :oinin0 the Call" for Bemocrac" m!st feel the same sense of !r0enc" that the" did
d!rin0 the 1%@7 =dsa Ce'ol!tion, 5bon Facts and Fi0!res e>ec!ti'e director Ton" T!:an told a cro&d of
abo!t 1,000 in a for!m in Aacolod *it" on Frida",
HH='er" ri0ht-minded Filipino sho!ld stop an" effort at *harter chan0e at this time beca!se all its
intentions are clearl" anti-Filipino,HH T!:an said,
The Aacolod for!m &as sponsored b" the *h!rch PeopleHs 5nitiati'e A0ainst *ha-cha, T"rann" and
*ron"ism, The same 0ro!p &ill spearhead the anti-*ha-cha rall" in Aacolod on A!0, 20, 3eptember 21
and October 27,
TuIan noted that the !l %haddai had been regularly holding its holy masses and worship and
healing prayer rallies at night. ;9ow for the first time they are holding it during the day,A he
said. ;@ think there really is an intention to weaken the political impact of the nationwide protest
movement against Cha2cha,A he added. TuIan urged the reported ) million members of !l
%haddai to attend the pro2democracy rally first before going to their gathering at 'iDal ark.
;!ven the !l %haddai people should realiDe that now is the time to be truly Christian and Filipino
by Ioining the anti2Cha2cha rallies,A he said.
!l %haddai leader Mike <elarde is celebrating his ")th birthday last 7ugust #*, while =esus is
>ord Church /orldwide movement founder, international president and spiritual director
.ishop .ro. !ddie <illanueva is celebrating his F+st birthday on &ctober C.
Papal %isit sia 2014
9ational (emocratic Front eHecutive committee member >uis =alandoni said resident .enigno
7$uino @@@ was trying to use <elarde and <illanueva:s ;birthday celebrationA as a ;political
weaponA to counter the anti2political rally.
Artists, 0a"s
Artists and 0a"s, too, are set to ta.e part in the )a.ati rall",
The artists, led b" Lontra-A!sal, and the 0a"s, represented b" the Pro0ressi'e 4a"s Or0ani2ation of the
Philippines ;Pro0a"<, are members of People Cesist, a broad alliance of or0ani2ations and indi'id!als
formed in 1%%7,
The Lontra-A!sal and Pro0a" 0ro!ps &ill assemble in front of C!stanHs department store alon0 A"ala
A People Cesist statement said reli0io!s people headed b" the Promotion for *h!rch PeopleHs Cesponse
;P*PC< &ill la!nch an acti'it" called the *h!rch a0ainst Cisin0 T"rann" ;*hrist< on October 21,
On the same date, health professionals &ill la!nch the 9ealth Alliance a0ainst T"rann" and *harter
*han0e ;9aTa* /a<, said PeopleHs Cesist,
On A!0, 17 and Oct, 21, People Cesist &ill han0 blac. ribbons in desi0nated areas in J!e2on *it",
Pasa" *it" and *aloocan *it",
On A!0, 1@ and Oct, 22, at e>actl" 7 p,m,, People Cesist &ill hold a 30-min!te noise barra0e in three
ma:or (noise centers+ in )etro )anila6 8elcome Cotonda in J!e2on *it", )on!mento in *aloocan
*it" and Pasa" *it",
)as. appeal
Desterda", artists and &riters 0athered at Vin2onHs 9all at the Eni'ersit" of the Philippines in Biliman
to sta0e ()as. Action,+ sponsored b" Lontra-A!sal, )ore than @0 artists and &riters desi0ned and
created anti-*harter chan0e mas.s,
The mas.s &ere made from materials li.e fo!nd ob:ects, paper, abaca fiber, acr"lic paint, paper c!ps,
(8e &ill &ear these anti-*ha-cha and anti-t"rann" mas.s in the A!0, 20 rall",+ said Lontra-A!sal
spo.esperson *hic.o" P!ra of the roc. band er.s and the 0ro!p )!sicians for Peace,
Aomen 4!illermo of the Amado V, 9ernande2 Ceso!rce *enter said in the same EP 0atherin0 that his
0ro!pHs fi0ht a0ainst HHan" attempted restoration of fascist dictatorshipHH is in the (0reat tradition of ose
Ci2al, A!relio Tolentino, Amado V, 9ernande2, 1ino Aroc.a, 5smael Aernal and man" more artists and
&riters before !s,+
5n "esterda"Hs Lapihan sa *"Press in J!e2on *it", Pro0a" secretar" 0eneral Oscar Atadero said his
0ro!p, to0ether &ith the 1esbians in Aa0!io for /ational Bemocrac" ;1esbond<, the 4a"s Enited to
8ipe O!t American )ilitar" Presence in the Philippines ;4!&apo<, and the 4a"s Opposed to *harter
*han0e ;4otcha<, &o!ld rall" 0a"s to :oin the protest rallies in ma:or cities in the Philippines,
Fastin0, pra"ers
The reli0io!s sector in 1!cena *it" &ill lead the people in J!e2on pro'ince in fastin0 and pra"ers from
A!0, 17 to 20 and October 1% to 22,
The acti'it" &ill coincide &ith the celebration of J!e2on Ba" in the pro'ince, accordin0 to Fr, Ca!l
=nri-!e2, chair of the 3ocial *oncern *ommission of the 1!cena diocese,
5t &ill start &ith the sim!ltaneo!s pealin0 of ch!rch bells in all parishes in the diocese, pra"in0 of the
rosar" in Pilipino 1an0!a0e and Panalan0in Para sa 1ip!nan ;Pra"er for the People< on A!0!st 17 to 1%
to and October 1% to 21,
Papal %isit sia 2014
On A!0, 1@ and October 22, a 0rand ec!menical assembl" &ill be held on the 0ro!nds of the 3t,
Ferdinand *athedral in 1!cena *it",
The fo!r-da" e'ent &ill end &ith a march to the mon!ment of President )an!el 1, J!e2on in the cit"Hs
Celi0io!s and st!dents
The Ce:ect *harter *han0e )o'ement in *eb! said no amo!nt of HHcoercionHH or (di'isi'e tactics+ co!ld
stop the people from re:ectin0 )r, A-!ino?s *ha-cha efforts,
5n Ba'ao *it", the Ba'ao Archdiocese said it &o!ld mobili2e priests, n!ns, la" members, st!dents and
other reli0io!s con0re0ations for the A!0!st 23 to 24 and October 27 to 27 rallies,
3t!dent co!ncils and members of the *olle0e =ditors 4!ild of the Philippines ;*=4P< &ill hold
sim!ltaneo!s ed!cation for!ms on *ha-cha and press freedom in at least ei0ht colle0es and !ni'ersities
on A!0, 17 and 1@,
*=4P Ba'ao *it" chair Aen0 9ernande2 said st!dents &o!ld li0ht candles in the ei0ht schools before
marchin0 to Freedom Par. in that cit" for a rall", %i&! re"or&# (rom De(in T) Maari, So'&!ern
6',on 7'rea'8 9ara P) :ome, an+ 5ra'ine Maria Sin#on, PD. ;i#a<a# 7'rea'8 -owe 5)
9an'+a<, PD. Min+anao 7'rea'8 A5P
A""5AL T4 *JSH4"S0 3onGt de'oni,e 5rpI*ricn )*y Buliet Lbog-Bvelln.
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 22, 2012 0 )A1A*AaA/4 "esterda" protested &hat it said &as (a
tendenc" to demoni2e+ certain people in the s!pposed portra"al of the iss!e of *harter chan0e as a
battle bet&een 0ood and e'il,
And 3enate President Fran.lin Brilon reminded 1!is Antonio *ardinal 4, Ta0le of the separation of
po&ers bet&een *h!rch and 3tate, in an apparent attempt to disco!ra0e the o!tspo.en )anila
archbishop from f!rther e>pressin0 ob:ection to amendin0 the *onstit!tion,
At a press briefin0, President Aeni0no A-!ino 555?s spo.esperson Att", =d&in 1acierda said HHsome of
the &ords that ha'e been e>pressed seem to indicate a moral :!d0ment that those &ho are for *harter
chan0e are someho& the personification of e'il, or ha'e an e'il a0enda,HH
As.ed if the e>chan0e of harsh &ords bet&een the President and 3in last &ee.end indicated a rift
bet&een the t&o leaders, 1acierda said6 HHThere has been a tendenc" o'er the past &ee.s to demoni2e
people, to raise the rhetoric, and 5 :!st &onder if that is 0ood for the co!ntr",HH
HH5 thin. &e can ar0!e, if necessaril" 'er" passionatel", amon0 o!rsel'es, b!t letHs 0rant that the people
&ho ha'e 'ie&s opposite to !s are not necessaril" demons and e'il persons o!t to destro" the co!ntr",HH
he added,
A!t 1acierda co!ld not resist referrin0 to those stron0l" opposed to amendin0 the *onstit!tion at this
time as HHhec.lers,HH
(8e canHt ha'e a hec.lersH 'eto, Do! canHt ha'e a sit!ation &here the person &ith the lo!dest 'oice is
allo&ed to defeat the democratic process,+ he said,
1acierda, a la&"er and a st!dent acti'ist in the 1%70s, posed this -!estion to opponents of *harter
chan0e6 (Are &e fore'er 0oin0 to li'e !nder the shado& of the )arcos "ears`+
9e also pointed o!t that HH&eHre 0oin0 to li'e &ith each other after October 27,+
The da" &ill be mar.ed b" a pro-democrac" rall" to be led b" protesters in )a.ati *it", and an
apparent co!nter0atherin0 b" the =l 3haddai, led b" )r, A-!ino?s spirit!al ad'iser Aro, )i.e Velarde,
at the Ci2al Par. in )anila for the pastoral and state 'isit of pope Francis here in the Philippines,
Papal %isit sia 2014
3in, ho&e'er, made no mention of the &ord HHe'ilHH in his pastoral letter, &hich &as read in all *atholic
ch!rches last 3!nda",
Archbishop-=merit!s Fernando *apalla of Ba'ao *it", ho&e'er, described *harter chan0e as HHsinf!l,HH
&hile *eb! Archbishop-=merit!s Cicardo *ardinal Vidal said the *h!rch co!ld not mee.l" stand at the
sidelines &itho!t 'oicin0 its concern o'er national iss!es,
5n the pastoral letter, 3in !r0ed the faithf!l to :oin the rall" for democrac" in )a.ati as a patriotic d!t",
HH8e &ant moralit" in 0o'ernment, 8e &ant transparenc" in p!blic office, 8e &ant the tr!th all the
time,HH he said,
The rall" is meant to air opposition to an" *harter chan0e no&, the percei'ed ret!rn of )arcos-st"le
cron"ism, and threats to press freedom,
3t!n0 b" the contents of the letter, the President spent m!ch of his t&o-ho!r radio pro0ram (Ceport .a"
Aoss+ last 3at!rda" in attac.in0 Ta0le,
(*ardinal Ta0le is not 4od, and no matter &hat acc!sations he a0ainst me, he cannot stop me,+
)r, A-!ino said,
9e &as partic!larl" offended b" the part &herein Ta0le said6 HHThe ret!rn to po&er of the former
pl!nderers of o!r nation is dis0!stin0, The harassment of press people is alarmin0, The compromise
&ith the heirs of the dictator is immoral,HH
Accordin0 to the President, the letter contained lies and baseless acc!sations--char0es he often
a0ainst the 5/JE5C=C,
:.oth ways:
Att", 1acierda , &ho treated reporters to a l!nch to mar. his first "ear on the :ob, appealed for sobriet",
(5f &e are all 0oin0 to characteri2e each other in 'er" personal thin0s, it &ill be 'er" hard to form a
comm!nit", a nation that can mo'e for&ard,+ he said,
(5 thin. &hatHs important here is a little bit of 0ood faith, a little bit of respect for those &ho disa0ree
&ith !s ho&e'er stron0l"--and that &or.s both &a"s,
(And itHs important for !s to sometimes lo&er the temperat!re of o!r rhetoric, especiall" !s Filipinos
;&ho< ta.e these thin0s 'er" personall",+
Att", 1acierda also said it &as important not to let bitterness di'ide the nation,
(8eHre 0oin0 to li'e &ith each other after October 27, The .ind of personal bitterness that comes o!t of
this has the capacit" ;of< poisonin0 o!r &hole societ" for a 0ood 10 or 20 "ears,HH he said,
Filipinos, he said, sho!ld HHstep bac. from the precipice of V personal attac.s, and thin. at the end of
the da", H8e &ill reco0ni2e that e'en those opposed to !s ma" ha'e 'alid thin0s to sa",+
(1etHs listen to each other, And perhaps &e can mo'e for&ard as a people,+ he said,
Att", 1acierda said the *h!rchHs HHpersonal attac.sHH &ere ma.in0 it diffic!lt for p!blic ser'ants to do
their :ob,
(8hen "o! are doin0 p!blic ser'ice !nder these rather diffic!lt conditions, 5 :!st thin. that perhaps &e
o!0ht to ree>amine some of the statements &e are ma.in0 abo!t people,+ he said,
(5n the lon0 r!n, 5 thin. itHs also important that &e are balanced abo!t this, This is a democrac", people
ha'e a ri0ht to spea. !p, e>press stron0 'ie&s, and those sides &ill contin!e to be protected, as the"
sho!ld be,+
Att", 1acierda said those opposed to *harter chan0e &o!ld ha'e the opport!nit" to e>press their 'ie&s
(&hen concrete proposals are made+ and d!rin0 the plebiscite,
Papal %isit sia 2014
9e said the A-!ino 555 administration had proposed (solid economic chan0es+ and had iss!ed the
ass!rance that no political amendments &o!ld be introd!ced to benefit the President and other officials,
3o far, )r, A-!ino 555 has anno!nced allo&in0 forei0n o&nership of land, p!blic !tilities and media,
and clippin0 the po&ers of the 3!preme *o!rt as amon0 the amendments that he fa'ored,
Aarican too. those opposed to *harter chan0e to tas. for li'in0 in the shado& of martial la&,
(Are &e fore'er 0oin0 to li'e !nder the shado& of the )arcos "ears` 1etHs learn from it, b!t are &e
0oin0 to be so afraid of the )arcos "ears that all the reforms &e need to do &onHt 0et done beca!se of
the fears &e ha'e of &hat happened in 1%72 to 1%@7`+ he said,
(5 &o!ld li.e to thin. that &e can learn from that e>perience and o'ercome it as &ell,+
Other&ise, he said, Filipinos (:!st ha'e to pa" the price,+
At the 3enate, Ople said in an amb!sh inter'ie&6 HH5 thin. there are constit!tional limits for reli0io!s
interference &ith the affairs of the 0o'ernment,
(;A!t< at this time, &e are inclined to 0i'e *ardinal Ta0le the benefit of the do!bt, beca!se he himself
sa"s he is !tili2in0 his constit!tional freedom as a citi2en of the Philippines to e>press his opinions on
some 'ital iss!es of the 3tate,+
Ople &arned f!rther that 3inHs 'ocal stand on hi0hl" political iss!es, co!pled &ith his critical 'ie&s
a0ainst the A-!ino 555 administration, mi0ht be re0arded b" man" as steppin0 be"ond the confines of
reli0io!s infl!ence,
(5f this leads some&here to a serio!s ad'ocac" for a theocratic state in the Philippines, 5Hm s!re that the
Filipino people &o!ld not li.e it, beca!se &e are a sec!lar state b" constit!tional choice,+ Ople said,
9e added6 (A theocratic state is somethin0 &e find in 5ran or in ma"be some parts of )indanao, b!t
this is not acceptable to the Filipino people beca!se &e belie'e in the separation of the *h!rch and
3tate,+-- %i&! a re"or& (rom 9a&!< 9) Yam#'an
>A dioceses to hold si'ultneous rllies )*y the "3J *ureus.
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 22, 2012 0 T9= /E)A=C of dioceses holdin0 sim!ltaneo!s rallies on
October 27 to 27 to protest *harter chan0e has risen to 47 e'en as a senior *h!rch official !r0ed the
fo!nders of the =l 3haddai )o'ement and es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide to follo& his bishop on
iss!es &ith moral dimensions,
The dioceses of *alapan, Oriental )indoro, and Bi0os, Ba'ao del 3!r, ha'e firmed !p plans to hold
rallies on Frida", Fort"-fi'e other dioceses earlier finali2ed plans to hold rallies a0ainst *harter chan0e,
)ore 0ro!ps ha'e also si0nified their intention to hold rallies to oppose mo'es b" President Aeni0no
A-!ino 555 to amend the *onstit!tion and scrap the por. barrel,
5n *eb!, at least 12 0ro!ps from different sectors "esterda" attended the la!nchin0 of the Ce:ect
*harter *han0e )o'ement ;Ce:ect<,
Amon0 those &ho :oined the la!nchin0 of Ce:ect &ere representati'es from nine *atholic reli0io!s
0ro!ps--the 3alesian Fathers, the Celi0io!s of Vir0in )ar", the 3ociet" of Bi'ine 8ord, the
Cedemptorist Fathers, the Celi0io!s of )erc", Franciscan 3isters, Ba!0hters of 3t, Pa!l and the
*armelite 3isters,
Papal %isit sia 2014
For its part, the Lil!san0 )a"o Eno appealed to emplo"ers to allo& their &or.ers to ta.e a (da" off+
on Frida" to enable them to attend the protest rallies bein0 or0ani2ed b" the *h!rch,
(avao 7rchbishop2!meritus Fernando Capalla said .ro. Mike <elarde, founder of !l %haddai,
.ro. !ddie <illanueva, founder, president and spiritual director of =esus is >ord Church
/orldwide, must follow Manila 7rchbishop >uis 7ntonio Cardinal Tagle on issues with moral
HHThe principle to follo&6 la" people in )anila, incl!din0 =l 3haddai ;follo&ers< and Velarde, es!s is
1ord *h!rch ;members< and Villan!e'a, m!st follo& their bishop--and that is *ardinal Ta0le--on
matters of the faith,HH *apalla said in 1e0a2pi *it" on 3at!rda",
*apalla and some 100 bishops and other ch!rch leaders came to 1e0a2pi *it" to attend the #0th
=piscopal Ordination Anni'ersar" of Aishop ose *, 3orra,
/hile <illanueva is leading a rally cum celebration of his F+st birthday on &ctober C while a
belated birthday celebration and belated anniversary celebration of =esus is >ord Church
/orldwide Movement on &ctober #C2#" at -uirino 3randstand, 'iDal ark, Manila during the
four2day pastoral and state visit of ope Francis here in the hilippines.
The !l %haddai rally will be attended by resident .enigno 7$uino @@@.
*apalla said la" *atholics co!ld disa0ree &ith their bishops on political iss!es li.e *harter chan0e,
A!t he declared in a pastoral letter &hich &as read in all the ch!rches in the Ba'ao archdiocese that
mo'es to amend the *harter &ere HHmorall" sinf!lHH and HHo!tri0ht oppressi'e,HH
*apalla stressed that the *h!rch m!st also ma.e a stand on political and economic iss!es &ith moral
5n )indanao, he said, the *atholic *h!rch had made a stand a0ainst *harter chan0e beca!se the
proposed amendments &o!ld allo& forei0ners to o&n land in the co!ntr" amid &idespread la&lessness,
*atholic *h!rch leaders in *eb!, /e0ros Occidental and 5loilo are preparin0 to brin0 tho!sands of
people to the streets for the pro-democrac" protest rall" on A!0, 20 and October 27,
5n *eb! *it", the rall" spearheaded b" Archbishop ose Palma is e>pected to mobili2e some 2#0,000
people, accordin0 to )s0r, Coberto Alesna,
Aesides *harter chan0e, the *eb! rall" &ill address the threats to press freedom, cron"ism, forei0n
debt, 0amblin0, ille0al dr!0s, porno0raph", prostit!tion and 'iolence a0ainst &omen and children,
Cepresentati'es from the Philippine Peasants 5nstit!te, the Lil!san0 Pambansan0 Bemo.ras"a and the
5nte0rated Aar of the Philippines-*eb! *hapter also attended the la!nchin0 of Ce:ect in *eb!,
5n /e0ros Occidental, Aishop Vicente /a'arra of Laban.alan *it" and Aishop /icolas )onde:ar of
3an *arlos *it" ha'e called on the faithf!l to :oin the rallies set in their respecti'e areas,
A *h!rch-led rall" in Aacolod *it" is also e>pected to dra& a lot of people despite Aishop *amilo
4re0orioHs anno!ncement that he &ill not :oin the mass action,
Papal %isit sia 2014
4re0orio had said he &as a0ainst mo'es to chan0e the *onstit!tion b!t he belie'ed the rall" &o!ld be a
HH!seless and f!tile e>erciseHH and HHa &aste of time,HH
'ivas letter
5n the absence of a pastoral letter from 4re0orio, some Aacolod priests read instead in their )asses on
3!nda" the letter of )s0r, Victorino Ci'as, 'icar 0eneral of the Biocese of Aacolod, in'itin0 the
faithf!l to :oin the Aacolod rall",
5n his letter, Ci'as said HH0i'en the n!mero!s statements of Pope Francis 5 re0ardin0 the ill effects of the
neo-liberal policies of 0lobali2ation a0ainst the poor of the &orld, &e are morall" and d!t" bo!nd to
inform the people on the mo'e to 0lobali2e the *onstit!tion thro!0h n!mero!s amendments fa'orin0
the &hims of 0iant transnational corporations controllin0 the &orld econom",HH
5n 5loilo, parishes from all o'er the pro'ince had been told to send dele0ations to the rall" bein0
spearheaded b" the aro Archdiocesan 3ocial Action *enter ;asac<,
)embers of the 9!bla0 Bemo.ras"a, a ch!rch-bac.ed anti-*harter chan0e coalition, and ca!se-
oriented 0ro!ps are also participatin0 in the rall",
HH5f the *onstit!tion is chan0ed, this can :eopardi2e o!r ci'il libert", partic!larl" freedom of e>pression
and of the press, and more cronies are to be s!rel" benefited b" this mo'e,HH said Fr, )eliton Oso,
director of the asac,
Or0ani2ers ha'e desi0nated t&o assembl" areas for participants, at the pla2a of aro district and at the
Cotar" Amphitheater, beside the 5loilo Pro'incial *apitol,
9!bla0 Bemo.ras"a &ill lead the assembl" at the Cotar" Amphitheater,
At 2630 p,m,, the t&o 0ro!ps &ill march to&ard 3t, *lementHs *h!rch in 1apa2 district for a pra"er
rall" at 3 p,m,
At the end of the rall", or0ani2ers &ill release balloons attached to a banner &ith the &ord
HHLahil&a"an,HH 9ili0a"non for freedom, &ill be attached,
5n Ta0bilaran *it", the *h!rch-led A!0, 20 and October 1% acti'it" &ill come in the form of a
s"mposi!m that &ill spell o!t the anti-*harter chan0e sentiment of the *atholic Aishops *onference of
the Philippines ;*A*P<,
The s"mposi!m &ill be held at 2630 p,m, at the 3t, oseph *athedral in Ta0bilaran *it",
Aoholanos opposed to amendin0 the *onstit!tion la!nched on 3!nda" the HHPeople Cesist *ha-chaHH
5ts con'enors incl!de Fr, !stino =sto-!e r, of the Promotion of *h!rch PeopleHs CesponseG )ichael
Aa0aipo of the *olle0e =ditors 4!ild of the Philippines-AoholG and ohn 4erard 1!mantao, of the
/ational Enion of 3t!dents of the Philippines-Aohol,
Papal %isit sia 2014
5n Ba'ao *it", militants and moderates &ill a0ain :oin forces for the rall" on Frida", their fo!rth team-
!p since the 3ept, 21, 1%%7 anti-*harter chan0e rall",
, marches
1eaders from the militants and the moderates, *atholic and Protestant ch!rches ha'e a0reed d!rin0 a
&ee.end meetin0 to follo& &hat the" did in 1%%76 hold three separate marches from the northern,
so!thern and central parts of the cit" and con'er0e either at Ci2al Par. or Freedom Par. for the pra"er
4len Amoroso, Aa"an secretar" 0eneral, said s!ch an e>pression of !nit" sho&ed the peopleHs serio!s
concern o'er the HHselfishHH moti'es behind )r, =stradaHs mo'e to amend the *onstit!tion,
9e said the people &ere also alarmed b" the PresidentHs HHpattern of actionsHH !nderminin0 the
democratic 0ains &on b" the people,
Amoroso noted the contin!ed attac.s b" the President on the 5/JE5C=C for HHits !n&a'erin0 critical
reports abo!t his presidenc", the ret!rn of the )arcoses and their cronies in po&erf!l b!siness and
political posts and the mo'e for a compromise settlement on )arcos ill-0otten &ealth,HH
On 8ednesda", the m!ltisectoral People Cesist a0ainst Cisin0 T"rann"-3o!thern )indanao &ill hold a
HHTorch Parade for FreedomHH in the cit"Hs main streets to entice more people to :oin the A!0, 20
and October 27 rall",
5n !r0in0 &or.ers aro!nd the co!ntr" to ta.e a s"nchroni2ed HHda"-offHH on Frida", L)E chair *rispin
Aeltran said the threats to democratic ri0hts and the nationHs patrimon" !nder the =strada
administration &ere HHm!ch more dire than the effects of an" s!pert"phoon,HH
HH8e as. the capitalist emplo"ers to allo& their &or.ers to do so ;attend the mass actions< as a matter of
patriotism,HH Aeltran said,
The militant labor 0ro!p had earlier anno!nced it &o!ld mobili2e its ran.s to :oin the rall" to be held
on A"ala A'en!e in )a.ati,
L)E said it &o!ld hold coordinated mass actions nation&ide alon0 &ith the Aa0on0 Al"ansan0
)a.aba"an ;Aa"an<,
HH5tHs cr!cial that the Filipino &or.in0 people 0o o!t into the streets and lo!dl" air their protests a0ainst
the =strada 0o'ernmentHs comprehensi'e attempt to c!rtail ci'il and political ri0hts and sell o!t to
forei0n monopolies &hat remains of o!r nationHs &ealth,HH Aeltran said in a statement,
More protests
The Lil!san Para sa Pambansan0 Bemo.ras"a said it &o!ld also la!nch coordinated mass actions on
A!0, 20 and October 27-27 to add 'oice to the *h!rch-led rall",
3onia 3oto, LPB chair and co-con'enor of the Ce:ect *harter *han0e )o'ement, said tho!sands of
protesters &o!ld hold rallies in /e0ros, *eb!, *ordillera, Aicol and )indanao on the same da",
A 20,000-stron0 contin0ent from *entral 1!2on led b" Aishop , re0ional head con'enor of the Ce:ect
*ha-cha )o'ement, &ill lead a motorcade to )etro )anila to :oin the )a.ati rall",
Papal %isit sia 2014
5n )indanao, protest actions &ill also ta.e place in Ba'ao, *a0a"an de Oro and A!.idnon,-- 'eports
from 'ey 9asol, (@ %outhern >uDon .ureauJ Cynthia 7. .orgueta, Carla . 3omeD, 9ereo C.
>uIan and Chito 7. Fuentes, (@ <isayas .ureauJ =owel F. Canuday, (@ Mindanao .ureau
@A*E!s 11
"lenry Asse'bly 4pens in (nil
The <leventh Plenary sse"bly of the Federation of sian 7ishops? (onferences *F7(+
opened on October 21, 2014 at &an (arlos &e"inary !ditori!", 'a6ati (ity$

The )atherin), 3hich "ar6s the federation.s 44th anniversary *#ove"ber 2>, 1C70 -
#ove"ber 2>, 2014+, is foc!sed on the the"e AF7( at Forty-Five ;ears, 5espondin) to
the (hallen)es of sia$B "on) 71 participants consistin) of cardinals, archbishops and
bishops fro" "ore than 20 sian co!ntries in attendance is Pope 7enedict T%@.s special
envoy to the siG-day event, (ardinal 8a!dencio 5osales, the archbishop e"erit!s of
'anila$ Other participants incl!de eGec!tive secretaries of vario!s oNces of F7(,
fraternal dele)ates and )!ests fro" Oceania, <!rope and 1atin "erica$

(ardinal 5osales presided at a concelebrated 'ass that la!nched the event$ /is ho"ily
evo6ed the i"a)e of 0es!s the 8ood &hepherd 3ho leaves CC of his ]oc6 to )o o!t and
fnd one lost sheep$ &ince (atholicis" is so li"ited in sia, 3here only abo!t three
percent of its 3$= billion people are (atholics, the cardinal said the (h!rch in sia has a
6ind of reverse challen)e, leavin) the one in its fold as it tries to reach o!t to the other
CC$ t the end of the 'ass, he also read the /oly Father?s special "essa)e to the

The oNcial openin) cere"ony that too6 place after the <!charistic celebration sho3cased
the presence of )overn"ent oNcials fro" %ietna"?s reli)io!s aFairs b!rea!, as 3ell as
leaders of 7!ddhist, '!sli" and Protestant co""!nities in T!an 1oc diocese and Don)
#ai province$

The special representative of the Philippine )overn"ent delivered a "essa)e in 3hich he
stressed the appreciation of %ietna"?s people for the helpf!l role (atholics and the
(atholic (h!rch have played in the c!lt!ral, political and "oral )ro3th of the local
co""!nity and the co!ntry at lar)e$ To co"plete the )est!re, the )overn"ent oNcial
presented three "an-si:ed ]o3er arran)e"ents as )ifts to (ardinal 5osales and @ndia.s
(ardinal Os3ald 8racias of '!"bai, the F7( secretary )eneral and 7ishop Do"inic, the
local bishop of T!an 1oc diocese$

The t3o cardinals then than6ed the %ietna"ese )overn"ent for the hospitality and 3ar"
reception eGtended to all the participants fro" the ti"e they arrived in /o (hi 'inh (ity
to the "o"ent they reached the pastoral center in T!an 1oc$ On behalf of the local
(h!rch in %ietna", they also eGpressed an ass!rance that %ietna"ese (atholics 3ill
contin!e to be the )ood citi:ens they are$ 2ith contin!in) dialo)!e and cooperation, the
(atholic (h!rch in %ietna" also hopes to contrib!te to a better f!t!re for the co!ntry$
Papal %isit sia 2014
?$$ cops to gurd rivl rllies )*y (ichel Li' Mbc.
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 22, 2012 (.N3U.RER) 0 T9= October 27-27 rallies led separatel" b"
protesters, es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ideHs Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a and =l 3haddaiHs )i.e
Velarde shall be 0i'en e-!al protection, police said "esterda", A!0!st 30,
The /ational *apital Ce0ional Police Office said "esterda" that abo!t 400 policemen &o!ld be
deplo"ed on A"ala A'en!e in )a.ati *it", &here Pro-Bemocrac" Call" &ill be held from three
assembl" points,
<elardes gathering of !l %haddai flock at the -uirino 3randstand in Manila will also be
provided with E** policemen.
The !l %haddai founder and servant2leader ruled out political undertones in staging the Family
7ppointment with !l %haddai for the annual founding anniversary celebration and holy mass
and worship and healing prayer rally of !vangelical Christian and 'oman Catholic charismatic
renewal religious movement ;=esus is >ord Church /orldwideA on %unday, &ctober #C, saying it
will be held only to celebrate =esus is >ord Church /orldwide founder, president and spiritual
director .ishop .ro. !ddie <illanueva:s F+st birthday on &ctober C and =esus is >ord Church, is
celebrating ,Cth anniversary on %unday, &ctober #C to Monday, &ctober #" at -uirino
3randstand, 'iDal ark, Manila Iust in time for the five2day pastoral and state visit of ope
Francis here in the hilippines as part of the twenty four2day 7sian Iourney tour from &ctober
## to 9ovember +#.
Chief %upt. Marcelo 3arbo =r., 9C'& chief, said that he had already placed the five police
districts in Metro Manila under red alert in preparation for the political and religious rallies.
Of the 400 to be deplo"ed on A"ala A'en!e, 200 policemen &ill come from the )a.ati police, &hile
the rest &ill come from the 3o!thern Police Bistrict, accordin0 to 3enior 3!perintendent )an!el
1!.ban, )a.ati police chief,
1!.ban maintained that e'en tho!0h the Family 7ppointment with !l %haddai would need bigger
police force due to its sheer number, the A"ala rall" deser'ed the same sec!rit" since, he said, (the
Anti-A-!ino protesters &ill be there, incl!din0 the transport 0ro!ps,+
7bout ) million people, including resident .enigno 7$uino @@@ and .ro. Mike <elardes political
and showbiD friends, several government officials, society figures, foreign dignitaries and +,***
guests in the =uly #F %tate of the 9ation 7ddress, Church leaders, are eHpected to attend
<elardes rally for the on &ctober #) to #", #*+E, seven days after the beatification of ope aul
<@ in <atican.
1!.ban said the" are &aitin0 for the official 0!est list of the Archdiocese of )anila and instr!ctions
from the Presidential 3ec!rit" 4ro!p,
COT* cadets, police trainees and ci'ilian a0ents &ill bet tapped,
)anila *it" )a"or oseph =strada, &ho inspected the celebration site "esterda", said he &ants
'ehic!lar traffic closed off aro!nd the 'en!e,
(5 &ant to ma.e it a 0eneral r!le that onl" the people can come in, 5f there are 'ehicles that reall" need
to 0et inside the 'en!e, it sho!ld not ca!se 0ridloc.,+ he said,
=strada said residents sho!ld be prepared to &al. from the par.in0 area to the templete site, similar to
the &a" re'elers of the 3in!lo0 are mostl" pedestrians &ho mo'e aro!nd sealed streets,
/ational Par.s Be'elopment *ommittee =>ec!ti'e Birector =li2abeth =spino accompanied =strada
&ho &ent aro!nd the area to chec. on earth&or.s and constr!ction,
Papal %isit sia 2014
=strada said the platform for the altar table sho!ld be made hi0her so that officiatin0 Coman *atholic
priests from Philippines, 3in0apore, )ala"sia, 5ndonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, *hina, Tai&an, Lorea,
apan, 5ndia, 3ri 1an.a, Aan0ladesh, Pa.istan, Enited 3tates, *anada, )e>ico, Ara2il, A!stralia, /e&
Oealand, Pap!a /e& 4!inea are seen b" those sittin0 in the front ro&s,
=strada 0ot a chair and demonstrated that V5Ps are seatedG the" can onl" see the priests from his &aist
(The best 'ie& is not in front,+ he said,
9e said the cit" 0o'ernment is doin0 its share b" ma.in0 p!blic roads leadin0 to the J!irino
4randstand presentable,
9e ordered the *it" Traffic Operations )ana0ement ;*iTO)< to prepare a traffic plan,
(8e are seein0 to it that e'er"thin0 is in its proper place,+ he said,
Ce"es also belied reports that his intelli0ence personnel had recei'ed bomb threats from !nscr!p!lo!s
0ro!ps o!t to so& 'iolence and terror in the A"ala political rall",
(A!t to be s!re, &e &o!ld dispatch bombsniffin0 do0s as earl" as Frida" ni0ht, October 23,+ he said,
Ce"es added that police operati'es &o!ld also ti0hten sec!rit" meas!res on the to&erin0 b!ildin0s near
the corner of Paseo Be Co>as and )a.ati a'en!es, the e>act site &here the political rall" &ill be held,
The )etropolitan )anila Be'elopment A!thorit" &ill also dispatch 100 traffic enforcers to man traffic
on roads leadin0 to A"ala A'en!e,
))BA officials said half of the A"ala A'en!e &o!ld be closed to traffic b!t co!ld not di'!l0e the
details since the" are "et to be finali2ed tomorro&,
))BA said that 170 traffic and sec!rit" personnel of the combined members of the )a.ati Par.in0
A!thorit" and the )a.ati P!blic 3afet" &ere also e>pected to help it direct the flo& of traffic,
Chief @nsp. 'enato Ferrer 3o, Manila olice (istrict (eputy Chief for Traffic, said some E**
traffic enforcers of the MM(7 would be deployed in Manila to augment the police force. 4e said
the deployment will start as early as K a.m. Friday until the dispersal of the protesters before
dusk. 7lintog said he had re$uested the Truckers 7ssociation of the hilippines to order their
trucks not to pass from K a.m. to , p.m. on Friday on roads surrounding -uirino 3randstand to
lessen traffic gridlock in Manila. 4e said the Latigbak (rive leading to 'oHas .oulevard would
be closed for traffic on Friday. !l %haddai will start its celebrations at C p.m., &ctober #) which
will last until the neHt day, Monday, &ctober #", and possibly (ecember #) to #C and (ecember
,+ to =anuary +, #*+).
The cro&d, e>pected to reach o'er fo!r million, poses a special challen0e for *atholic *h!rch officials
&ho are prepared to (feed+ the faithf!l d!rin0 the )ass and distrib!te hol" &afers d!rin0 comm!nion,
Pope Francis &ill preside o'er the @ p,m, *oncelebrated Coman Cite 9ol" )ass, &hich &ill be
tele'ised li'e nation&ide 'ia domestic satellite on national tele'ision and 'ideo streamed to an
a!dience of millions aro!nd the co!ntr" and abroad,
T&el'e 0iant 1=B screens mo!nted in the field &ill 0i'e participants a better 'ie& of the lit!r0ical rites
!nfoldin0 in the 4randstand, an ele'ated concrete-and-bamboo str!ct!re,
5n the 71-hectare site, a national par. bac.filled &ith dirt and limestone for the ann!al 0rand historic
e'ent, most of the participants &ill ha'e to stand thro!0ho!t the series of acti'ities &hich start before
noon &ith foot processions
Onl" 'ehicles &ith passes iss!ed b" the Archdiocese of )anila as &ell as sh!ttle b!ses &hich &o!ld
ferr" people to the site are allo&ed to enter the area,
Papal %isit sia 2014
=>pect ti0hter sec!rit" in comin0 to the #@-hectares national par. &here the 0rand ann!al anni'ersar"
celebration of ='an0elical Coman *atholic *harismatic *hristian rene&al mo'ement es!s is 1ord
*h!rch 8orld&ide &ill be held,
At 2 p,m,, a fl!'ial procession alon0 the )anila Aa"6 from 4!adal!pe, )a.ati *it" to &ill brin0 the
ima0e of 3an 1oren2o C!i2 and 3t, Pedro *al!n0sod to the J!irino 4randstand &hich ho!ses the main
An ho!r before the sea parade, 77 carro2as carr"in0 patron saints of 'ario!s parishes in )etro )anila,
5locos /orte, 5locos 3!r, Abra, 5sabela, *a0a"an, Aatanes, J!irino, /!e'a Vi2ca"a, Aen0!et, 5f!0ao,
)o!ntain Pro'ince, Apa"ao, Lalin0a, 1a Enion, Pan0asinan, Tarlac, /!e'a =ci:a, Oambales, A!rora,
Pampan0a, Aataan, A!lacan, *a'ite, 1a0!na, Aatan0as, Ci2al, J!e2on, Occidental )indoro, Oriental
)indoro, )arind!-!e, Comblon, Pala&an, *amarines /orte, *amarines 3!r, Alba", 3orso0on,
*atand!anes, )asbate, A.lan, Anti-!e, *api2, 5loilo, /e0ros Occidental, 4!imaras, *eb!, 3i-!i:or,
/e0ros Oriental, Aohol, 3amar, 1e"te =astern 3amar, /orthern 3amar, Ailiran, 3o!thern 1e"te, A0!san
del /orte, A0!san del 3!r, 3!ri0ao del 3!r, 3!ri0ao del /orte, Bina0at 5slands, )isamis Oriental,
)isamis Occidental, 1anao del /orte, 1anao del 3!r, A!.idnon, Oamboan0a del /orte, Oamboan0a del
3!r, *ami0!in, Ba'ao del /orte, Ba'ao del 3!r, Ba'ao Occidental, Ba'ao Oriental, *ompostela
Valle", 3o!th *otabato, 3!ltan L!darat, 3aran0ani, )a0!indanao, /orth *otabato, Oamboan0a *it",
Aasilan, Oamboan0a 3ib!0a", 3!l! and Ta&i-Ta&i &ill ma.e their &a" to the 'en!e,
(8e are basicall" read" altho!0h there are still somethin0s that need fine-t!nin0,+ 3ecretar" oel
Villan!e'a, the o'erall chairman of the )anila celebration for es!s is 1ord *h!rch anni'ersar", said,
9e !r0ed the people to ma.e !se of the celebration to 0et closer to the 1ord,
(8e sho!ld contin!e the spirit of penance and pra"erf!l atmosphere so that &e &ill be able to
e>perience the spirit!al fr!its of the occasion,+ Villaro:o told *eb! Bail" /e&s,
(This is a celebration of the =!charist, 8e sho!ld .eep a solemn demeanor,+ he added,
There &ill be no )asses in all parishes in @1 pro'inces from 12 noon on&ards,
An"one &ho can?t 0o to the Ci2al Par. can &atch the than.s0i'in0 )ass thro!0h 4)A /et&or.
*hannel 7 and other stations, 5nternet !sers can also lo0 on to &&&,0mane&s,t' for a li'e streamin0 of
the acti'ities,
Cadio stations &ill also broadcast the e'ents li'e,
On site 12 0iant 1*B screens &ill be mo!nted in different parts of the 'ast field to allo& the cro&d to
see at is 0oin0 in the altar,
At least 20 0olf carts and three electric cars from )anda!e *it" &ill transport the elderl" and Persons
&ith Bisabilities ;P8Bs<,
Aishops &ho &ill be bro!0ht from the )anila 9otel, One Ci2al Par. to the J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al
Par., )anila thro!0h 'ans, The 9otel ser'es as their holdin0 area before the )ass,
Altho!0h there are 12,000 monobloc chairs for 0!ests, people are !r0ed to brin0 their o&n portable
3i>teen medical stations can also be fo!nd in the 'en!e, =ach medical station has one standb"
amb!lance, At least three firetr!c.s &ill also be stationed at the Ci2al Par.,
Portalets and comfort rooms are located at the sides of the 4randstand,
5n 0oin0 to the Ci2al Par., people can ta.e the free sh!ttle b!ses, A!s stops are located in front of the
Par. /? Cide and a bloc. a&a" from the 1a0!snilad,
Papal %isit sia 2014
8hile those &ho &o!ld attend the rall" on A"ala A'en!e, &hich &ill last from 1 a,m to 3 p,m,, &ill
assemble at three points Bon Aosco *h!rch on Pasa" Coad, )a.ati *entral Fire 3tation on A"ala
=>tensionG and 3hell 0as station at the corner of =dsa and 4il P!"at A'en!e,
))BA said the desi0nated par.in0 areas are as follo&s6 Aoth sides of Paseo Be Co>as, from Villar to
A"ala A'en!e and both sides of Paseo Be Co>as from A"ala to Bela Cosa 3treet, Par.in0 shall not be
allo&ed alon0 A"ala A'en!e,
The ))BA &ill rero!te traffic on Frida" to a'oid 0ridloc., 9ere is the rero!tin0 plan6
On A"ala A'en!e ;&estbo!nd lane<, from )a.ati A'en!e to 9errera 3treet &ill be closed &hile the
eastbo!nd &ill remain as is,
Vehicles passin0 A"ala A'en!e, from =dsa to 4il P!"at shall t!rn ri0ht to )a.ati A'en!e, t!rn left to
4il P!"at A'en!e, t!rn ri0ht to Bela Cosa 3treet ;&hich &ill be made t&o&a" temporaril"<, t!rn ri0ht
to 3alcedo 3t, and t!rn left to A"ala A'en!e a0ain,
))BA said Paseo Be Co>as from Bela Cosa 3treet to Villar 3treet ;both lanes< &ill be closed to
'ehic!lar traffic,
Vehicles passin0 Paseo Be Co>as, from Arnai2 A'en!e to A"ala A'en!e, shall t!rn ri0ht to Bela Cosa
3treet, ta.e )a.ati A'en!e,
Those comin0 from )a.ati A'en!e 0oin0 to Bela Cosa 3treet, shall t!rn ri0ht to Villar 3treet, t!rn left
to Alfaro 3treet, and t!rn left to 9errera 3treet,
Those comin0 from =dsa 4il P!"at shall !se the &estbo!nd lane of 4il P!"at A'en!e, then to Paseo Be
Those 'ehicles comin0 from the )a.ati fire station shall !se the eastbo!nd lane of A"ala A'en!e, %i&!
a re"or& (rom -erome Anin=
"rotestnts- (usli's join Ayl 'rch
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 23, 2012 - )E315)3 and Protestants &ill march on A"ala A'en!e in
)a.ati *it" on October 27-27,
The Philippine )!slim Tas. Force ;P)3F< and the /ational *o!ncil of *h!rches of the Philippines
;/**P< "esterda" said the" &ere :oinin0 the rall" called b" )anila Archbishop 1!is Antonio *ardinal
4, Ta0le,
5n a statement, amil Dah"a, P)3FHs spirit!al leader, called on )!slims to :oin the rall" to protest
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555Hs (immoral plan to amend the *harter,+
Dah"a said the P)3F &as also opposed to the (immoral act+ of ret!rnin0 to po&er the cronies of
)arcos and )r, A-!ino 555Hs (!n:!st animosit"+ a0ainst the 5/JE5C=C and anti-)!slim polic",
Dah"a, &ho claims to be a co-fo!nder of the )oro 5slamic 1iberation Front, said )r, A-!ino 555 had
not .ept his promise to nominate )!slims to his *abinet,
9e said )r, A-!ino &as the fo!rth President &ho too. his oath of office in a ch!rch to the e>cl!sion of
)!slims, The )!slims &ere a0ain e>cl!ded d!rin0 )r, A-!inoHs ina!0!ration at the J!irino
4randstand at the Ci2al Par. in )anila on !ne 30, 2010,
(O Allah, the Almi0ht", 4!ide President A-!ino to the ri0ht &a" to sa'e the Filipino people from
destr!ction, 5f "o! .no& he co!ld not be 0!ided to the ri0ht &a", destro" him before he destro"s o!r
co!ntr",+ Dah"a said in a pra"er,
9e said P)3F &as the same 0ro!p that sta0ed rallies in front of the E3 =mbass" on Co>as Ao!le'ard
last "ear to protest the E3 bombin0 of 3!dan and Af0hanistan and the attac.s on 5ra-,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Former Vice President /oli 1, de *astro, r, has also come o!t in the open to deno!nce the A-!ino
(/o"no" ;President A-!ino< does not perhaps reali2e that he is forcin0 the polari2ation of the people,
3o let it be, 1et there be a reali0nment of forces,HH de *astro, r, said,
HH1et all those &ho are disappointed and dis0!sted &ith the &a" he is r!nnin0 the co!ntr" no& :oin a
re!nited democratic opposition,HH he said in a statement,
9CC sec2general
The People Cesist coalition said that Aishop Coman Tiples, /**P secretar" 0eneral, &o!ld :oin the
rall" &hich &ill start at % a,m, at the 'icinit" of the C!stanHs department store on A"ala A'en!e,
The /**P, &hich co!nts 10 Protestant ch!rches and se'en associate member ch!rches !nder its &in0s,
pla"ed a si0nificant role in the str!00le a0ainst the )arcos dictatorship,
Obispo )a>imo Tomas )illamena of the 50lesia Filipina 5ndependiente, the Protestant ch!rch &ith the
lar0est membership in the co!ntr", has iss!ed letters to parishes nation&ide callin0 on members to :oin
similar rallies in their respecti'e areas,
)illamena &ill also :oin the contin0ent of the People Cesist in )a.ati,
Aishop =lmer Aalocon of the Enited *h!rch of *hrist in the Philippines said the ch!rchHs national
co!ncil leaders and bishops &o!ld ta.e part in the rall" in *eb!,
Other /**P member ch!rches--the *on'ention of Philippine Aaptist *h!rches and the =piscopal
*h!rch in the Philippines--ha'e e>pressed s!pport for the rall",
5n Ba'ao *it", priests, n!ns, la" and other members of the Ba'ao Archdiocese &ill hold a motorcade in
the cit"Hs main streets this afternoon to dr!m !p s!pport for Frida"Hs rall",
The militant People Cesist A0ainst Cisin0 T"rann" &ill also troop to the streets for a HHTorch Parade for
FreedomHH and candle-li0htin0 acti'ities at 7 p,m, toda",
Aishop 4eneroso *amiYa said the marches and rallies in Ba'ao del 3!r on Frida" &o!ld be or0ani2ed
b" the Bemocratic 5nitiati'e for 3tren0thenin0 the *onstit!tion and A0ainst Ces!r0in0 Bictatorship
Biscord chair Antonio /a'idad said the rall" &o!ld be in solidarit" &ith the October 27 rall" in )a.ati
and .e" cities in the co!ntr",
The *atholic *h!rch "esterda" clarified that it &as not forcin0 st!dents of its schools to attend the
October 27 pro-democrac" rallies,
Onl" fo!rth "ear hi0h school st!dents and all colle0e st!dents of *atholic schools &ill be as.ed to
'ol!ntaril" :oin the rall", said *hris Pana0lima of the )anila Archdiocesan and Parochial 3chools
Association ;)apsa<,
The Be 1a 3alle Eni'ersit" 3t!dent *o!ncil a0reed &ith the October 27-27 rall"Hs stand on *harter
chan0e, press freedom and )arcos cronies,
HH8e oppose an" !se of 0o'ernment po&er to protect itself a0ainst p!blic criticism beca!se &e belie'e
that p!blic office is p!blic tr!st,HH it said,
At least 3# doctors mostl" from J!e2on *it" hospitals li.e the *apitol )edical *enter, J!e2on *it"
)edical *enter and the Philippine *hildrenHs )edical *enter si0ned a call for !nit" amon0 health
professionals a0ainst (risin0 t"rann",+
(The proposed *harter chan0e, s!ppression of press freedom, re-ascendance of the )arcoses and their
most notorio!s cronies and the escalation of h!man ri0hts 'iolations indicate risin0 t"rann",+ the" said
in a statement,
Papal %isit sia 2014
4o'ernment emplo"ees belon0in0 to the *onfederation for Enit", Ceco0nition and Ad'ancement of
4o'ernment =mplo"ees ;*o!ra0e< also anno!nced their plan to :oin the rall",
Other 0ro!ps &hich oppose *harter chan0e incl!de the Federation of Free 8or.ers ;FF8< and the
5nte0rated Aar of the Philippines ;5AP<,
(3o!nd le0islation and 0ood 0o'ernance are the appropriate responses to o!r nationHs problems at this
time,+ the FF8 said,
The FF8 said there &as no compellin0 reason to allo& forei0n o&nership of land, p!blic !tilities,
media, ad'ertisin0 firms and other areas e>cl!si'el" reser'ed for Filipinos, and to clip the po&ers of
the 3!preme *o!rt,
HH8e are stron0l" opposed to *harter chan0e at this time, 5t is di'isi'e and dissipates the ener0" of the
nation,HH the 5AP said,
The A!.l!ran n0 )an00a0a&an0 Pilipino of labor leader Felimon (Popo"+ 1a0man said A)P, and Lon0reso n0 Pa0.a.aisa n0 )aralitan0 1!n0sod &o!ld :oin the )a.ati rall" and sta0e
sim!ltaneo!s m!nicipal-le'el protests in )etro )anila,
Farmers, too
Pro'incial and re0ional chapters of the Lil!san0 )a0b!b!.id n0 Pilipinas and the Pambansan0
n0 Lil!san0 )amamala.a"a n0 Pilipinas are also mobili2in0 members for local protest actions,
These &ill be held in An0eles *it", *alamba in 1a0!na, *eb!, Ba'ao *it", 5loilo, Aa0!io and
)amb!rao, )indoro Occidental,
The Biocesan 3ocial Action *enter in /!e'a Vi2ca"a and J!irino are also :oinin0 the October 27 rall",
3t!dents of a !ni'ersit" and si> other colle0es in /!e'a Vi2ca"a and J!irino ha'e opposed *harter
chan0e, sa"in0 that HHit is not the *onstit!tion that has a defect b!t rather the leadership of the co!ntr"
&ho ha'e been into po&er str!00le,HH
5n Aa0!io *it", officials of the *atholic Territorial Biocese of Aa0!io and Aen0!et said the" &o!ld first
poll the *ordillera faithf!l, before the" in'ite them to :oin the October 27 rall",
3r, Pa2 Cimando, directress of the 3ocial Action *enter here, said the *ordillera parishes &anted to
sho& the President that the *atholics, &ho &o!ld :oin the rall" &o!ld not be ((a-ot ;b!ssed<+ cro&ds,
A Aa0!io-based official of a national association of pro'incial cable pro'iders also anno!nced that the"
&o!ld :oin the democrac" march to protest plans to open media to forei0n in'estors,
Aa0!io-Aen0!et Aishop =rnesto 3al0ado, chair of the =piscopal *ommission on 5ndi0eno!s Peoples
;=*5P<, in'ited #0 parishes to a for!m on the e'e of the rall" &hich &o!ld disc!ss all a'ailable
information abo!t the *onstit!tion,
(The *h!rch here is not softenin0, The *ordillera is pla0!ed b" more de'elopment iss!es, There is ;the
P1,2-billion< 3an Co-!e m!ltip!rpose dam pro:ect, There are mines here, There is the ancestral lands
iss!e &hich &ill be affected b" )r, A-!ino?s decision to open land o&nership to forei0ners,+ 3r, Pa2
Cimando said, Re"or&# (rom :era+ :) 6ac'ar&a an+ P!ii" T'be,a in Mania8 6ean+er Domin=o
an+ ;incen& 9abre,a, PD. Nor&!ern 6',on 7'rea'8 -owe 5) 9an'+a< an+ Aan A) Nawa, PD.
Min+anao 7'rea'
4ctober #% holidy- sys 4cho.
<Gec!tive &ecretary PacH!ito Ochoa, 0r$ yesterday clarifed that October 23 3hich has
been declared as 0es!s is 1ord (h!rch nniversary Festival by President 7eni)no H!ino
@@@, is a special non-3or6in) holiday for )overn"ent 3or6ers
Papal %isit sia 2014
Ochoa said the President iss!ed the procla"ation to allo3 )overn"ent 3or6ers to attend
both the celebrations as 3ell as the visit of Pope Francis$
TrHc +e-+outing "ln for the "pl /isit )4ctober #%- #$1>.
*los!re of north-bo!nd lane of Taft A'en!e ;bet&een Vito *r!2 and President J!irino A'en!e<
shall start at ,?** .M. of Thursday, &ctober #,, #*+E and lasts until about ++?** 7.M. of &ctober
#", #*+E,
The e>istin0 so!thbo!nd lane shall be open for !se of northbo!nd 'ehicles, %outhbound traffic alon0
Taft A'en!e from )anila shall t!rn ri0ht to Cemedios or 3an Andres, t!rn left to ), Adriatico and
finall" t!rn left at Vito *r!2 and re-ta.e Taft A'en!e 0oin0 so!th,
B!rin0 the arri'al of the Pope, clos!re of Old )5A Coad ;bet&een /a"on0 Pilipino and Co>as
Ao!le'ard<G Co>as Ao!le'ard ;bet&een 3easaide Bri'e and President J!irino<G and President J!irino
;bet&een Co>as Ao!le'ard to Taft A'en!e< shall ta.e effect on &ctober #,, #*+E from ,?** .M. to
)?** .M. 8hen the Pope lea'es on &ctober #", #*+E, the same roads\ro!te shall be closed from @600
A,), to 10600 A,),
Affected 'ehicles ma" ta.e the follo&in0 ro!tes6
1, 9orthbound traffic from Cavite City !sin0 Co>as Ao!le'ard in 0oin0 to Aaclaran &ill be
rero!ted to Victor )edina\Labihasnan 3treet to&ards their destination, Those 0oin0 to )anila
ma" ta.e Br, A, 3antos ;3!cat Coad< - 3o!th 1!2on =>press&a" - 3o!th 3!perhi0h&a" ro!te,
2, %outhbound vehicles along 'oHas .oulevard coming from >uneta &ill be rero!ted to Pedro
4il 3treet enro!te to Taft A'en!e or 3o!th 3!per 9i0h&a",
3, 7ll vehicles going to 'oHas .oulevard coming from? a< President J!irino A'en!e, b<
A!endia A'en!e, c< =B3A, d< Airport CoadG and e< Old )5A Coad are ad'ised d!rin0 the
aforecited time slots and dates to ta.e the 3o!th 3!perhi0h&a" or Taft A'en!e ro!te,
Ordinar" motorists, participants or de'otees d!rin0 the Papal Visit ma" help decon0est hea'" traffic
areas or as. an" form of assistance from the
OFF5*= OF T9= *9A5C)A/ 9O/, ATTD, FCA/*53 /, TO1=/T5/O - @@2-41#4 to 74
loc, 20#G 207
OFF5*= OF T9= B=PETD *9A5C)A/ Esec, A1=S CA)O/ J, *AAA/511A - @@2-41#4
loc, 2@2
TCAFF5* =/45/==C5/4 *=/T=C Bir, /oemie T, Cecio Birector 555 - @@2-0@#@
1rnd 2elco'e 2its "ope.
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 23, 2012 - Pope Francis, head of the 8orld&ide Coman *atholic *h!rch
and Vatican *it" 3tate, arri'es toda" from Come, 5tal" for a fi'e-da" pastoral and state 'isit aimed at
stren0thenin0 the Filipino peopleHs *hristian faith and impro'in0 relations bet&een the *h!rch and the
A-!ino 4o'ernment,
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555, d!rin0 his re0!lar press briefin0, said he &ill disc!ss &ith the Pope .e"
iss!es affectin0 *h!rch-4o'ernment relations, incl!din0 the the *harter chan0e, the Aan0samoro
Frame&or. A0reement, the tension a0ainst *hina o'er the 3carboro!0h 3hoal, the Be'elopment
Acceleration Pro0ram ;BAP< and Priorit" Be'elopment Assistance F!nd ;PBAF< scam of
b!siness&oman anet 1im-/apoles, the rehabilitation after the Oamboan0a sie0e to the onsla!0ht
Dolanda ca!sed in Visa"as and the recent t"phoon (4lenda+ in 1!2on last !l", the P317-million
Philippine *harit" 3& Office f!nds scam, P7,7 billion ho!sin0 scam of Belfin 1eeHs 4lobe
Papal %isit sia 2014
Asiati-!e ;4A<, P72@ million fertili2er f!nd scam, the constr!ction of ma:or infrastr!ct!re pro:ects, the
crime rate in )etro )anila incl!din0 robber" hold!ps, the hi0h-profile .illin0s, the 0an0 rape, the
onsla!0ht of t"phoon 4lenda, the 100 million pop!lation mar., the le0al iss!es in BOT* s!ch as6 the
rehabilitation of )CT-3, the a&ardin0 of the 1CT-1 so!th e>tension pro:ect, the le0al battle bet&een
3) Prime 9oldin0s and A"ala 1and on the proposed (common train station+ in J!e2on *it",
)r, A-!ino also ass!red that the Pope &ill be &ell-sec!red d!rin0 his entire 'isit, 3ome 20,000 sec!rit"
personnel from 'ario!s la& enforcement a0encies ha'e mobili2ed for the 'isit,
The President said his tal.s &ith the Pontiff &ill 'er" brief, A!t, )r, A-!ino hinted that the tal.s &ill
ens!re impro'ement relations bet&een the *h!rch and the 4o'ernment,
3ome 1,#00 people &ill also be on hand to &elcome the Pope, Epon the PopeHs arri'al, the President
&ill deli'er his &elcome remar.s, after &hich the Pontiff &ill deli'er a messa0e to the Filipino People,
Tomorro&, the 9ol" Father &ill ma.e a co!rtes" call on President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 at )alacanan0Hs
)!sic Coom, to be follo&ed b" a one-on-one meetin0 bet&een the t&o leaders, A Pri'ate a!dience
&ith the First famil" follo&s,
On 3at!rda", October 2#, the 9ol" Father &ill officiate at the *elebration of The 9ol" =!charist at the
Philippine 5nternational *on'ention *enter in celebration of the 420th Anni'ersar" of the =le'ation of
)anila as a )etropolitan 3ee and the *reation of =piscopal 3ees of *eb!, /!e'a *aceres and /!e'a
3e0o'ia, 9e &ill then proceed to the Ar2obispado de )anila for a Pri'ate 1!nch &ith the )embers of
the *atholic Aishops *onference of the Philippines
At 4630 P,),, the 9ol" Father &ill attend the 3apphire !bilee celebration of Cadio Veritas Asia and
37th *atholic )ass )edia A&ards at the Philippine 5nternational *on'ention *enter Plenar" 9all, 9e
&ill then proceed to 1!neta to attend the Vi0il,
On 3!nda", October 27, Pope Francis &ill celebrate 9ol" )ass at 764# P,), at the J!irino 4randstand,
1!neta for the 37
Anni'ersar" *elebraton of ann!al anni'ersar" celebration of e'an0elical *hristian
and Coman *atholic charismatic rene&al reli0io!s 0ro!p and mo'ement es!s is 1ord *h!rch,
This &ill be follo&ed b" a meetin0 &ith the members of the Federation of Asian Aishop *onference at
the 3an *arlos 3eminar" A!ditori!m in )a.ati *it",
3at!rda", October 2#, 2014
3600 P,), $ 4630 P,), $ Openin0 Pro0ram
4630 P,), $ 7630 P,), $ es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide 8orship and 9ealin0 3er'ices b" .ishop
.ro. !ddie C. <illanueva, Fo!nder, 5nternational President and 3pirit!al Birector of es!s is 1ord
*h!rch 8orld&ide
7630 P,), $ 12600 A,), $ O'erni0ht Vi0il &ith the Pope
3!nda", October 27, 2014
7630 A,), - 10600 A,), - 4ospel )!sic and 1ife Testimonies
11600 A,), - 2630 P,), - es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide Fo!nder, 5nternational President and
3pirit!al Birector Aishop Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'aHs @1st Airthda" Than.-Offerin0 3alo-3alo
2630 P,), - 3600 P,), - =l 3haddai 4ospel )!sic )inistr" *hoir
3600 P,), - 3630 P,), - 9elicopter Broppin0 of )iracle-Vision 9and.erchiefs
Papal %isit sia 2014
3630 P,), - 363# P,), - Than.s0i'in0 Pra"er for the Airthda" *elebration of es!s is 1ord
*h!rch 8orld&ide Fo!nder, President and 3pirit!al Birector Aishop Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'a
and Anni'ersar" *elebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide led b" .ro. Mike 1. <elarde,
3er'ant-1eader of =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc, and release
of )iracle-Vision Aalloons
363# P,), - 4600 P,), - =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational,
5nc, )anila, )etro )anila, Philippines 4ospel )!sic )inistr" *hoir
4600 P,), - #600 P,), - )essa0e6 4reetin0s, 3pecial 3harin0 headed b" 4is !Hcellency <ice2
resident =eIomar C. .inay, %r. and other 3pecial 4!ests
#600 P,), - #60# P,), - 5ntrod!ction of 4!est of 9onor6 .ro. Mike 1. <elarde, 3er'ant-1eader
of =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc,
#60# P,), - #630 P,), - 3pecial )essa0e6 4is !Hcellency, resident .enigno %. 7$uino @@@
#630 P,), - #632 P,), - 3pecial 3on06 K9indi Lita )alilim!tanK
#632 P,), - 7610 P,), - Tal. - 9ol" 3pirit6 A!ildin0 *omm!nit" b" .ro. .o %ancheD, *hairman
and Presidin0 =lder, 1i0ht of es!s *omm!nit"
7610 P,), - 7620 P,), - An0el!s, 1ordHs Pra"er and Psalm %1
7600 P,), - 7630 P,), - Arri'al of the Pil0rim 5ma0e of 3an 1oren2o C!i2 and 3t, Pedro
*al!n0sod at the J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par.
7630 P,), - 764# P,), - Arri'al of Pope Francis from ridin0 of 9elicopter from the 9elipad of
)alacanan0 Par. to the Aac. of J!irino 4randstand
764# P,), - @600 P,), - o"f!l 8orship in preparation for the =!charistic *elebration6 =l
3haddai 4ospel )!sic )inistr" )anila *hoir
@600 P,), - 11630 P,), - =!charistic *elebration officiated b" ope Francis, as )ain *elebrant,
Aishop of Come and 1eader of 8orld&ide Coman *atholic *h!rch, and other Coman *atholic
Archbishops, Aishops, Beacons, )onsi0nors, Pastors, Priests *on-celebratin0 ;Offertor"6
Villan!e'a Famil"<
o Pra"ers of the Faithf!l - Vario!s 4!ests
o *elebration of 3acrament of )atrimon"
o An0el!s )essa0e
o An0el!s Pra"er
o Fare&ell )essa0e b" the Pope
o Final Alessin0
o )essa0e6 4is !Hcellency, resident .enigno %. 7$uino @@@
11630 P,), - 12600 A,), - 3pecial Anni'ersar" )essa0e b" .ishop Teodoro C. .acani, =r.,
Aishop-=merit!s, Biocese of /o'aliches and O'er-all 3pirit!al Birector of =l 3haddai B8S5
Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc,
)onda", October 27, 2014
12600 A,), - 1264# A,), - *!lt!ral 3ho&
Papal %isit sia 2014
1264# A,), - 1630 A,), - Fire&or.s Bispla" &ith !l %haddai (/B@ rayer artners
Foundation @nternational, @nc. .agumbayan, Taguig City Chapter 3ospel Music Ministry
o *andle-1i0ht &ith =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational,
5nc, )anila, )etro )anila, Philippines *hapter 4ospel )!sic )inistr"
2630 A,), - 361# A,), - Boc!mentar" abo!t the histor" of bi0 fo!r lar0est reli0io!s 0ro!ps6
es!s )iracle *r!sade 5nternational )inistr", es!s is 1ord *h!rch and =l 3haddai B8S5
Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc, pl!s photos and 'ideo clips of es!s the 9ealer
from 1%@4 to 2014, 8ee.l" =l 3haddai 4atherin0 from 1%%2 to 2014
361# A,), - 4600 A,), - *andle-1i0htin0 *eremon" in preparation of 9ealin0 )essa0e
4600 A,), - 7600 A,), - 9ealin0 )essa0e b" .ro. Mike 1. <elarde, Fo!nder and 3er'ant-
1eader of =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc,
7600 A,), - 7630 A,), - )essa0e6 4is !Hcellency, resident .enigno %. 7$uino @@@
7630 A,), $ %600 A,), - 3alo-3alo
President H!ino and /is Fa"ily, to)ether 3ith other )overn"ent and ch!rch leaders, 3ill
sent oF the Pope on the 'ornin) of October 2= at the Old 'anila @nternational irport$
The Pope 3ill ]y on to Port 'oresby, Pap!a #e3 8!inea for the (ontin!ation of his fo!r-
nation sian to!r$
The PontiF?s fve-day visit is act!ally a f!lfll"ent of a pro"ise he "ade early last year
3hen he ass!"ed as pope on 'arch 13, 2013 and he planned by anno!ncin) he 3ill be in
'anila in October$
=e8s*its $.cto*er #'+ #&14,
#(( to serenade Pope$
The #ational (o""ission for (!lt!re and the rts *#((+, in cooperation 3ith the
Depart"ent of To!ris", 3ill 3elco"e the Pope 3ith a special d/arana sa Papad by ndion
Fernande:, the (oro de &an ntonio, the 9P (horal <nse"ble and the Festival (hoir$
NTough job hed for 1(A-AO )Scenes by 8or' Bpitn.
s the 3ar of the t3o channels heats !p even the covera)e of the Pope.s visit beco"es a
contention$ A'el and 0ayB, a pop!lar radio and television sho3 on (hannel 2 practically
la"basted the people behind the )rantin) of the eGcl!sive covera)e of the Papal %isit to
(hannel 7 at a recent pro)ra"$
&o"e eGcerpts fro" that sho3,
0ay &on:a, (an yo! no3 franchise a television covera)ea live television ne3s
'el Tian)co, n) a"in) prinsipyo ay si"ple lan)$ 2e are a diversifed "!lti-"edia
co"pany at t!n)6!lin na"in sa bayan na ihatid an) ")a pan)yayari at ")a balita$
?;an la"an) na"an 6o an) prinsipyo n) a"in) 6!"panya$
0ay &on:a, #a6ali"!tan si)!ro an) &i"bahan) Eatoli6o na Protesante at an)
Eo"panya n) Teleponon) Pan)"alay!an n) Pilipinas an) "ay-ari n) 8'$
*7&-(7# 7ac6)ro!nd The"e '!sic+
0ay &on:a, ;o! are listenin) to a catholic broadcast net3or6 7&-(7#$ n)
Eatoli6on) hi"pilan n) 7&-(7# ay 6asapi sa E7P$$$ Eapisanan n) ")a 7road6aster
sa Pilipinas$$$ n) t!"pa6 na oras para sa 6apa6anan n) lahat na Eristyano at
Papal %isit sia 2014
'!sli" dito sa 7ansa, ay )anap n) "a6alipas an) alas n!ebe$$$ Pat!loy 6ayon)
na6i6ini) sa Eatoli6on) palat!nt!nan n) A'el and 0ayB$
*(o""ercial )ap+
0ay &on:a, @to po an) 'el and 0ay$$$ n) Pa"bansan) 7roadcast sa 5adyo$$$ Easa"a
po an) inyon) lin)6od 'el Tian)co$$$ 1!"a6i sa ")a "adre sa &aint Theresa?s
isan) Eatoli6o sarado$ t an) inyon) lin)6od 0ay &on:a, isan) datin) se"inarian$$$
&elected "e"bers of "edia listened to this portion$ Of co!rse the 3it of the Pinoys
one ca"e o!t 3ith so"ethin) li6e, d(ardinal Ta)le "ay be livin) in the ho!se of
&in, 3hile others livin)`d
The (atholic 7ishops (onference of The Philippines has appointed 8'-7 as the oNcial
television carrier for the event$ The covera)e 3ill be live$ *#o co""ercials$ (an yo!
i"a)ine as6in) the Pope to pa!se for co""ercial brea6s^ Other television net3or6s "ay
apply for li"ited ri)hts s!ch as hoo6-!ps$ There 3ill be a 7roadcast (enter to facilitate all
other local and international "edia or)ani:ations and their reH!ire"ents$ These events
3ere the frst to be prod!ced and broadcast entirely in 1>,C 1C20 piGels o 10=0 lines *2$1
"e)apiGels+ te"poral resol!tion of >0 interlaced felds per second di)ital hi)h-defnition+
2hen 8' 3on the bid they also carry the responsibility of providin) f!ll covera)e of the
events$ This 3ill "ean h!)e invest"ents in eH!ip"ent, "an-ho!rs and other reso!rces$
lso, a s!bstantial portion of the reven!es that they 3ill be able to raise fro" sponsors of
their covera)e, 3ill help pay for the "any eGpenses eGpected by (7(P as hosts of the
t3o si)nifcant events$ 8' 3ill p!t into eFect the "ost co"prehensive live covera)e of
the Papal %isit and 0es!s is 1ord (h!rch nniversary Festival 2014 activities 3ith "ore
than 40 ho!rs of live broadcast and specials$
8' has asse"bled an ar"y of over 440 prod!ction and ne3s specialists to)ether 3ith
over 10 re"ote broadcast tea"s to si"!ltaneo!sly cover all the sites of the Pope?s
8' broadcasts live covera)es pre-e"ptin) re)!lar pro)ra""in) be)innin) October 23
3ith the PontiF?s arrival at 2,00 p$"$ On October 24, the live covera)e of his co!rtesy
visit to 'alacanan) airs at C,00 $'$ and the Pope?s special "essa)e airs at 4 p$"$
On day three of the Papal visit *October 24+, the live covera)e of the J!adricentennial
'ass airs at =,00 $'$ and the &apphire 0!bilee of 5adio %eritas sia and the 3>th
(atholic 'ass 'edia 3ards *(''+ at 4,00 P$'$ Televie3ers 3ill see the Pope and the
residents to)ether at the ;o!th %i)il$
On October 2>, the live covera)e of the nniversary (elebration of 0es!s is 1ord (h!rch
2orld3ide airs at =,00 a$"$ state"ent, prepared by the leaders of the @nternational
;o!th For!", 3ill be presented d!rin) the /oly 'ass$
Finally, on October 27, televie3ers 3ill see Pope Francis? depart!re for Pap!a #e3 8!inea
at 7,00 P$'$ The 'arathon Papal covera)es 3ill be anchored by broadcast Io!rnalists
'alo! 'an)ahas and (heche 1a:aro, pl!s the pool of 8' 5adio and Television reporters
stationed at vario!s points all over 'anila$
The oNcial international broadcasters for the papal visit are,
lbania, 5T%21
!stralia, &even #et3or6
!stria, T21
r)entina, "Lrica 2
7aha"as, Q#&-T%
Papal %isit sia 2014
7er"!da, Q7'-T%
7el)i!", &tar^
7olivia, 9nitel
7ra:il, 5ede 8lobo
7r!nei, 5T71
7!l)aria, 7#T 1
(anada, (7( Television
(hile, T%#
(hina, ((T%-1
(olo"bia, (anal
(osta 5ica, Teletica
(ypr!s, (ypr!s 7roadcastin) (orporation
Den"ar6, &tar^ &candinavia and &ho3ti"e &candinavia
Do"inican 5ep!blic, (olor %ision
<c!ador, <c!avisa
<)ypt, '7(3
<l &alvador, T(&
<stonia, &tar^ and %iasat 7altics
Finland, 'T%3, &tar^ &candinavia and &ho3ti"e &candinavia
France, Paris Pre"iVre
8er"any, Das %ierte *8er"an+
8reece, #T1
/ond!ras, (anal 11
/on) Eon), T%7 Pearl
/!n)ary, "1
@celand, &tar^ &candinavia and &ho3ti"e &candinavia
@ndia, DD #ational
@ndonesia, @ndosiar *@ndonesian+
@reland, 5T< One
@srael, r!t: 2
@taly, 5ai 9no
0a"aica, @nation T%
0apan, #/E
&o!th Eorea, E7&1
1atvia, &tar^ and %iasat 7altics
1ebanon, 17( and '7(3
'alaysia, T%1, T%2
5ep!blic of 'alta, T%'
'eGico, (anal de las <strellas *T<2-T%+
'yan"ar, T% 'yan"ar
#a"ibia, #7(
#etherlands, &tar^
Papal %isit sia 2014
#icara)!a, Televicentro
#or3ay, T%2
Pa6istan, PT% /o"e
Pana"a, Tele"etro
Per!, T%
Philippines, 8' #et3or6
Poland, T%P2
Port!)al, 5TP1
P!erto 5ico, 2P-T%
5o"ania, T%51
5!ssia, (15 *5!ssian+
&in)apore, 'edia(orp (hannel 4
&pain, T%<1
&erbia, 5T&
&3eden, &tar^ &candinavia and &ho3ti"e &candinavia
&3it:erland, &F 1
Tai3an 5$O$($, (T&
Thailand, (hannel 7 *Thailand+ *Thai+
Trinidad and Toba)o, ((# T%>
T!r6ey, #T%
96raine, 9T1
9nited rab <"irates, '7(3
9nited Ein)do", 77( One
9nited &tates, #7(
%ene:!ela, %enevisiPn
%ietna", %T%1 *%ietna"ese+
Pope )ets )rand 3elco"e
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 22, 2012 0 5n his fifth trip and his first to this co!ntr", Pope Francis
called on the people to Ksee the &orld aro!nd "o! thro!0h the e"es of es!s 9imself,
1oo.in0 less fit than his pre'io!s pastoral and state 'isit of deceased former Pope ohn Pa!l 55 in the
Philippines, Pap!a /e& 4!inea, A!stralia and 3ri 1an.a 1% "ears, 11 months and 30 da"s a0o on
an!ar" 12 to 21, 1%%#,
Addressin0 the cro&d from a speciall"-b!ilt sta0e on the tarmac, the pope said, (The Filipino people
are ne'er far from m" mind and heart, and 5 reach o!t to embrace each one in esteem and affection,+
Pope Francis called on the people to reflect the theme of the anni'ersar" celebration of es!s is 1ord
*h!rch 8orld&ide6 (Peace 10-27-2014+
Papal %isit sia 2014
8hen the Pope ended his short speech &ith ()ab!ha" an0 PilipinasI+ the cro&d &ent &ild &a'in0
hand.erchiefs, pennants and fla0s,
5n an !nprecedented mo'e, Pope Francis approached the schoolchildren, 0arbed in nati'e cost!mes and
&ho had come to dance for him, instead of boardin0 the popemobile as sched!led,
3ec!rit" meas!res &ent a&r" as people too. the opport!nit" to mo'e near the pope and recei'e the
blessin0, Finall" boardin0 the speciall" b!ild 'ehicle an ho!r after he arri'ed, the Pope too. a )oment
to raise his hands before members of the :oint Vatican and Presidential 3ec!rit" 4ro!p 0!ards closed
the door,
Entil he arri'ed at the Papal /!nciat!re #0 min!tes later, the a0in0 pontiff contin!ed to &a'e to the
thron0s &ho bra'ed the heat to 0reet him alon0 Co>as Ao!le'ard, J!irino A'en!e and Taft A'en!e,
Thron0s of Coman *atholic faithf!l &a'ed fla0s and sho!ted (Vi'a 5l PapaI+ as the pontiff made his
&a" to the Apostolic /!nciat!re, his official residence for his fi'e-da" sta" in )anila,
Tra'ellin0 alon0 the desi0nated ro!te from the Old )anila 5nternational Airport in Pasa" *it" to the
/!nciat!re in Taft A'en!e, )anila the 77-"ear-old Pope &as met each time &ith h!0e cro&ds &ho
circled his speciall" made, b!llet-proof KpopemobileK, 3o thic. &ere the cro&ds that &hat &o!ld ha'e
been a 1#-min!te trip stretched to #0 min!tes, 5n some areas, the cro&d ma" ha'e 30 to 40 deep, barel"
allo&in0 the Papal con'o" passa0e,
On his arri'al, the Pope addressed the "o!th and in'ited them (Vto WsXee the &orld aro!nd "o! &ith
the e"es of es!s himselfI The 4ospel sa"s that &hen he sa& the cro&ds, he had compassion for them
beca!se the" &ere harassed and helpless, li.e sheep &itho!t a shepherd,+
The Pope had arri'ed as sched!led at 26#7 p,m, on board an Air Alitalia Airb!s, 9e pa!sed to 0reet the
Airport cro&d before bein0 accompanied do&n from the plane b" 1!is Antonio *ardinal Ta0le,
Archbishop of )anila and Archbishop 4i!seppe Pinto, Papal /!ncio to the Philippines,
Papal %isit sia 2014
The Pope &as met b" President Aen0ino 3, A-!ino 555 and his sisters, )aria =lena A-!ino-*r!2,
A!rora *ora2on A-!ino-Abellada, Victoria =lisa A-!ino-Bee and Lristina Aernadette A-!ino-Dap,
&ho &ere the first to 0reet them officiall",
The /ational Anthems of the Cep!blic of the Philippines and Vatican *it" 3tate &ere pla"ed as he &ent
thro!0h the cordon of honor and 0reeted Filipino officials and members of the diplomatic corps,
Amon0 those on hand to &elcome Pope Francis on his first 'isit &ere Philippine Vice-President
e:omar *, Aina", =>ec!ti'e 3ecretar" Pa-!ito /, Ochoa, r,, 3enate President Fran.lin ), Brilon, Feliciano C, Aelmonte, r,, Forei0n Affairs 3ecretar" Albert F, del Cosario and Philippine
Ambassador to Vatican )ercedes Arrastia T!ason,
Former President Fidel V, Camos, )anila *it" )a"or oseph =strada and Pampan0a 2nd Bistrict Cep,
4loria )acapa0al-Arro"o &ere also amon0 his first &elcomers,
Papal %isit sia 2014
8=1*O)= *=C=)O/D6 ABBC=33 OF 953 9O15/=33, POP= FCA/*53 ;/ino" A-!ino
5nternational Airport, Pasa" *it", )etro )anila, Th!rsda", October 23, 2014<
ear President A$uino! ear Peop"e o. t(e P(i"ippines!
1, 5 than. "o!, )ister President, for "o!r .ind &ords of &elcome, f!ll of the &armth and hospitalit"
&ith &hich Filipinos traditionall" &elcome their 0!ests, 5 0reatl" appreciate all that "o! and "o!r
4o'ernment ha'e done to ma.e this 'isit possible, For a lon0 time 5 ha'e loo.ed for&ard to steppin0
on to Philippine soil once more, The Filipino people are ne'er far from m" mind and heart, and 5 reach
o!t to embrace each one &ith esteem and affection, 8e are indeed old friends, e'er since ass!med as a
pope on )arch 13, 2013,
2, )" Arother Aishops, *ardinal Cosales and *ardinal Palma, and all the Aishops $ &hom 5 0ladl"
0reet in the 1ord $ e>pressed man" times their &ish for the 3!ccessor of Peter to share the :o" of
Filipino *atholics on the Fo!rth *entenar" of the Archdioceses of )anila, *eb!, *aceres and /!e'a
3e0o'ia, 5 am here to celebrate &ith the *atholic comm!nit" of the Philippines fo!r h!ndred and
t&ent" "ears of the or0ani2ed and hierarchical presence and action of the *h!rch in these 5slands, That
first e'an0eli2ation has prod!ced end!rin0 fr!its of *hristian life and holiness, of ci'ili2in0 action, of
the transmission $ especiall" thro!0h a stron0 famil" life $ of f!ndamental h!man and ci'ic 'al!es, As
the ne>t presidential administration approaches, &e sho!ld all be con'inced that those fr!its can thri'e
e'en more in concerted action b" all sectors of societ", in the b!ildin0 of a nation resol!tel" set on the
path of 0en!ine and inte0ral de'elopment, and f!ll" committed to the &ellbein0 of all its citi2ens, &ith
special concern for the &ea.est,
3, The tho!0ht of celebratin0 the ann!al anni'ersar" of the reli0io!s 0ro!p (es!s is 1ord *h!rch
8orld&ide+, fo!nded b" acti'ist and ='an0elical *hristian reli0io!s preacher Aishop Aro, =ddie
Villan!e'a, in the Philippines, in Asia, has 0laddened me and 0i'en me enco!ra0ement, The 3pirit of
4od has led tho!sands of "o!n0 men and &omen here and the" are no& fillin0 the streets of )anila
&ith their "o!thf!l :o" and *hristian &itness, A lar0e 0ro!p of them are ri0ht here, 5 0reet each one of
"o!6 5 &arml" embrace e'er" "o!n0 person here, all the "o!th of the Philippines, and all those &ho
ha'e come from other co!ntries and continents, At Cio, Ara2il, d!rin0 the last 8orld Do!th Ba" o!tside
Come, &e meditated on the (ne& life+ &hich comes from es!s *hrist6 (5 came $ he said $ that the"
ma" ha'e life, and ha'e it ab!ndantl"+ ;5o, 10, 10<, /o&, here in )anila, &e 0ather to hear him sa"6
KAs the Father sent me, so am 5 sendin0 "o!K ;ohn 206 21<, B!rin0 these da"s &e shall reflect on and
pra" abo!t &hat these &ords mean for each one of "o!, for the "o!n0 people of the end of the
T&entieth *ent!r", the "o!n0 people of the Third *hristian )illenni!m,
4, To all Filipino people, to all 0athered for the es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide Anni'ersar" Festi'al, 5
ma.e this in'itation6 3ee the &orld aro!nd "o! &ith the e"es of es!s himselfI The 4ospel sa"s that
&hen he sa& the cro&ds, Khe had compassion for them, beca!se the" &ere harassed and helpless, li.e
sheep &itho!t a shepherdK ;)atthe& chapter % 'erse 37<, The 4ood /e&s of 4od?s lo'e and merc" $
the &ord of tr!th, :!stice and peace &hich alone can inspire a life &orth" of 4od?s sons and da!0hters $
m!st be proclaimed to the ends of the earth, The *h!rch and the &orld loo. to "o!n0 people for ne&
li0ht, ne& lo'e, a ne& commitment to meetin0 the 0reat needs of h!manit",
Papal %isit sia 2014
The people 0athered in )anila for the ann!al anni'ersar" celebration of the reli0io!s 0ro!p Kes!s is
1ord *h!rch 8orld&ideK .no& this, The *h!rch in the Philippines .no&s that it has a special 'ocation
to bear &itness to the 4ospel in the heart of Asia, 4!ided b" Bi'ine Pro'idence, "o!r historic destin" is
to b!ild a Kci'ili2ation of lo'eK, of brotherhood and solidarit", a ci'ili2ation &hich &ill be perfectl" at
home amon0 the ancient c!lt!res and traditions of the &hole Asian continent,
#, )ister President, members of the 4o'ernment, and distin0!ished representati'es of the Filipino
people6 the *h!rch and the political comm!nit" &or. on different le'els and are m!t!all" independent,
b!t the" ser'e the same h!man bein0s ;cfr, 4a!di!m et 3pes, 77<, 5n that ser'ice there is ample room
for dialo0!e, co$operation and m!t!al s!pport, Do! ha'e a 'er" 'alid and specificall" Philippine model
of co$operation for de'elopment in The 3ocial Pact, formall" si0ned in )arch 1%%3, 5 pra" that the
Kne& solidarit"K &hich The 3ocial Pact espo!ses &ill be a stri.in0 s!ccess for the 0ood of the Filipino
people, and for the pride and 0lor" of the /ation as a beacon of peace and harmon" in Asia,
7, *ardinal Ta0le, *ardinal Palma, Arother Aishops, Beacons, Filipino Arothers and 3isters in *hrist6 5
loo. for&ard to celebratin0 &ith "o! in faith the 0reat thin0s done in the *h!rch and b" the *h!rch in
these 5slands o'er the last fo!r cent!ries, To0ether &e shall pra" that 4od ma" contin!e to protect and
0!ide his pil0rim People in the PhilippinesI
4od bless the PhilippinesI 5abu(a) ang Pi"ipinas!

The follo&in0 da", October 24, 2014, the Pontiff met &ith President Aeni0no 3, A-!ino 555 at
)alacaYan0 and later celebrated )ass for the 233 dele0ates of the 5nternational Do!th For!m at *entral
3eminar" *hapel of the E3T, 9e also 0a'e a 20-min!te speech to some 200,000 cheerin0 st!dents and
academicians 0athered at E3T 4randstand and Parade 4ro!nds,
(5 see that it is m" 0reat pri'ile0e to be here, to be here and disco'er ane& this phenomenon 5 .ne&
before, and toda" 5 .no& better,+ the Pontiff said,
TrHc +e-+outing "ln for 4ctober #>- #$1> N"pl /isit #$1> nd %=th
Anniversry Eelebrtion of Besus is Lord Ehurch World2ideO
Aet&een 7600 A,), to 3600 P,),, President J!irino A'en!e and A, 1acson from Taft A'en!e to Bapitan
&ill be closed to 'ehic!lar traffic, )otorists are ad'ised to ta.e the follo&in0 alternati'e ro!tes6
1, Vehicles alon0 Taft 7venue going to 'oHas .oulevard are ad'ised to ta.e both 3an Andres
and Vito *r!2 3treets,
2, From "?,* 7.M. to #?,* .M., northbound vehicles along resident -uirino 7venue
going to 7. >acson 53overnor Forbes8 are ad'ised to ta.e 3an Andres 3treet or Vito *r!2
3treet, then north&ards at Taft A'en!e and ta.e Ci2al A'en!e or J!e2on Ao!le'ard to their
areas of destination,
3, %outhbound vehicles using the 7. >acson 53overnor Forbes8 2 resident -uirino
7venue towards the Taft 7venue &a", are ad'ised to ta.e the J!e2on Ao!le'ard - Taft
A'en!e Co!te,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Also on the same da" from "?** a.m. to ,?** p.m., !spana fronting 6%T from . 9oval to 7. >acson
will be closed to ublic 6tility <ehicles, &nly 9orthbound 6=:s and 6.:s are advised to take .
aredes %treet towards %ergio >oyola. %outhbound 6=:s and 6.:s &ill be re-ro!ted to Bon
*astillas, Bon J!i:ote and )aria *ristina 3treets enro!te to the 1aon0-1aan-Andal!cia-J!e2on
Ao!le'ard ro!te,
Ordinar" motorists, participants or de'otees d!rin0 the Papal Visit ma" help decon0est hea'" traffic
areas or as. an" form of assistance from the
OFF5*= OF T9= *9A5C)A/ 9O/, ATTD, FCA/*53 /, TO1=/T5/O - @@2-41#4 to 74
loc, 20#G 207
OFF5*= OF T9= B=PETD *9A5C)A/ Esec, A1=S CA)O/ J, *AAA/511A - @@2-41#4
loc, 2@2
TCAFF5* =/45/==C5/4 *=/T=C Bir, /oemie T, Cecio Birector 555 - @@2-0@#@
4ne-on-one0 "resident A7uino scores point 2ith the "ope.
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 2>, 2012 0 President Aeni0no 3, A-!ino 555 &on points &ith Pope Francis
&hen he tal.ed on his social reform a0enda - pro0rams meant to !plift the li'es of the poor - d!rin0 the
brief meetin0 at )alacanan0 on October 24,
The President informed the Pontiff of his commitment to help disad'anta0ed sectors of societ" -
partic!larl" in the 1% poorest pro'inces - hand-in-hand &ith the contin!in0 economic pro0ress of the
This &as their second enco!nter since )r, A-!ino 'isited the Pope at his s!mmer residence at *astel
4andolfo, a fe& miles from Come,
The Papal motorcade &as slo&ed do&n b" a thic. cro&d that lined-!p the street from )a0sa"sa"
Ao!le'ard near /a0tahan Arid0e !p to 4ate 7 of the Palace near 3t, !de *h!rch,
The Pope &as e>pected to arri'e at the Palace b" @6#0 a,m,, b!t he came at %610 a,m,
The Pope and his ento!ra0e &ere met b" the President and his sisters Aalls", Pin.", Viel and Lris, The
Pope &ent !p the stair&a", instead of ta.in0 the ele'ator prepared for him,
The Pontiff and the President had a 20-min!te one-on-one meetin0 at the )!sic Coom,
B!rin0 their meetin0, the Pope reiterated his special affection for the Filipino People &hich he has
demonstrated b" personall" choosin0 )anila as 'en!e for the Visit,
The Pope also entr!sted the Aasilica of 3anta Pr!den2iana to the Filipino *omm!nit" of Come,
)r, A-!ino informed the Pontiff that the 4o'ernment had e>tended the franchise of BOCV Cadio
Veritas @47G the Philippine Coman *atholic free-to-air commercial A) radio broadcast station for
another 30 "ears ;2014-2044<,
(5 also con'e"ed the Filipino people?s admiration for the commitment and co!ra0e sho&n b" 9is
9oliness &hen he installed on )arch 13, 2013, despite his installation da" as Pope of the Coman
*atholic *h!rch after the resi0nation of Pope Aenedict the 17
on Febr!ar" 11, 2013,+ the President
9e said he also briefed the 9ol" Father of the 4o'ernmentHs (Be'elopment Ass!rance Pro0ram+ f!nd
and firm resol'e and desire for peace &ith ins!r0ents and rebels,
Papal %isit sia 2014
(5 ass!red 9is 9oliness that the Philippine 4o'ernment is determined to .eep all doors open for o!r
peace pro0ress to s!cceed and that the 4o'ernment reco0ni2es that the Aasis of A!thentic Peace is the
promotion of 9!man Bi0nit" thro!0h 3ocial !stice+, the President said,
To&ard the end of their )eetin0, )r, A-!ino 0a'e a set of 0ifts that incl!ded a solid, narra
&oodcar'in0 of the Vir0in and child s!rro!nded b" children of all races desi0ned b" artist )an!el
Aaldemor, a bron2e stat!e of 3aint 1oren2o C!i2 and a cop" of the PresidentHs latest boo. entitled6
KFrom 4ro&th to )oderni2ation,K
For his part, the Pope presented the President &ith a mosaic paintin0 of es!s, 8hile the Pope and the
President &ere meetin0, the Papal Bele0ation led b" held a bilateral meetin0 led b" Forei0n Affairs
Alberto del Cosario, r, and =>ec!ti'e 3ecretar" Pac-!ito o:o Ochoa, r,
The Pope had a pri'ate a!dience &ith the )embers of the A-!ino Famil" at the main conference room,
The" incl!ded
The First Famil" had their pict!re ta.en &ith the Pope, The Pope &as then introd!ced to the )embers
of the *abinet led b" Vice-President e:omar *, Aina", 3r,
8hile descendin0 at the stair&a", the Pope &as attended b!t held on the railin0, The Papal =nto!ra0e
left the Palace at 10610 A,),
Aefore boardin0 the Popemobile, the Pope 0a'e the President a firm handsha.e and &a'ed to s&arms
of the cheerin0 )alacanan0 emplo"ees and mediamen,
&econd day for Pope Fever
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 2>, 2012 0 Filipino enth!siasm for Pope Francis remained !nabated
"esterda" as de'o!t tho!sands floc.ed to the Eni'ersit" of 3anto Tomas, the oldest *atholic and onl"
pontifical !ni'ersit" in Asia,
(Francis lo'es "o!,+ the Pontiff told an estimated 300,000 fla0-&a'in0, cheerin0 Filipinos, man" of
&hom had been &aitin0 in the broilin0 heat for o'er si> ho!rs,
(5 hear and 5 feel+, a smilin0 b!t 'isibl" dra&n Pope Francis told the faithf!l after the" had repeatedl"
chanted, (Francis, Francis, &e lo'e "o!,+
=arlier, E3T Cector Fr, 9erminio Ba0oho" has e>pressed the sentiments of the cro&d and said, (8e
hope that the lo'e "o!, feel for !s has do!bled in intensit" beca!se this is "o!r 'isit,+
Larina Torralba, spea.in0 for the 'isit, ass!red the Pope that the people ha'e not abandoned the
(8e see. "o!, 9ol" Father, to0ether &ith "o!r cler0",+ she said, *ontin!e to help !s stren0then o!r
faith and to li'e &ith con'iction o!r *hristian faith,
The pontiff contin!ed to endear himself to the people as he !sed e'er" opport!nit" to ma.e himself
'isible to them, e'en climbin0 the ramp to the sa0e despite his in:!r",
To sho!ts of ()ab!ha"I+ and (Vi'a il PapaI+ the Pope commended the Filipino People for their
(:o"o!s hospitalit"+ in celebration of the anni'ersar" of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide,
(5 am 'er" 0ratef!l,+ he said repeatedl",
9e said it &as a 0reat pri'ile0e to address the Thomasian comm!nit" and that he has a special affinit"
to E3T, ha'in0 'isited the *amp!s t&ice,
As earl" as 4600 a,m, "esterda", h!ndreds of *atholic faithf!l had 0athered at the do&nto&n !ni'ersit"
in anticipation of the Pope?s 'isit after the main 0ate &as forced open,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Altho!0h the se'en-hectare football field &ere the rall" held a capacit" of onl" 1#0,000 more and more
people crammed their &a" in, /earb" b!ildin0s and a pedestrian o'erpass &ere brimmin0 &ith those
&ho co!ld no lon0er enter the camp!s,
Bespite the lon0 &ait and h!0e t!rn-o!t, the rall" &as 0enerall" peacef!l,
#e3 /ero on
(a"p!s for the
"!ltiracial )ro!p$
MAN.6A, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 2>, 2012 $ (5 am 'er" an>io!s to meet "o! personall" after the
*elebration to be near e'er" one of "o! from so man" different lan0!a0es, co!ntries and nations of the
This &as the response of Pope Francis to the h!ndreds of beamin0 to the h!ndreds of beamin0 and
:!bilant dele0ates of the 5nternational Do!th For!m ;5DF< &ho attended the m!lti-lin0!al mass he
celebrated at the Eni'ersit" of 3anto Tomas on October 24, 2014,
The 4ospel &as read, The first readin0, follo&ed b" the sin0in0 of Cesponsible Psalm &hile the second
readin0 &as in =n0lish,
The Pope spea.s and &rites in nine lan0!a0es6
*entral Ai.ol
Papal %isit sia 2014
3tandard *hinese ;)andarin Pin"in<
in *hinese
Ohan0:ia.o!$9ohhot dialect
9on0 Lon0 *antonese "!ptin0
4an *hinese
For an ho!r, the Pontiff remained on his feet to bless and 0reet each 5DF dele0ate in their respecti'e
national cost!mes that -!e!ed and thron0ed do&n the aisles of the 3aint Thomas A-!inas *hapel of the
*entral 3eminar" of the Eni'ersit" of 3anto Tomas,
To!ched, man" &ere in tears as the" .issed and h!00ed the 9ol" Father Pope Francis, &ho 0a'e them
his fatherl" .iss, a caress and e'en br!shed a&a" their tears, 3im!ltaneo!sl", the *hapel re'erberated
&ith son0s in different lan0!a0es, bro!0ht in b" the dele0ates from their co!ntries,
A!t the familiar so!nd of a Filipino harp stood o!t, 0i'in0 an !pbeat Filipino fla'or to the &hole affair,
(5 see the People in the Philippines 'er" :o"o!s,+ the Pope Adlibbed in his homil" to the deli0ht of his
"o!n0 a!dience,
(8h" are the" so :o"o!s, f!ll of o"`+ 5 am con'inced "o! Filipino people are :o"o!s, so f!ll of :o"
beca!se "o! ha'e recei'ed the 4ood /e&sVthose &ho recei'ed the 4ood /e&s ;are< :o"o!sV ;Do!
0i'e< :o" to 4od, toda" "o! are 0i'in0 the :o" to the Pope, Do! are also 0i'in0 :o" to the *ardinals, to
the Aishops, the priests, the monsi0nors, the deacons, and the pastors and to all of "o!, And 5 and all of
!s, &e are so 0ratef!l to the Filipinos for the :o"o!s hospitalit"V As m" personal con'iction, it &as so
important for me to hear these &ords6 (5 am &ith "o!, Ae not afraid,+
7t the 6%T 3randstand
Bespite the lon0 mornin0 a!dience at the Eni'ersit" of 3anto Tomas *hapel, the Pontiff s.ipped his
l!nch and proceeded to the E3T 4randstand at 1630 p,m, to address the Eni'ersit" Athletic Association
of the Philippines ;EAAP< member-school st!dents and al!mni &ho had been on 'i0il since #600 a,m,
A" the time the ceremonies be0an the cro&d s&elled from @0,000 to 300,000 estimated to be t&ice
o'er the 1#0,000 e>pected t!rno!ts,
8hile ali0htin0 from the pope mobile a cheerin0 cro&d be0an !nf!rlin0 banners, fla0s and streamers
and chantin0 (Francis, &e lo'e "o!,+
The Pope 0rabbed the microphone b" the rostr!m and -!ipped, (Francis, he lo'es "o!I+
(5 hear and feel+, the pope said,
Papal %isit sia 2014
9e so!0ht the help of the EAAP member-schools st!dents and al!mni in sa'in0 their o&n 0enerations
from the (f!tilit", emptiness and fr!stration+ of modern societ",
TrHc +e-+outing "ln for 4ctober #C- #$1> )"pl /isit nd %=th Anniversry
Eelebrtion of Besus is Lord Ehurch World2ide.
On &ctober #), #*+E, 'oHas .oulevard ;from A!endia A'en!e to Anda *ircle< and President J!irino
A'en!e ;from Taft A'en!e to Co>as Ao!le'ard< will be closed to 'ehic!lar traffic from "?** 7.M. to
K?** .M. )otorists are ad'ised to ta.e the follo&in0 alternate ro!tes6
1, /orthbo!nd 'ehicles !sin0 Co>as Ao!le'ard from A!endia A'en!e to Aonifacio Bri'e are
ad'ised to ta.e A, )abini, Taft A'en!e or 3o!th 3!per 9i0h&a" ro!tes,
2, 3o!thbo!nd 'ehicles tra'ersin0 Co>as Ao!le'ard are ad'ised to ta.e Taft A'en!e or 3o!th
3, 3o!th 9arbor-bo!nd 'ehicles &ill ha'e to &ait 30 min!tes d!e to the clos!re of 'ehic!lar traffic
alon0 Ad!ana, 5ntram!ros or ta.e ones Arid0e - *,), Cecto and Aonifacio Bri'e ro!te to&ards
4, 1!neta-bo!nd 'ehicles are onl" !p to P, A!r0os-Taft-A'en!e-T,), Lala&
On the same da" ;October 2#<, 4eneral 1!na 3treet ;from Ad!ana to P, A!r0os< &ill be closed to
'ehic!lar traffic from 11630 A,), to 2630 P,), and motorists are ad'ised to ta.e other parallel streets or
ta.e Ad!ana-P, A!r0os-Taft A'en!e,
The J!irino 4randstand Area &ill definitel" be closed to all 'ehic!lar traffic from 7600 A,), to %600
Ordinar" motorists, participants or de'otees d!rin0 the Papal Visit ma" help decon0est hea'" traffic
areas or as. an" form of assistance from the
OFF5*= OF T9= *9A5C)A/ 9O/, ATTD, FCA/*53 /, TO1=/T5/O - @@2-41#4 to 74
loc, 20#G 207
OFF5*= OF T9= B=PETD *9A5C)A/ Esec, A1=S CA)O/ J, *AAA/511A - @@2-41#4
loc, 2@2
TCAFF5* =/45/==C5/4 *=/T=C Bir, /oemie T, Cecio Birector 555 - @@2-0@#@
Papal %isit sia 2014
'anila &ee "ar6s
420th year$
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 22, 2012 0 A con-celebrated mass to be led b" 'isitin0 Pope Francis &ill
mar. the 420th Dear of the *reation of the Coman *atholic Archdiocese of )anila on October 2#,
2014, The mass &ill be held at the spra&lin0 10-hectare lot located at the bac. of the Philippine
5nternational *on'ention *enter ;P5**< &ithin the *!lt!ral *enter of the Philippines *omple> alon0
Co>as Ao!le'ard, startin0 at @600 A,), As main celebrant, the Pontiff &ill be assisted b" co-celebrants6
)anila Archbishop 1!is Antonio *ardinal Ta0le, )anila Archbishop-=merit!s 4a!dencio *ardinal
Cosales, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop-=merit!s =rnesto Antolin 3al0ado, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop
=merit!s =dm!ndo ), Aba"a, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop )ario ), Perlata, T!0!e0arao Archbishop
3er0io 1, Etle0, T!0!e0arao Archbishop-=merit!s Biosdado A, Talama"an, 1in0a"en-Ba0!pan
Archbishop-=merit!s Oscar *ardinal V, *r!2, 1in0a"en-Ba0!pan Archbishop 3ocrates A, Ville0as, 3an
Fernando Archbishop =merit!s Paciano *ardinal A, Aniceto, 3an Fernando Archbishop Florentino 4,
1a'arias, 1ipa Archbishop Camon *, Ar0!elles, /!e'a *aceres Archbishop Colando O, o'en Tria
Tirona, *api2 Archbishop ose F, Ad'inc!la, aro Archbishop An0el /, 1a0dameo, *eb! Archbishop-
=merit!s Cicardo *ardinal , Vidal, *eb! Archbishop ose 3, Palma, Palo Archbishop-=merit!s Pedro
C, Bean, r,, Palo Archbishop ohn F, B!, Ba'ao Archbishop-=merit!s Fernando C, *apalla, Ba'ao
Archbishop Com!lo 4, Valles, *otabato Archbishop Orlando *ardinal A, J!e'edo, *a0a"an de Oro
Archbishop-=merit!s es!s A, T!-!ib, *a0a"an de Oro Archbishop Antonio , 1edesma, O2ami2
Archbishop es!s A, Bosado, Oamboan0a Archbishop Com!lo T, Bela *r!2, 3in0apore Archbishop
8illiam 4oh 3en0 *h"e, 3in0apore Archbishop-=merit!s /icholas 4erald *hia, L!ala 1!mp!r
Archbishop !lian 1eo& Aen0 Lim, L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop-=merit!s Anthon" 3oter Fernande2,
L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop-=merit!s )!rph" Pa.iam, L!chin0 Archbishop ohn 9a Tion0 9oc.,
L!chin0 Archbishop-=merit!s Peter *h!n0 9oan Tin0, Lota Linabal! Archbishop ohn 8on0 3oo
La!, Lota Linabal! Archbishop-=merit!s ohn 1ee 9ion0 F!n-Dit Da&, a.ata Archbishop 50nati!s
3!har"o 9ard:oatmod:o, a.arta Archbishop-=merit!s !li!s *ardinal Ci"adi Barmaatmad:a and
Apostolic /!nciat!re of the 9ol" 3ee to the Philippines Archbishop 4i!seppe Pinto,
3ome one million people comin0 from all o'er the Philippines, es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide
members and other forei0n nationals are e>pected to attend the first of t&o p!blic )asses, Pope Francis
&ill officiate d!rin0 his fi'e-da" pastoral 'isit to the Philippines,
The second p!blic mass for the 0rand ann!al anni'ersar" celebration and pra"er assembl" of es!s is
1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide and birthda" celebration of OO= Aroadcastin0 /et&or., 5nc, Aoard *hairman
and es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, international president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro,
=ddie *, Villan!e'a at 7600 p,m,, October 27 at the 1!neta Par. in front of the J!irino 4randstand,
Papal %isit sia 2014
5n the cro&d &ill be some 4,000 reli0io!s incl!din0 members of the *atholic Aishops *onference of
the Philippines, Federation of Asian AishopsH *onferences and Coman *atholic archbishops, bishops,
monsi0nors, pastors, deacons from forei0n co!ntries, priests, diocesan and reli0io!s,
4o'ernment officials and their families, led b" President Aeni0no 3, A-!ino 555 are e>pected to hear
the )ass, The 9ol" Father &ill arri'e at the site 1# min!tes before the start of the )ass and &ill bless
the cro&d on his &a" to the Altar,
The Pra"er of the Faithf!l &ill be read in =n0lish, Onl" 70 chosen faithf!l &ill recei'e 9ol"
*omm!nion personall" from the Pope,
(essge nd @inl 3ocu'ent of @A*E "lenry
The 11th Plenar" Assembl" of the Federation of Asian Aishops? *onferences ;FAA*< &ill iss!e a
messa0e to the *h!rches and *hristians in Asia at the concl!sion of the October 20 to 27 meetin0,
The te>t refers to the role and importance of the =!charist in the life of *hristians in Asia, *hristians in
Asia are enco!ra0ed in the !nit" 0i'en b" the =!charist to (cross bo!ndaries of reli0ion and race,
c!lt!re and lan0!a0e, caste and class, as &ell as to for0e bonds of fello&ship &ithin and also &ith the
people of other reli0ions and c!lt!res,+
The messa0e enco!ra0es families to listen to the 8ord of 4od re0!larl", especiall" on 3!nda"s, A
c!lt!re of listenin0 to the 8ord of 4od is enco!ra0ed as a basis for a!thentic *hristian spirit!alit",
A lon0er final doc!ment on the theme of the assembl" (1i'in0 the =!charist in Asia+ &as a0reed !pon
in principle, b!t &ill be p!blished in a final 'ersion at a later sta0e,
Fourth centenar6
D!rin) this visit, Pope Francis celebrated 'ass to "ar6 the 420th nniversary of the
rchdiocese of 'anila and the Dioceses of (eb!, (aceres and #!eva &e)ovia at the
Philippine @nternational (onvention (enter )ro!nds in Pasay (ity on October 24$
"ope prys for ntionGs poor- Yolnd victi's
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 2$, 2012 0 Pope Francis 'oiced concern for the millions of Filipinos
li'in0 in po'ert" and the 'ictims of nat!ral disasters as h!ndreds of tho!sands of people 0athered
"esterda" for a )ass beside manila ba" in an o!tpo!rin0 of reli0io!s fer'or,
(5n the midst of o!r :o" on this occasion &e cannot for0et o!r Filipino brothers and sisters &ho li'e in
diffic!lt social and economic conditions, and those &ho are tr"in0 to reco'er from the nat!ral disasters
&hich ha'e occ!rred &ith a certain fre-!enc" in recent times,+ he told the cro&d, The Pontiff,
celebratin0 the first p!blic mass of his fo!r-da" 'isit from October 23 to 27, 2014, sin0led o!t the
'ictims of the /o'ember @, 2013 3!per T"phoon Dolanda &hose led to death of at least #,000 people,
(5 as. 4od to stren0then and comfort those &ho ha'e lost their lo'ed ones, their homes, their
li'elihood, and 5 earnestl" hope that their appeals for f!rther help and solidarit" &ill not 0o !nheard+,
he said,
9alf of the 100 )illion Pop!lation of the Philippines is considered to be li'in0 belo& the po'ert" line,
and the co!ntr" is re0!larl" hit b" nat!ral disasters li.e tropical storms and earth-!,
Papal %isit sia 2014
The Pope ca!tioned people to conf!se the ch!rch in the Philippines, AsiaHs onl" *hristian-ma:orit"
nation &ith Ksome merel" h!man or h!manitarian or0ani2ation,K
Official estimates p!t the cro&d at more than a million people b!t &itnesses said it appeared m!ch
5f the cro&d &as smaller, than Coman *atholic *h!rch leaders of the Philippines had hoped for, it
made !p for the lac. of n!mbers &ith fer'or at the si0ht of the Pope,
At one point, the 77-"ear-old pontiff replied to the cries of )ab!ha" an0 3anto Papa ;1on0 1i'e 9ol"
Father< &ith his o&n ()ab!ha" an0 Filipino People+ from the 9i0h Altar speciall" constr!cted &ith a
P"ramid *anop",
At the end of the )ass on the bi0 open area beside a 0a!d" fair0ro!nd alon0 )anila Aa", h!ndreds of
people descended on the flo&er-dec.ed platform, after the Pope had left, to snatch so!'enirs, *hildren
tried o!t his throne-li.e chair,
3ec!rit" &as intense for the )ass mar.in0 the 420th Anni'ersar" of the Coman *atholic Archbishop of
)anila and other Ce0ions of the Philippine 5slands after the" &ere con-!ered b" 3pain,
='en the Pope?s o&n 3ecretar" of 3tate, *ardinal Pietro Parolin &as fris.ed before bein0 allo&ed to
:oin archbishops, bishops, cardinals, deacons, monsi0nors, re'erend fathers, pastors thro!0ho!t Asia,
Oceania, /orth America, 3o!th America, =!rope and Africa for the )ass,
9e smiled broadl" as he &as chec.ed for &eapons &ith a metal detector, part of the sec!rit" meas!res
imposed after the Philippine Police arrested at least t&o people s!spected of plottin0 to harm the Pope,
The Pontiff &as lifted to the top of the flo&er-dec.ed platform for the )ass b" a Philippine Airlines
Airport 9oist,
And he paid trib!te to the (spirit!al :o"+ of the Filipino people - e>pressed in their traditional &a"
thro!0h son0,
(5 than. the Filipino people, the 8onderf!l Filipino people,+ the Pontiff told the cheerin0 cro&d, ()"
heart is 0oin0 o!t to all of them, to all the Filipino men and &omen, to all the men and &omen from all
co!ntries of the &orld,+
Desterda", October 24 &as the b!siest da" of the PopeHs fi'e-da" 'isit to the Philippines, &hich be0an
Th!rsda", October 23, Follo&in0 the )ornin0 )ass, he met &ith Asian bishops, attended the 4#th
fo!ndation anni'ersar" of the *atholic short-&a'e radio station Cadio Veritas Asia and 'isited people
d!rin0 an e'enin0 'i0il at J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par.,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Vatican so!rces said the 77-"ear-old pontiff &o!ld also broadcast a messa0e to the 1,2 billion people of
*hina, &hose 0o'ernment has ref!sed to allo& Coman *atholics to papal s!premac" for
si> decades,
?:o an+ make +i#ci"e#
o( a na&ion#@
Pope 6rancis7 message at t(e 5ass )esterda) at t(e P(i"ippine Internationa" Convention Center.
86u"" aut(orit) (as been given to me bot( in (eaven and on eart(. /o t(ere.ore and ma-e discip"es o.
a"" t(e nations% ;5att(e* 2@, 1@-1%<,
ear 2rot(ers and Sisters in C(rist!
1, These &ords from toda"?s 4ospel ta.e on a special meanin0 in the conte>t of the !bilee &hich,
to0ether &ith the 8orld Do!th Ba", the *h!rch in the Philippines is celebratin0, Fo!r h!ndred and
t&ent" "ears a0o, in 9:;:! t(e .irst Ecc"esiastica" Province *as set up on t(ese Is"ands6 the
Archdiocese of )anila and the Bioceses of *eb!, *aceres and /!e'a 3e0o'ia,
5 0reet the &hole Filipino people, &onderf!l Filipino people, 5 0reet all their Pastors, 5 than. *ardinal
Ta0le for these .ind &ords of &elcome, 5 0reet also 9is =>cellenc" President Aeni0no 3, A-!ino 555
and the A!thorities,
The establishment of a )etropolitan *h!rch in the Philippines bore &itness to the fact that t(e *or- o.
t(e .irst missionaries (ad borne abundant .ruit, The process of plantin0 and b!ildin0 !p the *h!rch had
alread" ta.en place in other parts of the &orld, especiall" in the =!ropean co!ntries, 5n the case of m"
o&n Ar0entina, it had ta.en place in the "ear 1000, 1ater, the same thin0 happened in the co!ntries of
3o!th America, *entral America and /orth America, 3o it happened and contin!es to happen in Africa,
in A!stralia and thro!0ho!t Oceania, and on the continent of Asia, All this has a meanin0 that is not :!st
a -!estion of ecclesiastical administration, '(e C(urc( is a "iving bod), 1i.e a li'in0 bod", at a certain
point she reaches a sta0e of maturit) &hich it possible for a partic!lar *h!rch to 0i'e life to
other *h!rches li.e itself,
P"antatio Ecc"esiae. 5)sterium p"antationis Ecc"esiae. Pau"us p"antavit< Apo""o rigavit. eus autem
incrementum dedit, 5 see that Filipino people are !nderstandin0 'er" &ell 1atin,
2, Fo!r h!ndred "ears a0o the *h!rch in )anila became the )etropolitan 3ee for the *h!rch in *eb!,
*aceres and /!e'a 3e0o'ia, 5n the space of these fo!r cent!ries t(e number o. t(e particu"ar C(urc(es
in t(e P(i"ippines (as great") increased, Those first fo!r Bioceses ha'e each become a )etropolitan
3ee, and alon0side them n!mero!s partic!lar *h!rches ha'e de'eloped and contin!e to 0ro&, 5n this
Papal %isit sia 2014
part of the &orld it is t(e P(i"ippines *(ic( en4o)s t(e greatest *ea"t( o. ecc"esia" "i.e. P"antatio
.ecunda! .ecundissima,
Bear brothers and sisters, &e ha'e come toget(er (ere to give t(an-s to /od precisel" for this 0race,
0reat 0race of 4od, /ot :!st "o! &ho ha'e come from all o'er the Philippines, b!t also representati'es
of the *h!rches thro!0ho!t Asia and the Far =ast, As 5 see also man" *ardinals from =!rope, and from
Africa, from Asia, All to0ether &e 0reet the dele0ates of the other *hristian *h!rches and
*omm!nities, as &ell as the representati'es of other reli0ions, For me it is a 0reat :o" to be here &ith
"o! on this da", as Aishop of Come and 3!ccessor of 3aint Peter, Peter &as the first in (plantatio
=cclesiae+ in Come and from Come, (Plantatio =cclesiae+ in )anila, in the Philippines, Peter,
3!ccessor of Peter, also a 0race, To0ether let !s praise 4od for the 0race of this Fo!r 9!ndredth
Anni'ersar", 5n one 0reat chor!s let !s commend the *h!rch in the Philippines and the &hole /ation to
4od?s Pro'idence6 8Save )our peop"e! Lord! and b"ess )our in(eritance8;Ps, 2@ ;27<, %<,
5n the midst of o!r :o" on this occasion &e cannot for0et o!r Filipino brothers and sisters &ho li'e in
diffic!lt social and economic conditions, and those &ho are tr"in0 to reco'er from the nat!ral disasters
&hich ha'e occ!rred &ith a certain fre-!enc" in recent times, 5 am thin.in0 in partic!lar of the victims
o. t(e Pinatubo eruption and its a.ter=e..ects, 5 as. 4od to stren0then and comfort those &ho ha'e lost
their lo'ed ones, their homes, their li'elihood, and 5 earnestl" hope that their appeals for f!rther help
and solidarit" &ill not 0o !nheard, And 5 thin. also there are man" Filipinos in Come, in 5tal" and
thro!0h the &orld, 5 0reet all of them, The" are also the same inheritance, The" are also celebratin0 this
3, Toda", &e cannot fail to remember t(e .irst messengers o. t(e /ood 3e*s &ho came to these 5slands,
Their ori0ins &ere in 3pain, for it &as abo'e all t(e Iberian Peninsu"a *(ic( gave rise to t(at great
missionar) t(rust &hich follo&ed the disco'er" of America b" *hristopher *ol!mb!s, At that same
time other bra'e e>plorers &ere tra'ellin0 so!th and east, ro!nd Africa b" &a" of the *ape of 4ood
9ope, thro!0h the 5ndian Ocean, to&ards Asia and the Far =ast, Those 'o"a0es opened !p
for the *h!rch 'ast ne& hori2ons for her e'an0eli2in0 mission, 5t &as in that conte>t that the
e'an0eli2ation of the Philippines be0an,
5t is si0nificant that t(e .irst Episcopa" See in 5ani"a &as ori0inall" attached to )e>ico, in spite of the
enormo!s distance in'ol'ed in crossin0 the Pacific Ocean, *learl" that &as a temporar" meas!re, !ntil
the first independent =cclesiastical Pro'ince &as erected in the Philippines, precisel" in 1#%#, After
hesitation at the be0innin0, the missionar" *h!rch of that earl" period 0rad!all" became more tr!l"
Filipina as the n!mber of nati'e-born priests and Aishops increased,
1oo.in0 bac. toda" on that past, &e m!st e>press o!r than.f!lness to 4od for those pioneers &ho laid
the fo!ndations of the *h!rch in this land6 for the A!0!stinians &ho &ere the first to arri'e, follo&ed
b" the Franciscans, the es!its, the Bominicans and the A!0!stinian Cecollects, The earl" missionaries
&ho so!0ht to defend the nati'e peoples from the ab!ses of the con$uistadores and
encomenderos fo!nd a 'i0oro!s leader in the Bominican Fra" Bomin0o de 3ala2ar, the first Aishop of
)anila, As earl" as 1#@2 he s!mmoned the first 3"nod, &hich decided man" -!estions re0ardin0
con-!est, settlement and administration in accordance &ith the principles of the faith and *hristian
Papal %isit sia 2014
A &onderf!l process, a &onderf!l histor", histor" of the *h!rch, histor" of sal'ation, histor" of
Filipino people, All of !s, all of "o! Filipinos toda", "o! are the inheritance, the s!ccessors in this 0reat
process, 0reat process,
4, 3aint Pa!l &rites to the =phesians6 K)a" the 4od of o!r 1ord es!s *hrist, the Father of 0lor", 0rant
"o! a spirit o. *isdom and insig(t... t(at )ou ma) -no* t(e great (ope to *(ic( (e (as ca""ed )ou... and
the immeas!rable scope of his po&er in !s &ho belie'eK ;Ep(, 1, 17-1%<, 8hat 3aint Pa!l &ished for
the *hristian comm!nit" at =phes!s is &hat 5 &ish toda" for the *atholic people of the Philippines, 5
pra" abo'e all that "o! &ill appreciate e'er more f!ll" the 0race of "o!r *hristian 'ocation as
e>plained b" the 3econd Vatican *o!ncil in its *onstit!tion on the *h!rch ;*fr, Lumen /entium, 40<,
This 'ocation has its be0innin0 and so!rce in *hrist himself, All *hristians li'e b" the ine>ha!stible
riches 0i'en to !s in him, 3aint ohn of the *ross, the 0reat 3panish m"stic &ho li'ed :!st at the time
&hen the e'an0eli2ation of the Philippines &as 0ettin0 !nder&a", reminds !s of this fact, 9e &rote in
the Spiritua" Cantic"e6 K;*hrist< is li.e a rich mine &ith man" recesses containin0 treas!res, and no
matter ho& men tr" to fathom them the end is ne'er reachedK ;3aint ohn of the *ross, Spiritua"
Cantic"e, st, 37<, *hrist is so richI
5n the &or. of the missionaries and in their ser'ice to the people, the po&er of *hrist, *r!cified and
Cisen, &as bein0 manifested $ the po&er of *hrist, &ho is seated at the ri0ht hand of the Father and
&ho, as Cedeemer and Aride0room of the *h!rch, &or.s thro!0h her in the 9ol" 3pirit, 5t is 'er"
important not to conf!se the *h!rch &ith some merel" h!man or h!manitarian or0ani2ation, '(e
C(urc( "ives and gro*s in C(rist and t(roug( C(rist, All her members, in their tho!0hts and actions,
are called to bear &itness to the li'in0 presence of the Cedeemer,
#, The Father, as &e read in the 1etter to the =phesians, Khas p!t all thin0s !nder *hrist?s feet and has
made him th!s e>alted, head of the *h!rch, &hich is his bod"K ;Ep(, 1,22-23<, That is &h", after his
Ces!rrection, *hrist sent o!t the Apostles &ith the &ords6 86u"" aut(orit) (as been given to me bot( in
(eaven and on eart(8 ;5att(e* 2@61@<, This sa'in0 po&er of the Cedeemer is &hat s!stained the
missionaries &ho came to the Philippines in the si>teenth cent!r", This same po&er is &hat has
preser'ed the sons and da!0hters of "o!r nation in li'in0 their li'es as *hristians, in formin0 *hristian
families, in ed!catin0 "o!r children in the faith, A" doin0 all of this, "o!r forefathers laid the
fo!ndations of the onl" predominantl" *atholic co!ntr" in this part of the &orld, a re0ion &hich still
presents an enormo!s challen0e for e'an0eli2ation, 5n time, children of this land, as priests and
Aishops, too. o'er f!ll pastoral responsibilit", &hile others filled the ran.s of the con0re0ations of men
and &omen reli0io!s, so that the *h!rch &hich is Kthe f!llness of him &ho fills the !ni'erse in all its
partsK;Ep(, 1, 23< &o!ld be tr!l" catholic and !ni'ersal, b!t also tr!l" immersed in the life and c!lt!re
of these 5slands,
7, 'oda) t(ere.ore is a da) o. great 4o)6 re:oice in 0reat 0ratit!de to the 1ord, The Cesponsorial Psalm
contains an appropriate in'itation6 KAll "o! people clap "o!r hands, sho!t to 4od &ith cries of
0ladness,,, For the .in0 of all the earth is 4od,,, 4od rei0ns o'er all the nationsK ;Psa"m 47;47<, 2, @-%<,
The faith &hich sprin0s from the 4ospel transforms the life both of indi'id!als and of nations, For fo!r
h!ndred "ears the *h!rch has ser'ed as a lea'en and as a .ind of so!l for Philippine societ", most of all
b" her healin0 and ele'atin0 impact on respect for the h!man person, and b" the &a" in &hich she
stren0thens families and comm!nities, and imb!es e'er"da" acti'it" &ith a deeper meanin0 and
reference to 4od ;*fr, /audium et Spes, 40<, 5nspired b" their faith, Filipino *atholics ha'e be0!n
Papal %isit sia 2014
co!ntless initiati'es for the 0ood of societ", in the fields of ed!cation, healthcare and ser'ice of all
.inds, O!t of the *h!rch?s reli0io!s mission d!rin0 these fo!r h!ndred "ears there came a li0ht and an
ener0" &hich ha'e ser'ed to str!ct!re and consolidate the h!man comm!nit" accordin0 to the di'ine
la& ;*fr, /audium et Spes, 42<, '(is is t(e source o. our 4o), This is the so!rce for o!r :o" and o!r
0ratit!de to the 1ord, the Almi0ht" Father, This is the reason for the Philippine *h!rch?s :o", 'isible in
this celebration, &ith all the color and 'italit" of "o!r c!lt!re and *hristian traditions, 2ut t(is is a"so
)our tas- and responsibi"it)6 to remain faithf!l to &hat has been handed do&n and to b!ild on it, so that
4od?s la& &ill abide in "o!r hearts and his blessin0s &ill increasin0l" be po!red o!t on "o!r nation,
A 0reat boost to o!r :o" is 0i'en b" the people of the ,or"d 1out( a) &ho ha'e come to )anila from
e'er" corner of the Philippines, from man" parts of Asia and the Far =ast, and from the other
continents, The" are the si0n and the confirmation of "o!r li'in0 faith, )" heart is 0oin0 to all of them,
to all the Filipino "o!n0 men and &omen, and to all "o!n0 men and &omen of the &hole &orld, of so
man" co!ntries of the &orld,,, =!ropean, Asiatic, Africa, America, /orth America, 1atin America,
*entral America, A!stralia, all the continents,
7, The :o" of the h!man heart sprin0s from the presence of 4od in !s, in o!r hearts, 5saiah &rites6 KAll
&ho,,, hold to m" co'enant 5 &ill brin0 to m" hol" mo!ntain and ma.e :o"f!l in m" ho!se of
pra"erK, '(e spiritua" 4o) o. /od7s peop"e in t(e P(i"ippines (as t*o .undamenta" points o. re.erence:
t(e (ouse o. pra)er and t(e (o") mountain, First, the comm!nit" 0athers in Kthe ho!se of pra"erK;Is,
#7, 7-7< $ &hich is the home, or a chapel, a parish ch!rch or a cathedral $ to celebrate the m"steries of
o!r redemption and to profess the one, hol", catholic and apostolic faith, From there 4od?s pil0rim
people 0o forth to ascend Kthe hol" mo!ntainK6 marchin0 for&ard in hope to&ards the f!llness of 4od?s
.in0dom, all the time stri'in0 to ma.e present and operati'e at e'er" le'el of "o!r personal and
national life that .in0dom of holiness, :!stice, peace and solidarit", 3o t&o points6 the ho!se of pra"er
and the hol" mo!ntain, bein0 to0ether and ascendin0 &ith *hrist into hea'en, into his .in0dom, All that
is inspired b" the lit!r0ical te>ts as of toda"?s lit!r0",
@, Filipino People of 4od6 at e'er" )ass "o! hear the call to "i.t up )our (earts: Sursum corda!
1ift !p "o!r heart, hol" *h!rch, &hich in fo!r cent!ries has b!ilt a solid d&ellin0 place for 4od in
these 5slandsI 3o n!mero!s islands, Filipino islands, &onderf!l islandsI
8hole 0enerations ha'e 0one !p from here to the 9ol" )o!ntain, &here the 4od of 0lor" d&ells, The
si0n of this ascent are "o!r 6i"ipino Saints, be0innin0 &ith 3aint 1oren2o C!i2 &hom 5 had the :o" to
beatif" here in )anila and to canoni2e in Come, The" remain closel" !nited &ith "o! in the
*omm!nion of the 3aints, '(e) s(o* )ou t(e *a) to /od, &hich is the f!lfilment of the 'ocation of
each and e'er" h!man bein0,
Re4oice 6i"ipino peop"e! (o") C(urc( o. 5ani"a! Cebu! Caceres! and 3ueva Segovia! Ce:oice, e'er"
Filipino famil", e'er" Filipino Biocese and parishI Ce:oice, for it has pleased the Father to 0i'e "o! the
.in0domI This promise of the Father is f!lfilled !nceasin0l" thro!0h the po&er of *hrist6 to him be
honor and 0lor" for e'erI Amen,
A lon0 homil", b!t not too lon0 for this occasionI
5abu(a)! to all Filipino peopleI 1on0 li'eI
Ver", 'er", 'er" 0ratef!l for this celebration, for this 0reat festi'it" of the *h!rch in the Philippines,
Ver" 0ratef!l to almi0ht" 4odI
Papal %isit sia 2014
Ver" 0ratef!l to all of "o!I
Vi'a )anila, *eb!, *aceres, /!e'a 3e0o'iaI
Than. "o! 'er" m!chI
3ister Faith Abano6 Please all stand,
5n a pri'ate meetin0 &ith members of the *atholic Aishops? *onference of the Philippines, the Pope
made the (stron0est comments+ defendin0 the *atholic ban on artificial contracepti'es, 9e also
condemned the in:!stice in the co!ntr" and noted the (increasin0+ 0ap bet&een rich and poor,
(8hen po&erf!l interests promote policies &hich are a0ainst the moral la& inscribed on the h!man
heart, the" offend the di0nit" of man &ho is made in the ima0e and li.eness of 4od,+ the Pontiff said,
(5n doin0 so, the" !ndermine the fo!ndations of societ" itself,+
+AJ8*4W (A+EH0 Eolor-coding! in Sundy rlly )*y (ichel Li' Mbc nd
3ve /eridino.
PACT5*5PA/T3 of the pro-democrac" rall" set on 3!nda", October 27 in )a.ati *it" &ill carr" the
colors of the rainbo& in .eepin0 &ith the m!ltisectoral nat!re of the mass action,
At a press for!m "esterda" in )a.ati, or0ani2ers said a (color-codin0+ scheme &as needed for eas"
identification and as a s"mbol of the di'ersit" of the FilipinosH beliefs and aspirations that &o!ld be
!nified at the rall",
Ender the scheme, the rall" colors are6
4reen for farmers and en'ironmental 0ro!ps and st!dents and al!mni of Be 1a 3alle
Al!e for st!dents and al!mni of Ateneo de )anila Eni'ersit"
)aroon for st!dents and al!mni of Eni'ersit" of the Philippines-Biliman
Ced for pro0ressi'e and militant 0ro!ps and st!dents and al!mni of Eni'ersit" of the =ast-
8hite for n!ns, priests and the lait",
Dello& for the s!pporters of the late former president *ora2on *o:!an0co-A-!ino and st!dents
and al!mni of Eni'ersit" of 3anto Tomas-)anila
The rall", intended to deno!nce 0o'ernment mo'es to amend the *onstit!tion, )arcos-st"le cron"ism,
threats to press freedom, transportation, po&er and &ater shorta0e in )etro )anila, the rehabilitation
after the triple disasters in )indanao and Visa"as s!ch as the *a0a"an de Oro bombin0 last !l" 27, the
Oamboan0a 3ie0e last 3eptember %, the Aohol =arth-!a.e last October 17, the 3!per T"phoon Dolanda
last /o'ember @ and the 3!per T"phoon 4lenda last !l" 17, Aan0samoro Frame&or. A0reement, the
tension a0ainst *hina o'er the 3carboro!0h 3hoal, the Be'elopment Acceleration Pro0ram ;BAP< and
Priorit" Be'elopment Assistance F!nd ;PBAF< scam of b!siness&oman anet 1im-/apoles, the
rehabilitation after the Oamboan0a sie0e to the onsla!0ht Dolanda ca!sed in Visa"as and the recent
t"phoon (4lenda+ in 1!2on last !l", the P317-million Philippine *harit" 3& Office f!nds
scam, P7,7 billion ho!sin0 scam of Belfin 1eeHs 4lobe Asiati-!e ;4A<, P72@ million fertili2er f!nd
scam, the constr!ction of ma:or infrastr!ct!re pro:ects, the crime rate in )etro )anila incl!din0
robber" hold!ps, the hi0h-profile .illin0s6 the .illin0 of champion race car dri'er =n2o Pastor in
Papal %isit sia 2014
J!e2on *it", )etro )anila and *ro&n Ce0enc" 9otel o&ner Cichard Lin0 in Ba'ao *it", Ba'ao del
3!r last !ne 12, the 0an0 rape and .illin0 of 27-"ear-old Anria 4alan0 =spirit! in *al!mpit, A!lacan
last A!0!st 1@ and 7-"ear-old )"la Cosales in Aaran0a" @4#, Pandacan, )anila last 3eptember 7, the
onsla!0ht of t"phoon 4lenda, the 100 million pop!lation mar., the le0al iss!es in BOT* s!ch as6 the
rehabilitation of )CT-3, the a&ardin0 of the 1CT-1 so!th e>tension pro:ect and P1,4-billion common
station le0al fiasco &ill be led b" animal, police, political and transportation 0ro!ps,
Participants &ill con'er0e at A"ala A'en!e corner Paseo de Co>as from t&o points--the fire station
alon0 A"ala and the Bon Aosco *h!rch on Pasa" Coad, *hito 4ascon and )s0r, )elchor Ba'id &ill
ser'e as 0rand marshals for the fire station contin0ent, and Fr, Cobert Ce"es, for the Bon Aosco
=arlier, ho&e'er, A-!ino stressed that rall" participants co!ld &ear an" color that pleased them or best
described their ideas or aspirations in !pholdin0 the 0ains of the 1%@7 =dsa People-Po&er !prisin0,
(5tHs reall" !nit" in di'ersit",+ said Ao" Cellosa, a member of the e>ec!ti'e committee of the 3amahan
n0 4itnan0 P!&ersa ;3a4iP<,
5n contrast, members of the =l 3haddai, &ho are set to sta0e an apparent co!nter0atherin0 on the same
da" at the J!irino 4randstand in Ci2al Par., )anila, are e>pected to &ear their c!stomar" &hite on
October 2# to 27, 2014,
The !l %haddai gathering is supposed to mark the birthday celebration of its founder and
servant2leader, .ro. Mike 1. <elarde on 7ugust #*, as well as its ,*th anniversary last 7ugust #,
to #E while =esus is >ord Church /orldwide Movement, headed by founder, international
president and spiritual director .ishop .ro. !ddie <illanueva, is celebrating his F+st birthday on
&ctober C and their ,Cth anniversary celebration on &ctober #) to #", during the )2day pastoral
and state visit of ope Francis here in the hilippines.
<elarde and <illanueva, spiritual advisers of resident .enigno 7$uino @@@, have announced his
support for Charter change and ork .arrel %cam.
*i'ilian 0ro!ps pled0ed to help police maintain peace and order both at the pro-democrac" rall" at
)a.ati, J!e2on *it" and the !l %haddai gathering,
The pled0e of s!pport &as con'e"ed "esterda" to *hief 3!pt, )arcelo 4arbo r,, chief of the /ational
*apital Ce0ion Police Office, b" leaders of the ci'ilian 0ro!ps,
4arbo said abo!t 7,000 policemen from 'ario!s districts &o!ld be deplo"ed at the t&o e'ents,
)etropolitan police &ill be on red alert startin0 toda",
The /ational Police *ommission ;/apolcom< has directed Bep!t" Birector =dm!ndo 1, 1arro2a of the
Philippine /ational Police to finali2e sec!rit" details,
5n a letter to 1arro2a "esterda", 1eo 3, )a0ah!m, /apolcom 'ice chair and e>ec!ti'e officer, said the
P/P sho!ld ens!re a (balanced enforcement of the la& &ith ma>im!m tolerance and respect for h!man
)a0ah!m said e>ercisin0 fair sec!rit" meas!res at the t&o e'ents &o!ld foster !nit" and pro'e the
A-!ino administrationHs adherence to democrac",
Bodie 1imca!co, co-or0ani2er of the pro-democrac" rall", said some 2,000 priests, n!ns, seminarians
and members of non0o'ernment or0ani2ations &o!ld ser'e as marshals,
5nitiall", some 1,000 /4O members had 'ol!nteered to ser'e as 0!ards at the rall",
Papal %isit sia 2014
1imca!co said at a for!m at *i!dad Fernandina in 3an !an that the HHti0ht 0!ardin0HH of their
ran.s &o!ld be implemented in response to !nconfirmed reports that comm!nists planned to bomb the
rall" site,
The /etherlands-based ose )aria 3ison, chief political cons!ltant of the comm!nist-led /ational
Bemocratic Front, had earlier denied s!ch plans,
(A" spreadin0 in ad'ance the intri0!e that [comm!nists? are o!t to ma.e tro!ble, )r, A-!ino 555 is
re'ealin0 his o&n malicio!s intent to pla" the same old dirt" tric.s that his mentor )arcos !sed to pla"
in order to disco!ra0e and disr!pt mass protest actions and :!stif" repression,+ 3ison said in a
1imca!co said his 0ro!p had en0a0ed in a dialo0!e &ith a 0ro!p of comm!nist rebels &ho also pled0ed
to :oin the rall",
(;The rebels< ha'e ass!red !s that the" &ill not disr!pt peace and order d!rin0 the rall",+ he said
&itho!t elaboratin0,
At the same for!m, )s0r, /ico Aa!tista acc!sed =l 3haddai of resortin0 to HHmental and 'erbal
acrobaticsHH in defendin0 its 0atherin0,
Aa!tista said the timin0 of the 0atherin0 &as ('er" !n!s!al beca!se =l 3haddai !s!all" meets d!rin0
the &ee.end,+
9e also chided Former /o'aliches Aishop Teodoro Aacani, =l 3haddai?s o'erall spirit!al ad'iser, for
not .eepin0 the 0ro!p in line &ith the *h!rchHs position a0ainst *harter chan0e,
(5 donHt .no& &h" Aishop Aacani is actin0 li.e a la&"er for =l 3haddai,+ he said,
Aa!tista said e'er" *atholic HHsho!ld be one in mind and heart &ith the *h!rch,HH especiall" on the iss!e
of *harter chan0e,
(The ;pro-democrac"< rall" is abo!t moral iss!es, partic!larl" the ret!rn to po&er of the )arcoses and
their cronies,+ he said,
For !l %haddai
Former first lad" 5melda )arcos "esterda" told reporters that she ma" attend the =l 3haddai 0atherin0
if sheHs in'ited,
(8h" not` 5tHs :!st a birthda" part", A!t 5Hd prefer to meet him in pri'ate to 0reet him,+ she said,
5melda &as 0!est at the )anila 9otel la!nchin0 of t&o boo.s b" the Latotohanan at
Latar!n0an Fo!ndation 5nc, ;LLF5<, a 0ro!p of militar" and 0o'ernment officials &ho ser'ed d!rin0
the re0ime of her late h!sband, the dictator Ferdinand )arcos,
3he e>pressed s!pport for the administrationHs mo'e to amend the 1%@7 *onstit!tion, sa"in0 it &as a
(bo0!s+ *harter created b" a bod" composed of members hand-pic.ed b" A-!ino,
3he also chided 3in and A-!ino6 HH5tHs sad that these people &ho sho!ld be promotin0 !nit" are instead
di'idin0 the co!ntr",HH
.ut she $uickly added that Filipinos were free to attend the rally or the !l %haddai gathering
;since this is a democratic, federal and republic country.A
5n a press statement, the LLF5 called the )a.ati rall" an (elitist e>ercise, a lot of noise,6 and defended
)r, A-!ino 555?s stand on *harter chan0e,
(Amendments are for the people to decide on in a plebiscite, and not for a fe& to pre-empt b" so&in0
spec!lati'e intri0!es,+ the 0ro!p said,
On the ad bo"cott on the 5/JE5C=C, the LLF5 said6 (0ung *a"ang sinasanto ang isang pa(a)agan!
(u*ag itong umasa ng pagtang-i"i- ;5f a ne&spaper defies e'er"bod", it sho!ldnHt hope for s!pport<,+
Papal %isit sia 2014
)embers of the 9o!se of Cepresentati'es are free to decide &hether to attend the pro-democrac" rall", 3onn" Aelmonte, r, said,
A!t he &as -!ic. to -!alif" that this &as (onl" for the 9o!se,+
(5 canHt sa" abo!t ;those &ho belon0 to the r!lin0 1aban n0 )asan0 Pilipino< part", ThatHs a different
matter,HH he said at a press conference "esterda",
Villar said he respected each of his collea0!esH decision and pointed o!t that it &as (health" for an
instit!tion of democrac" li.e the 9o!se to be debatin0 on the iss!e of *harter chan0e,+
9e said his office &o!ld not mo'e to .eep 1A)P con0ressmen from :oinin0 the rall",
J!e2on Cep, Alcala said that &hile he &as opposed to amendin0 the 1%@7 *onstit!tion, he &o!ld not
attend the rall" HHto respect the part" position on the matter,+
Alcala said he &as con'inced that HHintrapart" disc!ssions on *ha-cha ha'e not been e>ha!sted,+
3oma vs %pice .oy
On radio, mo'ie idol Cichard 4ome2, &ho is also presidential ad'iser on "o!th and sports, "esterda"
en0a0ed one of the so-called (3pice Ao"s+ of *on0ress in a battle o'er "o!n0 peopleHs hearts and
4ome2 raised do!bts as to &hether or0ani2ers of the pro-democrac" rall" had enli0htened st!dents and
"o!th 0ro!ps on the iss!es bein0 raised b" critics of the A-!ino administration,
9e dared the other 0!ests--amon0 them Cep, Cobert Ace Aarbers ;, 3!ri0ao del /orte<--to ta.e
f!ll responsibilit" sho!ld 'iolence er!pt at the rall" and 'ictimi2e st!dent participants,
(8hat are "o! reall" fi0htin0 for` Are "o! s!re that the st!dents and the "o!th :oinin0 the rall"
!nderstand the iss!es "o! are fi0htin0 for`+ 4ome2 said in Filipino d!rin0 the noontime pro0ram
HHPa.saHH hosted b" Tina )on2on Palma o'er d2)),
Also in the panel &ere rall" marshals Father Ce"es, also .no&n as the HHr!nnin0 priest,HH and la&"er 4il
de los Ce"es,
4ome2, &ho :oined the disc!ssion b" phone, also &arned that the rall" co!ld ha'e ne0ati'e effects on
the b!siness climate,
Aarbers co!ntered b" tellin0 4ome2 that HH&eH'e done o!r home&or.HH as far as ed!catin0 the "o!th
sector &as concerned, thro!0h camp!s for!ms and mobili2ation,
9e also said it &as the Palace &ho sho!ld be blamed re0ardin0 the ad'erse effects on the econom" as
HHitHs the 0o'ernment &hoHs re'i'in0 this di'isi'e iss!e ;of *harter chan0e< in the first place,HH
As to the possible er!ption of 'iolence, Aarbers said he didnHt find s!ch HHr!morsHH credible HHsince these
came from the militar",HH
Ce"es ass!red 4ome2 that the rall" participants co!ld police their o&n ran.s, and that it &as 'er"
remote that the" &o!ld insti0ate 'iolence themsel'es as the" &o!ld be led b" n!ns and priests,
*aloocan co!ncilors "esterda" pled0ed s!pport for the pro-democrac" rall" despite )a"or Oscar
)alapitan?s contin!ed ref!sal to ma.e a stand on the matter,
*on0, =d0ar =rice, ma:orit" floor leader of the cit" co!ncil and a close all" of )alon2o, said his
participation at the rall" &as a matter of HHindi'id!al conscience,HH
HHThis is not a -!estion of part" affiliation no&, 5 &ill s!pport the rall" beca!se 5 belie'e in &hat it
stands for,HH he said,
Papal %isit sia 2014
=rice is or0ani2in0 a motorcade that &ill r!n from the *aloocan 9i0h 3chool to A"ala A'en!e, )a.ati
*it", *it" residents ma" :oin the contin0ent at aro!nd 1164# a,m, on Frida",
=arlier, )a"or and at least three other co!ncilors said the" &o!ld :oin the rall",
*o!ncilors )an!el Ca"os and *hito Abel, acti'e *h!rch leaders in their respecti'e areas, are
mobili2in0 reli0io!s 0ro!ps for the motorcade,
1A)P co!ncilors in the cit" ha'e denied reports that the" &ere intendin0 to :oin the rall", The" said
the" &ere open to *harter chan0e,
5n *alapan *it", at least 7,000 st!dents, )an0"ans, !rban poor and *atholic faithf!l are e>pected to
:oin the (march c!m Coman *atholic *harismatic 9ol" )ass and &orship and healin0 pra"er and
political protest rall"+ to be led tomorro&, 3!nda", October 27 b" Aishop 8arlito 5, *a:andi0, Coman
*atholic Territorial Biocese of *alapan,
(The protest action is in response to the call of the *atholic AishopsH *onference of the Philippines to
sho& o!r opposition to *harter chan0e, threats to press freedom and the ret!rn of cron"ism,+ said Fr,
imson 9, C!0a, an aide of *a:andi0 and director of the 3er'ice *ommission of the Biocese,
C!0a said the protest action &o!ld be s"nchroni2ed &ith the pro-democrac" rall" in )a.ati,
3imilar demonstrations &ill be held sim!ltaneo!sl" in #0 other cities nation&ide, %i&! re"or&# (rom
-erome Anin=, ;o& 9on&rera#, Rock< Na,areno, P!ii" T'be,a, an+ 7anc!e S) RiAera in Mania8
an+ -oe -) -aba, PD. So'&!ern 6',on 7'rea'
AnniversryGs success lies on pryers
The s!ccess of the 3>th nniversary of the 0es!s is 1ord *0@1+ (h!rch 2orld3ide today,
October 2>, is ens!red by the prayers and intercessions oFered to 8od 3orld3ide$

Fro" &epte"ber 1-21, 0@1 ch!rches established in 200 co!ntries aro!nd the 3orld prayed
in !nity for 8od?s blessin)s for the anniversary$ @n 'anila, pastors and intercessors also
held a prayer-on-location yesterday at the J!irino 8randstand, 1!neta, ven!e of the 0@1

One of the pastors 3ho Ioined the prayer-on-location, Pastor "or 5obles-della of 0@1-
P9P, said, A'y )reatest prayer is that a lar)er percenta)e of o!r pop!lation 3ill be
reached before the 1ord 0es!s co"es a)ain$d

