Insulation Markets in China: Published: Asia Market Info and Dev Co. Date: March-2014

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Insulation Markets in China

Published : Asia Market Info And Dev Co.

Date : March-2014
Pae : 1!1
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Report Review
China's demand for insulation has grown at a fast pace in the past decade. In the next five years, both production
and demand will continue to grow. This new study examines China's economic trends, investment environment,
industry development, supply and demand, industry capacity, industry structure, marketing channels and major
industry participants. istorical data !"##$, "##% and "#&$' and long(term forecasts through "#&% and "#"$ are
presented. )ajor producers in China are profiled.
et Full Details !n : http*
Table o" Content
,eport -cope and )ethodology
.xecutive -ummary
II. %$&I#'&& '#(IR!#M'#T
.conomic /utlook
0ey .conomic Indicators
Industrial /utput
1opulation and 2abor
3oreign Investment
3oreign Trade
4anking -ystem and ,egulations
3oreign .xchange
Taxes, Tariff and Custom 5uties
III. I#&$)*TI!# I#D$&TR+ *&&'&&M'#T&
Insulation Industry Capacity
)ajor 1roducers 3acility 2ocations
3oamed 1lastics
)ineral 6ool
/ther Insulation )aterials
)ajor 1roducers /utput and Capacity
)arket -hare of 0ey 1roducers
1otential .ntrants
)ajor 3oreign Investments
Technology 5evelopment
I(. I#&$)*TI!# ,R!D$CTI!# *#D D'M*#D
Insulation 1roduction and 5emand
)ajor -uppliers
3iberglass 1roduction and 5emand
3iberglass .xports and Imports
3oamed 1lastics
)ajor -uppliers
3oamed 1lastics 1roduction and 5emand
3oamed 1lastics .xports and Imports
)ajor -uppliers
Cellulose 1roduction and 5emand
Cellulose .xports and Imports
)ineral 6ool
)ajor -uppliers
)ineral 6ool 1roduction and 5emand
)ineral 6ool .xports and Imports
/ther Insulation )aterials 1roduction and 5emand
1ricing Trend
(. I#&$)*TI!# D'M*#D %+ M*R-'T
Insulation )arkets /utlook
,esidential Construction )arket Trends
7on(,esidential Construction )arket Trends
,urchase #ow :
)I&T !F T*%)'&
.conomic /utlook -ummary
Insulation )aterial 1roduction and 5emand -ummary
II. %$&I#'&& '#(IR!#M'#T
0ey .conomic Indicators
Industrial /utput
1opulation and 2abor 3orce Trends
3oreign Investment and 2oans
3oreign Trade
III. I#&$)*TI!# I#D$&TR+ *&&'&&M'#T&
China Insulation Industry Capacity and 1roduction
)ajor Insulation 1roducers 3acility 2ocations in China
)ajor 8lass 3iber 1roducers /utput and Capacity
)arket -hare of 0ey 1roducers
)ajor 3oreign Investments in China
I(. I#&$)*TI!# ,R!D$CTI!# *#D D'M*#D
Insulation 1roduction and 5emand
)ajor 3iberglass -uppliers Capacity
Tank(3urnace 3iberglass 1roducers 5istribution in China
3iberglass 1roduction and 5emand
3iberglass Imports and .xports
)ajor 3oamed 1lastics -uppliers Capacity
3oamed 1lastics 1roduction and 5emand
3oamed 1lastics Imports and .xports
)ajor Cellulose -uppliers Capacity
Cellulose 1roduction and 5emand
)ajor )ineral 6ool -uppliers Capacity
)ineral 6ool 1roduction and 5emand
/ther Insulation )aterials 1roduction and 5emand
(. I#&$)*TI!# D'M*#D %+ M*R-'T
Total Insulation Consumption by )arket
China9s Insulation )aterials 1roduction and 5emand
II. %$&I#'&& '#(IR!#M'#T
China9s 851 and 8rowth ,ate
Industrial /utput by /wnership
China9s Imports and .xports
III. I#&$)*TI!# I#D$&TR+ *&&'&&M'#T&
Insulation )aterial Capacity in China
)ist !" Charts
(. I#&$)*TI!# D'M*#D %+ M*R-'T
Insulation )aterials 5emand by )arket
,esidential Construction )arket Trends
Commercial Construction )arket Trends
(I. M*R-'TI# &TR*T'I'&
China9s 5istribution Channel
Cathy Viber
5933 NE Win Sivers Drive,
#205, Portland, OR 97220
United States
Direct:+1 (617) 674-4143
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