Business Partner Configuration in SAP REFX

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Generated by Jive on 2014-10-03+02:00

Business Partner Configuration in SAP REFX
A real estate business partner is a natural person or an organization with whom a business interest exists. The
functions of the business partner are defined in the financial transaction via business partner roles, such as
counterparty, issuer, payment bank or depository bank. The rights and obligations of the business partner are
defined at the time of assigning of the role category. One business partner can have multiple roles assigned.

The major areas related to the Business Partner include generation of business partner number ranges,
assignment of the number ranges to the number group and in turn assigning them to the account group in FI.
Overview of the Application
Settings under Business Partner are done for defining the roles or for modifying the existing roles (for example,
customer and vendor roles).
Defining a Business Partner
A real estate business partner is a Natural person or an organization with whom a business interest exists.
Business Partner Number Ranges
Number range are assigned to business objects (or their sub-objects) of the same type.
Examples of such objects are business partners, G/L accounts, orders, posting documents and materials.
IMG->Business Partner->Relevant Settings for Business Partner->Number Ranges->Business Partner Number
Define Groupings and Assigning Number Ranges
Each business partner will need to be assigned to a grouping when creating the business partner. This
grouping determines the number ranges as stated below.
IMG->Business Partner->Relevant Settings for Business Partner->Number Ranges->Define Groupings
Business Partner Configuration in SAP REFX
Generated by Jive on 2014-10-03+02:00
Assignment of Business Partner Roles to Object Types
One has to define which object type is required to be assigned to the business partners and which role this
partner can have in IMG activity.
IMG->Business Partner->Business Partner Roles->Assignment of Role Categories to Real Estate Applications-
>Make Settings for Roles per Object Types
There are 9 different object types:
Architectural Object, Settlement Unit, Participation Group, Comparative Group, Building, Rental Object, Real
Estate Contract, Business Entity.
And these are assigned to different business partner roles.
In the same screen business partner role will be assigned to business partner group eg. 0001.
If the Required checkbox is activated, it means that one business partner with that role need to
be assigned to the object at all time for making the object valid.
Assigning Account Group to Vendor
In this activity, an account group from FI is assigned to each business partner grouping.
To ensure that processes in financial accounting are correct, we have to assign a vendor accounts group and/
or a customer accounts group from FI to the business partner grouping.
IMG->Business Partner->Business Partner Vendor->Number Assignment: Assign Account Group to Vendor
Vendor Roles
The settings for the role categories are to be defined to have a vendor account in Financial Accounting.
IMG->Business Partner->Business Partner Vendor->Vendor Roles
Business Partner Configuration in SAP REFX
Generated by Jive on 2014-10-03+02:00
If a business partner is created in a vendor-based role, a vendor is automatically created for / or
assigned to this business partner from Financial Accounting (FI). A part of the vendor data can be
processed in SAP Business Partner.
By activating the Display Vendor Number checkbox it is determined that the vendor number
from Financial Accounting is displayed in the dialog screen for business partner processing.
Standard Values for the Automatic Creation of Vendors
Under this section, the settings are done, that determines the assignment of the vendors to the authorization
IMG->Business Partner->Business Partner Vendor->Standard Values for Automatic Creation of Vendors

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