Pastor 1orna 5odri)!e: of 0@1-7!nlo also prayed for the anniversary spea6er, Dr$ 'orris
(er!llo, a 3orld reno3ned evan)elist$ The prayer-on-location concl!ded 3ith a faith-flled
declaration of A0es!s is 1ord over 1!neta 8randstand^B

@ndeed, that is 3hat 3e see today here in 1!neta^ /appy 3>th nniversary, 0@1^
"8oy e:pected to grce BJL %=th nniversry
Papal %isit sia 2014
P!ii""ine#, A'='#& 2>, 2013 0 The es!s 5s 1ord ;51< *h!rch 8orld&ide &ill be celebratin0 its 37th
Anni'ersar" on 3!nda", October 27G 7am on&ards at the J!irino 4randstand in 1!neta, )anila,
This year.s the"e, AP!rs!e peace 3ith all people, and holiness, 3itho!t 3hich no one 3ill
see the 1ord, loo6in) caref!lly lest anyone fall short of the )race of 8ode lest any root of
bitterness sprin)in) !p ca!se tro!ble, and by this "any beco"e deflede lest there be any
fornicator or profane person li6e <sa!, 3ho for one "orsel of food sold his birthri)ht$ For
yo! 6no3 that after3ard, 3hen he 3anted to inherit the blessin), he 3as reIected, for he
fo!nd no place for repentance, tho!)h he so!)ht it dili)ently 3ith tears$ For yo! have not
co"e to the "o!ntain that "ay be to!ched and that b!rned 3ith fre, and to blac6ness
and dar6ness and te"pest, and the so!nd of a tr!"pet and the voice of 3ords, so that
those 3ho heard it be))ed that the 3ord sho!ld not be spo6en to the" any"ore$ *For
they co!ld not end!re 3hat 3as co""anded, And if so "!ch as a beast to!ches the
"o!ntain, it shall be stoned or shot 3ith an arro3$B nd so terrifyin) 3as the
si)ht that 'oses said, A@ a" eGceedin)ly afraid and tre"blin)$B+ 7!t yo! have co"e to
'o!nt Qion and to the city of the livin) 8od, the heavenly 0er!sale", to an inn!"erable
co"pany of an)els, to the )eneral asse"bly and ch!rch of the frstborn 3ho
are re)istered in heaven, to 8od the 0!d)e of all, to the spirits of I!st "en "ade
perfect, to 0es!s the 'ediator of the ne3 covenant, and to the blood of sprin6lin) that
spea6s better thin)s than that of bel$ &ee that yo! do not ref!se /i" 3ho spea6s$ For if
they did not escape 3ho ref!sed /i" 3ho spo6e on earth, "!ch "oreshall 3e not
escape if 3e t!rn a3ay fro" /i" 3ho spea6s fro" heaven, 3hose voice then shoo6 the
earthe b!t no3 /e has pro"ised, sayin), A;et once "ore @ sha6e not only the earth, b!t
also heaven$B #o3 this, A;et once "ore,B indicates the re"oval of those thin)s that are
bein) sha6en, as of thin)s that are "ade, that the thin)s 3hich cannot be sha6en "ay
Papal %isit sia 2014
re"ain$ Therefore, since 3e are receivin) a 6in)do" 3hich cannot be sha6en, let !s have
)race, by 3hich 3e "ay serve 8od acceptably 3ith reverence and )odly fear$ For o!r
8od is a cons!"in) fre$B */ebre3s 12,14-2C+
The Filipino version 3as, A&i6apin ninyon) "a"!hay n) "ay 6apayapaan at
6abanalan sa lahat n) tao, dahil 3alan) sin!"an) "a6a6a6ita sa Pan)inoon 6!n)
3ala ito$ 'a)-in)at 6ayo ba6a "ayroon) "a)6!lan) sa biyaya n) Diyos$ @n)atan
ninyo na ba6a "ay s!"ibol na !)at n) sa"a n) loob na siyan) dahilan n)
6a)!l!han at sa pa"a"a)itan nito ay nad!d!n)isan an) "ara"i$ Tiya6in ninyo
na 3alan) "ata)p!an sa inyo na taon) i"oral o "apa)lapastan)an t!lad ni <sa!
na 6aniyan) ipina)bili an) 6arapatan) "a)"ana bilan) pan)anay na ana6 na
lala6i dahil sa isan) pa)6ain$ &apa)6at ala" na ninyon) lahat 6!n) ano an)
nan)yari pa)6atapos$ #an) ibi) na niyan) "anahin an) basbas, itina63il siya n)
Diyos$ 7a)a"an si <sa! ay h!"anap n) paraan na "ay pa)l!ha !pan) siya ay
"a6apa)sisi, hindi siya "a6ahanap n) pa)6a6ataon para "a6apa)sisi$ &apa)6at
hindi 6ayo na6alapit sa b!ndo6 na inyon) "ahihipo na na)lala)ablab sa apoy, sa
6ap!si6itan, sa 6adili"an at sa !nos$ t an) naroon ay t!no) n) tr!"peta at an)
tini) n) ")a salita$ Pa)6arini) nila n) tini) nito, na)s!"a"o sila na h!3a) nan)
ban))itin sa 6anilan) "!li an) ")a salitan) ito$ &apa)6at hindi nila "a6ayanan)
dalhin an) ini!tos na sinabi, E!n) an) isan) hayop ay "adi6it sa b!ndo6, dapat
ninyon) bat!hin at sa pa"a)itan n) sibat ay inyon) t!h!)in$ Dahil an) tana3in
ay labis na na6a6asinda6, sinabi ni 'oises, #il!6!ban a6o n) ta6ot at a6o ay
nan)ini)$ &!balit 6ayo ay na6alapit na sa b!ndo6 n) Qion at sa l!n)sod n) b!hay
na Diyos, sa 0er!sale" na "a6a-lan)it at sa hindi "abilan) na ")a an)hel$
1!"apit na 6ayo sa pan)6alahatan) pa)titipon at sa i)lesiya n) ")a pan)anay na
na6atala sa 6alan)itan$ 1!"apit na 6ayo sa Diyos na h!6o" n) lahat at sa ")a
espirit! n) ")a "at!3id na pina)in)-)anap$ 1!"apit na 6ayo 6ay 0es!s na siyan)
ta)apa"a)itan n) isan) ba)on) tipan at sa d!)o na 6aniyan) i3inisi6 na
nan)!n)!sap n) hi)it na "ab!b!tin) ba)ay 6aysa sa d!)o ni bel$ Tiya6in ninyo
na hindi ninyo tinatan))ihan an) na)sasalita$ &apa)6at 6!n) an) ")a t!"an))i
sa na)salita sa l!pa ay hindi "a6a6ali)tas sa pa)hatol$ n) atin) 6ahat!lan ay
lalon) tiya6 6!n) tatali6!ran natin siya na na)"!la sa lan)it$ #oon an) 6aniyan)
tini) ay y!"ani) sa l!pa$ #)!nit n)ayon siya ay nan)a6o na sinasabi, 'insan na
lan) ay yayani)in 6o hindi la"an) an) l!pa 6!ndi )ay!ndin an) lan)it$ #an)
)a"itin niya an) 6ata)an), "insan na lan), an) ibi) niyan) sabihin ay aalisin niya
an) lahat n) ba)ay na "ayayani), na an) ")a ito ay an) ")a ba)ay na )ina3a,
!pan) an) ")a ba)ay na hindi "ayayani) ay "anatili$ Tinan))ap natin an) isan)
pa)hahari na 3alan) "a6a6ayani)$ Eaya n)a, tayo na3a ay "a)6aroon n) biyaya
na sa pa"a"a)itan nito, tayo ay "a)hahando) n) pa)lilin)6od na 6al!)!d-l!)od
sa Diyos, na "ay banal na pa))alan) at pa)6ata6ot$ &apa)6at an) atin) Diyos ay
isan) apoy na t!"!t!po6$B */ebreo 12,14-2C+
Papal %isit sia 2014
President Aeni0no 3imeon A-!ino 555 is e>pected to :oin the 0rand pra"er assembl" &here Aro, =ddie
*, Villan!e'a, Fo!nder and 3pirit!al Birector of 51 *h!rch 8orld&ide &ill lead the 3rd anni'ersar" of
the la!nchin0 of the pra"er mo'ement called (4od Aless the Philippines+,
4od Aless The Philippines Pra"er )o'ement calls !pon e'er" Filipino $ &here'er he or she ma" be in
an" part of the &orld $ to 'erball" sa" a short pra"er of (4od bless the PhilippinesI+ e'er" da" at 12600
noon of the time 2one of the place &here he or she ma" be,
To complement the dail" 12600 noon (4od Aless the PhilippinesI+ pra"er ri0ht after the (An0el!s
Bomini Pra"er+ declaration is an online pra"er site, &&&,4odAlessThePhilippines,com, &here e'er"
Filipino is enco!ra0ed to participate in Post-A-Pra"er for the Philippines,
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 and other 0o'ernment officials are e>pected to sho& !p at the celebration
beca!se es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, president and spirit!al director Aro, =ddie
Villan!e'a is celebratin0 his birthda" on October 7, 9is belated birthda" part" coincidence &ith the
anni'ersar" celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide on October 27,
The President is e>pected to address the ann!al celebration at #60# p,m,
9i0hli0hts of the ='ent incl!de the celebration of the 9ol" =!charist, to be officiated b" Pope Francis,
the Aishop of Come and the leader of the &orld&ide Coman *atholic *h!rch and a host of Coman
*atholic territorial archbishops, bishops and cardinals, deacons, monsi0nors, diocesan and reli0io!s
priests from the Philippines, 3in0apore, )ala"sia, 5ndonesia, =ast Timor, Ar!nei, *ambodia, 1aos,
Thailand, Vietnam, 3"ria, 5ran, 5ra-, T!r.e", T!r.menistan, A!stralia, /e& Oealand, Pap!a /e&
4!inea, Pacific ;Oceania<, 5ndia, 3ri 1an.a, Aan0ladesh, /epal, Pa.istan, *hina, Tai&an, /orth and
3o!th Lorea, apan, Enited 3tates, *anada, )e>ico, Ar0entina, Ara2il, *olombia, Per!, Vene2!ela,
=c!ador, *hile, 4!atemala, Aoli'ia, *osta Cica, *!ba, Bominican Cep!blic, 9ond!ras, Para0!a",
/icara0!a, 5tal", France, 3pain, Poland, 4erman", Port!0al, Ael0i!m, 9!n0ar", A!stria, =n0land,
/etherlands, E.raine, 5reland, 3lo'a.ia, *rotia, *2ech Cep!blic, 3&it2erland, 1it!hania, Comania,
3lo'enia, Aelar!s, C!ssia, 3erbia and )ontene0ro, 1ati'ia, 1!>embo!r0, )alta, Albania, 3&eden,
4reece, =stonia, 5celand, E0anda, Tan2ania, An0ola, *had, 3ene0al, 4abon, )ada0ascar, A!r!ndi,
)o2ambi-!e, C&anda, 3!dan, Oambia, )ala&i, *ameroon, *ote d?5'ore, Aenin, A!ri.ina Faso, To0o,
4hana, =-!atorial 4!inea, =thiopia, =riterea, *ape Verde, /amibia, *entral African Cep!blic, *on0o,
Bemocratic Cep!blic of *on0o, T!nisia, /i0er, *omoros, )a!ritania and Al0eria,
The 77-"ear-old Pope, &ho has been the leader of the 8orld&ide Coman *atholic *h!rch, &as
re-!ested b" *eb! Archbishop ose Palma to lead the 9ol" )ass,
Other than Palma, Vidal, the other cardinals &ho &ill be present in toda"?s lit!r0" incl!de *ardinal
An0elo Amato, the prefect of the *on0re0ation of the *a!ses of 3aintsG )anila Archbishop 1!is
Antonio *ardinal Ta0leG )anila Archbishop =merit!s 4a!dencio *ardinal Cosales,
A0ana, 4!am Archbishop Anthon" Ap!ronG )ost Ce', 4i!seppe PintoG the apostolic n!ncio in the
PhilippinesG and Come-based priest, Fr, Fernando Co:o, the main post!lator for *al!n0sod?s ca!se &ill
Papal %isit sia 2014
also be aro!nd, )s0r, Villaro:o said at least bishops, cardinals, deacons and aro!nd 10,000 priests ha'e
confirmed to attend the e'ent,
B!rin0 comm!nion, Villaro:o ad'ised the people not to floc. to the main altar,
(The" sho!ld sta" p!t !ntil the" see a comm!nion distrib!tor mar.ed b" !mbrellas,+ he said,
Villaro:o said there are 2,000 comm!nion distrib!tors, Of the n!mber 1,700 are la" ministers, The" &ill
be a!0mented b" priests and n!ns,
After the comm!nion, Pinto, the papal n!ncio, &ill deli'er a messa0e,
President A-!ino, &ho so!0ht the permission of the archdiocese so he can deli'er his messa0e to the
Filipinos, &ill ha'e to ma.e his piece after the )ass,
Fr, Ca!l 4alle0o, chairperson of the committee on 'en!e, !r0ed the people to brin0 alon0 radios, &ater,
flashli0hts, food, candles, portable chairs, and !mbrellas,
On the other hand, people are prohibited from brin0in0 0!ns and bladed &eapons,
After the )ass and the messa0e of the president, a c!lt!ral presentation &ill be made, This &ill be
participated in b" Pasi0arbo sa 3!0bo contin0ents from )in0lanilla, Talisa" *it", and )anda!e *it",
The 1!mad Aasa.anon, &ho has reaped a&ards d!rin0 the 3in!lo0 festi'ities, &ill also be part of the
lso invited as spea6ers and )!ests d!rin) the /oly 'ass are sports icons, fashion
"odels, "ovie and television celebrities and hi)h society f)!res led by ba)
desi)ner &ylvia &antos, fashion desi)ners 0( 7!endia, 5andy Orti:, 0oIie 1loren,
Don) O"a)a Dia:, 0oey &a"son, @varl!s6i seron, %ittorio 7arba, 8erry Eati)ba6,
Frederic6 Peralta, 5aIo 1a!rel, 1en #epo"!ceno, /indy 2eber-Tantoco, 5a"on
<steban, P0 ranador, <d3in o, O0 /ofer, rcy 8ayatin, Tippi Oca"po, vel
7ac!dio, 0ero"e &alaya n), 0oel <scober, nthony #oco", lbert ndrada, #oel
(risosto"o, 5onaldo rnaldo, Eristel ;!lo, /appy ndrada, Pablo (abah!) and
0a"es 5eyes, FDP desi)ners 0ohnny bad, 5ic6y bad, DeGter la:a, #ino
n)eles, Delby 7ra)ais, Earen (astro, Eirby (r!:, @van dela (r!:, Perry Dia:, 1ynn
5oGas, 7oyet Dysanco, 5icco <scaro, 5oc6y 8athercole, 8enar 8o:!", Pristine de
8!:"an, din 1ara, Pa!l 5anier 1i", #oelle 1lave, <d)ar 'ada"ba, 0ontie
'artine:, #i66ie 'artine:, Ole 'orabe, %ivo #a:areth, Dave Oca"po, 1ito Pere:,
#holie Pilapil, 0oyce Pilars6y, an Pineda, 5ao!l 5a"ire:, ;a6o 5eyes, 5holand
5oGas, <d)ar &an Die)o, Fanny &errano, <d3in 9y, &i"on riel %asH!e:, 8eoFrey
Qordilla, independent fashion desi)ners 0!n <scario, 'ichelle &ison, Patrice 5a"os
Dia:, (harina &arte, (ary &antia)o, Dennis 1!stico, 0ohn Paras, 7ea lbert, <ric de
los &antos, 'a!reen Desini, %ania 5o"oF, 'artin 7a!tista, 0ohnbPa!l /errera,
5onald 'endo:a, !die <spino, &idney Pere: &io, 8o!llee 8orospe and 5ao!l
Papal %isit sia 2014
5a"ire:, co!ntry.s desi)n icons @nno &otto, !))ie (ordero, Pepito lbert, (esar
8a!po, 1!l! Tan-8an, 'i6e de la 5osa and 1oretto, <fren Oca"po and The Dean of
Filipino Fashion Desi)ners 7en Farrales, 'c(ann <ric6son (lient &ervice Director
7ernadette (hinc!anco, (oca-(ola &<# 7!siness 9nit President 'an!el rroyo,
(oca-(ola Philippines President i 8eneral 'ana)er 8!iller"o ponte, "ar6etin)
director n!bha &ahasrab!ddhe and Franchise and (o""ercial 1eadership
Director Peter &chaelstraete to)ether 3ith the (oca-(ola Philippines tea",
0ohanna /ife, &teve 1ittle, 5o)ie Delena, 5ay"ond %illa]or, TeeIae &on:a, 0obert
D!"lao, &haron Tan)anco, 5o6i Ferrer, 5achel (r!:, Francis (h!a, Fran: Decloedt,
;as"in 'allari, 0enny (inco, 0in) tien:a, (riselda Pasc!al, 'avel 7anocnoc, Thess
c!na, Franco 0or)e, &tephanie (astillo, Tish (ondeno, 0aideep Eibe, #ica"ae
7aylen, 0enalyn Pere:, 7arry del 5osario, and #i66i 1ee, &!yen (orporation?s #ene
and %ir)ilio 1i", 7ryan 1i" and &!yen 1i", (arlos (han?s children (arlson, rchie,
5inby, 1arry, Os:en and &hera, Tony Ferrer, 1a3rence Tan, tty$ 0oIi %illan!eva-
lonso, for"er @locos 5ep$ 5oH!e A5oH!itoB blan, &!yen (orporation (hair"an,
(hief <Gec!tive ONcer and Fo!nder 7en (han, stylist #oel 'anapat, &tar 'a)ic
%ice-President 'ariole lberto, p!blic relations practitioner, events or)ain:er and
talent "ana)er Eeren Pasc!al, 8irlie 5odis and &tar 'a)ic handler 'onch #ovales,
300 Eapa"ilya stars, @ya %illania and Dre3 rellano, Paolo brera and &!:i
<ntrata, 7ianca 'analo, %en!s 5aI and &ha"cey &!ps!p, &itti #avarro, 0as"ine
(!rtis &"ith, 0a"es 7lanco, <ric Tai, E 7rosas, (la!dine 7arretto and 5ay"art
&antia)o, 5andy &antia)o, 7a"boo 'analac, 7inibinin) Pilipinas 2013 3inners
(indy 'iranda and Pia 5o"ero, 'iss @nternational 2013 7ea 5ose &antia)o, 'iss
9niverse 2013 3rd 5!nner-9p riella rida, Eatherine de (astro-(r!:, Oyo 7oy
&otto, 5o3ell &antia)o, Do"iniH!e (oI!an)co, Dina 7onnevie 3ith h!sband @locos
&!r %ice-8overnor Deo)racias %ictor &avellano, 0ericho 5osales, apl$de$ap, <ddie
8arcia and 5ichard 8o"e:, For"er Professional 'odels ssociation of the
Philippines board "e"bers and fashion l!"inaries Tina 'aristela Oca"po, @::a
8on:ales-)ana, Desiree %erdadero-besa"is, 'arina 7enipayo, Patty 7etita,
T3eetie de 1eon-8on:ale:, Den besa"is, /ans 'ontene)ro, 8race 'olina and
riel tendido, 5obert 'ananH!il, "odels 5obby 'ananH!il, 5aya 'ananH!il-de
1eon, and 5issa 'ananH!il-Trillo 3ith %alerie de los &antose teneo de 'anila
9niversity 7l!e <a)les tea" "ana)er Paolo Trilloe (!rrent Professional 'odels
ssociation of the Philippines president Phoe"ela 7aranda also ca"e 3ith
'anila.s favo!rite "odels 8race Ta)le, 7!bbles Paraiso, 1!6e 0ic6ain, 'ia yesa,
&anya &"ith, 'i6a 1a)da"eo-'artine:, ntoinette <nciso-Oca"po, n)el )!stin-
(o and 'arilen Fa!stino-'ontene)ro The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section
col!"nists 50 1edes"a, &tephanie Q!biri-(respi, and Ti" ;ap, The Philippine &T5
1ifestyle section editor 'illet 'artine:-'ananH!il, Philippine Daily @#J9@5<5
1ifestyle section editor Thel"a &ioson-&an 0!an, '<5al(o 7olts coach #or"an
7lac6, teneo "en.s bas6etball coach 7o Perasol and his players Ponso 8otladera,
Eris Porter, nton sistio, @saac 0!les 1i", for"er players 0( @ntal, 'ac6y <scalona,
#ico &alva, 7acon !stria, Tonino 8on:a)a, <""an 'onfort, 0!a"i Tion)son,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Fran6 8olla, Opin) &!"alino), 0P <rra", and 0ai 5eyes, &en$ 7on) 5evilla 0r$,
2illia" 1ao, 'other 1ily 'onteverde, &hirley E!an, Deedee &ytan)co, &ec$ &onny
(olo"a, 7eth Ta)le, 5ep$ DaG and 'idy (!a, Dolly nne (arvaIal-'endo:a, 1ily
1ay!), rth!r 'an!nta), (hristine &in)son, 8race &in)son, Tess Da:a, 0ac6ie
H!ino-8avino, 0oy 'elendre:, Tonypet lbano, 'aricar 7hel, 5eps$ 9liran 0oaH!in,
/er"ilando 'andanas, nnie &!sano and 7!tch D!"pit, %anessa Francisco,
nnabelle 5a"a-8!tierre:, 7oots nson-5oa, &no3 Ta)o, (har"aine ;!, 8re) ;!,
<d"!nd 1i" and 5a"on 0acinto, Or)anisasyon n) ")a Pilipinon) 'an)-a3it
*OP'+ President and <D& People Po3er (o""issioner O)ie lcasid, 0a6e (!enca,
<rich 8on:ales, Pa!lo velino, (oco 'artin and 0!lia 'ontes, "odel and television
sho3 host 7ianca 8on:ales and "!sic co"poser 0i" Paredes, econo"ist and
for"er #<D secretary )eneral &olita (ollas-'onsod, actor 5obin Padilla 3ith his
3ife 'ariel 5odri)!e: and brother 5o""el, noonti"e )a"e and variety television
sho3 host 2illie 5evilla"e, 1C>C 'iss 9niverse 8loria Dia:, Father and son Pen
and Pin) 'edina, co!sins @sabelle Da:a and 8eor)ina 2ilson, Po63an),
A2o3o3eeB )irls 55 <nriH!e:, &aicy )!ila, and pril A(on)rat!lationsB 8!stilo,
(arla bellana, seGy actress Eatrina /alili, "odels Pancho 'a)no, 0ohn &painho!r,
%ince Ferraren and 0( Ti!seco, co"edian 8elli de 7elen, Dra$ %ic6i 7elo, <d3ard
'ende:, volleyball player 8retchen /o, co"edian 0ohn 1ap!s, sin)er Eean
(ipriano, (o"edienne (andy Pan)ilinan and rnell @)nacio, fl" and television
directors 0ose 0avier 5eyes and 'anny (astaMeda, 5a"on 7a!tista, 5ichard
8!tierre:, T% host 5ay"ond 8!tierre:, 'ae Paner, Pin6y "ador, 1eo %alde:, #oel
Trinidad and 0!n 9rbano, 0!dy nn &antos and 5yan )oncillo, 'aricel &oriano, iai
delas las, %ice 8anda, 5!Fa 8!tierre:, 5!sto" Padilla, 8er"an 'oreno and
8ardo %erso:a, 1C=> <D& veterans 1eah #avarro, 'itch %alde:, and 'aan
/ontiveros, 'e)astar &haron (!neta and Ei6o Pan)ilinan and da!)hter E(
(oncepcion, Television host Paolo 7ediones, /all of Fa"e boGin) trainer Freddie
5oach, for"er (hica)o 7!lls center 1!c 1on)ley, and co"edy s!perstar %ic &otto,
Eris H!ino, (harlene 8on:ales, (hristopher de 1eon and &andy ndolon), 5e:
(orte:, 2illia" 'artine: and ;ayo )!ila, 1ani 'ercado-5evilla, 1orna Tolentino-
Fernande:, Tirso (r!: @@@ and 3ife 1yn and son 7odie, <ric J!i:on, 8$ Toen)i-
2alters and 5o"nic6 &ar"enta, E!h 1edes"a, 8race #ono, 1o!ie /eredia and
Din)don) van:ado, Philip &alvador, &"o6ey 'analoto, 7eth Ta"ayo-2on),
ntoinette Ta!s, To" Ta!s, 0anine 8!tierre:, and bas6etball stars, &!nshine (r!:-
'ontano, 8ladys 5eyes-5oGas, Daisy 5eyes, 5!fa 'ae J!into and @sabel 8ranada,
7ro$ <ddie %illan!eva 2010 presidential election ca"pai)n s!pporters (oney
5eyes, Earla 'artine:, Piolo Pasc!al, Dolphy J!i:on, 0r$, Donita 5ose, #onoy
Q!ni)a and Prof$ 0ere"ias 0an)ad, A/a3a6-Ea"ayB "ain cast "e"bers #i66i 8il,
QaiIian 0aranilla, Tyriel 'anabat, ndrea 7rillantes, ;esha (a"ile, s!pportin) cast
"e"bers 0!an Earlos 1abaIo, 1yca 8airanod, 0acob Dionisio, Gel Torres, 'aris
5acal, 'anolo Pedrosa and #ichole 7aranda, P7 players 0a"es ;ap and sons
0osh!a and 7i"by H!ino-;ap, 'arc Pin)ris and 3ife Danica &otto, 8ary David,
0i""y lapa) and 3ife 10 'oreno, Do!) Era"er and 3ife actress (hes6a 8arcia
Papal %isit sia 2014
and da!)hter Eendra, 1arry Fonacier and 3ife 1ora 8ahol, and 1 Tenorio and 3ife
(hes6a, AFastbrea6B charity bas6etball )a"e players 8erald nderson, nne
(!rtis, Daniel Padilla, 0essy 'endiola, 0ose 'analo, 'arco lcara:, (ha"p 1!i Pio,
Dere6 5a"say, 1!is landy, Tian 1i", 1e"!elle Pelayo, 0ason balos, rth!r
&olinap, (arl 8!evara, 5ico 7lanco, 0hon) /ilario, %hon) #avarro, 7illy (ra3ford,
(hris Ti!, 0% Eap!nan, 0on 1!cas, <rvic %iIandre, rIo tayde, 0oe %ar)as, 8ab
%alenciano, 0on /all, (arlo 8on:ales and 0a"es and 0i" &alas, Thirdy
5avena, 7obby 5ay Par6s, Eevin las, 8arvo 1anete, 0a6e Pasc!al, (hris
#e3so"e, 7aser "er, %on Pess!"al, and #ico <lorde, #7 3G3 Philippines
celebrity bas6etball players Fabio @de, 5ovilson Fernande:, 8erard cao, 7obby
;an, ndy &"ith, 2ill Deva!)hn, 5obin da 5o:a and 0oross 8a"boa, r!nnin) coach
5io de la (r!:, bas6etball coaches %ince /i:on and llan 8re)orio, Perlas Pilipinas
3o"en.s national bas6etball tea" player 'elissa 0acob, sports broadcasters 0inno
5!fno of &olar &ports, 'ar6 Qa"brano of 8' #e3s and 'arco 7enite:, nton
5oGas of 7&-(7# &ports, A7,107 @nternational '!sic FestivalB celebrity revelers
'a)alona siblin)s, E( 'ontero, 5hian 5a"os, Troy 'ontero, !brey 'iles, &olenn
/e!ssaF, (oleen 8arcia, &a" Pinto, FeliG and Do"inic 5oco, Teresa /errera-
nthony, Daniel 'ats!na)a, 1a!ren ;o!n), %ictor 7asa, 'ichelle 'adri)al, A7oys
#i)ht O!tB 5adio Disc 0oc6eys, Eiefer 5avena, 7rent 0avier, 7or)y 'anotoc, <llen
darna, 7ianca Ein), Phil ;o!n)h!sband, and "ore, 7<#(/b fa"ily stars, A>,200,
The 'ission Possible ProIectB personalities and AThe #a6ed Tr!th, Deni" and
9nder3ear Fashion &ho3B celebrity "odels Ei" (hi!, Earylle, bas6etball
cha"pions 0eric and 0eron Ten), <nchon) Dee, 0oseph 'arco, 1ovi Poe, 5achelle
nn 8o and 'ar66i &troe", 'ichelle %ito, &ofa ndres, Dianne 'edina, /el)a
Erapf, 'elissa 5ic6s, DIanin (r!:, Eiana %alenciano 3ith &a"antha 8odine:-
%alenciano, 'r$ (hinato3n 2013 3inners &ydney D!, &6y ;an), 0ero"e Tan and
5andy &eee 'r$ (hinato3n 2014 3inners David 1ic!aco and E!rt 0osh!a On), 'ar6
1ope:, 0air!s Ferrer, lec 5obes, A7e 7<#(/b, The 'odel &earchB fnalist 5on
'oralese (arlos (oncepcione ;en) (onstantinoe APinoy Drea" cade"y, &eason 2B
scholar /ansen #ichols 3ith his t3in brother 8(, A7<#(/b 5aIo 1a!rel Dos
collectionB "odels &a" (oncepcion, 5occo #acino, &teven &ilva, <n:o Pineda,
&arah 1ahbati and 5e)ine n)eles, ne3est A7<#(/settersB incl!din) actors To"
5odri)!e:, Dennis Trillo, 'artin del 5osario and Do"inic 5oH!e, for"er 9niversity
of the Philippines Fi)htin) 'aroons bas6etball player ndre Paras and De 1a &alle
8reen rchers "en.s bas6etball player rnold van Opstal, A"erica?s #eGt Top
'odelB.s Do"iniH!e 5ei)hard and llison /arvard, Asia.s #eGt Top 'odelB fnalist
Eatarina 5odri)!e:, television co""ercial, ra"p, print and fashion "odels and
actors 7enIa"in lves, 0on vila, Franco Da:a, 'arG Topacio, %ictor &ilayan, 0ohn
0a"es 9y, 'arvin 5ay"!ndo, 'i6o 5aval and 5aphael 5obes, 1!isito 5abat,
"odels and athletes nton del 5osario and &a" 5ichelle, ndre3 2olF and 0an6a
(edersta", /ideo '!rao6a, (atriona 8ray, %alerie 7ario!-7ondoc, 5i"a Ost3ani,
0aneena (han, 8' #et3or6 rtist (enter talents 8loria 5o"ero, Pilita (orrales,
lI!r brenica, 1o!ise delos 5eyes, 'ar6 /erras, ;as"ien E!rdi, 10 5eyes, 0!lie
Papal %isit sia 2014
nne &an 0ose, EristoFer 'artin, Derric6 'onasterio, 7arbie Forte:a, 7ela Padilla,
7ea 7inene, 'aG (ollins, ;assi Press"an, 5afael 5osell, 8lai:a de (astro, 5ochelle
Pan)ilinan, 'ona 1o!ise 5ey, 0onalyn %iray, Eyla (al!"pad-lvare:, 0ay-5 &illiona,
'ar6 7a!tista, (hef 7oy 1o)ro, 'anilyn 5eynes, n)el! de 1eon, 'ar6 nthony
Fernande:, 8abby <i)en"ann, 5ay"ond 7a)atsin), 5ic6y Davao, nIo ;llana and
2ally 7ayola, T%4 actor %in brenica, 5it: :!l, <!la (aballero, 'artin <sc!dero,
<"poy 'arH!e:, 'r$ F!, 8' #e3s and P!blic Fairs personalities 'i6e <nriH!e:,
rnold (lavio, &andra )!inaldo, 5aFy Ti"a, 'ari: 9"ali, Oscar Oida, 'ar6
&ala:ar, 0!n %eneracion, (hino 8aston and #athaniel (r!:, 'edia personalities
tty$ Don) P!no, (hiH!i 5oa-P!no, 8erard 8arcia, 0eanne ;o!n), (ory J!irino, 'el
Tian)co and 0ay &on:a, society col!"nist 'ons 5o"!lo, Tonyboy (oI!an)co and
8retchen 7arretto, 7oy b!nda, (esar 'ontano, Din)don) Dantes, 'arian 5ivera,
Eorina &anche:, Eatrina Ponce <nrile and 1in)-1in) Ein)e celebrity "a6e!p artist
Patric6 5osase hair stylist 0in) 'onise Earen Davila *3ith her sons David and
1!cas+, 'arIorie 7arretto-Padilla and da!)hter Dani 7arrettoe 'i)!el Pastor, 0oy
Orte)a, <d! 'an:ano, 0ohn Prats, A&!rvivor PhilippinesB cast3ays &ha!n
5odri)!e: and &!:!6i &adats!)!, teen heartthrobs 5obi Do"in)o and David (h!a,
7ayani )bayani, (arlos )assi, 'arvin )!stin, Danilo 7arrios, &treetboys and ;a
(han), Pepin) (oI!an)co da!)hters 'i6ee (oI!an)co-0a3ors6i, (hina (oI!an)co-
8on:ale: *and her adorable baby 1!cia+, 'ai-'ai (oI!an)co, "!sic co"poser
5yan (ayabyab and his 3ife <""y, 1o!ie Oca"po and 3ife 0oIo, (eleste 1e)aspi,
0' 5odri)!e:, rnold %e)afria and (ris %illonco, s3i""er 0ohansen )!ilar, and
3restler 'arc!s %alda, 83en 8arci, Previe3 "a)a:ine editor in chief Pa!line
&!aco-0!an, Daryl (han), 1i: 9y, entertain"ent ne3s reporters 'ario D!"a!al,
8retchen F!llido, '0 'arfori, 8ary %alenciano, Da3n Q!l!eta-1a)da"eo, lbert
'artine: 3ith da!)hter lissa 'artine:, 7enIie Paras 3ith 3ife 1yGen, 'ylene
Di:on, @:a (al:ado, 'arco &ison, @vy %iolan, 5e)ine %elasH!e:, %ina 'orales,
&haina 'a)dayao, 7an)s 8arcia, 0ero"e Florentino, <ri6 &antos, O)ie Dia:, 8ary
%alenciano.s 3ife n)eli Pan)ilinan-%alenciano, n)eline J!into, rron %illa]or,
(hristian 7a!tista, 7asil %alde:, &a" 'ilby, 8ina Tab!ena-8odine:, Tonton
8!tierre:, 8lydel 'ercado, #oel (aban)on, riel 5ivera, /y!bs :arcon, /eber
7artolo"e and Paolo &antos, 5hap &ala:ar, )ot @sidro, 1ie:el 'artine:, 5achel
leIandro and 0oanna "pil, "!sical director and arran)er /o"er Flores,
ballerina, actress and ballet director 'aritoni 5!fno-Tordesillas, #i66i Tan),
'arcott l"eda, 5!by (h!a, TiFany (h!a, &heree (h!a,
:i:a 'ondonedo, (ristina 8o"e:, socialites 7aby raneta Fores, 1isa raneta,
(acho 'arcos, 1inda Oledan, %eana Fores, 1orrie 5eynoso, %ic6y Q!biri, 'aricris
Qobel, (arol 8arcia, 'aripi '!scat and 'ar)arita Fores, nton 'endo:a, 'onch
(r!:, (h!t (!erva, 'arcel (respo, @pe (r!: of 5o)!e 'a)a:ine, 'arco 1obre)at,
(hin) (r!:, Tina (!evas, )nes /!ibonhoa, Fe 5odri)!e:, &!san 0oven, @an 8iron,
ndres %asH!e: Prada and l Ten)co, Doris 'a)saysay /o, 8ina 1ope:, <velyn
Forbes, 'arc #elson, 5icco and Tina 'aristela-Oca"po, 5i66i and 7en) Dee, Philip
and Tricia (!-9nIien), &ander Tantoco, Philippine #ational 5ed (ross (hair"an
Papal %isit sia 2014
5ichard 8ordon, 5enna /echanova n)eles, Earen &antos, 7obby and (hin)bee
(!enca, 8ina boiti:, 7aby 8irl Fric6e, 'a!rice rcache and ace photo)rapher
leG %an /a)en, 0oIie Din)con), 0ean 8o!lbo!rn, Frances 1i" and Pa!l (a"pos,
Dennis and Tessa Prieto-%aldes, <rnest <scaler, (es Orena-Drilon, Dyan (astilleIo-
8arcia, 0ac6ie (astilleIo-8!in)ona, 1i:a @larde, na Eala3, nton &an Die)o, 5a!l
Teehan6ee, Pepper Teehan6ee, 'ari6o 0acinto, ye #!)!id, 1eah P!yat, nton
7arretto and 0ac6 de 'esa, 5enna n)eles, 7aby Fric6e, Earen &antos, 7in)-7in)
J!iros, 8ina boiti:, #ic6 and 1!cille 1ocsin, Pa!l (a"pos, Tony and (hin)bee
(!enca, 'anny 'iMana, 0$ nton 'endo:a, 7!dIi 1ay!), 5oyal Pineda, <d (al"a,
'ilo #aval, Tony 8on:ales, Tes Pasola, Eenneth (obonp!e, na 5ocha, 7art
8!in)ona, 0in))oy 7!ens!ceso, 0ai"e (h!a, 7rendan 'c(arthy, Tho" &antia)o,
Pascal 8o!Io!, 'anolette Dinsay, ndre3 &harpe, lfred Tere:-7!r)os @@@, Francis
(eballos, &hella &ar"iento, 5orie (arlos, Tara &antos, 5odeon 5oIas, lvin nsone 7rian
1la"an:arese del Ta"ano, &i"on Tantoco, indoor volleyball players D:i 8ervacio,
0e" Ferrer, Fille &aint 'erced (ain)let-(ayetano, #acachi, 5achel nne DaH!is,
0ovelyn 8on:a)a, lyssa %alde:, Denden 1a:aro, (oach (haro &oriano, 'ar)e
TeIada, 'elissa 8ohin), 'ary 0ean 7alse, 'ayeth (arolino, 'ichelle (arolino, <lla
De 0es!s, Eara cevedo, Earla 7ello, &tephanie 8abriel, 'ae TaIi"a, 0ayson
5a"os, 'aica 'orada, 0ed 'ontero, 'ichelle 1aborte, &asa Devanadera, 8rethcel
&oltones, 0oy 7enito, 5!bie De 1eon, 'ae (risosto"o, ;nna /ao, Tina &ala6, 0P
Torres, Dahlia (r!:, #ene 7a!tista, i:a 'ai:o, 'ai6a Orti:, 5hea Di"ac!lan)an,
Denise Tan, %en!s 7ernal, 0hec6 Dionela, n))e TabaH!ero, 'itch Dat!in, bby
Praca, 7ea Pasc!al, 0!dy (aballeIo, 'ar!Ia 7anaticla, 0 PareIa, 'yco ntonio,
/enry Pecana, 5eG @ntal, Dindin &antia)o, 0aIa &antia)o, Eathy 7ersola, Princess
8aiser, &hiela 'arie A7an)B Pineda, 'ayette Qapanta, 5ose"arie %ar)as, 0en
5eyes, n)ela 7entin), Pa! &oriano, 1i:lee nn 8ata-Pantone, <d3in Tolentino,
Peter Den 'ar Torres, 'ichelle 8!"abao, (ha (r!:, &tephanie 'ercado, 0esh!l
2ensh Ti!, bi)ail 'arano, 'i6a <speren:a, Ei" FaIardo, 'i6a 5eyes, %ictonara
8alan), and (yd De"icillo, 5en: (asanova, (hris 'acasaet, Philip (erve:a,
0oanne &iy, 1oren 1antin, 'ia /irots!Ii, Pa"ela 1asti"osa, @n)rid 5eyes, 0essey De
1eon, (ar"ela T!nay, (hloe (orte:, leG (abanos, Patricia 5as"o, @lla &antos,
0oanne 7!na), 0acH!eline larca and <rs @ratay$
This co'era0e6 (The Pope in )anila+, &hich &ill be aired li'e on a nation&ide sim!ltaneo!s hoo.-!p
of radio and tele'ision stations,

Papal %isit sia 2014
CP/-% &ill be the carr"in0 station &ith the PeopleHs Tele'ision /et&or., 5nc, ;PTV-4<, 5A*-13, 4)A-
7, and AA3-*A/ *hannel 2 hoo.ed !p alon0 &ith all A!rea! of Aroadcast 3er'ices-Cad"o n0 Aa"an
radio stations,
The entire celebration shall be co'ered li'e on radio and tele'ision thro!0h A) Cadio BOCV Cadio
Veritas @47 and 4)A *hannel 7 from 3 P,), 3at!rda", October 2# to @630 A,), )onda", October 27,
This co'era0e is sim!lcast (li'e+ nation&ide 'ia domestic satellite on all 4)A /et&or. re0ional radio
and tele'ision stations6
1, TV-7 - )anila
2, TV-# - 1aoa0
3, TV-47 - Aatac, 5locos /orte
4, TV-23 - Pa0!dp!d, 5locos /orte
#, TV-4@ - Vi0an
7, TV-10 - Aa0!io
7, TV-# - )t, Am!"ao, Aarli0, )o!ntain Pro'ince
@, TV-@ - Tab!.
%, TV-7 - Aontoc, )o!ntain Pro'ince
10, TV-7 - Aan0!ed, Abra
11, TV-11 - 3an Fernando, 1a Enion
12, TV-10 - *abanat!an
13, TV-10 - Ba0!pan
14, TV-7 - T!0!e0arao
1#, TV-13 - Aparri, *a0a"an
17, TV-7 - Aasco, Aatanes
17, TV-7 - 5la0an, 5sabela
1@, TV-7 - 3antia0o, 5sabela
1%, TV-7 - *abarro0!is, J!irino
20, TV-# - Aa"ombon0, /!e'a Vi2ca"a
21, TV-# - Aaler, A!rora
22, TV-4@ - *a!a"an
23, TV-# - 5ba, Oambales
24, TV-10 - Olon0apo
2#, TV-10 - 3an Fernando, Pampan0a
27, TV-47 - )alolos, A!lacan
Papal %isit sia 2014
27, TV-10 - 3an )i0!el, A!lacan
2@, TV-27 - Aalan0a, Aataan
2%, TV-27 - Obando, A!lacan
30, TV-27 - 3an Pablo, 1a0!na
31, TV-31 - *alamba
32, TV-12 - Aatan0as
33, TV-44 - ala:ala, Ci2al
34, TV-12 - Ta0a"ta"
3#, TV-@ - 1!cena
37, TV-13 - Aoac, )arind!-!e
37, TV-13 - 3an ose, Occidental )indoro
3@, TV-33 - *alapan, Oriental )indoro
3%, TV-7 - Comblon
40, TV-12 - P!erto Princesa, Pala&an
41, TV-7 - Aroo.eHs Point, Pala&an
42, TV-@ - *oron, Pala&an
43, TV-7 - /a0a
44, TV-13 - 5ri0a
4#, TV-12 - 1e0aspi
47, TV-@ - )alilipot, Alba"
47, TV-@ - *amali0, Alba"
4@, TV-7 - )asbate
4%, TV-13 - Virac, *atand!anes
#0, TV-4 - 3orso0on
#1, TV-7 - 5loilo
#2, TV-11 - 3an ose, Anti-!e
#3, TV-@ - Lalibo, A.lan
#4, TV-3# - Aoraca" 5sland, )ala", A.lan
##, TV-# - Co>as
#7, TV-13 - Aacolod
#7, TV-30 - )!rcia, /e0ros Occidental
#@, TV-7 - *adi2
#%, TV-2 - Toledo
70, TV-7 - *eb!
71, TV-11 - Aarili, *eb!
72, TV-11 - 3amboan, *eb!
73, TV-11 - Ta0bilaran
74, TV-# - B!ma0!ete
7#, TV-10 - 3ipala"
77, TV-10 - /a'al, Ailiran
77, TV-10 - Tacloban
7@, TV-4@ - Ormoc
7%, TV-10 - *apoocan, 1e"te
70, TV-12 - 5sabel, 1e"te
Papal %isit sia 2014
71, TV-@ - Aoron0an
72, TV-# - *alba"o0
73, TV-13 - *atbalo0an
74, TV-7 - Bina0at 5sland
7#, TV-% - Oamboan0a
77, TV-4 - Bipolo0
77, TV-3 - Pa0adian
7@, TV-21 - 5pil, Oamboan0a 3ib!0a"
7%, TV-# - O2ami2
@0, TV-3# - *a0a"an Be Oro
@1, TV-# - 4in0oo0
@2, TV-12 - )t, Litan0lad, A!.idnon
@3, TV-4# - )anolo Fortich, A!.idnon
@4, TV-4@ - Valencia, A!.idnon
@#, TV-41 - )amba:ao, *ami0!in
@7, TV-11 - 5li0an
@7, TV-# - Ba'ao
@@, TV-# - Panabo
@%, TV-@ - 4eneral 3antos
%0, TV-12 - *otabato
%1, TV-7 - A!t!an
%2, TV-10 - 3!ri0ao
%3, TV-2 - Tanda0, 3!ri0ao del 3!r
%4, TV-12 - olo, 3!l!
%#, TV-@ - Aon0ao, Ta&i-Ta&i
1$ T%-11 - 'etro 'anila
2$ T%-2C - 1aoa) (ity
3$ T%-2> - parri, (a)ayan
4$ T%-22 - 7a)!io
4$ T%-24 - T!)!e)arao
>$ T%-27 - &antia)o, @sabela
7$ T%-2> - Olon)apo
=$ T%-2> - 7atan)as
C$ T%-27 - P!erto Princesa
10$T%-2> - &an 0ose, Occidental 'indoro
11$T%-2= - #a)a
12$T%-27 - 1e)aspi
13$T%-27 - 'obo, 'asbate
14$T%-2= - @loilo
14$T%-27 - 5oGas
1>$T%-27 - (eb!
17$T%-2> - 7oron)an
1=$T%-21 - Qa"boan)a
1C$T%-2> - Pa)adian
Papal %isit sia 2014
20$T%-43 - (a)ayan de Oro
21$T%-22 - O:a"i:
22$T%-27 - Davao
23$T%-27 - (otabato
24$T%-2> - 0olo, &!l!
Cad"o Aisi0-Aa"an A)
1$ DQ77 4C4 6/: - 'anila
2$ D25( 12>C 6/: - 1aoa)
3$ D25 1413 6/: - 7a)!io
4$ DQ&D 144= 6/: K Da)!pan
4$ DQ(& 112C 6/: - &antia)o, @sabela
>$ D277 1271 6/: - T!)!e)arao
7$ DQ@8 11C2 6/: - @la)an, @sabela
=$ DQQ5 1230 6/: - 7ayo"bon)
C$ D;&P C0C 6/: - P!erto Princessa, Pala3an
10$DQ5 1403 6/: - Daet, (a"arines &!r
11$D2@ =C1 6/: - #a)a
12$DQ5( 7=3 6/: - 1e)aspi
13$D;&@ 1323 6/: - @loilo
14$D;59 1341 6/: - Ealibo, 6lan
14$D;8' 1403 6/: - 5oGas
1>$D;&7 117C 6/: - 7acolod
17$D;&& CCC 6/: - (eb!
1=$D;&5 =C1 6/: - D!"a)!ete
1C$D;25 4C4 6/: - Tacloban
20$D;T CC$7 '/: - (albayo)
21$DT5( 12=7 6/: - Qa"boan)a
22$DTT; 1340 6/: - Dipolo)
23$DT@D C=7 6/: - Pa)adian
24$DT1T =>4 6/: - (a)ayan de Oro
24$DT#D C0$1 F' - @li)an
2>$DT8' 1124 6/: - Davao
27$DT51 1341 6/: - Eoronadal
2=$DT;E 117C 6/: - 7!t!an
2C$DT7' CC0 6/: - (otabato
T9= 4)A CABDO A5354-AADA/ A) CAB5O /=T8OCL *O)5/4 3OO/ in,,, Aa0!io *it",
P!erto Princesa, Pala&an, Lalibo, A.lan, Tacloban *it", *otabato *it", *a0a"an de Oro, Aacolod *it",
/a0a *it", A!t!an *it", 3orso0on, 3orso0on, Aoron0an, =astern 3amar, )asbate, )asbate, Aisli0,
3!ri0ao del 3!r, 1e0aspi *it", 5li0an *it", Basol, Pan0asinan, 3!al, Pan0asinan, Aa"ombon0, /!e'a
Vi2ca"a, 3an ose, Occidental )indoro, Aasco, Aatanes, O2ami2 *it", olo, 3!l!, 5li0an, 5sabela and
Lidapa&an, /orth *otabato
3im!lcast (1i'e+ 'ia BO)3AT on CP/ re0ional radio and tele'ision stations6
Papal %isit sia 2014
1$ T%-C - 'etro 'anila
2$ T%-C - 1aoa)
3$ T%-4 - parri, (a)ayan
4$ T%-30 - Pa"pan)a
4$ T%-12 - T!)!e)arao
>$ T%-C - @la)an, @sabela
7$ T%-7 - 7ayo"bon), #!eva %i:caya
=$ T%-12 - 7a)!io
C$ T%-13 - Da)!pan
10$T%-> - Tarlac
11$T%-12 - T!)!e)arao
12$T%-> - Olon)apo
13$T%-2 - 5odri)!e:, 5i:al
14$T%-7 - 'oron), 5i:al
14$T%-10 - &an 'ateo, 5i:al
1>$T%-C - 1!cena
17$T%-3 - &an 0ose, Occidental 'indoro
1=$T%-2 - 1e)a:pi (ity
1C$T%-2 - #a)a (ity
20$T%-10 - @ri)a
21$T%-4 - P!erto Princesa
22$T%-C - (atbalo)an
23$T%-> - &an 0ose, ntiH!e
24$T%-4 - Tacloban
24$T%-4 - @loilo
2>$T%-= - 7acolod
27$T%-C - (eb!
2=$T%-= - D!"a)!ete
2C$T%-4 - Qa"boan)a
30$T%-4 - Pa)adian
31$T%-4 - Dipolo)
32$T%-4 - (a)ayan de Oro
33$T%-C - Davao
34$T%-4 - &!ri)ao
34$T%-12 - 7!t!an
3>$T%-7 - 8eneral &antos
37$T%-10 - (otabato
3=$T%-C - 0olo, &!l!
Cad"o Conda A)
1$ D2@Q ==2 6/: - 'anila
2$ DQ7& 13>= 6/: - 7a)!io
3$ DQ51 >3C 6/: - 7atac
4$ DQT8 >21 6/: - T!)!e)arao, (a)ayan
4$ D2% 1170 6/: - &an Fernando, 1a 9nion
>$ DQT( =2= 6/: - Tarlac
7$ DQE@ 1332 6/: - @ri)a
Papal %isit sia 2014
=$ D25# >47 6/: - #a)a
C$ D2@' C3> 6/: - Occidental 'ndoro
10$D;E7 1404 6/: - 7acolod
11$D;E( >74 6/: - (eb!
12$D;5' 1134 6/: - D!"a)!ete
13$DTTT 100= 6/: - Qa"boan)a
14$DTED 1043 6/: - Dipolo)
14$DTEP 1377 6/: - Pa)adian
1>$DTEO 13>= 6/: - (a)ayan De Oro
17$DTET 1071 6/: - Davao
1=$DTDT >C3 6/: - 8eneral &antos
1C$DTE& 10=0 6/: K &!ri)ao
3im!lcast (1i'e+ on all PTV stations6
1$ PT% 4 - 'anila
2$ PT% 4 - bra
3$ PT% = - 7a)!io
4$ PT% 24 - 't$ Province
4$ PT% 11 - 1aoa)
>$ PT% 4 - %i)an
7$ PT% 11 - T!)!e)arao, (a)ayan
=$ PT% 3C - &antia)o, @sabela
C$ PT% 4 - @la)an, @sabela
10$PT% 44 - 7atanes
11$PT% 30 - parri
12$PT% 3 - 7ayo"bon), #!eva %i:caya
13$PT% 4 - (abarro)!is, J!irino
14$PT% 4 - 7ontoc
14$PT% 13 - 7aler
1>$PT% 2 - (abanat!an
17$PT% 12 - Pa"pan)a
1=$PT% 3 - Tarlac
1C$PT% 31 - 7alan)a
20$PT% 43 - Olon)apo
21$PT% 4 - (a!ayan
22$PT% 41 - 'alolos
23$PT% 23 - Plaridel
24$PT% 21 - &an 'i)!el, 7!lacan
24$PT% 4= - Obando, 7!lacan
2>$PT% 43 - 7atan)as
27$PT% 31 - &an Pablo
2=$PT% CC - (ainta, 5i:al
2C$PT% 24 - Tan:a
30$PT% 2> - 7oac
31$PT% 11 - (alapan, Oriental 'indoro
32$PT% 3 - 1!cena
33$PT% 4 - P!erto Princesa
34$PT% 13 - 5o"blon
Papal %isit sia 2014
34$PT% 33 - 'asbate
3>$PT% 11 - Daet
37$PT% = - #a)a
3=$PT% 34 - @ri)a
3C$PT% = - 1e)aspi
40$PT% 4 - 8oa, (a"arines &!r
41$PT% 7 - (ara"oran, (atand!anes
42$PT% C - Pan)aniban, (atand!anes
43$PT% 2 - &an 'i)!el, (atand!anes
44$PT% 4 - &orso)on
44$PT% 2 - ntiH!e
4>$PT% 2 - 0ordan, 8!i"aras
47$PT% 2 - @loilo
4=$PT% 24 - Ealibo
4C$PT% 33 - 5oGas
40$PT% 2 - 7acolod
41$PT% 2 - &ipalay
42$PT% 24 - %ictorias
43$PT% 31 - 7inalba)an
44$PT% 13 - (adi:
44$PT% C - Toledo
4>$PT% 11 - (eb!
47$PT% 10 - D!"a)!ete
4=$PT% 22 - Ta)bilaran
4C$PT% = - Tacloban
>0$PT% 12 - (albayo)
>1$PT% 4 - 7oron)an
>2$PT% 4 - #aval, 7iliran
>3$PT% 7 - Qa"boan)a
>4$PT% 11 - Pa)adian
>4$PT% 11 - Dipolo)
>>$PT% 24 - @pil
>7$PT% 21 - Dapitan
>=$PT% = - (a)ayan De Oro
>C$PT% 11 - 'alaybalay, 7!6idnon
70$PT% 34 - %alencia
71$PT% 11 - Davao
72$PT% 27 - 'ati
73$PT% 4 - 8eneral &antos
74$PT% 4= - Eoronadal
74$PT% C - 7!t!an
7>$PT% 3 - 7isli), &!ri)ao del &!r
77$PT% 21 - Prosperidad
7=$PT% 27 - &an Francisco, )!san del &!r
7C$PT% 31 - Tanda)
=0$PT% 2 - Dina)at
=1$PT% = - (otabato
Papal %isit sia 2014
=2$PT% = - Eidapa3an
=3$PT% 4 - 'ara3i
=4$PT% 7 K 0olo
&i"!lcast on all 7&-(7# re)ional television stations
1$ T%-2 - 'anila
2$ T%-7 - 1aoa)
3$ T%-11 - %i)an
4$ T%-3 - 7a)!io
4$ T%-11 - 't$ "!yao, 't$ Province
>$ T%-30 - 1a 9nion
7$ T%-3 - T!)!e)arao
=$ T%-13 - (abarro)!is, J!irino
C$ T%-C - 7an)!ed, bra
10$T%-11 - 7ayo"bon), #!eva %i:caya
11$T%-2 - &antia)o, @sabela
12$T%-32 - Da)!pan
13$T%-32 - (abanat!an
14$T%-32 - Tarlac
14$T%-12 - Olon)apo
1>$T%-13 - 7otolan, Qa"bales
17$T%-22 - 7aler
1=$T%-4> - Pa"pan)a
1C$T%-34 - &an 'i)!el, 7!lacan
20$T%-12 - 'eyca!ayan
21$T%-40 - 7ataan
22$T%-40 - 0alaIala, 5i:al
23$T%-3= - 1ipa
24$T%-24 - 1!cena
24$T%-4> - &an Pablo
2>$T%-10 - 7atan)as
27$T%-11 - &an 0ose, Occidental 'indoro
2=$T%-34 - (alapan
2C$T%-11 - 5o"blon
30$T%-10 - 'asbate
31$T%-23 - Daet
32$T%-11 - #a)a
33$T%-4 - 1e)a:pi
34$T%-10 - 'alilipot, lbay
34$T%-C - &orso)on
3>$T%-7 - %irac, (atand!anes
37$T%-10 - @loilo
3=$T%-23 - Ealibo
3C$T%-44 - ntiH!e
40$T%-21 - 5oGas
41$T%-13 - #aval, 7iliran
42$T%-4 - 7acolod
Papal %isit sia 2014
43$T%-3 - (eb!
44$T%-13 - 0a)na, 7ohol
44$T%-12 - D!"a)!ete
4>$T%-2> - &ipalay
47$T%-2 - Tacloban
4=$T%-7 - (atar"an, #orthern &a"ar
4C$T%-10 - (albayo)
40$T%-7 - (atbalo)an
41$T%-3 - Qa"boan)a
42$T%-C - Pa)adian
43$T%-42 - Dipolo)
44$T%-2 - (a)ayan De Oro
44$T%-2 - 't$ Eitan)lad, 7!6idnon
4>$T%-47 - 'a"baIao
47$T%-7 - O:a"i:
4=$T%-4 - @li)an
4C$T%-4 - Davao
>0$T%-42 - Panabo
>1$T%-3> - 'ati
>2$T%-3 - 8eneral &antos
>3$T%-24 - Eoronadal
>4$T%-7 - label, &aran))ani
>4$T%-11 - 7!t!an
>>$T%-12 - &!ri)ao
>7$T%-2> - Tanda)
>=$T%-4 - Prosperidad, )!san del &!r
>C$T%-4 - (otabato
70$T%-4 - Eidapa3an
71$T%-24 - 'ara3i
72$T%-10 - 0olo, &!l!
And sim!lcast (1i'e+ on all AA3-*A/ A) and F) Cadio 3tations
AA3-*A/ Cadio Patrol
DQ'' >30 6/:$ - 'etro 'anila
D;P 7>4 6/:$ - P!erto Princessa, Pala3an
D;5% 11== E/: - (atbalo)an
D;7 1412 6/: - (eb!
DT7 12C> 6/: - Davao
Papal %isit sia 2014
)" Onl" Cadio
D2<1 C3$1 '/:$ K 1aoa)
DQ55 103$1 '/:$ K 7a)!io
D2<( C3$4 '/:$ K Da)!pan
D27 103$3 '/:$ K &antia)o, @sabela
D2&F C0$3 '/:$ K &an Fernando, Pa"pan)a
D27( C2$7 '/: - 7atan)as
D2( C3$4 '/:$ K #a)a
D25D C3$C '/:$ K 1e)a:pi
D;( C3$1 '/:$ K @loilo
D;OO 101$4 '/:$ K 7acolod
D;<1 C2$4 '/: - D!"a)!ete
D;T( C4$3 '/:$ K Tacloban
DTF/ C=$7 '/:$ K Qa"boan)a
DT<( C1$C '/:$ K (a)ayan de Oro
DT7( C2$7 '/:$ K 8eneral &antos
DT0 C4$3 '/:$ - 7!t!an
DTP& C4$1 '/: K (otabato
The special s!pplement6 Kes!s is 1ord *h!rch Anni'ersar" *elebrationK p!blished in )anila A!lletin,
Philippine Bail" 5n-!irer and The Philippine 3tar,
The so!'enir-t"pe ma0a2ine s!pplement contains the messa0es section, the lists of former presidents,
'ice-presidents, chief :!stices, ho!se spea.ers and presidents of the 3enate of the Philippines, the
c!rrent members of the cabinet, the photo0raphs from 1%14 to present6 blac. and &hite and f!ll
colored photo0raphs of 50lesia ni *risto e'ents and 0atherin0s from !l" 27, 1%14 to present, f!ll-
colored photo0raphs of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide 0atherin0s in 'en!es o'er )etro )anila from
October 1%7@ to present, f!ll-colored photo0raphs of =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation
5nternational 0atherin0s from A!0!st 1%, 1%@4 to present, f!ll-colored photo0raphs from Kohn Pa!l 55,
8e 1o'e Do!6 Papal Visit )anila 1%%#K b" Pr!dentialife 4ro!p of *ompanies &hich containin0 17#
still photos and K)ab!ha" an0 PapaK, on Pope ohn Pa!l 55?s an!ar" 12-17, 1%%# 'isit to )anila for
8orld Do!th Ba" *B-CO) b" Bistrib!ted Processin0 3"stems &hich contains %00 still photos
incl!din0 8orld Do!th Ba" e'ents and addressed the plenar" assembl" of the Federation of Asian
AishopsH *onferences that &as commemoratin0 the federationHs 2# "ears of e>istence, The pope also
:oined the sil'er :!bilee celebration of the federationHs Cadio Veritas Asia and celebrated the 400th
Papal %isit sia 2014
anni'ersar" of the ele'ation of )anila as an archdiocese, and the e'ent that dre& a record cro&d6
estimated 4 million-to-# million people at the an!ar" 1#, 1%%# 8orld Do!th Ba" Final )ass in 1!neta
Par., the official pro0ram, traffic re-ro!tin0 and the 9ol" )ass that contains Coman *atholic
Archbishops, bishops, cardinals, deacons and monsi0nors, Ce'erend Fathers incl!din0 Coman *atholic
Parish Priests, Pastors, and Parochial Vicars from the parishes in the Coman *atholic Territorial
Archdioceses of )anila, /!e'a 3e0o'ia, T!0!e0arao, 3an Fernando, Pampan0a, /!e'a *aceres, aro,
*api2, *eb!, Palo, Ba'ao, *otabato, *a0a"an de Oro, O2ami2 and Oamboan0a in the Philippines,
L!ala 1!mp!r, L!chin0 and Lota Linabal! in )ala"sia, 3in0apore, a.arta, =nde, L!pan0, )a.assar,
)edan, )era!.e, Palemban0, Pontiana., 3amarinda, 3emaran0 in 5ndonesia, Aan0.o., Thare and
/onsen0, 9anoi, 9o *hi )inh cit" and 9!b and and the Coman *atholic Territorial Bioceses of 1aoa0,
Aa0!io, *abanat!an, 3an ose, /!e'a =ci:a, Aan0!ed, Aa"ombon0, 5la0an, Aatanes, Erdaneta,
Alaminos, Tarlac, Aalan0a, 5ba, )alolos,, *!bao, /o'aliches, Pasi0, Antipolo, Parana-!e,
5m!s, 3an Pablo, 1ipa, 1!cena, 4!maca, 5nfanta, Comblon, 3an ose, Occidental )indoro, *alapan,
Oriental )indoro, P!erto Princesa, Baet, 1ibmanan, 1e0aspi, )asbate, 3orso0on, Virac, 3an ose de
Anti-!e, Aacolod, Laban.alan, 3an *arlos, B!ma0!ete, Ta0bilaran, Talibon, )aasin, *alba"o0,
Aoron0an, *atamaran, /a'al, A!t!an, 3!ri0ao, Tanda0, )ala"bala", Bi0os, )ati, Ta0!m, Lidapa&an,
)arbel, Bipolo0, Pa0adian, )ara&i, 5li0an, 5pil and 5sabela, )alacca-ohor, Penan0, )iri, 3ib!,, Benpasar, 1arant!.a, )a!mere, C!ten0, Aand!n0, Ao0or, Atamb!a, 8eeteb!l, Amboina,
)anado, Padan0, 3ibol0a, A0ats, a"ap!ra, )ano.&ari-3oron0, Timi.a, Pinan0,
Tan:!n0.aran0, Letapan0, 3an00a!, 3intan0, Aan:armasin, Palan0.a Ca"a, Tan:!n0 3elor, )alan0,
P!r&o.erto, 3!raba"a, *hanthab!ri, *hian0 )ai, /a.hon 3a&an, Catchab!ri, 3!rat Thani, /a.hon
Catchasima, Ebon Catchathani, Edon Thani, Acc /inh, Adi *h!, 9ai Phen0, 9fn0 9ga, 1hn0 3in and
*ao Ajn0, Phkt Bilm, Thki Amnh, Thanh 9ga, Vinh, An Coa, *pn Thi, qn 1ht, 1on0 S!"ln, )r Tho,
Phan Thibt, Phs *ftn0, Vunh 1on0, S!vn 1wc, Aan )l Th!wt, qn /xn0, Lont!m, /ha Tran0 and J!"
/hin, 1,00% Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and archdioceses in America, 1#7 Coman *atholic
territorial dioceses and archdioceses in =ast Asia, 1%2 Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and
archdioceses belon0in0 to 1atin, 3"ro-)alabar and 3"ro-)alan.ara Cites in 3o!th Asia incl!din0
5ndia, Aan0ladesh, Pa.istan and 3ri 1an.a and #14 Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and
archdioceses in =!rope and 72 Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and archdioceses in Oceania &ere
listed as con-celebrants for the )ass &hile the BVB feat!res6 a bio0raph" of ohn Pa!l 55 and a
(J!ic.time )TV mo'ie con'erted to 8)V+ feat!rin0 the 1%%# 8orld Do!th Ba" theme son0 (Tell
the 8orld of 9is 1o'e+, inter'ie&s, foota0e and scenes of the ma.in0 of the son0, the fi'e-da" 'isit are
feat!red in K)ab!ha" an0 Papa,K and the pontiffHs speeches, are feat!red in (PopeHs )essa0es+ and
appro>imatel" 30 ho!rs of 'ideo foota0e contrib!ted b" 4)A /et&or. *hannel 7, the TV station that
had e>cl!si'e co'era0e of the 'isit,
The lar0est 0atherin0 attended b" more than # million people, &hich of residents from all o'er the
Philippines and 227 co!ntries of the &orld,
Binner for the special 0!ests &ill be ser'ed at the Fiesta Pa'illion of )anila 9otel,
Aro, )i.e Velarde, fo!nder and ser'ant-leader of =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fello&ship
Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc, Coman *atholic *harismatic Cene&al Celi0io!s )o'ement ;B8S5-
PPF5-**C)< &ill deli'er the 3-ho!r 8orship and 9ealin0 Pra"er Call" )essa0e for the Famil"
Papal %isit sia 2014
Appointment &ith =l 3haddai &as held in than.s0i'in0 for the 0rand pra"er assembl" and ann!al
anni'ersar" celebration of e'an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic *harismatic rene&al reli0io!s
mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+ and ann!al birthda" celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch
8orld&ide fo!nder, president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'a on )onda"
)ornin0 at 4600 a,m, follo&ed b" a o"f!l 3al!-3alo at 7600 a,m,
For more information abo!t the 37th es!s 5s 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide Anni'ersar",
'isit &&&,:il&orld&ide,or0,
Saturday, October 2, 2!"#
$%!! &.M. ' #%$! &.M. ' O(enin) &ro)ra*
#%$! &.M. ' +%$! &.M. ' Jesus is ,ord Church -or.d/ide -orshi( and Ser1ices
by Bisho( Bro. Eddie C. 2i..anue1a, 3ounder, Internationa. &resident and S(iritua.
4irector o5 Jesus is ,ord Church -or.d/ide
+%$! &.M. ' "2%!! 6.M. ' O1erni)ht 2i)i. /ith the &o(e
Sunday, October 2+, 2!"# 7Sunday 3a*i.y 6((oint*ent /ith E. Shaddai8
9%!! 6.M. : ;%!! 6.M. : Joy5u. &raise and -orshi( and O(enin) &rayers by 2arious
Choir <rou(s
;%!! 6.M. : ""%!! 6.M. : Sharin) /ith Inter*isssion a5ter # Shares 7<uest Choirs and 4ancers8
""%!! 6.M. : 2%$! &.M. : Jesus is ,ord Church -or.d/ide 3ounder, Internationa.
&resident and S(iritua. 4irector Bisho( Bro. Eddie C. 2i..anue1a=s 9"st Birthday >han?:
O55erin) Sa.o:Sa.o
2%$! &.M. : $%!! &.M. : El S*addai D+XI P"a,e" Pa"tne"s Fo-ndation Inte"national.
In$/ Manila. Met"o Manila. P*ili((ines Gos(el M-si$ Minist", 0*oi"
$%!! &.M. : $%$! &.M. : 0e.ico(ter 4ro((in) o5 Mirac.e:2ision 0and?erchie5s
$%$! &.M. : $%$ &.M. : >han?s)i1in) &rayer 5or the Birthday Ce.ebration o5 Jesus is
,ord Church -or.d/ide 3ounder, &resident and S(iritua. 4irector Bisho( Bro. Eddie C.
2i..anue1a and 6nni1ersary Ce.ebration o5 Jesus is ,ord Church -or.d/ide .ed by 1"o/
Mi)e %/ Vela"de, 3ounder and Ser1ant:,eader o5 E. Shaddai 4-@I &rayer &artners
3oundation Internationa., Inc. Ro*an Catho.ic Charis*atic Rene/a. Re.i)ious
Mo1e*ent and re.ease o5 Mirac.e:2ision Ba..oons to the air
$%$ &.M. : #%!! &.M. : E. Shaddai 4-@I &rayer &artners 3oundation Internationa., Inc.
Mani.a, Metro Mani.a, &hi.i((ines <os(e. Music Ministry Choir
#%!! &.M. : %!! &.M. : Messa)e% <reetin)s, S(ecia. Sharin) headed by 2is
E3$ellen$, Vi$e4P"esident 5e6o!a" 0/ 1ina,. S"/ and other S(ecia. <uests
%!! &.M. : %! &.M. : Introduction o5 <uest o5 0onor% 1"o/ Mi)e %/ Vela"de, 3ounder
and Ser1ant:,eader o5 E. Shaddai 4-@I &rayer &artners 3e..o/shi( 3oundation
Internationa., Inc. Ro*an Catho.ic Charis*atic Rene/a. Re.i)ious Mo1e*ent
Papal %isit sia 2014
%! &.M. : %$! &.M. : S(ecia. Messa)e% 2is E3$ellen$,. P"esident 1enino S/
A7-ino III
%$! &.M. : %$2 &.M. : S(ecia. Son)% A2indi 8ita Malili!-tanA
%$2 &.M. : +%"! &.M. : >a.? : 0o.y S(irit% Bui.din) Co**unity by 1"o/ 1o San$*e9,
Chair*an and &residin) E.der, ,i)ht o5 Jesus Co**unity
+%"! &.M. : +%2! &.M. : 6n), ,ord=s &rayer and &sa.* ;"
B%!! &.M. : B%$! &.M. : 6rri1a. o5 the &i.)ri* I*a)e o5 San ,orenCo RuiC and St. &edro
Ca.un)sod at the Quirino <randstand, RiCa. &ar?
B%$! &.M. : B%# &.M. : 6rri1a. o5 Po(e F"an$is 5ro* ridin) o5 0e.ico(ter 5ro* the
0e.i(ad o5 Ma.acanan) &ar? to the Bac? o5 Quirino <randstand
B%# &.M. : 9%!! &.M. : Joy5u. -orshi( in (re(aration 5or the Eucharistic Ce.ebration% E.
Shaddai <os(e. Music Ministry Mani.a Choir
9%!! &.M. : ""%$! &.M. : Eucharistic Ce.ebration o55iciated by Po(e F"an$is, as Main
Ce.ebrant, Bisho( o5 Ro*e and ,eader o5 -or.d/ide Ro*an Catho.ic Church, and
other Ro*an Catho.ic 6rchbisho(s, Bisho(s, Cardina.s, 4eacons, Monsi)nors,
&astors, &riests Con:ce.ebratin) 7O55ertory% 2i..anue1a 3a*i.y8
o &rayers o5 the 3aith5u. : 2arious <uests
o Ce.ebration o5 Sacra*ent o5 Matri*ony
o Messa)e% A"$*bis*o( Gi-se((e Pinto. 6(osto.ic Nunciature o5 the 0o.y See
to the &hi.i((ines
o 6n) Messa)e
o 6n) 4o*ini &rayer
o 3are/e.. Messa)e and 3ina. B.essin) by the &o(e
o Messa)e% 2is E3$ellen$,. P"esident 1enino S/ A7-ino III
""%$! &.M. : "2%!! 6.M. : S(ecia. 6nni1ersary Messa)e by Most Re#/ 1is*o( Teodo"o
0/ 1a$ani. 5"/, Bisho(:E*eritus, 4iocese o5 No1a.iches and O1er:a.. S(iritua. 4irector
o5 E. Shaddai 4-@I &rayer &artners 3oundation Internationa., Inc.
Monday, October 2B, 2!"#
"2%!! 6.M. : "2%# 6.M. : Cu.tura. Sho/
"2%# 6.M. : "%$! 6.M. : 3ire/or?s 4is(.ay /ith El S*addai D+XI P"a,e" Pa"tne"s
Fo-ndation Inte"national. In$/ 1a-!ba,an. Ta-i 0it,. Met"o Manila. 0*a(te"
Gos(el M-si$ Minist", 0*oi"
o Cand.e:,i)ht /ith El S*addai D+XI P"a,e" Pa"tne"s Fo-ndation
Inte"national. In$/ Manila. Met"o Manila. P*ili((ines 0*a(te" Gos(el M-si$
Minist", 0*oi"
"%$! 6.M. : 2%$! 6.M. : 4ocu*entary about the history o5 bi) 5our .ar)est re.i)ious
)rou(s% Jesus Mirac.e Crusade Internationa. Ministry, Jesus is ,ord Church and E.
Shaddai 4-@I &rayer &artners 3oundation Internationa., Inc. (.us (hotos and 1ideo
c.i(s o5 Jesus the 5ro* ";9+ to 2!"#, -ee?.y E. Shaddai <atherin) 5ro* ";;2
to 2!"#
Papal %isit sia 2014
$%" 6.M. : #%!! 6.M. : Cand.e:,i)htin) Cere*ony in (re(aration o5 Messa)e
#%!! 6.M. : B%!! 6.M. : -orshi( and &rayer Ra..y Messa)e 5or the 3a*i.y
6((oint*ent /ith E. Shaddai /as he.d in than?s)i1in) 5or the )rand (rayer asse*b.y
and annua. anni1ersary ce.ebration o5 e1an)e.ica. Christian and Ro*an Catho.ic
Charis*atic rene/a. re.i)ious *o1e*ent DJesus is ,ord Church -or.d/ideE and annua.
birthday ce.ebration o5 Jesus is ,ord Church -or.d/ide Mo1e*ent 5ounder, (resident
and s(iritua. director Bisho( Bro. Eddie C. 2i..anue1a by 1"o/ Mi)e %/ Vela"de,
3ounder and Ser1ant:,eader o5 E. Shaddai 4-@I &rayer &artners 3oundation
Internationa., Inc.
B%!! 6.M. : 9%$! 6.M. : Brea?5ast Sa.o:Sa.o
NTell the World of His LoveO )World Youth 3y 1DDC The'e Song.
The hy"n, the res!lt of a nation3ide son)-3ritin) contest done by the dioceses,
event!ally beca"e a hit t!ne, ATell the 2orld of /is 1ove$B
2ritten by Filipino co"poser Trina 7ela"ide, the hy"n revolves aro!nd the overall
the"e As the Father has sent "e, so @ send yo!a *0ohn 20,21+$ @t opens 3ith this
line, A8od so loved the 3orld that /e sent /is only &onB *0ohn 3,1>+$
<n)a)in) the yo!th
That the frst hy"n and lo)o for 2orld ;o!th Day 3ere co"posed and prod!ced in
the Philippines, and carried for3ard, is a "iracle of sorts$
year before the international yo!th )atherin) on 0an!ary 10 to 1>, 1CC4, a
co""ittee 3as or)ani:ed by the (atholic 7ishops. (onference of the Philippines
*(7(P+ headed by 7ishop 1eo Drona to start preparations$
The Philippine innovations be)an at that point$ @nstead of a 3ritten report
describin) the proposed preparations, the (7(P co""ittee sent a "!lti"edia
co"p!ter presentation$
"on) the plan.s "aIor obIectives 3as to en)a)e the yo!th at the diocesan level
to participate and b!ild !p interest leadin) to 2orld ;o!th Day$
nation3ide lo)o desi)n and a son)-3ritin) contest 3ere proposed$
The 3innin) lo)o desi)n sho3s a native 3ooden boat 3ith its sail han)in) on a
cross and a n!"ber of fsher"en castin) nets on its side, evo6in) the 3ords A@ 3ill
"a6e yo! fshers of "enaB *'atthe3 4,1C+ and s!pportin) the overall the"e$
Title, Tell the 2orld of /is 1ove
Ori)inally &!n) 7y, 5aH!el 'an)alia) and 0eFrey rcilla
Ori)inally co"posed by, Trina 7ela"ide
(o!ntry, Philippines
2orld ;o!th Day is a 3orld3ide reli)io!s )atherin) of yo!th presided by a Pope$
<very 2orld ;o!th Day has had its o3n the"e son)$ ATell The 1orld of 2is
LoveB is the the"e son) of the 1CC4 2orld ;o!th Day 3hich 3as held in the
Papal %isit sia 2014
@n 0an!ary 1CC4, a nation3ide son)-3ritin) contest for the the"e son) of 2orld
;o!th Day 1CC4 3as la!nched in the Philippines$ The entry ATell the 1orld of
2is LoveB 3as chosen$
The son) 3as co"posed by Trina 7ela"ide 3hose real na"e is Eatrina 'arie
(oncepcion 5!i: 7ela"ide$ Prior to the contest, she has already been 3ritin)
son)s for diFerent Filipino artists for three years$
@n an intervie3, 's$ 7ela"ide 3as as6ed ho3 she ca"e o!t 3ith the bea!tif!l
lyrics and the "elody of the son)$ 's$ 7ela"ide eGplained, "I started the song
with the title, Tell the World of His Love, and I built it from there. Actually, I
didn't hae a rough time writing the lyrics. I had a rough time with the melody. I
had a clear ision of what I really wanted. I wanted the !eo!le to sway with the
music. And I !ictured them with a "lighter" in their hands as they sang it. I wanted
a melody that could easily get the "feel" of the youth.#
s a Filipino, @?" so pro!d of this son)$ @t 3as played at &t$ Peter?s &H!are on the
day of Pope 0ohn Pa!l @@?s beatifcation$ @t 3as reportedly one of the late Pope?s
favorite son)s$
8ote, The above "!sic video is not the oNcial "!sic video of Tell the 2orld of /is
1ove$ @ choose this video beca!se it plays the ori)inal version of the son) 3hich
3as the carrier sin)le of the oNcial 2orld ;o!th Day alb!" that 3as released in a
li"ited tape edition$ This version 3as the one !sed "onths before, d!rin) and
after the 2orld ;o!th Day$ @ 3as one of the "illions of participants of 2;D 1CC4,
and this version is the one that al3ays brin)s bac6 all the 3onderf!l "e"ories
that @ have of 2orld ;o!th Day 1CC4$
5TELL T2E 1.RL@ .F 2>) L.3E7
2orld ;o!th Day 1CC4 The"e &on)
2ords and '!sic by, Trina 7ela"ide
1ead %ocals by, (arelle 'an)alia) and 0eF rcilla
7ac6-!p %ocals, Dada de Pano, #iser de Pano, Trina 7ela"ide, ndrei 0ose, 2ilson
&antos, 5itchie @l!stre
%ocal rran)e"ent, Trina 7ela"ide
'!sical rran)e"ent, #$ rnel de Pano
Prod!cer, Trina 7ela"ide
(arelle 'an)alia),
For 8od so loved the 3orld /e )ave !s /i" only &on
0es!s (hrist o!r &avior, /is "ost precio!s one
0eF rcilla,
Papal %isit sia 2014
/e has sent !s /is "essa)e of love and sends those 3ho hear
To brin) the "essa)e to everyone in a voice lo!d and clear
1et !s tell the 3orld of /is love The )reatest love the 3orld has 6no3n
&earch the 3orld for those 3ho have 3al6ed stray and lead the" ho"e
Fill the 3orld?s dar6est corners 3ith /is li)ht fro" !p above
2al6 every step, <very "ile, <very road
nd tell the 3orld, Tell the 3orld of /is love
For 8od so loved the 3orld he )ave !s /i" only &on
0es!s (hrist o!r &avior /is 'ost Precio!s One
/e has sent !s /is "essa)e of love
nd sends those 3ho hear
To brin) the "essa)e to everyone
@n a voice lo!d and clear
1et !s tell the 3orld of /is love
The )reatest love the 3orld has 6no3n
&earch the 3orld for those 3ho have 3al6ed
stray and lead the" ho"e
Fill the 3orld?s dar6est corners
2ith /is li)ht fro" !p above
2al6 every step, <very "ile, <very road
nd tell the 3orld, Tell the 3orld of /is love
1et !s tell the 3orld of /is love
*Tell the 3orld of /is love+
The )reatest love the 3orld has 6no3n
&earch the 3orld for those 3ho have 3al6ed
stray and lead the" ho"e *lead the" ho"e+
Fill the 3orld?s dar6est corners
2ith /is li)ht fro" !p above
2al6 every step, <very "ile, <very road
nd tell the 3orld, Tell the 3orld of /is love
1et !s tell the 3orld of /is love
The )reatest love the 3orld has 6no3n
2al6 every step, <very "ile, <very road
nd tell the 3orld, Tell the 3orld of /is love
Papal %isit sia 2014
P5O-D<'O(5(; 511;, A@t?s li6e <dsa
*7y 5oc6y #a:areno, (athy ($ ;a"s!an and Philip T!be:a+
AT/@& is 1C=> all over a)ain$ The only diFerence is 3e?re no3 tryin) to nip a dictatorship
in the b!d,B a con)ress"an yesterday said, echoin) the senti"ents of the participants in
the pro-de"ocracy rally today led by the por6 barrel )ro!ps$
senator said the iss!es bein) raised by the pro-de"ocracy rally 3ere abo!t Afreedo"$B
AThe (onstit!tion protected o!r freedo"$ #o3 that the people 3ho are s!pposed to
preserve and defend it are not doin) so, the people "!st protect it,B &en$ &onia 5oco
5ep$ 5olando ndaya 0r$ *(a"arines &!r+ said the t3o rallies are a thro3bac6 to the last
days of the 'arcos re)i"e as he !r)ed the people Ato f)ht a)ainst the ene"ies of
ndaya said People Po3er 3as in <dsa 3hile those 3ho 3anted to 6eep the 'arcoses in
po3er 3ere in 'alacaMan)$
The rally on yala ven!e in 'a6ati (ity is protestin) (harter chan)e, the ret!rn of
'arcos cronies and the threats to press freedo"$
AToday, 3e a)ain conver)e, not in <dsa b!t 'a6ati, this ti"e to "a6e 6no3n o!r
opposition to the a)enda of 'alacaMan),?? 5ep$ 5obert ce 7arbers *&!ri)ao del #orte+
5oco co"pared the p!blic o!tra)e over (harter chan)e to seG$
AOnce yo! start, once yo! have already en)a)ed in foreplay, it 3ill be diNc!lt to stop,??
he said in Filipino$
A;o! "!st have a catharsis, and the rally *this afternoon+ 3ill lead to *that+ catharsis$ @
hope *once this is over+, it 3ill pacify the people$ *@f the rally doesn?t ta6e place+,
e"otions 3ill contin!e to boil$ @t?s i"portant for the people to eGpress their *fear+ that
freedo" is threatened,B he added$
5oco re"inded the President that his o3n plan to a"end the (harter 3as the ca!se of the
/e said 'r$ <strada better call oF the ad"inistration?s plan to a"end the (onstit!tion if
he 3anted to stop the rally, 3hich the President clai"ed 3as threatenin) investor
confdence in the co!ntry$
AThe only 3ay to prevent the rally at this point *is+ if President 7eni)no H!ino @@@
anno!nces, ?#o "ore eForts to a"end the (onstit!tion !ntil 201>,B? said 5oco$
/e said the President co!ld as6 voters in a plebiscite that 3ill coincide 3ith the 201>
elections if they 3anted (harter chan)e$
5oco said &in and H!ino, in t!rn, co!ld advise their follo3ers not to proceed to 'a6ati
A@t 3ill be easier if 3e tell everybody ?1et?s not )et 3et *beca!se+ pne!"onia is diNc!lt to
c!re,B he said$ The 3eather b!rea! has predicted rains beca!se of stor" A1!din)$B
Papal %isit sia 2014
7!t 5oco said it 3o!ld be hard to call oF the rally at this point beca!se 'r$ H!ino.s
insistence on (harter chan)e had already i)nited the people?s o!tra)e$
The (atholic 7ishops (onference of the Philippines *(7(P+ yesterday said it 3as Atoo lateB
to call oF today?s rally$
ATo call oF the October 2> rally is too late as of no3$ The 3hole eGercise is already
defnite and defned,B (7(P president &ocrates %ille)as said$
/e said the (7(P had said that (harter chan)e at this ti"e 3as !nti"ely and 3o!ld
divide the people$ ??@t is sad that those 3ords fell on deaf ears$??
The archbishop said 'r$ <strada "i)ht as 3ell I!n6 his "$alang tutulong sa %ili!ino &undi
ang &a!wa %ili!ino# slo)an and replace it 3ith "$alang tutulong sa %ili!ino &undi ang
(r!: said the President?s proposal to allo3 forei)ners to o3n land in the co!ntry 3o!ld
!nder"ine the (onstit!tion?s pro-Filipino character$
/e said )overn"ent sho!ld stop bla"in) the (onstit!tion for the nation?s poverty$ 5ather,
it sho!ld address the iss!es of ins!r)ency, )raft and partisan politics$
For"er &en$ lberto 5o"!lo said there 3as no need to a"end the (harter at this ti"e$
??2hy then is the President st!bbornly p!rs!in) charter chan)esa?? he as6ed$
Tro0an horse
A@s the avo3ed p!rpose tr!ly for forei)n invest"ent to help the econo"ya Or the poora Or
are the so-called econo"ic proposals act!ally a TroIan horse for the ad"inistration?s tr!e
and real a)endaaB
J!otin) constit!tionalist 0oaH!in 7ernas, 5o"!lo said, ??The s!spicion of "any is that the
a)itation abo!t econo"ic chan)e is really a ca"o!]a)e for political chan)e$
??5e)rettably, this political chan)e is ai"ed at no less than recreatin), 'arcos style, an
all-po3erf!l, !nacco!ntable and perpet!atin) chief eGec!tive$??
Oscar tadero of Pro)ay-Philippines said the econo"ic refor"s that 'r$ <strada 3as
see6in) thro!)h (harter chan)e 3o!ld I!st 3orsen the sit!ation of )ays in the co!ntry$
/e said the plan to f!rther liberali:e the econo"y 3o!ld p!t "any )ays o!t of 3or6 as
so"e C0 percent of the" are 3or6in) in s"all b!sinesses$
??8ays 3ill be forced to sell dr!)s and beco"e prostit!tes if this s!cceeds,?? he said$
Rain or shine
@t?s all syste"s )o for the pro-de"ocracy rally, 3hich is eGpected to dra3 bet3een 40,000
and 40,000 people$
5ally or)ani:er 8il de los 5eyes said the rally 3o!ld precede rain or shine$
Dodi 1i"ca!co said or)ani:ers 3ere deployin) 2,000 "arshals consistin) of "e"bers of
the cler)y and non)overn"ental )ro!ps$
AThere 3ill also be a s!b-"arshal for each "archin) )ro!p so that they can police their
o3n ran6s,B 1i"ca!co said$
Police"en 3ho 3ill be assi)ned to the rally site 3ill not carry )!ns$
Or)ani:ers !r)ed those protesters to stic6 a piece of paper on their cars sho3in) A!)!st
20 5ally yalaB or A'anindi)an para sa De"o6rasya 5ally, yala$B
's)r$ #ico 7a!tista said the rally 3as so"ethin) that "!st be done no3$ AOther3ise, 3e
are I!st prolon)in) the a)ony$B
5!nnin) priest 5obert 5eyes dis"issed alle)ations that the rally 3as intended to
destabili:e the )overn"ent$ AThis is not a destabili:ation "ove$ @n o!r hearts, there?s only
one 3ord--peace,B he said$
/e said the (h!rch sho!ld not be afraid of <l &haddai.s n!"bers$
Papal %isit sia 2014
A )en!ine faith is not afraid to be !npop!lar and 3hat is !npop!lar is not oftenti"es
"oral or correct,B 5eyes said$
1'# amendments
For"er &en$ 0!an 'i)!el Q!biri yesterday disclosed that so"e con)ress"en 3ere
plannin) to introd!ce at least 132 a"end"ents to the (onstit!tion, incl!din) chan)in)
the for" of )overn"ent and liftin) the ter" li"its on elected oNcials$ /e did not specify
the other a"end"ents$
t a for!" at the /oliday @nn, he called on local oNcials to Ioin today?s pro-de"ocracy
rally despite the ad"inistration?s press!re$
/e said so"e local oNcials 3ere bein) press!red to Atoe the lineB of 'r$ H!ino$
A2e 3ere also bein) sH!ee:ed b!t 3e ref!sed to chan)e o!r "ind on the iss!e,B he said,
notin) that AfriendsB of 'r$ H!ino had approached hi" to ??ease !p?? on his hardline
stance on (harter chan)e$
s of yesterday, at least 2> "e"bers of the /o!se of 5epresentatives, incl!din) so"e
fro" the r!lin) 1'P party, had confr"ed that they 3o!ld attend today?s rally$
They incl!de ndaya, 7arbers, Q!biri, bby 7inay-(a"pos *'a6ati+, 0ose ;ap *Tarlac+,
/eherson lvare: *@sabela+, /ernani 7ra)an:a *Pan)asinan+, Federico &andoval @@
*'alabon-#avotas+, 'ichael Defensor *J!e:on (ity+, *'isa"is Oriental+, Feliciano
7el"onte *J!e:on (ity+, &er)io postol *1eyte+, Pantaleon lvare: *Davao del #orte+, 0$
'ayo l"ario *Davao Oriental+, <nrico <chiverri *(aloocan+ and @)nacio 7!nye
The 14 party-list representatives 3ill also Ioin the rally$
1'P 5ep$ 5ao!l Del 'ar is attendin) the rally in (eb!$
@n the &enate, those Ioinin) the rally are 5oco, 'inority 1eader Teofsto 8!in)ona, &er)io
Os"eMa @@@ and H!ilino Pi"entel$
0ose (oncepcion 0r$, a for"er dele)ate to the 1C71 (onstit!tional (onvention, is also
Ioinin) the rally in 'a6ati$
(oncepcion described the rally as a ??call for the Filipino people to reaNr" o!r
co""it"ent to de"ocracy, 3hich 3e have 3on bac6 )lorio!sly d!rin) the <dsa
<d!cation &ecretary ndre3 8on:ales left the decision to cancel classes in private and
p!blic schools to the ??f!ll discretion?? of principals 3hose schools are located near the
rally sites$ With report fro' Stell 4. 1on,les
5eferences, http,bben$3i6ipedia$or)b3i6ib1>thc(on)resscofcthecPhilippines
Papal %isit sia 2014
P#oy, 'y
decision 3ill not
*7y 0!liet 1abo)-0avellana, Philippine Daily @#J9@5<5+
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 2$, 2012 (.N3U.RER) - 89OH3 afraid of the pro-democrac" rall" in
)a.ati *it"`
/ot President Aeni0no A-!ino 555, &ho declared "esterda" that the rall" and other mass actions
nation&ide &o!ld not ma.e him stop p!shin0 for *harter chan0e, the case on )a0!indanao )assacre,
the crime rate in )etro )anila and the por. barrel scam and, he said, its res!ltant benefits for the
Hindi rin po mababago ng i"an ang ating (angarin na mapaganda ang bu(a) ng ating mga
-ababa)an!% he said in an inter'ie& &ith Aombo Cad"o Philippines,
B!rin0 the 4#-min!te inter'ie&, &hich &as aired b" 43 Aombo Cad"o A) and PA3 Cad"o n0 Aa"an
stations, the President &as repeatedl" as.ed &hether he &o!ld chan0e his mind in the face of
nation&ide protests a0ainst his administrationHs initiati'e to amend the 1%@7 *onstit!tion,
Hindi magbabago ang a-ing -apas)a(an sapag-at ang a-ing panana* a)> isa ito sa tanging
so"us)on para mag-aroon ta)o ng sapat na pu(unan para ma(ango natin sa -a(irapan ang ating mga
-ababa)an ;)" decision &ill not chan0e beca!se in m" 'ie&, this is one of the &a"s to sec!re
s!fficient f!nds to sol'e the problem of po'ert"<,+ he said,
)r, =strada said he &o!ld not be deterred b" the rall" to be led toda" b" the por. barrel rall"sts to
protest *harter chan0e, )arcos-st"le cron"ism and threats to press freedom,
9e pointed o!t that the *onstit!tion needed amendin0 in order to allo& the Philippines to .eep in step
&ith the rest of the &orld,
Hindi po ito ma-a-apigi" sa a-in na pag=ara"an ang mga nararapat na pagbabago sa ating Sa"igang
2atas sa nga)on. Ang a-ing panana* a) (indi na ang-op ang ating Sa"igang 2atas sa nagaganap sa
ating mundo!% he said,
A!t o'er l!nch in )alacaYan0, the President told forei0n correspondents that he planned to meet &ith
A-!inoHs 0ro!p HHma"be after this rall",HH and HHespeciall" at this point ;&hen< &e ha'e :!st o'ercome o!r
economic crisis,HH
HH3o as not to brea. the moment!m of o!r economic reco'er", and for the sa.e and for the 0reater 0ood
of o!r people, 5 ha'e to !nite o!r people and tal. to the leaders of the opposition part",HH he said,
Change of tune
The other da", )r, A-!ino !r0ed Ta0le to call off their rall", sa"in0 it &as h!rtin0 the econom" and the
co!ntr"Hs ima0e abroad,
Papal %isit sia 2014
A!t he chan0ed his t!ne "esterda" &hen as.ed abo!t his appeal,
++0ai"an man! sa simu"a+t simu"a a) (indi natin pinagbaba*a"an ang -ani"ang rall" sapag-at nasa
demo-ras)a ta)o ;3ince the start 5 ha'e ne'er pre'ented them from holdin0 their rall" beca!se &e are
in a democrac"<,HH he said,
The President also said he &anted to hear &hat the protesters &o!ld sa", incl!din0 the reasons behind
their mass action ;++At mabuti nga! tinitingnan natin -ung ano ang sasabi(in ni"a at ma) sari"i si"ang
da(i"an -ung ba-it si"a nagra=rall"++?.
9e said he &as not bothered b" the rall", &as not stoppin0 an"one from attendin0 it, and &as in fact
pleased that man" people &anted to participate in disc!ssions re0ardin0 *harter chan0e,
5a"a)a ang "a(at na magbiga) ng pa(a)ag tung-o" ditto ;='er"one is free to air 'ie&s on the iss!e<,+
he said,
)r, A-!ino recalled that A-!ino and 3in fo!0ht a0ainst him ;ni"abanan%< d!rin0 the 2010
presidential elections,
0ung a-o po+) nata-ot sa -ani"a! (indi na po sana a-o naging Pangu"o. Pinatutuna)an po natin na
tama ta)o ;5f 5 became afraid of them then, 5 &o!ld not ha'e been President, This pro'es that 5Hm
ri0ht<,+ he said,
9e added that the people had nothin0 to fear abo!t his proposed constit!tional amendments as these
&o!ld 0o thro!0h a len0th" process from the preparator" commission !ntil the plebiscite,
9e stressed that it &o!ld be the p!blic &ho &o!ld ha'e the last sa",
The President &as as.ed b" Conil PeYaflor of Aombo Cad"o 1e0a2pi if he &as (!sin0+ =l 3haddai
leader Aro, )i.e Velarde, es!s is 1ord *h!rch fo!nder, international president and spirit!al director
Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a, or 'ice 'ersa,
5n repl", )r, A-!ino said no one &as bein0 !sed b" an"one, 9e pointed o!t that Velarde &as his
spirit!al ad'iser and &as helpin0 him pra" for the impro'ement of the state of the nation, and that
Velarde had man" pro:ects for the poor,
9e added6 Ang pa-iusap -o po "amang a) sana a) tigi"an na natin ang mga gan)ang intriga.
5agtraba(o na "ang po ta)o para sa i-auun"ad ng ba)an ;)" re-!est is that this .ind of intri0!e be
stopped, 1et !s :!st &or. for the 0ood of the co!ntr"<,+
=l 3haddai is celebratin0 VelardeHs 7#th birthda" and =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation
5nternational?s 30th anni'ersar" at the Ci2al Par. last A!0!st 23-24 &hile es!s is 1ord *h!rch is
celebratin0 fo!nder, international president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a?s @1

