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Jeenal Parmar


AS Preliminary Task

Cover and Contents Page for a college magazine

Magazine Cover: Adobe Photoshop
Although this was only a short preliminary task, you have used Photoshop for this
task and should have developed your skills sufficiently to be able to produce the front
cover of a magazine.

Image manipulation
You will have used Photoshop to manipulate your central image (s) in some
way, whether importing, cropping, or resizing, for example. Outline below the
image manipulation skills used during this project.

-To create these media products and edit and use the images I took, I used
Photoshop. Although this wasnt a new programme for me, I was able to develop my
basic skills into something where I was able to produce a finished media product.
Within Photoshop, I used import for the images, manipulation effects like crop,
changing the hue/saturation as well as editing the background and I developed my
understanding on layers, learning to how use them, and using this to my advantage,
which helped the images in my end product look better and more professional.

Text manipulation
You should also have used Photoshop to create and manipulate text on your
cover: changing the size, colour or position of the fonts you used, for example.
Outline below the text manipulation skills you used during this project.

-I used which is where I selected the font I chose to use for the main
cover line on my magazine cover. I then used Photoshop to manipulate the text by
resizing, changing the colour, removing the background and positioning


Contents Page: Adobe In-Design
For this task you have learnt how to use in-design to produce and layout a
contents page. This will have involved you developing skills in areas such as
structuring the layout of your page using text boxes and arranging text into
columns, and also using the programme to move text and images around the
Jeenal Parmar

List below the skills you have developed using in-design in terms of page
layout and text and image manipulation.

---- I did not use inDesign

Digital stills camera
You used the digital stills camera to take your photos for this project. List
below any photographic skills you have used in doing this (such as framing,
focus etc)

-I also learned to use a professional style camera in order to take high quality
pictures. Here I learned to again, focus and zoom and had to use the idea of rule of
thirds in order to take a picture that could be used within my student magazine.


Summarise below how pleased you are with the skills you have developed
during this project. How effectively have they allowed you to produce the kind
of product you wanted to produce? What further skills would you like to
develop using these programmes?

-I am very pleased with the skills I gained and developed during the creation of the
media product. I felt that the programmes I used to create my products were very
effective in allowing me to produce my desired product. Although I have improved
my Photoshop skills, I would still like to further develop my image editing skills to
make my product look even more professional and I could do this in my own time by
developing this with the help of different mediums like the internet and books. I am
happy with the wide range of social media I have used as it shows I am flexible when
it comes to social media and how I worked with the variety of pictures I had at hand
as they werent very relevant to my magazine as well as the fact that the colour
scheme is relevant to the purpose, linking my product to the brief. In order to
improve, I could add a strapline or skyline by using my Photoshop skills, and either
make the logo bigger or the main cover line smaller also using Photoshop. I could,
again using Photoshop, add borders to my images to prevent the reader from finding
it hard to read.

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