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Instructor: Pr.

Mohamed Daoud ISLT Master’s Program

Student: Eya Dahmen & Insaf Sellami Course: Applied Linguistics
Date: October 29th, 2009

Second- Language Learning

Barry McLaughling and John Zemblidge

In William Grabe and Robert B. Kaplan. (1992). Introduction to Applied Linguistics.

Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. PP 32-40

 General outline

Different attempts/ perspectives in developing a typical process of learning a second


 Factors influencing Language Learning fail to develop the model of a good

language learner
 Influence of the First Language Acquisition on SLA debated
 Comparing the process of learning L 1 and L 2
 The interlanguage approach
 The cognitive approach:
 Automacity
 The Restructuring process
 Summary

Part 1:

I- Fifteen years of second-language research

1. Factors Influencing Language Learning

Failure to provide a sufficiently complex profile of a good language learner.

2. The influence of L 1 on Second Language Acquisition
 Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis view
 The Morpheme Order studies’ view

3. L 1 and L 2 compared
 L 1 = L2: The Morpheme Order Studies (Roger Brown, 1973)
 L 1 ≠ L2: Fossilization (Selinker, 1972) and the Critical Period Hypothesis
 L 1 Vs L2: LAD / UG; the Cognitive Explanation
 Language uniqueness and the Contemporay Chomskyan Theory
► It is no longer a question of L1 and L2 relationship but a question of how
learners could set new patterns for the process of L2 learning.

4. The Interlanguage Approach/ the Acculturation Approach

 The Interlanguage Approach: review
 Acculturation : review
 Pidginization/ Fossilization: review

Part 2:
II- The Cognitive approach:

1. Review:


Information Negociation of
sharing meaning

Problem solving Interaction

Edited by Foxit Reader
Copyright(C) by Foxit Corporation,2005-2009
For Evaluation Only.
2. Second language learning:

 The cognitive approach to SLA seeks for explanations of second language learning in
terms of mental representations and information processing (language as a process ≠

 Learning is a cognitive process because it is thought to involve the internal

representations that regulate and guide performance = selecting appropriate
vocabulary, grammatical rules, and pragmatic conventions governing language

 The automatization and restructuring of the acquired information improve

second language learner's performance.

 Two interdependent and central notions to the cognitive perspective:

Automaticity not automacity
2.1 The Routinization of skills: Automacity:

 The routinization of skills through practice to built a set of automatic procedures.

 Long term vs. short term memory (Shiffrin & Schneider 1977).

2.2 Restructuring:

 When acquiring complex skills, the learner devices new structures for interpreting
new information and for imposing a new organization on information already
stored (S.V.O V.S.O)

The second language learner restructures the acquired linguistic data.

 3 phases of restructuring:

The Restructuring Process (Karmiloff-Smith 1986)

 Summary:

 The cognitive approach focuses on how learners accumulate and automatize rules
and how they restructure their internal representation to match the target

 The cognitive approach to SLA is a fruitful area of investigation a tendency

towards exploring language as a process ≠ product.

 The purpose of SLA studies is to draw the profile of a good language learner
sufficiently complex to include all variables.

If we want to understand the second language learning phenomena, we need to

consider the linguistic, the socio-psychological and the cognitive perspectives (e.g.
language transfer).

Web site links for further readings:

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