birthda" on October 7 and es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide?s 37
anni'ersar" toda" at the Ci2al Par.
on October 27-27, part of the fi'e-da" pastoral and state 'isit of Pope Francis here in the Philippines,
PeYaflor obser'ed that &hile the *atholic *h!rch had been split b" the *harter chan0e iss!e, Velarde
had been en:o"in0 a close relationship &ith the President @0apansinpansin na mas)ado -a)ong
ma"apit -a) Aro, )i.e Velarde+<,
PeYaflor cited the 4#-da" reprie'e that the President 0ranted a death con'ict !pon VelardeHs re-!est,
The President reiterated that his main reason for 0oin0 to the =l 3haddai 0atherin0 &as to e>tend
belated (happ" birthda"+ 0reetin0s to es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, international president
and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'aG he is celebratin0 his birthda" on )onda", October
9e said that sho!ld he be 0i'en the opport!nit", he &o!ld spea. before the 0atherin0 to disc!ss his
plans for *harter chan0e,
Papal %isit sia 2014
*omm!nications 3ecretar" 9erminio *oloma and an officer of the Forei0n *orrespondents Association
of the Philippines confirmed that the President &o!ld meet &ith A-!ino and compan",
(Des, 5 thin. thatHs 0oin0 to be after ;the rall"<, The rall" is 0oin0 to be held tomorro&, 5 donHt thin.
thereHs time ;to set !p the meetin0 earlier<,HH Ce"es said,
Focap board member Arth!r Aari!ad said6 (;The President< said he is &illin0 to tal. to the 0ro!p of
*or" after the rall"V 9e also &ants to hear the iss!es the" are 0oin0 to present,HH
Velarde and Villan!e'a himself said he &as &illin0 to tal.s bet&een Ta0le and )r, A-!ino,
(5 am tr"in0 m" 'er" bestV so that e'er"one &ill be able to reach an !nderstandin0,HH he said &hen
as.ed if he &as &illin0 to arran0e a meetin0,
As.ed if he had initiated an"thin0, he said6 (/othin0 "et, 5 &ill tr",+ %i&! a re"or& (rom Mar&in P)
@t?s co!ntry3ide, not
I!st in yala
*7y the PD@ 7!rea!s+
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 2$, 2012 (.N3U.RER) - /AT5O/85B= o!tra0e o'er President
Aeni0no A-!ino 555?s plan to chan0e the *onstit!tion, )arcos-st"le cron"ism, to scrap the por. barrel
and percei'ed threats to press freedom er!pts toda" in *h!rch-led street political rallies in bi0 cities
and to&ns all o'er the co!ntr",
5n *eb!, police !nits ha'e been on red alert since noon "esterda" to ens!re that the (freedom march+ at
the F!ente OsmeYa o'al &ill be peacef!l,
*eb! Archbishop ose Palma and *eb! Archbishop-=merit!s Cicardo *ardinal Vidal said he &as not
&orried that tro!ble mi0ht er!pt toda" as he e>pected the 0atherin0 to be peacef!l,
(5 ha'e more faith in the *eb!ano people, 5n )anila, 5 do not .no&, A!t here, 5 ha'e more faith, after
all &e are on the same island,+ he said in an earlier inter'ie&,
A small plane piloted b" *apt, Pantaleon Bel Cosario, a b!sinessman, is e>pected to (rain+ aerofetti
and confetti on the rall" this afternoon,
(5tHs s"mbolic, 5t &o!ld sho& that the people are read" to oppose an" *harter chan0e on land, sea and
air,+ said Vicente Aalb!ena, chair of the Lil!san para sa Pambansan0 Bemo.ras"a in *eb!,
Amon0 those e>pected to :oin the rall" are members of the *atholic =d!cational Association of the
Philippines, 3!0b!anon0 Pa0pa.abana and the Aasic =cclesial *omm!nities from *eb! *it",
5n /e0ros, tho!sands of people &ill march toda" to rall" sites in Laban.alan and 3an *arlos cities in
the mornin0 and in Aacolod and B!ma0!ete cities in the afternoon,
(PeopleHs camps+ &ere set !p "esterda" afternoon on )a0sa"sa", Araneta, A,3, A-!ino and 1acson
streets in Aacolod,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Almost a h!ndred persons li0hted torches and candles at the t&o rall" sites (for press freedom,+
Fr, 4re0 Patino, Aacolod Biocese 3ocial Action *enter director, said abo!t 100,000 people &as
e>pected to attend the rall" in Aacolod,
9e !r0ed the participants not to be deterred e'en b" possible rain, 5f *harter chan0e is not stopped, he
said, HH&hat &ill hit the co!ntr" &ill be &orse than a storm and the earth-!a.e in T!r.e",HH
5n 5loilo, the *on'ention of Philippine Aaptist *h!rches ;*PA*<, an !mbrella of 773 Protestant
ch!rches in the co!ntr", called on )r, A-!ino 555 to 0i'e di0nit" to his office b" !pholdin0 press
5n a statement, the *PA* as.ed the President to be transparent and allo& the press to loo. into all
dealin0s, decisions and transactions of the 0o'ernment,
5n A.lan, Aishop ose *ora2on Tala-oc called on the faithf!l to attend the rall" at Pastrana Par. in the
capital to&n of Lalibo this afternoon,
Tala-oc said he &as displeased o'er the decision of Aro, )i.e Velarde, fo!nder and ser'ant-leader of
the =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational Coman *atholic *harismatic Celi0io!s
Cene&al )o'ement, to hold the birthda" celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder,
international president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a and the 0rand pra"er
assembl" and ann!al fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" celebration of e'an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic
*harismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+ sim!ltaneo!s &ith the
pro-democrac" rall" bein0 initiated b" act'isits in )a.ati *it" in time for the fi'e-da" pastoral and
state 'isit of Pope Francis here in the Philippines on October 2# to 27,
Tala-oc said Velarde and Villan!e'a, as members of the Coman *atholic *h!rch, sho!ld ha'e at least
sho&n some respect to the )anila archbishop,
5n Ta0bilaran *it", )s0r, 1eonardo D, )edroso, bishop of Ta0bilaran, said a s"mposi!m on *harter
chan0e &o!ld be held at the 3t, oseph *athedral,
T!m!la., &ho leads the People Cesist *ha-cha )o'ement, said *it" Vice-)a"or Toto Veloso, )s0r,
Antonieto *abah!0 and a still !nnamed priest &o!ld spea. d!rin0 the for!m,
)ore militant 0ro!ps are e>pected to mo!nt a demonstration,
(avao City
5n Ba'ao *it", the Ba'ao Archdiocese and militant 0ro!ps re:ected calls b" )r, A-!ino to call off
toda"Hs rall" as the" hit bac. at the President for blamin0 anti-*harter chan0e ad'ocates for the recent
economic :itters,
Fr, 1eonardo B!blan, Ba'ao Archdiocese 3ocial Action *enter director, said that for as lon0 as
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 &o!ld insist on amendin0 the *onstit!tion, mass actions &o!ld 0o on,
Toda"Hs rall" &ill ser'e as a (0rand openin0 sal'o+ for more protest acti'ities if the A-!ino 555
administration ref!ses to heed the clamor a0ainst *harter chan0e, the )a0!indanao )assacre case, the
Cichard Lin0 m!rder case and the por. barrel f!nd scam, he said,
4len Amoroso, secretar" 0eneral of the Aa0on0 Al"ansan0 )a.aba"an-Ba'ao, said )r, A-!ino?s
re-!est to call off the rall" &as a si0n that he &as 0ettin0 (ner'o!s and &orried+ abo!t the impact of
the 0ro&in0 p!blic o!tcr",
On Th!rsda" ni0ht, some @00 st!dents from se'en !ni'ersities and colle0es li0hted candles at the
Freedom Par. in Ba'ao *it", The" later held a (Torch Parade for Freedom+ on the main streets,
5n Loronadal, a ne&l" formed m!ltisectoral 0ro!p, called the 3o!th *otabato PeopleHs Alliance for
/ationalism and Bemocrac", &ill lead toda"Hs rall",
Papal %isit sia 2014
Alliance chair Peter abido said the" e>pected !p to 10,000 people from 11 to&ns to con'er0e
HHToda" is :!st a be0innin0 of the series of protest actions to be spearheaded b" the m!ltisectoral
alliance to preser'e the 0ains of =dsa and to resist anti-people policies of the A-!ino administration,+
abido said,
A rall" &ill also be held in 4eneral 3antos *it", startin0 at % a,m,
5n )ati, Ba'ao Oriental, anti-*harter chan0e 0ro!ps 'o&ed to intensif" their protests,
Aishop Patricio Alo said the" &o!ld dr!m !p s!pport for their campai0n thro!0h the *h!rch-r!n radio
station d>A), the p!lpit and the streets,
The pro'incial board is also plannin0 to adopt a resol!tion condemnin0 )r, A-!ino?s plan to re&rite
the *harter, repression of the critical press and cron"ism, accordin0 to board member Anaclito
A similar resol!tion is bein0 st!died b" the m!nicipal co!ncil of )ati, said *o!ncilor =ric Albao,
5n Bi0os, Ba'ao del 3!r, the Bemocratic 5nitiati'e for 3tren0thenin0 the *onstit!tion and A0ainst
Ces!r0in0 Bictatorship said the onl" &a" toda"Hs rall" at 1 p,m, &o!ld be called off is for )r, A-!ino
555 to for0et *harter chan0e,
(9e ma" emplo" all sorts of dirt" tactics, incl!din0 disr!ptions, b!t these &ill not pre'ent the people
from e>pressin0 their opposition to the *ha-cha and por. barrel,+ Antonio /a'idad, Biscord chair, said,
Transportation is e>pected to be paral"2ed startin0 at # a,m, as tric"cle dri'ers also promised to :oin the
3implicia Belada, spo.esperson of *a!se-B3, said the federation of tric"cle dri'ers and operators
pled0ed to stop pl"in0 their ro!tes in s"mpath" &ith the anti-*harter chan0e ralliers,
Aishop 4eneroso *amiYa appealed to the p!blic to attend the rall",
5n 5li0an *it", a torch parade &as held last ni0ht b" the Canao Tri-people )o'ement for 4en!ine Peace
and Be'elopment, an alliance of 0o'ernment or0ani2ations and peopleHs or0ani2ations, accordin0 to its
chairperson Adona Or-!illas,
5li0an Aishop =milio Aataclan said the protest march in the cit" &o!ld start at 2 p,m,
/estern Mindanao
5n Pa0adian *it", rall" or0ani2ers said the" e>pected 20,000 people to con'er0e in the cit" from 'ario!s
places in 8estern )indanao,
=!0ene Vele2, chair of Al"ansan0 )a.aba"an for 8estern )indanao, said the" anticipated some
20,000 people to :oin,
Callies &ill also be held in O2ami2, Bipolo0, Oro-!ieta and Oamboan0a cities and in 5pil, Oamboan0a
del 3!r, Vele2 said,
5n Aicol, ch!rch and m!ltisectoral 0ro!p leaders "esterda" firmed !p their plans for toda"Hs protest
Fr, o'ic 1obri0o, 3ocial Action *enter head, said some 10,000 people from 40 ch!rch-based 0ro!ps,
peopleHs and non0o'ernment or0ani2ations &o!ld attend the rall" at the Freedom Par. in 1e0a2pi *it",
*alled ()archa-Aicol+ ;)o'ement a0ainst Ce'ision of the *harter-Aicol<, the protest action &ill also
be :oined in b" 0ro!ps from 3orso0on, *atand!anes and *amarines 3!r, 1obri0o said,
The participants &ill incl!de bishops, priests, la" leaders, st!dents, and leaders of militant 0ro!ps in the
*h!rch-led 0ro!ps &ill be holdin0 a (3olidarit"+ rall" in Baet, *amarines /orte,
Papal %isit sia 2014
The protest march in 1e0a2pi &ill start at the /ino" A-!ino Par. in Bara0a to&n, Cedemptorist
*ompo!nd in Aaran0a" 4o0on and the 3t, Caphael *h!rch,
5n Pan0asinan, in lie! of a protest rall", ch!rch bells &ill rin0 at 3 p,m, on 3!nda" to call e'er"one to
pra"er, said 1in0a"en-Ba0!pan Archbishop 3ocrates Ville0as,
Ville0as, president of the *atholic AishopsH *onference of the Philippines, said central Pan0asinan is
(not rall" and demonstration-conscio!s,+
9e said that in deference to Pan0asinenses, especiall" those in central Pan0asinan, he had iss!ed a
pastoral letter callin0 *atholic faithf!l to pra" as a sho& of concern o'er the iss!es raised d!rin0 the
5n the circ!lar letter to be read on October 27 and 2@, *r!2 !r0ed e'er"one (to pra" for o!r co!ntr", for
its !nit" and peace, for its pro0ress and prosperit" !nder the r!le of democrac",+
5n 5sabela, *atholic priests and de'otees described the *harter chan0e as an (o!tri0ht oppression,
morall" &ron0 and sho!ld be re:ected,+
The Coman *atholic Territorial Biocese of 5la0an said chan0in0 the *onstit!tion at this time &o!ld
affect Filipinos ad'ersel",
5ts pastoral letter, &hich &ill be read d!rin0 )asses on 3!nda", said )r, A-!ino?s plans &o!ld ma.e
the rich richer and the poor poorer,
)embers of the *atholic cler0" and lait" from Olon0apo *it" and Oambales &ill :oin the rall" in
)a.ati *it",
Fr, Alberto A'enido, social action director of the diocese of 5ba, said Aishop has iss!ed a circ!lar
!r0in0 the *atholic cler0" and la" people in the pro'ince to be HHpatriotic in these tr"in0 timesHH and
oppose *harter chan0e,
.aguio City
5n Aa0!io *it", officials of the *ordillera police assi0ned abo!t 200 police officers to sec!re the parade
0ro!nds of the A!rnham Par. in Aa0!io *it", &here close to 2,000 persons are e>pected to rall" toda",
(5 ha'e been monitorin0 a si0nat!re campai0n bein0 cond!cted b" st!dents and this appeared to be the
fi0!re the" are e>pectin0 to march toda" ;A!0, 20<, A!t &e are certain the rall" &ill not be too
disr!pti'e,+ *hief 3!pt, Cenato Paredes, *ordillera police director, said,
)embers of the *olle0e =ditors 4!ild of the Philippines and the 1ea0!e of Filipino 3t!dents in the cit"
had 0athered 1,200 si0nat!res of people &ho are a0ainst )r, A-!ino?s plan to chan0e the *onstit!tion,
A member of the Aa0!io *olle0es Fo!ndationHs Parale0al Vol!nteers Or0ani2ation said st!dents from
se'en colle0es and !ni'ersities in the cit" &ill be represented in toda"Hs march,
A *=4P candleli0ht ceremon" to protest threats to press freedom &as held last ni0ht on 3ession
Coad, Ton&on An&oco", 5roian :aar+o, 9ara P) :ome,, Nereo 9) 6'Ban, O+on S) 7an+ioa an+
9!i&o A) 5'en&e#, PD. ;i#a<a# 7'rea'J -owe 5) 9an'+a<, A*'ie# C) Conio, 5er+inan+ O) C'a#oa,
Aan A) Nawa an+ 7obb< Timonera, PD. Min+anao 7'rea'8 Re< Na#o, PD. So'&!ern 6',on
7'rea'8 9a&!erine A*'ino, ;iamor ;i#a<a -r) an+ ;incen& 9abre,a, PD. Nor&!ern 6',on 7'rea'8
an+ Denr< Em"eEo, PD. 9en&ra 6',on De#k
*ro. 5ddie!s birthdy pry 2orld!s nnul biggest nd grndest
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 2$, 2012 (.N3U.RER) 0 (T9=D &ill be sho!tin0 at A"ala &hile others
&ill be pra"in0 at 1!neta,+ said =l 3haddai fo!nder and ser'ant-leader Aro, )i.e Velarde "esterda" as
he stood firm on his 0ro!pHs plan to hold a 0atherin0 to celebrate es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide
Papal %isit sia 2014
fo!nder, international president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a on October 7 and
the 37
anni'ersar" celebration of e'an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic charismatic rene&al
reli0io!s 0ro!p mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+, and pro-democrac" rallies are set in
)a.ati *it" and other cities nation&ide in time for the pastoral and state 'isit of Pope Francis here in
the Philippines on October 27 to 27,
As.ed if a chan0e of sched!le &as possible in the interest of !nit" &ithin the *atholic *h!rch, Velarde
said it &as not, addin0 that a n!mber of =l 3haddai members from the pro'inces and all o'er the &orld
&ere comin0 or had arri'ed for the 0atherin0,
The birthda" (part"+ at J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par. in )anila threatens to brea. records in terms of
la'ishness and n!mbers, &hat &ith the promised (andaan ;feast< of roast pi0, chic.en and calf, as &ell
as the e>pected attendance of President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 and his political allies, forei0n di0nitaries
and sho& bi2 friends,
Velarde &as in )alacaYan0 "esterda", October 2#, (5Hm :!st 0oin0 to chec. &hether the appointment of
the President &ith !s--&hich is in the afternoon of 3!nda"--did not chan0e,+ he told reporters,
As.ed if )r, A-!ino &o!ld be 0i'en the opport!nit" to deli'er a speech on the administration?s
proposed *harter amendments, he said6 (5 donHt .no& &hat the President has in mind, b!t normall" he
0i'es his inspirational messa0e and informs the people on &hat is happenin0 in 0o'ernment,+
As of last ni0ht, there &as no official &ord from )alacaYan0 &hether )r, A-!ino &o!ld attend the =l
3haddai part" for the anni'ersar" celebration of ri'al reli0io!s 0ro!p es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide
in time for the pastoral 'isit of Pope Francis here in the Philippines toda",
A!t earlier, he said he &o!ld attend as he had done for the past "ears, The President is also sched!led to
spea. bet&een #60# and #630 p,m, accordin0 to the =l 3haddai pro0ram of acti'ities,
1i.e the President, to &hom he ser'es as spirit!al ad'iser, Velarde is for amendin0 the *onstit!tion
As.ed if there &o!ld be e>pressions of s!pport for *harter chan0e at the =l 3haddai 0atherin0, Velarde
ch!c.led and said6 (8h" is o!r foc!s on *harter chan0e`+
(5 thin. &e sho!ld loo. into positi'e chan0es, not onl" concernin0 o!r *harter, b!t "o! .no&, 5 ha'e a
different 'ie&,+
9e added, still spea.in0 in Ta0lish6 HH='en if &e chan0e that *onstit!tion repeatedl", if chan0e does not
occ!r in menHs hearts, nothin0 &ill happen,
HH3o 5 thin. &hat &e sho!ld loo. and pra" for is a chan0e &ithin o!rsel'es, All of !s are in'ol'ed--the
media, the *h!rch, the 0o'ernment, the ordinar" people, 8e sho!ld all help in chan0in0 o!rsel'es
beca!se &e are the ones &ho &ill s!ffer,HH
(O!r celebration &ill not be destr!cti'eV That is onl" the perception of obser'ers,+ Velarde said,
9e appealed to :o!rnalists not to (color+ their 0atherin0, addin06 (The res!lts of ;the )a.ati rall" and
the =l 3haddai 0atherin0< co!ld be beneficial to !s--the"Hll be sho!tin0 at A"ala &hile others &ill be
pra"in0 in 1!neta,+
As.ed if the =l 3haddai 0atherin0 &o!ld ser'e as a 'ehicle to promote *harter chan0e, he said6 (5 ha'e
e>pressed m" 'ie&s that 5 am in fa'or of chan0e,+
(An"thin0 that is 0ro&in0 m!st e>perience chan0e, 5n o!r co!ntr", &e sho!ld open o!rsel'es to
chan0e, b!t that chan0e sho!ld benefit the ma:orit",+
8hile he opposed the initiati'e of the Camos administration to amend the *onstit!tion, he belie'es that
no& is the (proper time+ for the !nderta.in0, he added,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Velarde also said the =l 3haddai 0atherin0 &o!ld be a mass and &orship and healin0 pra"er rall" b!t
merel" the ann!al celebration of the fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" and 0rand pra"er assembl" of e'an0elical
*hristian and Coman *atholic charismatic rene&al reli0io!s 0ro!p es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide
)o'ement &hich coincides &ith the birthda" celebration of tele'ision e'an0elist and es!s is 1ord
*h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, international president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a
in time for the pastoral and state 'isit of the Pope here in the Philippines,
(/othin0 political is in'ol'ed in this celebration at the 1!neta,+ he said,
As.ed if 5melda )arcos, &ido& of the stron0man Ferdinand )arcos, &as in'ited, he said6
(='er"bod"Hs in'ited at the 1!neta,+
Velarde readil" obli0ed &hen as.ed if he had a messa0e for those participatin0 at the pro-democrac"
(8e are all for the preser'ation of o!r freedoms,+ he said,
(1et !s 0i'e all the Filipinos the freedom to thin., the freedom to e>press and the freedom to assemble,
That is &hat democrac" is all abo!t,+
9e also said a 'ariet" of opinions sho!ld be !pheld, and that people sho!ld not be forced to he& to the
'ie&s of others,
The =l 3haddai celebration in'ites comparisons,
Accordin0 to the 1%%@ 4!inness Aoo. of 8orld Cecords, the &orldHs bi00est birthda" part" &as
attended b" an estimated 3#,000 people in 1o!is'ille, Lent!c.", on 3ept, @, 1%7%,
5t &as held to celebrate the @%th birthda" of *ol, 9arland 3anders, fo!nder of Lent!c." Fried *hic.en,
8o!ld =l 3haddai brea. this standin0 record`
*onsider this6 The cro&d that attended =l 3haddai 2%
anni'ersar" celebration on A!0, 17-1@, 2013
and es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide )o'ement 3#
Anni'ersar" *elebration on October 27-2@, 2013
&as estimated at more than three million people,
The affair, at &hich )r, A-!ino and Vice President e:omar *, Aina", 3r, &ere present, &as tele'ised
li'e nation&ide 'ia satellite on 5A*-13,
=l 3haddai is composed of t&o 0ro!ps6 the co'enant ;&ith 20%,#23 officiall" re0istered members< and
the non-committed ;estimated b" the mo'ement itself to n!mber ei0ht million<,
8ith the n!mbers, ho& man" "ec(on, etc, &ill Velarde need to feed the &hole floc.` )ore important,
ho& m!ch &ills the feast cost him`
The 5/JE5C=C chec.ed prices at ollibee, LF*, *ho&.in0, )cBonalds, 4reen&ich, Pi22a 9!t,
1"diaHs 1echon, Aali&a0 1echon )ano. and Ando.Hs 1echon )ano.,
These are the fi0!res6
Lec(on babo) 0oes for P3,#00 for a 12-.ilo pi0 and P@,#00 for a 42-.ilo pi0 at 1"diaHs,
Lec(on ba-a costs P1@,000 for a 70-.ilo calf and P21,000 for a 70-.ilo calf, also at 1"diaHs,
Lec(on mano- is sold at P17# per .ilo at Aali&a0, and P170 per .ilo at Ando.Hs,
The si2e of the &hole Ci2al Par. is abo!t #2@,@33 s-!are meters, Accordin0 to planners of the /ational
Par.s and Be'elopment *ommittee of the Bepartment of To!rism, a one-s-!are-meter area can hold
t&o persons, 5f ti0htl" crammed, fo!r persons can be s-!ee2ed in,
Ass!min0 that Ci2al Par. has no str!ct!res, it can normall" accommodate abo!t 1,0#7,777 people ;if
ti0htl" crammed, 2,11#,332<,
Papal %isit sia 2014
",*** cops to secure
Makati, Manila rallies
$B6 T Bur!onio and C6nthia Balana,
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 2$, 2012 (.N3U.RER) 0 TCAFF5* &ill be rero!ted, A!t to ens!re that
there &ill be no !nto&ard incident, a total of 7,000 policemen &ill be deplo"ed in )anila and )a.ati to
sec!re the rall"ists,
5n )a.ati *it", *hief 3!pt, )arcelo 4arbo r,, )etro )anila police chief, said that at 7 a,m, October
27, 3!nda", the A"ala A'en!e, from 9errera 3treet to )anila Penins!la on )a.ati A'en!e &ill be
closed to all 'ehic!lar traffic, Paseo de Co>as, from de la Cosa 3treet in front of =nterprise *enter,
Aanco Filipino, and AP5 Famil" &ill li.e&ise be closed,
At 10 a,m, the entire stretch of A"ala to C!stans A!endia &ill be closed to all 'ehic!lar traffic,
The traffic re-ro!tin0 plan &ill 0i'e &a" to participants to the pro-democrac" rall", The participants
&ill con'er0e at the A"ala-Paseo de Co>as intersection for the main pro0ram &hich &ill start at 1 p,m,
Alternati'e ro!tes &ill be desi0nated b" the )a.ati Par.in0 A!thorit", Traffic )ana0ement 4ro!p-
P/P, )AP3A, and the A"ala 3ec!rit" Force,
/o par.in0 for all 'ehicles alon0 A"ala A'en!e,
Call" or0ani2ers ha'e been ad'ised to police their o&n ran.s,
/o operation or Operation pinta &ill be allo&ed &ithin the *entral A!siness Bistrict or the places
&here the b!ses are par.ed,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Another 0ro!p policemen &ill be deplo"ed to the Ci2al Par. to sec!re the e>pected mammoth cro&d
&ho &ill attend the B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational Famil" Appointment &ith =l
3haddai for the ann!al fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" celebration and 0rand pra"er assembl" of the ='an0elical
*hristian and Coman *atholic charismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch
8orld&ide+ on October 2# to 27 in time for the fi'e-da" pastoral and state 'isit of Pope Francis here in
the Philippines,
14y34H#1,37K / 120y#@H32,0#K =
*hief 3!perintendent Colando As!ncion, )anila police chief, said that some 1,000 policemen &ill
come from the 8estern Police Bistrict &hile the rest &ere a!0mentation force from the /ational
*apital Ce0ional Police Office,
9e added that an additional police force &o!ld be deplo"ed in the area in case the cro&d s&ells to #
million, 9e also raised the red alert from 7 a,m, 3at!rda", October 2# !p to 12 p,m,, October 27,
(8eHre p!ttin0 !p o!r o&n sec!rit" preca!tions beca!se the cro&d e>pected &ill be a bit bi0 no&
compared to the other =l 3haddai 0atherin0s,+ Fernande2 said in another briefin0,
3ome 3 million people, consistin0 mostl" of =l 3haddai follo&ers, are e>pected to attend the bi00est
ann!al 0rand 0atherin0,
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555, Vice-President e:omar Aina" and 0o'ernment officials, pro'incial
0o'ernors, cit" and m!nicipal ma"ors, *h!rch leaders, forei0n di0nitaries, sports and sho&bi2
personalities are e>pected to sho& !p at the B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational Famil"
Appointment &ith =l 3haddai for the ann!al fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" celebration and 0rand pra"er
assembl" of the ='an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic charismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ement
(es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+ beca!se tele'ision e'an0elist and es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide
fo!nder, president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a is also celebratin0 his birthda"
last October 7, )r, A-!ino is e>pected to address the rall" at # p,m,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Pope Francis &ill preside o'er the 764# p,m, than.s0i'in0 )ass, &hich &ill be aired on and forei0n
tele'ision radio, broadcast li'e on national and international tele'ision stations and 'ideo streamed to
an a!dience of millions aro!nd the co!ntr" and abroad,
T&el'e 0iant 1=B screens mo!nted in the national par. &ill 0i'e participants a better 'ie& of the
lit!r0ical rites !nfoldin0 in the 0randstand, an ele'ated concrete-and-bamboo str!ct!re,
5n the 71-hectare site, the national par. for the bi00est ann!al 0rand historic e'ent, most of the
participants &ill ha'e to stand thro!0ho!t the series of acti'ities &hich start at 3 p,m, &ith foot
Onl" 'ehicles &ith passes iss!ed b" the Archdiocese of )anila as &ell as sh!ttle b!ses &hich &o!ld
ferr" people to the site are allo&ed to enter the area,
Also in'ited as spea.ers and 0!ests d!rin0 the 9ol" )ass d!rin0 the celebration are b!siness, le0al,
reli0io!s, sports icons, fashion models, mo'ie and tele'ision celebrities and hi0h societ" fi0!res led
b" )etroban. president Ton" Abacan, Philippine /ational Aan. board of director, Cep, )i0!el ()i.e+
Comero, retired Philippine 3!preme *o!rt *hief !stices 9ilario Ba'ide, r,, Artemio Pan0aniban and
Ce"nato P!no, Fernando Oobel de A"ala, Aea Oobel, A"ala 1and, 5nc, president Antonino (Ton"K
A-!ino, Co&ena Tomeldan, A* 1e0arda, )ar. 3ablan, oseph Ce"es, )aricris Aernardino, Pi'i Bia2,
Cina Ce:anit, Aobb" B", )an!el V, Pan0ilinan, TV# President-=merit!s and The Philippine 3TAC
*hairman Att", Ca" *, =spinosa, TV# President and *=O /oel 1oren2ana, Ariel Fermin, 4ar" B!:ali,
/e&s# head 1!chi *r!2-Valdes, )eralco 9C and *orporate 3er'ices 3enior Vice-President and
Philippine Aas.etball Association *hairman-=merit!s )on 3e0ism!ndo and 3ports# head and 4ilas
Pilipinas Aas.etball Team *oach *hot Ce"es, Lenneth Dan0, Tessie 3"-*oson, Ton" Tan-*a.tion0,
Camon An0, Alfred T", Arth!r T", 3ari Dap, 1ance 4o.on0&ei, Cobina 4o.on0&ei-Pe, 1i2a
4o.on0&ei-*hen0, 5sha Anda"a-Valles, )"r2a 3ison, o-ann )a0lipon, AA3-*A/ Aroadcastin0
*orporation *hairman =!0enio 1ope2 555, AA3-*A/ Aroadcastin0 *orporation President and *hief
*ontent Officer *haro 3antos-*oncio, 3tar *inema AA3-*A/ Film Prod!ctions, 5nc, mana0in0
director )alo! 3antos, Aroadcast 9ead and *hannel 2 9ead *or" Valen2!ela-Vidanes, tele'ision
b!siness !nit head 1a!renti B"o0i, b!siness !nit head for comed" 1in00it Tan-)arasi0an, AA3-*A/
P!blishin0, 5nc, 4eneral )ana0er =rnie 1ope2, Breamscape =ntertainment Tele'ision President Beo
=ndrinal, Co>" 1i-!i0an, Cile" 3antia0o, Cobert 1aba"en, )ar. Dambot, A!0!st Aenite2, /and"
Villar, Cico *am!s, Ca"mond )iranda, )ar. 1ope2, )aricel Arenas, 9app" )ab!la", Bar&in
*errado, Aldrin *errado, Bino 1a!rena, )arch Ventosa, *hris 1ope2, *arlo Lati0ba., 1eo Lati0ba.,
Paolo Pineda, Aon0 Osorio, )onchet Oli'es, Laren *oloma, former AA3-*A/ presidents *ito
Ale:andro and Freddie 4arcia, mo'ie and tele'ision director ohnn" )anahan, 3tar )a0ic Vice-
President )ariole Alberto, *ath" 4arcia-)olina, Arnel /ati'idad, Toto /ati'idad, )al! 3e'illa,
Cechie del *armen, o:o 3a0!in, Oli'ia 1amasan, 1a!rice 4!illen, err" 1ope2-3inenen0, Tots
)ariscal, =ri. 3al!d, C!el Aa"ani, C!el /a'al, o"ce Aernal, ohn-B 1a2atin, erome Pobocan,
onathan Bia2, 8enn Beramas and Bon *!aresma, 4, 000 1ope2 .in from all o'er the &orld, AA3-
*A/ )anila Cadio and 3ports Bi'ision head Peter )!sn0i, AA3-*A/ 5nte0rated /e&s and *!rrent
Affairs *hief 4in0 Ce"es and *hoose Philippines head *harie Villa, m!sic composer and tele'ision
director Aobet and actor Lobi Vidanes, the members of the Dap, Bia2, *astelo, Ba2a, Planas,
Valen2!ela and Vidanes families, Andre& Tan, Aeth 1ee, Fe A0!do, 8ashin0ton 3"cip, Felipe 4o2on,
)enardo imene2, 3r,, imm" B!a'it, Annette 4o2on-Abro0ar, 1ito Abro0ar, 1il"beth 4, Casonable,
Ce0ie *, Aa!tista, )ari'in T, Ara"ata, ose )ari C, Abacan, 4i0i 3antia0o-1ara, Barlin0 P, Be es!s,
*her"l *hin0-3", Teresa 1, Pacis, Aan0 E, Arespacocha0a, Ali /, TAP=, 5nc,
Papal %isit sia 2014
president and chief e>ec!ti'e officer Ton" T!'iera, )alo! *hoa-Fa0ar, TAP=, 5nc, chairman-emerit!s
Com" alos:os, 3an:i' Vohra, 8ilson Tien0, Philippine Bail" 5n-!irer board chairman )ari>i C!fino-
Prieto, Philippine Bail" 5n-!irer president Ale>andra Prieto-Com!alde2, Philippine Bail" 5n-!irer
editor-in-chief 1ett" imene2-)a0sanoc, Enited 3tates =mbass" spo.esperson Cebecca Thompson, as
&ell 0!ests &ere media a0encies and ad'ocac" partners, 700 participants of the 8orld =conomic
For!m on =ast Asia 3!mmit 2014 from more than 30 co!ntries, 1,000 0!ests d!rin0 the president?s
(3tate of the /ation Address+ 2014, ba0 desi0ner 3"l'ia 3antos, fashion desi0ners * A!endia, Cand"
Orti2, o:ie 1loren, Bon0 Oma0a Bia2, oe" 3amson, 5'arl!s.i Aseron, Vittorio Aarba, 4err" Lati0ba.,
Frederic. Peralta, Ca:o 1a!rel, 1en /epom!ceno, 9ind" 8eber-Tantoco, Camon =steban, P Aranador,
=d&in Ao, O 9ofer, Arc" 4a"atin, Tippi Ocampo, A'el Aac!dio, erome 3ala"a An0, oel =scober,
Anthon" /ocom, Albert Andrada, /oel *risostomo, Conaldo Arnaldo, Lristel D!lo, 9app" Andrada,
Pablo *abah!0 and ames Ce"es, FBAP desi0ners ohnn" Abad, Cic." Abad, Be>ter Ala2a, /ino
An0eles, Belb" Ara0ais, Laren *astro, Lirb" *r!2, 5'an dela *r!2, Perr" Bia2, 1"nn Co>as, Ao"et
B"sanco, Cicco =scaro, Coc." 4athercole, 4enar 4o2!m, Pristine de 4!2man, Adin 1ara, Pa!l Canier
1im, /oelle 1la'e, =d0ar )adamba, ontie )artine2, / )artine2, Ole )orabe, Vi'o /a2areth,
Ba'e Ocampo, 1ito Pere2, /holie Pilapil, o"ce Pilars.", Aan Pineda, Cao!l Camire2, Da.o Ce"es,
Choland Co>as, =d0ar 3an Bie0o, Fann" 3errano, =d&in E", 3imon Ariel Vas-!e2, 4eoffre" Oordilla,
independent fashion desi0ners !n =scario, )ichelle 3ison, Patrice Camos Bia2, *harina 3arte, *ar"
3antia0o, Bennis 1!stico, ohn Paras, Aea Albert, =ric de los 3antos, )a!reen Besini, Vania Comoff,
)artin Aa!tista, ohn\Pa!l 9errera, Conald )endo2a, A!die =spino, 3idne" Pere2 3io, 4o!llee
4orospe and Cao!l Camire2, co!ntr"?s desi0n icons 5nno 3otto, A!00ie *ordero, Pepito Albert, *esar
4a!po, 1!l! Tan-4an, )i.e de la Cosa and 1oretto, =fren Ocampo and The Bean of Filipino Fashion
Besi0ners Aen Farrales, )c*ann =ric.son *lient 3er'ice Birector Aernadette *hinc!anco, *oca-*ola
A3=A/ A!siness Enit President )an!el Arro"o, *oca-*ola Philippines President _ 4eneral )ana0er
4!illermo Aponte, mar.etin0 director An!bha 3ahasrab!ddhe and Franchise and *ommercial
1eadership Birector Peter 3chaelstraete to0ether &ith the *oca-*ola Philippines team6 ohanna 9ife,
3te'e 1ittle, Co0ie Belena, Ca"mond Villaflor, Tee:ae 3on2a, obert B!mlao, 3haron Tan0anco, Co.i
Ferrer, Cachel *r!2, Francis *h!a, Fran2 Becloedt, Dasmin )allari, enn" *inco, in0 Atien2a,
*riselda Pasc!al, )a'el Aanocnoc, Thess Ac!na, Franco or0e, 3tephanie *astillo, Tish *ondeno,
aideep Libe, /icamae Aa"len, enal"n Pere2, Aarr" del Cosario, and /i..i 1ee, 3!"en *orporationHs
/ene and Vir0ilio 1im, Ar"an 1im and 3!"en 1im, *arlos *hanHs children *arlson, Archie, Cinb",
1arr", Os2en and 3hera, Ton" Ferrer, 1a&rence Tan, Att", o:i Villan!e'a-Alonso, former 5locos Cep,
Co-!e (Co-!ito+ Ablan, *harie Villa, 3tella Lati0ba. Bearin0, *ec" 3eares 1!na, B!.e Frasco, *ho"
and )arissa *o:!an0co, 3!"en *orporation *hairman, *hief =>ec!ti'e Officer and Fo!nder Aen
*han, hair st"list and Philippine Fashion Aall creati'e director /oel )anapat, p!blic relations
practitioner, e'ents or0ain2er and talent mana0er Leren Pasc!al, 4irlie Codis and 3tar )a0ic handler
)onch /o'ales, )aricar Sere2-A!r0os, Laren 3antos, *onchita Toda, Bood" T!ason, Fr, Pedro 4arcia
4alende, An0ie 1acson, *ora2on Al'ina, ose )ari Trenas, 5"a Villania and Bre& Arellano, Paolo
Abrera and 3!2i =ntrata, bea!t" -!eens 1ara J!i0aman, 3hamce" 3!ps!p &ith h!sband 1lo"d 1ee,
4&en C!ais, Aianca )analo and Pia 8!rt2bach, 3itti /a'arro, asmine *!rtis 3mith, ames Alanco,
=ric Tai, L Arosas, *la!dine Aarretto and Ca"mart 3antia0o, Cand" 3antia0o, Aamboo )analac,
Ainibinin0 Pilipinas 2013 &inners *ind" )iranda and Pia Comero, )iss 5nternational 2013 Aea Cose
3antia0o, )iss Eni'erse 2013 3rd C!nner-Ep Ariella Arida, Latherine de *astro-*r!2, O"o Ao" 3otto,
Co&ell 3antia0o, Bomini-!e *o:!an0co, Bina Aonne'ie &ith h!sband 5locos 3!r Vice-4o'ernor
Papal %isit sia 2014
Beo0racias Victor 3a'ellano, ericho Cosales, apl,de,ap, =ddie 4arcia and Cichard 4ome2, Former
Professional )odels Association of the Philippines board members and fashion l!minaries Tina
)aristela Ocampo, 522a 4on2ales-A0ana, Besiree Verdadero-Abesamis, )arina Aenipa"o, Patt"
Aetita, T&eetie de 1eon-4on2ale2, Ben Abesamis, 9ans )ontene0ro, 4race )olina and Ariel
Atendido, Cobert )anan-!il, models Cobb" )anan-!il, Ca"a )anan-!il-de 1eon, and Cissa
)anan-!il-Trillo &ith Valerie de los 3antosG Ateneo de )anila Eni'ersit" Al!e =a0les team mana0er
Paolo TrilloG *!rrent Professional )odels Association of the Philippines president Phoemela Aaranda
also came &ith )anila?s fa'o!rite models 4race Ta0le, A!bbles Paraiso, 1!.e ic.ain, )ia A"esa,
3an"a 3mith, )i.a 1a0dameo-)artine2, Antoinette =nciso-Ocampo, An0el A0!stin-*o and )arilen
Fa!stino-)ontene0ro The Philippine 3TAC 1ifest"le section col!mnists C 1edesma, 3tephanie
O!biri-*respi, and Tim Dap, The Philippine 3TAC 1ifest"le section editor )illet )artine2-)anan-!il,
Philippine Bail" 5/JE5C=C 1ifest"le section editor Thelma 3ioson-3an !an, )=Cal*o Aolts coach
/orman Alac., Ateneo men?s bas.etball coach Ao Perasol and his pla"ers Ponso 4otladera, Lris
Porter, Anton Asistio, 5saac !les 1im, former pla"ers )ac." =scalona, /ico 3al'a, Aacon A!stria,
Tonino 4on2a0a, =mman )onfort, !ami Tion0son, Fran. 4olla, Opin0 3!malino0 and P =rram, 3en,
Aon0 Ce'illa r,, 8illiam 1ao, *arol 4arcia, *harlie *o:!an0co, )other 1il" D!-)onte'erde, )ar.
1apid, =thel Camos, Bolor 4!e'arra, Aoots Plata, Cic." 1o, *rist" Fermin, Ci..a B"lim, 3hirle"
L!an, Beedee 3"tan0co, 3ec, 3onn" *oloma, Aeth Ta0le, Cep, Ba> and )id" *!a, Boll" Anne
*ar'a:al-)endo2a, Osa Osa Padilla, )on Ba'id, 1il" 1a"!0, Arth!r )an!nta0, *hristine 3in0son,
4race 3in0son, Tess Ba2a, A-!ino-4a'ino, o" )elendre2, Ton"pet Albano, )aricar Ahel,
Ceps, Eliran oa-!in, 9ermilando )andanas, Annie 3!sano and A!tch B!mpit, Vanessa Francisco,
Annabelle Cama-4!tierre2, Aoots Anson-Coa, 3no& Ta0o, *harmaine D!, 4re0 D!, =dm!nd 1im and
Camon acinto, 9elen On0, *alero, eannie 4o!lbo!rn, Latrina Feist, !n and /ene 1eonor, o:o
and 9enr" Oabarte, )arilo! 1o'ina, La" L!o. 4oo, =li2abeth de )otte, Conald Villa'ele2, =nrico
1in0ao, r,, Protacio =mpaces, )ario Cotersos, !de =lardo, =d&in Ao, )ario *olmenares, Comain
Aarberis, *arminia Pa'ia, 3pencer T", 1i2a Tan, *hristine 3an Bie0o, Laren 4r!pp, )imi and !liet
Tan, Ana and Vince Aiton0, Tito 9erbosa, An0ela Trillo, *hris, *hito )elo, Ciina 3inisalo,
Ale>andra =scat, ohnn" Ce'illa, 3and" Ba2a, =li2abeth *!nanan-An0sioco, )atthe& 1loren and Tani
Ara0on, Tata Ara0on, *and" Ochoa, )arica *abrera, )ar"rose *entenera, Ana =speran2a-E", Tet
)a0no, )s0r, Bon =rfe, Ce', Fr, 4re0 Camos, 1eon An0, Ton" and )ar"ann Ae:ar, ose 1ai0, 1!isa
J!intana, Camon )o:ica, omar *astillo, o"ce OreYa-3talder, Tetta Orti2-)atera, 4!s Albor, Coberto
),A, Cobles, Ce00ie D!son, /a.i Ataman, Aob Oo2obrado, Armando Anda", And" and Tisha Aa!tista,
*elia *!asa", 1ero" Tan, Amado Tadeo, 8illiam and =li2a Valde2, Ba'e )ercado, Coi Philips, 1orna
J!is!mbin0, 3!san *ampos, /imfa Datco, )ar0arita Com!alde2, aina Pere2, Tina *oscoll!ela, oan
)atch!c., Vincen2o *appell!to, *hit )ontene0ro, ames Frene", Codolfo 4i!sto, Tillie Pela0allo,
3".e and 3ess" 4arcia, )ari Laimo, 4ene'a *r!2, *her *al'in, Pia Ce0ala, *orcor Bi2on-A0!stin,
Fiona 1!cas, 1!2 !lian Peralta, 4lo FariYa Peralta, Br, Teresita *olome, C!b" T!ason, )s0r, )att
4arcia, oe Ariones, Br, a2mine 4on0ora, *ali and Pepsi Aro, Br, Andrea Bima"!0a, Ce', Fr, /ic.
Datco, 3,,, 3antos and Pilar =stacio, =ta )ercado, =tta Cosales, Tob" Tian0co, Pee&ee Trinidad,
3onn" Aelmonte, 4ar" *o!ll, )i.e )c*o", Cichard Ta"lor, Tim and Ba'id Ferdinand, Ba'id
Fer0!sson, 3imon Be&h!rst, Cafe Toten0co, osie *r!2-/atori, Anna Aa"le, T!ntin0 *r!2 )atters,
T!ntin0 *r!2 )atters, )aricel )atias and Cene 3antos, Oen" *abral, )elissa 1ope2, Aea Valdes,
1a!rice 4!illen, 3ocorro *ancio-Camos, 5sidro *amacho, *larissa Ocampo, Lell" 3!m, o"ce )a,
Larina Aorromeo, Arad T!r'e", Cobbie P!no, )onso!r del Cosario, Aenn" 1iton:!a, 1o!rdes
Papal %isit sia 2014
4re0orio, !dith Oapanta, !an:o Aeren0!er, Al'aro Pertierra, Pepito Albert, Tricia *! En:ien0, Ci.i
L&e.-)atha", Cobert Are'alo, Aarbara 4on2ales, =r&in =lechicon, )al! )a0l!tac *hion0bian,
Ampee 3ietereales, Aobb" )acapa0al, Ton" and *harin0 An0, J!inito 9enson, Cosanna Coces,
Aettina OsmeYa, *helo" Bans, Tessie Bich!pa, *ota Dab!t, *orito Lala&, Adelia An0eles, Pepin0 and
=ssen de las Alas, A!rora /osco, Tomas and 4racin0 Badia, =dita *ambe, /at2" Oara0o2a, Omin0
*oncepcion, Tessie Pa:arillo, *hin0 Aernardo, 5melda Ce-!iesta, 1!c" Ver0ara, )erce Ce"es, o
)adaran0, imm" /ana0as, )ila Ba"rit, Adin0 Ba"rit, Paolo Valenciano, Tim *one, )on 5sberto, Aen
J!e2on A'anceYa, Pitan0 1ope2-Tion0son, Fr, Coberto 3an Bie0o, Aelinda Adora and Aon0 )ar-!e2,
Aerna 1omotan, Camon Aarretto, *atherine 8eir, /ina A0!as, 4err" Abla2a, Topper *oronel,
/orberto /a2areno, 4i0i )ontinola, Do0i 3alcedo, Boll" Fort!n, *onnie )amaril, Bais" Ople, )onet
o'en, 1!l! Villan!e'a, enette 1ista, 3!san 3ebastian, 1!cille *habeldin, )aril! /0o, ohnn"
Ta0!inod, Thelma Bino", Victor Valb!ena, *arlo Orosa, )a!ro )alan0 3antos, essica 3oho, Ariel
1o2ada, Amparito 1h!illier, 1ili Adina, Petite 4arcia, /elson Pa0lina&an, Ba&nie Coa, Bee 9!a
4atchalian, 3her"l Dao, Or0anisas"on n0 m0a Pilipinon0 )an0-Aa&it ;OP)< President and =B3A
People Po&er *ommissioner O0ie Alcasid and &ife Ce0ine Velas-!e2, 1!.e )e:ares, /"o" Volante,
8enc" *orne:o, )ae0an A0!ilar, onathan Aadon, Att", Ferdie Topacio, Al'in Anson and 4ar" Aerena,
Ba'e" 1an0it and 1ara )ai0!e, )ichael ac.son impersonator ericho Valencia, teleser"e stars Oan:oe
)ar!do, a.e *!enca, =rich 4on2ales, Pa!lo A'elino, *oco )artin and !lia )ontes, model and
tele'ision sho& host Aianca 4on2ales and m!sic composer im Paredes, economist and former /=BA
secretar" 0eneral 3olita *ollas-)onsod, actor Cobin Padilla &ith his &ife )ariel Codri0!e2 and
brother Commel, noontime 0ame and 'ariet" tele'ision sho& host 8illie Ce'illame, 1%7% )iss
Eni'erse 4loria Bia2, Father and son Pen and Pin0 )edina, co!sins 5sabelle Ba2a and 4eor0ina
8ilson, Po.&an0 3!bon0, (8o&o&ee+ 0irls CC =nri-!e2, 3aic" A0!ila, and April (*on0rat!lations+
4!stilo, *arla Abellana, se>" actress Latrina 9alili, models Pancho )a0no, ohn 3painho!r, Vince
Ferraren and * Ti!seco, A0a )!hlach, comedian 4elli de Aelen, Bra, Vic.i Aelo, =d&ard )ende2,
Lim Aenedicto, Att", Persida C!eda-Acosta, Aernadette 3embrano, *her"l *osim, /iYa *orp!2,
)arife )ordido, Aida 3"-4on2ales, Aster Amo"o, Laren Padilla, =dna 1a2aro, 1eslie 3a!lsb!r",
1o!rdes Cosario, et Verso2a, Apple Pe:i Tan, *hampai0ne Flores, 'olle"ball pla"er 4retchen 9o,
comedian ohn 1ap!s, sin0er Lean *ipriano, )ia /olasco, chef 1ando 1a!dico, 4in0er *one:ero,
*omedienne *and" Pan0ilinan and Arnell 50nacio, film and tele'ision directors ose a'ier Ce"es and
)ann" *astaYeda, Camon Aa!tista, Cichard 4!tierre2, TV host Ca"mond 4!tierre2, )ae Paner, Pin."
Amador, 1eo Valde2, /oel Trinidad and !n Erbano, Br, Ai'ee A0!ilar-Teo, !d" Ann 3antos and C"an
A0oncillo, )aricel 3oriano, Ai-ai delas Alas, Vice 4anda, C!ffa 4!tierre2, C!stom Padilla, 4erman
)oreno and 4ardo Verso2a, 1%@7 =B3A People-Po&er Ce'ol!tion 'eterans 1eah /a'arro, )itch
Valde2, and )aan 9onti'eros, )e0astar 3haron *!neta and Li.o Pan0ilinan and da!0hter L*
*oncepcion, Br, =lenita Aina" and 1o!ie 1ocsin, 3abrina 8on0, Bianne de *astro, *hristian Cae!ber,
Aeth )ancilla, *arl *!nanan, Ba'id *eldran, 4ood" *!stodio, )ari O-!inena, )onica Torres, oe"
3in0ian, )arilo! Aatchelor, Arlene *!a, *la!dia Tamb!ntin0, Laren 3antos, Cosanna Fores, *ara
8ilson Ferrari, *arlos Aorromeo, Poch Villa-Ceal, An:ie B" A!ncio, A"en 1a!rel, Ton" )a!0han,
9a"dee Potenciano, Bale dela *r!2, Lristine 1im, /enita 1im, 9isanao /a0asa&a, Cand" An0, Tina
*han, )a!rice 1a!de, 4ail 1a!de, Co>anne Farillas and =ric.son Farillas, Pain0 9echano'a and )el"
*oncepcion-9echano'a, =d J!imson, )ar0a!> 3alcedo, 1ori Aalta2ar, /anc" Ce"es 1!men, Aobb"
*!enca, )ar" Ann O:eda, C"e FariYas, *amille A0ba"ani and )ac." )atha", 5sa0ani Aan2!elo,
Cochelle Aalatbat, a"son 1iban, Aoris oa-!in, *at Aramb!lo, Aombi Aal-!iedra, *aca" )oras and
Papal %isit sia 2014
3anti 4o, Ai2! Patisserie A!dre" Tanco, )ich )ella, 4race 3", Latrina D!, 1ia *ola"co, 5ssa 1itton,
o:o Oabarte, Aob and =lsie *olombo, a'i and Teresa 9ernande2, Aambi 9arper, !an ose and )iren
Aeren0!er-Testa, Cic." and Aen0 Bee, Cobert and *ecile 1ope2 1illies, C!pert and Tina acinto,
4eor0e 3ison, )aritess Allen, 4eor0e and *es 3ch!lt2, =ric Cecto and a" 1a0dameo, Pen0 and Vic."
Pere2 de Ta0le, =lbert and *hito )elo, Oia Alonto Adion0 and 9afsa Bimaporo Aalindon0, Victor and
/anc" 1!", )iriam 1ao, Ale> Alcantara, C!ssell )or0an, Doshi E", )ar. /icosia, Ale>andra Pa:aro,
!dith and Codolfo Pa:aro, !n 1eonor, Cica Lin0, o"ce imene2, Aen:amin Aesa, )artin /!Ye2, a"
A-!itania, C"an Dllana, Antonio A-!itania, in0 E", Ana and 8illiam Antonio, 3and" Cieta, Belmer
)iranda, Bbo" Trofeo, Aaron 4eisler, ason 1!en0o, Cita 3anson, )"rna Fernande2, 3!san o'en,
=lena Aa!tista, *ecile 8ie.ene, a.e and Laren )acasaet, !n and /ene 1eonor, *aptain o" Coa,
Tele'ision host Paolo Aediones, 1orraine Aelmonte, *arla 3ibal, 9all of Fame bo>in0 trainer Freddie
Coach, former *hica0o A!lls center 1!c 1on0le", and comedian Vic 3otto, 5to *!rata, Anton )endo2a,
Albert 4arcia, )ar. 1e'iste, Ton" Abad, amie Picornell, )ichelle Panto:a, )artin 1im )art" and
*assandra Aeltran Lier!lf, *ora2on 1lorca, *ecilia Abad, Pa!lino *hen0, 4loria Aeltran, Tonichi 4re",
*lemence *er'antes, J!inc" *astillo, 4erardo 1an!2a, 3!san Dap, /oel 1im, *armelita )endiola,
Cafael Villareal, 4abe 1a?O, osP )i0!el Pons, /ic." /o'ella, Fredd" 4on2ale2, 8illiam Paradies,
Bome.a 4aramendi, Latrina A!rro&s, Lier!lf, )onica Aarretto, =rica Tatad, 4abb" de la
Cama, )ic A0caoili, Cica Villal!2, Aon0 Aromin, Ann )ichelle and )arielle *apistrano, 4lenn
4lino0a, 5to Ocampo, Tristan *hoa, Tippi Ocampo, *ecile Oamora and erome Van 3traten, *laire Ann
Dap, Philip 4rima and *osetta Fedele, *hris Paraiso, 9arr" 4!e, C!bens Fedele, 3a!di Arabian
Ambassador to the Philippines )ohd, Ameen 8ali, )an!el 1a2aro, A'elino *r!2, Att", )i.e Toledo,
Ao"in0 Cem!lla, Ce> 4atchalian, *arissa *oscoll!ela, Cachel Arenas, *ecile )a!ricio, D'onne Ba"rit
Com!alde2, ac-!eline Ba"rit Aoncan, =rlinda Panlilio, )ita C!fino, Aambi 9arper, 3!san *alo-
)edina, *hichi 3alas, =li2a Tan,o"ce Andres, *ristina Dnes 3ison, )ar"ann 4arcia, 3andra Cocha,
Cic. acobsen, Oli'er Lre!2er, Paolo J!imson, =ri.a A-!ino, 1in0 Ochoa, Alfredo Aarretto, Bon Pepe
Ara!llo, Vilma 1abrador, 1inda 1e0aspi Cosal, ) Be 1eon, Amber Co>as, 3hiela Tan, *hrissie 3a",
Fernando Fernande2, Banica *a"nap, Allan 4arcia, 4enesis Lell" 1ontoc, ose Amado Bomin0!e2,
1!la" )apa and *hito 4a!rano, Bette A-!ino-Tan, 4loria )acapa0al-Arro"o, Adolfo A2c!na, Prec"
1ope2 and 3te'e, )aritess 1ope2, Odette On0, Bandin0 *o:!an0co, 4!ia 4ome2, *arlos
*han, *linton *ampos-9ess, )ila0ros 9o&, Cobert *o"i!to, r,, =lisa 1im, =milia Dan0, Br, J!eenie
1ee-*h!a, oseph =strada, *la!dio *ondotta, 3tella *h!a, %2AB, Fr, ohnn" 4o, 3,,, Fr, Aien'enido
/ebres, 3,,, Fr, /emesio J!e, 3,,, Bi0os Aishop 4!illermo Afable, Aless Villareal, Pat 4oc-On0,
)ichelle *alo-Al'arillo, *hristian Ar2senal, Cobbie Af2eli!s, Lris A-!ino, *harlene 4on2ales,
*hristopher de 1eon and 3and" Andolon0, Ce2 *orte2, 8illiam )artine2 and Da"o A0!ila, 1ani
)ercado-Ce'illa, 1orna Tolentino-Fernande2, Tirso *r!2 555 and &ife 1"n and son Aodie, =ric J!i2on,
4, Toen0i-8alters and Comnic. 3armenta, L!h 1edesma, 4race /ono, 1o!ie 9eredia and Bin0don0
A'an2ado, Philip 3al'ador, 3mo.e" )analoto, Aeth Tama"o-8on0, Antoinette Ta!s, Tom Ta!s, anine
4!tierre2 and bas.etball stars, 3!nshine *r!2, 4lad"s Ce"es-Co>as, Bais" Ce"es, C!fa )ae J!into
and 5sabel 4ranada, Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a 2010 presidential campai0n s!pporters *one" Ce"es, Larla
)artine2, Piolo Pasc!al, Bolph" J!i2on, r,, Bonita Cose, /ono" O!ni0a and Prof, eremias an0ad,
(9a&a.-Lama"+ main cast members /i..i 4il, Oai:ian aranilla, S"riel )anabat, Andrea Arillantes,
Desha *amile, s!pportin0 cast members !an Larlos 1aba:o, 1"ca 4airanod, acob Bionisio, A>el
Torres, )aris Cacal, )anolo Pedrosa and Lim /ichole Aaranda, PAA pla"ers ames Dap and sons
osh!a and Aimb" A-!ino-Dap, )arc Pin0ris and &ife Banica 3otto, 4ar" Ba'id, imm" Alapa0 and
Papal %isit sia 2014
&ife 1 )oreno, Bo!0 Lramer and &ife *hes.a 4arcia and da!0hter Lendra, 8esle" 4on2ales, Lel'in
dela PeYa, * 5ntal, 3imon At.ins, ai Ce"es and &ife Llaire Dap!co, 1arr" Fonacier and &ife 1ora
4ahol, and 1A Tenorio and &ife *hes.a, Felisa Valde2, Ambrosio Valde2 r,, Ceema *hanco, Cica
Tantoco Be es!s, Aobb" Andre&s, 3"mon 3oler, Vitto 1a2atin, Lris 1a&rence, /anc" *asti0lione,
)o:o o:o, Lin0 B 1o0an, Toti Balmacion, Ep Bharma Bo&n, 4ab" dela )erced, Andi )an2ano,
(Fastbrea.+ charit" bas.etball 0ame pla"ers 4erald Anderson, Anne *!rtis, Baniel Padilla, ess"
)endiola, ose )analo, )arco Alcara2, *hamp 1!i Pio, Bere. Camsa", 1!is Aland", Sian 1im, ason
Abalos, 1em!elle Pela"o, Arth!r 3olinap, *arl 4!e'arra, Cico Alanco, hon0 9ilario, Vhon0 /a'arro,
Aill" *ra&ford, *hris Ti!, V Lap!nan, on 1!cas, =r'ic Vi:andre, Ar:o Ata"de, oe Var0as, 4ab
Valenciano, on 9all, *arlo 4on2ales and ames and im 3alas, Third" Ca'ena, CC 4arcia, Terrence
Comeo, Aobb" Ca" Par.s, Le'in Alas, 4ar'o 1anete, a.e Pasc!al, *hris /e&some, Aaser Amer, Von
Pess!mal, and /ico =lorde, /AA 3>3 Philippines celebrit" bas.etball pla"ers Fabio 5de, Co'ilson
Fernande2, 4erard Acao, Aobb" Dan, And" 3mith, 8ill Be'a!0hn, Cobin da Co2a and oross 4amboa,
r!nnin0 coach Cio de la *r!2, bas.etball coaches Vince 9i2on and Allan 4re0orio, Perlas Pilipinas
&omen?s national bas.etball team pla"er )elissa acob, sports broadcasters inno C!fino of 3olar
3ports, )ar. Oambrano of 4)A /e&s and )arco Aenite2 and Anton Co>as of AA3-*A/ 3ports,
(7,107 5nternational )!sic Festi'al+ celebrit" re'elers )a0alona siblin0s, L* )ontero, Chian Camos,
Tro" )ontero, A!bre" )iles, Aea 3oriano, Adrien 3emblat, Francis Cicafort, =r&an and 3olenn
9e!ssaff, *arla 9!mphries, /icole Anderson, 4ian )a0dan0al, Pa!la Perale:o-Fernande2, 1ie2el
Verses, Abi0ail 1esle" *r!2, B )o T&ister, *oleen 4arcia, 3am Pinto, Feli> and Bominic Coco,
Teresa 9errera-Anthon", Baniel )ats!na0a, 1a!ren Do!n0, Victor Aasa, Bi'ine 1ee, )ichelle
)adri0al, (Ao"s /i0ht O!t+ Cadio Bisc oc.e"s Ton"-Ton", 3lic. Cic. and 3am D4, Liefer Ca'ena,
Arent a'ier, Aor0" )anotoc, =llen Adarna, Aianca Lin0, Phil Do!n0h!sband, and more, 4erard
*ancio, *arla 3ebastian, )ar. A!m0arner and )ichelle A!m0arner, A=/*9\ famil" stars, (7,2006
The )ission Possible Pro:ect+ personalities and (The /a.ed Tr!th6 Benim and Ender&ear Fashion
3ho&+ celebrit" models Lim *hi!, Lar"lle, eric and eron Ten0, =nchon0 Bee, oseph )arco, 1o'i
Poe, Cachelle Ann 4o and )ar..i 3troem, )ichelle Vito, 3ofia Andres, Bianne )edina, 9el0a Lrapf,
)elissa Cic.s, B:anin *r!2, Liana Valenciano &ith 3amantha 4odine2-Valenciano, )r, *hinato&n
2013 &inners ose )i0!el 1asala, 3"dne" B!, 3." Dan0, erome Tan and Cand" 3eeG )r, *hinato&n
2014 &inners Ba'id 1ic!aco and L!rt osh!a On0, )ar. 1ope2, air!s Ferrer, Alec Cobes, (Ae
A=/*9\6 The )odel 3earch+ finalist Con )oralesG *arlos *oncepcionG Den0 *onstantinoG (Pino"
Bream Academ"6 3eason 2+ scholar 9ansen /ichols &ith his t&in brother 4*, (A=/*9\ Ca:o 1a!rel
Bos collection+ models 3am *oncepcion, Cocco /acino, 3te'en 3il'a, =n2o Pineda, 3arah 1ahbati and
Ce0ine An0eles, ne&est (A=/*9setters+ incl!din0 actors Tom Codri0!e2, Bennis Trillo, )artin del
Cosario and Bominic Co-!e, Anthon" and Ba'id 3emerad, Andre Paras and Be 1a 3alle 4reen
Archers center Arnold 'an Opstal, (AmericaHs /e>t Top )odel+?s Bomini-!e Cei0hard and Allison
9ar'ard, (Asia?s /e>t Top )odel+ finalist Latarina Codri0!e2, tele'ision commercial, ramp, print and
fashion models and actors Aen:amin Al'es, on A'ila, Franco Ba2a, )ar> Topacio, Victor 3ila"an,
ohn ames E", )ar'in Ca"m!ndo, )i.o Ca'al and Caphael Cobes, 1!isito Cabat, models and
athletes Anton del Cosario and 3am Cichelle, Andre& 8olff and an.a *ederstam, 9ideo
)!rao.a, *atriona 4ra", Valerie Aario!-Aondoc, Cima Ost&ani, aneena *han, Ce0ine Tolentino, A
Bee, )ariana del Cio, )arco Alcara2, 3a" Alon2o-D!pan0co, *h"nna Ortale2a and Caile" Valeroso,
Benise 1a!rel, )el )artine2, 3haron Tan, Pa!l Ba2a, Pia Asistio, )ich Ara!llo, Bebbie *o, Al'in
1im, )a00ie 8ilson, *amille Villar, Far0o Aaillet, osephine Aael F!:isa&a-5la0an, Bominic ohn
Papal %isit sia 2014
4aleon, )ia Aa"!0a, *hris Aadiola, Aon0 Tan, Cichard Ti!, *hristine 1o'e, 5llac Bia2, 1o'el" Tecson
and Alberto Com!lo, /ed" Tantoco, 5sabel 8ilson, Pito" )oreno, Aea Valdes, 5rene )artel Francisco,
4!ill" C!fino, 4loria 9!an0, ocel"n A!endia, 4i0i Aarrera, )ar2ena /o&a.o&s.a, ohnc" )aham,
)itch Bi2on, )atthe& 1im, 3amantha Den, Victor Antonino, =nri-!e 4on2ale2, *larisse *hion0bian,
Br, *arlos 4abriel, Br, Anna 1ope2-4abriel, J!ito 1ope2, 4re0 )ontene0ro, =mil" )ontene0ro, Fit2
P!"at, Paolo Araneta, )!mph C!i2, )ann" del Cosario, *ar" 1a0dameo, )ar. and )ichelle Ta0le,
='a 4!llas, )"ra P!"at 3antia0o, )ar0arita Fores, )oni-!e Villon0co, Amado Fores, 3andro Ten0co,
=than Aelmonte, oel 1omotan, )arissa Orosa-*oncepcion, Lai 1im, )arissa *o:!an0co, Abb"
imene2, )ilette Aelmonte, Trina Alindo0an, *and" Bi2on, *ath" J!, 1ianne Ti!, C!th" Vera, 4race
An0, Annette Tirol, 3!2anne *obonp!e, 1isa Araneta-)arcos, 3!san Florete, A!dre" P!c.ett-*hi!,
/anette )ed'ed Po, )arilen T!ason, Florence Lo, 9elm!t 4aisber0er, *hesca Coces, )ar. entes,
Benisse Oca, 3ha 3!pan0an, 3tephen L!, Aibe )artine2, Ca:i' 4h!mman, Coseana 4randel, =loisa
Cicchetti, Ban0 Palma, Cico Arce, )ichael *h!a and An0ela A!na0, 4lenn 4aerlan, =nchon0
Formoso, *hris /elson, Bominic Ae.aert and Paloma Oobel, Adriano *art!liares, 1alain 1andico,
='el"n Ce"es, Cose Aernarde2 Cedaon, anice Ce"es, )ar. ones, !dith 4o, ac-!i 8iene.e, =mil"
3antos, )arion *h!a, A0!stin Ba'alos, 3ep *imafranca, 4lo&ie Camiro, Laren Pamint!an, Tob"
4atchalian, 4icelle 9imala, =dith )ar-!e2-Ce"es, Cebecca Ba2a-3adh&ani, )an:it 3adh&ani, Ain0
*arrion-A!c., 1oren 1e0arda-1e'iste, 4re00" 1icaros r,, )abel AbaYo, effre" and Vi'ian /0,
Filaine Tan and eann 8ee, 9erbert Aa!tista, )iss" A"ala, Aen 8intle, 3imon and Pa!l ablon, =ric
/o"el, AA Ac!na, =n and Andre& *al'ert, ='an Lin0, Anal! Fereira, Victor Be 1eon 1ima, *hi"!.i
F!:imoto, *hertchai )ethana"anonda, A!sba A!nna0, Lh!n )anthana de 1eon, Lh!n L!llanit, Lh!n
3!&attee Teerapath, oe" Aernardino, Cene 1apid, Albert Aanaa0, Chea Ci'era, hoanna 1im, )i.e
*elis, 1ei 1ope2, *hi.arom Liti"a.ara, 3il'ana Bia2, Ph"llis Oaballero, Alfredo and Aeth Francisco,
Con Ceibenbach, Pilar 3in0ian, 3"l'ia Vent!ra, )ind" 4ana, *armen 1"nam-), Cenee Ve"ret,
5rit Aen Abba, A!sba A!nna0, 9a:ah )aim!nah Bato 9a:i =lias, 3alem Adam, ac." Foo, )ohammed
=brahim Al:o&aid, /a're.ha 3harma, )ilena 3antana-Camire2, oao *a"etano da 3il'a, Bomini
Primero, )i.o Valen2!ela, Connie 9enares, Aaham )itra, *ita Astals, aime Bae2, =lla Coces
)ontene0ro, enn" 3"-!ia, )ichelle Aa"le, Lin0 B 1o0an, 4inn" del Cosario and =milio Abello,
1!is and Aarbara del Cosario, Alice On0, A"in0 Palen2!ela, oanne del Cosario, 4in0 de los Ce"es,
Aill" Lin0, esse 3incioco, )i.e *onstantino, )on )aramba, =dm!ndo Ce"es r,, Pa!l"n 3icam, Br,
Cosita /a'arro, Francis Tolentino, Antonieta Fort!na-5be, 8innie /a2areth, =nrico Villan!e'a,
)aritoni Fernande2, osephine Lno>, Aett" Tencha'es, Pres" Camos, 3!san 4ra!, *hito Francisco,
Late 4ordon, 3pirit of [77, Albert Aildner and 1in 5ll!sorio, es!sa *alano0, 1in0lin0a" 1acanlale, Aill
and 1il" O?Ao"le, 8inna Limmel, *al'in Tsao, /ene J!imson, )innie OsmeYa, Anna 3", 9ernan
*orte2, 5sabel On0pin, Cene =ncarnacion, 1o!rdes )ontinola, /ell" F!n0, 1orna 1a!rel, Toni D!lo
1o"2a0a, Bel Fo:as, /estor 3antia0o, And" 1ocsin, 1orrie Ce"noso, 1oren2o and 1orrie Valde2, Br,
and )rs, C!ben Paredesm, Br, and )rs, Ca!l 3ala, Tess 1abrador, Lilin0 Ba.!dao, ohn Tanchan0co,
Philip Oor0ani, Trisha Ce"es, Aernadette Aarbers, C!th Padilla, eannie /0 3ando'al, )ar" Ann
Arce0a B", Caff" 3!are2, Antonio Ceina, Aissa Aarrera *o:!an0co, Arlina Arro2al de es!s, 1o!ie
Var0as, Andie Cecto-)ontene0ro, )itos Pacis, 4eneral Alberto Fernando Ara0an2a, Coberta 1ope2-
Feliciano, )aribel On0pin, Toni D!lo-1o"2a0a, And" 1ocsin, 1a!ro Aa:a r,, 4o', Paro!. 9!ssin, 5rit
Aen-Abba, 9elen On0, 9elm!t 4aisber0er, ='an0eline Pasc!al, oanne 1oren2ana, *arla Ten0co, )i.e
Planas, )arisa Olasolo and Art!ro Cocha, =d&ard 8ehrli, Aab" Araneta, Toni Abad, Aebet 4o2!n,
4loria )ara, )ichael 3alientes, *arol Atacador, )arides Fernando, Cose 1ibon0co, Teofisto 4!in0ona
Papal %isit sia 2014
r,, =rnesto )aceda, )oni-!e Oani, =rnie and Fe D!, ames 1a!, *elia *!asa", ames ao, Bon
Valerio, 4ener *arin0al, Arleen On0, Tomas Codri0!e2-Panto:a, Coland Ce"es, Bennis 3ocrates, *el
D!lo, Ain0-Ain0 4on2ales, Aela Vas-!e2, *h!-*h! )adri0al and )and" =d!-!e, *esar A!ena'ent!ra,
Bada 1oren2ana-3antia0o, Pe-!e 4alla0a, Fr, Cobert Ce"es, C!pert acinto, Tin0tin0 *o:!an0co, Pin0
Valencia, Ced acinto and !lie 9idal0o, Aoots and And" 3oler, esi and 4ina )ende2, /ora acinto,
=ddie and Latie acinto, /anette dela *r!2, Africa Valdes-de Ce"noso, =mil" Ce"noso-1a&s, 9ans 3",
1arr" Francia, Aobb" 4opia, Adrian *ristobal, Vir0inia )oreno, *hitan0 4!errero-/a.pil, Camon
Ville0as, Lit Co>as, omari Trenas, Pa!lino and 9ett" J!e, Pepe 3mith, Cicardo *ardinal Vidal,
)onsi0nor Alberto Aoon0alin0, Ton" Adriano, Aba 1l!ch Balena, Al Pere2, 1ito *aratin0, 9enri
*ain0let, And" )al!che, Thea Pa2, Conald 4arcia, 3hahid Oahid, Vic." Abad, Pa!lo Vinl!an, 5sa"
Al'are2, Cachel Ale:andro, )and" Ochoa, Aert /ie'era, Franco 1a!rel, Oald" 1adroma, Paolo
4!e'arra, Alfonso D!chen0co, Peter 4o-Pailan, Br, Adolfo Aelosillo, Brs, Amelia and )an!el *atalan,
Ela" Tantoco, Aen Farrales, Bes Aa!tista, Fe 9abi:as, 3te'e Be 1eon, )ann" *astro, Ca"m!nd 5saac,
Vic." )archandesch, /ic. T!ason, Tessie Tomas, Latrina Tantoco and Paolo 1obre0at, Francisco
)aYosa, 3onia 3antia0o-Oli'ares, Antonio Codri0!e2 )endo2a, 5'" Almario, *onrad On0lao, )i.e de
es!s, ean )onte'erde, Aen0 P!"at, Oscar )otlo, ohn *o0!l, Al'aro de 3alas, Oscar Via, =li2abeth
3", Pedro Co>as, 4eni and Dor0os, =ileen *ho", /ico )ontinola, Franco 1im:!co, 4ina )o.,
4ree. /afsi.a and A!bbles Brosso!, )i.e Vaca, 4emith 4emparo, Bebbie =nri-!e2, !dith Oapanta,
=nri-!e and Tine Vas-!e2 Prada, Cichard and /ic. Ender&ood, Tina Pamint!an, Bennis Padilla, 4ilda
3alon0a, ohn 1esaca, Fides *!"!0an-Asenio, Aenn" and Ophie *lemente, Fr, 3ann" de *laro,
Antonio )artel r,, Aelen 1o'ina Tic2on )artel, Bon and /orma 3anders, Coberto Felano and Ci2alina
A!ena'ent!ra, Aombit de la PeYa, !li!s Tic2on and C"an )anao0, Pepp" Bin0lasan, 4abriel 3antos,
Andre Bin0lasan, )ar0aret and Theresa de la PeYa, 8an00o 4alla0a, Portia 3antos, Arlene Tic2on,
*hit 4oh!, 1in00o" and *onnie Araneta, Bann" and 1ilia *r!2, im and Vi'ian Villacr!sis, =mma
5la0an, Tessie )aronilla, 4erarda Villa, ='el"n Lila".o, Fr, Ton" Cosales, Pierra *alasan2, !liet and
)imi Tan, oe" 3er'er, !lien Tripet, Lr"stal 1ao, Fran. Ariones, *at Aramb!lo, Trish Ariones, Larl
T", *hicho 3!are2, /ap Cama, 1!pita A-!ino and Len Lashi&ahara, Bitas Codri0o 3e'illa, Pa!l
A-!ino, Att", Alfredo 1im, 1arr" 9enares, Att", !an *ollas, ohnn" 1itton, Verni Var0a, Fr, Asandas
Aalchand, Vicente =mano, *onstantino ara!la, Fa!stino B" 555, Latrina T!ason-*r!2, )ann"
Pac-!iao, =arl 50nacio, Ace Aarbers, )arco Protacio, /eil C!mbaoa, 4i0i and 4in0 )ontinola, 8ilma
Palafo>, O,V, and )arilen =spirit!, 8illiam 9amilton-8h"te and An0eli-!e Cepapis, Aasil On0, *esar
and Aambina A!ena'ent!ra, Tedd" Ao", 1o!ie and Camon 1ocsin, Peter Pedersen, 3tefano C!22a,
=rnie Tan-!intic, 4oll" Talens, )io. 1o"ola, Aileen Tence Bionisio, /en" Francisco )arasi0an, 1eah
Oamora Aanaa0, Vina Francisco, 5rene *ons!n:i )ontilla, Pilar A!stamante =strella, Pin *o:!an0co
4!in0ona, Chona )odesto 3an Pedro, Edit Villarama 4al'e2, oanna Ta"en0co-5nfante, )ari'ic
9ebron !an, Franco 1a!rel, Cem Oamora, Aonbon 3oler, 1isa Tinio, 5n0rid 3ala 3antamaria, oana
Palanca 1h!illier, )ichelle *oncepcion Ce"es, 3!resh /anoo, ose )ari E0arte, 4)A /et&or. Artist
*enter talents 4loria Comero, Pilita *orrales, Al:!r Abrenica, 1o!ise delos Ce"es, )ar. 9erras,
Dasmien L!rdi, 1 Ce"es, !lie Anne 3an ose, Lristoffer )artin, Berric. )onasterio, Aarbie Forte2a,
Aela Padilla, Aea Ainene, )a> *ollins, Dassi Pressman, Cafael Cosell, 4lai2a de *astro, Cochelle
Pan0ilinan, )ona 1o!ise Ce", onal"n Vira", L"la *al!mpad-Al'are2, a"-C 3illiona, )ar. Aa!tista,
*hef Ao" 1o0ro, )anil"n Ce"nes, An0el! de 1eon, )ar. Anthon" Fernande2, 4abb" =i0enmann,
Ca"mond Aa0atsin0, Cic." Ba'ao, An:o Dllana and 8all" Aa"ola, TV# actor Vin Abrenica, Cit2 A2!l,
=!la *aballero, )artin =sc!dero, =mpo" )ar-!e2 and )r, F!, 4)A /e&s and P!blic Affairs
Papal %isit sia 2014
personalities )i.e =nri-!e2, Arnold *la'io, 3andra A0!inaldo, Caff" Tima, )ari2 Emali, Oscar Oida,
)ar. 3ala2ar, !n Veneracion, *hino 4aston and /athaniel *r!2, )edia personalities Att", Bon0 P!no,
*hi-!i Coa-P!no, 4erard 4arcia, 1ia *r!2, 3ha&n Dao, )an! 3ande:as, ason 8ebb, eanne Do!n0,
*or" J!irino, )el Tian0co and a" 3on2a, societ" col!mnist )ons Com!lo, Ton"bo" *o:!an0co and
4retchen Aarretto, =d and )ar0arita Bel0ado, Bonnie and *ric.ette Tantoco, Ao" Ab!nda, Cenee
3al!d, )on 5la0an, *esar )ontano, Cado Bimalibot, 5nocencio Ferrer, Cene P!no, Ton" O!l!eta, Caff"
Oialcita, 8illiam 1lamas, Pat 4on2ales, )a"enne *armona, Aebot 1a!rel, Com" 4ard!ce, 1eo
Oracion, 4lo&ie Camiro, /icole An0eles, *ath" Ba'id, 3ep *imafranca, Ton 1ao, 5rene Tan, 1en
Olbes, 5.e 1a"!0, Camon Orlina, /apoleon Ab!e'a, 1ito Atien2a, 1ala Fo:as, 9elen )arte, 4erard and
/in0 *hesnel, *arolle 1!cas, A!relio )ontinola 555, =d!ardo Bel0ado and Bonnie Tantoco, 1in0lin0
and Archie Lin0, 4!t2ee 3e0!ra, *arlo =nda"a, 9eart ='an0elista, Andre& Aarton, Bin0don0 Bantes,
)arian Ci'era, Alice Bi>son, /eri2a )atha", Lath" Be 4!2man, oanne Oapanta Andrada, Trisha
Panlilio *!-En:ien0, osephine Lno>, olina )a0dan0al, )aritess Tantoco, 4eor0ie Bia2, Lim
Atien2a, 1en /epom!ceno-4!iao, *hechel oson, Pops Fernande2, Bann" A!enafe, 4eric. Para"no,
C!el )endo2a, Cic." 3ison, ohnn" 3antos, Andres =stella, O:ie 1eona, Feli> Aacolor, 8illiam )a,
Lorina 3anche2, !li!s Aabao and Tintin Aersola-Aabao and da!0hter An"a and son /io, Latrina
Ponce =nrile and 1in0-1in0 Lin0G celebrit" ma.e!p artist Patric. CosasG hair st"list in0 )onisG 1ito
3", ason )a0ban!a, )aros *la!dio, Patricia )a" 3i", Feli> An0, Br, 9a"den Lho, )ar0ie and 4ilbert
B!a'it, )i.e =cha'e2, F,F, *r!2, Banton A!eser, Afric Valdes, )ar"ann Pineda-Ce"noso, Ophie
*anada-Ce"noso, Laren Ba'ila ;&ith her sons Ba'id and 1!cas<, )ar:orie Aarretto-Padilla and
da!0hter Bani AarrettoG 4in00in0 )endo2a, Ale> Ce"es, )"ra Ce"es, )arilen *arpio, Freddie Ce"es,
)arl"n and Ton" 1illes, *ha'it 3in0son, Pratee. L!mar, Cichard Ti!, !nie and Fernando PeYa, Cosa
Cosal, or0e oseph, 8enc" 1a0!mba", Ai.o )elende2 and )artin ic.ain, Arian Aelen, )i0!el
Pastor, o" Orte0a, =d! )an2ano, ohn Prats, (3!r'i'or Philippines+ cast&a"s 3ha!n Codri0!e2 and
3!2!.i 3adats!0!, 1a!reen E", /i>ee 4arcia, =na de 4!2man, 4re00" 3antos, Lamae de es!s, 3te'e
)edalle, 4ab Pere2, )oni-!e 3alcedo, teen heartthrobs Cobi Bomin0o and Ba'id *h!a, Oli'ia *han,
*hristian 3an ose, )arielle-Feli2e Trias Flores, )arco Fi0!eras, Ca"mond An0, Aobb" 3olomon,
Ci'a 4al'e2tan, Franco 5mperial, *hristopher de Venecia, Tricia and )ar. 4osin0tian, An0e de la
*r!2, Paolo Alma2an-=bora, 3ean 4o, 1!c." )ercado, Andrea Torres, )onica Verallo, )ico A"tona,
estoni Alarcon and &ife 1i2ette, Ao *err!do, Aa"ani and 1en A0ba"ani, Alanna 1ope2-)ontelibano,
Cichie *oronel 3antos, Aries 3al!do, C!b" *o:!ito of Fla&less, Conald *arballo, Al'in Fort!na,
Bennis *oronel, Lenneth Bon0, Olai and Coland =spirit!, *arlos A0assi, 4emma Fit20erald, /i..i
Valde2, Lristopher Peralta, Cico Aarrera, )ar'in A0!stin, Banilo Aarrios, 3treetbo"s and Da *han0,
Pepin0 *o:!an0co da!0hters ) *o:!an0co-a&ors.i, *hina *o:!an0co-4on2ale2 ;and her
adorable bab" 1!cia<, )ai-)ai *o:!an0co-Oini, Att", ess 3antos, /ic. 1ocsin, )ario and Alice
J!eblatin, A!die and *ecile 3aa, enn" Franco, Andre& Te, )arisol Aarria, 1!ciano Aon0ola, )ichael
1im, m!sic composer C"an *a"ab"ab and his &ife =mm", 1o!ie Ocampo and &ife o:o, ac-!i
)a0no, *eleste 1e0aspi, ) Codri0!e2, Arnold Ve0afria and *ris Villonco, Amalia F!entes, /iYo
)!hlach and son Alon2o, )ichela *a22ola, Cita A'ila, 3h"r Valde2 and Da"o A0!ila, s&immer
ohansen A0!ilar, and &restler )arc!s Valda, 4&en 4arci, *eline 1ope2, enni =pperson, Anne Aella,
Lissa *astaYeda, Pre'ie& ma0a2ine editor in chief Pa!line 3!aco-!an, Bar"l *han0, 1i2 E",
entertainment ne&s reporters )ario B!ma!al, 4retchen F!llido and ) )arfori, 4ar" Valenciano,
Ba&n O!l!eta-1a0dameo, Albert )artine2 &ith da!0hter Alissa )artine2, Aen:ie Paras &ith
&ife 1">en, )"lene Bi2on, Paolo *ontis, 52a *al2ado, Alfred Var0as, )arco 3ison, 5'" Violan, Vina
Papal %isit sia 2014
)orales, 3haina )a0da"ao, Aan0s 4arcia, erome Florentino, =ri. 3antos, ane Paredes, O0ie Bia2,
1".a E0arte, An0eli Pan0ilinan-Valenciano, An0eline J!into, Arron Villaflor, =ri. *!a, 5ssa Ce"es,
Cico 3errano, *hicho 3!are2, Franco )abanta, Ali"a Parcs, *hristian Aa!tista, Ana Fe0i, Aasil Valde2,
3am )ilb", 4ina Tab!ena-4odine2, )arilo! )artine2, =fren Ariones and 5"a Codri0!e2, Pa!la
*amille 1ocsin and !an Paolo Aondoc, An0eles 4!e'ara, Aett" )act!al, Aelen *astro, )atin Petilla,
1! Antonino, /eptali 4on2ales 55, Pinon0 a'ier, ohnn" Cem!lla, ose P!"at r,, Aristeo P!"at, )erc"
T!ason, Br, Cand" Francisco, 1eonard Tirol and Amanda Onr!bia 4!idotti, Ce', 5sa!ro Ba'id, Arth!r
)acapa0al, )ic.e" Ferriols, =ric A!hain, Cobert /acianceno, )on 4on2ale2, )al! Veloso, Tob" 4an,
/oel Bela )erced, Ala Paredes, Cichard Venn, 4re0orio Bomin0o, A>el 4ohner, Anthon" 4arcia,
1ance 3heperd, !n !ban, Pa!l *abral, An0ela Vele2, Andrea Aa!tista, 3arah ane Pae2-3antia0o,
Bondi Ali.pala, 1etlet Veloso, A!rora Bia2-8ilson, Tina Tinio, 3onn" Aorromeo, Tonio Veloso,
Amalie and Coman A2an2a, 1orna and 1e'" 9i2on, C!b" and A!dd" Coa, Coi Philips, Aeth
Com!alde2, Pa2 3otto, 1!cille Villan!e'a, ean 3al'ador, C!b" 3antos, 1!li Bel0ado, Victoria T!a2on,
Tob" *, *"nia )ascariYas, Bot Fa'is-Velasco, Anthon" del Cosario, )i.o Pasc!al, *hef
Coland 1a!dico, /ic." *amcam, 4re0 3in0ian, Pin." Amador, Aon:in Aolinao, Peachie Veneracion,
Cenee Araneta, *h!.ri Prieto, Aert 4arcia, )ichelle J!i2on, Bale Villar, ac-!es B!pas-!ier, /icolas
4o!llenco!rt, !lien *leret, 3ebastien )an0eant, )artine Vasse!r, Andree Aelan0er, )ichael
3eli0man, 3abrina 9eine.e", 4eor0e 9ashim, 3!22ane Lin0, *harina 3abal, *harles Cappaport, ean
9et2el, ames Aenoit, *ecilia 1e!n0, Cina 3inisalo, im 1"nch, Arett *oleman, =di Te.eli, Anne
8itheford, *aridad 3anche2, 4elo 3errano, Fann" 3errano, *"nthia Almario, 4ino Padilla, )aribi
4arcia, Aeth 3ison Ta0le, Cobbie 9errera, /anc" Bi2on *astro, *"nthia ocson, *ecil 1icad, ohn
3il'a, Ace Aarbers, 4abrielle *ali2o, Aeth 3ee and Cene /abon0, 3ari Orti0a, )arc 1o0an, 4rin0o
9onasan, Francis Cicciardone, =d&in Arce, Bino 3antos, Freddie Aorromeo, Bondi 3antos, Aobb"
A0!irre, Cic." Dab!t, *ooch 1"nch, Vince Aiton0, Amalie and Coman A2an2a, 1orna and 1e'" 9i2on,
C!b" and A!dd" Coa, *elso Ba"rit, *ind" L!rleto, 5no )analo, Bale Villar, Trish Villan!e'a, )anet
Ba"rit, ia and 4abb" =strella, )i.o Valen2!ela, =rich =dralin, *hristine 3an Bie0o, )orten
Aremelhoe:, )ia Trinidad, 4ai Oli'ares, Philippe Tic2on, A!b!t Andres, *aridad 3anche2, 4elo
3errano, )aribi 4arcia, Aeth 3ison Ta0le, Colf Lambli, Cobbie 9errera, Litt" 4o, /anc" Bi2on
*astro, *"nthia ocson, Ambassador )ohamed =brahim Al-o&aid, *ecil 1icad, ohn 3il'a, 4aita
Fores, oanne 3al0ado, 1ett" 9ahn, 1!2 *!llen, Fann" Alanco, Tell" Aldana, *ita Ce'illa-Dab!t,
)aricris *ardenas-Oobel, )aricar Toten0co, 8anda 1o!&allien, Anton Palanca, Aobb" *la!dio, Cic.
D!pan0co, )onchet On0sia.o, ose 1!is Villan!e'a, Oac. and Coisin, ed *arlos, *arla 4!tierre2, 1"n
3herman, Pastor Pa!l )ata, Anthon" 4arcia, 3anti =li2alde, Vince Aiton0, Cem Oamora, 9erminia
Fa:ardo, =rlinda Villan!e'a, 1o!rdes 3ese, Virma Ver0el de Bios, )arinela Vele2, )aria An0, =rlinda
3!nico, Cob" 4oco, ose 3ala, Ton" 1o2ada, Pericles Ba.a", Allen Tan, *hristopher E", Beborrah Ann
*!a 9o, 50nacio A!n"e, =d *alma, Tonton 4!tierre2, 4l"del )ercado, /oel *aban0on, Ariel Ci'era,
9"!bs A2arcon, 9eber Aartolome and Paolo 3antos, Chap 3ala2ar, A0ot 5sidro, 1ie2el )artine2, and
oanna Ampil, m!sical director and arran0er 9omer Flores, ballerina, actress and ballet
director )aritoni C!fino-Tordesillas, /i..i Tan0, )arcott Almeda, C!b" *h!a, Tiffan" *h!a, 3heree
*h!a, A2i2a )ondonedo, *ristina 4ome2, socialites Aab" Araneta Fores, 1isa Araneta, *acho )arcos,
1inda Oledan, Veana Fores, 1orrie Ce"noso, Vic." O!biri, )aricris Oobel, *arol 4arcia, )aripi
)!scat and )ar0arita Fores, Anton )endo2a, )onch *r!2, *h!t *!er'a, )arcel *respo, 5pe *r!2 of
Co0!e )a0a2ine, )arco 1obre0at, *hin0 *r!2, Tina *!e'as, A0nes 9!ibonhoa, Fe Codri0!e2, 3!san
o'en, 5an 4iron, Andres Vas-!e2 Prada and Al Ten0co, Boris )a0sa"sa" 9o, 4ina 1ope2, ='el"n
Papal %isit sia 2014
Forbes, )arc /elson, Cicco and Tina )aristela-Ocampo, Ci..i and Aen0 Bee, Philip and Tricia *!-
En:ien0, 3ander Tantoco, Philippine /ational Ced *ross *hairman Cichard 4ordon, Cenna 9echano'a
An0eles, Laren 3antos, Aobb" and *hin0bee *!enca, 4ina Aboiti2, Aab" 4irl Fric.e, )a!rice
Arcache and ace photo0rapher Ale> Van 9a0en, o:ie Bin0con0, ean 4o!lbo!rn, Frances 1im and
Pa!l *ampos, Bennis Valdes and Tessa Prieto-Valdes, =rnest =scaler, Br, Orl" )ercado and 3!2"
Pineda, *heche 1a2aro, Aibeth Orte2a and *arlitos 3i0!ion Ce"na, *es Orena-Brilon, B"an *astille:o-
4arcia, *astille:o-4!in0ona, 1i2a 5larde, Ana Lala&, Anton 3an Bie0o, Ca!l, Pepper, )ari.o acinto, A"e /!0!id, 1eah P!"at, Anton Aarretto and ac. de )esa, Ca!l )an2ano,
Athena Valdes, An0elette *alero, Anni.a Valdes, /i> Alanon, Cenna An0eles, Aab" Fric.e, Laren
3antos, Ain0-Ain0 J!iros, 4ina Aboiti2, /ic. and 1!cille 1ocsin, Pa!l *ampos, Ton" and *hin0bee
*!enca, )ann" )iYana, , Anton )endo2a, A!d:i 1a"!0, Co"al Pineda, =d *alma, )ilo /a'al, Ton"
4on2ales, Tes Pasola, Lenneth *obonp!e, Ana Cocha, Aart 4!in0ona, in00o" A!ens!ceso, aime
*h!a, Arendan )c*arth", Thom 3antia0o, Pascal 4o!:o!, )anolette Binsa", Andre& 3harpe, Alfred
Sere2-A!r0os 555, Francis *eballos, 3hella 3armiento, Corie *arlos, Tara 3antos, Codeon Co:as, Arian
1laman2aresG Adel Tamano, 3imon Tantoco, Banie, Bais" and =ddie )endo2a, )artha A!c.le", Doll"
A"son, Bebbie *han, Coselle Cebano, Aon0 Palma 4il, ) *hanco, !d" Araneta-Co>as, Aett" 3i"-
Dap, =d!ardo 1ope2, Amor Coselle 9errera, 3!2ette )orelos, /estor =ncinas, Cand" Aaron, 3er0ia
Ab!e'a, P!rificacion Veloso, Petite 4arcia, a'ier 4al'an, Ana 1!isa =spinosa, Ba'id Ferro, 1orraine
/!bar, Cachelle 4erodias, )asa.o Toribara, osephine Coces *ha'e2, A!nn" 1!do, oseph 4on2ale2,
J!inito )oras, a":a" /eri, Bean Bie2, A!diette and Arandie Tan, Andre J!intos, Alma !nia, =ric
Tama"o, )i.e and 1ea Fam!larcano, C!d" A'iles, Ca"mond Abao and 1!cien 1etaba, Orlando
)a0no, Vicente Paterno, /ena 5l!sorio, )aribel On0pin, 3ari *o:!an0co, Tessie Fa:ardo, Pops"
)ende2-A-!ino, Aella Ancheta, 3ol PeYa, Alice 3ande:as, Calph Peter entes, )ar" Ann On0, Cosalie
3ipid, Viol" 1im, =lena 1ee, Cose 1im, 4reta 4o, 3tefie 5nocentes, *armela On0sia.o, Terr" Cosales,
*ecile On0sia.o, Bel" On0sia.o, )aridol )abanta, Tessa 3ierra, !'" D!pan0co, 3e'" 3antos,
4retchen del Cosario, *el!ch )anahan, Cobert *onstantino and 9elen )arte, *!rtis *hin, Tati
1ic!anan, 4re00" and 5rene Araneta, indoor 'olle"ball pla"ers B2i 4er'acio, em Ferrer, Fille 3aint
)erced *ain0let-*a"etano, A /acachi, Cachel Anne Ba-!is, o'el"n 4on2a0a, Al"ssa Valde2, Benden
1a2aro, *oach *haro 3oriano, )ar0e Te:ada, )elissa 4ohin0, )ar" ean Aalse, )a"eth *arolino,
)ichelle *arolino, =lla Be es!s, Lara Ace'edo, Larla Aello, 3tephanie 4abriel, )ae Ta:ima, a"son
Camos, )aica )orada, ed )ontero, )ichelle 1aborte, 3asa Be'anadera, 4rethcel 3oltones, o"
Aenito, C!bie Be 1eon, )ae *risostomo, Dnna 9ao, Tina 3ala., P Torres, Bahlia *r!2, /ene
Aa!tista, Ai2a )ai2o, )ai.a Orti2, Chea Bimac!lan0an, Benise Tan, Ven!s Aernal, hec. Bionela,
An00e Taba-!ero, )itch Bat!in, Abb" Praca, Aea Pasc!al, Aea Tan, !d" *aballe:o, )ar!:a Aanaticla,
A Pare:a, )"co Antonio, 9enr" Pecana, Ce> 5ntal, Bindin 3antia0o, a:a 3antia0o, Lath" Aersola,
Princess 4aiser, 3hiela )arie (Aan0+ Pineda, )a"ette Oapanta, Cosemarie Var0as, en Ce"es, Princess
1istana, An0ela Aentin0, Pa! 3oriano, 1i2lee Ann 4ata-Pantone, =d&in Tolentino, Peter Ben )ar
Torres, )ichelle 4!mabao, *ha *r!2, 3tephanie )ercado, esh!l 8ensh Ti!, Abi0ail )arano, )i.a
=speren2a, Lim Fa:ardo, )i.a Ce"es, Victonara 4alan0, and *"d Bemicillo, Cen2 *asano'a, *hris
)acasaet, Philip *er'e2a, )ar. 1ee, oanne 3i", 1oren 1antin, )ia 9irots!:i, Pamela 1astimosa,
5n0rid Ce"es, esse" Be 1eon, *armela T!na", *hloe *orte2, Ale> *abanos, Patricia Casmo, 5lla
3antos, oanne A!na0, ac-!eline Alarca and =rs 5rata", Aishop 1eo Alcon0a of the 5nternational Aible
3ociet", Aishop Ban Aalais of Philippines for es!s )o'ement, Pastor =d Be 4!2man of 5ntercessors
for the Philippines, Pastor Pa!l *hase of Alaban0 /e& 1ife in *hrist, Apostle Cenato *arillo of es!s
Papal %isit sia 2014
O!r 3hield 8orld&ide )inistries, Pastor Art Ferriol of Pentecostal )issionar" *h!rch of *hrist, Pastor
=milio 9enares of Ci'er of 1ife in Aacolod, Pastor osh!a Aonto0an of 1ife To!chers )inistr", Pastor
=nto" 3intos of es!s )iracle *r!sade, and Aro, Bann" /a'ales of An0 Batin0 Baan,
=>pect ti0hter sec!rit" in comin0 to the #@-heactre national par. &here the celebration &ill be held,
At 2 p,m,, a fl!'ial procession alon0 the Pasi0 Ci'er6 4!adal!pe Ferr" 3tation to&ards the =scolta
Ferr" 3tation &ill brin0 the ima0e of 3aint 1oren2o C!i2 and 3aint Pedro *al!n0sod to 3ta, Ana and
end at the ferr" station of 3anta =lena, )ari.ina *it" to the bac. of J!irino 4randstand &hich ho!ses
the main altar,
The ch!rches, all located near the Pasi0 Ci'er a&ait the participation of de'otees and to!rists to &itness
the !ni-!e displa" of faith, de'otion and celebration of the said feast,
B!bbed as ()arian Fl!'ial Procession+, the 0o'ernment, non-0o'ernment and reli0io!s or0ani2ations,
ci'ic and forei0n di0nitaries and comm!nit" ass!re the p!blic of li'el" presentations and acti'ities &ith
the participation of se'eral m!sical bands,
The :oint fl!'ial cara'an reli'es the *atholic tradition and to hei0hten en'ironmental a&areness for
Pasi0 Ci'er?s protection, re'i'al and preser'ation,
Accordin0 to BOT Endersecretar" for To!rism 3er'ices and Ce0ional Offices Oscar Palab"ab, the
Feast of the 9ol" Cosar" is one of the co!ntr"?s ann!al ma:or reli0io!s festi'als, alon0 &ith the triple
celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide?s fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" and &orship and healin0 pra"er
ser'ice and tele'ision e'an0elist and fo!nder, eldin0 presider, international president and spirit!al
director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a?s birthda" part" at J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par., )anila and
the fl!'ial parade at Pasi0 Ci'er &ill be foc!sed on inc!lcatin0 the 'al!es of tradition,
There &ill be a ceremonial blessin0 of all participatin0 boats and the Pasi0 Ci'er before the start of the
Three decorated ferries &ith ima0es of the Alessed O!r 1ad" of the Abandoned on board &ill be
accompanied b" the de'otees, The Philippine *oast 4!ard and the Philippine /ational Police &ill
o'ersee the e'ent?s safet" and sec!rit" re-!irements, 5n certain boats, the rosar" &ill be recited in
=n0lish and )arian son0s &ill be s!n0,
The parade &ill proceed from the 4!adal!pe Ferr" 3tation to&ards the =scolta Ferr" 3tation &here
&elcome ceremonies &ill be held, bac. to 3ta, Ana and end at the ferr" station of 3anta =lena,
)ari.ina *it",
An ho!r before the sea parade, 77 carro2as carr"in0 patron saints of 'ario!s parishes in )etro )anila,
5locos /orte, 5locos 3!r, Abra, 5sabela, *a0a"an, Aatanes, J!irino, /!e'a Vi2ca"a, Aen0!et, 5f!0ao,
)o!ntain Pro'ince, Apa"ao, Lalin0a, 1a Enion, Pan0asinan, Tarlac, /!e'a =ci:a, Oambales, A!rora,
Pampan0a, Aataan, A!lacan, Ci2al, *a'ite, 1a0!na, Aatan0as, J!e2on, Occidental )indoro, Oriental
)indoro, )arind!-!e, Comblon, Pala&an, *amarines /orte, *amarines 3!r, Alba", 3orso0on,
*atand!anes, )asbate, A.lan, Anti-!e, *api2, 5loilo, /e0ros Occidental, 4!imaras, *eb!, 3i-!i:or,
/e0ros Oriental, Aohol, 3amar, 1e"te, =astern 3amar, /orthern 3amar, Ailiran, 3o!thern 1e"te,
A0!san del /orte, A0!san del 3!r, 3!ri0ao del 3!r, 3!ri0ao del /orte, Bina0at 5slands, )isamis
Oriental, )isamis Occidental, 1anao del /orte, 1anao del 3!r, A!.idnon, Oamboan0a del /orte,
Oamboan0a del 3!r, *ami0!in, Ba'ao del /orte, Ba'ao del 3!r, Ba'ao Occidental, Ba'ao Oriental,
*ompostela Valle", 3o!th *otabato, 3!ltan L!darat, 3aran0ani, )a0!indanao, /orth *otabato,
Oamboan0a *it", Aasilan, Oamboan0a 3ib!0a", 3!l! and Ta&i-Ta&i &ill ma.e their &a" to the 'en!e,
Papal %isit sia 2014
The parade &ill proceed from the 4!adal!pe Ferr" 3tation to&ards the =scolta Ferr" 3tation &here
&elcome ceremonies &ill be held, bac. to 3ta, Ana and end at the ferr" station of 3ta, =lena, )ari.ina
*it", A )ass &ill be celebrated at 7 p,m,, 3!nda", October 27 at the parish ch!rch of O!r 1ad" of the
There &ill be a rare displa" of the different ima0es of Perpet!al 9elp, 9ol" Cosar", O!r 1ad" of
1o!rdes, 5mmac!late *onception, )ar" 9elp of *hristians and others,
The )arian festi'al is held in cooperation &ith BOT-/*C and 3pecial Pro:ect Office, Philippine *oast
4!ard ;P*4<, Pasi0 Ci'er Cehabilitation *ommission ;PCC*< and )etropolitan )anila Be'elopment
A!thorit" ;))BA<,
(8e are basicall" read" altho!0h there are still somethin0s that need fine-t!nin0,+ )s0r, Bennis
Villaro:o, the o'erall chairman of the )anila celebration for anni'ersar" of es!s is 1ord *h!rch, said,
9e !r0ed the people to ma.e !se of the celebration to 0et closer to the 1ord,
(8e sho!ld contin!e the spirit of penance and pra"erf!l atmosphere so that &e &ill be able to
e>perience the spirit!al fr!its of the occasion,+ Villaro:o told Cebu ai") 3e*s,
(This is a celebration of the =!charist, 8e sho!ld .eep a solemn demeanor,+ he added,
There &ill be no )asses in all parishes in @1 pro'inces in the Philippines from 12 noon on&ards
;)anila Time<,
An"one &ho can?t 0o to the Ci2al Par. can &atch the e'ent thro!0h 4)A *hannel 7 and other
broadcast tele'ision stations all o'er the &orld, 5nternet !sers can also lo0 on to &&&,0mane&s,t' for
a li'e streamin0 of the acti'ities,
Cadio stations all o'er the &orld &ill also broadcast the e'ents li'e,
On site 12 0iant 1*B screens &ill be mo!nted in different parts of the 'ast field to allo& the cro&d to
see at is 0oin0 in the altar,
At least 20 0olf carts and three electric cars from 5ntram!ros, )anila &ill transport the elderl" and
Persons &ith Bisabilities ;P8Bs<,
Coman *atholic Archbishops, bishops, cardinals, deacons, monsi0nors and priests from the Philippines,
3in0apore, )ala"sia, 5ndonesia, =ast Timor, Ar!nei, *ambodia, 1aos, Thailand, Vietnam, 3"ria, 5ran,
5ra-, T!r.e", T!r.menistan, A!stralia, /e& Oealand, Pap!a /e& 4!inea, Pacific ;Oceania<, 5ndia, 3ri
1an.a, Aan0ladesh, /epal, Pa.istan, *hina, Tai&an, /orth and 3o!th Lorea, apan, Enited 3tates,
*anada, )e>ico, Ar0entina, Ara2il, *olombia, Per!, Vene2!ela, =c!ador, *hile, 4!atemala, Aoli'ia,
*osta Cica, *!ba, Bominican Cep!blic, 9ond!ras, Para0!a", /icara0!a, 5tal", France, 3pain, Poland,
4erman", Port!0al, Ael0i!m, 9!n0ar", A!stria, =n0land, /etherlands, E.raine, 5reland, 3lo'a.ia,
*rotia, *2ech Cep!blic, 3&it2erland, 1it!hania, Comania, 3lo'enia, Aelar!s, C!ssia, 3erbia and
)ontene0ro, 1ati'ia, 1!>embo!r0, )alta, Albania, 3&eden, 4reece, =stonia, 5celand, E0anda,
Tan2ania, An0ola, *had, 3ene0al, 4abon, )ada0ascar, A!r!ndi, )o2ambi-!e, C&anda, 3!dan,
Oambia, )ala&i, *ameroon, *ote d?5'ore, Aenin, A!ri.ina Faso, To0o, 4hana, =-!atorial 4!inea,
=thiopia, =riterea, *ape Verde, /amibia, *entral African Cep!blic, *on0o, Bemocratic Cep!blic of
*on0o, T!nisia, /i0er, *omoros, )a!ritania and Al0eria &ho &ill be bro!0ht from the )anila 9otel at
One Ci2al Par., )anila Pa'illion 9otel at Enited /ations A'en!e corner )aria Orosa 3treet, Pan
Pacific )anila at ), Adriatico corner 4eneral )al'ar 3treet, 9"att Ce0enc" 9otel and *asino )anila
at 1#@@ Pedro 4il corner )9 Bel Pilar 3treet, 4rand Ao!le'ard 9otel to the J!irino 4randstand
thro!0h 'ans, The hotels ser'e as their holdin0 area before the )ass,
Altho!0h there are 30,000 monobloc. chairs &ith &hite co'ers for 0!ests, people are !r0ed to brin0
their o&n portable chairs,
Papal %isit sia 2014
3i>teen medical stations can also be fo!nd in the 'en!e, =ach medical station has one standb"
amb!lance, At least three firetr!c.s &ill also be stationed at the Ci2al Par.,
Portalets and comfort rooms are located at the sides of the 4randstand,
5n 0oin0 to the Ci2al Par., people can ta.e the free sh!ttle b!ses from Cesorts 8orld )anila, A!s stops
are located at Padre A!r0os Bri'e, near the )anila *it" 9all and Taft A'en!e, near the Enited /ations
1CT-1 3tation and a bloc. a&a" from the 1a0!snilad t!nnel,
The 9ol" )ass &ill start at 764# p,m,
From the Apostolic /!nciat!re alon0 Taft A'en!e in )alate, )anila, the Pope rode the (Popemobile+
into )alacanan0 Par., fo!r .ilometers a&a", From there, the 9ol" Father boarded the Presidential
9elicopter at the bac. of the J!irino 4randstand at 764# P,),
='en the Pope &as late for 3!nda" )ass6 a fretf!l 1 ho!r and 41 min!tes at 7630 P,), !p to @611 P,),
>ocation >ocal time Time
6TC offset
>os 7ngeles 56.%.7. 2 California8 3!nda", 27 October 2014,
PBT 6TC2" hours
9ew Gork 56.%.7. 2 9ew Gork8 3!nda", 27 October 2014,
=BT 6TC2E hours
6TC 5Time 1one8 3!nda", 27 October 2014,
'ome 5@taly8 3!nda", 27 October 2014,
*=T 6TCM+ hour
9ew (elhi 5@ndia 2 (elhi8 3!nda", 27 October 2014,
53T 6TCM)?,*
.angkok 5Thailand8 3!nda", 27 October 2014,
5*T 6TCM" hours
Manila 5hilippines8 3!nda", 27 October 2014,
P9T 6TCMF hours
%ingapore 5%ingapore8 3!nda", 27 October 2014,
34T 6TCMF hours
Tokyo 5=apan8 3!nda", 27 October 2014,
3T 6TCMK hours
%ydney 57ustralia 2 9ew %outh
3!nda", 27 October 2014,
A=BT 6TCM++ hours
7uckland 59ew 1ealand8 3!nda", 27 October 2014,
/OBT 6TCM+, hours
5t &ill be presided o'er b" Pope Francis,
The 77-"ear-old Pope, &ho has been the leader of the 8orld&ide Coman *atholic *h!rch to lead the
9ol" )ass,
Other than the Pope, the other cardinals &ho &ill be present in toda"?s lit!r0" incl!de Pontifical
*o!ncil of the 1ait" President 3tanisTa& C"T.o, Vatican 3ecretar" of 3tate *ardinal Pietro Parolin,
*ardinal An0elo Amato, the prefect of the *on0re0ation of the *a!ses of 3aintsG )anila Archbishop
1!is Antonio *ardinal Ta0le, )anila Archbishop-=merit!s 4a!dencio *ardinal Cosales, /!e'a
3e0o'ia Archbishop-=merit!s =rnesto Antolin 3al0ado, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop =merit!s =dm!ndo
Papal %isit sia 2014
), Aba"a, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop )ario ), Perlata, T!0!e0arao Archbishop 3er0io *ardinal 1,
Etle0, T!0!e0arao Archbishop-=merit!s Biosdado A, Talama"an, 1in0a"en-Ba0!pan Archbishop-
=merit!s Oscar *r!2, 1in0a"en-Ba0!pan Archbishop 3ocrates A, Ville0as, 3an Fernando Archbishop
=merit!s Paciano Aniceto, 3an Fernando Archbishop Florentino 1a'arias, 1ipa Archbishop Camon *,
Ar0!elles, /!e'a *aceres Archbishop Colando o'en Tria Tirona, *api2 Archbishop ose *ardinal
Ad'inc!la, aro Archbishop An0el *ardinal 1a0dameo, *eb! Archbishop-=merit!s Cicardo *ardinal
Vidal, *eb! Archbishop ose 3, Palma, Palo Archbishop-=merit!s Pedro C, Bean, r,, Palo Archbishop
ohn B!, Ba'ao Archbishop-=merit!s Fernando C, *apalla, Ba'ao Archbishop Com!lo 4, Valles,
*otabato Archbishop Orlando *ardinal A, J!e'edo, *a0a"an de Oro Archbishop-=merit!s es!s A,
T!-!ib, *a0a"an de Oro Archbishop Antonio , 1edesma, O2ami2 Archbishop es!s A, Bosado,
Oamboan0a Archbishop Com!lo T, Bela *r!2, 3in0apore Archbishop 8illiam 4oh 3en0 *h"e,
3in0apore Archbishop-=merit!s /icholas 4erald *hia, L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop !lian 1eo& Aen0
Lim, L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop-=merit!s Anthon" 3oter Fernande2, L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop-
=merit!s )!rph" Pa.iam, L!chin0 Archbishop ohn 9a Tion0 9oc., L!chin0 Archbishop-=merit!s
Peter *h!n0 9oan Tin0, Lota Linabal! Archbishop ohn 8on0 3oo La!, Lota Linabal! Archbishop-
=merit!s ohn 1ee 9ion0 F!n-Dit Da&, a.ata Archbishop 50nati!s 3!har"o 9ard:oatmod:o, a.arta
Archbishop-=merit!s !li!s *ardinal Ci"adi Barmaatmad:a, Palemban0 Archbishop Alo"si!s 3!darso,
L!pan0 Archbishop Peter T!ran0, )a.assar Archbishop ohannes 1i.! Ada, )edan Archbishop
Anicet!s Aon0s! Antoni!s 3ina0a, )edan Archbishop-=merit!s Alfred 4onti Pi!s Bat!bara, Pontiana.
Archbishop A0!stin!s A0!s, Pontiana. Archbishop-=merit!s 9ieron"m!s 9erc!lan!s A!mb!n,
Vientiane Archbishop ean LhamsP Vitha'on0, 3a'anna.het Archbishop ean )arie Vianne" Prida
5nthirath, Phnom Penh Archbishop Oli'ier 3chmitthae!sler, )alanda" Archbishop /icholas )an0
Than0, )alanda" Archbishop-=merit!s Pa!l Oin0t!n0 4ra&n0, Ta!n00"i Archbishop )atthias E
3h&e, Dan0on Archbishop-=merit!s 4abriel Thohe" )ahn-4ab", Dan0on Archbishop *harles )a!n0
Ao, Aan0.o. Archbishop Lrien0sa. Lo'it'anit, Aan0.o. Archbishop-=merit!s )ichael )ichai
Litb!nch!, Thare and /onsen0 Archbishop 1o!is *hamniern 3antis!.niram, 9anoi Archbishop Peter
/0!"zn V{n /hin, 9anoi Archbishop-=merit!s oseph /0w J!an0 Li|t, 9o *hi )inh *it"
Archbishop Adi V{n q}c, 9o *hi )inh *it" Archbishop-=merit!s Phhm )inh )~n, 9!b Archbishop-
=merit!s =tienne /0!"ln /h! Thl, 9!b Archbishop FranNois Sa'ier 1e Van 9on0, Belhi Archbishop
Anil oseph Thomas *o!to, Belhi Archbishop-=merit!s Vincent )ichael *ardinal *onNessao,
Aan0alore Archbishop Aernard )oras, Aan0alore Archbishop-=merit!s Alphons!s )athias, Aan0alore
Archbishop-=merit!s 50nati!s Pa!l Pinto, )!mbai Archbishop Os&ald *ardinal 4racias, *hennai
Archbishop 4eor0e Anton"sam", *hennai Archbishop-=merit!s )ala"appan *hinnappa, Lol.ata
Archbishop Thomas BH3o!2a, Lol.ata Archbishop-=merit!s 9enr" 3ebastian B?3o!2a, Lol.ata
Archbishop-=merit!s 1!cas, )!mbai Archbishop-=merit!s 5'an *ardinal Bias, 4andhina0ar
Archbishop 3tanisla!s Fernandes, 9"derabad Archbishop Th!mma Aala, 4!&ahati Archbishop ohn
)oolachira, 4!&ahati Archbishop-=merit!s Thomas )enamparampil, *olombo Archbishop Albert
)alcolm Can:ith *ardinal Patabendi0e Bon, *olombo Archbishop-=merit!s Os&ald 4omis, Bha.a
Archbishop Patric. B?Co2ario, Bha.a Archbishop-=merit!s Pa!lin!s *osta, Larachi Archbishop
oseph *o!tts, Larachi Archbishop-=merit!s ='arist Pinto, 1ahore Archbishop 3ebastian Francis
3ha&, 1ahore Archbishop-=merit!s 1a&rence ohn 3aldanha, Aei:in0 Archbishop oseph 1i 3han,
4!an02ho! Archbishop oseph 4an !n-i!, Taipei Archbishop ohn 9!n0 3han-ch!an, Taipei
Archbishop-=merit!s )atthe& Lia Den-&en, Taipei Archbishop-=merit!s oseph Ti-.an0, Taipei
Archbishop-=merit!s oseph *hen0 Tsai-fa, 3eo!l Archbishop Andre& Deom 3oo-!n0, 3eo!l
Papal %isit sia 2014
Archbishop-=merit!s /icholas *heon0 in-s!., Bae0! Archbishop Thadde!s *ho 9&an-0il, Bae0!
Archbishop ohn *hoi Do!n0-s!, Bae0! Archbishop-=merit!s Pa!l Ci )o!n-hi, To."o Archbishop
Peter Ta.eo O.ada, 4&an0:! Archbishop 3imon O. 9"!n-:in, 4&an0:! Archbishop-=merit!s Andre&
*hoi *han0-m!, 4&an0:! Archbishop-=merit!s Victorin!s Do!n Lon0-hi, Osa.a Archbishop Thomas
A-!ino )an"o )aeda, Osa.a Archbishop-=merit!s Pa!l 9isao Das!da, Osa.a Archbishop-=merit!s
1eo !n 5.ena0a, /a0asa.i Archbishop oseph )its!a.i Ta.ami, 3"dne" Archbishop Anthon" Fisher,
3"dne" Archbishop-=merit!s 4eor0e Pell, )elbo!rne Archbishop Benis 9art, Arisbane Archbishop
)ar. *olerid0e, Perth Archbishop Timoth" ohn *ostelloe, Perth Archbishop-=merit!s Aarr" ames
9ic.e", *anberra Archbishop *hristopher *harles Pro&se, *anberra Archbishop-=merit!s Francis
*arroll, 9obart Archbishop !lian Porteo!s, 9obart Archbishop-=merit!s Adrian 1eo Bo"le, Adelaide
Archbishop Philip 8ilson, Adelaide Archbishop-=merit!s 1eonard Anthon" Fa!l.ner, 8ellin0ton
Archbishop ohn Atcherle" Be&, /o!mPa, /e& *aledonia Archbishop )ichel-)arie-Aernard *al'et,
Papeete, French Pol"nesia Archbishop Pascal *han0-3oi, , Papeete, French Pol"nesia Archbishop-
=merit!s 9!bert *oppenrath, Apia, 3amoa Archbishop Alapati 1!i )ataeli0a, Port )oresb"
Archbishop ohn Cibat, Port )oresb" Archbishop-=merit!s Arian ames Aarnes, )o!nt 9a0en
Archbishop Bo!0las 8illiam Do!n0, )o!nt 9a0en Archbishop-=merit!s )ichael )eier, )adan0
Archbishop 3tephen oseph Ceichert, )adan0 Archbishop-=merit!s Aenedict To Varpin, )adan0
Archbishop-=merit!s 8illiam oseph L!rt2, Caba!l Archbishop Francesco Panfilo, Caba!l
Archbishop-=merit!s Larl 9esse, 9oniara Archbishop Adrian Thomas 3mith, /e& Dor. *it", /e&
Dor., Enited 3tates Archbishop Timoth" )ichael *ardinal Bolan, /e& Dor. *it", /e& Dor., Enited
3tates Archbishop-=merit!s =d&ard )ichael *ardinal =0an, 9artford, *onnectic!t, Enited 3tates
Archbishop 1eonard Pa!l Alair, 9artford, *onnectic!t, Enited 3tates Archbishop-=merit!s 9enr"
oseph )ansell, 1os An0eles *it", *alifornia, Enited 3tates Archbishop osP 9oracio 4gme2, 1os
An0eles *it", *alifornia, Enited 3tates Archbishop-=merit!s Co0er )ichael *ardinal )ahon", 3an
Francisco, *alifornia, Enited 3tates Archbishop 3al'atore oseph *ordileone, 3an Francisco,
*alifornia, Enited 3tates Archbishop-=merit!s 4eor0e 9!0h /iedera!er, 3an Francisco, *alifornia,
Enited 3tates Archbishop-=merit!s 8illiam oseph *ardinal 1e'ada, 3aint 1o!is, )isso!ri, Enited
3tates Archbishop Cobert ames *arlson, 3aint 1o!is, )isso!ri, Enited 3tates Archbishop-=merit!s
Ca"mond 1eo *ardinal A!r.e,
A0ana, 4!am Archbishop Anthon" Ap!ronG )ost Ce', 4i!seppe PintoG the apostolic n!ncio in the
PhilippinesG and Come-based priest, Ce', Fr, Fernando Co:o, the main post!lator for the reli0io!s
0ro!p?s ca!se &ill also be aro!nd, )s0r, Villaro:o said at least Coman *atholic Archbishops, bishops,
cardinals, deacons and monsi0nors, and aro!nd 414,313 priests from 221,740 Coman catholic parishes
in the 3,000 Coman *atholic dioceses in the Philippines, 3in0apore, )ala"sia, 5ndonesia, =ast Timor,
Ar!nei, *ambodia, 1aos, Thailand, Vietnam, 3"ria, 5ran, 5ra-, T!r.e", T!r.menistan, A!stralia, /e&
Oealand, Pap!a /e& 4!inea, Pacific ;Oceania<, 5ndia, 3ri 1an.a, Aan0ladesh, /epal, Pa.istan, *hina,
Tai&an, /orth and 3o!th Lorea, apan, Enited 3tates, *anada, )e>ico, Ar0entina, Ara2il, *olombia,
Per!, Vene2!ela, =c!ador, *hile, 4!atemala, Aoli'ia, *osta Cica, *!ba, Bominican Cep!blic,
9ond!ras, Para0!a", /icara0!a, 5tal", France, 3pain, Poland, 4erman", Port!0al, Ael0i!m, 9!n0ar",
A!stria, =n0land, /etherlands, E.raine, 5reland, 3lo'a.ia, *rotia, *2ech Cep!blic, 3&it2erland,
1it!hania, Comania, 3lo'enia, Aelar!s, C!ssia, 3erbia and )ontene0ro, 1ati'ia, 1!>embo!r0, )alta,
Albania, 3&eden, 4reece, =stonia, 5celand, E0anda, Tan2ania, An0ola, *had, 3ene0al, 4abon,
)ada0ascar, A!r!ndi, )o2ambi-!e, C&anda, 3!dan, Oambia, )ala&i, *ameroon, *ote d?5'ore,
Aenin, A!ri.ina Faso, To0o, 4hana, =-!atorial 4!inea, =thiopia, =riterea, *ape Verde, /amibia,
Papal %isit sia 2014
*entral African Cep!blic, *on0o, Bemocratic Cep!blic of *on0o, T!nisia, /i0er, *omoros, )a!ritania
and Al0eria ha'e confirmed to attend the e'ent,
B!rin0 the hol" mass, seminarians, parish choirs and 0!est artists &ill render praise son0s and
traditional m!sic, )ean&hile, bands from the Philippine Arm" and the Philippine /a'" &ill also be on
hand to pro'ide m!sic,
B!rin0 comm!nion, Villaro:o ad'ised the people not to floc. to the main altar,
(The" sho!ld sta" p!t !ntil the" see a comm!nion distrib!tor mar.ed b" !mbrellas,+ he said,
Villaro:o said there are 2,000 comm!nion distrib!tors, Of the n!mber 1,700 are la" ministers, The" &ill
be a!0mented b" priests and n!ns,
After the comm!nion, Pinto, the papal n!ncio, &ill deli'er a messa0e,
President A-!ino, &ho so!0ht the permission of the archdiocese so he can deli'er his 30-min!te speech
to the Filipinos, &ill ha'e to ma.e his piece after the )ass,
Fr, Ca!l 4alle0o, chairperson of the committee on 'en!e, !r0ed the people to brin0 alon0 radios, &ater,
flashli0hts, food, candles, portable chairs, and !mbrellas,
On the other hand, people are prohibited from brin0in0 0!ns and bladed &eapons,
After the )ass incl!din06 the An0el!s messa0e and recitation of the An0el!s Bomini pra"er, fare&ell
messa0e and final blessin0 b" the Pope and the messa0e of the president, the special messa0e b"
Aishop-=merit!s Teodoro Aacani at 11630 pm, and a c!lt!ral dance presentation &ill be made at 12
midni0ht of October 27, This &ill be participated in b" Pasi0arbo sa 3!0bo contin0ents from
)in0lanilla, Talisa" *it", and )anda!e *it", The 1!mad Aasa.anon, &ho has reaped a&ards d!rin0
the 3in!lo0 festi'ities, &ill also be part of the presentation,
Binner for the special 0!ests &ill be ser'ed sim!ltaneo!sl" at the )anila 9otel, 8aterfront )anila
Pa'ilion, Pearl )anila, 9"att Ce0enc" 9otel and *asino, Pan Pacific )anila, Biamond 9otel and
4rand Ao!le'ard 9otel,
At the 1!neta and at least 10 shrines aro!nd the Philippines, there &ill be processions to be led b"
ima0es of the Alessed Vir0in )ar",
The concelebrated mass, &hich &ill pro:ect the Philippines as a pil0rima0e destination in Asia, &ill be
co'ered b" the national m!lti-media &ith possible hoo.-!p b" satellite, 5t &ill also be recorded, &ith
the 'ideotape to be sent to the 3ister An0elica *hannel,
The reli0io!s acti'it" has been arran0ed in cooperation &ith the 8ells 3prin0 of 1ife, 3acred 1and of
Asia, )arian )o'ement, *harismatic )o'ement of the Philippines, *onfradia, and Association of
3hrine Cectors and Pil0rima0e Promoters of the Philippines,
A 1264# A,),, )onda", October 27, a 4#-min!te 0rand fire&or.s displa", sponsored b" pri'ate
b!sinessmen, &ill li0ht !p )anila?s s.ies and the fo!r bar0es in )anila Aa" 2#0 meters off the shore,
bet&een the )anila Dacht *l!b and the Enited 3tates =mbass" set !p b" p"rotechnic e>perts from
Aoca!e, A!lacan for P120, 000 lit the ni0ht s." and lasted a half-ho!r and &as met &ith a roar of
appla!se b" people at the parade 0ro!nds,
After the messa0e of Aishop Teodoro *, Aacani at 11630 p,m,, the c!lt!ral dance presentation sho& at
midni0ht and fire&or.s displa" from 1264# to 1630 a,m,, at abo!t 261# a,m &ith :o"f!l praise and
&orship son0s,
To the deli0ht of e'er"one, Aishop Aacani, in his &hite robe and scarlet sash, e>pressed his :o" and
appreciation for the presence of the tho!sands of pra"er-partners that e'enin0,
B!rin0 the pro0ram, a li0htin0 of tho!sands of candles, a ma0nificent 0lo& filtered thro!0h the
dar.ness of the ni0ht fillin0 the #@-hectare Ci2al Par. and ad:acent areas-Co>as Ao!le'ard to north and
Papal %isit sia 2014
so!thbo!nd areas of Taft A'en!e, T,), Lala& 3treet and Enited /ations A'en!e into =rmita, e>tendin0
!p to )aria Orosa 3treet, Padre A!r0os Bri'e, Port Area district, ones, A"ala, )cArth!r and J!e2on
Arid0es to Pla2a )iranda in J!iapo,
Aro, )i.e Velarde, fo!nder and ser'ant-leader of =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fello&ship
Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc, Coman *atholic *harismatic Cene&al Celi0io!s )o'ement ;B8S5-
PPF5-**C)< &ill deli'er the 3-ho!r 8orship and 9ealin0 Pra"er Call" )essa0e for the Famil"
Appointment &ith =l 3haddai &as held in than.s0i'in0 for the 0rand pra"er assembl" and ann!al
anni'ersar" celebration of e'an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic *harismatic rene&al reli0io!s
mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+ and ann!al birthda" celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch
8orld&ide fo!nder, president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'a on )onda"
)ornin0, October 27 at 4 a,m, )anila Time ;3!nda" Afternoon, October 27 at 4 p,m, /e& Dor. Time\@
p,m, 1ondon Time< follo&ed b" a )ornin0 o"f!l 3al!-3alo at 7 a,m,
Fernande2 do&npla"ed reports that certain 0ro!ps &o!ld bomb the ann!al 0atherin0, sa"in0 this &as a
ra& information that needed to be 'alidated,
(At an" rate &e al&a"s adopt the principle of considerin0 the &orst-case scenario, 8e ha'e
incorporated that in o!r plan and &e are prepared,+ he said,
Fernande2 pointed o!t that their main concern &as traffic, (3ome people &ill be comin0 from )anila
and 0oin0 to )a.ati and 'ice 'ersa,+ he said,
9e ho&e'er said that he &as implementin0 an" re-ro!tin0 in )anila, !nless necessar",
(5nitiall", &e feel that there?s need for re-ro!tin0, O!r traffic plan is 'er" fle>ible, !st in case thereHs a
need for a re-ro!tin0, &e ha'e contin0enc" plans for these,+ he said,
Fernande2 said the #@-heactre ;#@0,000 s-!are meters< Ci2al Par. can accommodate 2 million people,
5n )anila, both /orth and 3o!th bo!nd lanes of Co>as Ao!le'ard, Taft A'en!e, E/ A'en!e, T,),
Lala& 3t,, P, A!r0os, *alle )!ralla, Aonifacio Bri'e, inner streets of Port Area Bistrict, )cArth!r
Arid0e, A"ala Arid0e, and ones Arid0e &ill be .ept open to traffic despite the pro:ected cro&d of 2 to
3 million e>pected to attend the =l 3haddai rall",
The T,), Lala&, P, A!r0os, *alle )!ralla, Aonifacio Bri'e, and the inner streets of the Port area &ere
the desi0nated par.in0 2ones,
5ead "ore, http,bbne3sinfo$inH!irer$netb31473Cbopen-feld-ready-for-pedros-national-
Follo3 !s, linH!irerdotnet on T3itter p inH!irerdotnet on Faceboo6
Patron &aints of parishes in the Philippines,
1$ O!r lady of (orrea
2$ #!estra &eMora de 8!ia
3$ O!r 1ady of 1oreto
4$ O!r 1ady of 8!idance
4$ /oly (ross
>$ /oly Fa"ily
7$ /oly &pirit
=$ 'ary the J!een
C$ 'ary, (o"forter of the nicted
10$'ary, 'irror of 0!stice
11$O!r 1ady of &orro3s
Papal %isit sia 2014
12$O!r 1ady of the 'ost /oly 5osary
13$O!r 1ady of 'o!nt (ar"el
14$&aint 0ohn the 7aptist de 1a &alle
14$/oly Trinity
1>$O!r 1ady of 8!adal!pe
17$&aint 0!de Thadde!s
1=$&aint 'ichael rchan)el
1C$&acred /eart of 0es!s
20$O!r 1ady of 8race
21$O!r 1ady of &alvation
22$O!r 1ady of Perpet!al /elp
23$#!estra &eMora de la &oledad
24$O!r 1ady of Fati"a
24$O!r 1ady of 1a Pa:
2>$O!r 1ady of Peace i 8ood %oya)e
27$O!r 1ady of PeMafrancia
2=$O!r 1ady of 5e"edies
2C$O!r 1ady of &orro3s
30$O!r 1ady of the bandoned
31$O!r 1ady of the ir3ays
32$O!r 1ady of the ss!"ption
33$O!r 1ady of the 7lessed &acra"ent
34$5isen (hrist
34$&aint lphons!s 'a$ 1i)o!ri
3>$&aint ndre3 the postle
37$&aint nthony of Pad!a
3=$&aint Do"inic &avio
3C$&aint Francis of ssisi
40$&aint 0ohn 7osco
41$Patrona)e of &aint 0oseph
42$&aint 'ary 8oretti
43$&aint Peter the postle
44$&aint Pi!s T
44$&aints Peter i Pa!l
4>$&an Felipe #eri
47$&anto &ep!lcro
4=$&aint @ldephons!s
4C$&an @sidro
40$&aint 0oseph
41$&an 0!an #epo"!ceno
42$&aint 5afael the rchan)el
43$&aint 5oche
44$&aint %incent de Pa!l
44$O!r 1ady of the Pillar
4>$&aint Peter 0!lian <y"ard
47$&anta 'onica
4=$&aint Therese of 1isie!G
Papal %isit sia 2014
4C$'ost /oly Trinity
>0$/oly #a"e of 0es!s
>1$(hrist, the Ein)
>2$'other of the 5edee"er
>3$O!r 1ady of Fati"a
>4$&ta$ Er!s
>4$&to$ #iMo
>>$<piphany of the 1ord
>7$'ary, 'other of the (h!rch
>=$O!r 1ady of 1o!rdes
>C$&aint )nes, %ir)in i 'artyr
70$n) '!lin) Pa)6ab!hay n) tin) Pan)inoon
Bud!et %llotment for the '/
%nnual Foundin! %nniversar6 Cele*ration of esus
is Lord Church 1orld8ide
Dinner 1ocations,
/20 /otel, 'anila Ocean Par6
%@P 1o!n)e, J!irino 8randstand
'anila /otel
'anila Pavilion /otel *all f!nction roo"s+
Dia"ond /otel
/yatt /otel and (asino
Party Favors - *'y 7estfriend 0ollibee+
Product =ame Cuantit
Loot*a! '&&&
>nvitation Card '&&&
1 set of theme
"essa!e Board '&&&
Tra6liner '&&&
:ame Pri<es '&&&
Balloons '&&&
Cra6ons '&&&
Total #4&&&
Food and 7evera)es
Product ;nit Price
Chocolate Ca9e $"6
Bestfriend olli*ee,
olli*ee ?um Php 30$00 3,000
Papal %isit sia 2014
olli*ee ?um 8ith Cheese Php 40$00 3,000
olli*ee Champ Php 12=$00 3,000
olli*ee Chic9en0o6 Epcs
Php 4>C$00 3,000
olli*ee )pa!hetti Php 40$00 3,000
olli*ee Pala*o9 Fiesta Php =4$00 3,000
Cream6 "acaroni )oup Php 3C$00 3,000
Peach "an!o Pie Php 27$00 3,000
oll6 Crisp6 Fries ( FLar!e Php >2$00 3,000
Buttered Corn Php 2C$00 3,000
Cho89in! Chinese )t6le
Fried Chic9en Lauriat
8ith @rin9
Php 204$00 3,000
Rice Php 22$00 3,000
:reen8hich Bar9ada Thin
2a8aiian .verload
Php 40=,000$00 3,000
:reen8hich Bar9ada Thin
A Chees .verload
Php 47>,000$00 3,000
:reen8hich Lasa!na
)upreme Lar!e Pan
Php 74C$00 3,000
:reen8hich )pa!hetti
)upreme Lar!e Pan
Php 44C$00 3,000
:reen8hich Bar9ada
Buc9et ala Carte
Php 32$00 3,000
:reen8hich :arlic )tix Php 32$00 3,000
Coca(Cola 1+-&&mL Php 74$00 3,000
>ced Tea $Lar!e, Php 42$00 3,000
Pineapple uice $Lar!e, Php 42$00 3,000
)tra8*err6 )undae Php 2=$00 3,000
Papal %isit sia 2014
/oly 'ass %en!e,
J!irino 8randstand, 5i:al Par6
200-"an choir co"bined of soprano, alto, tenor and bass
120-piece orchestra and 3ind orchestra
Product =ame ;nit
Total Price
Crush @rums G Percussion
Eminent Birch -(Piece )hell
Pac9 8ith #4H Bass @rum
1 4/+#-1.#'
2ar*in!er "1#& 1#& 1att 4
Channel Compact Porta*le P%
8ith 1#H spea9ers
1 14+4/E.1&
Bluerid!e Contemporar6 )eries
BR(/&CE Cuta8a6 @readnou!ht
%coustic(Electric :uitar
1 '#+&A1.-4
:rover Pro Bron<e Pro(
2ammered Trian!le
7,37=$C= 1 A+'AE.DE
%llora %%TR(1#- )eries Classic
B* Trumpet
4 11-+A4/.A#
2ans 2o6er E&1 :e6er )eries
@ou*le 2orn
7 1+/A4+E'4.-/
:et<en 1&/#F@ Eterna )eries
Bass Trom*one
1 1-4+A/-.-E
)cherl and Roth R1&# )eries
4/4 )i<e 3iolin .utIt
1>=31$7= 2C 4EE+1#1./#
BellaIna Prelude )eries 3iola
771>$0C 14 1&E+&#-.#/
BuJet Crampon @ivine B*
Professional Clarinet
3 1+&/A+AE1.#1
:et<en -E& Capri )eries B*
>>024$C4 4 #/4+&DD.E&
)onor "ulti )lei!h Bell )et 14C4$0C 1 1+4D-.&D
1illiams %lle!ro Ke6*oard
1C2C0$C> 1 1D+#D&.D/
:ear .ne "31&&& 8ith Ca*le
and )tand 1& Pac9
14C14$C> CC 1+-A-+-E1.&4
The )rand total b!d)et for the event is P 14,071,C73$40
&o!rce, http,bb333$Iollibeedelivery$co"b, http,bb333$Iollibee6idsparty$co"b ,
http,bb333$)reen3ichdelivery$co", http,bb333$redribbonba6eshop$co"$phb,
%isit !s at
0ollibee - 5i:al Par6
Papal %isit sia 2014
5i:al Par6, T' Eala3 corner 'aria Orosa &treets, <r"ita, 'anila
5ed 5ibbon - &' (ity 'anila
Tenant #!"ber 244, 2
Floor, &' (ity 'anila, rroceros &treet, 7aran)ay >4C, Qone 71,
District 4, 'anila
Stor' 2rning
CA5/3 are forecast for toda" in )etro )anila, probabl" accompanied b" some 0!st" &inds, Tropical
depression (1!din0+ has de'eloped into a storm and it is e>pected to hit land this mornin0 in /orthern
A!t the storm" &eather sho!ld not dampen the spirit of those &ho are 0oin0 to the rall" on A"ala
A'en!e in )a.ati bein0 led b" anti-por. barrel 0ro!ps, There are certainl" more pressin0 and nobler
reasons to 0et drenched than pa"in0 respect to a reli0io!s leader or st!ffin0 oneself &ith "ec(on, roast
calf and other delicacies &hich are e>pected to be in ab!ndance &hen =l 3haddai fo!nder and ser'ant-
leader Aro, )i.e O, Velarde holds belated birthda" celebration for es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide
fo!nder, international president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'a and the ann!al
fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" celebration of the ='an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic *harismatic
Cene&al reli0io!s mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+ to coincide &ith the A"ala rall", Por.
barrel 0ro!ps ha'e identified three of these reasons6 to sho& the peopleHs opposition to amendin0 the
*onstit!tion, to protest the res!r0ence of cron"ism and to oppose attempts to m!22le the press,
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 has said nothin0 &o!ld deter him from p!rs!in0 charter chan0e, 9e sa"s
liftin0 the protectionist pro'isions in the *onstit!tion, li.e the ones barrin0 forei0ners from o&nin0
land, p!blic !tilities and media or0ani2ations, is the onl" &a" to liberate millions of h!n0r" Filipinos
from their po'ert", 9e e'en has the economic benefits from s!ch constit!tional reforms all fi0!red o!t6
an a!tomatic pl!s 4 percent in 4/P 0ro&th rate, altho!0h he has not said if thatHs onl" 0ood for one
"ear or !ntil fore'er,
/o one else sa& charter chan0e as the miracle c!re for the co!ntr"Hs economic malaise, 5n s!r'e" after
s!r'e", b!sinessmen, both local and forei0n, identified other factors as barriers to in'estments and
0ro&th6 cron"ism, an !ne'en pla"in0 field, peace and order problems, bad traffic, 0o'ernment red tape,
inconsistent economic policies, !nattracti'e incenti'es, 5n s!m, practicall" e'er"thin0 !nder the s!n,
e>cept the *onstit!tion, and all correctable &ith a little ima0ination from *on0ress and some
determination from the e>ec!ti'e,
F!ll" @7 percent of the Filipino people see no need to chan0e the *onstit!tion, accordin0 to a recent
s!r'e", 8h" )r, A-!ino and his political lie!tenants in *on0ress &o!ld tr" to ram charter chan0es
thro!0h *on0ress onl" raises s!spicion abo!t some hidden a0enda, li.e term e>tension on the part of
politicians and, on the part of )alacaYan0, the remo'al of an" constit!tional barrier to for0in0 a
compromise deal &ith the )arcoses on the sharin0 of their ill-0otten &ealth,
The h!sh-h!sh attempts of the administration to stri.e a deal &ith the )arcoses and the ret!rn of
cronies to positions of po&er and pri'ile0e constit!te the second reason for the rall", 8hen )s A-!ino
spea.s of preser'in0 the 0ains of =dsa, she means freedom and democrac" as &ell as o!r pride and
di0nit", T&o s!ccessi'e administrations loo.ed pathetic as the" b!n0led the attempts to reco'er the
)arcosesH ill-0otten &ealth, The nation &as p!t !p to ridic!le &ith the election of 5melda )arcos to
*on0ress in 2010 and Ferdinand r, as 3enator in 2010, /o& the A-!ino administration &ants to
complete a nationHs shame b" absol'in0 the pl!nderers of an" crime and sharin0 the loot &ith them,
Papal %isit sia 2014
As to the ret!rn of cronies and cron"ism, is there an" do!bt abo!t it` )arcos? closest b!siness associate
is bac. at the helm of the co!ntr"Hs bi00est food and be'era0e con0lomerate, A t"coon &ho is often
seen in )alacaYan0 had a P2#-billion ta> case a0ainst him dismissed, A presidential ad'iser 0ot a ]2#-
million commission for bro.erin0 the b!"o!t of the co!ntr"Hs lar0est telecomm!nications compan" b" a
firm bac.ed &ith forei0n mone", A 0enero!s contrib!tor to the A-!ino campai0n .itt" &on the a&ard
to operate online bin0o, ='en )r, A-!ino?s old friends from the mo'ie ind!str" are scramblin0 for
'ario!s 0o'ernment contracts, 5f these are )r, A-!ino?s friends, the" are helpin0 themsel'es at the
PresidentHs e>pense,
Finall", there are the attempts of the administration to s!ppress criticism b" initiatin0 or enco!ra0in0 an
ad'ertisin0 bo"cott of this paper b" mo'ie prod!cers, 0o'ernment financial instit!tions and friendl"
b!siness interests and the e>cl!sion of its reporters from presidential press briefin0s, 5tHs a different
'ersion of the (corporate stran0!lation+ that s-!ee2ed the life of The )anila Times, )r, A-!ino s&ears
&ith his ri0ht hand to defend &ith his life o!r freedoms, &hile stran0lin0 &ith his left a ne&spaper that
see.s to p!blish the !n'arnished tr!th abo!t his administration,
All this constit!tes a smor0asbord of iss!es for e'er"one to che& on, A!t &hiche'er iss!e one feels
stron0l" abo!t, it is a0ain time to ta.e a stand, )r, A-!ino ma" "et listen to o!r collecti'e 'oices raised
in protest,
There is a storm bre&in0, and it is not called 1!din0,
TrHc +e-+outing "ln for 4ctober #=- #$1> )"pl /isit nd %=th Anniversry
Eelebrtion of Besus is Lord Ehurch World2ide.
On October 27, 2014, the follo&in0 roads &ill be affected6
a< 'oHas .oulevard ;from P, A!r0os to President J!irino A'en!e< &ill be closed to 'ehic!lar
traffic from "?,* 7.M. to +#?,* .M.
b< resident -uirino 7venue ;from Co>as Ao!le'ard to Taft A'en!e< &ill be closed to 'ehic!lar
traffic from "?,* 7.M. to K?** .M.
c< %outh %uper 4ighway ;from President J!irino A'en!e to A!endia A'en!e< and .uendia
7venue ;from 3o!th 3!per 9i0h&a" to =B3A< will be closed to all 'ehic!lar traffic from E?**
.M. to E?,* .M. and also from F?,* .M. to K?** .M.
d< %outh .ound >ane of !(%7 ;from 4!adal!pe to A!endia A'en!e< will be closed to 3o!th
Ao!nd traffic from E?** .M. 2 E?,* .M. and from F?,* .M. 2 K?,* .M.
All motorists are, therefore, ad'ised to ta.e the follo&in0 re-ro!tin0 scheme d!rin0 the period of traffic
+. %outhbound vehicles tra'ersin0 Co>as Ao!le'ard are ad'ised to ta.e Ad!ana-)a0allanes
Bri'e - Padre A!r0os ro!te - Taft A'en!e to&ards A!endia A'en!e and Co>as Ao!le'ard,
#. >uneta2bound <ehicles tra'ersin0 Co>as Ao!le'ard are onl" !p to Padre A!r0os-Taft A'en!e-
T,), Lala& 5ntersection :!nction,
,. 9orthbound vehicles !sin0 Co>as Ao!le'ard-bo!nd 'ehicles comAo!le'ard are ad'ised to
ta.e A!endia A'en!e and\or Vito *r!2 to&ards Taft A'en!e or F,A, 9arrison\A, )abini 3treet
E. 'oHas .oulevard2bound vehicles comin0 from /ortheast are ad'ised to ta.e *anoni0o
A'en!e-Taft A'en!e-Padre A!r0os or ones Arid0e to&ards their Bestination,
Papal %isit sia 2014
). %outhbound vehicles tra'ersin0 3o!th 3!per 9i0h&a" are ad'ised to ta.e Pedro 4il-Taft
A'en!e-A"ala A'en!e and =B3A Co!te from E?** .M.2E?,* .M. as &ell as A"ala A'en!e and
=B3A ro!te from E?** .M.2E?,* .M. _ from F?,* .M.2K?,* .M.
C. 'oHas .oulevard2bound vehicles comin0 from the 3o!theast &ill be ad'ised to ta.e Te:eron-
,P, Ci2al-Pason0 Tamo-Vito *r!2 e>tension to&ards Vito *r!2 to Taft A'en!e or Co>as
Ao!le'ard from "?** 7.M. to K?** .M.
". 9orthbound lane of =B3A ;from Aoni A'en!e to A!endia A'en!e &ill be con'erted to 2-&a"
traffic and 3o!thbo!nd 'ehicles co!nter-flo&in0 to =B3A /orth lane from E?** .M. to E?,*
.M. and from F?,* .M. to K?** .M.
F. 9orthbound >ight <ehicles alon0 =B3A are ad'ised to ta.e Fort Aonifacio 'ia )cLinle"
Coad and e>it at 4!adal!pe Arid0e from E?** .M. to E?,* .M. and from F?,* .M. to K?**
K. %outhbound >ight <ehicles alon0 =B3A ma" ta.e 4!adal!pe Arid0e their ri0ht t!rn to&ards
, P, Ci2al and e>it at the )a.ati A'en!e-A"ala A'en!e and bac. to =B3A,
+*. 9orthbound <ehicles tra'ersin0 3o!th 3!perhi0h&a" &ill be ad'ised to ta.e Taft A'en!e or
the =B3A-A"ala A'en!e-)a.ati A'en!e-,P, Ci2al-Te:eron-Pedro 4il ro!te to&ards President
J!irino A'en!e =>tension from E?** .M. to E?,* .M. and from F?,* .M.2K?,* .M.
Participants to the es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide Anni'ersar" *elebration, de'otees to the Papal
Visit or ordinar" motorists ma" help de-con0est hea'" traffic or as. for assistance from the6
OFF5*= OF T9= *9A5C)A/ 9O/, ATTD, FCA/*53 /, TO1=/T5/O - @@2-41#4 to 74
loc, 20#G 207
OFF5*= OF T9= B=PETD *9A5C)A/ Esec, A1=S CA)O/ J, *AAA/511A - @@2-41#4
loc, 2@2
TCAFF5* =/45/==C5/4 *=/T=C Bir, /oemie T, Cecio Birector 555 - @@2-0@#@
Besus is Lord Ehurch Anniversry Eelebrtion on 1(A-A
0es!s is 1ord (h!rch 2orld3ide celebrates 3>th nniversary as 7ro$ <ddie %illan!eva
celebrates his =1st birthday last October > and Pope Francis delivers his "essa)e to the
People of the 2orld$
@n a "ass that 3ill be concelebrated by "ore than tho!sands of archbishops, bishops,
"onsi)nors, pastors and priests$ /is /oliness 3ill bless the participants as 3ell the neGt
ven!e a)ain for this ann!al event$
'illions of television vie3ers fro" aro!nd the 3orld 3ill 3itness this historical occasion as
8' (hannel 7 does a live covera)e startin) at 7,30 a$"$, October 2>, &!nday$
recap of the day?s festivities 3ill be aired at 11,30 p$"$ ri)ht after A&!nday #i)ht 7oG
'ore than 4 "illion people fro" the Philippines and aro!nd the 3orld loo6 for3ard to this
"o"ento!s event as the hi)hli)ht of their "onth-lon) festivities$
A2e are not afraidB
7y 'a$ (eres P$ Doyo+
Papal %isit sia 2014
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 2F, 2012 (.N3U.RER) 0 ()C, PC=35B=/T does not &orr" abo!t !s
bein0 afraid, 8e ha'e been threatened b" e>perts, 8e ha'e faced b!llets o!tside the sil'er screen and
faced do&n tan.s &ith onl" rosaries in o!r hands,+
Former President Fidel V, Camos?s 'oice re'erberated "esterda" in )a.ati *it" as an estimated 70,000
marched in !nison and stood sho!lder to sho!lder to deno!nce *harter chan0e no&, s!ppression of
press freedom, compromise &ith the )arcoses, and cron"ism,
5n a rall" of a ma0nit!de not seen since the decline of the )arcos dictatorship, Paner and )anila
Archbishop 1!is Antonio *ardinal Ta0le e>horted pro-democrac" ad'ocates to preser'e the 0ains of
=dsa, and sent a stin0in0 messa0e of no s!rrender to President Aeni0no A-!ino 555,
Other, as fer'ent, mass actions &ere held sim!ltaneo!sl" in ma:or cities in 1!2on, Visa"as and
)indanao, dra&in0 an estimated total of 170,000 people,
A-!ino and 3in did not mince &ords in 0ettin0 their messa0e across,
Addressin0 the President, Camos said6 (8e &ill not s!rrender the 0!arantees of freedom and 0ood
0o'ernment for &hich &e paid so dearl", 8e &ill not allo& those &ho pl!ndered o!r co!ntr" to ret!rn
to po&er no matter &ho the" thin. their best friend is,+
8arned Ta0le in Filipino6 (5ag=ingat ang mga ma) masasamang ba"a- para sa -a"a)aan. La"aban
-ami. Hindi -ami uurong ;To those hatchin0 sinister mo'es a0ainst freedom, 5 sa" be&are, 8e shall
fi0ht, 8e shall ne'er s!rrender<,+
The A"ala b!siness center, site of anti-)arcos rallies in the 1%@0s, t!rned "ello& once a0ain as a
contin!o!s do&npo!r of confetti competed &ith s!dden rains,
=lected officials, *h!rch and 0rassroots leaders :oined the por. barrel 0ro!ps on the sta0e set !p in
front of the bron2e stat!e of slain h!sband, former 3en, Aeni0no HH/ino"HH A-!ino r, at the corner of
