Intial Test 8th Grade

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Initial Test

I Read the following text and choose the correct answer: 2 p
Ana Johnson is a 13-year-old swimmer who lives in Melbourne in Australia. Her dream is to
swim for Australia in the next Olympics. he swims in both lon! and short races and she has already
come first in many important competitions.
As well as spendin! many hours in the pool" Ana also ma#es time for studyin! and for friends. $%
have lots of friends who swim and we&re very close. %t&s much easier to have friends who are
swimmers because they also have to !et up early to practise li#e me and they understand this #ind
of life. 'ut %&m not so different from other people my a!e. %n my free time % also en(oy !oin! to the
movies and parties. )here are also some !ood thin!s about swimmin! for a club. % travel a lot for
competitions and %&ve made friends with swimmers from other Australian cities and from other parts
of the world*.
Ana is becomin! well #nown in Australia and she believes it is important to !et more youn!
people interested in swimmin!. $% don&t mind tal#in! to (ournalists and havin! my photo!raph ta#en.
'ut last year % was on )+ and that was much more fun.*
Ana is a tennis player. A ,i!ht B rong - .oesn&t say
1. Ana&s home is in Melbourne.
/. Ana hopes she will become an Olympic swimmer.
3. Ana #nows that she is better at short races than lon!
0. Ana has won a lot of swimmin! competitions.
1. %t is difficult for Ana to ma#e friends with other people who
2. Ana li#es doin! the same thin!s as other teena!ers.
3. Ana has met people from different countries at swimmin!
4. Ana prefers spea#in! to (ournalists to bein! on television.
A ,i!ht ' 5ron! - .oesn&t say
A ,i!ht ' 5ron! - .oesn&t say
A ,i!ht ' 5ron! - .oesn&t say
A ,i!ht ' 5ron! - .oesn&t say
A ,i!ht ' 5ron! - .oesn&t say
A ,i!ht ' 5ron! - .oesn&t say
A ,i!ht ' 5ron! - .oesn&t say
A ,i!ht ' 5ron! - .oesn&t say
II !ill in the spaces with "#E "R$ "#%&: 2 p
Example: ' I(
My name 666'66.. 7lisa +alde8. %.m twelve and % live in Mexico -ity. % 666166.. two
brothers" 7milio and Mi!uel. 'oth of 666/66.. are a few years older 666366.. me. My
sister" Maria" is 666066.. youn!est in my family and it was her tenth birthday . 661666..
% love spendin! time 666266..... my friends. 5e often 666366.. shoppin! or play volleyball
to!ether. % really en(oy dancin! too. % (oined a dance school five years 666466...... and % !o there
twice6696..6... wee# to practise. learned a. 6661:66..... of interestin! thin!s about my
country&s music and dancin!.
III )hoose the correct *ariant: + p

1. ;our father is sleepin! < sleeps now.
/. Jane is prettier < more pretty than her sister.
3. )hey li#e bi! partyes < parties.
0. 5hat film did < do you see last ni!ht=
1. -an you help me" please= % have a lot of lu!!a!es < lu!!a!e.
II T,rn the following into negati*e and interrogati*e: 2 p
a> He is comin! soon.
b> ;ou visited ?ondon last year.
c> he thin#s this dress is pretty.
d> ;ou should eat more fruit.
- rite a few lines a.o,t the importance of technology in yo,r life. 2 p

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