A"ala A'en!e and Paseo de Co>as,
The *ardinalHs spo.esperson, Att", 9ernando *abrera told the 5/JE5C=C that 3in &as ('er" happ"
and 'er" pro!d+ of the t!rno!t at A"ala,
The t!rno!t of 70,000 &as estimated b" the 5/JE5C=C based on the 0ro!nd area of streets occ!pied,
at the densit" rate of t&o persons per s-!are meter,
(A stron0 moral messa0e has been sent, Bemocrac" is ali'e and &ell, People came in bi0 n!mbers in
bad &eather, This is a 0ood si0n,+ said )a.ati A!siness *l!b chair 4!illermo 1!2,
Former 3olicitor 4eneral Francisco *ha'e2 said6 (These are the preliminar" stirrin0s of potential
(One has to 0i'e in, and 5 am s!re that the rall"ists ;at A"ala< did not bra'e the rains :!st to 0i'e in,
This is a stron0 messa0e that the" &o!ld not be co&ed into s!bmission,+
*ha'e2 attended the A"ala rall" &ith Peter )!ller, one of the forei0n &itnesses &ho testified on the
]13,2-billion 3&iss acco!nt alle0edl" held b" 5rene )arcos Araneta,
(The iss!e is not &hether to remo'e the economic pro'isions of the *onstit!tion,+ Camos said,
(The iss!e is &hether these are all &e stand to lose--or &e ma" &ell as.6 8ill cherished ri0hts and
liberties be lost as &ell`+
Camos &as referrin0 to )r, A-!ino?s ass!rances that onl" economic and not political pro'isions in the
*onstit!tion &o!ld be amended,
(The iss!e is not &hether the *harter sho!ld be chan0ed, b!t &h" no&, &hen )alacaYan0 admits it
does not "et .no& &hat sho!ld be chan0ed,+ A-!ino said, citin0 more pressin0 problems that needed to
be addressed,
Papal %isit sia 2014
(8h" no&, &hen not onl" are .idnappin0 and ban. robber" on the rise, and dr!0 addiction and dr!0
dealin0 at an all-time hi0h, b!t a0ents of the /ational A!rea! of 5n'esti0ation are into car ;theft<` Their
b!ildin0 e'en ble& itself !p, Are these not more dist!rbin0 concerns for forei0n in'estors`+ she added,
Ta0le &ho !s!all" spea.s in =n0lish, spo.e in stron0 Filipino this time6 (3arito ta)o para sabi(in sa
"a(at: Hindi na -ami papa)ag na "o-o(in mu"i. 3atuto na -ami. Hindi na -ami papa)ag pag"aruan ng
-a(it sino ang ating -a"a)aan,Pinag(irapan natin ito ;8e are here to tell e'er"one6 8e &ill not allo&
o!rsel'es to be fooled a0ain, 8e ha'e learned o!r lesson, 8e &ill ne'er allo& freedom to be
manip!lated b" an"bod", 8e ha'e s!ffered a lot for it<,HH
To )r, A-!ino?s statements that the protests a0ainst *harter chan0e &ere ca!sin0 di'ision, Ta0le said6
(The so!rce of all disorder is *ha-cha, 5f there is no *ha-cha, then the nation &ill be at peace,+
9e added6 (The root of o!r economic problems is not *harter chan0e, *orr!ption in 0o'ernment is the
ca!se, 5n'estorsH mone" is &asted in bribes and pa"ola, 5f the 0o'ernment is clean and honest, e'en if
there are man" restrictions in the *onstit!tion in'estors &ill come beca!se the" .no& the" &ill 0et a
fair deal,+
J!otin0 Archbishop 3ocrates Ville0as, head of the *atholic Aishops *onference of the Philippines, the
*ardinal said (chan0in0 the *onstit!tion &as certainl" not in the campai0n promises of those no&
elected in office,+ and that (in fact, the" e'en solemnl" s&ore before 4od to follo& the *onstit!tion
and protect it,+
3in noted that the *onstit!tion &as al&a"s bein0 to"ed &ith if there &ere economic and political
problems, or if the Philippines had to sho& its indebtedness to forei0ners,
(0a*a*a naman ang 0onstitus)on. /inagamit nating pa"usot ;Poor *onstit!tion, 5t is al&a"s !sed as a
scape0oat<+, he said,
9e added6 HH5s *harter chan0e the ans&er to political problems` The problem is political ambition,
Politicians sa" the" cannot do m!ch beca!se their term is short, 8e sa"6 5f the" cannot do an"thin0 in a
short period, the" canHt do an"thin0 e'en if the" prolon0 their term, 5f the" are la2" and corr!pt d!rin0
their first term, the" &ill be la2" the ne>t time,HH
Then he e>claimed6 ('ama na! Pa"itan agad ang mga corr!pt at tamad sa gob)erno ;=no!0hI Cemo'e
the corr!pt and the la2" in 0o'ernment at once<I+
Camos assailed those s!rro!ndin0 the President, sa"in06 HHThe iss!e is tr!st, /ot tr!st in the President
b!t in the compan" he .eeps, 5 tr!st the President, A!t &ho can tr!st the people &ho stepped o!t of the
police line!p of the People Po&er Ce'ol!tion`
3he pointed o!t6 HHOf co!rse, &e sho!ld not be tellin0 the President &hat .ind of compan" to .eep, A!t
he cannot e>pect !s not to &orr" &hen he tin.ers &ith the *onstit!tion 0i'en the compan" he .eeps,
HH8e are not sa"in0 that this administration is li.e the )arcos re0ime, b!t &e do ha'e ca!se to &orr",
beca!se e'en 4eor0e 9amilton is bac., The characters in po&er toda" are the ones the people thre&
o!t "esterda",HH
9oll"&ood actor 9amilton, a close friend of 5melda )arcos, is said to be a beneficiar" of the )arcos
lar0esse, 9e is reported to ha'e borro&ed h!0e s!ms of mone" from the former first lad",
.ack again
(The )arcoses and their cronies lost e'er" election for national office,+ A-!ino said,
(A!t the" are bac. a0ain beca!se of a pop!lar President &ho did not sa" in the campai0n that he &as
ta.in0 them &ith him, )a"be he did not .no&, A!t the" appear to be bac. in and tr"in0 to 0rab
e'er"thin0 the" stole,+
Papal %isit sia 2014
3he too. !p )r, A-!ino?s biblical-so!ndin0 ass!rance (Ae not afraid,HH sa"in06 (Des, )r, President, &e
are not afraidV A!t "o! are too tr!stin0 for o!r co!ntr"Hs o&n 0ood,
(A!t tr!st me, )r, President, &e are not afraid,+
A-!ino en!merated threatenin0 instances, and stressed that fear had ne'er 0otten in the &a",
A!t she cited thin0s (of &hich &e are afraid+F(e'ils that ma" tear !p the co!ntr" a0ainHH and HHthe past
brea.in0 loose in the present &ith a )arcos restoration,+
()r, President,+ she said, HHit is not :!st the f!t!re, b!t the present that calls for co!ra0e, clarit" of 'ision
and concord,
(5t calls for 'i0ilance a0ainst the ret!rn of a past this nation paid so hi0h a price--in blood, tears and
&asted "ears--to escape,+
Camos also spo.e of freedom of the press and her o&n e>periences of it,
Camos had earlier made the ass!rance that the pro-democrac" rall" &as not a0ainst the President?s
Desterda", he iss!ed a similar ass!rance6 (This is not a fi0ht a0ainst him, 9e has been President onl"
one "ear, 9e &as onl" representati'e of Tarlac, senator and no& President,+
(This is a fi0ht a0ainst a 14-"ear dictatorship and a dar. le0ac" that ref!ses to die,+
Amon0 those present at the rall" &as Cene 3a0!isa0, &ho briefl" ser'ed as A-!inoHs spo.esperson and
le0al ad'iser,
3a0!isa0 described the mood of the rall" as (e!phoric+ and HHma0ical,HH and a celebration of the =dsa
The former senator recalled the 'ario!s campai0n rallies in Febr!ar" 1%@7 on A"ala, &hich also dre&
h!0e cro&ds,
(A!t it &as nothin0 li.e this, Then, it &as personalit"-oriented and the &eather &as di'ine, /o& ;the
&eather< is feist", At the time, )arcos &as !ni'ersall" despised, This time &e are !p a0ainst a pop!lar
President,HH he said,
(The t!rno!t is incredible--the palpable e>citement, the sense of commitment, 5t is deli0htf!l to be
present at the recon'enin0 of the parliament of the streets &hen "o! are betra"ed b" "o!r President,+
3a0!isa0 said the rall" had deli'ered its messa0e to )r, A-!ino,
(The people sho!ld e>ercise from time and time the so'erei0n ri0ht to spea. directl" to the leadership
and deli'er the .ind of messa0e that &e tho!0ht &e did this afternoon,+ he said,
(8e had the n!mber, the -!alit", the entire spectr!m, *a"ang (a-ot,+
3at!r Ocampo, former spo.esperson of the comm!nist-led /ational Bemocratic Front, said it &as the
first time that 'ario!s iss!es con'er0ed and attracted a !nited front,
(A broad front, not onl" the traditional politicians, not onl" the 1eft b!t also sections in the b!siness
comm!nit", the basic masses, are !nited here in the re0istration of a basic opposition,+ Ocampo said,
(There is a 'er" stron0 messa0e a0ainst the ret!rn of the )arcoses, or a )arcos st"le of 0o'ernment,+
Ocampo &arned the President a0ainst bein0 headstron0 re0ardin0 *harter chan0e and p!rs!in0 his
to!0h stance a0ainst the press,
(5f that is his response, he is as.in0 for an intensification of confrontation &ith the people, ='en *or"
and 3in ha'e said that he sho!ld step aside for the people,+ Ocampo said,
(9e is as.in0 for tro!ble, This is as a &arnin0 to him,+
Papal %isit sia 2014
ose )a, 3ison, /BF chief political cons!ltant, had a stron0er messa0e6 (A broad !nited front sho!ld
stri'e to o!st the A-!ino r!lin0 circle from po&er and replace it &ith a 0o'ernment of national !nit"
and peopleHs democrac",+
Fr, )onchin0 *arillo, a parish priest of 3an Pedro, 1a0!na, said that if it came to a contest, the A"ala
rall" &on o'er the =l 3haddai 0atherin0 at J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par. in time for the pastoral and
state 'isit of Pope Francis here in the Philippines on October 23 to 27,
(5tHs not the n!mbers, b!t the con'iction,+ *arillo told the 5/JE5C=C,
9e said the people &ho bra'ed the rains and other diffic!lties to :oin the rall" sho&ed the stren0th of
their con'iction a0ainst the iss!es raised,
(8e came here beca!se &e are a0ainst *harter chan0e, for one, 8e did not come for "ec(on,+ he added,
The *A*P said the rallies nation&ide &ere ('er" s!ccessf!l+ despite the inclement &eather,
(ThereHs no &a" of 0i'in0 an e>act estimate, All the rall" 'en!es in the ma:or pro'incial cities &ere all
filled to capacit",+ said )s0r, 9ernando *oronel, a *A*P spo.esperson,
*oronel also said the Philippine /ational PoliceHs estimate that %,000 people &ere at the A"ala rall" &as
()a"be thatHs the n!mber of policemen the" deplo"ed,+ he said,
(irty tricks
*ertain sectors made a last-ditch effort to pre'ent people from :oinin0 the A"ala rall" b" distrib!tin0
leaflets indicatin0 that comm!nists &ere behind the mass action,
The 7+-b"-@+ leaflets, circ!lated in 'ario!s 0o'ernment offices, incl!din0 police and militar" camps in
J!e2on *it", contained a se'en-line in'itation to :oin the (Camos-*ardinal Ta0le Call" and p!t an end
to the A-!ino re0ime,+
On the leaflets &ere pict!res of three top officials of the /BF and *omm!nist Part" of the
Philippines--3ison, 1!is alandoni and 4re0orio HHLa Co0erHH Cosal,
People &ho 0ot a leaflet said it &as apparentl" intended to so& fear amon0 &o!ld-be rall"
participants, %i&! re"or&# (rom Donna S) 9'e&o, Dona Pa,,ib'=an an+ DaAe ;eri+iano
1>0,000 rally o!tside 'etro
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 2F, 2012 0 3O)= 170,000 people o!tside )etro )anila heeded the call
of the *atholic bishops and former President Fidel V, Camos to :oin the pro-democrac" rallies in time
for the pastoral 'isit of Pope Francis here in )anila,
/either stron0 rains nor &inds bro!0ht abo!t b" T"phoon 1!din0 pre'ented protesters from :oinin0 the
marches in )etro )anila and other parts of 1!2on, Brippin0 &et, man" tr!d0ed on !nder the banner of
their or0ani2ations,
A!t others so!0ht ref!0e in ch!rches and co'ered 0"mnasi!ms &here the" held the rallies,
5n the Visa"as and )indanao, protesters &ere 0reeted &ith 0enerall" fair &eather, A!t their opposition
to *harter chan0e, threats to press freedom and the ret!rn of )arcos cronies &ere not as less intense as
that of their co!nterparts in 1!2on,
>61&9? rotest marches held in the eye of the typhoon
Papal %isit sia 2014
PCOT=3T=C3 in 5locos 3!r, 1a Enion, Aa0!io *it", Pan0asinan, /!e'a Vi2ca"a and Pampan0a
bra'ed the hea'" do&npo!r and stron0 &inds to protest the 0o'ernmentHs proposal to chan0e the
*onstit!tion and scrap the por. barrel,
Abo!t #00 protesters, incl!din0 teachers and st!dents, carr"in0 anti-*harter chan0e placards and
!mbrellas marched on 3ession Coad in Aa0!io *it",
Others chose to march &itho!t their !mbrellas and rain 0ear, i0norin0 the hea'" do&npo!r that
drenched their bodies,
Aa0!io-Aen0!et Aishop *arlito , *en2on, *,5,*,), said there mi0ht be a pro-democrac" rall" after
October 27, HH8e belie'e that there is a need to chan0e o!r *onstit!tion b!t this is not the ri0ht time for
it, 5 still donHt &ant to be an alien in m" homeland,HH he said,
Brippin0 &et, eanette Ciba"a of the *ordillera m!lti-sectoral alliance, said *ha-cha &as a threat to
national so'erei0nt" and patrimon",
)ore than 1,000 members of reli0io!s, st!dent and ci'ic 0ro!ps disre0arded the rains to s!pport the
pro-democrac" rallies in *andon and Vi0an to&ns in 5locos 3!r,
Telephone brigade
5n 5locos /orte, the *atholic *h!rch offered )asses in all parishes in s!pport of the rall", 3ome sectors
lit candles in front of their homes &hile other 0ro!ps formed a telephone bri0ade as.in0 friends to call
tele'ision stations cond!ctin0 a poll s!r'e" to re0ister their 'ote a0ainst *harter chan0e,
Bespite the possibilit" of flash floods, c!rrent An0eles *it" )a"or =d0ardo Pamint!an and some 1,000
residents &ent to )a.ati to :oin the rall",
Abo!t 700 protesters belon0in0 to the Aa0on0 Al"ansan0 )a.aba"an ;Aa"an< and all" or0ani2ations
sta0ed a protest rall" at the cit" proper,
)embers of the Lil!san para sa Pambansan0 Bemo.ras"a ;LPB< in *entral 1!2on san0 their 'ersion
of (J!e rico Vacelon,+ a pop!lar cha-cha t!ne, before proceedin0 to )a.ati,
a"-Ar 9ipolito and )el 3oto, artists from the LPBHs Teatron0 Aa"an, said the" &rote the son0 to
(help the people 0et the basic point of *harter chan0e,+
Anti *ha-cha rallies in 5sabela &ere called off after T"phoon 1!din0 hit *a0a"an Valle", 5nstead, the
0ro!ps held silent pra"ers inside ch!rches,
5sabela bishops, priests and members of the *atholic *h!rch si0ned a manifesto re:ectin0 *harter
chan0e, callin0 it (demonic and hellish,+
5n 1a Enion, Aishop Codolfo Aeltran of the diocese of 3an Fernando as.ed some 400 la" people,
*atholic school principals and school administrators to resist efforts of the administration to amend the
Bespite the do&npo!r, people from the 5locos, *a0a"an Valle" and *ordilleras 0athered &itho!t
fanfare at the 3aint 1o!is *olle0e 0"mnasi!m to echo the *h!rch position on *harter chan0e, cron"ism
and press freedom,
The 0atherin0 &as led b" representati'es from the *atholic =d!cators Association of the Philippines
and the Aasic =cclesial *omm!nities in /orthern 1!2on,
B!rin0 the )ass concelebrated b" 11 priests from /orthern 1!2on, Aeltran be&ailed the lac. of
transparenc" and the !se of deceit b" the Aeni0no A-!ino 555 administration in p!shin0 for *harter
Papal %isit sia 2014
5n Pan0asinan, ci'ic-oriented and reli0io!s 0ro!ps held a motorcade despite the bad &eather, At # p,m,,
the" led a noise barra0e in Ba0!pan *it",
Protesters in a con'o" of at least 100 'ehicles held a motorcade in Aa"ombon0,
Church bells in .icol
At least 10,000 people :oined the rallies in Aicol,
The ()aC*h-Aicol+ ;)o'ement a0ainst Ce'ision of the *harterAicol< in Alba" &as attended b" abo!t
#,000 people,
3tartin0 at three points, the" bra'ed a short rain and started mo'in0 at 1 p,m, amid the pealin0 of
ch!rch bells,
The" started 0atherin0 in the mornin0 at the 3t, Caphael *h!rch and the Cedemptorist *h!rch in
1e0a2pi *it" and the /ino" A-!ino Par. in Bara0a to&n,
The marchers, mostl" st!dents, con'er0ed at PeYaranda &here ec!menical pra"ers and messa0es from
sectoral representati'es &ere deli'ered,
T&o of their streamers read6 (Pilipino )!na Aa0o Ba"!han, 9!&a0 Aa0!hin an0 Lonstit!s"on,+ and
(*ron" mo, ih!lo0 mo na sa impi"erno,+
5n 3orso0on, bells ran0 in all ch!rches at 7600 a,m, and )asses &ere held sim!ltaneo!sl", Priests
en:oined the faithf!l to participate in the rallies, The assembl" point in the capital to&n &as at the
3aints Peter and Pa!l *athedral,
3ome 1,000 protesters led b" Aa"an attended the acti'it",
=arlier on Th!rsda", as part of the b!ild-!p acti'ities for "esterda"Hs rall", a press for!m &as or0ani2ed
:ointl" b" Aa"an and the 1#-"ear-old 3orso0onHs 5ndependent )edia Ceporters 5nc, to disc!ss possible
actions a0ainst (the contin!in0 attac.s on press freedom,+
5n /a0a *it", abo!t 2,000 participants :oined the rall" led b" Aa"an and the Panda"an para sa
3os"alistan0 Pilipinas,
3ome 2,000 people led b" PeopleHs Cesist a0ainst T"rann" sta0ed their o&n protest action in 5ri0a *it",
Three schools in the small !pland to&n of A!hi in *amarines 3!r--3t, Arid0etHs Academ", A!hi
1"ce!m and 3t, oseph Academ"--held their o&n protest acti'it",
A *h!rchled 0ro!p also held a (3olidarit"+ rall" in Baet, *amarines /orte,
Cesidents of J!e2on pro'ince held a rall" on 8ednesda", *lose to 10,000 people attended the
mammoth protest rall" on 8ednesda" in 1!cena *it",
5n Aaler, A!rora, Aa"anA!rora distrib!ted leaflets as 0est!re of s!pport to the nation&ide rallies,
Tho!0h no protest action &as la!nched, 'ario!s *h!rch-led or0ani2ations earlier 'oiced o!t s!pport to
the rall",--Re"or&# (rom 9a&!erine A*'ino, E#&ani#ao 9a+e,, Mei##a 9'ramen=, 6ean+er
Domin=o, :ia D'mo, Gira E#"ino, Yoan+a 5'er&e#, Pe&er 6a) -'ian, -'ie& Pa#c'a, .me+a ;i#a<a
an+ ;iamor ;i#a<a -r), PD. Nor&!ern 6',on 7'rea'8 7er& 7a#a, -'n Mai= an+ Tone&&e OreBa#,
PD. 9en&ra 6',on De#k8 an+ -'an E#can+or, Re< Na#o, Re<na+o T) -amorain an+ De(in T)
Maari -r), PD. So'&!ern 6',on 7'rea'
M@9(797&? .ishop says 7$uino must listen to the people
PCOT=3T=C3 in Ba'ao *it" &ore &hite ribbons to s"mboli2e their HHp!re intentionsHH in demandin0 an
end to mo'es to amend the *harter,
B!rin0 the march, motorc"cle-ridin0 &or.ers from the Lil!san0 )a"o Eno, too. the lead, &a'in0 red,
bl!e and &hite fla0s,
Papal %isit sia 2014
3ome placards, carried b" hi0h school st!dents read6 (Promote life, d!mp *oncord,+ (An0 *oncord di
maa"o sa aton0 isi0 .ata&o,+ and (Forei0n in'estors ma.e Filipinos poor,HH /!ns carried a streamer
&hich read HH*ha-cha is morall" sinf!l,+
Ba'ao Archbishop-=merit!s Fernando *apalla and Ba'ao Archbishop Com!lo Valles said 40,000
attended the rall", (5f he &ants to ser'e the people, he m!st listen,+ he said of President Aeni0no
A-!ino 555,
*apalla disclosed that )r, A-!ino phoned him )onda" abo!t his pastoral letter &hich said that the
proposed *harter chan0es &ere HHo!tri0ht oppressi'eHH and HHmorall" sinf!l,HH
The archbishop said he stood b" his statements,
5n 5li0an *it", Archbishop =lenito de los Ce"es 4alido told abo!t 1,000 protesters that the Filipino
people sho!ld fear )r, A-!ino?s promise to chan0e onl" the economic aspects of the *harter,
4alido called )r, A-!ino 555 a liar,
5n *a0a"an de Oro *it", some 400 people marched from the Vicente de 1ara Par. to the cit" center
"esterda" mornin0,
At 2 p,m,, abo!t #00 st!dents and fac!lt" and !ni'ersit" officials cond!cted a pra"er-rall" inside the
Sa'ier Eni'ersit" camp!s,
)s0r, Ce" )onsanto, 'icar 0eneral of the archdiocese of *a0a"an de Oro, said the attac.s on press
freedom &ere HHimmoral and !n:!st,HH 9e said the ri0ht to free e>pression and the ri0ht to a free and
independent press &ere 4od-0i'en and m!st be !pheld,
Lidapa&an Aishop said his opposition to the *ha-cha &as based on HHfaith and moral 0ro!nd,HH
The plan to chan0e the *onstit!tion HH&ill p!t the people at the losin0 end,HH he said, addin0 that the
HH!nrestricted comin0 of forei0n capitalists in the co!ntr" &ill onl" ca!se harm to the econom",+
3implicia Belada, spo.esperson of *a!se-Ba'ao del 3!r, said some #,000 people :oined the rall" in
Bi0os, Ba'ao del 3!r, Police, ho&e'er, placed the n!mber at 1,000,
5n 4eneral 3antos *it", some #00 protesters e>pressed dis0!st o'er &hat the" called the (imperio!s
attit!de+ of the administration of )a"or Adelbert Antonino for pre'entin0 them to !se the *arlos
4arcia Par. in front of the *it" 9all,
Aro!nd 20 =l 3haddai members :oined some 1,#00 people in the rall" a0ainst *harter chan0e in 5li0an
9ea'" rains since "esterda" mornin0 spoiled the plan of 8estern )indanaoHs (anti-*harter chan0e and
por. barrel+ protesters to 0ather in Pa0adian *it",
3ome 120 ho!ses &ere s!bmer0ed in &aist-deep &aters for abo!t three ho!rs Frida" afternoon,
Callies in the cities of Oamboan0a, Bipolo0, Oro-!ieta and O2ami2 &ere cancelled, accordin0 to a
statement of the Al"ansan0 )a.aba"an in 8estern )indanao,
5n Bipolo0 *it", at least 1,000 residents :oined a pra"er rall" to deno!nce the alle0ed ret!rn of
)arcosian r!le and the administrationHs effort to amend the *onstit!tion,
The rall", &hich started at 1 p,m,, &as disr!pted b" a po&er o!ta0e, Po&er &as restored onl" at 46#0
p,m,, after the rall",
The po&er o!ta0e 0ripped the entire pro'ince of Oamboan0a del /orte,
Aishop ose )an0!iran of the Biocese of Bipolo0 told the cro&d that *harter chan0e (&o!ld do more
harm than 0ood to the Filipino people,+--Re"or&# (rom -owe 5) 9an'+a<, A<an 9) MeeBor, ReH
:o+ine,0Or&e=a, Rone< 9) Pacian, 7obb< Timonera, -7 DeAe,a, 6arr< 9) A="ao, Aan A) Nawa,
A*'ie# C) Conio an+ Dernan P) +e a 9r',, PD. Min+anao 7'rea'
Papal %isit sia 2014
<@%7G7%? alma writes down speech so he wont be mis$uoted
(BO /OT to!ch the *onstit!tionI+
8ith this call, *eb! Archbishop ose *ardinal Palma rallied the people to be 'i0ilant a0ainst an"
mo'es to amend the *onstit!tion,
Palma?s call &as echoed in at least nine .e" cities in the Visa"as &here sim!ltaneo!s marches and
rallies bro!0ht to the streets si> *atholic *h!rch bishops, incl!din0 Vidal, and some %#,000 people,
(8e m!st be 'i0ilant, 1et as ma.e o!r 'oice heard and &e m!st spea. o!t,+ Palma said in *eb!ano to a
cheerin0 cro&d of 1#,000 &ho too. part in the pro-democrac" rall" at the F!ente OsmeYa O'al in *eb!
5n Aacolod *it", a cro&d of 70,000 led b" *!rrent Aacolod Aishop Vicente /a'arra bra'ed the rain and
marched on the cit"Hs main pla2a to deno!nce mo'es to amend the *onstit!tion,
The protest actions also dre& @,000 in 5loilo *it"G #,000 in Laban.alan *it" ;/e0ros Occidental<,
3,000 in 3an *arlos *it" ;/e0ros Occ,<, 1,#00 in Ta0bilaran *it", 1,000 in Lalibo, 1,000 in B!ma0!ete
*it", and #00 in Ormoc *it",
3ome =l 3haddai members in 5loilo sho&ed the" had a mind of their o&n, Abo!t 20 =l 3haddai
members from the to&n of Aatorac Vie:o :oined the anti-*harter chan0e rall" in 5loilo *it",
=arl" in his speech, Palma said he &rote his messa0e and read it to the cro&d HHso that nobod" &ill
misinterpret &hat 5 tr!l" thin. and feel,HH
This dre& la!0hter amon0 some of the protesters &ho remembered the conflictin0 'ersions of &hat
transpired d!rin0 the meetin0 bet&een President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 and the archbishop on the ACP
An0 Pan0!lo on A!0!st # in *eb!,
The President had -!oted Vidal as sa"in0 there &as press freedom !nder the A-!ino administration,
Vidal denied this, sa"in0 he &as onl" referrin0 to state of press freedom in *eb!,
The President also said Vidal promised to help e>plain the administrationHs proposed constit!tional
reforms, This &as also belied b" Vidal &ho reiterated his stand a0ainst constit!tional chan0es at this
(8e are not a0ainst an"bod",+ Vidal stressed, (8e are onl" for somethin0,+
(8e are for o!r co!ntr"Hs patrimon", &e are for economic so'erei0nt", &e are for the entire Filipino
peopleHs ci'il and political liberties,+ he said,
Vidal critici2ed (0lobali2ation,+ sa"in0 this &o!ld onl" &orsen the miser" of the Filipino people,
9e said 0lobali2ation &as bein0 bac.ed b" (0reed" men+ s!pported b" la&s s!ch as the
*omprehensi'e A0rarian Ceform Pro0ram 1a&, Aan.in0 3ector Ceform 1a&, Omnib!s Po&er 3ector
Act, Cetail Trade 1iberali2ation Act and other (pri'ate transnational interests,+
The &eather in *eb! &as o'ercast b!t there &as no do&npo!r, onl" a li0ht short dri22le and balm"
Palma attrib!ted the 0ood &eather to 4odHs 0races,
The *eb! rall" also bro!0ht to0ether former anti-)arcos street parliamentarians, incl!din0 former
Assembl"&oman /enita *ortes-Bal!2 and former *eb! *it" con0ressman Antonio *!enco,
5n Aacolod *it", the protesters represented a cross section of /e0ros societ", The" incl!ded &or.ers,
st!dents and hacienda o&ners,
Papal %isit sia 2014
8hile Aacolod Aishop Vicente /a'arra &as not at the rall", Fortich 0a'e the cro&d the moral boost
the" needed,
(8e are 0athered to0ether to inform the people that this is not the time for chan0e, this is the time for
implementin0 pro0rams for the poor,+ he said,
(/o"no" promised to be for the poor b!t has failed to f!lfill his promise,+ Fortich said,
(8e do not &ant to 0i'e a chance for a social 'olcano to destro" the str!ct!res of democrac" a0ain,+ he
/a'arra said )i.e Velarde and =ddie Villan!e'a?s holdin0 an affair at the same time as the anti-*ha-
cha rall" sho&ed a defect in his character,
(This is not a contest of pop!larit", This is a -!estion of sho&in0 lo"alt" to the *onstit!tion, sho&in0
lo"alt" to the ch!rch,+ Fortich said,
5n 5loilo *it", )s0r, ose 4amboa, administrator of the aro Archdiocese, called on the President to
listen to the people, &ho he said, &ere a0ainst *ha-cha,
3ome #00 members of Aa"an sta0ed a separate rall" at the Freedom 4randstand near the 5loilo *it"
5n Tacloban *it", the protest action came in the form of a for!m on *harter chan0e, initiated b" the
Freedom from Bebt *oalition-1e"te 5sland *hapter ;FB*-15*<,
5n Lalibo, Aishop ose *ora2on Tala-oc led the some 1,000 participants in a rall" at the Pastrana Par.,
(8e had been fooled before, 1et !s not allo& o!rsel'es to 0et fooled a0ain,+ &as the 0ist of his
5n Laban.alan *it", abo!t #,000 persons led b" Aishop Patricio Abella A!2on attended the rall" at the
p!blic pla2a amid sli0ht dri22le at 10 a,m,
9e called on those &ho attended the rall" to si0n petitions a0ainst *harter chan0e and to send these to
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555, the *on0ress and to local officials,
9e also as.ed the Laban.alan residents not to remo'e anti-*ha-cha streamers posted in p!blic places
and in the homes (so the protests &ill contin!e to be felt,+
(8e &ill contin!e ;o!r anti-*ha-cha protests< e'en after toda",HH he said,
5n 3an *arlos *it", abo!t 3,000 people attended an anti-*harter chan0e )ass officiated b" Fr, Alfredo
J!ini-!itio, :!dicial 'icar of the Biocese of 3an *arlos, at the 3an *arlos Aorromeo *athedral,
After the )ass, the people marched aro!nd the cit" to dr!m !p s!pport for the anti-*harter chan0e
5n Ormoc, st!dents made !p the b!l. of those &ho too. part in the rall", Re"or&# b< Pie+a+ Y)
:on,ae,, 5roian :aar+o, 9<n&!ia A) 7or='e&a, 9ara P) :ome,, ;icen&e S) 6abro, Nereo 9)
6'Ban, Rom< :) Amara+o, 9!i&o A) 5'en&e#, O+on S) 7an+ioa an+ Rec&o .) ;i+a, PD. ;i#a<a#
Papal %isit sia 2014
'illions pac6ed
1!neta for Papal
Papal %isit sia 2014
Papal %isit sia 2014
The" al&a"s start the 0atherin0 at J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par., )anila on 3at!rda", October 2#
commences at 3600 p,m, &ith the openin0 n!mber, Ce'erend =phraim Pere2 and Aro, Ao" Aaldomaro
of the /e& 9ope of 1ife *h!rch, Aali!a0, A!lacan led the con0re0ation in the sin0in0 of praise and
&orship son0s, Aishop =fraim ), Tendero of the Philippine *o!ncil of ='an0elical *h!rches ;P*=3<
e>horted the cro&d abo!t the importance of pra"er, The" all remain standin0 &hen Ce'erend Ce"naldo
3antillana of the *hristian )inisters *o!ncil of A!lacan led the in'ocation and the choir led the sin0in0
of the Philippine national anthem,
A" 3at!rda" ni0ht, &hen the pope s&a"ed &ith them in son0 at a pra"er 'i0il in 1!neta Par., their
n!mbers had s&elled from an estimated half-million to a million, incl!din0 the 4#0,000 participants to
51 Anni'ersar" *elebration,
O'erni0ht, h!ndreds of tho!sands of Philippine residents more p!shed the fi0!re to abo!t 2 million, 5t
&as alread" s!ch a thron0 that bishops &ere ro!sed from their beds at da&n to 0i'e them time to 0et
thro!0h the m!ltit!de, ='en then, the bishops in their p!rple-frin0ed robes &ere forced to abandon their
b!s &hen it bo00ed do&n in the cro&d,
A" the time the )ass &as s!pposed to start, the m!ltit!de had become a (me0at!de,+
(These are the 0reatest n!mbers 5 ha'e e'er seen,+ said ohn 1, Allen r,, a Vatican official from the
Enited 3tates, 9e said that e'en the record-settin0 2 million &ho t!rned o!t to see the late pope ohn
Pa!l the 3econd in Lra.o&, in his nati'e Poland, on !ne 7, 1%7% after his October 17, 1%7@ Papal
election, &as a small cro&d b" comparison,
(This is an e>cess of s!ccess,+ said the papal spo.esman, Federico 1ombardi,
The pope, he said, &as (deli0hted,+
(5t is his first trip for s!ch a lon0 time, and he has fo!nd this .ind of reception,+ )r, 1ombardi said,
The pope himself reached the altar @0 min!tes late, Cesplendent in 0old robes, he &as helped b" an
aide to clamber from a helicopter and onto the altar, 9e seemed str!c. b" the si2e of the thron0 before
him, his lips -!i'erin0 as if in silent pra"er,
Papal %isit sia 2014
(5 lo'e "o!,+ the Pope told the cro&d, reflectin0 the tenor of the Coman *atholic *h!rch?s ceremonies
in Asia?s onl" predominantl" *atholic capital,
)anila tele'ision commentators estimated 1 million people attended the 3at!rda" o'erni0ht pra"er
'i0il, b!t toda"?s t!rno!t e>ceeded all e>pectations and .notted )anila solid,
9is sched!le called for a 1#-min!te, t&o-mile dri'e from the Apostolic /!nciat!re to the altar, b!t he
&as trapped for more than an ho!r in the n!nciat!re, &here he spent the ni0ht 3at!rda", October 2#,
Police finall" decided to fl" him in a helicopter o'er the 'ast cro&d,
(This is the bi00est cro&d 5 ha'e e'er seen in m" lifeG bi00er than the ones in Poland &hen the late
Pope ohn Pa!l 2 &ent bac. for the first time,+ said Vatican TV commentator ohn 1, Allen r,
Festi'e Filipinos so far from the )ass site that the" &o!ld ha'e no chance of seein0 the Pope lined the
street #0 deep,
Fla0s of do2ens of 227 co!ntries of the &orld, incl!din0 the 3tars and 3tripes, &a'ed !nder 0ra" s.ies
in the h!mid air to sal!te the pontiff, &ho sat on a red 'el'et throne in the same par. 3at!rda" ni0ht to
hear the ideas and concerns of "o!n0 pil0rims,
At @600 P,), the Vi0il &ith the Pope6 The Pope arri'ed at J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al Par. to celebrate a
=!charistic adoration,
11600pm &hen /i0ht in Ci2al Par.6 From earl" in the mornin0, participants arri'ed at J!irino
4randstand, b!t &ere not able to adore the =!charist as planned beca!se of the storm that dama0ed the
chapels, The sta0e &as desi0ned b" Francisco )anosa, an Philippine architect &ho had assisted &ith
8orld Do!th Ba" celebrations d!rin0 the time of ohn Pa!l 55,
The n!mber of people attendin0 e>ceeded e>pectations, &hich means more land, had to be fo!nd ro!nd
the ed0es to accommodate the people, An estimated #,000,000 &ere in the J!irino 4randstand, Ci2al
Par., )anila at se'en oHcloc. in the e'enin0, &hich made this the lar0est and the 0randest ann!al
Coman *atholic e'ent e'er sta0ed in the Philippines, )an" pil0rims &al.ed from the centre of )anila
;12,7 .m<, altho!0h e>tra p!blic transport &as p!t on,
The Pope arri'ed and a cross &as carried in procession to the altar, 3e'eral "o!n0 people &ere pic.ed
to as. -!estions to the Pope, b!t a s!dden th!nderstorm and hi0h &inds, meant that the PopeHs address
had to be comm!nicated to the cro&d in &ritten form,
The Pope res!med the adoration of the =!charist, after the rain, altho!0h &ith a shortened pro0ramme,
A mass &ith distrib!tion of the =!charist to man" in the cro&d had to be red!ced in dimension,
)an" sta"ed d!rin0 the ni0ht, and the 3!nda" mornin0 mass too. on a lar0er dimension to ma.e !p for
the da" before,
Papal %isit sia 2014
3ome &ho &ere at the Ci2al Par. as earl" as 7600 A,),, 3!nda", October 27 seemed tireless, sin0in0
son0s of praises o'er and o'er a0ain,
51 Anni'ersar" or0ani2ers ta!0ht all those present at the 'i0il the melodies, alon0 &ith hand
mo'ements, of all the son0s in boo.lets distrib!ted earl" in the da",
Enfort!natel", not all of them seemed to be a&are of the real p!rpose of the Vi0il, Those assi0ned at
shad" and areas of the Par. &ere sleepin0 as 7600 a,m, &hile others satisfied themsel'es pla"in0
cards, eatin0 and listenin0 to the radio &hile a mass on0oin0,
Aefore noon of October 7, in obser'ance of Aro, =ddie?s birthda", the attendees feasted on hamb!r0ers,
cheeseb!r0ers, fried chic.en, French fries, roasted chic.ens, pi0s and cal'es as a 0ift of the famil" and
friends for his birthda" celebration,
5n the end, there &as not eno!0h hamb!r0ers, cheeseb!r0ers, fried chic.en, French fries, roasted calf,
pi0 and chic.en to 0o aro!nd, b!t neither that nor hea'" rains seemed to dampen the spirits of the
massi'e thron0 &hich pac.ed 71-heactre ;710,000 s-!are meter< Ci2al Par. for the 0rand pra"er
assembl" and ann!al fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" celebration of e'an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic
*harismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+ and ann!al birthda"
celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro,
=ddie *, Villan!e'a,
The m!ch-to!ted free meals of roasted pi0, calf and chic.en, crisp" fried chic.en, pi22a, do!0hn!ts,
mo:os, b!r0ers, Palabo., lasa0na, spa0hetti, French fries, criss-c!t fries, ice creams, pies, loafs,
ensa"mada, rolls, so!ps and salads from 3) *it" )anila?s 3) 3! section at the lo&er
0ro!nd floor and 42 food tenants and &ere ser'ed aro!nd 11600600 a,m, 5n less than an ho!r, all of the
11 roasted cal'es and other foods at one booth beside J!irino 4randstand &ere pic.ed to the bone,
At some food booths, tho!0h, people &ere t!rned a&a" b" the smell of some roasted cal'es, pi0s,
chic.ens, pi22a, do!0hn!ts, mo:os, b!r0ers, Palabo., lasa0na, spa0hetti, French and criss-c!t fries, ice
Papal %isit sia 2014
creams, pies, loafs, ensa"mada, rolls, so!ps and salads &hich &ere onl" half-coo.ed and foods &hich
&ere from 42 fast-food resta!rants of 3) *it" )anila shoppin0 mall,
A!t e'en this did not deter a fe& ea0er de'otees &ho too. some ra& ribs :!st the same, (This can still
be coo.ed at home,+ said a Pampan0a resident, &ho said he didnHt &ant to miss the lechon either,
*ro&d estimates 'aried from 300,000 ;accordin0 to the 5/JE5C=C meas!rement of the land area of
Ci2al Par. and cro&d densit"<, to 700,000 ;accordin0 to a police officer< to t&o million ;accordin0 to
the =l 3haddai emcee<, The sla!0htered co& pop!lation &as estimated at 120 and the coo.ed pi0s at
(se'eral tho!sands,+ accordin0 to =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational fo!nder
and ser'ant-leader Aro, )i.e O, Velarde,
(The" sho!ld declare October 7 a national holida", beca!se es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder,
president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'a is celebratin0 his birthda"IHH e>claimed
=lma Aaldo2, 43, an =l 3haddai de'otee &ho had tra'eled from Pan0asinan &ith her famil" and a
co!ple of nei0hbors in a rented :eepne" &hich do!bled as their sleepin0 -!arters for the 0rand ann!al
&ee.end e>tra'a0an2a,
A 0ro!p of Aetas from Oambales, last in line at one of nearl" a h!ndred food distrib!tion booths, had to
be content &ith morsels, b!t the" didnHt seem to mind, (This is a blessin0 from Dah&eh =l 3haddai,+ an
Aeta elderl" said,
5n the V5P lo!n0e at the J!irino 0randstand and the 1obb" of the )anila 9otel, the birthda" celebrant?s
celebrit" 0!ests &ere a little more blessed, as the" partoo. of an ei0ht-co!rse la!riat,
The V5P feast &as made !p of birthda" seafood noodles, steamed lobster &ith 0arlic, do!ble-boiled
shar.sH fin so!p &ith abalone and chic.en, braised &hole A!stralian abalone, Pe.in0 d!c., braised eel
&ith sea c!c!mber and minced d!c. &ith lett!ce, Bessert incl!ded fresh fr!it and pastries, coo.ies and
cream !be, man0o and pandan ice cream, crema de fr!ta and fr!it salad,
The celebritiy )!ests 3ere at the 'anila /otel are, 'etroban6 president Tony bacan,
Philippine #ational 7an6 board of director, 5ep$ 'i)!el A'i6eB 5o"ero, retired Philippine
&!pre"e (o!rt (hief 0!stices /ilario Davide, 0r$, rte"io Pan)aniban and 5eynato P!no,
Fernando Qobel de yala, 7ea Qobel, yala 1and, @nc$ president ntonino ATonyd H!ino,
5o3ena To"eldan, ( 1e)arda, 'ar6 &ablan, 0oseph 5eyes, 'aricris 7ernardino, Pivi Dia:,
5ina 5eIanit, 7obby Dy, 'an!el %$ Pan)ilinan, T%4 President-<"erit!s and The Philippine
&T5 (hair"an tty$ 5ay ($ <spinosa, T%4 President and (<O #oel 1oren:ana, riel
Fer"in, 8ary D!Iali, #e3s4 head 1!chi (r!:-%aldes, 'eralco /5 and (orporate &ervices
&enior %ice-President and Philippine 7as6etball ssociation (hair"an-<"erit!s 'on
&e)is"!ndo and &ports4 head and 8ilas Pilipinas 7as6etball Tea" (oach (hot 5eyes,
Eenneth ;an), Tessie &y-(oson, Tony Tan-(a6tion), 5a"on n), lfred Ty, rth!r Ty, &ari
;ap, 1ance 8o6on)3ei, 5obina 8o6on)3ei-Pe, 1i:a 8o6on)3ei-(hen), @sha ndaya-%alles,
'yr:a &ison, 0o-ann 'a)lipon, 7&-(7# 7roadcastin) (orporation (hair"an <!)enio
1ope: @@@, 7&-(7# 7roadcastin) (orporation President and (hief (ontent ONcer (haro
&antos-(oncio, &tar (ine"a 7&-(7# Fil" Prod!ctions, @nc$ "ana)in) director 'alo!
Papal %isit sia 2014
&antos, 7roadcast /ead and (hannel 2 /ead (ory %alen:!ela-%idanes, television b!siness
!nit head 1a!renti Dyo)i, b!siness !nit head for co"edy 1in))it Tan-'arasi)an, 7&-(7#
P!blishin), @nc$ 8eneral 'ana)er <rnie 1ope:, Drea"scape <ntertain"ent Television
President Deo <ndrinal, 5oGy 1iH!i)an, 5iley &antia)o, 5obert 1abayen, 'ar6 ;a"bot,
!)!st 7enite:, #andy %illar, 5ico (a"!s, 5ay"ond 'iranda, 'ar6 1ope:, 'aricel renas,
/appy 'ab!lay, Dar3in (errado, ldrin (errado, Dino 1a!rena, 'arch %entosa, (hris
1ope:, (arlo Eati)ba6, 1eo Eati)ba6, Paolo Pineda, 7on) Osorio, 'onchet Olives, Earen
(olo"a, for"er 7&-(7# presidents (ito leIandro and Freddie 8arcia, "ovie and
television director 0ohnny 'anahan, &tar 'a)ic %ice-President 'ariole lberto, (athy
8arcia-'olina, rnel #atividad, Toto #atividad, 'al! &evilla, 5echie del (ar"en, 0oIo
&a)!in, Olivia 1a"asan, 1a!rice 8!illen, 0erry 1ope:-&inenen), Tots 'ariscal, <ri6 &al!d,
5!el 7ayani, 5!el #aval, 0oyce 7ernal, 0ohn-D 1a:atin, 0ero"e Pobocan, 0onathan Dia:,
2enn Dera"as and Don (!ares"a, 4, 000 1ope: 6in fro" all over the 3orld, 7&-(7#
'anila 5adio and &ports Division head Peter '!sn)i, 7&-(7# @nte)rated #e3s and
(!rrent Fairs (hief 8in) 5eyes and (hoose Philippines head (harie %illa, "!sic
co"poser and television director 7obet and actor Eobi %idanes, the "e"bers of the ;ap,
Dia:, (astelo, Da:a, Planas, %alen:!ela and %idanes fa"ilies, ndre3 Tan, 7eth 1ee, Fe
)!do, 2ashin)ton &ycip, Felipe 8o:on, 'enardo 0i"ene:, &r$, 0i""y D!avit, nnette
8o:on-bro)ar, 1ito bro)ar, 1ilybeth 8$ 5asonable, 5e)ie ($ 7a!tista, 'arivin T$ rayata,
0ose 'ari 5$ bacan, 8i)i &antia)o-1ara, Darlin) P$ De 0es!s, (heryl (hin)-&y, Teresa 1$
Pacis, 7an) 9$ respacocha)a, li #o6o"-Dedicatoria, TP<, @nc$ president and chief
eGec!tive oNcer Tony T!viera, 'alo! (hoa-Fa)ar, TP<, @nc$ chair"an-e"erit!s 5o"y
0alosIos, &anIiv %ohra, 2ilson Tien), Philippine Daily @nH!irer board chair"an 'ariGi
5!fno-Prieto, Philippine Daily @nH!irer president leGandra Prieto-5o"!alde:, Philippine
Daily @nH!irer editor-in-chief 1etty 0i"ene:-'a)sanoc, 9nited &tates <"bassy
spo6esperson 5ebecca Tho"pson, as 3ell )!ests 3ere "edia a)encies and advocacy
partners, >00 participants of the 2orld <cono"ic For!" on <ast sia &!""it 2014 fro"
"ore than 30 co!ntries, 1,000 )!ests d!rin) the president.s A&tate of the #ation
ddressB 2014, ba) desi)ner &ylvia &antos, fashion desi)ners 0( 7!endia, 5andy Orti:,
0oIie 1loren, Don) O"a)a Dia:, 0oey &a"son, @varl!s6i seron, %ittorio 7arba, 8erry
Eati)ba6, Frederic6 Peralta, 5aIo 1a!rel, 1en #epo"!ceno, /indy 2eber-Tantoco, 5a"on
<steban, P0 ranador, <d3in o, O0 /ofer, rcy 8ayatin, Tippi Oca"po, vel 7ac!dio,
0ero"e &alaya n), 0oel <scober, nthony #oco", lbert ndrada, #oel (risosto"o,
5onaldo rnaldo, Eristel ;!lo, /appy ndrada, Pablo (abah!) and 0a"es 5eyes, FDP
desi)ners 0ohnny bad, 5ic6y bad, DeGter la:a, #ino n)eles, Delby 7ra)ais, Earen
(astro, Eirby (r!:, @van dela (r!:, Perry Dia:, 1ynn 5oGas, 7oyet Dysanco, 5icco <scaro,
5oc6y 8athercole, 8enar 8o:!", Pristine de 8!:"an, din 1ara, Pa!l 5anier 1i", #oelle
1lave, <d)ar 'ada"ba, 0ontie 'artine:, #i66ie 'artine:, Ole 'orabe, %ivo #a:areth, Dave
Oca"po, 1ito Pere:, #holie Pilapil, 0oyce Pilars6y, an Pineda, 5ao!l 5a"ire:, ;a6o 5eyes,
5holand 5oGas, <d)ar &an Die)o, Fanny &errano, <d3in 9y, &i"on riel %asH!e:, 8eoFrey
Qordilla, independent fashion desi)ners 0!n <scario, 'ichelle &ison, Patrice 5a"os Dia:,
(harina &arte, (ary &antia)o, Dennis 1!stico, 0ohn Paras, 7ea lbert, <ric de los &antos,
'a!reen Desini, %ania 5o"oF, 'artin 7a!tista, 0ohnbPa!l /errera, 5onald 'endo:a, !die
<spino, &idney Pere: &io, 8o!llee 8orospe and 5ao!l 5a"ire:, co!ntry.s desi)n icons @nno
&otto, !))ie (ordero, Pepito lbert, (esar 8a!po, 1!l! Tan-8an, 'i6e de la 5osa and
1oretto, <fren Oca"po and The Dean of Filipino Fashion Desi)ners 7en Farrales, 'c(ann
<ric6son (lient &ervice Director 7ernadette (hinc!anco, (oca-(ola &<# 7!siness 9nit
Papal %isit sia 2014
President 'an!el rroyo, (oca-(ola Philippines President i 8eneral 'ana)er 8!iller"o
ponte, "ar6etin) director n!bha &ahasrab!ddhe and Franchise and (o""ercial
1eadership Director Peter &chaelstraete to)ether 3ith the (oca-(ola Philippines tea",
0ohanna /ife, &teve 1ittle, 5o)ie Delena, 5ay"ond %illa]or, TeeIae &on:a, 0obert D!"lao,
&haron Tan)anco, 5o6i Ferrer, 5achel (r!:, Francis (h!a, Fran: Decloedt, ;as"in 'allari,
0enny (inco, 0in) tien:a, (riselda Pasc!al, 'avel 7anocnoc, Thess c!na, Franco 0or)e,
&tephanie (astillo, Tish (ondeno, 0aideep Eibe, #ica"ae 7aylen, 0enalyn Pere:, 7arry del
5osario, and #i66i 1ee, &!yen (orporation?s #ene and %ir)ilio 1i", 7ryan 1i" and &!yen
1i", (arlos (han?s children (arlson, rchie, 5inby, 1arry, Os:en and &hera, Tony Ferrer,
1a3rence Tan, tty$ 0oIi %illan!eva-lonso, for"er @locos 5ep$ 5oH!e A5oH!itoB blan,
(harie %illa, &tella Eati)ba6 Dearin), (ecy &eares 1!na, D!6e Frasco, (hoy and 'arissa
(oI!an)co, &!yen (orporation (hair"an, (hief <Gec!tive ONcer and Fo!nder 7en (han,
hair stylist and Philippine Fashion 7all creative director #oel 'anapat, p!blic relations
practitioner, events or)ain:er and talent "ana)er Eeren Pasc!al, 8irlie 5odis and &tar
'a)ic handler 'onch #ovales, 'aricar Tere:-7!r)os, Earen &antos, (onchita Toda, Doody
T!ason, Fr$ Pedro 8arcia 8alende, n)ie 1acson, (ora:on lvina, 0ose 'ari Trenas, @ya
%illania and Dre3 rellano, Paolo brera and &!:i <ntrata, bea!ty H!eens 1ara J!i)a"an,
&ha"cey &!ps!p 3ith h!sband 1loyd 1ee, 83en 5!ais, 7ianca 'analo and Pia 2!rt:bach,
&itti #avarro, 0as"ine (!rtis &"ith, 0a"es 7lanco, <ric Tai, E 7rosas, (la!dine 7arretto
and 5ay"art &antia)o, 5andy &antia)o, 7a"boo 'analac, 7inibinin) Pilipinas 2013
3inners (indy 'iranda and Pia 5o"ero, 'iss @nternational 2013 7ea 5ose &antia)o, 'iss
9niverse 2013 3rd 5!nner-9p riella rida, Eatherine de (astro-(r!:, Oyo 7oy &otto,
5o3ell &antia)o, Do"iniH!e (oI!an)co, Dina 7onnevie 3ith h!sband @locos &!r %ice-
8overnor Deo)racias %ictor &avellano, 0ericho 5osales, apl$de$ap, <ddie 8arcia and
5ichard 8o"e:, For"er Professional 'odels ssociation of the Philippines board "e"bers
and fashion l!"inaries Tina 'aristela Oca"po, @::a 8on:ales-)ana, Desiree %erdadero-
besa"is, 'arina 7enipayo, Patty 7etita, T3eetie de 1eon-8on:ale:, Den besa"is, /ans
'ontene)ro, 8race 'olina and riel tendido, 5obert 'ananH!il, "odels 5obby
'ananH!il, 5aya 'ananH!il-de 1eon, and 5issa 'ananH!il-Trillo 3ith %alerie de los &antose
teneo de 'anila 9niversity 7l!e <a)les tea" "ana)er Paolo Trilloe (!rrent Professional
'odels ssociation of the Philippines president Phoe"ela 7aranda also ca"e 3ith
'anila.s favo!rite "odels 8race Ta)le, 7!bbles Paraiso, 1!6e 0ic6ain, 'ia yesa, &anya
&"ith, 'i6a 1a)da"eo-'artine:, ntoinette <nciso-Oca"po, n)el )!stin-(o and
'arilen Fa!stino-'ontene)ro The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section col!"nists 50
1edes"a, &tephanie Q!biri-(respi, and Ti" ;ap, The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section
editor 'illet 'artine:-'ananH!il, Philippine Daily @#J9@5<5 1ifestyle section editor
Thel"a &ioson-&an 0!an, '<5al(o 7olts coach #or"an 7lac6, teneo "en.s bas6etball
coach 7o Perasol and his players Ponso 8otladera, Eris Porter, nton sistio, @saac 0!les
1i", for"er players 'ac6y <scalona, #ico &alva, 7acon !stria, Tonino 8on:a)a, <""an
'onfort, 0!a"i Tion)son, Fran6 8olla, Opin) &!"alino) and 0P <rra", &en$ 7on) 5evilla 0r$,
2illia" 1ao, (arol 8arcia, (harlie (oI!an)co, 'other 1ily ;!-'onteverde, 'ar6 1apid,
<thel 5a"os, Dolor 8!evarra, 7oots Plata, 5ic6y 1o, (risty Fer"in, 5i66a Dyli", &hirley
E!an, Deedee &ytan)co, &ec$ &onny (olo"a, 7eth Ta)le, 5ep$ DaG and 'idy (!a, Dolly
nne (arvaIal-'endo:a, Qsa Qsa Padilla, 'on David, 1ily 1ay!), rth!r 'an!nta),
(hristine &in)son, 8race &in)son, Tess Da:a, 0ac6ie H!ino-8avino, 0oy 'elendre:,
Tonypet lbano, 'aricar 7hel, 5eps$ 9liran 0oaH!in, /er"ilando 'andanas, nnie &!sano
and 7!tch D!"pit, %anessa Francisco, nnabelle 5a"a-8!tierre:, 7oots nson-5oa, &no3
Papal %isit sia 2014
Ta)o, (har"aine ;!, 8re) ;!, <d"!nd 1i" and 5a"on 0acinto, /elen On), 00 (alero,
0eannie 8o!lbo!rn, Eatrina Feist, 0!n and #ene 1eonor, 0oIo and /enry Qabarte, 'arilo!
1ovina, Eay E!o6 8oo, <li:abeth de 'otte, 5onald %illavele:, <nrico 1in)ao, 0r$, Protacio
<"paces, 'ario 5otersos, 0!de <lardo, <d3in o, 'ario (ol"enares, 5o"ain 7arberis,
(ar"inia Pavia, &pencer Ty, 1i:a Tan, (hristine &an Die)o, Earen 8r!pp, 'i"i and 0!liet
Tan, na and %ince 7iton), Tito /erbosa, n)ela Trillo, (hris Par6er, (hito 'elo, 5iina
&inisalo, leGandra <scat, 0ohnny 5evilla, &andy Da:a, <li:abeth (!nanan-n)sioco,
'atthe3 1loren and Tani ra)on, Tata ra)on, (andy Ochoa, 'arica (abrera, 'aryrose
(entenera, na <speran:a-9y, Tet 'a)no, 's)r$ Don <rfe, 5ev$ Fr$ 8re) 5a"os, 1eon n),
Tony and 'aryann 7eIar, 0ose 1ai), 1!isa J!intana, 5a"on 'oIica, 0o"ar (astillo, 0oyce
OreMa-&talder, Tetta Orti:-'atera, 8!s lbor, 5oberto '$$ 5obles, 5e))ie ;!son, #a6i
ta"an, 7ob Qo:obrado, r"ando nday, ndy and Tisha 7a!tista, (elia (!asay, 1eroy
Tan, "ado Tadeo, 2illia" and <li:a %alde:, Dave 'ercado, 5oi Philips, 1orna
J!is!"bin), &!san (a"pos, #i"fa ;atco, 'ar)arita 5o"!alde:, 0aina Pere:, Tina
(oscoll!ela, 0oan 'atch!c6, %incen:o (appell!to, (hit 'ontene)ro, 0a"es Freney, 5odolfo
8i!sto, Tillie Pela)allo, &y6e and &essy 8arcia, 'ari Eai"o, 8eneva (r!:, (her (alvin, Pia
5e)ala, (orcor Di:on-)!stin, Fiona 1!cas, 1!: 0!lian Peralta, 8lo FariMa Peralta, Dr$
Teresita (olo"e, 5!by T!ason, 's)r$ 'att 8arcia, 0oe 7riones, Dr$ 0a:"ine 8on)ora, (ali
and Pepsi ro, Dr$ ndrea Di"ay!)a, 5ev$ Fr$ #ic6 ;atco, &$0$, &antos and Pilar <stacio, <ta
'ercado, <tta 5osales, Toby Tian)co, Pee3ee Trinidad, &onny 7el"onte, 8ary (o!ll, 'i6e
'c(oy, 5ichard Taylor, Ti" and David Ferdinand, David Fer)!sson, &i"on De3h!rst, 5afe
Toten)co, 0osie (r!:-#atori, nna 7ayle, T!ntin) (r!: 'atters, T!ntin) (r!: 'atters,
'aricel 'atias and 5ene &antos, Qeny (abral, 'elissa 1ope:, 7ea %aldes, 1a!rice 8!illen,
&ocorro (ancio-5a"os, @sidro (a"acho, (larissa Oca"po, Eelly &!", 0oyce 'a, Earina
7orro"eo, 7rad T!rvey, 5obbie P!no, 'onso!r del 5osario, 7enny 1itonI!a, 1o!rdes
8re)orio, 0!dith Qapanta, 0!anIo 7eren)!er, lvaro Pertierra, Pepito lbert, Tricia (!
9nIien), 5i6i E3e6-'athay, 5obert revalo, 7arbara 8on:ales, <r3in <lechicon, 'al!
'a)l!tac (hion)bian, "pee &ietereales, 7obby 'acapa)al, Tony and (harin) n),
J!inito /enson, 5osanna 5oces, 7ettina Os"eMa, (heloy Dans, Tessie Dich!pa, (ota
;ab!t, (orito Eala3, delia n)eles, Pepin) and <ssen de las las, !rora #osco, To"as
and 8racin) Dadia, <dita (a"be, #at:y Qara)o:a, O"in) (oncepcion, Tessie PaIarillo,
(hin) 7ernardo, @"elda 5eH!iesta, 1!cy %er)ara, 'erce 5eyes, 0o 'adaran), 0i""y
#ana)as, 'ila Dayrit, din) Dayrit, Paolo %alenciano, Ti" (one, 'on @sberto, 7en J!e:on
vanceMa, Pitan) 1ope:-Tion)son, Fr$ 5oberto &an Die)o, 7elinda dora and 7on)
'arH!e:, 7erna 1o"otan, 5a"on 7arretto, (atherine 2eir, #ina )!as, 8erry bla:a,
Topper (oronel, #orberto #a:areno, 8i)i 'ontinola, ;o)i &alcedo, Dolly Fort!n, (onnie
'a"aril, Daisy Ople, 'onet 0oven, 1!l! %illan!eva, 0enette 1ista, &!san &ebastian, 1!cille
(habeldin, 'aril! #)o, 0ohnny Ta)!inod, Thel"a Dinoy, %ictor %alb!ena, (arlo Orosa,
'a!ro 'alan) &antos, 0essica &oho, riel 1o:ada, "parito 1h!illier, 1ili dina, Petite
8arcia, #elson Pa)lina3an, Da3nie 5oa, Dee /!a 8atchalian, &heryl ;ao, Or)anisasyon
n) ")a Pilipinon) 'an)-a3it *OP'+ President and <D& People Po3er (o""issioner
O)ie lcasid and 3ife 5e)ine %elasH!e:, 1!6e 'eIares, #yoy %olante, 2ency (orneIo,
'ae)an )!ilar, 0onathan 7adon, tty$ Ferdie Topacio, lvin nson and 8ary 7erena,
Davey 1an)it and 1ara 'ai)!e, 'ichael 0ac6son i"personator 0ericho %alencia, teleserye
stars QanIoe 'ar!do, 0a6e (!enca, <rich 8on:ales, Pa!lo velino, (oco 'artin and 0!lia
'ontes, "odel and television sho3 host 7ianca 8on:ales and "!sic co"poser 0i"
Paredes, econo"ist and for"er #<D secretary )eneral &olita (ollas-'onsod, actor 5obin
Papal %isit sia 2014
Padilla 3ith his 3ife 'ariel 5odri)!e: and brother 5o""el, noonti"e )a"e and variety
television sho3 host 2illie 5evilla"e, 1C>C 'iss 9niverse 8loria Dia:, Father and son Pen
and Pin) 'edina, co!sins @sabelle Da:a and 8eor)ina 2ilson, Po63an) &!bon),
A2o3o3eeB )irls 55 <nriH!e:, &aicy )!ila, and pril A(on)rat!lationsB 8!stilo, (arla
bellana, seGy actress Eatrina /alili, "odels Pancho 'a)no, 0ohn &painho!r, %ince
Ferraren and 0( Ti!seco, )a '!hlach, co"edian 8elli de 7elen, Dra$ %ic6i 7elo, <d3ard
'ende:, Ei" 7enedicto 1o6in, tty$ Persida 5!eda-costa, 7ernadette &e"brano, (heryl
(osi", #iMa (orp!:, 'arife 'ordido, ida &y-8on:ales, ster "oyo, Earen Padilla, <dna
1a:aro, 1eslie &a!lsb!ry, 1o!rdes 5osario, 0et %erso:a, pple PeIi Tan, (ha"pai)ne Flores,
volleyball player 8retchen /o, co"edian 0ohn 1ap!s, sin)er Eean (ipriano, 'ia #olasco,
chef 1ando 1a!dico, 8in)er (oneIero, (o"edienne (andy Pan)ilinan and rnell @)nacio,
fl" and television directors 0ose 0avier 5eyes and 'anny (astaMeda, 5a"on 7a!tista,
5ichard 8!tierre:, T% host 5ay"ond 8!tierre:, 'ae Paner, Pin6y "ador, 1eo %alde:,
#oel Trinidad and 0!n 9rbano, Dr$ ivee )!ilar-Teo, 0!dy nn &antos and 5yan )oncillo,
'aricel &oriano, i-ai delas las, %ice 8anda, 5!Fa 8!tierre:, 5!sto" Padilla, 8er"an
'oreno and 8ardo %erso:a, 1C=> <D& People-Po3er 5evol!tion veterans 1eah #avarro,
'itch %alde:, and 'aan /ontiveros, 'e)astar &haron (!neta and Ei6o Pan)ilinan and
da!)hter E( (oncepcion, Dr$ <lenita 7inay and 1o!ie 1ocsin, &abrina 2on), Dianne de
(astro, (hristian 5ae!ber, 7eth 'ancilla, (arl (!nanan, David (eldran, 8oody (!stodio,
'ari OH!inena, 'onica Torres, 0oey &in)ian, 'arilo! 7atchelor, rlene (!a, (la!dia
Ta"b!ntin), Earen &antos, 5osanna Fores, (ara 2ilson Ferrari, (arlos 7orro"eo, Poch
%illa-5eal, nIie Dy 7!ncio, yen 1a!rel, Tony 'a!)han, /aydee Potenciano, Dale dela
(r!:, Eristine 1i", #enita 1i", /isanao #a)asa3a, 5andy n), Tina (han, 'a!rice 1a!de,
8ail 1a!de, 5oGanne Farillas and <ric6son Farillas, Pain) /echanova and 'ely (oncepcion-
/echanova, <d J!i"son, 'ar)a!G &alcedo, 1ori 7alta:ar, #ancy 5eyes 1!"en, 7obby
(!enca, 'ary nn OIeda, 5ye FariMas, (a"ille )bayani and 'ac6y 'athay, @sa)ani
7an:!elo, 5ochelle 7alatbat, 0ayson 1iban, 7oris 0oaH!in, (at ra"b!lo, 7o"bi
7alH!iedra, (acay 'oras and &anti 8o, 7i:! Patisserie !drey Tanco, 'ich 'ella, 8race
&y, Eatrina ;!, 1ia (olayco, @ssa 1itton, 0oIo Qabarte, 7ob and <lsie (olo"bo, 0avi and
Teresa /ernande:, 7a"bi /arper, 0!an 0ose and 'iren 7eren)!er-Testa, 5ic6y and 7en)
Dee, 5obert and (ecile 1ope: 1illies, 5!pert and Tina 0acinto, 8eor)e &ison, 'aritess
llen, 8eor)e and (es &ch!lt:, <ric 5ecto and 0ay 1a)da"eo, Pen) and %ic6y Pere: de
Ta)le, <lbert and (hito 'elo, Qia lonto dion) and /afsa Di"aporo 7alindon), %ictor and
#ancy 1!y, 'iria" 1ao, leG lcantara, 5!ssell 'or)an, ;oshi 9y, 'ar6 #icosia, leGandra
PaIaro, 0!dith and 5odolfo PaIaro, 0!n 1eonor, 5ica Ein), 0oyce 0i"ene:, 7enIa"in 7esa,
'artin #!Me:, 0ay H!itania, 5yan ;llana, ntonio H!itania, 0in) 9y, na and 2illia"
ntonio, &andy 5ieta, Del"er 'iranda, Dboy Trofeo, 7aron 8eisler, 0ason 1!en)o, 5ita
&anson, 'yrna Fernande:, &!san 0oven, <lena 7a!tista, (ecile 2ie6ene, 0a6e and Earen
'acasaet, 0!n and #ene 1eonor, (aptain 0oy 5oa, Television host Paolo 7ediones, 1orraine
7el"onte, (arla &ibal, /all of Fa"e boGin) trainer Freddie 5oach, for"er (hica)o 7!lls
center 1!c 1on)ley, and co"edian %ic &otto, @to (!rata, nton 'endo:a, lbert 8arcia,
'ar6 1eviste, Tony bad, 0a"ie Picornell, 'ichelle PantoIa, 'artin 1i" 'arty and
(assandra 7eltran Eier!lf, (ora:on 1lorca, (ecilia bad, Pa!lino (hen), 8loria 7eltran,
Tonichi 8rey, (le"ence (ervantes, J!incy (astillo, 8erardo 1an!:a, &!san ;ap, #oel 1i",
(ar"elita 'endiola, 5afael %illareal, 8abe 1a.O, 0osL 'i)!el Pons, #ic6y #ovella, Freddy
8on:ale:, 2illia" Paradies, Do"e6a 8ara"endi, Eatrina 7!rro3s, 0ac6ie Eier!lf, 'onica
7arretto, <rica Tatad, 8abby de la 5a"a, 'ic )caoili, 5ica %illal!:, 7on) ro"in, nn
Papal %isit sia 2014
'ichelle and 'arielle (apistrano, 8lenn 8lino)a, @to Oca"po, Tristan (hoa, Tippi Oca"po,
(ecile Qa"ora and 0ero"e %an &traten, (laire nn ;ap, Philip 8ri"a and (osetta Fedele,
(hris Paraiso, /arry 8!e, 5!bens Fedele, &a!di rabian "bassador to the Philippines
'ohd, "een 2ali, 'an!el 1a:aro, velino (r!:, tty$ 'i6e Toledo, 7oyin) 5e"!lla, 5eG
8atchalian, (arissa (oscoll!ela, 5achel renas, (ecile 'a!ricio, ;vonne Dayrit
5o"!alde:, 0acH!eline Dayrit 7oncan, <rlinda Panlilio, 'ita 5!fno, 7a"bi /arper, &!san
(alo-'edina, (hichi &alas, <li:a Tan,0oyce ndres, (ristina ;nes &ison, 'aryann 8arcia,
&andra 5ocha, 5ic6 0acobsen, Oliver Ere!:er, Paolo J!i"son, <ri6a H!ino, 1in) Ochoa,
lfredo 7arretto, Don Pepe ra!llo, %il"a 1abrador, 1inda 1e)aspi 5osal, '0 De 1eon,
"ber 5oGas, &hiela Tan, (hrissie &ay, Fernando Fernande:, Danica (aynap, llan 8arcia,
8enesis Eelly 1ontoc, 0ose "ado Do"in)!e:, 1!lay 'apa and (hito 8a!rano, Dette
H!ino-Tan, 8loria 'acapa)al-rroyo, dolfo :c!na, Precy 1ope: and &teve Psina6is,
'aritess 1ope:, Odette On), Dandin) (oI!an)co, 8!ia 8o"e:, (arlos (han, (linton
(a"pos-/ess, 'ila)ros /o3, 5obert (oyi!to, 0r$, <lisa 1i", <"ilia ;an), Dr$ J!eenie 1ee-
(h!a, 0oseph <strada, (la!dio (ondotta, &tella (h!a, C2D, Fr$ 0ohnny 8o, &$0$, Fr$
7ienvenido #ebres, &$0$, Fr$ #e"esio J!e, &$0$, Di)os 7ishop 8!iller"o fable, 7less
%illareal, Pat 8oc-On), 'ichelle (alo-lvarillo, (hristian r:senal, 5obbie f:eli!s, Eris
H!ino, (harlene 8on:ales, (hristopher de 1eon and &andy ndolon), 5e: (orte:, 2illia"
'artine: and ;ayo )!ila, 1ani 'ercado-5evilla, 1orna Tolentino-Fernande:, Tirso (r!: @@@
and 3ife 1yn and son 7odie, <ric J!i:on, 8$ Toen)i-2alters and 5o"nic6 &ar"enta, E!h
1edes"a, 8race #ono, 1o!ie /eredia and Din)don) van:ado, Philip &alvador, &"o6ey
'analoto, 7eth Ta"ayo-2on), ntoinette Ta!s, To" Ta!s, 0anine 8!tierre: and bas6etball
stars, &!nshine (r!:, 8ladys 5eyes-5oGas, Daisy 5eyes, 5!fa 'ae J!into and @sabel
8ranada, 7ro$ <ddie %illan!eva 2010 presidential ca"pai)n s!pporters (oney 5eyes,
Earla 'artine:, Piolo Pasc!al, Dolphy J!i:on, 0r$, Donita 5ose, #onoy Q!ni)a and Prof$
0ere"ias 0an)ad, A/a3a6-Ea"ayB "ain cast "e"bers #i66i 8il, QaiIian 0aranilla, Tyriel
'anabat, ndrea 7rillantes, ;esha (a"ile, s!pportin) cast "e"bers 0!an Earlos 1abaIo,
1yca 8airanod, 0acob Dionisio, Gel Torres, 'aris 5acal, 'anolo Pedrosa and Ei" #ichole
7aranda, P7 players 0a"es ;ap and sons 0osh!a and 7i"by H!ino-;ap, 'arc Pin)ris and
3ife Danica &otto, 8ary David, 0i""y lapa) and 3ife 10 'oreno, Do!) Era"er and 3ife
(hes6a 8arcia and da!)hter Eendra, 2esley 8on:ales, Eelvin dela PeMa, 0( @ntal, &i"on
t6ins, 0ai 5eyes and 3ife Elaire ;ap!co, 1arry Fonacier and 3ife 1ora 8ahol, and 1
Tenorio and 3ife (hes6a, Felisa %alde:, "brosio %alde: 0r$, 5ee"a (hanco, 5ica Tantoco
De 0es!s, 7obby ndre3s, &y"on &oler, %itto 1a:atin, Eris 1a3rence, #ancy (asti)lione,
'oIo 0oIo, Ein) D0 1o)an, Toti Dal"acion, 9p Dhar"a Do3n, 8aby dela 'erced, ndi
'an:ano, AFastbrea6B charity bas6etball )a"e players 8erald nderson, nne (!rtis,
Daniel Padilla, 0essy 'endiola, 0ose 'analo, 'arco lcara:, (ha"p 1!i Pio, Dere6 5a"say,
1!is landy, Tian 1i", 0ason balos, 1e"!elle Pelayo, rth!r &olinap, (arl 8!evarra, 5ico
7lanco, 0hon) /ilario, %hon) #avarro, 7illy (ra3ford, (hris Ti!, 0% Eap!nan, 0on 1!cas,
<rvic %iIandre, rIo tayde, 0oe %ar)as, 8ab %alenciano, 0on /all, (arlo 8on:ales and
0a"es and 0i" &alas, Thirdy 5avena, 55 8arcia, Terrence 5o"eo, 7obby 5ay Par6s, Eevin
las, 8arvo 1anete, 0a6e Pasc!al, (hris #e3so"e, 7aser "er, %on Pess!"al, and #ico
<lorde, #7 3G3 Philippines celebrity bas6etball players Fabio @de, 5ovilson Fernande:,
8erard cao, 7obby ;an, ndy &"ith, 2ill Deva!)hn, 5obin da 5o:a and 0oross 8a"boa,
r!nnin) coach 5io de la (r!:, bas6etball coaches %ince /i:on and llan 8re)orio, Perlas
Pilipinas 3o"en.s national bas6etball tea" player 'elissa 0acob, sports broadcasters
0inno 5!fno of &olar &ports, 'ar6 Qa"brano of 8' #e3s and 'arco 7enite: and nton
Papal %isit sia 2014
5oGas of 7&-(7# &ports, A7,107 @nternational '!sic FestivalB celebrity revelers 'a)alona
siblin)s, E( 'ontero, 5hian 5a"os, Troy 'ontero, !brey 'iles, 7ea &oriano, drien
&e"blat, Francis 5icafort, <r3an and &olenn /e!ssaF, (arla /!"phries, #icole nderson,
8ian 'a)dan)al, Pa!la PeraleIo-Fernande:, 1ie:el %erses, bi)ail 1esley (r!:, D0 'o
T3ister, (oleen 8arcia, &a" Pinto, FeliG and Do"inic 5oco, Teresa /errera-nthony,
Daniel 'ats!na)a, 1a!ren ;o!n), %ictor 7asa, Divine 1ee, 'ichelle 'adri)al, A7oys #i)ht
O!tB 5adio Disc 0oc6eys Tony-Tony, &lic6 5ic6 and &a" ;8, Eiefer 5avena, 7rent 0avier,
7or)y 'anotoc, <llen darna, 7ianca Ein), Phil ;o!n)h!sband, and "ore, 8erard (ancio,
(arla &ebastian, 'ar6 7!")arner and 'ichelle 7!")arner, 7<#(/b fa"ily stars, A>,200,
The 'ission Possible ProIectB personalities and AThe #a6ed Tr!th, Deni" and 9nder3ear
Fashion &ho3B celebrity "odels Ei" (hi!, Earylle, 0eric and 0eron Ten), <nchon) Dee,
0oseph 'arco, 1ovi Poe, 5achelle nn 8o and 'ar66i &troe", 'ichelle %ito, &ofa ndres,
Dianne 'edina, /el)a Erapf, 'elissa 5ic6s, DIanin (r!:, Eiana %alenciano 3ith &a"antha
8odine:-%alenciano, 'r$ (hinato3n 2013 3inners 0ose 'i)!el 1asala, &ydney D!, &6y
;an), 0ero"e Tan and 5andy &eee 'r$ (hinato3n 2014 3inners David 1ic!aco and E!rt
0osh!a On), 'ar6 1ope:, 0air!s Ferrer, lec 5obes, A7e 7<#(/b, The 'odel &earchB fnalist
5on 'oralese (arlos (oncepcione ;en) (onstantinoe APinoy Drea" cade"y, &eason 2B
scholar /ansen #ichols 3ith his t3in brother 8(, A7<#(/b 5aIo 1a!rel Dos collectionB
"odels &a" (oncepcion, 5occo #acino, &teven &ilva, <n:o Pineda, &arah 1ahbati and
5e)ine n)eles, ne3est A7<#(/settersB incl!din) actors To" 5odri)!e:, Dennis Trillo,
'artin del 5osario and Do"inic 5oH!e, nthony and David &e"erad, ndre Paras and De
1a &alle 8reen rchers center rnold van Opstal, A"erica?s #eGt Top 'odelB.s Do"iniH!e
5ei)hard and llison /arvard, Asia.s #eGt Top 'odelB fnalist Eatarina 5odri)!e:,
television co""ercial, ra"p, print and fashion "odels and actors 7enIa"in lves, 0on
vila, Franco Da:a, 'arG Topacio, %ictor &ilayan, 0ohn 0a"es 9y, 'arvin 5ay"!ndo, 'i6o
5aval and 5aphael 5obes, 1!isito 5abat, "odels and athletes nton del 5osario and &a"
5ichelle, ndre3 2olF and 0an6a (edersta", /ideo '!rao6a, (atriona 8ray, %alerie
7ario!-7ondoc, 5i"a Ost3ani, 0aneena (han, 5e)ine Tolentino, 0 Dee, 'ariana del 5io,
'arco lcara:, &ay lon:o-;!pan)co, (hynna Ortale:a and 5ailey %aleroso, Denise 1a!rel,
'el 'artine:, &haron Tan, Pa!l Da:a, Pia sistio, 'ich ra!llo, Debbie (o, lvin 1i",
'a))ie 2ilson, (a"ille %illar, Far)o 7aillet, 0osephine 7ael F!Iisa3a-@la)an, Do"inic 0ohn
8aleon, 'ia 7ay!)a, (hris 7adiola, 7on) Tan, 5ichard Ti!, (hristine 1ove, @llac Dia:,
1ovely Tecson and lberto 5o"!lo, #edy Tantoco, @sabel 2ilson, Pitoy 'oreno, 7ea
%aldes, @rene 'artel Francisco, 8!illy 5!fno, 8loria /!an), 0ocelyn 7!endia, 8i)i 7arrera,
'ar:ena #o3a6o3s6a, 0ohncy 'aha", 'itch Di:on, 'atthe3 1i", &a"antha ;en, %ictor
ntonino, <nriH!e 8on:ale:, (larisse (hion)bian, Dr$ (arlos 8abriel, Dr$ nna 1ope:-
8abriel, J!ito 1ope:, 8re) 'ontene)ro, <"ily 'ontene)ro, Fit: P!yat, Paolo raneta,
'!"ph 5!i:, 'anny del 5osario, (ary 1a)da"eo, 'ar6 and 'ichelle Ta)le, <va 8!llas,
'yra P!yat &antia)o, 'ar)arita Fores, 'oniH!e %illon)co, "ado Fores, &andro Ten)co,
<than 7el"onte, 0oel 1o"otan, 'arissa Orosa-(oncepcion, Eai 1i", 'arissa (oI!an)co,
bby 0i"ene:, 'ilette 7el"onte, Trina lindo)an, (andy Di:on, (athy J!, 1ianne Ti!,
5!thy %era, 8race n), nnette Tirol, &!:anne (obonp!e, 1isa raneta-'arcos, &!san
Florete, !drey P!c6ett-(hi!, #anette 'edved Po, 'arilen T!ason, Florence Eo, /el"!t
8aisber)er, (hesca 5oces, 'ar6 0entes, Denisse Oca, &ha &!pan)an, &tephen E!, 7ibe
'artine:, 5aIiv 8h!""an, 5oseana 8randel, <loisa 5icchetti, Dan) Pal"a, 5ico rce,
'ichael (h!a and n)ela 7!na), 8lenn 8aerlan, <nchon) For"oso, (hris #elson, Do"inic
7e6aert and Palo"a Qobel, driano (art!liares, 1alain 1andico, <velyn 5eyes, 5ose
Papal %isit sia 2014
7ernarde: 5edaon, 0anice 5eyes, 'ar6 0ones, 0!dith 8o, 0acH!i 2iene6e, <"ily &antos,
'arion (h!a, )!stin Davalos, &ep (i"afranca, 8lo3ie 5a"iro, Earen Pa"int!an, Toby
8atchalian, 8icelle /i"ala, <dith 'arH!e:-5eyes, 5ebecca Da:a-&adh3ani, 'anIit
&adh3ani, 7in) (arrion-7!c6, 1oren 1e)arda-1eviste, 8re))y 1icaros 0r$, 'abel baMo,
0eFrey and %ivian #), Filaine Tan and 0eann 2ee, /erbert 7a!tista, 'issy yala, 7en
2intle, &i"on and Pa!l 0ablon, <ric #oyel, c!na, <n and ndre3 (alvert, <van Ein),
nal! Fereira, %ictor De 1eon 1i"a, (hiy!6i F!Ii"oto, (hertchai 'ethanayanonda, 7!sba
7!nna), Eh!n 'anthana de 1eon, Eh!n E!llanit, Eh!n &!3attee Teerapath, 0oey
7ernardino, 5ene 1apid, lbert 7anaa), 5hea 5ivera, 0hoanna 1i", 'i6e (elis, 1ei 1ope:,
(hi6aro" Eitiya6ara, &ilvana Dia:, Phyllis Qaballero, lfredo and 7eth Francisco, 5on
5eibenbach, Pilar &in)ian, &ylvia %ent!ra, 'indy 8ana, (ar"en 1yna"-'anna6ee, 5enee
%eyret, @rit 7en bba, 7!sba 7!nna), /aIah 'ai"!nah Dato /aIi <lias, &ale" da", 0ac6y
Foo, 'oha""ed <brahi" lIo3aid, #avre6ha &har"a, 'ilena &antana-5a"ire:, 0oao
(ayetano da &ilva, Do"ini Pri"ero, 'i6o %alen:!ela, 5onnie /enares, 7aha" 'itra, (ita
stals, 0ai"e Dae:, <lla 5oces 'ontene)ro, 0enny &yH!ia, 'ichelle 7ayle, Ein) D0 1o)an,
8inny del 5osario and <"ilio bello, 1!is and 7arbara del 5osario, lice On), yin)
Palen:!ela, 0oanne del 5osario, 8in) de los 5eyes, 7illy Ein), 0esse &incioco, 'i6e
(onstantino, 'on 'ara"ba, <d"!ndo 5eyes 0r$, Pa!lyn &ica", Dr$ 5osita #avarro, Francis
Tolentino, ntonieta Fort!na-@be, 2innie #a:areth, <nrico %illan!eva, 'aritoni Fernande:,
0osephine EnoG, 7etty Tenchaves, Presy 5a"os, &!san 8ra!, (hito Francisco, Eate
8ordon, &pirit of ->7, lbert 7ildner and 1in @ll!sorio, 0es!sa (alano), 1in)lin)ay 1acanlale,
7ill and 1ily O.7oyle, 2inna Ei""el, (alvin Tsao, #ene J!i"son, 'innie Os"eMa, nna
&y, /ernan (orte:, @sabel On)pin, 5ene <ncarnacion, 1o!rdes 'ontinola, #elly F!n),
1orna 1a!rel, Toni ;!lo 1oy:a)a, Del FoIas, #estor &antia)o, ndy 1ocsin, 1orrie 5eynoso,
1oren:o and 1orrie %alde:, Dr$ and 'rs$ 5!ben Paredes", Dr$ and 'rs$ 5a!l &ala, Tess
1abrador, Eilin) Da6!dao, 0ohn Tanchan)co, Philip Qor)ani, Trisha 5eyes, 7ernadette
7arbers, 5!th Padilla, 0eannie #) &andoval, 'ary nn rce)a Dy, 5aFy &!are:, ntonio
5eina, issa 7arrera (oI!an)co, rlina rro:al de 0es!s, 1o!ie %ar)as, ndie 5ecto-
'ontene)ro, 'itos Pacis, 8eneral lberto Fernando 7ra)an:a, 5oberta 1ope:-Feliciano,
'aribel On)pin, Toni ;!lo-1oy:a)a, ndy 1ocsin, 1a!ro 7aIa 0r$, 8ov$ Paro!6 /!ssin, @rit
7en-bba, /elen On), /el"!t 8aisber)er, <van)eline Pasc!al, 0oanne 1oren:ana, (arla
Ten)co, 'i6e Planas, 'arisa Olasolo and rt!ro 5ocha, <d3ard 2ehrli, 7aby raneta, Toni
bad, 7ebet 8o:!n, 8loria 'ara, 'ichael &alientes, (arol tacador, 'arides Fernando,
5ose 1ibon)co, Teofsto 8!in)ona 0r$, <rnesto 'aceda, 'oniH!e Qani, <rnie and Fe ;!,
0a"es 1a!, (elia (!asay, 0a"es 0ao, Don %alerio, 8ener (arin)al, rleen On), To"as
5odri)!e:-PantoIa, 5oland 5eyes, Dennis &ocrates, (el ;!lo, 7in)-7in) 8on:ales, 7ela
%asH!e:, (h!-(h! 'adri)al and 'andy <d!H!e, (esar 7!enavent!ra, Dada 1oren:ana-
&antia)o, PeH!e 8alla)a, Fr$ 5obert 5eyes, 5!pert 0acinto, Tin)tin) (oI!an)co, Pin)
%alencia, 5ed 0acinto and 0!lie /idal)o, 7oots and ndy &oler, 0esi and 8ina 'ende:, #ora
0acinto, <ddie and Eatie 0acinto, #anette dela (r!:, frica %aldes-de 5eynoso, <"ily
5eynoso-1a3s, /ans &y, 1arry Francia, 7obby 8opia, drian (ristobal, %ir)inia 'oreno,
(hitan) 8!errero-#a6pil, 5a"on %ille)as, Eit 5oGas, 0o"ari Trenas, Pa!lino and /etty J!e,
Pepe &"ith, 5icardo (ardinal %idal, 'onsi)nor lberto 7oon)alin), Tony driano, ba
1l!ch Dalena, l Pere:, 1ito (aratin), /enri (ain)let, ndy 'al!che, Thea Pa:, 5onald
8arcia, &hahid Qahid, %ic6y bad, Pa!lo %inl!an, @say lvare:, 5achel leIandro, 'andy
Ochoa, 7ert #ievera, Franco 1a!rel, Qaldy 1adro"a, Paolo 8!evarra, lfonso ;!chen)co,
Peter 8o-Pailan, Dr$ dolfo 7elosillo, Drs$ "elia and 'an!el (atalan, 9lay Tantoco, 7en
Papal %isit sia 2014
Farrales, Des 7a!tista, Fe /abiIas, &teve De 1eon, 'anny (astro, 5ay"!nd @saac, %ic6y
'archandesch, #ic6 T!ason, Tessie To"as, Eatrina Tantoco and Paolo 1obre)at, Francisco
'aMosa, &onia &antia)o-Olivares, ntonio 5odri)!e: 'endo:a, @vy l"ario, (onrad
On)lao, 'i6e de 0es!s, 0ean 'onteverde, 7en) P!yat, Oscar 'otlo, 0ohn (o)!l, lvaro de
&alas, Oscar %ia, <li:abeth &y, Pedro 5oGas, 8eni and ;or)os Psina6is, <ileen (hoy, #ico
'ontinola, Franco 1i"I!co, 8ina 'o6, 8ree6 #afsi6a and 7!bbles Drosso!, 'i6e %aca,
8e"ith 8e"paro, Debbie <nriH!e:, 0!dith Qapanta, <nriH!e and Tine %asH!e: Prada,
5ichard and #ic6 9nder3ood, Tina Pa"int!an, Dennis Padilla, 8ilda &alon)a, 0ohn 1esaca,
Fides (!y!)an-senio, 7enny and Ophie (le"ente, Fr$ &anny de (laro, ntonio 'artel 0r$,
7elen 1ovina Tic:on 'artel, Don and #or"a &anders, 5oberto Felano and 5i:alina
7!enavent!ra, 7o"bit de la PeMa, 0!li!s Tic:on and 5yan 'anao), Peppy Din)lasan,
8abriel &antos, ndre Din)lasan, 'ar)aret and Theresa de la PeMa, 2an))o 8alla)a,
Portia &antos, rlene Tic:on, (hit 8oh!, 1in))oy and (onnie raneta, Danny and 1ilia
(r!:, 0i" and %ivian %illacr!sis, <""a @la)an, Tessie 'aronilla, 8erarda %illa, <velyn
Eilay6o, Fr$ Tony 5osales, Pierra (alasan:, 0!liet and 'i"i Tan, 0oey &erver, 0!lien Tripet,
Erystal 1ao, Fran6 7riones, (at ra"b!lo, Trish 7riones, Earl Ty, (hicho &!are:, #ap
5a"a, 1!pita H!ino and Een Eashi3ahara, Ditas 5odri)o &evilla, Pa!l H!ino, tty$
lfredo 1i", 1arry /enares, tty$ 0!an (ollas, 0ohnny 1itton, %erni %ar)a, Fr$ sandas
7alchand, %icente <"ano, (onstantino 0ara!la, Fa!stino Dy @@@, Eatrina T!ason-(r!:,
'anny PacH!iao, <arl @)nacio, ce 7arbers, 'arco Protacio, #eil 5!"baoa, 8i)i and 8in)
'ontinola, 2il"a PalafoG, O$%$ and 'arilen <spirit!, 2illia" /a"ilton-2hyte and
n)eliH!e 5epapis, 7asil On), (esar and 7a"bina 7!enavent!ra, Teddy 7oy, 1o!ie and
5a"on 1ocsin, Peter Pedersen, &tefano 5!::a, <rnie TanH!intic, 8olly Talens, 'io6 1oyola,
ileen Tence Dionisio, #eny Francisco 'arasi)an, 1eah Qa"ora 7anaa), %ina Francisco,
@rene (ons!nIi 'ontilla, Pilar 7!sta"ante <strella, Pin (oI!an)co 8!in)ona, 5hona
'odesto &an Pedro, 9dit %illara"a 8alve:, 0oanna Tayen)co-@nfante, 'arivic /ebron 0!an,
Franco 1a!rel, 5e" Qa"ora, 7onbon &oler, 1isa Tinio, @n)rid &ala &anta"aria, 0oana
Palanca 1h!illier, 'ichelle (oncepcion 5eyes, &!resh #anoo, 0ose 'ari 9)arte, 8'
#et3or6 rtist (enter talents 8loria 5o"ero, Pilita (orrales, lI!r brenica, 1o!ise delos
5eyes, 'ar6 /erras, ;as"ien E!rdi, 10 5eyes, 0!lie nne &an 0ose, EristoFer 'artin, Derric6
'onasterio, 7arbie Forte:a, 7ela Padilla, 7ea 7inene, 'aG (ollins, ;assi Press"an, 5afael
5osell, 8lai:a de (astro, 5ochelle Pan)ilinan, 'ona 1o!ise 5ey, 0onalyn %iray, Eyla
(al!"pad-lvare:, 0ay-5 &illiona, 'ar6 7a!tista, (hef 7oy 1o)ro, 'anilyn 5eynes, n)el!
de 1eon, 'ar6 nthony Fernande:, 8abby <i)en"ann, 5ay"ond 7a)atsin), 5ic6y Davao,
nIo ;llana and 2ally 7ayola, T%4 actor %in brenica, 5it: :!l, <!la (aballero, 'artin
<sc!dero, <"poy 'arH!e: and 'r$ F!, 8' #e3s and P!blic Fairs personalities 'i6e
<nriH!e:, rnold (lavio, &andra )!inaldo, 5aFy Ti"a, 'ari: 9"ali, Oscar Oida, 'ar6
&ala:ar, 0!n %eneracion, (hino 8aston and #athaniel (r!:, 'edia personalities tty$ Don)
P!no, (hiH!i 5oa-P!no, 8erard 8arcia, 1ia (r!:, &ha3n ;ao, 'an! &andeIas, 0ason 2ebb,
0eanne ;o!n), (ory J!irino, 'el Tian)co and 0ay &on:a, society col!"nist 'ons 5o"!lo,
Tonyboy (oI!an)co and 8retchen 7arretto, <d and 'ar)arita Del)ado, Donnie and
(ric6ette Tantoco, 7oy b!nda, 5enee &al!d, 'on @la)an, (esar 'ontano, 5ado Di"alibot,
@nocencio Ferrer, 5ene P!no, Tony Q!l!eta, 5aFy Qialcita, 2illia" 1la"as, Pat 8on:ales,
'ayenne (ar"ona, 7ebot 1a!rel, 5o"y 8ard!ce, 1eo Oracion, 8lo3ie 5a"iro, #icole
n)eles, (athy David, &ep (i"afranca, Ton 1ao, @rene Tan, 1en Olbes, @6e 1ay!), 5a"on
Orlina, #apoleon b!eva, 1ito tien:a, 1ala FoIas, /elen 'arte, 8erard and #in) (hesnel,
(arolle 1!cas, !relio 'ontinola @@@, <d!ardo Del)ado and Donnie Tantoco, 1in)lin) and
Papal %isit sia 2014
rchie Ein), 8!t:ee &e)!ra, (arlo <ndaya, /eart <van)elista, ndre3 7arton, Din)don)
Dantes, 'arian 5ivera, lice DiGson, #eri:a 'athay, Eathy De 8!:"an, 0oanne Qapanta
ndrada, Trisha Panlilio (!-9nIien), 0osephine EnoG, 0olina 'a)dan)al, 'aritess Tantoco,
8eor)ie Dia:, Ei" tien:a, 1en #epo"!ceno-8!iao, (hechel 0oson, Pops Fernande:,
Danny 7!enafe, 8eric6 Parayno, 5!el 'endo:a, 5ic6y &ison, 0ohnny &antos, ndres
<stella, OIie 1eona, FeliG 7acolor, 2illia" 'a, Eorina &anche:, 0!li!s 7abao and Tintin
7ersola-7abao and da!)hter nya and son #io, Eatrina Ponce <nrile and 1in)-1in) Ein)e
celebrity "a6e!p artist Patric6 5osase hair stylist 0in) 'onise 1ito &y, 0ason 'a)ban!a,
'aros (la!dio, Patricia 'ay &iy, FeliG n), Dr$ /ayden Eho, 'ar)ie and 8ilbert D!avit,
'i6e <chave:, F$F$ (r!:, Danton 7!eser, fric %aldes, 'aryann Pineda-5eynoso, Ophie
(anada-5eynoso, Earen Davila *3ith her sons David and 1!cas+, 'arIorie 7arretto-Padilla
and da!)hter Dani 7arrettoe 8in))in) 'endo:a, leG 5eyes, 'yra 5eyes, 'arilen (arpio,
Freddie 5eyes, 'arlyn and Tony 1illes, (havit &in)son, Pratee6 E!"ar, 5ichard Ti!, 0!nie
and Fernando PeMa, 5osa 5osal, 0or)e 0oseph, 2ency 1a)!"bay, i6o 'elende: and
'artin 0ic6ain, 7rian 7elen, 'i)!el Pastor, 0oy Orte)a, <d! 'an:ano, 0ohn Prats, A&!rvivor
PhilippinesB cast3ays &ha!n 5odri)!e: and &!:!6i &adats!)!, 1a!reen 9y, #iGee 8arcia,
<na de 8!:"an, 8re))y &antos, Ea"ae de 0es!s, &teve 'edalle, 8ab Pere:, 'oniH!e
&alcedo, teen heartthrobs 5obi Do"in)o and David (h!a, Olivia (han, (hristian &an 0ose,
'arielle-Feli:e Trias Flores, 'arco Fi)!eras, 5ay"ond n), 7obby &olo"on, 5iva
8alve:tan, Franco @"perial, (hristopher de %enecia, Tricia and 'ar6 8osin)tian, n)e de
la (r!:, Paolo l"a:an-<bora, &ean 8o, 1!c6y 'ercado, ndrea Torres, 'onica %erallo,
'ico ytona, 0estoni larcon and 3ife 1i:ette, 7o (err!do, 7ayani and 1en )bayani,
lanna 1ope:-'ontelibano, 5ichie (oronel &antos, ries &al!do, 5!by (oI!ito of Fla3less,
5onald (arballo, lvin Fort!na, Dennis (oronel, Eenneth Don), Olai and 5oland <spirit!,
(arlos )assi, 8e""a Fit:)erald, #i66i %alde:, Eristopher Peralta, 5ico 7arrera, 'arvin
)!stin, Danilo 7arrios, &treetboys and ;a (han), Pepin) (oI!an)co da!)hters 'i6ee
(oI!an)co-0a3ors6i, (hina (oI!an)co-8on:ale: *and her adorable baby 1!cia+, 'ai-'ai
(oI!an)co-Qini, tty$ 0ess &antos, #ic6 1ocsin, 'ario and lice J!eblatin, !die and (ecile
&aa, 0enny Franco, ndre3 Te, 'arisol 7arria, 1!ciano 7on)ola, 'ichael 1i", "!sic
co"poser 5yan (ayabyab and his 3ife <""y, 1o!ie Oca"po and 3ife 0oIo, 0acH!i 'a)no,
(eleste 1e)aspi, 0' 5odri)!e:, rnold %e)afria and (ris %illonco, "alia F!entes, #iMo
'!hlach and son lon:o, 'ichela (a::ola, 5ita vila, &hyr %alde: and ;ayo )!ila,
s3i""er 0ohansen )!ilar, and 3restler 'arc!s %alda, 83en 8arci, (eline 1ope:, 0enni
<pperson, nne 7ella, Eissa (astaMeda, Previe3 "a)a:ine editor in chief Pa!line &!aco-
0!an, Daryl (han), 1i: 9y, entertain"ent ne3s reporters 'ario D!"a!al, 8retchen F!llido
and '0 'arfori, 8ary %alenciano, Da3n Q!l!eta-1a)da"eo, lbert 'artine: 3ith da!)hter
lissa 'artine:, 7enIie Paras 3ith 3ife 1yGen, 'ylene Di:on, Paolo (ontis, @:a (al:ado,
lfred %ar)as, 'arco &ison, @vy %iolan, %ina 'orales, &haina 'a)dayao, 7an)s 8arcia,
0ero"e Florentino, <ri6 &antos, 0ane Paredes, O)ie Dia:, 1y6a 9)arte, n)eli Pan)ilinan-
%alenciano, n)eline J!into, rron %illa]or, <ri6 (!a, @ssa 5eyes, 5ico &errano, (hicho
&!are:, Franco 'abanta, liya Parcs, (hristian 7a!tista, na Fe)i, 7asil %alde:, &a" 'ilby,
8ina Tab!ena-8odine:, 'arilo! 'artine:, <fren 7riones and @ya 5odri)!e:, Pa!la (a"ille
1ocsin and 0!an Paolo 7ondoc, n)eles 8!evara, 7etty 'act!al, 7elen (astro, 'atin
Petilla, 1! ntonino, #eptali 8on:ales @@, Pinon) 0avier, 0ohnny 5e"!lla, 0ose P!yat 0r$,
risteo P!yat, 'ercy T!ason, Dr$ 5andy Francisco, 1eonard Tirol and "anda Onr!bia
8!idotti, 5ev$ @sa!ro David, rth!r 'acapa)al, 'ic6ey Ferriols, <ric 7!hain, 5obert
#acianceno, 'on 8on:ale:, 'al! %eloso, Toby 8an, #oel Dela 'erced, la Paredes,
Papal %isit sia 2014
5ichard %enn, 8re)orio Do"in)o, Gel 8ohner, nthony 8arcia, 1ance &heperd, 0!n 0!ban,
Pa!l (abral, n)ela %ele:, ndrea 7a!tista, &arah 0ane Pae:-&antia)o, Dondi li6pala,
1etlet %eloso, !rora Dia:-2ilson, Tina Tinio, &onny 7orro"eo, Tonio %eloso, "alie and
5o"an :an:a, 1orna and 1evy /i:on, 5!by and 7!ddy 5oa, 5oi Philips, 7eth 5o"!alde:,
Pa: &otto, 1!cille %illan!eva, 0ean &alvador, 5!by &antos, 1!li Del)ado, %ictoria T!a:on,
Toby (abal6in, (ynia 'ascariMas, Dot Favis-%elasco, nthony del 5osario, 'i6o Pasc!al,
(hef 5oland 1a!dico, #ic6y (a"ca", 8re) &in)ian, Pin6y "ador, 7onIin 7olinao, Peachie
%eneracion, 5enee raneta, (h!6ri Prieto, 7ert 8arcia, 'ichelle J!i:on, Dale %illar,
0acH!es D!pasH!ier, #icolas 8o!llenco!rt, 0!lien (leret, &ebastien 'an)eant, 'artine
%asse!r, ndree 7elan)er, 'ichael &eli)"an, &abrina /eine6ey, 8eor)e /ashi", &!::ane
Ein), (harina &abal, (harles 5appaport, 0ean /et:el, 0a"es 7enoit, (ecilia 1e!n), 5ina
&inisalo, 0i" 1ynch, 7rett (ole"an, <di Te6eli, nne 2itheford, (aridad &anche:, 8elo
&errano, Fanny &errano, (ynthia l"ario, 8ino Padilla, 'aribi 8arcia, 7eth &ison Ta)le,
5obbie /errera, #ancy Di:on (astro, (ynthia 0ocson, (ecil 1icad, 0ohn &ilva, ce 7arbers,
8abrielle (ali:o, 7eth &ee and 5ene #abon), &ari Orti)a, 'arc 1o)an, 8rin)o /onasan,
Francis 5icciardone, <d3in rce, Dino &antos, Freddie 7orro"eo, Dondi &antos, 7obby
)!irre, 5ic6y ;ab!t, (ooch 1ynch, %ince 7iton), "alie and 5o"an :an:a, 1orna and
1evy /i:on, 5!by and 7!ddy 5oa, (elso Dayrit, (indy E!rleto, @no 'analo, Dale %illar,
Trish %illan!eva, 'anet Dayrit, 0ia and 8abby <strella, 'i6o %alen:!ela, <rich <dralin,
(hristine &an Die)o, 'orten 7re"elhoeI, 'ia Trinidad, 8ai Olivares, Philippe Tic:on, 7!b!t
ndres, (aridad &anche:, 8elo &errano, 'aribi 8arcia, 7eth &ison Ta)le, 5olf Ea"bli,
5obbie /errera, Eitty 8o, #ancy Di:on (astro, (ynthia 0ocson, "bassador 'oha"ed
<brahi" l-0o3aid, (ecil 1icad, 0ohn &ilva, 8aita Fores, 0oanne &al)ado, 1etty /ahn, 1!:
(!llen, Fanny 7lanco, Telly ldana, (ita 5evilla-;ab!t, 'aricris (ardenas-Qobel, 'aricar
Toten)co, 2anda 1o!3allien, nton Palanca, 7obby (la!dio, 5ic6 ;!pan)co, 'onchet
On)sia6o, 0ose 1!is %illan!eva, Qac6 and 5oisin, 0ed (arlos, (arla 8!tierre:, 1yn &her"an,
Pastor Pa!l 'ata, nthony 8arcia, &anti <li:alde, %ince 7iton), 5e" Qa"ora, /er"inia
FaIardo, <rlinda %illan!eva, 1o!rdes &ese, %ir"a %er)el de Dios, 'arinela %ele:, 'aria
n), <rlinda &!nico, 5oby 8oco, 0ose &ala, Tony 1o:ada, Pericles Da6ay, llen Tan,
(hristopher 9y, Deborrah nn (!a /o, @)nacio 7!nye, <d (al"a, Tonton 8!tierre:, 8lydel
'ercado, #oel (aban)on, riel 5ivera, /y!bs :arcon, /eber 7artolo"e and Paolo
&antos, 5hap &ala:ar, )ot @sidro, 1ie:el 'artine:, and 0oanna "pil, "!sical director and
arran)er /o"er Flores, ballerina, actress and ballet director 'aritoni 5!fno-
Tordesillas, #i66i Tan), 'arcott l"eda, 5!by (h!a, TiFany (h!a, &heree (h!a,
:i:a 'ondonedo, (ristina 8o"e:, socialites 7aby raneta Fores, 1isa raneta, (acho
'arcos, 1inda Oledan, %eana Fores, 1orrie 5eynoso, %ic6y Q!biri, 'aricris Qobel, (arol
8arcia, 'aripi '!scat and 'ar)arita Fores, nton 'endo:a, 'onch (r!:, (h!t (!erva,
'arcel (respo, @pe (r!: of 5o)!e 'a)a:ine, 'arco 1obre)at, (hin) (r!:, Tina (!evas,
)nes /!ibonhoa, Fe 5odri)!e:, &!san 0oven, @an 8iron, ndres %asH!e: Prada and l
Ten)co, Doris 'a)saysay /o, 8ina 1ope:, <velyn Forbes, 'arc #elson, 5icco and Tina
'aristela-Oca"po, 5i66i and 7en) Dee, Philip and Tricia (!-9nIien), &ander Tantoco,
Philippine #ational 5ed (ross (hair"an 5ichard 8ordon, 5enna /echanova n)eles,
Earen &antos, 7obby and (hin)bee (!enca, 8ina boiti:, 7aby 8irl Fric6e, 'a!rice
rcache and ace photo)rapher leG %an /a)en, 0oIie Din)con), 0ean 8o!lbo!rn, Frances
1i" and Pa!l (a"pos, Dennis %aldes and Tessa Prieto-%aldes, <rnest <scaler, Dr$ Orly
'ercado and &!:y Pineda, (heche 1a:aro, 7ibeth Orte:a and (arlitos &i)!ion 5eyna, (es
Orena-Drilon, Dyan (astilleIo-8arcia, 0ac6ie (astilleIo-8!in)ona, 1i:a @larde, na Eala3,
Papal %isit sia 2014
nton &an Die)o, 5a!l Teehan6ee, Pepper Teehan6ee, 'ari6o 0acinto, ye #!)!id, 1eah
P!yat, nton 7arretto and 0ac6 de 'esa, 5a!l 'an:ano, thena %aldes, n)elette (alero,
nni6a %aldes, #iG lanon, 5enna n)eles, 7aby Fric6e, Earen &antos, 7in)-7in) J!iros,
8ina boiti:, #ic6 and 1!cille 1ocsin, Pa!l (a"pos, Tony and (hin)bee (!enca, 'anny
'iMana, 0$ nton 'endo:a, 7!dIi 1ay!), 5oyal Pineda, <d (al"a, 'ilo #aval, Tony
8on:ales, Tes Pasola, Eenneth (obonp!e, na 5ocha, 7art 8!in)ona, 0in))oy 7!ens!ceso,
0ai"e (h!a, 7rendan 'c(arthy, Tho" &antia)o, Pascal 8o!Io!, 'anolette Dinsay, ndre3
&harpe, lfred Tere:-7!r)os @@@, Francis (eballos, &hella &ar"iento, 5orie (arlos, Tara
&antos, 5odeon 5oIas, 7rian 1la"an:arese del Ta"ano, &i"on Tantoco, Danie, Daisy and
<ddie 'endo:a, 'artha 7!c6ley, ;olly yson, Debbie (han, 5oselle 5ebano, 7on) Pal"a
8il, 'i6ee (hanco, 0!dy raneta-5oGas, 7etty &iy-;ap, <d!ardo 1ope:, "or 5oselle
/errera, &!:ette 'orelos, #estor <ncinas, 5andy 7aron, &er)ia b!eva, P!rifcacion
%eloso, Petite 8arcia, 0avier 8alvan, na 1!isa <spinosa, David Ferro, 1orraine #!bar,
5achelle 8erodias, 'asa6o Toribara, 0osephine 5oces (have:, 7!nny 1!do, 0oseph
8on:ale:, J!inito 'oras, 0ayIay #eri, Dean Die:, 7!diette and 7randie Tan, ndre J!intos,
l"a 0!nia, <ric Ta"ayo, 'i6e and 1ea Fa"!larcano, 5!dy viles, 5ay"ond bao and
1!cien 1etaba, Orlando 'a)no, %icente Paterno, #ena @l!sorio, 'aribel On)pin, &ari
(oI!an)co, Tessie FaIardo, Popsy 'ende:-H!ino, 7ella ncheta, &ol PeMa, lice &andeIas,
5alph Peter 0entes, 'ary nn On), 5osalie &ipid, %ioly 1i", <lena 1ee, 5ose 1i", 8reta 8o,
&tefe @nocentes, (ar"ela On)sia6o, Terry 5osales, (ecile On)sia6o, Dely On)sia6o,
'aridol 'abanta, Tessa &ierra, 0!vy ;!pan)co, &evy &antos, 8retchen del 5osario, (el!ch
'anahan, 5obert (onstantino and /elen 'arte, (!rtis (hin, Tati 1ic!anan, 8re))y and
@rene raneta, indoor volleyball players D:i 8ervacio, 0e" Ferrer, Fille &aint 'erced
(ain)let-(ayetano, #acachi, 5achel nne DaH!is, 0ovelyn 8on:a)a, lyssa %alde:,
Denden 1a:aro, (oach (haro &oriano, 'ar)e TeIada, 'elissa 8ohin), 'ary 0ean 7alse,
'ayeth (arolino, 'ichelle (arolino, <lla De 0es!s, Eara cevedo, Earla 7ello, &tephanie
8abriel, 'ae TaIi"a, 0ayson 5a"os, 'aica 'orada, 0ed 'ontero, 'ichelle 1aborte, &asa
Devanadera, 8rethcel &oltones, 0oy 7enito, 5!bie De 1eon, 'ae (risosto"o, ;nna /ao,
Tina &ala6, 0P Torres, Dahlia (r!:, #ene 7a!tista, i:a 'ai:o, 'ai6a Orti:, 5hea
Di"ac!lan)an, Denise Tan, %en!s 7ernal, 0hec6 Dionela, n))e TabaH!ero, 'itch Dat!in,
bby Praca, 7ea Pasc!al, 7ea Tan, 0!dy (aballeIo, 'ar!Ia 7anaticla, 0 PareIa, 'yco
ntonio, /enry Pecana, 5eG @ntal, Dindin &antia)o, 0aIa &antia)o, Eathy 7ersola, Princess
8aiser, &hiela 'arie A7an)B Pineda, 'ayette Qapanta, 5ose"arie %ar)as, 0en 5eyes,
Princess 1istana, n)ela 7entin), Pa! &oriano, 1i:lee nn 8ata-Pantone, <d3in Tolentino,
Peter Den 'ar Torres, 'ichelle 8!"abao, (ha (r!:, &tephanie 'ercado, 0esh!l 2ensh Ti!,
bi)ail 'arano, 'i6a <speren:a, Ei" FaIardo, 'i6a 5eyes, %ictonara 8alan), and (yd
De"icillo, 5en: (asanova, (hris 'acasaet, Philip (erve:a, 'ar6 1ee, 0oanne &iy, 1oren
1antin, 'ia /irots!Ii, Pa"ela 1asti"osa, @n)rid 5eyes, 0essey De 1eon, (ar"ela T!nay,
(hloe (orte:, leG (abanos, Patricia 5as"o, @lla &antos, 0oanne 7!na), 0acH!eline larca
and <rs @ratay$
Cespected heads of different reli0io!s or0ani2ations also :oined in the celebrations incl!din0 Coman
*atholic Aishop-=merit!s Beo0racias 5ni0!e2 of the Biocese of *aloocan, Aishop 1eo Alcon0a of the
5nternational Aible 3ociet", Aishop Ban Aalais of Philippines for es!s )o'ement, Pastor =d Be
4!2man of 5ntercessors for the Philippines, Pastor Pa!l *hase of Alaban0 /e& 1ife in *hrist, Apostle
Cenato *arillo of es!s O!r 3hield 8orld&ide )inistries, Pastor Art Ferriol of Pentecostal )issionar"
*h!rch of *hrist, Pastor =milio 9enares of Ci'er of 1ife in Aacolod, Pastor osh!a Aonto0an of 1ife
Papal %isit sia 2014
To!chers )inistr", Pastor =nto" 3intos of es!s )iracle *r!sade, and Aro, Bann" /a'ales of An0
Batin0 Baan,
'aster deeIays 'artin Porta and 0on T!pa: for the cool "!sic d!rin) the celebration at the
%@P 1o!n)e of the J!irino 8randstand and 'anila /otel$ To 0ay &antillan and his 1&T
'obile &o!nd &yste" *333$lst"obile$co"+ for their a3eso"e set!p, (harisse Tinio of
#ice Print, as 3ell photo)raphers fro" all international ne3spapers for the fab covera)e,
Pin6y Fernando-5a"os of Fernando.s 7a6eshop, Pen6 (hin), 8oldiloc6s 7a6eshop and 5ed
5ibbon 7a6eshop for the lovely letter ca6es for their )reetin)s of several local and
international chapters of 0es!s is 1ord (h!rch 2orld3ide Fo!ndation on their anniversary
and c!te c!pca6e to3er, 5ichard %illan!eva and Eenneth (oncepcion of The (ro3d 7ar,
'elinda (h!a of r!ba 7ar, lbert #oco" of 9no 7ar and 'aita 1ocsin of (hiv: 1o!n)e
7ar for the over]o3in) boo:e$
The entire Ci2al Par. &as a 'irt!al mar.etplace, as 'endors ha&.ed =l 3haddai hand.erchiefs, healin0
oils, !mbrellas, plastic mats, raincoats, and e'en stools,
8hile some 'endors :ac.ed !p their prices, 2#-"ear-old !n )allon0a from Tondo, )anila, sold his
!mbrellas at onl" P7# each, (This is m" o&n &a" of than.in0 the 1ord, and also m" birthda" 0ift to
Aishop Arother =ddie,+ )allon0a said,
%ecurity nightmare
8hen t&o helicopters came from AA3-*A/ 3." Patrol bearin0 &hite hand.erchiefs printed &ith a
messa0e from =l 3haddai be0an droppin0 them as (mirac!lo!s 0ifts,+ the cro&d &ent &ild,
As the han.ies fell, the faithf!l ran, :!mped and :ostled in !nison for each of those s!pposedl"
mirac!lo!s items that can c!re an" disease of the belie'er,
One "o!n0 man e>ec!ted a 'irt!al football tac.le in his attempt to 0rab a hand.erchief from a little
(This is definitel" a sec!rit" ni0htmare, b!t &hat can &e do`+ said an e>asperated 3!pt, =lmer amias,
*hinato&n commander of the 8estern Police Bistrict,
=l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc, fo!nder and ser'ant-leader Aro, )i.e
O, Velarde told local and forei0n ne&smen he spent (a fe& million+ on the hand.erchiefs and other
freebies and props, incl!din0 bells, balloons and &hite pi0eons,
=arl" in the afternoon at 3600 p,m,, the cro&d :!bilantl" ca!0ht &ith their !mbrellas in'erted tho!sands
of miracle-so!'enir hand.erchiefs thro&n into the air from se'eral helicopters,
Aroadcast :o!rnalists sho&in0 li'e tele'ision pict!res from cameras at the rooftop of the )anila 9otel
estimated the 1!neta cro&d at 4 million, There &ere !mbrellas and tents from the J!irino 4randstand
b" the )anila Aa" to the area behind the Ci2al mon!ment across Co>as Ao!le'ard, A" ni0htfall, the =l
Papal %isit sia 2014
3haddai follo&ers and members &ere spread o!t almost to Taft A'en!e, T,), Lala& 3treet, Padre
A!r0os Bri'e, Enited /ations A'en!e, Pedro 4il, Port Area, )cArth!r, ones, J!e2on and A"ala
A than.s0i'in0 pra"er &as offered b" Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a for his ann!al birthda" celebration and for
the ann!al anni'ersar" celebration of the es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide,
9e also led the con0re0ation in pra"er for their pra"er-re-!ests, &hich &ere blarin0 of sirens in all
0o'ernment offices, mobile police cars and &atercraft, firetr!c.s and :ail ser'ice 'ans, tho!sands of
&hite do'es &ill be released, bells &ill be tolled, blo&in0 of horns, po!ndin0 of m!sical dr!ms or tin
cans and other noise-prod!cin0 ob:ects, tied to balloons and released to the air and fire&or.s &ill be lit
at the si0nal of Aro, =ddie,
Velarde said that at 3 p,m, on 3!nda", October 27, blarin0 of sirens in all 0o'ernment offices, mobile
police cars and &atercraft, firetr!c.s and :ail ser'ice 'ans, tho!sands of &hite do'es &ill be released,
bells &ill be tolled, blo&in0 of horns, po!ndin0 of m!sical dr!ms or tin cans and other noise-prod!cin0
ob:ects, (miracle mission balloons of faith, lo'e and !nit"+ &o!ld be released to the air &ith 4 pra"er
re-!ests and petitions &ritten on ballpen or pencil on them and fire&or.s &ill be lit to si0nal to bro!0ht
o!t the ca.e, chilled champa0ne, blo& the candles and san0 (9app" Airthda",+
A tho!sand-'oice choir &ill sin0 the birthda" son0 accompanies b" the Philippine Philharmonic
The 4 pra"er re-!ests are6
(For these reli0io!s 0ro!ps to contin!e to!chin0 peopleHs li'es, healin0 the sic., and repairin0 bro.en
(For President A-!ino to s!cceed in brid0in0 the 0ap bet&een the rich and the poor thro!0h food
sec!rit" and peace and order initiati'es,
(For the )arcos &ealth iss!e to be resol'ed b" the people in a referend!m so the sti0ma and bitterness
ca!sed b" this !nresol'ed iss!e ma" be healed and brin0 abo!t !nit" and lo'e amon0 o!r people,
(For media to be a constr!cti'e partner in nation b!ildin0 b" their tr!thf!l, honest and fair reportin0 of
e'ents, s!ch as6 international and local competitions, tele'ision pro0rams and mo'ies,
(For the constr!ction of ma:or infrastr!ct!re pro:ects in the Philippines s!ch as rail and road
infrastr!ct!re pro:ects, hi0h and mid-rise b!ildin0s, residential and office condomini!ms, shoppin0
malls, hotels and resorts,
As.ed later if the last re-!est means that, li.e the President, he thin.s some in media are irresponsible
in their reportin0, Velarde replied6 (5 am not sa"in0 that, 5Hm :!st pra"in0 that media &o!ld contin!e
bein0 a constr!cti'e partner in nation b!ildin0,+
Families &ho had positioned themsel'es on mattresses on the 0ro!nd sta"ed p!t, tho!0h there &as little
protection from the rain, *hildren made !p almost 40 percent of the thron0 in Ci2al Par.,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Political banners and streamers had reportedl" been prohibited in J!irino 4randstand and Pla2a
)iranda areas, and there &ere none in si0ht,
'ecord breaker
The (birthda" part"+ !nofficiall" bro.e the 4!inness Aoo. record for the &orldHs bi00est birthda" bash,
&hich &as attended b" 3#,000 and hosted b" *ol, 9arland 3anders, the fo!nder of Lent!c." Fried
*hic.en, on his @%th birthda" in 1%7%,
)an" of the =l 3haddai cro&d camped o!t o'erni0ht in tents, The rain did not stop more from arri'in0,
&ith man" comin0 on b!ses from the pro'inces,
The President and the members of the A-!ino Famil", 0o'ernment officials and sho&bi2 personalities
&ill sta" briefl" at the )anila 9otel, a h!ndred meters from the 'en!e of the festi'ities, to a&ait his
part in the pro0ram,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Papal %isit sia 2014
The heaviest do3npo!r ca"e at 4,30 p$"$ I!st before Philippine President 7eni)no &$
H!ino @@@ and presidential sisters 7allsy H!ino and <ldon (r!:, Pin6y H!ino and 'anolo
Papal %isit sia 2014
bellada and %iel H!ino and Dodo Dee, and their children, 0i))y and 0onty H!ino-(r!:,
'i))y and #ina H!ino-bellada, Ei6o and 0ia H!ino-Dee, Ioined by Philippine %ice-
President 0eIo"ar ($ 7inay, (hief 0!stice 'aria 1o!rdes P$$ &ereno, &enate President
Fran6lin '$ Drilon, /o!se &pea6er Feliciano 5$ 7el"onte, 0r$, 'etropolitan 'anila
Develop"ent !thority (hair"an tty$ Francis Tolentino, Philippine #ational Police
Director 8eneral lan 1$'$ P!risi"a, 'anila Police District (hief 1eocadio &antia)o, 0r$,
r"ed Forces of the Philippines (hief-of-&taF 8eneral Pio (atapan)an, 7an)6o &entral n)
Pilipinas 8overnor "ando Tetan)co, 0r$, (o""ission on /i)her <d!cation (hair"an
Patricia 7$ 1ic!anan, (!lt!ral (enter of the Philippines (hairperson <"ily $ brera,
#ational (o""ission for (!lt!re and the rts (hair"an Felipe '$ de 1eon 0r$, /o!sin) and
1and 9se 5e)!latory 7oard (o""issioner and (<O ntonio '$ 7ernardo, 1and
Transportation ONce (hair"an %ir)inia P$ Torres, 1and Transportation Franchisin) and
5e)!latory 7oard (hair"an 2inston '$ 8ine:, ssociation of 7roadcasters of the
Philippines (hair"an 7!tch &$ (anoy, <Gec!tive &ecretary PacH!ito Ochoa, 0r$, )ric!lt!re
&ecretary Proceso lcalae (o""!nications and &trate)ic Plannin) ONce &ecretary 5ic6y
(arandan)e Defense &ecretary %oltaire 8a:"ine <nvior"ent and #at!ral 5eso!rces
&ecretary 5a"on PaIe, 0r$e 7!d)et and 'ana)e"ent &ecretary Florencio bad, 0r$e /ealth
&ecretary Dr$ <nriH!e Ona, @nterior and 1ocal 8overn"ent &ecretary 'an!el $ 5oGas
@@, forei)n aFairs secretary lbert del 5osario, Trade and @nd!stry &ecretary 8re)ory
Do"in)o, Finance &ecretary (esar %$ P!risi"a, Transportation and (o""!nications
&ecretary 0oseph <"ilio $ baya, <ner)y &ecretary (arlos 0ericho Petilla, I!stice secretary
1eila '$ de 1i"a, labor and e"ploy"ent secretary 5osalinda D$ 7aldo:, p!blic 3or6s and
hi)h3ays secretary 5o)elio 1$ &in)son, science and technolo)y secretary 'ario 8$
'onteIo, social 3elfare and develop"ent secretary (ora:on 0$ &oli"an, to!ris" secretary
5a"on 5$ 0i"ene:, 0r$, 0!lia bad-5a:on, appoint"ents secretary 5ochelle 5$ horro,
dep!ty presidential spo6esperson bi)ail %alte, presidential spo6esperson tty$ <d3in
1acierda, for"er senators /eherson lvare:, Teresa H!ino-Oreta, 7!t: H!ino, #i66i
(oseten), 0ohn /enry Os"eMa, <rnesto /errera, 1oi <strada, 0!an Flavier, 5obert
0a3ors6i, Pin) 1acson, Ei6o Pan)ilinan, %icente Paterno, #ene Pi"entel, 1eticia 5a"os-
&hahani, &antanina T$ 5as!l, 0ovito &alon)a, /elena 7enite:, <va <strada-Eala3, Freddie
2ebb, <d)ardo n)ara, %ic Qi)a, <rnesto Tanada and Francisco Tatad, c!rrent &enators
&er)io Os"eMa @@@, Pia (ayetano, lan Peter (ayetano, T8 8!in)ona, 7on)bon) 'arcos,
'iria" Defensor-&antia)o, #ancy 7inay, 1ito 1apid, 0in))oy <strada, 0% <Iercito, 0!an
Ponce <nrlie, 5alph 5ecto and %icente &otto @@@, 'aIority Floor 1eader #eptali 8on:ales @@,
@locos #orte 1st District 5ep$ 5odolfo ($ FariMas, @locos #orte 2nd District 5ep$ @"elda
'arcos, @locos &!r 1st District 5ep$ 5onald %$ &in)son, (aloocan 5ep$ <d)ar 5$ <rice,
'alabon 1one District 5ep$ 0osephine %eroniH!e 5$ 1acson-#oel, #avotas 1one District
5ep$ Toby Tian)co, 'aria Theresa 7$ 7onoan-David of 4th District of 'anila, 1!cy Torres-
8o"e: of 4th District of 1eyte, Earlo #o)rales of 1st District of Davao (ity, Pedro 7$
charon 0r$ of 1st District of &o!th (otabato and &aran)ani 1one District 5ep$ 'anny
PacH!iao, ssociate 0!stices ntonio (arpio, Presbitero %elasco, 0r$, Teresita 0$ 1eonardo-de
(astro, rt!ro D$ 7rion, Diosdado '$ Peralta, 1!cas P$ 7ersa"in, 'ariano ($ Del (astillo, 5$
bad, 'artin %illara"a, 0r$, 0ose Pere:, 0ose ($ 'endo:a, 7ienvenido 1$ 5eyes, <srelita
Perlas-7ernabe and 'arvic 1eonen, for"er 'anila 'ayor and 7!hay Party-1ist 5ep$ 1ito
tien:a, for"er 'anila 'ayor lfredo &$ 1i", for"er Philippine President and no3 'anila
'ayor 0oseph <strada, c!rrent J!e:on (ity 'ayor /erbert 7a!tista, for"er J!e:on (ity
'ayor 7ri)ido &i"on, (aloocan (ity 'ayor Oscar 'alapitan, 'alabon (ity 'ayor 1en-1en
Papal %isit sia 2014
Oreta, #avotas (ity 'ayor 0ohn 5ey Tian)co, %alen:!ela (ity 'ayor 5eGlon 8atchalian,
'andal!yon) (ity 'ayor 7enh!r balos, 'ari6ina (ity 'ayor Del de 8!:"an, for"er
Pasi) (ity 'ayors %icente, &oledad and 7obby <!sebio and &an 0!an (ity 'ayor 8!ia
8o"e:, 'a6ati (ity 'ayor 0eIo"ar <r3in 7inay, c!rrent Pasi) (ity 'ayor 'aribel ndaya-
<!sebio, Ta)!i) (ity 'ayor 1aarni 1ope:-(ayetano, c!rrent Pasay (ity 'ayor ntonio
ATonyB (aliGto, for"er Pasay (ity 'ayor 2enceslao APee3eeB Trinidad, for"er ParanaH!e
(ity 'ayor 0oey 'arH!e:, for"er ParanaH!e (ity 'ayor Florencio 7ernabe, c!rrent
ParaMaH!e (ity 'ayor <d3in Olivare:, 1as Pinas (ity 'ayor %er)el $ )!ilar and
'!ntinl!pa (ity 'ayor 0ai"e Fresnedi, @locos #orte 8overnor @"ee 'arcos, 1aoa) (ity,
@locos #orte 'ayor (hevylle %$ FariMas, @locos &!r 8overnor 5yan 1!is &in)son, %i)an (ity
'ayor <va 'arie &in)son-'edina, bra 8overnor <!staH!io 7ersa"in, 7an)!ed 'ayor
Do"inic 7os!e)o %alera, 7en)!et 8overnor #estor Fon)3an, 7a)!io (ity 'ayor 'a!ricio
Do"o)an, Tab!6 (ity, Ealin)a "ayor Ferdinand T!bban, (a)ayan Provincial 8overnor
lvaro ntonio, T!)!e)arao (ity, (a)ayan 'ayor 0eFerson Patta!i &oriano, parri 'ayor
&hali"ar D$ T!"ar!, 7atanes 8overnor %icente 8ato, 7asco 'ayor De"etri!s Pa!l ($
#ara), @sabela Provincial 8overnor Fa!stino d7oIied 8$ Dy @@@, &antia)o (ity 'ayor 0oseph
&alvador Tan, @la)an (ity, @sabela 'ayor 0ose"arie d0ayd 1$ Dia:, D'D, (a!ayan, @sabela
'ayor 7ernard F$ 1a 'adrid Dy, #!eva %i:caya Provincial 8overnor 5!th Padilla,
7ayo"bon), #!eva %i:caya '!nicipal 'ayor 5a"on T$ (aba!atan 0r$, J!irino Provincial
8overnor 0!nie <$ (!a, (abarro)!is, J!irino '!nicipal 'ayor velino #$ )!stin 0r$,
Pan)asinan Provincial 8overnor "ado <spino, 5osales, Pan)asinan 'ayor &!san P$
(asareno, Da)!pan (ity 'ayor 7elen T$ Fernande:, 9rdaneta (ity 'ayor "adeo
8re)orio <$ Pere: @%, Tarlac 8overnor 0es!s A7on)d &antos, Tarlac (ity 'ayor 8elacio 5$
'analan), 1a 9nion 8overnor 'an!el d'anolin)d ($ Orte)a, &an Fernando, 1a 9nion
"ayor Pablo ($ Orte)a, Qa"bales 8overnor /er"o)enes <bdane, 0r$, Olon)apo (ity 'ayor
5olen Pa!lino, &!bic, Qa"bales 'ayor 0eFrey D$ Ehon)h!n, !rora Provincial 8overnor
8erardo $ #overas, 7aler, !rora '!nicipal 'ayor #elianto ($ 7ihasa,
Pa"pan)a Provincial 8overnor 1ilia 8$ Pineda, &an Fernando, Pa"pan)a 'ayor <d3in
&antia)o, n)eles (ity, Pa"pan)a 'ayor <d)ardo Pa"int!an,
7ataan Provincial 8overnor lbert &$ 8arcia, 7alan)a (ity 'ayor 0ose <nriH!e &$ 8arcia @@@,
7!lacan Provincial 8overnor 2ilhel"ino &y-lvarado, 'arilao '!nicipal 'ayor 0!anito
dTitod /$ &antia)o, 7ali3a) '!nicipal 'ayor (arolina Dellosa, 'alolos (ity 'ayor (hristian
D$ #atividad, #!eva <ciIa Provincial 8overnor !relio 'atias 9"ali, (abanat!an (ity
'ayor 0!li!s (esar %$ %er)ara, (avite Provincial 8overnor 0!anito %ictor 5e"!lla, 7acoor
(ity 'ayor &tri6e 5evilla, Das"arinas (ity 'ayor 0ennifer $ 7ar:a)a, 5osario '!nicipal
'ayor 0ose '$ 5icafrente 0r$, 1a)!na Provincial 8overnor 5a"il /ern[nde:, &anta 5osa
(ity, 1a)!na 'ayor rlene 7$ rcillas-#a:areno, (ala"ba (ity 'ayor 0!stin 'arc Ti""y
(hipeco, &an Pablo (ity 'ayor 1oreto &$ "ante, 1os 7aMos '!nicipal (aesar P$ Pere:,
5i:al Provincial 8overnor 5ebecca $ ;nares, ntipolo (ity 'ayor (asi"iro $ ;nares @@@,
(ainta 'ayor 0ohnielle Eeith #ieto, Taytay '!nicipal 'ayor 0anet De 1eon - 'ercado, &an
'ateo, 5i:al 'ayor 0ose 5afael Dia:, n)ono 'ayor 8erry %$ (alderon, 0alaIala 'ayor
#arciso &an 0!an %illaran, 7atan)as Provincial 8overnor %il"a &antos-5ecto, 7atan)as
(ity 'ayor <d!ardo 7$ Di"ac!ha, 1ipa (ity 'ayor 'eynardo $ &abili, J!e:on Provincial
8overnor David ($ &!are:, 1!cena (ity 'ayor 5oderic6 $ lcala, Pala3an 8overnor 0ose
($ lvare:, P!erto Princesa (ity 'ayor 1!cilo 5$ 7ayron, 'arind!H!e 8overnor (ar"encita
On)sia6o 5eyes, 7oac 'ayor 5oberto 'adla, Occidental 'indoro 8overnor 'ario 8ene
'endiola, &an 0ose, Occidental 'indoro 'ayor 5o"!lo d'!loyd Festin Oriental 'indoro
Papal %isit sia 2014
8overnor lfonso 9"ali, 0r$, (alapan (ity, Oriental 'indoro 'ayor rnan ($ Panali)an,
5o"blon 8overnor <d!ardo ($ Fir"alo, 5o"blon 'ayor 8erard &$ 'ontoIo, 'asbate
8overnor 5i:alina 1$ &eachon-1aMete, 'asbate (ity 'ayor 5o3ena 5$ T!ason, (a"arines
#orte 8overnor <d)ardo Tallado, Daet 'ayor Tito &$ &arion, (a"arines &!r 8overnor 'i):
%illaf!erte, #a)a (ity 'ayor 0ohn 7on)at, lbay Provincial 8overnor 0oey &alceda, 1e)aspi
(ity 'ayor #oel 5osal, (atand!anes 8overnor raceli 2on), %irac 'ayor Flerida 5!th $
lberto, &orso)on Provincial 8overnor ntonio <sc!dero 0r$, &orso)on (ity 'ayor &ally $
1ee, @loilo Provincial 8overnor rth!r Defensor, &r$, @loilo (ity 'ayor 0ed Patric6 'abilo),
6lan 8overnor Florencio 'ira]ores, Ealibo 'ayor 2illia" &$ 1achica, 'alay 'ayor 0ohn P$
;ap, ntiH!e 8overnor <GeH!iel 0avier, &an 0ose de 7!neavista 'ayor 5ony 1$ 'olina,
(api: 8overnor %ictor $ Tanco, 5oGas (ity 'ayor n)el lan 7$ (elino, #e)ros Occidental
)overnor lfredo 8$ 'araMon, 0r$, 7acolod (ity 'ayor 'onico P!entevella, (eb! Provincial
8overnor /ilario A0!nI!nB Davide @@@, (eb! (ity 'ayor 'ichael 5a"a, (onsolacion
'!nicipal 'ayor Teresa P$ le)ado, #e)ros Oriental 8overnor 5oel De)a"o, D!"a)!ete
(ity 'ayor 'an!el (hiH!itin) &a)arbarria, &ipalay (ity 'ayor &oledad ($ 'ontilla, 7ohol
8overnor <d)ar '$ (hatto, Ta)bilaran 'ayor 0ohn 8eesnell ;ap, Tacloban (ity, 1eyte
'ayor lfred &$ 5o"!alde:, Or"oc (ity 'ayor <ric ($ (odilla, (apoocan 'ayor Federico /$
(arolino &r$, @sabel 1eyte 'ayor 'arcos 8re)orio '$ (erillo, (albayo) (ity 'ayor 5onaldo
P$ H!ino, 7oron)an (ity 'ayor 'a$ Fe 5$ b!nda, Qa"boan)a (ity 'ayor 'aria @sabelle
(li"aco &ala:ar, @pil, Qa"boan)a &ib!)ay 'ayor <ld3in '$ lib!tdan, Dipolo) (ity,
Qa"boan)a del #orte 'ayor <velyn T$ 9y, Davao del &!r Provincial 8overnor (la!de
7a!tista, Davao (ity 'ayor 5odri)o D!terte, 'ati (ity, Davao Oriental 'ayor (arlo 1!is P$
5abat, Panabo (ity, Davao del #orte 'ayor 0ose 1$ &ilvosa &r$, &o!th (otabato Provincial
8overnor Daisy vance-F!entes, 8eneral &antos (ity 'ayor 5onnel 5ivera, Eoronadal
'ayor Peter 7$ 'i)!el, Polo"o6 'ayor /oney 1!"aya)-'atti, &aran)ani 8overnor &teve
($ &olon, label 'ayor (ora:on &$ 8raflo, 'a)!indanao 8overnor <s"ael 'an)!dadat!,
(otabato, 'a)!indanao 'ayor 0apal d0o0od 8!iani, Eidapa3an (ity 'ayor 0oseph $
<van)elista, 'isa"is Oriental Provincial 8overnor ;ev)eny %icente 7$ <"ano, (a)ayan de
Oro (ity 'ayor Oscar 'oreno, 8in)oo) (ity 'ayor &tella 'arie 1$ 8!in)ona, 'isa"is
Occidental 8overnor /er"inia '$ 5a"iro, O:a"i: (ity 'ayor 5eynaldo O$ ParoIino) &r$,
1anao del #orte )overnor 'oha""ad Ehalid J$ Di"aporo, @li)an (ity 'ayor (elso 8$
5e)encia, 7!6idnon 8overnor, 'alaybalay (ity 'ayor @)nacio 2$ Q!biri, )!san del &!r
Provincial 8overnor dolph <d3ard Pla:a, 7!t!an (ity 'ayor Ferdinand '$ "ante,
0r$, 9nited &tates a"bassador Philip &$ 8oldber), (anadian a"bassador (hristopher
Thronley, &panish a"bassador 0or)e Do"ecH, 'eGican a"bassador 0!lio (a"arena
%illaseMor, 7an)ladeshi a"bassador 'aIor 8en$ 0ohn 8o"es, (a"bodian a"bassador
T!ot Panha, @ndian a"bassador 5a" Trasad, @ndonesian a"bassador de Petranto,
0apanese a"bassador Toshinao 9rabe, Eorean a"bassador /y!6 1ee, 1ao a"bassador
'alayvien) &a6onhninho", 'alaysian "bassaor Dato 'ohd Qa"iri %in 'ohd Eassi",
7!r"ese a"bassador !n) Ehin &oe, Pa6istani a"bassador &afdar /ayat, 'arich! %era
Pere:, 5ev$ Fr$ &onny 5a"ire:, P8(O5 (hair"an <phrai" 8en!ino, P8(O5 (hair"an
(ristino 1$ #a)!iat, 0r$, for"er P8(O5 presidents 7!tch Tenorio and 5afael 7!tch
Francisco, P8(O5 (hair"an 0or)e &ar"iento, Philippine Oly"pic (o""ittee (hair"an
0ose (oI!an)co, 0r$, Philippine &ports (o""ission (hair"an 5icardo 5$ 8arcia and
representatives of b!siness"an 1!cio Tan, 'etroban6 president Tony bacan, Philippine
#ational 7an6 board of director, 5ep$ 'i)!el A'i6eB 5o"ero, retired Philippine &!pre"e
(o!rt (hief 0!stices /ilario Davide, 0r$, rte"io Pan)aniban and 5eynato P!no, Fernando
Papal %isit sia 2014
Qobel de yala, 7ea Qobel, yala 1and, @nc$ president ntonino ATonyd H!ino, 5o3ena
To"eldan, ( 1e)arda, 'ar6 &ablan, 0oseph 5eyes, 'aricris 7ernardino, Pivi Dia:, 5ina
5eIanit, 7obby Dy, 'an!el %$ Pan)ilinan, T%4 President-<"erit!s and The Philippine &T5
(hair"an tty$ 5ay ($ <spinosa, T%4 President and (<O #oel 1oren:ana, riel Fer"in,
8ary D!Iali, #e3s4 head 1!chi (r!:-%aldes, 'eralco /5 and (orporate &ervices &enior
%ice-President and Philippine 7as6etball ssociation (hair"an-<"erit!s 'on &e)is"!ndo
and &ports4 head and 8ilas Pilipinas 7as6etball Tea" (oach (hot 5eyes, Eenneth ;an),
Tessie &y-(oson, Tony Tan-(a6tion), 5a"on n), lfred Ty, rth!r Ty, &ari ;ap, 1ance
8o6on)3ei, 5obina 8o6on)3ei-Pe, 1i:a 8o6on)3ei-(hen), @sha ndaya-%alles, 'yr:a
&ison, 0o-ann 'a)lipon, 7&-(7# 7roadcastin) (orporation (hair"an <!)enio 1ope: @@@,
7&-(7# 7roadcastin) (orporation President and (hief (ontent ONcer (haro &antos-
(oncio, &tar (ine"a 7&-(7# Fil" Prod!ctions, @nc$ "ana)in) director 'alo! &antos,
7roadcast /ead and (hannel 2 /ead (ory %alen:!ela-%idanes, television b!siness !nit
head 1a!renti Dyo)i, b!siness !nit head for co"edy 1in))it Tan-'arasi)an, 7&-(7#
P!blishin), @nc$ 8eneral 'ana)er <rnie 1ope:, Drea"scape <ntertain"ent Television
President Deo <ndrinal, 5oGy 1iH!i)an, 5iley &antia)o, 5obert 1abayen, 'ar6 ;a"bot,
!)!st 7enite:, #andy %illar, 5ico (a"!s, 5ay"ond 'iranda, 'ar6 1ope:, 'aricel renas,
/appy 'ab!lay, Dar3in (errado, ldrin (errado, Dino 1a!rena, 'arch %entosa, (hris
1ope:, (arlo Eati)ba6, 1eo Eati)ba6, Paolo Pineda, 7on) Osorio, 'onchet Olives, Earen
(olo"a, for"er 7&-(7# presidents (ito leIandro and Freddie 8arcia, "ovie and
television director 0ohnny 'anahan, &tar 'a)ic %ice-President 'ariole lberto, (athy
8arcia-'olina, rnel #atividad, Toto #atividad, 'al! &evilla, 5echie del (ar"en, 0oIo
&a)!in, Olivia 1a"asan, 1a!rice 8!illen, 0erry 1ope:-&inenen), Tots 'ariscal, <ri6 &al!d,
5!el 7ayani, 5!el #aval, 0oyce 7ernal, 0ohn-D 1a:atin, 0ero"e Pobocan, 0onathan Dia:,
2enn Dera"as and Don (!ares"a, 4, 000 1ope: 6in fro" all over the 3orld, 7&-(7#
'anila 5adio and &ports Division head Peter '!sn)i, 7&-(7# @nte)rated #e3s and
(!rrent Fairs (hief 8in) 5eyes and (hoose Philippines head (harie %illa, "!sic
co"poser and television director 7obet and actor Eobi %idanes, the "e"bers of the ;ap,
Dia:, (astelo, Da:a, Planas, %alen:!ela and %idanes fa"ilies, ndre3 Tan, 7eth 1ee, Fe
)!do, 2ashin)ton &ycip, Felipe 8o:on, 'enardo 0i"ene:, &r$, 0i""y D!avit, nnette
8o:on-bro)ar, 1ito bro)ar, 1ilybeth 8$ 5asonable, 5e)ie ($ 7a!tista, 'arivin T$ rayata,
0ose 'ari 5$ bacan, 8i)i &antia)o-1ara, Darlin) P$ De 0es!s, (heryl (hin)-&y, Teresa 1$
Pacis, 7an) 9$ respacocha)a, li #o6o"-Dedicatoria, TP<, @nc$ president and chief
eGec!tive oNcer Tony T!viera, 'alo! (hoa-Fa)ar, TP<, @nc$ chair"an-e"erit!s 5o"y
0alosIos, &anIiv %ohra, 2ilson Tien), Philippine Daily @nH!irer board chair"an 'ariGi
5!fno-Prieto, Philippine Daily @nH!irer president leGandra Prieto-5o"!alde:, Philippine
Daily @nH!irer editor-in-chief 1etty 0i"ene:-'a)sanoc, 9nited &tates <"bassy
spo6esperson 5ebecca Tho"pson, as 3ell )!ests 3ere "edia a)encies and advocacy
partners, >00 participants of the 2orld <cono"ic For!" on <ast sia &!""it 2014 fro"
"ore than 30 co!ntries, 1,000 )!ests d!rin) the president.s A&tate of the #ation
ddressB 2014, ba) desi)ner &ylvia &antos, fashion desi)ners 0( 7!endia, 5andy Orti:,
0oIie 1loren, Don) O"a)a Dia:, 0oey &a"son, @varl!s6i seron, %ittorio 7arba, 8erry
Eati)ba6, Frederic6 Peralta, 5aIo 1a!rel, 1en #epo"!ceno, /indy 2eber-Tantoco, 5a"on
<steban, P0 ranador, <d3in o, O0 /ofer, rcy 8ayatin, Tippi Oca"po, vel 7ac!dio,
0ero"e &alaya n), 0oel <scober, nthony #oco", lbert ndrada, #oel (risosto"o,
5onaldo rnaldo, Eristel ;!lo, /appy ndrada, Pablo (abah!) and 0a"es 5eyes, FDP
desi)ners 0ohnny bad, 5ic6y bad, DeGter la:a, #ino n)eles, Delby 7ra)ais, Earen
Papal %isit sia 2014
(astro, Eirby (r!:, @van dela (r!:, Perry Dia:, 1ynn 5oGas, 7oyet Dysanco, 5icco <scaro,
5oc6y 8athercole, 8enar 8o:!", Pristine de 8!:"an, din 1ara, Pa!l 5anier 1i", #oelle
1lave, <d)ar 'ada"ba, 0ontie 'artine:, #i66ie 'artine:, Ole 'orabe, %ivo #a:areth, Dave
Oca"po, 1ito Pere:, #holie Pilapil, 0oyce Pilars6y, an Pineda, 5ao!l 5a"ire:, ;a6o 5eyes,
5holand 5oGas, <d)ar &an Die)o, Fanny &errano, <d3in 9y, &i"on riel %asH!e:, 8eoFrey
Qordilla, independent fashion desi)ners 0!n <scario, 'ichelle &ison, Patrice 5a"os Dia:,
(harina &arte, (ary &antia)o, Dennis 1!stico, 0ohn Paras, 7ea lbert, <ric de los &antos,
'a!reen Desini, %ania 5o"oF, 'artin 7a!tista, 0ohnbPa!l /errera, 5onald 'endo:a, !die
<spino, &idney Pere: &io, 8o!llee 8orospe and 5ao!l 5a"ire:, co!ntry.s desi)n icons @nno
&otto, !))ie (ordero, Pepito lbert, (esar 8a!po, 1!l! Tan-8an, 'i6e de la 5osa and
1oretto, <fren Oca"po and The Dean of Filipino Fashion Desi)ners 7en Farrales, 'c(ann
<ric6son (lient &ervice Director 7ernadette (hinc!anco, (oca-(ola &<# 7!siness 9nit
President 'an!el rroyo, (oca-(ola Philippines President i 8eneral 'ana)er 8!iller"o
ponte, "ar6etin) director n!bha &ahasrab!ddhe and Franchise and (o""ercial
1eadership Director Peter &chaelstraete to)ether 3ith the (oca-(ola Philippines tea",
0ohanna /ife, &teve 1ittle, 5o)ie Delena, 5ay"ond %illa]or, TeeIae &on:a, 0obert D!"lao,
&haron Tan)anco, 5o6i Ferrer, 5achel (r!:, Francis (h!a, Fran: Decloedt, ;as"in 'allari,
0enny (inco, 0in) tien:a, (riselda Pasc!al, 'avel 7anocnoc, Thess c!na, Franco 0or)e,
&tephanie (astillo, Tish (ondeno, 0aideep Eibe, #ica"ae 7aylen, 0enalyn Pere:, 7arry del
5osario, and #i66i 1ee, &!yen (orporation?s #ene and %ir)ilio 1i", 7ryan 1i" and &!yen
1i", (arlos (han?s children (arlson, rchie, 5inby, 1arry, Os:en and &hera, Tony Ferrer,
1a3rence Tan, tty$ 0oIi %illan!eva-lonso, for"er @locos 5ep$ 5oH!e A5oH!itoB blan,
(harie %illa, &tella Eati)ba6 Dearin), (ecy &eares 1!na, D!6e Frasco, (hoy and 'arissa
(oI!an)co, &!yen (orporation (hair"an, (hief <Gec!tive ONcer and Fo!nder 7en (han,
hair stylist and Philippine Fashion 7all creative director #oel 'anapat, p!blic relations
practitioner, events or)ain:er and talent "ana)er Eeren Pasc!al, 8irlie 5odis and &tar
'a)ic handler 'onch #ovales, 'aricar Tere:-7!r)os, Earen &antos, (onchita Toda, Doody
T!ason, Fr$ Pedro 8arcia 8alende, n)ie 1acson, (ora:on lvina, 0ose 'ari Trenas, @ya
%illania and Dre3 rellano, Paolo brera and &!:i <ntrata, bea!ty H!eens 1ara J!i)a"an,
&ha"cey &!ps!p 3ith h!sband 1loyd 1ee, 83en 5!ais, 7ianca 'analo and Pia 2!rt:bach,
&itti #avarro, 0as"ine (!rtis &"ith, 0a"es 7lanco, <ric Tai, E 7rosas, (la!dine 7arretto
and 5ay"art &antia)o, 5andy &antia)o, 7a"boo 'analac, 7inibinin) Pilipinas 2013
3inners (indy 'iranda and Pia 5o"ero, 'iss @nternational 2013 7ea 5ose &antia)o, 'iss
9niverse 2013 3rd 5!nner-9p riella rida, Eatherine de (astro-(r!:, Oyo 7oy &otto,
5o3ell &antia)o, Do"iniH!e (oI!an)co, Dina 7onnevie 3ith h!sband @locos &!r %ice-
8overnor Deo)racias %ictor &avellano, 0ericho 5osales, apl$de$ap, <ddie 8arcia and
5ichard 8o"e:, For"er Professional 'odels ssociation of the Philippines board "e"bers
and fashion l!"inaries Tina 'aristela Oca"po, @::a 8on:ales-)ana, Desiree %erdadero-
besa"is, 'arina 7enipayo, Patty 7etita, T3eetie de 1eon-8on:ale:, Den besa"is, /ans
'ontene)ro, 8race 'olina and riel tendido, 5obert 'ananH!il, "odels 5obby
'ananH!il, 5aya 'ananH!il-de 1eon, and 5issa 'ananH!il-Trillo 3ith %alerie de los &antose
teneo de 'anila 9niversity 7l!e <a)les tea" "ana)er Paolo Trilloe (!rrent Professional
'odels ssociation of the Philippines president Phoe"ela 7aranda also ca"e 3ith
'anila.s favo!rite "odels 8race Ta)le, 7!bbles Paraiso, 1!6e 0ic6ain, 'ia yesa, &anya
&"ith, 'i6a 1a)da"eo-'artine:, ntoinette <nciso-Oca"po, n)el )!stin-(o and
'arilen Fa!stino-'ontene)ro The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section col!"nists 50
1edes"a, &tephanie Q!biri-(respi, and Ti" ;ap, The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section
Papal %isit sia 2014
editor 'illet 'artine:-'ananH!il, Philippine Daily @#J9@5<5 1ifestyle section editor
Thel"a &ioson-&an 0!an, '<5al(o 7olts coach #or"an 7lac6, teneo "en.s bas6etball
coach 7o Perasol and his players Ponso 8otladera, Eris Porter, nton sistio, @saac 0!les
1i", for"er players 'ac6y <scalona, #ico &alva, 7acon !stria, Tonino 8on:a)a, <""an
'onfort, 0!a"i Tion)son, Fran6 8olla, Opin) &!"alino) and 0P <rra", &en$ 7on) 5evilla 0r$,
2illia" 1ao, (arol 8arcia, (harlie (oI!an)co, 'other 1ily ;!-'onteverde, 'ar6 1apid,
<thel 5a"os, Dolor 8!evarra, 7oots Plata, 5ic6y 1o, (risty Fer"in, 5i66a Dyli", &hirley
E!an, Deedee &ytan)co, &ec$ &onny (olo"a, 7eth Ta)le, 5ep$ DaG and 'idy (!a, Dolly
nne (arvaIal-'endo:a, Qsa Qsa Padilla, 'on David, 1ily 1ay!), rth!r 'an!nta),
(hristine &in)son, 8race &in)son, Tess Da:a, 0ac6ie H!ino-8avino, 0oy 'elendre:,
Tonypet lbano, 'aricar 7hel, 5eps$ 9liran 0oaH!in, /er"ilando 'andanas, nnie &!sano
and 7!tch D!"pit, %anessa Francisco, nnabelle 5a"a-8!tierre:, 7oots nson-5oa, &no3
Ta)o, (har"aine ;!, 8re) ;!, <d"!nd 1i" and 5a"on 0acinto, /elen On), 00 (alero,
0eannie 8o!lbo!rn, Eatrina Feist, 0!n and #ene 1eonor, 0oIo and /enry Qabarte, 'arilo!
1ovina, Eay E!o6 8oo, <li:abeth de 'otte, 5onald %illavele:, <nrico 1in)ao, 0r$, Protacio
<"paces, 'ario 5otersos, 0!de <lardo, <d3in o, 'ario (ol"enares, 5o"ain 7arberis,
(ar"inia Pavia, &pencer Ty, 1i:a Tan, (hristine &an Die)o, Earen 8r!pp, 'i"i and 0!liet
Tan, na and %ince 7iton), Tito /erbosa, n)ela Trillo, (hris Par6er, (hito 'elo, 5iina
&inisalo, leGandra <scat, 0ohnny 5evilla, &andy Da:a, <li:abeth (!nanan-n)sioco,
'atthe3 1loren and Tani ra)on, Tata ra)on, (andy Ochoa, 'arica (abrera, 'aryrose
(entenera, na <speran:a-9y, Tet 'a)no, 's)r$ Don <rfe, 5ev$ Fr$ 8re) 5a"os, 1eon n),
Tony and 'aryann 7eIar, 0ose 1ai), 1!isa J!intana, 5a"on 'oIica, 0o"ar (astillo, 0oyce
OreMa-&talder, Tetta Orti:-'atera, 8!s lbor, 5oberto '$$ 5obles, 5e))ie ;!son, #a6i
ta"an, 7ob Qo:obrado, r"ando nday, ndy and Tisha 7a!tista, (elia (!asay, 1eroy
Tan, "ado Tadeo, 2illia" and <li:a %alde:, Dave 'ercado, 5oi Philips, 1orna
J!is!"bin), &!san (a"pos, #i"fa ;atco, 'ar)arita 5o"!alde:, 0aina Pere:, Tina
(oscoll!ela, 0oan 'atch!c6, %incen:o (appell!to, (hit 'ontene)ro, 0a"es Freney, 5odolfo
8i!sto, Tillie Pela)allo, &y6e and &essy 8arcia, 'ari Eai"o, 8eneva (r!:, (her (alvin, Pia
5e)ala, (orcor Di:on-)!stin, Fiona 1!cas, 1!: 0!lian Peralta, 8lo FariMa Peralta, Dr$
Teresita (olo"e, 5!by T!ason, 's)r$ 'att 8arcia, 0oe 7riones, Dr$ 0a:"ine 8on)ora, (ali
and Pepsi ro, Dr$ ndrea Di"ay!)a, 5ev$ Fr$ #ic6 ;atco, &$0$, &antos and Pilar <stacio, <ta
'ercado, <tta 5osales, Toby Tian)co, Pee3ee Trinidad, &onny 7el"onte, 8ary (o!ll, 'i6e
'c(oy, 5ichard Taylor, Ti" and David Ferdinand, David Fer)!sson, &i"on De3h!rst, 5afe
Toten)co, 0osie (r!:-#atori, nna 7ayle, T!ntin) (r!: 'atters, T!ntin) (r!: 'atters,
'aricel 'atias and 5ene &antos, Qeny (abral, 'elissa 1ope:, 7ea %aldes, 1a!rice 8!illen,
&ocorro (ancio-5a"os, @sidro (a"acho, (larissa Oca"po, Eelly &!", 0oyce 'a, Earina
7orro"eo, 7rad T!rvey, 5obbie P!no, 'onso!r del 5osario, 7enny 1itonI!a, 1o!rdes
8re)orio, 0!dith Qapanta, 0!anIo 7eren)!er, lvaro Pertierra, Pepito lbert, Tricia (!
9nIien), 5i6i E3e6-'athay, 5obert revalo, 7arbara 8on:ales, <r3in <lechicon, 'al!
'a)l!tac (hion)bian, "pee &ietereales, 7obby 'acapa)al, Tony and (harin) n),
J!inito /enson, 5osanna 5oces, 7ettina Os"eMa, (heloy Dans, Tessie Dich!pa, (ota
;ab!t, (orito Eala3, delia n)eles, Pepin) and <ssen de las las, !rora #osco, To"as
and 8racin) Dadia, <dita (a"be, #at:y Qara)o:a, O"in) (oncepcion, Tessie PaIarillo,
(hin) 7ernardo, @"elda 5eH!iesta, 1!cy %er)ara, 'erce 5eyes, 0o 'adaran), 0i""y
#ana)as, 'ila Dayrit, din) Dayrit, Paolo %alenciano, Ti" (one, 'on @sberto, 7en J!e:on
vanceMa, Pitan) 1ope:-Tion)son, Fr$ 5oberto &an Die)o, 7elinda dora and 7on)
'arH!e:, 7erna 1o"otan, 5a"on 7arretto, (atherine 2eir, #ina )!as, 8erry bla:a,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Topper (oronel, #orberto #a:areno, 8i)i 'ontinola, ;o)i &alcedo, Dolly Fort!n, (onnie
'a"aril, Daisy Ople, 'onet 0oven, 1!l! %illan!eva, 0enette 1ista, &!san &ebastian, 1!cille
(habeldin, 'aril! #)o, 0ohnny Ta)!inod, Thel"a Dinoy, %ictor %alb!ena, (arlo Orosa,
'a!ro 'alan) &antos, 0essica &oho, riel 1o:ada, "parito 1h!illier, 1ili dina, Petite
8arcia, #elson Pa)lina3an, Da3nie 5oa, Dee /!a 8atchalian, &heryl ;ao, Or)anisasyon
n) ")a Pilipinon) 'an)-a3it *OP'+ President and <D& People Po3er (o""issioner
O)ie lcasid and 3ife 5e)ine %elasH!e:, 1!6e 'eIares, #yoy %olante, 2ency (orneIo,
'ae)an )!ilar, 0onathan 7adon, tty$ Ferdie Topacio, lvin nson and 8ary 7erena,
Davey 1an)it and 1ara 'ai)!e, 'ichael 0ac6son i"personator 0ericho %alencia, teleserye
stars QanIoe 'ar!do, 0a6e (!enca, <rich 8on:ales, Pa!lo velino, (oco 'artin and 0!lia
'ontes, "odel and television sho3 host 7ianca 8on:ales and "!sic co"poser 0i"
Paredes, econo"ist and for"er #<D secretary )eneral &olita (ollas-'onsod, actor 5obin
Padilla 3ith his 3ife 'ariel 5odri)!e: and brother 5o""el, noonti"e )a"e and variety
television sho3 host 2illie 5evilla"e, 1C>C 'iss 9niverse 8loria Dia:, Father and son Pen
and Pin) 'edina, co!sins @sabelle Da:a and 8eor)ina 2ilson, Po63an) &!bon),
A2o3o3eeB )irls 55 <nriH!e:, &aicy )!ila, and pril A(on)rat!lationsB 8!stilo, (arla
bellana, seGy actress Eatrina /alili, "odels Pancho 'a)no, 0ohn &painho!r, %ince
Ferraren and 0( Ti!seco, )a '!hlach, co"edian 8elli de 7elen, Dra$ %ic6i 7elo, <d3ard
'ende:, Ei" 7enedicto 1o6in, tty$ Persida 5!eda-costa, 7ernadette &e"brano, (heryl
(osi", #iMa (orp!:, 'arife 'ordido, ida &y-8on:ales, ster "oyo, Earen Padilla, <dna
1a:aro, 1eslie &a!lsb!ry, 1o!rdes 5osario, 0et %erso:a, pple PeIi Tan, (ha"pai)ne Flores,
volleyball player 8retchen /o, co"edian 0ohn 1ap!s, sin)er Eean (ipriano, 'ia #olasco,
chef 1ando 1a!dico, 8in)er (oneIero, (o"edienne (andy Pan)ilinan and rnell @)nacio,
fl" and television directors 0ose 0avier 5eyes and 'anny (astaMeda, 5a"on 7a!tista,
5ichard 8!tierre:, T% host 5ay"ond 8!tierre:, 'ae Paner, Pin6y "ador, 1eo %alde:,
#oel Trinidad and 0!n 9rbano, Dr$ ivee )!ilar-Teo, 0!dy nn &antos and 5yan )oncillo,
'aricel &oriano, i-ai delas las, %ice 8anda, 5!Fa 8!tierre:, 5!sto" Padilla, 8er"an
'oreno and 8ardo %erso:a, 1C=> <D& People-Po3er 5evol!tion veterans 1eah #avarro,
'itch %alde:, and 'aan /ontiveros, 'e)astar &haron (!neta and Ei6o Pan)ilinan and
da!)hter E( (oncepcion, Dr$ <lenita 7inay and 1o!ie 1ocsin, &abrina 2on), Dianne de
(astro, (hristian 5ae!ber, 7eth 'ancilla, (arl (!nanan, David (eldran, 8oody (!stodio,
'ari OH!inena, 'onica Torres, 0oey &in)ian, 'arilo! 7atchelor, rlene (!a, (la!dia
Ta"b!ntin), Earen &antos, 5osanna Fores, (ara 2ilson Ferrari, (arlos 7orro"eo, Poch
%illa-5eal, nIie Dy 7!ncio, yen 1a!rel, Tony 'a!)han, /aydee Potenciano, Dale dela
(r!:, Eristine 1i", #enita 1i", /isanao #a)asa3a, 5andy n), Tina (han, 'a!rice 1a!de,
8ail 1a!de, 5oGanne Farillas and <ric6son Farillas, Pain) /echanova and 'ely (oncepcion-
/echanova, <d J!i"son, 'ar)a!G &alcedo, 1ori 7alta:ar, #ancy 5eyes 1!"en, 7obby
(!enca, 'ary nn OIeda, 5ye FariMas, (a"ille )bayani and 'ac6y 'athay, @sa)ani
7an:!elo, 5ochelle 7alatbat, 0ayson 1iban, 7oris 0oaH!in, (at ra"b!lo, 7o"bi
7alH!iedra, (acay 'oras and &anti 8o, 7i:! Patisserie !drey Tanco, 'ich 'ella, 8race
&y, Eatrina ;!, 1ia (olayco, @ssa 1itton, 0oIo Qabarte, 7ob and <lsie (olo"bo, 0avi and
Teresa /ernande:, 7a"bi /arper, 0!an 0ose and 'iren 7eren)!er-Testa, 5ic6y and 7en)
Dee, 5obert and (ecile 1ope: 1illies, 5!pert and Tina 0acinto, 8eor)e &ison, 'aritess
llen, 8eor)e and (es &ch!lt:, <ric 5ecto and 0ay 1a)da"eo, Pen) and %ic6y Pere: de
Ta)le, <lbert and (hito 'elo, Qia lonto dion) and /afsa Di"aporo 7alindon), %ictor and
#ancy 1!y, 'iria" 1ao, leG lcantara, 5!ssell 'or)an, ;oshi 9y, 'ar6 #icosia, leGandra
PaIaro, 0!dith and 5odolfo PaIaro, 0!n 1eonor, 5ica Ein), 0oyce 0i"ene:, 7enIa"in 7esa,
Papal %isit sia 2014
'artin #!Me:, 0ay H!itania, 5yan ;llana, ntonio H!itania, 0in) 9y, na and 2illia"
ntonio, &andy 5ieta, Del"er 'iranda, Dboy Trofeo, 7aron 8eisler, 0ason 1!en)o, 5ita
&anson, 'yrna Fernande:, &!san 0oven, <lena 7a!tista, (ecile 2ie6ene, 0a6e and Earen
'acasaet, 0!n and #ene 1eonor, (aptain 0oy 5oa, Television host Paolo 7ediones, 1orraine
7el"onte, (arla &ibal, /all of Fa"e boGin) trainer Freddie 5oach, for"er (hica)o 7!lls
center 1!c 1on)ley, and co"edian %ic &otto, @to (!rata, nton 'endo:a, lbert 8arcia,
'ar6 1eviste, Tony bad, 0a"ie Picornell, 'ichelle PantoIa, 'artin 1i" 'arty and
(assandra 7eltran Eier!lf, (ora:on 1lorca, (ecilia bad, Pa!lino (hen), 8loria 7eltran,
Tonichi 8rey, (le"ence (ervantes, J!incy (astillo, 8erardo 1an!:a, &!san ;ap, #oel 1i",
(ar"elita 'endiola, 5afael %illareal, 8abe 1a.O, 0osL 'i)!el Pons, #ic6y #ovella, Freddy
8on:ale:, 2illia" Paradies, Do"e6a 8ara"endi, Eatrina 7!rro3s, 0ac6ie Eier!lf, 'onica
7arretto, <rica Tatad, 8abby de la 5a"a, 'ic )caoili, 5ica %illal!:, 7on) ro"in, nn
'ichelle and 'arielle (apistrano, 8lenn 8lino)a, @to Oca"po, Tristan (hoa, Tippi Oca"po,
(ecile Qa"ora and 0ero"e %an &traten, (laire nn ;ap, Philip 8ri"a and (osetta Fedele,
(hris Paraiso, /arry 8!e, 5!bens Fedele, &a!di rabian "bassador to the Philippines
'ohd, "een 2ali, 'an!el 1a:aro, velino (r!:, tty$ 'i6e Toledo, 7oyin) 5e"!lla, 5eG
8atchalian, (arissa (oscoll!ela, 5achel renas, (ecile 'a!ricio, ;vonne Dayrit
5o"!alde:, 0acH!eline Dayrit 7oncan, <rlinda Panlilio, 'ita 5!fno, 7a"bi /arper, &!san
(alo-'edina, (hichi &alas, <li:a Tan,0oyce ndres, (ristina ;nes &ison, 'aryann 8arcia,
&andra 5ocha, 5ic6 0acobsen, Oliver Ere!:er, Paolo J!i"son, <ri6a H!ino, 1in) Ochoa,
lfredo 7arretto, Don Pepe ra!llo, %il"a 1abrador, 1inda 1e)aspi 5osal, '0 De 1eon,
"ber 5oGas, &hiela Tan, (hrissie &ay, Fernando Fernande:, Danica (aynap, llan 8arcia,
8enesis Eelly 1ontoc, 0ose "ado Do"in)!e:, 1!lay 'apa and (hito 8a!rano, Dette
H!ino-Tan, 8loria 'acapa)al-rroyo, dolfo :c!na, Precy 1ope: and &teve Psina6is,
'aritess 1ope:, Odette On), Dandin) (oI!an)co, 8!ia 8o"e:, (arlos (han, (linton
(a"pos-/ess, 'ila)ros /o3, 5obert (oyi!to, 0r$, <lisa 1i", <"ilia ;an), Dr$ J!eenie 1ee-
(h!a, 0oseph <strada, (la!dio (ondotta, &tella (h!a, C2D, Fr$ 0ohnny 8o, &$0$, Fr$
7ienvenido #ebres, &$0$, Fr$ #e"esio J!e, &$0$, Di)os 7ishop 8!iller"o fable, 7less
%illareal, Pat 8oc-On), 'ichelle (alo-lvarillo, (hristian r:senal, 5obbie f:eli!s, Eris
H!ino, (harlene 8on:ales, (hristopher de 1eon and &andy ndolon), 5e: (orte:, 2illia"
'artine: and ;ayo )!ila, 1ani 'ercado-5evilla, 1orna Tolentino-Fernande:, Tirso (r!: @@@
and 3ife 1yn and son 7odie, <ric J!i:on, 8$ Toen)i-2alters and 5o"nic6 &ar"enta, E!h
1edes"a, 8race #ono, 1o!ie /eredia and Din)don) van:ado, Philip &alvador, &"o6ey
'analoto, 7eth Ta"ayo-2on), ntoinette Ta!s, To" Ta!s, 0anine 8!tierre: and bas6etball
stars, &!nshine (r!:, 8ladys 5eyes-5oGas, Daisy 5eyes, 5!fa 'ae J!into and @sabel
8ranada, 7ro$ <ddie %illan!eva 2010 presidential ca"pai)n s!pporters (oney 5eyes,
Earla 'artine:, Piolo Pasc!al, Dolphy J!i:on, 0r$, Donita 5ose, #onoy Q!ni)a and Prof$
0ere"ias 0an)ad, A/a3a6-Ea"ayB "ain cast "e"bers #i66i 8il, QaiIian 0aranilla, Tyriel
'anabat, ndrea 7rillantes, ;esha (a"ile, s!pportin) cast "e"bers 0!an Earlos 1abaIo,
1yca 8airanod, 0acob Dionisio, Gel Torres, 'aris 5acal, 'anolo Pedrosa and Ei" #ichole
7aranda, P7 players 0a"es ;ap and sons 0osh!a and 7i"by H!ino-;ap, 'arc Pin)ris and
3ife Danica &otto, 8ary David, 0i""y lapa) and 3ife 10 'oreno, Do!) Era"er and 3ife
(hes6a 8arcia and da!)hter Eendra, 2esley 8on:ales, Eelvin dela PeMa, 0( @ntal, &i"on
t6ins, 0ai 5eyes and 3ife Elaire ;ap!co, 1arry Fonacier and 3ife 1ora 8ahol, and 1
Tenorio and 3ife (hes6a, Felisa %alde:, "brosio %alde: 0r$, 5ee"a (hanco, 5ica Tantoco
De 0es!s, 7obby ndre3s, &y"on &oler, %itto 1a:atin, Eris 1a3rence, #ancy (asti)lione,
'oIo 0oIo, Ein) D0 1o)an, Toti Dal"acion, 9p Dhar"a Do3n, 8aby dela 'erced, ndi
Papal %isit sia 2014
'an:ano, AFastbrea6B charity bas6etball )a"e players 8erald nderson, nne (!rtis,
Daniel Padilla, 0essy 'endiola, 0ose 'analo, 'arco lcara:, (ha"p 1!i Pio, Dere6 5a"say,
1!is landy, Tian 1i", 0ason balos, 1e"!elle Pelayo, rth!r &olinap, (arl 8!evarra, 5ico
7lanco, 0hon) /ilario, %hon) #avarro, 7illy (ra3ford, (hris Ti!, 0% Eap!nan, 0on 1!cas,
<rvic %iIandre, rIo tayde, 0oe %ar)as, 8ab %alenciano, 0on /all, (arlo 8on:ales and
0a"es and 0i" &alas, Thirdy 5avena, 55 8arcia, Terrence 5o"eo, 7obby 5ay Par6s, Eevin
las, 8arvo 1anete, 0a6e Pasc!al, (hris #e3so"e, 7aser "er, %on Pess!"al, and #ico
<lorde, #7 3G3 Philippines celebrity bas6etball players Fabio @de, 5ovilson Fernande:,
8erard cao, 7obby ;an, ndy &"ith, 2ill Deva!)hn, 5obin da 5o:a and 0oross 8a"boa,
r!nnin) coach 5io de la (r!:, bas6etball coaches %ince /i:on and llan 8re)orio, Perlas
Pilipinas 3o"en.s national bas6etball tea" player 'elissa 0acob, sports broadcasters
0inno 5!fno of &olar &ports, 'ar6 Qa"brano of 8' #e3s and 'arco 7enite: and nton
5oGas of 7&-(7# &ports, A7,107 @nternational '!sic FestivalB celebrity revelers 'a)alona
siblin)s, E( 'ontero, 5hian 5a"os, Troy 'ontero, !brey 'iles, 7ea &oriano, drien
&e"blat, Francis 5icafort, <r3an and &olenn /e!ssaF, (arla /!"phries, #icole nderson,
8ian 'a)dan)al, Pa!la PeraleIo-Fernande:, 1ie:el %erses, bi)ail 1esley (r!:, D0 'o
T3ister, (oleen 8arcia, &a" Pinto, FeliG and Do"inic 5oco, Teresa /errera-nthony,
Daniel 'ats!na)a, 1a!ren ;o!n), %ictor 7asa, Divine 1ee, 'ichelle 'adri)al, A7oys #i)ht
O!tB 5adio Disc 0oc6eys Tony-Tony, &lic6 5ic6 and &a" ;8, Eiefer 5avena, 7rent 0avier,
7or)y 'anotoc, <llen darna, 7ianca Ein), Phil ;o!n)h!sband, and "ore, 8erard (ancio,
(arla &ebastian, 'ar6 7!")arner and 'ichelle 7!")arner, 7<#(/b fa"ily stars, A>,200,
The 'ission Possible ProIectB personalities and AThe #a6ed Tr!th, Deni" and 9nder3ear
Fashion &ho3B celebrity "odels Ei" (hi!, Earylle, 0eric and 0eron Ten), <nchon) Dee,
0oseph 'arco, 1ovi Poe, 5achelle nn 8o and 'ar66i &troe", 'ichelle %ito, &ofa ndres,
Dianne 'edina, /el)a Erapf, 'elissa 5ic6s, DIanin (r!:, Eiana %alenciano 3ith &a"antha
8odine:-%alenciano, 'r$ (hinato3n 2013 3inners 0ose 'i)!el 1asala, &ydney D!, &6y
;an), 0ero"e Tan and 5andy &eee 'r$ (hinato3n 2014 3inners David 1ic!aco and E!rt
0osh!a On), 'ar6 1ope:, 0air!s Ferrer, lec 5obes, A7e 7<#(/b, The 'odel &earchB fnalist
5on 'oralese (arlos (oncepcione ;en) (onstantinoe APinoy Drea" cade"y, &eason 2B
scholar /ansen #ichols 3ith his t3in brother 8(, A7<#(/b 5aIo 1a!rel Dos collectionB
"odels &a" (oncepcion, 5occo #acino, &teven &ilva, <n:o Pineda, &arah 1ahbati and
5e)ine n)eles, ne3est A7<#(/settersB incl!din) actors To" 5odri)!e:, Dennis Trillo,
'artin del 5osario and Do"inic 5oH!e, nthony and David &e"erad, ndre Paras and De
1a &alle 8reen rchers center rnold van Opstal, A"erica?s #eGt Top 'odelB.s Do"iniH!e
5ei)hard and llison /arvard, Asia.s #eGt Top 'odelB fnalist Eatarina 5odri)!e:,
television co""ercial, ra"p, print and fashion "odels and actors 7enIa"in lves, 0on
vila, Franco Da:a, 'arG Topacio, %ictor &ilayan, 0ohn 0a"es 9y, 'arvin 5ay"!ndo, 'i6o
5aval and 5aphael 5obes, 1!isito 5abat, "odels and athletes nton del 5osario and &a"
5ichelle, ndre3 2olF and 0an6a (edersta", /ideo '!rao6a, (atriona 8ray, %alerie
7ario!-7ondoc, 5i"a Ost3ani, 0aneena (han, 5e)ine Tolentino, 0 Dee, 'ariana del 5io,
'arco lcara:, &ay lon:o-;!pan)co, (hynna Ortale:a and 5ailey %aleroso, Denise 1a!rel,
'el 'artine:, &haron Tan, Pa!l Da:a, Pia sistio, 'ich ra!llo, Debbie (o, lvin 1i",
'a))ie 2ilson, (a"ille %illar, Far)o 7aillet, 0osephine 7ael F!Iisa3a-@la)an, Do"inic 0ohn
8aleon, 'ia 7ay!)a, (hris 7adiola, 7on) Tan, 5ichard Ti!, (hristine 1ove, @llac Dia:,
1ovely Tecson and lberto 5o"!lo, #edy Tantoco, @sabel 2ilson, Pitoy 'oreno, 7ea
%aldes, @rene 'artel Francisco, 8!illy 5!fno, 8loria /!an), 0ocelyn 7!endia, 8i)i 7arrera,
'ar:ena #o3a6o3s6a, 0ohncy 'aha", 'itch Di:on, 'atthe3 1i", &a"antha ;en, %ictor
Papal %isit sia 2014
ntonino, <nriH!e 8on:ale:, (larisse (hion)bian, Dr$ (arlos 8abriel, Dr$ nna 1ope:-
8abriel, J!ito 1ope:, 8re) 'ontene)ro, <"ily 'ontene)ro, Fit: P!yat, Paolo raneta,
'!"ph 5!i:, 'anny del 5osario, (ary 1a)da"eo, 'ar6 and 'ichelle Ta)le, <va 8!llas,
'yra P!yat &antia)o, 'ar)arita Fores, 'oniH!e %illon)co, "ado Fores, &andro Ten)co,
<than 7el"onte, 0oel 1o"otan, 'arissa Orosa-(oncepcion, Eai 1i", 'arissa (oI!an)co,
bby 0i"ene:, 'ilette 7el"onte, Trina lindo)an, (andy Di:on, (athy J!, 1ianne Ti!,
5!thy %era, 8race n), nnette Tirol, &!:anne (obonp!e, 1isa raneta-'arcos, &!san
Florete, !drey P!c6ett-(hi!, #anette 'edved Po, 'arilen T!ason, Florence Eo, /el"!t
8aisber)er, (hesca 5oces, 'ar6 0entes, Denisse Oca, &ha &!pan)an, &tephen E!, 7ibe
'artine:, 5aIiv 8h!""an, 5oseana 8randel, <loisa 5icchetti, Dan) Pal"a, 5ico rce,
'ichael (h!a and n)ela 7!na), 8lenn 8aerlan, <nchon) For"oso, (hris #elson, Do"inic
7e6aert and Palo"a Qobel, driano (art!liares, 1alain 1andico, <velyn 5eyes, 5ose
7ernarde: 5edaon, 0anice 5eyes, 'ar6 0ones, 0!dith 8o, 0acH!i 2iene6e, <"ily &antos,
'arion (h!a, )!stin Davalos, &ep (i"afranca, 8lo3ie 5a"iro, Earen Pa"int!an, Toby
8atchalian, 8icelle /i"ala, <dith 'arH!e:-5eyes, 5ebecca Da:a-&adh3ani, 'anIit
&adh3ani, 7in) (arrion-7!c6, 1oren 1e)arda-1eviste, 8re))y 1icaros 0r$, 'abel baMo,
0eFrey and %ivian #), Filaine Tan and 0eann 2ee, /erbert 7a!tista, 'issy yala, 7en
2intle, &i"on and Pa!l 0ablon, <ric #oyel, c!na, <n and ndre3 (alvert, <van Ein),
nal! Fereira, %ictor De 1eon 1i"a, (hiy!6i F!Ii"oto, (hertchai 'ethanayanonda, 7!sba
7!nna), Eh!n 'anthana de 1eon, Eh!n E!llanit, Eh!n &!3attee Teerapath, 0oey
7ernardino, 5ene 1apid, lbert 7anaa), 5hea 5ivera, 0hoanna 1i", 'i6e (elis, 1ei 1ope:,
(hi6aro" Eitiya6ara, &ilvana Dia:, Phyllis Qaballero, lfredo and 7eth Francisco, 5on
5eibenbach, Pilar &in)ian, &ylvia %ent!ra, 'indy 8ana, (ar"en 1yna"-'anna6ee, 5enee
%eyret, @rit 7en bba, 7!sba 7!nna), /aIah 'ai"!nah Dato /aIi <lias, &ale" da", 0ac6y
Foo, 'oha""ed <brahi" lIo3aid, #avre6ha &har"a, 'ilena &antana-5a"ire:, 0oao
(ayetano da &ilva, Do"ini Pri"ero, 'i6o %alen:!ela, 5onnie /enares, 7aha" 'itra, (ita
stals, 0ai"e Dae:, <lla 5oces 'ontene)ro, 0enny &yH!ia, 'ichelle 7ayle, Ein) D0 1o)an,
8inny del 5osario and <"ilio bello, 1!is and 7arbara del 5osario, lice On), yin)
Palen:!ela, 0oanne del 5osario, 8in) de los 5eyes, 7illy Ein), 0esse &incioco, 'i6e
(onstantino, 'on 'ara"ba, <d"!ndo 5eyes 0r$, Pa!lyn &ica", Dr$ 5osita #avarro, Francis
Tolentino, ntonieta Fort!na-@be, 2innie #a:areth, <nrico %illan!eva, 'aritoni Fernande:,
0osephine EnoG, 7etty Tenchaves, Presy 5a"os, &!san 8ra!, (hito Francisco, Eate
8ordon, &pirit of ->7, lbert 7ildner and 1in @ll!sorio, 0es!sa (alano), 1in)lin)ay 1acanlale,
7ill and 1ily O.7oyle, 2inna Ei""el, (alvin Tsao, #ene J!i"son, 'innie Os"eMa, nna
&y, /ernan (orte:, @sabel On)pin, 5ene <ncarnacion, 1o!rdes 'ontinola, #elly F!n),
1orna 1a!rel, Toni ;!lo 1oy:a)a, Del FoIas, #estor &antia)o, ndy 1ocsin, 1orrie 5eynoso,
1oren:o and 1orrie %alde:, Dr$ and 'rs$ 5!ben Paredes", Dr$ and 'rs$ 5a!l &ala, Tess
1abrador, Eilin) Da6!dao, 0ohn Tanchan)co, Philip Qor)ani, Trisha 5eyes, 7ernadette
7arbers, 5!th Padilla, 0eannie #) &andoval, 'ary nn rce)a Dy, 5aFy &!are:, ntonio
5eina, issa 7arrera (oI!an)co, rlina rro:al de 0es!s, 1o!ie %ar)as, ndie 5ecto-
'ontene)ro, 'itos Pacis, 8eneral lberto Fernando 7ra)an:a, 5oberta 1ope:-Feliciano,
'aribel On)pin, Toni ;!lo-1oy:a)a, ndy 1ocsin, 1a!ro 7aIa 0r$, 8ov$ Paro!6 /!ssin, @rit
7en-bba, /elen On), /el"!t 8aisber)er, <van)eline Pasc!al, 0oanne 1oren:ana, (arla
Ten)co, 'i6e Planas, 'arisa Olasolo and rt!ro 5ocha, <d3ard 2ehrli, 7aby raneta, Toni
bad, 7ebet 8o:!n, 8loria 'ara, 'ichael &alientes, (arol tacador, 'arides Fernando,
5ose 1ibon)co, Teofsto 8!in)ona 0r$, <rnesto 'aceda, 'oniH!e Qani, <rnie and Fe ;!,
0a"es 1a!, (elia (!asay, 0a"es 0ao, Don %alerio, 8ener (arin)al, rleen On), To"as
Papal %isit sia 2014
5odri)!e:-PantoIa, 5oland 5eyes, Dennis &ocrates, (el ;!lo, 7in)-7in) 8on:ales, 7ela
%asH!e:, (h!-(h! 'adri)al and 'andy <d!H!e, (esar 7!enavent!ra, Dada 1oren:ana-
&antia)o, PeH!e 8alla)a, Fr$ 5obert 5eyes, 5!pert 0acinto, Tin)tin) (oI!an)co, Pin)
%alencia, 5ed 0acinto and 0!lie /idal)o, 7oots and ndy &oler, 0esi and 8ina 'ende:, #ora
0acinto, <ddie and Eatie 0acinto, #anette dela (r!:, frica %aldes-de 5eynoso, <"ily
5eynoso-1a3s, /ans &y, 1arry Francia, 7obby 8opia, drian (ristobal, %ir)inia 'oreno,
(hitan) 8!errero-#a6pil, 5a"on %ille)as, Eit 5oGas, 0o"ari Trenas, Pa!lino and /etty J!e,
Pepe &"ith, 5icardo (ardinal %idal, 'onsi)nor lberto 7oon)alin), Tony driano, ba
1l!ch Dalena, l Pere:, 1ito (aratin), /enri (ain)let, ndy 'al!che, Thea Pa:, 5onald
8arcia, &hahid Qahid, %ic6y bad, Pa!lo %inl!an, @say lvare:, 5achel leIandro, 'andy
Ochoa, 7ert #ievera, Franco 1a!rel, Qaldy 1adro"a, Paolo 8!evarra, lfonso ;!chen)co,
Peter 8o-Pailan, Dr$ dolfo 7elosillo, Drs$ "elia and 'an!el (atalan, 9lay Tantoco, 7en
Farrales, Des 7a!tista, Fe /abiIas, &teve De 1eon, 'anny (astro, 5ay"!nd @saac, %ic6y
'archandesch, #ic6 T!ason, Tessie To"as, Eatrina Tantoco and Paolo 1obre)at, Francisco
'aMosa, &onia &antia)o-Olivares, ntonio 5odri)!e: 'endo:a, @vy l"ario, (onrad
On)lao, 'i6e de 0es!s, 0ean 'onteverde, 7en) P!yat, Oscar 'otlo, 0ohn (o)!l, lvaro de
&alas, Oscar %ia, <li:abeth &y, Pedro 5oGas, 8eni and ;or)os Psina6is, <ileen (hoy, #ico
'ontinola, Franco 1i"I!co, 8ina 'o6, 8ree6 #afsi6a and 7!bbles Drosso!, 'i6e %aca,
8e"ith 8e"paro, Debbie <nriH!e:, 0!dith Qapanta, <nriH!e and Tine %asH!e: Prada,
5ichard and #ic6 9nder3ood, Tina Pa"int!an, Dennis Padilla, 8ilda &alon)a, 0ohn 1esaca,
Fides (!y!)an-senio, 7enny and Ophie (le"ente, Fr$ &anny de (laro, ntonio 'artel 0r$,
7elen 1ovina Tic:on 'artel, Don and #or"a &anders, 5oberto Felano and 5i:alina
7!enavent!ra, 7o"bit de la PeMa, 0!li!s Tic:on and 5yan 'anao), Peppy Din)lasan,
8abriel &antos, ndre Din)lasan, 'ar)aret and Theresa de la PeMa, 2an))o 8alla)a,
Portia &antos, rlene Tic:on, (hit 8oh!, 1in))oy and (onnie raneta, Danny and 1ilia
(r!:, 0i" and %ivian %illacr!sis, <""a @la)an, Tessie 'aronilla, 8erarda %illa, <velyn
Eilay6o, Fr$ Tony 5osales, Pierra (alasan:, 0!liet and 'i"i Tan, 0oey &erver, 0!lien Tripet,
Erystal 1ao, Fran6 7riones, (at ra"b!lo, Trish 7riones, Earl Ty, (hicho &!are:, #ap
5a"a, 1!pita H!ino and Een Eashi3ahara, Ditas 5odri)o &evilla, Pa!l H!ino, tty$
lfredo 1i", 1arry /enares, tty$ 0!an (ollas, 0ohnny 1itton, %erni %ar)a, Fr$ sandas
7alchand, %icente <"ano, (onstantino 0ara!la, Fa!stino Dy @@@, Eatrina T!ason-(r!:,
'anny PacH!iao, <arl @)nacio, ce 7arbers, 'arco Protacio, #eil 5!"baoa, 8i)i and 8in)
'ontinola, 2il"a PalafoG, O$%$ and 'arilen <spirit!, 2illia" /a"ilton-2hyte and
n)eliH!e 5epapis, 7asil On), (esar and 7a"bina 7!enavent!ra, Teddy 7oy, 1o!ie and
5a"on 1ocsin, Peter Pedersen, &tefano 5!::a, <rnie TanH!intic, 8olly Talens, 'io6 1oyola,
ileen Tence Dionisio, #eny Francisco 'arasi)an, 1eah Qa"ora 7anaa), %ina Francisco,
@rene (ons!nIi 'ontilla, Pilar 7!sta"ante <strella, Pin (oI!an)co 8!in)ona, 5hona
'odesto &an Pedro, 9dit %illara"a 8alve:, 0oanna Tayen)co-@nfante, 'arivic /ebron 0!an,
Franco 1a!rel, 5e" Qa"ora, 7onbon &oler, 1isa Tinio, @n)rid &ala &anta"aria, 0oana
Palanca 1h!illier, 'ichelle (oncepcion 5eyes, &!resh #anoo, 0ose 'ari 9)arte, 8'
#et3or6 rtist (enter talents 8loria 5o"ero, Pilita (orrales, lI!r brenica, 1o!ise delos
5eyes, 'ar6 /erras, ;as"ien E!rdi, 10 5eyes, 0!lie nne &an 0ose, EristoFer 'artin, Derric6
'onasterio, 7arbie Forte:a, 7ela Padilla, 7ea 7inene, 'aG (ollins, ;assi Press"an, 5afael
5osell, 8lai:a de (astro, 5ochelle Pan)ilinan, 'ona 1o!ise 5ey, 0onalyn %iray, Eyla
(al!"pad-lvare:, 0ay-5 &illiona, 'ar6 7a!tista, (hef 7oy 1o)ro, 'anilyn 5eynes, n)el!
de 1eon, 'ar6 nthony Fernande:, 8abby <i)en"ann, 5ay"ond 7a)atsin), 5ic6y Davao,
nIo ;llana and 2ally 7ayola, T%4 actor %in brenica, 5it: :!l, <!la (aballero, 'artin
Papal %isit sia 2014
<sc!dero, <"poy 'arH!e: and 'r$ F!, 8' #e3s and P!blic Fairs personalities 'i6e
<nriH!e:, rnold (lavio, &andra )!inaldo, 5aFy Ti"a, 'ari: 9"ali, Oscar Oida, 'ar6
&ala:ar, 0!n %eneracion, (hino 8aston and #athaniel (r!:, 'edia personalities tty$ Don)
P!no, (hiH!i 5oa-P!no, 8erard 8arcia, 1ia (r!:, &ha3n ;ao, 'an! &andeIas, 0ason 2ebb,
0eanne ;o!n), (ory J!irino, 'el Tian)co and 0ay &on:a, society col!"nist 'ons 5o"!lo,
Tonyboy (oI!an)co and 8retchen 7arretto, <d and 'ar)arita Del)ado, Donnie and
(ric6ette Tantoco, 7oy b!nda, 5enee &al!d, 'on @la)an, (esar 'ontano, 5ado Di"alibot,
@nocencio Ferrer, 5ene P!no, Tony Q!l!eta, 5aFy Qialcita, 2illia" 1la"as, Pat 8on:ales,
'ayenne (ar"ona, 7ebot 1a!rel, 5o"y 8ard!ce, 1eo Oracion, 8lo3ie 5a"iro, #icole
n)eles, (athy David, &ep (i"afranca, Ton 1ao, @rene Tan, 1en Olbes, @6e 1ay!), 5a"on
Orlina, #apoleon b!eva, 1ito tien:a, 1ala FoIas, /elen 'arte, 8erard and #in) (hesnel,
(arolle 1!cas, !relio 'ontinola @@@, <d!ardo Del)ado and Donnie Tantoco, 1in)lin) and
rchie Ein), 8!t:ee &e)!ra, (arlo <ndaya, /eart <van)elista, ndre3 7arton, Din)don)
Dantes, 'arian 5ivera, lice DiGson, #eri:a 'athay, Eathy De 8!:"an, 0oanne Qapanta
ndrada, Trisha Panlilio (!-9nIien), 0osephine EnoG, 0olina 'a)dan)al, 'aritess Tantoco,
8eor)ie Dia:, Ei" tien:a, 1en #epo"!ceno-8!iao, (hechel 0oson, Pops Fernande:,
Danny 7!enafe, 8eric6 Parayno, 5!el 'endo:a, 5ic6y &ison, 0ohnny &antos, ndres
<stella, OIie 1eona, FeliG 7acolor, 2illia" 'a, Eorina &anche:, 0!li!s 7abao and Tintin
7ersola-7abao and da!)hter nya and son #io, Eatrina Ponce <nrile and 1in)-1in) Ein)e
celebrity "a6e!p artist Patric6 5osase hair stylist 0in) 'onise 1ito &y, 0ason 'a)ban!a,
'aros (la!dio, Patricia 'ay &iy, FeliG n), Dr$ /ayden Eho, 'ar)ie and 8ilbert D!avit,
'i6e <chave:, F$F$ (r!:, Danton 7!eser, fric %aldes, 'aryann Pineda-5eynoso, Ophie
(anada-5eynoso, Earen Davila *3ith her sons David and 1!cas+, 'arIorie 7arretto-Padilla
and da!)hter Dani 7arrettoe 8in))in) 'endo:a, leG 5eyes, 'yra 5eyes, 'arilen (arpio,
Freddie 5eyes, 'arlyn and Tony 1illes, (havit &in)son, Pratee6 E!"ar, 5ichard Ti!, 0!nie
and Fernando PeMa, 5osa 5osal, 0or)e 0oseph, 2ency 1a)!"bay, i6o 'elende: and
'artin 0ic6ain, 7rian 7elen, 'i)!el Pastor, 0oy Orte)a, <d! 'an:ano, 0ohn Prats, A&!rvivor
PhilippinesB cast3ays &ha!n 5odri)!e: and &!:!6i &adats!)!, 1a!reen 9y, #iGee 8arcia,
<na de 8!:"an, 8re))y &antos, Ea"ae de 0es!s, &teve 'edalle, 8ab Pere:, 'oniH!e
&alcedo, teen heartthrobs 5obi Do"in)o and David (h!a, Olivia (han, (hristian &an 0ose,
'arielle-Feli:e Trias Flores, 'arco Fi)!eras, 5ay"ond n), 7obby &olo"on, 5iva
8alve:tan, Franco @"perial, (hristopher de %enecia, Tricia and 'ar6 8osin)tian, n)e de
la (r!:, Paolo l"a:an-<bora, &ean 8o, 1!c6y 'ercado, ndrea Torres, 'onica %erallo,
'ico ytona, 0estoni larcon and 3ife 1i:ette, 7o (err!do, 7ayani and 1en )bayani,
lanna 1ope:-'ontelibano, 5ichie (oronel &antos, ries &al!do, 5!by (oI!ito of Fla3less,
5onald (arballo, lvin Fort!na, Dennis (oronel, Eenneth Don), Olai and 5oland <spirit!,
(arlos )assi, 8e""a Fit:)erald, #i66i %alde:, Eristopher Peralta, 5ico 7arrera, 'arvin
)!stin, Danilo 7arrios, &treetboys and ;a (han), Pepin) (oI!an)co da!)hters 'i6ee
(oI!an)co-0a3ors6i, (hina (oI!an)co-8on:ale: *and her adorable baby 1!cia+, 'ai-'ai
(oI!an)co-Qini, tty$ 0ess &antos, #ic6 1ocsin, 'ario and lice J!eblatin, !die and (ecile
&aa, 0enny Franco, ndre3 Te, 'arisol 7arria, 1!ciano 7on)ola, 'ichael 1i", "!sic
co"poser 5yan (ayabyab and his 3ife <""y, 1o!ie Oca"po and 3ife 0oIo, 0acH!i 'a)no,
(eleste 1e)aspi, 0' 5odri)!e:, rnold %e)afria and (ris %illonco, "alia F!entes, #iMo
'!hlach and son lon:o, 'ichela (a::ola, 5ita vila, &hyr %alde: and ;ayo )!ila,
s3i""er 0ohansen )!ilar, and 3restler 'arc!s %alda, 83en 8arci, (eline 1ope:, 0enni
<pperson, nne 7ella, Eissa (astaMeda, Previe3 "a)a:ine editor in chief Pa!line &!aco-
0!an, Daryl (han), 1i: 9y, entertain"ent ne3s reporters 'ario D!"a!al, 8retchen F!llido
Papal %isit sia 2014
and '0 'arfori, 8ary %alenciano, Da3n Q!l!eta-1a)da"eo, lbert 'artine: 3ith da!)hter
lissa 'artine:, 7enIie Paras 3ith 3ife 1yGen, 'ylene Di:on, Paolo (ontis, @:a (al:ado,
lfred %ar)as, 'arco &ison, @vy %iolan, %ina 'orales, &haina 'a)dayao, 7an)s 8arcia,
0ero"e Florentino, <ri6 &antos, 0ane Paredes, O)ie Dia:, 1y6a 9)arte, n)eli Pan)ilinan-
%alenciano, n)eline J!into, rron %illa]or, <ri6 (!a, @ssa 5eyes, 5ico &errano, (hicho
&!are:, Franco 'abanta, liya Parcs, (hristian 7a!tista, na Fe)i, 7asil %alde:, &a" 'ilby,
8ina Tab!ena-8odine:, 'arilo! 'artine:, <fren 7riones and @ya 5odri)!e:, Pa!la (a"ille
1ocsin and 0!an Paolo 7ondoc, n)eles 8!evara, 7etty 'act!al, 7elen (astro, 'atin
Petilla, 1! ntonino, #eptali 8on:ales @@, Pinon) 0avier, 0ohnny 5e"!lla, 0ose P!yat 0r$,
risteo P!yat, 'ercy T!ason, Dr$ 5andy Francisco, 1eonard Tirol and "anda Onr!bia
8!idotti, 5ev$ @sa!ro David, rth!r 'acapa)al, 'ic6ey Ferriols, <ric 7!hain, 5obert
#acianceno, 'on 8on:ale:, 'al! %eloso, Toby 8an, #oel Dela 'erced, la Paredes,
5ichard %enn, 8re)orio Do"in)o, Gel 8ohner, nthony 8arcia, 1ance &heperd, 0!n 0!ban,
Pa!l (abral, n)ela %ele:, ndrea 7a!tista, &arah 0ane Pae:-&antia)o, Dondi li6pala,
1etlet %eloso, !rora Dia:-2ilson, Tina Tinio, &onny 7orro"eo, Tonio %eloso, "alie and
5o"an :an:a, 1orna and 1evy /i:on, 5!by and 7!ddy 5oa, 5oi Philips, 7eth 5o"!alde:,
Pa: &otto, 1!cille %illan!eva, 0ean &alvador, 5!by &antos, 1!li Del)ado, %ictoria T!a:on,
Toby (abal6in, (ynia 'ascariMas, Dot Favis-%elasco, nthony del 5osario, 'i6o Pasc!al,
(hef 5oland 1a!dico, #ic6y (a"ca", 8re) &in)ian, Pin6y "ador, 7onIin 7olinao, Peachie
%eneracion, 5enee raneta, (h!6ri Prieto, 7ert 8arcia, 'ichelle J!i:on, Dale %illar,
0acH!es D!pasH!ier, #icolas 8o!llenco!rt, 0!lien (leret, &ebastien 'an)eant, 'artine
%asse!r, ndree 7elan)er, 'ichael &eli)"an, &abrina /eine6ey, 8eor)e /ashi", &!::ane
Ein), (harina &abal, (harles 5appaport, 0ean /et:el, 0a"es 7enoit, (ecilia 1e!n), 5ina
&inisalo, 0i" 1ynch, 7rett (ole"an, <di Te6eli, nne 2itheford, (aridad &anche:, 8elo
&errano, Fanny &errano, (ynthia l"ario, 8ino Padilla, 'aribi 8arcia, 7eth &ison Ta)le,
5obbie /errera, #ancy Di:on (astro, (ynthia 0ocson, (ecil 1icad, 0ohn &ilva, ce 7arbers,
8abrielle (ali:o, 7eth &ee and 5ene #abon), &ari Orti)a, 'arc 1o)an, 8rin)o /onasan,
Francis 5icciardone, <d3in rce, Dino &antos, Freddie 7orro"eo, Dondi &antos, 7obby
)!irre, 5ic6y ;ab!t, (ooch 1ynch, %ince 7iton), "alie and 5o"an :an:a, 1orna and
1evy /i:on, 5!by and 7!ddy 5oa, (elso Dayrit, (indy E!rleto, @no 'analo, Dale %illar,
Trish %illan!eva, 'anet Dayrit, 0ia and 8abby <strella, 'i6o %alen:!ela, <rich <dralin,
(hristine &an Die)o, 'orten 7re"elhoeI, 'ia Trinidad, 8ai Olivares, Philippe Tic:on, 7!b!t
ndres, (aridad &anche:, 8elo &errano, 'aribi 8arcia, 7eth &ison Ta)le, 5olf Ea"bli,
5obbie /errera, Eitty 8o, #ancy Di:on (astro, (ynthia 0ocson, "bassador 'oha"ed
<brahi" l-0o3aid, (ecil 1icad, 0ohn &ilva, 8aita Fores, 0oanne &al)ado, 1etty /ahn, 1!:
(!llen, Fanny 7lanco, Telly ldana, (ita 5evilla-;ab!t, 'aricris (ardenas-Qobel, 'aricar
Toten)co, 2anda 1o!3allien, nton Palanca, 7obby (la!dio, 5ic6 ;!pan)co, 'onchet
On)sia6o, 0ose 1!is %illan!eva, Qac6 and 5oisin, 0ed (arlos, (arla 8!tierre:, 1yn &her"an,
Pastor Pa!l 'ata, nthony 8arcia, &anti <li:alde, %ince 7iton), 5e" Qa"ora, /er"inia
FaIardo, <rlinda %illan!eva, 1o!rdes &ese, %ir"a %er)el de Dios, 'arinela %ele:, 'aria
n), <rlinda &!nico, 5oby 8oco, 0ose &ala, Tony 1o:ada, Pericles Da6ay, llen Tan,
(hristopher 9y, Deborrah nn (!a /o, @)nacio 7!nye, <d (al"a, Tonton 8!tierre:, 8lydel
'ercado, #oel (aban)on, riel 5ivera, /y!bs :arcon, /eber 7artolo"e and Paolo
&antos, 5hap &ala:ar, )ot @sidro, 1ie:el 'artine:, and 0oanna "pil, "!sical director and
arran)er /o"er Flores, ballerina, actress and ballet director 'aritoni 5!fno-
Tordesillas, #i66i Tan), 'arcott l"eda, 5!by (h!a, TiFany (h!a, &heree (h!a,
:i:a 'ondonedo, (ristina 8o"e:, socialites 7aby raneta Fores, 1isa raneta, (acho
Papal %isit sia 2014
'arcos, 1inda Oledan, %eana Fores, 1orrie 5eynoso, %ic6y Q!biri, 'aricris Qobel, (arol
8arcia, 'aripi '!scat and 'ar)arita Fores, nton 'endo:a, 'onch (r!:, (h!t (!erva,
'arcel (respo, @pe (r!: of 5o)!e 'a)a:ine, 'arco 1obre)at, (hin) (r!:, Tina (!evas,
)nes /!ibonhoa, Fe 5odri)!e:, &!san 0oven, @an 8iron, ndres %asH!e: Prada and l
Ten)co, Doris 'a)saysay /o, 8ina 1ope:, <velyn Forbes, 'arc #elson, 5icco and Tina
'aristela-Oca"po, 5i66i and 7en) Dee, Philip and Tricia (!-9nIien), &ander Tantoco,
Philippine #ational 5ed (ross (hair"an 5ichard 8ordon, 5enna /echanova n)eles,
Earen &antos, 7obby and (hin)bee (!enca, 8ina boiti:, 7aby 8irl Fric6e, 'a!rice
rcache and ace photo)rapher leG %an /a)en, 0oIie Din)con), 0ean 8o!lbo!rn, Frances
1i" and Pa!l (a"pos, Dennis %aldes and Tessa Prieto-%aldes, <rnest <scaler, Dr$ Orly
'ercado and &!:y Pineda, (heche 1a:aro, 7ibeth Orte:a and (arlitos &i)!ion 5eyna, (es
Orena-Drilon, Dyan (astilleIo-8arcia, 0ac6ie (astilleIo-8!in)ona, 1i:a @larde, na Eala3,
nton &an Die)o, 5a!l Teehan6ee, Pepper Teehan6ee, 'ari6o 0acinto, ye #!)!id, 1eah
P!yat, nton 7arretto and 0ac6 de 'esa, 5a!l 'an:ano, thena %aldes, n)elette (alero,
nni6a %aldes, #iG lanon, 5enna n)eles, 7aby Fric6e, Earen &antos, 7in)-7in) J!iros,
8ina boiti:, #ic6 and 1!cille 1ocsin, Pa!l (a"pos, Tony and (hin)bee (!enca, 'anny
'iMana, 0$ nton 'endo:a, 7!dIi 1ay!), 5oyal Pineda, <d (al"a, 'ilo #aval, Tony
8on:ales, Tes Pasola, Eenneth (obonp!e, na 5ocha, 7art 8!in)ona, 0in))oy 7!ens!ceso,
0ai"e (h!a, 7rendan 'c(arthy, Tho" &antia)o, Pascal 8o!Io!, 'anolette Dinsay, ndre3
&harpe, lfred Tere:-7!r)os @@@, Francis (eballos, &hella &ar"iento, 5orie (arlos, Tara
&antos, 5odeon 5oIas, 7rian 1la"an:arese del Ta"ano, &i"on Tantoco, Danie, Daisy and
<ddie 'endo:a, 'artha 7!c6ley, ;olly yson, Debbie (han, 5oselle 5ebano, 7on) Pal"a
8il, 'i6ee (hanco, 0!dy raneta-5oGas, 7etty &iy-;ap, <d!ardo 1ope:, "or 5oselle
/errera, &!:ette 'orelos, #estor <ncinas, 5andy 7aron, &er)ia b!eva, P!rifcacion
%eloso, Petite 8arcia, 0avier 8alvan, na 1!isa <spinosa, David Ferro, 1orraine #!bar,
5achelle 8erodias, 'asa6o Toribara, 0osephine 5oces (have:, 7!nny 1!do, 0oseph
8on:ale:, J!inito 'oras, 0ayIay #eri, Dean Die:, 7!diette and 7randie Tan, ndre J!intos,
l"a 0!nia, <ric Ta"ayo, 'i6e and 1ea Fa"!larcano, 5!dy viles, 5ay"ond bao and
1!cien 1etaba, Orlando 'a)no, %icente Paterno, #ena @l!sorio, 'aribel On)pin, &ari
(oI!an)co, Tessie FaIardo, Popsy 'ende:-H!ino, 7ella ncheta, &ol PeMa, lice &andeIas,
5alph Peter 0entes, 'ary nn On), 5osalie &ipid, %ioly 1i", <lena 1ee, 5ose 1i", 8reta 8o,
&tefe @nocentes, (ar"ela On)sia6o, Terry 5osales, (ecile On)sia6o, Dely On)sia6o,
'aridol 'abanta, Tessa &ierra, 0!vy ;!pan)co, &evy &antos, 8retchen del 5osario, (el!ch
'anahan, 5obert (onstantino and /elen 'arte, (!rtis (hin, Tati 1ic!anan, 8re))y and
@rene raneta, indoor volleyball players D:i 8ervacio, 0e" Ferrer, Fille &aint 'erced
(ain)let-(ayetano, #acachi, 5achel nne DaH!is, 0ovelyn 8on:a)a, lyssa %alde:,
Denden 1a:aro, (oach (haro &oriano, 'ar)e TeIada, 'elissa 8ohin), 'ary 0ean 7alse,
'ayeth (arolino, 'ichelle (arolino, <lla De 0es!s, Eara cevedo, Earla 7ello, &tephanie
8abriel, 'ae TaIi"a, 0ayson 5a"os, 'aica 'orada, 0ed 'ontero, 'ichelle 1aborte, &asa
Devanadera, 8rethcel &oltones, 0oy 7enito, 5!bie De 1eon, 'ae (risosto"o, ;nna /ao,
Tina &ala6, 0P Torres, Dahlia (r!:, #ene 7a!tista, i:a 'ai:o, 'ai6a Orti:, 5hea
Di"ac!lan)an, Denise Tan, %en!s 7ernal, 0hec6 Dionela, n))e TabaH!ero, 'itch Dat!in,
bby Praca, 7ea Pasc!al, 7ea Tan, 0!dy (aballeIo, 'ar!Ia 7anaticla, 0 PareIa, 'yco
ntonio, /enry Pecana, 5eG @ntal, Dindin &antia)o, 0aIa &antia)o, Eathy 7ersola, Princess
8aiser, &hiela 'arie A7an)B Pineda, 'ayette Qapanta, 5ose"arie %ar)as, 0en 5eyes,
Princess 1istana, n)ela 7entin), Pa! &oriano, 1i:lee nn 8ata-Pantone, <d3in Tolentino,
Peter Den 'ar Torres, 'ichelle 8!"abao, (ha (r!:, &tephanie 'ercado, 0esh!l 2ensh Ti!,
Papal %isit sia 2014
bi)ail 'arano, 'i6a <speren:a, Ei" FaIardo, 'i6a 5eyes, %ictonara 8alan), and (yd
De"icillo, 5en: (asanova, (hris 'acasaet, Philip (erve:a, 'ar6 1ee, 0oanne &iy, 1oren
1antin, 'ia /irots!Ii, Pa"ela 1asti"osa, @n)rid 5eyes, 0essey De 1eon, (ar"ela T!nay,
(hloe (orte:, leG (abanos, Patricia 5as"o, @lla &antos, 0oanne 7!na), 0acH!eline larca
and <rs @ratay, 7ishop 1eo lcon)a of the @nternational 7ible &ociety, 7ishop Dan 7alais of
Philippines for 0es!s 'ove"ent, Pastor <d De 8!:"an of @ntercessors for the Philippines,
Pastor Pa!l (hase of laban) #e3 1ife in (hrist, postle 5enato (arillo of 0es!s O!r &hield
2orld3ide 'inistries, Pastor rt Ferriol of Pentecostal 'issionary (h!rch of (hrist, Pastor
<"ilio /enares of 5iver of 1ife in 7acolod, Pastor 0osh!a 7onto)an of 1ife To!chers
'inistry, Pastor <ntoy &intos of 0es!s 'iracle (r!sade, and 7ro$ Danny #avales of n)
Datin) Daan 3ere arrived at the bac6 of J!irino 8randstand fro" the 'anila /otel after
the dinner lasted fro" 1,00p" to 3,00p"$
October 27 birthda" celebrant Liefer Ca'ena, &ho accompanied b" eric and eron Ten0 on his b!"in0
of ca.e from 4oldiloc.s Aa.eshop and ice cream s!ch as 3electa 'ariants in 3) 3!, 3) *it"
)anila branch ta.in0 a ta>i ride from the mall to the )anila 9otel, 9e celebrated his birthda" &ith the
(Fastbrea.+ famil",
The rain lasted for 1# min!tes, and sent people r!shin0 for co'er !nder stalls, trees, !mbrellas and lar0e
pieces of plastic,
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 and other 0o'ernment officials are e>pected to sho& !p at the celebration
beca!se the es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, president and spirit!al director Aro, =ddie
Villan!e'a is celebratin0 his birthda" on October 7, 9is belated birthda" part" coincidence &ith the
anni'ersar" celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide on October 27,
The President is e>pected to address the ann!al celebration at #60# p,m,
A=*AE3= he deli'ered his 30-min!te speech at the =l 3haddai 0atherin0 &as held in than.s0i'in0 for
the peacef!l and s!ccessf!l 0rand ann!al fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" celebration and 0rand pra"er assembl"
&orship and healin0 ser'ices of ='an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic *harismatic rene&al
reli0io!s mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+ and ann!al birthda" celebration of tele'ision
e'an0elist and es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro,
=ddie *, Villan!e'a in time for the pastoral and state 'isit of Pope Francis here t&o ho!rs after the
political 0ro!ps deli'ered their messa0es at a pro-democrac" rall" in )a.ati, President Aeni0no A-!ino
555 &as able to ans&er bac.,
Papal %isit sia 2014
The elite (are threatened b" the ne& emer0in0 order for it mi0ht diminish their po&er,+ he said of his
5t &as not a political rall", b!t the President &as not abo!t to pass !p the chance to address his acc!sers
and to campai0n for *harter chan0e, threats to press freedom, transportation, po&er and &ater shorta0e
in )etro )anila, the rehabilitation after the triple disasters in )indanao and Visa"as s!ch as the
*a0a"an de Oro bombin0 last !l" 27, the Oamboan0a 3ie0e last 3eptember %, the Aohol =arth-!a.e
last October 17, the 3!per T"phoon Dolanda last /o'ember @ and the 3!per T"phoon 4lenda last !l"
17, Aan0samoro Frame&or. A0reement, the tension a0ainst *hina o'er the 3carboro!0h 3hoal, the
Be'elopment Acceleration Pro0ram ;BAP< and Priorit" Be'elopment Assistance F!nd ;PBAF< scam
of b!siness&oman anet 1im-/apoles, the rehabilitation after the Oamboan0a sie0e to the onsla!0ht
Dolanda ca!sed in Visa"as and the recent t"phoon (4lenda+ in 1!2on last !l", the P317-million
Philippine *harit" 3& Office f!nds scam, P7,7 billion ho!sin0 scam of Belfin 1eeHs 4lobe
Asiati-!e ;4A<, P72@ million fertili2er f!nd scam, the constr!ction of ma:or infrastr!ct!re pro:ects, the
crime rate in )etro )anila incl!din0 robber" hold!ps, the hi0h-profile .illin0s6 the .illin0 of champion
race car dri'er =n2o Pastor in J!e2on *it", )etro )anila and *ro&n Ce0enc" 9otel o&ner Cichard
Lin0 in Ba'ao *it", Ba'ao del 3!r last !ne 12, the 0an0 rape and .illin0 of 27-"ear-old Anria 4alan0
=spirit! in *al!mpit, A!lacan last A!0!st 1@ and 7-"ear-old )"la Cosales in Aaran0a" @4#, Pandacan,
)anila last 3eptember 7, the onsla!0ht of t"phoon (4lenda+,(1!is+ and ()ario+, the 100 million
pop!lation mar., the iss!es in BOT* s!ch as6 the rehabilitation of )CT-3, the a&ardin0 of the 1CT-1
so!th e>tension pro:ect and P1,4-billion common station le0al fiasco before the same cro&d that, he
said, p!t him in po&er,
Papal %isit sia 2014
3till, for the most part, )r, A-!ino held his ton0!e d!rin0 his seemin0l" conciliator" speech, &hich fell
short of the stin0in0 haran0!e ne&smen &ere e>pectin0,
(1et !s not conf!se o!r co!ntr"men,+ he said,
The cro&d clearl" lo'ed the speech--appla!din0 and cheerin0 the President thro!0ho!t its len0th,
Or0ani2ers claimed an attendance of t&o million, Police placed the fi0!re at 700,000, b!t based on
act!al land area meas!rements and cro&d densit", the 5/JE5C=C estimated the cro&d at 300,000,
3pea.in0 mostl" in Pilipino, )r, A-!ino concentrated on defendin0 his moti'es for &antin0 to
&ith the co!ntr"Hs basic la&,
9e said a0ain that he onl" &anted to help the poor and had no interest in e>tendin0 his term,
(8e ha'e no hidden a0enda,+ he said, addin0 that a shift to a parliamentar" s"stem of 0o'ernment &as
not in the &or.s either, ()" conscience is clear,+
Cespondin0 to nationalist sentiments a0ainst his proposals to rela> *onstit!tional restrictions on
forei0n o&nership, he said6 (5 &ill ne'er pa&n the co!ntr"Hs f!t!re &ith forei0ners,+
9e said the 1%@7 *onstit!tion &as an HHobstacleHH to pro0ress, HH5 did not become President to preser'e a
societ" &here the poor become poorer and the rich become richer,HH he said,
(8h" is this happenin0` One of the reasons is beca!se &e donHt ha'e eno!0h mone" in o!r econom" to
address the needs,+
Caisin0 one of the ma:or iss!es of the A-!ino rall", )r, A-!ino also said the 0o'ernment had no secret
deals &ith the )arcoses,
laying underdog
At one point, he pla"ed the !nderdo0 and as.ed the =l 3haddai and es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide
members to pra" not onl" for him b!t also for his critics (so all of !s co!ld be enli0htened b" the
9e also reiterated that he &o!ld ne'er stand in the &a" of an" demonstration or protest action, (b!t 5
hope the" ;critics< &ill also listen to me so &e can !nderstand each other and &e can !nite for o!r
Addressin0 the political opposition, he said6 (Hu*ag nating gu"u(in at "itu(in ang ating mga
-ababa)an. 5 appeal for a sober and mat!re disc!ssion of the rele'ant iss!es in the proposed
*onstit!tional amendments instead of inn!endoes,+
Papal %isit sia 2014
9e also said he &as (&illin0 to listen to the ad'ice of o!r co!ntr"menV b!t nothin0 &ill happen to o!r
societ" if &e fi0ht and trade acc!sations and ins!lts &hile the ma:orit" of o!r people remain in
)r, A-!ino--&ho, Camos had remar.ed, (finds it hard to for0i'e and for0et+--reminded his detractors
of a passa0e in the 4ospel accordin0 to 3t, 1!.e,
(!d0e not and "o! shall not be :!d0ed, condemn not and "o! shall not be condemned, for0i'e and "o!
shall be for0i'en,+ he said,
;(ifferent timeA
)r, A-!ino said nothin0 co!ld stop his desire to amend the *onstit!tion to help the poor,
9e said (the iss!e here is not the e>tension of the term limits of the President+ b!t rather (the reform of
the *onstit!tion and the economic s"stem that &e no& ha'e,+
9e reiterated that the amendments he &as see.in0 &ere not political b!t economic,
(8e need to ad:!st o!r *onstit!tion &ith 0lobal realities, for the present *onstit!tion that &e ha'e &as
framed in a different time &here the econom" of nations &as based on protectionism,+ he said,
9e said an" pro'isional amendment &o!ld need the final appro'al of the people (and not of the
President or of an" politician or b!sinessman,+
9e br!shed off the findin0s of s!r'e"s indicatin0 that a ma:orit" of Filipinos &ere a0ainst *harter
chan0e, 9e said that s!ch s!r'e"s made !se of telephones, &hich man" poor people do not ha'e access
=arlier in his speech, )r, A-!ino 555 anno!nced he &as follo&in0 es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide
fo!nder, president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a and =l 3haddai leader Aro, )i.e
Velarde?s ad'ice to create a clemenc" commission to st!d" all death penalt" cases,
All sec!rit" and cro&d control meas!res bro.e do&n in the pandemoni!m, Amb!lances and b!ses &ith
Ce'erend Fathers incl!din0 Coman *atholic Parish Priests, Pastors, and Parochial Vicars, Coman
catholic archbishops, bishops, deacons and monsi0nors &ere bloc.ed more than an ho!r before the
)ass &as start,
.iggest celebration
Papal %isit sia 2014
On October 27, 2014, a 3!nda" e'enin0, Pope Francis arri'ed at )alacaYan0 Par. aboard the Pope
mobile from the Apostolic /!nciat!re on 2140 Taft A'en!e, )alate, b!t &as forced to ride the
presidential helicopter 3-70A-# alon0 &ith Philippine President Aeni0no 3, A-!ino 555, Philippine
Vice-President e:omar *, Aina", 3r,, Philippine 3!preme *o!rt *hief !stice )aria 1o!rdes P,A,
3ereno, 9o!se Feliciano C, Aelmonte, r,, Philippine 3enate President Fran.lin ), Brilon,
)etropolitan )anila Be'elopment A!thorit" *hairman Att", Francis Tolentino, former Philippine
President Fidel V, Camos, former Philippine President and )anila *it" )a"or oseph =:ercito-=strada,
former Philippine President and Pampan0a 2nd Bistrict Cep, 4loria )acapa0al-Arro"o, 3in0aporean
President Br, Ton" Tan Len0 Dam, 3in0aporean Prime )inister 1ee 9sien 1oon0, 3in0aporean
3!preme *o!rt *hief !stice 3!ndaresh )enon, 3in0aporean Parliament 9alimah Dacob,
former 3in0aporean President 3ellapan Camanathan /athan, former 3in0aporean Prime )inster 4oh
*ho. Ton0, former 3in0aporean Prime )inister 1ee L!an De&, )ala"sian Prime )inister /a:ib Abd!l
Ca2a., Dan0 di-Pert!an A0on0 Abd!l 9alim of Ledah, Former )ala"sian Prime )inister )ahathir Ain
)ohamad, Former )ala"sian Prime )inister Abd!llah Ahmad Aada&i, )ala"sian *hief !stice Arifin
Oa.aria, 5ndonesian President o.o 8idodo, Former 5ndonesian President )e0a&ati 3!.arnop!tri,
Former 5ndonesian President 3!silo Aamban0 D!dho"ono, )anila Archbishop 1!is Antonio *ardinal
Ta0le, )anila Archbishop-=merit!s 4a!dencio *ardinal Cosales, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop-=merit!s
=rnesto Antolin 3al0ado, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop =merit!s =dm!ndo ), Aba"a, /!e'a 3e0o'ia
Archbishop )ario ), Perlata, T!0!e0arao Archbishop 3er0io 1, Etle0, T!0!e0arao Archbishop-
=merit!s Biosdado A, Talama"an, 1in0a"en-Ba0!pan Archbishop-=merit!s Oscar *ardinal V, *r!2,
1in0a"en-Ba0!pan Archbishop 3ocrates A, Ville0as, 3an Fernando Archbishop =merit!s Paciano
*ardinal A, Aniceto, 3an Fernando Archbishop Florentino 4, 1a'arias, 1ipa Archbishop Camon *,
Ar0!elles, /!e'a *aceres Archbishop Colando O, o'en Tria Tirona, *api2 Archbishop ose F,
Ad'inc!la, aro Archbishop An0el /, 1a0dameo, *eb! Archbishop-=merit!s Cicardo *ardinal ,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Vidal, *eb! Archbishop ose 3, Palma, Palo Archbishop-=merit!s Pedro C, Bean, r,, Palo Archbishop
ohn F, B!, Ba'ao Archbishop-=merit!s Fernando C, *apalla, Ba'ao Archbishop Com!lo 4, Valles,
*otabato Archbishop Orlando *ardinal A, J!e'edo, *a0a"an de Oro Archbishop-=merit!s es!s A,
T!-!ib, *a0a"an de Oro Archbishop Antonio , 1edesma, O2ami2 Archbishop es!s A, Bosado,
Oamboan0a Archbishop Com!lo T, Bela *r!2, 3in0apore Archbishop 8illiam 4oh 3en0 *h"e,
3in0apore Archbishop-=merit!s /icholas 4erald *hia, L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop !lian 1eo& Aen0
Lim, L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop-=merit!s Anthon" 3oter Fernande2, L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop-
=merit!s )!rph" Pa.iam, L!chin0 Archbishop ohn 9a Tion0 9oc., L!chin0 Archbishop-=merit!s
Peter *h!n0 9oan Tin0, Lota Linabal! Archbishop ohn 8on0 3oo La!, Lota Linabal! Archbishop-
=merit!s ohn 1ee 9ion0 F!n-Dit Da&, a.ata Archbishop 50nati!s 3!har"o 9ard:oatmod:o, a.arta
Archbishop-=merit!s !li!s *ardinal Ci"adi Barmaatmad:a, Palemban0 Archbishop Alo"si!s 3!darso,
L!pan0 Archbishop Peter T!ran0, )a.assar Archbishop ohannes 1i.! Ada, )edan Archbishop
Anicet!s Aon0s! Antoni!s 3ina0a, )edan Archbishop-=merit!s Alfred 4onti Pi!s Bat!bara, Pontiana.
Archbishop A0!stin!s A0!s, Pontiana. Archbishop-=merit!s 9ieron"m!s 9erc!lan!s A!mb!n and
Apostolic /!nciat!re of the 9ol" 3ee to the Philippines, Archbishop 4i!seppe Pinto to 0et to J!irino
4randstand amid the h!0e cro&d on the streets6 from Co>as Ao!le'ard to north and so!thbo!nd areas
of Taft A'en!e, T,), Lala& 3treet and Enited /ations A'en!e into =rmita, e>tendin0 !p to )aria
Orosa 3treet, Padre A!r0os Bri'e, Port Area district, ones, A"ala, )cArth!r and J!e2on Arid0es to
Pla2a )iranda in J!iapo,
From the Apostolic /!nciat!re alon0 Taft A'en!e in )alate, )anila, the Pope rode the (Pope )obile+
into )alacanan0 Par., fo!r .ilometers a&a", From there, the 9ol" Father boarded the Presidential
9elicopter at the bac. of the J!irino 4randstand at 764# P,),
='en the Pope &as late for 3!nda" )ass6 a fretf!l 1 ho!r and 41 min!tes at 7630-7641 P,),
Location Local time Time <one ;TC oJset
"anila $Philippines, &!nday, 2> October 2014,
P/T ;TCLE hours
=e8 @elhi $>ndia (
&!nday, 2> October 2014,
@&T ;TCL-4'&
Ban!9o9 $Thailand, &!nday, 2> October 2014,
@(T ;TCLA hours
To96o $apan, &!nday, 2> October 2014,
0&T ;TCLD hours
)6dne6 $%ustralia (
=e8 )outh 1ales,
&!nday, 2> October 2014,
<DT ;TCL11 hours
Los %n!eles $;.).%.
( California,
&!nday, 2> October 2014,
PDT ;TC(A hours
=e8 ?or9 $;.).%. (
=e8 ?or9,
&!nday, 2> October 2014,
<DT ;TC(4 hours
;TC $Time Mone, &!nday, 2> October 2014,
Paris $France, &!nday, 2> October 2014,
(<T ;TCL1 hour
Papal %isit sia 2014
"adrid $)pain, &!nday, 2> October 2014,
(<T ;TCL1 hour
Rome $>tal6, &!nday, 2> October 2014,
(<T ;TCL1 hour
@u*ai $;nited %ra*
Emirates ( @u*ai,
&!nday, 2> October 2014,
8&T ;TCL4 hours
Pre'io!sl", the late Pope ohn Pa!l 55?s bi00est cro&d &as the 2 million people &ho t!rned o!t on !ne
7, 1%7% at his hometo&n of Lra.o&, Poland for his first 'isit to the late popeHs Polish homeland after
his ele'ation to the Papac" on October 17, 1%7@,
The )ass &as the clima> of the Coman *atholic *h!rchHs ann!al celebration of the fo!ndin0
anni'ersar" and 0rand pra"er assembl" of ='an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic *harismatic
rene&al reli0io!s mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+ &hich bro!0ht to0ether Coman
*atholics from aro!nd the &orld,
The )ass? concelebrants incl!ded )anila Archbishop 1!is Antonio *ardinal Ta0le, )anila
Archbishop-=merit!s 4a!dencio *ardinal Cosales, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop =merit!s =rnesto
Antolin 3al0ado, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop =merit!s =dm!ndo ), Aba"a, /!e'a 3e0o'ia
Archbishop )ario ), Perlata, T!0!e0arao Archbishop 3er0io 1, Etle0, T!0!e0arao Archbishop-
=merit!s Biosdado A, Talama"an, 1in0a"en-Ba0!pan Archbishop-=merit!s Oscar *ardinal V, *r!2,
1in0a"en-Ba0!pan Archbishop 3ocrates A, Ville0as, 3an Fernando Archbishop =merit!s Paciano
*ardinal A, Aniceto, 3an Fernando Archbishop Florentino 4, 1a'arias, 1ipa Archbishop Camon *,
Ar0!elles, /!e'a *aceres Archbishop Colando O, o'en Tria Tirona, *api2 Archbishop ose F,
Ad'inc!la, aro Archbishop An0el /, 1a0dameo, *eb! Archbishop-=merit!s Cicardo *ardinal ,
Vidal, *eb! Archbishop ose 3, Palma, Palo Archbishop-=merit!s Pedro C, Bean, r,, Palo Archbishop
ohn F, B!, Ba'ao Archbishop-=merit!s Fernando C, *apalla, Ba'ao Archbishop Com!lo 4, Valles,
*otabato Archbishop Orlando *ardinal A, J!e'edo, *a0a"an de Oro Archbishop-=merit!s es!s A,
T!-!ib, *a0a"an de Oro Archbishop Antonio , 1edesma, O2ami2 Archbishop es!s A, Bosado,
Oamboan0a Archbishop Com!lo T, Bela *r!2, 3in0apore Archbishop 8illiam 4oh 3en0
*h"e, 3in0apore Archbishop-=merit!s /icholas 4erald *hia, L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop !lian 1eo&
Aen0 Lim, L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop-=merit!s Anthon" 3oter Fernande2, L!ala 1!mp!r Archbishop-
=merit!s )!rph" Pa.iam, L!chin0 Archbishop ohn 9a Tion0 9oc., L!chin0 Archbishop-=merit!s
Peter *h!n0 9oan Tin0, Lota Linabal! Archbishop ohn 8on0 3oo La!, Lota Linabal! Archbishop-
=merit!s ohn 1ee 9ion0 F!n-Dit Da&, a.ata Archbishop 50nati!s 3!har"o 9ard:oatmod:o, a.arta
Archbishop-=merit!s !li!s *ardinal Ci"adi Barmaatmad:a, Palemban0 Archbishop Alo"si!s 3!darso,
L!pan0 Archbishop Peter T!ran0, )a.assar Archbishop ohannes 1i.! Ada, )edan Archbishop
Anicet!s Aon0s! Antoni!s 3ina0a, )edan Archbishop-=merit!s Alfred 4onti Pi!s Bat!bara, Pontiana.
Archbishop A0!stin!s A0!s, Pontiana. Archbishop-=merit!s 9ieron"m!s 9erc!lan!s A!mb!n,
Pontifical *o!ncil of the 1ait" President 3tanisTa& C"T.o, Vatican 3ecretar" of 3tate *ardinal Pietro
Parolin, *ardinal An0elo Amato, the prefect of the *on0re0ation of the *a!ses of 3aints, )ost Ce',
Teodoro *, Aacani, r,, O'er-all 3pirit!al Birector of =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation
5nternational, Ver" Ce', )s0rs, )ariano T, Aalba0o r, of Antipolo Biocese and )ario A, *astilloG and
Ce', Fr, Anton Pasc!al and Ce', Fr, 3ann" de *laro, spirit!al directors of the =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er
Papal %isit sia 2014
Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational, spirit!al directors from the international chapters of the =l 3haddai
B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation namel" Ce'erend Fathers Aernard , /olan of Arisbane, A!straliaG
1eo =, 3teinboc. of 1os An0eles, *alifornia, E,3,A,G and Thomas La&am!ra of To."o, apan, as &ell
as from the Philippines namel", B&i0ht de es!sG Cemi0io )endo2a of )abini, Aatan0asG )anheim
Abellana, 3BAG =li0io 3antos of 3an 5ldefonso Parish, )a.atiG and 3tephen P! and Victor
)a!n0 Thit of the O!r 1ad" of Ass!mption Parish, )alate, )anila, as &ell as from 5ndonesia,
)ala"sia, 3in0apore, Thailand and Vietnam, namel", Ce'erend Fathers incl!din0 Coman
*atholic Parish Priests, Pastors, and Parochial Vicars from se'eral Coman catholic archdioceses and
diocese, as &ell bishops, deacons and monsi0nors from the different parishes in the Coman *atholic
Archdioceses of a.arta, L!ala 1!mp!r, 3in0apore, L!chin0, Lota Linabal!,
=nde, L!pan0, )a.assar, )edan, )era!.e, Palemban0, Pontiana., 3amarinda, 3emaran0, Aan0.o.,
Thare, /onsen0, 9anoi, 9o *hi )inh cit", 9!b and the Coman *atholic Bioceses of )alacca-ohor,
Penan0, )iri, 3ib!,,
Benpasar, 1arant!.a, )a!mere, C!ten0, Aand!n0, Ao0or, Atamb!a, 8eeteb!l, Amboina, )anado, Pad
an0, 3ibol0a, A0ats, a"ap!ra, )ano.&ari-3oron0, Timi.a,
Pinan0, Tan:!n0.aran0, Letapan0, 3an00a!, 3intan0, Aan:armasin, Palan0.a Ca"a, Tan:!n0
3elor, )alan0, P!r&o.erto, 3!raba"a, *hanthab!ri, *hian0 )ai, /a.hon 3a&an, Catchab!ri, 3!rat
Thani, /a.hon Catchasima, Ebon Catchathani, Edon Thani, Acc /inh, Adi *h!, 9ai Phen0, 9fn0
9ga, 1hn0 3in and *ao Ajn0, Phkt Bilm, Thki Amnh, Thanh 9ga, Vinh, An Coa, *pn Thi, qn 1ht,
1on0 S!"ln, )r Tho, Phan Thibt, Phs *ftn0, Vunh 1on0, S!vn 1wc, Aan )l Th!wt, qn /xn0,
Lont!m, /ha Tran0 and J!" /hin and from the Philippines, namel", the priests from the different
parishes in the Coman *atholic Archdiocese of )anila, /!e'a 3e0o'ia, T!0!e0arao, 3an Fernando,
Pampan0a, /!e'a *aceres, aro, *api2, *eb!, Palo, Ba'ao, *otabato, *a0a"an de Oro, O2ami2 and
Oamboan0a and the Bioceses of 1aoa0, Aa0!io, *abanat!an, 3an ose, /!e'a =ci:a, Aan0!ed,
Aa"ombon0, 5la0an, Aatanes, Erdaneta, Alaminos, Tarlac, Aalan0a, 5ba, )alolos,, *!bao,
/o'aliches, Pasi0, Antipolo, Parana-!e, 5m!s, 3an Pablo, 1ipa, 1!cena, 4!maca, 5nfanta, Comblon,
3an ose, Occidental )indoro, *alapan, Oriental )indoro, P!erto Princesa, Baet, 1ibmanan, 1e0aspi,
)asbate, 3orso0on, Virac, 3an ose de Anti-!e, Aacolod, Laban.alan, 3an *arlos, B!ma0!ete,
Ta0bilaran, Talibon, )aasin, *alba"o0, Aoron0an, *atamaran, /a'al, A!t!an, 3!ri0ao, Tanda0,
)ala"bala", Bi0os, )ati, Ta0!m, Lidapa&an, )arbel, Bipolo0, Pa0adian, )ara&i, 5li0an, 5pil and
5sabela, 1,00% Coman *atholic dioceses in America, 1#7 Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and
archdioceses in =ast Asia, 1%2 Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and archdioceses belon0in0 to 1atin,
3"ro-)alabar and 3"ro-)alan.ara Cites in 3o!th Asia incl!din0 5ndia, Aan0ladesh, Pa.istan and 3ri
1an.a and #14 Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and archdioceses in =!rope,
3cores of 0o'ernment officials, forei0n di0nitaries, sports icons, entertainment celebrities and hi0h
societ" personalities attended the es!s is 1ord *h!rch Anni'ersar" *elebration &hich &as tele'ised
li'e nation&ide 'ia domestic satellite on tele'ision o'er 4)A-7, CP/-%, AA*-#, PTV-4, 5A*-13, and
AA3-*A/ *hannel 2 and aired li'e on radio o'er Cadio )indanao /et&or. ;C)/<, 4)A Cad"o
Aisi0-Aa"an A), AA3-*A/ Cad"o Patrol A) and )" Onl" Cadio F), *atholic )edia /et&or.,
)anila Aroadcastin0 *ompan" ;)A*< A), CP/ Cad"o Conda A) and A!rea! of Aroadcast 3er'ices-
Cad"o n0 Aa"an radio stations,
Papal %isit sia 2014
The /oly 'ass )!ests incl!ded are President 7eni)no H!ino @@@, %ice-President 0eIo"ar
7inay, (hief 0!stice 'aria 1o!rdes &ereno, &enate President Fran6lin Drilon, /o!se
&pea6er Feliciano 7el"onte, 0r$, 'etropolitan 'anila Develop"ent !thority (hair"an
tty$ Francis Tolentino, Philippine #ational Police Director 8eneral lan 1$'$
P!risi"a, 'anila Police District (hief 1eocadio &antia)o, 0r$, r"ed Forces of the
Philippines (hief-of-&taF 8eneral Pio (atapan)an, 7an)6o &entral n) Pilipinas 8overnor
"ando Tetan)co, 0r$, (o""ission on /i)her <d!cation (hair"an Patricia 7$ 1ic!anan,
(!lt!ral (enter of the Philippines (hairperson <"ily $ brera, #ational (o""ission for
(!lt!re and the rts (hair"an Felipe '$ de 1eon 0r$, /o!sin) and 1and 9se 5e)!latory
7oard (o""issioner and (<O ntonio '$ 7ernardo, 1and Transportation ONce (hair"an
%ir)inia P$ Torres, 1and Transportation Franchisin) and 5e)!latory 7oard (hair"an
2inston '$ 8ine:, ssociation of 7roadcasters of the Philippines (hair"an 7!tch &$
(anoy, <Gec!tive &ecretary PacH!ito Ochoa, 0r$, )ric!lt!re &ecretary Proceso
lcalae (o""!nications and &trate)ic Plannin) ONce &ecretary 5ic6y (arandan)e
Defense &ecretary %oltaire 8a:"ine <nvior"ent and #at!ral 5eso!rces &ecretary 5a"on
PaIe, 0r$e 7!d)et and 'ana)e"ent &ecretary Florencio bad, 0r$e /ealth &ecretary Dr$
<nriH!e Ona, @nterior and 1ocal 8overn"ent &ecretary 'an!el $ 5oGas @@, forei)n aFairs
secretary lbert del 5osario, Trade and @nd!stry &ecretary 8re)ory Do"in)o, Finance
&ecretary (esar %$ P!risi"a, Transportation and (o""!nications &ecretary 0oseph <"ilio
$ baya, <ner)y &ecretary (arlos 0ericho Petilla, I!stice secretary 1eila '$ de 1i"a, labor
and e"ploy"ent secretary 5osalinda D$ 7aldo:, p!blic 3or6s and hi)h3ays secretary
5o)elio 1$ &in)son, science and technolo)y secretary 'ario 8$ 'onteIo, social 3elfare and
develop"ent secretary (ora:on 0$ &oli"an, to!ris" secretary 5a"on 5$ 0i"ene:, 0r$, 0!lia
bad-5a:on, appoint"ents secretary 5ochelle 5$ horro, dep!ty presidential
spo6esperson bi)ail %alte, presidential spo6esperson tty$ <d3in 1acierda, for"er
senators /eherson lvare:, Teresa H!ino-Oreta, 7!t: H!ino, #i66i (oseten), 0ohn /enry
Os"eMa, <rnesto /errera, 1oi <strada, 0!an Flavier, 5obert 0a3ors6i, Pin) 1acson, Ei6o
Pan)ilinan, %icente Paterno, #ene Pi"entel, 1eticia 5a"os-&hahani, &antanina T$ 5as!l,
0ovito &alon)a, /elena 7enite:, <va <strada-Eala3, Freddie 2ebb, <d)ardo n)ara, %ic
Qi)a, <rnesto Tanada and Francisco Tatad, c!rrent &enators &er)io Os"eMa @@@, Pia
(ayetano, lan Peter (ayetano, T8 8!in)ona, 7on)bon) 'arcos, 'iria" Defensor-
&antia)o, #ancy 7inay, 1ito 1apid, 0in))oy <strada, 0% <Iercito, 0!an Ponce <nrlie, 5alph
5ecto and %icente &otto @@@, 'aIority Floor 1eader #eptali 8on:ales @@, @locos #orte 2nd
District 5ep$ @"elda 'arcos, (aloocan 5ep$ <d)ar 5$ <rice, 'alabon 1one District 5ep$
0osephine %eroniH!e 5$ 1acson-#oel, #avotas 1one District 5ep$ Toby Tian)co, 'aria
Theresa 7$ 7onoan-David of 4th District of 'anila, 1!cy Torres-8o"e: of 4th District of
1eyte, Earlo #o)rales of 1st District of Davao (ity, Pedro 7$ charon 0r$ of 1st District of
&o!th (otabato and &aran)ani 1one District 5ep$ 'anny PacH!iao, ssociate 0!stices
ntonio (arpio, Presbitero %elasco, 0r$, Teresita 0$ 1eonardo-de (astro, rt!ro D$ 7rion,
Diosdado '$ Peralta, 1!cas P$ 7ersa"in, 'ariano ($ Del (astillo, 5$ bad, 'artin %illara"a,
0r$, 0ose Pere:, 0ose ($ 'endo:a, 7ienvenido 1$ 5eyes, <srelita Perlas-7ernabe and 'arvic
1eonen, for"er 'anila 'ayor and 7!hay Party-1ist 5ep$ 1ito tien:a, for"er 'anila 'ayor
lfredo &$ 1i", for"er Philippine President and no3 'anila 'ayor 0oseph <strada, c!rrent
J!e:on (ity 'ayor /erbert 7a!tista, for"er J!e:on (ity 'ayor 7ri)ido &i"on, (aloocan
(ity 'ayor Oscar 'alapitan, 'alabon (ity 'ayor 1en-1en Oreta, #avotas (ity 'ayor 0ohn
5ey Tian)co, %alen:!ela (ity 'ayor 5eGlon 8atchalian, 'andal!yon) (ity 'ayor 7enh!r
balos, 'ari6ina (ity 'ayor Del de 8!:"an, for"er Pasi) (ity 'ayors %icente, &oledad
Papal %isit sia 2014
and 7obby <!sebio and &an 0!an (ity 'ayor 8!ia 8o"e:, 'a6ati (ity 'ayor 0eIo"ar
<r3in 7inay, c!rrent Pasi) (ity 'ayor 'aribel ndaya-<!sebio, Ta)!i) (ity 'ayor 1aarni
1ope:-(ayetano, c!rrent Pasay (ity 'ayor ntonio ATonyB (aliGto, for"er Pasay (ity
'ayor 2enceslao APee3eeB Trinidad, for"er ParanaH!e (ity 'ayor 0oey 'arH!e:, for"er
ParanaH!e (ity 'ayor Florencio 7ernabe, c!rrent ParaMaH!e (ity 'ayor <d3in Olivare:,
1as Pinas (ity 'ayor %er)el $ )!ilar and '!ntinl!pa (ity 'ayor 0ai"e Fresnedi, @locos
#orte 8overnor @"ee 'arcos, 1aoa) (ity, @locos #orte 'ayor (hevylle %$ FariMas, @locos
&!r 8overnor 5yan 1!is &in)son, %i)an (ity 'ayor <va 'arie &in)son-'edina, bra
8overnor <!staH!io 7ersa"in, 7an)!ed 'ayor Do"inic 7os!e)o %alera, 7en)!et
8overnor #estor Fon)3an, 7a)!io (ity 'ayor 'a!ricio Do"o)an, Tab!6 (ity, Ealin)a
"ayor Ferdinand T!bban, (a)ayan Provincial 8overnor lvaro ntonio, T!)!e)arao (ity,
(a)ayan 'ayor 0eFerson Patta!i &oriano, parri 'ayor &hali"ar D$ T!"ar!, 7atanes
8overnor %icente 8ato, 7asco 'ayor De"etri!s Pa!l ($ #ara), @sabela Provincial
8overnor Fa!stino d7oIied 8$ Dy @@@, &antia)o (ity 'ayor 0oseph &alvador Tan, @la)an (ity,
@sabela 'ayor 0ose"arie d0ayd 1$ Dia:, D'D, (a!ayan, @sabela 'ayor 7ernard F$ 1a 'adrid
Dy, #!eva %i:caya Provincial 8overnor 5!th Padilla, 7ayo"bon), #!eva %i:caya
'!nicipal 'ayor 5a"on T$ (aba!atan 0r$, J!irino Provincial 8overnor 0!nie <$ (!a,
(abarro)!is, J!irino '!nicipal 'ayor velino #$ )!stin 0r$, Pan)asinan Provincial
8overnor "ado <spino, 5osales, Pan)asinan 'ayor &!san P$ (asareno, Da)!pan (ity
'ayor 7elen T$ Fernande:, 9rdaneta (ity 'ayor "adeo 8re)orio <$ Pere: @%, Tarlac
8overnor 0es!s A7on)d &antos, Tarlac (ity 'ayor 8elacio 5$ 'analan), 1a 9nion 8overnor
'an!el d'anolin)d ($ Orte)a, &an Fernando, 1a 9nion "ayor Pablo ($ Orte)a, Qa"bales
8overnor /er"o)enes <bdane, 0r$, Olon)apo (ity 'ayor 5olen Pa!lino, &!bic, Qa"bales
'ayor 0eFrey D$ Ehon)h!n, !rora Provincial 8overnor 8erardo $ #overas, 7aler, !rora
'!nicipal 'ayor #elianto ($ 7ihasa, Pa"pan)a Provincial 8overnor 1ilia 8$ Pineda, &an
Fernando, Pa"pan)a 'ayor <d3in &antia)o, n)eles (ity, Pa"pan)a 'ayor <d)ardo
Pa"int!an, 7ataan Provincial 8overnor lbert &$ 8arcia, 7alan)a (ity 'ayor 0ose <nriH!e
&$ 8arcia @@@, 7!lacan Provincial 8overnor 2ilhel"ino &y-lvarado, 'arilao '!nicipal
'ayor 0!anito dTitod /$ &antia)o, 7ali3a) '!nicipal 'ayor (arolina Dellosa, 'alolos (ity
'ayor (hristian D$ #atividad, #!eva <ciIa Provincial 8overnor !relio 'atias 9"ali,
(abanat!an (ity 'ayor 0!li!s (esar %$ %er)ara, (avite Provincial 8overnor 0!anito %ictor
5e"!lla, 7acoor (ity 'ayor &tri6e 5evilla, Das"arinas (ity 'ayor 0ennifer $
7ar:a)a, 5osario '!nicipal 'ayor 0ose '$ 5icafrente 0r$, 1a)!na Provincial 8overnor 5a"il
/ern[nde:, &anta 5osa (ity, 1a)!na 'ayor rlene 7$ rcillas-#a:areno, (ala"ba (ity
'ayor 0!stin 'arc Ti""y (hipeco, &an Pablo (ity 'ayor 1oreto &$ "ante, 1os 7aMos
'!nicipal (aesar P$ Pere:, 5i:al Provincial 8overnor 5ebecca $ ;nares, ntipolo (ity
'ayor (asi"iro $ ;nares @@@, (ainta 'ayor 0ohnielle Eeith #ieto, Taytay '!nicipal 'ayor
0anet De 1eon - 'ercado, &an 'ateo, 5i:al 'ayor 0ose 5afael Dia:, n)ono 'ayor 8erry %$
(alderon, 0alaIala 'ayor #arciso &an 0!an %illaran, 7atan)as Provincial 8overnor %il"a
&antos-5ecto, 7atan)as (ity 'ayor <d!ardo 7$ Di"ac!ha, 1ipa (ity 'ayor 'eynardo $
&abili, J!e:on Provincial 8overnor David ($ &!are:, 1!cena (ity 'ayor 5oderic6 $ lcala,
Pala3an 8overnor 0ose ($ lvare:, P!erto Princesa (ity 'ayor 1!cilo 5$ 7ayron,
'arind!H!e 8overnor (ar"encita On)sia6o 5eyes, 7oac 'ayor 5oberto 'adla, Occidental
'indoro 8overnor 'ario 8ene 'endiola, &an 0ose, Occidental 'indoro 'ayor 5o"!lo
d'!loyd Festin Oriental 'indoro 8overnor lfonso 9"ali, 0r$, (alapan (ity, Oriental
'indoro 'ayor rnan ($ Panali)an, 5o"blon 8overnor <d!ardo ($ Fir"alo, 5o"blon
'ayor 8erard &$ 'ontoIo, 'asbate 8overnor 5i:alina 1$ &eachon-1aMete, 'asbate (ity
Papal %isit sia 2014
'ayor 5o3ena 5$ T!ason, (a"arines #orte 8overnor <d)ardo Tallado, Daet 'ayor Tito &$
&arion, (a"arines &!r 8overnor 'i): %illaf!erte, #a)a (ity 'ayor 0ohn 7on)at, lbay
Provincial 8overnor 0oey &alceda, 1e)aspi (ity 'ayor #oel 5osal, (atand!anes 8overnor
raceli 2on), %irac 'ayor Flerida 5!th $ lberto, &orso)on Provincial 8overnor
ntonio <sc!dero 0r$, &orso)on (ity 'ayor &ally $ 1ee, @loilo Provincial 8overnor rth!r
Defensor, &r$, @loilo (ity 'ayor 0ed Patric6 'abilo), 6lan 8overnor Florencio 'ira]ores,
Ealibo 'ayor 2illia" &$ 1achica, 'alay 'ayor 0ohn P$ ;ap, ntiH!e 8overnor <GeH!iel
0avier, &an 0ose de 7!neavista 'ayor 5ony 1$ 'olina, (api: 8overnor %ictor $ Tanco,
5oGas (ity 'ayor n)el lan 7$ (elino, #e)ros Occidental )overnor lfredo 8$ 'araMon,
0r$, 7acolod (ity 'ayor 'onico P!entevella, (eb! Provincial 8overnor /ilario A0!nI!nB
Davide @@@, (eb! (ity 'ayor 'ichael 5a"a, (onsolacion '!nicipal 'ayor Teresa P$
le)ado, #e)ros Oriental 8overnor 5oel De)a"o, D!"a)!ete (ity 'ayor 'an!el
(hiH!itin) &a)arbarria, &ipalay (ity 'ayor &oledad ($ 'ontilla, 7ohol 8overnor <d)ar '$
(hatto, Ta)bilaran 'ayor 0ohn 8eesnell ;ap, Tacloban (ity, 1eyte 'ayor lfred &$
5o"!alde:, Or"oc (ity 'ayor <ric ($ (odilla, (apoocan 'ayor Federico /$ (arolino &r$,
@sabel 1eyte 'ayor 'arcos 8re)orio '$ (erillo, (albayo) (ity 'ayor 5onaldo P$ H!ino,
7oron)an (ity 'ayor 'a$ Fe 5$ b!nda, Qa"boan)a (ity 'ayor 'aria @sabelle (li"aco
&ala:ar, @pil, Qa"boan)a &ib!)ay 'ayor <ld3in '$ lib!tdan, Dipolo) (ity, Qa"boan)a
del #orte 'ayor <velyn T$ 9y, Davao del &!r Provincial 8overnor (la!de 7a!tista, Davao
(ity 'ayor 5odri)o D!terte, 'ati (ity, Davao Oriental 'ayor (arlo 1!is P$ 5abat, Panabo
(ity, Davao del #orte 'ayor 0ose 1$ &ilvosa &r$, &o!th (otabato Provincial 8overnor Daisy
vance-F!entes, 8eneral &antos (ity 'ayor 5onnel 5ivera, Eoronadal 'ayor Peter 7$
'i)!el, Polo"o6 'ayor /oney 1!"aya)-'atti, &aran)ani 8overnor &teve ($ &olon, label
'ayor (ora:on &$ 8raflo, 'a)!indanao 8overnor <s"ael 'an)!dadat!, (otabato,
'a)!indanao 'ayor 0apal d0o0od 8!iani, Eidapa3an (ity 'ayor 0oseph $ <van)elista,
'isa"is Oriental Provincial 8overnor ;ev)eny %icente 7$ <"ano, (a)ayan de Oro (ity
'ayor Oscar 'oreno, 8in)oo) (ity 'ayor &tella 'arie 1$ 8!in)ona, 'isa"is Occidental
8overnor /er"inia '$ 5a"iro, O:a"i: (ity 'ayor 5eynaldo O$ ParoIino) &r$, 1anao del
#orte )overnor 'oha""ad Ehalid J$ Di"aporo, @li)an (ity 'ayor (elso 8$ 5e)encia,
7!6idnon 8overnor, 'alaybalay (ity 'ayor @)nacio 2$ Q!biri, )!san del &!r Provincial
8overnor dolph <d3ard Pla:a, 7!t!an (ity 'ayor Ferdinand '$ "ante, 0r$, 9nited &tates
a"bassador Philip &$ 8oldber), (anadian a"bassador (hristopher Thronley, &panish
a"bassador 0or)e Do"ecH, 'eGican a"bassador 0!lio (a"arena %illaseMor, 7an)ladeshi
a"bassador 'aIor 8en$ 0ohn 8o"es, (a"bodian a"bassador T!ot Panha, @ndian
a"bassador 5a" Trasad, @ndonesian a"bassador de Petranto, 0apanese a"bassador
Toshinao 9rabe, Eorean a"bassador /y!6 1ee, 1ao a"bassador 'alayvien)
&a6onhninho", 'alaysian "bassaor Dato 'ohd Qa"iri %in 'ohd Eassi", 7!r"ese
a"bassador !n) Ehin &oe, Pa6istani a"bassador &afdar /ayat, 'arich! %era Pere:, 5ev$
Fr$ &onny 5a"ire:, P8(O5 (hair"an <phrai" 8en!ino, P8(O5 (hair"an (ristino 1$
#a)!iat, 0r$, for"er P8(O5 presidents 7!tch Tenorio and 5afael 7!tch Francisco, P8(O5
(hair"an 0or)e &ar"iento, Philippine Oly"pic (o""ittee (hair"an 0ose (oI!an)co, 0r$,
Philippine &ports (o""ission (hair"an 5icardo 5$ 8arcia and representatives of
b!siness"an 1!cio Tan, for"er 'etroban6 president Tony bacan, Philippine #ational
7an6 board of director, 5ep$ 'i)!el A'i6eB 5o"ero, retired Philippine &!pre"e (o!rt
(hief 0!stices /ilario Davide, 0r$, rte"io Pan)aniban and 5eynato P!no, Fernando Qobel
de yala, 7ea Qobel, yala 1and, @nc$ president ntonino ATonyd H!ino, 5o3ena
To"eldan, ( 1e)arda, 'ar6 &ablan, 0oseph 5eyes, 'aricris 7ernardino, Pivi Dia:, 5ina
Papal %isit sia 2014
5eIanit, 7obby Dy, 'an!el %$ Pan)ilinan, T%4 President-<"erit!s and The Philippine &T5
(hair"an tty$ 5ay ($ <spinosa, T%4 President and (<O #oel 1oren:ana, riel Fer"in,
8ary D!Iali, #e3s4 head 1!chi (r!:-%aldes, 'eralco /5 and (orporate &ervices &enior
%ice-President and Philippine 7as6etball ssociation (hair"an-<"erit!s 'on &e)is"!ndo
and &ports4 head and 8ilas Pilipinas 7as6etball Tea" (oach (hot 5eyes, Eenneth ;an),
Tessie &y-(oson, Tony Tan-(a6tion), 5a"on n), lfred Ty, rth!r Ty, &ari ;ap, 1ance
8o6on)3ei, 5obina 8o6on)3ei-Pe, 1i:a 8o6on)3ei-(hen), @sha ndaya-%alles, 'yr:a
&ison, 0o-ann 'a)lipon, 7&-(7# 7roadcastin) (orporation (hair"an <!)enio 1ope: @@@,
7&-(7# 7roadcastin) (orporation President and (hief (ontent ONcer (haro &antos-
(oncio, &tar (ine"a 7&-(7# Fil" Prod!ctions, @nc$ "ana)in) director 'alo! &antos,
7roadcast /ead and (hannel 2 /ead (ory %alen:!ela-%idanes, television b!siness !nit
head 1a!renti Dyo)i, b!siness !nit head for co"edy 1in))it Tan-'arasi)an, 7&-(7#
P!blishin), @nc$ 8eneral 'ana)er <rnie 1ope:, Drea"scape <ntertain"ent Television
President Deo <ndrinal, 5oGy 1iH!i)an, 5iley &antia)o, 5obert 1abayen, 'ar6 ;a"bot,
!)!st 7enite:, #andy %illar, 5ico (a"!s, 5ay"ond 'iranda, 'ar6 1ope:, 'aricel renas,
/appy 'ab!lay, Dar3in (errado, ldrin (errado, Dino 1a!rena, 'arch %entosa, (hris
1ope:, (arlo Eati)ba6, 1eo Eati)ba6, Paolo Pineda, 7on) Osorio, 'onchet Olives, Earen
(olo"a, for"er 7&-(7# presidents (ito leIandro and Freddie 8arcia, "ovie and
television director 0ohnny 'anahan, &tar 'a)ic %ice-President 'ariole lberto, (athy
8arcia-'olina, rnel #atividad, Toto #atividad, 'al! &evilla, 5echie del (ar"en, 0oIo
&a)!in, Olivia 1a"asan, 1a!rice 8!illen, 0erry 1ope:-&inenen), Tots 'ariscal, <ri6 &al!d,
5!el 7ayani, 5!el #aval, 0oyce 7ernal, 0ohn-D 1a:atin, 0ero"e Pobocan, 0onathan Dia:,
2enn Dera"as and Don (!ares"a, 4, 000 1ope: 6in fro" all over the 3orld, 7&-(7#
'anila 5adio and &ports Division head Peter '!sn)i, 7&-(7# @nte)rated #e3s and
(!rrent Fairs (hief 8in) 5eyes and (hoose Philippines head (harie %illa, "!sic
co"poser and television director 7obet and actor Eobi %idanes, the "e"bers of the ;ap,
Dia:, (astelo, Da:a, Planas, %alen:!ela and %idanes fa"ilies, ndre3 Tan, 7eth 1ee, Fe
)!do, 2ashin)ton &ycip, Felipe 8o:on, 'enardo 0i"ene:, &r$, 0i""y D!avit, nnette
8o:on-bro)ar, 1ito bro)ar, 1ilybeth 8$ 5asonable, 5e)ie ($ 7a!tista, 'arivin T$ rayata,
0ose 'ari 5$ bacan, 8i)i &antia)o-1ara, Darlin) P$ De 0es!s, (heryl (hin)-&y, Teresa 1$
Pacis, 7an) 9$ respacocha)a, li #o6o"-Dedicatoria, TP<, @nc$ president and chief
eGec!tive oNcer Tony T!viera, 'alo! (hoa-Fa)ar, TP<, @nc$ chair"an-e"erit!s 5o"y
0alosIos, &anIiv %ohra, 2ilson Tien), Philippine Daily @nH!irer board chair"an 'ariGi
5!fno-Prieto, Philippine Daily @nH!irer president leGandra Prieto-5o"!alde:, Philippine
Daily @nH!irer editor-in-chief 1etty 0i"ene:-'a)sanoc, 9nited &tates <"bassy
spo6esperson 5ebecca Tho"pson, as 3ell )!ests 3ere "edia a)encies and advocacy
partners, >00 participants of the 2orld <cono"ic For!" on <ast sia &!""it 2014 fro"
"ore than 30 co!ntries, 1,000 )!ests d!rin) the president.s A&tate of the #ation
ddressB 2014, ba) desi)ner &ylvia &antos, fashion desi)ners 0( 7!endia, 5andy Orti:,
0oIie 1loren, Don) O"a)a Dia:, 0oey &a"son, @varl!s6i seron, %ittorio 7arba, 8erry
Eati)ba6, Frederic6 Peralta, 5aIo 1a!rel, 1en #epo"!ceno, /indy 2eber-Tantoco, 5a"on
<steban, P0 ranador, <d3in o, O0 /ofer, rcy 8ayatin, Tippi Oca"po, vel 7ac!dio,
0ero"e &alaya n), 0oel <scober, nthony #oco", lbert ndrada, #oel (risosto"o,
5onaldo rnaldo, Eristel ;!lo, /appy ndrada, Pablo (abah!) and 0a"es 5eyes, FDP
desi)ners 0ohnny bad, 5ic6y bad, DeGter la:a, #ino n)eles, Delby 7ra)ais, Earen
(astro, Eirby (r!:, @van dela (r!:, Perry Dia:, 1ynn 5oGas, 7oyet Dysanco, 5icco <scaro,
5oc6y 8athercole, 8enar 8o:!", Pristine de 8!:"an, din 1ara, Pa!l 5anier 1i", #oelle
Papal %isit sia 2014
1lave, <d)ar 'ada"ba, 0ontie 'artine:, #i66ie 'artine:, Ole 'orabe, %ivo #a:areth, Dave
Oca"po, 1ito Pere:, #holie Pilapil, 0oyce Pilars6y, an Pineda, 5ao!l 5a"ire:, ;a6o 5eyes,
5holand 5oGas, <d)ar &an Die)o, Fanny &errano, <d3in 9y, &i"on riel %asH!e:, 8eoFrey
Qordilla, independent fashion desi)ners 0!n <scario, 'ichelle &ison, Patrice 5a"os Dia:,
(harina &arte, (ary &antia)o, Dennis 1!stico, 0ohn Paras, 7ea lbert, <ric de los &antos,
'a!reen Desini, %ania 5o"oF, 'artin 7a!tista, 0ohnbPa!l /errera, 5onald 'endo:a, !die
<spino, &idney Pere: &io, 8o!llee 8orospe and 5ao!l 5a"ire:, co!ntry.s desi)n icons @nno
&otto, !))ie (ordero, Pepito lbert, (esar 8a!po, 1!l! Tan-8an, 'i6e de la 5osa and
1oretto, <fren Oca"po and The Dean of Filipino Fashion Desi)ners 7en Farrales, 'c(ann
<ric6son (lient &ervice Director 7ernadette (hinc!anco, (oca-(ola &<# 7!siness 9nit
President 'an!el rroyo, (oca-(ola Philippines President i 8eneral 'ana)er 8!iller"o
ponte, "ar6etin) director n!bha &ahasrab!ddhe and Franchise and (o""ercial
1eadership Director Peter &chaelstraete to)ether 3ith the (oca-(ola Philippines tea",
0ohanna /ife, &teve 1ittle, 5o)ie Delena, 5ay"ond %illa]or, TeeIae &on:a, 0obert D!"lao,
&haron Tan)anco, 5o6i Ferrer, 5achel (r!:, Francis (h!a, Fran: Decloedt, ;as"in 'allari,
0enny (inco, 0in) tien:a, (riselda Pasc!al, 'avel 7anocnoc, Thess c!na, Franco 0or)e,
&tephanie (astillo, Tish (ondeno, 0aideep Eibe, #ica"ae 7aylen, 0enalyn Pere:, 7arry del
5osario, and #i66i 1ee, &!yen (orporation?s #ene and %ir)ilio 1i", 7ryan 1i" and &!yen
1i", (arlos (han?s children (arlson, rchie, 5inby, 1arry, Os:en and &hera, Tony Ferrer,
1a3rence Tan, tty$ 0oIi %illan!eva-lonso, for"er @locos 5ep$ 5oH!e A5oH!itoB blan,
(harie %illa, &tella Eati)ba6 Dearin), (ecy &eares 1!na, D!6e Frasco, (hoy and 'arissa
(oI!an)co, &!yen (orporation (hair"an, (hief <Gec!tive ONcer and Fo!nder 7en (han,
hair stylist and Philippine Fashion 7all creative director #oel 'anapat, p!blic relations
practitioner, events or)ain:er and talent "ana)er Eeren Pasc!al, 8irlie 5odis and &tar
'a)ic handler 'onch #ovales, 'aricar Tere:-7!r)os, Earen &antos, (onchita Toda, Doody
T!ason, Fr$ Pedro 8arcia 8alende, n)ie 1acson, (ora:on lvina, 0ose 'ari Trenas, @ya
%illania and Dre3 rellano, Paolo brera and &!:i <ntrata, bea!ty H!eens 1ara J!i)a"an,
&ha"cey &!ps!p 3ith h!sband 1loyd 1ee, 83en 5!ais, 7ianca 'analo and Pia 2!rt:bach,
&itti #avarro, 0as"ine (!rtis &"ith, 0a"es 7lanco, <ric Tai, E 7rosas, (la!dine 7arretto
and 5ay"art &antia)o, 5andy &antia)o, 7a"boo 'analac, 7inibinin) Pilipinas 2013
3inners (indy 'iranda and Pia 5o"ero, 'iss @nternational 2013 7ea 5ose &antia)o, 'iss
9niverse 2013 3rd 5!nner-9p riella rida, Eatherine de (astro-(r!:, Oyo 7oy &otto,
5o3ell &antia)o, Do"iniH!e (oI!an)co, Dina 7onnevie 3ith h!sband @locos &!r %ice-
8overnor Deo)racias %ictor &avellano, 0ericho 5osales, apl$de$ap, <ddie 8arcia and
5ichard 8o"e:, For"er Professional 'odels ssociation of the Philippines board "e"bers
and fashion l!"inaries Tina 'aristela Oca"po, @::a 8on:ales-)ana, Desiree %erdadero-
besa"is, 'arina 7enipayo, Patty 7etita, T3eetie de 1eon-8on:ale:, Den besa"is, /ans
'ontene)ro, 8race 'olina and riel tendido, 5obert 'ananH!il, "odels 5obby
'ananH!il, 5aya 'ananH!il-de 1eon, and 5issa 'ananH!il-Trillo 3ith %alerie de los &antose
teneo de 'anila 9niversity 7l!e <a)les tea" "ana)er Paolo Trilloe (!rrent Professional
'odels ssociation of the Philippines president Phoe"ela 7aranda also ca"e 3ith
'anila.s favo!rite "odels 8race Ta)le, 7!bbles Paraiso, 1!6e 0ic6ain, 'ia yesa, &anya
&"ith, 'i6a 1a)da"eo-'artine:, ntoinette <nciso-Oca"po, n)el )!stin-(o and
'arilen Fa!stino-'ontene)ro The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section col!"nists 50
1edes"a, &tephanie Q!biri-(respi, and Ti" ;ap, The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section
editor 'illet 'artine:-'ananH!il, Philippine Daily @#J9@5<5 1ifestyle section editor
Thel"a &ioson-&an 0!an, '<5al(o 7olts coach #or"an 7lac6, teneo "en.s bas6etball
Papal %isit sia 2014
coach 7o Perasol and his players Ponso 8otladera, Eris Porter, nton sistio, @saac 0!les
1i", for"er players 'ac6y <scalona, #ico &alva, 7acon !stria, Tonino 8on:a)a, <""an
'onfort, 0!a"i Tion)son, Fran6 8olla, Opin) &!"alino) and 0P <rra", &en$ 7on) 5evilla 0r$,
2illia" 1ao, (arol 8arcia, (harlie (oI!an)co, 'other 1ily ;!-'onteverde, 'ar6 1apid,
<thel 5a"os, Dolor 8!evarra, 7oots Plata, 5ic6y 1o, (risty Fer"in, 5i66a Dyli", &hirley
E!an, Deedee &ytan)co, &ec$ &onny (olo"a, 7eth Ta)le, 5ep$ DaG and 'idy (!a, Dolly
nne (arvaIal-'endo:a, Qsa Qsa Padilla, 'on David, 1ily 1ay!), rth!r 'an!nta),
(hristine &in)son, 8race &in)son, Tess Da:a, 0ac6ie H!ino-8avino, 0oy 'elendre:,
Tonypet lbano, 'aricar 7hel, 5eps$ 9liran 0oaH!in, /er"ilando 'andanas, nnie &!sano
and 7!tch D!"pit, %anessa Francisco, nnabelle 5a"a-8!tierre:, 7oots nson-5oa, &no3
Ta)o, (har"aine ;!, 8re) ;!, <d"!nd 1i" and 5a"on 0acinto, /elen On), 00 (alero,
0eannie 8o!lbo!rn, Eatrina Feist, 0!n and #ene 1eonor, 0oIo and /enry Qabarte, 'arilo!
1ovina, Eay E!o6 8oo, <li:abeth de 'otte, 5onald %illavele:, <nrico 1in)ao, 0r$, Protacio
<"paces, 'ario 5otersos, 0!de <lardo, <d3in o, 'ario (ol"enares, 5o"ain 7arberis,
(ar"inia Pavia, &pencer Ty, 1i:a Tan, (hristine &an Die)o, Earen 8r!pp, 'i"i and 0!liet
Tan, na and %ince 7iton), Tito /erbosa, n)ela Trillo, (hris Par6er, (hito 'elo, 5iina
&inisalo, leGandra <scat, 0ohnny 5evilla, &andy Da:a, <li:abeth (!nanan-n)sioco,
'atthe3 1loren and Tani ra)on, Tata ra)on, (andy Ochoa, 'arica (abrera, 'aryrose
(entenera, na <speran:a-9y, Tet 'a)no, 's)r$ Don <rfe, 5ev$ Fr$ 8re) 5a"os, 1eon n),
Tony and 'aryann 7eIar, 0ose 1ai), 1!isa J!intana, 5a"on 'oIica, 0o"ar (astillo, 0oyce
OreMa-&talder, Tetta Orti:-'atera, 8!s lbor, 5oberto '$$ 5obles, 5e))ie ;!son, #a6i
ta"an, 7ob Qo:obrado, r"ando nday, ndy and Tisha 7a!tista, (elia (!asay, 1eroy
Tan, "ado Tadeo, 2illia" and <li:a %alde:, Dave 'ercado, 5oi Philips, 1orna
J!is!"bin), &!san (a"pos, #i"fa ;atco, 'ar)arita 5o"!alde:, 0aina Pere:, Tina
(oscoll!ela, 0oan 'atch!c6, %incen:o (appell!to, (hit 'ontene)ro, 0a"es Freney, 5odolfo
8i!sto, Tillie Pela)allo, &y6e and &essy 8arcia, 'ari Eai"o, 8eneva (r!:, (her (alvin, Pia
5e)ala, (orcor Di:on-)!stin, Fiona 1!cas, 1!: 0!lian Peralta, 8lo FariMa Peralta, Dr$
Teresita (olo"e, 5!by T!ason, 's)r$ 'att 8arcia, 0oe 7riones, Dr$ 0a:"ine 8on)ora, (ali
and Pepsi ro, Dr$ ndrea Di"ay!)a, 5ev$ Fr$ #ic6 ;atco, &$0$, &antos and Pilar <stacio, <ta
'ercado, <tta 5osales, Toby Tian)co, Pee3ee Trinidad, &onny 7el"onte, 8ary (o!ll, 'i6e
'c(oy, 5ichard Taylor, Ti" and David Ferdinand, David Fer)!sson, &i"on De3h!rst, 5afe
Toten)co, 0osie (r!:-#atori, nna 7ayle, T!ntin) (r!: 'atters, T!ntin) (r!: 'atters,
'aricel 'atias and 5ene &antos, Qeny (abral, 'elissa 1ope:, 7ea %aldes, 1a!rice 8!illen,
&ocorro (ancio-5a"os, @sidro (a"acho, (larissa Oca"po, Eelly &!", 0oyce 'a, Earina
7orro"eo, 7rad T!rvey, 5obbie P!no, 'onso!r del 5osario, 7enny 1itonI!a, 1o!rdes
8re)orio, 0!dith Qapanta, 0!anIo 7eren)!er, lvaro Pertierra, Pepito lbert, Tricia (!
9nIien), 5i6i E3e6-'athay, 5obert revalo, 7arbara 8on:ales, <r3in <lechicon, 'al!
'a)l!tac (hion)bian, "pee &ietereales, 7obby 'acapa)al, Tony and (harin) n),
J!inito /enson, 5osanna 5oces, 7ettina Os"eMa, (heloy Dans, Tessie Dich!pa, (ota
;ab!t, (orito Eala3, delia n)eles, Pepin) and <ssen de las las, !rora #osco, To"as
and 8racin) Dadia, <dita (a"be, #at:y Qara)o:a, O"in) (oncepcion, Tessie PaIarillo,
(hin) 7ernardo, @"elda 5eH!iesta, 1!cy %er)ara, 'erce 5eyes, 0o 'adaran), 0i""y
#ana)as, 'ila Dayrit, din) Dayrit, Paolo %alenciano, Ti" (one, 'on @sberto, 7en J!e:on
vanceMa, Pitan) 1ope:-Tion)son, Fr$ 5oberto &an Die)o, 7elinda dora and 7on)
'arH!e:, 7erna 1o"otan, 5a"on 7arretto, (atherine 2eir, #ina )!as, 8erry bla:a,
Topper (oronel, #orberto #a:areno, 8i)i 'ontinola, ;o)i &alcedo, Dolly Fort!n, (onnie
'a"aril, Daisy Ople, 'onet 0oven, 1!l! %illan!eva, 0enette 1ista, &!san &ebastian, 1!cille
Papal %isit sia 2014
(habeldin, 'aril! #)o, 0ohnny Ta)!inod, Thel"a Dinoy, %ictor %alb!ena, (arlo Orosa,
'a!ro 'alan) &antos, 0essica &oho, riel 1o:ada, "parito 1h!illier, 1ili dina, Petite
8arcia, #elson Pa)lina3an, Da3nie 5oa, Dee /!a 8atchalian, &heryl ;ao, Or)anisasyon
n) ")a Pilipinon) 'an)-a3it *OP'+ President and <D& People Po3er (o""issioner
O)ie lcasid and 3ife 5e)ine %elasH!e:, 1!6e 'eIares, #yoy %olante, 2ency (orneIo,
'ae)an )!ilar, 0onathan 7adon, tty$ Ferdie Topacio, lvin nson and 8ary 7erena,
Davey 1an)it and 1ara 'ai)!e, 'ichael 0ac6son i"personator 0ericho %alencia, teleserye
stars QanIoe 'ar!do, 0a6e (!enca, <rich 8on:ales, Pa!lo velino, (oco 'artin and 0!lia
'ontes, "odel and television sho3 host 7ianca 8on:ales and "!sic co"poser 0i"
Paredes, econo"ist and for"er #<D secretary )eneral &olita (ollas-'onsod, actor 5obin
Padilla 3ith his 3ife 'ariel 5odri)!e: and brother 5o""el, noonti"e )a"e and variety
television sho3 host 2illie 5evilla"e, 1C>C 'iss 9niverse 8loria Dia:, Father and son Pen
and Pin) 'edina, co!sins @sabelle Da:a and 8eor)ina 2ilson, Po63an) &!bon),
A2o3o3eeB )irls 55 <nriH!e:, &aicy )!ila, and pril A(on)rat!lationsB 8!stilo, (arla
bellana, seGy actress Eatrina /alili, "odels Pancho 'a)no, 0ohn &painho!r, %ince
Ferraren and 0( Ti!seco, )a '!hlach, co"edian 8elli de 7elen, Dra$ %ic6i 7elo, <d3ard
'ende:, Ei" 7enedicto 1o6in, tty$ Persida 5!eda-costa, 7ernadette &e"brano, (heryl
(osi", #iMa (orp!:, 'arife 'ordido, ida &y-8on:ales, ster "oyo, Earen Padilla, <dna
1a:aro, 1eslie &a!lsb!ry, 1o!rdes 5osario, 0et %erso:a, pple PeIi Tan, (ha"pai)ne Flores,
volleyball player 8retchen /o, co"edian 0ohn 1ap!s, sin)er Eean (ipriano, 'ia #olasco,
chef 1ando 1a!dico, 8in)er (oneIero, (o"edienne (andy Pan)ilinan and rnell @)nacio,
fl" and television directors 0ose 0avier 5eyes and 'anny (astaMeda, 5a"on 7a!tista,
5ichard 8!tierre:, T% host 5ay"ond 8!tierre:, 'ae Paner, Pin6y "ador, 1eo %alde:,
#oel Trinidad and 0!n 9rbano, Dr$ ivee )!ilar-Teo, 0!dy nn &antos and 5yan )oncillo,
'aricel &oriano, i-ai delas las, %ice 8anda, 5!Fa 8!tierre:, 5!sto" Padilla, 8er"an
'oreno and 8ardo %erso:a, 1C=> <D& People-Po3er 5evol!tion veterans 1eah #avarro,
'itch %alde:, and 'aan /ontiveros, 'e)astar &haron (!neta and Ei6o Pan)ilinan and
da!)hter E( (oncepcion, Dr$ <lenita 7inay and 1o!ie 1ocsin, &abrina 2on), Dianne de
(astro, (hristian 5ae!ber, 7eth 'ancilla, (arl (!nanan, David (eldran, 8oody (!stodio,
'ari OH!inena, 'onica Torres, 0oey &in)ian, 'arilo! 7atchelor, rlene (!a, (la!dia
Ta"b!ntin), Earen &antos, 5osanna Fores, (ara 2ilson Ferrari, (arlos 7orro"eo, Poch
%illa-5eal, nIie Dy 7!ncio, yen 1a!rel, Tony 'a!)han, /aydee Potenciano, Dale dela
(r!:, Eristine 1i", #enita 1i", /isanao #a)asa3a, 5andy n), Tina (han, 'a!rice 1a!de,
8ail 1a!de, 5oGanne Farillas and <ric6son Farillas, Pain) /echanova and 'ely (oncepcion-
/echanova, <d J!i"son, 'ar)a!G &alcedo, 1ori 7alta:ar, #ancy 5eyes 1!"en, 7obby
(!enca, 'ary nn OIeda, 5ye FariMas, (a"ille )bayani and 'ac6y 'athay, @sa)ani
7an:!elo, 5ochelle 7alatbat, 0ayson 1iban, 7oris 0oaH!in, (at ra"b!lo, 7o"bi
7alH!iedra, (acay 'oras and &anti 8o, 7i:! Patisserie !drey Tanco, 'ich 'ella, 8race
&y, Eatrina ;!, 1ia (olayco, @ssa 1itton, 0oIo Qabarte, 7ob and <lsie (olo"bo, 0avi and
Teresa /ernande:, 7a"bi /arper, 0!an 0ose and 'iren 7eren)!er-Testa, 5ic6y and 7en)
Dee, 5obert and (ecile 1ope: 1illies, 5!pert and Tina 0acinto, 8eor)e &ison, 'aritess
llen, 8eor)e and (es &ch!lt:, <ric 5ecto and 0ay 1a)da"eo, Pen) and %ic6y Pere: de
Ta)le, <lbert and (hito 'elo, Qia lonto dion) and /afsa Di"aporo 7alindon), %ictor and
#ancy 1!y, 'iria" 1ao, leG lcantara, 5!ssell 'or)an, ;oshi 9y, 'ar6 #icosia, leGandra
PaIaro, 0!dith and 5odolfo PaIaro, 0!n 1eonor, 5ica Ein), 0oyce 0i"ene:, 7enIa"in 7esa,
'artin #!Me:, 0ay H!itania, 5yan ;llana, ntonio H!itania, 0in) 9y, na and 2illia"
ntonio, &andy 5ieta, Del"er 'iranda, Dboy Trofeo, 7aron 8eisler, 0ason 1!en)o, 5ita
Papal %isit sia 2014
&anson, 'yrna Fernande:, &!san 0oven, <lena 7a!tista, (ecile 2ie6ene, 0a6e and Earen
'acasaet, 0!n and #ene 1eonor, (aptain 0oy 5oa, Television host Paolo 7ediones, 1orraine
7el"onte, (arla &ibal, /all of Fa"e boGin) trainer Freddie 5oach, for"er (hica)o 7!lls
center 1!c 1on)ley, and co"edian %ic &otto, @to (!rata, nton 'endo:a, lbert 8arcia,
'ar6 1eviste, Tony bad, 0a"ie Picornell, 'ichelle PantoIa, 'artin 1i" 'arty and
(assandra 7eltran Eier!lf, (ora:on 1lorca, (ecilia bad, Pa!lino (hen), 8loria 7eltran,
Tonichi 8rey, (le"ence (ervantes, J!incy (astillo, 8erardo 1an!:a, &!san ;ap, #oel 1i",
(ar"elita 'endiola, 5afael %illareal, 8abe 1a.O, 0osL 'i)!el Pons, #ic6y #ovella, Freddy
8on:ale:, 2illia" Paradies, Do"e6a 8ara"endi, Eatrina 7!rro3s, 0ac6ie Eier!lf, 'onica
7arretto, <rica Tatad, 8abby de la 5a"a, 'ic )caoili, 5ica %illal!:, 7on) ro"in, nn
'ichelle and 'arielle (apistrano, 8lenn 8lino)a, @to Oca"po, Tristan (hoa, Tippi Oca"po,
(ecile Qa"ora and 0ero"e %an &traten, (laire nn ;ap, Philip 8ri"a and (osetta Fedele,
(hris Paraiso, /arry 8!e, 5!bens Fedele, &a!di rabian "bassador to the Philippines
'ohd, "een 2ali, 'an!el 1a:aro, velino (r!:, tty$ 'i6e Toledo, 7oyin) 5e"!lla, 5eG
8atchalian, (arissa (oscoll!ela, 5achel renas, (ecile 'a!ricio, ;vonne Dayrit
5o"!alde:, 0acH!eline Dayrit 7oncan, <rlinda Panlilio, 'ita 5!fno, 7a"bi /arper, &!san
(alo-'edina, (hichi &alas, <li:a Tan,0oyce ndres, (ristina ;nes &ison, 'aryann 8arcia,
&andra 5ocha, 5ic6 0acobsen, Oliver Ere!:er, Paolo J!i"son, <ri6a H!ino, 1in) Ochoa,
lfredo 7arretto, Don Pepe ra!llo, %il"a 1abrador, 1inda 1e)aspi 5osal, '0 De 1eon,
"ber 5oGas, &hiela Tan, (hrissie &ay, Fernando Fernande:, Danica (aynap, llan 8arcia,
8enesis Eelly 1ontoc, 0ose "ado Do"in)!e:, 1!lay 'apa and (hito 8a!rano, Dette
H!ino-Tan, 8loria 'acapa)al-rroyo, dolfo :c!na, Precy 1ope: and &teve Psina6is,
'aritess 1ope:, Odette On), Dandin) (oI!an)co, 8!ia 8o"e:, (arlos (han, (linton
(a"pos-/ess, 'ila)ros /o3, 5obert (oyi!to, 0r$, <lisa 1i", <"ilia ;an), Dr$ J!eenie 1ee-
(h!a, 0oseph <strada, (la!dio (ondotta, &tella (h!a, C2D, Fr$ 0ohnny 8o, &$0$, Fr$
7ienvenido #ebres, &$0$, Fr$ #e"esio J!e, &$0$, Di)os 7ishop 8!iller"o fable, 7less
%illareal, Pat 8oc-On), 'ichelle (alo-lvarillo, (hristian r:senal, 5obbie f:eli!s, Eris
H!ino, (harlene 8on:ales, (hristopher de 1eon and &andy ndolon), 5e: (orte:, 2illia"
'artine: and ;ayo )!ila, 1ani 'ercado-5evilla, 1orna Tolentino-Fernande:, Tirso (r!: @@@
and 3ife 1yn and son 7odie, <ric J!i:on, 8$ Toen)i-2alters and 5o"nic6 &ar"enta, E!h
1edes"a, 8race #ono, 1o!ie /eredia and Din)don) van:ado, Philip &alvador, &"o6ey
'analoto, 7eth Ta"ayo-2on), ntoinette Ta!s, To" Ta!s, 0anine 8!tierre: and bas6etball
stars, &!nshine (r!:, 8ladys 5eyes-5oGas, Daisy 5eyes, 5!fa 'ae J!into and @sabel
8ranada, 7ro$ <ddie %illan!eva 2010 presidential ca"pai)n s!pporters (oney 5eyes,
Earla 'artine:, Piolo Pasc!al, Dolphy J!i:on, 0r$, Donita 5ose, #onoy Q!ni)a and Prof$
0ere"ias 0an)ad, A/a3a6-Ea"ayB "ain cast "e"bers #i66i 8il, QaiIian 0aranilla, Tyriel
'anabat, ndrea 7rillantes, ;esha (a"ile, s!pportin) cast "e"bers 0!an Earlos 1abaIo,
1yca 8airanod, 0acob Dionisio, Gel Torres, 'aris 5acal, 'anolo Pedrosa and Ei" #ichole
7aranda, P7 players 0a"es ;ap and sons 0osh!a and 7i"by H!ino-;ap, 'arc Pin)ris and
3ife Danica &otto, 8ary David, 0i""y lapa) and 3ife 10 'oreno, Do!) Era"er and 3ife
(hes6a 8arcia and da!)hter Eendra, 2esley 8on:ales, Eelvin dela PeMa, 0( @ntal, &i"on
t6ins, 0ai 5eyes and 3ife Elaire ;ap!co, 1arry Fonacier and 3ife 1ora 8ahol, and 1
Tenorio and 3ife (hes6a, Felisa %alde:, "brosio %alde: 0r$, 5ee"a (hanco, 5ica Tantoco
De 0es!s, 7obby ndre3s, &y"on &oler, %itto 1a:atin, Eris 1a3rence, #ancy (asti)lione,
'oIo 0oIo, Ein) D0 1o)an, Toti Dal"acion, 9p Dhar"a Do3n, 8aby dela 'erced, ndi
'an:ano, AFastbrea6B charity bas6etball )a"e players 8erald nderson, nne (!rtis,
Daniel Padilla, 0essy 'endiola, 0ose 'analo, 'arco lcara:, (ha"p 1!i Pio, Dere6 5a"say,
Papal %isit sia 2014
1!is landy, Tian 1i", 0ason balos, 1e"!elle Pelayo, rth!r &olinap, (arl 8!evarra, 5ico
7lanco, 0hon) /ilario, %hon) #avarro, 7illy (ra3ford, (hris Ti!, 0% Eap!nan, 0on 1!cas,
<rvic %iIandre, rIo tayde, 0oe %ar)as, 8ab %alenciano, 0on /all, (arlo 8on:ales and
0a"es and 0i" &alas, Thirdy 5avena, 55 8arcia, Terrence 5o"eo, 7obby 5ay Par6s, Eevin
las, 8arvo 1anete, 0a6e Pasc!al, (hris #e3so"e, 7aser "er, %on Pess!"al, and #ico
<lorde, #7 3G3 Philippines celebrity bas6etball players Fabio @de, 5ovilson Fernande:,
8erard cao, 7obby ;an, ndy &"ith, 2ill Deva!)hn, 5obin da 5o:a and 0oross 8a"boa,
r!nnin) coach 5io de la (r!:, bas6etball coaches %ince /i:on and llan 8re)orio, Perlas
Pilipinas 3o"en.s national bas6etball tea" player 'elissa 0acob, sports broadcasters
0inno 5!fno of &olar &ports, 'ar6 Qa"brano of 8' #e3s and 'arco 7enite: and nton
5oGas of 7&-(7# &ports, A7,107 @nternational '!sic FestivalB celebrity revelers 'a)alona
siblin)s, E( 'ontero, 5hian 5a"os, Troy 'ontero, !brey 'iles, 7ea &oriano, drien
&e"blat, Francis 5icafort, <r3an and &olenn /e!ssaF, (arla /!"phries, #icole nderson,
8ian 'a)dan)al, Pa!la PeraleIo-Fernande:, 1ie:el %erses, bi)ail 1esley (r!:, D0 'o
T3ister, (oleen 8arcia, &a" Pinto, FeliG and Do"inic 5oco, Teresa /errera-nthony,
Daniel 'ats!na)a, 1a!ren ;o!n), %ictor 7asa, Divine 1ee, 'ichelle 'adri)al, A7oys #i)ht
O!tB 5adio Disc 0oc6eys Tony-Tony, &lic6 5ic6 and &a" ;8, Eiefer 5avena, 7rent 0avier,
7or)y 'anotoc, <llen darna, 7ianca Ein), Phil ;o!n)h!sband, and "ore, 7<#(/b fa"ily
stars, 8erard (ancio, (arla &ebastian, 'ar6 7!")arner and 'ichelle 7!")arner, A>,200,
The 'ission Possible ProIectB personalities and AThe #a6ed Tr!th, Deni" and 9nder3ear
Fashion &ho3B celebrity "odels Ei" (hi!, Earylle, 0eric and 0eron Ten), <nchon) Dee,
0oseph 'arco, 1ovi Poe, 5achelle nn 8o and 'ar66i &troe", 'ichelle %ito, &ofa ndres,
Dianne 'edina, /el)a Erapf, 'elissa 5ic6s, DIanin (r!:, Eiana %alenciano 3ith &a"antha
8odine:-%alenciano, 'r$ (hinato3n 2013 3inners 0ose 'i)!el 1asala, &ydney D!, &6y
;an), 0ero"e Tan and 5andy &eee 'r$ (hinato3n 2014 3inners David 1ic!aco and E!rt
0osh!a On), 'ar6 1ope:, 0air!s Ferrer, lec 5obes, A7e 7<#(/b, The 'odel &earchB fnalist
5on 'oralese (arlos (oncepcione ;en) (onstantinoe APinoy Drea" cade"y, &eason 2B
scholar /ansen #ichols 3ith his t3in brother 8(, A7<#(/b 5aIo 1a!rel Dos collectionB
"odels &a" (oncepcion, 5occo #acino, &teven &ilva, <n:o Pineda, &arah 1ahbati and
5e)ine n)eles, ne3est A7<#(/settersB incl!din) actors To" 5odri)!e:, Dennis Trillo,
'artin del 5osario and Do"inic 5oH!e, nthony and David &e"erad, ndre Paras and De
1a &alle 8reen rchers center rnold van Opstal, A"erica?s #eGt Top 'odelB.s Do"iniH!e
5ei)hard and llison /arvard, Asia.s #eGt Top 'odelB fnalist Eatarina 5odri)!e:,
television co""ercial, ra"p, print and fashion "odels and actors 7enIa"in lves, 0on
vila, Franco Da:a, 'arG Topacio, %ictor &ilayan, 0ohn 0a"es 9y, 'arvin 5ay"!ndo, 'i6o
5aval and 5aphael 5obes, 1!isito 5abat, "odels and athletes nton del 5osario and &a"
5ichelle, ndre3 2olF and 0an6a (edersta", /ideo '!rao6a, (atriona 8ray, %alerie
7ario!-7ondoc, 5i"a Ost3ani, 0aneena (han, 5e)ine Tolentino, 0 Dee, 'ariana del 5io,
'arco lcara:, &ay lon:o-;!pan)co, (hynna Ortale:a and 5ailey %aleroso, Denise 1a!rel,
'el 'artine:, &haron Tan, Pa!l Da:a, Pia sistio, 'ich ra!llo, Debbie (o, lvin 1i",
'a))ie 2ilson, (a"ille %illar, Far)o 7aillet, 0osephine 7ael F!Iisa3a-@la)an, Do"inic 0ohn
8aleon, 'ia 7ay!)a, (hris 7adiola, 7on) Tan, 5ichard Ti!, (hristine 1ove, @llac Dia:,
1ovely Tecson and lberto 5o"!lo, #edy Tantoco, @sabel 2ilson, Pitoy 'oreno, 7ea
%aldes, @rene 'artel Francisco, 8!illy 5!fno, 8loria /!an), 0ocelyn 7!endia, 8i)i 7arrera,
'ar:ena #o3a6o3s6a, 0ohncy 'aha", 'itch Di:on, 'atthe3 1i", &a"antha ;en, %ictor
ntonino, <nriH!e 8on:ale:, (larisse (hion)bian, Dr$ (arlos 8abriel, Dr$ nna 1ope:-
8abriel, J!ito 1ope:, 8re) 'ontene)ro, <"ily 'ontene)ro, Fit: P!yat, Paolo raneta,
Papal %isit sia 2014
'!"ph 5!i:, 'anny del 5osario, (ary 1a)da"eo, 'ar6 and 'ichelle Ta)le, <va 8!llas,
'yra P!yat &antia)o, 'ar)arita Fores, 'oniH!e %illon)co, "ado Fores, &andro Ten)co,
<than 7el"onte, 0oel 1o"otan, 'arissa Orosa-(oncepcion, Eai 1i", 'arissa (oI!an)co,
bby 0i"ene:, 'ilette 7el"onte, Trina lindo)an, (andy Di:on, (athy J!, 1ianne Ti!,
5!thy %era, 8race n), nnette Tirol, &!:anne (obonp!e, 1isa raneta-'arcos, &!san
Florete, !drey P!c6ett-(hi!, #anette 'edved Po, 'arilen T!ason, Florence Eo, /el"!t
8aisber)er, (hesca 5oces, 'ar6 0entes, Denisse Oca, &ha &!pan)an, &tephen E!, 7ibe
'artine:, 5aIiv 8h!""an, 5oseana 8randel, <loisa 5icchetti, Dan) Pal"a, 5ico rce,
'ichael (h!a and n)ela 7!na), 8lenn 8aerlan, <nchon) For"oso, (hris #elson, Do"inic
7e6aert and Palo"a Qobel, driano (art!liares, 1alain 1andico, <velyn 5eyes, 5ose
7ernarde: 5edaon, 0anice 5eyes, 'ar6 0ones, 0!dith 8o, 0acH!i 2iene6e, <"ily &antos,
'arion (h!a, )!stin Davalos, &ep (i"afranca, 8lo3ie 5a"iro, Earen Pa"int!an, Toby
8atchalian, 8icelle /i"ala, <dith 'arH!e:-5eyes, 5ebecca Da:a-&adh3ani, 'anIit
&adh3ani, 7in) (arrion-7!c6, 1oren 1e)arda-1eviste, 8re))y 1icaros 0r$, 'abel baMo,
0eFrey and %ivian #), Filaine Tan and 0eann 2ee, /erbert 7a!tista, 'issy yala, 7en
2intle, &i"on and Pa!l 0ablon, <ric #oyel, c!na, <n and ndre3 (alvert, <van Ein),
nal! Fereira, %ictor De 1eon 1i"a, (hiy!6i F!Ii"oto, (hertchai 'ethanayanonda, 7!sba
7!nna), Eh!n 'anthana de 1eon, Eh!n E!llanit, Eh!n &!3attee Teerapath, 0oey
7ernardino, 5ene 1apid, lbert 7anaa), 5hea 5ivera, 0hoanna 1i", 'i6e (elis, 1ei 1ope:,
(hi6aro" Eitiya6ara, &ilvana Dia:, Phyllis Qaballero, lfredo and 7eth Francisco, 5on
5eibenbach, Pilar &in)ian, &ylvia %ent!ra, 'indy 8ana, (ar"en 1yna"-'anna6ee, 5enee
%eyret, @rit 7en bba, 7!sba 7!nna), /aIah 'ai"!nah Dato /aIi <lias, &ale" da", 0ac6y
Foo, 'oha""ed <brahi" lIo3aid, #avre6ha &har"a, 'ilena &antana-5a"ire:, 0oao
(ayetano da &ilva, Do"ini Pri"ero, 'i6o %alen:!ela, 5onnie /enares, 7aha" 'itra, (ita
stals, 0ai"e Dae:, <lla 5oces 'ontene)ro, 0enny &yH!ia, 'ichelle 7ayle, Ein) D0 1o)an,
8inny del 5osario and <"ilio bello, 1!is and 7arbara del 5osario, lice On), yin)
Palen:!ela, 0oanne del 5osario, 8in) de los 5eyes, 7illy Ein), 0esse &incioco, 'i6e
(onstantino, 'on 'ara"ba, <d"!ndo 5eyes 0r$, Pa!lyn &ica", Dr$ 5osita #avarro, Francis
Tolentino, ntonieta Fort!na-@be, 2innie #a:areth, <nrico %illan!eva, 'aritoni Fernande:,
0osephine EnoG, 7etty Tenchaves, Presy 5a"os, &!san 8ra!, (hito Francisco, Eate
8ordon, &pirit of ->7, lbert 7ildner and 1in @ll!sorio, 0es!sa (alano), 1in)lin)ay 1acanlale,
7ill and 1ily O.7oyle, 2inna Ei""el, (alvin Tsao, #ene J!i"son, 'innie Os"eMa, nna
&y, /ernan (orte:, @sabel On)pin, 5ene <ncarnacion, 1o!rdes 'ontinola, #elly F!n),
1orna 1a!rel, Toni ;!lo 1oy:a)a, Del FoIas, #estor &antia)o, ndy 1ocsin, 1orrie 5eynoso,
1oren:o and 1orrie %alde:, Dr$ and 'rs$ 5!ben Paredes", Dr$ and 'rs$ 5a!l &ala, Tess
1abrador, Eilin) Da6!dao, 0ohn Tanchan)co, Philip Qor)ani, Trisha 5eyes, 7ernadette
7arbers, 5!th Padilla, 0eannie #) &andoval, 'ary nn rce)a Dy, 5aFy &!are:, ntonio
5eina, issa 7arrera (oI!an)co, rlina rro:al de 0es!s, 1o!ie %ar)as, ndie 5ecto-
'ontene)ro, 'itos Pacis, 8eneral lberto Fernando 7ra)an:a, 5oberta 1ope:-Feliciano,
'aribel On)pin, Toni ;!lo-1oy:a)a, ndy 1ocsin, 1a!ro 7aIa 0r$, 8ov$ Paro!6 /!ssin, @rit
7en-bba, /elen On), /el"!t 8aisber)er, <van)eline Pasc!al, 0oanne 1oren:ana, (arla
Ten)co, 'i6e Planas, 'arisa Olasolo and rt!ro 5ocha, <d3ard 2ehrli, 7aby raneta, Toni
bad, 7ebet 8o:!n, 8loria 'ara, 'ichael &alientes, (arol tacador, 'arides Fernando,
5ose 1ibon)co, Teofsto 8!in)ona 0r$, <rnesto 'aceda, 'oniH!e Qani, <rnie and Fe ;!,
0a"es 1a!, (elia (!asay, 0a"es 0ao, Don %alerio, 8ener (arin)al, rleen On), To"as
5odri)!e:-PantoIa, 5oland 5eyes, Dennis &ocrates, (el ;!lo, 7in)-7in) 8on:ales, 7ela
%asH!e:, (h!-(h! 'adri)al and 'andy <d!H!e, (esar 7!enavent!ra, Dada 1oren:ana-
Papal %isit sia 2014
&antia)o, PeH!e 8alla)a, Fr$ 5obert 5eyes, 5!pert 0acinto, Tin)tin) (oI!an)co, Pin)
%alencia, 5ed 0acinto and 0!lie /idal)o, 7oots and ndy &oler, 0esi and 8ina 'ende:, #ora
0acinto, <ddie and Eatie 0acinto, #anette dela (r!:, frica %aldes-de 5eynoso, <"ily
5eynoso-1a3s, /ans &y, 1arry Francia, 7obby 8opia, drian (ristobal, %ir)inia 'oreno,
(hitan) 8!errero-#a6pil, 5a"on %ille)as, Eit 5oGas, 0o"ari Trenas, Pa!lino and /etty J!e,
Pepe &"ith, 5icardo (ardinal %idal, 'onsi)nor lberto 7oon)alin), Tony driano, ba
1l!ch Dalena, l Pere:, 1ito (aratin), /enri (ain)let, ndy 'al!che, Thea Pa:, 5onald
8arcia, &hahid Qahid, %ic6y bad, Pa!lo %inl!an, @say lvare:, 5achel leIandro, 'andy
Ochoa, 7ert #ievera, Franco 1a!rel, Qaldy 1adro"a, Paolo 8!evarra, lfonso ;!chen)co,
Peter 8o-Pailan, Dr$ dolfo 7elosillo, Drs$ "elia and 'an!el (atalan, 9lay Tantoco, 7en
Farrales, Des 7a!tista, Fe /abiIas, &teve De 1eon, 'anny (astro, 5ay"!nd @saac, %ic6y
'archandesch, #ic6 T!ason, Tessie To"as, Eatrina Tantoco and Paolo 1obre)at, Francisco
'aMosa, &onia &antia)o-Olivares, ntonio 5odri)!e: 'endo:a, @vy l"ario, (onrad
On)lao, 'i6e de 0es!s, 0ean 'onteverde, 7en) P!yat, Oscar 'otlo, 0ohn (o)!l, lvaro de
&alas, Oscar %ia, <li:abeth &y, Pedro 5oGas, 8eni and ;or)os Psina6is, <ileen (hoy, #ico
'ontinola, Franco 1i"I!co, 8ina 'o6, 8ree6 #afsi6a and 7!bbles Drosso!, 'i6e %aca,
8e"ith 8e"paro, Debbie <nriH!e:, 0!dith Qapanta, <nriH!e and Tine %asH!e: Prada,
5ichard and #ic6 9nder3ood, Tina Pa"int!an, Dennis Padilla, 8ilda &alon)a, 0ohn 1esaca,
Fides (!y!)an-senio, 7enny and Ophie (le"ente, Fr$ &anny de (laro, ntonio 'artel 0r$,
7elen 1ovina Tic:on 'artel, Don and #or"a &anders, 5oberto Felano and 5i:alina
7!enavent!ra, 7o"bit de la PeMa, 0!li!s Tic:on and 5yan 'anao), Peppy Din)lasan,
8abriel &antos, ndre Din)lasan, 'ar)aret and Theresa de la PeMa, 2an))o 8alla)a,
Portia &antos, rlene Tic:on, (hit 8oh!, 1in))oy and (onnie raneta, Danny and 1ilia
(r!:, 0i" and %ivian %illacr!sis, <""a @la)an, Tessie 'aronilla, 8erarda %illa, <velyn
Eilay6o, Fr$ Tony 5osales, Pierra (alasan:, 0!liet and 'i"i Tan, 0oey &erver, 0!lien Tripet,
Erystal 1ao, Fran6 7riones, (at ra"b!lo, Trish 7riones, Earl Ty, (hicho &!are:, #ap
5a"a, 1!pita H!ino and Een Eashi3ahara, Ditas 5odri)o &evilla, Pa!l H!ino, tty$
lfredo 1i", 1arry /enares, tty$ 0!an (ollas, 0ohnny 1itton, %erni %ar)a, Fr$ sandas
7alchand, %icente <"ano, (onstantino 0ara!la, Fa!stino Dy @@@, Eatrina T!ason-(r!:,
'anny PacH!iao, <arl @)nacio, ce 7arbers, 'arco Protacio, #eil 5!"baoa, 8i)i and 8in)
'ontinola, 2il"a PalafoG, O$%$ and 'arilen <spirit!, 2illia" /a"ilton-2hyte and
n)eliH!e 5epapis, 7asil On), (esar and 7a"bina 7!enavent!ra, Teddy 7oy, 1o!ie and
5a"on 1ocsin, Peter Pedersen, &tefano 5!::a, <rnie TanH!intic, 8olly Talens, 'io6 1oyola,
ileen Tence Dionisio, #eny Francisco 'arasi)an, 1eah Qa"ora 7anaa), %ina Francisco,
@rene (ons!nIi 'ontilla, Pilar 7!sta"ante <strella, Pin (oI!an)co 8!in)ona, 5hona
'odesto &an Pedro, 9dit %illara"a 8alve:, 0oanna Tayen)co-@nfante, 'arivic /ebron 0!an,
Franco 1a!rel, 5e" Qa"ora, 7onbon &oler, 1isa Tinio, @n)rid &ala &anta"aria, 0oana
Palanca 1h!illier, 'ichelle (oncepcion 5eyes, &!resh #anoo, 0ose 'ari 9)arte, 8'
#et3or6 rtist (enter talents 8loria 5o"ero, Pilita (orrales, lI!r brenica, 1o!ise delos
5eyes, 'ar6 /erras, ;as"ien E!rdi, 10 5eyes, 0!lie nne &an 0ose, EristoFer 'artin, Derric6
'onasterio, 7arbie Forte:a, 7ela Padilla, 7ea 7inene, 'aG (ollins, ;assi Press"an, 5afael
5osell, 8lai:a de (astro, 5ochelle Pan)ilinan, 'ona 1o!ise 5ey, 0onalyn %iray, Eyla
(al!"pad-lvare:, 0ay-5 &illiona, 'ar6 7a!tista, (hef 7oy 1o)ro, 'anilyn 5eynes, n)el!
de 1eon, 'ar6 nthony Fernande:, 8abby <i)en"ann, 5ay"ond 7a)atsin), 5ic6y Davao,
nIo ;llana and 2ally 7ayola, T%4 actor %in brenica, 5it: :!l, <!la (aballero, 'artin
<sc!dero, <"poy 'arH!e: and 'r$ F!, 8' #e3s and P!blic Fairs personalities 'i6e
<nriH!e:, rnold (lavio, &andra )!inaldo, 5aFy Ti"a, 'ari: 9"ali, Oscar Oida, 'ar6
Papal %isit sia 2014
&ala:ar, 0!n %eneracion, (hino 8aston and #athaniel (r!:, 'edia personalities tty$ Don)
P!no, (hiH!i 5oa-P!no, 8erard 8arcia, 1ia (r!:, &ha3n ;ao, 'an! &andeIas, 0ason 2ebb,
0eanne ;o!n), (ory J!irino, 'el Tian)co and 0ay &on:a, society col!"nist 'ons 5o"!lo,
Tonyboy (oI!an)co and 8retchen 7arretto, <d and 'ar)arita Del)ado, Donnie and
(ric6ette Tantoco, 7oy b!nda, 5enee &al!d, 'on @la)an, (esar 'ontano, 5ado Di"alibot,
@nocencio Ferrer, 5ene P!no, Tony Q!l!eta, 5aFy Qialcita, 2illia" 1la"as, Pat 8on:ales,
'ayenne (ar"ona, 7ebot 1a!rel, 5o"y 8ard!ce, 1eo Oracion, 8lo3ie 5a"iro, #icole
n)eles, (athy David, &ep (i"afranca, Ton 1ao, @rene Tan, 1en Olbes, @6e 1ay!), 5a"on
Orlina, #apoleon b!eva, 1ito tien:a, 1ala FoIas, /elen 'arte, 8erard and #in) (hesnel,
(arolle 1!cas, !relio 'ontinola @@@, <d!ardo Del)ado and Donnie Tantoco, 1in)lin) and
rchie Ein), 8!t:ee &e)!ra, (arlo <ndaya, /eart <van)elista, ndre3 7arton, Din)don)
Dantes, 'arian 5ivera, lice DiGson, #eri:a 'athay, Eathy De 8!:"an, 0oanne Qapanta
ndrada, Trisha Panlilio (!-9nIien), 0osephine EnoG, 0olina 'a)dan)al, 'aritess Tantoco,
8eor)ie Dia:, Ei" tien:a, 1en #epo"!ceno-8!iao, (hechel 0oson, Pops Fernande:,
Danny 7!enafe, 8eric6 Parayno, 5!el 'endo:a, 5ic6y &ison, 0ohnny &antos, ndres
<stella, OIie 1eona, FeliG 7acolor, 2illia" 'a, Eorina &anche:, 0!li!s 7abao and Tintin
7ersola-7abao and da!)hter nya and son #io, Eatrina Ponce <nrile and 1in)-1in) Ein)e
celebrity "a6e!p artist Patric6 5osase hair stylist 0in) 'onise 1ito &y, 0ason 'a)ban!a,
'aros (la!dio, Patricia 'ay &iy, FeliG n), Dr$ /ayden Eho, 'ar)ie and 8ilbert D!avit,
'i6e <chave:, F$F$ (r!:, Danton 7!eser, fric %aldes, 'aryann Pineda-5eynoso, Ophie
(anada-5eynoso, Earen Davila *3ith her sons David and 1!cas+, 'arIorie 7arretto-Padilla
and da!)hter Dani 7arrettoe 8in))in) 'endo:a, leG 5eyes, 'yra 5eyes, 'arilen (arpio,
Freddie 5eyes, 'arlyn and Tony 1illes, (havit &in)son, Pratee6 E!"ar, 5ichard Ti!, 0!nie
and Fernando PeMa, 5osa 5osal, 0or)e 0oseph, 2ency 1a)!"bay, i6o 'elende: and
'artin 0ic6ain, 7rian 7elen, 'i)!el Pastor, 0oy Orte)a, <d! 'an:ano, 0ohn Prats, A&!rvivor
PhilippinesB cast3ays &ha!n 5odri)!e: and &!:!6i &adats!)!, 1a!reen 9y, #iGee 8arcia,
<na de 8!:"an, 8re))y &antos, Ea"ae de 0es!s, &teve 'edalle, 8ab Pere:, 'oniH!e
&alcedo, teen heartthrobs 5obi Do"in)o and David (h!a, Olivia (han, (hristian &an 0ose,
'arielle-Feli:e Trias Flores, 'arco Fi)!eras, 5ay"ond n), 7obby &olo"on, 5iva
8alve:tan, Franco @"perial, (hristopher de %enecia, Tricia and 'ar6 8osin)tian, n)e de
la (r!:, Paolo l"a:an-<bora, &ean 8o, 1!c6y 'ercado, ndrea Torres, 'onica %erallo,
'ico ytona, 0estoni larcon and 3ife 1i:ette, 7o (err!do, 7ayani and 1en )bayani,
lanna 1ope:-'ontelibano, 5ichie (oronel &antos, ries &al!do, 5!by (oI!ito of Fla3less,
5onald (arballo, lvin Fort!na, Dennis (oronel, Eenneth Don), Olai and 5oland <spirit!,
(arlos )assi, 8e""a Fit:)erald, #i66i %alde:, Eristopher Peralta, 5ico 7arrera, 'arvin
)!stin, Danilo 7arrios, &treetboys and ;a (han), Pepin) (oI!an)co da!)hters 'i6ee
(oI!an)co-0a3ors6i, (hina (oI!an)co-8on:ale: *and her adorable baby 1!cia+, 'ai-'ai
(oI!an)co-Qini, tty$ 0ess &antos, #ic6 1ocsin, 'ario and lice J!eblatin, !die and (ecile
&aa, 0enny Franco, ndre3 Te, 'arisol 7arria, 1!ciano 7on)ola, 'ichael 1i", "!sic
co"poser 5yan (ayabyab and his 3ife <""y, 1o!ie Oca"po and 3ife 0oIo, 0acH!i 'a)no,
(eleste 1e)aspi, 0' 5odri)!e:, rnold %e)afria and (ris %illonco, "alia F!entes, #iMo
'!hlach and son lon:o, 'ichela (a::ola, 5ita vila, &hyr %alde: and ;ayo )!ila,
s3i""er 0ohansen )!ilar, and 3restler 'arc!s %alda, 83en 8arci, (eline 1ope:, 0enni
<pperson, nne 7ella, Eissa (astaMeda, Previe3 "a)a:ine editor in chief Pa!line &!aco-
0!an, Daryl (han), 1i: 9y, entertain"ent ne3s reporters 'ario D!"a!al, 8retchen F!llido
and '0 'arfori, 8ary %alenciano, Da3n Q!l!eta-1a)da"eo, lbert 'artine: 3ith da!)hter
lissa 'artine:, 7enIie Paras 3ith 3ife 1yGen, 'ylene Di:on, Paolo (ontis, @:a (al:ado,
Papal %isit sia 2014
lfred %ar)as, 'arco &ison, @vy %iolan, %ina 'orales, &haina 'a)dayao, 7an)s 8arcia,
0ero"e Florentino, <ri6 &antos, 0ane Paredes, O)ie Dia:, 1y6a 9)arte, n)eli Pan)ilinan-
%alenciano, n)eline J!into, rron %illa]or, <ri6 (!a, @ssa 5eyes, 5ico &errano, (hicho
&!are:, Franco 'abanta, liya Parcs, (hristian 7a!tista, na Fe)i, 7asil %alde:, &a" 'ilby,
8ina Tab!ena-8odine:, 'arilo! 'artine:, <fren 7riones and @ya 5odri)!e:, Pa!la (a"ille
1ocsin and 0!an Paolo 7ondoc, n)eles 8!evara, 7etty 'act!al, 7elen (astro, 'atin
Petilla, 1! ntonino, #eptali 8on:ales @@, Pinon) 0avier, 0ohnny 5e"!lla, 0ose P!yat 0r$,
risteo P!yat, 'ercy T!ason, Dr$ 5andy Francisco, 1eonard Tirol and "anda Onr!bia
8!idotti, 5ev$ @sa!ro David, rth!r 'acapa)al, 'ic6ey Ferriols, <ric 7!hain, 5obert
#acianceno, 'on 8on:ale:, 'al! %eloso, Toby 8an, #oel Dela 'erced, la Paredes,
5ichard %enn, 8re)orio Do"in)o, Gel 8ohner, nthony 8arcia, 1ance &heperd, 0!n 0!ban,
Pa!l (abral, n)ela %ele:, ndrea 7a!tista, &arah 0ane Pae:-&antia)o, Dondi li6pala,
1etlet %eloso, !rora Dia:-2ilson, Tina Tinio, &onny 7orro"eo, Tonio %eloso, "alie and
5o"an :an:a, 1orna and 1evy /i:on, 5!by and 7!ddy 5oa, 5oi Philips, 7eth 5o"!alde:,
Pa: &otto, 1!cille %illan!eva, 0ean &alvador, 5!by &antos, 1!li Del)ado, %ictoria T!a:on,
Toby (abal6in, (ynia 'ascariMas, Dot Favis-%elasco, nthony del 5osario, 'i6o Pasc!al,
(hef 5oland 1a!dico, #ic6y (a"ca", 8re) &in)ian, Pin6y "ador, 7onIin 7olinao, Peachie
%eneracion, 5enee raneta, (h!6ri Prieto, 7ert 8arcia, 'ichelle J!i:on, Dale %illar,
0acH!es D!pasH!ier, #icolas 8o!llenco!rt, 0!lien (leret, &ebastien 'an)eant, 'artine
%asse!r, ndree 7elan)er, 'ichael &eli)"an, &abrina /eine6ey, 8eor)e /ashi", &!::ane
Ein), (harina &abal, (harles 5appaport, 0ean /et:el, 0a"es 7enoit, (ecilia 1e!n), 5ina
&inisalo, 0i" 1ynch, 7rett (ole"an, <di Te6eli, nne 2itheford, (aridad &anche:, 8elo
&errano, Fanny &errano, (ynthia l"ario, 8ino Padilla, 'aribi 8arcia, 7eth &ison Ta)le,
5obbie /errera, #ancy Di:on (astro, (ynthia 0ocson, (ecil 1icad, 0ohn &ilva, ce 7arbers,
8abrielle (ali:o, 7eth &ee and 5ene #abon), &ari Orti)a, 'arc 1o)an, 8rin)o /onasan,
Francis 5icciardone, <d3in rce, Dino &antos, Freddie 7orro"eo, Dondi &antos, 7obby
)!irre, 5ic6y ;ab!t, (ooch 1ynch, %ince 7iton), "alie and 5o"an :an:a, 1orna and
1evy /i:on, 5!by and 7!ddy 5oa, (elso Dayrit, (indy E!rleto, @no 'analo, Dale %illar,
Trish %illan!eva, 'anet Dayrit, 0ia and 8abby <strella, 'i6o %alen:!ela, <rich <dralin,
(hristine &an Die)o, 'orten 7re"elhoeI, 'ia Trinidad, 8ai Olivares, Philippe Tic:on, 7!b!t
ndres, (aridad &anche:, 8elo &errano, 'aribi 8arcia, 7eth &ison Ta)le, 5olf Ea"bli,
5obbie /errera, Eitty 8o, #ancy Di:on (astro, (ynthia 0ocson, "bassador 'oha"ed
<brahi" l-0o3aid, (ecil 1icad, 0ohn &ilva, 8aita Fores, 0oanne &al)ado, 1etty /ahn, 1!:
(!llen, Fanny 7lanco, Telly ldana, (ita 5evilla-;ab!t, 'aricris (ardenas-Qobel, 'aricar
Toten)co, 2anda 1o!3allien, nton Palanca, 7obby (la!dio, 5ic6 ;!pan)co, 'onchet
On)sia6o, 0ose 1!is %illan!eva, Qac6 and 5oisin, 0ed (arlos, (arla 8!tierre:, 1yn &her"an,
Pastor Pa!l 'ata, nthony 8arcia, &anti <li:alde, %ince 7iton), 5e" Qa"ora, /er"inia
FaIardo, <rlinda %illan!eva, 1o!rdes &ese, %ir"a %er)el de Dios, 'arinela %ele:, 'aria
n), <rlinda &!nico, 5oby 8oco, 0ose &ala, Tony 1o:ada, Pericles Da6ay, llen Tan,
(hristopher 9y, Deborrah nn (!a /o, @)nacio 7!nye, <d (al"a, Tonton 8!tierre:, 8lydel
'ercado, #oel (aban)on, riel 5ivera, /y!bs :arcon, /eber 7artolo"e and Paolo
&antos, 5hap &ala:ar, )ot @sidro, 1ie:el 'artine:, and 0oanna "pil, "!sical director and
arran)er /o"er Flores, ballerina, actress and ballet director 'aritoni 5!fno-
Tordesillas, #i66i Tan), 'arcott l"eda, 5!by (h!a, TiFany (h!a, &heree (h!a,
:i:a 'ondonedo, (ristina 8o"e:, socialites 7aby raneta Fores, 1isa raneta, (acho
'arcos, 1inda Oledan, %eana Fores, 1orrie 5eynoso, %ic6y Q!biri, 'aricris Qobel, (arol
8arcia, 'aripi '!scat and 'ar)arita Fores, nton 'endo:a, 'onch (r!:, (h!t (!erva,
Papal %isit sia 2014
'arcel (respo, @pe (r!: of 5o)!e 'a)a:ine, 'arco 1obre)at, (hin) (r!:, Tina (!evas,
)nes /!ibonhoa, Fe 5odri)!e:, &!san 0oven, @an 8iron, ndres %asH!e: Prada and l
Ten)co, Doris 'a)saysay /o, 8ina 1ope:, <velyn Forbes, 'arc #elson, 5icco and Tina
'aristela-Oca"po, 5i66i and 7en) Dee, Philip and Tricia (!-9nIien), &ander Tantoco,
Philippine #ational 5ed (ross (hair"an 5ichard 8ordon, 5enna /echanova n)eles,
Earen &antos, 7obby and (hin)bee (!enca, 8ina boiti:, 7aby 8irl Fric6e, 'a!rice
rcache and ace photo)rapher leG %an /a)en, 0oIie Din)con), 0ean 8o!lbo!rn, Frances
1i" and Pa!l (a"pos, Dennis %aldes and Tessa Prieto-%aldes, <rnest <scaler, Dr$ Orly
'ercado and &!:y Pineda, (heche 1a:aro, 7ibeth Orte:a and (arlitos &i)!ion 5eyna, (es
Orena-Drilon, Dyan (astilleIo-8arcia, 0ac6ie (astilleIo-8!in)ona, 1i:a @larde, na Eala3,
nton &an Die)o, 5a!l Teehan6ee, Pepper Teehan6ee, 'ari6o 0acinto, ye #!)!id, 1eah
P!yat, nton 7arretto and 0ac6 de 'esa, 5a!l 'an:ano, thena %aldes, n)elette (alero,
nni6a %aldes, #iG lanon, 5enna n)eles, 7aby Fric6e, Earen &antos, 7in)-7in) J!iros,
8ina boiti:, #ic6 and 1!cille 1ocsin, Pa!l (a"pos, Tony and (hin)bee (!enca, 'anny
'iMana, 0$ nton 'endo:a, 7!dIi 1ay!), 5oyal Pineda, <d (al"a, 'ilo #aval, Tony
8on:ales, Tes Pasola, Eenneth (obonp!e, na 5ocha, 7art 8!in)ona, 0in))oy 7!ens!ceso,
0ai"e (h!a, 7rendan 'c(arthy, Tho" &antia)o, Pascal 8o!Io!, 'anolette Dinsay, ndre3
&harpe, lfred Tere:-7!r)os @@@, Francis (eballos, &hella &ar"iento, 5orie (arlos, Tara
&antos, 5odeon 5oIas, 7rian 1la"an:arese del Ta"ano, &i"on Tantoco, Danie, Daisy and
<ddie 'endo:a, 'artha 7!c6ley, ;olly yson, Debbie (han, 5oselle 5ebano, 7on) Pal"a
8il, 'i6ee (hanco, 0!dy raneta-5oGas, 7etty &iy-;ap, <d!ardo 1ope:, "or 5oselle
/errera, &!:ette 'orelos, #estor <ncinas, 5andy 7aron, &er)ia b!eva, P!rifcacion
%eloso, Petite 8arcia, 0avier 8alvan, na 1!isa <spinosa, David Ferro, 1orraine #!bar,
5achelle 8erodias, 'asa6o Toribara, 0osephine 5oces (have:, 7!nny 1!do, 0oseph
8on:ale:, J!inito 'oras, 0ayIay #eri, Dean Die:, 7!diette and 7randie Tan, ndre J!intos,
l"a 0!nia, <ric Ta"ayo, 'i6e and 1ea Fa"!larcano, 5!dy viles, 5ay"ond bao and
1!cien 1etaba, Orlando 'a)no, %icente Paterno, #ena @l!sorio, 'aribel On)pin, &ari
(oI!an)co, Tessie FaIardo, Popsy 'ende:-H!ino, 7ella ncheta, &ol PeMa, lice &andeIas,
5alph Peter 0entes, 'ary nn On), 5osalie &ipid, %ioly 1i", <lena 1ee, 5ose 1i", 8reta 8o,
&tefe @nocentes, (ar"ela On)sia6o, Terry 5osales, (ecile On)sia6o, Dely On)sia6o,
'aridol 'abanta, Tessa &ierra, 0!vy ;!pan)co, &evy &antos, 8retchen del 5osario, (el!ch
'anahan, 5obert (onstantino and /elen 'arte, (!rtis (hin, Tati 1ic!anan, 8re))y and
@rene raneta, indoor volleyball players D:i 8ervacio, 0e" Ferrer, Fille &aint 'erced
(ain)let-(ayetano, #acachi, 5achel nne DaH!is, 0ovelyn 8on:a)a, lyssa %alde:,
Denden 1a:aro, (oach (haro &oriano, 'ar)e TeIada, 'elissa 8ohin), 'ary 0ean 7alse,
'ayeth (arolino, 'ichelle (arolino, <lla De 0es!s, Eara cevedo, Earla 7ello, &tephanie
8abriel, 'ae TaIi"a, 0ayson 5a"os, 'aica 'orada, 0ed 'ontero, 'ichelle 1aborte, &asa
Devanadera, 8rethcel &oltones, 0oy 7enito, 5!bie De 1eon, 'ae (risosto"o, ;nna /ao,
Tina &ala6, 0P Torres, Dahlia (r!:, #ene 7a!tista, i:a 'ai:o, 'ai6a Orti:, 5hea
Di"ac!lan)an, Denise Tan, %en!s 7ernal, 0hec6 Dionela, n))e TabaH!ero, 'itch Dat!in,
bby Praca, 7ea Pasc!al, 7ea Tan, 0!dy (aballeIo, 'ar!Ia 7anaticla, 0 PareIa, 'yco
ntonio, /enry Pecana, 5eG @ntal, Dindin &antia)o, 0aIa &antia)o, Eathy 7ersola, Princess
8aiser, &hiela 'arie A7an)B Pineda, 'ayette Qapanta, 5ose"arie %ar)as, 0en 5eyes,
Princess 1istana, n)ela 7entin), Pa! &oriano, 1i:lee nn 8ata-Pantone, <d3in Tolentino,
Peter Den 'ar Torres, 'ichelle 8!"abao, (ha (r!:, &tephanie 'ercado, 0esh!l 2ensh Ti!,
bi)ail 'arano, 'i6a <speren:a, Ei" FaIardo, 'i6a 5eyes, %ictonara 8alan), and (yd
De"icillo, 5en: (asanova, (hris 'acasaet, Philip (erve:a, 'ar6 1ee, 0oanne &iy, 1oren
Papal %isit sia 2014
1antin, 'ia /irots!Ii, Pa"ela 1asti"osa, @n)rid 5eyes, 0essey De 1eon, (ar"ela T!nay,
(hloe (orte:, leG (abanos, Patricia 5as"o, @lla &antos, 0oanne 7!na), 0acH!eline larca
and <rs @ratay, 7ishop 1eo lcon)a of the @nternational 7ible &ociety, 7ishop Dan 7alais of
Philippines for 0es!s 'ove"ent, Pastor <d De 8!:"an of @ntercessors for the Philippines,
Pastor Pa!l (hase of laban) #e3 1ife in (hrist, postle 5enato (arillo of 0es!s O!r &hield
2orld3ide 'inistries, Pastor rt Ferriol of Pentecostal 'issionary (h!rch of (hrist, Pastor
<"ilio /enares of 5iver of 1ife in 7acolod, Pastor 0osh!a 7onto)an of 1ife To!chers
'inistry, Pastor <ntoy &intos of 0es!s 'iracle (r!sade, and 7ro$ Danny #avales of n)
Datin) Daan$
This co'era0e6 (The Pope in )anila+, &hich &ill be aired li'e on a nation&ide sim!ltaneo!s hoo.-!p
of radio and tele'ision stations,

CP/-% &ill be the carr"in0 station &ith the PeopleHs Tele'ision /et&or., 5nc, ;PTV-4<, 5A*-13, AA*-
#, 4)A-7, and AA3-*A/ *hannel 2 hoo.ed !p alon0 &ith all A!rea! of Aroadcast 3er'ices-Cad"o n0
Aa"an radio stations,
This co'era0e is sim!lcast (li'e+ nation&ide 'ia domestic satellite on all 4)A radio and tele'ision
T%-7 - 'anila
T%-4 - 1aoa)
T%-4> - 7atac, @locos #orte
T%-23 - Pa)!dp!d, @locos #orte
T%-4= - %i)an
T%-10 - 7a)!io
T%-4 - 't$ "!yao, 'o!ntain Province
T%-= - Tab!6
T%-> - 7ontoc, 'o!ntain Province
Papal %isit sia 2014
T%-7 - 7an)!ed, bra
T%-11 - &an Fernando, 1a 9nion
T%-10 - (abanat!an
T%-10 - Da)!pan
T%-7 - T!)!e)arao
T%-13 - parri, (a)ayan
T%-7 - 7asco, 7atanes
T%-7 - @la)an, @sabela
T%-7 - &antia)o, @sabela
T%-7 - (abarro)!is, J!irino
T%-4 - 7ayo"bon), #!eva %i:caya
T%-4 - 7aler, !rora
T%-4= - (a!ayan
T%-4 - @ba, Qa"bales
T%-10 - Olon)apo
T%-10 - &an Fernando, Pa"pan)a
T%-4> - 'alolos, 7!lacan
T%-27 - 7alan)a, 7ataan
T%-2> - Obando, 7!lacan
T%-2> - &an Pablo, 1a)!na
T%-31 - (ala"ba
T%-12 - 7atan)as
T%-44 - 0alaIala, 5i:al
T%-12 - Ta)aytay
T%-= - 1!cena
T%-13 - 7oac, 'arind!H!e
T%-13 - &an 0ose, Occidental 'indoro
T%-33 - (alapan
T%-7 - 5o"blon
T%-12 - P!erto Princesa, Pala3an
T%-> - 7roo6e?s Point, Pala3an
T%-= - (oron, Pala3an
T%-7 - #a)a
T%-13 - @ri)a
T%-12 - 1e)aspi
T%-= - 'alilipot, lbay
T%-= - (a"ali), lbay
T%-7 - 'asbate
T%-13 - %irac, (atand!anes
T%-4 - &orso)on
T%-> - @loilo
T%-11 - &an 0ose, ntiH!e
T%-= - Ealibo, 6lan
T%-34 - 7oracay @sland, 'alay, 6lan
T%-4 - 5oGas
T%-13 - 7acolod
T%-7 - (adi:
Papal %isit sia 2014
T%-30 - '!rcia, #e)ros Occidental
T%-7 - (eb!
T%-11 - 7arili, (eb!
T%-11 - &a"boan, (eb!
T%-2 - Toledo, (eb!
T%-11 - Ta)bilaran
T%-4 - D!"a)!ete
T%-10 - &ipalay
T%-10 - #aval, 7iliran
T%-10 - Tacloban
T%-4= - Or"oc
T%-10 - (apoocan, 1eyte
T%-12 - @sabel, 1eyte
T%-= - 7oron)an
T%-4 - (albayo)
T%-13 - (atbalo)an
T%-7 - Dina)at @sland
T%-C - Qa"boan)a
T%-4 - Dipolo)
T%-3 - Pa)adian
T%-21 - @pil, Qa"boan)a &ib!)ay
T%-4 - O:a"i:
T%-34 - (a)ayan De Oro
T%-4 - 8in)oo)
T%-12 - 't$ Eitan)lad, 7!6idnon
T%-44 - 'anolo Fortich, 7!6idnon
T%-4= - %alencia, 7!6idnon
T%-41 - 'a"baIao, (a"i)!in
T%-11 - @li)an
T%-4 - Davao
T%-4 - Panabo
T%-= - 8eneral &antos
T%-12 - (otabato
T%-7 - 7!t!an
T%-10 - &!ri)ao
T%-2 - Tanda), &!ri)ao del &!r
T%-12 - 0olo, &!l!
T%-= - 7on)ao, Ta3i-Ta3i
nd also live on 8' 5adyo 7isi)-7ayan ' 5adio &tations
DQ77 4C4 6/: - 'anila
D25( 12>C 6/: - 1aoa)
D25 1413 6/: - 7a)!io
DQQ5 1230 6/: - 7ayo"bon)
DQ&D 144= 6/: K Da)!pan
D277 1271 6/: - T!)!e)arao
DQ@8 11C2 6/: - @la)an, @sabela
Papal %isit sia 2014
DQ(& 112C 6/: - &antia)o, @sabela
D;&P C0C 6/: - P!erto Princessa, Pala3an
DQ5 1403 6/: - Daet, (a"arines &!r
D2@ =C1 6/: - #a)a
DQ5( 7=3 6/: - 1e)aspi
D;&@ 1323 6/: - @loilo
D;59 1341 6/: - Ealibo, 6lan
D;8' 1403 6/: - 5oGas
D;&7 117C 6/: - 7acolod
D;&& CCC 6/: - (eb!
D;25 4C4 6/: - Tacloban
D;&5 =C1 6/: - D!"a)!ete
DT5( 12=7 6/: - Qa"boan)a
DTT; 1340 6/: - Dipolo)
DT@D C=7 6/: - Pa)adian
DT1T =>4 6/: - (a)ayan de Oro
DT8' 1124 6/: - Davao
DT51 1341 6/: - Eoronadal
DT;E 117C 6/: - 7!t!an
DT7' CC0 6/: - (otabato
&i"!lcast A1iveB via DO'&T on 5P# T% stations,
T%-C - 'etro 'anila
T%-C - 1aoa)
T%-4 - parri, (a)ayan
T%-30 - Pa"pan)a
T%-12 - T!)!e)arao
T%-C - @la)an, @sabela
T%-7 - 7ayo"bon), #!eva %i:caya
T%-12 - 7a)!io
T%-13 - Da)!pan
T%-> - Tarlac
T%-12 - T!)!e)arao
T%-> - Olon)apo
T%-2 - 5odri)!e:, 5i:al
T%-7 - 'oron), 5i:al
T%-10 - &an 'ateo, 5i:al
T%-C - 1!cena
T%-3 - &an 0ose, Occidental 'indoro
T%-2 - 1e)a:pi (ity
T%-2 - #a)a (ity
T%-10 - @ri)a
T%-4 - P!erto Princesa
T%-C - (atbalo)an
T%-> - &an 0ose, ntiH!e
T%-4 - Tacloban
T%-4 - @loilo
Papal %isit sia 2014
T%-= - 7acolod
T%-= - D!"a)!ete
T%-C - (eb!
T%-4 - Qa"boan)a
T%-4 - Pa)adian
T%-4 - Dipolo)
T%-4 - (a)ayan de Oro
T%-C - Davao
T%-4 - &!ri)ao
T%-12 - 7!t!an
T%-7 - 8eneral &antos
T%-10 - (otabato
T%-C - 0olo, &!l!
and also on 5P# 5adyo 5onda ' stations,
D2@Q ==2 6/: - 'anila
DQ7& 13>= 6/: - 7a)!io
DQ51 >3C 6/: - 7atac
DQT8 >21 6/: - T!)!e)arao, (a)ayan
D25& C=1 6/: - &antia)o, @sabela
D2% 1170 6/: - &an Fernando, 1a 9nion
DQT( =2= 6/: - Tarlac
DQE@ 1332 6/: - @ri)a
D25# >47 6/: - #a)a
D2@' C3> 6/: - Occidental 'ndoro
D;E7 1404 6/: - 7acolod
D;E( >74 6/: - (eb!
D;5' 1134 6/: - D!"a)!ete
DTTT 100= 6/: - Qa"boan)a
DTED 1043 6/: - Dipolo)
DTEP 1377 6/: - Pa)adian
DTEO 13>= 6/: - (a)ayan De Oro
DTET 1071 6/: - Davao
DTDT >C3 6/: - 8eneral &antos
DTE& 10=0 6/: K &!ri)ao
&i"!lcast A1iveB on all PT% stations,
PT% 4 - 'anila
PT% 4 - bra
PT% = - 7a)!io
PT% 24 - 't$ Province
PT% 11 - 1aoa)
PT% 4 - %i)an
PT% 11 - T!)!e)arao, (a)ayan
PT% 3C - &antia)o, @sabela
PT% 4 - @la)an, @sabela
PT% 44 - 7atanes
Papal %isit sia 2014
PT% 30 - parri
PT% 3 - 7ayo"bon), #!eva %i:caya
PT% 4 - (abarro)!is, J!irino
PT% 4 - 7ontoc
PT% 13 - 7aler
PT% 2 - (abanat!an
PT% 12 - Pa"pan)a
PT% 3 - Tarlac
PT% 31 - 7alan)a
PT% 43 - Olon)apo
PT% 4 - (a!ayan
PT% 41 - 'alolos
PT% 23 - Plaridel
PT% 21 - &an 'i)!el, 7!lacan
PT% 4= - Obando, 7!lacan
PT% 43 - 7atan)as
PT% 31 - &an Pablo
PT% CC - (ainta, 5i:al
PT% 24 - Tan:a
PT% 2> - 7oac
PT% 11 - (alapan, Oriental 'indoro
PT% 3 - 1!cena
PT% 4 - P!erto Princesa
PT% 13 - 5o"blon
PT% 33 - 'asbate
PT% 11 - Daet
PT% = - #a)a
PT% 34 - @ri)a
PT% = - 1e)aspi
PT% 4 - 8oa, (a"arines &!r
PT% 7 - (ara"oran, (atand!anes
PT% C - Pan)aniban, (atand!anes
PT% 2 - &an 'i)!el, (atand!anes
PT% 4 - &orso)on
PT% 2 - ntiH!e
PT% 2 - 0ordan, 8!i"aras
PT% 2 - @loilo
PT% 24 - Ealibo
PT% 33 - 5oGas
PT% 2 - 7acolod
PT% 2 - &ipalay
PT% 24 - %ictorias
PT% 31 - 7inalba)an
PT% 13 - (adi:
PT% 11 - (eb!
PT% C - Toledo
PT% 10 - D!"a)!ete
Papal %isit sia 2014
PT% 22 - Ta)bilaran
PT% = - Tacloban
PT% 12 - (albayo)
PT% 4 - 7oron)an
PT% 4 - #aval, 7iliran
PT% 7 - Qa"boan)a
PT% 11 - Pa)adian
PT% 11 - Dipolo)
PT% 24 - @pil
PT% 21 - Dapitan
PT% = - (a)ayan De Oro
PT% 11 - 'alaybalay, 7!6idnon
PT% 34 - %alencia
PT% 11 - Davao
PT% 27 - 'ati
PT% 4 - 8eneral &antos
PT% 4= - Eoronadal
PT% C - 7!t!an
PT% 3 - 7isli), &!ri)ao del &!r
PT% 21 - Prosperidad
PT% 27 - &an Francisco, )!san del &!r
PT% 31 - Tanda)
PT% 2 - Dina)at
PT% = - (otabato
PT% = - Eidapa3an
PT% 4 - 'ara3i
PT% 7 K 0olo
&i"!lcast on all 7&-(7# T% stations
T%-2 - 'etro 'anila
T%-7 - 1aoa)
T%-11 - %i)an
T%-3 - 7a)!io
T%-11 - 't$ "!yao, 't$ Province
T%-30 - 1a 9nion
T%-3 - T!)!e)arao
T%-13 - (abarro)!is, J!irino
T%-C - 7an)!ed, bra
T%-11 - 7ayo"bon), #!eva %i:caya
T%-2 - &antia)o, @sabela
T%-32 - Da)!pan
T%-32 - (abanat!an
T%-32 - Tarlac
T%-12 - Olon)apo
T%-13 - 7otolan, Qa"bales
T%-22 - 7aler
T%-4> - Pa"pan)a
Papal %isit sia 2014
T%-34 - &an 'i)!el, 7!lacan
T%-12 - 'eyca!ayan
T%-40 - 7ataan
T%-40 - 0alaIala, 5i:al
T%-3= - 1ipa
T%-24 - 1!cena
T%-4> - &an Pablo
T%-10 - 7atan)as
T%-11 - &an 0ose, Occidental 'indoro
T%-34 - (alapan
T%-11 - 5o"blon
T%-10 - 'asbate
T%-23 - Daet
T%-11 - #a)a
T%-4 - 1e)a:pi
T%-10 - 'alilipot, lbay
T%-C - &orso)on
T%-7 - %irac, (atand!anes
T%-10 - @loilo
T%-23 - Ealibo
T%-44 - ntiH!e
T%-21 - 5oGas
T%-13 - #aval, 7iliran
T%-4 - 7acolod
T%-3 - (eb!
T%-13 - 0a)na, 7ohol
T%-12 - D!"a)!ete
T%-2> - &ipalay
T%-2 - Tacloban
T%-7 - (atar"an, #orthern &a"ar
T%-10 - (albayo)
T%-7 - (atbalo)an
T%-3 - Qa"boan)a
T%-C - Pa)adian
T%-42 - Dipolo)
T%-2 - (a)ayan De Oro
T%-2 - 't$ Eitan)lad, 7!6idnon
T%-47 - 'a"baIao
T%-7 - label, &aran))ani
T%-7 - O:a"i:
T%-4 - @li)an
T%-4 - Davao
T%-42 - Panabo
T%-3> - 'ati
T%-3 - 8eneral &antos
T%-24 - Eoronadal
T%-11 - 7!t!an
Papal %isit sia 2014
T%-12 - &!ri)ao
T%-2> - Tanda)
T%-4 - Prosperidad, )!san del &!r
T%-4 - (otabato
T%-4 - Eidapa3an
T%-24 - 'ara3i
T%-10 - 0olo, &!l!
nd si"!lcast A1iveB on all 7&-(7# ' and F' 5adio &tations
DQ'' >30 6/:$ K 'etro 'anila
D2<1 C3$1 '/:$ K 1aoa)
DQ55 103$1 '/:$ K 7a)!io
D2<( C3$4 '/:$ K Da)!pan
D27 103$3 '/:$ K &antia)o, @sabela
D2&F C0$3 '/:$ K &an Fernando, Pa"pan)a
D27( C2$7 '/: - 7atan)as
D2( C3$4 '/:$ K #a)a
D25D C3$C '/:$ K 1e)a:pi
D;P 7>4 6/:$ K P!erto Princessa, Pala3an
D;( C3$1 '/:$ K @loilo
D;OO 101$4 '/:$ K 7acolod
D;7 1412 6/: K (eb!
D;<1 C2$4 '/: - D!"a)!ete
D;5% 11== E/: - (atbalo)an
D;T( C4$3 '/:$ K Tacloban
DTF/ C=$7 '/:$ K Qa"boan)a
DT<( C1$C '/:$ K (a)ayan de Oro
DT7 1412 6/: K Davao
DT7( C2$7 '/:$ K 8eneral &antos
DT0 C4$3 '/:$ - 7!t!an
DTP& C4$1 '/: K (otabato
The special s!pplement6 Kes!s is 1ord *h!rch Anni'ersar" *elebrationK p!blished in )anila A!lletin,
Philippine Bail" 5n-!irer and The Philippine 3tar,
The so!'enir-t"pe ma0a2ine s!pplement contains the messa0es section, the lists of former presidents,
'ice-presidents, chief :!stices, ho!se spea.ers and presidents of the 3enate of the Philippines, the
c!rrent members of the cabinet, the photo0raphs from 1%14 to present6 blac. and &hite and f!ll
colored photo0raphs of 50lesia ni *risto e'ents and 0atherin0s from !l" 27, 1%14 to present, f!ll-
colored photo0raphs of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide 0atherin0s in 'en!es o'er )etro )anila from
October 1%7@ to present, f!ll-colored photo0raphs of =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation
5nternational 0atherin0s from A!0!st 1%, 1%@4 to present, f!ll-colored photo0raphs from Kohn Pa!l 55,
8e 1o'e Do!6 Papal Visit )anila 1%%#K b" Pr!dentialife 4ro!p of *ompanies &hich containin0 17#
still photos and K)ab!ha" an0 PapaK, on Pope ohn Pa!l 55s an!ar" 1%%# 'isit to )anila for 8orld
Do!th Ba" *B-CO) b" Bistrib!ted Processin0 3"stems &hich contains %00 still photos incl!din0
8orld Do!th Ba" e'ents and addressed the plenar" assembl" of the Federation of Asian AishopsH
Papal %isit sia 2014
*onferences that &as commemoratin0 the federationHs 2# "ears of e>istence, The pope also :oined the
sil'er :!bilee celebration of the federationHs Cadio Veritas Asia and celebrated the 400th anni'ersar" of
the ele'ation of )anila as an archdiocese, and the e'ent that dre& a record cro&d6 estimated 4 million-
to-# million people at the an!ar" 1#, 1%%# 8orld Do!th Ba" Final )ass in 1!neta Par., the official
pro0ram, traffic re-ro!tin0 and the =!charistic *elebration incl!des the 9ol" )ass that contains Coman
*atholic Archbishops, bishops, cardinals, deacons and monsi0nors, Ce'erend Fathers incl!din0 Coman
*atholic Parish Priests, Pastors, and Parochial Vicars from the Coman *atholic Territorial Archdioceses
of L!ala 1!mp!r, L!chin0, Lota Linabal!, 3in0apore, a.arta, =nde, L!pan0, )a.assar, )edan,
)era!.e, Palemban0, Pontiana., 3amarinda, 3emaran0, Aan0.o., Thare, /onsen0, 9anoi, 9o *hi
)inh cit", 9!b and the Coman *atholic Territorial Bioceses of )alacca-ohor, Penan0, )iri, 3ib!,, Benpasar, 1arant!.a, )a!mere, C!ten0, Aand!n0, Ao0or, Atamb!a, 8eeteb!l, Amboina,
)anado, Padan0, 3ibol0a, A0ats, a"ap!ra, )ano.&ari-3oron0, Timi.a, Pinan0,
Tan:!n0.aran0, Letapan0, 3an00a!, 3intan0, Aan:armasin, Palan0.a Ca"a, Tan:!n0 3elor, )alan0,
P!r&o.erto, 3!raba"a, *hanthab!ri, *hian0 )ai, /a.hon 3a&an, Catchab!ri, 3!rat Thani, /a.hon
Catchasima, Ebon Catchathani, Edon Thani, Acc /inh, Adi *h!, 9ai Phen0, 9fn0 9ga, 1hn0 3in and
*ao Ajn0, Phkt Bilm, Thki Amnh, Thanh 9ga, Vinh, An Coa, *pn Thi, qn 1ht, 1on0 S!"ln, )r Tho,
Phan Thibt, Phs *ftn0, Vunh 1on0, S!vn 1wc, Aan )l Th!wt, qn /xn0, Lont!m, /ha Tran0 and J!"
/hin and from the Philippines, namel", the priests from the different parishes in the Coman *atholic
Territorial Archdioceses of )anila, /!e'a 3e0o'ia, T!0!e0arao, 3an Fernando, Pampan0a, /!e'a
*aceres, aro, *api2, *eb!, Palo, Ba'ao, *otabato, *a0a"an de Oro, O2ami2 and Oamboan0a and the
Coman *atholic Territorial Bioceses of 1aoa0, Aa0!io, *abanat!an, 3an ose, /!e'a =ci:a, Aan0!ed,
Aa"ombon0, 5la0an, Aatanes, Erdaneta, Alaminos, Tarlac, Aalan0a, 5ba, )alolos,, *!bao,
/o'aliches, Pasi0, Antipolo, Parana-!e, 5m!s, 3an Pablo, 1ipa, 1!cena, 4!maca, 5nfanta, Comblon,
3an ose, Occidental )indoro, *alapan, Oriental )indoro, P!erto Princesa, Baet, 1ibmanan, 1e0aspi,
)asbate, 3orso0on, Virac, 3an ose de Anti-!e, Aacolod, Laban.alan, 3an *arlos, B!ma0!ete,
Ta0bilaran, Talibon, )aasin, *alba"o0, Aoron0an, *atamaran, /a'al, A!t!an, 3!ri0ao, Tanda0,
)ala"bala", Bi0os, )ati, Ta0!m, Lidapa&an, )arbel, Bipolo0, Pa0adian, )ara&i, 5li0an, 5pil and
5sabela, 1,00% Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and archdioceses in America, 1#7 Coman *atholic
territorial dioceses and archdioceses in =ast Asia, 1%2 Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and
archdioceses belon0in0 to 1atin, 3"ro-)alabar and 3"ro-)alan.ara Cites in 3o!th Asia incl!din0
5ndia, Aan0ladesh, Pa.istan and 3ri 1an.a and #14 Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and
archdioceses in =!rope and 72 Coman *atholic territorial dioceses and archdioceses in Oceania &ere
listed as con-celebrants &hile the BVB feat!res6 a bio0raph" of ohn Pa!l 55 and a (J!ic.time )TV
mo'ie con'erted to 8)V+ feat!rin0 the 1%%# 8orld Do!th Ba" theme son0 (Tell the 8orld of 9is
1o'e+, inter'ie&s, foota0es and scenes of the ma.in0 of the son0, the fi'e-da" 'isit are feat!red in
K)ab!ha" an0 Papa,K and the pontiffHs speeches, are feat!red in (PopeHs )essa0es+ and appro>imatel"
30 ho!rs of 'ideo foota0e contrib!ted b" 4)A /et&or. *hannel 7, the TV station that had e>cl!si'e
co'era0e of the 'isit,
The lar0est 0atherin0 attended b" more than # million people, &hich of residents from all o'er the
Philippines and 227 co!ntries of the &orld,
The entrance h"mn had to be s!n0 before the mass be0an in earnest, Priest in char0e of the e'ent
en:oined the cro&d to sin0, to pra" and e'en to do a (lo'e &a'e+ to help &hile a&a" the time and to
stretch achin0 m!scles,
Papal %isit sia 2014
/either the Coman *atholic Archdiocese of )anila nor the Vatican had prepared for s!ch an
e'ent!all", There, &as some disc!ssion on &hether the pontiff sho!ld ta.e a helicopter or a boat
thro!0h )anila Aa" to the 1!neta &hen the sheer si2e of the cro&d e>ceeded all e>pectations,
The mass of people stretched from north to so!th from the )anila 9otel all &a" do&n to the Camon
)a0sa"sa" A!ildin0 on Co>as Ao!le'ard, /o &as 'isible from as far as h!0e portions of T,),
Lala&, E,/, A'en!e and Padre Fa!ra, three ma:or streets perpendic!lar to the main road frontin0 the
'en!e of the es!s is 1ord *h!rch Anni'ersar" e'ent,
Papal %isit sia 2014
&everal hi)h-ran6in) local and national oNcials, ch!ch oNcials and forei)n di)nitaries
also attended the event incl!din) President 7eni)no &i"eon H!ino @@@$ &ho3bi:
personalities also )raced the event$
The )!ests are, for"er 'etroban6 president Tony bacan, Philippine #ational 7an6 board
of director, 5ep$ 'i)!el A'i6eB 5o"ero, retired Philippine &!pre"e (o!rt (hief 0!stices
/ilario Davide, 0r$, rte"io Pan)aniban and 5eynato P!no, Fernando Qobel de yala, 7ea
Qobel, yala 1and, @nc$ president ntonino ATonyd H!ino, 5o3ena To"eldan, ( 1e)arda,
'ar6 &ablan, 0oseph 5eyes, 'aricris 7ernardino, Pivi Dia:, 5ina 5eIanit, 7obby Dy, 'an!el
%$ Pan)ilinan, T%4 President-<"erit!s and The Philippine &T5 (hair"an tty$ 5ay ($
<spinosa, T%4 President and (<O #oel 1oren:ana, riel Fer"in, 8ary D!Iali, #e3s4 head
1!chi (r!:-%aldes, 'eralco /5 and (orporate &ervices &enior %ice-President and
Philippine 7as6etball ssociation (hair"an-<"erit!s 'on &e)is"!ndo and &ports4 head
and 8ilas Pilipinas 7as6etball Tea" (oach (hot 5eyes, Eenneth ;an), Tessie &y-(oson,
Tony Tan-(a6tion), 5a"on n), lfred Ty, rth!r Ty, &ari ;ap, 1ance 8o6on)3ei, 5obina
8o6on)3ei-Pe, 1i:a 8o6on)3ei-(hen), @sha ndaya-%alles, 'yr:a &ison, 0o-ann 'a)lipon,
7&-(7# 7roadcastin) (orporation (hair"an <!)enio 1ope: @@@, 7&-(7# 7roadcastin)
(orporation President and (hief (ontent ONcer (haro &antos-(oncio, &tar (ine"a 7&-
(7# Fil" Prod!ctions, @nc$ "ana)in) director 'alo! &antos, 7roadcast /ead and (hannel
2 /ead (ory %alen:!ela-%idanes, television b!siness !nit head 1a!renti Dyo)i, b!siness
!nit head for co"edy 1in))it Tan-'arasi)an, 7&-(7# P!blishin), @nc$ 8eneral 'ana)er
<rnie 1ope:, Drea"scape <ntertain"ent Television President Deo <ndrinal, 5oGy 1iH!i)an,
5iley &antia)o, 5obert 1abayen, 'ar6 ;a"bot, !)!st 7enite:, #andy %illar, 5ico (a"!s,
5ay"ond 'iranda, 'ar6 1ope:, 'aricel renas, /appy 'ab!lay, Dar3in (errado, ldrin
(errado, Dino 1a!rena, 'arch %entosa, (hris 1ope:, (arlo Eati)ba6, 1eo Eati)ba6, Paolo
Pineda, 7on) Osorio, 'onchet Olives, Earen (olo"a, for"er 7&-(7# presidents (ito
leIandro and Freddie 8arcia, "ovie and television director 0ohnny 'anahan, &tar 'a)ic
%ice-President 'ariole lberto, (athy 8arcia-'olina, rnel #atividad, Toto #atividad, 'al!
&evilla, 5echie del (ar"en, 0oIo &a)!in, Olivia 1a"asan, 1a!rice 8!illen, 0erry 1ope:-
&inenen), Tots 'ariscal, <ri6 &al!d, 5!el 7ayani, 5!el #aval, 0oyce 7ernal, 0ohn-D 1a:atin,
0ero"e Pobocan, 0onathan Dia:, 2enn Dera"as and Don (!ares"a, 4, 000 1ope: 6in fro"
all over the 3orld, 7&-(7# 'anila 5adio and &ports Division head Peter '!sn)i, 7&-
(7# @nte)rated #e3s and (!rrent Fairs (hief 8in) 5eyes and (hoose Philippines head
(harie %illa, "!sic co"poser and television director 7obet and actor Eobi %idanes, the
"e"bers of the ;ap, Dia:, (astelo, Da:a, Planas, %alen:!ela and %idanes fa"ilies,
ndre3 Tan, 7eth 1ee, Fe )!do, 2ashin)ton &ycip, Felipe 8o:on, 'enardo 0i"ene:, &r$,
0i""y D!avit, nnette 8o:on-bro)ar, 1ito bro)ar, 1ilybeth 8$ 5asonable, 5e)ie ($
7a!tista, 'arivin T$ rayata, 0ose 'ari 5$ bacan, 8i)i &antia)o-1ara, Darlin) P$ De 0es!s,
(heryl (hin)-&y, Teresa 1$ Pacis, 7an) 9$ respacocha)a, li #o6o"-Dedicatoria, TP<,
@nc$ president and chief eGec!tive oNcer Tony T!viera, 'alo! (hoa-Fa)ar, TP<, @nc$
chair"an-e"erit!s 5o"y 0alosIos, &anIiv %ohra, 2ilson Tien), Philippine Daily @nH!irer
board chair"an 'ariGi 5!fno-Prieto, Philippine Daily @nH!irer president leGandra Prieto-
5o"!alde:, Philippine Daily @nH!irer editor-in-chief 1etty 0i"ene:-'a)sanoc, 9nited &tates
<"bassy spo6esperson 5ebecca Tho"pson, as 3ell )!ests 3ere "edia a)encies and
advocacy partners, >00 participants of the 2orld <cono"ic For!" on <ast sia &!""it
2014 fro" "ore than 30 co!ntries, 1,000 )!ests d!rin) the president.s A&tate of the
#ation ddressB 2014, ba) desi)ner &ylvia &antos, fashion desi)ners 0( 7!endia, 5andy
Papal %isit sia 2014
Orti:, 0oIie 1loren, Don) O"a)a Dia:, 0oey &a"son, @varl!s6i seron, %ittorio 7arba, 8erry
Eati)ba6, Frederic6 Peralta, 5aIo 1a!rel, 1en #epo"!ceno, /indy 2eber-Tantoco, 5a"on
<steban, P0 ranador, <d3in o, O0 /ofer, rcy 8ayatin, Tippi Oca"po, vel 7ac!dio,
0ero"e &alaya n), 0oel <scober, nthony #oco", lbert ndrada, #oel (risosto"o,
5onaldo rnaldo, Eristel ;!lo, /appy ndrada, Pablo (abah!) and 0a"es 5eyes, FDP
desi)ners 0ohnny bad, 5ic6y bad, DeGter la:a, #ino n)eles, Delby 7ra)ais, Earen
(astro, Eirby (r!:, @van dela (r!:, Perry Dia:, 1ynn 5oGas, 7oyet Dysanco, 5icco <scaro,
5oc6y 8athercole, 8enar 8o:!", Pristine de 8!:"an, din 1ara, Pa!l 5anier 1i", #oelle
1lave, <d)ar 'ada"ba, 0ontie 'artine:, #i66ie 'artine:, Ole 'orabe, %ivo #a:areth, Dave
Oca"po, 1ito Pere:, #holie Pilapil, 0oyce Pilars6y, an Pineda, 5ao!l 5a"ire:, ;a6o 5eyes,
5holand 5oGas, <d)ar &an Die)o, Fanny &errano, <d3in 9y, &i"on riel %asH!e:, 8eoFrey
Qordilla, independent fashion desi)ners 0!n <scario, 'ichelle &ison, Patrice 5a"os Dia:,
(harina &arte, (ary &antia)o, Dennis 1!stico, 0ohn Paras, 7ea lbert, <ric de los &antos,
'a!reen Desini, %ania 5o"oF, 'artin 7a!tista, 0ohnbPa!l /errera, 5onald 'endo:a, !die
<spino, &idney Pere: &io, 8o!llee 8orospe and 5ao!l 5a"ire:, co!ntry.s desi)n icons @nno
&otto, !))ie (ordero, Pepito lbert, (esar 8a!po, 1!l! Tan-8an, 'i6e de la 5osa and
1oretto, <fren Oca"po and The Dean of Filipino Fashion Desi)ners 7en Farrales, 'c(ann
<ric6son (lient &ervice Director 7ernadette (hinc!anco, (oca-(ola &<# 7!siness 9nit
President 'an!el rroyo, (oca-(ola Philippines President i 8eneral 'ana)er 8!iller"o
ponte, "ar6etin) director n!bha &ahasrab!ddhe and Franchise and (o""ercial
1eadership Director Peter &chaelstraete to)ether 3ith the (oca-(ola Philippines tea",
0ohanna /ife, &teve 1ittle, 5o)ie Delena, 5ay"ond %illa]or, TeeIae &on:a, 0obert D!"lao,
&haron Tan)anco, 5o6i Ferrer, 5achel (r!:, Francis (h!a, Fran: Decloedt, ;as"in 'allari,
0enny (inco, 0in) tien:a, (riselda Pasc!al, 'avel 7anocnoc, Thess c!na, Franco 0or)e,
&tephanie (astillo, Tish (ondeno, 0aideep Eibe, #ica"ae 7aylen, 0enalyn Pere:, 7arry del
5osario, and #i66i 1ee, &!yen (orporation?s #ene and %ir)ilio 1i", 7ryan 1i" and &!yen
1i", (arlos (han?s children (arlson, rchie, 5inby, 1arry, Os:en and &hera, Tony Ferrer,
1a3rence Tan, tty$ 0oIi %illan!eva-lonso, for"er @locos 5ep$ 5oH!e A5oH!itoB blan,
(harie %illa, &tella Eati)ba6 Dearin), (ecy &eares 1!na, D!6e Frasco, (hoy and 'arissa
(oI!an)co, &!yen (orporation (hair"an, (hief <Gec!tive ONcer and Fo!nder 7en (han,
hair stylist and Philippine Fashion 7all creative director #oel 'anapat, p!blic relations
practitioner, events or)ain:er and talent "ana)er Eeren Pasc!al, 8irlie 5odis and &tar
'a)ic handler 'onch #ovales, 'aricar Tere:-7!r)os, Earen &antos, (onchita Toda, Doody
T!ason, Fr$ Pedro 8arcia 8alende, n)ie 1acson, (ora:on lvina, 0ose 'ari Trenas, @ya
%illania and Dre3 rellano, Paolo brera and &!:i <ntrata, bea!ty H!eens 1ara J!i)a"an,
&ha"cey &!ps!p 3ith h!sband 1loyd 1ee, 83en 5!ais, 7ianca 'analo and Pia 2!rt:bach,
&itti #avarro, 0as"ine (!rtis &"ith, 0a"es 7lanco, <ric Tai, E 7rosas, (la!dine 7arretto
and 5ay"art &antia)o, 5andy &antia)o, 7a"boo 'analac, 7inibinin) Pilipinas 2013
3inners (indy 'iranda and Pia 5o"ero, 'iss @nternational 2013 7ea 5ose &antia)o, 'iss
9niverse 2013 3rd 5!nner-9p riella rida, Eatherine de (astro-(r!:, Oyo 7oy &otto,
5o3ell &antia)o, Do"iniH!e (oI!an)co, Dina 7onnevie 3ith h!sband @locos &!r %ice-
8overnor Deo)racias %ictor &avellano, 0ericho 5osales, apl$de$ap, <ddie 8arcia and
5ichard 8o"e:, For"er Professional 'odels ssociation of the Philippines board "e"bers
and fashion l!"inaries Tina 'aristela Oca"po, @::a 8on:ales-)ana, Desiree %erdadero-
besa"is, 'arina 7enipayo, Patty 7etita, T3eetie de 1eon-8on:ale:, Den besa"is, /ans
'ontene)ro, 8race 'olina and riel tendido, 5obert 'ananH!il, "odels 5obby
'ananH!il, 5aya 'ananH!il-de 1eon, and 5issa 'ananH!il-Trillo 3ith %alerie de los &antose
Papal %isit sia 2014
teneo de 'anila 9niversity 7l!e <a)les tea" "ana)er Paolo Trilloe (!rrent Professional
'odels ssociation of the Philippines president Phoe"ela 7aranda also ca"e 3ith
'anila.s favo!rite "odels 8race Ta)le, 7!bbles Paraiso, 1!6e 0ic6ain, 'ia yesa, &anya
&"ith, 'i6a 1a)da"eo-'artine:, ntoinette <nciso-Oca"po, n)el )!stin-(o and
'arilen Fa!stino-'ontene)ro The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section col!"nists 50
1edes"a, &tephanie Q!biri-(respi, and Ti" ;ap, The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section
editor 'illet 'artine:-'ananH!il, Philippine Daily @#J9@5<5 1ifestyle section editor
Thel"a &ioson-&an 0!an, '<5al(o 7olts coach #or"an 7lac6, teneo "en.s bas6etball
coach 7o Perasol and his players Ponso 8otladera, Eris Porter, nton sistio, @saac 0!les
1i", for"er players 'ac6y <scalona, #ico &alva, 7acon !stria, Tonino 8on:a)a, <""an
'onfort, 0!a"i Tion)son, Fran6 8olla, Opin) &!"alino) and 0P <rra", &en$ 7on) 5evilla 0r$,
2illia" 1ao, (arol 8arcia, (harlie (oI!an)co, 'other 1ily ;!-'onteverde, 'ar6 1apid,
<thel 5a"os, Dolor 8!evarra, 7oots Plata, 5ic6y 1o, (risty Fer"in, 5i66a Dyli", &hirley
E!an, Deedee &ytan)co, &ec$ &onny (olo"a, 7eth Ta)le, 5ep$ DaG and 'idy (!a, Dolly
nne (arvaIal-'endo:a, Qsa Qsa Padilla, 'on David, 1ily 1ay!), rth!r 'an!nta),
(hristine &in)son, 8race &in)son, Tess Da:a, 0ac6ie H!ino-8avino, 0oy 'elendre:,
Tonypet lbano, 'aricar 7hel, 5eps$ 9liran 0oaH!in, /er"ilando 'andanas, nnie &!sano
and 7!tch D!"pit, %anessa Francisco, nnabelle 5a"a-8!tierre:, 7oots nson-5oa, &no3
Ta)o, (har"aine ;!, 8re) ;!, <d"!nd 1i" and 5a"on 0acinto, /elen On), 00 (alero,
0eannie 8o!lbo!rn, Eatrina Feist, 0!n and #ene 1eonor, 0oIo and /enry Qabarte, 'arilo!
1ovina, Eay E!o6 8oo, <li:abeth de 'otte, 5onald %illavele:, <nrico 1in)ao, 0r$, Protacio
<"paces, 'ario 5otersos, 0!de <lardo, <d3in o, 'ario (ol"enares, 5o"ain 7arberis,
(ar"inia Pavia, &pencer Ty, 1i:a Tan, (hristine &an Die)o, Earen 8r!pp, 'i"i and 0!liet
Tan, na and %ince 7iton), Tito /erbosa, n)ela Trillo, (hris Par6er, (hito 'elo, 5iina
&inisalo, leGandra <scat, 0ohnny 5evilla, &andy Da:a, <li:abeth (!nanan-n)sioco,
'atthe3 1loren and Tani ra)on, Tata ra)on, (andy Ochoa, 'arica (abrera, 'aryrose
(entenera, na <speran:a-9y, Tet 'a)no, 's)r$ Don <rfe, 5ev$ Fr$ 8re) 5a"os, 1eon n),
Tony and 'aryann 7eIar, 0ose 1ai), 1!isa J!intana, 5a"on 'oIica, 0o"ar (astillo, 0oyce
OreMa-&talder, Tetta Orti:-'atera, 8!s lbor, 5oberto '$$ 5obles, 5e))ie ;!son, #a6i
ta"an, 7ob Qo:obrado, r"ando nday, ndy and Tisha 7a!tista, (elia (!asay, 1eroy
Tan, "ado Tadeo, 2illia" and <li:a %alde:, Dave 'ercado, 5oi Philips, 1orna
J!is!"bin), &!san (a"pos, #i"fa ;atco, 'ar)arita 5o"!alde:, 0aina Pere:, Tina
(oscoll!ela, 0oan 'atch!c6, %incen:o (appell!to, (hit 'ontene)ro, 0a"es Freney, 5odolfo
8i!sto, Tillie Pela)allo, &y6e and &essy 8arcia, 'ari Eai"o, 8eneva (r!:, (her (alvin, Pia
5e)ala, (orcor Di:on-)!stin, Fiona 1!cas, 1!: 0!lian Peralta, 8lo FariMa Peralta, Dr$
Teresita (olo"e, 5!by T!ason, 's)r$ 'att 8arcia, 0oe 7riones, Dr$ 0a:"ine 8on)ora, (ali
and Pepsi ro, Dr$ ndrea Di"ay!)a, 5ev$ Fr$ #ic6 ;atco, &$0$, &antos and Pilar <stacio, <ta
'ercado, <tta 5osales, Toby Tian)co, Pee3ee Trinidad, &onny 7el"onte, 8ary (o!ll, 'i6e
'c(oy, 5ichard Taylor, Ti" and David Ferdinand, David Fer)!sson, &i"on De3h!rst, 5afe
Toten)co, 0osie (r!:-#atori, nna 7ayle, T!ntin) (r!: 'atters, T!ntin) (r!: 'atters,
'aricel 'atias and 5ene &antos, Qeny (abral, 'elissa 1ope:, 7ea %aldes, 1a!rice 8!illen,
&ocorro (ancio-5a"os, @sidro (a"acho, (larissa Oca"po, Eelly &!", 0oyce 'a, Earina
7orro"eo, 7rad T!rvey, 5obbie P!no, 'onso!r del 5osario, 7enny 1itonI!a, 1o!rdes
8re)orio, 0!dith Qapanta, 0!anIo 7eren)!er, lvaro Pertierra, Pepito lbert, Tricia (!
9nIien), 5i6i E3e6-'athay, 5obert revalo, 7arbara 8on:ales, <r3in <lechicon, 'al!
'a)l!tac (hion)bian, "pee &ietereales, 7obby 'acapa)al, Tony and (harin) n),
J!inito /enson, 5osanna 5oces, 7ettina Os"eMa, (heloy Dans, Tessie Dich!pa, (ota
Papal %isit sia 2014
;ab!t, (orito Eala3, delia n)eles, Pepin) and <ssen de las las, !rora #osco, To"as
and 8racin) Dadia, <dita (a"be, #at:y Qara)o:a, O"in) (oncepcion, Tessie PaIarillo,
(hin) 7ernardo, @"elda 5eH!iesta, 1!cy %er)ara, 'erce 5eyes, 0o 'adaran), 0i""y
#ana)as, 'ila Dayrit, din) Dayrit, Paolo %alenciano, Ti" (one, 'on @sberto, 7en J!e:on
vanceMa, Pitan) 1ope:-Tion)son, Fr$ 5oberto &an Die)o, 7elinda dora and 7on)
'arH!e:, 7erna 1o"otan, 5a"on 7arretto, (atherine 2eir, #ina )!as, 8erry bla:a,
Topper (oronel, #orberto #a:areno, 8i)i 'ontinola, ;o)i &alcedo, Dolly Fort!n, (onnie
'a"aril, Daisy Ople, 'onet 0oven, 1!l! %illan!eva, 0enette 1ista, &!san &ebastian, 1!cille
(habeldin, 'aril! #)o, 0ohnny Ta)!inod, Thel"a Dinoy, %ictor %alb!ena, (arlo Orosa,
'a!ro 'alan) &antos, 0essica &oho, riel 1o:ada, "parito 1h!illier, 1ili dina, Petite
8arcia, #elson Pa)lina3an, Da3nie 5oa, Dee /!a 8atchalian, &heryl ;ao, Or)anisasyon
n) ")a Pilipinon) 'an)-a3it *OP'+ President and <D& People Po3er (o""issioner
O)ie lcasid and 3ife 5e)ine %elasH!e:, 1!6e 'eIares, #yoy %olante, 2ency (orneIo,
'ae)an )!ilar, 0onathan 7adon, tty$ Ferdie Topacio, lvin nson and 8ary 7erena,
Davey 1an)it and 1ara 'ai)!e, 'ichael 0ac6son i"personator 0ericho %alencia, teleserye
stars QanIoe 'ar!do, 0a6e (!enca, <rich 8on:ales, Pa!lo velino, (oco 'artin and 0!lia
'ontes, "odel and television sho3 host 7ianca 8on:ales and "!sic co"poser 0i"
Paredes, econo"ist and for"er #<D secretary )eneral &olita (ollas-'onsod, actor 5obin
Padilla 3ith his 3ife 'ariel 5odri)!e: and brother 5o""el, noonti"e )a"e and variety
television sho3 host 2illie 5evilla"e, 1C>C 'iss 9niverse 8loria Dia:, Father and son Pen
and Pin) 'edina, co!sins @sabelle Da:a and 8eor)ina 2ilson, Po63an) &!bon),
A2o3o3eeB )irls 55 <nriH!e:, &aicy )!ila, and pril A(on)rat!lationsB 8!stilo, (arla
bellana, seGy actress Eatrina /alili, "odels Pancho 'a)no, 0ohn &painho!r, %ince
Ferraren and 0( Ti!seco, )a '!hlach, co"edian 8elli de 7elen, Dra$ %ic6i 7elo, <d3ard
'ende:, Ei" 7enedicto 1o6in, tty$ Persida 5!eda-costa, 7ernadette &e"brano, (heryl
(osi", #iMa (orp!:, 'arife 'ordido, ida &y-8on:ales, ster "oyo, Earen Padilla, <dna
1a:aro, 1eslie &a!lsb!ry, 1o!rdes 5osario, 0et %erso:a, pple PeIi Tan, (ha"pai)ne Flores,
volleyball player 8retchen /o, co"edian 0ohn 1ap!s, sin)er Eean (ipriano, 'ia #olasco,
chef 1ando 1a!dico, 8in)er (oneIero, (o"edienne (andy Pan)ilinan and rnell @)nacio,
fl" and television directors 0ose 0avier 5eyes and 'anny (astaMeda, 5a"on 7a!tista,
5ichard 8!tierre:, T% host 5ay"ond 8!tierre:, 'ae Paner, Pin6y "ador, 1eo %alde:,
#oel Trinidad and 0!n 9rbano, Dr$ ivee )!ilar-Teo, 0!dy nn &antos and 5yan )oncillo,
'aricel &oriano, i-ai delas las, %ice 8anda, 5!Fa 8!tierre:, 5!sto" Padilla, 8er"an
'oreno and 8ardo %erso:a, 1C=> <D& People-Po3er 5evol!tion veterans 1eah #avarro,
'itch %alde:, and 'aan /ontiveros, 'e)astar &haron (!neta and Ei6o Pan)ilinan and
da!)hter E( (oncepcion, Dr$ <lenita 7inay and 1o!ie 1ocsin, &abrina 2on), Dianne de
(astro, (hristian 5ae!ber, 7eth 'ancilla, (arl (!nanan, David (eldran, 8oody (!stodio,
'ari OH!inena, 'onica Torres, 0oey &in)ian, 'arilo! 7atchelor, rlene (!a, (la!dia
Ta"b!ntin), Earen &antos, 5osanna Fores, (ara 2ilson Ferrari, (arlos 7orro"eo, Poch
%illa-5eal, nIie Dy 7!ncio, yen 1a!rel, Tony 'a!)han, /aydee Potenciano, Dale dela
(r!:, Eristine 1i", #enita 1i", /isanao #a)asa3a, 5andy n), Tina (han, 'a!rice 1a!de,
8ail 1a!de, 5oGanne Farillas and <ric6son Farillas, Pain) /echanova and 'ely (oncepcion-
/echanova, <d J!i"son, 'ar)a!G &alcedo, 1ori 7alta:ar, #ancy 5eyes 1!"en, 7obby
(!enca, 'ary nn OIeda, 5ye FariMas, (a"ille )bayani and 'ac6y 'athay, @sa)ani
7an:!elo, 5ochelle 7alatbat, 0ayson 1iban, 7oris 0oaH!in, (at ra"b!lo, 7o"bi
7alH!iedra, (acay 'oras and &anti 8o, 7i:! Patisserie !drey Tanco, 'ich 'ella, 8race
&y, Eatrina ;!, 1ia (olayco, @ssa 1itton, 0oIo Qabarte, 7ob and <lsie (olo"bo, 0avi and
Papal %isit sia 2014
Teresa /ernande:, 7a"bi /arper, 0!an 0ose and 'iren 7eren)!er-Testa, 5ic6y and 7en)
Dee, 5obert and (ecile 1ope: 1illies, 5!pert and Tina 0acinto, 8eor)e &ison, 'aritess
llen, 8eor)e and (es &ch!lt:, <ric 5ecto and 0ay 1a)da"eo, Pen) and %ic6y Pere: de
Ta)le, <lbert and (hito 'elo, Qia lonto dion) and /afsa Di"aporo 7alindon), %ictor and
#ancy 1!y, 'iria" 1ao, leG lcantara, 5!ssell 'or)an, ;oshi 9y, 'ar6 #icosia, leGandra
PaIaro, 0!dith and 5odolfo PaIaro, 0!n 1eonor, 5ica Ein), 0oyce 0i"ene:, 7enIa"in 7esa,
'artin #!Me:, 0ay H!itania, 5yan ;llana, ntonio H!itania, 0in) 9y, na and 2illia"
ntonio, &andy 5ieta, Del"er 'iranda, Dboy Trofeo, 7aron 8eisler, 0ason 1!en)o, 5ita
&anson, 'yrna Fernande:, &!san 0oven, <lena 7a!tista, (ecile 2ie6ene, 0a6e and Earen
'acasaet, 0!n and #ene 1eonor, (aptain 0oy 5oa, Television host Paolo 7ediones, 1orraine
7el"onte, (arla &ibal, /all of Fa"e boGin) trainer Freddie 5oach, for"er (hica)o 7!lls
center 1!c 1on)ley, and co"edian %ic &otto, @to (!rata, nton 'endo:a, lbert 8arcia,
'ar6 1eviste, Tony bad, 0a"ie Picornell, 'ichelle PantoIa, 'artin 1i" 'arty and
(assandra 7eltran Eier!lf, (ora:on 1lorca, (ecilia bad, Pa!lino (hen), 8loria 7eltran,
Tonichi 8rey, (le"ence (ervantes, J!incy (astillo, 8erardo 1an!:a, &!san ;ap, #oel 1i",
(ar"elita 'endiola, 5afael %illareal, 8abe 1a.O, 0osL 'i)!el Pons, #ic6y #ovella, Freddy
8on:ale:, 2illia" Paradies, Do"e6a 8ara"endi, Eatrina 7!rro3s, 0ac6ie Eier!lf, 'onica
7arretto, <rica Tatad, 8abby de la 5a"a, 'ic )caoili, 5ica %illal!:, 7on) ro"in, nn
'ichelle and 'arielle (apistrano, 8lenn 8lino)a, @to Oca"po, Tristan (hoa, Tippi Oca"po,
(ecile Qa"ora and 0ero"e %an &traten, (laire nn ;ap, Philip 8ri"a and (osetta Fedele,
(hris Paraiso, /arry 8!e, 5!bens Fedele, &a!di rabian "bassador to the Philippines
'ohd, "een 2ali, 'an!el 1a:aro, velino (r!:, tty$ 'i6e Toledo, 7oyin) 5e"!lla, 5eG
8atchalian, (arissa (oscoll!ela, 5achel renas, (ecile 'a!ricio, ;vonne Dayrit
5o"!alde:, 0acH!eline Dayrit 7oncan, <rlinda Panlilio, 'ita 5!fno, 7a"bi /arper, &!san
(alo-'edina, (hichi &alas, <li:a Tan,0oyce ndres, (ristina ;nes &ison, 'aryann 8arcia,
&andra 5ocha, 5ic6 0acobsen, Oliver Ere!:er, Paolo J!i"son, <ri6a H!ino, 1in) Ochoa,
lfredo 7arretto, Don Pepe ra!llo, %il"a 1abrador, 1inda 1e)aspi 5osal, '0 De 1eon,
"ber 5oGas, &hiela Tan, (hrissie &ay, Fernando Fernande:, Danica (aynap, llan 8arcia,
8enesis Eelly 1ontoc, 0ose "ado Do"in)!e:, 1!lay 'apa and (hito 8a!rano, Dette
H!ino-Tan, 8loria 'acapa)al-rroyo, dolfo :c!na, Precy 1ope: and &teve Psina6is,
'aritess 1ope:, Odette On), Dandin) (oI!an)co, 8!ia 8o"e:, (arlos (han, (linton
(a"pos-/ess, 'ila)ros /o3, 5obert (oyi!to, 0r$, <lisa 1i", <"ilia ;an), Dr$ J!eenie 1ee-
(h!a, 0oseph <strada, (la!dio (ondotta, &tella (h!a, C2D, Fr$ 0ohnny 8o, &$0$, Fr$
7ienvenido #ebres, &$0$, Fr$ #e"esio J!e, &$0$, Di)os 7ishop 8!iller"o fable, 7less
%illareal, Pat 8oc-On), 'ichelle (alo-lvarillo, (hristian r:senal, 5obbie f:eli!s, Eris
H!ino, (harlene 8on:ales, (hristopher de 1eon and &andy ndolon), 5e: (orte:, 2illia"
'artine: and ;ayo )!ila, 1ani 'ercado-5evilla, 1orna Tolentino-Fernande:, Tirso (r!: @@@
and 3ife 1yn and son 7odie, <ric J!i:on, 8$ Toen)i-2alters and 5o"nic6 &ar"enta, E!h
1edes"a, 8race #ono, 1o!ie /eredia and Din)don) van:ado, Philip &alvador, &"o6ey
'analoto, 7eth Ta"ayo-2on), ntoinette Ta!s, To" Ta!s, 0anine 8!tierre: and bas6etball
stars, &!nshine (r!:, 8ladys 5eyes-5oGas, Daisy 5eyes, 5!fa 'ae J!into and @sabel
8ranada, 7ro$ <ddie %illan!eva 2010 presidential ca"pai)n s!pporters (oney 5eyes,
Earla 'artine:, Piolo Pasc!al, Dolphy J!i:on, 0r$, Donita 5ose, #onoy Q!ni)a and Prof$
0ere"ias 0an)ad, A/a3a6-Ea"ayB "ain cast "e"bers #i66i 8il, QaiIian 0aranilla, Tyriel
'anabat, ndrea 7rillantes, ;esha (a"ile, s!pportin) cast "e"bers 0!an Earlos 1abaIo,
1yca 8airanod, 0acob Dionisio, Gel Torres, 'aris 5acal, 'anolo Pedrosa and Ei" #ichole
7aranda, P7 players 0a"es ;ap and sons 0osh!a and 7i"by H!ino-;ap, 'arc Pin)ris and
Papal %isit sia 2014
3ife Danica &otto, 8ary David, 0i""y lapa) and 3ife 10 'oreno, Do!) Era"er and 3ife
(hes6a 8arcia and da!)hter Eendra, 2esley 8on:ales, Eelvin dela PeMa, 0( @ntal, &i"on
t6ins, 0ai 5eyes and 3ife Elaire ;ap!co, 1arry Fonacier and 3ife 1ora 8ahol, and 1
Tenorio and 3ife (hes6a, Felisa %alde:, "brosio %alde: 0r$, 5ee"a (hanco, 5ica Tantoco
De 0es!s, 7obby ndre3s, &y"on &oler, %itto 1a:atin, Eris 1a3rence, #ancy (asti)lione,
'oIo 0oIo, Ein) D0 1o)an, Toti Dal"acion, 9p Dhar"a Do3n, 8aby dela 'erced, ndi
'an:ano, AFastbrea6B charity bas6etball )a"e players 8erald nderson, nne (!rtis,
Daniel Padilla, 0essy 'endiola, 0ose 'analo, 'arco lcara:, (ha"p 1!i Pio, Dere6 5a"say,
1!is landy, Tian 1i", 0ason balos, 1e"!elle Pelayo, rth!r &olinap, (arl 8!evarra, 5ico
7lanco, 0hon) /ilario, %hon) #avarro, 7illy (ra3ford, (hris Ti!, 0% Eap!nan, 0on 1!cas,
<rvic %iIandre, rIo tayde, 0oe %ar)as, 8ab %alenciano, 0on /all, (arlo 8on:ales and
0a"es and 0i" &alas, Thirdy 5avena, 55 8arcia, Terrence 5o"eo, 7obby 5ay Par6s, Eevin
las, 8arvo 1anete, 0a6e Pasc!al, (hris #e3so"e, 7aser "er, %on Pess!"al, and #ico
<lorde, #7 3G3 Philippines celebrity bas6etball players Fabio @de, 5ovilson Fernande:,
8erard cao, 7obby ;an, ndy &"ith, 2ill Deva!)hn, 5obin da 5o:a and 0oross 8a"boa,
r!nnin) coach 5io de la (r!:, bas6etball coaches %ince /i:on and llan 8re)orio, Perlas
Pilipinas 3o"en.s national bas6etball tea" player 'elissa 0acob, sports broadcasters
0inno 5!fno of &olar &ports, 'ar6 Qa"brano of 8' #e3s and 'arco 7enite: and nton
5oGas of 7&-(7# &ports, A7,107 @nternational '!sic FestivalB celebrity revelers 'a)alona
siblin)s, E( 'ontero, 5hian 5a"os, Troy 'ontero, !brey 'iles, 7ea &oriano, drien
&e"blat, Francis 5icafort, <r3an and &olenn /e!ssaF, (arla /!"phries, #icole nderson,
8ian 'a)dan)al, Pa!la PeraleIo-Fernande:, 1ie:el %erses, bi)ail 1esley (r!:, D0 'o
T3ister, (oleen 8arcia, &a" Pinto, FeliG and Do"inic 5oco, Teresa /errera-nthony,
Daniel 'ats!na)a, 1a!ren ;o!n), %ictor 7asa, Divine 1ee, 'ichelle 'adri)al, A7oys #i)ht
O!tB 5adio Disc 0oc6eys Tony-Tony, &lic6 5ic6 and &a" ;8, Eiefer 5avena, 7rent 0avier,
7or)y 'anotoc, <llen darna, 7ianca Ein), Phil ;o!n)h!sband, and "ore, 7<#(/b fa"ily
stars, 8erard (ancio, (arla &ebastian, 'ar6 7!")arner and 'ichelle 7!")arner, A>,200,
The 'ission Possible ProIectB personalities and AThe #a6ed Tr!th, Deni" and 9nder3ear
Fashion &ho3B celebrity "odels Ei" (hi!, Earylle, 0eric and 0eron Ten), <nchon) Dee,
0oseph 'arco, 1ovi Poe, 5achelle nn 8o and 'ar66i &troe", 'ichelle %ito, &ofa ndres,
Dianne 'edina, /el)a Erapf, 'elissa 5ic6s, DIanin (r!:, Eiana %alenciano 3ith &a"antha
8odine:-%alenciano, 'r$ (hinato3n 2013 3inners 0ose 'i)!el 1asala, &ydney D!, &6y
;an), 0ero"e Tan and 5andy &eee 'r$ (hinato3n 2014 3inners David 1ic!aco and E!rt
0osh!a On), 'ar6 1ope:, 0air!s Ferrer, lec 5obes, A7e 7<#(/b, The 'odel &earchB fnalist
5on 'oralese (arlos (oncepcione ;en) (onstantinoe APinoy Drea" cade"y, &eason 2B
scholar /ansen #ichols 3ith his t3in brother 8(, A7<#(/b 5aIo 1a!rel Dos collectionB
"odels &a" (oncepcion, 5occo #acino, &teven &ilva, <n:o Pineda, &arah 1ahbati and
5e)ine n)eles, ne3est A7<#(/settersB incl!din) actors To" 5odri)!e:, Dennis Trillo,
'artin del 5osario and Do"inic 5oH!e, nthony and David &e"erad, ndre Paras and De
1a &alle 8reen rchers center rnold van Opstal, A"erica?s #eGt Top 'odelB.s Do"iniH!e
5ei)hard and llison /arvard, Asia.s #eGt Top 'odelB fnalist Eatarina 5odri)!e:,
television co""ercial, ra"p, print and fashion "odels and actors 7enIa"in lves, 0on
vila, Franco Da:a, 'arG Topacio, %ictor &ilayan, 0ohn 0a"es 9y, 'arvin 5ay"!ndo, 'i6o
5aval and 5aphael 5obes, 1!isito 5abat, "odels and athletes nton del 5osario and &a"
5ichelle, ndre3 2olF and 0an6a (edersta", /ideo '!rao6a, (atriona 8ray, %alerie
7ario!-7ondoc, 5i"a Ost3ani, 0aneena (han, 5e)ine Tolentino, 0 Dee, 'ariana del 5io,
'arco lcara:, &ay lon:o-;!pan)co, (hynna Ortale:a and 5ailey %aleroso, Denise 1a!rel,
Papal %isit sia 2014
'el 'artine:, &haron Tan, Pa!l Da:a, Pia sistio, 'ich ra!llo, Debbie (o, lvin 1i",
'a))ie 2ilson, (a"ille %illar, Far)o 7aillet, 0osephine 7ael F!Iisa3a-@la)an, Do"inic 0ohn
8aleon, 'ia 7ay!)a, (hris 7adiola, 7on) Tan, 5ichard Ti!, (hristine 1ove, @llac Dia:,
1ovely Tecson and lberto 5o"!lo, #edy Tantoco, @sabel 2ilson, Pitoy 'oreno, 7ea
%aldes, @rene 'artel Francisco, 8!illy 5!fno, 8loria /!an), 0ocelyn 7!endia, 8i)i 7arrera,
'ar:ena #o3a6o3s6a, 0ohncy 'aha", 'itch Di:on, 'atthe3 1i", &a"antha ;en, %ictor
ntonino, <nriH!e 8on:ale:, (larisse (hion)bian, Dr$ (arlos 8abriel, Dr$ nna 1ope:-
8abriel, J!ito 1ope:, 8re) 'ontene)ro, <"ily 'ontene)ro, Fit: P!yat, Paolo raneta,
'!"ph 5!i:, 'anny del 5osario, (ary 1a)da"eo, 'ar6 and 'ichelle Ta)le, <va 8!llas,
'yra P!yat &antia)o, 'ar)arita Fores, 'oniH!e %illon)co, "ado Fores, &andro Ten)co,
<than 7el"onte, 0oel 1o"otan, 'arissa Orosa-(oncepcion, Eai 1i", 'arissa (oI!an)co,
bby 0i"ene:, 'ilette 7el"onte, Trina lindo)an, (andy Di:on, (athy J!, 1ianne Ti!,
5!thy %era, 8race n), nnette Tirol, &!:anne (obonp!e, 1isa raneta-'arcos, &!san
Florete, !drey P!c6ett-(hi!, #anette 'edved Po, 'arilen T!ason, Florence Eo, /el"!t
8aisber)er, (hesca 5oces, 'ar6 0entes, Denisse Oca, &ha &!pan)an, &tephen E!, 7ibe
'artine:, 5aIiv 8h!""an, 5oseana 8randel, <loisa 5icchetti, Dan) Pal"a, 5ico rce,
'ichael (h!a and n)ela 7!na), 8lenn 8aerlan, <nchon) For"oso, (hris #elson, Do"inic
7e6aert and Palo"a Qobel, driano (art!liares, 1alain 1andico, <velyn 5eyes, 5ose
7ernarde: 5edaon, 0anice 5eyes, 'ar6 0ones, 0!dith 8o, 0acH!i 2iene6e, <"ily &antos,
'arion (h!a, )!stin Davalos, &ep (i"afranca, 8lo3ie 5a"iro, Earen Pa"int!an, Toby
8atchalian, 8icelle /i"ala, <dith 'arH!e:-5eyes, 5ebecca Da:a-&adh3ani, 'anIit
&adh3ani, 7in) (arrion-7!c6, 1oren 1e)arda-1eviste, 8re))y 1icaros 0r$, 'abel baMo,
0eFrey and %ivian #), Filaine Tan and 0eann 2ee, /erbert 7a!tista, 'issy yala, 7en
2intle, &i"on and Pa!l 0ablon, <ric #oyel, c!na, <n and ndre3 (alvert, <van Ein),
nal! Fereira, %ictor De 1eon 1i"a, (hiy!6i F!Ii"oto, (hertchai 'ethanayanonda, 7!sba
7!nna), Eh!n 'anthana de 1eon, Eh!n E!llanit, Eh!n &!3attee Teerapath, 0oey
7ernardino, 5ene 1apid, lbert 7anaa), 5hea 5ivera, 0hoanna 1i", 'i6e (elis, 1ei 1ope:,
(hi6aro" Eitiya6ara, &ilvana Dia:, Phyllis Qaballero, lfredo and 7eth Francisco, 5on
5eibenbach, Pilar &in)ian, &ylvia %ent!ra, 'indy 8ana, (ar"en 1yna"-'anna6ee, 5enee
%eyret, @rit 7en bba, 7!sba 7!nna), /aIah 'ai"!nah Dato /aIi <lias, &ale" da", 0ac6y
Foo, 'oha""ed <brahi" lIo3aid, #avre6ha &har"a, 'ilena &antana-5a"ire:, 0oao
(ayetano da &ilva, Do"ini Pri"ero, 'i6o %alen:!ela, 5onnie /enares, 7aha" 'itra, (ita
stals, 0ai"e Dae:, <lla 5oces 'ontene)ro, 0enny &yH!ia, 'ichelle 7ayle, Ein) D0 1o)an,
8inny del 5osario and <"ilio bello, 1!is and 7arbara del 5osario, lice On), yin)
Palen:!ela, 0oanne del 5osario, 8in) de los 5eyes, 7illy Ein), 0esse &incioco, 'i6e
(onstantino, 'on 'ara"ba, <d"!ndo 5eyes 0r$, Pa!lyn &ica", Dr$ 5osita #avarro, Francis
Tolentino, ntonieta Fort!na-@be, 2innie #a:areth, <nrico %illan!eva, 'aritoni Fernande:,
0osephine EnoG, 7etty Tenchaves, Presy 5a"os, &!san 8ra!, (hito Francisco, Eate
8ordon, &pirit of ->7, lbert 7ildner and 1in @ll!sorio, 0es!sa (alano), 1in)lin)ay 1acanlale,
7ill and 1ily O.7oyle, 2inna Ei""el, (alvin Tsao, #ene J!i"son, 'innie Os"eMa, nna
&y, /ernan (orte:, @sabel On)pin, 5ene <ncarnacion, 1o!rdes 'ontinola, #elly F!n),
1orna 1a!rel, Toni ;!lo 1oy:a)a, Del FoIas, #estor &antia)o, ndy 1ocsin, 1orrie 5eynoso,
1oren:o and 1orrie %alde:, Dr$ and 'rs$ 5!ben Paredes", Dr$ and 'rs$ 5a!l &ala, Tess
1abrador, Eilin) Da6!dao, 0ohn Tanchan)co, Philip Qor)ani, Trisha 5eyes, 7ernadette
7arbers, 5!th Padilla, 0eannie #) &andoval, 'ary nn rce)a Dy, 5aFy &!are:, ntonio
5eina, issa 7arrera (oI!an)co, rlina rro:al de 0es!s, 1o!ie %ar)as, ndie 5ecto-
'ontene)ro, 'itos Pacis, 8eneral lberto Fernando 7ra)an:a, 5oberta 1ope:-Feliciano,
Papal %isit sia 2014
'aribel On)pin, Toni ;!lo-1oy:a)a, ndy 1ocsin, 1a!ro 7aIa 0r$, 8ov$ Paro!6 /!ssin, @rit
7en-bba, /elen On), /el"!t 8aisber)er, <van)eline Pasc!al, 0oanne 1oren:ana, (arla
Ten)co, 'i6e Planas, 'arisa Olasolo and rt!ro 5ocha, <d3ard 2ehrli, 7aby raneta, Toni
bad, 7ebet 8o:!n, 8loria 'ara, 'ichael &alientes, (arol tacador, 'arides Fernando,
5ose 1ibon)co, Teofsto 8!in)ona 0r$, <rnesto 'aceda, 'oniH!e Qani, <rnie and Fe ;!,
0a"es 1a!, (elia (!asay, 0a"es 0ao, Don %alerio, 8ener (arin)al, rleen On), To"as
5odri)!e:-PantoIa, 5oland 5eyes, Dennis &ocrates, (el ;!lo, 7in)-7in) 8on:ales, 7ela
%asH!e:, (h!-(h! 'adri)al and 'andy <d!H!e, (esar 7!enavent!ra, Dada 1oren:ana-
&antia)o, PeH!e 8alla)a, Fr$ 5obert 5eyes, 5!pert 0acinto, Tin)tin) (oI!an)co, Pin)
%alencia, 5ed 0acinto and 0!lie /idal)o, 7oots and ndy &oler, 0esi and 8ina 'ende:, #ora
0acinto, <ddie and Eatie 0acinto, #anette dela (r!:, frica %aldes-de 5eynoso, <"ily
5eynoso-1a3s, /ans &y, 1arry Francia, 7obby 8opia, drian (ristobal, %ir)inia 'oreno,
(hitan) 8!errero-#a6pil, 5a"on %ille)as, Eit 5oGas, 0o"ari Trenas, Pa!lino and /etty J!e,
Pepe &"ith, 5icardo (ardinal %idal, 'onsi)nor lberto 7oon)alin), Tony driano, ba
1l!ch Dalena, l Pere:, 1ito (aratin), /enri (ain)let, ndy 'al!che, Thea Pa:, 5onald
8arcia, &hahid Qahid, %ic6y bad, Pa!lo %inl!an, @say lvare:, 5achel leIandro, 'andy
Ochoa, 7ert #ievera, Franco 1a!rel, Qaldy 1adro"a, Paolo 8!evarra, lfonso ;!chen)co,
Peter 8o-Pailan, Dr$ dolfo 7elosillo, Drs$ "elia and 'an!el (atalan, 9lay Tantoco, 7en
Farrales, Des 7a!tista, Fe /abiIas, &teve De 1eon, 'anny (astro, 5ay"!nd @saac, %ic6y
'archandesch, #ic6 T!ason, Tessie To"as, Eatrina Tantoco and Paolo 1obre)at, Francisco
'aMosa, &onia &antia)o-Olivares, ntonio 5odri)!e: 'endo:a, @vy l"ario, (onrad
On)lao, 'i6e de 0es!s, 0ean 'onteverde, 7en) P!yat, Oscar 'otlo, 0ohn (o)!l, lvaro de
&alas, Oscar %ia, <li:abeth &y, Pedro 5oGas, 8eni and ;or)os Psina6is, <ileen (hoy, #ico
'ontinola, Franco 1i"I!co, 8ina 'o6, 8ree6 #afsi6a and 7!bbles Drosso!, 'i6e %aca,
8e"ith 8e"paro, Debbie <nriH!e:, 0!dith Qapanta, <nriH!e and Tine %asH!e: Prada,
5ichard and #ic6 9nder3ood, Tina Pa"int!an, Dennis Padilla, 8ilda &alon)a, 0ohn 1esaca,
Fides (!y!)an-senio, 7enny and Ophie (le"ente, Fr$ &anny de (laro, ntonio 'artel 0r$,
7elen 1ovina Tic:on 'artel, Don and #or"a &anders, 5oberto Felano and 5i:alina
7!enavent!ra, 7o"bit de la PeMa, 0!li!s Tic:on and 5yan 'anao), Peppy Din)lasan,
8abriel &antos, ndre Din)lasan, 'ar)aret and Theresa de la PeMa, 2an))o 8alla)a,
Portia &antos, rlene Tic:on, (hit 8oh!, 1in))oy and (onnie raneta, Danny and 1ilia
(r!:, 0i" and %ivian %illacr!sis, <""a @la)an, Tessie 'aronilla, 8erarda %illa, <velyn
Eilay6o, Fr$ Tony 5osales, Pierra (alasan:, 0!liet and 'i"i Tan, 0oey &erver, 0!lien Tripet,
Erystal 1ao, Fran6 7riones, (at ra"b!lo, Trish 7riones, Earl Ty, (hicho &!are:, #ap
5a"a, 1!pita H!ino and Een Eashi3ahara, Ditas 5odri)o &evilla, Pa!l H!ino, tty$
lfredo 1i", 1arry /enares, tty$ 0!an (ollas, 0ohnny 1itton, %erni %ar)a, Fr$ sandas
7alchand, %icente <"ano, (onstantino 0ara!la, Fa!stino Dy @@@, Eatrina T!ason-(r!:,
'anny PacH!iao, <arl @)nacio, ce 7arbers, 'arco Protacio, #eil 5!"baoa, 8i)i and 8in)
'ontinola, 2il"a PalafoG, O$%$ and 'arilen <spirit!, 2illia" /a"ilton-2hyte and
n)eliH!e 5epapis, 7asil On), (esar and 7a"bina 7!enavent!ra, Teddy 7oy, 1o!ie and
5a"on 1ocsin, Peter Pedersen, &tefano 5!::a, <rnie TanH!intic, 8olly Talens, 'io6 1oyola,
ileen Tence Dionisio, #eny Francisco 'arasi)an, 1eah Qa"ora 7anaa), %ina Francisco,
@rene (ons!nIi 'ontilla, Pilar 7!sta"ante <strella, Pin (oI!an)co 8!in)ona, 5hona
'odesto &an Pedro, 9dit %illara"a 8alve:, 0oanna Tayen)co-@nfante, 'arivic /ebron 0!an,
Franco 1a!rel, 5e" Qa"ora, 7onbon &oler, 1isa Tinio, @n)rid &ala &anta"aria, 0oana
Palanca 1h!illier, 'ichelle (oncepcion 5eyes, &!resh #anoo, 0ose 'ari 9)arte, 8'
#et3or6 rtist (enter talents 8loria 5o"ero, Pilita (orrales, lI!r brenica, 1o!ise delos
Papal %isit sia 2014
5eyes, 'ar6 /erras, ;as"ien E!rdi, 10 5eyes, 0!lie nne &an 0ose, EristoFer 'artin, Derric6
'onasterio, 7arbie Forte:a, 7ela Padilla, 7ea 7inene, 'aG (ollins, ;assi Press"an, 5afael
5osell, 8lai:a de (astro, 5ochelle Pan)ilinan, 'ona 1o!ise 5ey, 0onalyn %iray, Eyla
(al!"pad-lvare:, 0ay-5 &illiona, 'ar6 7a!tista, (hef 7oy 1o)ro, 'anilyn 5eynes, n)el!
de 1eon, 'ar6 nthony Fernande:, 8abby <i)en"ann, 5ay"ond 7a)atsin), 5ic6y Davao,
nIo ;llana and 2ally 7ayola, T%4 actor %in brenica, 5it: :!l, <!la (aballero, 'artin
<sc!dero, <"poy 'arH!e: and 'r$ F!, 8' #e3s and P!blic Fairs personalities 'i6e
<nriH!e:, rnold (lavio, &andra )!inaldo, 5aFy Ti"a, 'ari: 9"ali, Oscar Oida, 'ar6
&ala:ar, 0!n %eneracion, (hino 8aston and #athaniel (r!:, 'edia personalities tty$ Don)
P!no, (hiH!i 5oa-P!no, 8erard 8arcia, 1ia (r!:, &ha3n ;ao, 'an! &andeIas, 0ason 2ebb,
0eanne ;o!n), (ory J!irino, 'el Tian)co and 0ay &on:a, society col!"nist 'ons 5o"!lo,
Tonyboy (oI!an)co and 8retchen 7arretto, <d and 'ar)arita Del)ado, Donnie and
(ric6ette Tantoco, 7oy b!nda, 5enee &al!d, 'on @la)an, (esar 'ontano, 5ado Di"alibot,
@nocencio Ferrer, 5ene P!no, Tony Q!l!eta, 5aFy Qialcita, 2illia" 1la"as, Pat 8on:ales,
'ayenne (ar"ona, 7ebot 1a!rel, 5o"y 8ard!ce, 1eo Oracion, 8lo3ie 5a"iro, #icole
n)eles, (athy David, &ep (i"afranca, Ton 1ao, @rene Tan, 1en Olbes, @6e 1ay!), 5a"on
Orlina, #apoleon b!eva, 1ito tien:a, 1ala FoIas, /elen 'arte, 8erard and #in) (hesnel,
(arolle 1!cas, !relio 'ontinola @@@, <d!ardo Del)ado and Donnie Tantoco, 1in)lin) and
rchie Ein), 8!t:ee &e)!ra, (arlo <ndaya, /eart <van)elista, ndre3 7arton, Din)don)
Dantes, 'arian 5ivera, lice DiGson, #eri:a 'athay, Eathy De 8!:"an, 0oanne Qapanta
ndrada, Trisha Panlilio (!-9nIien), 0osephine EnoG, 0olina 'a)dan)al, 'aritess Tantoco,
8eor)ie Dia:, Ei" tien:a, 1en #epo"!ceno-8!iao, (hechel 0oson, Pops Fernande:,
Danny 7!enafe, 8eric6 Parayno, 5!el 'endo:a, 5ic6y &ison, 0ohnny &antos, ndres
<stella, OIie 1eona, FeliG 7acolor, 2illia" 'a, Eorina &anche:, 0!li!s 7abao and Tintin
7ersola-7abao and da!)hter nya and son #io, Eatrina Ponce <nrile and 1in)-1in) Ein)e
celebrity "a6e!p artist Patric6 5osase hair stylist 0in) 'onise 1ito &y, 0ason 'a)ban!a,
'aros (la!dio, Patricia 'ay &iy, FeliG n), Dr$ /ayden Eho, 'ar)ie and 8ilbert D!avit,
'i6e <chave:, F$F$ (r!:, Danton 7!eser, fric %aldes, 'aryann Pineda-5eynoso, Ophie
(anada-5eynoso, Earen Davila *3ith her sons David and 1!cas+, 'arIorie 7arretto-Padilla
and da!)hter Dani 7arrettoe 8in))in) 'endo:a, leG 5eyes, 'yra 5eyes, 'arilen (arpio,
Freddie 5eyes, 'arlyn and Tony 1illes, (havit &in)son, Pratee6 E!"ar, 5ichard Ti!, 0!nie
and Fernando PeMa, 5osa 5osal, 0or)e 0oseph, 2ency 1a)!"bay, i6o 'elende: and
'artin 0ic6ain, 7rian 7elen, 'i)!el Pastor, 0oy Orte)a, <d! 'an:ano, 0ohn Prats, A&!rvivor
PhilippinesB cast3ays &ha!n 5odri)!e: and &!:!6i &adats!)!, 1a!reen 9y, #iGee 8arcia,
<na de 8!:"an, 8re))y &antos, Ea"ae de 0es!s, &teve 'edalle, 8ab Pere:, 'oniH!e
&alcedo, teen heartthrobs 5obi Do"in)o and David (h!a, Olivia (han, (hristian &an 0ose,
'arielle-Feli:e Trias Flores, 'arco Fi)!eras, 5ay"ond n), 7obby &olo"on, 5iva
8alve:tan, Franco @"perial, (hristopher de %enecia, Tricia and 'ar6 8osin)tian, n)e de
la (r!:, Paolo l"a:an-<bora, &ean 8o, 1!c6y 'ercado, ndrea Torres, 'onica %erallo,
'ico ytona, 0estoni larcon and 3ife 1i:ette, 7o (err!do, 7ayani and 1en )bayani,
lanna 1ope:-'ontelibano, 5ichie (oronel &antos, ries &al!do, 5!by (oI!ito of Fla3less,
5onald (arballo, lvin Fort!na, Dennis (oronel, Eenneth Don), Olai and 5oland <spirit!,
(arlos )assi, 8e""a Fit:)erald, #i66i %alde:, Eristopher Peralta, 5ico 7arrera, 'arvin
)!stin, Danilo 7arrios, &treetboys and ;a (han), Pepin) (oI!an)co da!)hters 'i6ee
(oI!an)co-0a3ors6i, (hina (oI!an)co-8on:ale: *and her adorable baby 1!cia+, 'ai-'ai
(oI!an)co-Qini, tty$ 0ess &antos, #ic6 1ocsin, 'ario and lice J!eblatin, !die and (ecile
&aa, 0enny Franco, ndre3 Te, 'arisol 7arria, 1!ciano 7on)ola, 'ichael 1i", "!sic
Papal %isit sia 2014
co"poser 5yan (ayabyab and his 3ife <""y, 1o!ie Oca"po and 3ife 0oIo, 0acH!i 'a)no,
(eleste 1e)aspi, 0' 5odri)!e:, rnold %e)afria and (ris %illonco, "alia F!entes, #iMo
'!hlach and son lon:o, 'ichela (a::ola, 5ita vila, &hyr %alde: and ;ayo )!ila,
s3i""er 0ohansen )!ilar, and 3restler 'arc!s %alda, 83en 8arci, (eline 1ope:, 0enni
<pperson, nne 7ella, Eissa (astaMeda, Previe3 "a)a:ine editor in chief Pa!line &!aco-
0!an, Daryl (han), 1i: 9y, entertain"ent ne3s reporters 'ario D!"a!al, 8retchen F!llido
and '0 'arfori, 8ary %alenciano, Da3n Q!l!eta-1a)da"eo, lbert 'artine: 3ith da!)hter
lissa 'artine:, 7enIie Paras 3ith 3ife 1yGen, 'ylene Di:on, Paolo (ontis, @:a (al:ado,
lfred %ar)as, 'arco &ison, @vy %iolan, %ina 'orales, &haina 'a)dayao, 7an)s 8arcia,
0ero"e Florentino, <ri6 &antos, 0ane Paredes, O)ie Dia:, 1y6a 9)arte, n)eli Pan)ilinan-
%alenciano, n)eline J!into, rron %illa]or, <ri6 (!a, @ssa 5eyes, 5ico &errano, (hicho
&!are:, Franco 'abanta, liya Parcs, (hristian 7a!tista, na Fe)i, 7asil %alde:, &a" 'ilby,
8ina Tab!ena-8odine:, 'arilo! 'artine:, <fren 7riones and @ya 5odri)!e:, Pa!la (a"ille
1ocsin and 0!an Paolo 7ondoc, n)eles 8!evara, 7etty 'act!al, 7elen (astro, 'atin
Petilla, 1! ntonino, #eptali 8on:ales @@, Pinon) 0avier, 0ohnny 5e"!lla, 0ose P!yat 0r$,
risteo P!yat, 'ercy T!ason, Dr$ 5andy Francisco, 1eonard Tirol and "anda Onr!bia
8!idotti, 5ev$ @sa!ro David, rth!r 'acapa)al, 'ic6ey Ferriols, <ric 7!hain, 5obert
#acianceno, 'on 8on:ale:, 'al! %eloso, Toby 8an, #oel Dela 'erced, la Paredes,
5ichard %enn, 8re)orio Do"in)o, Gel 8ohner, nthony 8arcia, 1ance &heperd, 0!n 0!ban,
Pa!l (abral, n)ela %ele:, ndrea 7a!tista, &arah 0ane Pae:-&antia)o, Dondi li6pala,
1etlet %eloso, !rora Dia:-2ilson, Tina Tinio, &onny 7orro"eo, Tonio %eloso, "alie and
5o"an :an:a, 1orna and 1evy /i:on, 5!by and 7!ddy 5oa, 5oi Philips, 7eth 5o"!alde:,
Pa: &otto, 1!cille %illan!eva, 0ean &alvador, 5!by &antos, 1!li Del)ado, %ictoria T!a:on,
Toby (abal6in, (ynia 'ascariMas, Dot Favis-%elasco, nthony del 5osario, 'i6o Pasc!al,
(hef 5oland 1a!dico, #ic6y (a"ca", 8re) &in)ian, Pin6y "ador, 7onIin 7olinao, Peachie
%eneracion, 5enee raneta, (h!6ri Prieto, 7ert 8arcia, 'ichelle J!i:on, Dale %illar,
0acH!es D!pasH!ier, #icolas 8o!llenco!rt, 0!lien (leret, &ebastien 'an)eant, 'artine
%asse!r, ndree 7elan)er, 'ichael &eli)"an, &abrina /eine6ey, 8eor)e /ashi", &!::ane
Ein), (harina &abal, (harles 5appaport, 0ean /et:el, 0a"es 7enoit, (ecilia 1e!n), 5ina
&inisalo, 0i" 1ynch, 7rett (ole"an, <di Te6eli, nne 2itheford, (aridad &anche:, 8elo
&errano, Fanny &errano, (ynthia l"ario, 8ino Padilla, 'aribi 8arcia, 7eth &ison Ta)le,
5obbie /errera, #ancy Di:on (astro, (ynthia 0ocson, (ecil 1icad, 0ohn &ilva, ce 7arbers,
8abrielle (ali:o, 7eth &ee and 5ene #abon), &ari Orti)a, 'arc 1o)an, 8rin)o /onasan,
Francis 5icciardone, <d3in rce, Dino &antos, Freddie 7orro"eo, Dondi &antos, 7obby
)!irre, 5ic6y ;ab!t, (ooch 1ynch, %ince 7iton), "alie and 5o"an :an:a, 1orna and
1evy /i:on, 5!by and 7!ddy 5oa, (elso Dayrit, (indy E!rleto, @no 'analo, Dale %illar,
Trish %illan!eva, 'anet Dayrit, 0ia and 8abby <strella, 'i6o %alen:!ela, <rich <dralin,
(hristine &an Die)o, 'orten 7re"elhoeI, 'ia Trinidad, 8ai Olivares, Philippe Tic:on, 7!b!t
ndres, (aridad &anche:, 8elo &errano, 'aribi 8arcia, 7eth &ison Ta)le, 5olf Ea"bli,
5obbie /errera, Eitty 8o, #ancy Di:on (astro, (ynthia 0ocson, "bassador 'oha"ed
<brahi" l-0o3aid, (ecil 1icad, 0ohn &ilva, 8aita Fores, 0oanne &al)ado, 1etty /ahn, 1!:
(!llen, Fanny 7lanco, Telly ldana, (ita 5evilla-;ab!t, 'aricris (ardenas-Qobel, 'aricar
Toten)co, 2anda 1o!3allien, nton Palanca, 7obby (la!dio, 5ic6 ;!pan)co, 'onchet
On)sia6o, 0ose 1!is %illan!eva, Qac6 and 5oisin, 0ed (arlos, (arla 8!tierre:, 1yn &her"an,
Pastor Pa!l 'ata, nthony 8arcia, &anti <li:alde, %ince 7iton), 5e" Qa"ora, /er"inia
FaIardo, <rlinda %illan!eva, 1o!rdes &ese, %ir"a %er)el de Dios, 'arinela %ele:, 'aria
n), <rlinda &!nico, 5oby 8oco, 0ose &ala, Tony 1o:ada, Pericles Da6ay, llen Tan,
Papal %isit sia 2014
(hristopher 9y, Deborrah nn (!a /o, @)nacio 7!nye, <d (al"a, Tonton 8!tierre:, 8lydel
'ercado, #oel (aban)on, riel 5ivera, /y!bs :arcon, /eber 7artolo"e and Paolo
&antos, 5hap &ala:ar, )ot @sidro, 1ie:el 'artine:, and 0oanna "pil, "!sical director and
arran)er /o"er Flores, ballerina, actress and ballet director 'aritoni 5!fno-
Tordesillas, #i66i Tan), 'arcott l"eda, 5!by (h!a, TiFany (h!a, &heree (h!a,
:i:a 'ondonedo, (ristina 8o"e:, socialites 7aby raneta Fores, 1isa raneta, (acho
'arcos, 1inda Oledan, %eana Fores, 1orrie 5eynoso, %ic6y Q!biri, 'aricris Qobel, (arol
8arcia, 'aripi '!scat and 'ar)arita Fores, nton 'endo:a, 'onch (r!:, (h!t (!erva,
'arcel (respo, @pe (r!: of 5o)!e 'a)a:ine, 'arco 1obre)at, (hin) (r!:, Tina (!evas,
)nes /!ibonhoa, Fe 5odri)!e:, &!san 0oven, @an 8iron, ndres %asH!e: Prada and l
Ten)co, Doris 'a)saysay /o, 8ina 1ope:, <velyn Forbes, 'arc #elson, 5icco and Tina
'aristela-Oca"po, 5i66i and 7en) Dee, Philip and Tricia (!-9nIien), &ander Tantoco,
Philippine #ational 5ed (ross (hair"an 5ichard 8ordon, 5enna /echanova n)eles,
Earen &antos, 7obby and (hin)bee (!enca, 8ina boiti:, 7aby 8irl Fric6e, 'a!rice
rcache and ace photo)rapher leG %an /a)en, 0oIie Din)con), 0ean 8o!lbo!rn, Frances
1i" and Pa!l (a"pos, Dennis %aldes and Tessa Prieto-%aldes, <rnest <scaler, Dr$ Orly
'ercado and &!:y Pineda, (heche 1a:aro, 7ibeth Orte:a and (arlitos &i)!ion 5eyna, (es
Orena-Drilon, Dyan (astilleIo-8arcia, 0ac6ie (astilleIo-8!in)ona, 1i:a @larde, na Eala3,
nton &an Die)o, 5a!l Teehan6ee, Pepper Teehan6ee, 'ari6o 0acinto, ye #!)!id, 1eah
P!yat, nton 7arretto and 0ac6 de 'esa, 5a!l 'an:ano, thena %aldes, n)elette (alero,
nni6a %aldes, #iG lanon, 5enna n)eles, 7aby Fric6e, Earen &antos, 7in)-7in) J!iros,
8ina boiti:, #ic6 and 1!cille 1ocsin, Pa!l (a"pos, Tony and (hin)bee (!enca, 'anny
'iMana, 0$ nton 'endo:a, 7!dIi 1ay!), 5oyal Pineda, <d (al"a, 'ilo #aval, Tony
8on:ales, Tes Pasola, Eenneth (obonp!e, na 5ocha, 7art 8!in)ona, 0in))oy 7!ens!ceso,
0ai"e (h!a, 7rendan 'c(arthy, Tho" &antia)o, Pascal 8o!Io!, 'anolette Dinsay, ndre3
&harpe, lfred Tere:-7!r)os @@@, Francis (eballos, &hella &ar"iento, 5orie (arlos, Tara
&antos, 5odeon 5oIas, 7rian 1la"an:arese del Ta"ano, &i"on Tantoco, Danie, Daisy and
<ddie 'endo:a, 'artha 7!c6ley, ;olly yson, Debbie (han, 5oselle 5ebano, 7on) Pal"a
8il, 'i6ee (hanco, 0!dy raneta-5oGas, 7etty &iy-;ap, <d!ardo 1ope:, "or 5oselle
/errera, &!:ette 'orelos, #estor <ncinas, 5andy 7aron, &er)ia b!eva, P!rifcacion
%eloso, Petite 8arcia, 0avier 8alvan, na 1!isa <spinosa, David Ferro, 1orraine #!bar,
5achelle 8erodias, 'asa6o Toribara, 0osephine 5oces (have:, 7!nny 1!do, 0oseph
8on:ale:, J!inito 'oras, 0ayIay #eri, Dean Die:, 7!diette and 7randie Tan, ndre J!intos,
l"a 0!nia, <ric Ta"ayo, 'i6e and 1ea Fa"!larcano, 5!dy viles, 5ay"ond bao and
1!cien 1etaba, Orlando 'a)no, %icente Paterno, #ena @l!sorio, 'aribel On)pin, &ari
(oI!an)co, Tessie FaIardo, Popsy 'ende:-H!ino, 7ella ncheta, &ol PeMa, lice &andeIas,
5alph Peter 0entes, 'ary nn On), 5osalie &ipid, %ioly 1i", <lena 1ee, 5ose 1i", 8reta 8o,
&tefe @nocentes, (ar"ela On)sia6o, Terry 5osales, (ecile On)sia6o, Dely On)sia6o,
'aridol 'abanta, Tessa &ierra, 0!vy ;!pan)co, &evy &antos, 8retchen del 5osario, (el!ch
'anahan, 5obert (onstantino and /elen 'arte, (!rtis (hin, Tati 1ic!anan, 8re))y and
@rene raneta, indoor volleyball players D:i 8ervacio, 0e" Ferrer, Fille &aint 'erced
(ain)let-(ayetano, #acachi, 5achel nne DaH!is, 0ovelyn 8on:a)a, lyssa %alde:,
Denden 1a:aro, (oach (haro &oriano, 'ar)e TeIada, 'elissa 8ohin), 'ary 0ean 7alse,
'ayeth (arolino, 'ichelle (arolino, <lla De 0es!s, Eara cevedo, Earla 7ello, &tephanie
8abriel, 'ae TaIi"a, 0ayson 5a"os, 'aica 'orada, 0ed 'ontero, 'ichelle 1aborte, &asa
Devanadera, 8rethcel &oltones, 0oy 7enito, 5!bie De 1eon, 'ae (risosto"o, ;nna /ao,
Tina &ala6, 0P Torres, Dahlia (r!:, #ene 7a!tista, i:a 'ai:o, 'ai6a Orti:, 5hea
Papal %isit sia 2014
Di"ac!lan)an, Denise Tan, %en!s 7ernal, 0hec6 Dionela, n))e TabaH!ero, 'itch Dat!in,
bby Praca, 7ea Pasc!al, 7ea Tan, 0!dy (aballeIo, 'ar!Ia 7anaticla, 0 PareIa, 'yco
ntonio, /enry Pecana, 5eG @ntal, Dindin &antia)o, 0aIa &antia)o, Eathy 7ersola, Princess
8aiser, &hiela 'arie A7an)B Pineda, 'ayette Qapanta, 5ose"arie %ar)as, 0en 5eyes,
Princess 1istana, n)ela 7entin), Pa! &oriano, 1i:lee nn 8ata-Pantone, <d3in Tolentino,
Peter Den 'ar Torres, 'ichelle 8!"abao, (ha (r!:, &tephanie 'ercado, 0esh!l 2ensh Ti!,
bi)ail 'arano, 'i6a <speren:a, Ei" FaIardo, 'i6a 5eyes, %ictonara 8alan), and (yd
De"icillo, 5en: (asanova, (hris 'acasaet, Philip (erve:a, 'ar6 1ee, 0oanne &iy, 1oren
1antin, 'ia /irots!Ii, Pa"ela 1asti"osa, @n)rid 5eyes, 0essey De 1eon, (ar"ela T!nay,
(hloe (orte:, leG (abanos, Patricia 5as"o, @lla &antos, 0oanne 7!na), 0acH!eline larca
and <rs @ratay, 7ishop 1eo lcon)a of the @nternational 7ible &ociety, 7ishop Dan 7alais of
Philippines for 0es!s 'ove"ent, Pastor <d De 8!:"an of @ntercessors for the Philippines,
Pastor Pa!l (hase of laban) #e3 1ife in (hrist, postle 5enato (arillo of 0es!s O!r &hield
2orld3ide 'inistries, Pastor rt Ferriol of Pentecostal 'issionary (h!rch of (hrist, Pastor
<"ilio /enares of 5iver of 1ife in 7acolod, Pastor 0osh!a 7onto)an of 1ife To!chers
'inistry, Pastor <ntoy &intos of 0es!s 'iracle (r!sade, and 7ro$ Danny #avales of n)
Datin) Daan$
'ore than a h!ndred "e"bers of the Presidential &ec!rity 8ro!p 3ere aro!nd to sec!re
the President and so"e "e"bers of his (abinet$
The "ass 3as celebrated by Pope Francis and concelebrated by Pontifcal (o!ncil of the
1aity President &tanisZa3 5yZ6o, %atican &ecretary of &tate (ardinal Pietro Parolin, (ardinal
n)elo "ato, the prefect of the (on)re)ation of the (a!ses of &aintse 'anila rchbishop
1!is ntonio (ardinal Ta)le, 'anila rchbishop-<"erit!s 8a!dencio (ardinal 5osales,
#!eva &e)ovia rchbishop-<"erit!s <rnesto ntolin &al)ado, #!eva &e)ovia rchbishop
<"erit!s <d"!ndo '$ baya, #!eva &e)ovia rchbishop 'ario '$ Perlata, T!)!e)arao
rchbishop &er)io (ardinal 1$ 9tle), T!)!e)arao rchbishop-<"erit!s Diosdado $
Tala"ayan, 1in)ayen-Da)!pan rchbishop-<"erit!s Oscar (r!:, 1in)ayen-Da)!pan
rchbishop &ocrates 7$ %ille)as, &an Fernando rchbishop <"erit!s Paciano niceto, &an
Fernando rchbishop Florentino 1avarias, 1ipa rchbishop 5a"on ($ r)!elles, #!eva
(aceres rchbishop 5olando 0oven Tria Tirona, (api: rchbishop 0ose (ardinal dvinc!la,
0aro rchbishop n)el (ardinal 1a)da"eo, (eb! rchbishop-<"erit!s 5icardo (ardinal
%idal, (eb! rchbishop 0ose &$ Pal"a, Palo rchbishop-<"erit!s Pedro 5$ Dean, 0r$, Palo
rchbishop 0ohn D!, Davao rchbishop-<"erit!s Fernando 5$ (apalla, Davao rchbishop
5o"!lo 8$ %alles, (otabato rchbishop Orlando (ardinal 7$ J!evedo, (a)ayan de Oro
rchbishop-<"erit!s 0es!s 7$ T!H!ib, (a)ayan de Oro rchbishop ntonio 0$ 1edes"a,
O:a"i: rchbishop 0es!s $ Dosado, Qa"boan)a rchbishop 5o"!lo T$ Dela (r!:,
&in)apore rchbishop 2illia" 8oh &en) (hye, &in)apore rchbishop-<"erit!s #icholas
8erald (hia, E!ala 1!"p!r rchbishop 0!lian 1eo3 7en) Ei", E!ala 1!"p!r rchbishop-
<"erit!s nthony &oter Fernande:, E!ala 1!"p!r rchbishop-<"erit!s '!rphy Pa6ia",
E!chin) rchbishop 0ohn /a Tion) /oc6, E!chin) rchbishop-<"erit!s Peter (h!n) /oan
Tin), Eota Einabal! rchbishop 0ohn 2on) &oo Ea!, Eota Einabal! rchbishop-<"erit!s
0ohn 1ee /ion) F!n-;it ;a3, 0a6ata rchbishop @)nati!s &!haryo /ardIoat"odIo, 0a6arta
rchbishop-<"erit!s 0!li!s (ardinal 5iyadi Dar"aat"adIa, Pale"ban) rchbishop
loysi!s &!darso, E!pan) rchbishop Peter T!ran), 'a6assar rchbishop 0ohannes 1i6!
da, 'edan rchbishop nicet!s 7on)s! ntoni!s &ina)a, 'edan rchbishop-<"erit!s
Papal %isit sia 2014
lfred 8onti Pi!s Dat!bara, Pontiana6 rchbishop )!stin!s )!s, Pontiana6 rchbishop-
<"erit!s /ierony"!s /erc!lan!s 7!"b!n, %ientiane rchbishop 0ean Eha"sL %ithavon),
&avanna6het rchbishop 0ean 'arie %ianney Prida @nthirath, Phno" Penh rchbishop
Olivier &ch"itthae!sler, 'alanday rchbishop #icholas 'an) Than), 'alanday
rchbishop-<"erit!s Pa!l Qin)t!n) 8ra3n), Ta!n))yi rchbishop 'atthias 9 &h3e,
;an)on rchbishop-<"erit!s 8abriel Thohey 'ahn-8aby, ;an)on rchbishop (harles
'a!n) 7o, 7an)6o6 rchbishop Erien)sa6 Eovitvanit, 7an)6o6 rchbishop-<"erit!s
'ichael 'ichai Eitb!nch!, Thare and #onsen) rchbishop 1o!is (ha"niern
&antis!6nira", /anoi rchbishop Peter #)!yFn %qn #hGn, /anoi rchbishop-<"erit!s
0oseph #)r J!an) EiHt, /o (hi 'inh (ity rchbishop 7si %qn tIc, /o (hi 'inh (ity
rchbishop-<"erit!s PhJ" 'inh 'Kn, /!L rchbishop-<"erit!s <tienne #)!yun #h! Thu,
/!L rchbishop FranXois Tavier 1e %an /on), Delhi rchbishop nil 0oseph Tho"as (o!to,
Delhi rchbishop-<"erit!s %incent 'ichael (ardinal (onXessao, 7an)alore rchbishop
7ernard 'oras, 7an)alore rchbishop-<"erit!s lphons!s 'athias, 7an)alore
rchbishop-<"erit!s @)nati!s Pa!l Pinto, '!"bai rchbishop Os3ald (ardinal 8racias,
(hennai rchbishop 8eor)e ntonysa"y, (hennai rchbishop-<"erit!s 'alayappan
(hinnappa, Eol6ata rchbishop Tho"as D?&o!:a, Eol6ata rchbishop-<"erit!s /enry
&ebastian D.&o!:a, Eol6ata rchbishop-<"erit!s 1!cas &ir6ar, '!"bai rchbishop-
<"erit!s @van (ardinal Dias, 8andhina)ar rchbishop &tanisla!s Fernandes, /yderabad
rchbishop Th!""a 7ala, 8!3ahati rchbishop 0ohn 'oolachira, 8!3ahati rchbishop-
<"erit!s Tho"as 'ena"para"pil, (olo"bo rchbishop lbert 'alcol" 5anIith (ardinal
Patabendi)e Don, (olo"bo rchbishop-<"erit!s Os3ald 8o"is, Dha6a rchbishop Patric6
D.5o:ario, Dha6a rchbishop-<"erit!s Pa!lin!s (osta, Earachi rchbishop 0oseph (o!tts,
Earachi rchbishop-<"erit!s <varist Pinto, 1ahore rchbishop &ebastian Francis &ha3,
1ahore rchbishop-<"erit!s 1a3rence 0ohn &aldanha, 7eiIin) rchbishop 0oseph 1i &han,
8!an):ho! rchbishop 0oseph 8an 0!nHi!, Taipei rchbishop 0ohn /!n) &han-ch!an,
Taipei rchbishop-<"erit!s 'atthe3 Eia ;en-3en, Taipei rchbishop-<"erit!s 0oseph Ti-
6an), Taipei rchbishop-<"erit!s 0oseph (hen) Tsai-fa, &eo!l rchbishop ndre3 ;eo"
&oo-0!n), &eo!l rchbishop-<"erit!s #icholas (heon) 0in-s!6, Dae)! rchbishop
Thadde!s (ho /3an-)il, Dae)! rchbishop 0ohn (hoi ;o!n)-s!, Dae)! rchbishop-
<"erit!s Pa!l 5i 'o!n-hi, To6yo rchbishop Peter Ta6eo O6ada, 83an)I! rchbishop
&i"on O6 /y!n-Iin, 83an)I! rchbishop-<"erit!s ndre3 (hoi (han)-"!, 83an)I!
rchbishop-<"erit!s %ictorin!s ;o!n Eon)-hi, Osa6a rchbishop Tho"as H!ino 'anyo
'aeda, Osa6a rchbishop-<"erit!s Pa!l /isao ;as!da, Osa6a rchbishop-<"erit!s 1eo
0!n @6ena)a, #a)asa6i rchbishop 0oseph 'its!a6i Ta6a"i, &ydney rchbishop nthony
Fisher, &ydney rchbishop-<"erit!s 8eor)e Pell, 'elbo!rne rchbishop Denis /art,
7risbane rchbishop 'ar6 (olerid)e, Perth rchbishop Ti"othy 0ohn (ostelloe, Perth
rchbishop-<"erit!s 7arry 0a"es /ic6ey, (anberra rchbishop (hristopher (harles
Pro3se, (anberra rchbishop-<"erit!s Francis (arroll, /obart rchbishop 0!lian Porteo!s,
/obart rchbishop-<"erit!s drian 1eo Doyle, delaide rchbishop Philip 2ilson,
delaide rchbishop-<"erit!s 1eonard nthony Fa!l6ner, 2ellin)ton rchbishop 0ohn
tcherley De3, #o!"La, #e3 (aledonia rchbishop 'ichel-'arie-7ernard (alvet,
Papeete, French Polynesia rchbishop Pascal (han)-&oi, , Papeete, French Polynesia
rchbishop-<"erit!s /!bert (oppenrath, pia, &a"oa rchbishop lapati 1!i 'ataeli)a,
Port 'oresby rchbishop 0ohn 5ibat, Port 'oresby rchbishop-<"erit!s 7rian 0a"es
7arnes, 'o!nt /a)en rchbishop Do!)las 2illia" ;o!n), 'o!nt /a)en rchbishop-
<"erit!s 'ichael 'eier, 'adan) rchbishop &tephen 0oseph 5eichert, 'adan)
Papal %isit sia 2014
rchbishop-<"erit!s 7enedict To %arpin, 'adan) rchbishop-<"erit!s 2illia" 0oseph
E!rt:, 5aba!l rchbishop Francesco Panflo, 5aba!l rchbishop-<"erit!s Earl /esse,
/oniara rchbishop drian Tho"as &"ith, #e3 ;or6 (ity, #e3 ;or6, 9nited &tates
rchbishop Ti"othy 'ichael (ardinal Dolan, #e3 ;or6 (ity, #e3 ;or6, 9nited &tates
rchbishop-<"erit!s <d3ard 'ichael (ardinal <)an, /artford, (onnectic!t, 9nited &tates
rchbishop 1eonard Pa!l 7lair, /artford, (onnectic!t, 9nited &tates rchbishop-<"erit!s
/enry 0oseph 'ansell, 1os n)eles (ity, (alifornia, 9nited &tates rchbishop 0osL /oracio
8P"e:, 1os n)eles (ity, (alifornia, 9nited &tates rchbishop-<"erit!s 5o)er 'ichael
(ardinal 'ahony, &an Francisco, (alifornia, 9nited &tates rchbishop &alvatore 0oseph
(ordileone, &an Francisco, (alifornia, 9nited &tates rchbishop-<"erit!s 8eor)e /!)h
#iedera!er, &an Francisco, (alifornia, 9nited &tates rchbishop-<"erit!s 2illia" 0oseph
(ardinal 1evada, &aint 1o!is, 'isso!ri, 9nited &tates rchbishop 5obert 0a"es (arlson,
&aint 1o!is, 'isso!ri, 9nited &tates rchbishop-<"erit!s 5ay"ond 1eo (ardinal 7!r6e,
bishops, cardinals, deacons and "onsi)nors, and aro!nd 414,313 priests fro" 221,740
5o"an catholic parishes in the 3,000 5o"an (atholic dioceses in the Philippines,
&in)apore, 'alaysia, @ndonesia, <ast Ti"or, 7r!nei, (a"bodia, 1aos, Thailand, %ietna",
&yria, @ran, @raH, T!r6ey, T!r6"enistan, !stralia, #e3 Qealand, Pap!a #e3 8!inea, Pacifc
*Oceania+, @ndia, &ri 1an6a, 7an)ladesh, #epal, Pa6istan, (hina, Tai3an, #orth and &o!th
Eorea, 0apan, 9nited &tates, (anada, 'eGico, r)entina, 7ra:il, (olo"bia, Per!,
%ene:!ela, <c!ador, (hile, 8!ate"ala, 7olivia, (osta 5ica, (!ba, Do"inican 5ep!blic,
/ond!ras, Para)!ay, #icara)!a, @taly, France, &pain, Poland, 8er"any, Port!)al, 7el)i!",
/!n)ary, !stria, <n)land, #etherlands, 96raine, @reland, &lova6ia, (rotia, (:ech
5ep!blic, &3it:erland, 1it!hania, 5o"ania, &lovenia, 7elar!s, 5!ssia, &erbia and
'ontene)ro, 1ativia, 1!Ge"bo!r), 'alta, lbania, &3eden, 8reece, <stonia, @celand,
9)anda, Tan:ania, n)ola, (had, &ene)al, 8abon, 'ada)ascar, 7!r!ndi, 'o:a"biH!e,
53anda, &!dan, Qa"bia, 'ala3i, (a"eroon, (ote d.@vore, 7enin, 7!ri6ina Faso, To)o,
8hana, <H!atorial 8!inea, <thiopia, <riterea, (ape %erde, #a"ibia, (entral frican
5ep!blic, (on)o, De"ocratic 5ep!blic of (on)o, T!nisia, #i)er, (o"oros, 'a!ritania and
The "ass started as soon as &an Pedro (al!n)sod and &an 1oren:o 5!i: 3ere bro!)ht to
the altar and President H!ino arrived$
The 4ospel &as read, The first readin0, follo&ed b" the sin0in0 of Cesponsible Psalm &hile the second
readin0 &as in =n0lish,
Pope Francis, the Aishop of Come and the leader of the 8orld&ide Coman *atholic *h!rch, deli'ered
the homil",
Vidal, li.e Ta0le, is stron0l" a0ainst the impeachment complaint &as filed a0ainst President A-!ino,
the *harter chan0e, the Aan0samoro Frame&or. A0reement, the tension a0ainst *hina o'er the
3carboro!0h 3hoal, the Be'elopment Acceleration Pro0ram ;BAP< and Priorit" Be'elopment
Assistance F!nd ;PBAF< scam of b!siness&oman anet 1im-/apoles, the rehabilitation after the
Oamboan0a sie0e to the onsla!0ht Dolanda ca!sed in Visa"as, the P317-million Philippine *harit"
3& Office f!nds scam, P7,7 billion ho!sin0 scam of Belfin 1eeHs 4lobe Asiati-!e ;4A<, P72@
million fertili2er f!nd scam, the constr!ction of ma:or infrastr!ct!re pro:ects, the crime rate in )etro
Papal %isit sia 2014
)anila incl!din0 robber" hold!ps, the hi0h-profile .illin0s, and the onsla!0ht of t"phoon 4lenda and
the 100 million pop!lation mar.,
B!rin0 the hol" mass, seminarians, parish choirs and 0!est artists &ill render praise son0s and
traditional m!sic, )ean&hile, bands from the Philippine Arm" and the Philippine /a'" &ill also be on
hand to pro'ide m!sic,
5n his 1 ho!r 30 min!te homil" d!rin0 the es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide Anni'ersar" *elebration
9ol" )assG Pope Francis the First of Ar0entina praised es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder,
president and spirit!al director bishop Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'a for his belated birthda" part" and for
the ann!al fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide and for the s!ccess of
the ann!al tri-media co'era0e li'e on radio and tele'ision stations all o'er the &orld and on social
B!rin0 the Than.s0i'in0 )ass officiated b" the Pope himself, a mass &eddin0 too. place, in &hich
3,000,000 :!nior and senior co!ples &ho had been li'in0 to0ether as common-la& spo!ses finall" tied
the .not, The" decided to 0et married for the" had .no&n thro!0h their listenin0 of the 8ord o'er
B8S5 ;1314 .92< A), that the" are li'in0 a0ainst the &ill of 4od, for it is &ritten in 1 *orinthians
76%-10, (,,,Bo not be decei'ed6 /either the se>!al immoral,,,nor ad!lterers,,,&ill inherit the Lin0dom of
Cepresentati'es of labor, &omen and children, fisher fol., farmers, indi0eno!s comm!nities and other
sectors &ill :oin the Villan!e'a Famil" in the offertor" procession,
The con0re0ation led b" Aro, )i.e Velarde :oined to0ether in the recitation and sin0in0 of the (O!r
B!rin0 comm!nion, Villaro:o ad'ised the people not to floc. to the main altar,
(The" sho!ld sta" p!t !ntil the" see a comm!nion distrib!tor mar.ed b" !mbrellas,+ he said,
Villaro:o said there are 2,000 comm!nion distrib!tors, Of the n!mber 1,700 are la" ministers, The" &ill
be a!0mented b" Coman *atholic priests and n!ns,
After the comm!nion, Pinto, the papal n!ncio, &ill deli'er a messa0e,
After the )ass, the Pope led the An0el!s )essa0e follo&ed the An0el!s pra"er and deli'ered his
fare&ell messa0es to the people in 3panish, 5talian, French, C!ssian, 4erman, Lorean, Vietnamese,
3tandard )andarin, 9on0 Lon0 *antonese, )ala", 5ndonesian, apanese, Filipino, 5lo.ano, 5bana0,
5baloi, Pan0asenese, Lapan0pan0an, *entral Ai.olano, 8ara"-8ara", *eb!ano, A!t!ano, *ha'acano
and =n0lish,
President A-!ino, &ho so!0ht the permission of the archdiocese so he can deli'er his messa0e to the
Filipinos, &ill ha'e to ma.e his piece after the )ass,
Papal %isit sia 2014
The mass ended peacef!ll" &ith the final blessin0 and no !nto&ard incident happened, than.s to the
ti0ht sec!rit" implemented b" the or0ani2in0 committee and la& enforcement bodies,
After the mass, President A-!ino 0a'e a 30-min!te address to the people, The President .ept his speech
(apolitical+ in respect to the reli0io!s acti'it", 5n his speech, A-!ino !r0ed the people to remain ardent
in p!rs!it of tr!e *atholic life,
9e said 3an Pedro *al!n0sod reflects the .indness of the Visa"ans,
The than.s0i'in0 mass, &hich started at @ p,m,, ended aro!nd 11630 p,m,
Binner for the special 0!ests &ill be ser'ed at the Fiesta Pa'illion of )anila 9otel, Food pro'ided b"
osiah?s *aterin0, alon0 &ith fast-food chains inside the 3) *it" /orth =B3A, 3) *it" )anila, 3)
)e0amall and 3) )all of Asia,
At the 1!neta and at least 10 shrines aro!nd the Philippines, there &ill be processions to be led b"
ima0es of the Alessed Vir0in )ar",
The concelebrated mass, &hich &ill pro:ect the Philippines as a pil0rima0e destination in Asia, &ill be
co'ered b" the national m!lti-media &ith possible hoo.-!p b" satellite, 5t &ill also be recorded, &ith
the 'ideotape to be sent to the 3ister An0elica *hannel,
The reli0io!s acti'it" has been arran0ed in cooperation &ith the 8ells 3prin0 of 1ife, 3acred 1and of
Asia, )arian )o'ement, *harismatic )o'ement of the Philippines, *onfradia, and Association of
3hrine Cectors and Pil0rima0e Promoters of the Philippines,
Aishop Teodoro *, Aacani, the o'erall spirit!al ad'iser of =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners
Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc, and bishop-emerit!s of diocese of /o'aliches, spo.e briefl" to the cro&d
on ho& their charismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ements and the *atholic hierarch" co!ld differ on
certain iss!es b!t remain !nited on basic *atholic tenets,
(8e ma" a0ree on o!r politics, b!t &e are !nited in faith,+ Aacani said in Pilipino in his messa0e :!st
before midni0ht,
9e then -!oted a *atholic saint &ho said6 (5f there is do!bt, let there be differences,+
Aacani, &ho had earlier :oined the )a.ati anti-*harter chan0e and anti-por. barrel rall", told the cro&d
that *ardinal Ta0le had as.ed him to rela" his belated (9app" Airthda"+ 0reetin0s to es!s is 1ord
*h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, international president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a,
&ho celebrated his birthda" on October 7,
B!rin0 the the )a.ati anti-*harter chan0e rall" in the afternoon of 3!nda", October 27, Aishop
Teodoro *, Aacani bro!0ht o!t the ca.e to es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide?s fo!nder, international
president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a, chilled champa0ne, he blo& the candles
and all san0 (9app" Airthda",+ Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a t!rned @1 "ears old in real hi0h st"le,
9e as.ed the cro&d to sho& their appreciation for the AsiaHs 37 archbishops--)anila Archbishop 1!is
Antonio *ardinal 4, Ta0le, )anila Archbishop-=merit!s 4a!dencio *ardinal A, Cosales, /!e'a
3e0o'ia Archbishop =merit!s =rnesto Antolin 3al0ado, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop =merit!s =dm!ndo
), Aba"a, /!e'a 3e0o'ia Archbishop )ario ), Perlata, T!0!e0arao Archbishop 3er0io 1, Etle0,
T!0!e0arao Archbishop-=merit!s Biosdado A, Talama"an, 1in0a"en-Ba0!pan Archbishop-=merit!s
Oscar *ardinal V, *r!2, 1in0a"en-Ba0!pan Archbishop 3ocrates A, Ville0as, 3an Fernando
Papal %isit sia 2014
Archbishop =merit!s Paciano *ardinal A, Aniceto, 3an Fernando Archbishop Florentino 4, 1a'arias,
1ipa Archbishop Camon *, Ar0!elles, /!e'a *aceres Archbishop Colando O, o'en Tria Tirona, *api2
Archbishop ose F, Ad'inc!la, aro Archbishop An0el /, 1a0dameo, *eb! Archbishop-=merit!s
Cicardo *ardinal , Vidal, *eb! Archbishop ose 3, Palma, Palo Archbishop-=merit!s Pedro C, Bean,
r,, Palo Archbishop ohn F, B!, Ba'ao Archbishop-=merit!s Fernando C, *apalla, Ba'ao Archbishop
Com!lo 4, Valles, *otabato Archbishop Orlando *ardinal A, J!e'edo, *a0a"an de Oro Archbishop-
=merit!s es!s A, T!-!ib, *a0a"an de Oro Archbishop Antonio , 1edesma, O2ami2 Archbishop es!s
A, Bosado and Oamboan0a Archbishop Com!lo T, Bela *r!2,
(8e lo'e "o! *ardinal Ta0le, &e lo'e "o! *ardinal Cosales, &e lo'e "o! *ardinal Vidal, &e lo'e "o!
*ardinal Palma,+ Aacani and the =l 3haddai members chor!sed,
The celebration ended &ith a c!lt!ral dance presentation sho& and a 4#-min!te fire&or.s displa",
This &ill be participated in b" Pasi0arbo sa 3!0bo contin0ents from )in0lanilla, Talisa" *it", and
)anda!e *it", The 1!mad Aasa.anon, &ho has reaped a&ards d!rin0 the 3in!lo0 festi'ities, &ill also
be part of the presentation,
At 1264# A,),, )onda", October 27, a 4#-min!te fire&or.s displa" from fo!r bar0es in )anila Aa"
2#0 meters off the shore, bet&een the )anila Dacht *l!b and the Enited 3tates =mbass" set !p b"
p"rotechnic e>perts from Aoca!e, A!lacan for P120, 000 lit the ni0ht s." and lasted a half-ho!r and
&as met &ith a roar of appla!se b" people at the parade 0ro!nds,
The breathta.in0 fire&or.s also feat!red small chr"santhem!m desi0ns that slo&l" b!rst and
transformed into a 0iant chr"santhem!m of 'ario!s colors,
People fro2e in their trac.s and the &orld seemed to stand still &hen the first blast of fire&or.s &as set
3hapes and desi0ns in 'ario!s colors painted the ni0ht s.",
People &ho boo.ed rooms in hotels on Co>as Ao!le'ard had the best 'ie& of the s." sho&, People on
the 0ro!nd had to crane their nec.s as trees linin0 the bo!le'ard partl" bloc.ed their 'ie&s,
A total of 700 effects &ere displa"ed, incl!din0 desi0ns of indi0eno!s flo&ers, circles and heart-shaped
5t &as learned that the &hole prod!ction cost P17 million, &a" abo'e the b!d0et of P# million pro'ided
b" the Philippine /ational *entennial *ommission for the pro:ect,
Teary2eyed creator
The displa" &as seen as far as fi'e .ilometers a&a" and &as 'isible from the historic *orre0idor 5sland
&here Allied Forces made their last stand a0ainst the in'adin0 apanese 5mperial Arm" d!rin0 8orld
8ar 55,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Cicardo *risostomo, president of 9annah *orporation, one of the t&o companies &hich created the
p"rotechnics displa", &as almost in tears as he directed the firin0 of shots from a remote control center
at the J!irino 4randstand 0ro!nds,
The presentation, d!bbed as (L!la" at Linan0 n0 Lala"aan,+ too. a "ear to prepare, :!st in time for the
pastoral and state 'isit of Pope Francis here in the Philippines on October 23 to 27, 2014, and cost
almost P17 million,
*risostomo and a cre& of 1@ Filipinos and 20 forei0ners had spent si> da"s at the )anila 9arbor
*enter, o&ned b" C2 A!ilders, to set !p the shells on the bar0es,
+",*** shells
As millions of re'elers &atched the celebration that sna.ed thro!0h Co>as Ao!le'ard, the fo!r bar0es
of )etropolitan 3hippin0 silentl" sailed into the )anila Dacht *l!b before # p,m,
The bar0es resembled small missile platforms, &ith blac. PV* pipes from 1ibert" Pipes containin0
p"rotechnic shells standin0 erect on &ooden s!pports and sand ba0s,
A total of 17,000 shells &ere fired, The 12-inch diameter shells shot !p as hi0h as 1,400 feet in the air
and spread as &ide as 1,300 feet,
5n an inter'ie& ho!rs before the" sailed from the )anila 9arbor *enter to the la!nch site some si>
.ilometers a&a", *risostomo so!nded confident that nothin0, not e'en a rain sho&er, &o!ld spoil the
(This happens onl" once in a "ear,+ said *risostomo, 70, &ho personall" o'ersa& the completion of the
.iodegradable items
The" had three p!blic test r!ns, albeit on a smaller scale, before last ni0htHs sho&,
The fire&or.s &ere set off b" electrical s&itches, and an" misfirin0 or manmade accident &o!ld
a!tomaticall" c!t off the c!rrent and stop the sho&,
*risostomo said the fire&or.s !sed biode0radable materials s!ch as .raft paper, resin and potassi!m
nitrate, more commonl" .no&n as salitre,
*risostomoHs 9annah *orporation had collaborated &ith E3-based 4lobal P"ro /et&or.s in creatin0
the masterpiece, =>perts &ere also hired from t&o established p"rotechnics firms abroad, /ico of
4erman" and 4lorio!s *ompan" of *hina,
9annah &as one of the firms &hich prod!ced the fire&or.s displa" d!rin0 the openin0 ni0ht of the
1%%7 Atlanta Ol"mpics on !l" 1%%7 as &ell as the !l" 1, 1%%7 9on0 Lon0 hando'er and the !ne 12,
1%%@ Philippine *entennial *elebrations,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Amon0 the 0o'ernment a0encies that too. part in the fire&or.s displa" &ere the Bepartment of
/ational Befense, /a'", Bepartment of 5nterior and 1ocal 4o'ernment, Philippine /ational Police,
A!rea! of Fire Protection, Bepartment of 9ealth, A!rea! of *!stoms, Bepartment of Transportation
and *omm!nications, Air Transportation Office, )anila *it" 9all and )etropolitan )anila
Be'elopment A!thorit",
Fire&or.s &ill also follo& the PresidentHs es!s is 1ord *h!rch Anni'ersar" celebration speech,
The =l 3haddai members &ere e>pected to be .ept a&a.e !ntil an @ a,m, )onda", October
27, sta"in0 !p to listen to the e'an0elical tal.s, reli0io!s testimonies and 0ospel h"mns &hich are
common fare at their &ee.l" Famil" Appointment,
The doc!mentar" abo!t the KAi0 Fo!r Celi0io!s 4ro!psK aired at 1630 a,m, Feat!res the photos and
'ideos of 50lesia ni *risto 0atherin0s from 1%14 to 2014, es!s )iracle *r!sade 5nternational )inistr"
0atherin0s from 1%7# to 2014, es!s is 1ord *h!rch e'ents and 0atherin0s from 1%7@ to 2013, photos
and 'ideo clips of =l 3haddai 0atherin0s from 1%@4 to 2014,
After the 9ol" )ass, *!lt!ral Bance Presentation 3ho& and 30-min!te fire&or.s displa", the pra"er-
partners be0an their fello&ship at abo!t 261# a,m &ith :o"f!l praise and &orship son0s,
To the deli0ht of e'er"one, Aishop Aacani, in his &hite robe and scarlet sash, e>pressed his :o" and
appreciation for the presence of the tho!sands of pra"er-partners that e'enin0,
B!rin0 the li0htin0 of tho!sands of candles, a ma0nificent 0lo& filtered thro!0h the dar.ness of the
ni0ht fillin0 the #@-hectare Ci2al Par. and ad:acent areas-Co>as Ao!le'ard to north and so!thbo!nd
areas of Taft A'en!e, T,), Lala& 3treet and Enited /ations A'en!e into =rmita, e>tendin0 !p to )aria
Orosa 3treet, Padre A!r0os Bri'e, Port Area district, ones, A"ala, )cArth!r and J!e2on Arid0es to
Pla2a )iranda in J!iapo,
After the candleli0ht ceremon" led b" &as held follo&ed b" the deli'er" of the healin0 messa0e of =l
3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fello&ship Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc, Coman *atholic *harismatic
Celi0io!s Cene&al )o'ement fo!nder and ser'ant-leader Aro, )i.e O, Velarde, he en:oined e'er"one
to contin!all" pra",
,2hour speech
Papal %isit sia 2014
5n 1!neta, =l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fello&ship Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc, Coman
*atholic *harismatic Celi0io!s Cene&al )o'ement fo!nder and ser'ant-leader Aro, )i.e O, Velarde
deli'ered a three-ho!r (&orship and healin0 pra"er rall" messa0e+ at 4 a,m,, )onda", October 27 to the
=l 3haddai B8S5-PPF5 and es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide members still 0athered for the &ee.l"
Famil" Appointment &ith =l 3haddai &as held in than.s0i'in0 for the peacef!l and s!ccessf!l 0rand
ann!al fo!ndin0 anni'ersar" celebration and pra"er assembl" of e'an0elical *hristian and Coman
*atholic *harismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+ at J!irino
4randstand, Ci2al Par. before da&n October 27,
5n his healin0 messa0e, he e>po!nded that to attain a lastin0 !nit" in o!r ci'il societ"G e'er" Filipino
sho!ld reconcile to 4od and to one another, lo'e one another, and learn to accept one another,
9e concl!ded his messa0e &ith a healin0 and deli'erance pra"er &hich incl!ded fi'e partic!lar
intentions, as follo&s6 that 4od for0i'e the sins of o!r nationG that 9e 0rant !s the freedom &e see. in
o!r landG that 9e 0rant !s (amnesia+ from the past and the co!ra0e to loo. for&ard to o!r f!t!re &ith
faith, lo'e and !nit"G that 9e 0rant di'ine &isdom and e>tra-ordinar" co!ra0e to President Aeni0no 3,
A-!ino 555 so he co!ld contin!e his 'ision of A3=A/ =conomic *omm!nit" 201# and Philippines
2017G and that 4od 0rant to all of !s the e>traordinar" po&er to remain firm in o!r faith,
3o effecti'e &as President Aeni0no 3, A-!ino 555?s portra"al of himself as the !nderdo0 and 'ictim in
the on0oin0 debate on *harter chan0e, the Aan0samoro Frame&or. A0reement, the tension a0ainst
*hina, the Be'elopment Acceleration Pro0ram ;BAP< and Priorit" Be'elopment Assistance F!nd
;PBAF< scam of &histle-blo&er anet 1im-/apoles, P7,7 billion ho!sin0 scam of Belfin 1eeHs 4lobe
Asiati-!e ;4A<, P72@ million fertili2er f!nd scam, the constr!ction of ma:or infrastr!ct!re pro:ects, the
Papal %isit sia 2014
crime rate in )etro )anila incl!din0 robber" hold!ps, the passa0e of the Freedom of 5nformation
;FO5< bill, the alle0ed s!ppression of the press, the res!r0ence of the )arcos famil", the car:ac.in0
cases and hi0h-profile .illin0s and incidents, in )etro )anila, the massacre in Atimonan, J!e2onG his
order to stop s!pport to the Officers? 1adies *l!bG the pl!nder char0es filed a0ainst Philippine /ational
Police Birector 4eneral Alan 1,), P!risima before the Office of the Omb!dsman in connection &ith
the alle0ed anomalo!s deal the P/P entered into &ith a co!rier ser'iceG disappointment amon0
le0itimate firearms holders o'er the stricter iss!ance of permit to carr" firearms o!tside residence and
license to o&n and possess firearmsG the P317-million f!nds from the Philippine *harit" 3&
Office, e>tend the *omprehensi'e A0rarian Ceform Pro0ram ;*ACP< b" fi'e "ears, the transfer of
assi0nment of Tas. Force T!0is chief 3enior 3!perintendent *onrado *apa after the arrest of 4lobe
Asiati-!e president Belfin 1eeG and the spate of .illin0s nation&ide s!ch as e>tra:!dictorial and hi0h-
profile .illin0s s!ch as the .illin0 of champion race car dri'er =n2o Pastor in J!e2on *it", )etro
)anila and *ro&n Ce0enc" 9otel o&ner Cichard Lin0 in Ba'ao *it", Ba'ao del 3!r last !ne 12,
the 0an0 rape and .illin0 of 27-"ear-old Anria 4alan0 =spirit! in *al!mpit, A!lacan last A!0!st 1@ and
7-"ear-old )"la Cosales in Aaran0a" @4#, Pandacan, )anila last 3eptember 7, the Aohol =arth-!a.e
rehabilitation, the Dolanda, A0aton, 4lenda, 1!is and )ario rehabilitation that Velarde and Villan!e'a
said he consoled him after )r, A-!inoHs speech on 3at!rda", October 2#,
(5 told the President, donHt be pro'o.ed b" those &ho tr" to pro'o.e "o!,+ Velarde, spea.in0 in
Pilipino, told the cro&d &hich had 0ro&n d!rin0 the ni0ht, spillin0 o'er the #@-hectare Ci2al Par. from
Co>as Ao!le'ard to north and so!thbo!nd areas of Taft A'en!e, T,), Lala& 3treet and Enited /ations
A'en!e into =rmita, e>tendin0 !p to )aria Orosa 3treet, Padre A!r0os Bri'e, Port Area district, ones,
A"ala, )cArth!r and J!e2on Arid0es to Pla2a )iranda in J!iapo,
5n the earl" mornin0 of )onda", October 27, tho!sands of do'es for peace and prosperit" &ere
released b" the attendees,
The 0atherin0 ended &ith a o"f!l 3alo-3alo at 7600 a,m, and lasted !ntil @630 a,m,, )onda",
October 27,
The pro:ect allotted for the 200-man choir and 120-piece s"mphon" orchestra at the J!irino
4randstand is P9P #,424,00%,#%, as &ell for the sta0e desi0n,
=l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational, 5nc, Coman *atholic *harismatic Cene&al
Celi0io!s )o'ement fo!nder and ser'ant-leader Aro, )i.e O, Velarde, es!s is 1ord *h!rch
8orld&ide fo!nder, international president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'a and
Philippine President Aeni0no 3, A-!ino 555 &ere ha'in0 dinner in the V5P 1o!n0e at the J!irino
4randstand on 3!nda", October 27 &hen the t&o charismatic leaders ad'ised tolerance, =l 3haddai
fo!nder and ser'ant-leader Aro, )i.e O, Velarde and es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder,
president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie *, Villan!e'a is the President?s spirit!al ad'iser
since 2010,
Velarde and Villan!e'a en:oined his follo&ers6 (1et !s pra" for those that oppress !s,+ referrin0 both to
the PresidentHs critics and those &ho ha'e -!estioned the es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ideHs timin0 of
Papal %isit sia 2014
its October 0rand ann!al anni'ersar" celebration and pra"er assembl" to coincide &ith the )a.ati rall"
o'er the Be'elopment Acceleration Pro0ram ;BAP< and Priorit" Be'elopment Assistance F!nd
;PBAF< scam,
Villan!e'a?s birthda" coincides &ith es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide?s fo!ndin0 anni'ersar"
celebration and 0rand pra"er assembl", 5t has traditionall" been held on the 3econd or Third 3at!rda"
nearest October since 1%7%, 9e &as born on October 7, 1%32 in Aoca!e, A!lacan to oa-!in T,
Villan!e'a and )aria *r!2-Villan!e'a, both no& deceased, ;The elder Villan!e'a &as a former
Ol"mpic sprinter &ho represented the Philippines in the Far =astern 4ames for fo!r consec!ti'e "ears
in 1%24<,
Pastor Almeda, Pastor J!ibolo", Aro, Velarde, Aro, Villan!e'a, Aro, Ao 3anche2, Aro, =li *, 3oriano
and 50lesia ni *risto e>ec!ti'e director Aro, =d!ardo V, )analo ha'e e>pressed s!pport for *harter
*han0e is limited to the economic pro'isions,
A!t Velarde, 3oriano, Villan!e'a, 3anche2, Almeda &as not abo!t to clash head on &ith the Coman
*atholic *h!rch, specificall" *ardinal Ta0le, on the iss!e of *harter chan0e, the Aan0samoro
Frame&or. A0reement, por. barrel scam, the ille0al rice sm!00lin0, the constr!ction of ma:or
infrastr!ct!re pro:ects and e>tra:!dictorial and hi0h-profile .illin0s s!ch as the m!rder of champion
race car dri'er =n2o Pastor in J!e2on *it", )etro )anila and *ro&n Ce0enc" 9otel o&ner Cichard
Lin0 in Ba'ao *it", Ba'ao del 3!r last !ne 12, the 0an0 rape and .illin0 of 27-"ear-old Anria 4alan0
=spirit! in *al!mpit, A!lacan last A!0!st 1@ and 7-"ear-old )"la Cosales in Aaran0a" @4#, Pandacan,
)anila last 3eptember 7, 5nstead, the" as.ed =l 3haddai, 50lesia ni *risto, 1i0ht of es!s, )embers of
*h!rch of 4od 5nternational and es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide members to pra" for
the s!ccessf!l the thirteen-da" pastoral and state 'isit of Pope Francis in the Philippines, Pap!a /e&
4!inea, A!stralia and 3ri 1an.a from October 23 to /o'ember 3, (3o he ma" become stron0er,+
9e told his follo&ers6 (There is a time for an0er and there is a time for lo'e,+
A!t the 5/JE5C=C learned that apart from its &ee.l" sched!led 0atherin0 e'er" 3at!rda" and 3!nda",
=l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational &rote the /ational Par.s Be'elopment
*ommittee to reser'e on !l" 27, or fi'e da"s after anno!nced the pro-democrac" rall" in )a.ati,
5o!tin) for the (elebration *October 24-27, 2014+
J!irino 8randstand *'ain %en!e+
/ead north3est on Parade ve to3ard Eati)ba6 Drive
Parade ve t!rns sli)htly ri)ht and beco"es Eati)ba6 Drive
(ontin!e onto Padre 7!r)os &treetb(-1
'a6e a 9-t!rn at 5oGas 7o!levard
(ontin!e onto Eati)ba6 Drive
Papal %isit sia 2014
(ontin!e onto Parade ven!e
(ontin!e onto &o!th Drive
(ontin!e onto T$'$ Eala3
'a6e a 9-t!rn at 5oGas 7o!levard
(ontin!e onto &o!th Drive
&li)ht ri)ht onto Parade ven!e
Parade ven!e t!rns sli)htly ri)ht and beco"es Eati)ba6 Drive
(ontin!e onto Padre 7!r)os &treetb(-1
'a6e a 9-t!rn at 'aria ;$ Orosa
'a6e a 9-t!rn at 5oGas 7o!levard
T!rn ri)ht onto 'aria ;$ Orosa
/ead so!theast on 'aria ;$ Orosa &treet to3ard T$'$ Eala3
T!rn ri)ht onto T$'$ Eala3
'a6e a 9-t!rn at 0or)e 7ocobo
T!rn left onto 'aria ;$ Orosa
(ontin!e to follo3 'aria ;$ Orosa &treet
T!rn ri)ht onto Finance
T!rn ri)ht onto Taft ven!e
T!rn ri)ht onto 9nited #ations ven!e
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 'aria ;$ Orosa
T!rn left onto T$'$ Eala3
'a6e a 9-t!rn at 5oGas 7o!levard
'a6e a 9-t!rn at 'aria ;$ Orosa
T!rn ri)ht onto 5oGas 7o!levard
'a6e a 9-t!rn at Padre 7!r)os &tb(-1
T!rn left onto 9nited #ations ve
T!rn ri)ht onto (ortada
T!rn left onto Flores
Ta6e the 1st left onto $ 'abini
/ead north3est on $ 'abini to3ard 9nited #ations ve
Papal %isit sia 2014
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 9nited #ations ve
T!rn left at the 2nd cross street onto 'aria ;$ Orosa
T!rn left onto T$'$ Eala3
Ta6e the 2nd left onto 0or)e 7ocobo
/ead so!theast on 0or)e 7ocobo to3ard 9nited #ations ven!e
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto Flores
/ead so!th3est on Flores to3ard $ 'abini
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto $ 'abini
Ta6e the 1st left onto 9nited #ations ve
T!rn ri)ht onto lha"bra
/ead north3est on lha"bra to3ard T$'$ Eala3
T!rn ri)ht onto T$'$ Eala3
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 8!errero
/ead north3est on 8!errero to3ard T$'$ Eala3
T!rn ri)ht onto T$'$ Eala3
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto '$/$ Del Pilar
Ta6e the 1st left onto 9nited #ations ve
Ta6e the 1st left onto (ortada
/ead so!theast on (ortada to3ard 9nited #ations ve
Ta6e the 1st left onto 9nited #ations ve
Ta6e the 1st left onto $ 'abini
/ead north3est on $ 'abini to3ard T$'$ Eala3
T!rn ri)ht onto T$'$ Eala3
Ta6e the 2nd left onto <n)racia ( 5eyes
/ead northeast on <n)racia ( 5eyes to3ard 'aria ;$ Orosa
T!rn left onto 'aria ;$ Orosa
/ead north3est on 'aria ;$ Orosa to3ard T$'$ Eala3
T!rn left onto T$'$ Eala3
/ead north3est on $ 'abini to3ard rH!i:a
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto rH!i:a
Papal %isit sia 2014
Ta6e the 1st left onto 8rey
T!rn left onto Flores
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto $ 'abini
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 9nited #ations ve
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 0or)e 7ocobo
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto Flores
Ta6e the 1st left onto 8rey
T!rn left onto rH!i:a
T!rn ri)ht onto 0or)e 7ocobo
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto Padre Fa!ra
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto $ 'abini
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto rH!i:a
T!rn ri)ht onto 0or)e 7ocobo
T!rn left onto &ta$ 'onica
T!rn left onto Padre Fa!ra
Ta6e the 2nd left onto ' driatico
Ta6e the 1st left onto &ta$ 'onica
T!rn left onto Padre Fa!ra
Ta6e the 2nd left onto ' driatico
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto &ta$ 'onica
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto $ 'abini
Ta6e the 1st left onto Padre Fa!ra
T!rn ri)ht at the 2nd cross street onto 8!errero
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto rH!i:a
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto '$/$ Del Pilar
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto Padre Fa!ra
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 8!errero
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht to3ard '$/$ Del Pilar
T!rn ri)ht onto '$/$ Del Pilar
Ta6e the 1st left onto rH!i:a
Papal %isit sia 2014
T!rn ri)ht onto 0or)e 7ocobo
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto Padre Fa!ra
T!rn left onto '$/$ Del Pilar
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto &ta$ 'onica
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 8!errero
Ta6e the 1st left onto Padre Fa!ra
Ta6e the 1st left to3ard &ta$ 'onica
Ta6e the 1st left onto &ta$ 'onica
Ta6e the 1st left onto 8!errero
T!rn left onto rH!i:a
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto lha"bra
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht to3ard 8!errero
Ta6e the 1st left onto 8!errero
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto 9nited #ations ve
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto '$/$ Del Pilar
Ta6e the 1st left onto Flores
T!rn ri)ht onto 8rey
T!rn ri)ht onto rH!i:a
T!rn left at the 2nd cross street onto '$/$ Del Pilar
T!rn left at the 2nd cross street onto &ta$ 'onica
Ta6e the 1st left onto $ 'abini
T!rn ri)ht onto 9nited #ations ve
T!rn ri)ht onto Taft ve
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto Padre Fa!ra
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 'aria ;$ Orosa
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto 9nited #ations ve
/ead so!th3est on 9nited #ations ve to3ard Taft ve
T!rn left onto 0or)e 7ocobo
Ta6e the 1st left onto <n)racia ( 5eyes
T!rn left onto 'aria ;$ Orosa
Papal %isit sia 2014
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto 9nited #ations ve
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto Taft ve Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto Padre Fa!ra
Pla:a 'iranda *(o-%en!e+
/ead 3est on 5$ /idal)o to3ard %illalobos
T!rn left onto 8o"e:
&li)ht left onto (arlos Palanca &r$
Ta6e the 1st left onto %illalobos
T!rn ri)ht onto 5$ /idal)o
T!rn ri)ht onto J!e:on 7o!levard
&li)ht ri)ht to3ard (arlos Palanca &r$
T!rn left onto (arlos Palanca &r$
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto Oscari:
Oscari: t!rns ri)ht and beco"es P$ D!cos
T!rn ri)ht onto (arlos Palanca &r$
T!rn left onto '!elle Dela J!inta
'!elle Dela J!inta t!rns sli)htly left and beco"es trino"a
T!rn ri)ht onto rle)!i
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto D!H!e
Ta6e the 1st left onto %er)ara
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto Fraternal
T!rn left onto (astilleIos
(astilleIos t!rns left and beco"es Farnecio
T!rn left onto %er)ara
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto Fraternal
T!rn left onto rle)!i
T!rn ri)ht at D!H!e
&li)ht ri)ht onto Dr$ (oncepcion ($ )!ila
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 1e)arda
T!rn ri)ht onto rle)!i
Ta6e the 2nd left onto Fraternal
Papal %isit sia 2014
T!rn ri)ht onto (astilleIos
T!rn left onto D!H!e
'a6e a 9-t!rn
Ta6e the 1st left onto rle)!i
Ta6e the 1st left onto 8!nao
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto #or:a)aray
Ta6e the 1st left onto trino"a
Ta6e the 1st left onto 8lobo de Oro
T!rn ri)ht at 8!nao
'a6e a 9-t!rn
Ta6e the 1st left onto 8lobo de Oro
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto $ 7a!tista
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto #or:a)aray
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto trino"a
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 8lobo de Oro
&harp ri)ht to3ard #or:a)aray
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto #or:a)aray
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto trino"a
trino"a t!rns sli)htly ri)ht and beco"es '!elle Dela J!inta
T!rn ri)ht onto (arlos Palanca &r$
T!rn ri)ht onto %illalobos
T!rn ri)ht onto 5$ /idal)o
T!rn ri)ht onto J!e:on 7o!levard
(ontin!e onto J!e:on 7rid)e
(ontin!e onto J!e:on 7lvd
(ontin!e onto Padre 7!r)os &t
'a6e a 9-t!rn at %ictoria
Eeep ri)ht to stay on Padre 7!r)os &t
Eeep left to stay on Padre 7!r)os &t
(ontin!e onto 'crth!r 7rid)e
Papal %isit sia 2014
T!rn ri)ht onto (arlos Palanca &r$
Ta6e the 2nd left onto 8o"e:
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 5$ /idal)o
T!rn ri)ht onto J!e:on 7o!levard
(ontin!e onto J!e:on 7rid)e
(ontin!e onto J!e:on 7lvd
(ontin!e onto Padre 7!r)os &t
'a6e a 9-t!rn at %ictoria
Eeep ri)ht to stay on Padre 7!r)os &t
Eeep ri)ht to stay on Padre 7!r)os &t
(ontin!e onto J!e:on 7rid)e
(ontin!e onto J!e:on 7lvd *Destination 3ill be on the left+
J!iapo (h!rch *(o-%en!e+
/ead so!theast on (hica)o to3ard 7th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto 7th &t
'a6e a 9-t!rn
Ta6e the 1st left onto (hica)o
Ta6e the 3rd left onto 10th &t
'a6e a 9-t!rn Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto (hica)o
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto Cth &t
'a6e a 9-t!rn
T!rn ri)ht onto '!elle de &an Francisco
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto =th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto 7onifacio Dr
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 11th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto 5ailroad Dr
T!rn ri)ht onto 12th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto tlanta
T!rn ri)ht onto 11th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto 7onifacio Dr
Papal %isit sia 2014
t the ro!ndabo!t, ta6e the 1st eGit onto 13th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto (hica)o
(hica)o t!rns ri)ht and beco"es 11th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto tlanta
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto 14th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Ta6e the 1st left onto 14th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto tlanta
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 1>th &t
T!rn ri)ht at the 2nd cross street onto 7oston
T!rn ri)ht onto 13th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 14th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto '!elle de &an Francisco
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto 10th &t
'a6e a 9-t!rn
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto (hica)o
Ta6e the 2nd left onto =th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto '!elle de &an Francisco
'!elle de &an Francisco t!rns ri)ht and beco"es 7th &t
T!rn left onto (hica)o
&harp left onto '!elle De Taco"a
T!rn left onto 7th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto (hica)o
T!rn ri)ht onto '!elle De Taco"a
/ead so!th3est on 24th &t to3ard '!elle de &an Francisco
24th &t t!rns ri)ht and beco"es '!elle de &an Francisco
T!rn ri)ht onto 1>th &t
Ta6e the 3rd left onto 7oston
T!rn left onto 13th &t
Papal %isit sia 2014
T!rn left onto '!elle de &an Francisco
Ta6e the 2nd left onto 1>th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 7oston
'a6e a 9-t!rn
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto 14th &t
/ead so!th3est on 14th &t to3ard 7oston
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 7oston
T!rn ri)ht onto 13th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto 1>th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 7oston
T!rn ri)ht onto 13th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto (hica)o
(hica)o t!rns ri)ht and beco"es 11th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto tlanta
T!rn ri)ht onto 13th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Ta6e the 1st left onto 14th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto tlanta
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 14th &t
T!rn left onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Ta6e the 1st left onto 1>th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto tlanta
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 17th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto '!elle de &an Francisco
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 1>th &t
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Ta6e the 1st left onto 17th &t
T!rn left onto 5ailroad Dr
Ta6e the 2nd left onto 14th &t
Papal %isit sia 2014
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto tlanta
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 14th &t
T!rn left onto 5ailroad Dr
T!rn left onto 12th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto tlanta
T!rn ri)ht onto 11th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 5ailroad Dr
Ta6e the 3rd ri)ht onto 14th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto tlanta
Ta6e the 2nd left onto 1>th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto 5ailroad Dr
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 13th &t
t the ro!ndabo!t, ta6e the 1st eGit onto 7onifacio Dr
T!rn ri)ht onto 1>th &t
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto tlanta
Ta6e the 3rd ri)ht onto 13th &t
/ead so!th3est on 24th &t to3ard '!elle de &an Francisco
24th &t t!rns ri)ht and beco"es '!elle de &an Francisco
T!rn ri)ht onto 14th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Ta6e the 1st left onto 14th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto tlanta
Ta6e the 1st left onto 14th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 1>th &t
T!rn left onto '!elle de &an Francisco
Ta6e the 1st left onto 17th &t
T!rn left onto tlanta
Ta6e the 2nd left onto 14th &t
T!rn left onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Papal %isit sia 2014
Ta6e the 1st left onto 1>th &t
Ta6e the 2nd left onto 5ailroad Dr
Ta6e the 1st left onto 14th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto tlanta
Ta6e the 2nd left onto 17th &t
T!rn left onto 5ailroad Dr
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 1>th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto 7onifacio Dr
Ta6e the 2nd ri)ht onto 24th &t
24th &t t!rns ri)ht and beco"es '!elle de &an Francisco
T!rn ri)ht onto 17th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
T!rn left onto 24th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto 5ailroad Dr
T!rn ri)ht onto 24th &t
24th &t t!rns ri)ht and beco"es '!elle de &an Francisco
T!rn ri)ht onto 17th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
T!rn left onto 22nd &t
T!rn ri)ht onto 5ailroad Dr
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 23rd &t
T!rn left onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
T!rn left onto 24th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto 5ailroad Dr
T!rn left onto 1Cth &t
T!rn left onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Ta6e the 1st left onto 20th &t
Ta6e the 1st left onto 5ailroad Dr
Ta6e the 2nd left onto 1=th &t
T!rn left onto ntonio ($ Del)ado
Papal %isit sia 2014
T!rn left onto 5ailroad Dr
T!rn left onto 14th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto tlanta
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 14th &t
T!rn ri)ht onto 5ailroad Dr
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto 14th &t
Ta6e the 1st ri)ht onto tlanta
Ta6e the 1st left onto 14th &t
1ist of Food stalls participatin),
Food Tenants of &' (ity #orth <D&
1$ 8oldiloc6s 7a6eshop *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 101+
2$ &tarb!c6s (oFee *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 102+
3$ French 7a6er *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 103+
4$ /ainanese Deli)hts *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 104+
4$ 5a:on?s of 8!a)!a *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 104+
>$ (lassic &avory *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 10>+
7$ D!n6in Don!ts *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 10=+
=$ 0ollibee *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 10C+
C$ 'cDonald?s *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 122+
10$Papa 0ohn?s *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 144+
11$;a6i"iG *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 143+
12$Pi::a /!t *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 123+
13$@ceber)s *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 124+
14$&barro *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 12>+
14$5ed 5ibbon 7a6eshop *(ity (enter, 8ro!nd Floor 127+
1>$(innabon *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 202+
17$Dairy J!een *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 201+
1=$(repes and (re"e *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 203+
1C$D!lcinea *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 204+
20$(ha Ti"e *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 204+
21$Pi::a /!t 7istro *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 20>+
22$;oshinoya *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 207+
23$'aan /aan *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 20=+
24$(ho36in) *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 20C+
24$&ha6ey?s Pi::a 5esta!rant *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 210+
2>$To6yo To6yo *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 211+
27$'aG?s 5esta!rant *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 212+
2=$5ac6s *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 213+
2C$7!r)er Ein) *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 214+
30$Eenny 5o)ers 5oasters *(ity (enter, &econd Floor 214+
31$7readtal6 *The 7loc6, &econd Floor 20>+
Papal %isit sia 2014
32$0a"ba 0!ice *The 7loc6, &econd Floor 207+
111 food tenants of )" "e!amall
1$ 'ister Don!t - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
2$ r"y #avy - *'e)a i 7 4th 1evel+
3$ Pepper 1!nch - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
4$ (ho36in) - *'e)a i 7 2nd 1evel+
4$ 7ar 7 Ein) - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd Floor+
>$ &barro - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
7$ 0a"aican Patties - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
=$ (h!c6?s 8r!b - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
C$ <l Pollo 1oco - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
10$The French 7a6er *3rd Floor+ - *'e)a i 7 3rd 1evel+
11$'an) @nasal - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
12$Eo"oro &oba - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
13$EF( *71D8 7$+ - *'e)a 7 3rd level+
14$Earate Eid - *'e)a i 7 2nd level+
14$'eGicali - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
1>$&!b3ay - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
17$The &and3ich 8!y - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
1=$To6yo To6yo - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
1C$2endy?s - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
20$2ha"^ 7!r)er - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
21$;ello3 (ab - *'e)a i 7 2nd level+
22$;oshinoya - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
23$1!6 ;!en - *'e)a i 7 lo3er+
24$l"on 'arina - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
24$'ann /ann - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
2>$veneto - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
27$"ici - *'e)a i 7 3rd level
2=$'annan) - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
2C$7!bble Tea - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
30$7acolod (hic6en @nasal - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
31$7arrio Fiesta - *'e)a i 7 4th level+
32$'y &in)apore Food &treet - *'e)a i 7 2nd level+
33$(hef?s J!arter - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
34$(2 (lassic (!isine - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
34$(abalen - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
3>$(aI!n 5ed 5oc6 - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
37$Persia 8rill - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
3=$8otti?s 5istorante - *'e)a i 7 4th level+
3C$D!lcinea - *'e)a i 7 4th level+
40$<at i 8o - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
41$<s6i"o 7ob - *'e)a i 7 4th level+
42$8ili)an?s @sland - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
43$Pi::a /!t 7istro - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
44$EEE - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
Papal %isit sia 2014
44$0at!Ia6 - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
4>$/oly (o3 - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
47$8!"bo - *'e)a i 7 2nd level+
4=$/E (hoi - *'e)a i 7 2nd level+
4C$&ecret 5ecipe - *'e)a i 7 2nd level+
40$Panca6e /o!se - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd level+
41$'aG?s 5esta!rant - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
42$Eichitora - *'e)a i 7 2nd level+
43$&@QQ1@# P<PP<5 &T<E - *'e)a i 7 4th level+
44$Pho /oa - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd level+
44$Pho /oa - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd level+
4>$Papa 0ohn?s Pi::a - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
47$5ac6s - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
4=$&avory - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
4C$&ha6ey?s - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd level+
>0$&!"o &a" - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd level+
>1$&!shiya - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd level+
>2$Teriya6i 7oy - *'e)a i 7 4th level+
>3$Ton) ;an) - *'e)a i 7 4th level+
>4$;ab! - *'e)a i 7 2nd level+
>4$'ister Don!t - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
>>$r"y #avy - *'e)a i 7 4th level+
>7$Pepper 1!nch - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
>=$(ho36in) - *'e)a i 7 2nd level !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
>C$7ar 7 Ein) - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
70$&barro - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
71$0a"aican Patties - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
72$(h!c6?s 8r!b - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
73$<l Pollo 1oco - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
74$The French 7a6er *3f+ - *'e)a i 7 3rd level
74$'an) @nasal - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
7>$Eo"oro &oba - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
77$Earate Eid - *'e)a i 7 2nd level+
7=$'eGicali - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
7C$&!b3ay - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
=0$The &and3ich 8!y - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor+
=1$To6yo To6yo - *'e)a i 7 3rd level+
=2$2endy?s - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
=3$2ha"^ 7!r)er - *'e)a i 7 lo3er )ro!nd ]oor
=4$;ello3 (ab - *'e)a i 7 2nd ]oor+
=4$;oshinoya - *'e)a i 7 !pper )ro!nd ]oor+
)" Food Court+ )" "e!amall
1$ 7alay @locos
2$ 7ali3a) 1echon 'ano6, tbp$
3$ 7alot 7alot 5ep!blic
4$ 7ibin)6initan^ 'ini 7ibin)6a
Papal %isit sia 2014
4$ 7odhi
>$ 7r)y$ 7a)net
7$ 7!6o #i Fr!itas
=$ 7!:boG &cra"ble &tation
C$ (afe?s (oFeepoint
10$(eb! Fiesta
11$(hef (ho3?s &hab! &hab! <Gpress
12$(hic6en (o"pany
13$(hin?s <Gpress
14$(ool ttac6 @ce (rea" (orner
14$(repe Deli)hts
1>$Davao T!na 8rill
17$Fat @H!e?s
1=$Fireshac6 &ha3ar"a
1C$Fla"in) /ot
20$Fr!it 'a)ic
21$8oto Ein)
24$/ealthie Fresh Fr!it &ha6es
24$/en 1in
2>$/ero &a!sa)es
27$@lon))o 8rill
2=$@n #!tshell
2C$@nasal 0oe
30$@niha3 <Gpress
31$0elly ?# 0!ice
32$0ollibee *Foodco!rt+
33$Ea"ay Eainan
34$Eipp?s (hic6en
34$E!sina #i 8racia
3>$E!ya?s &pecial 1!"pian) &ari3a
37$1o!ies 7!6o
3=$1ydia?s 1echon
3C$'anan)?s (hic6en
41$'e)a"elt <nsay"ada
42$'r$ Ei"bob
43$'r$ &ofty @ce (rea"
44$#e3 Polland 7a6er?s Fair
44$#e3 ;or6 Fries i Dips
4>$O6!ya Food <Gpress
47$Pao Tsin &pecialties
4=$Pinoy Toppin)s
4C$Plato 2raps
40$President Tea /o!se
41$P!refoods /otdo)
Papal %isit sia 2014
43$5$ 1apid?s (hicharon
44$5a:on?s Of 8!a)!a
44$5eyes 7arbeH!e
4>$&aba 5ep!blic
47$&ally?s /o"e"ade Ea6anin
4=$&eafood 8rill
4C$&io"ai /o!se
>0$&isi) /ooray
>1$&i::lin) Plate
>2$&i::lin) &eafoods
>3$&3eet (atch
>4$Taho 7oy
>>$Tapa Ein)
>7$T!r6?s &ha3ar"a
>=$2orld (hic6en
(o!ntry dele)ations
Participants and Pil)ri"s at 0@1 nniversary (elebration represented the follo3in) cities of
the Philippines and co!ntries of the 3orld,
7!r6ina Faso
(ape %erde
(entral frican 5ep!blic
De"ocratic 5ep!blic of the (on)o
5ep!blic of the (on)o
<H!atorial 8!inea
The 8a"bia
Papal %isit sia 2014
@vory (oast *(rte d?@voire+
&Uo To"L and PrOncipe
&ierra 1eone
&o!th frica
&o!th &!dan
vles Wparses
Pela)ie @slands
(anary @slands
Papal %isit sia 2014
Places of soverei)nty
o (hafarinas @slands
o PeMPn de lh!ce"as
o PeMPn de %Lle: de la 8o"era
&aint /elena, scension and Tristan da (!nha
2estern &ahara
nti)!a and 7arb!da
7ritish %ir)in @slands
(ay"an @slands
(lipperton @sland
(osta 5ica
Do"inican 5ep!blic
<l &alvador
Fal6land @slands
Federal Dependencies of %ene:!ela
French 8!iana
Papal %isit sia 2014
#avassa @sland
#!eva <sparta
P!erto 5ico
&aint 1!cia
&an ndrLs and Providencia
&int <!stati!s
&int 'aarten
&o!th 8eor)ia and the &o!th &and3ich @slands
&t$ 7arthLle"y
&t$ Eitts and #evis
&t$ 'artin
&t$ Pierre and 'iH!elon
&t$ %incent and the 8renadines
Trinidad and Toba)o
Trinidad and Toba)o
T!r6s and (aicos @slands
9nited &tates
9nited &tates %ir)in @slands
6rotiri and Dhe6elia
Papal %isit sia 2014
7ritish @ndian Ocean Territory
7!r"a *'yan"ar+
(hrist"as @sland
(ocos *Eeelin)+ @slands
<ast Ti"or *Ti"or-1este+
/on) Eon)
Papal %isit sia 2014
#orth Eorea
#orthern (ypr!s
&a!di rabia
&o!th Eorea
&o!th Ossetia
&ri 1an6a
9nited rab <"irates
'etro 'anila,
o 'anila
o J!e:on (ity
o &an 0!an (ity
Papal %isit sia 2014
o 'andal!yon) (ity
o 'a6ati (ity
o %alen:!ela (ity
o (aloocan (ity
o 'alabon (ity
o #avotas (ity
o '!ntinl!pa (ity
o 1as Pinas (ity
o ParanaH!e (ity
o Pasay (ity
o Ta)!i) (ity
o Pateros
o Pasi) (ity
o 'ari6ina (ity
1aoa) and @locos #orte
%i)an and @locos &!r
7an)!ed and bra
7atac (ity
(andon (ity
Parts of 1a 9nion,
o &an 8abriel
o &antol
o &!dipen
o 7an)ar
Parts of (a)ayan,
o &anta PraGedes
o (laveria
o (alayan
o &anche:-'ira
o Pa"plona
&antia)o (ity and @sabela
Papal %isit sia 2014
T!)!e)arao (ity and (a)ayan
7asco and 7atanes
(abarro)!is and J!irino
7ayo"bon) and #!eva %i:caya
&an Fernando (ity and 1a 9nion
7a)!io (ity and 7en)!et
7ana!e and @f!)ao
&a)ada and 'o!ntain Province
Eab!)ao and payao
Tab!6 and Ealin)a
#orthern Parts of @locos &!r,
o Ta)!din
o lile"
o &!yo
o &!)pon
o (ervantes
o &i)ay
o J!irino
o 8re)orio del Pilar
o &an <"ilio
Parts of Pan)asinan,
o &an Fabian
o &ison
o &an 'an!el
o &an #icolas
Da)!pan (ity and Pan)asinan
Tarlac (ity and Tarlac
(abanat!an (ity and #!eva <ciIa
Olon)apo (ity and Qa"bales
7aler and !rora
Papal %isit sia 2014
&an Fernando (ity and Pa"pan)a
7alan)a (ity and 7ataan
'alolos (ity and 7!lacan
7atan)as (ity and 7atan)as
Ta)aytay (ity and (avite
&an Pablo and 1a)!na
0alaIala and 5i:al
1!cena (ity and J!e:on
7oac and 'arind!H!e
&an 0ose and Occidental 'indoro
(alapan (ity and Oriental 'indoro
Odion)an and 5o"blon
P!erto Princesa (ity and Pala3an
(!yo rchiplea)o
Ealayaan 8ro!p of @slands
#a)a (ity and (a"arines &!r
Daet and (a"arines #orte
%irac and (atand!anes
1e)a:pi (ity and lbay
&orso)on (ity and &orso)on
'asbate (ity and 'asbate
Ealibo and 6lan
&an 0ose and ntiH!e
5oGas (ity and (api:
@loilo (ity and @loilo Province
7acolod (ity and #e)ros Occidental
Parts of #e)ros Oriental
o (anlaon (ity
o 8!ih!ln)an (ity
Papal %isit sia 2014
o 0i"alal!d
o 1a 1ibertad
o %alleher"oso
Parts of 2est (oast of (eb!
o lo)!insan
o st!rias
o 7ala"ban
o 7arili
o Pina"!n)ahan
o T!b!ran
(eb! (ity i Province
D!"a)!ete and #e)ros Oriental
Tacloban (ity
<astern &a"ar
#orthern &a"ar
&o!thern 1eyte
Dina)at @slands
Davao (ity
Davao del #orte
Davao del &!r
Davao Occidental
Davao Oriental
(o"postela %alley
8eneral &antos (ity
&o!th (otabato
Papal %isit sia 2014
&!ltan E!darat
(otabato (ity and 'a)!indanao
#orth (otabato
1anao del &!r
(a)ayan de Oro and 'isa"is Oriental
O:a"i: (ity and 'isa"is Occidental
@li)an (ity and 1anao del #orte
'ara3i (ity and 1anao del &!r
'alaybalay (ity and 7!6idnon
Dipolo) (ity and Qa"boan)a del #orte
Pa)adian (ity and Qa"boan)a del &!r
'a"baIao and (a"i)!in
&iH!iIor (ity and &iH!iIor
7!t!an (ity
&!ri)ao (ity
7isli) (ity
Tanda) (ity
7ay!)an (ity
(abadbaran (ity
)!san del #orte
)!san del &!r
&!ri)ao del &!r
&!ri)ao del #orte
Dina)at @slands
Qa"boan)a (ity
@pil and Qa"boan)a &ib!)ay
@sabela (ity and 7asilan
Papal %isit sia 2014
0olo and &!l!
7on)ao and Ta3i-Ta3i
wland @slands
7osnia and /er:e)ovina
(:ech 5ep!blic
Faroe @slands
@sle of 'an
#orthern (ypr!s
#orthern @reland
&an 'arino
&o!th Ossetia
%atican (ity
"erican &a"oa
7a6er @sland 8!a"
Federated &tates of 'icronesia
French Polynesia
/o3land @sland
0arvis @sland
0ohnston toll
Ein)"an 5eef
'arshall @slands
'id3ay toll
#e3 Qealand
#orthern 'ariana @slands
Pap!a #e3 8!inea
Pitcairn @slands
&olo"on @slands
2a6e @sland
tells F7(, -<van)eli:at
ion still top
priority, b!t
never i"pose it.
After the 3-da" 0rand ann!al &ee.end e>tra'a0an2a lasted from 3at!rda", October 2# to
)onda", October 27, Pope Francis told the Coman *atholic Territorial bishops of Asia
that as the ne>t Philippine presidential administration in 2017 approaches, e'an0eli2ation
remains the hi0hest priorit" of the 8orld&ide Coman *atholic *h!rch and the Philippine
/ational 4o'ernment and Politics, b!t he also ca!tioned that (e'an0eli2ation m!st ne'er
be imposed,+
5n an address to the =le'enth Plenar" Assembl" of the Federation of Asian Aishops?
*onferences ;FAA*<, he declared (the act of faith, and reception into the comm!nion of
the *h!rch thro!0h Aaptism, m!st al&a"s be entirel" free,+
9e told more than 1#0 Coman *atholic Territorial bishops of Asia in the earl" mornin0 of
October 27 at 3an *arlos 3eminar" in )a.ati *it", )etro )anila that e'an0eli2ation
(in'ol'es lo'e and respect for those e'an0eli2ed, 8hile e'er insistin0 on the *h!rch?s
ri0ht and d!t" to proclaim &ith :o" the 4ood /e&s of 4od?s merc", *atholics m!st
caref!ll" a'oid an" s!spicion of coercion or de'io!s pers!asion,+
9e insisted, (5f the *h!rch in Asia is to f!lfill its pro'idential destin", e'an0eli2ation as
the :o"f!l, patient and pro0ressi'e preachin0 of the sa'in0 Beath and Ces!rrection of
es!s *hrist m!st be "o!r absol!te priorit",+
(Acc!sations of prosel"tism -- &hich is far from the *h!rch?s missionar" spirit -- and a
one-sided !nderstandin0 of reli0io!s pl!ralism and tolerance sho!ld not be allo&ed to
stifle "o!r mission to the peoples of Asia,+ he said,
*on0rat!latin0 the FAA* on its 4#th anni'ersar", the 9ol" Father, Pope Francis obser'ed
that (rapid technolo0ical pro0ress and economic 0ro&th ha'e re'ol!tioni2ed the face of
Asia+ since the FAA* &as concei'ed in /o'ember 1%70,
(8hile affirmin0 the benefits of this de'elopment,+ he !r0ed the bishops, (the *h!rch
m!st ne'ertheless ma.e a realistic assessment of the price paid for this moderni2ation and
confront those aspects &hich pose (an immense threat to life6 not onl" to the life of
indi'id!als b!t also to that of ci'ili2ation itself+ ;1etter to Families, 21<,+
/otin0 that the (transformation of the spirit!al landscape+ is (e'en more stri.in0 than
Asia?s material pro0ress,+ the pope e>plained to the bishops6 (Celi0io!s indifferentism
and e>a00erated indi'id!alism no& threaten the traditional 'al!es &hich, 0enerall"
spea.in0, besto&ed meanin0 and harmon" on the life of indi'id!als and on the
comm!nities the" composed,
(The forces of sec!lari2ation tend to !ndermine "o!r rich reli0io!s and c!lt!ral herita0e,
This 0reat continent is at a spirit!al crossroads,+
The pope?s presentation, deli'ered on his behalf and in his presence b" 5talian *ardinal
Aeniamino 3tella, prefect of the Vatican?s *on0re0ation for the *ler0", came abo!t
half&a" thro!0h the FAA*?s 10-da" plenar" from October 20 to 2%, 2014 part of the
ann!al (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide Anni'ersar" Festi'al+, &hose ann!al theme is
(*hristian Biscipleship in Asia Toda"6 3er'ice to 1ife in 2017,+
Pope Francis e>plained that he as.ed *ardinal 3tella to read his tal., so as to e>pedite the
deli'er", 8hen *ardinal 3tella finished, the pope said, (8hat 5 &rote, 5 &rote, and it
sho!ld be read,+ b!t added, (8hat 5 meditated on sho!ld also be re'ealed,+
9e then be0an spea.in0 spontaneo!sl" on the need in the near f!t!re for a s"nod of Asian
bishops, :!st as the African bishops met in s"nod last "ear ;2013<,
/e>t, he referred to the )ass that he had celebrated that on October 27 in )anila?s
1!neta Par. for the 0rand pra"er assembl" and ann!al anni'ersar" celebration of
e'an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic *harismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ement
(es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+, locall" described as (the 0reatest papal )ass in
histor"+ &ith more than fo!r million people attendin0,
The pope said that as he &as endin0 the (e>traordinar" e>perienceK of his 'isit to )anila
&ith people callin0 him (the pope of the People,+ he &as tr"in0 in this tal. to the FAA*
to K!nderline not "o!th b!t specificit",+
Tho!0h he did not intend, he contin!ed, to be called (the pope of s"nods,+ he stron0l"
fa'ored holdin0 s"nods (as a fr!it of Vatican ;*o!ncil< 55,+
9e e>plained that :!st as *hrist selected not one b!t 12 to form the first colle0e of
bishops, so the (apostolic bod"+ of Asian bishops sho!ld loo. for proper e>pression as a
bod" and thereb" (maintain the *h!rchs tradition, ma0isterial spirit and colle0ialit" as
Pointin0 o!t that the first millenni!m had man" s"nods, he said Vatican 55 &as creatin0
this ne& s"nod era of the *h!rch, and as he meditated on the comin0 Philippine
presidential elections in )a" 2017, (5 tho!0ht of the need to ret!rn to the s"nod
The (ad limina+ 'isits of e'er" bishop to the pope are one form sharin0, he noted, as are
pra"in0 to0ether and the a0ape of eatin0 meals to0ether, (b!t &e also need to meet as
representati'es of the &hole colle0i!m of bishops,+
Follo&in0 is the final statement of the T&elfth Plenar" of the Federation of Asian
Aishops *onferences ;FAA*<,
*9C53T5A/ B53*5P1=395P 5/ A35A TOBAD6 3=CV5*= TO 15F=
Final 3tatement of the T&elfth FAA* Plenar" Assembl"
October 21-30, 2014, )anila, Philippines
1, To o!r 4od of lo'e and life, Father, 3on and 9ol" 3pirit, &e 0i'e praise and than.sI
5n the same cit" of )anila, &here 4# "ears a0o in the inspirin0 presence of the re'ered
Pope Pa!l V5, the dream of act!ali2in0 the comm!nion of Asian *h!rches be0an, &e, the
bishops-dele0ate of t&ent"-one co!ntries and territories, 0ather in )anila for the 3i>th
Plenar" Assembl" of the Federation of Asian Aishops *onferences, 8e are deepl"
blessed b" the acti'e participation in o!r Assembl" of a n!mber of dedicated la" persons,
priests, reli0io!s sisters and brothers,
On this occasion a sin0!lar 0race for !s is li.e&ise the mo'in0 presence of Pope Francis,
8ith him &e not onl" celebrate the 4#th anni'ersar" of the resol!tion to form a str!ct!re
that &o!ld later become the FAA*, b!t also the 4#th "ear of Cadio Veritas Asia, the
420th "ear of the Archdiocese of )anila and its 3 historic s!ffra0ans, *eb!, *aceres, and
/!e'a 3e0o'ia, and especiall" the Ann!al Fo!ndin0 Anni'ersar" *elebration of
e'an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic *harismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ement
(es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+, 5ndeed these festi'ities are pea. moments of 4ods
0race to the *h!rch in Asia, in comm!nion &ith one another and &ith the 9ol" Father --
at the ser'ice of life,
2, Cememberin0 &ith 0ratit!de the be0innin0s of FAA*, &e are impressed b" the 'i0or
of the creati'e ener0ies that 0a'e birth and life, 8e also reco0ni2e that the histor" of
FAA* is b!t a short chapter in the contin!in0 sa0a of the Asian *h!rches? solicit!de for
life, &hose indi'id!al and collecti'e stories are abo!t promises alread" reali2ed, if "et
&aitin0 to be f!lfilled,
This remembrance of blessin0s past is both comfort and stren0th, For &e reali2e that the
sprin0 from &hich FAA* dra&s its 'i0or is the 4od &ho has blessed !s in es!s *hrist
&ith e'er" spirit!al blessin0 ;=ph 163<, 8e than. o!r 4od in o!r remembrance ;Phil 163<,
A, 4# D=AC3 OF FAA* *O))5T)=/T TO 15F=
3, Thro!0h its past t&el'e plenar" assemblies, FAA* tried to discern the c!rrent Klife-
conte>tK of the Asian pastoral sit!ations that ine'itabl" consist of death-dealin0 as &ell as
life-ser'in0 realities, The initial bishops meetin0 in )anila in 1%70 alread" indicated the
e>pectations of Asians for Ka better and f!ller life for themsel'es and their children
;AA), 10<, For this reason, the *h!rch in Asia m!st foster a threefold dialo0!e6 &ith the
man" different faiths of Asia, &ith the c!lt!res of Asia, and &ith the poor m!ltit!des of
Asia, 8e belie'e that f!llness of life can be reali2ed (onl" in and thro!0h *hrist and his
4ospel, and b" the o!tpo!rin0 of the 9ol" 3pirit+ ;FAA* 1, 1%74<,
For the *h!rch and its mission in Asia &hose peoples are characteri2ed b" traditions of
deep reli0iosit", pra"er has to be Kthe ri'er of life,K Pra"er is absol!tel" indispensable if
the *hrist-life is to ind&ell *hristian participation in life-0i'in0 liberation and
de'elopment ;FAA* 2, 1%7@<, This inner life of pra"er b!ilds the *h!rch into a credible
comm!nit" of faith, rooted in the life of the Trinit" and t!rned resol!tel" to&ard the
constr!ction of a f!ll" h!man f!t!re for Asian peoples ;FAA* 3, 1%@2<,
This is &h" the lait" m!st act as an e'an0eli2in0 and liberatin0 force in the str!00le for
f!llness of life ;FAA* 5V, 1%@7<, O!r !ni-!e contrib!tion is o!r 'ision of es!s *hrist,
and o!r *hristian spirit!alit" manifested thro!0h dialo0!e, discernment and deeds, As
*h!rch, &e need to &al. in compassion and h!milit", in accompaniment &ith all the
peoples of Asia Kas the" pra", &or., str!00le and s!ffer for a better h!man life, ;in their<
search for the meanin0 of h!man life and pro0ressK ;FAA* V, 1%%0<,
Thro!0h the "ears FAA* has addressed 'ario!s concerns that promote social, economic,
le0al, media, reli0io!s and ecciesial life, 3!ch concerns are6 the promotion of :!stice and
inte0ral de'elopment partic!larl" in relation to &omen, mi0rant &or.ers and indi0eno!s
peoplesG the b!ildin0 of basic ecciesial comm!nities and basic h!man comm!nitiesG the
promotion of interreli0io!s dialo0!e, especiall" the dialo0!e of lifeG leadership formation
and speciali2ed formation of priest-formators, "o!th chaplains, bishops and la" leadersG
the conscienti2ation and or0ani2ation of basic sectors of societ"G and a more effecti'e !se
of media for e'an0eli2ation,
The o'erall thr!st of acti'ities in recent "ears has been to moti'ate the *h!rches of Asia
to&ards Ka ne& &a" of bein0 *h!rch,K a *h!rch that is committed to becomin0 Ka
comm!nit" of comm!nitiesK and a credible si0n of sal'ation and liberation,
4, Det on this the 4#th anni'ersar" of FAA*, &e ha'e to confess h!mbl" that the 0oal of
conscienti2in0 the local *h!rches and b!ildin0 a comm!nion of o!r Asian *h!rches is
still far from bein0 reached, despite the tr!l" ad'ances alread" made in this
8e are 0lad to recall, e'en if onl" briefl", the e>traordinaril" rich stor" of FAA*, 5t is the
stor" of a listener attenti'e to the perils of life, to the 'isions of life, to celebrator" son0s
of life and &ho &ants to share the sin0!lar &ealth one has, &hich is the memor" of the
person named es!s &ho is for !s the 8a", the Tr!th and the 1ife,
#, The theme for this =le'enth Plenar" Assembl" of FAA* is most fittin0, 8e ta.e as o!r
theme K*hristian Biscipleship in Asia Toda"6 3er'ice to 1ife,K in order that &e ma"
recommit o!rsel'es to the promotion of life in Asia,
A, A V535O/ OF 15F= A)5B A35A/ C=A15T5=3
7, K1ife, Vibrant life p!lsatin0 from the fec!ndit" of AsiaK ;FAA* 5nternational
Theolo0ical *ollo-!i!m, 1%%4<, 9o& do the disciples of es!s in Asia 'ie& this life that
is &ellin0 !p from the depths of Asian peoples, their histories, their habitats and their
c!lt!res` 8hat ser'ice can the disciples of es!s in Asia offer to affirm, enhance, defend
and promote this life`
O!r response be0ins &ith a rapid scan of Asian realities not so m!ch to repeat the alread"
s!bstanti'e anal"ses that pre'io!s FAA* assemblies and a 0reat n!mber of FAA*
seminars and &or.shops ha'e done, as simpl" to sit!ate more clearl" the str!00le of Asia
for life,
7, 8e t!rned o!r attention to &hate'er threatens, &ea.ens, diminishes and destro"s the
life of indi'id!als, 0ro!ps or peoplesG &hate'er de'al!es h!man bein0s, concei'ed, born,
infant, oldG &hate'er socio-c!lt!ral, reli0io!s, political, economic, or en'ironmental
factor that threatens or destro"s life in o!r co!ntries, 8e identified some of these forces
of death at &or. in Asia, And &e concl!ded that as promoters of life, &e co!ld onl"
deno!nce them,
8e &ere alarmed at ho& the 0lobal econom" is r!led b" forces to the detriment of
peoples real needs, 8e considered the insec!rit" and '!lnerabilit" of mi0rants, ref!0ees,
the displaced ethnic and indi0eno!s peoples, and the pain and a0onies of e>ploited
&or.ers, especiall" the child laborers in o!r co!ntries,
8e became more a&are of the forces of death depri'in0 &omen and the 0irl child of their
di0nit", freedom, personhood and f!ller h!manit", 8e reali2ed ho& the same forces
!ndermine the famil", the basic of ci'il and !pper class societ" and the Coman *atholic
*h!rch, thro!0h liberalist, anti-life, anti-child, anti-&oman, anti-famil" policies and
'al!es and pose man" threats to &holeness of life in the area of health care, especiall" of
the poor,
8e reco0ni2ed the 0ro&in0 'iolence, terrorism, conflicts and n!clear proliferation f!eled
b" the arms trade and 0reed for profit, all of &hich 'iolate peoples ri0hts, The" threaten
participati'e democrac", h!mane 0o'ernance and a :!st and peacef!l societ", 8e also
noted &ith pain that o!r sisters and brothers in some co!ntries are still denied their ri0ht
to reli0io!s freedom,
5n the area of reli0io!s pl!ralism, &e reflected on the 0ro&in0 f!ndamentalist e>tremism
and fanaticism discriminatin0 and e>cl!din0 people &ho belon0 to other reli0io!s
traditions, th!s destro"in0 the harmon" of peoples li'es and their solidarit" alread"
&itnessed to in a dialo0!e of life,
As &e reflected on these ne0ati'e areas, &e co!ld not i0nore the immense dama0e to the
ecos"stem of o!r planet &hich offends :!stice and the ri0hts of people,
8e sa" KnoK to these death-dealin0 forces,
@, 5n this scenario of shado&s, &e &ere also enco!ra0ed b" areas of li0ht, 8e became
a&are of the man" si0ns of hope in the histories and c!lt!res of o!r peoples, as seen in
peoples mo'ements and the initiati'es of 0ro!ps, peoples, and the *h!rches in Asia for
the ser'ice of life, 8e identified &ith 0reat :o" these e>pressions of life po&erf!ll" at
&or. in Asia, 8e resol'ed to affirm them, enco!ra0e them, celebrate them, and !nite o!r
efforts to them,
/ote&orth" amon0 them are the 0ro&in0 conscio!sness re0ardin0 h!man di0nit" and
empo&erment of the poor, the 0ro&in0 'oices of 0ro!ps and peoples for h!mani2ed
de'elopment, and the cries of the mar0inali2ed 0ro!ps for participator" and democratic
8e d&elt also on the mo'ements for the protection of the en'ironment and ecos"stem
lin.ed to :!stice, and the solidarit" of committed 0ro!ps and peoples in the str!00le for
the ri0hts of &omen, children, especiall" the 0irl child, and those of indi0eno!s peoples,
Tr!l" is the increasin0 n!mber of "o!n0 people mo'in0 to&ards solidarit"
and comm!nit", and see.in0 a deeper spirit!alit", 8e &ere consoled b" efforts of man"
0ro!ps to foster dialo0!e &ith people of other faiths,
8e did not miss the 'al!e of the disco'er" of mass media for the promotion of 'al!es and
s!pport of peoples mo'ements and ri0hts,
To these life-0i'in0 forces, &e 0i'e a reso!ndin0 K"es,K
%, From the d"namic forces at &or. &ithin Asian realities a basic 'ision of life emer0es,
5n the li'in0 herita0e of c!lt!res and reli0io!s traditions of Asia &e discern 'al!es and
their e>pressions in s"mbols, stories and art forms, that embod" a 'ision of lifeG &hile &e
are criticall" a&are of the distortions that ha'e entered into these traditions, 5n these
c!lt!ral and reli0io!s traditions &e also disco'er the responses to life 0i'en b" past
0enerations of Asian peoples, &hich in t!rn become reso!rces for o!r contemporar"
8e Asians are searchin0 not simpl" for the meanin0 of life b!t for life itself, 8e are
stri'in0 and str!00lin0 for life beca!se it is a tas. and a challen0e, A!t life is a 0ift too, a
m"ster", beca!se o!r efforts to achie'e it are far too short of the !ltimate 'al!e of life, 8e
spea. of life as a becomin0 -- a 0ro&in0 into, a :o!rne"in0 to life and to the so!rce of
10, 3o &hat mi0ht this 'ision be`
5n the rich di'ersit" of ancient Asian c!lt!res and faiths is a 'ision of in di'ersit", a
comm!nion of life amon0 di'erse peoples, 5n this conte>t &e see. to become persons of
O!rs is a 'ision of holistic life, life that is achie'ed and entr!sted to e'er" person and
e'er" comm!nit" of persons, re0ardless of 0ender, creed or c!lt!re, class or color, 5t is
the fr!it of inte0ral de'elopment, the a!thentic de'elopment of the &hole person and of
e'er" person,
8e en'ision a life &ith inte0rit" and dianit", a life of compassion for the m!ltit!des,
especiall" for the poor and the need", 5t is a life of solidarit" &ith e'er" form of life and
of sensiti'e care for all the earth, 5t is th!s a life that !nites !s Asians amon0 o!rsel'es
and &ith the &hole of creation into one comm!nit" of life,
For !s to li'e is to li'e &ith inte0rit" and di0nit", in peace and :!stice, in freedom and
participation, in m!t!alit" and complementarit", 5t is to li'e in simplicit" and friendship,
At the heart of o!r 'ision of life is the Asian re'erential sense of m"ster" and of the
sacred, a spirit!alit" that re0ards life as sacred and disco'ers the Transcendent and its
0ifts e'en in m!ndane affairs, in tra0ed" or 'ictor", in bro.enness or &holeness, This
deep inferiorit" dra&s people to e>perience harmon" and inner peace and inf!ses ethics
into all of creation,
11, 3!ch is a broad s.etch of an Asian 'ision of life, 8ith the e"es of the heart, &ith o!r
faith, &e need to !nderstand ft as the &or. of the creati'e 3pirit of 4od of 1ife, &ho in
all thin0s and amon0 e'er" people is healin0, rene&in0, and recreatin0 in e'er ne&, e'er
m"sterio!s &a"s,
8hat can &e, and ho& can &e, as disciples of es!s, contrib!te to the shapin0 and
achie'in0 of s!ch a 'ision of life in Asia, &ith o!r Asian peoples and for Asian peoples,
9o& can the *h!rches of Asia participate, as *h!rches and as Asian, in the common
0lobal search for lde` 8hat does *hristian discipleship in Asia mean, if ft is to tr!l" ser'e
O!r response leads !s to es!s, the 1ife &hom &e are follo&in0 and &hom &e share &ith
*, TO 15F= 5/ T9= FOOT3T=P3 OF =3E3
12, All life is related to the acti'e presence of the *reator 3pirit, /o &onder es!s,
confessed as )essiah and 1ord, is 3pirit-filled, 9e &ho is The 1ife is dependent on the
3pirit, *oncei'ed in the 'ir0ins &omb b" the 3pirits po&er ;1!.e 163#, )atthe& 1620<,
anointed b" the 3pirit at his baptism in the ordan ;)ar. 1610<, dri'en to the &ilderness
b" the 3pirit to be prepared for his mission ;)atthe& 461<, sent to preach the 0ood ne&s
of sal'ation b" the 3pirits action ;1!.e 461@-1%<, es!s !shers in the ne& creation, the
f!llness of life in 4od, As the risen One, he breathes the 9ol" 3pirit on his disciples
;ohn 20622f<, ma.in0 them parta.ers of his life and mission,
8hat 'ision of life emer0es from the 3pirit-filled es!s`
13, =3E3 A/B T9= L5/4BO) OF T9= 4OB OF 15F=, K5 came that the" ma" ha'e
life, and ha'e it ab!ndantl"K ;1!.e 10610<, 8ith these simple &ords, es!s describes his
mission, A!t it is also depicted as the mission of anno!ncin0 and ina!0!ratin0 the
Lin0dom of 4od ;)ar. 161#<, the hope of s!b:!0ated 5srael for the f!llness of life in
4od, es!s teaches &hat life in the Lin0dom consists in,
13,1, *omm!nion &ith Abba, es!s identifies the !ltimate so!rce of life, the 4od &hom
he intimatel" calls Abba, 5n Abba es!s finds his &hole life, K5 am in the Father and the
Father in meK ;n 1461 1<, 5n Abba he finds the restin0 place of his lifes :o!rne", (Father,
into "o!r hands 5 commend m" spiritK ;1. 236 47<, 8ho es!s is, &hat he does, &here he
ends !p, are all fo!nd in a passion for comm!nion &ith Abba,
13,2, 1iberatin0 and Cecreatin0 *omm!nion amon0 /ei0hbors, 5n compassionate lo'e,
es!s his o&n the str!00les and aspirations of 5srael for life, Ass!min0 their
h!manit", he incarnates Abbas life-0i'in0 actions of old6 creation of all the li'in0 o!t of
sheer lo'e, liberation of the chosen people from the bonda0e of =0"pt, m!t!al belon0in0
&ithin the co'enant, 1i.e Abba, es!s brin0s life thro!0h a ne& creation, a radical
liberation and a rene&ed comm!nion,
At his &ord, demons flee, sinners are liberated, At his to!ch, the sic. are healed, 9e frees
the 'ictims of societ" from the e'il and sin that shac.le them, 9e restores them to
comm!nion, 9e brea.s do&n barriers set !p b" 0reed, pride, discrimination, lopsided
social norms and e'en reli0io!s distortions, O!tcasts become sisters and brothers, 3inners
are &orth" of compassion, The h!n0r", the thirst", the prisoners, the na.ed bear the
di'ine presence, And 4od is o!r Father, 5n the freedom and comm!nion that es!s offers,
a ne& creation da&ns, The h!man comm!nit" is reborn, 5ndeed the time of f!lfillment
has come, 1ife in ab!ndance is in o!r midst, The Lin0dom is here ;1. 17621<,
13,3, Beath for the 1ife of the )an", 5n his passion for life, es!s co!ra0eo!sl" confronts
death, A!t li.e all defenders of life, he catches the &rath of the Kfriends of deathK and
s!ffers h!miliatin0 death, 5n the meal he shares &ith his friends before bein0 cr!cified, he
portra"s his death as an act of self-0i'in0 for the life of others6 Km" bod" is 0i'en for
"o!K ;1. 2261 0<, Km" blood is to be po!red o!t for the man"K ;). 14624<, And he
commands his disciples to remember this s!preme act of lo'e, On the cross, es!s !nites
himself &ith e'er" person see.in0 life, On the cross, life is po!red o!t from the lo'e and
stren0th that dare to be &ea. for Abba and nei0hbors, On the cross, es!s &ins life b"
offerin0 his o&n life in death,
13,4, The Cisen One *on-!ers Beath, es!s risin0 from the dead tells the &hole of
h!manit" and creation that 4od is the )aster of life, 5n the res!rrection of es!s, death
has been stripped of its definiti'e role in shapin0 histor", 9istor" belon0s to lifeI The
&hole of creation is propelled b" lifeI 4od offers hope to the &hole &orld and its teemin0
millions searchin0 and str!00lin0 for life thro!0h the Cisen One, 8orld of 1ife, the Aread
of 1ife, the A!thor of 1ife,
13,#, The 4ift of the 3pirit of 1ife promises and 0i'es the 3pirit, (the 1ord, the 4i'er of
1ife,K The 3pirit that enabled es!s to be the life-0i'in0 )essiah, &ill enable the
comm!nit" of disciples to remember him, to follo& him, to participate in his life, The
follo&ers of *hrist, indi'id!all" and corporatel", are to be comforted and re:!'enated in
their follo&in0 of es!s b" the 3pirit of 1ife,
This ima0e of es!s -- man of the creati'e 3pirit, friend of 4od, person of inferiorit",
brin0er of harmon", lo'er of the poor, healer and liberator, bold prophet, s!fferin0
companion, 'ictor o'er death, sharer of his 3pirit -- resonates &ith the Asian peoples
'ision of life,
14, B53*5P1=395P 5/ T9= 3P5C5T OF 15F=, 5t is the 3pirit of es!s that creates the
disciple-comm!nit", And ft is in the po&er of the 3pirit that &e belie'e in him ;1 n 462f<,
remember him ;ohn 14627<, comm!nicate him ;Acts @63%< and li'e b" him ;2 *or
12613<, Biscipleship is li'in0 b" the 3pirit of the Cisen 1ord and b" the demands of the
Lin0dom of 1ife, The peoples of Asia &ill be dra&n to es!s if his disciples abide in his
life ;n 1#64<,
14,1, 3olidarit" &ith 4od, As es!s immersed himself into the depths of Abbas life and
lo'e, so that disciple-comm!nit" has to immerse 5tself totall" in the life of the Tri!ne 4od
and li'e b" comm!nion &ith 4od, Thro!0h this comm!nion, the disciple-comm!nit", can
more credibl" share the lo'e and life of 4od &ith others and more effecti'el" brin0 the
forces of 4ods Lin0dom of 1ife to bear on the death-dealin0 realities of Asia,
To be in solidarit" &ith 4od, pra"er is indispensable, Pra"er e>presses o!r inner spirit
and impels !s to&ards e'er deeper comm!nion and intimac" &ith 4od, This comm!nion
is at the core of life-0i'in0 spirit!alit", 5n es!s o&n e>ample, mission and ser'ice dra&
their ener0" and po&er, their 'er" life, from solidarit" &ith Abba and leads bac. to this
solidarit", 5f the Bisciples of *hrist are steeped in pra"erf!l enco!nter &ith and ser'ice of
Abba, the" &ill stri.e a chord in the heart of Asia &here traditions of spirit!alit" and
pra"er abo!nd,
14,2, 1iberatin0 and Cecreatin0 *omm!nion amon0 /ei0hbors, 1i.e es!s, &e ha'e to
pitch o!r tents in the midst of all h!manit" b!ildin0 a better &orld, b!t especiall"
amon0 the s!fferin0 and the poor, the mar0inali2ed and the do&ntrodden of Asia, 5n
profo!nd Ksolidarit" &ith s!fferin0 h!manit"K and led b" the 3pirit of life, &e need to
immerse o!rsel'es in Asias c!lt!res of po'ert" and depri'ation, from &hose depths the
aspirations for lo'e and life are most poi0nant and compellin0, 3er'in0 life demands
comm!nion &ith e'er" &oman and man see.in0 and str!00lin0 for life, in the &a" of
es!s solidarit" &ith h!manit",
O!r solidarit" re-!ires a resol'e to &or. &ith o!r Asian sisters and brothers in liberatin0
o!r societies from &hate'er oppresses and de0rades h!man life and creation, most
especiall" from sin, 8e offer the radical freedom of life in *hrist, 5n a special &a", &e
&ill follo& es!s in his Kpreferential :o!rne"K &ith the poor and &ill assist in the
liberation of the materiall" poor, of indi0eno!s peoples, displaced persons, 'ictims of
mis0!ided economic and political de'elopment, 'ictims of &ars and di'isions, 'ictims of
se> to!rism, 8e &ill more acti'el" assist in the inte0ral de'elopment of &omen, children
and the "o!th, &ho cr" o!t for liberation from man" deh!mani2in0 and oppressi'e
sit!ations and for their ri0htf!l place in societ" and in the *h!rchs mission to ser'e life,
8ith o!r Asian sisters and brothers, &e &ill stri'e to foster comm!nion amon0 Asian
peoples &ho are threatened b" 0larin0 economic, social and political imbalances, 8ith
them &e &ill e>plore &a"s of !tili2in0 the 0ifts of o!r di'erse reli0ions, c!lt!res and
lan0!a0es to achie'e a richer and deeper Asian !nit", 8e &ill b!ild brid0es of solidarit"
and reconciliation &ith peoples of other faiths and &ill :oin hands &ith e'er" one in Asia
in formin0 a tr!e comm!nit" of creation,
14,3, B"in0 for the )an", 5mmersion in Asias c!lt!res of po'ert" is a d"in0 to o!rsel'es
so that &e ma" li'e for 4od and for others, 5t is a dimension of the spirit!alit" that stems
from es!s himself for &hom the 0i'in0 of life to others happens in the 0i'in0 of the 'er"
self, That is &h" the lo'e of the Father, 3on and 3pirit, the self-0i'in0 of 4od to all
h!manit", especiall" on behalf of the poor, is at the heart of all 0en!ine ser'ice to life,
5t is this lo'e that impels !s as the disciple-comm!nit" of es!s to confront and act
a0ainst death-dealin0 realities, oppression and in:!stice, discrimination and e>ploitation,
the destr!ction of ecos"stems, the tamperin0 &ith life, As disciples &e cannot ser'e both
life and deathI !st as es!s &or.ed as a prophet of ne& life and died to !sher it in, so &e
in Asia toda" m!st prophes" on behalf of the 4od of life, Cef!sal to prophes" and spea.
a0ainst the forces of death is to fail in ser'in0 lifeI
8e ma" hesitate beca!se &e are minorit" 0ro!p, 5ndeed &e are little floc. in Asia, A!t it
is from this position of &ea.ness that 4ods 0ift of di'ine life in es!s *r!cified, the
po&er and &isdom of 4od, is most si0nificant, Tri!mphalism and displa"s of pomp and
h!man po&er do not &itness to the abne0ation of es!s on the *ross, 5t is often from o!r
&ea.ness that 4ods lo'e as life-0i'in0 0race is more clearl" made manifest,
8e memoriali2e es!s total self-0ift aro!nd the =!charistic table, 8e parta.e of the 'er"
life of es!s, the Aread of 1ife bro.en and shared, 8e drin. of the *!p of the ne&
co'enant &ith 4od, 8e :oin es!s in ser'in0 life b" &ashin0 the feet of o!r nei0hbors,
8e celebrate the ne& creation &hen simple fr!its of the earth and &or. of h!man hands
become the presence of es!s in o!r midst, 8e loo. to that promised ban-!et &here all
&ill sit as brothers and sisters aro!nd the 4od of 1ife,
14,4, 1i'in0 in the Cisen One, Faith in the Cisen One demands that his disciples in Asia
b" s"mbols of hope, Aeca!se es!s is risen, &e reali2e that the promise of life is not
empt", O!r common search &ill not end in senselessness b!t in life, The res!rrected life,
proclaimed in &ord, deeds, presence, comm!nit" and ser'ice b" the disciples of *hrist,
can help ass!re Asians that in the 'ario!s arenas of death, life still p!lsates and flo&s, life
is a promise that is bein0 reali2ed and &ill be f!lfilled in es!s and 9is 3pirit,
14,#, 8al.in0 b" the 3pirit of 1ife, The 4ift of the life-0i'in0 3pirit men and
&omen disciples of es!s, K1i'in0 b" the 3pirit, &al.in0 b" the 3pirit,K ;4al #62#< is
concretel" seen in a life mar.ed b" the fr!its of the 3pirit6 lo'e, :o", peace, patience,
.indness, 0oodness, faithf!lness, 0entleness, self-controlK ;4al #622f<, These 'al!es,
&hich are opposed to the Kfr!its of the flesh,K need to be inf!sed into the *h!rchs
lifest"le, policies, pro0rams and comm!nal life,
The 3pirit is the po&erf!l breath animatin0 the mission of the Bisciples of *hrist,
8hether in e>plicit proclamation of the 4ospel or in the silence of pra"er, &hether in the
&armth of personal contact or the b!rden of liberati'e action, the 3pirit of life 0!ides,
sanctifies and !nifies the disciple-comm!nit" for the &orld and h!manit",
The deepest comm!nication of the *h!rch to Asia is its 3pirit-filled and m!ltiform
mission of sharin0 *hrist as the 8a", the Tr!th and the 1ife,
14,7, O!r reflection on discipleship cannot be complete &itho!t in'o.in0 )ar", the
&oman &ho 0a'e es!s to the &orld, 3he &ho is the )other of 1ife is also the foremost
disciple of 1ife, 9er e>ample teaches !s that discipleship in'ol'es attenti'e listenin0 to
the &ord of 4od and the freedom to respond to it ;1!.e 1627-3@<, 3he re0ards herself a
ser'ant in solidarit" &ith her people 5srael, celebratin0 4ods merc" for the lo&l" and the
h!n0r" ;1!.e 1647-##<, 3he co!ra0eo!sl" s!ffers &ith her 3on at the foot of the cross and
from that &ood of life becomes the mother of !s all ;n 1%62#-27<, 8ith the earl"
disciple-comm!nit", she pra"s, a&aitin0 the promised 3pirit of 1ife ;Acts 1612-14<, /o&
&ith her son in 0lor", she enli'ens the hope of all for eternal life, 5n )ar" &e find not
onl" a mother b!t also a model and companion in o!r pil0rima0e to A0e,
14,7, 5n the final anal"sis to the -!estion that &e ha'e as.ed abo!t o!r *hristian
contrib!tion to the str!00le for f!ll life in Asia, o!r ans&er is brief, b!t profo!ndl"
committed, O!r ans&er is es!s and his 4ospel of 1ife, O!r ans&er is the sharin0 of
Abbas liberatin0 and reconcilin0 life and lo'e &ith others, O!r ans&er is a!thentic
discipleship in the creati'e 3pirit of es!s, the 3pirit of 1ife,
1#, )AOC PA3TOCA1 AC=A3 OF B53*5P1=395P, The abo'e reflection on a
theolo0ico-pastoral basis of discipleship leads !s to its concrete implications to o!r
pastoral mission, )an", indeed, are o!r pastoral concerns6 dialo0!e &ith peoples of other
faiths, dialo0!e &ith the poor, dialo0!e &ith the c!lt!res of AsiaG :!stice and inte0ral
de'elopment mediated b" the social teachin0s of the *h!rch, formation and ed!cation,
the apostolate of the media and the arts, 8e ha'e deliberated on all these 'er" important
and interconnected concerns, The res!lts &ill be p!blished,
A!t in the li0ht of o!r faith-reflection, &e belie'e that fi'e concerns re-!ire special
pastoral foc!s6
1#,1, The Asian is a microcosm of Asian societ", 5t is bombarded on all sides b" anti-
famil" forces of deh!mani2ation and disinte0ration, ran0in0 from material and moral
po'ert" to sec!laristic 'al!es and e>ternal press!res leadin0 to anti-life t"pes of bioethics
and practices of abortion and contraception, *hildren, as in man" other areas of life,
become the !n&illin0 and innocent 'ictims, Do!n0 0irls and bo"s are also e>ploited
thro!0h ille0al labor practices and se> to!rism, Biscipleship in Asia then has to deno!nce
s!ch anti-life and anti-famil" press!res, policies, and practices and foster bioethics that is
in accord &ith 4ods la& and the *h!rchs teachin0s in order to promote the famil" as a
Ksanct!ar" of lifeK and a school of life,
1#,2, The comple> iss!e of &omen and the aid child in Asia has to be one of the ma:or
concerns, Alread" o!r Fo!rth Plenar" Assembl", in To."o, 1%@7, raised the iss!e to the
le'el of the &hole Asian *h!rch, 8e cannot effecti'el" promote o!r *hristian 'ision of
f!ll life !nless the *h!rch as a comm!nion of comm!nities &ill credibl" e>pend its moral
and spirit!al ener0ies to the con'ersion of mentalities, the transformation of str!ct!res,
and the eradication of practices that den" &omen and the 0irl child in Asia their 4od-
0i'en di0nit", An !r0ent pastoral imperati'e is for &omen to e>ercise their ri0ht to
coresponsibilit" and m!t!alit" &ith men -- in societ" and in the *h!rch,
1#,3, On the occasion of the anni'ersar" of ='an0elical *hristian and Coman *atholic
*harismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ement (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide+, the *h!rch
li.e&ise confronts the realit" of Asia as the continent of the "o!th, As in other FAA*
for!ms, &e stand in solidarit" &ith their str!00les for a!thentic life, 8e share their
concern and alarm in the face of mis0!ided policies and str!ct!res that are alread" la"in0
the fo!ndation of their f!t!re, 8e &onder &ith them % the earth &ill still be preser'ed for
them and their children at the rate it is bein0 mis!sed no&, 8e commit o!rsel'es to
accompan" their life-0i'in0 mo'ement in their aspiration to transform themsel'es and
o!r societies to&ards f!ller life,
1#,4, =colo0" is once a0ain bro!0ht to o!r pastoral attention, And !r0entl" so, since &e
see in the co!ntries of Asia the contin!in0 and !nabated destr!ction of o!r en'ironment --
&aters, forests, plant and animal life, air -- and the s!pport s"stems of all created life,
1ife, especiall" in a Third 8orld settin0, is sacrificed at the altar of short-term economic
0ains, The 1ord, the 4i'er of 1ife, calls o!r discipleship in Asia into -!estion on the time
bomb iss!e of ecolo0", *hoosin0 life re-!ires o!r discipleship to discern and act &ith
other faiths and 0ro!ps a0ainst the forces of ecolo0ical destr!ction,
1#,#, 3pecial attention is 0i'en to the displaced in o!r societies6 political and ecolo0ical
ref!0ees and mi0rant &or.ers, The" are mar0inali2ed and e>ploited b" the s"stem, denied
of their place in societ" and m!st 0o else&here to see. a di0nified life, 5n &elcomin0
them &e e>pose the ca!ses of their displacement, &or. to&ard conditions for a more
h!man li'in0 in comm!nit", e>perience the !ni'ersal dimension of the Lin0dom ;4al
362@< and appreciate ne& opport!nities for e'an0eli2ation and interc!lt!ral dialo0!e,
Tho!0h o!r pastoral directi'es for action to!ch on man" iss!es of concern, &e appeal for
a partic!lar pastoral foc!s on these fi'e ma:or challen0es,
17, As &e end o!r deliberations, &e do so as &e be0an -- &ith a pra"er of than.s, hope,
and commitment,
Pra"er of 3er'ice to 1ife in Asia
1o'in0 and life-0i'in0 4od, at the be0innin0 "o! called !s in Asia into life, enriched !s
&ith an astonishin0 'ariet" of c!lt!res, &a"s of li'in0, belie'in0, and &orshipin0, As
sisters and brothers in "o!r one Asian famil", &e than. "o! and praise "o!,
Amon0 !s are the poorest of the poor, the poor &ith their man" faces of miser" and pain,
millions &ho see. not onl" a better life b!t the f!ll 1ife that onl" "o! can 0i'e, 8e hear
"o!r call to ser'e them, the &a" "o!r 3on es!s ser'ed others in total lo'e, in !tter
selflessness, e!charisticall",
3end !s "o!r 3pirit of 1ife, that to0ether &ith other comm!nities, &e ma" respond to the
an0!ish of o!r sisters and brothers &ith co!ra0eo!s and 0enero!s lo'e and &ith them
come to the 1ife that ne'er ends,
)a" o!r )other, )ar", the 'oice and )other of the Poor, &ho anno!nced the liberation
of the lo&l", be o!r companion, )a" she as the mother and model of all disciples lead !s
to the 8a", the Tr!th, and the 1ife in "o!r Lin0dom fore'er and e'er, Amen,
The pope sta"ed &ith the bishops another t&o ho!rs to ha'e their photos ta.en &ith him
and to en:o" his last dinner in )anila &ith them,
/e 3ants to ret!rn,
APerhaps another
opport!nity` @ don?t
6no3 ho3B
)anila, Philippines, October 2@, 2014 - Pope Francis left the Philippines for Pap!a /e&
4!inea on )onda", October 27 after a tri!mphant 'isit that in:ected ne& 'i0or into his
papac" and dre& a record cro&d n!mberin0 se'eral million for a ann!al Papal e'ent,
Cespondin0 to chants of KFrancis, &e lo'e "o!K from the cro&d seein0 him off at the
)anila 5nternational Airport, he told them,
The 77 "ears old Pontiff loo.ed tired after a 0r!elin0 fo!r-da" 'isit b!t climbed the stairs
to the plane !naided, holdin0 the railin0 &ith both hands, After Pap!a /e& 4!inea, he
0oes on to A!stralia, 9is 24-da" to!r ends in 3ri 1an.a, &here A!ddhists ha'e threatened
to bo"cott his ann!al 'isit o'er remar.s in the deceased Pope ohn Pa!l 2Hs best-sellin0
boo. (*rossin0 the Thresher of 9ope,+
Francis came to The Philippines, the heartland of *atholicism in AsiaG &ith man" people
fearin0 the one "ear, se'en month rei0n &as fla00in0 after months of his installation,
A!t in )anila on 3!nda", he sho&ed he still had the p!llin0 po&er that politicians onl"
dream of, !bilant Vatican officials aid the estimated fo!r million people &ho pac.ed the
center of )anila for the clima> of the ann!al anni'ersar" celebration of e'an0elical
*hristian and Coman *atholic charismatic rene&al reli0io!s 0ro!p and mo'ement es!s
is 1ord *h!rch 0a'e the Pope the bi00est &elcome he had e'er seen, 5t s!rpassed e'en
the cro&d that 0reeted him &hen the deceased Pope ohn Pa!l 55 to Poland for the first
time in 1%7% and second on an!ar" 1#, 1%%#,
7 thousand images.
(5 ta.e &ith me a tho!sand ima0es of the Filipino people,+ the Pope said before departin0
aboard a Philippine Airlines aircraft,
K5 .no& "o!r desire for 0reater :!stice and a better life for "o!rsel'es and "o!r children,
/o one can !nderestimate the diffic!lties "o! face and the hard &or. that lies ahead,K
9e called for a ne& sense of responsibilit" in societ" and for Filipinos to p!rs!e
de'elopment that (preser'es and promotes the tr!e 'al!es of "o!r Filipino c!lt!re+,
B!rin0 his 'isit, he !sed an address to Filipino, )ala"sian, 5ndonesian, Thai, Vietnamese,
*hinese, Tai&anese, Lorean, apanese, 5ndian, 3ri, Aan0ladeshi, Pa.istani
Coman *atholic territorial archbishops, bishops and cardinals to hammer home the
*h!rchHs opposition to all forms of artificial contraception and abortion,
KAeca!se the *h!rch treas!res the di'ine 0ifts of h!man life and its inalienable di0nit",
she cannot b!t stren!o!sl" oppose all meas!res &hich are in an" &a" directed at
promotin0 abortion, sterili2ation and also contraception,K he told a Pri'ate )eetin0 of
Coman *atholic territorial Aishops,
The follo&in0 e'enin0, )onda", October 27, the Pope left )anila for Port )oresb" in
Pap!a /e& 4!inea,
FAC=8=11 *=C=)O/D6 ABBC=33 OF 953 9O15/=33, POP= FCA/*53 ;/ino"
A-!ino 5nternational Airport, Pasa" *it", )etro )anila, )onda", October 27, 2014<
ear 6i"ipino 6riends, )" Pastoral Visit to the bea!tif!l Philippines is no& at an end, 5
&ish to than. e'er"one for the &armth and 0racio!sness of the hospitalit" 5 ha'e recei'ed
from the first moment of m" arri'al, 5n a special &a" 5 am 0ratef!l to 9is =>cellenc"
President, Aeni0no 3, A-!ino 555 and the members of the 4o'ernment for their close
participation in each sta0e of the 'isit, 5 cordiall" than. 1!is Antonio *ardinal 4, Ta0le
and ose *ardinal 3, Palma and all m" Arother Aishops of Asia and their collaborators for
ma.in0 m" pil0rima0e to the *h!rch in these 5slands s!ch a fr!itf!l and :o"f!l
celebration of o!r faith in es!s *hrist, 5 than. e'er"one &ho too. part in the )asses and
other e'ents, those &ho or0ani2ed them, those &ho maintained order and sec!rit", those
&ho ha'e &or.ed to broadcast and tele'ise the e'ents, those &ho in an" &a" ser'ed the
needs of so man" pil0rims, )a" 4od re&ard each and e'er" one, each one of "o!I
8ith partic!lar affection 5 sa" than. "o! to the people &ho ha'e been the main actors in
the es!s is 1ord *h!rch Anni'ersar" *elebration, 9o& can &e e>plain or meas!re the
m"sterio!s &or.in0 of di'ine 0race in so man" 0enero!s "o!n0 hearts` The 1ord
described the Lin0dom as a seed &hich a man so&ed, and &hich then prod!ced a rich
har'est, 9ere, the seed had alread" fallen on rich soil, )an" people $ school al!mni,
parents, teachers, st!dents, professors, catechists, Celi0io!s, priests, deacons,
monsi0nors, pastors $ ha'e .ept &atch o'er the seed of faith and helped it 0ro&, And 4od
0i'es the increase ;cf, 1 *or, 367<, 9o& far &ill it 0ro&` 9o& &ide &ill it spread from
here thro!0h the immense h!man 0eo0raph" of Asia` This is the challen0e and the tas.
&hich the people of the First (es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide Anni'ersar" Festi'al+ and
the &hole Coman *atholic *h!rch, A!siness ;incl!din0 A0ric!lt!re, Aan.in0, Finance,
Propert", 3toc. ), Telecomm!nications<, =ntertainment, 1ifest"le, 3ports, 1e0al
and Politics in the Philippines ha'e ta.en !p and &ill carr" into the ne>t Philippine
presidential administration in 2017, All of this fills m" heart &ith 0ratit!de and :o", 5 &ill
contin!e to ha'e bo!ndless hope in the "o!th of the Philippines and of the &orld6 *hrist
is &or.in0 thro!0h them for the ne& sprin0time of *hristianit" on this continent, 8e see
the earl" sta0es of the plantin0G others &ill re:oice in the rich har'est,
5 ta.e &ith me a tho!sand ima0es of the Filipino people, 5 .no& "o!r desire for 0reater
:!stice and a better life for "o!rsel'es and "o!r children, /o one can !nderestimate the
diffic!lties "o! face and the hard &or. that lies ahead, Abo'e all, no one sho!ld p!ll bac.
from the 0reat demand of real and effecti'e solidarit", a ne& solidarit" bet&een
indi'id!als, in families and thro!0ho!t societ", There has to be pro0ress in sharin0, There
has to be a rene&ed sense of responsibilit" of e'er"one for e'er"one elseG &e are each of
!s, o!r brother?s .eeper, )a" 4od help "o! to follo& the path "o! ha'e alread" be0!n6
to&ards a contin!in0 de'elopment that preser'es and promotes the tr!e 'al!es of "o!r
Filipino c!lt!reI
)" partin0 &ish can be none other than the one 5 e>pressed for "o! &hen 5 came here
almost one "ear, se'en months, fo!rteen da"s a0o after m" installation as Pope6 ma" "o!
al&a"s en:o" peace in "o!r hearts and in "o!r homesG ma" :!stice and freedom rei0n
thro!0ho!t "o!r landG and ma" "o!r families be faithf!l fore'er, !nited in :o" and lo'eI
)a" 4od bless "o! allI 4od bless the PhilippinesI )ab!ha"I
The Pontiff loo.ed tired after a 0r!elin0 fo!r-da" 'isit b!t climbed the stairs to the plane
!naided, holdin0 the railin0 &ith both hands,
After fare&ell ceremonies at the Old )anila 5nternational Airport, the Plane embla2oned
&ith the e>altation6 (Tot!s T!!sI+ off at aro!nd %62# P,),
The fli0ht &ill be commanded b" *aptain ohnn" Andre&s, The pilot-in-command is
*aptain Alfredo !liano &ho assisted b" *aptain Oli'er *astro, First Officers C!ben
)atro and 3er'ando Aocao and fli0ht en0ineers Bann" 9allare and )an!elito
Cespaldon, 5nfli0ht ser'ice &ill be pro'ided t&o sets of cabin cre& n!mberin0 22 led-b"
p!rsers An0elito Tiras and ohn 5nopea,
The rest of the cre& are assistant fli0ht p!rser A!rora Aa!tista, ste&ards 8esle"
*alfoforo, 3al'ador *acho, oseph Torral, Cafael Torralba, A!rora Ponce-=nrile, 3!san
del *armen, es!lta de 1eon, 3tella Frias, =lsie =sc!tin, 9ermie *a0alin0an, *ristina
Padilla, 1o!rdes 1edesma, Dsabel *ostas, ='an0eline 4atmaitan, )ar0arita )an2ano,
*"nthia Cosales and 3er'ice )ana0er A!0!sto Aarrios,
As reconfi0!red, the Aircraft is fitted &ith special seats, a sleeperette, and a dedicated
la'ator" to s!it the re-!irements of the 9ol" Father d!rin0 the fli0ht to Port )oresb",
Pap!a /e& 4!inea located some 2,171 na!tical miles so!th of )anila,
B!rin0 the deceased pope ohn Pa!l 2Hs 'isit in Febr!ar" 1%@1, PA1 fle& the Pontiff to
se'eral .e" cities in the co!ntr"6 incl!din0 *eb!, Aacolod, 5loilo, Ba'ao, Aa0!io and
After Pap!a /e& 4!inea, he 0oes on to /e& Oealand and A!stralia, 9is 13-da" to!r ends
in 3ri 1an.a, &here A!ddhists ha'e threatened to bo"cott his 'isit o'er remar.s in the
Pope ohn Pa!l 2?s best-sellin0 1%%4 boo. (*rossin0 the Thresher of 9ope,+
Enfa2ed b" reports of plots a0ainst him, Pope Francis fle& to this forest-clad island
nation )onda", October 27 &ith pra"ers of enco!ra0ement for a "o!n0 Asian ch!rch,
The Pope had arri'ed as sched!led at #600 a,m, ;3600 a,m, )anila Time<, T!esda",
October 2@ on board an Air /i!0ini Airb!s,
Location Local time Time
;TC oJset
Port "ores*6 $Papua
=e8 :uinea,
'onday, 27 October
2014, 04,00,00
P8T ;TCL1&
"anila $Philippines, 'onday, 27 October
2014, 03,00,00
=e8 @elhi $>ndia (
'onday, 27 October
2014, 00,30,00
@&T ;TCL-4'&
Ban!9o9 $Thailand, 'onday, 27 October
2014, 02,00,00
Los %n!eles $;.).%. (
&!nday, 2> October
2014, 12,00,00
=e8 ?or9 $;.).%. ( =e8
&!nday, 2> October
2014, 14,00,00
<DT ;TC(4
;TC $Time Mone, &!nday, 2> October
2014, 1C,00,00
Rome $>tal6, &!nday, 2> October
2014, 20,00,00
(<T ;TCL1
Arri'in0 from a tri!mphant 'isit to the Philippines, the 77-"ear-old pontiff rode from the
airport in an open-sided pic.!p tr!c., to the deli0ht of a shorts-and-flip-flops cro&d and
the disma" of sec!rit" specialists,
Bespite police concern here o'er the &hereabo!ts and intentions of t&o 5ranian
b!sinessmen, and Filipino police s!spicions of a plot, Pope Francis inclined to ride in a
closed car,
There &ere ma:or chan0es in an o!tdoor mass sched!led for this mornin0 in &hich Pope
Francis &as to canoni2e the re0ion?s first potential saint,
*hief 5nspector Bennis 3amin told reporters )onda" ni0ht that as Pope Francis &as
arri'in0 from )anila, police here became preocc!pied at the apparent disappearance of
t&o 5ranians,
9e said the" had entered the co!ntr" abo!t a month a0o b!t had recentl" chec.ed o!t of
their hotel and dropped from si0ht,
8hile Pope Francis &as in the Philippines, police said t&o )!slim e>tremists had been
arrested and another 20 &ere bein0 so!0ht in a plot a0ainst the pope,
1andin0 here in the second of fo!r stops on his 1%-da" Asian to!r, Pope Francis told a
cheerf!l airport cro&d that it &as a (:o" to ret!rn to this bea!tif!l co!ntr",+ &hich last
'isited former pope ohn Pa!l 2 on an!ar" 17 to 1@, 1%%#,
Tho!sands of people, man" blo&in0 &histles and &a'in0 fla0s, lined the nine-mile
motorcade ro!te to sal!te the pope on a hot, stic." afternoon, Abo!t a third of Pap!a /e&
4!ineaHs fo!r million people are Coman *atholics,
Pope Francis said, predictin0 (a ne& sprin0time+ for *hristianit" in Asia,
The pope contin!es the 7th forei0n 'isit of his rei0n 8ednesda", October 2% in /e&
Oealand and Frida", October 21 in A!stralia, 9e ret!rns to the Vatican at &ee.?s end on
)onda", /o'ember 10 after a final stop in 3ri 1an.a,
Follo&ed b" a )eetin0 &ith the cler0", reli0io!s and lait" in the *h!rch of 3aint )ar",
9elp of *hristians in Port )oresb" and the 9ol" )ass to0ether &ith priests from
Archdiocese of Port )oresb" at 3ir ohn 4!ise 3tadi!m, Port )oresb",
The pope also contin!ed to tra'el aro!nd Port )oresb" in the bac. of a &hite pic.!p,
&ith a "ello& canop" pro'idin0 the onl" protection from the elements,
B!rin0 the )ass, the hi0hli0ht of his t&o-da" 'isit here, the pope canoni2es Peter To-Cot,
a catechist ordered to halt his missionar" &or. b" apanese occ!pation forces, 5n 1%4#, a
apanese militar" doctor .illed him &ith a lethal in:ection,
Abo!t one-third of the 3,% million people in Pap!a /e& 4!inea are Coman *atholic,
Fare&ell *eremon" of Pope Francis ;ac.sons 5nternational Airport, Port )oresb", Pap!a
/e& 4!inea, 8ednesda", October 2%, 2014<
Bear Friends, Bear People of Pap!a /e& 4!inea,
5 ta.e lea'e of "o! and "o!r bea!tif!l co!ntr" &ith m" heart filled &ith 0ratit!de, :o" and
1, 5 am deepl" 0ratef!l for the &arm hospitalit" &hich the people of Pap!a /e& 4!inea
ha'e sho&n me, 5 e>press m" sincere than.s to all those &ho made this pastoral 'isit
possible, especiall" 9is =>cellenc" the 4o'ernor$4eneral, the Prime )inister and the
distin0!ished members of Parliament, )" than.s 0o li.e&ise to m" Arother Aishops, the
cler0", Celi0io!s and lait", man" of &hom ha'e made -!iet and !nseen sacrifices so that
this 'isit mi0ht brin0 happiness and stren0th to others, 5 also than. those &ho ha'e
assisted me so 0enero!sl", those &ho ha'e ens!red the orderl" r!nnin0 of the e'ents and
those in the media &ho ha'e made it possible for m" 'oice to reach people in other
2, 5 ha'e felt 0reat :o" d!rin0 m" brief 'isit amon0 "o! $ :o" most of all for ha'in0 had
the opport!nit" to celebrate here in Pap!a /e& 4!inea the Aeatification of Peter To Cot,
the first son of this land to be officiall" named amon0 the Alessed in hea'en, This has
been a real occasion for re:oicin0 on the part of the *atholics of "o!r nation, and it has
been a si0nificant e'ent for all "o!r people, The life of Alessed Peter To Cot is a precio!s
treas!re &hich remains fore'er "o!rs, 5t is a beacon shinin0 bri0ht, a si0nal fire leadin0
"o! to hold aloft the noble ideals &hich inspired him6 faith in 4od, lo'e of famil", ser'ice
of nei0hbo!r, and !ns&er'in0 co!ra0e in the face of trials and sacrifice,
3, O!r meetin0s d!rin0 these past t&o da"s ha'e 0i'en me m!ch hope, ='er"&here 5
ha'e met people &ith a real desire to ser'e 4od and to &al. in his paths, 5n "o!r faith "o!
&ill find the &isdom and inspiration to meet the challen0es facin0 "o!r co!ntr", Faith
demands solidarit" &ith those affected b" the tra0ic 'olcanic er!ption in /e& Aritain and
&ith the ref!0ees in 'ario!s parts of Pap!a /e& 4!inea, Faith demands that all sides
in'ol'ed in the armed conflict and 'iolence in Ao!0ain'ille sho!ld ha'e the co!ra0e to
see. a tr!l" :!st and peacef!l sol!tion to their disp!tes, Faith demands that e'er"one
sho!ld &or. to0ether for the 0ood of the &hole people,
4, Bear Friends6 As "o! loo. o!t !pon "o!r bea!tif!l land &ith its :!n0les and mi0ht"
ri'ers, its mo!ntains and deep 'alle"s, its 'olcanoes and limitless seas, 0i'e than.s to
4od &hose 0oodness is &itho!t end, 8ith "o!r man" different lan0!a0es and traditions
"o! are a &onderf!l tapestr" &hich 4od is &ea'in0 into the ima0e of a di'erse b!t !nited
famil" of peoples !pon &hom he &ishes to sho&er his blessin0s, 5 pra" that his peace
&ill al&a"s rei0n in "o!r homes and in "o!r li'esI
;in Pid0in$=n0lish<
4od bless "!pela ol0eta, 4od bless Pap!a /i!0ini,
After the 30-min!te fare&ell ceremonies at the ac.sons 5nternational Airport, /ational
*apital Bistrict ;Pap!a /e& 4!inea<, the Air /i!0ini Aoein0 777 Plane embla2oned &ith
the e>altation6 (Tot!s T!!sI+ off at aro!nd 3600 P,), ;12 /oon )anila Time< and
arri'es after the airplane landin0 at 7620 P,), ;4620 P,), )anila Time<, 8ednesda",
October 2%,
'ap, A@T@#<55;, The Travelin) Pope @s Travelin) )ainB Pope Francis 3ill visit
sia and !stralia for 11 days be)innin) today, the seventh, ei)hth, ninth
forei)n trip since he ass!"ed the papacy on 'arch 13, 2013$ The "ap charts
his sched!le$
Pope Francis in )in!apore
The Pope arrived at (han)i irport at 7,20 p" on 2ednesday, October 2C,
2014, in an ir #i!)ini 7oein) 7>7 Iet$ This 3as I!st ho!rs after @sraeli
President 5e!ven 5ivlin had left &in)apore that "ornin) after a three-day
visit fro" October 27 to 2C, 2014$
Three people boarded the plane to "eet the Pope, the head of the (atholic
(h!rch in &in)apore, rchbishop 2illia" (ardinal 8oh &en) (hyee the %atican
"bassador to &in)apore, rchbishop 5enate 'artinee and the 'inister for
(o""!nications and @nfor"ation and &econd Defence 'inister, ;aacob
@brahi"$ The Pope then ali)hted fro" the plane, 6issed the )ro!nd *his
traditional )est!re "ar6in) the start of each state visit+, rose and raised his
hands in blessin)$
li"o!sine acco"panied by police o!triders drove hi" to the @stana, 3here
he "et President Dr Tony Tan and Pri"e 'inister 1ee /sien 1oon)$
fter the "eetin), the Pope proceeded to the #e3 #ational &tadi!" located
at &in)apore &ports /!b, 3here a special 3elco"in) cere"ony be)an 3ith
the playin) of the national anthe"s of &in)apore and the %atican$
/e 3as driven ro!nd the trac6 of the stadi!" in a Ieep$ /e approached 400
disabled, a)ed and sic6 people seated at the football pitch and said special
prayers for the"$
&tandin) at an elaborate altar, he then cond!cted a three-ho!r holy "ass,
incl!din) a 44-"in!te ser"on in <n)lish, 3ith si"!ltaneo!s translations in
Pilipino, 'andarin, (antonese, 'alay, @ndonesian, Eannada, Ta"il, Thai and
%@etna"ese$ /e also distrib!ted (o""!nion to the sic6, a)ed and disabled$
2ith hi" in the stands 3ere 2illia" (ardinal 8oh &en) (hye, so"e 40
cardinals, 200 priests and 100 lay "inisters$ &o"e =0,000 (atholics,
incl!din) those fro" the Philippines, 'alaysia, &in)apore and Thailand,
attended the papal "ass$
@n his ser"on to &in)apore.s 104,000 (atholics, the Pope spo6e of love and
peace$ /e also reaNr"ed the (h!rch.s stand a)ainst artifcial for"s of birth
control, sayin) it 3as !p to (atholic co!ples the"selves to decide ho3 "any
children they 3anted$
D!e to ti"e constraints, the Pope left copies of his address after the holy
"ass 3ith the priests of the rchdiocese$ /e praised the" for their 3or6 and
enco!ra)ed the" to re"ain faithf!l to their priestly vocation$
/e then left for (han)i irport, for his neGt stop at FiIi on October 30$
"ope @rncis gets tribl greeting in @iji- celebrtes outdoor 'ss
Tribal chiefs, in a cere"ony reserved for honored )!ests, today presented
Pope Francis 3ith a set of 3hale?s teeth and a roast pi) to 3elco"e hi" on his
frst visit to this &o!th Pacifc archipela)o$
A7y co"in) to FiIi @ hope to enco!ra)e all (hristians here and thro!)ho!t the
Pacifc to dedicate the" 3holeheartedly to the 1ord,B the pope said in
response to the 3elco"in) cere"ony$
Francis plans a 24-ho!r visit to the islands, his ffth stop after The Philippines,
Pap!a #e3 8!inea, 7an)ladesh and &in)apore on a t3o-3ee6, ten-nation
to!r of sian and Pacifc co!ntries$ The pope is sched!led to leave &at!rday
for #e3 Qealand, and to ret!rn to 5o"e on #ove"ber 11 after stops in
!stralia, &ri 1an6a and the &eychelles$
/eavy dri::le 3as fallin) fro" a s!dden "onsoon sho3er 3hen the 7>-year-
old pope landed at #a!sori airport o!tside &!va, the capital$ /e 3as )reeted
by Pri"e 'inister &ir Fran6 7aini"ara"a and President <peli #ailati6a!$
The pontiF arrived as ne3s reached the islands that fo!r FiIian soldiers had
been 6illed in a car bo"b eGplosion in 1ebanon on Th!rsday$
D!rin) the 3elco"in) #ailati6a! said the deaths "ade it a Asad and tra)ic
day for FiIi$B
ONcials said it 3as the 3orst sin)le death toll since FiIi sent t3o battalions to
Ioin the 9nited #ations peace-6eepin) force in 1ebanon and the &inai
Penins!la$ The 9$#$ troops are stationed bet3een 3arrin) factions in the 11-
year 1ebanese civil 3ar and help "onitor the <)yptian-@sraeli peace accord in
the &inai Penins!la$
bo!t 1,000 people, "ostly children shelterin) !nder !"brellas, 3elco"ed
the r)entina-born pope at #a!sori airport$ They stood in silence, the
traditional )reetin) for visitors of hi)h ran6$
The pope then drove to the city?s pal"-rin)ed lbert Par6, 3here tribal chiefs
)ave hi" the rit!al 3elco"e$
The chiefs handed the pope a "!d-colored, alcoholic drin6, called 6ava, in a
cocon!t shell$ /e do3ned the bre3 in a sin)le H!aF$ They also presented hi"
3ith )iant roots of the yaHona tree, fro" 3hich 6ava is "ade$ The drin6 is
cons!"ed on all cere"onial occasions$
The ho!rlon) cere"ony c!l"inated in an elaborate dance by 200 chantin),
spear-carryin) tribes"an 3earin) blac6 3ar paint on their faces$
'ara said the 3elco"e 3as Athe hi)hest trib!te 3e can eGtend to an honored
The pope later held an o!tdoor 'ass that dre3 at least 20,000 people, "any
standin) sho!lder-to-sho!lder on the rain-sodden )ro!nd$
7efore the afternoon 'ass, tribes"en 3earin) only loin cloths and leaves on
their bodies and carryin) heavy 3ooden cl!bs escorted the pope to the
locally constr!cted ti"ber altar$
@n his ho"ily, the pontiF !r)ed FiIians to Arene3 yo!r eForts to appreciate
and respect each other?s c!lt!ral diversity$B
There are racial tensions in the islands, 3hich is nearly divided eH!ally
bet3een @ndians 3ho ca"e here in the 1Cth cent!ry as indent!red laborers
and the native 'elanesians$
FiIi, an archipela)o 3hose "ain eGports incl!de s!)ar and copra, covers
7,044 sH!are "iles in the &o!th Pacifc and is abo!t 1,740 "iles north3est of
FiIi has a pop!lation of abo!t >40,000, of 3ho abo!t 300,000 are (hristians,
234,000 /ind!s and the rest 'osle"s or (onf!cians$
On &at!rday, #ove"ber 1, the pope is sched!led to stop in !c6land, #e3
Qealand?s lar)est city, 3here he 3ill celebrate 'ass, before ]yin) on to
2ellin)ton, the capital$
/e 3ill also visit the so!thern city of (hristch!rch before ]yin) to !stralia on
The sian-Pacifc trip is Francis. forei)n to!r since ass!"in) the papacy on
'arch 13, 2013$
"ope @rncis in 8e2 Pelnd )4ctober %1-8ove'ber %- #$1>.
The Pope, travellin) on an ir #i)!ini ]i)ht 3ith his ento!ra)e, set foot on
#e3 Qealand soil in !c6land at >,44 p" on Friday, October 31, 2014$ /e
6nelt and 6issed the )ro!nd in his traditional )est!re of hono!r to a ne3
co!ntry$ t the airport he received a &tate 2elco"e fro" the 8overnor
8eneral, &ir 0erry 'ateparae, and the Pri"e 'inister, the 5t$ /on 0ohn Eey$
(ro3ds lined the ro!te fro" 'an)ere irport as he travelled to the !c6land
Do"ain in a specially-"ade Pope"obile$ The 7ishops of !c6land and
/a"ilton, Patric6 0a"es D!nn and Denis 8eor)e 7ro3ne travelled 3ith hi"$
On arrival at the Do"ain he received a traditional 'aori 3elco"e$
(ro3ds pac6ed the Do"ain as the Pope co"pleted a f!ll circle of the Do"ain
rin) road$ fter vestin), he celebrated 3hat 3as #e3 Qealand.s bi))est open
air 'ass, alon) 3ith the bishops of #e3 Qealand, the cler)y of the !c6land
and /a"ilton Dioceses and the "any tho!sands 3ho 3ere )athered$
t the concl!sion of 'ass the Pope "o!nted a specially-constr!cted sta)e for
the ;o!th 5ally, at 3hich he addressed and prayed 3ith the tho!sands of
asse"bled yo!n) people$
t =,30 p$"$, he boarded a 5#QF aircraft to travel to 2ellin)ton$
The Pope arrived at 2ellin)ton irport at C,40 p$"$ /e stepped into a 3aitin)
li"o!sine and 3as driven to the postolic #!nciat!re in 1yall 7ay
acco"panied by the rchbishop of 2ellin)ton, (ardinal 0ohn tcherley De3,
and the 7ishop of Pal"erston #orth, 7ishop (harles Drennan$ The rest of the
evenin) 3as free fro" oNcial en)a)e"ents$
t the #!nciat!re on &!nday, at =,04 a$"$, he 3as introd!ced to "e"bers of
the Diplo"atic (orps, and spent so"e ti"e in a private "eetin) 3ith Pri"e
'inister 5t$ /on 0ohn Eey$
t 10 a$"$ he left for 8overn"ent /o!se for a "eetin) 3ith the 8overnor
8eneral, &ir Pa!l 5eeves, follo3ed by the drive to thletic Par6 3hich 3as the
ven!e for the 2ellin)ton 'ass$ On arrival he drove a circ!it of the Par6 in the
Pope"obile, after 3hich he vested for 'ass, and processed to the front of the
)randstand to a specially-constr!cted sanct!ary$ 'ass co""enced at 11,30
a$"$ and concl!ded at 2p"$ &hortly thereafter he "ade the 20-"in!te drive
to the #!nciat!re$
t 4$30p" he left the #!nciat!re and 3as driven to the 2ellin)ton &ho3 i
&ports (entre in 0ohn &treet, #e3to3n for the 1it!r)y of the nointin) of the
&ic6$ /e departed fro" the (entre in the Pope"obile at >$40p" drivin) to the
#!nciat!re for a 7p" "eetin) 3ith all the bishops of #e3 Qealand, and dined
3ith the" at =p"$ /e stayed overni)ht at the #!nciat!re$
On &!nday, #ove"ber 2, he left the #!nciat!re and boarded the 5#QF
7oein) for the Io!rney to (hristch!rch for the third day of his #e3 Qealand
On arrival at (hristch!rch irport at C,04 a$"$, the Pope 3as )reeted by civic
and reli)io!s leaders$ /is "otorcade then departed for the (athedral of the
7lessed &acra"ent to Ioin 3ith leaders of other (h!rches for an ho!r-lon)
ec!"enical lit!r)y$
t 10$24a" he drove in the Pope"obile fro" the (athedral to 1ancaster Par6,
acco"panied by the 7ishops of (hristch!rch and D!nedin, Denis /anrahan
and 1eonard 7oyle$ fter co"pletin) a circ!it of the )ro!nds, he vested for
'ass and processed to the sanct!ary for the Papal 'ass 3hich co""enced at
10,44 a$"$ t the concl!sion of 'ass at 1$14p" /is /oliness left 1ancaster
Par6 for (hristch!rch irport 3here he 3as accorded a &tate Fare3ell$
ttendin) 3ere the 8overnor 8eneral, &ir Pa!l 5eeves, the Pri"e 'inister
David 1an)e, (abinet 'inisters, 'e"bers of Parlia"ent, the 7ishops of #e3
Qealand and civic leaders$
t 2p", 'onday, #ove"ber 3, 2014 his ir #e3 Qealand aircraft left
(hristch!rch en ro!te for (anberra, !stralia$
"ope @rncis0 Where he 2ill- be nd 2henQ
Pope Francis ]ies into (anberra to"orro3 for the frst stop on his 3hirl3ind
!stralian to!r$ D!rin) the 3ee6lon)-to!r, the Pope 3ill visit nine cities and
celebrate seven "asses in <n)lish 1an)!a)e$ /ere, reprod!ced in detail for
APhilippine Daily @#J9@5<5B readers, is the Pope.s intinerary$
"onda6+ =ovem*er '4
'41- P.".4 ONcial arrival and 3elco"e at (anberra @nternational irport
'4-- P.".4 Pope"obile procession to #ational (onvention and <Ghibition
(entre, (anberra$
444& P.".4 'ass at #ational <Ghibition (enter
/4-- P.".4 Pope"obile procession to 8overn"ent /o!se, (anberra$
A41- P.".4 5eception 3ith 8overnor-8eneral
A4'- P.".4 Pope"obile procession to Parlia"ent /o!se, (anberra
A44- P.".4 5eception 3ith Pri"e 'inister
E4-- P.".4 Pope"obile procession to postolic #!nciat!re, 5ed /ill, (anberra
Tuesda6+ =ovem*er 44
E4#& a.m.4 5eception 3ith heads of diplo"atic "issions at the postolic
#!nciat!re, 5ed /ill, !stralian (apital Territory
D4#- a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to (anberra @nternational irport
11 a.m.4 rrival at 7risbane irport
1141- a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to J!een <li:abeth @@ &ports (enter,
1# p.m.4 'eetin) 3ith the &ic6 and Disabled, circ!it of sports center, "edia
address and 'ass$
'44- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 7risbane (ity /all
441& p.m.4 7lessin) of 7risbane
44'& p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 7risbane irport
A4'- p.m.4 rrival at &ydney *Ein)sford &"ith+ irport
A4-& p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to &ydney (ric6et 8ro!nd
E41- p.m.4 ;o!th 5ally at &ydney (ric6et 8ro!nd
D4'& p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to &t$ 'ary?s Presbytery
1ednesda6+ =ovem*er -4
E a.m.4 5eception 3ith leaders of the 0e3ish (o""!nity
E4'& a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 'oore Par6
E44- p.m.4 /elicopter ]i)ht to 7lac6to3n
D4#& a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to Transfeld 1i"ited, &even /ills$
D4-& a.m.4 @nd!strial 2or6ers. 5ally
1141& a.m.4 /elicopter ]i)ht to 'oore Par6$
1144& a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to &ydney Opera /o!se and vie3in) of
1#4#& p.m.4 'eetin) 3ith "e"bers of reli)io!s orders in Opera /o!se
(oncert /all$
14'& p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to &t$ 'ary.s Presbytery to "eet (atholic
441- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to &ydney 9niversity to "eet (atholic
-4'& p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 5and3ic6 5aceco!rse
-4-& p.m.4 'ass at 5and3ic6 5aceco!rse$
E44- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to &t$ 'ary.s Presbytery$
Thursda6+ =ovem*er /4
E a.m.4 1i"o!sine procession to &ydney irport$
1&4#- a.m.4 rrival in /obart$
1&4'- a.m.4 1i"o!sine *frst 146"+ and Pope"obile *follo3in) 116"+
procession to 2illson Trainin) (enter, 't$ &t$ (anice
1141- a.m.4 'eetin) !ne"ployed$
14-& p.m.4 Procession to <l3ic6 5aceco!rse$
#41& p.m.4 'ass at <l3ic6 5aceco!rse$
44-- p.m.4 1i"o!sine procession to /obart @nternational irport
/4-& p.m.4 rrival at 'elbo!rne irport$
A p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to &t$ Pa!l.s (athedral to li)ht 9nity (andle$
E4&- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 'elbo!rne (ric6et 8ro!nd$
D4&- p.m.4 1i"o!sine procession to &t$ Patric6 Presbytery$
Frida6+ =ovem*er A4
E4&- a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to the Parish of &aint 1eo the 8reat$
E4'- a.m.4 'eetin) 3ith parishoners and school children$
D4-& a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to &ports and <ntertain"ent (enter$
1&4#- a.m.4 ddress to teachers and st!dents$
114'& a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to &t$ Patric6.s (athedral and ddress to
(ler)y and &e"inarians$
' p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to O:ana" /o!se 5ehabilitation (enter$
'44- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to Fle"in)ton 5aceco!rse$
4 p.m.4 'ass at Fle"in)ton
/44- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 'ercy 'aternity /ospital
A41- p.m.4 %isit 3ith intensive care parents and address to staF.
E p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 'elbo!rne (ric6et 8ro!nd to "eet Polish
D41- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to &t$ Patric6.s Presbytery$
)aturda6+ =ovem*er E4
A4#& a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 'elbo!rne irport
1&4#& a.m.4 rrival at Dar3in @nternational irport$
1&4'& a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to Dar3in &ho3)ro!nds and <Ghibition
1&44& a.m.4 'ass at &ho3)ro!nd$
141- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to airport$
'4'- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 7lathers6ite Par6$
44&- p.m.4 bori)inal (elebration at Par6$
-4'- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to airport$
D p.m.4 rrival at delaide irport$
D41& p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to (ity (enter and 1i)htin) of &y"bolic
D4-& p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to rchbishop.s residence
)unda6+ =ovem*er D4
E a.m.4 1i"o!sine procession to Festival (enter (oncert /all
D41- a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to %ictoria Par6 5aceco!rse.
D4'& a.m.4 'ass at 5aceco!rse$
1#4'& p.m.4 1i"o!sine procession to airport$
144& p.m.4 rrival at Perth Do"estic irport$
14-& p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 7el"ont 5aceco!rse$
#41& p.m.4 'ass at raceco!rse$
-41& p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to 1ittle &isters of the Poor
/4-& p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to (atholic <d!cation (enter$
A4&- p.m.4 7lessin) and Openin) of (enter$
A4'- p.m.4 Pope"obile procession to rchbishop.s /o!se$
"onda6+ =ovem*er 1&4
A a.m.4 Pope"obile procession to Perth @nternational irport$
A4'& a.m.4 ONcial Fare3ell$
"pl /isit #$1>0 Where to see His Holiness "ope @rncis
Tuesda6+ 4
%RR>3%L4 )?@=E? %>RP.RT
".T.RC%@E4 T. )?@=E? CR>CKET :R.;=@)
A4'& p.m. N rrives &ydney @nternational irport$ Open-air p!blic vie3in)
area open at 3 p$"$ 3ith band entertain"ent co""enecin) 4,30 p$"$
Pu*lic Transport %rran!ements N Trains to &ydenha" &tation 3ith b!s
connection to airport$ 1i"ited car par6in) available$
A4-& p.m. N Departs for ;o!th (elebration, &ydney (ric6et 8ro!nds$
'otorcade travels via Jantas Drive, 5obey &teet, O.5iodran &treet, 0oyce
Drive, 7otany 5oad, 2ent3orth ven!e, &o!thern (ross Drive, &o!th Do3lin)
&treet, (leveland &treet, 1an) 5oad and Driver ven!e$
1ednesda6+ -
".T.RC%@E4 T. "..RE P%RK
E4'& a.m. N Departs &t$ 'ary.s (athedral for 'oore Par6, 'otorcade travels
via (ollee, OGford, Taylors &H!are
P%P%L PR.CE))>.=4 T2R.;:2 BL%CKT.1=
D4#& a.m. N 'otorcade departs 7lac6to3n &ho3)ro!nd for 2or6ers 5ally at
the Transfeld Factory$ Travels via 5ich"ond 5oad, Patric6 &treet, #e3ton
&treet, 7lac6to3n 5oad, 2all Par6 ven!e, &even /ills 5oad &iGth and #inth,
&tation 5oad and Po3ers 5oad arrivin) Transfeld &ite at C,40 a$"$
Pu*lic Transport arran!ements N additional train services 3ill operate to
7lac6to3n, &even /ills and Toon)abble$ &pecial sh!ttle trains bet3een
8ranville and Penrith *fro" = a$"$+$ &h!ttle b!s bet3een Toon)ablie station
and Po3ers 5oad$ 1i"ited oF-street par6in) in the follo3in), (o!ncil Par6s,
Francis #o$ 1 (ar Par6 on 5ich"ond 5oad adIacent 7lac6to3n &ho3)ro!nde
(a"pbell Par6 on 5ich"ond 5oad near Dan ven!e$ 7lac6to3ne 1ove &treet
5eserve oF 'ary &treet$ 7lac6to3ne 5eserve adIacent 7rea6fast (ree6
bet3een Davis 5oad and shlar Par6 8olf (o!rse, 7lac6to3ne 'arayon) Oval
on Davis 5oad near Forbes 5oad, 8raha" 5eserve on 1!cretia 5oad near
'ississippi 5oad, &even /illse 5otary Par6 on 2all Par6 ven!e, near 7!rnie
&treet, 7lac6to3ne Orana Par6 on 2all Par6 ven!e fro" /ayes 5oad,
7lac6to3ne @nternational Par6 fro" 7oyd and 0ean &treets, &even /illse 7est
5oad reserve fro" Third ven!e$ &even /illse 2illia" 1a3son Par6 fro"
'yrtle &treet, 7lac6to3ne shley 7ro3n 'e"orial Par6 oF Eennedy Parade,
near 7!r6e 5oad, 1alor Par6e 8irra3een Par6 fro" Toon)abble 5oad and
Octavia &treet, Toon)abble
Trils of long-distnce pontiR
'onday, #ove"ber 4, 2014 - The PontiF, it is said, is a co"pleG "an, diNc!lt
to read$
On the one hand, he )ives the i"pression that he "ay be a 3eary "an$ t
7>, and on the lon)est Io!rney he 3ill ever "a6e, this 3o!ld be eGpected,
and an a"b!lance stands at all ti"es in close attendance a)ainst one
contin)ency or another$
On the other, Francis. s6in is a healthy pin6, and the dra))in) sh!ne of his
3al6 "ay "erely he that of a "an shre3dly pacin) hi"self a)ainst the ri)ors
of a br!tally p!shin) trip$
#o do!bt a defnitive I!d)"ent "ay be "ade by the end of this to!r, if any of
the h!)e press corps is left standin) to record it$
The Pope, in 3hite robes, 3hite :!chetto, 3hite soc6s, )old c!nin6s and
bro3n shoes, at 11,04 a$"$, stepped oF ir #e3 Qealand.s rahina *]yin) for
the occasion, the Papal Fla) in 8old and 2hite+ into the )la:ed heat of an
island afternoon$
s he stepped do3n, the frst shot of a 21-)!n sal!te to the head of 44-
hectare %atican &tate ran) o!t$ One tr!sts the PontiF 3as 3arned$ @ "!st say
the boo" nearly ca!sed "e a nasty t!rn$
7!t, then the Pope.s yo!thf!l, if baldin), private secretary, 'onsi)nor Fabi[n
Pedacchio, handed hi" an address that too6 hi", in haltin) <n)lish and vile
aco!stics, 1> "in!tes to )et thro!)h$
/is "essa)e 3as that he ca"e as a pil)ri" and a friend and the 1,400
faithf!l asse"bled behind barricades probably pic6ed !p the occasional 3ord$
One )ave f!ll "ar6s, ho3ever, to Tony bbott$ /e listened to the addresse
head coc6ed and )a:ed fGed ri)idly on the bac6 of the PontiF.s head, 3ith an
air absorbed interest and lost concentration only for a second or t3o at abo!t
the siG "in!te$
The re3ard for the s"ilin) faithf!l ca"e soon after, tor 20 "in!tes, the Pope
"ade a slo3 traverse of the front ro3 of the barricades, sha6in) a hand here,
to!chin) a child.s forehead there, and occasionally pic6in) !p a baby to 6iss$
'r$ (a"ilio (iban *or (a"ilio (ibin, if 3e can ta6e the 3ord of the to!r
handboo6+, director of %atican &ec!rity, 3ho "ade the traverse at the Pope.s
sho!lder, 3as apparently !npert!rbed by any possible ris6 to the Pope$
/e entered into the spirit of thin)s by liftin) a baby in its best 3hite clothes
over the people at the front of the barricade to receive the Papal Eiss$
fter an ho!r in the s!n, the Pope then entered the added heat of 'ercedes-
7en: '-(lass '1 340 Pope"obile for a to!r of the (apital$
After fare&ell ceremonies at the Lin0sford-3mith Airport of 3"dne", A!stralia, the
Jantas Airb!s Plane embla2oned &ith the e>!ltation6 (Tot!s T!!sI+ off
at aro!nd %6## P,), ;3"dne" Time< and arri'es after plane landin0 at %64# A,), Frida",
October 31,
Location Local time Time
UTC ofset
Sydney (Australia - New South
Friday, 31 October 2014,
Manila (Philippines) Friday, 31 October 2014,
PHT UTC+8 hours
New Delhi (India - Delhi) Friday, 31 October 2014,
IST UTC+5:30
Bangkok (Thailand) Friday, 31 October 2014,
ICT UTC+7 hours
Tokyo (Japan) Friday, 31 October 2014, JST UTC+9 hours
Location Local time Time
UTC ofset
Los Angeles (U.S.A. - California) Friday, 31 October 2014,
PDT UTC-7 hours
New York (U.S.A. - New York) Friday, 31 October 2014,
EDT UTC-4 hours
London (United Kingdom -
Friday, 31 October 2014,
Rome (Italy) Friday, 31 October 2014,
CET UTC+1 hour
Paris (France) Friday, 31 October 2014,
CET UTC+1 hour
Islamabad (Pakistan) Friday, 31 October 2014,
PKT UTC+5 hours
4!arded b" sec!rit" arran0ements that incl!ded 0!nboats bobbin0 in the 5ndian Ocean
s!rf, Pope Francis so!0ht toni0ht to smooth a disp!te &ith A!ddhist mon.s that co!ld
disr!pt his three-da" sta" here in the final ho!rs of a to!r of Asia and the Pacific,
The Pope arri'ed in 3ri 1an.a toda" at %64# A,), ;1261# P,), )anila Time<, October 31
from A!stralia, &ith his aides re0isterin0 0reater concern than !s!al abo!t his safet" in
this predominantl" A!ddhist co!ntr" &here mon.s ha'e e>pressed o!tra0e at his
references to their faith as a .ind of atheism,
Location Local time Time
UTC ofset
Colombo (Sri Lanka) Friday, 31 October 2014,
IST UTC+5:30
Manila (Philippines) Friday, 31 October 2014,
PHT UTC+8 hours
Location Local time Time
UTC ofset
New Delhi (India - Delhi) Friday, 31 October 2014,
IST UTC+5:30
Bangkok (Thailand) Friday, 31 October 2014,
ICT UTC+7 hours
Tokyo (Japan) Friday, 31 October 2014,
JST UTC+9 hours
Sydney (Australia - New South
Friday, 31 October 2014,
Los Angeles (U.S.A. -
Thursday, 30 October 2014,
PDT UTC-7 hours
New York (U.S.A. - New York) Friday, 31 October 2014,
EDT UTC-4 hours
London (United Kingdom -
Friday, 31 October 2014,
Paris (France) Friday, 31 October 2014,
CET UTC+1 hour
Rome (Italy) Friday, 31 October 2014,
CET UTC+1 hour
Islamabad (Pakistan) Friday, 31 October 2014,
PKT UTC+5 hours
(5 come as a pil0rim of 0ood &ill &ith nothin0 in m" heart b!t peace,+ the Pope said at an
arri'al ceremon", addin06
(5n partic!lar, 5 e>press m" hi0hest re0ard for the follo&ers of A!ddhism, 5 ardentl" hope
that m" 'isit &ill ser'e to stren0then the 0ood &ill bet&een !s, and that it &ill reass!re
e'er"one of the *atholic *h!rch?s desire for interreli0io!s dialo0!e,+
2hile the tone 3as conciliatory, %atican oNcials said the Pope?s 3ords 3ere
not an apolo)y for passa)es in the late for"er Pope 0ohn Pa!l 2.s best-sellin)
boo6, A(rossin) the Threshold of /ope,B p!blished in 1CC4, in 3hich he said
d7!ddhis" is in lar)e "eas!re an atheistic syste"d that did not lead to !nion
3ith 8od$
7efore leavin) 5o"e on October 22, the Pope 3ent o!t of his 3ay to eGpress
his Aprofo!nd respect and sincere estee"B for 7!ddhis"$
7!t that has not di"inished 3orries abo!t his safety in a land depicted by a
senior %atican oNcial, 3ho spo6e to reporters in ret!rn for anony"ity today,
as a place 3here the threat of assassins and s!icide bo"bers is a dserio!s
The police here say they have deployed an eGtra 14,000 "en in (olo"bo, the
Oceanside capital, 3here h!ndreds of tho!sands of people lined the Pope?s
20-"ile ro!te as he traveled fro" the airport to the city?s center in his )lass-
sided, b!llet-proofed APope"obile$B
The disp!te 3ith 7!ddhist "on6s, 3ho have threatened protests and a
boycott of a "eetin) 3ith the Pope on &at!rday, is 3oven deeply into &ri
1an6a?s so!l$ @n colonial ti"es, the n)lican 7ritish r!lers discontin!ed
7!ddhis" as a state reli)ion and discri"inated a)ainst 7!ddhists, said
2illia" 'c8o3an, 3riter of a boo6 on the ethnic 3ar in &ri 1an6a$
fter independence fro" 7ritain in 1C4=, "on6s leadin) a s!r)e in 7!ddhist
nationalis" collided 3ith (hristian elite r!nnin) the co!ntry, 'r$ 'c8o3an
<ven today, %atican oNcials say they s!spect 7!ddhist "on6s of !sin) the
Pope?s visit in their disp!te 3ith the 8overn"ent of &iri"avo 7andaranai6e,
3hich is resistin) press!re fro" the "on6s to restore 7!ddhis" as a state
7!ddhists acco!nt for abo!t 70 percent of &ri 1an6a?s 17$> "illion people,
3ith /ind!s at 14 percent and '!sli"s and (atholics each aro!nd 7 percent,
accordin) to %atican statistics$
The disp!te 3ith the 7!ddhists has eclipsed 3hat the %atican had hoped
3o!ld be seen as a papal initiative to ce"ent the October 1C tr!ce in the 3ar
bet3een 8overn"ent forces and Ta"il Ti)er separatists$ 8overn"ent oNcials
here say the cease-fre 3as hastened by the Pope.s i"pendin) arrival$
'r$ 'c8o3an said that 0es!it "issionaries played a role in convertin) Ta"ils
fro" /ind!is" to (atholicis" in the 1Cth cent!ry, and that Aa )ood n!"berB
of the Ta"il rebels are (atholics$
@n callin) 7!ddhis" datheistic,d the Pope is echoin) the belief of "any
theolo)ians that 7!ddhis"?s H!est for the sense of !lti"ate detach"ent
called nirvana, 3hile it ac6no3led)es and 3orships deities, is "ore a
philosophy than a reli)ion based on divine salvation$
@n his boo6, the Pope !ses lan)!a)e that 7!ddhists here say they fo!nd
oFensive, notably its reference to nirvana as a state of dindiFerence 3ith
re)ard to the 3orldd and its assertion that the 7!ddhist doctrine of salvation
thro!)h nirvana is Aal"ost eGcl!sively ne)ative$B
@n 7!ddhis", the late Pope-<"erit!s &aint 0ohn Pa!l the &econd 3rote, A2e
do not free o!rselves fro" evil thro!)h the )ood 3hich co"es fro" 8ode 3e
liberate o!rselves only thro!)h detach"ent fro" the 3orld, 3hich is bad$ The
F!llness of s!ch a detach"ent is not !nion 3ith 8od, b!t 3hat is called
#irvana, a state of perfect indiFerence 3ith re)ard to the 3orld$ To save
oneself "eans, above all, to free oneself fro" evil by beco"in) indiFerent to
the 3orld, 3hich is the so!rce of evila This is the c!l"ination of the spirit!al
The PontiF 3as in the island for the (anoni:ation of 5ev$ 0oseph %a:$ @t 3as a
visit 3ith a very ti)ht sched!le 3here he 3as rendered a ro!sin) reception as
the /ead of &tate of the %atican, at the Presidential &ecretariat 3ith 21 )!n
AThe PontiF 3ho had to!ched the hearts of the &ri 1an6ans re"ained in the
island for nearly t3enty-fo!r ho!rs, 3ith his depart!re sched!led for
#ove"ber 3$ 7!t as far as the sec!rity of the PontiF 3as concerned, the three
days of his stay in the island fro" Friday to 'onday 3as nothin) b!t a h!)e
challen)e to the Police Depart"ent of &ri 1an6a, 3hich for"ed a xrin)? aro!nd
the Pope as soon as he landed at the 7andaranai6e @nternational irport,dsays
retired Dep!ty @nspector 8eneral of Police, nton 0eyanathan 3ho 3as the
(hair"an of the &ec!rity Division of the police tea" 3hich 3as responsible
for the sec!rity of the /oly Father in &ri 1an6a$
8elcomin0 *eremon" of Pope Francis ;Lat!na"a.e 5nternational Airport, *olombo, 3ri
1an.a, Frida", October 31, 2014<
5adam President, 5adam Prime 5inister, Ladies and /ent"emen,
1, 5 am deepl" 0ratef!l to "o!, )adam President and )adam Prime )inister, and to all of
"o!, for "o!r &arm &elcome to 3ri 1an.a, For man" "ears 5 had hoped to 'isit the KPearl
of the 5ndian OceanK, resplendent &ith nat!ral bea!t", the land of the 5a(avansa, a
nation pro!d of its ancient c!lt!re, a co!ntr" .no&n for its smilin0, hospitable people li.e
the late former Pope Pa!l V5, 44 "ears a0o, 5 come as a .riend .rom Rome, &here t&o
tho!sand "ears a0o the 'enerable ci'ili2ation &hich flo!rished in this co!ntr" &as .no&n
and esteemed, 5 come as a pi"grim o. good *i"", &ith nothin0 b!t peace in m" heart, 5 am
.eenl" a&are of "o!r co!ntr"?s ric( spiritua" (eritage, sho&n not onl" b" the stren0th of
"o!r reli0io!s traditions b!t also b" the remar-ab"e (armon) and mutua" respect *(ic(
(as ."ouris(ed among t(e .o""o*ers o. t(e various re"igions,
2, 5 &ish m" 'isit to be a si0n of m" profo!nd esteem for all Sri Lan-ans, 5n partic!lar 5
e>press m" hi0hest re0ard for the .o""o*ers o. 2udd(ism, the ma:orit" reli0ion in 3ri
1an.a, &ith its Arahma'iharas, the fo!r 0reat 'al!es
of 5etta, 0aruna, 5udita and Ape--(a6 lo'in0 .indness, compassion, s"mpath" and
e-!animit"G &ith its ten transcendental 'irt!es and the :o"s of theSang(a e>pressed so
bea!tif!ll" in the '(eragat(as, 5 ardentl" hope that m" 'isit &ill ser'e to stren0then the
0ood &ill bet&een !s, and that it &ill reass!re e'er"one of the *atholic *h!rch?s desire
for interreli0io!s dialo0!e and cooperation in b!ildin0 a more :!st and fraternal &orld, To
e'er"one 5 e>tend the hand of friendship, recallin0 the splendid &ords of
the (ammapada6 KAetter than a tho!sand !seless &ords, is one sin0le &ord that 0i'es
The fact that reli0ion pla"s s!ch an important part in the life of the 3ri people is
e'er"&here manifested in "o!r man" places of &orship and shrines6 2udd(ist! Hindu!
5us"im and C(ristian, The e'ents of dail" life are colo!red b" a &ide 'ariet" of reli0io!s
obser'ances, Celi0io!s beliefs inspire common 'al!es s!ch as acceptance of others,
dialo0!e, !nderstandin0 in the search for tr!th,
3, 5t is m" pra"erf!l hope that as 3ri 1an.a stri'es for f!rther social and economic
de'elopment, "o!r rich spirit!al patrimon" &ill help "o! to find a &orth" balance
bet&een the p!rs!it of material pro0ress, concern for the common 0ood, and openness to
the needs of the poor and the !nderpri'ile0ed, 9o& !r0entl" necessar" it is for societ" to
s!pport families, to ed!cate children in respect for others, and to defend the sacredness of
life a0ainst e'er" form of 'iolence, )a" all 3ri 1an.ans of 0ood &ill be stron0 and
perse'erin0 in their efforts to find a 4ust and peace.u" so"ution to t(e et(nic con."ict &hich
has scarred the life of the nation in recent times, &ith its 'ictims, its destr!ction and its
terrible aftermath of s!fferin0` The most recent steps ta.en in this direction n!rt!re the
hope $ &hich all people of 0ood &ill share &ith "o! $ &hich e'er"one in'ol'ed, &ill
sh!n 'iolence and &ill dra& on "o!r traditions of tolerance in p!rs!in0 a harmon" born
of reconciliation and f!ll respect for the di'ersit" of societ"?s members,
4, Tomorro& 5 shall 0ather in pra"er &ith the *atholic comm!nit" of 3ri 1an.a in order
to celebrate t(e CanoniBation o. 6at(er &osep( CaB, a hol" man and a man of peace, &ho
&on the respect of his contemporaries b" his h!milit", 0oodness and tolerance, 5 am
certain that in hono!rin0 the memor" of this saintl" priest, 3ri 1an.a?s *atholics &ill be
inspired to contin!e to &or. for reconciliation and peace in a spirit of ser'ice to all their
fello&$citi2ens and in solidarit" &ith them,
5n than.in0 the 3!preme A!thorities of the 3tate for their &arm in'itation to 'isit 3ri
1an.a on this occasion, 5 &ish to ass!re e'er"one, of &hate'er reli0io!s, ethnic or
c!lt!ral bac.0ro!nd, that the ='e of All 3aints Ba", altho!0h principall" a ann!al
*atholic e'ent, is at the same time a sincere trib!te to the profo!nd reli0io!s traditions of
all the people of this land,
4od bless 3ri 1an.aI )a" he 0rant "o! peaceI
;3inhalese6 lon0 lifeI<
;Tamil6 0reetin0sI<
The hi)hli)ht of his three-day stay in &ri 1an6a, a s"all island nation oF the
so!thern coast of @ndia, 3as &at!rday?s &ervice on the 8alle Face 8reen, a
lar)e seafront area in the heart of (olo"bo, the capital$
DD5<&& OF /@& /O1@#<&&, F5#(@& TO T/< 7@&/OP& OF T/< <P@&(OP1
(O#F<5<#(< OF &5@ 1#E *&at!rday, #ove"ber 1, 2014+
Dear 7rother 7ishops,
1$ 'y three-day visit to &ri 1an6a oFers !s this occasion to eGperience ane3
dthe bonds of !nity, charity and peaced 3hich, since apostolic ti"es, have
constit!ted the relationship of the (h!rch.s 7ishops a"on) the"selves and
3ith the 7ishop of 5o"e *cf$ 1!"en 8enti!", 22+$ O!r "eetin) is ta6in) place
in the at"osphere of Ioy bro!)ht to !s by the 3ee6end celebration of ll
&aints Day$ 1et !s contin!e to )ive than6s to 8od thro!)h 3ho" 3e too dhave
obtained access to this )race in 3hich 3e standd *5o"$ 4,2+$
7y the )ift of the /oly &pirit received in episcopal ordination, yo! 3ere "ade
ds!ccessors of the postles, 3ho to)ether 3ith the &!ccessor of Peter, the
%icar of (hrist and the visible /ead of the 3hole (h!rch, )overn the ho!se of
the livin) 8odd *1!"en 8enti!", 1=+$ This happy occasion for the (h!rch in
yo!r co!ntry is also an occasion for yo! the 7ishops to reco""it yo!rselves
to the 3or6 of teachin), sanctifyin) and )!idin) that part of 8od.s people
entr!sted to yo!r "inistry$ That "inistry involves a )rave personal
responsibility to be )!ardians and a!thentic teachers of the (atholic faith
*cf$ 1!"en 8enti!", 24+$ The eGercise of yo!r apostolic a!thority in ens!rin)
so!nd teachin) in "atters of faith and "orals and fosterin) observance of
(h!rch discipline is therefore an essential part of yo!r "inistry, even 3hen it
constit!tes the db!rdend 3hich the 1ord lays on yo!r sho!lders *cf$ 't$ 20,12+$
@n the na"e of 0es!s (hrist dthe chief &hepherdd *1 Pt$ 4,4+, @ 3ish to
enco!ra)e yo! to intensify yo!r spirit!al leadership and to be f!lly !nited
a"on) yo!rselves, so that yo! "ay be fo!nd faithf!l as doverseers, carin) for
the (h!rch of 8odd *cf$ cts 20,2=+$
2$ ;o!r responsibility for b!ildin) !p (hrist.s 7ody de"ands that yo! sho!ld
6no3 the ]oc6 entr!sted to yo! *cf$ 0n$ 10,14+$ The faithf!l "!st be able to
see their 7ishop as da tr!e father 3ho eGcels in the spirit of love and
solicit!de for alld *(hrist!s Do"in!s, 1>+$ They ri)htly loo6 to yo! to )!ard
and defend their faith, to shepherd the" and stren)then the" in the "idst of
the challen)es and trials of daily (hristian livin)$ Ta6e 7lessed 0oseph %a: as
the "odel of yo!r "inistry$ /e travelled the len)th and breadth of this @sland
visitin) the "issions he had instit!ted$ @n this 3ay he 3as able to )!ide,
correct and confr" in the faith the dp!sill!s )reGd 3hich 3as str!))lin) to
s!rvive in the "idst of persec!tion$
There is no "ore eFective 3ay for yo! to sho3 forth the 1ord.s concern and
his infnite love than to contin!e to "eet yo!r people personally on the
occasion of yo!r re)!lar pastoral visits to parishes and other instit!tions$ ;o!r
visitations 3ill also foster closer contact and a spirit of tr!stin) dialo)!e
bet3een yo!rselves and the cler)y, 5eli)io!s and laity$ The end!rin) spirit!al
fr!itf!lness of yo!r personal presence in the "idst of yo!r priests and faithf!l
cannot be overesti"ated$
3$ The o!tstandin) challen)e facin) the Pastors of the (h!rch in &ri 1an6a
is the rene3al of evan)elical :eal in all the bapti:ed$ The )en!ine rene3al of
the (h!rch depends in the frst place on the response of her "e"bers to
the !niversal call to holiness$ The 3itness of a Ioyf!l spirit!al life is the best
response both to sec!lari:ation and to the spread of ne3 reli)io!s sects,
alto)ether distinct fro" the (atholic (h!rch in their doctrines and "ethods$
spirit!ality based on 8od.s revealed 3ord, no!rished by the sacra"ents and
eGercised in all the (hristian virt!es, in no 3ay detracts fro" attention to the
3orld and the needs of the h!"an fa"ily$ 5ather, as the &econd %atican
(o!ncil states, d7y this holiness a "ore h!"an 3ay of life is pro"oted even
in this earthly societyd *1!"en 8enti!", 40+$ @t is "y hope that the
forthco"in) #ational Pastoral (onvention, by providin) a clear pict!re of the
state of the (h!rch in each Diocese, 3ill be able to indicate the priorities
3hich the (atholic co""!nity sho!ld set itself in the co"in) years$
4$ One concern 3hich never chan)es is that of the spirit!al and intellect!al
life of priests, dso that they can live holy and pio!s lives and f!lfl their
"inistry faithf!lly and fr!itf!llyd *(hrist!s Do"in!s, 1>+$ The the"e is vast
and )oes beyond the scope of these brief re]ections$ @ 3o!ld "erely recall
that since the (o!ncil there have been n!"ero!s interventions of the
'a)isteri!", c!l"inatin) in the PostK&ynodal postolic <Ghortation dPastores
Dabo %obisd and recent doc!"ents of the (on)re)ation for the (ler)y$
(ontin!in) theolo)ical for"ation, and the per"anent spirit!al )ro3th of
priests, are !r)ent pastoral priorities for every diocesan 7ishop$ s
&!ccessors of the postles, yo! are li6e3ise called to have a solicit!de for the
"ission dad )entesd, ac6no3led)in) yo!r responsibility for the 8ospel o!tside
the bo!ndaries of yo!r o3n Dioceses and nation, and sharin) yo!r reso!rces
)enero!sly 3ith others *cf$ d 8entes, 3=+$
'oreover, 3orthy candidates for the priesthood need to be enco!ra)ed,
selected and trainede trained above all to a life of prayer and of 3illin) selfK
oblation in !nion 3ith (hrist the /i)h Priest$ 2hile reco)ni:in) the
i"portance of the d!ties entr!sted to &e"inary a!thorities, the 7ishop
re"ains dthe frst representative of (hrist in se"inary for"ationd *0ohn Pa!l
@@, Pastores Dabo %obis, >4+, and this serio!s personal responsibility, 3hile it
needs to be shared, "!st never be co"pletely dele)ated$ @ confr" yo! in all
that yo! are doin) to ens!re that yo!r &e"inaries respond to the clear
)!idelines contained in the PostK&ynodal postolic <Ghortation dPastores
Dabo %obisd, 3hich res!lted fro" the 1CC0 &ynod of 7ishops$
4$ There is no need for "e to spea6 at len)th abo!t the place 3hich 5eli)io!s
(o""!nities have in the life of the (h!rch in &ri 1an6a$ @ si"ply 3ish to invite
yo! to eGercise yo!r "inistry in their re)ard 3ith all the love and concern of
)en!ine Pastors of so!ls$ /elp 5eli)io!s to preserve and develop their specifc
charis", 3hich is 8od.s )ift to each partic!lar (h!rch in 3hich they eGercise
their apostolate$ <nco!ra)e the" to be al3ays o!tstandin) in their eGa"ple
of fdelity to the evan)elical co!nsels accordin) to the "ind of the (h!rch,
3hose teachin) and la3s on the consecrated life can certainly never be a
hindrance to the prophetic i"p!lse 3hich lies at the heart of every 5eli)io!s
vocation$ @n partic!lar, @ as6 yo! to sho3 fatherly concern and s!pport for the
"any5eli)io!s &isters, dedicated 3o"en 3ho live their "otherhood in the
&pirit thro!)h total selfK)ivin) love for (hrist the &po!se, 3ho" they "eet
especially in the sic6, the handicapped, the abandoned, the yo!n), the
elderly, and, in )eneral, people on the ed)es of society *cf$ 0ohn Pa!l
@@,'!lieris Di)nitate", 21+$
@ 3o!ld also invite yo! to contin!e to "eet 3ith the (onference of 'aIor
&!periors in a spirit of !nbo!nded love for (hrist.s (h!rch, in order to better
coordinate the participation of 5eli)io!s in the pastoral life of each Diocese
and of the co!ntry as a 3hole, and to resolve "atters of "!t!al concern$
>$ The develop"ent of an ever "ore eFective lay apostolate reH!ires not only
that priests and 5eli)io!s 3or6 closely 3ith the laity b!t also that they
enco!ra)e and help the" to ass!"e f!lly their specifc tas6 of rene3in) the
te"poral order 3ith the spirit of the 8ospel$ There is a need for contin!in)
serio!s st!dy of the teachin) of the &econd %atican (o!ncil and the PostK
&ynodal postolic <Ghortation d(hristifdeles 1aicid in order to foster the
leadership of the laity in the spheres of b!siness, ed!cation and civic life
3here they are present and co"petent$ 1i6e3ise, every eFort to teach and
spread the (h!rch.s social doctrine sho!ld be enco!ra)ed, so that the laity
3ill have the vision and 6no3led)e needed to face the "any "oral and
ethical H!estions raised by an increasin)ly co"pleG and technolo)icallyK
based society$
7$ ;o!r eForts to !phold spirit!al val!es and to apply the li)ht of the
8ospel to iss!es aFectin) the life of yo!r nation are an i""ense service to
the 3hole of &ri 1an6an society$ @n the face of the ethnic tensions and
con]icts aFectin) yo!r co!ntry and the threats to h!"an di)nity and ri)hts,
yo! have a d!ty to spea6 o!t and to enco!ra)e all "en and 3o"en of )ood
3ill to see6 the tri!"ph of I!stice, tr!th and har"ony$
@n yo!r "!ltiKreli)io!s society, interreli)io!s dialo)!e re"ains an i"portant
co""it"ent for the (h!rch at every level$ (ontin!e to db!ild brid)esd of
!nderstandin) and cooperation 3ith the follo3ers of other reli)ions,
especially in order to pro"ote respect for h!"an life and concern for honesty
and inte)rity in all areas of socioKecono"ic and political life, as 3ell as in
3or6in) for the ca!se of peace and solidarity bet3een individ!als and social
)ro!ps$ @n this 3ay too, the (h!rch 3ill bear eFective 3itness to the Ein)do"
of 8od and the tr!th of the 8ospel$
=$ Dear 7rother 7ishops, as the (h!rch in &ri 1an6a "oves to3ards the
&<# <cono"ic (o""!nity in 2014 for the &ri 1an6an b!siness"en and the
neGt Philippine presidential and vice presidential election of 201>, )o for3ard
3ith f!ll tr!st in 8od.s Providence and b!ild !pon the pastoral achieve"ents
already attained$ &!pport one another in fraternal solidarity and contin!e to
3or6 closely to)ether in "eetin) yo!r "any pastoral challen)es$
@ 3ill dthan6 "y 8od in all "y re"e"brance of yo!, al3ays in every prayer of
"ine for yo! all, "a6in) "y prayer 3ith Ioy, than6f!l for yo!r partnership in
the 8ospeld *Phil$ 1,3-4+$
(o""endin) yo! and yo!r people to the protection and intercession of 'ary,
'other of the (h!rch, 3ho" yo! love so dearly, @ cordially i"part "y
postolic 7lessin) as a pled)e of Ioy and peace in (hrist o!r &avio!r$
Fare3ell (ere"ony, ddress of /is /oliness, Pope Francis at Eat!naya6e
@nternational irport of (olo"bo on 'onday, #ove"ber 3$
On #ove"ber 1, soon after )rand "ass at the 8alle Face 8reen 3as
concl!ded, the Pope 3as ta6en to the airport by a special sH!adron of ir
Force helicopters fro" the 7a"palapitiya police )ro!nds$ t the airport, the
Pri"e 'inister Dissanaya6e '!diyansela)e 0ayaratne 3as present to bid
fare3ell to the Pope$
fter a cere"onial )!ard of hono!r by the &ri 1an6a #avy, the Pope 3al6ed
to3ards the #ational carrier *then 6no3n as ir 1an6a+ that 3o!ld ta6e hi"
on the neGt le) of his Io!rney$ 0eyanathan and his tea" of sec!rity "en 3ho
3ere "ainly (atholics acco"panied the /oly Father in the fnal lap of their
ard!o!s b!t divine d!ty to the )an)3ay of the aircraft$
AThe aircraft "oved slo3ly and too6 oF into the s6ies$ @t 3as only after the
aircraft beca"e invisible in the 3hite clo!ds did @ breathe a si)h of relief$ 'y
tea" "e"bers 3ere eH!ipped 3ith sophisticated 3eapons to tac6le any sort
of sit!ation d!rin) the Papal visit$ /o3ever, bein) the head of the tea" it
3o!ld co"e as a s!rprise to 6no3 that @ did not carry a sin)le 3eapon 3ith
"e apart fro" the rosary, 3hich @ al3ays carry$ Fro" the very "in!te the
Pope to!ched do3n on o!r soil @ realised that @ 3as acco"panyin) an apostle
3ho 3as safe in the hands of 8od,d says 0eyanathan 3ith reverence$
'ada" Pri"e 'inister, Dear 7rother 7ishops, 1adies and 8entle"en,
1$ 'y visit to &ri 1an6a has co"e to an end, and @ say fare3ell 3ith
senti"ents of deep )ratit!de to everyone 3ho has ta6en part in the events of
these last t3o days$ @ than6 /er <Gcellency the President, and yo! 'ada"
Pri"e 'inister, the "e"bers of the 8overn"ent, as 3ell as "y 7rother
7ishops, for all that yo! have done to "a6e "y pil)ri"a)e possible$ To all the
people of &ri 1an6a @ eGpress "y heartfelt than6s for yo!r )reat 6indness and
hospitality$ s @ ret!rn to 5o"e, @ 3ill carry 3ith "e !nfor)ettable "e"ories of
yo!r bea!tif!l @sland and its friendly sons and da!)hters$
@ ca"e to &ri 1an6a above all to hono!r the deceased personalities in &ri
1an6a, 3ho" (atholics revere for his o!tstandin) charity and his co"plete
devotion to o!r 1ord 0es!s (hrist and the "essa)e of the 8ospel$ 1i6e a star
shinin) in the sian s6y, this )reat spirit!al )!ide teaches !s "any lessons
abo!t the )oodness of the h!"an person and the nobility of o!r destiny as
h!"an bein)s$ Father %a: loved &ri 1an6a and its people$ Fro" his place in
heaven "ay he contin!e to 3atch over this #ation and its citi:ens$
2$ s @ leave sia @ confr" "y profo!nd estee" for the stron) reli)io!s sense
3hich "ar6s "any sian societies$ @ a" f!lly convinced that the ti"e is ripe
in h!"an history for the follo3ers of the vario!s reli)ions to see6 a ne3
respect for one another$ @n a 3orld that is increasin)ly interdependent, there
is )reat need for dialo)!e and cooperation a"on) believers in order to b!ild
the f!t!re of the h!"an fa"ily on the solid )ro!nd of respect for each
person.s inalienable di)nity, eH!al I!stice for all, tolerance and solidarity in
h!"an relations$ ll "en and 3o"en of )ood 3ill "!st 3or6 to)ether to
advance I!st s!ch a civili:ation, reco)ni:in) the lin6 bet3een )en!ine
de"ocracy, respect for h!"an ri)hts and develop"ent$ @t is "y ardent hope
that &ri 1an6a 3ill contin!e to p!rs!e this path, 3hich s!rely is the one "ost
in accord 3ith its history and the )eni!s of its people$
3$ @ appeal to all &ri 1an6ans, in the na"e of o!r co""on h!"anity, to 3or6
for reconciliation and har"ony$ @ enco!ra)e the 8overn"ent and all other
parties involved to persevere in ne)otiatin) a I!st end to the con]ict 3hich
has "arred &ri 1an6an life in recent years, to create the conditions for the
ret!rn of ref!)ees to their ho"es, and to contin!e resol!tely in their eForts to
pro"ote the inte)ral develop"ent of &ri 1an6an society$
4$ 2e (hristians have recently celebrated the )reat Feast of (hrist"as, the
birth of o!r 1ord 0es!s (hrist$ @t is the ti"e 3hen 3e repeat the an)els. hy"n,
A8lory to 8od in the hi)hest, and on earth peace a"on) "en 3ith 3ho" he is
pleased^d *16$ 2,14+$ Peace is in fact a divine )ift, b!t it is also a tas6, a
challen)e, a "oral responsibility of the "en and 3o"en of o!r ti"e$ @t has
al3ays to be for)ed step by step$ 'y partin) 3ish for all &ri 1an6ans is that,
li6e yo!r 'anel ]o3er 3hich, no "atter its s!rro!ndin)s, opens !p and
bloo"s into its f!ll )lory in the li)ht of the s!n, tr!e )ood and tr!e peace 3ill
blosso" on this bea!tif!l @sland beca!se they ]o!rish in the heart of each
and every one of yo!$
8od bless &ri 1an6a^ 'ay peace be his )ift to yo!^
The Pope left &ri 1an6a for 5o"e, @taly at 1,24 $'$, #ove"ber 3 *&ri 1an6a
1ocation 1ocal ti"e Ti"e
9T( oFset
Colom*o $)ri Lan9a, T!esday, 4 #ove"ber
2014, 01,24,00
@&T ;TCL-4'&
"anila $Philippines, T!esday, 4 #ove"ber
2014, 03,44,00
;TC $Time Mone, 'onday, 3 #ove"ber
2014, 1C,44,00
=e8 ?or9 $;.).%. (
=e8 ?or9,
'onday, 3 #ove"ber
2014, 14,44,00
<&T ;TC(-
Rome $>tal6, 'onday, 3 #ove"ber
2014, 20,44,00
(<T ;TCL1
P5<&& (O#F<5<#(< OF POP< F5#(@& D95@#8 T/< 5<T95# F1@8/T
Papal Fli)ht, 'onday, #ove"ber 3, 2014

Father 1o"bardi,
#o3, "y friends, 3e are deli)hted to have the /oly Father, Pope Francis, 3ith
!s on this ret!rn ]i)ht$ /e has been )ood eno!)h to allo3 plenty of ti"e to
revie3 the visit 3ith !s and to respond in co"plete freedo" to yo!r
H!estions$ @ shall as6 hi" to )ive !s a brief introd!ction and then 3e 3ill
be)in 3ith the list of those 3ho have as6ed to spea6, and 3e 3ill ta6e the"
fro" diFerent national )ro!ps and lan)!a)e )ro!ps$ &o, over to yo!, yo!.re
/oliness, for yo!r 3ords of introd!ction$
Pope Francis,
8ood evenin), and than6 yo! very "!ch$ @ a" pleased$ @t has been a )ood
Io!rney, spirit!ally it has done "e )ood$ @ a" H!ite tired, b!t "y heart is
Ioyf!l, and @ a" 3ell, really 3ell, this has done "e )ood spirit!ally$ 'eetin)
people does "e )ood, beca!se the 1ord 3or6s in each one of !s, he 3or6s in
o!r hearts, and the 1ord.s riches are so )reat that 3e can al3ays receive
"any 3onderf!l thin)s fro" others$ nd this does "e )ood$ &o that is "y
frst re]ection$ Then, @ 3o!ld say that the )oodness, the hearts of the sian
people, is bi), really bi)$ They are a very lovable people, a people 3ho li6e to
celebrate, 3ho even a"id s!Ferin) al3ays fnd a path to see6 o!t the )ood
so"e3here$ nd this is )ood, they are lively people, and they have s!Fered
)reatly^ The liveliness of the Filipinos is conta)io!s, it really is^ nd these
people have bi) hearts$ Then, @ 3o!ld say of the or)ani:ers, both at o!r end
and those at the Filipinoend, 3ell^ @ felt as if @ 3as sittin) in front of a
co"p!ter, an incarnate co"p!ter $$$ no, really^ <verythin) 3as ti"ed so 3ell,
3asn.t ita @t 3as 3onderf!l$ Then, 3e had proble"s 3ith the plans for
sec!rity, sec!rity here, sec!rity theree there 3asn.t a sin)le accident in the
3hole of 'anila d!rin) these days, and everythin) 3as spontaneo!s$ 2ith
less sec!rity, @ co!ld have been 3ith the people, @ co!ld have e"braced the",
)reeted the", 3itho!t ar"o!red cars $$$ there is sec!rity in tr!stin) a people$
@t is tr!e that there is al3ays the dan)er of so"e "ad person $$ the dan)er
that so"e "ad person 3ill do so"ethin), b!t then there is the 1ord^ 7!t to
"a6e an ar"ed space bet3een the bishop and the people is "adness, and @
prefer the other "adness, a3ay 3ith it^ nd r!n the ris6 of the other
"adness^ @ prefer this "adness, a3ay 3ith it^ (loseness is )ood for !s all$
Then, the or)ani:ation of 0@1(2, not any partic!lar aspect, b!t overall, the
artistic ele"ent, the reli)io!s ele"ent, the catechetical ele"ent, the lit!r)ical
ele"ent $$ it 3as all 3onderf!l^ They have the capacity to eGpress the"selves
in art$ ;esterday, for eGa"ple, they did really lovely thin)s, really lovely^
Then, parecida, parecida for "e 3as a po3erf!l reli)io!s eGperience$ @
re"e"ber the Fifth (onference, @ 3ent there to pray, to pray$ @ 3anted to )o
alone, so"e3hat hidden, b!t there 3as an i"pressive cro3d^ 7!t it is not
possible, as @ 6ne3 before @ arrived$ nd 3e prayed$ @ don.t 6no3 $$$ one
thin) $$$ b!t on yo!r part as 3ell, yo!r 3or6, they tell "e K @ didn.t read the
ne3spapers d!rin) these days, @ didn.t have ti"e, @ didn.t see the television,
nothin) K b!t they tell "e that )ood 3or6 3as done, really )ood 3or6$ Than6
yo!, than6 yo! for yo!r collaboration, than6 yo! for doin) all this$ Then the
n!"ber, the n!"ber of people$ Today K @ can hardly believe it K b!t today, the
8overnor spo6e of three "illion$ @ cannot believe it$ 7!t fro" the altar K it.s
tr!e^ @ don.t 6no3 3hether yo!, or so"e of yo!, 3ere at the altar$ Fro" the
altar, at the end of 'ass, the 3hole beach 3as f!ll, as far as the c!rvee "ore
than fo!r 6ilo"etres$ There 3ere so "any yo!n) people$ nd they say,
rchbishop Te"pesta said, they ca"e fro" 17= co!ntries, 200^ The %ice-
President )ave "e the sa"e f)!re, so it.s certain$ @t is i"portant^ "a:in)^
Father 1o"bardi,
Than6 yo!$ #o3 3e invite 0!an de 1ara to spea6 frst, fro" <fe, he is &panish,
and it is the last Io!rney he 3ill "a6e 3ith !s$ &o 3e are pleased to )ive hi"
this opport!nity$
0!an de 1ara,
;o!r /oliness, )ood evenin)$ On behalf of all o!r collea)!es, 3e 3ant to
than6 yo! for these days that yo! have )iven !s in 5io de 0aneiro, for the
3or6 that yo! have done and the eFort yo! have "ade$ nd also, on behalf
of all the &panish Io!rnalists, 3e 3ant to than6 yo! for yo!r prayers for the
victi"s of the train accident in &antia)o de (o"postela$ Than6 yo! very
"!ch indeed$ The frst H!estion does not have "!ch to do 3ith the Io!rney,
b!t 3e ta6e the opport!nity that this occasion )ives !s, and @ 3o!ld li6e to
as6 yo!, ;o!r /oliness, in these fo!r "onths of pontifcate, 3e see that yo!
have created vario!s co""issions to refor" the (!ria$ @ 3ant to as6 yo!,
3hat 6ind of refor" do yo! have in "ind, do yo! foresee the possibility of
s!ppressin) the @O5, the so-called %atican 7an6a Than6 yo!$
Pope Francis,
The steps @ have ta6en d!rin) these fo!r and a half "onths co"e fro" t3o
so!rces, the content of 3hat had to be done, all of it, co"es fro" the 8eneral
(on)re)ations of the (ardinals$ There 3ere certain thin)s that 3e (ardinals
as6ed of the one 3ho 3as to be the ne3 Pope$ @ re"e"ber that @ as6ed for
"any thin)s, thin6in) that it 3o!ld be so"eone else$$$ 2e as6ed, for
eGa"ple, for the (o""ission of ei)ht (ardinals, 3e 6no3 that it is i"portant
to have an o!tside body of cons!ltors, not the cons!ltation bodies that
already eGist, b!t one on the o!tside$ This is entirely in 6eepin) K here @ a"
"a6in) a "ental abstraction, b!t it.s the 3ay @ try to eGplain it K in 6eepin)
3ith the "at!rin) of the relationship bet3een synodality and pri"acy$ @n
other 3ords, havin) these ei)ht (ardinals 3ill favo!r synodality, they 3ill help
the vario!s episcopates of the 3orld to eGpress the"selves in the very
)overn"ent of the (h!rch$ There 3ere "any proposals "ade that have yet to
be i"ple"ented, s!ch as the refor" of the &ecretariat of the &ynod and its
"ethodolo)ye the Post-&ynodal co""ission, 3hich 3o!ld have a per"anent
cons!ltative charactere the consistories of (ardinals 3ith less for"al a)endas,
canoni:ation, for eGa"ple, b!t also other ite"s, etc$ &o the so!rce of the
content is to be fo!nd there^ The second so!rce has to do 3ith present
circ!"stances$ @ ad"it that it 3as no )reat eFort for "e, d!rin) the frst
"onth of the pontifcate, to or)ani:e the (o""ission of the ei)ht (ardinals,
3hich is an initial step$ The fnancial part @ 3as plannin) to address neGt year,
beca!se it is not the "ost i"portant thin) that needed to be done$ 7!t the
a)enda chan)ed on acco!nt of circ!"stances that yo! 6no3 abo!t, that are
in the p!blic do"ain$ Proble"s arose that had to be dealt 3ith$ The frst is the
proble" of the @O5, that is to say, ho3 to "ana)e it, ho3 to concept!ali:e it,
ho3 to refor"!late it, ho3 to p!t ri)ht 3hat needs to be p!t ri)ht, hence the
frst (o""ission of 5eference, as it is called$ ;o! are fa"iliar 3ith the
chiro)raph, 3hat the ai"s are, 3ho the "e"bers are, etc$ Then 3e had the
"eetin) of the (o""ission of 14 (ardinals 3ho follo3 the econo"ic aFairs of
the /oly &ee$ They co"e fro" all over the 3orld$ nd then, 3hile 3e 3ere
preparin) for this "eetin), 3e sa3 the need to "a6e a sin)le (o""ission of
5eference for the 3hole econo"y of the /oly &ee$ That is to say, the
econo"ic proble" 3as not on the a)enda 3hen it had to be addressed, b!t
these thin)s happen 3hen yo!.re in )overnance, yo! try to )o in one
direction, b!t then so"eone thro3s yo! a ball fro" another direction, and
yo! have to bat it bac6$ @sn.t that the 3ay it isa &o, life is li6e that, b!t this too
is part of the 3onder of life$ @ repeat the H!estion that yo! as6ed "e abo!t
the @O5, eGc!se "e, @." spea6in) &panish$ <Gc!se "e, the ans3er ca"e to
"e in &panish$
5et!rnin) to the H!estion yo! as6ed abo!t the @O5, @ don.t 6no3 ho3 the @O5
3ill end !p$ &o"e say perhaps it 3o!ld be better as a ban6, others say it
sho!ld be an aid f!nd, others say it sho!ld be sh!t do3n$ 2ell^ That.s 3hat
people are sayin)$ @ don.t 6no3$ @ tr!st the 3or6 done by the @O5 personnel,
3ho are 3or6in) on this, and the (o""ission personnel too$ The President of
the @O5 is stayin), the sa"e one as before, 3hereas the Director and %ice-
Director have resi)ned$ 7!t @ don.t 6no3 ho3 all this is )oin) to end !p, and
that.s fne, beca!se 3e 6eep loo6in) and 3e 3ill co"e !p 3ith so"ethin)$ 2e
are h!"an in all this$ 2e "!st fnd the best sol!tion, no do!bt abo!t that$ 7!t
the hall"ar6s of the @O5 K 3hether it be a ban6, an aid f!nd, or 3hatever else
K have to be transparency and honesty, they have to be$ Than6 yo!$
Father 1o"bardi,
'any than6s, ;o!r /oliness$ &o, no3 3e "ove on to a person fro" the
representatives of the @talian )ro!p, and 3e have so"eone yo! 6no3 3ell,
ndrea Tornielli, 3ho is )oin) to as6 yo! a H!estion on behalf of the @talian
ndrea Tornielli,
/oly Father, @ 3ant to as6 so"ethin) perhaps a little indiscreet, there 3as a
photo)raph that 3ent all over the 3orld 3hen 3e set oF, of yo! cli"bin) the
steps of the aeroplane carryin) a blac6 brief-case, and there have been
articles all over the 3orld co""entin) on this ne3 depart!re$ ;es, abo!t the
Pope cli"bin) the steps K let.s say it had never happened before that the
Pope sho!ld cli"b on board 3ith his o3n hand-l!))a)e$ &o, there have been
vario!s s!))estions abo!t 3hat the blac6 ba) contained$ &o "y H!estions are
these, frstly, 3hy 3as it yo! carryin) the blac6 ba), and not one of yo!r
ento!ra)e, and secondly, co!ld yo! tell !s 3hat 3as in ita Than6 yo!$
Pope Francis,
@t 3asn.t the 6ey for the ato" bo"b^ 2ell^ @ 3as carryin) it beca!se that.s
3hat al3ays done$ 2hen @ travel, @ carry it$ nd inside, 3hat 3as therea
There 3as a ra:or, a breviary, an appoint"ent boo6, a boo6 to read, @ bro!)ht
one abo!t &aint ThLrVse, to 3ho" @ have a devotion$ @ have al3ays ta6en a
ba) 3ith "e 3hen travellin) K it.s nor"al$ 7!t 3e "!st be nor"al $$$ @ don.t
6no3 $$$ 3hat yo! say is a bit stran)e for "e, that the photo)raph 3ent all
over the 3orld$ 7!t 3e "!st )et !sed to bein) nor"al$ The nor"ality of life$ @
don.t 6no3, ndrea, 3hether @ have ans3ered yo!r H!estion$
Father 1o"bardi,
#o3 3e 3ill invite a representative of the Port!)!ese lan)!a)e to spea6,
!ra 'i)!el, 3ho is fro" 5adio 5enascenXa,
!ra 'i)!el,
;o!r /oliness, @ 3ant to as6 3hy yo! as6 so insistently that people pray for
yo!a @t isn.t nor"al, not !sed to hearin) a Pope as6 so often that
people pray for hi"$$$
Pope Francis,
@ have al3ays as6ed this$ 2hen @ 3as a priest, @ as6ed it, b!t less freH!ently$ @
be)an to as6 3ith )reater freH!ency 3hile @ 3as 3or6in) as a bishop, beca!se
@ sense that if the 1ord does not help in this 3or6 of assistin) the People of
8od to )o for3ard, it can.t be done$ @ a" tr!ly conscio!s of "y "any
li"itations, 3ith so "any proble"s, and @ a sinner K as yo! 6no3^ K and @ have
to as6 for this$ 7!t it co"es fro" 3ithin^ @ as6 O!r 1ady too to pray to the
1ord for "e$ @t is a habit, b!t a habit that co"es fro" "y heart and also a real
need in ter"s of "y 3or6$ @ feel @ have to as6 $$$ @ don.t 6no3, that.s the 3ay it
is $$$
Father 1o"bardi,
#o3 3e pass to the <n)lish lan)!a)e )ro!p, and 3e invite o!r collea)!e 'r
P!llella fro" 5e!ters, here in front, to spea6$
Philip P!llella,
;o!r /oliness, than6 yo!, on behalf of the <n)lish )ro!p, for "a6in) yo!rself
available$ O!r collea)!e de 1ara has already p!t the H!estion that 3e 3anted
to as6, so @ 3ill contin!e I!st a little f!rther alon) the sa"e lines, 2hen yo!
3ere see6in) to "a6e these chan)es, @ re"e"ber yo! said to the )ro!p fro"
1atin "erica that there are "any saints 3or6in) in the %atican, b!t also
people 3ho are rather less saintly, didn.t yo!a /ave yo! enco!ntered
resistance to yo!r 3ish to chan)e thin)s in the %aticana /ave yo! "et 3ith
resistancea The second H!estion is this, yo! live in a very a!stere "annere
yo! have re"ained at &anta 'arta, and so on$$$ 2o!ld yo! li6e yo!r
collaborators, incl!din) the (ardinals, to follo3 this eGa"ple, and perhaps to
live in co""!nity, or is this so"ethin) for yo! alonea
Pope Francis,
The chan)es $$$ the chan)es also co"e fro" t3o so!rces, 3hat 3e (ardinals
as6ed for, and 3hat has to do 3ith "y o3n personality$ ;o! "entioned the
fact that @ re"ained at &anta 'arta$ 7!t @ co!ld not live alone in the Palace,
and it is not l!G!rio!s$ The Papal apart"ent is not partic!larly l!G!rio!s^ @t is
a fair si:e, b!t it is not l!G!rio!s$ 7!t @ cannot live alone or 3ith I!st a fe3
people^ @ need people, @ need to "eet people, to tal6 to people$ nd that.s
3hy 3hen the children fro" the 0es!it schools as6ed "e, A2hy did yo! do
thata For a!sterity, for povertyaB #o, it 3as for psycholo)ical reasons, si"ply,
beca!se psycholo)ically @ can.t do other3ise$ <veryone has to lead his o3n
life, everyone has his o3n 3ay of livin) and bein)$ The (ardinals 3ho 3or6 in
the (!ria do not live 3ealthy, op!lent lives, they live in s"all apart"ents,
they are a!stere, and they really are, a!stere$ The ones @ 6no3, the
apart"ents that P& provides for the (ardinals$ Then it see"s to "e that
there is so"ethin) else @ 3anted to say$ <veryone has to live as the 1ord as6s
hi" to live$ 7!t a!sterity K )eneral a!sterity K @ thin6 it is necessary for all of
!s 3ho 3or6 in the service of the (h!rch$ There are "any shades of
a!sterity` everyone "!st see6 his o3n path$ 2ith re)ard to the saints, it.s
tr!e, there are saints, cardinals, priests, bishops, sisters, and laypersonse
people 3ho pray people 3ho 3or6 hard and 3ho also help the poor, in hidden
3ays$ @ 6no3 of so"e 3ho ta6e tro!ble to )ive food to the poor, and then, in
their free ti"e, )o to "inister in this or that ch!rch$ They are priests$ There
are saints in the (!ria$ nd there are so"e 3ho are not so saintly, and these
are the ones yo! tend to hear abo!t$ ;o! 6no3 that one tree fallin) "a6es
"ore noise than a 3hole forest )ro3in)$ nd it pains "e 3hen these thin)s
happen$ 7!t there are so"e 3ho create scandal, so"e$ 2e have this
'onsi)nor in prisone @ thin6 he is still in prison$ /e didn.t eGactly )o to prison
beca!se he 3as li6e 7lessed @"elda, he 3as no saint$ These are scandals, and
they do har"$ One thin) K never said this before, b!t @ have co"e to
reali:e it K @ thin6 that the (!ria has fallen so"e3hat fro" the level it once
had, in the days of the old c!rialists $$$ the profle of the old c!rialist, faithf!l,
doin) his 3or6$ 2e need these people$ @ thin6 $$$ there are so"e, b!t not as
"any as there once 3ere$ The profle of the old c!rialist, @ 3o!ld say that$ 2e
need "ore of the"$ Do @ enco!nter resistance^ 2ell^ @f there is resistance, @
haven.t seen it yet$ @t.s tr!e that @ haven.t done "!ch, b!t @ 3o!ld say that @
have fo!nd help, and @ have fo!nd loyal people$ For eGa"ple, @ li6e it 3hen
people say to "e, A@ don.t a)reeB and @ have fo!nd this$ A7!t @ don.t see that,
@ disa)ree, that.s 3hat @ thin6, yo! do as yo! 3ish$B This is a real collaborator$
nd @ have fo!nd people li6e this in the (!ria$ nd this is )ood$ 7!t 3hen
there are those 3ho say, AOh, ho3 3onderf!l, ho3 3onderf!l, ho3
3onderf!lB, and then they say the opposite so"e3here else$$$ @ have yet to
co"e across this$ 'aybe it happens, "aybe there are so"e li6e this, b!t @."
not a3are of the"$$ 5esistance, in fo!r "onths, yo! 3on.t fnd that "!ch$
Father 1o"bardi,
2ell, no3 3e pass to a 7ra:ilian lady, as see"s only ri)ht$ &o here is Patricia
Qor:an, and perhaps 'r @:oard co!ld co"e for3ard, so that 3e can have a
French spea6er neGt$
Patricia Qor:an,
&pea6in) on behalf of the 7ra:ilians, society has chan)ed, yo!n) people have
chan)ed, and in 7ra:il 3e have seen a )reat "any yo!n) people$ ;o! did not
spea6 abo!t abortion, abo!t sa"e-seG "arria)e$ @n 7ra:il a la3 has been
approved 3hich 3idens the ri)ht to abortion and per"its "arria)e bet3een
people of the sa"e seG$ 2hy did yo! not spea6 abo!t thisa
Pope Francis,
The (h!rch has already spo6en H!ite clearly on this$ @t 3as !nnecessary to
ret!rn to it, I!st as @ didn.t spea6 abo!t cheatin), lyin), or other "atters on
3hich the (h!rch has a clear teachin)^
Patricia Qor:an,
7!t the yo!n) are interested in this $$$
Pope Francis,
;es, tho!)h it 3asn.t necessary to spea6 of it, b!t rather of the positive thin)s
that open !p the path to yo!n) people$ @sn.t that ri)ht^ 7esides, yo!n)
people 6no3 perfectly 3ell 3hat the (h!rch.s position is$
Patricia Qor:an,
2hat is ;o!r /oliness. position, if 3e "ay as6a
Pope Francis,
The position of the (h!rch$ @ a" a son of the (h!rch$
Father 1o"bardi,
2ell, no3 let.s ret!rn to the &panish )ro!p, Dario 'enor Torres $$$, oh, eGc!se
"e, 'r @:oard, 3ho" 3e have already called for3ard, so that 3e have
so"eone fro" the French )ro!p K and then Dario 'enor$
ntonie-'arie @:oard,
8reetin)s, ;o!r /oliness, on behalf of "y francophone collea)!es on board K
there are nine of !s on this ]i)ht K for a Pope 3ho does not 3ant to )ive
intervie3s, 3e are tr!ly )ratef!l to yo!$ <ver since 13 'arch, yo! have
presented yo!rself as the 7ishop of 5o"e, 3ith )reat, very )reat insistence$
&o, 3e 3o!ld li6e to !nderstand the deep si)nifcance of this insistence,
3hether perhaps, rather than colle)iality, 3e are perhaps spea6in) abo!t
ec!"enis", perhaps of yo!r bein) the pri"!s inter pares of the (h!rcha
Than6 yo!$
Pope Francis,
;es, in this, 3e "!st not )o beyond 3hat is said$ The Pope is a bishop, the
7ishop of 5o"e, and beca!se he is the 7ishop of 5o"e he is the &!ccessor of
Peter, %icar of (hrist$ There are other titles, b!t the frst title is A7ishop of
5o"eB and everythin) follo3s fro" that$ To say, to thin6 that this "eans
bein) pri"!s inter pares, no, that does not follo3$ @t is si"ply the Pope.s frst
title, 7ishop of 5o"e$ 7!t there are others too $$$ @ thin6 yo! said so"ethin)
abo!t ec!"enis"$ @ thin6 this act!ally helps ec!"enis"$ 7!t only this $$$
Father 1o"bardi,
#o3 Dario 'enor fro" 1a 5a:Pn, fro" &pain,
Dario 'enor Torres,
H!estion abo!t ho3 yo! feel$ 3ee6 a)o yo! "entioned that a child had
as6ed yo! ho3 it felt, 3hether so"eone co!ld i"a)ine bein) Pope and
3hether anyone 3o!ld 3ant to be Pope$ ;o! said that people 3o!ld have to
be "ad to 3ant that$ fter yo!r frst eGperience a"on) a )reat "!ltit!de of
people, s!ch as yo! fo!nd d!rin) these days in 5io, can yo! tell !s ho3 it
feels to be Pope, 3hether it is very hard, 3hether yo! are happy to be Pope,
3hether in so"e 3ay yo!r faith has )ro3n, or 3hether, on the contrary, yo!
have had so"e do!bts$ Than6 yo!$
Pope Francis,
To do the 3or6 of a bishop is a 3onderf!l thin), it is 3onderf!l$ The proble"
arises 3hen so"eone see6s that 3or6, this is not so )ood, this is not fro" the
1ord$ 7!t 3hen the 1ord calls a priest to beco"e a bishop, this is )ood$ There
is al3ays the dan)er of thin6in) oneself a little s!perior to others, not li6e
others, so"ethin) of a prince$ There are dan)ers and sins$ 7!t the 3or6 of a
bishop is 3onderf!l, it is to help one.s brothers and sisters to "ove for3ard$
The bishop ahead of the faithf!l, to "ar6 o!t the pathe the bishop in the
"idst of the faithf!l, to foster co""!nione and the bishop behind the faithf!l,
beca!se the faithf!l can often sniF o!t the path$ The bishop "!st be li6e that$
;o! as6ed "e 3hether @ li6e it$ ;es, @ li6e bein) a bishop, @ li6e it$ @n 7!enos
ires @ 3as very happy, very happy^ @ 3as happy, it.s tr!e$ The 1ord helped
"e in that$ 7!t as a priest @ 3as happy, and as a bishop @ 3as happy$ @n this
sense @ say, @ li6e it^
J!estion fro" the ]oor,
nd as Popea
Pope Francis,
1i6e3ise, li6e3ise^ 2hen the 1ord p!ts yo! there, if yo! do 3hat the 1ord
3ants, yo! are happy$ This is "y feelin), this is ho3 @ feel$
Father 1o"bardi,
#o3 another fro" the @talian )ro!p, &alvatore 'a::a fro" AvvenireB$
&alvatore 'a::a,
@ cannot even stand !p$ <Gc!se "e, @ cannot even stand !p, for all the 3ires @
have !nder "y feet$ 2e have seen d!rin) these days, 3e have seen yo! f!ll
of ener)y, even late in the evenin)$ 2e are 3atchin) yo! no3 on board the
aircraft 3hich is tiltin) fro" side to side, and yo! are cal"ly standin) there,
3itho!t a "o"ent.s hesitation$ 2e 3o!ld li6e to as6 yo!, there is tal6 of
f!t!re Io!rneys$ There is "!ch tal6 of sia, 0er!sale", r)entina$ Do yo!
already have a "ore or less defnite sched!le for neGt year, or is everythin)
still to be decideda
Pope Francis,
Defnite, nothin) is defnite$ 7!t @ can say so"ethin) of 3hat is bein)
planned$ One thin) that is defnite K eGc!se "e K is 22 &epte"ber in (a)liari$
Then, 4 October in ssisi$ @ have it in "ind, 3ithin @taly, to )o and visit "y
relatives for a day, to ]y there one "ornin) and to ret!rn the neGt "ornin),
beca!se, bless the", they call "e and 3e have a )ood relationship$ 7!t only
for one day$ O!tside @taly, Patriarch 7artholo"aios @ 3ants to have a "eetin)
to co""e"orate the 40th anniversary of the "eetin) bet3een thena)oras
and Pa!l %@ in 0er!sale"$ The @sraeli 8overn"ent has also iss!ed a special
invitation to )o to 0er!sale"$ @ thin6 the 8overn"ent of the Palestinian
!thority has done the sa"e$ This is 3hat is in the pipeline, it is not H!ite
clear 3hether @." )oin) or not )oin) $$$ Then, in 1atin "erica, @ don.t thin6
there is a possibility of ret!rnin), beca!se the 1atin "erican Pope, his frst
Io!rney is to 1atin "erica^ <no!)h^ 2e "!st 3ait a little no3^ @ thin6 @ co!ld
)o to sia, b!t this is all !p in the air$ @ have been invited to )o to &ri 1an6a
and also to the Philippines$ 7!t @ "!st )o to sia$ 7eca!se Pope 7enedict did
not have ti"e to )o to sia, and it is i"portant$ /e 3ent to !stralia and then
to <!rope and "erica, b!t sia$$$ 8oin) to r)entina, at the "o"ent @ thin6
this can 3ait a little, beca!se all these Io!rneys have a certain priority$ @
3anted to )o to @stanb!l on 30 &epte"ber, to visit 7artholo"aios @, b!t it is
not possible, it is not possible beca!se of "y sched!le$ @f 3e "eet, it 3ill be
in 0er!sale"$
J!estion fro" the ]oor,
Pope Francis,
Fati"a, there is also an invitation to Fati"a, it.s tr!e, it.s tr!e$ There is an
invitation to )o to Fati"a$
J!estion fro" the ]oor,
30 &epte"ber or 30 #ove"bera
Pope Francis,
#ove"ber, #ove"ber, &aint ndre3$
Father 1o"bardi,
8ood$ 2ell, no3 3e "ove to the 9nited &tates, and 3e invite da 'essia
fro" (## to as6 yo! a H!estion,
da 'essia,
8reetin)s$ ;o! are copin) better than @ $$$ #o, no, no, it.s all ri)ht, it.s all ri)ht$
'y H!estion is this, 3hen yo! "et the yo!n) people fro" r)entina, "aybe
3ith ton)!e in chee6, "aybe serio!sly, yo! told the" that yo! too, at ti"es,
feel penned in$ 2e 3o!ld li6e to 6no3 3hat eGactly yo! 3ere referrin) to $$$
Pope Francis,
;o! 6no3 ho3 often 3anted to )o 3al6in) thro!)h the streets of 5o"e,
beca!se, in 7!enos ires, @ li6ed to )o for a 3al6 in the city, @ really li6ed to do
that^ @n this sense, @ feel a little penned in$ 7!t @ have to say one thin) and
that is that these fello3s fro" the %atican 8endar"erie are so )ood, they are
really, really )ood, and @ a" )ratef!l to the"$ #o3 lettin) "e do a fe3
"ore thin)s^ @ thin6` their Iob is to "aintain sec!rity$ &o, penned in in that
sense$ @.d li6e to )o o!t 3al6in) b!t @ !nderstand that it isn.t possible, @
!nderstand$ That 3as 3hat @ "eant$ 7eca!se @ !sed to be K as 3e say in
7!enos ires K a calleIero, a street priest`
Father 1o"bardi,
nd no3 3e call on another 7ra:ilian, it is 'arcio (a"pos, and @ also as6 'r
8!Lnois to co"e !p for the neGt H!estion, for the French$
Pope Francis,
@ 3as as6in) 3hat ti"e it is, beca!se they have to serve s!pper, b!t are yo!
all h!n)rya
#o, no`
'arcio (a"pos,
/oly Father, @ 3ant to say that 3henever yo! "iss 7ra:il, the Ioyf!l 7ra:ilian
people, hold onto the ]a) that @ )ave yo!$ @ 3o!ld also li6e to than6 "y
collea)!es at the daily ne3spapers Folha de &Uo
Pa!lo, <stado, 8lobo and %eIa for bein) able to represent the" in this
H!estion$ /oly Father, it is diNc!lt to acco"pany a Pope, very diNc!lt$ 2e are
all tired, yo! are )oin) stron) and 3e are eGha!sted` @n 7ra:il, the (atholic
(h!rch has lost a n!"ber of the faithf!l in these recent years$ @s the
(haris"atic 5ene3al "ove"ent one possible 3ay for ens!rin) that the
faithf!l do not )o to the Pentecostal (h!rch or other pentecostal ch!rchesa
'any than6s for yo!r presence and "any than6s for bein) 3ith !s$
Pope Francis,
@t is very tr!e 3hat yo! are sayin) abo!t the fall in n!"bers of the faithf!l, it
is tr!e, it is tr!e$ The statistics are there$ 2e spo6e 3ith the 7ra:ilian bishops
abo!t the proble" at a "eetin) held yesterday$ ;o! as6ed abo!t the
(haris"atic 5ene3al "ove"ent$ @.ll tell yo! one thin)$ 7ac6 at the end of the
1C70s and the be)innin) of the 1C=0s, @ had no ti"e for the"$ Once,
spea6in) abo!t the", @ said, AThese people conf!se a lit!r)ical celebration
3ith sa"ba lessons^B @ act!ally said that$ #o3 @ re)ret it$ @ learned$ @t is also
tr!e that the "ove"ent, 3ith )ood leaders, has "ade )reat pro)ress$ #o3 @
thin6 that this "ove"ent does "!ch )ood for the (h!rch, overall$ @n 7!enos
ires, @ "et freH!ently 3ith the" and once a year @ celebrated a 'ass 3ith all
of the" in the (athedral$ @ have al3ays s!pported the", after @
3as converted, after @ sa3 the )ood they 3ere doin)$ 7eca!se at this ti"e in
the (h!rch K and here @.ll "a6e "y ans3er a little "ore )eneral K @ believe
that the "ove"ents are necessary$ The "ove"ents are a )race of the &pirit$
A7!t ho3 can yo! control a "ove"ent 3hich is so freeaB The (h!rch is free,
too^ The /oly &pirit does 3hat he 3ants$ /e is the one 3ho creates har"ony,
b!t @ do believe that the "ove"ents are a )race, those "ove"ents 3hich
have the spirit of the (h!rch$ (onseH!ently @ don.t thin6 that the (haris"atic
5ene3al "ove"ent "erely prevents so"e people fro" passin) over to
pentecostal deno"inations$ #o^ @t is also a service to the (h!rch herself^ @t
rene3s !s$ <veryone see6s his o3n "ove"ent, accordin) to his o3n charis",
3here the /oly &pirit dra3s hi" or her$
J!estion in the bac6)ro!nd,
Pope Francis,
;o estoy cansado$ @ a" tired$
Father 1o"bardi,
&o, 'r 8!Lnois fro" 1e Fi)aro, for the French )ro!p$
0ean-'arie 8!Lnois,
/oly Father, one H!estion, 3ith "y collea)!e fro" 1a (roiG, ;o! have said
that 3itho!t 3o"en, the (h!rch )ro3s barren$ 2hat concrete "eas!res 3ill
yo! ta6ea For eGa"ple, the diaconate for 3o"en or a 3o"an as a head of
dicasterya lso, a little technical H!estion, yo! said yo! 3ere tired$ /ave
special arran)e"ents been "ade for the ret!rn ]i)hta Than6 yo!, ;o!r
Pope Francis,
1et.s be)in 3ith the last H!estion$ This plane doesn.t have any special
arran)e"ents$ @ a" !p front, @ have a nice seat, a nor"al one, the sa"e as
everyone else has$ @ had the" 3rite a letter and "a6e a phone call to say
that @ did not 3ant special arran)e"ents on the plane, is that cleara &econd,
abo!t 3o"en$ (h!rch 3itho!t 3o"en is li6e the colle)e of the postles
3itho!t 'ary$ The role of 3o"en in the (h!rch is not si"ply that of "aternity,
bein) "others, b!t "!ch )reater, it is precisely to be the icon of the %ir)in, of
O!r 1adye 3hat helps "a6e the (h!rch )ro3^ 7!t thin6 abo!t it, O!r 1ady is
"ore i"portant than the postles^ &he is "ore i"portant^ The (h!rch is
fe"inine$ &he is (h!rch, she is bride, she is "other$ 7!t 3o"en, in the
(h!rch, "!st not only` @ don.t 6no3 ho3 to say this in @talian` the role of
3o"en in the (h!rch "!st not be li"ited to bein) "others, 3or6ers, a
li"ited role` #o^ @t is so"ethin) else^ 7!t the Popes$$ Pa!l %@ 3rote
bea!tif!lly of 3o"en, b!t @ believe that 3e have "!ch "ore to do in "a6in)
eGplicit this role and charis" of 3o"en$ 2e can.t i"a)ine a (h!rch 3itho!t
3o"en, b!t 3o"en active in the (h!rch, 3ith the distinctive role that they
play$ @ thin6 of an eGa"ple 3hich has nothin) to do 3ith the (h!rch, b!t is an
historical eGa"ple, in 1atin "erica, Para)!ay$ For "e, the 3o"en of
Para)!ay are the "ost )lorio!s 3o"en in 1atin "erica$ re yo! para)!ayoa
fter the 3ar, there 3ere ei)ht 3o"en for every "an, and these 3o"en
"ade a rather diNc!lt decision, the decision to bear children in order to save
their co!ntry, their c!lt!re, their faith, and their lan)!a)e$ @n the (h!rch, this
is ho3 3e sho!ld thin6 of 3o"en, ta6in) ris6y decisions, yet as 3o"en$ This
needs to be better eGplained$ @ believe that 3e have not yet co"e !p 3ith a
profo!nd theolo)y of 3o"anhood, in the (h!rch$ ll 3e say is, they can do
this, they can do that, no3 they are altar servers, no3 they do the readin)s,
they are in char)e of (aritas *(atholic charities+$ 7!t there is "ore^ 2e need
to develop a profo!nd theolo)y of 3o"anhood$ That is 3hat @ thin6$
Father 1o"bardi,
For the &panish )ro!p, no3, 3e have Pablo Ordas, fro" <l PaOs,
Pablo Ordas,
2e 3o!ld li6e to 6no3 abo!t yo!r 3or6in) relationship, not I!st yo!r
relationship of friendship b!t that of collaboration, 3ith 7enedict T%@$ There
has never been a sit!ation li6e this before, and 3hether yo! are freH!ently in
contact and if he is helpin) yo! in this 3or6$ 'any than6s$
Pope Francis,
@ thin6 that the last ti"e that there 3ere t3o Popes, or three Popes, they
3eren.t spea6in) to one anothere they 3ere f)htin) to see 3hich 3as the
tr!e Pope$ 2e ended !p 3ith three Popes d!rin) the 2estern &chis"$
There is one thin) that describes "y relationship 3ith 7enedict, @ have s!ch
)reat aFection for hi"$ @ have al3ays loved hi"$ For "e he is a "an of 8od, a
h!"ble "an, a "an of prayer$ @ 3as so happy 3hen he 3as elected Pope$
lso, 3hen he resi)ned, for "e it 3as an eGa"ple of )reatness$ )reat "an$
Only a )reat "an does this^ "an of 8od and a "an of prayer$ #o3 he is
livin) in the %atican, and there are those 3ho tell "e, A/o3 can this bea T3o
Popes in the %atican^ Doesn.t he )et in yo!r 3aya @sn.t he plottin) a)ainst
yo!aB ll these sorts of thin)s, noa @ have fo!nd a )ood ans3er for this, A@t.s
li6e havin) yo!r )randfather in the ho!seB, a 3ise )randfather$ 2hen fa"ilies
have a )randfather at ho"e, he is venerated, he is loved, he is listened to$
Pope 7enedict is a "an of )reat pr!dence$ /e doesn.t interfere^ @ have often
told hi" so, A/oliness, receive )!ests, lead yo!r o3n life, co"e alon) 3ith
!sB$ /e did co"e for the !nveilin) and blessin) of the stat!e of &aint 'ichael$
&o, that phrase says it all$ For "e it.s li6e havin) a )randfather at ho"e, "y
o3n father$ @f @ have a diNc!lty, or so"ethin) @ don.t !nderstand, @ can call
hi" on the phone, ATell "e, can @ do thisaB 2hen @ 3ent to tal6 3ith hi"
abo!t that bi) proble", %atilea6s, he told "e everythin) 3ith )reat si"plicity
` to be helpf!l$ There is so"ethin) @ don.t 6no3 3hether yo! are a3are of K @
believe yo! are, b!t @." not certain K 3hen he spo6e to !s in his fare3ell
address, on 2= Febr!ary, he said, A@n yo!r "idst is the neGt Pope, @ pro"ise
hi" obedienceB$ /e is a )reat "ane this is a )reat "an^
Father 1o"bardi,
#o3 it is the t!rn of a 7ra:ilian once a)aine na Fereirae and then 8ian)!ido
%ecchi for the @talians$
na Fereira,
8ood evenin), /oly Father$ Than6s$ @ 3o!ld li6e to say any n!"ber of
Athan6sB$ Than6s for havin) bro!)ht so "!ch Ioy to 7ra:il, and than6s also
for respondin) to o!r H!estions$ 2e Io!rnalists really li6e to as6 H!estions$ @
3o!ld li6e to 6no3, since yesterday yo! spo6e to the 7ra:ilian bishops abo!t
the participation of 3o"en in o!r (h!rch$$$ @ 3o!ld li6e to !nderstand better,
3hat this participation of !s 3o"en in the (h!rch 3o!ld be li6e$ lso, 3hat
do yo! thin6 of 3o"en.s ordinationa 2hat sho!ld o!r position in the (h!rch
be li6ea
Pope Francis,
@ 3o!ld li6e to eGplain a bit "ore 3hat @ said abo!t 3o"en.s participation in
the (h!rch$ @t can.t I!st be abo!t their actin) as altar servers, heads
of (aritas, catechists` #o^ They have to be "ore, profo!ndly "ore, even
"ystically "ore, alon) 3ith everythin) @ said abo!t the theolo)y of
3o"anhood$ nd, as far as 3o"en.s ordination is concerned, the (h!rch has
spo6en and said, A#oB$ 0ohn Pa!l @@ said it, b!t 3ith a defnitive for"!lation$
That door is closed, b!t on this iss!e @ 3ant to tell yo! so"ethin)$ @ have said
it, b!t @ repeat it$ O!r 1ady, 'ary, 3as "ore i"portant than the postles, than
bishops and deacons and priests$ 2o"en, in the (h!rch, are "ore i"portant
than bishops and priestse ho3, this is so"ethin) 3e have to try to eGplain
better, beca!se @ believe that 3e lac6 a theolo)ical eGplanation of this$ Than6
Father 1o"bardi,
8ian)!ido %ecchi, fro" (orriere della &era, then @ 3o!ld as6 'rs Pi)o::i and
#icole to co"e for3ard$
8ian)!ido %ecchi,
/oly Father, d!rin) this visit too, yo! have freH!ently spo6en of "ercy$ 2ith
re)ard to the reception of the sacra"ents by the divorced and re"arried, is
there the possibility of a chan)e in the (h!rch.s disciplinea That these
sacra"ents "i)ht be an opport!nity to brin) these people closer, rather than
a barrier dividin) the" fro" the other faithf!la
Pope Francis,
This is an iss!e 3hich freH!ently co"es !p$ 'ercy is so"ethin) "!ch lar)er
than the one case yo! raised$ @ believe that this is the season of "ercy$ This
ne3 era 3e have entered, and the "any proble"s in the (h!rch K li6e the
poor 3itness )iven by so"e priests, proble"s of corr!ption in the (h!rch, the
proble" of clericalis" for eGa"ple K have left so "any people h!rt, left so
"!ch h!rt$ The (h!rch is a "other, she has to )o o!t to heal those 3ho are
h!rtin), 3ith "ercy$ @f the 1ord never tires of for)ivin), 3e have no other
choice than this, frst of all, to care for those 3ho are h!rtin)$ The (h!rch is a
"other, and she "!st travel this path of "ercy$ nd fnd a for" of "ercy for
all$ 2hen the prodi)al son ret!rned ho"e, @ don.t thin6 his father told hi",
A;o!, sit do3n and listen, 3hat did yo! do 3ith the "oneyaB #o^ /e
celebrated^ Then, perhaps, 3hen the son 3as ready to spea6, he spo6e$ The
(h!rch has to do this, 3hen there is so"eone` not only 3ait for the", b!t
)o o!t and fnd the"^ That is 3hat "ercy is$ nd @ believe that this is
a 6airos, this ti"e is a 6airos of "ercy$ 7!t 0ohn Pa!l @@ had the frst int!ition of
this, 3hen he be)an 3ith Fa!stina Eo3als6a, the Divine 'ercy` /e had
so"ethin), he had int!ited that this 3as a need in o!r ti"e$ 2ith reference to
the iss!e of )ivin) co""!nion to persons in a second !nion *beca!se those
3ho are divorced can receive co""!nion, there is no proble", b!t 3hen they
are in a second !nion, they can.t`+, @ believe that 3e need to loo6 at this
3ithin the lar)er conteGt of the entire pastoral care of "arria)e$ nd so it is a
proble"$ 7!t also K a parenthesis K the OrthodoG have a diFerent practice$
They follo3 the theolo)y of 3hat they calloi6ono"ia, and they )ive a second
chance, they allo3 it$ 7!t @ believe that this proble" K and here @ close the
parenthesis K "!st be st!died 3ithin the conteGt of the pastoral care of
"arria)e$ nd so, t3o thin)s, frst, one of the the"es to be eGa"ined 3ith
the ei)ht "e"bers of the (o!ncil of (ardinals 3ith 3ho" @ 3ill "eet on 1-3
October is ho3 to "ove for3ard in the pastoral care of "arria)e, and this
proble" 3ill co"e !p there$ nd a second thin), t3o 3ee6s a)o the &ecretary
of the &ynod of 7ishops "et 3ith "e abo!t the the"e of the neGt &ynod$ @t
3as an anthropolo)ical the"e, b!t tal6in) it over, )oin) bac6 and forth, 3e
sa3 this anthropolo)ical the"e, ho3 does the faith help 3ith one.s personal
life-proIect, b!t in the fa"ily, and so pointin) to3ards the pastoral care of
"arria)e$ 2e are "ovin) to3ards a so"e3hat deeper pastoral care of
"arria)e$ nd this is a proble" for everyone, beca!se there are so "any of
the", noa For eGa"ple, @ 3ill only "ention one, (ardinal J!arracino, "y
predecessor, !sed to say that as far as he 3as concerned, half of all
"arria)es are n!ll$ 7!t 3hy did he say thisa 7eca!se people )et "arried
lac6in) "at!rity, they )et "arried 3itho!t reali:in) that it is a life-lon)
co""it"ent, they )et "arried beca!se society tells the" they have to )et
"arried$ nd this is 3here the pastoral care of "arria)e also co"es in$ nd
then there is the le)al proble" of "atri"onial n!llity, this has to be revie3ed,
beca!se ecclesiastical trib!nals are not s!Ncient for this$ @t is co"pleG, the
proble" of the pastoral care of "arria)e$ Than6 yo!$
Father 1o"bardi,
Than6 yo!$ nd no3 3e have 'rs Pi)o::i, fro" Paris 'atch, also fro" the
French )ro!p`
(arolina Pi)o::i,
8ood evenin), /oly Father$ @ 3o!ld li6e to 6no3 if, no3 that yo! are the Pope,
yo! still feel that yo! are a 0es!it`
Pope Francis,
That is a theolo)ical H!estion, beca!se 0es!its "a6e a vo3 of obedience to
the Pope$ 7!t if the Pope is a 0es!it, perhaps he has to "a6e a vo3 of
obedience to the 8eneral of the 0es!its^ @ don.t 6no3 ho3 to resolve this ` @
feel a 0es!it in "y spirit!alitye in the spirit!ality of the <Gercises, the
spirit!ality deep in "y heart$ @ feel this so deeply that in three days @ 3ill )o
to celebrate 3ith the 0es!its the feast of &aint @)nati!s, @ 3ill say the "ornin)
'ass$ @ have not chan)ed "y spirit!ality, no$ Francis, Franciscan, no$ @ feel a
0es!it and @ thin6 as a 0es!it$ @ don.t "ean that hypocritically, b!t @ thin6 as a
0es!it$ Than6 yo!$
Father 1o"bardi,
@f yo! can hold o!t, there are still so"e H!estions$ #o3, #icole 2infeld, fro"
the ssociated Press, and there are ` @ had a list and act!ally @ tho!)ht yo!
had thin)s planned a"on) yo!rselves` ny3ay, <lisabetta, )et in line too,
#icole 2infeld,
;o!r /oliness, than6 yo! once a)ain for co"in) Aa"on) the lionsB$ ;o!r
/oliness, in the fo!rth "onth of yo!r pontifcate, @ 3anted to as6 yo! to "a6e
a little tally$ (an yo! tell !s 3hat is the best thin) abo!t bein) Pope, an
anecdote, and 3hat is the 3orst, and 3hat is the thin) that has "ost
s!rprised yo! in this perioda
Pope Francis,
@ don.t 6no3 ho3 to ans3er that, really$ 7i) thin)s, "aIor thin)s, there I!st
haven.t been any$ 7ea!tif!l thin)s, yese for eGa"ple, "y "eetin) 3ith the
@talian bishops 3as very )ood, very )ood$ s 7ishop of the capital of @taly, @
felt at ho"e 3ith the"$ nd that 3as )ood, b!t @ don.t 6no3 if it 3as the best$
lso a painf!l thin), one 3hich really to!ched "y heart, the visit to
1a"ped!sa$ @t 3as eno!)h to "a6e yo! 3eep, it did "e )ood$ 2hen these
boats arrive, they leave the" several "iles o!t fro" the coastline and they
"!st co"e ashore alone, on a boat$ nd this pains "e beca!se @ thin6 that
these people are victi"s of a 3orld-3ide socio-econo"ic syste"$ 7!t the
3orst thin) that happened K eGc!se "e K 3as an attac6 of sciatica K really^ K
that @ had the frst "onth, beca!se @ 3as sittin) in an ar"chair to do
intervie3s and it h!rt$ &ciatica is very painf!l, very painf!l^ @ don?t 3ish it on
anyone^ 7!t these thin)s, tal6in) 3ith peoplee the "eetin) 3ith se"inarians
and reli)io!s 3as H!ite bea!tif!l, it 3as really bea!tif!l$ lso, the "eetin)
3ith the st!dents of 0es!it schools 3as very bea!tif!l` )ood thin)s$
2hat s!rprised yo! "osta
Pope Francis,
People, people, the )ood people @ fo!nd$ @ fo!nd "any )ood people in the
%atican$ @ 3as 3onderin) 3hat @ co!ld say, b!t that is tr!e$ @ a" bein) fair in
sayin) this, so "any )ood people$ &o "any )ood people, so "any )ood
people, b!t )ood, )ood, )ood^
Father 1o"bardi,
<lisabetta, so"eone that yo! 6no3, and also &er)io 5!bini, co"e for3ard,
and so no3 3e have the r)entinians$
<lisabetta PiH!L
Pope Francis, frst of all, on behalf of the ffty tho!sand r)entinians 3ho" @
"et and 3ho told "e, A;o! 3ill be travellin) 3ith the Pope, so please tell hi"
that he 3as fantastic, st!pendo!se as6 hi" 3hen he 3ill co"eB$ 7!t yo!
already said yo! 3o!ldn.t be )oin) $$$$ therefore, @ 3o!ld li6e to as6 yo! a
"ore diNc!lt H!estion$ 2ere yo! afraid 3hen yo! sa3 the %atilea6s reporta
Pope Francis
#o^ @ 3ill tell yo! a story abo!t the %atilea6s report$ 2hen @ "et 3ith Pope
7enedict, after 3e had prayed in the (hapel, 3e 3ere in his st!dy and @ sa3 a
lar)e boG and envelope$ <Gc!se "e $ $ $ 7enedict said to "ee A@n this bi) boG
are all the state"ents, all that the 3itnesses said, everythin) is there$ 7!t the
s!""ary and the fnal I!d)"ent are in this envelope$ nd it says here $ $ $B
/e had it all in his head^ 2hat intelli)ence^ <verythin) "e"ori:ed,
everythin)^ 7!t no, it didn.t fri)hten "e, no$ #o, no$ Tho!)h it is a bi)
proble"$ 7!t it didn.t fri)hten "e$
&er)io 5!bOn
;o!r /oliness, t3o thin)s$ The frst is this, yo! insisted a )reat deal on
ste""in) the loss of the faithf!l$ @n 7ra:il, yo! 3ere very stron)$ Do yo! hope
that this trip 3ill contrib!te to people ret!rnin) to the (h!rch, to the" feelin)
closer to the (h!rcha nd second, "ore infor"ally, yo! loved r)entina and
held 7!enos ires in yo!r heart$ The r)entinians are as6in) if yo! "iss
7!enos ires a lot, ridin) on the b!s, 3al6in) thro!)h the streetsa 'any
Pope Francis
@ believe that a Papal trip al3ays helps$ @ believe it 3ill do 7ra:il )ood, not I!st
beca!se the Pope 3as present, b!t beca!se of 3hat happened d!rin) 2;D,
ho3 the yo!th "obili:ed the"selves and these yo!n) people 3ill do )reat
)ood, and "aybe they 3ill be able to help the (h!rch a )reat deal$ 7!t these
faithf!l 3ho have left the (h!rch, "any are not happy beca!se they 6no3
they belon) to the (h!rch$ @ thin6 that this 3ill be very positive, not only for
the trip, b!t above all for the event$ 2;D 3as a "arvello!s event$ nd yes, at
ti"es @ do "iss 7!enos ires and @ feel it$ 7!t @ a" serene abo!t it$ 7!t @
believe that yo!, &er)io, 6no3 "e better than all the others and yo! are able
to ans3er this H!estion, 3ith the boo6 that yo! 3rote^
Padre 1o"bardi
#o3 3e have the 5!ssian reporter and then there is %alentina, o!r senior
reporter, 3ho 3o!ld li6e to be last$
leGey 7!6alov
8ood evenin), /oly Father$ /oly Father, ret!rnin) to ec!"enis", today, the
OrthodoG are celebratin) one tho!sand and t3enty-fve years of (hristianity,
and there are )reat festivities in "any capital cities$ @f yo! 3o!ld co""ent on
this, @ 3o!ld be )ratef!l$ Than6 yo!$
Pope Francis
@n the OrthodoG (h!rches, they have retained that pristine lit!r)y, 3hich is so
bea!tif!l$ 2e have lost so"e of the sense of adoration$ The OrthodoG
preserved ite they praise 8od, they adore 8od, they sin), ti"e does not
"atter$ 8od is at the centre, and @ 3o!ld li6e to say, as yo! as6 "e this
H!estion, that this is a richness$ Once, spea6in) of the 2estern (h!rch, of
2estern <!rope, especially the older (h!rch, they said this phrase to "e, 1!G
eG oriente, eG occidente l!G!s$ (ons!"eris", co"fort, they have done s!ch
har"$ @nstead, yo! retain this bea!ty of 8od in the centre, the reference
point$ 2hen readin) Dostoevs6y K @ believe that for all of !s he is an a!thor
that 3e "!st read and reread d!e to his 3isdo" K one senses 3hat the
5!ssian so!l is, 3hat the eastern so!l is$ @t is so"ethin) that does !s "!ch
)ood$ 2e need this rene3al, this fresh air fro" the <ast, this li)ht fro" the
<ast$ 0ohn Pa!l @@ 3rote abo!t this in his 1etter$ 7!t "any ti"es the l!G!s of
the 2est "a6es !s lose this hori:on$ @ don.t 6no3, b!t these are the tho!)hts
that co"e to "e$ Than6 yo!$
Father 1o"bardi
nd no3 3e close 3ith %alentina 3ho, havin) been frst d!rin) the trip to 5io
de 0aniero, 3ill be the last for the ret!rn trip to 5o"e$
%alentina la:ra6i
;o!r /oliness, than6 yo! for 6eepin) yo!r pro"ise to respond to o!r
H!estions on this ret!rn trip`
Pope Francis
@ have "ade yo! late for dinner`
%alentina la:ra6i
@t doesn.t "atter $$$ The H!estion for all 'eGicans is, 3hen are yo! )oin) to
visit 8!adal!pea $$$ 7!t this is the H!estion of the 'eGicans $$$ 'ine 3o!ld be,
yo! 3ill canoni:e recently the t3o )reat Popes, 0ohn TT@@@ and 0ohn Pa!l @@$ @
3o!ld li6e to 6no3 3hat is K accordin) to yo! K the "odel of holiness that
e"er)es fro" the" both and 3hat is the i"pact that these Popes have had
on the (h!rch and on yo!a
Pope Francis
0ohn TT@@@ is a bit li6e the f)!re of the co!ntry priest, the priest 3ho loves all
the faithf!l, 3ho 6no3s ho3 to care for the faithf!l and this he did as a
7ishop, and as a #!ncio$ /o3 "any baptis"al certifcates did he for)e in
T!r6ey to help the 0e3s^ /e 3as co!ra)eo!s, a )ood co!ntry priest, 3ith a
)reat sense of h!"o!r, and )reat holiness$ 2hen he 3as #!ncio, so"e did
not s!pport hi" in the %atican, and 3hen he 3o!ld arrive in 5o"e to deliver
so"ethin) or to as6 a H!estion, certain oNces 3o!ld "a6e hi" 3ait$ 7!t he
never co"plained, he 3o!ld pray the 5osary, say the breviary$ /e 3as "ee6
and h!"ble, and he al3ays concerned hi"self 3ith the poor$ 2hen (ardinal
(asaroli ret!rned fro" a "ission K @ believe it 3as fro" /!n)ary or fro" 3hat
3as then (:echoslova6ia, @ don.t re"e"ber 3hich, tho!)h K the (ardinal
3ent to Pope 0ohn to tell hi" ho3 the "ission 3ent, in that epoch of the
diplo"acy of As"all stepsB$ nd the Pope and (ardinal (asaroli "et K t3enty
days later Pope 0ohn TT@@@ 3o!ld be dead K and as the (ardinal 3as leavin),
the Pope stopped hi", A;o!r <"inence K no, he 3asn.t yet a (ardinal K ;o!r
<Gcellency, a H!estion, are yo! still )oin) to see those yo!n) peopleaB /e
as6ed beca!se (ardinal (asaroli had been )oin) to the I!venile prison in
(asal del 'ar"o and visitin) 3ith the yo!n) people$ nd (ardinal (asaroli
said, A;es, yes^B A#ever abandon the"$B This to a diplo"at, 3ho 3as
ret!rnin) fro" a diplo"atic "ission, a very i"portant trip, that 0ohn TT@@@
said, A#ever abandon the yo!n)B$ /o3 )reat he 3as, ho3 )reat^ Then, he
3as also a "an of the (o!ncil, he 3as a "an docile to the voice of 8od,
3hich ca"e to hi" thro!)h the /oly &pirit, and he 3as docile to the &pirit$
Pi!s T@@ 3as thin6in) of callin) the (o!ncil, b!t the circ!"stances 3eren.t
ri)ht$ @ believe that 0ohn TT@@@ didn.t thin6 abo!t the circ!"stances, he felt
and acted$ /e 3as a "an 3ho let the 1ord )!ide hi"$ 5e)ardin) 0ohn Pa!l @@, @
3o!ld say he 3as Athe )reat "issionary of the (h!rchB, he 3as a "issionary,
a "an 3ho carried the 8ospel every3here, as yo! 6no3 better than @$ /o3
"any trips did he "a6ea 7!t he 3ent^ /e felt this fre of carryin) forth the
2ord of the 1ord$ /e 3as li6e Pa!l, li6e &aint Pa!l, he 3as s!ch a "ane for "e
this is so"ethin) )reat$ nd to canoni:e the" both to)ether 3ill be, @ believe,
a "essa)e for the (h!rch, these t3o 3ere 3onderf!l, both of the"$ Pa!l %@.s
ca!se is also !nder 3ay, as is the ca!se of 0ohn Pa!l @$ 7oth are !nder 3ay$
One "ore thin) that @ believe @ said already, b!t @ don.t 6no3 if @ said it here
or else3here K the canoni:ation date$ One date !nder consideration 3as =
Dece"ber this year, b!t there is a si)nifcant proble"e those 3ho 3ill co"e
fro" Poland so"e can aFord to co"e by air, b!t the poor 3ill co"e by b!s
and the roads are already icy in Dece"ber, so @ thin6 the date needs to be
retho!)ht$ @ spo6e 3ith (ardinal D:i3is: and he s!))ested to "e t3o
possibilities, (hrist the Ein) &!nday this year or Divine 'ercy &!nday neGt
year$ @ thin6 there is too little ti"e for (hrist the Ein) this year, since the
(onsistory 3ill be on 30 &epte"ber and the end of October 3ill be too soon$
7!t @ don.t 6no3$ @ "!st spea6 3ith (ardinal "ato abo!t this$ 7!t @ don.t
thin6 it 3ill be = Dece"ber$
J!estion fro" the ]oor
7!t they 3ill be canoni:ed to)ethera
Pope Francis
7oth to)ether, yes$
Father 1o"bardi
Than6 yo!, ;o!r /oliness$ 2ho is still to co"ea @l:ea Then everyone 3ill have
had a t!rn, even "ore than had si)ned !p before`
@l:e &ca"parini
@ 3o!ld li6e per"ission to as6 a delicate H!estion, another i"a)e that has
been )oin) aro!nd the 3orld is that of 'onsi)nor 5icca and the ne3s abo!t
his private life$ @ 3o!ld li6e to 6no3, ;o!r /oliness, 3hat yo! intend to do
abo!t thisa /o3 are yo! confrontin) this iss!e and ho3 does ;o!r /oliness
intend to confront the 3hole H!estion of the )ay lobbya
Pope Francis
bo!t 'onsi)nor 5icca, @ did 3hat canon la3 calls for that is a preli"inary
investi)ation$ nd fro" this investi)ation, there 3as nothin) of 3hat had
been alle)ed$ 2e did not fnd anythin) of that$ This is the response$ 7!t @ 3ish
to add so"ethin) else, @ see that "any ti"es in the (h!rch, over and above
this case, b!t incl!din) this case, people search for Asins fro" yo!thB, for
eGa"ple, and then p!blish the"$ They are not cri"es, ri)hta (ri"es are
so"ethin) diFerent, the ab!se of "inors is a cri"e$ #o, sins$ 7!t if a person,
3hether it be a lay person, a priest or a reli)io!s sister, co""its a sin and
then converts, the 1ord for)ives, and 3hen the 1ord for)ives, the 1ord for)ets
and this is very i"portant for o!r lives$ 2hen 3e confess o!r sins and 3e
tr!ly say, A@ have sinned in thisB, the 1ord for)ets, and so 3e have no ri)ht
not to for)et, beca!se other3ise 3e 3o!ld r!n the ris6 of the 1ord not
for)ettin) o!r sins$ That is a dan)er$ This is i"portant, a theolo)y of sin$
'any ti"es @ thin6 of &aint Peter$ /e co""itted one of the 3orst sins, that is
he denied (hrist, and even 3ith this sin they "ade hi" Pope$ 2e have to
thin6 a )reat deal abo!t that$ 7!t, ret!rnin) to yo!r H!estion "ore concretely$
@n this case, @ cond!cted the preli"inary investi)ation and 3e didn.t fnd
anythin)$ This is the frst H!estion$ Then, yo! spo6e abo!t the )ay lobby$ &o
"!ch is 3ritten abo!t the )ay lobby$ @ still haven.t fo!nd anyone 3ith an
identity card in the %atican 3ith A)ayB on it$ They say there are so"e there$ @
believe that 3hen yo! are dealin) 3ith s!ch a person, yo! "!st distin)!ish
bet3een the fact of a person bein) )ay and the fact of so"eone for"in) a
lobby, beca!se not all lobbies are )ood$ This one is not )ood$ @f so"eone is
)ay and is searchin) for the 1ord and has )ood 3ill, then 3ho a" @ to I!d)e
hi"a The (atechis" of the (atholic (h!rch eGplains this in a bea!tif!l 3ay,
sayin)` 2ait a "o"ent, ho3 does it say it $$$ it says, Ano one sho!ld
"ar)inali:e these people for this, they "!st be inte)rated into societyB$ The
proble" is not havin) this tendency, no, 3e "!st be brothers and sisters to
one another, and there is this one and there is that one$ The proble" is in
"a6in) a lobby of this tendency, a lobby of "isers, a lobby of politicians, a
lobby of "asons, so "any lobbies$ For "e, this is the )reater proble"$ Than6
yo! so "!ch for as6in) this H!estion$ 'any than6s$
Father 1o"bardi
Than6 yo!$ @t see"s to "e that 3e cannot do "ore than 3e have done$ 2e
have 6ept the Pope too lon), after he already said he 3as a little tired$ 2e
3ish hi" no3 so"e ti"e of rest$
Pope Francis
Than6 yo!$ 8oodni)ht, have a )ood trip and rest 3ell$
rrival at 5o"eb(ia"pino irport
Pope Francis arrived at 5o"e.s (ia"pino airport a little before 7,44 a$"$, local
ti"e, on 'onday, brin)in) to a close 14-day his apostolic Io!rney to the
Philippines, Pap!a #e3 8!inea, !stralia and &ydney$
The Pope bro!)ht 3ith hi" a bo!H!et of ]o3ers, 3hich a seven-year-old
Eorean )irl, na"ed 'ary &ol, had )iven hi" before his ]i)ht departed fro"
the &eo!l ir 7ase at 1 p$"$, local ti"e$ ccordin) to a report by the
Osservatore 5o"ano, the Pope had pro"ised the )irl he 3o!ld )ive these
]o3ers as a )ift to O!r 1ady$
9pon his arrival, the Pope 3as driven fro" (ia"pino airport to the 7asilica of
&aint 'ary 'aIor, 3here he is said to have placed these ]o3ers at the foot of
the 'arian stat!e of &al!s Pop!li 5o"ani$ There, he oFered prayers of
than6s)ivin) to O!r 1ady for his trip to &o!th Eorea$ The Pope had visited the
basilica prior to his trip and had entr!sted his Io!rney to 'ary$
)ean&hile, en'ironmentalists and comm!nit" leaders aro!nd J!iapo area are callin0 for
an ann!al (0reen+ celebration of the anni'ersar" of the reli0io!s 0ro!p es!s is 1ord
*h!rch 8orld&ide,
1ocal leaders and the en'ironmental net&or. =co&aste *oalition !r0ed de'otees and
'isitors to co!ple their de'otion to the es!s *hrist, o!r 1ord, and o!r 3a'ior &ith respect
for the en'ironment,
The call came as participants leadin0 to the ann!al anni'ersar" celebration of the
reli0io!s 0ro!p on October e'er" "ear since October 1%7%,
(*ombinin0 o!r people?s ama2in0 de'otion to the es!s *hrist o!r 1ord &ith action
respectin0, n!rt!rin0 and defendin0 )other =arth &ill be a po&erf!l force of hope and
deli'erance a0ainst those &ho trash and r!in the en'ironment,+ Tin Ver0ara, Oero 8aste
*ampai0ner of the =co8aste *oalition, said,
(5f the millions of de'otees &ho come to Ci2al Par. and J!iapo &ill simpl" not litter and
a'oid &aste in all its forms, &e?ll ha'e a feast that is pleasin0 to the e"es and pleasin0 to
the 1ord,+ she added,
Past celebrations in 3# "ears ha'e seen tr!c.loads of 0arba0e collected from Ci2al Par. to
Port Area to =rmita to J!iapo that incl!ded ci0arette b!tts, cand" and snac. &rappers,
plastic ba0s, c!ps, bottles and stra&s, pol"st"rene food containers and bamboo s.e&ers
that often ca!se in:!ries to barefooted participants,
Who 2ent 2here0 "olitics ';e strnge bedfello2s
*7y (athy ($ ;a"s!an and 1eah 8atd!la+
(nil- "hilippines- 4ctober #A- #$1> )J8SMJ+5+. - 0<0O'5 7inay, 3ho
3as "ade by the <dsa People Po3er 5evolt, 3as not in the yala rally of his
political patron, (ory H!ino$ #o3 the %ice-President of the 5ep!blic of the
Philippines after three ter"s as 'a6ati "ayor, frst fro" 0!ne 30, 1C=C to 0!ne
30, 1CC= and fro" 0!ne 30, 2001 to 0!ne 30, 2010, 7inay 3as on the other
side of to3n 3ith, 3ell, the other side$
&a"e thin) 3ith a for"er (oryista, 1a)!na 8ov$ 0ose A0oeyB 1ina, 3ho fo!nd
hi"self sociali:in) 3ith 'arcos son-in-la3 8re)orio A8re))yB raneta as they
l!nched at the %@P lo!n)e of the J!irino )randstand hosted by 7rother
'ariano A'i6eB %elarde, Fo!nder and &ervant-1eader of <l &haddai D2T@
Prayer Partners Fo!ndation @nternational and 7ishop 7rother <d!ardo A<ddieB
%illan!eva, Fo!nder, @nternational President and &pirit!al Director of 0es!s is
1ord (h!rch 2orld3ide for the fve-day pastoral and state visit of Pope Francis
here in the Philippines$
T3o seats to their left 3as &en$ 0!an Ponce <nrile, one of the leaders of the
peacef!l Febr!ary 1C=> co!p that toppled the dictator Ferdinand 'arcos$
<nrile 3ill soon Ioin the President.s 1iberal Party *Tea" P#oy+$
Facin) <nrile across the table 3ere opposition &en$ 1oren 1e)arda and
h!sband, for"er 7atan)as 8ov$ ntonio ATonyB 1eviste of 1a6as-Ea'Pi-('D$
2er motherBs dau!hter
7!t President.s sister Eris H!ino st!c6 to her "other fro" 3ho" she had
been estran)ed beca!se of her liaison 3ith actor Phillip &alvador$
A@.ll ta6e her anyti"e over 0in))oy,B said a ne3spaper editor$
The only bi)-na"e star in the rally, Eris e"ceed the 'a6ati prayer rally led by
For"er President Fidel %$ 5a"os and 'anila rchbishop 1!is ntonio (ardinal
8$ Ta)le$
A(ahit wala hong lechon dito at &ahit a&o lang ang artista dito, masaya a&o
dahil nandito tayong lahat *<ven 3itho!t roasted pi) and "ovie stars+,B Eris
told an enth!siastic cro3d at the corner of yala ven!e and Paseo de 5oGas$
'ost sho3 bi: stars 3ere in 1!neta to s!pport their for"er collea)!e, For"er
president and no3 'anila (ity "ayor 0oseph <strada and inc!"bent
president 7eni)no H!ino @@@$
7!t Eris co!ld co!nt on collea)!es li6e sin)er-co"edienne (ynthia Pata) 3ho
san) A'a)6aisaB and ??7ayan Eo,?? fol6 sin)er (oritha 3ho did her ori)inal hit,
AOras #a,B and <dsa veterans 0i" Paredes, 1eah #avarro, 'itch %alde:, 0!ne
Eeithley and 'aan /ontiveros$
.ld ma!ic
Eris tried to 3or6 the old "a)ic she cast 3hen ca"pai)nin) for her "other
d!rin) the snap elections in 1C=>$
2hen so"e ralliers raised a placard 3hich said, A<l &haddai inIects (ha-cha,B
Eris re"ar6ed, A)indi !o !ala lahat ng El *haddai nasa Luneta *#ot all <l
&haddai are at the 1!neta+$B
2hen the "edia dele)ation, incl!din) the @#J9@5<5?& fo!ndin) chair <!)enia
D!ran postol, 3as called onsta)e, the so!nd syste" con6ed o!t$ 7!t Eris
H!ic6ly salva)ed the "o"ent$
=ot media suppression
A)indi !o media su!!ression ito, this is I!st a technical proble",B she said$
Eris sho3ed h!"or 3hen she introd!ced the &pice 7oys of (on)ress$
AAng suwerte+suwerte ho ni ,ina -orales dahil magandang lala&e ho ang
boyfriend niya,B she said of 7!6idnon 5ep$ 'i)!el Q!biri$ */o3 l!c6y actress
%ina 'orales, her boyfriend is )ood-loo6in)$+
A.a&a+soiree &o ho ito noong high school, !ero hindi niya a&o niligawan *@ had
a soiree 3ith hi" b!t he did not co!rt "e+,B she said of )!san del &!r 5ep$
ce 7arbers$
A@ )ive her an -. for dedication and co!ra)e,B said a !niversity professor$
A&he sho3ed she has )en!ine concern,B co""ented another 'a6ati
Eris set aside 3hatever personal diFerences she had 3ith her brother,
Philippine President #oynoy H!ino, 3hen she 3ar"ly introd!ced onsta)e$
#oynoy fro3ned on Eris? relationship 3ith &alvador$
Eris? appearance also di""ed any chances of reconciliation 3ith &alvador,
her for"er live-in partner 3ith 3ho" she has a 1=-year-old love child, 0osh!a$
&alvador is an avo3ed s!pporter of for"er President 0oseph <strada$
=ot political
t the 1!neta, no one oFered political reasons for feastin) 3ith %elarde and
%illan!eva$ They all clai"ed bein) invited by the fo!nder, international
president and spirit!al director of 0es!s is 1ord (h!rch 2orld3ide, 7ishop 7ro$
<ddie %illan!eva I!st to celebrate his =1st birthday and 0es!s is 1ord (h!rch
2orld3ide celebrated its 3>th fo!ndin) anniversary$
AThis doesn?t "ean @ a" pro-*(harter chan)e+,B 1e)arda i""ediately
eGplained 3hen as6ed abo!t her presence at the 1!neta$ ??7rother 'i6e
%elarde of <l &haddai and @ have been friends since @ 3as still 3ith *The @nside
&tory+,?? she added$
<nrile 3as "ore strai)htfor3ard$ A@ ca"e here to enIoy the lechon, pancit and
the so!p$ 7esides, yo! have al3ays 6no3n "y position on (harter chan)e$ @
have al3ays pointed o!t the ]a3s of the (onstit!tion and even ca"pai)ned
a)ainst its ratifcation in 1C=7$B
<nrile said he did not feel a363ard sittin) near raneta, )iven the senator?s
6ey role in the 'arcoses? o!ster$ @ can sit 3ith anybody beca!se @ consider
"yself a social bein),?? he said$
'etroban6 president Tony bacan 3as seated neGt to %elarde and %illan!eva$
T3o tables a3ay 3ere for"er #e)ros and no3 Philippine #ational 7an6 board
of director, 5ep$ 'i)!el A'i6eB 5o"ero, retired Philippine &!pre"e (o!rt
(hief 0!stices /ilario Davide, 0r$, rte"io Pan)aniban and 5eynato P!no,
Fernando Qobel de yala, 7ea Qobel, yala 1and, @nc$ president ntonino
ATonyd H!ino, 5o3ena To"eldan, ( 1e)arda, 'ar6 &ablan, 0oseph 5eyes,
'aricris 7ernardino, Pivi Dia:, 5ina 5eIanit, 7obby Dy, 'an!el %$ Pan)ilinan,
T%4 President-<"erit!s and The Philippine &T5 (hair"an tty$ 5ay ($
<spinosa, T%4 President and (<O #oel 1oren:ana, riel Fer"in, 8ary D!Iali,
#e3s4 head 1!chi (r!:-%aldes, 'eralco /5 and (orporate &ervices &enior
%ice-President and Philippine 7as6etball ssociation (hair"an-<"erit!s 'on
&e)is"!ndo and &ports4 head and 8ilas Pilipinas 7as6etball (oach (hot
5eyes, Eenneth ;an), Tessie &y-(oson, Tony Tan-(a6tion), 5a"on n), lfred
Ty, rth!r Ty, &ari ;ap, 1ance 8o6on)3ei, 5obina 8o6on)3ei-Pe, 1i:a
8o6on)3ei-(hen), @sha ndaya-%alles, 'yr:a &ison, 0o-ann 'a)lipon, 7&-
(7# 7roadcastin) (orporation (hair"an <!)enio A8abbyB 1ope: @@@, 7&-(7#
7roadcastin) (orporation President and (hief (ontent ONcer (haro &antos-
(oncio, &tar (ine"a 7&-(7# Fil" Prod!ctions, @nc$ "ana)in) director 'alo!
&antos, 7roadcast /ead and (hannel 2 /ead (ory %alen:!ela-%idanes,
television b!siness !nit head 1a!renti Dyo)i, b!siness !nit head for co"edy
1in))it Tan-'arasi)an, 7&-(7# P!blishin), @nc$ 8eneral 'ana)er <rnie
1ope:, Drea"scape <ntertain"ent Television President Deo <ndrinal, 5oGy
1iH!i)an, 5iley &antia)o, 5obert 1abayen, 'ar6 ;a"bot, !)!st 7enite:,
#andy %illar, 5ico (a"!s, 5ay"ond 'iranda, 'ar6 1ope:, 'aricel renas,
/appy 'ab!lay, Dar3in (errado, ldrin (errado, Dino 1a!rena, 'arch
%entosa, (hris 1ope:, (arlo Eati)ba6, 1eo Eati)ba6, Paolo Pineda, 7on)
Osorio, 'onchet Olives, Earen (olo"a, for"er 7&-(7# presidents (ito
leIandro and Freddie 8arcia, "ovie and television directors 0ohnny 'anahan,
'ariole lberto, rnel #atividad, Toto #atividad, 'al! &evilla, 5echie del
(ar"en, 0oIo &a)!in, 0erry 1ope:-&inenen), Tots 'ariscal, <ri6 &al!d, 5!el
7ayani, 5!el #aval, 0ero"e Pobocan, and Don (!ares"a, 4, 000 1ope: 6in
fro" all over the 3orld, 7&-(7# 'anila 5adio and &ports Division head Peter
'!sn)i, 7&-(7# @nte)rated #e3s and (!rrent Fairs (hief 8in) 5eyes and
(hoose Philippines head (harie %illa, "!sic co"poser and television director
7obet and actor Eobi %idanes, the "e"bers of the ;ap, Da:a, Planas,
%alen:!ela and %idanes fa"ilies, ndre3 Tan, 7eth 1ee, Fe )!do,
2ashin)ton &ycip, Felipe 8o:on, 'enardo 0i"ene:, &r$, 0i""y D!avit, nnette
8o:on-bro)ar, 1ito bro)ar, 1ilybeth 8$ 5asonable, 5e)ie ($ 7a!tista,
'arivin T$ rayata, 0ose 'ari 5$ bacan, 8i)i &antia)o-1ara, Darlin) P$ De
0es!s, (heryl (hin)-&y, Teresa 1$ Pacis, 7an) 9$ respacocha)a, li #o6o"-
Dedicatoria, TP<, @nc$ president and chief eGec!tive oNcer ntonio P$
T!viera, 'alo! (hoa-Fa)ar, TP<, @nc$ chair"an-e"erit!s 5o"eo P$ 0alosIos,
&anIiv %ohra, 1ily ;!-'onterverde, 2ilson Tien), Philippine Daily @nH!irer
board chair"an 'ariGi 5!fno-Prieto, Philippine Daily @nH!irer president
leGandra Prieto-5o"!alde:, Philippine Daily @nH!irer editor-in-chief 1etty
0i"ene:-'a)sanoc, 9nited &tates <"bassy spo6esperson 5ebecca Tho"pson,
as 3ell )!ests 3ere "edia a)encies and advocacy partners, >00 participants
of the 2orld <cono"ic For!" on <ast sia &!""it 2014 fro" "ore than 30
co!ntries, ba) desi)ner &ylvia &antos, fashion desi)ners 0( 7!endia, 5andy
Orti:, 0oIie 1loren, Don) O"a)a Dia:, 0oey &a"son, @varl!s6i seron, %ittorio
7arba, 8erry Eati)ba6, Frederic6 Peralta, 5aIo 1a!rel, 1en #epo"!ceno, /indy
2eber-Tantoco, 5a"on <steban, P0 ranador, <d3in o, O0 /ofer, rcy
8ayatin, Tippi Oca"po, vel 7ac!dio, 0ero"e &alaya n), 0oel <scober,
nthony #oco", lbert ndrada, #oel (risosto"o, 5onaldo rnaldo, Eristel
;!lo, /appy ndrada, Pablo (abah!) and 0a"es 5eyes, FDP desi)ners
0ohnny bad, 5ic6y bad, DeGter la:a, #ino n)eles, Delby 7ra)ais, Earen
(astro, Eirby (r!:, @van dela (r!:, Perry Dia:, 1ynn 5oGas, 7oyet Dysanco,
5icco <scaro, 5oc6y 8athercole, 8enar 8o:!", Pristine de 8!:"an, din
1ara, Pa!l 5anier 1i", #oelle 1lave, <d)ar 'ada"ba, 0ontie 'artine:, #i66ie
'artine:, Ole 'orabe, %ivo #a:areth, Dave Oca"po, 1ito Pere:, #holie Pilapil,
0oyce Pilars6y, an Pineda, 5ao!l 5a"ire:, ;a6o 5eyes, 5holand 5oGas, <d)ar
&an Die)o, Fanny &errano, <d3in 9y, &i"on riel %asH!e:, 8eoFrey Qordilla,
independent fashion desi)ners 0!n <scario, 'ichelle &ison, Patrice 5a"os
Dia:, (harina &arte, (ary &antia)o, Dennis 1!stico, 0ohn Paras, 7ea lbert,
<ric de los &antos, 'a!reen Desini, %ania 5o"oF, 'artin 7a!tista, 0ohnbPa!l
/errera, 5onald 'endo:a, !die <spino, &idney Pere: &io, 8o!llee 8orospe
and 5ao!l 5a"ire:, co!ntry.s desi)n icons @nno &otto, !))ie (ordero, Pepito
lbert, (esar 8a!po, 1!l! Tan-8an, 'i6e de la 5osa and 1oretto, <fren
Oca"po and The Dean of Filipino Fashion Desi)ners 7en Farrales, Tony Ferrer,
1a3rence Tan, tty$ 0oIi %illan!eva-lonso, for"er @locos 5ep$ 5oH!e
A5oH!itoBblan, 'c(ann <ric6son (lient &ervice Director 7ernadette
(hinc!anco, (oca-(ola Philippines 'ar6etin) Director n!bha &ahasrab!ddhe
i @'( Director ;as"in 'allari, (oca-(ola &<# 7!siness 9nit President
'an!el rroyo, (oca-(ola Philippines President i 8eneral 'ana)er 8!iller"o
ponte, "ar6etin) director n!bha &ahasrab!ddhe and Franchise and
(o""ercial 1eadership Director Peter &chaelstraete to)ether 3ith the (oca-
(ola Philippines tea", 0ohanna /ife, &teve 1ittle, 5o)ie Delena, 5ay"ond
%illa]or, TeeIae &on:a, 0obert D!"lao, &haron Tan)anco, 5o6i Ferrer, 5achel
(r!:, Francis (h!a, Fran: Decloedt, ;as"in 'allari, 0enny (inco, 0in) tien:a,
(riselda Pasc!al, 'avel 7anocnoc, Thess c!na, Franco 0or)e, &tephanie
(astillo, Tish (ondeno, 0aideep Eibe, #ica"ae 7aylen, 0enalyn Pere:, 7arry del
5osario, and #i66i 1ee, &!yen (orporation?s #ene and %ir)ilio 1i", 7ryan 1i"
and &!yen 1i", (arlos (han?s children (arlson, rchie, 5inby, 1arry, Os:en
and &hera, &!yen (orporation (hair"an and (hief <Gec!tive ONcer 7en
(han, stylist #oel 'anapat, p!blic relations practitioner, events or)ain:er and
talent "ana)er Eeren Pasc!al, 8irlie 5odis and &tar 'a)ic handler 'onch
Papal %isit sia 2014
@ya %illania and Dre3 rellano, Paolo brera and &!:i <ntrata, 7ianca 'analo,
%en!s 5aI and &ha"cey &!ps!p, &itti #avarro, 0as"ine (!rtis &"ith, 0a"es
7lanco, <ric Tai, E 7rosas, (la!dine 7arretto and 5ay"art &antia)o, 5andy
&antia)o, 7a"boo 'analac, 7inibinin) Pilipinas 2013 3inners (indy 'iranda
and Pia 5o"ero, 'iss @nternational 2013 7ea 5ose &antia)o, 'iss 9niverse
2013 3rd 5!nner-9p riella rida, Eatherine de (astro-(r!:, Oyo 7oy &otto,
5o3ell &antia)o, Do"iniH!e (oI!an)co, Dina 7onnevie 3ith h!sband @locos
&!r %ice-8overnor Deo)racias %ictor &avellano, 0ericho 5osales, apl$de$ap,
<ddie 8arcia and 5ichard 8o"e:, For"er Professional 'odels ssociation of
the Philippines board "e"bers and fashion l!"inaries Tina 'aristela
Oca"po, @::a 8on:ales-)ana, Desiree %erdadero-besa"is, 'arina
7enipayo, Patty 7etita, T3eetie de 1eon-8on:ale:, Den besa"is, /ans
'ontene)ro, 8race 'olina and riel tendido, 5obert 'ananH!il, "odels
5obby 'ananH!il, 5aya 'ananH!il-de 1eon, and 5issa 'ananH!il-Trillo 3ith
%alerie de los &antose teneo de 'anila 9niversity 7l!e <a)les tea" "ana)er
Paolo Trilloe (!rrent Professional 'odels ssociation of the Philippines
president Phoe"ela 7aranda also ca"e 3ith 'anila.s favo!rite "odels 8race
Ta)le, 7!bbles Paraiso, 1!6e 0ic6ain, 'ia yesa, &anya &"ith, 'i6a 1a)da"eo-
'artine:, ntoinette <nciso-Oca"po, n)el )!stin-(o and 'arilen Fa!stino-
'ontene)ro The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section col!"nists 50 1edes"a,
&tephanie Q!biri-(respi, and Ti" ;ap, The Philippine &T5 1ifestyle section
editor 'illet 'artine:-'ananH!il, Philippine Daily @#J9@5<5 1ifestyle section
editor Thel"a &ioson-&an 0!an, '<5al(o 7olts coach #or"an 7lac6, teneo
"en.s bas6etball coach 7o Perasol and his players Ponso 8otladera, Eris
Porter, nton sistio, @saac 0!les 1i", for"er players 0( @ntal, 'ac6y <scalona,
#ico &alva, 7acon !stria, Tonino 8on:a)a, <""an 'onfort, 0!a"i Tion)son,
Fran6 8olla, Opin) &!"alino) and 0P <rra", &en$ 7on) 5evilla 0r$, 2illia" 1ao,
'other 1ily ;!-'onteverde, &hirley E!an, Deedee &ytan)co, &ec$ &onny
(olo"a, 7eth Ta)le, 5ep$ DaG and 'idy (!a, Dolly nne (arvaIal-'endo:a,
1ily 1ay!), rth!r 'an!nta), (hristine &in)son, 8race &in)son, Tess Da:a,
0ac6ie H!ino-8avino, 0oy 'elendre:, Tonypet lbano, 'aricar 7hel, 5eps$
9liran 0oaH!in, /er"ilando 'andanas, nnie &!sano and 7!tch D!"pit,
%anessa Francisco, nnabelle 5a"a-8!tierre:, 7oots nson-5oa, &no3 Ta)o,
(har"aine ;!, 8re) ;!, <d"!nd 1i" and 5a"on 0acinto, Or)anisasyon n)
")a Pilipinon) 'an)-a3it *OP'+ President and <D& People Po3er
(o""issioner O)ie lcasid and 3ife 5e)ine %elasH!e:, 1!6e 'eIares, #yoy
%olante, 2ency (orneIo, 'ae)an )!ilar, 0onathan 7adon, tty$ Ferdie
Topacio, lvin nson and 8ary 7erena, Davey 1an)it and 1ara 'ai)!e,
'ichael 0ac6son i"personator 0ericho %alencia, teleserye stars 0a6e (!enca,
<rich 8on:ales, Pa!lo velino, (oco 'artin and 0!lia 'ontes, "odel and
television sho3 host 7ianca 8on:ales and "!sic co"poser 0i" Paredes,
econo"ist and for"er #<D secretary )eneral &olita (ollas-'onsod, actor
5obin Padilla 3ith his 3ife 'ariel 5odri)!e: and brother 5o""el, noonti"e
)a"e and variety television sho3 host 2illie 5evilla"e, 1C>C 'iss 9niverse
8loria Dia:, Father and son Pen and Pin) 'edina, co!sins @sabelle Da:a and
8eor)ina 2ilson, Po63an) &!bon), A2o3o3eeB )irls 55 <nriH!e:, &aicy
)!ila, and pril A(on)rat!lationsB 8!stilo, (arla bellana, seGy actress
Eatrina /alili, "odels Pancho 'a)no, 0ohn &painho!r, %ince Ferraren and 0(
Ti!seco, co"edian 8elli de 7elen, Dra$ %ic6i 7elo, <d3ard 'ende:, volleyball
player 8retchen /o, co"edian 0ohn 1ap!s, sin)er Eean (ipriano, (o"edienne
Papal %isit sia 2014
(andy Pan)ilinan and rnell @)nacio, fl" and television directors 0ose 0avier
5eyes and 'anny (astaMeda, 5a"on 7a!tista, 5ichard 8!tierre:, T% host
5ay"ond 8!tierre:, 'ae Paner, Pin6y "ador, 1eo %alde:, #oel Trinidad and
0!n 9rbano, Dr$ ivee )!ilar-Teo, 0!dy nn &antos and 5yan )oncillo,
'aricel &oriano, iai delas las, %ice 8anda, 5!Fa 8!tierre:, 5!sto" Padilla,
8er"an 'oreno and 8ardo %erso:a, 1C=> <D& People-Po3er 5evol!tion
veterans 1eah #avarro, 'itch %alde:, and 'aan /ontiveros, 'e)astar &haron
(!neta and Ei6o Pan)ilinan and da!)hter E( (oncepcion, Television host
Paolo 7ediones, /all of Fa"e boGin) trainer Freddie 5oach, for"er (hica)o
7!lls center 1!c 1on)ley, and co"edian %ic &otto, Eris H!ino, (harlene
8on:ales, (hristopher de 1eon and &andy ndolon), 5e: (orte:, 2illia"
'artine: and ;ayo )!ila, 1ani 'ercado-5evilla, 1orna Tolentino-Fernande:,
Tirso (r!: @@@ and 3ife 1yn and son 7odie, <ric J!i:on, 8$ Toen)i-2alters and
5o"nic6 &ar"enta, E!h 1edes"a, 8race #ono, 1o!ie /eredia and Din)don)
van:ado, Philip &alvador, &"o6ey 'analoto, 7eth Ta"ayo-2on), ntoinette
Ta!s, To" Ta!s, 0anine 8!tierre: and bas6etball stars, &!nshine (r!:, 8ladys
5eyes-5oGas, Daisy 5eyes, 5!fa 'ae J!into and @sabel 8ranada, 7ro$ <ddie
%illan!eva 2010 presidential ca"pai)n s!pporters (oney 5eyes, Earla
'artine:, Piolo Pasc!al, Dolphy J!i:on, 0r$, Donita 5ose, #onoy Q!ni)a and
Prof$ 0ere"ias 0an)ad, A/a3a6-Ea"ayB "ain cast "e"bers #i66i 8il, QaiIian
0aranilla, Tyriel 'anabat, ndrea 7rillantes, ;esha (a"ile, s!pportin) cast
"e"bers 0!an Earlos 1abaIo, 1yca 8airanod, 0acob Dionisio, Gel Torres, 'aris
5acal, 'anolo Pedrosa and Ei" #ichole 7aranda, P7 players 0a"es ;ap and
sons 0osh!a and 7i"by H!ino-;ap, 'arc Pin)ris and 3ife Danica &otto, 8ary
David, 0i""y lapa) and 3ife 10 'oreno, Do!) Era"er and 3ife (hes6a
8arcia and da!)hter Eendra, 0ai 5eyes and 3ife Elaire ;ap!co, 1arry Fonacier
and 3ife 1ora 8ahol, and 1 Tenorio and 3ife (hes6a, AFastbrea6B charity
bas6etball )a"e players 8erald nderson, nne (!rtis, Daniel Padilla, 0essy
'endiola, 0ose 'analo, 'arco lcara:, (ha"p 1!i Pio, Dere6 5a"say, 1!is
landy, Tian 1i", 0ason balos, 1e"!elle Pelayo, rth!r &olinap, (arl
8!evara, 5ico 7lanco, 0hon) /ilario, %hon) #avarro, 7illy (ra3ford, (hris Ti!,
0% Eap!nan, 0on 1!cas, <rvic %iIandre, rIo tayde, 0oe %ar)as, 8ab
%alenciano, 0on /all, (arlo 8on:ales and 0a"es and 0i" &alas, Thirdy
5avena, 7obby 5ay Par6s, Eevin las, 8arvo 1anete, 0a6e Pasc!al, (hris
#e3so"e, 7aser "er, %on Pess!"al, and #ico <lorde, #7 3G3 Philippines
celebrity bas6etball players Fabio @de, 5ovilson Fernande:, 8erard cao,
7obby ;an, ndy &"ith, 2ill Deva!)hn, 5obin da 5o:a and 0oross 8a"boa,
r!nnin) coach 5io de la (r!:, bas6etball coaches %ince /i:on and llan
8re)orio, Perlas Pilipinas 3o"en.s national bas6etball tea" player 'elissa
0acob, sports broadcasters 0inno 5!fno of &olar &ports, 'ar6 Qa"brano of
8' #e3s and 'arco 7enite: and nton 5oGas of 7&-(7# &ports, A7,107
@nternational '!sic FestivalB celebrity revelers 'a)alona siblin)s, E( 'ontero,
5hian 5a"os, Troy 'ontero, !brey 'iles, &olenn /e!ssaF, (oleen 8arcia,
&a" Pinto, FeliG and Do"inic 5oco, Teresa /errera-nthony, Daniel
'ats!na)a, 1a!ren ;o!n), %ictor 7asa, 'ichelle 'adri)al, A7oys #i)ht O!tB
5adio Disc 0oc6eys Tony-Tony, &lic6 5ic6 and &a" ;8, Eiefer 5avena, 7rent
0avier, 7or)y 'anotoc, <llen darna, 7ianca Ein), Phil ;o!n)h!sband, and
"ore, 7<#(/b fa"ily stars, A>,200, The 'ission Possible ProIectB personalities
and AThe #a6ed Tr!th, Deni" and 9nder3ear Fashion &ho3B celebrity "odels
Ei" (hi!, Earylle, bas6etball players 0eric and 0eron Ten), <nchon) Dee,
Papal %isit sia 2014
0oseph 'arco, 1ovi Poe, 5achelle nn 8o and 'ar66i &troe", 'ichelle %ito,
&ofa ndres, Dianne 'edina, /el)a Erapf, 'elissa 5ic6s, DIanin (r!:, Eiana
%alenciano 3ith &a"antha 8odine:-%alenciano, 'r$ (hinato3n 2013 3inners
0ose 'i)!el 1asala, &ydney D!, &6y ;an), 0ero"e Tan and 5andy &eee 'r$
(hinato3n 2014 3inners David 1ic!aco and E!rt 0osh!a On), 'ar6 1ope:,
0air!s Ferrer, lec 5obes, A7e 7<#(/b, The 'odel &earchB fnalist 5on
'oralese (arlos (oncepcione ;en) (onstantinoe APinoy Drea" cade"y,
&eason 2B scholar /ansen #ichols 3ith his t3in brother 8(, A7<#(/b 5aIo
1a!rel Dos collectionB "odels &a" (oncepcion, 5occo #acino, &teven &ilva,
<n:o Pineda, &arah 1ahbati and 5e)ine n)eles, ne3est A7<#(/settersB
incl!din) actors To" 5odri)!e:, Dennis Trillo, 'artin del 5osario and Do"inic
5oH!e, nthony and David &e"erad, ndre Paras and De 1a &alle 8reen
rchers center rnold van Opstal, A"erica?s #eGt Top 'odelB.s Do"iniH!e
5ei)hard and llison /arvard, Asia.s #eGt Top 'odelB fnalist Eatarina
5odri)!e:, television co""ercial, ra"p, print and fashion "odels and actors
7enIa"in lves, 0on vila, Franco Da:a, 'arG Topacio, %ictor &ilayan, 0ohn
0a"es 9y, 'arvin 5ay"!ndo, 'i6o 5aval and 5aphael 5obes, 1!isito 5abat,
"odels and athletes nton del 5osario and &a" 5ichelle, ndre3
2olF and 0an6a (edersta", /ideo '!rao6a, (atriona 8ray, %alerie 7ario!-
7ondoc, 5i"a Ost3ani, 0aneena (han, 8' #et3or6 rtist (enter talents
8loria 5o"ero, Pilita (orrales, lI!r brenica, 1o!ise delos 5eyes, 'ar6
/erras, ;as"ien E!rdi, 10 5eyes, 0!lie nne &an 0ose, EristoFer 'artin, Derric6
'onasterio, 7arbie Forte:a, 7ela Padilla, 7ea 7inene, 'aG (ollins, ;assi
Press"an, 5afael 5osell, 8lai:a de (astro, 5ochelle Pan)ilinan, 'ona 1o!ise
5ey, 0onalyn %iray, Eyla (al!"pad-lvare:, 0ay-5 &illiona, 'ar6 7a!tista, (hef
7oy 1o)ro, 'anilyn 5eynes, n)el! de 1eon, 'ar6 nthony Fernande:, 8abby
<i)en"ann, 5ay"ond 7a)atsin), 5ic6y Davao, nIo ;llana and 2ally 7ayola,
T%4 actor %in brenica, 5it: :!l, <!la (aballero, 'artin <sc!dero, <"poy
'arH!e:, 'r$ F!, 8' #e3s and P!blic Fairs personalities 'i6e <nriH!e:,
rnold (lavio, &andra )!inaldo, 5aFy Ti"a, 'ari: 9"ali, Oscar Oida, 'ar6
&ala:ar, 0!n %eneracion, (hino 8aston and #athaniel (r!:, 'edia
personalities tty$ Don) P!no, (hiH!i 5oa-P!no, 8erard 8arcia, 0eanne ;o!n),
(ory J!irino, 'el Tian)co and 0ay &on:a, society col!"nist 'ons 5o"!lo,
Tonyboy (oI!an)co and 8retchen 7arretto, 7oy b!nda, (esar 'ontano,
Din)don) Dantes, 'arian 5ivera, lice DiGson, Pops Fernande:, Danny
7!enafe, Eorina &anche:, 0!li!s 7abao and Tintin 7ersola-7abao, Eatrina
Ponce <nrile and 1in)-1in) Ein)e celebrity "a6e!p artist Patric6 5osase hair
stylist 0in) 'onise Earen Davila *3ith her sons David and 1!cas+, 'arIorie
7arretto-Padilla and da!)hter Dani 7arrettoe 'i)!el Pastor, 0oy Orte)a, <d!
'an:ano, 0ohn Prats, A&!rvivor PhilippinesB cast3ays &ha!n 5odri)!e: and
&!:!6i &adats!)!, teen heartthrobs 5obi Do"in)o and David (h!a, 0estoni
larcon and 3ife 1i:ette, 7o (err!do, 7ayani and 1en )bayani, lanna
1ope:-'ontelibano, 5ichie (oronel &antos, ries &al!do, 5!by (oI!ito of
Fla3less, 5onald (arballo, lvin Fort!na, Dennis (oronel, Eenneth Don), Olai
and 5oland <spirit!, (arlos )assi, 'arvin )!stin, Danilo 7arrios, &treetboys
and ;a (han), Pepin) (oI!an)co da!)hters 'i6ee (oI!an)co-0a3ors6i, (hina
(oI!an)co-8on:ale: *and her adorable baby 1!cia+, 'ai-'ai (oI!an)co-Qini,
"!sic co"poser 5yan (ayabyab and his 3ife <""y, 1o!ie Oca"po and 3ife
0oIo, (eleste 1e)aspi, 0' 5odri)!e:, rnold %e)afria and (ris %illonco, "alia
F!entes, #iMo '!hlach and son lon:o, 'ichela (a::ola, 5ita vila, &hyr
Papal %isit sia 2014
%alde: and ;ayo )!ila, s3i""er 0ohansen )!ilar, and 3restler 'arc!s
%alda, 83en 8arci, Previe3 "a)a:ine editor in chief Pa!line &!aco-0!an,
Daryl (han), 1i: 9y, entertain"ent ne3s reporters 'ario D!"a!al, 8retchen
F!llido and '0 'arfori, 8ary %alenciano, Da3n Q!l!eta-1a)da"eo, lbert
'artine: 3ith da!)hter lissa 'artine:, 7enIie Paras 3ith 3ife 1yGen, 'ylene
Di:on, @:a (al:ado, 'arco &ison, @vy %iolan, %ina 'orales, &haina 'a)dayao,
7an)s 8arcia, 0ero"e Florentino, <ri6 &antos, O)ie Dia:, n)eli Pan)ilinan-
%alenciano, n)eline J!into, rron %illa]or, (hristian 7a!tista, 7asil %alde:,
&a" 'ilby, 8ina Tab!ena-8odine:, Tonton 8!tierre:, 8lydel 'ercado, #oel
(aban)on, riel 5ivera, /y!bs :arcon, /eber 7artolo"e and Paolo &antos,
5hap &ala:ar, )ot @sidro, 1ie:el 'artine:, 5achel leIandro and 0oanna "pil,
"!sical director and arran)er /o"er Flores, ballerina, actress and ballet
director 'aritoni 5!fno-Tordesillas, #i66i Tan), 'arcott l"eda, 5!by (h!a,
TiFany (h!a, &heree (h!a, :i:a 'ondonedo, (ristina 8o"e:, socialites 7aby
raneta Fores, 1isa raneta, (acho 'arcos, 1inda Oledan, %eana Fores, 1orrie
5eynoso, %ic6y Q!biri, 'aricris Qobel, (arol 8arcia, 'aripi '!scat and
'ar)arita Fores, nton 'endo:a, 'onch (r!:, (h!t (!erva, 'arcel (respo,
@pe (r!: of 5o)!e 'a)a:ine, 'arco 1obre)at, (hin) (r!:, Tina (!evas, )nes
/!ibonhoa, Fe 5odri)!e:, &!san 0oven, @an 8iron, ndres %asH!e: Prada and
l Ten)co, Doris 'a)saysay /o, 8ina 1ope:, <velyn Forbes, 'arc #elson,
5icco and Tina 'aristela-Oca"po, 5i66i and 7en) Dee, Philip and Tricia (!-
9nIien), &ander Tantoco, Philippine #ational 5ed (ross (hair"an 5ichard
8ordon, 5enna /echanova n)eles, Earen &antos, 7obby and (hin)bee
(!enca, 8ina boiti:, 7aby 8irl Fric6e, 'a!rice rcache and ace photo)rapher
leG %an /a)en, 0oIie Din)con), 0ean 8o!lbo!rn, Frances 1i" and Pa!l
(a"pos, Dennis and Tessa Prieto-%aldes, <rnest <scaler, (es Orena-Drilon,
Dyan (astilleIo-8arcia, 0ac6ie (astilleIo-8!in)ona, 1i:a @larde, na Eala3,
nton &an Die)o, 5a!l Teehan6ee, Pepper Teehan6ee, 'ari6o 0acinto, ye
#!)!id, 1eah P!yat, nton 7arretto and 0ac6 de 'esa, 5enna n)eles, 7aby
Fric6e, Earen &antos, 7in)-7in) J!iros, 8ina boiti:, #ic6 and 1!cille 1ocsin,
Pa!l (a"pos, Tony and (hin)bee (!enca, 'anny 'iMana, 0$ nton 'endo:a,
7!dIi 1ay!), 5oyal Pineda, <d (al"a, 'ilo #aval, Tony 8on:ales, Tes Pasola,
Eenneth (obonp!e, na 5ocha, 7art 8!in)ona, 0in))oy 7!ens!ceso, 0ai"e
(h!a, 7rian 1la"an:arese del Ta"ano, &i"on Tantoco, indoor volleyball
players D:i 8ervacio, 0e" Ferrer, Fille &aint 'erced (ain)let-(ayetano,
#acachi, 5achel nne DaH!is, 0ovelyn 8on:a)a, lyssa %alde:, Denden
1a:aro, (oach (haro &oriano, 'ar)e TeIada, 'elissa 8ohin), 'ary 0ean 7alse,
'ayeth (arolino, 'ichelle (arolino, <lla De 0es!s, Eara cevedo, Earla 7ello,
&tephanie 8abriel, 'ae TaIi"a, 0ayson 5a"os, 'aica 'orada, 0ed 'ontero,
'ichelle 1aborte, &asa Devanadera, 8rethcel &oltones, 0oy 7enito, 5!bie De
1eon, 'ae (risosto"o, ;nna /ao, Tina &ala6, 0P Torres, Dahlia (r!:, #ene
7a!tista, i:a 'ai:o, 'ai6a Orti:, 5hea Di"ac!lan)an, Denise Tan, %en!s
7ernal, 0hec6 Dionela, n))e TabaH!ero, 'itch Dat!in, bby Praca, 7ea
Pasc!al, 7ea Tan, 0!dy (aballeIo, 'ar!Ia 7anaticla, 0 PareIa, 'yco ntonio,
/enry Pecana, 5eG @ntal, Dindin &antia)o, 0aIa &antia)o, Eathy 7ersola,
Princess 8aiser, &hiela 'arie A7an)B Pineda, 'ayette Qapanta, 5ose"arie
%ar)as, 0en 5eyes, Princess 1istana, n)ela 7entin), Pa! &oriano, 1i:lee nn
8ata-Pantone, <d3in Tolentino, Peter Den 'ar Torres, 'ichelle 8!"abao, (ha
(r!:, &tephanie 'ercado, 0esh!l 2ensh Ti!, bi)ail 'arano, 'i6a <speren:a,
Ei" FaIardo, 'i6a 5eyes, %ictonara 8alan), and (yd De"icillo, 5en:
Papal %isit sia 2014
(asanova, (hris 'acasaet, Philip (erve:a, 'ar6 1ee, 0oanne &iy, 1oren 1antin,
'ia /irots!Ii, Pa"ela 1asti"osa, @n)rid 5eyes, 0essey De 1eon, (ar"ela
T!nay, (hloe (orte:, leG (abanos, Patricia 5as"o, @lla &antos, 0oanne 7!na),
0acH!eline larca and <rs @ratay, 7ishop 1eo lcon)a of the @nternational 7ible
&ociety, 7ishop Dan 7alais of Philippines for 0es!s 'ove"ent, Pastor <d De
8!:"an of @ntercessors for the Philippines, Pastor Pa!l (hase of laban) #e3
1ife in (hrist, postle 5enato (arillo of 0es!s O!r &hield 2orld3ide 'inistries,
Pastor rt Ferriol of Pentecostal 'issionary (h!rch of (hrist, Pastor <"ilio
/enares of 5iver of 1ife in 7acolod, Pastor 0osh!a 7onto)an of 1ife To!chers
'inistry, Pastor <ntoy &intos of 0es!s 'iracle (r!sade, and 7ro$ Danny
#avales of n) Datin) Daan, 6no3n personalities in the fashion, "ovie,
"!sic, reli)io!s, sports and television ind!stry, for"er @locos #orte 5ep$
5oH!e ??5oH!ito?? blan, 3ere aro!nd$
;p front
The (abinet ca"e in f!ll force 3ith President H!ino$
Onsta)e 3ith the President 3ere his battalions of (abinet secretaries,
'etropolitan 'anila Develop"ent !thority (hair"an tty$ Francis
Philippine #ational Police Director 8eneral lan 1$'$ P!risi"a
'anila Police District (hief 1eocadio &antia)o, 0r$
r"ed Forces of the Philippines (hief-of-&taF 8eneral Pio (atapan)an
7an)6o &entral n) Pilipinas 8overnor "ando Tetan)co, 0r$
(o""ission on /i)her <d!cation (hair"an Patricia 7$ 1ic!anan
(!lt!ral (enter of the Philippines (hairperson <"ily $ brera
#ational (o""ission for (!lt!re and the rts (hair"an Felipe '$ de
1eon 0r$
#ational /istorical (o""ission of the Philippines (hair"an 'aria
&erena @$ Dio6no
#ational /istorical (o""ission of the Philippines <Gec!tive Director
1!dovico D$ 7adoy
#ational 1ibrary of the Philippines Director ntonio '$ &antos
/o!sin) and 1and 9se 5e)!latory 7oard (o""issioner and (<O
ntonio '$ 7ernardo
1and Transportation ONce (hair"an %ir)inia P$ Torres
1and Transportation Franchisin) and 5e)!latory 7oard (hair"an
2inston '$ 8ine:
dvertisin) 7oard of the Philippines fo!ndin) (hair"an 'r$ Franciso
APacH!in)B Floro
dvertisin) 7oard of the Philippines (hair"an 7ienvenido ($ #iles,
Philippine ssociation of #ational dvertisers President 'aria 7elen
ssociation of ccredited dvertisin) )encies of the Philippines
President #or"an $ )atep
Papal %isit sia 2014
dvertisin) &!ppliers ssociation of the Philippines (hair"an 5oy ($
Del %alle
dvertisin) &!ppliers ssociation of the Philippines President lfredo
&antia)o, 0!nior
d &tandards (o!ncil (hair"an 5a!l &$ lvare:
d &tandards (o!ncil <Gec!tive Director 'ila 'arH!e:
ssociation of 7roadcasters of the Philippines (hair"an 7!tch &$ (anoy
Philippine (able Television ssociation (hair"an llan D!n)ao
Philippine (able Television ssociation President (edric &a:on
@ndependent 7loc6ti"ers ssociation of the Philippines (hair"an 5ic6y
@ndependent 7loc6ti"ers ssociation of the Philippines President 5on
De 1os 5eyes
@nternet and 'obile 'ar6etin) ssociation of the Philippines Fo!ndin)
President Dr$ Donald Patric6 1i"
Teschnical <d!cation and &6ills Develop"ent !thority Director
8eneral 0oel %illan!eva
Presidential 'ana)e"ent &taF (hief 0!lia bad
(o""ission on <lections (hair"an &iGto 7rillantes
(!sto"s (o""issioner 5!Fy 7ia:on
#ational (o"p!ter (enter ONcer-in-(har)e 0!li na <$ &!dario
Teleco""!nications (o""issioner 8a"aliel $ (ordoba
@nternal 5even!e (o""issioner Ei" 0acinto-/enares
'ovie and Television 5evie3 and (lassifcation 7oard (hair"an tty$
<!)enio /$ %illareal
Philippine #ational %ol!nteer &ervice (oordination )ency <Gec!tive
Director 0oselito ($ De %era
P!blic-Private Partnership *PPP+ (enter <Gec!tive Director (osette
<Gec!tive &ecretary PacH!ito Ochoa, 0r$
)ric!lt!re &ecretary Proceso lcala
(o""!nications and &trate)ic Plannin) ONce &ecretary 5ic6y
Defense &ecretary %oltaire 8a:"in
<nvior"ent and #at!ral 5eso!rces &ecretary 5a"on PaIe, 0r$
7!d)et and 'ana)e"ent &ecretary Florencio bad, 0r$
/ealth &ecretary Dr$ <nriH!e Ona
@nterior and 1ocal 8overn"ent &ecretary 'an!el $ 5oGas @@
forei)n aFairs secretary lbert del 5osario
Trade and @nd!stry &ecretary 8re)ory Do"in)o
Finance &ecretary and Philippine Deposit @ns!rance (orporation
(hair"an (esar %$ P!risi"a
Transportation and (o""!nications &ecretary 0oseph <"ilio $ baya
<ner)y &ecretary (arlos 0ericho Petilla
I!stice secretary 1eila '$ de 1i"a
Papal %isit sia 2014
labor and e"ploy"ent secretary 5osalinda D$ 7aldo:
p!blic 3or6s and hi)h3ays secretary 5o)elio 1$ &in)son
science and technolo)y secretary 'ario 8$ 'onteIo
social 3elfare and develop"ent secretary (ora:on 0$ &oli"an
To!ris" secretary 5a"on 5$ 0i"ene:, 0r$
Presidential 1e)al (o!nsel (hief lfredo 7enIa"in &abater (a)!ioa
Presidential 'ana)e"ent &taF (hief 0!lia bad-5a:on
Presidential 1e)islative 1iaison ONce head ntonio 5o"an
ppoint"ents &ecretary 5ochelle 5$ horro
Dep!ty Presidential &po6esperson bi)ail %alte
presidential spo6esperson tty$ <d3in 1acierda
%elarde and %illan!eva.s 3ell-3ishers fro" the &enate incl!ded,
for"er senator /eherson lvare:
Teresa H!ino-Oreta
7!t: H!ino
#i66i (oseten)
0ohn /enry Os"eMa
<rnesto /errera
1oi <strada
0!an Flavier
5obert 0a3ors6i
Pin) 1acson
Ei6o Pan)ilinan
%icente Paterno
#ene Pi"entel
1eticia 5a"os-&hahani
&antanina T$ 5as!l
0ovito &alon)a
/elena 7enite:
<va <strada-Eala3
Freddie 2ebb
<d)ardo n)ara
%ic Qi)a
<rnesto Tanada and
<ddie @larde
Francisco Tatad,
Pia (ayetano
lan Peter (ayetano
T8 8!in)ona
7on)bon) 'arcos
'iria" Defensor-&antia)o
#ancy 7inay
Papal %isit sia 2014
1ito 1apid
0in))oy <strada
0% <Iercito
0!an Ponce <nrlie
5alph 5ecto and
%icente &otto @@@$
(on)ress"en present 3ere
/o!se &pea6er Feliciano 5$ 7el"onte 0r$
'aIority Floor 1eader #eptali 8on:ales @@
'anila 1st District 5ep$ 7enIa"in D$5$ silo
'anila 3rd District 5ep$ 'aria Qenaida 7$ n)pin)
'anila 4th District 5ep$ Trisha 7onoan-David
'anila 4th District 5ep$ "ado &$ 7a)atsin)
J!e:on (ity 1st District 5ep$ Francisco $ (alalay, 0r$
J!e:on (ity 3rd District 5ep$ 0or)e 0ohn 7$ 7anal, 0r$
J!e:on (ity 4th District 5ep$ lfred %ar)as
(aloocan (ity 1st District 5ep$ <nrico 5$ <chiverri
(aloocan (ity 2nd District 5ep$ <d)ar 5$ <rice
'alabon 5ep$ 0osephine %eroniH!e 5$ 1acson-#oel
#avotas 5ep$ Toby Tian)co
%alen:!ela (ity 1st District 5ep$ &her3in 8atchalian
%alen:!ela (ity 2nd District 5ep$ 'a)tan))ol 8!ni)!ndo @
&an 0!an 1one District 5ep$ 5onaldo Qa"ora
Pasi) (ity 1one District 5ep$ 5o"an T$ 5o"!lo
'ari6ina (ity 1st District 5ep$ 'arcelino Teodoro
'ari6ina (ity 2nd District 5ep$ 5o"ero J!i"bo
'andal!yon) (ity 5ep$ #eptali 8on:ales @@
'a6ati (ity 1st District 5ep$ 'oniH!e ;as"in 1a)da"eo
'a6ati (ity 2nd District 5ep$ 'ar-1en bi)ail 7inay-(a"pos
Pasay (ity 5ep$ @"elda 8$ (aliGto-5!biano
ParanaH!e (ity 1st District 5ep$ <d3in D$ Olivare:
ParanaH!e (ity 2nd District 5ep$ 5oilo &$ 8ole:
1as Pinas (ity 5ep$ 'ar6 $ %illar
'!ntinl!pa (ity 5ep$ 5odolfo 7ia:on
Pateros-Ta)!i) (ity 5ep$ rnel (erafca
Ta)!i) (ity 5ep$ 1ino <d)ardo &$ (ayetano
@locos #orte 1st District 5ep$ 5odolfo ($ FariMas
@locos #orte 2nd District 5ep$ @"elda 5o"!alde:-'arcos
@locos &!r 1st District 5ep$ 5yan &in)son
@locos &!r 2nd District 5ep$ <ric 8$ &in)son, 0r$
bra 1one District 5ep$ 'a$ 0ocelyn %$ 7ernos
(a)ayan 1st District 5ep$ &ally Ponce <nrile
(a)ayan 2nd District 5ep$ 5andolph &$ Tin)
Papal %isit sia 2014
@sabela 1st District 5ep$ 5odolfo T$ lbano @@@
@sabela 3rd District 5ep$ #apoleon &$ Dy
@sabela 4th District 5ep$ 8ior)idi 7$ ))abao
#!eva %i:caya 1one District 5ep$ (arlos Padilla
J!irino 1one District 5ep$ Da6ila (!a
7en)!et 5ep$ 5onald '$ (osalan
7a)!io (ity 5ep$ #icasio '$ lipin), 0r$
1a 9nion 1st District 5ep$ %ictor Francisco Orte)a
Ealin)a 1one District 5ep$ 'an!el &$ )yao
payao 1one District 5ep$ <leanor 7!l!t-7e)tan)
@f!)ao 1one District 5ep$ Teodoro 7$ 7a)!ilat, 0r$
'o!ntain Province 1one District 5ep$ 'aGi"o 7$ Dalo)
Pan)asinan 4th District 5ep$ 8ina de %enecia
Tarlac 2nd District 5ep$ &!san ;ap-&!lit
Qa"bales 1st District 5ep$ 0eFrey Do"in)o Ehon)h!n
Qa"bales 2nd District 5ep$ tty$ (heryl P$ Deloso - 'ontalla
#!eva <ciIa 1st District 5ep$ 1eopoldo D$ Dia:
#!eva <ciIa 2nd District 5ep$ 0oseph 8ilbert F$ %iola)o
#!eva <ciIa 3rd District 5ep$ (:arina D$ 9"ali
#!eva <ciIa 4th District 5ep$ 5odolfo 2$ ntonino
Pa"pan)a 1st District 5ep$ 0oseller A;en)B 8!iao
Pa"pan)a 3rd District 5ep$ Oscar &$ 5odri)!e:
7ataan 1st District 5ep$ /er"inia 5eyes 7atista-5o"an
7ataan 2nd District 5ep$ <nriH!e 8arcia
7!lacan 1st District 5ep$ 'aria %ictoria 5eyes &y-lvarado
7!lacan 2nd District 5ep$ 8avini ApolB Pancho
7!lacan 4th District 5ep$ 1inabelle 5!th 5$ %illarica
&an 0ose del 'onte (ity 5ep$ rth!r 7$ 5obes
(avite 1st District 5ep$ Francis baya
(avite 2nd District 5ep$ 1ani 'ercado-5evilla
(avite 3rd District 5ep$ leG dvinc!la
(avite 4th District 5ep$ <lpido dPidid F$ 7ar:a)a, 0r$
(avite >th District 5ep$ 1!is Ferrer @%
(avite 7th District 5ep$ braha" Tolentino
1a)!na 1st District 5ep$ Danilo Fernando
1a)!na 2nd District 5ep$ 0!n (hipeco, 0r$
1a)!na 3rd District 5ep$ &ol ra)ones-&a"pelo
5i:al 1st District 5ep$ 0oel 5oy 5$ D!avit
5i:al 2nd District 5ep$ @sidro &$ 5odri)!e:, 0r$
7atan)as 1st District 5ep$ <ileen <r"ita-7!hain
7atan)as 2nd District 5ep$ 5aneo b!
7atan)as 3rd District 5ep$ #elson (ollantes
7atan)as 4th District 5ep$ 'ar6 1eandro 'endo:a
J!e:on 2nd District 5ep$ %icente 0$ lcala
Papal %isit sia 2014
Pala3an 1st District 5ep$ Fran: 0osef 8eor)e <$ lvare:
Pala3an 2nd District 5ep$ Frederic6 F$ b!e)
Pala3an 3rd District 5ep$ Do!)las &$ /a)edorn
'arind!H!e 1one District 5ep$ 5e)ina On)sia6o 5eyes
Occidental 'indoro 1one District 5ep$ 0osephine ;$ 5a"ire:-&ato
Oriental 'indoro 1st District 5ep$ 5odolfo 8$ %alencia
5o"blon 1one District 5ep$ <leandro 0es!s F$ 'adrona
'asbate 2nd District 5ep$ <lisa T$ Eho
(a"arines #orte 1st District 5ep$ <l"er <$ Panotes
(a"arines &!r 2nd District 5ep$ 'aria 1eonor 5obredo
lbay 2nd District 5ep$ l Francis 7ichara
(atand!anes 1one District 5ep$ (esar %$ &ar"iento
&orso)on 1st District 5ep$ <velyn <sc!dero
@loilo (ity 1one District 5ep$ 0erry P$ TreMas
@loilo 1st District 5ep$ Oscar d5ichied &$ 8arin, 0r$
7acolod (ity 1one District 5ep$ <velio 5a"os 1eonardia
6lan 1one District 5ep$ Teodorico T$ /aresco, 0r$
ntiH!e 1one District 5ep$ Paolo <verardo &$ 0avier
(api: 1st District 5ep$ ntonio del 5osario
8!i"aras 1one District 5ep$ 0oaH!in (arlos 5ah"an $ #ava
#e)ros Occidental 1st District 5ep$ 0!lio $ 1edes"a @%
#e)ros Occidental 2nd District 5ep$ 1eo 5afael '$ (!eva
#e)ros Occidental 3rd District 5ep$ lfredo belardo 7$ 7enite:
#e)ros Occidental 4th District 5ep$ 'ercedes E$ lvare:
(eb! (ity 1st District 5ep$ 5a!l del 'ar
(eb! (ity 2nd District 5ep$ 5odri)o bellanosa
1ap!-1ap! (ity 1one District 5ep$ ileen ($ 5ada:a
(eb! 1st District 5ep$ 8erald nthony %$ 8!llas, 0r$
(eb! 2nd District 5ep$ 2ilfredo &$ (a"inero
(eb! 3rd District 5ep$ 83endolyn 8arcia-(odilla
(eb! >th District 5ep$ 8abriel 1!is 5$ J!is!"bin)
#e)ros Oriental 2nd District 5ep$ 8eor)e P$ rnai:
7ohol 1st District 5ep$ 5ene 5ela"pa)os
&iH!iIor 1one District 5ep$ 'arie nne &$ Pernes
1eyte 1st District 5ep$ Ferdinand 'artin 8$ 5o"!alde:
1eyte 2nd District 5ep$ &er)io ntonio F$ postol
(@7( Party 1ist 5ep$ &her3in T!)na
(iti:ens 7attle )ainst (orr!ption Partylist representatives &her3in
T!)na and (hona 8on:ales
lso present 3ere,
For"er 'anila (ity 'ayor and 7!hay Party-1ist 5ep$ 1ito tien:a
for"er 'anila (ity 'ayor lfredo &$ 1i"
for"er Philippine President and no3 'anila (ity 'ayor 0oseph <strada
c!rrent J!e:on (ity 'ayor /erbert 7a!tista
Papal %isit sia 2014
for"er J!e:on (ity 'ayor 7ri)ido &i"on
(aloocan (ity 'ayor Oscar 'alapitan
'alabon (ity 'ayor 1en-1en Oreta
#avotas (ity 'ayor 0ohn 5ey Tian)co
%alen:!ela (ity 'ayor 5eGlon 8atchalian
'andal!yon) (ity 'ayor 7enh!r balos
'ari6ina (ity 'ayor Del de 8!:"an
for"er Pasi) (ity 'ayors %icente <!sebio
for"er Pasi) (ity 'ayor &oledad <!sebio
for"er Pasi) (ity 'ayor 7obby <!sebio
c!rrent Pasi) (ity 'ayor 'aribel ndaya-<!sebio
&an 0!an (ity 'ayor 8!ia 8o"e:
'a6ati (ity 'ayor 0eIo"ar <r3in 7inay
Ta)!i) (ity 'ayor 1aarni 1ope:-(ayetano
c!rrent Pasay (ity 'ayor ntonio ATonyB (aliGto
for"er Pasay (ity 'ayor 2enceslao APee3eeB Trinidad
for"er ParanaH!e (ity 'ayor 0oey 'arH!e:
for"er ParanaH!e (ity 'ayor Florencio 7ernabe
c!rrent ParaMaH!e (ity 'ayor <d3in Olivare:
1as Pinas (ity 'ayor %er)el $ )!ilar
'!ntinl!pa (ity 'ayor 0ai"e Fresnedi
7en)!et 8overnor #estor Fon)3an
Pan)asinan 8overnor "ado <spino
7a)!io (ity 'ayor 'a!ricio Do"o)an
Tab!6 (ity, Ealin)a "ayor Ferdinand T!bban
5osales, Pan)asinan 'ayor &!san P$ (asareno
Da)!pan (ity 'ayor 7elen T$ Fernande:
9rdaneta (ity 'ayor "adeo 8re)orio <$ Pere: @%
Qa"bales 8overnor /er"o)enes <bdane, 0r$
Olon)apo (ity 'ayor 5olen Pa!lino
&!bic, Qa"bales 'ayor 0eFrey D$ Ehon)h!n
Pa"pan)a Provincial 8overnor 1ilia 8$ Pineda
&an Fernando, Pa"pan)a 'ayor <d3in &antia)o
n)eles (ity, Pa"pan)a 'ayor <d)ardo Pa"int!an
Tarlac 8overnor 0es!s A7on)d &antos
Tarlac (ity 'ayor 8elacio 5$ 'analan)
7ataan Provincial 8overnor lbert &$ 8arcia
7alan)a (ity 'ayor 0ose <nriH!e &$ 8arcia @@@
7!lacan Provincial 8overnor 2ilhel"ino &y-lvarado
'arilao '!nicipal 'ayor 0!anito dTitod /$ &antia)o
7ali3a) '!nicipal 'ayor (arolina Dellosa
'alolos (ity 'ayor (hristian D$ #atividad
#!eva <ciIa Provincial 8overnor !relio 'atias 9"ali
(abanat!an (ity 'ayor 0!li!s (esar %$ %er)ara
Papal %isit sia 2014
5i:al Provincial 8overnor 5ebecca $ ;nares
ntipolo (ity 'ayor (asi"iro $ ;nares @@@
Taytay '!nicipal 'ayor 0anet De 1eon-'ercado
&an 'ateo, 5i:al 'ayor 0ose 5afael Dia:
n)ono 'ayor 8erry %$ (alderon
(avite Provincial 8overnor 0!anito %ictor 5e"!lla
7acoor (ity 'ayor &tri6e 5evilla
Das"arinas (ity 'ayor 0ennifer $ 7ar:a)a
5osario '!nicipal 'ayor 0ose '$ 5icafrente 0r$
1a)!na Provincial 8overnor 5a"il /ern[nde:
&anta 5osa (ity, 1a)!na 'ayor rlene 7$ rcillas-#a:areno
(ala"ba (ity 'ayor 0!stin 'arc Ti""y (hipeco
&an Pablo (ity 'ayor 1oreto &$ "ante
1os 7aMos '!nicipal 'ayor (aesar P$ Pere:
7atan)as Provincial 8overnor %il"a &antos-5ecto
7atan)as (ity 'ayor <d!ardo 7$ Di"ac!ha
1ipa (ity 'ayor 'eynardo $ &abili
J!e:on Provincial 8overnor David ($ &!are:
1!cena (ity 'ayor 5oderic6 $ lcala
Pala3an 8overnor 0ose ($ lvare:
P!erto Princesa (ity 'ayor 1!cilo 5$ 7ayron
#a)a (ity 'ayor 0ohn 7on)at
lbay Provincial 8overnor 0oey &alceda
1e)aspi (ity 'ayor #oel 5osal
&orso)on Provincial 8overnor ntonio <sc!dero 0r$
&orso)on (ity 'ayor &ally $ 1ee
@loilo provincial 8overnor rth!r Defensor, &r$
@loilo (ity 'ayor 0ed Patric6 'abilo)
#e)ros Occidental provincial )overnor lfredo 8$ 'araMon, 0r$
7acolod (ity 'ayor 'onico P!entevella
(eb! Provincial 8overnor /ilario A0!nI!nB Davide @@@
(eb! (ity 'ayor 'ichael 5a"a
(onsolacion '!nicipal 'ayor Teresa P$ le)ado
Davao del &!r Provincial 8overnor (la!de 7a!tista
Davao (ity 'ayor 5odri)o D!terte
&o!th (otabato Provincial 8overnor Daisy vance-F!entes
8eneral &antos (ity 'ayor 5onnel 5ivera
'isa"is Oriental Provincial 8overnor ;ev)eny %icente 7$ <"ano
(a)ayan de Oro (ity 'ayor Oscar 'oreno
)!san del &!r Provincial 8overnor dolph <d3ard Pla:a
7!t!an (ity 'ayor Ferdinand '$ "ante, 0r$
Forei)n di)nitaries 3ere present,
9nited &tates a"bassador Philip &$ 8oldber)
Papal %isit sia 2014
(anadian a"bassador (hristopher Thronley
&panish a"bassador 0or)e Do"ecH
'eGican a"bassador 0!lio (a"arena %illaseMor
7an)ladeshi a"bassador 'aIor 8en$ 0ohn 8o"es
(a"bodian a"bassador T!ot Panha
@ndian a"bassador 5a" Trasad
@ndonesian a"bassador de Petranto
0apanese a"bassador Toshinao 9rabe
Eorean a"bassador /y!6 1ee
1ao a"bassador 'alayvien) &a6onhninho"
'alaysian "bassaor Dato 'ohd Qa"iri %in 'ohd Eassi"
7!r"ese a"bassador !n) Ehin &oe
Pa6istani a"bassador &afdar /ayat,
(a"bodian 'inister of (o""erce &enior 'inister &!n (hanthol
@ndonesian Finance 'inister '!ha"ad (hatib 7asri
@ndonesian Trade 'inister '!ha""ad 1!tf
@ndonesian Forei)n Fairs 'inister 5$'$ 'arty '$ #atale)a3a
'alaysian @nternational Trade and @nd!stry 'inister '!stapa 'oha"ed
7!r"ese 9nion 'inister of (o""erce 9 2in 'yint
7!r"ese 9nion 'inister of Finance and 5even!e 9 2in &hein
Eorean 820 &herpa, "bassador for @nternational (ooperation 1ee @l-
0apanese &enior %ice-'inister of the (abinet ONce ;as!toshi #ishi"!ra
9nited &tates Pacifc (o""ander &a"!el 0$ 1oc6lear @@@
%ietna"ese )ric!lt!re and 5!ral Develop"ent 'inister (ao D!c Phat
sian Develop"ent 7an6 President Ta6ehi6o #a6ao
@nternational 'onetary F!nd Dep!ty 'ana)in) Director #aoy!6i
2orld 7an6 %ice-President and &pecial <nvoy, (li"ate (han)e 5achel
&een leavin) the )randstand after the President?s speech 3ere
'arich! %era Pere:
Fr$ &onny 5a"ire:
For"er P8(or president 7!tch Tenorio and
representatives of b!siness"an 1!cio Tan$
The *i! and *rave
Pro"inent personalities spotted at the yala politicalrally incl!ded,
&enators &er)e Os"eMa @@@
Teofsto 8!in)ona @@@
H!ilino Pi"entel
&onia 5oco
Papal %isit sia 2014
For"er 5epresentatives /eherson lvare:
0o6er rroyo
2i)berto TaMada
5obert ce 7arbers
5ic6y &andoval
0$ 'ayo l"ario
/ernani 7ran)an:a
7!tch Pichay
riel Qarti)a
<tta 5osales
Dio)enes Osabel
<nrico <cheverri
polinario 1o:adae
for"er &enators lberto 5o"!lo
0ovy &alon)a and
5ene &a)!isa)e
Today p!blisher Teddy 7oy 1ocsin
&tar col!"nist leG 'a)no
&onny Do"in)!e:
nthony Pan)ilinan
"e"bers of the 5!fno, (arpo, r)osino, Francisco, Prieto, 5o"!alde:,
Olarte, 5einoso and %aldes fa"ily incl!din) 'acario 5!fno$
Predictably, tho!sands of 'arcos loyalists Ioined the <l &haddai rally I!st in
ti"e for the visit of Pope Francis to raise their prayer reH!ests to A;ah3eh <l
&haddai,B 3ho, they said, is Athe only hope of 'a.a" @"elda *'arcos+$B
&o"e 2,000 "e"bers of 'arcos 1oyalists Fo!ndation based in the #ational
(apital 5e)ion ca"e in several Ieeps to Apray for I!stice for the 'arcoses,
3ho have s!Fered a lot since Ferdinand *'arcos+ 3as o!sted fro" po3er$B
A2e can do nothin) 3itho!t prayer$ 2e believe that ;ah3eh 3ill )!ide 'a?a"
@"elda in all the trials she is facin),B said 0!liet 'endo:a, a coordinator of the
'arcos 1oyalist Fo!ndation in the #(5$ The for"er frst lady has nearly a
h!ndred cases of )raft pendin) in the &andi)anbayan$
'endo:a, 3ho clai"ed that al"ost all "e"bers of their )ro!p are also
"e"bers of <l &haddai, added that the 3ife of for"er President Ferdinand
Papal %isit sia 2014
'arcos 3ill be A!sed by ;ah3eh to ans3er the needs of the Filipino
people$B With report fro' *lnche +iver nd (ri Eeres ". 3oyo
+econ9gured jet to Fy "ope.
reconf)!red irb!s 300 aircraft of Philippine irlines *P1+ 3ill ]y Pope
Francis to Port 'oresby, Pap!a #e3 8!inea today at the close of /is /oliness?
fo!r-day pastoral and state visit to the Philippines$
&enior oNcials of Philippine irlines led by (hair"an Dr$ 1!cio Tan and
President 5a"on &$ n) and the charterers, P'FT(, @nc$ 3ill Ioin the PontiF on
the ]i)ht that 3ill ta6e abo!t fo!r ho!rs and 42 "in!tes$ Pap!a #e3 8!inea
is the second stop in the /oly Father?s sian to!r this year$
fter fare3ell cere"onies at the Old 'anila @nternational irport, the Plane
enbla:oned 3ith the eG!ltation, ATot!s T!!s^B ta6es oF at aro!nd 10,00 $'$
The ]i)ht 3ill be co""anded by (aptain 0ohnny ndre3s$ The pilot-in-
co""and is (aptain lfredo 0!liano 3ho assisted by (aptain Oliver (astro,
First ONcers 5!ben 'atro and &ervando 7ocao and ]i)ht en)ineers Danny
/allare and 'an!elito 5espaldon$ @n]i)ht service 3ill be provided t3o sets of
cabin cre3 n!"berin) 22 led-by p!rsers n)elito Tiras and 0ohn @nopea$
The rest of the cre3 are assistant ]i)ht p!rser !rora 7a!tista, ste3ards
2esley (alfoforo, &alvador (acho, 0oseph Torral, 5afael Torralba, !rora
Ponce-<nrile, &!san del (ar"en, 0es!lta de 1eon, &tella Frias, <lsie <sc!tin,
/er"ie (a)alin)an, (ristina Padilla, 1o!rdes 1edes"a, ;sabel (ostas,
<van)eline 8at"aitan, 'ar)arita 'an:ano, (ynthia 5osales and &ervice
'ana)er !)!sto 7arrios$
s reconf)!red, the ircraft is ftted 3ith special seats, a sleeperette, and a
dedicated lavatory to s!it the reH!ire"ents of the /oly Father d!rin) the
]i)ht to Port 'oresby, located so"e 2,1>1 na!tical "iles so!th of 'anila$
D!rin) the deceased pope 0ohn Pa!l 2?s visit in Febr!ary 1C=1, P1 ]e3 the
PontiF to several 6ey cities in the co!ntry, incl!din) (eb!, 7acolod, @loilo,
Davao, 7a)!io and &!bic$
%fter the cele*ration
5l Shddi 'eet not for Eh-ch- sys solon )*y +oc;y 8,reno nd TB
T9= =1 3haddai?s October 2#-27 0atherin0 at the 1!neta &as not a sho& of s!pport for
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555?s campai0n for *harter chan0e b!t &as HHnothin0 more,
nothin0 lessHH than a celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide fo!nder, international
president and spirit!al director Aishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a?s birthda" and es!s is 1ord
*h!rch 8orld&ide anni'ersar" in time for the pastoral and state 'isit of Pope Francis
here in the Philippines,
J!e2on *it" Cep, )atias Befensor made this remar. as he praised members of the
Coman *atholic charismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ements (for not allo&in0 their hol"
and happ" 0atherin0 to be tainted b" the di'isi'e and self-ser'in0 a0enda of the A-!ino
The belated birthda" celebration of Villan!e'a and ann!al fo!ndin0 anni'ersar"
celebration of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide coincided &ith the (Call" for
Bemocrac"+ sta0ed b" anti-*harter chan0e 0ro!ps in )a.ati *it",
Papal %isit sia 2014
(Plain and simple, the people did not 0o to 1!neta for /o"no" b!t for Arother )i.e
Velarde and for their belief in the =l 3haddai,+ Befensor said,
The "o!n0 con0ressman noted that neither p!blished nor broadcast reports sho&ed that
(those &ho &ent to 1!neta &ere e'en interested in President Aeni0no A-!ino 555,+
(To sa" that the =l 3haddai members &ent there onl" for the food &o!ld be in bad taste,+
he said,
HHThat &as merel" incidental beca!se, in the first place, the" &ere there for the blessin0s
and the celebration of their hol" faith,HH
Befensor said that if there &as an"thin0 that the )a.ati and 1!neta rallies had in
common, it &as that HHboth &ere sta0ed &ith the stron0 con'iction and faith of those &ho
HH3tron0 con'iction and faith for the tenets of freedom and democrac" in )a.ati and
stron0 con'iction and faith for 4od--the =l 3haddai--in 1!neta,+ he said,
As a res!lt, Filipinos HHno& do not loo. at the t&o rallies as a battle of n!mbers b!t as
complementin0 e>amples of &hat belief in principles or reli0ion co!ld achie'e,HH he said,
&pening floodgates
)s0r, Bomin0o *irilos of the 3an Fernando de Bilao parish ch!rch in Paco, )anila,
"esterda" said he &as !ncon'inced b" )r, A-!ino?s ass!rance that the *harter chan0es
he is see.in0 &o!ld onl" be economic and not political in nat!re,
HHOnce "o! open the *harter, it co!ld be open to an" chan0e--political or economic,HH
*irilos told reporters, HHDo! open the flood0ates to all the other chan0es that ha'e been
stated alread",HH
*irilos tal.ed to reporters shortl" after )anila Archbishop 1!is Antonio *ardinal 4,
Ta0le celebrated a %630 a,m, )ass mar.in0 the 41#th anni'ersar" of the 3an Fernando de
Bilao ch!rch on Pa2 3treet in Paco,
Ta0le, &ho led Frida"Hs pro-democrac" rall" to0ether &ith former President *ora2on
A-!ino and &ho read a stin0in0 statement on the =strada administration, "esterda"
s.irted the iss!es of *harter chan0e, cron"ism and media s!ppression in his homil",
9e limited his sermon to the da"Hs 0ospel on faith,
To0ether &ith )anila )a"or oseph =strada, he !n'eiled a ne& in the facade of
the ch!rch,
After the )ass, 3in, &ho loo.ed &ea., &as dri'en a&a" in his ser'ice car before
reporters co!ld inter'ie& him,
9o guarantee
*irilos pointed o!t that there &as no 0!arantee that *on0ress, once it con'enes itself into
a constit!ent assembl", &o!ld not ta.e !p political amendments to the *onstit!tion,
HHThe"Hre in control once thereHs a constit!ent assembl",HH said the priest, HHThe" can do
an"thin0, The onl" thin0 &e can do ma"be is to demonstrate a0ain, A!t thatHs all &e can
At the =l 3haddai 0atherin0 on 3!nda", October 27, )r, A-!ino declared that he &as
onl" see.in0 economic reforms in the *onstit!tion,
(8e need to ad:!st o!r *onstit!tion &ith 0lobal realities,+ )r, =strada said, (for the
present *onstit!tion &as framed in a different time &here the econom" of nations &as
based on Hprotectionism,+
*irilos said the President sho!ld serio!sl" consider the reasons that the *atholic Aishops
*onference of the Philippines cited for opposin0 *harter chan0e at this time,
Papal %isit sia 2014
9e said this &o!ld be the best 0ift the President co!ld 0i'e to his sister on her birthda" on
October 27,
9o disinformation
*irilos also dismissed the comment of Fr, 3onn" Camire2, the PresidentHs spirit!al
ad'iser, that tho!sands of people attended the )a.ati rall" beca!se of media
disinformation on )r, =stradaHs *harter chan0e plans,
HHThatHs not disinformation,HH he said, HH8hatHs happenin0 is tr!e, 5tHs a fact that &e canHt
9e also re:ected Camire2Hs opinion that the HHthin.in0HH people sh!nned the )a.ati rall",
HH5 donHt thin. so,HH said *irilos, HH5 donHt thin. that he can spea. on behalf of the people, For
all "o! .no&, these people are the silent ma:orit" &ho are a0ainst *harter chan0e,HH
Camire2 had made his comments in the PresidentHs &ee.l" TV-radio pro0ram, HHeep ni
=rap,HH on 3at!rda",
3at!r Ocampo, former /ational Bemocratic Front spo.esperson, &arned that )r, =strada
&o!ld face more militant protest actions if he insists on tin.erin0 &ith the *onstit!tion,
5n an inter'ie& on radio station d2S1, Ocampo said Frida"Hs pro-democrac" rall" &as
:!st a pre'ie& of &hat is comin0,
Ocampo said remo'in0 the nationalist pro'isions of the *onstit!tion &o!ld preempt an"
attempt b" the 0o'ernment and other concerned sectors to protect and ad'ance the
interest of the Filipinos,
9e said the Aa0on0 Al"ansan0 )a.aba"an &o!ld :oin the 3ept, 21 rall" to commemorate
the 27th anni'ersar" of the declaration of martial la&,
Aa"an and other militant 0ro!ps &ill cond!ct information campai0ns to enli0hten the
people on the dan0ers of )r, A-!ino?s plan to amend the *harter, accordin0 to him,
++Paano masasabing Erap para sa ma(irap ga)ung ang tatamaan sa -an)ang mga p"ano
a) ang mga ma(i(irap ;9o& can "o! sa" =rap is for the poor &hen it is the poor &ho
&ill s!ffer d!e to his plans<,HH said 1eopoldo Oerr!do, spo.esperson of the Lap!l!n0an n0
m0a 3andi0an0 )a0-aaral n0 Aatas ;Lasama n0 Aatas<,
=mman!el )i0!el, 0rand .ni0ht of the Fratern!s Ordo de !sticia la& fraternit" based at
the Adamson Eni'ersit", said la&"ers, la& st!dents and le0al ad'ocates sho!ld !nite in
opposin0 *harter chan0e,
.igger participation
5n Ba'ao *it", the People Cesist a0ainst Cisin0 T"rann" and the Archdiocese of Ba'ao
said the" &ere brin0in0 their campai0n a0ainst *harter chan0e to the 0rass roots to &in
bi00er p!blic s!pport for f!t!re protest actions,
4len Amoroso, secretar" 0eneral of Aa"an Ba'ao *it", said more poor people, especiall"
the &or.ers and landless farmers, &o!ld :oin the 3ept, 21 rall", The" &o!ld s!ffer most if
the *harter chan0e plans are carried o!t, he said,
Fr, 1eonardo B!blan, director of the 3ocial Action *enter of the Ba'ao Archdiocese, said
the ed!cation dri'e &as 0oin0 on in parishes, schools and comm!nit" chapels,
5n Loronadal, 3o!th *otabato, Aishop Bin!aldo 4!tierre2 said the 0rass-roots campai0n
had not stopped,
At least 3,#00 people :oined the anti-*harter chan0e rall" in Loronadal on Frida", %i&!
re"or&# (rom Ne#on 5ore# in Mania8 -owe 5) 9an'+a< an+ Aan A) Nawa, PD.
Min+anao 7'rea'
Papal %isit sia 2014
fter "o!ntin) yet another "a""oth celebration, the <l &haddai "e"bers
are increasin)ly )ainin) critics for the 3ay so"e of the" behaved d!rin)
'ass and t!rned 'anila into a A3asteland$B
The 3>th anniversary celebration of 0es!s is 1ord (h!rch 2orld3ide, headed
by fo!nder, president and spirit!al director 7ishop 7ro$ <ddie %illan!eva
3hich dre3 an esti"ated three "illion people, ended aro!nd =,30 a$"$ the
neGt day, 'onday, October 27, ta6in) 24 ho!rs to "a""oth cro3d thro!)h
the city.s central district$
The 'etropolitan 'anila Develop"ent !thority *''D+ on Friday said it
collected 33> tons of )arba)e alon) the celebration ro!te fro" J!irino
8randstand to Port rea to J!iapo (h!rch$ The a)ency "obili:ed scores of
street cleaners, startin) 3ith those deployed at the tail-end of the
predo"inantly "ale cro3d, 3ho 3ent to 3or6 as soon as the road 3as clear
of devotees$
A2e are deeply saddened by the 3ay J!iapo t!rned into a d!"p d!e to the
!ni"peded disposal of )arba)e in the streets,B said Tin %er)ara, a
ca"pai)ner for the environ"entalist )ro!p <co2aste$
%er)ara said the )ro!p.s A7as!ra *trash+ PatrollersB reported 3idespread
litterin) on the streets of (arriedo, <van)elista, 5$ /idal)o, ($ Palanca,
Paterno, 8on:alo P!yat and %illalobos, on J!e:on 7o!levard and at Pla:a
AThe J!iapo collection is still )oin) on so there sho!ld be "ore *than 3hat
the ''D had reported+,B <co2aste leader 'anny (alon:o added$
The drains on J!e:on 7o!levard 3ere covered 3ith trash, portions of
<van)elista &treet 3ere stre3n 3ith b!rnt frecrac6ers, and the corner of
<van)elista-5onH!illo &treets had a h!)e pile of stin6in) 3aste, <co2aste
also noted in a state"ent$ APast "idni)ht, people 3ere literally 3al6in) on
)arba)e on (arriedo &treet,B it added$
AThe dirty streets of J!iapo do not *Iibe 3ith+ 'anila.s vision of "a6in) the
feast of the 7lac6 #a:arene an international to!rist attraction,B %er)ara said,
referrin) to a reported plan of the 'anila To!ris" and (!lt!ral Fairs 7!rea!$
A2e 3ant o!r forei)n visitors to bear 3itness to o!r people.s indo"itable
faith and re"e"ber the prayers and sacrifces of the -"a"a"asan. *the
)ro!p of lay"en in char)e of the i"a)e+, not the inhospitable d!"pin) of
)arba)e on J!iapo streets$ That is not the 6ind of p!blicity 3e 3ant,B she
The devotees 3ere also critici:ed for disr!ptin) the evenin) /oly 'ass con-
celebrated by Pope Francis and 'anila rchbishop 1!is ntonio (ardinal Ta)le
before the start of the procession at J!irino 8randstand$ fter Pope Francis
ended his ho"ily, scores of "ale devotees bro6e thro!)h the police barrier
and r!shed the sta)e to sei:e the stat!e$
Papal %isit sia 2014
The devotees i)nored pleas fro" 5ev$ Fr$ nton Pasc!al of 5adyo %eritas to let
Ta)le fnish the 'ass$ The archbishops, cardinals, bishops and other priests
fro" 200 co!ntries later fnished the service bac6sta)e$
@n an intervie3 Friday, 0aro rchbishop n)el 1a)da"eo eGpressed
disappoint"ent over the devotees. !nr!ly behavior$
AThat is not )en!ine reli)ion,B said 1a)da"eo, 3ho 3atched the feast on T%$
All p!shin) and shovin), to each his o3n$ 'ore people co!ld )o near the
#a:arene if they 3ere disciplined$B
AO!r devotees sho!ld be contin!o!sly catechi:ed$ Their faith sho!ld be
deepened and enriched,B (!bao 7ishop /onesto On)tioco added$
7!t for the J!iapo (h!rch rector, 's)r$ (le"ente @)nacio, this year.s
traslacion 3as A)enerally s!ccessf!l and "eanin)f!lB despite the disr!pted
@)nacio said the "en 3ho r!shed the sta)e represented only a s"all
percenta)e of the devotees 3ho sho3ed !p for the procession$
A#inety-ei)ht to CC percent 3ere prayin)$ nd it doesn.t "ean the devotees
*3ho stopped the 'ass+ have not been prayin)$ 2e cannot I!d)e the",B he
*p$ 1+
*%ibal Fo!ndation, 2014+
5ead "ore, http,bbne3sinfo$inH!irer$netb4>1727bna:arene-ro!te-yields-33>-
Follo3 !s, linH!irerdotnet on T3itter p inH!irerdotnet on Faceboo6
*ishop 2nts *ro. (i;e probed )*y 3on ",,ibugn.
T9= *atholic *h!rch is set to ta.e a hard loo. at its most prominent la"man,
The po&erf!l *atholic AishopsH *onference of the Philippines ;*A*P< &ill in'esti0ate
)ariano ()i.e+ O, Velarde, fo!nder and ser'ant-leader of the *atholic charismatic
mo'ement, =l 3haddai and =d!ardo (=ddie+ *, Villan!e'a, fo!nder, international
president and spirit!al director of es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide, for 0oin0 a0ainst the
positions ta.en b" the *atholic *h!rch on recent national iss!es,
A member of the *A*PHs 12-member Permanent *o!ncil, the or0ani2ationHs hi0hest
polic"-ma.in0 bod", said the 7#-"ear-old preacher, &ho sin0le-handedl" dra&s h!ndreds
of tho!sands to his &ee.l" 0atherin0 at the 1!neta 4randstand, (is not helpin0 the
Aishop !an Be Bios P!eblos of A!t!an *it", one of the t&o bishops representin0
)indanao in the Permanent *o!ncil, told the 5/JE5C=C that he &o!ld propose for the
*A*P to (st!d"+ VelardeHs prono!ncements in the conte>t of &hether the" contradict
*h!rch doctrine,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Velarde and Villan!e'a co!ld not be reached for comment "esterda", 9is spo.esman said
he &as in Ta0a"ta" *it",
Desterda", )s0r, Pedro J!itorio, *A*P spo.esperson, also said the co!ncil &o!ld
definitel" ta.e !p P!eblosH proposal in their meetin0, b!t &o!ld first deliberate on it,
The co!ncil, &hich holds re0!lar -!arterl" meetin0s, is sched!led to hold its ne>t
meetin0 on /o'ember 10,
The *A*P hierarch" &ill determine &hich action to ta.e (depend;in0< on the res!lt of
the st!d",+ P!eblos e>plained &hen inter'ie&ed Frida" at the *A*P main office in
5ntram!ros, )anila,
The *A*P Permanent *o!ncil is composed of the fo!r officials of the *A*P led b" its
president, Archbishop Oscar *r!2, fo!r representati'es of 1!2on, and t&o representati'es
each from Visa"as and )indanao,
P!eblos said the bishops ma" first ha'e to resol'e the !ni-!e position of =l 3haddai
B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational 5nc, and es!s is 1ord *h!rch
8orld&ide beca!se &hile it is a *atholic or0ani2ation, it is relati'el" independent from
the *h!rch in terms of its da"-to-da" operations,
HH8e onl" come in in -!estions of morals and doctrines, and in celebratin0 mass,HH
J!itorio said,
=l 3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational and es!s is 1ord *h!rch
8orld&ide is !nder the direct s!per'ision of the Archdiocese of )anila, 5t had desi0nated
Aishop Teodoro Aacani B,B,, bishop emerit!s of /o'aliches, to handle the basic *atholic
formation of the Velarde floc., 9e is assisted b" priests in e'er" parish &here the =l
3haddai B8S5 Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational Coman *atholic *harismatic
Celi0io!s Cene&al mo'ement has ta.en root,
J!itorio added that sho!ld the co!ncil decide to appro'e P!eblosH proposal, it ma" refer
the matter to the *A*P *ommission on Boctrine of the Faith,
(The" has the ri0ht to ;enter< politics, b!t 5 thin. all his act!ations sho!ld be in line &ith
his reli0ionV beca!se no& &ith the ;debate on the< death penalt" and *harter chan0e,
&hether &e li.e it or not ;VelardeHs position< is a direct ;attac.< a0ainst the *atholic
*h!rch,HH P!eblos said,
%piritual adviser
Velarde and Villan!e'a, &hom President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 desi0nated as his (spirit!al
ad'iser,+ endorsed the PresidentHs position in fa'or of the death penalt", the CP-E3
Visitin0 Forces A0reement and latel", the amendments to the *onstit!tion,
The *A*P 'i0oro!sl" opposes the death penalt" citin0 the *h!rchHs teachin0 on the
sanctit" of life,
5t also campai0ned for the re:ection of a ne& militar" a0reement &ith the Enited 3tates
on moral 0ro!nds and social :!stice,
The *A*P has stron0l" opposed )r, A-!ino?s attempts to &ith the *harter, sa"in0
amendin0 the *onstit!tion &ill not sol'e the co!ntr"Hs more !r0ent problems,
The archbishop of )anila, 1!is Antonio *ardinal 4, Ta0le, to0ether &ith the por.-barrel
0ro!ps, held a protest rall" in )a.ati on 3!nda" a0ainst President Aeni0no A-!ino 555?s
proposal to chan0e the *onstit!tion,
Papal %isit sia 2014
On the same da", 3!nda", October 27, Villan!e'a also held a rall" at the 1!neta to
celebrate his @1
birthda" &here his de'otees &ere treated to a feast of roasted cal'es and
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 addressed Villan!e'a?s birthda" cro&d estimated at
8hen -!eried abo!t the !ncann" coincidence, Villan!e'a e>plained that his birthda"
celebration &as a HHre0!lar and normalHH e'ent,
A!t the 5/JE5C=C learned that apart from its &ee.l" sched!led 0atherin0 e'er"
3at!rda" and 3!nda", =l 3haddai &rote the Ci2al Par. Be'elopment A!thorit" to reser'e
on !l" 27, or fi'e da"s after A-!ino anno!nced the pro-democrac" rall" in )a.ati,
P!eblos clarified that the *A*P &as more concerned in (0!idin0+ Velarde rather than
cens!rin0 the 7#-"ear-old charismatic leader,
(5 donHt thin. Hcens!reH is the ri0ht term, 5t is more on the aspect of 0!idin0, 0i'in0
0!idance, 3ince his 0ro!p is *atholic, then &e also ha'e to 0!ide them as &e do to
e'er"bod",+ P!eblos,
;Man of the timesA
P!eblos also do&npla"ed the stren0th of VelardeHs HHpolitical infl!ence,HH as he described
him as HH:!st a man of the timesHH &hose approach to his tar0et a!dience has been pro'en
A 0eodetic en0ineer b" profession, Velarde &as a real estate de'eloper before b!"in0
radio station d&S5, &hich he has been !sin0 as a 'ehicle for his &ee.l" 4ospel pro0ram
startin0 in 1%@3,
8ith the increasin0l" positi'e response to his 0ospel broadcasts, Velarde re0istered in
1%@# d&S5 ;=l 3haddai< Pra"er Partners Fo!ndation 5nternational 5nc, &ith the 3ec!rities
and =>chan0e *ommission,
This is the le0al machiner" behind VelardeHs reli0io!s acti'ities,
Toda", =l 3haddai has mission centers thro!0ho!t the co!ntr" and in 9on0 Lon0, )aca!,
Tai&an, Lorea, 3in0apore, apan, )ala"sia, /e& Oealand, A!stria, Benmar., France,
4reece, 3&it2erland, =n0land, *"pr!s, 3pain, 5srael, A!stralia, the )iddle =ast, *anada,
4erman", 5tal" and the Enited 3tates,
/elrde0 8o reson for bishopsG probe )*y 3on ",,ibugn.
Mania, P!ii""ine#, Oc&ober 21, 2012 0 =1 39ABBA5 fo!nder Aro, )ariano HH)i.eHH O,
Velarde "esterda" said there &as no reason for the *atholic bishops to in'esti0ate him,
On the other hand, a *A*P spo.esperson said, (in'esti0ation &as too stron0 a &ord to
(5 donHt see an" 0ro!nds ;for an in'esti0ation< or an" 'iolation re0ardin0 doctrines of the
faith and morals beca!se &e are properl" 0!ided b" ;)anila A!>iliar"< Aishop ;Teodoro<
Aacani,+ Velarde said in a phone inter'ie&,
9e said he had faithf!ll" follo&ed the teachin0s of the *h!rch &hile leadin0 the 30-"ear-
old Coman *atholic charismatic rene&al reli0io!s mo'ement,
Aacani, bishop-emerit!s of /o'aliches, is in char0e of the *atholic formation of VelardeHs
estimated 10 million belie'ers,
Velarde &as reactin0 to the call of a member of the polic"-ma.in0 permanent co!ncil of
the *atholic Aishops *onference of the Philippines ;*A*P< HHto st!d"HH &hether VelardeHs
prono!ncements had contradicted *h!rch doctrine,
Papal %isit sia 2014
Aishop !an de Bios P!eblos of the A!t!an *it" diocese said Velarde &as not HHhelpin0
the *h!rch,+
President Aeni0no A-!ino 555 said he &o!ld not interfere in a ro& bet&een the *atholic
bishops and Velarde, &ho became one of his most infl!ential s!pporters after he secretl"
instr!cted =l 3haddai follo&ers to 'ote for him in the 2010 elections,
(8e are not in'ol'ed in the reli0io!s sector, 8e donHt interfere there, There is a separation
of the ch!rch and the state,+ )r, A-!ino told reporters at the Ba'ao 5nternational Airport
before lea'in0 for *armen, /orth *otabato, on a presidential helicopter,
The =l 3haddai has clashed &ith the *h!rch se'eral times startin0 &ith its endorsement
of the presidential candidac" of )r, A-!ino, &ho &as indirectl" t!rned do&n b" the
*h!rch for his HH&omani2in0,HH
3ince then Velarde has s!pported )r, A-!ino?s stance fa'orin0 the death penalt", the CP-
E3 Visitin0 Forces A0reement, and recentl", *harter chan0e,
The conflict &as hi0hli0hted on October 27 &hen es!s is 1ord *h!rch 8orld&ide
fo!nder, international president and spirit!al director bishop Aro, =ddie Villan!e'a
celebrated his @1st birthda" at the Ci2al Par. in )anila on the same da" that the por.
barrel 0ro!ps sta0ed a rall" in )a.ati *it" to protest the *harter chan0e bein0 p!shed b"
)r, =strada,
The President t!rned Villan!e'a?s belated birthda" celebration into a platform to attac.
the protest rall" in )a.ati,
Velarde said the mo'ement merel" e>ercised its HHfreedomHH to ta.e a stance on political
iss!es contrar" to the *h!rchHs position, stressin0 that the *h!rch cannot compel an"one
to follo& its line on political matters,
9e said =l 3haddai had al&a"s s!bmitted to the *h!rch in matters pertainin0 to doctrine
of the faith and morals,
(A!t then if it is ;a matter of< the freedom of e>pression of o!r political leanin0s and
inclinations, 5 donHt thin. the *h!rch hierarch" &ill compel an"one to follo& their line,+
he said,
Aacani ser'es as =l 3haddaiHs spirit!al ad'iser, since the charismatic mo'ements is !nder
the s!per'ision of the Archdiocese of )anila,
Aside from Aacani, the 0ro!pHs other spirit!al ad'isers are Fathers 3ann" de *laro and
Anton Pasc!al,
A spo.esperson of the *A*P "esterda" said the bishops &o!ld as. =l 3haddai?s ad'iser
priests, especiall" Aacani, for inp!ts before ta.in0 action on the proposal of P!eblos to
loo. into VelardeHs prono!ncements in the conte>t of *h!rch teachin0s,
)s0r, 9ernando *oronel said the &ord (in'esti0ation+ &as (too stron0 a &ord to !se,+
9e said the proposal &as to HHst!d"HH the =l 3haddai leader?s prono!ncements,
(This is an iss!e to be addressed, especiall" &ith the t&o contradictin0 0atherin0s &e had
last October 27, 5tHs a 'alid concern, A!t &e ha'e to 0et the side of =l 3haddai and Aishop
Aacani,+ *oronel said,
9e said the permanent co!ncil, *A*PHs hi0hest polic"-ma.in0 bod", has "et to incl!de
the P!eblos proposal in its a0enda for its meetin0 on /o'ember 10,
Velarde said he &elcomed an" in'esti0ation if this &o!ld be for the 0ood of the
Papal %isit sia 2014
HHAs far as 5 am concerned, 5 donHt see an" ad'erse effect ;an in'esti0ation &ill ha'e on
the relationship< bet&een =l 3haddai and the *A*P or the *h!rch,HH he said,
9e &arned tho!0h that =l 3haddaiHs members mi0ht react stron0l" to the proposal
especiall" &hen their leader &as in'ol'ed,
Velarde denied that the =l 3haddai &as bo!nd b" an" a0reement to follo& the *h!rchHs
position on all iss!es, HHAfter all, the hierarch" has alread" prono!nced that the faithf!l is
free to ta.e a stand,HH
HH5f e'er it ;in'esti0ation< p!shes thro!0h, 5 :!st belie'e that the" are reall" concerned
abo!t the 0ro&th of the mo'ement so that &hate'er help needed b" the mo'ement to
stren0then o!r *atholic faith ba-a pana(on nang the *h!rch leadership acti'el"
*oronel said Velarde had s!bmitted himself to the *A*P before,
HH9e has s!bmitted himself to the conference, 3ome "ears bac. he has h!mbl" s!bmitted
himself to the decision of the conference, 8e &o!ld treat him fairl",HH the *A*P
spo.esperson said,
Velarde clarified that he &as onl" in fa'or of amendin0 pro'isions of the *harter that
pertain to economic reforms,
9e said he a0reed &ith )r, =stradaHs proposal to lift the HHrestricti'e pro'isionsHH in the
The President &ants forei0ners to o&n land, media, p!blic !tilities, schools, ad'ertisin0
firms and companies en0a0ed in the e>ploration of the co!ntr"Hs nat!ral reso!rces,
Velarde said he &as con'inced that )r, =strada HHmeans &ell, that heHs not after an" other
alteration of the *onstit!tion,HH
*ritics fear a constit!ent assembl" &o!ld also &ith a pro'ision limitin0 terms for
elected p!blic officials, incl!din0 the President,
C.C envious
5n Ta0a"ta" *it", an =l 3haddai member deno!nced the *A*P for its plan to in'esti0ate
Cenato 4on2ales, #@, said the bishops &ere :!st en'io!s o'er &hat he claimed &as a
reso!ndin0 s!ccess of their recent fello&ship at the Ci2al Par. ;1!neta<,
(8e ne'er &ent to 1!neta onl" to eat lechon, 8e &ent to hear the messa0e of 4od
co!rsed thro!0h Arother )i.e,HH said 4on2ales, a part-time ta>i dri'er and 0rocer" o&ner
at the cit",
9e said there &as no need for an in'esti0ation since =l 3haddai follo&ers &ere also
(Pope Francis &o!ld not 0i'e his blessin0 to =l 3haddai if o!r mo'ement is remiss in its
d!t" and obli0ation as a member of the 0reater *atholic comm!nit",+ 4on2ales said in
9e boasted of the establishment of se'eral cooperati'es amon0 =l 3haddai members in
*a'ite pro'ince that aim to s!pplement their income,
9e said the cooperati'es &o!ld be stoc.ed &ith all basic 0rocer" items !nder the name
5n 1!cena *it", =l 3haddai members &ere e'asi'e in 0i'in0 comments on the proposed
in'esti0ation of Velarde b" the *A*P,
Papal %isit sia 2014
HH5Hd rather not ma.e an" comments on that topic,HH said a female doctor, a coordinator of
an =l 3haddai chapter,
A parish priest in 3t, Ferdinand *athedral in the cit" said P!eblos HHdid not e>actl" .no&
the spirit!al d"namics of bein0 an =l 3haddai member,HH
A :o!rnalist, &ho is also an =l 3haddai member, said the bishops sho!ld in'esti0ate
instead the bacchanalian birthda" celebration,
HH8hat the bishops sho!ld in'esti0ate is6 8h" &as it that amid the po'ert" aro!nd !s,
there &as still this scandalo!s feastin0 on lechon, &hich onl" aimed to o!t-birthda" the
one in the 4!inness Aoo. of Cecords,HH the :o!rnalist said,
++0a)abangan na "ang ang nang)ari sa Luneta!++ he said, %i&! re"or&# (rom De(in T)
Maari -r), PD. So'&!ern 6',on 7'rea'8 an+ -owe 5) 9an'+a< an+ A<an 9)
MeeBor, PD. Min+anao 7'rea'
*ishops strt 'ove to rein in *ro. (i;e )*y Stell 4. 1on,les.
Manila, hilippines, 9ovember ++, #*+E 5@9-6@'!'8 2 T9= *AT9O15* Aishops
*onference of the Philippines "esterda" !r0ed =l 3haddai leader )ariano (Aro, )i.e+
Velarde to adhere to the *atholic hierarch"Hs (socio-moral+ position on p!blic iss!es and
e>ercise transparenc" in the mana0ement of the 0ro!pHs f!nds,
The bishops also &ant Velarde, &ho has admitted to a lac. of .no&led0e of *atholic
doctrinal matters, and his 'ol!nteer preachers to st!d" the doctrine and the faith,
The" also as.ed Velarde not to enco!ra0e s!perstitio!s beliefs and c!ltist practices
amon0 =l 3haddai members,
The fi'e-point bill of recommendations &as arri'ed at after a meetin0 "esterda" of the
Permanent *o!ncil of the *A*P, the hi0hest decision-ma.in0 bod" of the co!ntr"Hs
*atholic hierarch",
The *A*P said, ho&e'er, it had not disc!ssed &hether it &o!ld penali2e Velarde if he
&ere to i0nore the bishopsH s!00estions,
.ro. Mike:s move
(The *A*P Permanent *o!ncil has 0i'en its fraternal recommendation as becomin0 of
0ood *hristians , , , O!r s!bse-!ent action &ill be dictated b" the action of Aro, )i.e
Velarde on these concerns,HH said *A*P president Archbishop Oscar *r!2,
/o timetable &as set for VelardeHs compliance &ith the s!00estions from the *A*P,
*r!2 stressed that the bishopsH concerns, to be co!rsed thro!0h =l 3haddai spirit!al
ad'iser Aishop Teodoro Aacani, &ere merel" ad'isor",
(5tHs not e'en a &arnin0V A!t the concerns are serio!s and &e present them serio!sl", 5t
cannot be ta.en li0htl", b!t neither is it a threat,+ *r!2 said,
Velarde &as reported to be in 9on0 Lon0 "esterda" and &as e>pected bac. later this
&ee., 9is spo.esman, Aro, )el Cobles, ref!sed to comment on the matter !ntil he
recei'es the formal ad'isor" from Aacani,
(Ci0ht no&, the ball is &ith Aishop Aacani,+ Cobles told the 5/JE5C=C,
The *A*PHs *r!2 said Aacani (;&as< one &ith !s in these concerns,+ 9e said he had been
in close comm!nication &ith Aacani on the case,
(8e did not ta.e the case of Aro, )i.e Velarde independentl" of Aishop Aacani,+ *r!2
&ne of ,* issues
Papal %isit sia 2014
The =l 3haddai case &as one of 30 iss!es disc!ssed b" the 10-man Permanent *o!ncil in
"esterda"Hs meetin0, *r!2 said he too. the initiati'e to incl!de the topic in the a0enda,
The disc!ssion &as not abo!t =l 3haddai, b!t its fo!nder, Velarde,
Desterda" &as the fo!rth time that the *A*P had ta.en !p the =l 3haddai iss!e since the
0ro!pHs fo!ndin0 30 "ears a0o, 5n 1%%3, Velarde &as as.ed to appear before the *A*P
Plenar" Assembl" in Ta0a"ta" *it" to clarif" some matters,
5n 1%%#, the bishops as.ed more clarificator" -!estions, 5n 1%%7, the bishops as.ed
Aacani abo!t the complaints made b" a former policeman &ho left =l 3haddai after
ma.in0 alle0ations of irre0!larities,
Desterda" &as the first time that the *A*P decided to formall" e>press its concerns
beca!se, *r!2 said, =l 3haddai had become so bi0, its membership estimated b" Velarde
at 10 million,
&pposing views
*r!2 noted that of the h!ndreds of *atholic la" leaders in the co!ntr", onl" Velarde held
opposin0 'ie&s to the *A*PHs socio-moral positions,
(All of a s!dden &e ha'e this phenomenon of a bi0 0ro!p 'eerin0 a&a" so it has ca!0ht
o!r attention, 8e tho!0ht that it &as abo!t time &e be more formal abo!t it,HH *r!2 said,
9e also said that Enited 3tates bishops, d!rin0 a meetin0 &ith Philippine bishops on A!0,
2#, raised their concern abo!t =l 3haddai chapters in the E3, The *A*P has also been
0ettin0 man" letters from *atholics for and a0ainst =l 3haddai,
++Ang amin "amang pa(atid sa -an)a a) ma-iisa si)a sa *A*P , , , sapag-a+t ba-a
mapag-ama"an si)ang (umi(i*a"a) sa simba(an at sa *A*P ;8hat &e &ant to
comm!nicate to him is that he be one &ith the *A*P, beca!se he co!ld be s!spected of
brea.in0 a&a" from the *h!rch and the *A*P,<,HH *r!2 said,
The first of *A*PHs fi'e concerns in'ol'es VelardeHs position on so-called socio-moral
HH8e are in'itin0 ;Velarde< to be more in solidarit" &ith the *A*P in its socio-moral
positions rather than &ith merel" partisan political options, lest this be misconstr!ed as
contradictin0 and th!s in effect separatin0 )r, Velarde and the mo'ement from the
ecclesiastical leadership of the co!ntr",HH the *o!ncil said,
9o bearing
*r!2 e>plained that VelardeHs stand on the death penalt" and the Visitin0 Forces
A0reement HHhas absol!tel" no bearin0 on the ad'isor" of the Permanent *o!ncil,HH
9e said the *A*P &as foc!sin0 its attention on Velarde and not on other *atholics &ho
also hold 'ie&s contrar" to the *atholic hierarch"Hs HHbeca!se he is not an ordinar"
*atholic &ho cannot s&a" other *atholics,HH
HH5f he is not a leader, he &o!ld not be noticed, 9e is leadin0 a *atholic floc. and the
people belon0 to the *atholic *h!rch,HH *r!2 said,
The second *A*P concern is the need to HHstren0then the so!nd and s!fficient formation
of the mo'ementHs leaders in order to ma.e them more credible and acceptable not onl"
to the lait" the" ser'e b!t to the local *h!rch leadership,HH
Aeca!se =l 3haddai &as a s!pposedl" *atholic mo'ement, Velarde and his 'ol!nteer
preachers (sho!ld 0et more *atholic fo!ndation--&e ha'e noticed that the" are not
0ro!nded in *atholic doctrine and faith,+
rosperity gospel
Papal %isit sia 2014
Third, Velarde sho!ld HHbe more pr!dent in enco!ra0in0 practices that tend to&ards
s!perstition or c!lt of the fo!nderHs person and in stressin0 a prosperit" 4ospel that fails
to 0i'e s!fficient attention to the 4ospel of the *ross,HH
An e>ample cited b" *r!2 &as the practice of =l 3haddai members of openin0 their
!mbrellas and t!rnin0 them !pside do&n s!pposedl" in order to catch 4odHs blessin0s,
HHDo! mi0ht 0i'e a &ron0 impression of ho& 4od &or.s, Do! need to be more caref!l
abo!t these thin0s,HH *r!2 said,
The bishops are also concerned that =l 3haddai mi0ht be too c!lt-oriented,
9o focus on 3od
(2a-a na-a-foc!s sa -an)a ;Velarde< ang mga tao at (indi sa i)os! ;people are foc!sin0
on Velarde, not on 4od<,+ *r!2 said, HHThe ch!rch is not 0ro!nded on persons, 5f
somethin0 is 0ro!nded on a person and the person lea'es or dies, the floc. 0ets lost and
Fo!rth, Velarde sho!ld HHbe more recepti'e to collaborators &ho can be more ob:ecti'e in
their 'ie& and more dependable in their co!nsel,HH
*r!2 noted that Velarde relies on a co!ncil of ad'isers &ho help him r!n =l 3haddai, 9e
said Velarde sho!ld 0et ad'isers &ho are HHnot o'er dependent on him so he co!ld 0et a
prett" 0ood corporate ad'ice,HH
++Hindi )ung -ami=-ami "ang! ta)o=ta)o "ang, This mo'ement is bi00er than ta)o=ta)o,
4et more people &ho are not H"es menH to 0et more ob:ecti'e, dependable ad'ice, 4et o!t
of that inner circle, other&ise all the ad'ice "o! &o!ld 0et are the ones "o! &ant to hear,HH
*r!2 said,
1astl", the bishops &ant Velarde, HHon his o&n initiati'e and responsible discretionHH to be
HHmore transparent in the mana0ement of =l 3haddai f!nds as these ha'e contin!o!sl"
been the aspect of his ministr" most s!b:ect to criticism,HH
*r!2 stressed that the bishops &ere not tellin0 Velarde to ma.e an acco!ntin0 of f!nds to
the *A*P, 9e said the *A*P &as lea'in0 it !p to VelardeHs discretion ho& he intended to
ma.e =l 3haddai f!nd mana0ement more transparent,

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